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Saint Patrick’s College – 5° B 2024 Language

Student: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

Test: Unit 1
1) Look and write the words. Then find them in the word search.
Saint Patrick’s College – 5° B 2024 Language

2) Look and complete the story in the past continuous. Use the words from the

3) Read and circle the correct words.

a. While my cat was washing / drinking milk, my brother was buying/playing basketball.

b. While my sister was dancing/ writing to her favourite music, my cousin was watching /

making a sandwich.

c. While my father was washing / looking the car, my mother was reading/cooking a book.

d. While my dog was playing / drinking with a ball, I was eating / dancing a pizza.

e. While my grandfather was sleeping / shopping under a tree, my grandmother was

laughing /listening to the radio.

Saint Patrick’s College – 5° B 2024 Language

4) Find the words and use them to complete the sentences.

a. Around 90% of earthquakes happen in the Ring of Fire.

b. Look! There’s lots of ______________ coming out of the volcano!

c. Most volcanoes happen near a plate _______________.

d. The _____________ blew the roofs off many houses and turned cars upside down.

e. The rich Romans had lots of ___________ who worked for them.

f. We couldn’t go skiing because there was a danger of an ____________ in the

Saint Patrick’s College – 5° B 2024 Language

5) Listen and write. There is one example.

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