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Senate District 59 Special Election Candidate Endorsement Questionnaire Responses November 2011

Question 1 Marriage Equality Do you believe the civil institution of marriage (with absolutely no requirements imposed on religious institutions) should be made legally available in Minnesota to two committed adults, regardless of sex or gender? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support Question 2 Marriage Equality Do you support a repeal of MINN. STAT. 517.01, thereby allowing Minnesota to recognize another states legal recognition of same-sex and same-gender couples and families? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support Question 3 Comprehensive Civil Rights The 1993 Human Rights Amendment protects people from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, public services, education, and other areas based on the following characteristics: race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation (including gender identity/ expression), status with regard to public assistance, and familial status. There are exemptions from the sexual orientation section of the law for religious organizations and schools, non-public youth-serving organizations and fraternal organizations, and those who rent out rooms in owner-occupied homes and duplexes. Since its passage, opponents of human rights for GLBT Minnesotans have attempted to repeal segments of the 1993 Human Rights Amendment and such attempts are likely again in the future. Do you support or oppose maintaining the 1993 Human Rights Amendment prohibiting discrimination against GLBT people in its entirety? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support Question 4 Healthy Communities The Transgender community, in particular, lacks access to competent health care. Would you support legislation requiring state-funded health insurance programs to cover transgender health care, including transition related care, when medically necessary? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support

Question 5 Safe Schools for All 93% of Minnesota school districts do not prohibit harassment based on sexual orientation. At least 80% of districts do not prohibit harassment based on disability or national origin. A 2009 state school climate survey conducted by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), reported that 90% of GLBT students have been verbally harassed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. A 2008 GLSEN and Harris Interactive survey found that three in four junior high/middle school principals and nearly half of high school principals and elementary principals believe that bullying is a serious issue. Do you support or oppose legislation that enhances current statutes barring harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation (gender identity and expression), age, physical characteristics, and association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in Minnesota public schools? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support Question 6 Comprehensive Sexuality Education In 2008, the University of Minnesota conducted a survey of Minnesota parents that found 89% support medically accurate, age appropriate sexuality education in public schools. Such programs incorporate a discussion of abstinence, healthy relationships, and prevention of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Do you support or oppose sexuality education offered by public schools that is medically accurate, ageappropriate, and inclusive of GLBT issues? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support Question 7 HIV Prevention and Services HIV rates are on the rise. Minnesota saw a 13% increase in 2009 alone. HIV disproportionately impacts gay and bisexual men of all races and women of color in Minnesota. Investments in public health approaches to HIV prevention and services for people living with HIV save public dollars in the future and slow the progression of the disease. Do you support or oppose the use of state funds for evidence-based HIV prevention programs and services for people living with HIV? Dziedzic: Support Frey: Support Noor: Support Ostrow: Support Wagenius: Support

Question 8 Statement on GLBT equality Please write a maximum of 75 words on how you will promote legislation that promotes equality and economic stability for all Minnesotans, including GLBT people and their families. The rst 75 words of the answer will appear on the website and in publications as written. OutFront Minnesota will only edit for length, eliminating any text that exceeds 75 words. Dziedzic: Our quality of life in Minnesota is dependent upon the ability of people to be free from discrimination. We need to defeat the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. Hate and discrimination should not be written into the constitution. To remain economically competitive, Minnesota must foster the full economic participation of all its people. When we value and respect differences --- we can overcome the challenges we face together and come up with solutions. Frey: If elected, I will speak out on the Senate oor to highlight the aws in legislation that treats one culture, race, or sexuality different from another. However, my courage to take on what is wrong extends beyond the Senate oor. At least half of my time will be spent mobilizing the community to stand up for the victims of biased legislation. While present legislators routinely speak out for whats right when the cameras are running, without community organization to supplement the the motivational speech, true equality--whether it be GLBT equality, or any other group--will never be attained. My advocacy in the community will not cease if I am elected. Rather, it will increase. Noor: Marriage is a basic right I strongly oppose the anti-marriage amendment. My neighbors and colleagues should have the same rights my wife and I share. This is a difcult issue in the Somali community. I look forward to being an advocate on GLBT issues to my fellow Somalis in Minnesota. Ostrow: Equality and justice for the GLBT community is a core conviction. I rst spoke out against Anita Bryants hateful efforts in 1977 at St. Olaf College . As a leader in my faith community, I would help galvanize the progressive faith community behind legislation supporting the GLBT community. As an experienced prosecutor, I will lead on strengthening laws protecting the GLBT community from hate crimes and harassment in our schools. Wagenius: I will be a forceful leader in promoting equality for all Minnesotans. Real progressive change happens only when we work in coalitions and I will work with OutFront Minnesota to defeat the anti-marriage amendment. Then we must work together to advance equality and compassion for GLBT people. Specically, Ill push legislation to combat bullying and promote comprehensive sex education. I spent two years teaching anti-bullying and antisexual harassment education in schools across Minnesota. Question 9 OutFront Minnesota Action Endorsement Why are you seeking OutFront Minnesota Actions endorsement? Dziedzic: I have always been and always will be a strong supporter of the LGBT community and would like to work with you as Senator.

Frey: I am seeking the OutFront Minnesota endorsement because defeating the constitutional amendment to ban marriage for same-sex couples is my top priority as a citizen, and carrying a bill that legalizes marriage for ALL Minnesotans is my NUMBER 1 legislative priority. Noor: I am seeking the OutFront endorsement because I strongly believe in equality for members of the GLBT community. I also look forward to being a liaison to the Somali community to break down misunderstandings and misconceptions many of my fellow Somalis have about GLBT issues. Ostrow: Because your issues go to the core of my belief system and because these issues are very important to the voters in Senate District 59. Wagenius: I share OutFronts goals.

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