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Users of Financial Information  The duration of the life of the business solely

depends on its owner.

Internal Users are the primary users of financial
information who are inside the reporting entity
 Resources are limited as the capital is provided only
1. Investors/ Owners/ Stockholders - These by the owner.
parties provide the financial resources to keep the  The liability of the owner is unlimited as he or she is
bunn going. They decide to invest or not depending accountable to all creditors of the business.
on the estimated amount of income on the  Infusion of knowledge in the management of the
investment. Upon investment, they would want to business is limited to one person only, which is the
know the financial position or results of operation of owner.
their business investment.  Partnership is a business organization owned and
2. Management Organizational managers use managed by two or more people who agree to
financial information to set goals for their contribute money, property, or industry to a
companies. Managers evaluate their progress common fund for the purpose of earning a profit.
towards these goals and use financial data as a Advantages
guide for future management actions.  There are minimal costs and requirements in the
3. Employees - Although the employees are not formation.
directly involved in the decision making of the  There are more funds contributed from the
company, they are nonetheless interested in the investment of the partners.
financial information of the company to determine if  There is infusion of more knowledge, experience,
they have a future in the company. and skills from two or more partners.
 There can be division of labor between or among
External Users are secondary users of financial partners.
information who are parties outside the company. They Disadvantages
may not be directly involved in the company's operations  The partners are liable for the actions of each
but their decisions may significantly affect the business partner as a result of mutual agency.
entity:  A general partner has unlimited liability if the other
1. Financial Institutions/ Creditors - Before partners are limited partners or are insolvent.
extending credit, financial institutions use financial  Disagreement between or among partners can lead
information to determine the capacity of the to the withdrawal of one or more partners.
business organization to pay its obligations and their  The death, retirement, withdrawal, or incapacity of a
interests at the appropriate time. partner results in the dissolution of the partnership.
2. Government Financial information is important  Admission of a new partner depends upon the
for tax purposes and in checking of compliance with approval of the other partners.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)  Corporation is a form of business organization
requirements. managed by on elected board corpora the ine form a
3. Potential Investors/ Creditors - Before making buind storariers and the unit of ownership is called
an investment or extending credit, potential share of stock.
investors or creditors may not only be interested in Advantages
the company's current financial position and results  The stockholders only have limited liability, as their
of operations, but also in the company's financial liability extends only up to the amount of their
history. This should give them the assurance that capital investment.
their investment will yield a reasonable rate of  A corporation has continuous existence as its life is
return or the credit extended will be paid within a indefinite.
reasonable period of time.  There is more infusion of funds from the
stockholders or investors.
 Sole/ Single Proprietorship is a business owned  Shares of stocks can be transferred without the
and managed by only one person. consent of other shareholders. * Management of the
Advantages corporation is vested upon its board of directors.
 There are minimal costs and requirements in the Disadvantages
formation.  A corporation entails many requirements and is
 The owner can withdraw the assets and profits of more costly than a partnership.
the business anytime at his or her own discretion.  The government exercises strict control over
 Decision making is solely in the hands of the owner. corporations and imposes high
 Shareholders have little or no participation in the
 Distribution of net income depends upon the
declaration of dividends by the board of directors.
 * In large corporations, there is formal or
impersonal relationship between employees and
management due to the big number of employees.
Hence, chances of creating a personal and friendly
atmosphere in the corporate setting are minimal.
 Cooperatives Under Section 3 of Republic Act 6938,
a cooperative is a duly registered association of
persons, with a common bond of interest, who have
voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful
common social or economic end, making equitable
contributions to the capital required and accepting a
fair share of the risks and benefits of the
undertaking in accordance with universally accepted
cooperative principles.
 In short, a cooperative is an association of small
producers and consumers who come together
voluntarily to form a business which they own,
manage, and patronize.
 The prices of products offered to consumers are
lower due to direct purchases of cooperative
members from producers or manufacturers.
 Cooperatives are managed by the members
themselves; thus, saving on of the consumers
management costs which leads to lower prices of
products inuring to the benefit
 There is limited capital due to underprivileged
 The cooperative is strictly for members only and
shares cannot be transferred to non-members.
 Lack of efficient management as it is managed only
by its members

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