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Cavite State University – Carmona Campus

Department of BSBA major in Human Resource Management

Film Analysis in Art Appreciation

The Third Party


Submitted to:

Ms. Kristhine Marasigan


Submitted by:

Bañega, Anjinelle Kieth B.

Cinco, Benjie P.

De Vera, John Carlo M.

Rudinas, Bianca Elaine C.

(a) What makes the film different from the other performances like theater or dance?

Films offers a unique advantage of integrating different art forms such as cinematography,
editing, sound and music, and visual effects that create experiences that aren't available in
theatre or dance. Second, films have the advantage of appealing to a broader audience and can
be watched multiple times where the viewer can come up with a different analysis every time.
Like for example 'The Third Party' film directed by Jason Paul Laxamana in 2016, shows the
ability to employ cinematographic shots through the application of camera work, illumination,
and prospect of framing that evoke feelings and character interplay. The editing of the film
contributes to the pacing of the film as well. Accompanying sounds also contribute to setting the
mood and atmosphere of the film, including music and dialogue used throughout the film. In the
same respect, the outfits that characters wear as well as the appearance of the sets are also
visually stunning. Of course, the cast does a fantastic job of portraying the characters and their
emotions, desires, and struggles. Finally, the screenplay and dialogue are major components of
the artwork that concern the film's plot and the character's communication.

(b) Does the current ticket price prevent you from watching films in

The current ticket price for watching films can sometimes make it difficult for me to go to the
cinema. I used to go to the cinemas before because tickets were cheaper. But now, some
cinemas require you to buy snacks and drinks from them, and those snacks can be really
expensive. It feels like I'm not just paying for the film but for snacks too. This makes going to the
cinemas less affordable than before. So, now, going to the cinemas isn't something I can do all
the time, because the rising prices make me think twice before going. It's more like a treat for
special occasions because it costs more money.

(c) Summary of the movie assigned to the group

"The Third Party" is a Filipino romantic comedy film that follows the story of Andi, Max, and
Christian. Andi, an events manager who aspires to be a fashion designer, and Max, a cosmetic
surgeon who both find ways to keep their relationship intact after a breakup. Andi reconnects
with her ex-boyfriend, Max, who is now in a same-sex relationship with his partner, Christian,
who works as a pediatrician, doctor for children. Max and Christian are in a stable, loving
relationship. However, their world turns upside down when Andi asks to stay with them
temporarily. The three of them go through an awkward and humorous situation, leading to
misunderstandings and realizations about love and relationships. Throughout the film, Andi
faces her feelings for Max while also developing a close bond with Christian. The film highlights
themes of acceptance, friendship, and the different forms of love. It also tackles how a person
gets to know more about himself/herself.

(d) Elements of Film Analysis

1. "The Third Party" is primarily a romantic comedy. It blends elements of romance and humor,
focusing on the complexities of modern relationships, personal growth, and acceptance,
particularly in the context of LGBTQ+ themes.

Is the scene in full color? Sepia?

2. "The Third Party" features cinematography in full color. The vibrant and dynamic use of color
supports the film's romantic comedy genre, enhancing the emotional tone and visual appeal of
the scenes. The colorful cinematography complements the lighthearted and heartfelt narrative,
making the film visually engaging for the audience.

Does the lighting help set the mood?

2.2 Yes, the lighting in the film "The Third Party" plays a significant role in setting the mood and
enhancing the storytelling. In this film, a variety of lighting techniques are employed: soft, natural
lighting is often used in romantic and emotional scenes to create an intimate and genuine feel,
while bright and vibrant lighting is common in comedic and lighthearted moments, emphasizing
the fun and lively aspects of the story. Moody or dramatic lighting appears in more serious or
reflective scenes to convey deeper emotions and tension. Overall, the lighting in "The Third
Party" is designed to complement the film's romantic and comedic elements, helping to immerse
the audience in the story and connect with the characters' experiences.

Does the setting indicate where the characters are?

2.3 Yes, the setting in "The Third Party" effectively indicates where the characters are and
provides context for their interactions and development. The film utilizes various locations that
are common in urban Filipino life, such as homes, offices, cafes, and hospitals, to ground the
story in a relatable and realistic environment. These settings not only serve as backdrops for the
characters' experiences but also enhance the narrative by reflecting their lifestyles and personal

Is the wardrobe consistent with period?

2.4 Yes, the wardrobe in in the film is consistent with the contemporary period in which the film
is set. The characters' clothing reflects modern Filipino fashion trends, appropriate for the time
of the film's release in 2016. The wardrobe choices are designed to be relatable and authentic,
helping to convey the personalities, social status, and lifestyles of the characters.

What are the common camera shots used?

2.5 In the film, several common camera shots are prominently used to enhance the storytelling
and emotional depth of the film. Close-up shots are frequently employed to capture the
characters' faces, emphasizing their emotions and reactions during intimate or dramatic
moments. Medium shots are used often in dialogue scenes, showing characters from the waist
up to highlight their interactions and body language. Wide shots/Long shots are utilized to
establish the setting, providing context and showing the characters' positions relative to each
other. There are also instances where Over-the-shoulder shots are common in conversations,
offering a perspective from behind one character while focusing on another, enhancing the
sense of dialogue and connection. These camera techniques work together to draw the
audience into the story, emphasizing the relationships and emotions of the characters while
grounding the narrative in its contemporary setting.

What message or truth is the movie trying to convey?

3. "The Third Party" communicates a message of love, acceptance, and personal growth,
particularly in the context of modern relationships and LGBTQ+ inclusion. Another significant
theme is self-acceptance and the acceptance of others. The characters in the film grapple with
their identities, past mistakes, and evolving feelings, ultimately learning to accept themselves
and each other. This message is especially pertinent in the portrayal of Max and Christian's
relationship, which challenges traditional norms and encourages acceptance of diverse forms of
love. The film also touches on the idea of moving on and finding happiness after setbacks.
Andi's journey of personal growth and career rebuilding highlights the importance of resilience
and the pursuit of one's goals despite obstacles.

Can you easily identify the theme? Do you think the theme is non-existent? Does it
connect with you as the audience?
3.2 Yes, the theme of "The Third Party" is easily identifiable as it revolves around love,
acceptance, and personal growth. These themes are woven throughout the narrative,
influencing the characters' relationships and development. As an audience member, the theme
resonates, as it reflects universal aspects of human experience, such as navigating
relationships, embracing diversity, and striving for self-acceptance. The film's exploration of
these themes adds depth and relatability, connecting with audiences on an emotional level and
prompting reflection on their own lives and relationships.

Did the movie teach you something?

3.3 as an audience it taught me how to love, accept, and grow more as a person. The film
presents scenarios and character arcs that may resonate with viewers, prompting reflection on
their own relationships and attitudes towards diversity and self-acceptance.

Did it make you think introspectively?

3.4 The themes of love, acceptance, and personal growth depicted in the movie resonated with
me, prompting me to reflect on my own relationships, attitudes, and experiences. By presenting
relatable characters and situations, the film inspires introspective thoughts about my values,
beliefs, and interactions with others. Additionally, the challenges faced by the characters and
their journeys of self-discovery encouraged me to consider my own paths and aspirations.

Does the film show any Philippine culture?

4. Yes, "The Third Party" incorporates elements of Philippine culture, particularly in its portrayal
of urban life, social interactions, and familial relationships. While the primary focus of the film is
on universal themes of love, acceptance, and personal growth, it also incorporates cultural
nuances and references that reflect the Filipino context. This might include aspects such as
language usage, social customs, local settings, and familial dynamics, which contribute to the
authenticity and relatability of the story for Filipino audiences. One example of Philippine culture
depicted in "The Third Party" is the emphasis on familial relationships and the concept of
"kapamilya" (family). Throughout the film, viewers see the characters interacting with their
families, seeking advice and support from relatives during moments of joy and struggle. This
emphasis on family ties reflects the importance of familial connections in Filipino culture, where
families often play a central role in individuals' lives, providing emotional support, guidance, and
a sense of belonging.

Is it appropriate for the period?

4.2 Yes, the emphasis on familial relationships and the portrayal of Filipino culture in "The Third
Party" is appropriate for the period in which the film was released (2016). Family is a central
value in Philippine society, and the depiction of strong familial bonds aligns with cultural norms
and traditions. Furthermore, the film's exploration of modern love dynamics and LGBTQ+ issues
represent the changing social climate in the Philippines at the time. "The Third Party" delivers a
realistic representation of Filipino life that resonates with audiences and is relevant to its period
of release by fusing cultural elements with modern concerns.

Who is/are the main character/s in the film?

5. The main characters are Angel Locsin portraying Andi, a go-getter event manager who is
facing unexpected complications in her life. Zanjoe Marudo as Christian, who has a romantic
relationship with Sam Milby as Max who's a surgeon, and Andi's ex-boyfriend.

Who are the supporting characters?

• Alma Moreno as Juliet - Alma Moreno plays the role of Juliet, who is Andi's aunt. Juliet is like a
second mom to Andi, always there to lend a helping hand, especially when it comes to money
• Cherry Pie Picache as Carina Medina - Cherry Pie Picache plays the character Carina Medina,
who is Andi's mother. Carina's role is a mix of past regret and present redemption. When Andi
was young, Carina had to make the tough choice to leave her daughter. Despite the past,
Carina tries to support Andi in any way she can. Carina's character shows the audience the
importance of forgiveness, second chances, and the enduring strength of a mother's love.
• Beauty Gonzalez as Erica - Erica is Andi's friend, but she's more like a sister. Throughout the
movie, Erica's role is to be a constant source of support and encouragement for Andi, helping
her navigate through the ups and downs of life and love.
• Matet de Leon as Lila - Max's sister who’s supportive in keeping Max's true identity hidden
from their parents.

Is your character relatable, multidimensional, and could develop during the film?
• The first character that I relate to is Andi because I understand the struggle of relying on others
and finding it difficult to stand on my own. At times, we all face situations where we feel
uncertain or dependent on those around us for support or guidance. To overcome this, I've had
to believe in myself more and learn to make my own decisions.
• Second, I can understand Max's struggle with lacking the courage to tell his parents about his
true identity. Sometimes, we're scared to tell our loved ones things about ourselves because
we're afraid they won't accept us. Overcoming this kind of fear often involves a journey of
self-acceptance and building confidence in one's own identity.
• Third, Christian’s push people to do what he wants without even asking for their thoughts.
While I might not act exactly like him, I've had times when I've been so focused on what I want
that I forget to think about others. Christian's behavior reminds me that sometimes we need to
stop and listen to other people's opinions instead of just doing what we want. Christian's story
helps me think about being more considerate of others and being a better listener.

Did you feel that you are watching the characters in the story, and not the actor
portraying them?
5.4 Yes, when I watched The Third Party, I felt like I was seeing the characters' real lives, not
just the actors. Angel Locsin, Zanjoe Marudo, and Sam Milby did such a great job, making it
easy for me to connect with their emotions and struggles without being distracted by their
celebrity personas.

Did the actor act as the main character starred in a similar role in another film?
Were there other actors (the supporting characters) who starred in a similar role in
another film?
• Angel Locsin (Andi): She played similar roles in romantic dramas, such as in "One More Try"
(2012), where she also dealt with complex relationship issues.
• Sam Milby (Max): He often stars in romantic dramas and comedies, like in "The Gifted" (2014),
where he was involved in love triangles and complicated relationships.
• Zanjoe Marudo (Christian): He has played similar roles in other romantic comedies, such as in
"My Illegal Wife" (2014), dealing with unconventional romantic situations.

Were the scenes likely to happen in real life?

6. Some of the scenarios are likely to happen in real life, like for example Max's confusion about
his gender identity and Andi's unwanted pregnancy. These are some of the examples of real-life
scenarios that may experience or encounter in different types of living. Also, the abandoning of
parents experienced by Christian can be encountered in a real-life scenario.

Were there any scenes that you think would not happen in real life? If yes, how did it
help with the progression of the story?
6.2 In the movie that I watched, there were no scenes that would not happen in real life. The
events depicted were entirely plausible and realistic, serving to maintain the story's authenticity
and grounding in real-world scenarios.

What was the main conflict in the story?

6.3 The main conflict in the story comes from Andi's unresolved feelings for Max and her
struggle to accept his new relationship. Max and Christian face challenges in their relationship
due to Andi's presence and the complications it introduces such as Max feeling suffocated in
their relationship because he thinks Christian is controlling him, and he's also struggling to figure
out his true feelings for Andi.

Was the conflict resolved in the end? How

6.4 In the end, the conflict is resolved through a journey of acceptance, understanding, and
personal growth for all characters. Andi comes to terms with her feelings and finds closure,
allowing her to move on and focus on her own goals and life. Max and Christian, on the other
hand, strengthen their bond and reaffirm their commitment to each other.

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