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Special Report

Guidelines for Percutaneous Transluminal

Coronary Angioplasty
A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force on Assessment of Diagnostic
and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Procedures (Subcommittee
on Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty)
Subcommittee Members
Thomas J. Ryan, MD, FACC, Chairman; David P. Faxon, MD, FACC;
Rolf M. Gunnar, MD, FACC; J. Ward Kennedy, MD, FACC;
Spencer B. King IlI, MD, FACC; Floyd D. Loop, MD, FACC; Kirk L. Peterson, MD, FACC;
T. Joseph Reeves, MD, FACC; David 0. Williams, MD, FACC;
William L. Winters Jr., MD, FACC
Task Force Members
Charles Fisch, MD, FACC, Chairman; Roman W. DeSanctis, MD, FACC;
Harold T. Dodge, MD, FACC; T. Joseph Reeves, MD, FACC;
Sylvan Lee Weinberg, MD, FACC
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Preamble members, two representatives from the American Heart

It is becoming more apparent each day that Association and two representatives from the Ameri-
can College of Cardiology. The Task Force may select
despite a strong national commitment to excellence ad hoc members as needed upon the approval of the
in health care, the resources and personnel are Presidents of both organizations. Recommendations of
finite. It is, therefore, appropriate that the medical the Task Force are forwarded to the President of each
profession examine the impact of developing tech- organization.
nology on the practice and cost of medical care. The members of the Task Force are: Roman W.
Such analysis, carefully conducted, could poten- DeSanctis, MD; Harold T. Dodge, MD; T. Joseph
tially impact on the cost of medical care without Reeves, MD; Sylvan Lee Weinberg, MD; and
diminishing the effectiveness of that care. Charles Fisch, MD; Chairman.
To this end, the American College of Cardiology
and the American Heart Association in 1980 estab- The Subcommittee on Percutaneous Translumi-
lished a Task Force on Assessment of Diagnostic nal Coronary Angioplasty was chaired by Thomas
and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Procedures with J. Ryan, MD; and the members included the follow-
the following charge: ing: David P. Faxon, MD; Rolf M. Gunnar, MD; J.
The Task Force of the American College of Cardiol- Ward Kennedy, MD; Spencer B. King III, MD;
ogy and the American Heart Association shall define Floyd D. Loop, MD; Kirk L. Peterson, MD; T.
the role of specific noninvasive and invasive proce- Joseph Reeves, MD; David 0. Williams, MD; and
dures in the diagnosis and management of cardiovas- William L. Winters Jr., MD.
cular disease. This document was reviewed by the officers and
The Task Force shall address, when appropriate, the
contribution, uniqueness, sensitivity, specificity, indi- other responsible individuals of the two organiza-
cations, contraindications and cost-effectiveness of such tions and received final approval in March 1988. It
specific procedures. is being published simultaneously in Circulation
The Task Force shall include a Chairman and four and Journal of the American College ofCardiology.
The potential impact of this document on the prac-
Request for reprints should be directed to the. Office of tice of cardiology and some of its unavoidable
Scientific Affairs, American Heart Association, 7320 Greenville shortcomings are clearly set out in the introduction.
Ave., Dallas, TX 75231.
Circulation Vol. 78, No. 2, August 1988. Charles Fisch, MD, FACC
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 487

I. Introduction related to training, credentialing, and facilities

The American College of Cardiology/American required to engage in present day angioplasty are
Heart Association Task Force on Assessment of presented in Appendixes A and B.
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Proce- The format of this report includes some general
dures was formed to make recommendations regard- considerations that provide a brief historical review
ing appropriate utilization of technology in the diag- of the growth and development of the procedure,
nosis and treatment of patients with cardiovascular identification of contraindications to its use, and a
statement acknowledging general risks associated
disease. Coronary angioplasty is one such important with angioplasty. This is followed by a brief discus-
technique. We are currently witnessing an extraordi- sion of considerations unique to angioplasty and
nary expansion of the use of coronary angioplasty as include an enumeration of those factors currently
an alternative means of achieving myocardial revascu- recognized as influencing a successful outcome, the
larization. An estimated 133,000 angioplasty proce- requirement for surgical backup, angioplasty per-
dures were performed in the United States in 1986, up formed at the time of initial catheterization, man-
from 32,300 in 1983.1 Such growth is attributable not agement of the patient after angioplasty, the prob-
only to demonstrated clinical benefit but also to recent lems of restenosis and incomplete revascularization,
technical advances that have led to improved tech- and the need for institutional mortality/morbidity
niques and higher success rates. In turn, this has led review committees. Lastly, specific guidelines for
to some broadening of the indications for coronary the application of coronary angioplasty are pre-
angiography and, in some settings, overuse of both sented; these have been developed according to
coronary angiography and angioplasty has been sug- anatomic (single versus multivessel disease), clini-
gested. Accordingly, it was recommended that this cal (asymptomatic versus symptomatic patients),
Subcommittee review current indications and develop and physiologic (presence or absence of inducible
guidelines for the use of coronary angioplasty. In ischemia) considerations. Most importantly, the
doing so, we have proceeded on the premise that, indications for angioplasty are judged categorically
because diagnostic coronary angiography is essential to be either class I, II, or 11*, based primarily on a
for undertaking coronary angioplasty, all of the indi- multifactorial risk assessment weighed against
cations and guidelines for prudent coronary angiogra- expected outcome. Also included are judgments of
phy, promulgated in an earlier ACC/AHA Task Force feasibility, appropriateness to the clinical setting
report, have been met.2 and overall efficacy viewed in the light of present
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Because the technique of angioplasty is in evolu- day knowledge and technology.

tion and the intermediate-term results are not yet
fully elucidated, these recommendations are likely II. General Considerations
to change over the years. This report is not intended A. Background
to provide strict indications or contraindications for Symptomatic coronary artery disease is pres-
the procedure because multiple variables must be ent in >6 million individuals in the United
weighed in selecting the individual for balloon angio- States. Despite the availability of effective med-
plasty treatment. These relevant considerations ical therapy, a significant proportion of patients
include occupational needs, the family setting, asso- are candidates for a revascularization procedure
ciated illnesses, and individual preferences concern- because of unacceptable symptoms or poten-
ing life style. Rather, the report is intended to tially life-threatening lesions. An estimated
provide general guidelines that may be helpful to 284,000 coronary artery bypass operations were
the practitioner as well as to health care adminis- performed in 1986, up from 188,000 in 1983;
trators and other professionals interested in the deliv- similarly, coronary angioplasty procedures have
ery of today's medical care. The American College increased from 32,300 in 1983 to 133,000 in
of Cardiology and the American Heart Association 1986.1 Until recently, angioplasty has been per-
recognize the fact that the ultimate judgment regard- formed most often on patients with single vessel
ing the propriety of any specific procedure is the coronary disease whereas coronary bypass sur-
responsibility of the physician caring for the patient. gery now is used more often to treat multivessel
The guidelines should not be considered all inclusive coronary disease, with the majority of patients
or exclusive of other methods that may be available currently receiving three or more bypass grafts.
for the care of the individual patient. The Subcom- The use of internal mammary artery grafting has
mittee will not offer detailed recommendations con- risen dramatically in recent years, from an esti-
cerning the specific resources required to perform mated 6,000 procedures in 1983 to 67,000 in
coronary angioplasty or to train individuals perform- 1986.' The leading indication for surgery con-
ing the procedure. It is essential that physicians tinues to be the relief of angina, an approach
performing angioplasty and other related procedures supported by findings of recent randomized tri-
are adequately trained, that facilities and equipment als that have shown that, compared with medi-
used are capable of obtaining the necessary radio-
graphic information, and that the safety record of the *Classes 1, II, and III are defined on page 496 in section IV of this
laboratory is acceptable. Some current thoughts report.
488 Special Report Circulation Vol 78, No 2, August 1988

cal therapy, surgical revascularization signifi- tarily collect data on an additional 2,500 patients.
cantly reduces symptoms and improves the These recent additions to the Registry indicate
quality of life.3 At the same time there has been that the immediate success rate (defined as
an expansion of the subsets of patients in whom >20% change in luminal diameter narrowing
it is recognized that bypass surgery improves without the occurrence of death, myocardial
survival. This improvement in survival has been infarction or bypass operation during hospital-
established for patients with left main coronary ization) increased to 78% compared with 61% in
artery disease (>50% stenosis)4 and certain the initial patient cohort. 13 Despite a recognized
patients with three vessel coronary disease.5-7 change in the case mix to more complex cases,
Additional information from the Coronary Artery the rate of nonfatal myocardial infarction
Surgery Study Registry would also suggest that decreased from 4.9 to 4.3% and emergency
coronary bypass surgery improves survival in coronary artery bypass graft surgery from 5.8 to
3.4%; the mortality rate remained unchanged
patients with three vessel disease and normal (1.2 versus 1.0%). Whereas only 25% of patients
ventricular function if either severe symptoms in the initial Registry had multivessel disease,
exist or an exercise test is positive for ischemia 53% were so categorized in the most recent
or chest pain.8.9 Registry. This subgroup of patients in the new
B. Immediate and Long-Term Results Registry (that is, patients with multivessel cor-
Coronary angioplasty was first introduced by onary artery disease) had an overall success rate
Andreas Gruentzig in September 197710 as an of 73%. However, when the data are analyzed
alternative form of revascularization; it thus for completeness of revascularization, defined
constitutes a relatively new form of therapy. in the conventional manner as no residual lesions
During the early years of its application, Gruent- of >50% narrowing, only one-third of the patients
zig and others used coronary angioplasty pre- qualified.'4 Such data must be viewed in the
dominantly to treat patients with discrete, prox- context that balloon angioplasty is not currently
imal, noncalcified subtotal occlusive lesions in a undertaken when lesions have 50 to 60% luminal
single coronary artery. In subsequent years the diameter narrowing or when chronic total occlu-
technique has been applied successfully to sions are present.
patients with multivessel disease, multiple sub- The long-term benefit of angioplasty has been
total stenoses in the same vessel, accessible examined in the first PTCA Registry group for
complete occlusions of recent vintage, partial which >5 years of follow-up are available.'5
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occlusion of saphenous vein or internal mam- After hospital discharge the annual mortality
mary artery grafts, and recent total thrombotic rate is low, approximately 1% per year, and the
occlusions in acute myocardial infarction, as rate of nonfatal myocardial infarction is also low
well as to isolated high risk patients with con- at 2% per year. Symptomatic improvement in
gestive heart failure and cardiogenic shock. the successful cases was high with 70% of the
By 1980, Gruentzig had performed the pro- patients pain-free at 4 years. Freedom from
cedure on 169 symptomatic patients, 40% of major cardiac events (death, myocardial infarc-
whom had multivessel disease. The follow-up tion, need for bypass surgery) over a 5 year
of these patients now extends to as long as 10 period of follow-up of a large series from one
years and documents persistent long-term ben- major center was reported to be 79%. 16 These
efit with only 5 cardiac deaths; 90 patients data, although they do not address the problem
remain asymptomatic. However, repeat angio- of restenosis and are derived from a population
plasty was required in 27 patients and coronary in which 75% of the patients had single vessel
bypass surgery in 19." disease, do indicate that long-term clinical ben-
NHLBI Registry. Because of the promising efit without increased risk of death or myocar-
early clinical experience, the National Heart, dial infarction can be expected after angio-
Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) established plasty. Follow-up information on patients
a Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angio- exclusively with multivessel disease is less com-
plasty (PTCA) Registry in 1979 to help evaluate plete. Cowley et al'7 reported initial success in
the technique. Through 1982, a total of 3,079 92% of patients with multivessel coronary artery
patients were entered into the voluntary Regis- disease, with 48% of the patients asymptomatic
try and numerous analyses from this data bank and 82% symptomatically improved at a mean
have substantiated the effectiveness and safety follow-up time of 24 months. A follow-up study
of angioplasty.'2 As with any new procedure, of 605 patients undergoing angioplasty for mul-
technical advances have resulted in improved tivessel disease at Emory University demon-
success and wider applicability of the proce- strated a 3 year freedom from cardiac event rate
dure. Prompted by these changes, the National of 83%. 18 Preliminary findings in the National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reopened the Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registry indi-
Registry in 1985 to evaluate more recent trends cate a freedom from death, myocardial infarc-
in angioplasty. Sixteen centers agreed to volun- tion, or surgery after 1 year of follow-up in 75%
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 489

of 402 patients with multivessel disease.'9 In angiographic studies suggest that the rate of
these studies restenosis with subsequent hospi- restenosis is as frequent as 30 to 35%28,29 and
talization for redilation was not considered a may be as high as 45% for lesions at the origin of
cardiac event but viewed as an integral part of the left anterior descending artery. Preliminary
the strategy of angioplasty. studies in patients with multivessel disease sug-
Comparison with bypass surgery. Whereas gest that restenosis may also be more frequent as
angioplasty now is applied successfully to more lesions are dilated.30 Experience indicates
patients with multivessel coronary artery that restenosis can be managed very successfully
disease,'32.2 it must be viewed in comparison by repeat angioplasty3'; however, the procedure
with coronary bypass surgery. The operative exposes the patient to additional morbidity, mor-
mortality rate for patients undergoing elective tality, and cost. Nevertheless, angioplasty is ini-
bypass surgery has steadily fallen and now tially less expensive and inherently less invasive
approximates 2% in most centers.2' Although it than is bypass surgery and is a more attractive
is recognized that >50% of bypass grafts will
occlude after 10 years,22 internal mammary artery alternative to many patients because a rapid
bypass grafts may provide a superior conduit return to normal functional status is possible.
with improved long-term patency. Indeed, recent C. Contraindications to Angioplasty
studies23 suggest that a patency rate of >90% at In general, the contraindications to angio-
10 years can be achieved. The long-term clinical plasty include all of the relative contraindica-
benefit of bypass surgery is well defined, with a tions enumerated for the performance of coro-
survival rate of 82% at 8 years for double vessel nary angiography as outlined in the guidelines of
disease and 79% for triple vessel disease as an earlier ACC/AHA report.2 Before undertak-
reported from the Coronary Artery Surgery ing angioplasty it is imperative that the patient
Study.24 Symptomatic improvement can be clearly understand the procedure, its potential
expected in 70% and asymptomatic status in complications, and the alternatives of medical
50% after 5 years. For patients who have therapy or bypass surgery. Additionally, the
received an internal mammary artery graft to importance of a relative contraindication to angio-
the left anterior descending coronary artery, plasty will vary with the symptomatic state as
with or without associated vein grafts, there is well as the general medical condition of the
evidence of both improved survival and a reduc- individual patient. Certain risks may be appro-
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tion in major cardiac events after 10 years of priate in severely symptomatic individuals who,
follow-up compared with findings in patients for example, are not candidates for bypass sur-
who received vein grafts only.23 gery, whereas these risks would be inadvisable
Inherent differences exist between angioplasty for an asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic
and bypass surgery. When successful, the for- individual. With this caveat the following are
mer is less traumatic, less costly, and requires a enumerated as generally accepted contraindica-
shorter hospital stay than the latter. However, tions to the performance of angioplasty:
bypass surgery is applicable to a wider group of 1. Absolute contraindications:
patients because dilation of longstanding total a) There is no significant obstructing lesion.
occlusions and diffuse disease is often not pos- b) Multivessel disease with severe diffuse
sible with angioplasty. Angioplasty, in certain atherosclerosis is present for which an
instances, leaves patients with incomplete rev- alternative form of revascularization would
ascularization, which understandably is a more be unequivocally more efficacious.
common phenomenon with increasing severity c) There is a significant obstruction (>50%)
of disease. 14,25 There are those26 who advocate a in the left main coronary artery and this
strategy of "intentional" incomplete revascula- main segment is not protected by at least
rization in some patients with multivessel dis- one completely patent bypass graft to the
ease, and they report follow-up data suggesting left anterior descending or left circumflex
that these patients are no more symptomatic artery.
than are individuals who have complete reva- d) There is no formal cardiac surgical pro-
scularization. Other reports2527 on the long- gram within the institution.
term follow-up of patients with multivessel dis- 2. Relative contraindications:
ease indicate that those who have incomplete a) A coagulopathy is present: Conditions
revascularization after angioplasty are more associated with bleeding abnormalities or
symptomatic than are those who have complete hypercoaguable states may be associated,
revascularization. respectively, with unacceptable risks of
Restenosis. Angioplasty outcome is also com- serious bleeding or thrombotic occlusion
plicated by restenosis, the phenomenon of renar- of a recently dilated vessel.
rowing of the dilated arterial segment within 8 b) There is no clinical evidence for sponta-
months of the procedure. Symptomatic resten- neous or inducible myocardial ischemia.
osis occurs in 20 to 25% of patients, whereas c) In multivessel angioplasty, the patient's
490 Special Report Circulation Vol 78, No 2, August 1988

condition is such that coronary occlusion trauma to the coronary artery wall; the net result
resulting from any one dilation could result is usually atheroma fracture and arterial expan-
in cardiogenic shock. This group of sion that produce an increase in the luminal area
patients is characterized, for example, by available for blood transport. At times, balloon
patients who have large areas of myocar- inflation or guide wire or catheter manipulation
dial dysfunction as a result of previous can cause more extensive arterial wall damage
myocardial infarction and who have arter- with medial dissection and the creation of an
ies with high grade lesions whose acute occlusive intimal flap. Thrombus formation also
occlusion would result in cumulative dam- may occur at the dilation site. Either of these two
age equal to approximately 40 to 50% of latter consequences can exacerbate coronary nar-
the total myocardium. rowing and result in progression to abrupt total
d) The anticipated success rate of dilation is coronary artery occlusion. In the absence of a
low (for example, chronic total occlusions well developed collateral circulation, acute cor-
>3 months old or subtotal lesions exceed- onary occlusion usually results in severe myocar-
ing 20 mm in length). dial ischemia and myocardial infarction that, if
e) The lesion under consideration is a border- extensive or in the setting of preexisting impaired
line stenotic lesion (usually <60% sten- left ventricular systolic function, may cause hemo-
osis). Such lesions should not be dilated dynamic collapse and death. The most recent data
because of the demonstrated risk of a reste- in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
notic lesion at the same site of even greater Registry (derived from very experienced centers)
severity. In some instances, objective evi- indicate that the procedure is still associated with
dence of myocardial ischemia related to a 1% in-hospital mortality rate and an incidence
the lesion can change the designation from rate of nonfatal myocardial infarction of approxi-
a "borderline" to a "significant" lesion mately 4%, although the need for emergency
that would be appropriate for dilation. bypass surgery has decreased to about 3.5%. 13 In
f) Variant or vasospastic angina is present in a recent study,32- investigators reported a death
patients with <60% stenoses. rate of 0.2% for patients undergoing elective angio-
g) The lesion under consideration is in a plasty at two experienced centers.
noninfarct-related artery in patients with If coronary occlusion should occcur, recross-
multivessel disease who are undergoing ing the occluded segment and repeating balloon
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cardiac catheterization during the acute inflation, inserting a perfusion catheter or using
phase of myocardial infarction. thrombolytic or vasodilator agents can, on occa-
In addition to these generally accepted rela- sion, reestablish coronary artery patency and
tive contraindications, there are other condi- relieve ischemia. Prolonged maneuvers to this
tions in which clinicians have considerable res- end are discouraged because emergency surgi-
ervation about the risk/benefit ratio of cal revascularization may be delayed. The use
angioplasty. Over and above a fundamental risk of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation in the
of mortality and morbidity there is the added setting of acute coronary occlusion may reduce
dimension of risk of failure of the procedure as the magnitude of ischemia and augment sys-
a result of early closure as well as a substantial temic perfusion. When needed, surgical reva-
risk of restenosis. These risks are viewed as a scularization should be undertaken immediately
continuum and it is their aggregate weight that because of known time limitations on preserving
should ultimately determine whether a specific ischemic myocardium. The probability of myo-
procedure should or should not be undertaken cardial infarction is high and mortality is
(see section IIIF). increased when coronary artery surgery is under-
D. Risks Associated With Angioplasty taken on an emergency basis; reports33-35 indi-
Because coronary angioplasty requires visual- cate a 25 to 40% incidence rate of nonfatal new
ization of the coronary anatomy as well as sys- Q wave infarctions among patients undergoing
temic arterial and venous access, patients under- emergency surgery after failed angioplasty.
going the procedure are at risk for the same Other infrequent complications unique to cor-
potential complications that are known to be asso- onary angioplasty include intracoronary embo-
ciated with diagnostic cardiac catheterization. lization of atherosclerotic or thrombotic mate-
Included are arterial or venous obstructions, ves- rial, coronary perforation, laceration, or rupture
sel perforations, bleeding, hypersensitivity reac- of a coronary artery with subsequent hemoperi-
tions, and infection. Myocardial infarction, stroke, cardium and tamponade.
and death can also occur as a result of cardiac E. Need for Surgical Backup
catheterization but are infrequent. An experienced cardiovascular surgical team
Specific complications can occur that are should be available within the institution* for
directly related to the coronary angioplasty pro- emergency surgery for all angioplasty proce-
cedure. Balloon inflation results in localized dures. The Subcommittee feels strongly that
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 491
there should be no exception to this requirement interprets the diagnostic studies leading to the
and holds the position that all arrangements procedure itself. In this latter circumstance it is
requiring the transportation of patients to off- imperative that the responsible physician arrange
site surgical facilities for such emergency sur- for a consulting opinion from an appropriate
gery fail to meet the necessary standards of care specialist.
exercised by prudent physicians and cannot be Although institutional review can take many
condoned. forms and will vary according to such factors as
A formal surgical consultation for elective the size of institutions and departments, the
angioplasty provides a means for a second opin- number of staff, and the volume of procedures,
ion to the cardiologist, the patient, and the there are some basic requirements for such
family, and represents the ideal approach review to be meaningful. At a minimum, the
because it underscores the reality of potential, opportunity must exist for cardiologists and
serious complications and the need for a team cardiac surgeons knowledgeable about the pro-
approach. However, this is often impractical, cedure to review the overall results of the pro-
may introduce delay in the procedure, and gram on a regular basis. Specific attention should
lengthen the hospital stay. It is appropriate, be directed to success and failure rates and
however, to obtain prior surgical and anesthesi- complications leading to morbidity, including
ology consultations on all patients identified as emergency surgical procedures, and mortality.
being at high risk for abrupt vessel closure as The review should also examine the quality and
well as those patients judged to be high risk accuracy of cinearteriographic studies and the
surgical candidates because of age, markedly appropriateness of indications and it should
impaired ventricular function, or associated med- discuss contraindications.
ical disorders such as chronic pulmonary dis- The surgical profession has long since pro-
ease, cerebrovascular disease and the like. The vided a workable model for addressing these and
exact arrangement for surgical standby will vary similar issues with regularly scheduled mortality
from institution to institution depending on such and morbidity conferences that include appropri-
obvious factors as the number of operating ate committee (for example, tissue) reports and
rooms available for cardiac surgery and the impose attendance requirements that are designed
number of surgeons, perfusionists, nurses, and to assure impartial peer review. Institutions with
other personnel.35 The primary and essential medical or surgical groups, or both, that cannot
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requirement is the capacity to provide rapid adequately meet this obligation should undertake
surgical support when angioplasty fails; other- regional review with cooperating institutions or
wise, optimal patient care becomes seriously abandon their program in angioplasty.
compromised. III. Specific Considerations
On-going experience in large multicenter tri-
als underscores the need for urgent revasculari- A. Successful Angioplasty and Its Determinants
zation by emergency bypass surgery in the A successful angioplasty procedure is defined
setting of both elective and emergency angio- as one in which a .20% change in luminal
plasty. Thus it is reaffirmed that all angioplasty diameter is achieved, with the final diameter
procedures should be undertaken only in insti- stenosis <50% and without the occurrence of
tutions that have formally approved cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction, or the need
surgical programs. for emergency bypass operation. Atheroscle-
F. Need for Institutional Review rotic coronary stenoses are considered signifi-
A rigorous mechanism of valid peer review cant if they have the potential of impairing
must be established and on-going within each coronary blood flow under physiologic circum-
institution performing coronary angioplasty stances. Experimental data indicate that coro-
because 1) angioplasty is an interventional pro- nary flow reserve declines as coronary diameter
cedure associated with known risks of serious is reduced beyond 50%. It is acknowledged that
complications including death; 2) it is a thera- the visual assessment of coronary narrowing on
peutic modality whose efficacy has a recognized cineangiograms is associated with substantial
association with operator skill and experience; interobserver and intraobserver variability.
and 3) in certain instances, the procedure can be Determination of coronary narrowing by caliper
viewed as a remunerative undertaking per- techniques is a readily available methodology
formed by the same physician who initiates and that correlates closely with sophisticated com-
puter quantitative methods. For the purpose of
*"Within the institution" is generally intended to mean within this report, a significant stenosis is defined as
the same hospital. In those instances in which two adjacent one that results in a 50% reduction in coronary
hospitals are physically connected such that emergency trans- diameter as determined by caliper method.
port by stretcher or gurney can be achieved rapidly and effec- After a decade of experience it is now reason-
tively, the transport of patients between the two hospitals for
emergency cardiac surgical services would not be viewed as "off able to expect an overall success rate of .85%
site." for single lesion dilations within any angioplasty
492 Special Report Circulation Vol 78, No 2, August 1988

program. This same experience further indi- Type C lesions

cates that, in addition to operator experience, These are lesions in which the anticipated
procedural success relates to certain patient success rate is <60% or the risk of abrupt
characteristics and, very importantly, to angio- vessel closure is high, or both, because they
graphic characteristics of the lesion or lesions to demonstrate any of the following characteris-
be dilated. tics: diffuseness (>2 cm in length), excessive
Patient-related factors influencing a success- tortuosity of proximal segments, location in
ful dilation are primarily age (<65 years) and an extremely angulated segment (>900), total
gender (male), but clinical variables such as a occlusion >3 months old, inability to protect
history of hypertension, diabetes, prior myocar- major side branches, degeneration of older
dial infarction, prior bypass surgery, and impair- vein grafts with friable lesions. Attempts to
ment of left ventricular function are known to be dilate such lesions should not be undertaken
associated with procedural mortality. when they are present in vessels supplying
Angiographic patterns outlining the morpho- large or moderate areas of viable myocardium.
logic characteristics of vessels and defining
lesion-specific characteristics have now been B. Angioplasty at the Time of Initial Cardiac
identified that greatly influence the likelihood of Catheterization
a successful dilation. Recognizing the uniquely The selection of patients for angioplasty
technical aspects of angioplasty and in an attempt demands careful review of the clinical and ana-
to risk stratify any given procedure, the Sub- tomic features of each case. This is optimally
committee proposes the following lesion- done after diagnostic cardiac catheterization when
specific classification as a guide for estimating unhurried review of the cineangiograms can take
the likelihood of a successful procedure as well place (in consultation with colleagues when nec-
as the likelihood of developing abrupt vessel essary) to determine the appropriateness of the
closure (see also Table 1, section IV): case and plan a dilation strategy. In addition, the
Type A lesions patient, family, and referring physician can be
These are lesions in which the anticipated consulted, the therapeutic options reviewed and
success rate should be -85% and the risk of the risks and benefits of the procedure discussed
abrupt vessel closure is low because they before obtaining informed consent. This process
demonstrate all of the following characteris- obviously subjects the patient to a repeat cathe-
tics: discreteness, concentricity, ready acces- terization with its inherent risks and recognized
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sibility, location in a nonangulated segmenlt morbidity, adds additional days of hospitaliza-

(<450), smoothness of contour, little or no tion, introduces delay in the patient's return to
calcification, absence of total occlusion, work and normal physical activities, and clearly
nonostial location, absence of major branch adds to the total direct and indirect costs involved.
involvement, absence of thrombus. These disadvantages are counterbalanced by the
Type B lesions overriding benefits of a careful preangioplasty
These are lesions in which the anticipated evaluation, improved patient preparedness and,
success rate ranges from 60 to 85% or the risk in many instances, more timely arrangement for
of abrupt vessel closure is moderate, or both. surgical backup and scheduling. In particular, the
They include all lesions that are neither type evaluation of the coronary anatomy is often the
A nor type C (see later) and they are usually most difficult aspect in the selection of patients
identified by such characteristics as, but not for angioplasty; decisions made on the basis of
limited to, the following: tubular shape, eccen- video images can be inaccurate and can lead to
tricity, accessibility influenced by moderate increased risk for the patient. For these reasons,
tortuosity of proximal segment, location in a it is recommended that angioplasty not be per-
moderately angulated segment (>45°, <900), formed routinely as an extension of an initial
irregularity of contour, moderate or severe diagnostic catheterization.
calcification, presence of thrombus, ostial loca- There are, however, well defined subsets of
tion, bifurcation lesions requiring double guide patients for whom it is appropriate to contem-
wires, total occlusions <3 months old. It is plate performing angioplasty at the time of the
recognized that lesions with these character- initial diagnostic cardiac catheterization. This
istics, although associated with some increase group would include patients with unstable
in abrupt vessel closure, may in certain angina who cannot be discharged from the hos-
instances be associated with a comparatively pital without a revascularization procedure and
low likelihood of a major complication. This is who are suspected of having single vessel coro-
often the case, for example, in unsuccessful nary disease on the basis of age, absence of
attempts to dilate total occlusions that are <3 prior myocardial infarction or known coronary
months old or in the dilation of some type B disease, and recent onset of symptoms. Because
lesions in which the distal vessel is supplied a high proportion of these patients have single
by abundant collaterals. vessel disease amenable to angioplasty, it is
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 493

reasonable to prepare the patient for this possi- ate. Accordingly, the equipment and services
bility before diagnostic cardiac catheterization required to perform repeat angiography and, if
by obtaining informed consent and a complete necessary, repeat angioplasty, need to be avail-
preangioplasty evaluation. Similarly, individu- able 24 hours a day in institutions that under-
als who have had prior angioplasty and are take a program in angioplasty.
undergoing catheterization to evaluate the pos- Patients should be instructed about risk fac-
sibility of restenosis represent a group of patients tor modification before hospital discharge.
whose coronary anatomy is generally known in Depending on the individual case, this advice
advance and whose clinical management is facil- would include hypertension control, diabetes
itated by performing angioplasty immediately management, serum lipid reduction, absti-
after the diagnostic study when indicated. In nence from tobacco, weight control, and tim-
selected patients with acute myocardial infarc- ing of the return to full activity. Patients should
tion in whom adequate reperfusion is not be informed of the importance of contacting
obtained by thrombolytic therapy, angioplasty their physicians if symptoms recur.
may be of benefit. In such patients, when mul- D. Restenosis
tivessel disease is present, only the vessel related Although the initial outcome for coronary
to the area of infarction should be dilated. If angioplasty procedures has improved progres-
angioplasty is to be considered in lieu of throm- sively over the last 10 years (reaching primary
bolytic therapy, it is recommended that the success rates in native coronary arteries as high
procedure be applied to patients who present as 90 to 95% in well chosen patients), the
within 4 hours of the onset of symptoms unless incidence of restenosis over the first 6 to 8
there is strong evidence for ongoing ischemia. months after dilation has remained unchanged
Whatever the clinical circumstances, it is imper- at approximately 30%. The rate of restenosis in
ative that high quality fluoroscopic and video native arteries depends partly on its definition;
replay images or promptly developed cine films in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
be available before undertaking angioplasty at Registry, restenosis was defined as a loss of 50%
the time of initial diagnostic catheterization. of the gain achieved in luminal diameter at the
C. Postangioplasty Management time of the successful angioplasty, or a 30%
Immediately after coronary angioplasty, atten- increase in narrowing at the site of stenosis.28
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tion is directed to monitoring for evidence of Follow-up of 557 patients undergoing repeat
recurrent ischemia and to assure appropriate coronary angiography indicated that restenosis
hemostasis at the site of catheter insertion. was associated with the recurrence of symp-
Specific protocols for sheath removal, continu- toms in the majority of patients; likewise, rela-
ation of anticoagulation, and antiplatelet ther- tively few patients with single vessel disease
apy will vary from institution to institution. harbor a clinically silent restenosis. The rate of
Ordinarily, heparin anticoagulation used during silent restenosis was 14% in the National Heart,
the procedure is not reversed with protamine for Lung, and Blood Institute Registry, and a 4%
fear of inducing thrombosis at sites of balloon rate was reported in a combined study from the
inflation. When angioplasty is performed percu- Cardiology Branch of the National Heart, Lung,
taneously, the indwelling vascular sheaths usu- and Blood Institute and Georgetown
ally can be removed within 3 to 4 hours after the University.28,37 On the basis of multivariate anal-
last bolus injection of heparin. In certain ysis, independent factors that predispose to
instances, such as the setting of extensive intimal restenosis include angioplasty in the left ante-
disruption, thrombus formation or emboliza- rior descending coronary artery, absence of
tion, a constant infusion of heparin may be intimal dissection immediately after angio-
desirable. Sheaths are then removed after the plasty, residual gradient after dilation >15 mm
termination of the heparin infusion or after Hg, a large residual stenosis after angioplasty,
temporary cessation of therapy. and unstable angina.29 Univariate analysis has
A small proportion of patients in whom angio- pointed to several other risk factors for resten-
plasty was judged angiographically successful osis, including male gender, diabetes mellitus,
will experience symptoms of myocardial isch- patients with chronic total occlusions, throm-
emia during this observation period after the bus, an initial transstenotic gradient >40 mm
procedure. If electrocardiographic (ECG) abnor- Hg, and recent, as opposed to long-standing,
malities suggesting ischemia are detected, there occurrence of angina. In addition, several cen-
is a substantial risk of abrupt vessel closure, ters have reported38 that lesions that involve the
which has been associated with a comparatively origin of a vessel or its branch points are more
high mortality rate (10 to 12%).36 An individual- prone to restenosis. Factors that have not been
ized judgment must be made as to whether correlated with risk of restenosis include age,
additional angioplasty, emergency bypass sur- functional class, history of previous myocardial
gery or continued medical therapy is appropri- infarction, hypertension, history of smoking,
494 Special Report Circulation Vol 78, No 2, August 1988

serum cholesterol, presence of calcification at less common phenomenon than restenosis after
the site of dilation, morphologic features, of the arterial dilation.
lesion, lesion length, inflation pressure, and At present, partial revascularization after cor-
medications on discharge. onary angioplasty is an inherent limitation of the
Patients who develop clinical or angiographic procedure and can be expected to occur fre-
evidence, or both, of restenosis in native coro- quently in patients undergoing multivessel angio-
nary arteries are readily treated with a second plasty. Notwithstanding, the advocates of angio-
dilation procedure. For repeat angioplasty, the plasty in patients with multivessel disease point
primary success rate is higher than for the initial to the successful relief of symptoms and the
procedure (85 versus 63% in the National Heart, elimination of objective signs of ischemia after
Lung, and Blood Institute Registry), a relatively stress tests in a high percentage of such patients
low myocardial infarction rate of 1.5%, and a in whom all lesions cannot be successfully
reduced incidence of complete occlusion with dilated. Moreover, the claim is made that angio-
need for emergent coronary artery bypass graft plasty palliates the disease process and often
surgery (2 versus 3.5%). allows a period of clinical temporizing before
A significantly higher restenosis rate of 50% is surgical revascularization is required. Angio-
noted when coronary angioplasty is performed plasty also allows for a strategy of performing
in the proximal anastomosis or body of a saphe- the dilation procedure on successive days or
nous vein bypass graft. By contrast, dilations weeks. Multiple successive interventions are
performed in the distal graft/artery anastomotic feasible and, although there is some degree of
site exhibit restenosis rates comparable with cumulative risk, angioplasty differs in this regard
those of native vessel sites. from aortocoronary bypass graft surgery, in
E. Incomplete Revascularization which the opportunity for serial repeat thoraco-
As coronary angioplasty is being utilized in tomies is understandably more limited.
ever more complex clinical and pathoanatomic There has not been sufficient accumulation of
situations, concern is now expressed that patients clinical experience, either retrospectively or pro-
are being subjected to "incomplete revasculari- spectively, to judge the relative advantage of
zation" or less than optimal correction of their angioplasty versus aortocoronary bypass graft
pathophysiologic state. In patients with multi- surgery for relief of signs and symptoms of
vessel disease, some operators attempt to dilate myocardial ischemia and infarction in multives-
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all accessible, significant lesions whereas others sel disease. The adequacy of myocardial revas-
approach only the lesion deemed most likely to cularization by angioplasty, particularly in com-
cause myocardial ischemia (the so-called culprit parison with that provided by surgery, will
lesion). The surgical experience is relatively require randomized prospective studies in which
convincing that "complete revascularization," coronary pathoanatomic subsets are closely
that is, graft insertion around all moderate to matched. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood
severe coronary stenoses, leads to a superior Institute has funded two such studies to date:
therapeutic result. Follow-up studies39 of patients one at Emory University that began in July
with surgical revascularization suggest that com- 1987, and the multicenter BARI Trial (Bypass
plete revascularization not only relieves signs Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation) that
and symptoms of myocardial ischemia, but also began in the fall of 1987. Also of importance will
it is more effective than incomplete revasculari- be the long-term follow-up of large numbers of
zation in protecting the patient against future patients treated by these two competing inter-
coronary events. ventions with matched cohorts compared by
During surgery, partial or incomplete revascu- multivariate analysis.
larization usually results from the extent or dis- F. Cumulative Consequences of Failed
tribution of a patient's coronary artery disease Angioplasty
and less often is a reflection of the skills and Inherent to the strategy of coronary angio-
diligence of the surgical team. In patients under- plasty is the "price of failure." This is more
going angioplasty, partial revascularization is than the risk of a serious complication and
likely to occur for several reasons in addition to embraces the consideration that 5 to 15% of
the extent and distribution of coronary disease these procedures will be initially unsuccessful
and the extent of myocardial fibrosis. Quite clearly and that 3 to 6% of patients will require urgent
it also relates to the specific anatomy that deter- or emergent surgery to bypass a coronary artery
mines the accessibility of lesions for angioplasty. occluded during the procedure. Furthermore,
The occurence of restenosis in one or more of the approximately 30% of the patients who have an
dilated lesions also may result in the develop- initially successful procedure will develop resten-
ment of partial revascularization. Although early osis of the dilated segment within 8 months and
graft closure after bypass surgery also converts will require a second angioplasty or bypass
complete to partial revascularization this is a surgery. Thus, there are a number of patients in
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 495

TABLE 1. Characteristics of Type A, B, and C Lesions

Lesion-Specific Characteristics
Type A lesions (high success, >85%; low risk)
* Discrete (<10 mm length) 0 Little or no calcification
* Concentric 0 Less than totally occlusive
* Readily accessible * Not ostial in location
* Nonangulated segment, <450 0 No major branch involvement
* Smooth contour * Absence of thrombus
Type B lesions (moderate success, 60 to 85%; moderate risk*)
* Tubular (10 to 20 mm length) 0 Moderate to heavy calcification
* Eccentric 0 Total occlusions <3 months old
* Moderate tortuosity of proximal segment 0 Ostial in location
* Moderately angulated segment, >45, <900 * Bifurcation lesions requiring double guide wires
* Irregular contour 0 Some thrombus present
Type C lesions (low success, <60%; high risk)
* Diffuse (>2 cm length) 0 Total occlusion >3 months old
* Excessive tortuosity of proximal segment * Inability to protect major side branches
* Extremely angulated segments >900 * Degenerated vein grafts with friable lesions
*Although the risk of abrupt vessel closure is moderate, in certain instances the likelihood of a major complication
may be low as in dilation of total occlusions <3 months old or when abundant collateral channels supply the distal

whom the risk relative to the cost and morbidity gender, single vessel disease, single lesion, angio-
associated with angioplasty as a primary ther- plasty, subtotal occlusions, absence of calcification,
apy may be considerably higher than that of accessibility of the lesion, and normal ventricular
some patients who are treated from the outset function. Counterbalancing these variables that sup-
with revascularization surgery. port the likelihood of successful angioplasty are the
These consequences of early failure must be preprocedural factors that favor abrupt vessel closure
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considered in clinical decision making and in during or shortly after angioplasty. These are viewed
evaluating the relative merits of bypass surgery as being female gender, length of lesion, eccentric
versus coronary angioplasty in a given patient. lesions, bifurcation/side branch lesions, angulation of
Although there is little specific information on the segment being dilated, other stenoses in the same
the price of failure in patients with multivessel vessel, and the presence of thrombus.40
angioplasty, it is likely that it is higher than for The clinical variables that have been associated
single vessel angioplasty and indeed there will with increased procedural mortality are currently
be categories of patients in whom multivessel identified as age >65 years, female gender, a history
angioplasty is not prudent. of hypertension, diabetes, prior myocardial infarc-
tion, prior bypass surgery, multivessel disease, left
IV. Indications for Angioplasty main coronary disease, a large area of myocardium
Preamble at risk, impairment of left ventricular function, and
The approach to every angioplasty procedure collateral vessels that supply significant areas of
requires a knowledgeable judgment that weighs the myocardium and originate distal to the segment to be
likelihood of a successful procedure* against the dilated.32
likelihood of failure and the risk of complications The factors associated with restenosis are cur-
(abrupt vessel closure, morbidity, mortality, and rently recognized as recent onset of angina (<3
restenosis). In attempting to prioritize indications months), unstable angina, variant angina, diabetes
for angioplasty, the Subcommittee was greatly influ- mellitus, multivessel disease, right ostial lesions,
enced by the specific considerations discussed in lesions located at the origin of the left anterior
section Ill: 1) factors favoring a successful dilation; descending coronary artery, lesions in the proximal
2) factors associated with abrupt vessel closure; 3) anastomoses or body of a vein graft, chronic total
restenosis; 4) incomplete revascularization; and 5) occlusions, presence of thrombus, severity of resid-
the consequences of failure of the procedure. ual lesion (>30%), and a significant residual gradi-
Experience to date suggests that the factors favor- ent (>15 to 20 mm Hg).28,29
ing a successful procedure are age <65 years, male Both clinical judgment and statistical estimates
permit appropriate weighting and integration of
these variables to formulate likelihood estimates
*A successful procedure is defined as one in which a -20% (high, moderate, or low) for any given procedure
change in luminal diameter is achieved with the final diameter
stenosis <50%, without the occurrence of death, acute myocar- according to
dial infarction, or bypass operation during hospitalization. 1. the likelihood of a successful dilation,
496 Special Report Circulation Vol 78, No 2, August 1988

2. the likelihood of abrupt vessel closure with testing, i.e., ischemia induced by low level
subsequent morbidity and mortality, and exercise and manifested by
3. the likelihood of restenosis. a) .1 mm of ischemic ST segment depression
Although operator experience and individual in multiple leads, or
patient characteristics are important factors relating b) reversible thallium perfusion defects in more
to outcome, both procedural success and the devel- than one vascular region, or
opment of abrupt vessel closure are largely deter- c) exercise-induced reduction in the ejection
mined by specific characteristics of the vessels and fraction or wall motion abnormalities on
lesions involved. Recognizing the unique technical radionuclide ventriculographic studies, or
aspects of angioplasty and with the objective of both, or
fostering knowledgeable judgments about risk strat- 2. have been resuscitated from cardiac arrest or
ification, the Subcommittee has summarized three from sustained ventricular tachycardia in the
types of lesion-specific characteristics based on the absence of acute myocardial infarction, or
current state of knowledge in Table 1 (see also 3. must undergo high risk noncardiac surgery,
section Ill-A). such as repair of an aortic aneurysm, iliofem-
Type A lesions have those characteristics that oral bypass, or carotid artery surgery, if angina
allow an anticipated success rate of .85% and have is present or there is objective evidence of
a low risk of abrupt vessel closure. ischemia, or
Type B lesions have those characteristics that 4. have a history of myocardial infarction together
result in a lower than optimal success rate ranging with a history of hypertension and ischemic
from 60 to 85% or have a moderate risk of abrupt ST segment depression on the baseline ECG.
vessel closure, or both. All of these patients should
Type C lesions have those characteristics that * have one or more type A lesions in the same
result in an unacceptably low success rate (<60%) vessel or its branches and
or have a high risk of abrupt closure, or both. * be in the low risk group for morbidity (abrupt
It is recognized that we are dealing with a disci- vessel closure <4%) and mortality (<0.5%).
pline of cardiovascular care that is undergoing con-
siderable growth and development; as new insights Class II (mild or no symptoms, single vessel coronary
are gained, we can anticipate further refinement of
the guidelines for coronary angioplasty that are set This category applies to patients who have a
forth in this document using the following significant lesion in a major epicardial artery that
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classification: subtends at least a moderate-sized area of viable

Class I: Conditions for which there is general agree- myocardium and who
ment that coronary angioplasty is justified. A class 1. show objective evidence of myocardial
I indication should not be taken to mean that
ischemiat while on medical therapy during
coronary angioplasty is the only acceptable therapy.
laboratory testing, and
Class II: Conditions for which coronary angioplasty a) have at least a moderate likelihood of suc-
is performed but there is divergence of opinion with cessful dilation, and
respect to its justification in terms of value and b) have a low risk of abrupt vessel closure, and
appropriateness. c) are in the low risk group for morbidity and
Class III: Conditions for which there is general mortality.
agreement that coronary angioplasty is not ordi- Class III (mild or no symptoms, single vessel coro-
narily indicated. nary disease)
This category applies to all other patients with
I. Single Vessel Coronary Artery Disease single vessel disease and mild or no symptoms who
A. Asymptomatic or Mildly Symptomatic (functional do not fulfill the preceding criteria for class I or
class I) Patients With or Without Medical Therapy. class II. It includes, for example, patients who
Symptoms Are Defined in Accordance With the 1. have only a small area of viable myocardium
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification at risk, or
(Appendix C) 2. do not manifest evidence of myocardial isch-
Class I emia during laboratory testing, or
This category applies to patients who have a 3. have borderline lesions of <50% diameter
significant lesion* in a major epicardial artery that reduction, or
subtends a large area of viable myocardium and 4. have type C lesions, or
1. show evidence of severe myocardial ischemia tEvidence of myocardial ischemia during laboratory testing is
taken to mean exercise-induced ischemia (with or without
while on medical therapy during laboratory exercise-induced angina pectoris) manifested by . 1 mm of
ischemic ST segment depression or one or more exercise-
*For the purpose of this report, a significant stenosis is defined as induced reversible thallium perfusion defects and/or exercise-
one that results in a 50% reduction in coronary diameter as induced reduction in the ejection fraction and/or wall motion
determined by caliper method. abnormalities on radionuclide ventriculographic studies.
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 497
5. are in the moderate or high risk group for 3. despite significant angina do not have objec-
morbidity and mortality. tive evidence of myocardial ischemia while on
Comments. In some patients, circumstances of occu- medical therapy during laboratory testing, and
pation or employment may result in a class IL a) have at least a moderate likelihood of suc-
indication being viewed as a class I category. Such cessful dilation, and
patients would include individuals whose occupa- b) are in the low risk group for morbidity and
tion involves the safety of others (airline pilots, bus mortality.
drivers, truck drivers, air traffic controllers, for Class MII (symptomatic, single vessel, coronary disease)
example) and those in certain occupations that This category applies to all other symptomatic
frequently require sudden vigorous activity (fire patients with single vessel disease who do not fulfill
fighters, police officers, athletes, for example). How- the preceding criteria for class I or class IL. It
ever, class III indications for asymptomatic or includes, for example, patients who
mildly symptomatic individuals with single vessel 1. have only a small area of viable myocardium
disease pertain to a risk profile that precludes the at risk in the absence of disabling symptoms,
patient's suitability as a class I or II indication. or
B. Symptomatic Patients With Angina Pectoris (func- 2. have clinical symptoms not likely indicative of
tional classes II to IV, unstable angina) With ischemia, or
Medical Therapy and Single Vessel Disease 3. have Type C lesions, or
Class I 4. are in the high risk group for morbidity and
This category applies to patients who have a mortality.
significant lesion in a major epicardial artery that Comments. Patients with single vessel disease who
subtends at least a moderate-sized area of viable have significant symptoms constitute one of the
myocardium and who largest groups of patients undergoing angioplasty.
1. show evidence of myocardial ischemia while However, the generally excellent prognosis for
on medical therapy during laboratory testing patients with single vessel disease should be a
(including ECG monitoring at rest), or paramount consideration before undertaking an inter-
2. have angina pectoris that has proved inade- ventional procedure in these patients. It is impera-
quately responsive to medical treatment. "Inad- tive that there be some assurance that the signifi-
equately responsive" is taken to mean that cant symptoms are indeed due to the coronary
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patient and physician agree that angina signif- lesion proposed for dilation. Although significant
icantly interferes with the patient's occupation symptoms may justify a lower tolerance for the risk
or ability to perform his or her usual activities, of abrupt vessel closure or subsequent restenosis,
or one cannot compromise on the risk for significant
3. are intolerant of medical therapy because of mortality or morbidity.
uncontrollable side effects.
All of these patients should II. Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease
* have at least a moderate likelihood of success- A. Asymptomatic or Mildly Symptomatic (functional
ful dilation and class I) Patients With or Without Medical Therapy
* be in the low risk group for morbidity and Class I
mortality. This category applies to patients who have one
Class II (symptomatic, single vessel coronary disease) significant lesion in a major epicardial artery that
This category applies to patients who have a could result in nearly complete revascularization
significant lesion in a major epicardial artery that because the additional lesion(s) subtends a small
subtends at least a moderate-sized area of viable viable or nonviable area of myocardium. Addition-
myocardium and who ally, patients in this category must
1. show evidence of myocardial ischemia while 1. have a large area of viable myocardium at risk,
on medical therapy during laboratory testing and
(including ECG monitoring at rest) and 2. show evidence of severe myocardial ischemia
a) have one or more type B lesions in the while on medical therapy during laboratory
same vessel or its branches, or testing, or
b) are in the moderate risk group for morbid- 3. have been resuscitated from cardiac arrest or
ity (abrupt vessel closure <8%) and mor- from sustained ventricular tachycardia in the
tality (<1%), or absence of acute myocardial infarction, or
2. have disabling symptoms and a small area of 4. be undergoing high risk noncardiac surgery
viable myocardium at risk, and and demonstrate objective evidence of isch-
a) at least a moderate likelihood of successful emia, or
dilation, and 5. have a history of myocardial infarction together
b) are in the low risk group for morbidity and with a history of hypertension and ST segment
mortality, or depression on the baseline ECG.
498 Special Report Circulation Vol 78., No 2, Auguist 1988

All of these patients should 1. show evidence of myocardial ischemia while

* have one or more type A lesions whose suc- on medical therapy during laboratory testing
cessful dilation would provide relief to all major (including ECG monitoring at rest), or
regions of ischemia, and 2. have angina pectoris that has proved inade-
* be in the low risk group for morbidity and quately responsive to medical therapy, or
mortality. 3. are intolerant of medical therapy because of
Class II (mild to no symptoms, multivessel coronary uncontrollable side effects.
disease) All of these patients should:
This category applies to patients who * have type A and B lesions whose successful
1. are similar to patients in class I but who dilation would provide relief of all major regions
a) have a moderate-sized area of viable myo- of ischemia, and
cardium at risk, or * be in the low risk group for morbidity and
b) have objective evidence of myocardial isch- mortality.
emia while on medical therapy, or Class II (symptomatic, multivessel disease)
2. have significant lesions in two or more major This category applies to patients who have signif-
epicardial arteries, each of which subtends at icant lesions in two or more major epicardial arter-
least a moderate-sized area of viable myocar- ies that subtend at least moderate-sized areas of
dium. viable myocardium and who
1. are similar to patients in class I but who are in
All of these patients should the moderate risk group for morbidity and
* show evidence of myocardial ischemia while mortality, or
on medical therapy during laboratory testing, 2. have angina pectoris but do not necessarily
and have objective evidence of myocardial isch-
* have one or more type A or B lesions whose emia while on medical therapy during labora-
successful dilation would provide relief to all tory testing.
major regions of ischemia, and All of these patients should
* be in the low risk group for morbidity and * have type A and B lesions whose successful
mortality. dilation would provide relief of all major regions
of ischemia, and
Class III (mild to no symptoms, multivessel disease) * be in the moderate risk group for morbidity and
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This category applies to all other patients with mortality

multivessel disease and mild or no symptoms who 3. have disabling angina that has proved inade-
do not fulfill the above criteria for class I or class II. quately responsive to medical therapy, and
It includes, for example, patients who a) be considered a poor candidate for surgery
1. have only a small area of viable myocardium because of advanced physiologic age or
at risk, or coexisting medical disorders, and
2. have a subtotally occluded vessel requiring b) have one or more type A and B lesions that
angioplasty wherein the development of total cannot be successfully dilated, and
occlusion of the vessel would result in severe c) be in the moderate risk group for morbidity
hemodynamic collapse due to left ventricular and mortality.
dysfunction, or Class III (symptomatic, multivessel coronary disease)
3. have more than two major arteries with type B This category applies to all other symptomatic
lesions, or patients with multivessel disease who do not fulfill
4. have type C lesions in major epicardial vessels the preceding criteria in class I or class II. It
serving moderate or large areas of viable myo- includes, for example, patients who
cardium, or 1. have only a small area of myocardium at risk
5. are in the moderate or high risk group for in the absence of disabling symptoms, or
morbidity or mortality (for example, advanced 2. have a subtotally occluded vessel requiring
left ventricular dysfunction [ejection fraction angioplasty wherein the development of total
<20%] in the absence of angina or evidence of occlusion of the vessel would result in severe
ischemia). hemodynamic collapse due to left ventricular
B. Symptomatic Patients With Angina Pectoris (func- dysfunction, or
tional classes II to IV, unstable angina) With 3. have type C lesions in major epicardial vessels
Medical Therapy and Multivessel Disease serving moderate or large areas of viable myo-
Class I cardium, or
This category applies to patients who have signif- 4. are in the high risk group for morbidity or
icant lesions in each of two major epicardial arteries mortality, or both.
both subtending at least moderate-sized areas of Comments. It is to be stressed that risk assessment
viable myocardium and who: is different in patients with multivessel as compared
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 499
with single vessel disease. In the former there 6. have had a non-Q wave myocardial infarction,
ideally should be the opportunity for anatomically and
complete revascularization, although it is recog- a) have single vessel disease with
nized that adequate functional revascularization b) type A lesions, and
can be achieved without necessarily being anatom- c) are in the low risk group for morbidity and
ically complete. In every instance the goal is to mortality.
achieve relief of ischemia at a risk acceptable for Class III
the procedure. In estimating this risk in multivessel
disease it is imperative that each lesion be consid- This category applies to all other patients in the
ered in the context of all other lesions present. immediate postinfarction period (during initial hos-
Some assessment must then be made of the conse- pitalization) who do not fulfill the preceding criteria
quences likely to ensue should any one of the for class I and class II. For example:
attempted dilations fail and result in abrupt vessel 1. undertaking dilation of additional lesions in a
closure. For example, it would be judged inappro- vessel other than the infarct related artery
priate to attempt dilation of a proximal high grade within the early hours of infarction (0 to 6
left anterior descending artery lesion if that vessel hours), or
was supplying many collateral vessels to a large 2. dilation of residual lesions that are borderline
area of viable myocardium in the distribution of a (50 to 60% diameter reduction), or
totally occluded dominant right coronary artery. 3. dilation of type C lesions, or
III. Acute Myocardial Infarction (Angioplasty 4. undertaking angioplasty in patients in the high
During Initial Hospitalization) risk group for morbidity and mortality.
Class I Comments. The role of angioplasty in the manage-
This category applies to the dilation of a signifi- ment of patients during the course of an acute
cant lesion, in the infarct-related artery only, in myocardial infarction is currently the subject of
patients who intense investigation. Although there is evidence
1. have recurrent episodes of ischemic chest pain that the procedure can be used effectively as a
particularly if accompanied by ECG changes primary means of establishing reperfusion in the
(postinfarction angina), or very early hours of an evolving infarction,41,42 many
2. show evidence of severe myocardial ischemia important questions remain unresolved, such as the
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while on medical therapy during laboratory impact of procedural delay required to undertake
testing performed before hospital discharge, angioplasty, the influence of thrombus on abrupt
or vessel closure and subsequent restenosis.
3. have recurrent ventricular tachycardia or ven- The use of angioplasty in conjunction with throm-
tricular fibrillation, or both, while on intensive bolytic therapy is of particular interest and is thought
antiarrythmic therapy. by many to hold great promise. A note of caution is
All of these patients should: warranted, however, in light of the findings of three
* have one or more type A lesions and separate large randomized trials43-45 that have
* be in the low risk group for morbidity and recently reported adverse effects when angioplasty
mortality. was performed immediately, rather than later, after
the administration of tissue plasminogen activator.
Class Il The optimal timing and long-term benefit of angio-
This category applies to the dilation of significant plasty in the management of patients with acute
lesions in patients who infarction are questions that must await further data.
1. are similar to patients in class I but who
a) have type B lesions, or Appendix A
b) undergo multivessel angioplasty, or Training and Credentialing
c) are in the moderate risk group for morbid- It is generally acknowledged that specialized skills
ity or mortality, or both, or are required for coronary interventional techniques.
2. are within the very early hours of an evolving Training in these procedures necessitates thorough
myocardial infarction, with or without throm- skills in diagnostic and therapeutic cardiology and
bolytic therapy, or particularly cardiac catheterization and angiogra-
3. are within 12 hours of the onset of cardiogenic phy. Whereas the majority of individuals currently
shock or, in those who have survived cardio- performing angioplasty learned the technique by
genic shock, in the period before discharge, or observing experts and attending "how-to" semi-
4. are asymptomatic and have a significant resid- nars, the complexity of the procedure and the
ual lesion in the infarct-related artery after recognized need for hands-on experience dictate
thrombolytic therapy, or that formal training programs in angioplasty become
5. show objective evidence of myocardial isch- the required means of learning. Entrance require-
emia during laboratory testing performed before ments to such programs should follow the comple-
discharge, or tion of a structured cardiology fellowship training
500 Special Report Circulation Vol 78, No 2, August 1988

program as outlined in the guidelines set forth in the would seem that existing national organizations
Bethesda Conference on Adult Cardiology Training have both the resources and the manpower to meet
(JAm Coll Cardiol 1986;7:1205-1206). this major obligation in a prompt and effective
There is a growing consensus within the cardiol- manner. The hospital industry must likewise alter
ogy community that, for the individual who plans to its current practices regarding this specific form of
perform coronary angioplasty, an additional year of high technology care. Success, failure, death, and
training beyond 3 years of fellowship training that morbidity mandate some form of regionalization
includes extensive experience with angiography is and centralization of resources. To accomplish this
required. A suggested minimum of 125 coronary mission in a responsible fashion, a deregulated
angioplasty procedures, including 75 performed as industry must, in short order, demonstrate that it
the primary operator, has been recommended as the can accomplish this stated mission by its own sense
experience required to develop the appropriate skill of community responsibility, or it should give way
and judgment. Equally important is the demonstra- to state and federal regulation.
tion of continued experience on the completion of a
formal training program. A minimal case load for a Appendix B
single physician is estimated to be about one case per Requisite Facilities for Coronary Angioplasty
week. Continued performance of angioplasty should
be dependent on the demonstration of success and The rate of growth for coronary angioplasty within
complication rates that meet expected standards. the United States over the past decade has clearly
Regular attendance at major angioplasty postgradu- had an impact on the need for well equipped, well
ate courses would provide continuing education in staffed cardiac catheterization laboratories.
newer angioplasty techniques and equipment. The minimal requirements for facilities in any
Alternate routes of training for established angiog- hospital where coronary angioplasty is to be per-
raphers should be developed. Individualized train- formed are
ing programs that provide an extensive, primary 1. A cardiac laboratory that is well equipped with
operator experience can equip such an angiog- a physiologic recording system, a high resolu-
rapher to perform angioplasty expertly. In this tion fluoroscopic and cineangiographic x-ray
setting, the quality and manner of the direct super- unit, full emergency resuscitation equipment
vision are of greater importance than the absolute including circulatory assist devices and a full
number of cases to be performed in this "tutorial" complement of drugs for treatment of myocar-
setting. In general, it is believed that such a training dial ischemia or infarction, or both;
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experience should include involvement in no less 2. A surgical operating suite that is equipped to
than 50 cases. provide general anesthesia and extracorporeal
The physicians with appropriate training and dem- circulation and has a full complement of instru-
onstrated competence in the performance of angio- ments for thoracic and cardiac surgery and a
plasty are those who should receive proper creden- full complement of drugs used for manage-
tialing to perform angioplasty in hospitals. It is ment of the cardiac patient.
recognized that hospitals are currently under intense The optimal resources for a cardiac catheteriza-
pressure to grant privileges to cardiologists who tion and radiographic facility have been carefully
have not had adequate training so as to protect the and exhaustively detailed in "Optimal Resources
hospitals' referral base. This practice should not be For Examination Of The Heart And Lungs: Cardiac
condoned; rather, the responsible leadership of Catheterization And Radiographic Facilities" (Cir-
institutions offering coronary angioplasty as part of culation 1983;68:893A-930A). This report sets guide-
their health care program should insist on the doc- lines for administration, space, equipment, person-
umentation of accredited training and the mainte- nel, and working arrangements for diagnostic
nance of skills of its approved operators by some cardiovascular laboratories. Basically all of the rec-
reasonable standard of practice. ommendations set forth in that document apply to
In the present climate it should be clear that not any laboratory planning to perform angioplasty pro-
every cardiologist desiring to perform angioplasty cedures.
should perform the procedure. Similarly, not every In addition, however, it is recommended that a
institution anxious to offer the procedure as part of laboratory performing coronary angioplasty have
its health care program can be allowed to do so. A available the following:
significant volume of cases per institution and per 1. An ample inventory of balloon dilation cathe-
operator is essential for the maintenance of assured ters ranging from 2.0 to 4.0 mm, a complete
quality and safe care. It is the strong sense of this range of existing guide wires of variable flex-
Subcommittee that these issues should not be ibility and steerability, and two or more cali-
resolved in the marketplace but within the structure brated balloon inflation devices.
of organized medicine. Formal credentialing should 2. A high resolution fluoroscopic system and an
quickly be put into place and the oversight of the optimal TV chain that allows ready visualiza-
operational aspects and maintenance of skills should tion of a 0.014 inch guide wire and where still
fall within the province of organized cardiology. It frames or " Aroad map images" can be dis-
ACCIAHA Task Force Guidelines for PTCA 501

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