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Agriculture Grade 5 exam

English Language Education 1 (University of Namibia)

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Name: ……………………………………………..

Elementary Agriculture Mock Exam 2023

Examiner: Mr. Lucas p
Grade: 5 Marks: 50
Duration: 1hr

Instructions to learners
◆ Write your name in the space provided for you on top of
this page.
◆ Answer section A on the multiple choice answer sheet
provided for you at the end of this question paper.
◆ Answer section B in the spaces provided in this question
◆ Use a pencil to answer section A and a blue or blue ink
pen to answer section B.

For Examiner’s use

Section Marks

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Section A (Multiple Choice)

Choose the answer you think is correct and mark it with a X
on the multiple choice answer sheet provided at the back of
this question paper.

1.The main aim of agriculture is to produce.

A. Food
B. Clothes
C. Animals
D. Crops
1. Which of the following food is not eaten by humans?
A. Peanuts
B. Sugar
C. Fodder
D. Butter
2. Choose one food from the list below which is not
produced in your local area.
A. Tomatoes
B. Dates
C. Millet
D. Maize
3. A micro enterprise employs less than.
A. 60 people
B. 10 people
C. 100 people
D. 50 people
4. Soil erosion is best described as the removal of topsoil by
A. Moisture
B. Air

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C. Sunlight
D. Wind
5. Which soil is best for plant growth?
A. Sand
B. Clay
C. Loam
D. Silt
6. Identify the biggest source of water in your area from the
list below.
A. Dam
B. Tap
C. Pan
D. River
7. Which of these is an example of a plant disease?
A. Leaf blight
B. Chicken pox
C. Rabies
D. Polio
8. Which one is not a component of fertile soil?
A. Rocks
B. Humus
C. Air
D. Water
9. Which one of these is an example of animals disease.
A. Cheetah
B. Lion
C. Tick
D. Anthrax
Section B (Structured Questions)
Question 1: General Agriculture

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1.1. Below are some examples of food provided by plants

and food provided by animals.

(a) In the table below distinguish between food from plants

and food for animals.
Food from plants Food from animals

….………………………………………. ….……………..……………………….

(b) Identify the following food produced locally in your
community below.

A….…………………….. (1) B……………………… (1)

1.2. (a) What is an enterprise?

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_____________________________________________________ (1)
(b) Match the following types of enterprises to the number of
people they employ. (Use a pencil to connect your answer)
Type of enterprise Number of workers
Small 250
Medium 50
(c) Describe the characteristics of successful business
_____________________________________________________ (2)
1.3. Soil erosion is caused by many factors in the

(a) Identify the cause of soil erosion shown on the picture

______________________________________________________ (1)
(b) Explain the negative effects of soil erosion on plants and
on animals
On plants____________________________________________ (1)
On animals__________________________________________ (1)

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Total (12)

Question 2 : Plant Production

2.1. (a) Identify the types of soil marked A and B


A….………………… (1) B..……………………… (1)

(c) Explain why you should grow one type of crop, in
different soil types collected from different areas.
_______________________________________________________ (1)
2.2 (a) Identify the sources of water shown below.

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A __________________________________________________
B___________________________________________________ (2)
(b ) Explain the importance of water and sunlight in plants.
_______________________________________________________ (2)
2.3 (a) Name any two types of plant diseases that you know.
____________________________________________________ (2)
(b) Give any one way on how to control diseases in plants.
_____________________________________________________ (1)
Total (10)

Question 3: Animal production

3.1 Describe how Farmers should look after their animals. (3)
3.2 list at least two types of animals found in Namibia . (2)


3.3 list two types of animal feed. (2)

3.4 differentiate between natural pasture and fodder (2)

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3.5 discuss the importance of animals houses. (3)

3.6 Name three types of parasites that attacks farm animals. (3)
3.7 Explain how to prevent animal diseases and parasites. (3)
Total (18)

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Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

Name of learner…………………………………………..

1 A B C D
2 A B C D
3 A B C D
4 A B C D
5 A B C D
6 A B C D
7 A B C D
8 A B C D
9 A B C D
10 A B C D

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