Final Jelayla Narrative

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Page No.

I. Title Page --------------------------------------------------------------- i

II. Approval sheet --------------------------------------------------------- ii

III. Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------- iii

IV. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------ 1

V. Definition of Terms --------------------------------------------------- 2

VI. Dedication -------------------------------------------------------------- 3

VII. Acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------- 4

VIII. Vision, Mission, Goals of the University --------------------------- 5

IX. OJT Experience -------------------------------------------------------- 6

X. Problems Met During Training --------------------------------------- 7

XI. Suggestions and Recommendations ---------------------------------- 8

XII. Company Profile -------------------------------------------------------- 9

 History
 Policies
 Organizational Structure

XIII. Monthly Progress Report ---------------------------------------------- 12

XIV. Daily Time Record ----------------------------------------------------- 13

XV. Pictorials ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14

XVI. Evaluation Form/Rating ------------------------------------------------ 15

XVII. Certificate of Completion ---------------------------------------------- 16

XVIII. Curriculum Vitae ------------------------------------------------------- 17

XIX. OJT Requirements Documents -------------------------------------------


On-the-Job Training is a crucial part of business education, providing students with

practical experience in their chosen industry. It enables students to apply theoretical
knowledge in real-world situations, enhancing their skills and confidence. OJT enables
students to work alongside professionals, gain industry insights, and expand their
professional network, all crucial in today's dynamic business environment. Which gives
students hands-on experience in the field of their choice. It fills the knowledge gap
between classroom instruction and real-world application by enabling students to use
their freshly acquired abilities in a supervised and supported environment. This method is
crucial for developing the next wave of business professionals and leaders by making
sure that students have the skills required for the careers they want.

As I pondered on my OJT experience at Surigao Economic Development and

Microfinance Foundation. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the excellent chances and
experiences that have influenced me professionally. I now have a varied set of abilities
that I can apply in the future. I am thrilled to offer substantial contributions to SEDMFI
by assisting my colleagues in assisting each client by providing incentives and guiding
them through the loan application process. I am confident in the real world because of the
skills and knowledge I have obtained over my OJT adventure. I had the opportunity to
deal with some fantastic and down-to-earth professionals in this field, and they all
brought their own ideas and knowledge to boost our learning in the lending industry.
Every interaction provide an opportunity for new learning and development; whether it
was simple or challenging to understand the regulations of the loan sector, it was an
exciting and worthwhile journey as a trainee.

On-the-job training (OJT) is an important technique that allows students to get

practical experience and abilities in a particular industry or area. This hands-on
experience not only improves their comprehension of their chosen profession, but it also
helps students build important professional skills such as collaboration, communication,
and problem-solving. Its advantages extend to both students and businesses, equipping
them for successful careers. During on-the-job training, trainees may apply the
information they have learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios while being
supervised and guided by seasoned experts. OJT programs are extremely helpful in
bridging the knowledge gap between theory and practice by assisting trainees in gaining
the abilities, self-assurance, and comprehension required for success in their chosen
professional pathways.

OJT – On the Job Training.

SEDMFI – Surigao Economic Development and Microfinance Foundation, Inc.

Incentives - are any form of financial good given to someone to incentivize their actions
and align their incentives with those of the principal who provides the monetary

Client - a person who is receiving the benefits, services, etc., of a social welfare
agency, a government bureau, etc.

Loan – a sum of money that one or more individuals or companies borrow from
banks or other financial institutions so as to financially manage planned or
unplanned events.

Money - is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for
goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes, in a particular country or
socio-economic context.

Beneficiary - a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust,

will, or life insurance policy.

Insurance - means of protection from financial loss in which, in exchange for a fee,
a party agrees to compensate another party in the event of a certain loss, damage, or

Business - is the practice of making one's living or making money by producing or

buying and selling products. It is also "any activity or enterprise entered into for

Microfinance – also called microcredit; is a banking service provided to low

income individuals or groups who otherwise wouldn’t have access to financial

Cashier – a person who gets money from places such as banks

Trainee – a person who is employed at a low level in particular job in order to learn
the skills needed for that job.

Colleagues – an associate or coworker typically in a profession or in a civil or

ecclesiastical office and often of similar rank or status.

Reports – are formal documents that present information, findings, analysis, or

recommendations on a particular subject or topic.

CO – also known aa credit officer; include preparing loan applications evaluating clients
financial information and calculating risk ratios.

In this path of on-the-job training, I dedicate all of my efforts and hardships to my

beloved parents, siblings, and a special someone who provides unwavering support and
never-ending motivation. They are the ones who give me the financial support I need to
get through this road and complete my OJT; without them, I couldn't make it. It is a
privilege to have each of you in my life. I gaze up and dedicate this to you, O Almighty
God, who has provided me with safety, knowledge, power, and wisdom during this

I dedicate this to everyone who believes in me and knows that I can make it. Thank
you for believing in me and helping me, whether it is tiny or large. It means a lot to me.
I'm hoping that with this narrative report, I may show that there is no higher peak as long
as God is on our side.

- Jella D. Juagpao

First and foremost, I thank our Almighty God for his infinite love, guidance, and
protection throughout my OJT journey. For giving me the strength and knowledge, so I
have completed my hours as a trainee. For the provisions and wisdom he has bestowed
upon me. I thank him for his comfort when I was about to give up. By his grace, I was
able to finish without any conflict; without his guidance, nothing is possible.

I would like to express my gratitude to my parents for their unwavering love and
support throughout my academic career. You have gone above and beyond to fulfill my
every need and have always been there for me. I appreciate your patience and
understanding, as well as your meeting all of my material and moral demands.

To my lover, thank you for always being there for me when I needed someone to lean
on. You have no idea how much your support has meant to me. I appreciate all of your
support during my OJT journey. Thank you for constantly encouraging me, never letting
me give up, and enduring all of my complains about my OJT journey.

To my SEDMFI colleagues thank you all for welcoming me and making my time
here enjoyable. Thank you for patiently training me and always being reachable to
answer any queries. I am grateful to have a colleague who has provided me with
invaluable assistance and support during my OJT journey. Their insights and suggestions
have helped shape my skills, which I will be able to apply in the near future.

To my co-trainees, thank you for always being by my side, for assisting me in

overcoming every obstacle I've faced along this journey, and for providing me with
knowledge, tactics, and inspiration. My training is even more valuable to me now since I
have an incredible connection with my co-trainees that I will treasure forever.


A transformative leading university in Asia and the pacific.


NEMSU shall provide competency-based higher education through transformative

instruction, relevant research, sustainable extension and production responsive to local,
regional and global trends.


There are the specific goals in the four-fold functions of the University

KRA1. Instruction. Developed highly competent, globally competitive and morally

upright graduates.

KRA2. Research. Produced research for the advancement of knowledge, new technology
and innovative approaches for competitive endeavors.

KRA 3. Extension. Empower the rural poor to improve their lives through transfer of
technologies and knowledge.

KRA4. Production. Sustain University operators through viable and profitable income
generating projects.

As I started my OJT journey here at SEDMFI, I felt nervous, but at the same time, I
felt excited because, finally, I would be able to experience the real-world industry.
Nervousness and shyness are always there when it’s your first time. For many reasons, a
lot of stuff is playing on my mind. I do not know the people in the office; I do not have
any actual experience, and we’re still not quite sure about the work we will be doing for
this entire on-the-job training. That made me quiet at first, trying to observe how to get
along with the employees. But as time went by, I started to loosen up as I enjoyed the
company of my colleagues at SEDMFI. They are all kind and approachable. Sir Vencient
“Visor” Oposa, the Field Supervisor here in SEDMFI, orients us on the tasks that they are
doing inside the cooperative. He tours us inside the office, instructing us where we’ll be
going if we are going to submit or process some documents. He also introduced us to the
credit officer and accounting staff, saying that we'll also be helping to make our OJT
more valuable.

I gained so much experience and knowledge during my on-the-job training. It is

challenging, but sometimes it is hard to do the things that they request I do. Giving
incentives to the clients seems easy to me, but I feel shy sometimes because I will be able
to interact with different clients and accommodate them. Processing the loan requests of
every client is not an easy one. You should be careful to fill up every detail and make
sure that it is correct. It was very nervous, but together with my co-trainees, we did the
task together that our head colleagues assigned to us. We do our best to finish our job
correctly with them, which made my OJT journey bearable.

Ever since I started my on-the-job training, more commonly called “internship,” I

have learned values that will help me build a brighter future. Every day is a challenge for
me to stand out. But I always have a winning attitude through the guidance of the Lord
and always tell myself, “I’m going to win this.” In this OJT journey, I was able to learn
how to accept small or big mistakes. I’ve learned how to face the real world and talk to
different people. I know I gained more self-confidence and self-esteem. I also learned
how important time management is in this OJT journey. I know sometimes I will fail and
get criticized. But I take it as a challenge to improve more and to move forward instead of
pushing myself backwards. I can say that I'm happy and fulfilled to be a part of SEDMFI.
I could probably say that I really learned a lot of things here. From the moment I set foot
in this place, I knew I would be facing different challenges as a part of this company, but
at the same time, I knew that I would learn new things regarding the possible work that I
would be doing in the company. I gain knowledge. I learn new skills. I met different
people. I can say that my personal experience here at SEDMFI provides everything, not
just for the real world of securing employment but for me to look forward to after my
graduation. Yes, someday I may be one of those applicants who are trying to seek a good
job. And not just a good job, but also a good company like SEDMFI.

As a trainee, I encountered numerous problems during my OJT journey. Some of

problem that I met are, the adjustment in the assigned task, transportation, environment,
and communicating. One of these problems happened when I was assigned the task of
counting the money remittance of a credit officer, and it seems that I counted the money
disproportionately. Another problem I encountered was when I was assigned to the task
of filling out the disbursement loan statement and made a mistake by not writing the
correct amount of money that was loaned, which made me feel stupid because the
accounting staff needed to fix the problem immediately. Transportation was one of my
problem also I couldn’t easy drive safely since I have a motor, I always drive fast because
I always wake up late and its makes my life in risk. I also find the environment in this
company as one of my problem, because sometimes I feel like theres always favoritism
involve and it makes me look down to myself. I also had problems with shyness
whenever communicating with different individuals, to the point that my co-trainees had
to step in for me to finish the task that had been assigned to me.

As a trainee, I would admit that I have faced numerous problems throughout my OJT
experience. However, these challenges have strengthened me and given me confidence in
my ability to overcome any problem I may meet. The best course of action for resolving
issues that I have encountered is to always request a consultation with your head
colleagues, particularly in situations where you are unsure of how to proceed with an
assigned assignment.

As a trainee, I just want to suggest that every OJT student practice strong work
ethics. Always arrive to work on time. Cooperate with other employees or workers.
Strictly adhere to company policies and regulations. Be responsible enough for
whatever duty is assigned to you. Bring a lot of patience to work. Always smile.
Maintain a professional demeanor and look in the workplace. Be diligent and
develop self-discipline. Distractions during work must be lessened.

To facilitate practicum experiences, I recommend that the organization provide a

brief overview of the job description. should also perform observations to see if the
trainee fits in that role before accepting it. company, because there are trainees who
do not fit for that position but take it for the They fulfilled the required hours but
learnt nothing.

As a trainee, I believe that accommodating on-the-job trainees may be extremely

advantageous, not just to the trainees but also to the firms that offer opportunities
for this type of learning. There is knowledge on the front lines. Such training might
be an investment that benefits the organization in the long run. This is also why
trainees should take their internships seriously, as they can become a valuable tool
and possibly even a source of recommendation when they make the transition from
student to professional. The fact that it allows the learners to practice their new
abilities in the real environment where they'll be working.


The Surigao Economic Development and Microfinance Foundation, Inc.

(SEDMFI) formerly known as Surigao Economic Development Foundation, Inc. (SEDFI)
is a private, non-profit, non-stock and non-political service organization established by
Surigaonons on January 12, 1985 and registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on June 7, 1985. The organization was one of the major solutions designed
to harness the resources of the private sector for the economic and social rehabilitation of
the province as well as catalyst for socio-economic change after super typhoon Nitang hit
Surigao del Norte. It has two (2) major programs: (1) Micro-Entrepreneurs Development,
which addresses the economic needs of the poor micro-entrepreneurs through mentoring,
financial assistance and provision of add-on services (2) Sustainable and Resilient
Communities, which have direct impact on governance, environment conservation,
protection, and management and livelihood/economic enterprise among various sectors
and stakeholders in the community. Its humble mission is to uplift the marginalized by
nurturing micro-entrepreneurs and transforming their communities to be sustainable and

 The SEDMFI is committed to maintaining an effective workforce compensation

system to attract and retain competent and committed workers. The Board of
Trustees and human resource managers work together to design an equitable, just,
and competitive wage and salary structure and benefits package. The
compensation system is reviewed annually by the EXCOM, taking into account
inflation rate increases, staff performance appraisal results, and financial situation
of SEDMFI. The BOT approves job values and determines corollary
compensation for each job position.
 All hired employees undergo a one-month volunteer service orientation, followed
by probationary employment and a monthly salary based on SEDMFI's
compensation package. Salaries and wages are paid semi-monthly, with payment
given at the last working day of the quincena. SEDMFI also provides leave
benefits such as sick leave, vacation leave, emergency leave, maternity leave, and
paternity leave.
 Sick leave can be taken by probationary employees without pay, while regular
employees are entitled to 1.25 leave credits a month or 15 working days with pay
for every 12 months of service. Employees must notify their supervisor and
complete a sick leave form upon return to work.
 The policy outlines vacation leave, emergency leave, maternity leave, paternity
leave, and paternity leave policies. Probationary employees can take vacation
leave without pay, while regular employees are entitled to 15 working days with
full pay for every 12 months of service. Unscheduled leave must be filed at least
two days before the intended date, and scheduled leave must be filed at least two
days before the intended date. Only five unavailed vacation leaves can be
monetized and paid at the end of the year. Emergency leave can be granted up to
three days per year in certain circumstances, such as the death of a family
member, birthday leave, wedding, graduation, serious illness, or force majeure.
Pregnant women are entitled to 60 calendar days maternity leave for normal
delivery/abortion and 78 days for caesarean delivery without pay, with salary
covered by SSS maternity benefits. Male employees whose wives have just given
birth are entitled to one week paternity leave with pay, in addition to sick leave
and vacation leave benefits.
 The Employees' Employment Policy outlines the policies and procedures for
employees, including leave, year-end benefits, cash gifts, productivity incentives,
loyalty incentives, group accident and life insurance, retirement/separation
benefits, labor relations, grievances and appeals, resignations and terminations,
work schedule, and office protocols.
 Employees must make prior arrangements with their branch head or co-employees
to cover for them during their absence. Leave applications should be approved by
the immediate supervisor/executive director before they can take a leave.
Employees who have served at least one month are entitled to 13th month pay,
which is paid quarterly and equivalent to an employee's average gross earnings
from January to current quarter. Exceptions include voluntarily resigning
 Year-end benefits are given to regular staff based on their monthly wage/salary
and disbursed every 15th of May and December. Cash gifts are given to regular
employees who have served at least one year, with an annual increment of
P5,000.00 but not exceeding P15,000.00.
 Productivity incentives are approved by the Board of Directors (BOT) for
employees who perform with merit and excellence or have reached or surpassed
set standards. Loyalty incentives are also provided for employees aged 10 years
and above in service.
 Retirement and separation benefits are set aside for good-standing staff who have
served at least five years in the organization. SEDMFI encourages teamwork and
two-way feedback from leaders to field personnel, following the Labor Code of
the Philippines and all laws of the land. Grievances and appeals are allowed, and
employees can file complaints to their immediate superior or seek mediation from
HRM or a higher authority.
 Work schedules and office protocols are maintained in accordance with legal
guidelines and the organization's workload. Tardiness with justifiable reasons can
be allowed, but habitual tardiness requires appropriate reminders and sanctions by
the supervising officer.
 The SEDMFI has a policy on tardiness, overtime, working during holidays, and
holidays. Tardiness is allowed once a month with valid reason, and subsequent
acts are deductible from the salary. Overtime work is paid hourly based on the
employee's basic salary. Management should be notified of staff working on
Sundays and holidays, and branch heads must inform the head office if there is a
declared holiday. The following holidays are recognized as regular full-day
holidays unless suspended by an official proclamation by the Philippine
Government. Local holidays, such as Le. Fiestas, charter days, will also be
observed. Daily wage employees are entitled to double pay work during holidays
if they have not been absent the day before the holiday.
 Employees are required to wear prescribed attire for uniformity and economic
reasons, and to act professionally and focus on their jobs during office hours.
They are also expected to observe communication routing and other
administrative systems/procedures. Employees using SEDMFI motorcycles are
given memorandum receipts (MR), which are responsible for the proper care of
these motorcycles. Employees must use crash helmets, avoid "back riders," and
report any damage to the motorcycle.
 New staff must provide documentation such as an application letter, resume or
bio-data, transcript of records, ID photos, TIN, SSS, Philhealth & Pag-ibig IDs,
birth certificate, Brgy./Police Clearance, and employment clearance from their
previous employer.










For the Month of February


Course & Major : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in

Financial Management (BSBA-FM)

Company / Agency : Surigao Economic Development And Microfinance

Foundation, Inc.(SEDMFI)

Address : P-2 Quirino, Madrid Surigao Del Sur

Department / Shop : Accounting Department

Week 1

Date: 12, 13, 14 Days: 3 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 24

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Observing while Writing the Names of the drop out clients
 Task 2 Filing
 Task 3 Fill up the Loan disclosure statement
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

During my first week being a trainee, I begin my observing skills to be able to know the
things that I need to know as a trainee student. I was able to have knowledge in knowing
how to trace the name of the drop out clients in the year 2022 to 2023, and I find it easy
as time goes by. After that I was task to put the clients information by puting it to their
folder to keep their information secured, safe and to maintain the confidential information
of every clients organized. It feels hard for me to find the names of every clients because
I’m not familiar with their name tho, but I find it challenging and it makes me feel proud
to myself after fulfilling my task. Filing up the loan disclosure statement was easy, it is
because we already trained by our head on what are we going to do, first we should be
careful on written the details in the loan disclosure statement no erasing allowed because
it well make the statement not valuable and realistics. Lots of pressure and learning that
I’ve gained during this week and it feels worth it.

Week 2

Date: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Continued filing

 Task 2 Giving incentives to the clients
 Task 3 Counting the remittance money of the Credit officer
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

During my second week as a trainee student, my task is to continue filing the confidential
information to put it in their secured and well-organized folder. It is very important to
keep the information of clients to be more organized and well accessible. I noticed that
every information of a clients should be confidential. Upon giving the incentives to the
client after they receive their loan, I noticed that in this company every clients who
already have their loans will always receive a incentives that they can use in their daily
lives and it is very important to every clients to know that the company has a concerned
and valued them as a family not a only a clients. Furthermore, I was task to count the
remittance money of the credit officer, and I learned that it is crucial to count a money,
because it should be exact in the remittance data or else the credit officer will be punish
by putting their own money to the money that is not exact or less. Counting money
should be done carefully and keep it secured.

Week 3
Date: 26, 27, 28, 29 Days: 4 No. of Hrs. On Duty:

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Printing and photo copying the Re-loan data

 Task 2 Continued Filing
 Task 3 Writing the a request loan form of every clients
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

During my third week I was task to print the re-loan data that every client can use if they
are going to re-loan again, and photo copying it to have lots of copy of it. Printing and
copying is just a simple work for me and it feels easy for me to finish it on time. As time
goes by I continued filing the information of every clients. I recognized that there’s a lot
of clients that this company have and I can say that it is very good to the image of a
company that they have lots of clients. And it make me feels amazed that they can
preserve or keep the information of their clients well-organized and confidential. I can
tell that the clients have nothing to worry about their information. And the as day past I
was task to write a request loan form of every clients that wants to loan, It was not easy
for me as first to write the information of every client and how much money they needs
to loan, but by the help of our credit officer who task me, he help me to write the
information that the request loan form needed, and I can tell that it was easy if was a
credit officer to write a request loan form but at the same time I learned knew knowledge
in this kind of company.


Total Number of Hours to be complied : 600

Number of Hours on Duty (Month of February) : 96

Remaining Number of Hours to comply : 504

Prepared by:

(Signature Over Printed Name of On – the – Job Trainee)



For the Month of March


Course & Major : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in

Financial Management (BSBA-FM)

Company / Agency : Surigao Economic Development And Microfinance

Foundation, Inc.(SEDMFI)

Address : P-2 Quirino, Madrid Surigao Del Sur

Department / Shop : Accounting Department

Week 1

Date: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Days: 6 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 48

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Giving Incentives to the clients

 Task 2 Pulling out the 2021 and 2022 Disclosure Loan Statement
 Task 3 Checking the Savings Report of every Clients
 Task 4 Counting the Credit Officer Remittance
 Task 5 Creating Folder for Clients Information
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

As time passes, my first week of March has been a productive week, with a lot of tasks
completed. The first task was to distribute incentives to all clients who had previously
claimed their loans, which was a simple and enjoyable task for me. It is simple and
enjoyable since I was able to speak with each client who claimed incentives while also
understanding the importance of borrowing for what they need every day. The second
thing to do is to get all Disclosure Loan Statements for the years 2021 and 2022. It was a
simple work for us; we simply needed to locate the years 2021 and 2022 because the
Disclosure Loan Statement file was sorted, but I am able to tell that there will be a lot of
files that will end up in the trash because there are so many clients applying for loans.
The third task was to examine every client's savings report, which was difficult and tough
for me since I needed to carefully look at the exact savings amount of each client's
savings and verify that it was accurate to make sure the accounting clerk would be able to
do their job efficiently. Lastly, I was tasked with the challenging job of counting the
credit officer remittance. Counting the funds that were remitted was quite easy for me,
but there are times we can't exactly count the money properly so I consistently attentively
count the money without tempted by anything. The last tasks was to get started creating a
folder for every client who wasn't already provided with any folder for their loan sheet of
information within. It was difficult and tough, but it additionally gave me with the
opportunity to learn new things.

Week 2

Date: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Continued pulling out the 2021 and 2022 Disclosure loan statement
 Task 2 Fill up the Loan Application Agreement
 Task 3 Counting the remittance money of the Credit officer
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

During the second week of March, the task in hand was simultaneously learning and easy
since I had already mastered the way to accomplish it properly as time passed. The first
task during the week is the continuation of separating the disclosure loan statement
covering the two years 2021 and 2022. The second task for the preceding week is to fill
up the loan application agreement for every client who had successfully loaned their
request application for a loan. I can say that everything can be learned if you want to. In
the beginning of my tenure as an an internship, I was worried that it was going to be
challenging for myself to pick up new information, but thanks to the guidance provided
by our head accounting clerk, I absorbed information immediately and now I am
equipped with wealth of information in the lending industry. In addition the last task for
the preceding week was to manually calculate the credit officer's remittance money.
When counting the money, we must distinguish the thousand, hundreds, and pennies to
ensure that we are able to count them in order.

Week 3

Date: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Encoding the name of client for their re-loan information

 Task 2 Continued Filing
 Task 3 Writing a request loan form of every clients
 Task 4 Assisting the clients to receive their incentives
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

In my third week of this month, I was given the responsibility to encode the name of the
client with their re-loan information. The tasks has been challenging considering it served
as my very first time performing this kind of task, nevertheless I decided to accept it and
accomplished it properly. fortunately throughout encoding, I frequently struggle to
distinguish by every client's identity. Furthermore, I continued in filling out the
information sheets for each client and arrange them in their corresponding folders to
organize them. Filling out the information didn't seem easy considering a few of the
client's names had been mistakenly written and their penmanship seemed difficult to read
and comprehend, but we nevertheless accomplished the task properly. The third task is to
write up a request for loan form for every client who were interested in applying for a
financial loan. It proved to be a simple task; everything I had to do was write down the
name of the person who needed the money, the amount of the loan, and the place where
they currently live. At last, I was tasked to distributing incentives to all clients whose
successfully claimed their loans.
Week 4

Date: 25, 26, 27 Days: 3 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 24

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Printing and photo copying the Re-loan data

 Task 2 Counting the Credit Officer Remittance
 Task 3 Writing a request loan form of every clients
 Task 4 Assisting the clients to receive their incentives
 Task 5 Continued Filing
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

During the last week of this month, I have begun to understand the task which was
previously given to me, and I'm confident that I will definitely be able accomplish it
appropriately as the time goes. The initial task was to print and photocopy a Re-loan Data
Form due to the fact that we already ran out of these forms and each credit officer must
have it. The second task for the preceding week was to manually compute the credit
officer's remittance money. When calculating money, i have to distinguish between
thousands, hundreds, and cents to guarantee ourselves that we are able to count them in
order. The third task involved creating a loan request form for clients interested in
financial loans. The process involved identifying the client's name, loan amount, and
current residence, making it a straightforward task. The fourth task involved distributing
incentives to clients who had previously claimed their loans, which was both simple and
enjoyable. The task allowed me to speak with each client and understand the importance
of borrowing for their daily needs. Lastly, I diligently filled out and organized
information sheets for each client, despite some errors and difficulty in understanding
their penmanship, despite the task being completed properly, despite the challenges posed
by incorrectly written names and difficult-to-read penmanship.

Total Number of Hours to be complied : 504

Number of Hours on Duty (Month of March) : 152

Remaining Number of Hours to comply : 352

Prepared by:


(Signature Over Printed Name of On – the – Job Trainee)



For the Month of April


Course & Major : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in

Financial Management (BSBA-FM)

Company / Agency : Surigao Economic Development And Microfinance

Foundation, Inc.(SEDMFI)

Address : P-2 Quirino, Madrid Surigao Del Sur

Department / Shop : Accounting Department

Week 1

Date: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Checking the Savings Report of every Clients

 Task 2 Counting the Credit Officer Remittance
 Task 3 Assisting the clients to receive their incentives
 Task 4 Continued Filing

(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

The first task was to examine every client's savings report, which was difficult and tough
for me since I needed to carefully look at the exact savings amount of each client's
savings and verify that it was accurate to make sure the accounting clerk would be able to
do their job efficiently. Secondly, I was tasked with the challenging job of counting the
credit officer remittance. Counting the funds that were remitted was quite easy for me,
but there are times we can't exactly count the money properly so I consistently attentively
count the money without tempted by anything. The fourth task involved distributing
incentives to clients who had previously claimed their loans, which was both simple and
enjoyable. The task allowed me to speak with each client and understand the importance
of borrowing for their daily needs. Lastly, I diligently filled out and organized
information sheets for each client, despite some errors and difficulty in understanding
their penmanship, despite the task being completed properly, despite the challenges posed
by incorrectly written names and difficult-to-read penmanship.

Week 2

Date: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Fill up the Loan Application Agreement

 Task 2 Giving Incentives to the clients
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

The first task for the preceding week is to fill up the loan application agreement for every
client who had successfully loaned their request application for a loan. I can say that
everything can be learned if you want to. In the beginning of my tenure as an an
internship, I was worried that it was going to be challenging for myself to pick up new
information, but thanks to the guidance provided by our head accounting clerk, I
absorbed information immediately and now I am equipped with wealth of information in
the lending industry. The first task was to distribute incentives to all clients who had
previously claimed their loans, which was a simple and enjoyable task for me. It is simple
and enjoyable since I was able to speak with each client who claimed incentives while
also understanding the importance of borrowing for what they need every day.
Week 3

Date: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Counting the Credit Officer Remittance

 Task 2 Creating Folder for Clients Information
 Task 3 Fill up the Loan Application Agreement

(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

First I was tasked with the challenging job of counting the credit officer remittance.
Counting the funds that were remitted was quite easy for me, but there are times we can't
exactly count the money properly so I consistently attentively count the money without
tempted by anything. The second tasks was to get started creating a folder for every client
who wasn't already provided with any folder for their loan sheet of information within. It
was difficult and tough, but it additionally gave me with the opportunity to learn new
things. The last task for the preceding week is to fill up the loan application agreement
for every client who had successfully loaned their request application for a loan. I can say
that everything can be learned if you want to. In the beginning of my tenure as an an
internship, I was worried that it was going to be challenging for myself to pick up new
information, but thanks to the guidance provided by our head accounting clerk, I
absorbed information immediately and now I am equipped with wealth of information in
the lending industry

Week 4

Date: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Giving Incentives to the clients

 Task 2 Fill up the Loan Application Agreement
 Task 3 Counting the remittance money of the Credit officer
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

My first week of March has been a productive week, with a lot of tasks completed. The
first task was to distribute incentives to all clients who had previously claimed their
loans, which was a simple and enjoyable task for me. It is simple and enjoyable since I
was able to speak with each client who claimed incentives while also understanding the
importance of borrowing for what they need every day. The second task for the preceding
week is to fill up the loan application agreement for every client who had successfully
loaned their request application for a loan. I can say that everything can be learned if you
want to. In the beginning of my tenure as an an internship, I was worried that it was going
to be challenging for myself to pick up new information, but thanks to the guidance
provided by our head accounting clerk, I absorbed information immediately and now I
am equipped with wealth of information in the lending industry. In addition the last task
for the preceding week was to manually calculate the credit officer's remittance money.
When counting the money, we must distinguish the thousand, hundreds, and pennies to
ensure that we are able to count them in order.

Week 5

Date: 29, 30 Days: 2 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 16

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Fill up the Loan disclosure statement

(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

Filing up the loan disclosure statement was easy, it is because we already trained by our
head on what are we going to do, first we should be careful on written the details in the
loan disclosure statement no erasing allowed because it well make the statement not
valuable and realistics. Lots of pressure and learning that I’ve gained during this week
and it feels worth it.

Total Number of Hours to be complied : 352

Number of Hours on Duty (Month of April) : 176

Remaining Number of Hours to comply : 176

Prepared by:


(Signature Over Printed Name of On – the – Job Trainee)



For the Month of May


Course & Major : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in

Financial Management (BSBA-FM)

Company / Agency : Surigao Economic Development And Microfinance

Foundation, Inc.(SEDMFI)

Address : P-2 Quirino, Madrid Surigao Del Sur

Department / Shop : Accounting Department

Week 1
Date: 1, 2, 3 Days: 3 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 24

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Giving Incentives to the clients

 Task 2 Creating Folder for Clients Information
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

As time goes by, my first week of March has been a productive week, with a lot of tasks
completed. The first task was to distribute incentives to all clients who had previously
claimed their loans, which was a simple and enjoyable task for me. The last tasks was to
get started creating a folder for every client who wasn't already provided with any folder
for their loan sheet of information within. It was difficult and tough, but it additionally
gave me with the opportunity to learn new things.

Week 2

Date: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 2 Fill up the Loan Application Agreement

 Task 3 Counting the remittance money of the Credit officer
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed

The second task for the preceding week is to fill up the loan application agreement for
every client who had successfully loaned their request application for a loan. I can say
that everything can be learned if you want to. In the beginning of my tenure as an an
internship, I was worried that it was going to be challenging for myself to pick up new
information, but thanks to the guidance provided by our head accounting clerk, I
absorbed information immediately and now I am equipped with wealth of information in
the lending industry. Lastly I was tasked with the challenging job of counting the credit
officer remittance. Counting the funds that were remitted was quite easy for me, but there
are times we can't exactly count the money properly so I consistently attentively count the
money without tempted by anything.

Week 3

Date: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Writing a request loan form of every clients

 Task 2 Assisting the clients to receive their incentives
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

I was task to write a request loan form of every clients that wants to loan, It was not easy
for me as first to write the information of every client and how much money they needs
to loan, but by the help of our credit officer who task me, he help me to write the
information that the request loan form needed, and I can tell that it was easy if was a
credit officer to write a request loan form but at the same time I learned knew knowledge
in this kind of company. Upon giving the incentives to the client after they receive their
loan, I noticed that in this company every clients who already have their loans will
always receive a incentives that they can use in their daily lives and it is very important to
every clients to know that the company has a concerned and valued them as a family not
a only a clients.

Week 4

Date: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Days: 5 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 40

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Counting the Credit Officer Remittance

 Task 2 Assisting the clients to receive their incentives
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

First I was task to count the remittance money of the credit officer, and I learned that it is
crucial to count a money, because it should be exact in the remittance data or else the
credit officer will be punish by putting their own money to the money that is not exact or
less. Counting money should be done carefully and keep it secured. Upon giving the
incentives to the client after they receive their loan, I noticed that in this company every
clients who already have their loans will always receive a incentives that they can use in
their daily lives and it is very important to every clients to know that the company has a
concerned and valued them as a family not a only a clients.

Week 5

Date: 27, 28, 29, 30 Days: 4 No. of Hrs. On Duty: 32

Tasks Performed:

 Task 1 Assisting the clients to receive their incentives

 Task 2 Creating Folder for Clients Information
(Note: Narrate Job Accomplishments based on tasks performed)

The first task was to distribute incentives to all clients who had previously claimed their
loans, which was a simple and enjoyable task for me. It is simple and enjoyable since I
was able to speak with each client who claimed incentives while also understanding the
importance of borrowing for what they need every day. The last tasks was to get started
creating a folder for every client who wasn't already provided with any folder for their
loan sheet of information within. It was difficult and tough, but it additionally gave me
with the opportunity to learn new things.


Total Number of Hours to be complied : 176

Number of Hours on Duty (Month of May) : 176

Remaining Number of Hours to comply : 0

Prepared by:


(Signature Over Printed Name of On – the – Job Trainee)



Name: Jella D. Juagpao

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date Birth: July 27,2001

Place Birth: Agsam Lanuza Surigao del Sur

Present Address: P-1 Greenfield Agsam Lanuza Surigao Del Sur

Name of Father: Alejandro L. Juagpao Jr.

Name of Mother: Melba D. Juagpao


Tertiary: NEMSU Cantilan Campus

Courses: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major: Financial Management

Secondary: Agsam Integrated School

Elementary: Agsam Integrated School


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