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2. Main Part of a Presentation

Body language

Signposting phrases

Talking about difficult issues

Referring to other points

Adding ideas

Body language quiz (sometimes more than answer is possible)

You’re giving a presentation…


Body language quiz (sometimes more than answer is possible)

You’re giving a presentation…

1. Listen to these excerpts from four different presentations. Write the

number of the presentation next to the topic.

short-time work □ insurance market □

handbooks □ transport regulations □


2. Listen again to how the presenters talk about the purpose of their talks.
Complete the sentences.

I'd like to do

purpose major development

want to do


3. Use the notes to write sentences which can be used to state the purpose
of a presentation. (put in prepositions and other words where necessary.)

1. purpose of talk today / update you / new developments / R & D

The purpose of our talk today is to update you on new developments in R&D.

2. what I want to do / present alternatives / existing booking procedures

What I want to do is to present alternatives to existing booking procedures.

3. my aim / show / how cut costs/ IT support

My aim is to show how to cut costs in IT support.

4. objective of presentation / give overview / British job market

The objective of presentation is to give overview of the British job market.
5. our goal / determine / sales targets / next year
Our goal is to determine the sales targets for next year.
6. here today/ report/ company’s investment plans
I am here today to report the company's investment plans. 3

4. An expert is talking about the Traffic Support Centre (TSC) in her city.
Listen to the talk and put the points below in the order she mentions them.

 a. what the TSC does (main activities)

 b. how traffic data is collected.

 c. why the TSC was started

 d. how motorists benefits from the system

 e. how traffic information is given to motorists

Now listen to the presentation again and complete the sentences



‘Signposting’ phrases Transitional phrases

(guide the audience through a presentation).

5. Complete this box of useful phrases with highlighted phrases from

presentation on TSC.

So, let me give you a brief overview

Let's move on to the next point

Let's now turn to the next issue

This now leads us to my next point


5. Complete this box of useful phrases with highlighted phrases from

presentation on TSC.

So, that's the background

So much for

Let me now come back to what I said earlier

As I said learlier

6. Make ‘signpost’ sentences using elements from each column.


7. Complete the sentences with words from the box.




10. Complete these sentences from the presentation with the correct form of

accept / cope / deal / have / identify / prevent / run / solve

A. As you know, we ______________ currently _______________difficulties with our new men’s
cosmetic line.

B. I’d like to quickly ______________ the problems and then make some suggestions on how we
can _____________ with consequences.

C. We’ve been trying to ____________ with these problems – the delays, the poor quality – all
along, but so far we’ve not been able to find ways to __________them from happening again.

D. It’s clear we can no longer continue to ____________ these conditions.

E. If we ______________ (not) our supply problems within the next two weeks, we
____________ into serious troubles with respect to our Christmas business.

Talking about (difficult) issues

Referring to other points


Adding ideas

11. Choose the correct verb to fit the sentence.


12. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

It’s your turn.

 Prepare the main part of the

PROPOSAL presentation
using phrases from this unit.

 Use the checklist to help.

1. Signal the beginning of each part.
2. Talk about your topic.
3. Signal the end of each part.
4. Highlight the main points.
5. Outline the main ideas in bullet-point form
6. Tell the listeners you’ve reached the end of the main part.


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