Paradise lost

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Paradise Lost, by John Milton, condenses the story of Adam and Eve from Genesis

into an epic poem. Here's the gist:

Satan's Rebellion

● The poem starts with Satan, cast out of Heaven for rebelling against God.

Temptation in Eden

● Envious, Satan seeks revenge and targets Eden, the perfect garden where
Adam and Eve reside.
● Disguised as a serpent, he tempts Eve with the forbidden fruit from the Tree of
Knowledge, promising wisdom and power.

The Fall

● Eve succumbs to temptation and eats the fruit, then shares it with Adam.
● Gaining knowledge comes at a cost. They become aware of their own
mortality and shame, forever changed.

Expulsion and Punishment

● God confronts them, angry at their disobedience.

● He banishes them from Eden, condemning them to hardship and suffering.
● Eve will face pain in childbirth, and Adam will toil for food from unforgiving soil.

A Spark of Hope

● Despite the harsh punishment, God offers solace.

● He hints at redemption through his Son (foreshadowing Jesus).

Facing the Unknown

● With a glimpse of the future, Adam and Eve prepare to leave Eden.
● The poem ends with them venturing into an uncertain world, but armed with
love and the possibility of faith.

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