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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Judicial Region


IN RE: Petition for the Compulsory SP

Confinement of Drug Dependent

Who Refuses to Apply Under the

Voluntary Submission Program


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COME NOW the Petitioner, Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB for brevity) and unto this
Honorable Court most respectfully AVER:


1. This Petition for the compulsory confinement of

a drug dependent is pursuant to Section 61, Article VIII of RA 9165, otherwise
known as the “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, in relation to
Board Regulation No. 3, Series of 2003;


2. The Petitioner, Dangerous Drugs Board is a government agency under the

Office of the President is created pursuant to Section 77, Article IX of RA
9165, otherwise known as “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”,
with office address located at 3rd Floor, DDB-PDEA Building, NIA Northsite
Road, National Government Center, East Triangle, Diliman, Quezon City,
represented herein by its Executive Director, Undersecretary JOSE
MARLOWE S. PEDREGOSA while the drug
dependent subject of this Petition is a Filipino, of legal age, single with
residence and postal address at

3. That under Section 61, Article VIII of the Act, any person determined to be
dependent on dangerous drugs, shall upon Petition by the Board or by any
duly authorized representative be confined for treatment and rehabilitation in
a center duly designated or accredited for the purpose;

4. That based on the report given to the Office by initial

investigation was conducted by the Petitioner and found that there is good
reason to believed that is a drug dependent and that
his confinement for treatment and rehabilitation in any government
rehabilitation center will be for the welfare of the drug dependent, his family
and the community as a whole,

5. That said drug dependent, despite repeated advice, refuse to submit himself
to be examined by a DOH-accredited physician and likewise refused to
submit himself for voluntary confinement, treatment and rehabilitation, hence,
this Petition.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most respectfully prayed of this Honorable
Court that after notice and hearing and finding to be a drug dependent,
an Order be issued:

1. Directing the drug dependent, or any person / institution having

custody of the said drug dependent to confine him for not less than six (6) months
but not more than one (1) year at the , and to stay
therein until such time as he shall have been rehabilitated as a certified to by the said
Center and return to Court for his discharge there from.

2. Directing the head of the said Center to submit a quarterly report to the Court and the
Board or as often, as required on the progress of the treatment.

QUEZON CITY, this day of , 2013.



OIC, Executive Director

Legal Officer, DDB

Duly Authorized Representative

With my Conformity:

I, JOSE MARLOWE S. PEDREGOSA, filipino, of legal age, the Executive Director / duly
authorized representative of the Dangerous Drugs Board, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance to law, hereby depose and state:

1. That I am the Petitioner in this Petition for Compulsory Confinement for Treatment
and Rehabilitation of a drug dependent who refuse to voluntarily submission for
treatment and rehabilitation under Section 61, Article VIII of RA 9165;

2. That I caused the preparation and filing of the foregoing Petition and found that all
the allegations therein are true and correct according to my own knowledge and

3. I hereby certify that the office have not commenced any action involving the same
issue before any Court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and, to the best of my
knowledge, no such action or claim is pending therein. If I hereafter learned that the
same or similar action or claim has been filed or pending therein, I undertake to
inform this Honorable Court of said fact within five (5) days therefrom.


OIC, Executive Director

Legal Officer, DDB

Duly Authorized Representative

SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this day of 2013, in

, affiant / Petitioner exhibited to me her Government valid ID
issued on by .

Notary Public
Doc. No.
Book No.
Page No.
Series of 2013


By virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned under Board

Regulation No 3, Series of 2007, dated June 6, 2007, designation is hereby issued
to Atty. CESAR G. POSADA, Legal Consultant of the Dangerous Drugs Board,
with office address at 3rd Floor, DDB-PDEA Bldg., NIA North site Road,
National Government Center Quezon City dated July 27, 2010 as the duly
authorized Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Representative is hereby RENEWED,
effective July 27, 2012. Accordingly, you are hereby authorized and mandated to
perform the following specific duties and responsibilities under the Voluntary /
Compulsory Submission Program, to wit:
1.) To receive verified applications for Voluntary / Compulsory
Confinement for treatment and rehabilitation;
2) To order the drug dependency examination of the applicant or
the person in whose behalf the application is filed by a DOH -
accredited physician;
3) To order the temporary confinement, not exceeding fifteen (15)
days, of the drug dependent;
4) To file the petition for voluntary / compulsory confinement for
treatment and rehabilitation, for and in behalf of the Board,
with the appropriate Court;
5) To appear and represent the Board during the hearing of the
petition with authority to make stipulation of facts;
6) To designate the Center where the drug dependent shall be
confined or the DOH-accredited physician in whose care the
drug dependent shall be placed under;

7) To receive reports from the head of the Center or DOH-

accredited physician regarding the status of the drug
dependent; and

8) To furnish the Board with copies of all applications, issued

orders, petitions and other pleadings, reports and other
documents in connection with the exercise of their delegated

This designation shall be valid for a period of one (1) year unless further renewed.
Any violation in the performance of the above duties and responsibilities shall be a
ground for the revocation of this authority.

Signed this 22nd day of May, in the year of our Lord, 2013 in Quezon City, Philippines.


OIC, Executive Director

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