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Seat Number

ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037



Land Laws (524)
P. Pages : 4
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being
used for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

The Mamlatdar's Court Act 1906

1. What are the powers of the mamlatdar under the mamlatdar court s 16
Act? Discuss in detail.
Write short notes on any two of the following.
i) Revisional power of the collector.
ii) Requirement of valid plaint.
iii) Execution of mamlatdar's order.

The Maharashtra Land Revenue Code. 1966

2. Explain the procedure when a person wants to convert the use of 16

Agricultural land for any other non -Agricultural purpose.
What is record of Right? State the procedure for entering the name
into the record of Right.

The Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act 1948

3. Write short notes on any two of the following. 16

a) Ceiling Area and Economic Holding.
b) Person to be deemed tenants.
c) Grounds for termination of tenancy.
d) Agricultural land tribunal.

ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037 1 P.T.O

ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037
Maharashtra Rent Control Act 1999

4. What is standard rent and permitted increase? When can landlord 16

increase the rent of the premises?
Write short notes on the following.
a) Appeal under Maharashtra Rent control Act.
b) Essential services or supply.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following. 16

i) Eviction for repairs of premises.
ii) Alluvial land.
iii) Permitted increase.
iv) Revenue Commissioner, his power and duties.
v) Protected tenant.
vi) Personal bonafide requirement under the Maharashtra Rent
Control Act.

6. Attempt any four of the following. 20

a) A and B hold lands adjacent to an artificial water -course, which

was hither to be exclusively used by B. A. draws water there
from B wants to restrain A from doing so by an injunction .
Advise B.

b) The right of grazing cattle on free pasturage land belonging to

the village or assigned to the village is only available for the
cattle of village only. Decide as per Maharashtra Land
Revenue Code.

c) 'A' the lessor give 'B' the lessee a notice to quit the property
leased. The notice expires, B tenders and accepts rent which
has become due in respect of the property since the ex piration
of the notice. Is the notice waived as per the Bombay Tenancy
& A. L. Act.

d) 'A' the landlord for the purpose to vacate his premises from B
the tenant ask his son to cut-off water supply of B. Advice B.

e) 'A' the tenant gives an licence the part of premises to B, can

'A' do so.


ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037 2
ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037

½ãÀãŸãè Á¹ããâ¦ãÀ
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100
Ôãî Þ ã¶ãã :-
1. ¹ãÆͶã¹ããä¨ã‡ãñŠÌãÀ ºãõŸ‡ãŠ ‰ãŠ½ããâ‡ãŠããäÍãÌãã¾ã ‡ãŠãÖãèÖãè ãäÊãÖî ¶ã¾ãñ.
2. ØãÆã¹ãŠ ãä‡ãŠâÌãã ‚ãã‡ãðŠ¦ããè ‡ãŠã¤¥¾ããÔããŸãè ¹ãñ¹ãÀ Ôããñ¡ãäÌã¦ããâ¶ãã ‡ãŠãß¿ãã ÍããƒÃÞãã ¹ãñ¶ã ‚ã©ãÌãã ‡ãŠãßãè †Þãá. ºããè. ¹ãñ¶ÔããèÊãÞã
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4. ƒâØãÆ•ããè Ìã ½ãÀãŸãè ¼ããÓããâ¦ãÀã½ã£¾ãñ ‡ãŠãÖãè ÔãâãäªØ£ã¦ãã ‚ãÔãʾããÔã ¦¾ããÌãñßãè ½ãîß ¹ãÆͶã¹ããä¨ã‡ãŠã ƒâØãÆ•ããè ¼ããÓãñ¦ããèÊã ØãÆãÖ¿ã
£ãÀ¥¾ãã¦ã ¾ããÌããè.
5. ÔãÌãà ¹ãÆζ㠂ããä¶ãÌãã¾ãà ‚ããÖñ¦ã.
6. „•ã̾ãã ºãã•ãìÞãñ ‚ãâ‡ãŠ ÔãÌãà Øãì¥ã ªÎãÃÌã¦ãã¦ã.

½ãã½ãÊãñªãÀ ¶¾ãã¾ããÊã¾ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã - 1906

1. ½ãã½ãËñªãÀ ¶¾ãã¾ãã˾㠂ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ãã ¶ãìÔããÀ ½ãã½ã˦ãªãÀãÔã ‚ãÔãËñʾãã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãÞããè ÔããäÌãÔ¦ãÀ ÞãÞããà ‡ãŠÀã. 16


ã䛹ãã ãäËÖã ‡ãŠãñ¥ã¦¾ããÖãè ªãñ¶ã.

1) ãä•ãÊÖããä£ã‡ãŠãžããâÞãñ ¹ãî¥ãÃãäÌãËãñ‡ãŠ¶ããÞãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀ.
2) ‡ãŠã¾ãªñãäÎãÀ ªã̾ããÔã ‚ãÌãξã‡ãŠ Ü㛇ãŠ.
3) ½ãã½ã˦ãªãÀãÞãã ãä¶ã¥ãþ㠂ã½ãËã¦ã ‚ãã¥ã¥¾ããÞããè ¹ã£ª¦ã.

½ãÖãÀãÓ›È •ã½ããè¶ã ½ãÖÔãîÊã ‡ãŠãñ¡ - 1966

2. •ãñÌÖã †Œãã²ãã ̾ã‡ã‹¦ããèÔã ‚ãã¹ãËãè Îãñ¦ã•ã½ããè¶ã ‚ã‡ãðŠÓããè‡ãŠ ¹ãƾããñ•ã¶ããÔããŸãè Ìãã¹ãÀãÌã¾ããÞããè ‚ãÔãʾããÔã, ¦¾ããÔããŸãè ‚ãÔãËñʾãã 16
ãäÌããäÎãÓ› ¹ã£ª¦ããèÞããè ÔããäÌãÔ¦ãÀ ÞãÞããà ‡ãŠÀã.


‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãä¼ãËñŒã¶ã ½Ö¥ã•ãñ ‡ãŠã¾ã? ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãä¼ãËñŒãã¦ã ¶ããÌã ¶ããòª¥ããèÔããŸãè ‚ãÔãËñʾã㠹㣪¦ããèÞããè ½ãããäÖ¦ããè ²ãã.

½ãìâºãƒÃ ÌããäÖÌãã› ‚ãããä¥ã Íãñ¦ã •ã½ããè¶ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã - 1948

3. ã䛹ãã ãäËÖã ‡ãŠãñ¥ã¦¾ããÖãè ªãñ¶ã. 16

1) ‡ãŠ½ããË àãñ¨ã ‚ãããä¥ã ãä¶ãÌããÃև㊠àãñ¨ã. 2) ‡ãìŠßÌããäÖÌãã› Ôã½ã㹦㠇ãŠÀ¥¾ããºããºã¦ã Îã¦ããê.

3) ‡ãìŠß ½Ö¥ãì¶ã ½ãã¶ããÌã¾ããÞãã ̾ã‡ã‹¦ããè. 4) Îãñ¦ã •ã½ããè¶ã ËÌããª.

ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037 3 P.T.O

ãä¶ã¶ã㪠- 037
½ãÖãÀãÓ›È ¼ãã¡ñ ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ã ‡ãŠã¾ãªã - 1999

4. ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ¼ãã¡ñ ½Ö¥ã•ãñ ‡ãŠã¾ã? ‚ãããä¥ã ¦ãñ ãä‡ãŠ¦ããè ¹ã¾ãæã Ìãã¤ãäÌã¦ãã ¾ãñ¦ãñ, ÜãÀ½ããˇ㊠‡ãŠ£ããè ¼ãã¡ñ Ìã㤅 Îã‡ãŠ¦ããñ ¦ãñ ãäËÖã. 16


ã䛹ãã ãäËÖã.
1) ½ãÖãÀãÓ›È ¼ãã¡ñ ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ‚ã¹ããèË.
2) ‚ããä¶ãÌãã¾ãà ÔãñÌãã.

5. ã䛹ãã ãäËÖã ‡ãŠãñ¥ã¦¾ããÖãè ÞããÀ. 16

1) ªìÂÔ¦ããèÔããŸãè •ããØãã ãäÀ‡ãŠã½ããè ‡ãŠÂ¶ã Üãñ¥ãñ.

2) ¹ãÀÌãã¶ãØããè ‚ãÔãËñËãè Ìãã¤.

3) ÔãâÀãäàã¦ã ‡ãìŠßñ.

4) ½ãÖÔãìË ‚ãã¾ãì‡ã‹¦ããÞãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀ Ìã •ãºããºãªãžãã.

5) ½ãÖãÀãÓ›È ¼ãã¡ñ ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ã ‡ãŠã¾ãª²ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ̾ã‡ã‹¦ããèØã¦ã ‚ããÌãξã‡ãŠ¦ãã.

6. ŒããËãèË ¹ãõ‡ãŠãè ÞããÀ „ªãÖÀ¥ãñ Ôããñ¡Ìãã. 20

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