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Set Your Schedule

A well-tended calendar is a key ingredient in Kris’s “secret sauce.” Map out your
ideal workweek using the sample planner on the next page, and do your best to
keep track of high-priority goals and tasks. Equally important: Avoid burnout by
staying attuned to your mind and body. Eat, rest, and play when you need to.

Fill in the blanks

Print this page and the next, fill them out, and glance at the finished product
every day to keep yourself accountable

On weekdays I will set the alarm for and hit “snooze” no

more than time(s).

By 9 a.m. I will have achieved these three things:


I will spend every reaching out to

new people (editors, influencers, agents, etc.) who can be beneficial to my brand.

I will step away from my screens for minutes every

to clear my head, have a snack, and/or stretch out.

I’ll get my exercise at every day, whether it’s a peaceful

neighborhood walk, a kickboxing class, or something in between.

Sometimes meals get lost in the shuffle, but I commit to eating a full, healthy
every day.

Every at I will set aside an hour

for purely creative work (no calls, emails, or posts).

I will devote every day to reading: books, magazines,

blogs, newsletters, and whatever else enriches my brand brain.

I will turn out the lights at .

On Sundays I will reward myself for a week of hard work with a .


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