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1) The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and to watch the
anchor status.
 01 – Box
 02 – Triangle
 03 – Circle
 04 – Polygon
 05 – Ellipse
2) In order to identify AIS targets on the first glance, it is possible to display the AIS target ID.
 01 – AIS Target
 02 – Display
 03 – Target
 04 – Ship’s ID
 05 – AIS Display
3) AIS message can be sent and stored using the ECDIS.
 01 – Standard Message
 02 – Routine Message
 03 – Urgent Message
 04 – General Message
 05 – Safety Message
4) AIS messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Stored messages are saved in different
trays and displayed in a list.
 01 – IMO Number
 02 – Date (UTC)
 03 – MMSI
 04 – Ship’s Name
 05 – Call Sign
5) In order to identify certain AIS targets faster, it is possible to highlight AIS targets.
 01 – Length
 02 – Type of Ship
 03 – Cargo Category
 04 – Navigation status
 05 – Course
6) Parallel indexing is an essential technique to monitor the ship’s position and maneuver in
correspondence with the radar.
 01 – Course
 02 – Track
 03 – Free
 04 – All
 05 – Individual
7) Parallel indexing is an essential technique to monitor the ship’s position and to maneuver in
correspondence with the radar.
 01 - View
 02 - Maintenance
 03 - User Map
 04 - Settings
 05 - Chart
8) AIS message can be sent and stored using the ECDIS.
 01 – Addressed
 02 – Individual
 03 – Group
 04 – Broadcast
 05 – Station
9) When AIS targets are displayed on the ECDIS, the screen may be cluttered especially in areas
with high traffic density.
 01 – Navigation Status
 02 – Start Angle of a sector
 03 – Timeout
 04 – Ship Type
 05 – Ring Distance


1) Which of the following type of alerts can generally be displayed within the “Alerts” list?
 01 – Alarms
 02 – Dangers
 03 – Warnings
 04 – Cautions
 05 – Notes
2) You are taking over the watch and notice that a “red flashing speaker symbol” is displayed in
the alert indication area of the ECDIS.
 01 – Alarm
 02 – Warning
 03 – Caution
 04 – Unacknowledged
 05 – Silenced
3) During the last voyage the speed sensors was failing several times. You want to check the
exact time of the sensor loss in the ECDIS to write a report.
 01 – Alert Window
 02 – Alert Reference
 03 – Information Reference
 04 – Past Information
 05 – Alert History
4) Once an alert message is triggered, the ECDIS generates an acoustic signal and displays the
alert symbol with the highest priority. How can an alarm, warning or caution be acknowledge?
 01 – Alarms cannot be acknowledged
 02 – By pressing ACK in the status column of the “Alerts” list
 03 – By turning off the buzzer
 04 – By clicking ACK in the alert pop-up window
5) Which of the following groups of chart alerts can be triggered by the system?
 01 – Crossing Safety Contour
 02 – Safety Depth Caution
 03 – Navigational Hazard
 04 – Deep Contour Alarm
 05 – Shallow Contour Warning


1) You have just joined a vessel. Before your first watch you go to the bridge and check the ENC
update Status Report. Please access the “ENC update status
 01 – Ship’s Name
 02 – Data Server
 03 – MMSI
 04 – Date of last update
 05 – Number of installed charts
2) You want to order new ENC charts encrypted format (S-63) from a new chart supplier.
Therefore, you need to send the User Permit of your ECDIS to the new
 01 – S-57 User Permit
 02 – S-57 Cell Permit
 03 – S-63 Cell Permit
 04 – Data Server
 05 – File Server
3) In case of changing the chart supplier you are required your License Information, like S-63
User permit. In the same window where this information is provided
 01 – Nice
 02 – Genoa
 03 – Monaco
 04 – Marseille
 05 – Barcelona
4) You have just joined a vessel. Before your first watch you go to the bridge and check the chart
inventory of the ECDIS with the ENC Update Status Report. Please
 01 – Total
 02 – Expired
 03 – Up to Date
 04 – Unknown
 05 – Installed
5) A port state control officer is inspecting your voyage planning. To demonstrate that your
charts are up to date, you want to open the ENC Update Status
 01 – Information
 02 – Updates
 03 – Summary
 04 – Status Report
 05 – ENCs
6) You have just joined a vessel. Before the previous navigational officer leaves, you want to
check the ENC Status Report. Please use the ENC Update Status
 01 – Cell Name
 02 – Chart Name
 03 – Status
 04 – Last Update
 05 - Version


1) You took the following bearing and range for manual positioning.
 01 – 37⁰48.8’N 122⁰26.1’W
 02 - 37⁰47.8’N 122⁰25.31’W
 03 - 37⁰49.9’N 122⁰25.9’W
 04 - 37⁰48.4’N 122⁰26.7’W
 05 - 37⁰49.0’N 122⁰27.3’W
2) During the planning of your voyage, you want to leave a note to the watch officer that there is
a danger at a specific area. Add a “Caution Detection (Solid Line)” on the
 01 – Line Color
 02 – Area Color
 03 – Area Mark
 04 – Mark Color
 05 – Fill Color
3) You took the following bearings for manual positioning:
 01 – 37⁰49.5’N 122⁰26.7’W
 02 - 37⁰50.3’N 122⁰26.7’W
 03 - 37⁰50.3’N 122⁰28.1’W
 04 - 37⁰48.8’N 122⁰28.1’W
 05 - 37⁰48.8’N 122⁰26.7’W
4) You are navigating a passenger vessel and suddenly a crew member informs you that a
passenger fell into the sea. How can you activate the MOB function on?
 01 – By clicking the MOB Symbol on the right toolbar.
 02 – Via the U Map button and the MOB object
 03 – With the MOB Event button in the left toolbar
 04 – Via MOB in the tools menu
 05 – By selecting MOB in the event window.
5) The “Scale Bar” gives a quick overview of the distances displayed at the current chart scale.
 01 – Blue
 02 – Red
 03 – Green
 04 – Grey
 05 - Black


1) With the Safety Contour value to 20 m, what will happen to chart area?
 01 – Safety contour value will change with 22.5 m on the contour line.
 02 – Safety contour value will change with 24.5 m on the contour line.
 03 – Safety contour value will change with 25.4 m on the contour line.
 04 – Safety contour value will change with 26.8 m on the contour line.
 05 – Safety contour value will change with 27.4 m on the contour line.
2) What is the maximum value for the “Radius” of the Look-ahead sector?
 01 – 3 NM
 02 – 5 NM
 03 – 7 NM
 04 – 10 NM
 05 – 15 NM
3) To have a simplified chart layout for an easy overview, you want to switch from the four
colour mode to the two colour mode.
 01 - Two Color Mode
 02 - Two Shades
 03 - Four Shades
 04 - Two Color On
 05 - Display Simple Mode
4) What “Chart Orientation” modes are NOT available in “True Motion” compared to “Relative
 01 – C Up (Angle Setting)
 02 – C Up
 03 – W Up
 04 – H Up
 05 – N Up
5) You are viewing the chart in Two Shades mode at Day 1 Colors.
 01 – Blue
 02 – Grey
 03 – White
 04 – Black
 05 – Green
6) Please change the display mode to custom and deactivate the chart scale boundaries
 01 – No information
 02 – Standard display is changed
 03 – Standard display is altered
 04 – Standard display is customized.
 05 – Standard display is modified
7) Please deactivate the “Restricted Area” (Special Condition Area) checkbox and make sure the
alert priority is set to “Caution”.
 01 – Special condition area (Cable Area)
 02 – Special condition area (Traffic precautionary)
 03 – Navigational Hazard (AtoN)
 04 – Navigational Hazard (to be avoided)
 05 – Special condition area (Caution Area)


1) Due to the risk of break down of an electronic device, a backup is required.

 01 – An electronic chart display using the provided private charts of the manufacturer.
 02 – The latest edition of the overview charts for the voyage
 03 – A full and updated folio of paper charts as per flag state regulations
 04 – Paper chart printouts supplied by the UKHO
 05 – Type approved hardware running a RCDS
2) You had to steer a full circle as collision avoidance maneuver. To documents what happens,
you activated the past track of your ship and want to save a
 01 – With the Screenshot Track button on the Own Track menu
 02 – Via the Manual Screenshot button in the Right Toolbar
 03 – With the Save a Screenshot button in the Left Toolbar.
 04 – By pressing the Print Screen key in your keyboard.
 05 – Only with an external camera, because there is no screenshot function.
3) You are the navigational officer on board and want to compare an existing route with the
track that was actually used on that voyage. Therefore, you want to check.
 01 – 6 hours
 02 – 12 hours
 03 – 18 hours
 04 – 24 hours
 05 – 30 hours
4) An Inspector asks you to playback information from the last voyage.
 01 – Chart
 02 – Scale
 03 – Colour Mode
 04 – Display Mode
 05 – Motion Mode
5) An Inspector asks you to show him the logs available on your ECDIS
 01 – User Task Log
 02 – User Event Log
 03 – Navigation Alert Log
 04 – Chart Danger Log
 05 – ECDIS Warning Log
6) An Inspector asks you to playback information from the last voyage.
 01 – x0.5
 02 – x1
 03 – x2
 04 – x30
 05 – x60
7) During a waiting period, your vessel has been drifting around the same area for some hours.
The set up past track clutters your screen and you want to reduce its
 01 – 12 hours
 02 – 6 hours
 03 – 1 hour
 04 – 30 minutes
 05 – 5 minutes


1) The following dangers are listed in the “Check Route” window?

 01 – The course angle of leg is beyond the maximum.
 02 – The leg length is shorter the MIN leg length.
 03 – The straight route cannot be created.
 04 – AtoN
 05 – Safety contour
2) Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) rhumline (RL) distance between
the following positions:
 01 – RL 3536 nm
 02 – RL 3602 nm
 03 – RL 3652 nm
 04 – GC 3300 nm
 05 – GC 3357 nm
3) You are starting your round trip around Alcatraz Island.
 01 – 6
 02 – 8
 03 – 10
 04 -12
 05 -14
4) Please create a route with the following waypoints:
 01 – The course angle of leg is beyond the maximum.
 02 – The leg length is shorter the MIN leg length.
 03 – The straight route cannot be created.
 04 – AtoN
 05 – Safety contour
5) Before checking the route for geometric limits, you want to make sure the minimum leg
length is set up correctly.
 01 – 100 m
 02 – 200 m
 03 – The ship length
 04 – double the ship length
 05 – 800 m
6) You are starting your round trip around Alcatraz Island. Please load the route “Around
 01 – COG: 026,4
 02 – COG: 087,0
 03 – COG: 274,7
 04 – Distance: 0.9NM
 05 – Distance: 1.8NM (either sa duha)
7) Please create a route with the following waypoints:
 01 – Distance over all: 122.0 nm
 02 – Distance over all: 124.0 nm
 03 – Distance over all: 133.0 nm
 04 – Time to go: 12:05 h
 05 – Time to go: 12:13 h


1) While maneuvering you want to display your ship with the true scale outline on the chart
 01 – Default Symbol
 02 – Simplified Symbol
 03 – Custom Symbol
 04 – True Scale
 05 – Scale Outline
2) What will happen if you activate a route for monitoring, while another one is already active?
 01 – Both routes will be active.
 02 – The new route will be active.
 03 – The old route will stay active.
 04 – The old route will be deactivated.
 05 – Both routes will be opened in planning mode instead.
3) You are at high seas and plan to use the “Track Control” mode of your vessel. You are sailing a
great circle and need to adjust your course every few hours.
 01 = 01 – 0.5 minutes
 Chart maintenance
 02 – 1 minute
 03 – 2 minutes
 04 – 3 minutes
 05 – 5 minutes
4) There are several fishing vessels on your track, and you have to do collision avoidance
maneuvers within your safe cross track corridor. Therefore, you want to
 01 – 0.0⁰
 02 – 0.1⁰
 03 – 0.5⁰
 04 – 30⁰
 05 – 40⁰
5) During a narrow passage you want to see the way point names directly on the chart, for easy
 01 – Big
 02 – Large
 03 – Medium
 04 – Standard
 05 – Small
6) Please load the route “Around Alcatraz” into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach
WPT 009 “End of route” from your current ship’s position? And how long
 01 – 0.2 NM
 02 – 0.3 NM
 03 – 0.5 NM
 04 – 4 minutes
 05 – 5 minutes
7) You are navigating in heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector. Please access the
respective menu.
 01 – You can activate both vectors at the same time
 02 – You can only activate one vector at a time
 03 – There is only a ground stabilized vector
 04 – You can add vector time marks with a custom interval
 05 -


1) You are sailing in an area with bad GPS satellite coverage. To make sure all officers are aware
of the reliability of the GPS data, you want to set an HDOP alert in the
 01 – 2
 02 – 4
 03 – 8
 04 – 10
 05 – 16
2) You are taking over the watch. During the handover you check the ECDIS and notice that the
position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows the normal/set.
 01 – Valid sensor data
 02 – Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful
 03 – Invalid data
 04 – Sensor not available
 05 – Manual input required.
3) During your voyage you want to have additional sensor information displayed on your ECDIS.
Therefore, please activate the “Sub information” window on your
 01 – Wind True
 02 – Depth
 03 – Wind Relative
 04 – Magnetic Variation
 05 - Current


1) The “Cursor Readout” is a useful tool to quickly check the latitude and longitude of chart
 01 – It is always active and displayed next to the cursor.
 02 – Through the Tools menu
 03 – Through the View menu
 04 – Through the Settings menu
 05 – Via right-click on the own ship
2) The “Tooltips/Infotips” display information of chart objects when hovering the mouse over
the object.
 01 – Colour: White
 02 – Fog Signal: 3 long
 03 – Category of landmark: tower
 04 – Height: 25.6m
 05 – Pattern: horizontal stripes
3) If, for any reason, your ECDIS (as part of the multifunctional workstation) needs to be turned
off, what is the proper procedure to do it?
 01 – Press the power button on the Trackball operation unit.
 02 – Select the Main menu option and then Exit
 03 – Select the Shut Down button from the tool bar.
 04 – Press and hold the Alt key and while holding press the X
 05 – Press and hold the Ctrl key and while holding press the Delete keyboard button.
4) The “Tooltips/Infotips” display information of chart objects when hovering the mouse over
the object.
 01 – Via the Tooltips/Infotips checkbox in the right toolbar
 02 – Through the Tools menu
 03 – In the View-Options window
 04 – In the Settings window
 05 – Via a right-click on the own ship
5) It’s getting darker outside and you need to adjust the ambient light condition on your system
to ensure a more convenient view.
 01 – Day 1
 02 – Day 4
 03 – Dusk
 04 – Dawn
 05 – Night
6) You adjusted the ambient light conditions on your system to “Night.” However, due to the
special light conditions you want to customize the color of specific
 01 – Dialog
 02 – Windows
 03 – Character
 04 – Letters
 05 – Own symbol / HL / Vector
7) The “Multi Dial” can be customized to the users needs.
 01 – Past Track Length
 02 – Motion Mode
 03 – Display Mode
 04 – Panel Brightness
 05 – Vector Time


1) You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second independent ECDIS. As
a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to
 01 – The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS.
 02 – The only approved backup is a second ECDIS.
 03 – You need a full portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing independent of any
flag state regulations.
 04 – The paper charts need to be up to date.
 05 – It is sufficient to carry the T & P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever
get used.
2) Please deactivate the “Restricted Area” (Special Condition Area) checkbox and make sure the
alert priority is set to “Caution.”
 01 – Special Condition Area (Cable Area)
 02 – Special Condition Area (Traffic Precautionary)
 03 – Navigational Hazard (AtoN)
 04 – Navigational Hazard (To be avoided)
 05 – Special Condition Area (Caution Area)
3) What is the currently set Safety Depth value and what checkbox has to be activated or
deactivated to display the danger symbol in shallow waters?
 01 – Safety Depth is 7 meters
 02 – Safety Depth is 9 meters
 03 – Safety Depth is 11 meters
 04 – checkbox: Shallow Water Dangers

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