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Useful vocabulary

ambition (n.) uncountable

I have so much ambition.

ambition (n.) countable

I have many different ambitions.

I am ambitious (adj).
Useful expressions

I long to be sth (really want it)

I long to be rich

Dream of vs Dream about

I dream of being a lawyer

I had a dream about David.

a long row to hoe - a difficult task, assignment or undertaking that will take a long
time is a long row to hoe.
first out of the gate - you are the first to make a start at something that others have
also accepted to do.
at all costs - if you are determined to obtain or achieve something at all costs, you
want it regardless of the expense, effort or sacrifice involved.
dig in your heels - refuse to do something, especially if someone is trying to
convince you to do so.
eager beaver - a person who is hardworking and enthusiastic, sometimes
considered overzealous.
explore all avenues - try out every possibility in order to obtain a result or find a
The game is afoot - sth is beginning, something has started, or a challenge has
have a bee in your bonnet - you are obsessed with it and can't stop thinking about it.
What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘ambition’?
What do you think is the most important ingredient in realizing your
dreams? Why?
Is ambition good or bad?
What were your ambitions when you were a child?
Have you ever achieved your ambitions?
Does ambition always bring success?
Do you think younger people are inherently more ambitious than
older people? Why/not?
Do you agree with the statement below? Why (not)?
'You need dreams when life gets boring or difficult'

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