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2 Semester S.Y. 2023 - 2024


NCM 116 LEC - ACTIVITY #6 & 7


Juanitas, Jade Dianne

BSN 3-3
The video discussion on eye disorders, their causes, manifestations, and the corresponding
nursing management offered a comprehensive overview of a critical area in healthcare. This
informative session covered various eye conditions, such as trauma to the eye and related structures,
and infectious and inflammatory conditions, and disorders of the conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea, and
retinal disorders. The detailed explanations provided by the discussion highlighted the importance of
early detection and proper management in preventing complications and preserving vision.

For me, watching the video discussion evoked a mix of emotions, primarily intrigue and
concern. Intrigue stemmed from the complex and fascinating nature of the human eye and its
disorders. Learning about the intricate mechanisms and the myriad of factors that can lead to eye
conditions was intellectually stimulating. However, this was coupled with a sense of concern, as the
reality of these disorders and their impact on individuals' quality of life became apparent. The
discussion underscored the vulnerability of vision and the critical need for diligent eye care, reminding
me of the profound responsibility healthcare professionals carry in safeguarding this vital sense.

The video discussion was highly educational, enhancing my understanding of both the
physiological and pathological aspects of eye disorders. Key takeaways included the identification of
risk factors for common eye conditions, such as age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. The session
emphasized the importance of routine eye examinations in early detection and the role of patient
education in preventive care. I also learned about specific nursing management strategies, such as
administering prescribed medications, assisting with vision aids, and providing emotional support to
patients coping with vision loss. The discussion reinforced the critical role of nurses in implementing
comprehensive care plans that address both the physical and psychological needs of patients with eye

The insights gained from this video discussion will significantly inform my approach to patient
care in the clinical setting. Understanding the causes and manifestations of various eye disorders will
enable me to identify early signs and symptoms, facilitating prompt referrals to specialists. The
knowledge of nursing management strategies will be applied to ensure holistic care, emphasizing not
only treatment but also patient education and support. I will strive to incorporate regular eye health
assessments into patient evaluations and advocate for preventive measures, such as protective
eyewear and lifestyle modifications. Furthermore, this discussion has inspired a commitment to
continuous learning and staying updated on advancements in eye care, ensuring that my practice
remains evidence-based and patient-centered. Overall, the video discussion on eye disorders, their
causes, manifestations, and nursing management was both enlightening and impactful. It deepened
my appreciation for the complexity of eye health and highlighted the pivotal role of nurses in managing
these conditions. By integrating this knowledge into my practice, I aim to enhance patient outcomes
through early detection, effective management, and compassionate care. The session served as a
valuable reminder of the importance of vision and the collective effort required to preserve it.

The video discussed about ear anatomy, examinations, evaluation of gross auditory acuity,
diagnostic tests, and conditions of the ear, along with their clinical manifestations and medical and
nursing management, provided an in-depth and fascinating look into an essential aspect of healthcare.
The session began with a detailed explanation of the anatomy of the ear, breaking down the structure
and functions of the outer, middle, and inner ear. This was followed by a demonstration of various ear
examination techniques, such as the use of an otoscope to inspect the ear canal and eardrum, and
the performance of tuning fork tests to assess hearing acuity. As a nursing student, this
comprehensive session was particularly enlightening. It explored into the structure and function of the
ear, methods for assessing hearing, and various diagnostic tools used to identify ear-related issues.
The discussion also covered several ear conditions such as congenital anomalies, cerumen impaction,
tympanic membrane perforation, otitis externa, otitis media, and Meniere’s disease. Each condition
was discussed in terms of its causes, symptoms, and both medical and nursing management
The video discussion was incredibly educational, providing me with a wealth of knowledge that
I can apply in my future nursing practice. I learned about the detailed anatomy of the ear, including the
outer, middle, and inner ear, and their roles in the hearing process. The session also taught me
various techniques for conducting ear examinations and evaluating gross auditory acuity, such as
using an otoscope and performing tuning fork tests. Understanding these techniques is crucial for
identifying hearing issues in patients. Additionally, I gained insights into diagnostic tests which are
essential for diagnosing specific ear conditions. The discussion on common ear disorders, their clinical
manifestations, and the appropriate medical and nursing management provided me with practical
knowledge that will be invaluable in clinical settings.

The insights gained from this video discussion will greatly influence my approach as I continue
my nursing education and begin my clinical practice. With a deeper understanding of ear anatomy and
function, I will be more confident in performing thorough ear examinations and accurately evaluating
auditory acuity. The knowledge of diagnostic tests will help me understand and interpret test results,
facilitating better collaboration with specialists for accurate diagnoses. Knowing the clinical
manifestations and management strategies for various ear conditions will enable me to provide
comprehensive care, including patient education on preventing ear infections and managing chronic
ear conditions. This discussion has reinforced the importance of continuous learning and staying
updated on advancements in audiology, ensuring that I can provide evidence-based, patient-centered
care. The video discussion was both enlightening and inspiring. It deepened my appreciation for the
complexity of the auditory system and highlighted the critical role of nurses in managing ear health. By
integrating this knowledge into my nursing practice, I aim to enhance patient outcomes through
thorough examinations, effective management, and comprehensive patient education. This session
has inspired a commitment to continuous professional development, ensuring that I can provide the
highest standard of care to patients with ear-related issues. As a nursing student, this discussion has
equipped me with essential knowledge and skills that will be foundational in my journey to becoming a
competent and compassionate nurse.

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