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Department Accounting and Finance

Assignment for: General Psychology


Part I: Match Ideas in Column ‘A’ with Ideas in Column ‘B’

A. Classical conditioning E. Basic physiological needs
B. Operant Conditioning F. Belongingness and love needs
C. Dependent variable G. Rationalization
D. Independent variable H. Sublimation
1________.A variable manipulated by the experimenter to determine its effect on another,
dependent, variable.
2_________ A variable manipulated by the experimenter to determine its effect on another,
independent, variable
3_________is when a subject learns to associate its behavior with the consequence of its
4._________ a form of learning which was discovered in the Leningrad (Russia) laboratory of
Ivan Pavlov.
5.__________Basic survival needs, including food, water, and shelter
6.__________Affiliation with friends and companions, a supportive family, group identification
and an intimate relationship
7__________A young man who was stood up for a date says she was ugly anyways.

Part II : Fill in the blank space

1. Frustration is to some extent avoided and postponed by the individual when he/she
succeeds in ------------------------ that some one is to be blamed for his/her failure
2. The reaction to frustration takes the farm of ------------------- behavior
3. If the vocational counselor wants to be maximum help; he/she must be sensitive to the
----------------------- of the individual
4. Reducing absenteeism is among the ways of in moving the profits of business. (circle the
letter of the correct answer)………………….. True/False
5. An structure defines how the job tasks are formally, ---------------------, -------------------
and ----------------------.
6. Change options for change agents are?
a) ---------------------- b) -------------------- c) ---------------------- D)------------------------
7. A test that measures just how good a person is at his/her trade is known as
8. What is learning?
9. The four goals of the science of psychology are


4. ______________________________________________
10. Mentally deficient individuals are subdivided in to:
a.________________________ b.______________________c,_____________________

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