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1. Define the following terms

a. Circuit
b. Voltage
c. Resistance

2. Drawing the circuit symbols and state the function of each of the following
a. Ammeter
b. Wire
c. Open Switch
d. Bulb/ light
e. Motor
f. Buzzer
g. Battery

3. Write the unit of measurements for the following.

1. Current
2. Resistance
3. Voltage

4. State two main components that are present in a circuit

5. What direction do electrons flow in a cell?
6. State two examples of a resistor and two examples of a power source
that can be present in a circuit. (RESEARCH)

7. State what happens to electrons when a switch is

a. Open
b. Closed
8. What are the two types of circuits?
9. Explain what happens in a series circuit if one light bulb stops working.
10. Explain why if a bulb stops working in a parallel circuit, the other bulbs still
11. Give an example of a device that uses:
a. Series Circuit
b. Parallel circuits

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