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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16th Ave., Portland, OR 97214-5334

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.

Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2011

At the Michael Allen Harrison Concert

This Weeks Calendar & Mass Intentions

Next Sundays Scripture Readings: 3 Sunday of Advent (December 11) Isaiah 61:12a, 1011 1 Thessalonians 5:1624 John 1:68, 1928

MASS INTENTIONS____________ Monday December 5 8:00 AM Mass (for those without clean water) Chapel Tuesday December 6 8:00 AM Mass ( Le & Tier Familys souls) Chapel Wednesday December 7 8:00 AM Mass (for those suffering from malnutrition) Chapel Thursday December 8 HOLY DAY, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 8:00 AM Mass (for victims of human trafficking) Church 7:00 PM Mass (for SPN staff) Church Friday December 9 12:10 PM Mass (Irma P. Masvidal <A>) Chapel Saturday December 10 8:00 AM Mass ( Sam A. Amato <B>) Chapel 4:00 PM Mass ( Thomas McGonigle) Church Sunday December 11 8:30 AM Mass (People of the Parish) Church 10:30 AM Mass (for those seeking employment) Church 10:30 AM Mass Deaf Community Chapel th 11:45 AM 100 Yr. Anniversary Planning Meeting Paulist Center Church cleaning, December 511: Marie Tedesco & April Magnusson

This Weeks Announcements

St. Philip Neris 100-Year Anniversary: Come learn about what's

being planned for the St Philip Neri 100-yr. Anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 11th, after Mass at 11:45am in the St Paul Room of the Paulist Center. Bring ideas, give feedback, volunteer to plan. The anniversary year starts May 2012. Come join us!

Christmas Flowers: Once again we will be collecting monies for the

Christmas flowers in the sanctuary. If you would like to donate monies in memory of someone please put your check/monies in an envelope, put your name on it and the name of the person in memory of. This can go in the Offertory or be taken to the office. Thank you for helping to make the Christmas beautiful at Christmas!

Help with Christmas Liturgies: People needed to help with the

Christmas Liturgies! If you are interested in serving as a Welcome Minister, Reader, and/or Eucharistic Minister for any of the Christmas weekend Liturgies, please sign up on the bulletin board in the vestibule. We will get back to you.

Thank you for sharing your pictures of loved ones during the
month of November, a time when we especially remember those who have died. We know that they are now praying for all of us Thank you Communion of Saints! Please pick up your pictures this weekend.

The Parish Christmas Party will be held in Carvlin Hall at

12:15pm in Carvlin Hall on Sunday, December 18th.

Announcements continued

Pictures from the Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless in Carvlin Hall

The Peace and Justice Committee would like to thank all who
joined with us in making possible a welcoming, delicious Thanksgiving Dinner with our homeless community members. Parishioners, New Seasons Market, Hosford-Abernethy neighbors, community volunteers all worked together to make this kin-dom event happen! We will continue to be in dialogue with our homeless neighbors to explore together how we can be in life-giving relationships with one another. Stay tuned!

The Advent Giving Wreath will be available on Dec. 34 and Dec.

1011 after all the Liturgies. Each year, we are asked to share what we can with those who live with less than we do. The monies you give at this time are used to help people in our parish. Some need food, some need warm clothing, some need diapers or medicine. Please put what you can share into the marked envelope and return it to Barbara in the vestibule, put it in the Offertory basket or take it to the parish office. Thank you.

The Religious Ed Family Gathering will be celebrating Advent on

Sunday, Dec. 4th, 9:30am. We will be making our Advent Wreaths and walking the labyrinth in Carvlin Hall.

Oregon New Sanctuary Movement: You shall treat the alien who

resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; have the same love for them as for yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt. (Leviticus 19: 33-34) The Oregon New Sanctuary Movement, an interfaith coalition of congregations responding actively and publicly to the plight of our immigrant brothers and sisters, will have a representative here in Carvlin Hall following the 10:30 Mass on December 18th to discuss their work and how we might join them.

Announcements continued

Christmas Decorations: It is time for us to start replacing some of

our Christmas decorations. As you sort through your decorations, please think about donating to the parish any almost new items. We will be decorating on Friday, Dec. 23 at 10am. Please contact the parish office if you would like to drop something off.

Support Elderly Religious. A donor to the Retirement Fund for

Religious writes, We thank God for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABCs, but also to love God. Show your support for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who have made a positive difference in so many lives. Please Share in the Care and give generously to next weeks second collection.

Advent Reconciliation Service: As we celebrate the birth of Jesus,

we think about how we give birth to Christ in our own daily lives. One way is to reconcile who we are and ask God for healing. Please take time this Advent to attend the Advent Reconciliation Service, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 7pm. The love of God can heal us and the sacrament of Reconciliation is a good place to start.

Dates to remember this month:

Dec. 8, ThursdayFeast Day of the Immaculate Conception Liturgies are 8am and 7pmboth in the Church Dec. 14, WednesdayAdvent Reconciliation Service, 7pm Dec. 18, SundayParish French Toast Breakfast still $5.00 (served after the Masses until 12:15pm) Dec. 18, Sunday12:15-1:30pm, Parish Christmas Party (Bingo, Singing, and bring cookies to exchange) Dec. 24, SaturdayChristmas Eve (no 4pm Vigil Liturgy) 5:30pmFamily Christmas Liturgy (Contemp. Music group) 9:00pmChristmas Vigil Liturgy (choir of parish families) Dec. 25, SundayChristmas Day 8:30 and 10:30 Liturgies (cantors)

Website: Fax 503-736-1383

PARISH OFFICE & STAFF: Phone 503-231-4955

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