Hainan Ground Operation Manual

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Operation Management Manual


Hainan Airlines Holding Co.,Ltd.

Ground Operation Manual

Issued by:

Approved by:

Control state: controlled document

Distribution No.: E

Version: The second edition

Date of issuing:May 30th,2021

Ground Operation Manual
Table of Contents

Charter Title Page

0 Manual Overview ......................................................................... 0.1-1

0.1 Declaration of Hainan Airlines’ President ..................................... 0.1-1

0.2 Manual Description........................................................................ 0.2-1

0.3 Manual Management ..................................................................... 0.3-1

0.4 Manual Training and Supervision ................................................. 0.4-1

0.5 Manual Revision Notes and Record .............................................. 0.5-1

0.6 Distribution Records ...................................................................... 0.6-1

0.7 List of valid pages .......................................................................... 0.7-1

1 Organization Institution and Responsibility ............................. 1.1-1

1.1 Organization Structure ................................................................... 1.1-1

1.2 Organization Functions and Management Responsibilities .......... 1.2-1

2 General Requirements................................................................. 2.1-1

2.1 Passenger and Baggage’s Safety and Security .............................. 2.1-1

2.2 Liability and Compensation of Air Transportation ....................... 2.2-1

2.3 Apron Safety .................................................................................. 2.3-1

2.4 Safety during Refueling and Discharging ..................................... 2.4-1

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Ground Operation Manual
2.5 Command gesture .......................................................................... 2.5-1

3 Passenger Service ......................................................................... 3.1-1

3.1 General Requirement ..................................................................... 3.1-1

3.2 Check-in ......................................................................................... 3.2-1

3.3 Boarding......................................................................................... 3.3-1

3.4 Stopover (Transit) .......................................................................... 3.4-1

3.5 Inbound (Arrival) Service .............................................................. 3.5-1

3.6 Transfer Service ............................................................................. 3.6-1

3.7 Special Assistant Service ............................................................... 3.7-1

3.8 Upgrade and Oversold ................................................................... 3.8-1

3.9 Irregular Flight ............................................................................. 3.9-32

3.10 Suspected of smuggling, refusal of entry, and deportation plans3.10-1

4 Baggage Service............................................................................ 4.1-1

4.1 Definition and Classification of Baggage ...................................... 4.1-1

4.2 Restrictions on Baggage Transport................................................ 4.2-1

4.3 The Right of Refusing Carriage and Inspection ............................ 4.3-1

4.4 Restrictions on Package, Weight and Size of Baggage ................. 4.4-1

4.5 Free Baggage Allowance and Excessive (exceed the limit) Baggage4.5-1

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Ground Operation Manual
4.6 Declared Value of Baggage ........................................................... 4.6-1

4.7 Baggage Handling Procedure ........................................................ 4.7-1

4.8 Rules on International Transfer Baggage ...................................... 4.8-1

4.9 Transportation of special baggage-Sport Equipment .................... 4.9-1

4.10 Transportation of Special Baggage-Electronics and Musical Instruments


4.11 Transportation of Special Baggage-Passenger Need Assistance4.11-1

4.12 Transportation of Special Baggage-Camping Equipment ......... 4.12-1

4.13 Transportation of Special Baggage-Others................................ 4.13-1

4.14 Special Transportation Method for Baggage ............................. 4.14-1

4.15 Operation Procedure of transporting non-hazardous aviation materials,

equipment, tools and accompanying documents/items as baggage... 4.15-1

4.16 Handing Abnormal Circumstances in Baggage Transport ........ 4.16-1

4.17 Abnormal Baggage Standards for International Transfers ........ 4.17-1

4.18 Emergency Baggage Operation (handling of dangerous goods)4.18-1

4.19 Liability and Compensation for Luggage Transportation ......... 4.19-1

5 Service Provided for High-end Passengers ............................... 5.1-1

5.1 Service Procedures for High-end Passengers ................................ 5.1-1

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Ground Operation Manual
5.2 Standards of VIP Lounges ............................................................. 5.2-1

5.3 Sta Standards of Domestic Agent VIP Lounges............................ 5.3-1

5.4 Special Requirements within HNA Group .................................... 5.4-1

6 Aircraft Handling ........................................................................ 6.1-1

6.1 Aircraft Arrival .............................................................................. 6.1-1

6.2 Aircraft Departure .......................................................................... 6.2-1

6.3 Language used between Ground and Air Crew ............................. 6.3-1

6.4 Regulation of Chock and Cone ...................................................... 6.4-1

6.5 Aircraft Doors ................................................................................ 6.5-1

6.6 De-icing Operation ........................................................................ 6.6-1

7 Vehicle Handling .......................................................................... 7.1-1

7.1 General Requirement ..................................................................... 7.1-1

7.2 Ground Service Vehicle Operating Standard ................................ 7.2-1

7.3 General Vehicle Operating Standard ............................................. 7.3-1

7.4 New Energy Vehicle Operation Standard...................................... 7.4-1

7.5 Powerless Vehicle Operating Procedure ....................................... 7.5-1

7.6 Vehicle Emergency Handling Standard......................................... 7.6-1

8 Apron Operation .......................................................................... 8.1-1

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Ground Operation Manual
8.1 Flow Chart of Sortation, Loading and Supervision ....................... 8.1-1

8.2 Standard of Baggage Sortation ...................................................... 8.2-1

8.3 Operating Standards for Goods Shipped Out of Warehouse ......... 8.3-1

8.4 Operation Standard of Loading Cargo, Mail and Baggage ........... 8.4-1

8.5 Operation Standard of Ramp Supervision ..................................... 8.5-1

8.6 Loading Process of Wide Body Aircraft ....................................... 8.6-1

8.7 Special Cargo Loading 8.7-1

8.8 Dangerous Good Handling Procedure ........................................... 8.8-1

8.9 Ballast Handling Procedure ........................................................... 8.9-1

8.10 Documentation Filling Requirement ......................................... 8.10-1

8.11 Cabin Cleaning .......................................................................... 8.11-1

8.12 Disinfection for aircraft cargo compartment ............................. 8.12-1

8.13 Annex ......................................................................................... 8.13-1

9 Weight and Balance ............................................................................1

10 Operation Management and Emergency Planning ................ 10.1-1

10.1 Overview .................................................................................... 10.1-1

10.2 Classification ............................................................................. 10.2-1

11 Airside Restricted Area Safe Operation Supervision.......... 11.1-1

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Ground Operation Manual
11.1 Overview .................................................................................... 11.1-1

11.2 Monitoring procedure ................................................................ 11.2-1

11.3 Definition of Ground Safety Responsibility .............................. 11.3-1

11.4 Emergency incident report ......................................................... 11.4-1

11.5 Ground safety investigation procedures .................................... 11.5-1

11.6 Severe weather ground operation procedures ............................ 11.6-1

12 Appendix .................................................................................. 12.1-1

12.1 Definitions and Terms ............................................................... 12.1-1

12.2 Common Operational Forms and Sheets ................................... 12.2-2

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Ground Operation Manual 0
0 Manual Overview
0.1 Declaration of Hainan Airlines’ President

I, as the company’s president, hereby solemnly declare,

“Ground Operation Manual” (hereinafter referred to as “this Manual”)
is a part of Hainan Airlines’ operation system and the basis of ground service. It
stipulates the management policies, procedures and standards of the company's
ground services.
This Manual has been established in accordance with regulations of
Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), documents referenced to the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as well as Hainan Airlines’
transportation policies by taking into account Hainan Airlines’ actual situation.
The company will organize operations according to the organizational
structure, personnel responsibilities, management regulations, service
procedures and standards which were specified in this manual. The ground
handling department and agencies of Hainan Airlines should carry out the
procedures strictly. During the implementation of this manual, if there is any
conflict with the regulations from the Administrations above, the latter shall
“Safety first, excellent service、the highest reputation” is Hainan
Airlines’ security and service principle. Hereby I would like to make a solemn
declaration in the capacity of the carrier: under the safe operation of flights,
Hainan Airlines will try to keep flight regularity and passengers’ comfort;
improve economic performance and social-environmental protection at the
same time. Hainan Airlines and its contract-bound international ground
agencies will strengthen training of ground service personnel to enhance their
competence and improve service quality. Meanwhile, Hainan Airlines sincerely
accepts the government authorities and the community supervision and
Signature of Hainan Airlines President:

May 30, 2021

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Ground Operation Manual 0
0.2 Manual Description

0.2.1 Participants
Written by:Tang Tian, Xing Hang, Feng Xiaojing, Ou Dongqian, Yu
Qingxin, Wang Huiru, Du Xinfeng, Li Yang, Cui Wei, Zhang Yan, Liu
Kelong, Yu Dan, Jin Lei, Song Dekui, Zhao Xiaoqing, He Chuping,
Xu Zhiwen, Shi Xuewen, Song Huafeng, Zhong Yongbao, Du Linfeng,
Fu Yanjuan, Liang Kun, Zhang Xingyang, Tang Guanghui, Zhou Jing,
Huang Jiwen, Gao Xiuqin, Liu Xiaotan, Ran Xiangyu, Zhao Jianrui,
Wang Hong, Ding Shengqing, etc.
Reviewed by: Liu Jiandong
0.2.2 Purpose
1) This Manual is the basis for ground service, it provides obligatory
policies, standards, and key management procedures for related
handling staffs to perform its duties legally, safely and effectively.
2) Provide guidance for the establishment and implementation of ground
service manual system of Ground Service Management Department.
3) Provide guidance for the establishment of service quality management
system of Ground Service Management Department.
4) Final explanation and definition will depend on Chinese expression.
0.2.3 Basis
This Manual is based on Chinese domestic laws, administrative
regulations, civil aviation regulations, regulatory documents, industry
standards and other documents. For dated reference documents, all
subsequent amendments (except errata contents) or revisions are
applicable to this manual; For undated reference documents, the latest
versions apply to this manual. This Manual is written based on such
documents and combined with the company's relevant transportation
policies and actual operations. It is promulgated as a company-level
manual to implement ground service and supporting standards.

Regulation / Document Version / Edition Publish on

Civil Aviation Law of the Chairman's Order No.

1 People's Republic of China 56 2018/12/29

Law of the People's Republic of Civil Aviation issue

2 (2014) No. 105 2015/1/22
China on the Protection of

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Ground Operation Manual 0
Persons with Disabilities

Road Traffic Safety Law of the Chairman's Order No.

3 People's Republic of China 8 2011/5/1

Order No. 201 of the

Regulations of the People's State Council of the
4 Republic of China on the Safety 1996/7/6
People's Republic of
and Security of Civil Aviation China
Order No. 182 of the
Regulations of the People's State Council of the
5 Republic of China on Border People's Republic of 1995/9/1
Inspection China
Order No. 553 of the
Civil Airport Management State Council of the
6 Regulations People's Republic of 2009/4/13
China Civil Aviation Passenger
7 and Baggage International (CCAR-272TR-R1) 1997/12/8
Transportation Rules
China Civil Aviation Passenger
8 and Baggage Domestic CCAR-271TR-R1 1996/2/28
Transportation Rules
Operational certification rules
9 for large aircraft public air (CCAR-121-R7) 2021/3/15
transport carriers
Civil Aviation Safety Inspection
10 Rules (CCAR-339-R1) 2016/10/28

Regulations on the
Administration of the Transport
11 of Dangerous Goods in Civil CCAR-276-R1 2014/3/1
Aviation of China
Flight safety operation handling Civil Aviation issue
12 standard (2020) No. 4 2020/1/16

Flight regularity management

13 regulations CCAR-300 2016/5/20

Aviation Safety and Security

14 Rules for Public Air Transport CCAR-343-R1 2018/11/16
Measures for the Administration Civil Aviation issue
15 of Air Transport of Human 2017/1/9
(2017) No. 9
Organ Donated Organs
Notice on the establishment of a National Health [2016]
16 green channel for the transfer of 2016/4/29
No. 18
human organs donated

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Ground Operation Manual 0
Section 14. 382 of the Federal
17 Regulations of USA / 2008

Public air transport service

18 quality GBT 16177-2007 2007/9/1

Service Quality Evaluation

19 Index System of China's Civil MHT 5114-2017 2017/6/1
Terms of Civil Aviation
20 Passenger Transport GBT 18764-2002 2003/1/1

General requirements for air

21 transport packaging of live GBT 26543-2011 2012/1/1
Air transportation of live
22 animals GBT 27882-2011 2012/6/1

Specification for inspection of

driving performance of motor
23 vehicles in aircraft activity areas MHT 7017-2010 2010/12/10
of civil airports
Public Airline Baggage
24 Transportation Service MHT 1038-2011 2011/10/17
Rules for the management of
25 road traffic safety in aircraft CCAR-331SB-R1 2006/8/12
activity areas of civil airports
Civil Airport Operation Safety
26 Management Regulations CCAR-140 2008/2/1

Aircraft Ground Service

27 Equipment Relying Safety Advisory notice 2020/1/21
Technical Standards
Civil Aviation
Transportation airport ramp
28 Regulations [2019] 2019/9/30
operation management rules No. 57
IGOM (International Air
29 Transport Association Ground Edition 10 2021/1/1
Operations Manual)
DGR (Dangerous Goods
31 Regulation) Edition 62 2021/1/1

Order of the Ministry

Provisions on the Administration
of Transport of the
32 of Passenger Services in Public 2021/3/3
People's Republic of
Air Transport
China No. 3 of 2021

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Ground Operation Manual 0
0.2.4 Scope of Application
1) This Manual is applicable for all Hainan Airlines related ground
service staffs and the external and internal service and product
suppliers. The external service provider shall, in accordance with the
agreement signed with HNA and the contents of this manual, combine
with local conditions to refine the ground operation procedures and
control mechanism of this site.
NOTE: Special charter flights and important flight handling are
subject to the company's "Important Air Transport Task handling
Manual", the operating unit's work instructions, the airport's
important flight handling requirements, and charter agreements.
2) If the local supervisory units or airports have special policies or
procedure requirements, the local stations must follow them, and the
specific procedures can be clarified in locals stations’ operation
procedures by written form.
3) If any unit has any questions about this manual, you can directly report
it to HNA's on-site personnel or the Standard Training Center of the
Ground Service Management Department hzdmglzx@hnair.com; if
you cannot fulfill the contents of this manual or the agreed content of
the agreement, please feedback to HNA Holdings Ground Service
Management Department Supplier Management Center Group

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Ground Operation Manual 0
0.3 Manual Management

0.3.1 Department in charge of this manual

Hainan Airlines Ground Service Management Department’s Standard
and Training Centre is responsible to manage this manual.
1) To maintain the manual validity and constant accuracy, the department
in charge of this manual will liaise with all other relevant departments
for revise or revision of its content. In case of major change in Hainan
Airlines organizational structure and functions, or 50% of the Manual
needs to be revised, a new version will be prepared with "revision
status" set to default value.
2) Countersigning of this manual: As per the company manual revising
and publishing procedure, prior to the official request, if the revise
content involve other relevant departments, working standard or
working procedure etc., the department in charge of this manual is
responsible for email countersigning and follow up with all relevant
departments within 5 working days. (Or within the specific timeframe
set out by the request) for any revision and audit of this manual. When
each department complete its own revision and audition of the specific
content, they are responsible to communicate with the department in
charge of this manual via email. The department in charge will
complete the Manual Consistency Confirmation, along with the
involved operation manual from other departments to submit for
3) Manual approval: As per the standard request and approval procedure,
this Manual has been approved and issued by Hainan Airlines
(1) When the revision does not involve other department responsibilities,
work standard or procedure, the email approval procedure is as follows:
Standard and Training Centre of GSM Dept→Safety Quality Center of
GSM Dept→Leaders in Charge of GSM Dept→ Quality Management
Centre of Safety Supervision Department, Operation Standard and
Training Centre of Operation Control Department.
The official document approval procedure is as follows: General
Manager of GSM Dept→Operation Standard and Training Centre of
Operation Control Department→Hainan Airlines President.
(2) When the revision involves other departments responsibilities, work
standard or procedure, the email approval procedure is as follows:
Standard and Training Centre of GSM Dept→Safety Quality Center of
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GSM Dept→Leaders in Charge of GSM Dept→ Quality Management
Centre of Safety Supervision Department, Operation Standard and
Training Centre of Operation Control Department.
The official document approval procedure is as follows: The official
document request is responsible by the department in charge of this
manual. The official document request will need to be sent to the
relevant department leaders for countersign, and audit by the
Operation Standard and Training Centre of Operation Control
Department. After all relevant departments appointed person approve,
the revision can be submitted to Hainan Airlines President for
(3) Special approval:
In the following cases, the official document submission process is:
the Standard and Training Centre of GSM Dept submits it to the
general manager of GSM Dept, including:
A. Pure typos, punctuation, page number adjustments, etc. not involving
business content or standard revisions.
B. Correction of language description (not involving modification of
original meaning).
C. The revision of Chapter 0 of this manual (except for the revision of the
manual management responsibility in section 0.3.2, such as the
replacement of the responsible unit, etc.).
D. Revision of the appendix of this manual.
(4) The countersigning record should be submitted as attachment during
the manual revision official document request.
4) This Manual is edited by Word. Approved manual will be converted
from Word format to PDF format and uploaded to Quality
Management of Safety Supervision Department. They will release it
on the Manual section on the X-Platform.
5) Translation of this manual: If the users of this Manual are not familiar
to Chinese, the department in charge of this manual will arrange this
manual to translate into the relevant language. The other departments
involve of this manual is responsible for the translation of their
specific sections of this manual.
6) Manual Publishing: The approved version of this manual will be
published via email to all units within the Ground Service
Management Department, other bases / branches within the company
as well as internal relevant units. After each unit receives the manual,
it distributes the manual to the company's internal units and external
agencies according to the following division of responsibilities. The
"Ground Operation Manual Distribution List" is detailed in the
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Ground Operation Manual 0
appendix of the manual.
(1) Ground Service Management Department will distribute this manual
to all internal relevant personnel, sub airlines group, domestic and
international airport handling agencies.
(2) Other bases / branches will distribute this manual to all relevant parties
within its control region. For detail of the control region please refer to
(3) Flight Department, Cabin Department, Aviation Security Department,
Marketing Department, Operation Control Department, Maintenance
Engineering Department and Branding department will distribute this
manual to the relevant units their department responsible for. As well
as revise the relevant content to their own department and duties.
7) The department in charge of this manual should host Q & A seminar
within 10 working days of any revision publish. Or by creating
learning materials of the revise content to assist the end users
understanding the revise content of this manual.
8) Manual Audit: As per The Company Manual Management, this
manual should be audited and revised at least once a year.
9) Manual maintenance: The Paper copies and Electronic copies of this
manual should be maintained and revised as per the procedure. Copies
should be maintained up to 5 years.
10) Disposal of this manual
(1) Electronic copies should be updated by the Quality Management
Centre of Safety Supervision Department as per email or official
document request. Outdated manual should be maintained by the
department in charge of this manual.
(2) Paper copies of this manual should be disposed by the department in
charge of this manual. For referencing purpose, all outdated manual
should be stamped in RED “Outdated document” before maintain by
the department in charge of this manual.
0.3.2 Confirmation of Manual Management Units and Positions
1) The content of Hainan Airlines Ground Service Manual is jointly
maintained by Ground Service Management Department, Operation
Control Department and Maintenance Engineering Department. For
responsible units of each chapter please refer to the table below.
2) Each department should appoint a dedicate personnel responsible for
its content within this manual. For any personnel changes, the relevant
departments shall contact the department in charge of this manual
within 3 working days.
3) Content revision: The relevant department shall revise and update the
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Ground Operation Manual 0
content its responsible for according to the following:
(1) Basis of revision:
A. Change in national regulations, international agreements, rule and
regulations, aviation standard, Civil Aviation Administration of China
B. Change in company operational criteria and the business development
of the company.
C. Findings base on Internal or external audit reports, quality evaluation
D. Analysis base on abnormal incident in safety, operation, and service.
E. Manual content does not fulfill operational requirement.
F. Feedback from Passengers, company planning, cooperation conference,
training, and other relevant units.
G. Change in company management structure or responsibilities.
(2) A single full-line box (margin box) should be added at the side
(usually left side) of the revised line to indicate the location of the
revised part; in addition, the revised part should be marked with
revision signs (usually by coloring or underlining); the margin box and
revision signs will be automatically generated by the computer and
will be deleted or replaced at the second revision of the same page.
(3) Manual revision must be accompanied by notes specifying reasons for
revision, revised contents, chapters, articles and revised pages.
4) Countersigning of the revise content: The relevant department shall
request formal paper approval from other relevant departments for
revision of the responsible content.
5) The drafting of the revised content: After the countersigning complete,
the relevant department should send the draft of the revised content,
along with the description of the revise and revise pages number to the
personnel who in charge of this manual / department.
6) If the users of this Manual are not familiar in Chinese, the department
in charge of this manual will arrange this manual to translate into the
relevant language. And should ensure the consistence of the translation
copies with the Chinese copies of this manual.
7) Manual Publication: Please refer to 0.3.1 6) of this manual.
8) Manual Auditing: As per the instruction of the department manage this
manual, the relevant department shall audit its own content of this
manual and report back. Revise as per the finding of the audit.
Chapter Section Responsible Units

All Ground Service Management Dept.

0.Manual Overview
(Ground Standard Business Office)

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Ground Operation Manual 0
1.Organization All
Ground Service Management Dept.
Institution and
(Ground Standard Business Office)

Except 2.4, 2.5.4 Ground Service Management Dept.

(Ground Standard Business Office)

2.General Requirements 2.4 Safety of Refueling Operation Control Dept.

2.5.4. Aircraft Marshalling

Maintenance Engineering Dept.
on the ground

Except 3.9.9, 3.9.10 Ground Service Management Dept.

(Ground Standard Business Office

3.9.9 Irregular Flight

3.Passenger Service
Expense deposit rule
Supplier Management Office
3.9.10 Irregular Flight
expense audit procedure

Except 4.14.2 Ground Service Management Dept.

(Ground Standard Business Office)
4.Baggage Service
4.14.2 Cargo carry within Ground Service Management Dept.
Cabin (Cargo Management Office)

5.High-end Passengers All Ground Service Management Dept.

Service (Ground Standard Business Office)

6.1 Aircraft Arrival

6.2 Aircraft Departure

6.3 Language used

between Ground Crew and Maintenance Engineering Dept.

5.Aircraft Supporting Flight Crew

6.4 Chocks and Cones


6.5 Aircraft doors Ground Service Management Dept.

6.6 De-icing (Ground Standard Business Office)

7.Vehicles Supporting All Ground Service Management Dept.

Except 8.7, 8.9 (Ground Standard Business Office)

8.7 Overweight and

Harden Cargo loading
8.Ramp Supporting Ground Service Management Dept.
(Cargo Management Office)
8.9 Ballast handling

/ Please refer to weight and balance manual

9.Loading Balance
of Operation Control Dept.

10.Opetation Command Except 10.2.2 Ground Service Management Dept.

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Ground Operation Manual 0
and Emergency response (Service Command Center)

10.2.2 Handling of injured Ground Service Management Dept.

and dead passenger (Service Command Center)

(Safety and Quality Centre)

11.1 Conclusion
Ground Service Management Dept.
11.2 Manage and monitor (Station Management Centre)

11.3 Ground safety

11.Safety Operation responsibilities
Monitoring in Airside 11.4 Reporting of unsafe Ground Service Management Dept.
Limited Area incident (Safety and Quality Centre)

11.5 Reporting of Ground

safety investigation

11.6 Abnormal Weather Ground Service Management Dept.

procedure (Service Command Center)

12.Appendix All units

0.3.3 For personnel in charge, and procedure list please refer to

Ground Service Management Department Management Manual

0.3.4 All units within the Ground Service Management Department and

all other bases / branches

1) All units within the Ground Service Management Department and all
other bases are responsible for learning and training based on this
manual. Combine with the operational needs to revise its own manual
and operational procedure.
2) Training management unit is responsible to update all training material
and test based on this manual / revised content.
3) The quality management unit is responsible to update all checklist
based on this manual / revised content.
0.3.5 Responsibilities of Manual users (holders)
1) Keep the Manual clean and complete.
2) Update the pages in time. Fill the Revised Records Form correctly and
sign in the “Insert by” bar.
3) Manual users/holders must be familiar with this manual and strictly
follow the standard procedures stipulated in the Manual. Upon receipt
of Manual revision notification, Manual users/holders should promptly
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Ground Operation Manual 0
and carefully read revision notes, especially notes in the full-line box
in the margin of the revised pages and the parts marked with revision
signs in order to get the gist of the revision and must also ensure the
staffs are notified of Manual update to ensure ground services are
carried out as the latest stipulations.
4) If manual holders are reassigned to other department, they should
handover this Manual to other personnel in charge.
5) This Manual is the property of Hainan Airlines. Manual holders have
the responsibility to keep all information contained herein in
confidence. Without prior approval of Hainan Airlines leader, no
organization or individual may provide this Manual to any
organization or individual other than Hainan Airlines contract-bound
agencies. Violators shall assume legal liability.

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Ground Operation Manual 0
0.4 Manual Training and Supervision

0.4.1 Manual training

The revision and edition change of this manual will be notified by

email. After the official document is approved, the scope of training
should be determined and the training should be organized according
to the applicable unit of the revised content, including:
1) The Standard Training Center of the Ground Service Management
Department organizes training for key representatives of local service
units (including functional units) within 5 working days;
2) Complete the external agency training within one month;
3) Training may not be carried out in the following situations:
(1) Only typos are corrected;
(2) Correction of language description (not involving modification of
original meaning);
(3) The revision of Chapter 0 of this manual (except for the revision of the
manual management in section 0.3).
4) The forms of manual training include but are not limited to:
(1) Training form of the company's internal unit manual:
A. Company training platform (such as E-Learning, etc.);
B. Email (receipt of confirmation to complete the study receipt);
C. On-site training (on-site check-in or network check-in is required);
D. Other forms (specify and provide equivalent records).
(2) The training method of the external agency manual can be organized
by the agency itself.
5) The training records (paper or electronic version) of this manual are
kept for 1 year. The training records include but are not limited to:
(1) Training record ledgers of the company training platform (retain
(2) Email records or screenshots (including learning completion feedback
receipt records or screenshots);
(3) On-site training paper records or screenshots of paper records, or
network check-in records;
(4) Other forms (specify and provide equivalent records).
The training of this manual conducts assessments based on the actual
situation, and the training organization unit sets up assessment
questions to carry out assessments according to actual needs.

Revised date:2021-08-01

Revision times:0 Page:0.4-1

Ground Operation Manual 0
0.4.2 Manual Supervision

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the company's manual standard

system and realize the self-improvement of the manual management
system, the Standard Training Center of the Ground Service
Management Department organizes the business management units of
each chapter of this manual to set up a manual supervision team to
check the completeness, consistency, and consistency of this manual
once a year. The Supervision elements include but are not limited to
the following:
Manual Element description Supervision items

Consistency In order to ensure that the descriptions of Subject to the

the same project between the different actual inspection
manuals of the company are consistent, not list
contradictory and conflicting

Manual In order to ensure the management and Subject to the

management control of the manuals by the responsible actual inspection
units of the manual management, comply list
with the manual management requirements
in the "System Integrated Management

Manual The regulations, procedures, and plans Subject to the

revision issued by the authority and the company actual inspection
were incorporated into the corresponding list
manuals in a timely manner, and the
information of the information sources was
evaluated, revised and submitted for
approval in a timely manner

Manual Supervise the implementation of the Subject to the

implementation manual to check the standards’ consistency actual inspection
and effectiveness to the implementation and list
management requirements,

Revised date:2021-08-01

Revision times:0 Page:0.4-2

Ground Operation Manual 0
At the same time, through IOSA internal audit, statutory
self-inspection, daily supervision of various security units, business
standard verification (look back), specific supplier audit and other
specific quality supervision, etc., it is an important supplement to the
supervision of this manual.

Revised date:2021-08-01

Revision times:0 Page:0.4-3

Ground Operation Manual 0
0.5 Manual Revision Notes and Record

0.5.1 Revision Notes

Chapter and
edition Contents after Revision

Details for revision pls refer to Chinese Ground

Operation Manual

0.5.2 Revision record

Revisio Separate page
Revision date Inserted by
n times insertion date

R2 8月1日 8月1日 He Chuping

Note: 1. “Revision notes” should be kept before this form according to the order of revision;

2. Please don’t hesitate to contact Ground Standard Business Office of Ground

Service Department when you find new edition revised pages missing.

Revised date:2021-08-01

Revision times:1 Page:0.5-1

Ground Operation Manual 0
0.6 Distribution Records

Distribu Distribution
Distributed to Distribution date
tion No. medium

E X-Platform 2021-5-30

E X-Platform 2021-8-18

Note: distribution medium is paper edition, CD, e-version, etc.

Revised date:2021-08-01

Revision times:1 Page:0.6-1

Ground Operation Manual 0
0.7 List of valid pages

Symbol of status: N-New, R-Revised, A-Added, D-Deleted

page Section ﹡ Date Page Section ﹡ Date Page Section ﹡ Date

Catalog-1 Catalog N 2021/5/30 Catalog-2 Catalog N 2021/5/30 Catalog-3 Catalog N 2021/5/30

Catalog-2 Catalog N 2021/5/30 Catalog-5 Catalog N 2021/5/30

0.1-1 Chapter 0 N 2021/5/30

0.2-1 Chapter 0 N 2021/5/30 0.2-2 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.2-3 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.2-4 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.3-1 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.3-2 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.3-3 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.3-4 Chapter 0 N 2021/5/30 0.3-5 Chapter 0 N 2021/5/30 0.3-6 Chapter 0 N 2021/5/30

0.3-7 Chapter 0 N 2021/5/30

0.4-1 Chapter 0 N 2021/8/1 0.4-2 Chapter 0 N 2021/8/1 0.4-3 Chapter 0 N 2021/8/1

0.5-1 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.6-1 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.7-1 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-2 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-3 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.7-4 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-5 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-6 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.7-7 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-8 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-9 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

0.7-10 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1 0.7-11 Chapter 0 R 2021/8/1

1.1-1 Chapter 1 N 2021/5/30 1.1-2 Chapter 1 N 2021/5/30 1.1-3 Chapter 1 N 2021/5/30

1.2-1 Chapter 1 N 2021/5/30

2.1-1 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.1-2 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.1-3 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1

2.2-1 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.2-2 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.2-3 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.3-1 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-2 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-3 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.3-4 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-5 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-6 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.3-7 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-8 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-9 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.3-10 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-11 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-12 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.3-13 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-14 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-15 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.3-16 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-17 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.3-18 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.4-1 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.4-2 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.4-3 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.4-4 Chapter 2 N 2021/8/1

2.5-1 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.5-2 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.5-3 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1

2.5-4 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.5-5 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.5-6 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.5-7 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-8 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-9 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.5-10 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-11 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-12 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.5-13 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-14 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-15 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

2.5-16 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-17 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-18 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-1

Ground Operation Manual 0
2.5-19 Chapter 2 N 2021/5/30 2.5-20 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1 2.5-21 Chapter 2 R 2021/8/1

3.1-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-2 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.1-3 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.1-4 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.1-5 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.1-6 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.1-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-9 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.1-10 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-11 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-12 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.1-13 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-14 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-15 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.1-16 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.1-17 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-1 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.2-2 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-3 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-4 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.2-5 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-6 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-9 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-10 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.2-11 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-12 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-13 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-14 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-15 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-16 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-17 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-18 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-19 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-20 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-21 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-22 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-23 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-24 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-25 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-26 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-27 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-28 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-29 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-30 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-31 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-32 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-33 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.2-34 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-35 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.2-36 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.3-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.3-2 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.3-3 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.3-4 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.3-5 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.3-6 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.3-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.3-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.3-9 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.3-10 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.3-11 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.4-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.4-2 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.5-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-2 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-3 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-4 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-5 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-6 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-9 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-10 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-11 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-12 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-13 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-14 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-15 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-16 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-17 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-18 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-19 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-20 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-21 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-22 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-23 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-24 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-25 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-26 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-27 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-28 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-29 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-30 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-31 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-32 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-33 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-34 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-35 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.6-36 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.6-37 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-1 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-2 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-3 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-4 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-5 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-6 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-2

Ground Operation Manual 0
3.7-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-8 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-9 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-10 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-11 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-12 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-13 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-14 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-15 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-16 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-17 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-18 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-19 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-20 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-21 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-22 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-23 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-24 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-25 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-26 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-27 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-28 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-29 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-30 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-31 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-32 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-33 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-34 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-35 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-36 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-37 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-38 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-39 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-40 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-41 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-42 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-43 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-44 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-45 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-46 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-47 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-48 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-49 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-50 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-51 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-52 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-53 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-54 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-55 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-56 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-57 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-58 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-59 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-60 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-61 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-62 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-63 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-64 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-65 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-66 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-67 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-68 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-69 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-70 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-71 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-72 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-73 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.7-74 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-75 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-76 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-77 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-78 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-79 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-80 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-81 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-82 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-83 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-84 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-85 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-86 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-87 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.7-88 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-89 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-90 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-91 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-92 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-93 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.7-94 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.7-95 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-96 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-97 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-98 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-99 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-100 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-101 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-102 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-103 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-104 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-105 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-106 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-107 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-108 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-109 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-110 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-111 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-112 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-113 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1 3.7-114 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.7-115 Chapter 3 D 2021/8/1

3.8-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-2 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-3 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.8-4 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-5 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-6 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.8-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-9 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.8-10 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.8-11 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.8-12 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-3

Ground Operation Manual 0
3.8-13 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-14 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.8-15 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.8-16 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-17 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-18 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.8-19 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-20 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-21 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.8-22 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-23 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-24 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.8-25 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-26 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-27 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.8-28 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-29 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.8-30 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-2 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.9-3 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.9-4 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-5 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-6 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-9 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-10 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-11 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-12 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-13 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-14 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-15 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-16 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-17 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-18 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-19 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-20 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-21 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-22 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-23 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1 3.9-24 Chapter 3 R 2021/8/1

3.9-25 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-26 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-27 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-28 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-29 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-30 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-31 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-32 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-33 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-34 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-35 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-36 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-37 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-38 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-39 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-40 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-41 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-42 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-43 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-44 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-45 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.9-46 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-47 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.9-48 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-1 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-2 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-3 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-4 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-5 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-6 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-7 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-8 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-9 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-10 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-11 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-12 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-13 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-14 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-15 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-16 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-17 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-18 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-19 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-20 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30 3.10-21 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

3.10-22 Chapter 3 N 2021/5/30

4.1-1 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.2-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-3 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.2-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-7 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-8 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-9 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-10 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-11 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-12 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-13 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-14 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-15 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-16 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-17 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-18 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-19 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-20 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-21 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-22 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-23 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-24 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-25 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-26 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-27 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-4

Ground Operation Manual 0
4.2-28 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.2-29 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-30 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-31 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-32 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-33 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-34 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-35 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-36 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-37 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-38 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-39 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-40 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-41 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-42 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.2-43 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.2-44 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.3-1 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.3-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.4-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.4-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.5-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.5-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.5-3 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.5-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.5-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.6-1 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.6-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.6-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.7-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.7-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.7-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.7-4 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.7-5 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.8-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.8-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.8-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.8-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.8-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.8-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.8-7 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.8-8 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.8-9 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.8-10 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.9-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.9-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.9-7 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-8 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-9 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.9-10 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-11 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-12 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.9-13 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-14 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.9-15 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.9-16 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.10-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.10-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.10-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.10-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.11-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.11-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.12-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-1 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.13-2 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.13-3 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.13-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-7 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-8 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-9 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-10 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-11 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-12 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-13 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-14 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-15 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-16 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-17 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-18 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-19 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-20 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-21 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-22 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.13-23 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-24 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-25 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-26 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-27 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-28 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-29 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-30 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-31 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-32 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-33 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-34 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-35 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-36 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-37 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-38 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-39 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-40 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-41 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-42 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-5

Ground Operation Manual 0
4.13-43 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-44 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-45 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-46 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-47 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.13-48 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.13-49 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.14-1 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.14-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.14-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.15-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.15-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.15-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.15-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.15-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.15-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-1 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.16-2 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.16-3 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.16-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-5 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-7 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.16-8 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-9 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-10 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-11 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-12 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-13 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-14 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-15 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-16 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.16-17 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-18 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-19 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-20 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.16-21 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.16-22 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.16-23 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.16-24 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.17-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.18-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-1 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-2 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-3 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-4 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-5 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1 4.19-6 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-7 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-8 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-9 Chapter 4 R 2021/8/1

4.19-10 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-11 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-12 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-13 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-14 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-15 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-16 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-17 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-18 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-19 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-20 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-21 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-22 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-23 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30 4.19-24 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

4.19-25 Chapter 4 N 2021/5/30

5.1-1 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-2 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-3 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.1-4 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-5 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-6 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.1-7 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-8 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-9 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.1-10 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-11 Chapter 5 R 2021/8/1 5.1-12 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.1-13 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-14 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-15 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.1-16 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-17 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.1-18 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.2-1 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.3-1 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.3-2 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

5.4-1 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.4-2 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30 5.4-3 Chapter 5 N 2021/5/30

6.1-1 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.1-2 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.1-3 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.1-4 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.2-1 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-2 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-3 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.2-4 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1 6.2-5 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-6 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.2-7 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-8 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-9 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-6

Ground Operation Manual 0
6.2-10 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-11 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-12 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.2-13 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-14 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-15 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.2-16 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-17 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-18 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.2-19 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.2-20 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.3-1 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.4-1 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.4-2 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.5-1 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1 6.5-2 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1 6.5-3 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1

6.5-4 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-5 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1 6.5-6 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1

6.5-7 Chapter 6 R 2021/8/1 6.5-8 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-9 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.5-10 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-11 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-12 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.5-13 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-14 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-15 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.5-16 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-17 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30 6.5-18 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

6.6-1 Chapter 6 N 2021/5/30

7.1-1 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-2 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-3 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.1-4 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-5 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-6 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.1-7 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-8 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-9 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.1-10 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.1-11 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-1 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-2 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-3 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-4 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-5 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-6 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-7 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-8 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-9 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-10 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-11 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-12 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-13 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-14 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-13 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-15 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-16 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-17 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-18 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-19 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-20 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-21 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-22 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-23 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-24 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-25 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-26 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-27 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-28 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-29 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-30 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-31 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-32 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-33 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-34 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-35 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-36 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-37 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-38 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-39 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-40 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-41 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-42 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-43 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-44 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-45 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-46 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-47 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-48 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-49 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-50 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.2-51 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-52 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.2-53 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.3-1 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.3-2 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.3-3 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.3-4 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.4-1 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.4-2 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.4-3 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.4-4 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.4-5 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

7.5-1 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.5-2 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.5-3 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-7

Ground Operation Manual 0
7.6-1 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.6-2 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30 7.6-3 Chapter 7 N 2021/5/30

8.1-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.2-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.2-2 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.2-3 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.2-4 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.2-5 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.2-6 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.2-7 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.2-8 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.3-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.4-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-2 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.4-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.4-4 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-6 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.4-7 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-8 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-9 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.4-10 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-11 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.4-12 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.4-13 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.4-14 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-15 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.4-16 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.4-17 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.4-18 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.4-19 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.4-20 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.5-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.5-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.5-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.5-4 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.5-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.5-6 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.5-7 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.5-8 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.5-9 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.5-10 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.5-11 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.5-12 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.5-13 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.6-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.6-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.6-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.6-4 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.6-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.7-1 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-2 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.7-4 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-5 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-6 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.7-7 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-8 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-9 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.7-10 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.7-11 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.8-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-4 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-6 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-7 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-8 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-9 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-10 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-11 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-12 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-13 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-14 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-15 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-16 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-17 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-18 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-19 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-20 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-21 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-22 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-23 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-24 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-25 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-26 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-27 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-28 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-29 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-30 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.8-31 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.8-32 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.9-1 Chapter 8 R 2021/5/30 8.9-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.9-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.9-4 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.9-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.9-6 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.9-7 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.10-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-8

Ground Operation Manual 0
8.11-4 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-6 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-7 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-8 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-9 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-10 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-11 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-12 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-13 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-14 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-15 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-16 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-17 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-18 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-19 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-20 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-21 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-22 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-23 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-24 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-25 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-26 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-27 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-28 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-29 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-30 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-31 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-32 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-33 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-34 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-34 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-36 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-37 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-38 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-39 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-40 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-41 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-42 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-43 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-44 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-45 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-46 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-47 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-48 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-49 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-50 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-51 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-52 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-52 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-53 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-54 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-55 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-56 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-57 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-58 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-59 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-60 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-61 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-62 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-63 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-64 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-65 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.11-66 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-67 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.11-68 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.12-1 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.12-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.12-3 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1

8.12-4 Chapter 8 R 2021/8/1 8.12-5 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.12-6 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.12-7 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.12-8 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

8.13-1 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.13-2 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30 8.13-3 Chapter 8 N 2021/5/30

9.1-1 Chapter 9 N 2021/5/30

10.1-1 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-1 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-2 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-3 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-4 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-5 Chapter 10 R 2021/8/1 10.2-6 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-7 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-8 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-9 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-10 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-11 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-12 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-13 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-14 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-15 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-16 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-17 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-18 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-19 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-20 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-21 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

10.2-22 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-23 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30 10.2-24 Chapter 10 N 2021/5/30

11.1-1 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.1-2 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.2-1 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-2 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-3 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-9

Ground Operation Manual 0
11.2-4 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-5 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-6 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.2-7 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-8 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-9 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.2-10 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.2-11 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.3-1 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.4-1 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.4-2 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.4-3 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.4-4 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.5-1 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.6-1 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.6-2 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.6-3 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.6-4 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.6-5 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30 11.6-6 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

11.6-7 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

12.1-1 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.1-2 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.1-3 Chapter 11 N 2021/5/30

12.1-4 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.1-5 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.1-6 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-1 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-2 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-3 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1

12.2-4 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-5 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-6 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1

12.2-7 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-8 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-9 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-10 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-11 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-12 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-13 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-14 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-15 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1

12.2-16 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-17 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-18 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-19 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-20 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-21 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-22 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-23 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-24 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-25 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-26 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-27 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-28 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-29 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-30 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-31 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-32 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-33 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-34 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-35 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-36 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-37 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-38 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-39 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-40 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-41 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-42 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-43 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-44 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-45 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-46 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-47 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-48 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-49 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-50 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-51 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-52 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-53 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-54 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-55 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-56 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-57 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-58 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-59 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-60 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-61 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-62 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-63 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-64 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-65 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-66 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-67 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-68 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-69 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-70 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-71 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-72 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-73 Chapter 12 R 2021/5/30 12.2-74 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-75 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-76 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-77 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-78 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-79 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-80 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-81 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-82 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-83 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-84 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

Revised date:2021-05-30

Revision times:0 Page:0.7-10

Ground Operation Manual 0
12.2-85 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-86 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-87 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-88 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-89 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-90 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-91 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-92 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1 12.2-93 Chapter 12 R 2021/8/1

12.2-94 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-95 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-96 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-97 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-98 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-99 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-100 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-101 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-102 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

12.2-103 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-104 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30 12.2-105 Chapter 12 N 2021/5/30

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Ground Operation Manual 1
1 Organization Institution and Responsibility
1.1 Organization Structure

1.1.1 Organization Institution Description(CCAR-121.43)

The following organization structure describe the organization
structure of the company and operation departments and detail the
relationship between the different departments of the company and the
relevant subordinate units, reflects the management functions of
coordination in the overall management system.
1.1.2 Company Operation Organizational Structure

1.1.3 Ground Service Management Department Organization Structure

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1.1.4 Ground Service Operation Organization Structure

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Ground Operation Manual 1
1.1.5 Domestic Ground Service Operation Control Region List:
N/A for international operation. Please refer to Chinese version of this

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Ground Operation Manual 1
1.2 Organization Functions and Management Responsibilities

For the functions of each center of Ground Service Management

Department, please refer to the 《Management Manual of Ground
Service Management Department》and the work manual of each center.
For the functions of each unit on the ground, please refer to the work
manual of this unit.

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Ground Operation Manual 2
2 General Requirements
2.1 Passenger and Baggage’s Safety and Security

1) Familiar with the relevant contents about national aviation security

laws and regulations and company aviation security regulations.
2) Monitor materials such as blank boarding passes, luggage strips/tags,
operational documents, seals, and other materials to prevent theft or
misuse by unrelated persons.
3) Only authorized relevant personnel can enter the operation and work
system, and the system information shall not be disclosed to others
4) Abide by the requirements of information confidentiality strictly, and
must not disclose or transfer the printed documents (such as passenger
lists, working forms, etc.) and work and operation information (such
as important passengers, important flights, flight plans, reservation
information, etc.) to on unrelated personnel;
5) Comply with national regulations on personal information protection,
and shall not disclose, sell, illegally use or provide passengers'
personal information to others.
6) Ensure passenger’s valid ID data matches departing passenger data,
only issue boarding pass after all check complete. And only enter the
restricted area of the airport after security check,
7) Observe whether passenger’s behavior is abnormal. If the passenger's
name, ID number or other data is found to be inconsistent, check-in
procedures shall not be done;
8) Responsible for informing passengers about the requirements of cabin
baggage in piece, size, and weight, and asking whether passenger
carrying any prohibited items on board to ensure the safety of
9) If a criminal suspect controlled or wanted by the judicial organization
is found, it should be reported to the airport police in time; After
receiving the escort or weapon-carrying personnel to require the
check-in procedures, promptly notify the duty manager and the
customer service on duty on the day; If the escort or the weapon does
not meet the requirements the flight regulations, the staff on duty of
Security Department should be notified in time;
10) Passengers found to be stowaways should be reported to the
immigration department in time; if passengers were found to be
similar as stowaways, their travel documents and air tickets should be
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handed over to SOF or flight attendants;
11) By looking for abnormalities and observing certain emotional
characteristics and/or body language, assessing the safety risks of
passengers. Pay attention to observe whether the overall situation of
passengers is suitable for travel, including potential infectious diseases,
health conditions, poisoning, etc.; at the same time, further inquire
passengers if needed to help take flight assessments of passengers;
12) If there are any abnormal behavior observe during check in, at the
departure lounge or boarding gate, such as drunk, report to the
supervisor in duty and put the passenger baggage on standby / hold
until the passengers clear to travel.
13) Passengers who have passed the security check mixed/contacted with
the passengers without the security check, or the transit or transfer
passengers mixed/contacted with the other passengers without the
security check, all passengers are required to conduct security
check again;
14) When the passenger exits the secure area of the airport or been mixing
with passengers without security check, they are required to conduct
the security check again.
15) Place plenty of notices at check-in counters, gates, etc. to remind
passengers about dangerous goods prohibited by aviation, and
supervise passengers’ check-in luggage to complete the security check;
16) Check passengers’ boarding passes (passengers boarding at the apron
must be double checked under the aircraft);
17) Responsible for checking the number of boarding passengers with
crew manager. If the number of boarding passengers does not match
the cabin manifest, investigated the reasons and notify to crew
18) If find passengers have checked in but not onboard, coordinate with
the baggage management department to unload the luggage of missed
19) Restricted area: Always keep the restricted area access door closed to
ensure the safety of all boarding gates and isolation areas. Use
appropriate roadblocks when guiding passengers: ensure that all access
doors are kept closed when not in use; Arrange staff to guide
passengers as needed; if passengers have to cross the tarmac to board
the plane, make sure Passengers enter the aircraft directly; if it is
necessary to provide a means of transport-to-transport passengers from
the terminal to the aircraft, ensure that only authorized personnel and
passengers who have been checked are allowed to ride on the transport
20) ground personnel should report to the police in time In case of
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situation that Passengers illegally enter the airport control area, block
security checkpoints, boarding gates, rush to aprons, taxiways,
runways, intercept, forcibly board, forcibly occupy aircraft, damage
facilities and equipment, or perform other acts that disrupt the order of
civil aviation transportation production.
21) During the ground phase of the aircraft, passengers who disturb the
cabin order and do not obey the cabin crew’s dissuasion, the ground
service personnel must actively cooperate with the cabin crew, and
must intervene in a timely manner and deal with it decisively.

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Ground Operation Manual 2
2.2 Liability and Compensation of Air Transportation

2.2.1 Basis
Provisions concerning liability and excluded liability of the Carrier
and liability of the Passenger in Articles 124 to 136, Section 3
“Liability of the Carrier”, Chapter IX “Public Air Transport” of the
Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China; and provisions
regarding liability for loss and compensation limit in the General
Conditions of Domestic Carriage for Passenger and Baggage issued by
Hainan Airlines Holding Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as
“Hainan Airlines”).
2.2.2 Liability of the Carrier
1) The carrier shall assume the liability for any direct loss arising from
the carrier’s failure in complying with Chinese laws, government
regulations, orders, and requirements.
2) Any exclusion or limitation of liability of the carrier applies to the
agents, employees, and representatives of the carrier, and to any
person or entity whose aircraft is used by the carrier for carriage and
any of its agents, employees or representatives performing their
respective duties. The aggregate amount of the compensation payable
by the carrier or its agents, employees or representatives and any other
person, shall not exceed the amount of the limitation of liability of the
3) Hainan Airlines shall be liable for safe transport of any checked
baggage of the passenger from its check to delivery, including
transport by land to fulfill air transport contract. In case of any delay,
loss or damage, Hainan Airlines shall be liable for compensation.
4) The carrier shall be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to
any checked baggage of the passenger, if the occurrence took place
during the transport by air.
5) In situations of interline transport, Hainan Airlines shall assume the
liability for loss of any baggage on the route where Hainan Airlines
acts as carrier. However, the passenger shall have the right to make a
claim if Hainan Airlines is the first or last carrier of the interline
6) The carrier shall be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to,
any carry-on baggage or article of the passenger, if the occurrence took
place on the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of
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embarking on or disembarking from the aircraft of the passenger.
2.2.3 Excluded liability
1) The carrier will not assume any liability for any direct loss arising
from the passenger’s failure in complying with Chinese laws,
government regulations, orders and requirements.
2) The carrier is not liable for any harm or hazard attributable to the
passenger’s age, physical or mental condition and for the occurrence
or aggravation of any illness, injury, disability or death of the
3) The aggregate amount of the compensation payable by the carrier shall
not exceed the amount of proven compensation. The carrier shall not
be liable for any indirect or consequential loss.
4) Hainan Airlines shall not be liable for the destruction or loss of, or
damage to, any carry-on article or checked baggage of the passenger if
such destruction or loss or damage resulted solely from the inherent
defect, quality, or vice of the baggage.
5) The carrier may be exempt from liability for any loss arising from any
natural disaster or other uncontrollable reason (act of war or armed
6) The carrier is not liable for loss of any article in the baggage in case of
complete package and intact sealing mark but loss or shortage of such
article, unless such loss could be proven to be caused by the error of
Hainan Airlines.
7) The passenger shall be liable for any loss caused to Hainan Airlines or
any other passenger due to the passenger’s reason and the carrier shall
not assume any liability.
8) If the passenger fails to propose any disagreement at the time of
collection of checked baggage and the carrier fails to issue the
“Record of Baggage Transport Errors” and “Baggage Damage
Record”, the carrier will not be liable for compensation.
9) Hainan Airlines shall not be liable for any indirect loss arising out of
baggage loss.
10) For the checked luggage with “baggage identification tag for
exemption of liability”, Hainan Airlines may be exempt from
transportation liability for the items marked on such baggage
identification tag.
11) Hainan Airlines shall be liable for any direct loss arising from delayed
transport of baggage; however, Hainan Airlines will not assume any
liability if it proves that this flight or its authorized ground service
agent has taken all necessary measures or is unable to take a certain
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measure for avoidance of the occurrence of such loss.
12) For the excess part of the excess baggage, the carrier shall not be liable
for such part if no excess baggage charge is paid.
2.2.4 Liability of the passenger
1) If the passengers fails to comply with Chinese laws, government
regulations, orders and relevant provisions concerning carrier’s
2) Important data and documents (including contracts and agreements),
medicine, securities, cash, bills of exchange, jewelry, precious metals
and their products, silver products, precious belongings, antiques,
paintings, fragile or perishable items, samples, electronic products
(such as cameras, laptops, mobiles, video records, MP3, MP4, DVD
and other small electronic products), travel certificates and other items
to be attended by special persons shall not be checked together with
luggage; otherwise, the carrier is only liable according to the
limitations of compensation for general checked baggage for the loss
of or damage to the above items;
3) Any loss caused by the passenger’s error;
4) If any loss is caused to Hainan Airlines or any other passenger, the
passenger shall be liable for such loss.
2.2.5 Others
For specific compensation requirements and regulations, please refer
to the “Passenger Services” and “Baggage Services” chapters of
this Manual.

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Ground Operation Manual 2
2.3 Apron Safety

2.3.1 Principles
The apron safety regulations and procedures can improve the safety of
ground operations. Therefore, apron operators must always understand
and apply the minimum safety rules and procedures described in this
Aircraft damage may threaten passengers, employees and the aircraft.
Abnormalities such as flight delays and alternate landings may also
have a negative impact on airline safety operations, and even minor
scratches or dents on the aircraft may cause serious accidents.
If any aircraft damage is found or caused, it must be reported in
accordance with the company’s corresponding procedures.
1) All bases and branches of Hainan Airlines and ground agent units
engaged in apron support operations, shall formulate corresponding
operating procedures in accordance with the relevant provisions of
CAAC, the apron operation management manual in local airport , the
Ground Operation Manual of HNA Holdings, and the vehicle and
equipment instructions, strictly follow the operations procedures to
implement supporting work;
2) The operating procedures of each base and branch of Hainan Airlines
and ground agent unit shall be reported to the local airport
management organization for the record. And the facilities and
equipment management system shall be established and implemented
to maintain their facilities and equipment in the apron timely to ensure
their continued application.
3) All ground units shall ensure there are sufficient equipment, staff and
PPE for flight operation. Operation shall not be disturbed due to
4) Focus and prevent personnel injuries, aircraft damage, working
equipment and other property losses;
5) Take active support and promotion activities (including training) to
strengthen apron safety;
6) Actively use training, team meeting learning or other methods to
organize employees and convey the learning priorities of apron safety.

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Ground Operation Manual 2
2.3.2 Requirements for Staff Requirements for Staff

1) Wear corresponding protective equipment such as earplugs, reflective
vest, gloves, safety shoes, etc. according to company safety and local
airport requirements;
2) No smoking on the apron;
3) Do not damage, misappropriate, occupy, cover the apron’s fire
protection, power supply, fuel supply and other major facilities and
equipment, and do not step on the trailer handle or containers.
4) Drivers/operators are prohibited from using intercoms or other mobile
communication devices while driving within the aircraft safety zone or
when approaching/disengaging the aircraft.
5) All drivers/operator are prohibiting from using any intercoms or other
mobile device when driving / operating. If require, driver shall park
the vehicle in a safe zone before.
6) Shoes that are fastened with rivets should not be worn to prevent
7) The apron operators should pay attention to the safe operation of
special environments such as nighttime, strong wind, rain and snow,
and low visibility. Before operating the equipment, a safety inspection
of the surrounding operating environment should be performed.
During the operation, the safe distance from the aircraft should be
ensured. The apron operators should promptly clean up the extraneous
objects scattered in the process of operation and transportation.
8) Pay attention to moving vehicles and moving aircraft. Do not get on or
off the vehicle while the vehicle is driving. Do not try to jump on or
off the moving vehicles.
9) When the air bridge is moving, personnel must not walk under it, and
can’t walk on the passage in it or the ladder inside it, except for the
stationary air bridge.
10) Personnel are not allowed to enter the area below the raising vehicles,
such as the high loaders, catering trucks, passenger stairs, luggage
conveyors, garbage trucks, aerial operation vehicles and boarding
vehicles for passengers with limited mobility. If staffs need to enter the
area below the raised vehicles for maintenance work, safety equipment
must be used to prevent accidents occurred;
11) Personnel are not allowed to stand on the moving/towing
vehicles/equipment, such as the conveyor belt of the conveyors, the
ladder body of the passenger stairs, the main/bridge platform of high
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loaders, and the operation platform of the cleaning/sewage truck, etc.;
12) Personnel are not allowed to stand in the area where the lift is being
operated, such as the conveyor belt of the conveyors, the ladder body
of the passenger stairs, the main/bridge platform of high loaders,etc;
13) Cannot ride or seat on the trailer bucket, trailer plate, and forks of
14) Keep away from the dangerous area of aircraft engine intake and wake,
refer to the detailed description of "dangerous area";
15) Pay attention to clean up the FOD after the operation is completed.
The extraneous objects such as plastic cloth and paper scraps left in
the vehicles and equipment should be cleaned up in time to ensure the
apron operation safety.
16) If an abnormal event occurred on the apron, implemented the
procedures according to the Information Notification Process of
Hainan Airlines. Requirements for Passengers
1) When passengers move among the aircraft on the apron , the terminals
and shuttle bus, the ground service staffs should closely monitor their
2) Passengers can only walk in the designated clearly visible area;
3) There should not be any ground equipment blocking the designated
route for passengers, the ground should be kept clean;
4) When passengers cross the apron during the period of getting on and
off the plane, try not to use mobile phones until entering the terminal
or the shuttle bus;
5) Passengers should stay away from aircraft protrusions, ground service
equipment, fueling areas, and other exhaust blows and propeller
airflow generated by aircraft;
6) When passengers walk through the apron to get on and off the aircraft,
the aircraft carrier or its agents shall assign dedicate person to guide
passengers. Passenger walking routes are not allowed to cross aircraft
taxiing routes, and no vehicles can cross the passenger walking route.
7) It is forbidden to organize passengers to board and disembark while
the aircraft engine is running.
2.3.3 Requirements for Ground Service Equipment:
Definition: Ground Service Equipment (short for GSE) include:
Ground vehicles and non-motor equipment, including but not limited
to jet bridges, vehicles, pallets, trailers, passenger stairs, work ladders,
and other equipment that provide support service for aircraft.
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Ground Operation Manual 2 Safety Requirements
1) GSE should obtain local airport admission qualification or permission,
and the equipment is in good condition before using;
2) GSE should be attached with the vehicle plate number uniformly
issued by the Public Security Organization of CAAC and the
prescribed vehicle driving certificate in aircraft movement area;
3) There should be a company logo on the obvious position of GSE (such
as the front or side), no surface corrosion, aging, paint dropping, dirt,
etc., and spray reflective signs;
4) Undertake annual inspection designated by the Traffic Control
Department of the Public Security Organizational of CAAC. Do not
operate the vehicles if the inspection fails or the inspection is not made
as specified;
5) Staffs operating GSE should obtain corresponding qualifications or
certificates before operation, and it is forbidden to operate without
6) GSE should be driven at a slow and low speed that is stable, reliable
and impact-free when approaching the aircraft and docking with the
aircraft eventually;
7) Buffer protection devices should be installed on all leading edges and
other parts of GSE that may be touched with the aircraft, including
handrails, steps, guardrails, side panels, etc. Operational Requirements for GSE
1) General Requirements
The GSE operator should ensure that operations and procedures are
implemented completely to prevent aircraft from damage and personal
from injury while doing the supporting work of the aircraft;
(1) Go through walk around for safety inspections Before using GSE, ,
especially in brakes, anti-collision rubber cartridges and safety-related
(2) Operators of power supply trucks, air supply trucks, air conditioning
trucks and bridge-mounted equipment should check in advance. If the
bridge-mounted equipment fails and cannot be used, the
bridge-mounted equipment maintenance unit and airport management
agency shall be notified immediately. If the power supply trucks, air
supply trucks and air-conditioned trucks are fails before leaving, report
for repairing in time, and if failure is found during use, notify
engineers in time;
(3) No overload or overrun.
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(4) When the vehicle is unattended, turn off the engine. For extreme cold
condition, Follow local airport procedure.
(5) Vehicle shall park / operation within the designated area of the apron.
Except for De-icing Vehicle. Reverse is only allowed with marshal or
suitable reverse camera / equipment.
(6) When connecting any GSE to the aircraft, all handrail / platform
should be operated accordingly.
(7) Malfunction equipment shall be reported to the maintenance
department as soon as possible. If the malfunction parts involve break
/ steering / fluid or oil leaking, the equipment must not be used and
shall be clear signage attach “DO NOT USE”
(8) Equipment does not design for aircraft shall not be enter the apron
2) Movement Requirements
(1) Aircraft and pedestrians always have the priority. Vehicles driven in
the aircraft moving area should slow down and yield in initiative : in
the case of police vehicles, fire fighting trucks, engineering rescue
vehicles, ambulances, and escort vehicles performing tasks, do not
jostle or follow closely with them, not allowed to traverse or surpass
the escort vehicles ; aircraft in taxiing, pushing or towing state; staffs
performing support operations on the apron; aircraft in boarding and
(2) In the following locations, the vehicle should stop (observe and
confirm safety before passing):
A. Before crossing the runway;
B. Before crossing the taxiway;
C. Before passing the pedestrian crossing;
D. At the place with "Stop" sign;
E. Complex intersection.
(3) Subject to the command of aircraft commanders and traffic controllers;
(4) All GSE with hydraulic and working equipment should keep the
hydraulic working equipment in the retracted state during driving;
(5) Before moving GSE, walk around the equipment to check and confirm
that no persons and objects are in the dead zone. Before moving the
equipment, hoses and cables on the equipment must be put away
safely and reliably;
(6) When moving GSE, pay attention to the height, speed and moving
restrictions of the local airport;
(7) The jet bridge area is prohibited from entering by any vehicles and

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Ground Operation Manual 2 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Docking and Disengaging

from the Aircraft

1) Prepare for docking
(1) Before the aircraft arrives, the jet bridge should be in full-retract
position. The equipment on the tarmac should be placed behind the
equipment limit line or inside the aircraft operation waiting area, set
up the brakes or fixation; Working vehicles and equipment with
hydraulic devices must ensure that their hydraulic devices are in the
retracted state. When the operation vehicle is waiting, the driver
should wait within the vehicle; all equipment must be guarded. Do not
use high beams to illuminate the taxiing aircraft;
(2) When the aircraft enters the parking space, no vehicles or personnel
shall pass between the aircraft and arrival commander (or visual berth
guidance system).
2) GSE docking with aircraft
(1) After parking, putting the chocks, shutting down the engine, turning
off the anti-collision lights and aircraft releases the brakes, the
maintenance staffs issued accessibility instructions to the bridge and
passenger stairs;
(2) If the maintenance staffs have not issued the proximity instruction, in
addition to the power supply trucks and the bridge-mounted power
supply, other supporting vehicles, equipment and personnel shall not
exceed the red aircraft safety line to implement the supporting
(3) Power supply trucks, air supply trucks, air-conditioned trucks and
bridge-mounted power supply servicing for aircraft shall not hinder the
bridge supporting operation, and prevent the bridge dragging and
rolling the pipeline;
(4) Other equipment can only approach the aircraft after the bridge and
passenger stairs;
(5) Vehicles docking with the aircraft should approach the aircraft under
the command of the commander; trailers, pallets, Unpowered
equipment such as work ladders and hand-driven passenger ladders,
operated by 2 people (1 front and 1 rear), front Operator conducts the
approach command.
(6) GSE should be under the command of guide staffs to approach the
aircraft. For the gestures of the commander, please refer to
"Commanding Gestures" in this chapter; If the commander not on
sight, operator must stop. Commander should position within the
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Ground Operation Manual 2
operator sight.
(7) For area with sight restriction, a dedicate person should command
during operation such as docking tractor with high loader.
(8) After approaching aircraft, shuts down the engine (unless the engine is
used for operation), tighten the handbrake, set the gear position to
neutral, block the wheel, if GSE is equipped with a stabilizer or an
outrigger, the operator can release the stabilizer or the outrigger.,
check whether the GSE accessories are at a suitable distance from the
(9) Rubber buffers for protection, such as rubber buffers on passenger
stairs, jet bridges, conveyor belts, food trucks, cannot be pressed
tightly on the aircraft to prevent the aircraft from damage;
(10) After GSE docked with the aircraft, pay attention to maintain the safe
distance between GSE and aircraft. The horizontal and vertical
distance between GSE and aircraft should be adjusted in time
according to the aircraft load changes, ensure that the aircraft is not
(11) Extra caution during rainy and snowy weather due to wet and slippery
3) GSE Disengaging from aircraft
(1) When disengaging from the aircraft, go through and walk around to
ensure safety, ensure that the pipeline connected to the aircraft has
been detached and store in the correct position,
(2) The disengaging speed is implemented according to the requirements
of the "Vehicle Support" chapter;
(3) The jet bridge and passenger stairs can only be withdrawn after the
cabin door is hung with safety devices or closed.
(4) Prior to pushback, all GSE should be parked behind the equipment
limit line, except for the equipment required for the aircraft departure.
and the jet bridge must have been withdrawn in non-extension state
and park in its original position.
(5) Notify the maintenance staffs for evaluation if the aircraft is scratched
or damaged;
(6) When the aircraft is pushed out from the parking bay, other GSE must
not enter the aircraft parking safety zone except for aircraft towing
tractor in supporting, and must be braked behind the equipment limit
line. Non-motor Equipment Operation
1) All non-motor equipment must be braked or/and chock when parked
and not connected to a motor vehicle.
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2) Containers/pallets must be firmly fixed on the pallet, must not be
rotated freely;
3) The number of baggage tractor’s trailers and pallets must meet the
requirements of CAAC and the local airport. In special road conditions
(such as slippery ground, poor visibility and congested roads), it is
necessary to assess whether to reduce the amount;
4) The trailers and pallets must be properly secured with suitable locks,
buckles, guardrails, and belts;
5) When using tarpaulin on the trailers and pallets, belts are required to
fasten the tarpaulin. GSE Positioning Requirements
1) Each ground support unit shall have a dedicated person to manage the
facilities and equipment parked (placed) on the apron;
2) The equipment and vehicles parked (placed) on the apron shall not
affect the normal use of other facilities and equipment, shall not block
the fire hydrant and fuel hydrant, and shall not invade or occupy
pedestrian passages, fire passages and emergency evacuation passages;
3) GSE Positioning shall not hinder the use of fire-fighting equipment,
and shall not hinder the entry and exit of aircraft and the movement of
other equipment (such as fuel trucks);
4) Special equipment, such as special vehicles (including tow bar),
containers, luggage, and container pallets that need to be placed on the
apron for supporting operations , should be parked or placed in the
designated white equipment parking area and vehicle parking area, in
accordance with the direction indicated on the ground of the parking
5) After the motor vehicles parked, turn off the engine, pull the
handbrake and place the wheel chock, fix the equipment with braking
and wheel chock. The wheel chock is placed in front of the tire facing
the aircraft.
6) The operators store the start key and the vehicle or equipment
separately. After finishing the supporting work, each supporting
department should promptly put the equipment back into the original
area and arrange neatly.
7) Accessories such as netting, tow bar and chocks shall be securely
fasten in the designate location. GSE Holding Requirements
Containers/pallets should be parked in the waiting area of aircraft
supporting operations while waiting for flights or loading and
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unloading cargo, and the brake device must be activated when waiting
in the waiting area of aircraft supporting operations. Requirements for GSE under Fuselage and Wing
It is prohibited to drive under the wing or fuselage except the
following circumstances:
1) GSE needs to provide services for the aircraft, such as: oil truck, water
truck, sewage truck;
2) In some stations, aircraft or equipment restricted area layouts allow
trailers to be driven under the wing, usually during the loading and
unloading cargo in wide-body aircraft. In this condition: only empty
trays/trailers can be towed through below the back edge of the right
wing. Requirements for Aircraft Engine Idle
During the period of aircraft Engine idle, other vehicles except the
power supply trucks and the air supply trucks should be evacuated out
of aircraft safe area. Disposal GSE or not Reach Access Standard
1) Execute according to Hainan Airlines or ground agency’s scrap
2) It is forbidden to park and use in the airport; the equipment must be
removed from the apron. GSE Maintenance Plan and Record Management
1) Maintenance Plan
Each ground service agency should establish a GSE maintenance plan
based on different types and manufacturers’ GSE requirements to
ensure that GSE provided for HNA is continuously available and in
good condition.
2) Maintenance Record Management
Each ground service agency shall specify procedures to record the
maintenance of GSE. in paper or electronic format, keep records for
no less than 6 months.
Note: The above content is one of the agent quality audit items.
3) Maintenance regular Check
All ground agents shall perform regular check on its equipment and
vehicle. That shall include and not limit to pre operation check, regular
check. If any malfunction been discovered, the equipment or vehicle
shall be sent to maintain properly.
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2.3.4 Jet Bridge Operation: General Requirements:

1) Check whether the jet bridge is available before use, and check the
surface inside the bridge is free from FOD, obstacles, to ensure can be
used safely;
2) Before the jet bridge is docked with the aircraft, the yellow safety
marker at the entrance of the jet bridge should be hung for warning
and protection. If the jet bridge is not in use for a long time, close the
rolling door of its entrance.;
3) Make sure that the yellow warning lights and the warning alarm of jet
bridge can work properly;
4) Except for the operator, other unrelated persons shall not be in jet
bridge while jet bridge is moving.
5) Before operating the jet bridge, make sure that the moving route is
safe and accessible.
6) When the windy weather may affect jet bridge, the unit’s operating jet
bridge must be responsible for the securing of the bridge.
7) When jet bridge is in a non-working state, it should return to
non-extension state and in original position;
8) During the period of aircraft idle, the movable end of jet bridge should
be in non-extension state and in original position;
9) Jet bridge movement area is prohibited from entering by any vehicles
and equipment;
10) Each ground agency should formulate the operation procedures and
emergency supporting measures of bridge-mounted equipment;
11) Disengaging the charged jet bridge needs to be carried out according
to the requirements of local airport, but it is necessary to ensure that
the operation process is reliable and applicable and will not cause
unsafe incidents on bridge-mounted equipment and pipelines. Inbound Aircraft Docking with Jet Bridge Operations
1) Before the aircraft arrives, jet bridge should be placed in the fully
retracted position, the movable end of jet bridge must be in
non-extension state and in original position.
2) Timeframe for Jet Bridge Docking
(1) For Aircraft seating between 251-500, jet bridge shall be connected by
no later than 90 minutes to STD / ETD.
(2) For Aircraft seating between 151-250, jet bridge shall be connected by
no later than 90 minutes to STD / ETD.
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(3) For Aircraft seating between 61-150, jet bridge shall be connected by
no later than 90 minutes to STD / ETD.
3) Turnaround Bridging procedure
(1) Jet Bridge Operator shall arrive no later than 10 minutes prior to
STA/ETA to perform check and preparation for Single / Dual Bridge.
20 minutes for Tri Bridge operation.
(2) Single Bridge shall be connected within 2 minutes.
(3) Dual Bridge shall be connected within 5 minutes.
4) After the aircraft is in parking bay and the maintenance staff gives the
approaching instruction, the bridge operator recognizes the
"approaching instruction" gesture and makes a feedback gesture to
maintenance staff, and then operates jet bridge slowly docking with
cabin door;
5) When jet bridge is docking with aircraft, a guide staff should be
arranged when jet bridge operator has limited visibility. The guide
staff should stand at a position where the distance can be accurately
judged. The operator stops operating immediately when the guide staff
is not in vision; (If equipped with an automatic alignment system to
help the operator accurately judge the distance between the jet bridge
and the aircraft as well as can approach and evacuate correctly, there is
no need to arrange a guide staff);
6) Jet Bridge should in operate in a control and steady manner.
7) Ensure that a horizontal safe distance of 3-5 cm between the front part
of the jet bridge movable floor and the fuselage;
8) Jet Bridge should avoid all aircraft sensor or non flat surface of the
aircraft during docking.
9) All movable handrail and canopy shall be in contract position prior to
10) Use safety systems and automatic levelers (if possible). If jet bridge is
not equipped with an automatic leveler, an operator must be arranged
on duty after docking with the aircraft;
11) After jet bridge docked with the aircraft, ensure that the control
equipment is not touched by unrelated persons;
12) When passengers are getting off or cargo is unloading from the
aircraft , the front cabin door may rise quickly. If the automatic
alignment system of jet bridge cannot synchronize the jet bridge with
the threshold of the cabin door, it is necessary to stop passengers
getting off and readjust the height of jet bridge to prevent the cabin
door from damage.

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Ground Operation Manual 2 Outbound Aircraft Disengaging from Jet Bridge Operations
1) Before the jet bridge is withdrawn from the aircraft, ensure that the
cabin door is closed, the area in front of the jet bridge (the area aligned
with the entry door) should be hung transversely with a safety device;
2) Confirm that the relevant bridge-mounted equipment (bridge-mounted
power supply and air conditioning, etc.) ventilation pipes, power
supply cables, etc. have been completely separated from the aircraft
and have been collected. After receiving the disengaging instruction
from the maintenance staff, the jet bridge operator can slowly
withdraw the jet bridge;
3) Before aircraft departure, the jet bridge should be fully retracted and
parked at the designated position which is in non-extension state and
in original position.
4) When docking with 3 bridges, B bridge shall be retracted first, before
A bridge and C bridge.
5) Jet Bridge retract timeframe
(1) Single Bridge shall be retracted within 2 minutes.
(2) Dual Bridge shall be retracted within 4 minutes. Jet bridge Abnormal Situation Handling
As per local operation procedure from ground handling agency /
2.3.5 Other Requirements Requirements for Apron Ground

1) It is prohibited to throw waste anywhere on the apron;
2) It is prohibited to sort garbage within the apron area;
3) It is prohibited of catering activities within the apron;
4) It is prohibited to pile garbage bags and other debris on the apron.
Temporarily piled garbage should be supervised and cleaned up as
soon as possible.
5) It is prohibited to scribble or portray on the apron facilities and
equipment optionally;
6) It is prohibited to hang and post all kinds of promotional materials on
the apron without approval;
7) During the transportation of luggage and cargo in rainy weather, it is
prohibited to use waterproof plastic cloth to cover the cargo, and
effective measures should be taken to prevent the plastic cloth from
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8) It is prohibited to spill fuel oil, lubricating oil and other types of oil
pollution, sewage, toxic and harmful substances on the apron and its
auxiliary facilities (such as oil wells, drainage ditches, etc.).
Flammable liquids should be contained in special containers. Any
spillage must report to relevant department / personal for clean up
operation. FOD Prevention Requirements:
1) Foreign object (FOD-Foreign Object Debris) refers to the collective
name of loose objects that pose a threat to the safety and integrity of
the aircraft. Therefore, they must be removed in areas where they may
pose a danger.
2) Everyone is responsible for ensuring that the risk of FOD damage to
the aircraft is minimized. All waste must be properly disposed to
prevent it from becoming FOD.
3) The existence of FOD is usually caused by the carelessness of the
operators and the lack of understanding of the consequences of FOD
that not cleaned up in time. It may also be due to strong winds causing
FOD to be blown into the work area.
4) All apron staffs are obliged to minimize the risk of FOD damage to the
aircraft. If FOD is found, it must be removed immediately and
disposed of properly.
5) FOD examples:
(1) Plastic, paper, bags/sheets, rag towels;
(2) Metal: bolts and nuts, empty oil drums, empty hydraulic oil drums,
tools and equipment;
(3) Natural objects: stones, pebbles and wood;
(4) Other foreign objects: broken ballast bags, luggage handles, luggage
wheels, etc.

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6) The consequences of FOD
(1) FOD may be sucked up like an aircraft engine, causing damage and
resulting engine failure. If this happens during flight, especially during
takeoff, the consequences are particularly serious;
(2) In addition, FOD can cause damage to aircraft tires, landing gear,
control systems, and other fuselage components. Such damage may
cause malfunctions during flight.
7) FOD inspection must be carried out before the aircraft moves on the
ground or after ground operations:
(1) Ensure routine inspections of ground equipment to ensure that all
items are secured and will not dropped out to be FOD;
(2) In the apron area, ensure that all items carried on vehicles and
unpowered equipment are secured;
(3) Any FOD should be placed in the designated trash bin.
8) The relevant units of the apron operation should integrate their own
work, identify the hazards that produce FOD in the apron operation
process, formulate preventive control measures, and incorporate them
into the relevant work procedures, and report them to the airport
management agency for the record;
9) Recording procedures should include baggage and cargo loading and
unloading, vehicles operation, baggage and cargo transportation,
maintenance operation tool management, maintenance operation site
cleaning, self-managed apron dynamic inspection, cleaning and
maintenance, etc.;
10) The plastic cloth, plastic bags, cones, and other items used by each
supporting operation unit must be printed with the unit logo, stored at
a settled point, and received as needed;
11) When the staff finds suspected aircraft parts in the apron area, they
should immediately report to the airport management agency and
aircraft maintenance staffs. Requirements for ERA and Equipment Restricted Red Line
The equipment restricted area ERA (also named the red line safety
area) refers to the apron area where the aircraft is parked during
ground operations. This area can be represented by a red paint line. If
there is no marking line, the safe stop area or similar area must be
determined through local procedures. Here are some examples of
regional logos.

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Before the aircraft arrives or departs or during docking, there must be

no obstacles or FOD in the equipment restricted area. Requirements for Fire Management and Prevention
1) All personnel work in apron shall understand the firefighting
equipment and undertake appropriate training.
2) All personnel work in apron shall be familiar with all fire fighting
equipment and emergency shut down.
3) Immediately report in case of any suspicious or apparent fire.
4) If finding that the aircraft catches fire, immediately notify the people
on board to evacuate.
5) If the ground support equipment catches fire, use fire extinguishers on
the apron or deployed on the equipment to control the fire. Once
feasible, immediately tow the equipment away from the adjacent
6) Do not operate the equipment in the vicinity of the fuel leak. Requirements for Fire Management and Prevention
1) When fastening the cargo net of the pallet, do not apply too much
force. Otherwise, it would bend the pallet so that it cannot be reliably
fixed on the aircraft brake/locking device/guide rail;
2) The cargo weight must not exceed the maximum load limit of the
cargo floor, containers and pallets;
3) Fix containers and pallets with floor locks in the aircraft cargo cabin to
prevent the movement of goods within the aircraft;
4) The internal shipping system of wide and narrow body aircraft
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includes shipping containers or mechanical bulk loading devices.
Immediately report if the internal shipping system has defects in use.
2.3.6 Engine Hazardous Area
To avoid accidents caused by aircraft engines, no vehicles or
pedestrians should be in the danger zone while the aircraft is in
operation or when the anti-collision lights are on.

Note: This diagram is for reference only. The range of the hazardous
area varies depending on the model and whether the engine is idling
or at the minimum take-off thrust. See the operating manual of each
model for the specific distance. Engine Blast Hazardous Area
The engine tail nozzle blast hazardous area refers to the area affected
by the aircraft engine exhaust, and the relevant aircraft guide shows
the engine tail nozzle blast hazardous area position. Engine Intake Hazardous Area
The intake area refers to an area that is kept at a safe distance from the
running jet engine or turboprop engine. The range of the intake area is
shown on the relevant aircraft guide.
1) Confirm the safety of the aircraft engine area.
(1) During the period of the aircraft arrives, until the engine is turned off
and is slowing down;
(2) When the aircraft departs or just is pushed out;
(3) At any time, the engine is running.
2) When the engine is running, it is strictly prohibited to pass through the
danger zone. The distance for the hazardous area of specific aircraft

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types, please refer to the manual of each type of aircraft. Venting Area (Refueling Safe Area)
Venting area (refueling safety area) refers to the safety area around the
aircraft fuel hole, in this area should fully consider the evaporation of
flammable fuel during refueling. The range of the venting area is a
circular area with a radius of 3-8 meters centered on the fuel hole, the
specific range is determined according to the fuel type.
1) No smoking;
2) It is prohibited to use any portable electronic devices, including
mobile phones, portable music players, portable game consoles or
3) Only the radios that are uniformly distributed or permitted by the
company can be used, including radio phones, walkie-talkies,
flashlights, spotlights, and lighting systems; It is prohibited to use
battery chargers;
4) The parking of all GSE and vehicles shall not hinder the evacuation
passage of the fuel trucks.
5) All GSE must be kept at least 1 meter away from the fuel pipe
connecting the aircraft and the fuel truck. Operation Warning Requirements in Hazardous Area
There is a specific risk of shock wave damage or injury near the
exhaust or intake of aircraft engine. If the aircraft is stopped for some
reason, then additional thrust is applied to "start" and continue to taxi,
this risk will increase further. During the operation of the aircraft
engine and/or when the anti-collision light is on, vehicles and
personnel must be away from the aircraft hazardous Area.
1) To prevent accidents and symptoms caused by aircraft engines,
personnel or equipment should not be placed in the following
hazardous areas while the aircraft engine is still running or the
anti-collision lights are not extinguished:
(1) Engine intake area;
(2) Engine blast area;
(3) Propeller rotation area (if applicable).
Remarks: For different types of aircraft, the length of the above area
varies depending on whether the engine is in idle or starting thrust.
Please refer to the manual for each type of aircraft for the applicable
2) Danger: Ground staffs and scattered equipment must be kept away

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from engine intake area and engine blast area;
(1) When the engine is running or when the engine is about to start, ensure
that people or equipment are kept away from the engine intake area;
(2) During engine operation, it is strictly forbidden to pass through the
engine blast area.

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2.4 Safety during Refueling and Discharging

2.4.1 Safety during Refueling

1) Airline responsibilities:
(1) Provide the required amount of fuel accurately.
(2) Check and confirm fuel specifications and names.
(3) When operating manual (electrical) valves, gauges, switches, or
dipsticks in aircraft fuel tanks for fuel loading balance, if fuel suppliers
are required to operate such equipment, the airline operators shall issue
a written entrustment document.
(4) After refueling, check whether the aircraft fuel tank cap, refueling
interface hatch door and components are properly closed.
(5) Review the fueling quantity and sign on the fueling sheet.
(6) If the aircraft has additional requirements for refueling pressure, it
should be submitted to aircraft refueling staffs of the fuel supplier
before refueling.
2) Refueling for aircraft is prohibited in the following situations:
(1) The main engine of the aircraft is not turned off, the chock are not set
or the propeller has not stopped, the anti-collision light of the aircraft
has not been turned off.
(2) Without the consent of airlines’ representative.
(3) Apron visibility is less than 50 meters.
(4) Aircraft in the hangar.
(5) Thunderstorm over the apron.
(6) When gravity refueling on the wing, the aircraft is powered,
oxygenated, charged, and exposed to fire.
(7) Sandstorm and heavy rain over the airport during gravity fueling on
the wing.
3) Refueling for aircraft is limited in the following situations:
(1) No passengers should be left in the cabin; if special needs, airlines
(airport companies) should notify the fuel supplier in written form and
should only carry passengers and refueling when the following
conditions are met:
A. The jet bridge (passenger stairs) is in place, and the emergency exits
and passageways on board are kept clear;
B. Assign a staff to monitor and prevent passengers from using naked
flames and smoking; under no circumstances should helicopters board
passengers and refuel at the same time.
(2) The flash camera and non-anti-explosion mobile communication
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equipment should not be used within 6 meters from the fueling
equipment or aircraft fuel port and the tank vent.
(3) Aircraft's airborne weather radar should not be turned on.
(4) Motor vehicles with incomplete anti-sparks covers should not be
started within 6m from the fuel trucks.
(5) Naked flame or non-anti-explosion electrical equipment and voltage
test radio equipment should not be used.
(6) Power tools, drills, punching or similar power equipment should not
be used.
(7) Airline’s representative is not on site.
(8) No disassembly and assembly of aircraft and vehicle batteries.
4) Fuel trucks should meet the followings:
(1) Strictly abide by the apron driving regulations, drive and stop
according to the prescribed route, and abide by the speed limit
regulations: the straight driving speed does not exceed 30km/h, the
turning speed does not exceed 15km/h, and the approaching aircraft
speed does not exceed 5km/h;
(2) Take the initiative to avoid the aircraft and not cut off the way of
aircraft. When the aircraft is taxiing or towing, avoid 50 meters away
from the aircraft, do not drive within 200 meters in front of the taxiing
aircraft or trail within 50 meters, and non-operating vehicles do not
pass under the wing.
(3) Actively give way to passengers and not drive through any crowd.
(4) Headstock is not facing the aircraft, and the parking position of the
fuel truck should avoid the main engine nozzle to avoid collision with
the aircraft. Reversing should be directed by someone and refueling
vehicles with towing tanks should not be reversed.
(5) Aircraft refueling staffs should test whether the vehicle braking system
is effective at a distance of 20m-30m from the aircraft, confirm that
the main engine of the aircraft is off and put the wheel blocks,
approach the aircraft at a speed of 5km/h, drive into the correct
refueling position and lock the hand brake.
(6) For details, please refer to Appendix 11.1 Road Map of Aircraft
Fueling Trucks.
2.4.2 Safety during Discharging
1) Discharging for aircraft is prohibited in the following situations:
(1) The main engine of the aircraft is not turned off, the chocks are not set,
or the propeller has not stopped, the anti-collision light of the aircraft
has not been turned off.

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(2) Without the consent of airlines’ representative.
(3) Apron visibility is less than 50 meters.
(4) Aircraft in the hangar.
(5) Thunderstorm over the apron.
(6) When gravity refueling on the wing, the aircraft is powered,
oxygenated, charged, and exposed to fire.
(7) Sandstorm and heavy rain over the airport during gravity fueling on
the wing.
2) Discharging for aircraft is limited in the following situations:
(1) No passengers should be left in the cabin; if special needs, airlines
(airport companies) should notify the fuel supplier in written form and
should only carry passengers and refueling when the following
conditions are met:
A. The jet bridge (passenger stairs) is in place, and the emergency exits
and passageways on board are kept clear;
B. Assign a staff to monitor and prevent passengers from using naked
flames and smoking; under no circumstances should helicopters board
passengers and refuel at the same time.
(2) The flash camera and non-anti-explosion mobile communication
equipment should not be used within 6 meters from the fueling
equipment or aircraft fuel port and the tank vent.
(3) Aircraft's airborne weather radar should not be turned on.
(4) Motor vehicles with incomplete anti-sparks covers should not be
started within 6m from the fuel trucks.
(5) Naked flame or non-anti-explosion electrical equipment and voltage
test radio equipment should not be used.
(6) Power tools, drills, punching or similar power equipment should not
be used.
(7) Airline’s representative is not on site.
(8) No disassembly and assembly of aircraft and vehicle batteries.

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2.4.3 Safety margins during refueling/draining
According to the requirements of the civil aircraft refueling
specification, the safe distance operation between the tanker and the
aircraft during the refueling process is shown in the figure below.
The schematic diagram of the driving route of tank tanker and pipeline
tanker close to the aircraft when refueling with winch hose is shown in
Figure A1.


Tank fuel trucks and pipeline fuel trucks use platform hoses to refuel
near the aircraft's driving route (see Figure A2). When conditions
permit, aircraft fuel trucks should enter from the rear of the aircraft as
far forward as possible.


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2.5 Command gesture

2.5.1 Definition
In order to regulate the communication between ground personnel and
the ground and crew, the following command gestures are specified:
1) GSE movement command gestures: the commander directs the GSE to
approach, withdraw from the aircraft or driven, and provides
assistance for GSE operators during driving or moving;
2) Aircraft in and out command gestures: the maintenance staffs direct
the aircraft departures and arrivals, provide assistance to the crew.
2.5.2 Conditions for commanders to use gestures.
1) Only approved gestures and signals can be used;
2) Wear high visibility reflective vest.
3) Keep the same identity during the whole process, no change;
4) During the whole operation process, the commander maintains
uninterrupted visual contact with other ground staffs and crew
members. If you lose visual contact, Operation must be stopped, and
must not started again before re-establishing visual contact;
5) If possible, keep the vehicles/airplanes on the planned moving path
without obstructions and unobstructed.
2.5.3 GSE Commander's Gesture Illustration
Command Illustration

Attract the driver's attention to gain

control. Keep your arms vertically high
and palm forward. Meaning: I am
responsible for directing this operation,
please follow my instructions.

Go forward (toward the commander).

Raise your arms slightly to the sides,
keep your palms back, and wave back
and up repeatedly.

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Back off. Open your arms, keep palms
forward, and repeat wave from bottom to

Turn right. Left arm down, palm open.

The right arm swings up and down
repeatedly, the arm swing speed
represents the turning speed.

Turn left. Right arm down, palm open.

The left arm swings up and down
repeatedly, and the arm swing speed
represents the turning speed.

Lift up. Hold out your arms towards the

load goods or equipment, palms up, arms
swing up.

Decline. Hold out your arms towards the

load goods or equipment, palms up, arms
swing down.

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Move together. Move with goods or
equipment. Maintain visual contact with
the operator or driver. Swing down the
arm opposite to the direction of

Indicates the spacing. Put your palms up

opposite each other. The distance
between your hands matches the distance
you need to indicate.

Stop. Raise your arms and cross upon

your head gradually. If you need an
emergency stop, use both hands to fist
and cross your arms upon your head.

When the guidance is over, please drive

away. Raise the right arm to show the
thumb gesture.

Put on the wheel block and expand the

stabilizer. Clenched your fist and spread
your arms, with your fist center back,
your thumb down, and your arm
swinging inward.

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Interrupt the energy source (electricity,
fuel, air), the right arm and right hand are
flush with the shoulder, the palm is
facing down; bend the elbow, swing the
outstretched arm horizontally to the back.

Remove the wheel block and put away

the stabilizer. Clenched your fists and
spread your arms, your fist forward, your
thumbs up, your arms swing outward.

Turn off the engine. The right arm is

flush with the shoulder, palms center
down, and the palm repeatedly moves to
the right in front of the throat.

Connect and disconnect. Put the palm of

your left hand down on your chest.

If indicate connection, move the fist with

the right hand from bottom to top until it
touches the left palm.

If indicate disconnected, move your fist

with your right hand to move away from
contact with your left palm and move

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Apply the brake and release the brake.
The right arm is raised and placed on the

Stepping on the brakes: spread your palm

first, palm inward, and finally make a

Release the brakes: First make a fist, then

open the palm, palm inward

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2.5.4 Gesture Illustration for Aircraft Departures and Arrivals Gesture Illustration for Aircraft Departures:

Commander indicates the jet bridge position.

Arms straight, with the tip of the baton facing

upwards, reaching all the way above。

Glide down to the next commander or glide according to instructions of tower and ground control.

With your arms pointing upwards, waving to

the outside of your body and extending your
arms, use the baton to point to the position of
the next commander or taxi zone.

Go straight ahead.

With arms outstretched, bend at elbows, swing

the baton up and down from chest height to the

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Turn left (from the driver's perspective)

Extend the right arm and the signal stick at a

90-degree angle to the body, and the left-hand
signals to move forward. The speed of the
signal wave indicates to the pilot how fast the
aircraft is turning.

Turn right (from the driver's perspective)

Extend the left arm and the signal stick at a

90-degree angle to the body, and the right-hand
signals to move forward. The speed of the
signal wave indicates to the pilot how fast the
aircraft is turning.

Normal stop

With arms and baton fully extended, at a

90-degree angle to both sides of the body,
slowly swing the baton and lift it above the
head until the baton crosses each other and
pauses for 2-3 seconds.

Emergency stop.

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Quickly stretch out your arms, raise to the top
of the head, cross command

Stick and pause for 2-3 seconds.

Use brake

With one hand raised slightly above shoulders,

hands open. Ensure eye contact with the flight
crew, and then make a fist. Do not move until
you receive a thumbs up from the flight crew
indicating that you received the signal.

Wheel block has been put in

The arms and the baton are fully extended,

raised to the top of the head, and "poke" the
baton inward until the two rods collide,
ensuring that the flight crew's approval signal is

Loose brake

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Raise one hand slightly above shoulders and
hold fist. Make sure to make eye contact with
the flight crew and then open your hands. Do
not move until you receive a thumbs up from
the flight crew indicating that you received the

Shut down the engine

Stretching an arm, the baton is placed in front

of the body, flush with the shoulders, and the
hand and baton are moved above the left
shoulder, and the baton is moved across the
front of the larynx in a horizontal pull motion
to move the baton above the right shoulder.


Place your arms in front of your body, level

with your waist, and rotate your arms forward.
To stop the aircraft from reversing, use
command signal 6 or 7.

Connect Ground power supply (technical service communication signal)

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With both arms fully extended, raise it over the
top of your head, extend your left hand
horizontally, move your right fingertip towards
and touch the left hand.

Palm (forms a "T" shape). At night, a "T" shape

can be formed above the head with a glowing

Everything is ready

Raise the right arm to the head with the tip of

the baton facing upward, or tilt the thumb
upwards, leaving the left arm on the side knee.

Note: This signal can also be used as a

technical and service communication signal.

Establish communication through intercom system (technical service communication signal)

Spread your arms at a 90-degree angle to your

body and cover your ears with both hands.

Switch ramp (technical service communication signal)

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The right arm is placed on the body side, the
left arm is raised to a 45-degree angle above
the head, and the right arm swings greatly
above the left arm.

Note: This signal is mainly used by aircraft

with integral ramps.

Hover (to command helicopter)

The arms and the baton are fully extended, with

a 90-degree angle to each side of the body.

Upward movement (to command helicopter)

The arms and the baton are fully extended, with

a 90-degree angle to each side of the body,
palms up, hands waving upwards, the speed of
the swing indicates the speed of the rise.

Downward movement (to command helicopter)

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The arms and the baton are fully extended, at a
90-degree angle to each side of the body, palms
down, hands waving down, the speed of the
swing indicates the speed of the decline

Horizontal movement to the left (from the pilot's perspective) (to command helicopter)

One arm straightens out at a 90-degree angle to

the right side of the body, and the other arm
swings in the same direction.

Horizontal movement to the right (from the pilot's perspective) (to command helicopter)

One arm straightens out at a 90-degree angle to

the left side of the body, and the other arm
swings greatly in the same direction.

Landing (to command helicopter)

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Cross your arms in front of your body with the
baton down. Gesture Illustration for Aircraft Arrivals:

Use brake

With one hand raised slightly above shoulders,

hands open. Ensure eye contact with the flight
crew, and then make a fist. Do not move until
you receive a thumbs up from the flight crew
indicating that you received the signal.

Take the wheel block

Arms and baton are fully extended, raised to the

top of the head, "poke" the baton outward. The
wheel block shall not be taken out without
authorization from the crew.

Loose brake

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Raise one hand slightly above shoulders and
hold fist. Make sure to make eye contact with
the flight crew and then open your hands. Do
not move until you receive a thumbs up from
the flight crew indicating that you received the

Everything is ready

Raise the right arm to the head with the tip of

the baton facing upward, or tilt the thumb
upwards, leaving the left arm on the side knee.

Note: This signal can also be used as a technical

and service communication signal.

Start the engine

Raise the right arm to the head, with the baton

tip facing upwards, draw a circle with your
hand, and at the same time raise the left arm to
the top of the head, pointing to the engine to be
started (it can also be indicated by the number
of fingers at the same time).

Reduce engine speed

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With your arms outstretched, patting down and
waving the baton up and down from your waist
to your knees.

Reduce the speed of one (or more) engines on the indicated side

With both arms down, then slowly swing your

left or right arm up and down several times.
Waving the right arm means that the left engine
should slow down;

The left arm indicates that the right engine

should decelerate.

Fire alarming

The right-hand baton swings from the shoulder

to the knee in a "fan-like" manner, while the
left-hand baton points to the fire.

Wait for command

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The arms and the baton are straightened down at
a 45-degree angle to each side of the body.
Maintain this position until the aircraft is
released for the next maneuver.

Aircraft release

Raise your right hand or baton, perform a

standard salute, and release the aircraft. Keep
eye contact with the flight crew until the aircraft
begins to taxi.

Do not touch the control device (technical service communication signal)

Hold your right hand straight over your head,

hold your fist or hold the baton horizontally, and
leave your left arm next to your knee.

Connect Ground power supply (technical service communication signal)

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With both arms fully extended, raise it over the
top of your head, extend your left hand
horizontally, move your right fingertip towards
and touch the left hand.

Palm (forms a "T" shape). At night, a "T" shape

can be formed above the head with a glowing

Power off (technical service communication signal)

With both arms fully extended, raise it to the top

of the head, extend the left hand horizontally,
and touch the palm of your left hand with the tip
of your right finger (shaped

Into a "T" type), then, separate the right and left

hands, and the power supply must not be
disconnected without the authorization of the
crew. At night, a "T" shape can be formed above
the head with a glowing baton.

Denying (technical service communication signal)

Straighten the right arm at a 90-degree angle to

the shoulder, point the baton to the ground, or
extend the thumb down, leaving the left hand
next to the body knee.

Establish communication through intercom system (technical service communication signal)

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Spread your arms at a 90-degree angle to your
body and cover your ears with both hands.

Shut down the engine

Stretching an arm, the baton is placed in front of

the body, flush with the shoulders, and the hand
and baton are moved above the left shoulder,
and the baton is moved across the front of the
larynx in a horizontal pull motion to move the
baton above the right shoulder.

Ready to start the engine (contact signal of crew and ground personnel)

Extend a hand and indicate the number.

Several engines.

Note: Ground personnel are allowed to start the

engine, press "Start

"Motivation" specifies the action expression;

"Prohibition" starts, then.

Cross your hands.

Applying for taxiing (contact signal of crew and ground personnel)

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Reach out a hand and signal to the ground staff
to slide out.

At night, the taxi lights and cockpit control

lights can also be turned on.

One hand signaled to the ground personnel to

request taxiing.

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Ground Operation Manual 2 The commander communicates with the driver of the tractor

1)Indicate the direction of the nose of the aircraft: After signaling the driver of the tractor to pay
attention, touch the forehead (or nose) with your finger, and then point to the direction of the nose after
the nose is pushed out.

2) The brakes of the aircraft have been released: stretch out your fist and open your palms after the pilot
pays attention.

3) Push/pull out: extend the arm to the body at 90 degrees and give it a thumbs up, and then swing out the
arm in the push/pull direction.

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4) Slow down the speed: extend your arms, palm down, and do a downward flap motion to signal the
driver to slow down.

5) Brake: If you need to brake, make a fist immediately after extending your palm.

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Ground Operation Manual 3

3 Passenger Service
3.1 General Requirement

3.1.1 Right to refuse and carry with restriction Right to refuse to

1) Due to safety and security reasons, or appropriate judgement by Hainan Airlines,
passengers and their baggage can be refused to carry under below reasons:
(1) Breach of Chinese laws, regulations, government policies and any restrictions issued by
Chinese government.
(2) Not suitable for travel due to age, health, and mental status, include but not limit to the
following situations:
A. Stretcher passengers without transportation permission from Hainan Airlines.
B. Passenger cannot safely travel by air without medical support under carrier’s judgement,
and/or without medical certificate that allowed the passenger to take aircraft.
Attention:Hainan Airlines does not hold any responsibility for passengers’ loss for the
refusal to carry due to safety and security reason.
C. Passengers with infectious disease, and might infect other passengers during the flight
period, which unable to avoid infection by appropriate methods.
D. Passengers in unconscious status with oxygen inhalation, and the passengers require
Oxygen even on ground.
E. Passengers pregnant over 36 weeks (including 36 weeks).
F. Newborn infants within 14 days.
G. Flight had reached the limitation of carrying passengers with disability whose disability
status was restricted quantity due to safety reason.
H. Hainan Airlines arrange the appropriate support from other personnel in order to assist the
passenger during emergency, and the passenger refuse to accept such arrangement. Or the
passenger cannot fulfill the requirement of this arrangement.
(3) Passengers’ behavior impacted other passengers right and may cause safety and security
incidents or may jeopardize themselves or other passengers’ healthy and properties.
(4) Passengers refuse to follow carrier’s regulation, and/or Chinese laws, regulations,
government policies.
(5) Passengers refuse to accept security check.
(6) Passengers have not paid ticket and all related charges, or pending complete credit
payment before Check-in.
(7) Passengers without valid travel documents
(8) Passengers with invalid ticket, including fake ticket, stolen ticket etc.
(9) Passenger cannot prove he/her is the ticket holder.
2) In overbook flight, Hainan Airlines hold the right to rearrange passenger and their
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3) For ticketing rule on refuse to carry passenger, please refer to the Hainan Airlines
Ticketing policy.
4) If the passenger is refused transportation due to the above circumstances, or the
passenger is unable to board the plane due to the reason of refusing to release the
passenger due to security inspection, the written explanation shall be issued in time,
unless otherwise stipulated by the State. Carry with restriction
1) Restricted passengers only can be carried under Hainan Airlines regulation, and carrier
must be notified in advance, on occasion require pre-arrangement before acceptance.
Including: Unaccompanied minors, stretcher passenger, passenger require carer,
pregnant passengers between 32 weeks to 36 weeks, Passenger require oxygen during
flight and passenger require medical assistant.
2) Restricting the number of passengers require assistant: due to safety concern, Hainan
Airlines will limit the number of passengers require assistant on each flight.
3) Hainan Airlines work according to the Disability regulation in China to carry passenger
require assistant.
4) Hainan Airlines work according to the Donated Organ Transportation regulation to carry
any passenger with donate organ transportation needs.
5) When ground service personnel refuse to provide air transportation for persons with
disabilities who are eligible for boarding, they shall explain the legal basis for the refusal.
If a disabled person with boarding conditions requires a written explanation, the carrier
shall provide it within 10 days after the refusal of transportation. Follow-up for refuse travel
1) The on-site staff shall clearly inform the passengers of the reasons why they cannot be
transported, the conditions to be met to meet the boarding requirements or supplement
the submitted materials, and take the initiative to provide professional solutions or
2) If passengers have other demands, they shall timely report to the on-site personnel /
customer service seat of HNA, pay attention to transposition thinking, express their
understanding of passengers' mood and reflect their empathy, and try to provide
assistance to passengers within reasonable and local capabilities.
3) For travelers with sensitive identities, such as government public officials, soldiers,
journalists, stars, big V on the Internet, or other people with certain social influence, the
ground support unit shall immediately notify the HNA customer service position before
refusing to transport, and deal with them according to the decision-making opinions
notified by the customer service position.
4) If passengers make complaints, handling their complaints in accordance with Disposal
of Impaired Passenger’s Complaint. If there are media get involved, the staff leader on
duty that day shall immediately report to Product and Brand Department and AOC
Customer Service Unit about the service process of such incident, the reporter
information, the current situation etc. The staff leader may be interviewed upon the
authorization of Product and Brand Department.
5) If passengers applied but Hainan Airlines refused to carry, and passengers are under
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emergency and endangering the life safety of passengers themselves, local ground
service unit shall notify the AOC Customer Service on Duty as well as Ground Service
Management department on Duty. As well as assist to contact professional rescue
organizations for passengers and change their ticket to other possible airlines or find other
means of transportation for them.
6) When ground service staff refuses to provide air transportation service for the disabled
passengers with suitable boarding situations, the staff should explain the related legal
basis for refusal. The carrier shall provide a written explanation within 10 days after
refusing transportation if the disabled passengers ask.
7) If passengers who do not travel need to change their tickets or refund their tickets, HNA
will handle them in accordance with the applicable general transportation conditions and
ticket use conditions. The ground staff shall guide / assist passengers to go through the
refund and change procedures at the ticket counter directly under HNA; If there is no
ticket counter directly under HNA, the ground personnel shall guide the passengers to
go through the original ticket issuing place or call HNA 95339 to go through the refund
procedures. If passengers have special requirements, the ground personnel shall report
for disposal according to the production and operation system.
8) If the passenger requires a written certificate after refusing transportation, the written
certificate shall be provided within the time limit required in (4) and (5).
The written description template is as follows:
Certificate of refusing passenger or baggage
NO.: Passenger Coupon

Name Ticket Number

Flight Date Flight Number

Travel document Contact Number

Flight information From Via TO

According to the relevant national regulations, some specific passenger or items are not allowed
to be transported
Passenger who refuses security check
Passenger who is refused by security reason
Baggage that is not gone through security screening
Reason for Refusal Passenger who provide a travel document which is different from the one used to book the
Other circumstances stipulated by the government
Passenger whose behavior is dangerous for flight safety or public security
Passenger's age and mental or physical conditions are not fit to fly.
Passenger doesn’t obey relevant government aviation regulations or Hainan regulations

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The application materials prepared for special passenger/baggage or package of checked in
baggage are not fit for Hainan regulations
Passenger doesn't pay for proper fare ticket fee and(or) failure to pay his/her credit payment
with Hainan or other relevant carriers
Passenger who cannot provide his/her own valid travel document
The ticket presented by the passenger is proved to be illegally obtained or not purchased from
the issuing carrier or its sales agent, or to have been reported lost or stolen, or to be forged, or to
have been altered or altered by HNA or its sales agent
The ticket presented by the passenger cannot identify the passenger is matched to the one
mentioned on the column of"passenger name"
The amount of special passenger exceeds the maximum transportable number per flight
The transportation request is not fit to the epidemic prevention regulation on origin or
Others (If the reason is not belonging to any circumstances mentioned above, airport staff
should directly tell the passenger about the reason for refusal)
Note: For safety reasons or based on reasonable judgment, Hainan Airlines considers that passengers in one of the above
situations are not fit to fly. This certificate only serves as the proof that Hainan does not carry passengers or baggage. It
cannot be used for other purposes without authorization from Hainan. If the passenger who does not take the flight needs
to change the ticket or refund the ticket, Hainan will deal with the issue according to the applicable general conditions of
transportation and the ticket usage conditions. Please contact our hotline number 95339 for further explanations.

3.1.2 Standard of Check-in area and setting Counter Setting
1) Free Check-in at all counters at airport with availability.
2) Counter shall include the following: Duty Manager / Premium Passenger / Special
3) Arrange exclusive Check-in area for premium passengers. Segregation between
premium passenger and general passenger; segregate group passengers and individual
4) The Agency or Hainan Airlines own Check-in counter shall ensure the facility can
prevent passenger entering the work area of the counter. The counter staff shall be log
out the Check-in system when they leave.
5) Keep artificial service counters, support cash payment and voucher printing, and provide
convenient services and help such as consultation and guidance for the elderly. Company Branding Requirement
1) Airport entrance and departure hall must have clear guidance to ensure passengers can
identify Hainan Airlines Check-in counter.
2) All Hainan Airlines’ Check-in counters must have company branding, and ensure brand
is clean and clear, non-damaged, and easy identified.
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3) Hainan Airlines standard screensaver is the default screensaver on counter screen
(Premium counter in golden color, general counter in red color). Apply screensaver with
Hainan Airlines’ logo if airport cannot display Hainan Airlines default screensaver.
4) Set Hainan Airlines logo in background wall if available.
5) Apply service articles with Hainan Airlines design elements.
6) All Hainan Airlines’ logo must meet standard CI design requirement. Signage Requirement
1) Every Check-in/boarding gate area in terminal, sufficient notification/poster/advise shall
be displayed regarding prohibit dangerous goods onboard/baggage as according to
national and international regulations and requirement. These notices should include
visual examples of dangerous goods that are prohibited from being transported by
2) If passengers use self-service check-in means at the airport, such asCUSS, they shall
provide passengers with information about the types of dangerous goods prohibited from
passenger air transportation; If passengers do not check in at the airport but at other
locations (such as city terminal and self-service check-in counter in the city), they shall
also be clearly informed by notice or notice at this location. The information shall be in
the form of images, and it shall be ensured that the check-in can be completed only after
the passenger indicates that he has understood the restrictions on dangerous goods in his
3) Show the newest requirements about carry prohibit dangerous goods in baggage item of
Hainan Airlines official website.
4) Hand luggage restriction shall be clearly displayed in Check-in area.
5) Check-in closure time shall be clearly displayed in signage or digital format in Check-in
6) Closure sign shall be clearly displayed on desk not available and guide passenger to the
correct counter.
7) Signage should include restricted items such as lithium battery, power bank and item
might contain Dangerous Goods.
8) Queueing Requirement
(1) Set queuing pole in front of Check-in counter and layout can be set in snake or straight.
(2) Arrange queue-controller at queuing area.
(3) Queue controller responsibilities
A. Control the queue order, and ensure passenger wait behind the line.
B. Direct different type of passengers to the relevant Check-in desk.
C. Monitor passenger baggage and remind passenger the restriction and Dangerous Goods
D. Advise passenger to repack their baggage if it is not suitable or inappropriate.
E. Answer any passenger queries and maintain cleanliness of the queuing area.
(4) Work requirements of self-service equipment maintenance personnel.
A. Airports where conditions permit take the initiative to find passengers without checked
baggage, guide and assist passengers in handling self-service check-in;
B. Monitor the operation status of self-service equipment to ensure that self-service check-in
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facilities, self-service check-in baggage equipment and other facilities and equipment are
in good operation condition;
C. In case of equipment failure, self-service equipment failure prompt shall be posted in time
(in case of self-service check-in equipment failure, the self-service check-in display screen
shall automatically display the information that can not be used. If the machine is shut
down due to power failure or serious failure, self-service equipment failure prompt shall

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be posted in time);
D. Prompt passengers with excess baggage to check in at the manual check-in counter.
9) CUSS equipment requirement
A. CUSS should be activated between -3 hours to STD to -10 minutes prior to Check-in
closure. (Local station can adjust time frame accordingly)
B. Local station should dedicate staff to assist passenger in CUSS area.
3.1.3 Principle of seat arrangement Aircraft cabin seat map
1) The aircraft seat map is used to display the seat location across the cabin and should be
used for seating arrangement for passenger.
2) The aircraft seat map will display the aircraft exit and emergency exit location. And these
seats should be arranged according to the emergency exit requirement issued by Hainan
3) Seat map will display the Reserved seat for sky marshal, engineer, and crew. Only use
according to the route specific arrangement.
4) Reserved Seat for Operational use
(1) Crew rest seat control arrangement. Flight crew rest require to be in Business Class, if
aircraft do not have business class, the 1st row of economy shall be used. Cabin crew
rest required to be in Economy Class. For domestic and international flight, Sky marshal
seat must be in Economy Class. Please refer to DF-2018-20 (GS) for seat block
arrangement for crew
(2) For inaugural / resume / temporary flight, seat reserve shall be based on principle (1).
Flight Department / Ground Service Department / Maintenance Engineering
Department and Aviation Security Department will arrange with Operation Control
department prior to operation.
(3) For additional sky marshal request, as per CAAC requirement, marketing department
will complete the seat reservation within 1 working days and Ground service
management department will notify the local station.
(4) For seat reserve request more than 1 seat, a ( / ) Symbol will be used to display the seat
number require.
(5) Please refer to updated document / procedure for up-to-date seat reserve requirement.
Sky Marshal
Additional Sky
1/2/3/4 (Person) Additional
A/C Type Configuration Marshall Engineer
2nd half of the Crew
1st half of the year 1/2/3/4 (Person)
32C/40H/51D/32 32H/40C/50H Domostic31H
787-8E C36Y177 38C/38H/39C/39H
H /32C International 18K

32C/46H/56C/32 32H/46C/56H Domostic31H

787-9E C30Y259 44C/44H/45C/45H
H /32C Last 2 or 3 International 17K
row aisle
32C/46H/56C/32 32H/46C/56H Domostic31H
787-9D C30Y262 44C/44H/45C/45H
H /32C International 17K
C26W21Y24 32C/48H/58C/32 32H/48C/58H Domostic34H
787-9H 46C/46H/47C/47H
7 H /32C International 17K

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32C/48H/64D/32 32H/48C/64G Domostic31H
330-300E C32Y260 46C/46H/47C/47H
H /32C International 18K
32C/48H/61C/32 32H/48C/60H
330-200C C18Y242 46C/46H/47C/47H International
H /32C
32C/40H/53C/32 32H/40C/52H
330-200A C36Y178 38C/38H/39C/39H International
H /32C
32C/42H/55C/32 32H/42C/55H
737-700E Y148 40C/40H/41C/41H 31H
H /32C
32C/38H/50C/32 32H/38C/50H
737-700 C8Y120 36C/36H/37C/37H 31H
H /32C
32C/45H/61C/32 32H/45C/61H
737-86NE Y186 43C/43H/44C/44H 31H
H /32C
737-86N Y189 2C/15D/31C 3D/15C/29D 13CD/14CD 2D
32C/45H/60C/32 32H/45C/60H
737-88N Y179 43C/43H/44C/44H 31H
H /32C
32C/41H/56C/32 32H/41C/56H
737-8QA C8Y156 39C/39H/40C/40H 31H
H /32C
32C/41H/56C/32 32H/41C/56H 31H
737-8QN C8Y156 39C/39H/40C/40H
H /32C
32C/41H/56C/32 32H/41C/56H
737-8QB C8Y162 39C/39H/40C/40H 31H
H /32C
737-800 32C/42H/58C/32 32H/42C/58H
C8Y168 40CH/41CH 31H
(MAX) H /32C
32C/51H/67D/32 32H/51C/67G Last 2 or 3
330-300 C24Y279 49CH/50DG row aisle 31H
H /32C
33C/51H/62C/32 32H/51C/62H Domestic 31H
350-900D C33Y301 48CH/49CH
H /33C International 21F
1. The priority of the full-time security officer seat issuance (take the 737-700E as an example):
If there are two or more locked seats, separate them with "/" in the middle, such as 32C/42C/55C/32H, that is: if you need to lock a seat,
lock it
32C, if you need to lock two seats, then lock 32C/42C, if you need to lock three seats, then lock 32C/42C/55C, if you need to lock four
seats, then lock
2. Full-time safety officer: In the first half of each calendar year (January 1st-June 30th), the full-time safety officer will fix the seat for
adjustment and follow the C-H-C layout rules
Issuance; in the second half of the calendar year (July 1st to December 31st), it will be adjusted and issued in accordance with the H-C-H
layout rules. The specific number of rows is subject to the form.
3. Description of the priority of the over-provisioned safety officer (take 737-700E as an example):
If there are two or more locked seats, separate them with "/" in the middle, such as 40C/40H/41C/41H, that is: if you need to lock a seat,
lock it
40C, if you need to lock two seats, then lock 40C/40H, if you need to lock three seats, then lock 40C/40H/41C, if you need to lock four
seats, then lock
Please refer to latest document issued in regard to seat reserve standard and procedure. Aircraft cabin seating layout and seat control in DCS
1) Boeing 737-700
Seat configuration: C8Y120
Emergency Exit Seat: 38ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
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Flight Crew: 2K/H
Cabin Crew: 50HJK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/38H/50C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/38C/50H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

2) Boeing 737-800
(1) 737-86NE
Seat configuration: Y186
Emergency Exit Seat: 44-45ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 31A/B
Cabin Crew: 61HJK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/45H/61C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/45C/61H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

(2) 737-88N
Seat configuration: Y179
Emergency Exit Seat: 44-45ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 31K/J
Cabin Crew: 60H 61HK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/45H/60C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/45C/61H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

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Please be aware the 1st row H seat are close to Lavatory door, DO NOT USE for VIP
PAX as well DF-2014-081 document.
(3) 737-8QA
Seat configuration: C8Y156
Emergency Exit Seat: 40-41ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 2K/H
Cabin Crew: 56HJK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/41H/56C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/41C/56H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

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(4) 737-8QB
Seat configuration: C8Y162
Emergency Exit Seat: 40-41ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32H/41H/56C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/41C/56H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

(5) 737-8QN
Seat configuration: F8Y156
Emergency Exit Seat: 40-41ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 2K/H
Cabin Crew: 56HJK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32H/41H/56C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/41C/56H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

(6) 737-800
Seat configuration: C8Y168
Emergency Exit Seat: 41-42 ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 2K/H

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Cabin Crew: 58HJK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32H/42H/58C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/42C/58H
Engineer: 31H
DCS Seat Map

(7) 737-86W
Seat configuration: Y189
Emergency Exit Seat: 45-46 ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 1A/B/C
Cabin Crew: 61ABC
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/45H/59C/33H 2nd Half of the year:
Engineer: 32H
DCS Seat Map

3) Boeing 787-8E
Seat configuration: C36Y177
Emergency Exit Seat: 40ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/40H/51D 2nd Half of the year: 32H/40C/50H
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International18K
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DCS Seat Map:

4) 787-9
(1) Boeing 787-9E
Seat configuration: C30Y259
Emergency Exit Seat: 46ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/46H/56C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/46C/56H
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International17K

(2) Boeing 787-9D

Seat configuration: C30Y262
Emergency Exit Seat: 46ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/46H/56C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/46C/56H
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International17K
DCS Seat Map:

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(3) Boeing 787-9H

Seat configuration: C26W21Y247
Emergency Exit Seat: 48ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/48H/58C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/48C/58H
Engineer: Domestic 34H, International17K
DCS Seat Map:

5) A330
(1) Airbus A330-200A
Seat configuration: C36Y178
Emergency Exit Seat: 40ACHK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 15HK
Cabin Crew: 50-52HK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/40H/53C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/40C/52H
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International18H/K
DCS Seat Map:

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(2) Airbus A330-200C

Seat configuration: C18Y242
Emergency Exit Seat: 48ACHK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 15AC / 15HK
Cabin Crew: 58-60HK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/48H/61C 2nd Half of the year: 32H/48C/60H
Engineer: Domestic 34H, International17K
DCS Seat Map:

(3) Airbus A330-300E

Seat configuration: C32Y260
Emergency Exit Seat: 48ACHK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 19H/20K
Cabin Crew: 60-62HK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/48H/64D 2nd Half of the year: 32H/48C/64G
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International18K
DCS Seat Map:

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(4) Airbus A330-300

Seat configuration: C24Y279
Emergency Exit Seat: 31ACHK and 51ACHK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: 17K/18K
Cabin Crew: 63-65HK
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/51H/67D 2nd Half of the year: 32H/51C/67G
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International16K
DCS Seat Map:

6) A350
(1) Airbus A350-900D
Seat configuration: C33Y301
Emergency Exit Seat: 51ACHK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 33C/51H/62C/32H 2nd Half of the year:
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International21F
DCS Seat Map:
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(2) Airbus A350-900E

Seat configuration: C30Y309
Emergency Exit Seat: 52ABCHJK
Crew seat reservation:
Flight Crew: N/A
Cabin Crew: N/A
Sky Marshal: 1st Half of the year: 32C/52H/63C/32H 2nd Half of the year:
Engineer: Domestic 31H, International 17K
DCS Seat Map:

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3.2 Check-in

3.2.1 Check-in requirement

1) Check-in principle
(1) Check-in timeframe: For international flight: the opening time must be no later than 120
mins prior STD. (Please refer to local procedure)
(2) Check-in close at 30 mins before STD (Please refer to local procedure)Before the check-
in process is stopped, the passenger should check the ticket, check the baggage, and
obtain the paper or electronic boarding certificate with the same valid id as when he/she
purchased the ticket.
(3) During irregularity, Check-in should close base on the latest ETD
(4) The paper or electronic boarding certificate shall be accurately and clearly display the
passenger name, flight number, flight date, boarding time, gate, flight itinerary and other
confirmed information.
(5) Notify security agent if there is any unusual behaving passenger.
(6) Passenger health situation also need to be checked during Check-in, if Hainan Airlines
decide passenger unsuitable for travel, it should be deal with as restricted travel passenger.
(7) Confirm if passenger carrying any Dangerous Good. Notify the passenger to remove
dangerous good from checked baggage or carry-on baggage.
(8) All checked baggage must through X ray check without exemption. Included self-
Check-in baggage. When X-ray inspection cannot be implemented, the company and its
agents can choose alternative security inspection methods such as hand-held explosive
detectors, manual inspections, or physical inspections with the approval of the
originating authority and combined with the actual security threat level. If prohibited
items or other suspicious circumstances are found during the security check, they must
go through a manual security check and confirm their safety before going through the
formalities for carriage.
(9) For passengers who have onward connection, Check-in agent must ensure passenger
and baggage are checking in to the same destination.
(10) Notify Load Control (or gate controller) if below articles found:
A. One or total weight over Standard checked baggage
B. One or total weight over gate checked baggage and carry-on baggage
C. Other unusual articles should consider by load control
(11) If found nonstandard weight group that over 5 passengers, actual weight should be used:
D. Weigh every baggage
E. Request passenger weight info (incl. passenger weight and carry-on baggage weigh)
Note: Above mentioned Check-in counter open and close time is general time, can be
adjusted under specific situation
(12) If passengers have unusual behavior, passengers’ checked baggage must be accepted as
Standby, and report to duty manager.
(13) If actual carrier is different from ticket carrier, notify passenger at Check-in
(14) If actual carrier is different from ticket carrier or passenger holding code share ticket,
notify passenger at Check-in.
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(15) Children must be accompanied by adult over 18 years old. Each adult over 18 years old
allow to accompany up to 2 children under the age of 12 and must be booked in the same
cabin class. The basic rule for maximum number of children of each aircraft type is (1
Adult with 2 Child – emergency exit) x 90%.
(16) For passenger accompanying infant and child passenger, the rule apply the limit of infant
and child. If 1 adult accompanying 2 child already, then 1 infant only. Exception for Child
tour group ticketed and authorized by Marketing Department
Maximum children allow onboard
DO NOT include UM number
Business Class Economy Class
A/C Type Configuration Emergency Exit Limit Limit Total
737-700 C8Y120 38ABCHJK 4 68 72
737-86NE Y186 44/45ABCHJK 0 104 104
737-88N Y179 44/45ABCHJK 0 100 100
737-86W Y189 45/46ABCHJK 0 106 106
737-8QA C8Y156 40/41ABCHJK 4 86 90
737-8QB C8Y162 40/41ABCHJK 4 90 94
737-8QN C8Y156 40/41ABCHJK 4 86 90
737-800 C8Y168 41/42ABCHJK 4 93 97
787-8E C36Y177 40ABCHJK 21 102 123
787-9E C30Y259 46ABCHJK 18 151 169
787-9D C30Y262 46ABCHJK 18 153 171
787-9H C26W21Y247 48ABCHJK 15 157 172
330-200A C36Y178 40ACHK 21 104 125
330-200C C18Y242 48ACHK 10 142 152
330-300E C32Y260 48ACHK 19 153 172
330-300 C24Y279 31ACHK/51ACHK 14 162 176
350-900D C33Y301 51ACHK 19 178 197
350-900E C30Y309 52ABCHJK 18 181 199
2) Documentation and ticketing Check
(1) Passenger document check
A. A. Check-in agent shall ensure the ticket / DCS name and document number matching
the document present by the passenger.
B. Valid documentation include: Mainland travel permits for Hong Kong and Macao
residents, residence permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents, and Mainland
travel permits for Taiwan residents; passports of foreign travelers, diplomatic personnel
certificates issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign permanent residence ID
cards, and Permanent residence permit for foreigners still within the validity period
C. N/A for international travel
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D. Please ensure all agent familiar with documentation requirement.
E. N/A
F. For international ticket, in the DOCS or FOID section of the DCS, there might not be a
documentation detail, passenger can refer to the ticketing office for detail.
(2) Ticketing Check
G. Check the validity of the ticket. Include but not limit to Date, STD, destination, Class,
booking status and special request information.
H. Passenger full name on the ticket must match the documentation passenger present.
I. Ticket must be used in sequence.
J. If ticket been modified, it must be issued as per sales agent or carrier requirement.
K. All other endorsement on the ticket should comply with Hainan Airlines regulation.
(3) Abnormal Ticketing requirement
A. Standby acceptance: When Check-in agent accepting Standby passenger with E-Ticket,
agent should check the status of the ticket in the system and ensure E-Ticket display on
the boarding pass.
B. For none E-ticket, Check-in Agent must request passenger to display their paper ticket or
valid ticketing document, if unavailable please advise passenger to contact the point of
sales or ticketing office before accept.
C. For duplicate record, Check-in agent should ask passenger for ticket information before
accepting the passenger under the E-Ticket record or NONE E-Ticket record according to
the ticket passenger present.
D. For duplicate E-ticket record, Check-in agent should confirm booking reference / ticket
number prior to accept the passenger in the system.
E. Check-in agent should check E-ticket been correctly display on passenger boarding pass,
if not, please follow procedure (B).
F. After Check-in close, ground staff should collect all valid ticketing document and send
back to accounting department within 7 days.
3) Excess Baggage Ticket Acceptance
(1) For station with no EMD support, if passenger purchase excess baggage paper ticket, the
transport slip on the ticket should be collected at Check-in. Please refer to excess baggage
document and procedure.
(2) After Check-in close, ground staff should collect all valid excess baggage ticketing
document and send back to accounting department within 7 days.
4) Boarding Pass
Computer generate Boarding Pass can be based on local airport standard, but the
following information must be included: Name, Flight Number, Date, Destination, Seat
Number, Cabin Class, Boarding Gate, Boarding time, E-Ticket number, boarding
closure time.
5) Baggage Tag and Baggage Acceptance receipt
A. Baggage Tag and receipt is the identification of the checked bag and the proof of
acceptance for passenger.
B. Baggage Tag can be separated into transport tag, receipt tag and check tag. Transport tag
should be firmly attached to the bag, receipt tag should be given to passenger after
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accepting and check tag shall be placed on baggage and bingo card. As back up when
transport tag falls off.
C. Baggage tag should include the following information: Date, flight number, origin,
destination, baggage tag number.
6) Baggage tag is an auxiliary identification mark for baggage transportation. It is used
together with baggage strip according to the applicable conditions of various baggage
tags. The baggage label shall be pasted in an easy to read position and not easy to be torn
off. It shall be pasted according to the label instructions and shall not be pasted directly
with glue.
A. Passenger Name tag
B. VIP tag: For VVIP/VIP/CIP and HNA group leaders and guests
C. Business Class tag: Use for Business Class Passenger
D. Priority Tag:
a a company guests
b b Fortune wing club platinum/gold/Silver member
c c special assistant passenger such as infant/ pregnant passenger bag/ wheelchair / baggy
or high priority medication
E. Fragile tag
F. Oversize or Overweight tag (For weight over 23kg or size over 158cm overall dimension)
G. Wheelchair tag
H. Transfer tag (For transfer baggage)
7) Protective case for suitcase
A. High-end luggage protection cover: suitable for key domestic routes (Beijing=Haikou,
Beijing=Guangzhou, Beijing=Shanghai, Beijing=Shenzhen, Beijing=Sanya), important
flights, all international flights, for VVIP, For VIP, CIP, business class and Fortune Wings
Platinum Card passengers, there are two types of luggage protection covers: 24 inches and
28 inches Grids are distributed free of charge for passengers on demand.
B. Special baggage protection cover: applicable to key domestic routes (Beijing=Haikou,
Beijing=Guangzhou, Beijing=Shanghai, Beijing=Shenzhen, Beijing=Sanya), important
flights, all international flights, for infants Passengers traveling in baby carriages or
wheelchairs will be distributed free of charge to passengers on demand
8) Seating arrangement:
(1) Seat allocation principles and basic requirement
A. Passengers must be seated in the same number on the plane.
B. On the premise of complying with the safety operation regulations and the aircraft load
balance requirements, Check-in agent should always accommodate passenger request.
C. High-end passengers have priority to arrange seats in the front row, or according to the
requirements of passengers.
D. Passengers who need special services are arranged to sit in a seat close to the cabin crew,
or as required by the passenger (but not at emergency exits). (Special passenger seats are
issued in accordance with the requirements of the special passenger chapter)
E. If the economy class seats are oversold or the aircraft type is changed, if there are vacant
seats in the business class, they can be upgraded according to the management regulations,
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the passive upgrade sequence arranges passengers to sit in the business class separately,
and they should be centrally arrange from the back to the front row.
F. Group passengers, members of the same family or passengers who need to take care of
each other, such as patients and their accompanying persons, they should be arranged
together if possible. Passengers with different political attitudes or different religious
beliefs, shall not be arranged in the same area.
G. Special passenger arrangement should comply with the relevant requirement within this
manual chapter in regards to passenger require special assistant.
H. When international flights carry passengers on domestic segments, international and
domestic passengers are arranged separately.
I. Infant passenger seat issue requirements: Passengers carrying infants should be allocated
seats based on the distribution of oxygen masks. On this basis, the passenger seat
application for the baby cradle is issued based on the installation position of the baby
cradle on the plane.
J. When there are important passengers, special passengers or passengers who need to be
taken care of at the flight stop, notify the originating station in advance to reserve a suitable
K. Under normal circumstances, the arrangements for domestic flights passing through the
station are centered; for the international flights with a stop in the country, the passing
passengers shall be arranged in the forward row of the cabin.
L. For the issue of boarding passes for transit flights, when there are two flight segments with
the same seat, a boarding pass must be issued. In the event of inconsistent seats in the two
sections of the departure station-the transit station, and the transit station-the arrival station,
generate two boarding passes and confirm with the passenger the following two points of
information: 1. It must be explained with the passenger Circumstances, and carefully
check the flight segment information on the boarding pass with the passenger. 2. Both
boarding passes are given to passengers, also informs passengers in which flight segment
each ticket is used to prevent passengers from being blocked when taking the flight
through stops.
M. The principle of service for infant passenger seat issuance without clearly stated seat
a If passengers with infants take the economy class, if there is no clear seat requirement, the
passenger seat will be arranged with Business class is separated by at least 3 rows of seats.
b If passengers with infants purchase business class aircraft with C1 and C2 cabins, if there
is no obvious seat requirement, arrange passengers to sit in the second cabin seat, and the
order of seat allocation is from back to front to avoid other passengers interfere with each
other. If there is no sub-cabin model, if there is no obvious seat requirement, from the rear
to avoid interference with other passengers.
(2) Emergency Exit Seat Arrangement
A. Exit seats, are those seats passenger can access to emergency exit without any obstacle,
and seats close to nearest exit.
B. Passengers in the exit seats must be able to have full ability:
a Confirm emergency exit door position.
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b Able to identify emergency exit position.
c Understand emergency exit operation notify.
d Able to handle emergency exit door.
e Evaluate if open emergency exit door will cause risk to passenger.
f Store or lock the emergency door.
g Can follow crew instruction to handle the door.
h Evaluate slider status, support other passengers evacuate.
i Fast evacuate from emergency exit.
j Select and follow the safety indication to evacuate from emergency exit.
C. Passengers are prohibited to sit in emergency exit (Missing at least one ability mentioned
in clause (2)
a Passengers’ hands, arms or legs have disability:
a) Passengers cannot reach emergency exit door and slider handlebars in upper, side and
lower side
b) Passengers cannot push, pull, or switch emergency exit handlebar
c) Passengers cannot push, collide, or pull emergency exit door or open the emergency
exit door
d) Passengers cannot hold heavy item like emergency exit door or move the door over
next row
e) Passengers cannot move heavy item like emergency exit door
f)Passengers cannot fast reach emergency exit
g) Passengers cannot keep balance when move heavy item
h) Passengers cannot fast walk to emergency exit
i)Passengers cannot keep slider stable
j)Passengers cannot support others to evacuate to slider
b Passengers are younger than 15-year-old, or no adult, parents or other relatives accompany,
and cannot execute above mentioned activities in clause (2)
c Passengers cannot read and understand carriers’ orders by text and figures which showed
on emergency exit door.
d Passengers cannot clearly see normal sized characters or photos without glasses or contact
lens, and cannot execute above mentioned activities in clause (2)
e Passengers cannot clearly hear without audiphones, and execute crew orders accordingly.
f Passenger cannot convey crew order to other passengers.
g Passengers have other responsibilities may affect execute activities mentioned in clause
(2), like take care children, or harm themselves if execute activities mentioned in clause
h Passengers with a weight of more than 100kg, a height of more than 190cm or obviously
obese (taking it as the standard that they will not affect the walking of the emergency
For exit seat arrangement, please refer to 3.7 special assistant passenger.
D. Emergency exit assignment regulation and notes.
a Must get approved from passenger before assign emergency exit seat, and notify

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passenger read responsibility and liability of emergency exit seat.
b Clearly consult if passengers accept responsibility and liability of emergency exit seats.
Do not assign these seats before passenger accept.
c If expected passenger number do not need to occupy emergency exit seats, all those
emergency exit seats should empty. If emergency exit seats must be occupied, arrange
ability passengers in emergency seats. If total passenger number over ¼ of capacity,
arrange at least one ability passenger sit in emergency exit. If DHC on board, arrange
DHC or company staff sit in emergency exit in case of needing assistance.
d If emergency exit seat is the only available seat for special passenger, but no other seat
available on flight, deny board the special passenger.
e When passenger refuse to cooperate with crew or the authorized personnel instruction,
Hainan Airlines hold the right to deny this passenger.
E. If crew found unnecessary passenger sit in emergency exit position, the passenger should
exchange seat to any other available seat or change seat with ability passenger:
a Belong to unavailable passenger.
b Passenger cannot confirm he/she could support when emergency happened.
c May harm for self-health if execute evacuation.
d Passengers are unable to execute responsibility may request passengers perform.
e Passengers cannot communicate with crew due to language barrier or understanding
f Passengers do not want to sit in emergency exit seat.
F. Emergency exit instruction
a Notify passengers about the conditions, liabilities, responsibilities, and passenger rights in
use of emergency exit seats by English and local official language(s)
b Airports of destination countries should meet Hainan Airlines safety regulation, and
clearly confirm above regulation in written in service agreement and ensure provide
necessary support to meet regulation.
c Set《Emergency exit instruction》in emergency exit seats
d 《Emergency exit instruction》must contain at least two languages, one is English, and
the other is official language of aircraft registration country.
e Execute IATA regulation if destination country has unique regulation other than China. If
destination country without safety regulation, negotiation by each other
(3) Assign seats for non-Standard weight passenger
A. Assign seats for non-standard weight passengers around aircraft gravity center, Aircraft
gravity center as below:
A/C Type Row

737-88N(Y179) 46

737-86NE(Y186) 46

737-86W(Y189) 46 、47

737-8QA/8QN(C8Y156) 42
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737-8QB(C8Y162) 41、42

737-800(C8Y168) 43

787-8E(C36Y177) 34

787-9E(C30Y259) 40

787-9D(C30Y262) 40

787-9H(C26W21Y247) 40

330-200C(C18Y242) 42、43

330-200A(C36Y178) 34、35

330-300E(C32Y260) 42、43

330-300(C24Y279) 44、45

350-900D(C33Y301) 43
B. Assigned passengers seated around the gravity center while many non-standard weight
passengers onboard.
C. After seat assigned completed, notify load control department about the total number of
non-standard weight passengers,actual weight, and their seat info.
9) Standby passengers
(1) Scope of standby passengers
A. Passenger held tickets with OK status, but without reservation or reservation has been
cancelled or missing reservation data in system.
B. Company guests or duty travel agent held tickets without travel date.
C. Passenger held tickets on other flight and due to irregular flight or oversold and comply
with Hainan Airlines Ticketing rule.
D. Passenger held discount tickets without travel date.
E. Passenger held Full Fare F/C/Y OPEN ticket due to flight sold out.
(2) Acceptance and Check-in procedure
A. Standby passengers can be accepted which will not delay the flight. Listing all standby
passengers, and Check-in passenger under available weight. Check standby passengers
ID and checked baggage in advance, if available, request passenger sign disclaimer for
baggage delay arrival, and checked baggage. Standby passenger acceptance in between
flight close and 20 mins before STD.
B. Under principle of ensure VIPs acceptance and balance others, standby passenger priority
as below:
b Passenger who operates national security business
c Passengers held frequent traveler card
d Passengers held full price ticket

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e Passenger held tickets with OK status, but without reservation or reservation has been
cancelled or missing reservation data in system
f Passengers with serious reason
g Passenger held various of company discount tickets
For specific product issue by Hainan Airlines, please refer to the relevant product
C. Low sub-class passenger could not occupy high sub-class passengers’ seat Handling
D. procedure of standby ticket
a Except non flight No. and non-date ticket can modify directly, others should modify with
modification tag.
b For missing flight passenger, refer irregularity handling procedure to modify ticket
E. No standby available for charter flight, except list provided by the organizer.
(3) Hainan Airlines staff demotic standby
N/A for international. Please refer to Chinese manual.
10) GOSHOW ticket procedure.
(1) If there is date change in passenger original ticket, Check-in ensure should ensure correct
booking been made on the new itinerary.
(2) If there is date change, and the E-ticket not been correctly modifying, Check-in agent
should only Check-in passenger under standby if the passenger can provide seat reserve
record along with proof of ticket modify.
(3) Ground agent must not accept ticket without valid booking reserve on the flight unless
the airlines provided FIM or irregular flight changing request.
(4) Ground agent shall ensure the correct policy of GOSHOW is being follow.
11) Load report
(1) Flight should close Check-in counter on time. But no early than planned close time in
(2) Before counter close, agent should confirm all VIPs, group travelers, and special
passengers checked in.
(3) For any onload or offload after Check-in closure, the agent must contact load control
before modifying.
(4) AOC can authorize to extend counter open time for late show passengers or GOSHOW
standby passengers but ensure on time departure.
(5) Standby passenger cannot occupy seats pre-reserved for VIPs, even if VIPs cannot arrive
on time within Check-in open period.
(6) After boarding complete, the baggage supervisor should ensure number of bags loaded
onboard matching the DCS system, the gate supervisor should ensure number of
boarding passes matching the DCS system.
(7) Passenger numbers in DCS must NEVER excess the number of seat available onboard.
(8) Report loading information to load control office no later than 20 mins before STD,
Report information should include: Total passenger number, adult/children/infant,
baggage data (pieces/weight), and seat distribution, Stopover (Transit) station should
also report arrival passenger number, baggage pieces/weight, and Stopover (Transit)
passenger seat No.
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(9) Notify above mentioned info to baggage service team and duty manager. If load/offload
baggage, notify again.
(10) Fill in special passenger service form, and hand over to cabin purser.
(11) Collect all boarding pass after passenger boarding.
(12) Flight close, CC in the DCS system. No later than 10 mins after ATD.
12) The ground support unit shall establish local backup procedures according to the
procedures of the departure system operator and test them regularly.
13) For manual Check-in or DCS malfunction, ground agent shall report number of
reservations to load control no later than 1 hours before STD, and the following
information shall be passed onto load control no later than 30 minutes before STD.
(1) Checked in passenger number, distribution in each zone.
(2) Baggage number and total weight.
(3) Special baggage such as AVI and WHC
3.2.2 Paper ticket management
N/A for international station, please refer to Chinese Manual for domestic operation
3.2.3 Domestic Check-in
N/A for international station, please refer to Chinese Manual for domestic operation
3.2.4 International Check-in Departure Station
1) Preparation
(1) Check flight plan, and aircraft status, understand passenger reservation detail and balance
requirement, check VIP, special passengers and group reservations.
(2) Understanding Cargo and Crew detail to prepare GD.
(3) Ensure baggage belt, computer, and counter screens in good condition.
(4) Prepare enough boarding pass, bag tag rolls and carry-on bag tags
(5) Retrieve all passengers name in advance for charter flight.
(6) Set dangerous goods notification in both English and Chinese on the Check-in counter
where can be seen by passengers.
2) Travel document Check
(1) Greeting to passengers, request passenger provide passport, visa, residence permit or any
other travel document.
(2) Ticket validity Check
(3) Cross check with passenger’s name on travel document and reservation detail, cross
check passport picture with passenger.
(4) Ensure travel documents are in genuine and refer IATA TIM to ensure passenger can
enter destination country, inquire destination if any doubt.
A. Ensure passport within validity period and meet destination country’s requirement.
B. Check visa validity period, available entry time to meet destination country’s requirement.
C. If passenger held travel document can enter destination country free of visa, refer TIM
manual to confirm before Check-in.
D. If passenger is travelling as TWOV, also refer TIM to ensure passenger meet conditions
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Ground Operation Manual 3
to transfer at flight destination country.
(5) Passenger with serious disease must provide medical certificate for air travel, For Child
and UM please ensure their accompanying Adult information been correctly record.
3) Seat arrangement, enter passenger information correctly in DCS and generate boarding
pass, for VIP passenger please refer to 3.6 in this manual.
4) Check-in passenger baggage follow below procedure and comply with baggage service
section within this manual.
(1) Check with passenger if any baggage needs to Check-in politely, and notify passenger
all baggage over carry-on baggage size should Check-in.
(2) Check if passenger’s baggage contains dangerous goods or any other restricted items if
(3) For the baggage may contain dangerous goods, Check-in agent should help passenger
identify, and notify security agent for help if available. If confirm the items belong to
dangerous goods, handled as dangerous goods regulation to do so.
(4) Check-in baggage and print out bag tag.
(5) Check flight number and date on the luggage tag and attach to the bag.
(6) All checked baggage must be weighed, estimated weight is prohibited, and insert into
departure control system to correctly calculate weigh and balance data.
(7) Advise passenger to pay overweight/oversize/over piece charge if necessary and show
price list to passenger. Notify passengers keep payment invoice until destination.
(8) Group and charter flight passengers’ baggage should be weighed, estimated weight is
(9) Double confirm baggage destination with passenger, and ensure safety attached on the
baggage. Remove old bag tags if necessary.
(10) Check-in business class baggage in priority and attach priority tag.
(11) Attach late show tag and ask passenger sign disclaimer for late show passenger.
A. If passenger insist to Check-in baggage that cannot meet Hainan Airlines baggage
standard, or late show baggage, attached waiver tag, and notify destination.
B. Tick in waiver item, and advise waiver reason, then request passenger sign on the waiver
before attached the bag tag.
C. For late show baggage and offloaded oversized baggage, attached disclaimer, and forward
on the same flight with passenger if available. Or forward to destination on first available
flight, and notify destination.
(12) Ensure bag tag kept by passenger matched actual total checked baggage number
(13) Ground staff are prohibited to forward private items on flight.
5) Flight close: Flight must close on time, and check flight data, API data before close.
6) Loading data calculation
(1) Report loading
A. Report loading data accurately in a timely manner. (Total checked in passenger number
and baggage number as well as weight)
B. N/A for overseas station
C. N/A for overseas station
D. Collect and account for all excess baggage ticket or chargeable ticket.
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E. Ensure all unused boarding pass and bag tag been securely collected.
F. Send PSM telex to all involved parties.
G. If have late show passengers come to counter after flight close, contact duty manager to
decide if can be accepted.
H. Print out passenger manifest and crew GD after confirming without any mistake.
I. Fill in flight document clearly, and well store all related flight documents in safety and
easy access area.
(2) Hand over documents to crew
A. Put all manifest and documents in one bag, and hand over to crew.
B. If any sharp object or DG been found, report to crew.
C. Notify crew about special passengers, VIPs, passenger with disease, UM, important
document, or any other thing need crew care.
D. If need to offload passenger or load urgent cargo, notify cabin crew about mentioned
actions, and notify load controller to reissue load sheet. Do adjustment on back up
document, and report all changes to destination by telex.
7) Customs declaration
Prepare for the following documentation and hand to crew member.

NO 单据种类 Name of certification 数量 copies 是否盖章 Stamp or not

4 机组名单 CREWMENIFEST 海航机组派遣章
Please refer to the local requirement.
(1) Passenger manifest and passenger list declaration
A. The passenger manifest (manifest) is a list of passengers carried on the plane. The name
on the passenger manifest should be the same as the name of the passenger on the plane.
B. Passenger manifests are generally required in seven copies and distributed to: ① one for
the carrier; ② one for the carrier’s agent; ③ one for the border inspection station; ④
one for the customs; ⑤ one for the inspection and quarantine station; ⑥
accompanying ticket One copy for the International Settlement Office of the flight transfer;
⑦Retain one copy at the departure station; ⑧If there is a flight that implements passenger
list telegram, a passenger manifest should also be placed in the random business document
(2) Load sheet
A. The load table is a document that records the load of the flight business and is used for
business processing between the relevant stations of the flight. It is also a voucher for the
business transfer procedures between the transportation department and the crew.
B. The load table is compiled when the passenger has completed Check-in procedures,
loaded luggage, mail, and cargo, and settled the aircraft load, and sent a load telegram
according to the load table.
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C. The load table should be in five copies, which are: ① one copy as a random business
document and put it in the business bag; ② one copy to the carrier; ③ one copy to the
carrier’s agent; ④ one copy to the crew; ⑤ one copy to the financial settlement
Department one.
(3) General declaration
A. The general declaration form is used for international flights, and the carrier is the basic
document used by the carrier to go through the declaration procedures with the
government authorities of the destination country or region when the plane takes off or
B. The general declaration form includes declarations of routes, health and quarantine, crew,
passengers, cargo, mail, and the aircraft itself.
C. The general declaration form is signed by the legal representative of the carrier or the
captain, and is responsible for the completeness, accuracy and authenticity of the declared
D. How to fill out the general declaration form:
a Operator: fill in the name of the carrier.
b Aircraft identification mark: fill in the registration mark and aircraft number of the aircraft,
such as B-2638.
c Flight number: Fill in the flight number, prefix it with the carrier code, and write the
departure time of the flight at the originating station after the slash (using two digits), such
as: HU7917/18; if it is not a regular flight If the flight does not have a flight number, fill in
the nature of the flight, such as: overtime (EXTRA), charter (CHARTER), etc.
d Date: fill in the date when the master declaration form was prepared. Use two digits for
the date and three-character English for the month, such as 23 DEC 2001.
e Departure station: fill in the name of the city/country where the terminal for preparing the
general declaration form is located. For example: HAIKOU/CHINA.
f Arrival station: fill in the name of the city/country where the next arrival station of the
flight is located. For example: TOKYO/JAPANSEOUL/KOREA.
g Location: Fill in the city name of the flight's departure station, midway station, and
terminal station in sequence. For example: HU7917 Flight: HAIKOU-MACAU-TAIPEI.
h h Number of crews: fill in the list of all crews, title them with titles, and finally fill in the
total number of crews. Example for filling out the crew list: Captain CAPT SUYEN
Engineer AG(H) ZHAO SHAO QI Random Security Officer STW HAO SHU LING
Crew F/P WU LAN PING Crew Chief G/E CHENG SHAO ZE Ground Engineer G/M
TONG SHENG Ground Mechanic D/H ZHANG QI Non-duty crew member TOTAL
i Health status declaration: fill in the brief information truthfully, or fill in "NIL".
j Other situations that may cause infectious diseases on board: fill in the brief information
truthfully, or fill in "NIL".
k Details of each extermination or sanitation treatment during the flight: fill in the brief
information truthfully, generally fill in "AEROSOLWAS SPRAYED PRIOR
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Ground Operation Manual 3
l If necessary, ask the relevant person to sign. m is signed by the captain or authorized agent,
this item needs to be signed every time, otherwise the declaration form is invalid. n
Number of passengers departing from this station: ①Departure station: Except the
country name is omitted, the filling method is the same as F; ②Number of people on
board: fill in the number of people on board this station; ③Number of passing passengers:
fill in the number of people passing through this station; ④Arrival station: Except for the
omission of the country name, the filling method is the same as F; ⑤ Number of people
getting off the plane: fill in the total number of people getting off the plane at the station;
⑥ Number of transit passengers: fill in the total number of passengers passing through
the station.
m is signed by the captain or authorized agent, this item needs to be signed every time,
otherwise the declaration form is invalid.
n Number of passengers departing from this station: ①Departure station: Except the
country name is omitted, the filling method is the same as F; ②Number of people on
board: fill in the number of people on board this station; ③Number of passing passengers:
fill in the number of people passing through this station; ④Arrival station: Except that
the country name is omitted, the filling method is the same as F; ⑤ Number of people
disembarking: fill in the total number of people disembarking at the station; ⑥ Number
of transit passengers: fill in the total number of passengers passing through the station.
Note: The first three items in item n are the departure declaration to the government
authority when taking off from this station; the last three items are the arrival declaration
to the government authority of the arriving country when the plane arrives at a certain
o For official use: After review by the relevant authorities (mainly the customs), it will be
released under this column.
E. The general declaration form is generally filled in seven copies (different countries and
regions depend on the actual situation): ① put one copy in the business bag as a random
business document; ② hand it to the carrier; ③ hand it to the carrier’s agent ④One
copy at the border inspection station; ⑤One copy at the customs; ⑥One copy for
inspection and quarantine; ⑦One copy at the originating station.
8) Information communication
To enable the effective transmission of flight information, strengthen the control of
business process risk points, enhance the information communication between the
departure station and the stop/destination station, and further standardize the international
flight information transmission process, the specific requirements are as follows:
(1) Within 60 minutes after the departure of the outbound flight, the ground personnel of
each departure station should fill in the electronic version of the "Outbound Flight
Ground Handling Information Sheet" and send it to the ground support unit of our
company at the destination station. The information receiving unit of each route and its
e-mail address must be sent. The station and the destination station need to communicate
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and confirm by themselves, and notify each other if there is any change.
(2) In principle, the areas where our company is stationed should be filled in by our staff,
and the areas without our company's staff should be filled in by the ground supplier or
ground supervision unit.
(3) If there is a temporary network failure or no network, the originating station needs to
transmit the main information through telephone and other channels. Stopover (Transit) route
On a Stopover (Transit) route. The same flight is operated by the same aircraft, and the
route formed by one or more waypoints in the whole journey is a tandem route.
1) Customs clearance requirements for international cross flights:
(1) Departure: Customs inspection of checked baggage at the departure station, customs
inspection of hand luggage and border exit procedures at the Stopover (Transit) station
and pick up the checked baggage after arriving at the destination station and go through
immigration procedures.
(2) Return journey: Check baggage at the departure station, go through exit formalities, go
through customs inspection of hand baggage and border inspection at the Stopover
(Transit) station, collect the checked baggage after arriving at the destination station, and
go through customs inspection of the checked baggage.
(3) Passengers passing through the station shall go through customs inspection and border
check entry and exit procedures in accordance with normal international flight joint
inspection requirements.
2) Departure station
(1) Check-in preparation: ground personnel inquire about international flights and passenger
information in advance, and prepare for Check-in. For details, please refer to the section
on Check-in at departure station of direct flights.
(2) Document inspection: Check-in staff need to carefully inspect passports and visas,
complete passenger API information as required, and Check-in passengers. If you have
any questions about the passenger's passport and visa, you can contact the operation
manager of the destination office or the immigration liaison officer.
(3) Boarding pass issuance: (e.g. Haikou=Chongqing=Rome,
Shenzhen=Tianjin=Vancouver) Print a boarding pass for the passenger to the destination
station, issue a "transit passenger logo" to the passenger, and stick it on the passenger
boarding pass, To remind passengers to show their boarding pass after arriving at the
stop, which is convenient for the ground personnel of the stop to pick up and guide the
Note: If some routes have special requirements, please refer to the route specific
(4) Seat issue: Passengers in the international section will be allocated front-row seats as
much as possible, and passengers in the domestic section will be allocated back seats to
ensure that international passengers get off the plane first and go through the exit
formalities quickly.
(5) Checked baggage: international passengers’ baggage is tied to the “same flight direct
baggage” mark and checked to the destination. Remind passengers: Baggage is picked
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up at the destination station, but there must be no items that need to be declared in the
hand luggage. After arriving at the stop, ground personnel will pick up the plane, please
follow the guidance of ground personnel to handle the transfer.
(6) Baggage loading: International passengers’ checked baggage is packed separately after
passing the security check and placed in the cabin of the aircraft. The baggage for the
international flight segment is indicated on the bag. The baggage will not be unloaded
when the flight stops.
(7) Flight closing: Flight closing on time, Check-in staff confirm whether flight information
is accurate and international passenger API information is complete and valid before
(8) Document preparation: the ground personnel of the departure station print out the
passenger list from the departure station to the destination station, and collect the customs
seal from the customs, and send the documents in the following form to the cabin
manager (crew chief) and inform the cabin manager (Crew chief) After arriving at the
stop, hand it over to ground personnel.

Origin Station
NO 单据种类 数量 是否盖章
Name of certification copies Stamp or not
1 旅客名单 No
2 海关关封 Custom Seal 海关章 Stamp
3 货单 Stamp
Please refer to local procedure.
(9) Modification of information changes:
A. The information on international passengers, international passengers’ checked baggage,
international cargo and other information in the customs seal must be consistent with the
actual flight information. When the information changes, the ground service personnel
should report to the customs in a timely manner, inform the customs of the change
information, and contact the cabin manager (crewman) Chief) Receive the old seal and
inform it to wait for the revised seal; the customs revise the seal according to the change
information, and the ground service personnel hand the final modified seal to the cabin
manager (crew chief).
B. Because local customs have different operating requirements for domestic passengers,
domestic passengers’ luggage, domestic goods and other information within the customs
seal, they shall operate in accordance with the requirements of the customs.
The specific customs seal modification procedures are operated in accordance with the
international customs seal modification procedures. If local customs have new
requirements, the local customs will revise the customs seal modification procedures
according to the new requirements and notify the "Ground Service Management
Department Standard Training Center" mailbox (hzdmglzx@hnair.com)) Filing.
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(10) Telex: After the flight takes off and closes, the airport of the departure station is loaded to
check the flight information, and the load telegram is manually sent to the Stopover
(Transit) station.
(11) Flight information transmission: After the flight takes off, an e-mail is sent to the ground
support unit at the stop to inform the accurate international passenger information,
including the passenger's name, number of luggage, luggage number, luggage packing
number and installation location.
3) Stopover (Transit) Station
(1) Preparation
A. Timely check the transit passenger list report and load report sent from the front station
(the same flight direction, the same below) to clarify the number of transit passengers
(including crew);
B. Check the seat occupied by transit passengers in the departure system and mark out the
occupied seat in the seat layout of the flight.
C. If the SOM report and other relevant information are not received 30 minutes before the
estimated time of arrival of the aircraft, the report should be sent to the front station to
obtain it;
D. Prepare boarding passes for transit passengers; if there are more than two transit flights at
the same time, transit passes of different colors should be used.
E. Accurately grasp the arrival time and stop location of transit flights.
(2) Handover of documents and passenger diversion: After the flight arrives, the ground
attendant obtains the seal and passenger list from the cabin manager (crew chief), and
diverts passengers off the plane or at the door, and the international passengers disembark
and go to the transfer waiting for the flight the luggage of passengers in the international
section will not be unloaded, and the luggage of passengers in the domestic section shall
be sent to the domestic terminal
(3) Check-in work
A. Under normal circumstances, passengers in transit should disembark the plane at a
midway stop, rest and wait in the isolation area (such as the terminal);
B. When passengers disembark the plane, issue transit boarding passes to transit passengers.
C. Guide passengers through the transit passage and go through various transit joint
inspection procedures. And tell passengers the boarding time and gate number.
D. When transit passengers aboard the plane, they should take back their transit boarding pass,
count the number of passengers, and check repeatedly to ensure that all transit passengers
have boarded the plane;
E. For the Check-in work of passengers departing from transit stations, please refer to the
"Check-in Work at Departing Stations of Cross-Flight Routes" above.
F. In principle, the boarding sequence of passengers on transit flights is as follows: board the
transit passenger first, and then boards the departure passenger;
G. After it is made sure that all transit passengers have boarded the plane, the boarding of the
passengers who departed at the transit station of the flight can be broadcasted.
(4) Flight closing: the flight closing 40 minutes in advance, the Check-in staff confirms
whether the flight information is accurate, and whether the international passenger API
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information is complete and valid: PD*, ACC, NAPI before closing.
(5) Document preparation: The ground personnel prepare relevant documents to go through
the customs declaration procedures for the flight, and send the following documents to
the plane:
Stopover (Transit) Station

Name of certification copies Stamp or not
1 X Copies at Transit Station – No
PASSENGER MAN IFEST Destination Station
X Copies at Transit Station – No
Destination Station
2 LOAD SHEET X Copies at Transit Station – Captain Signature
Destination Station
3 GENERAL DECLARATION X Copies at Transit Station – Stamp
Destination Station

4 AIRCREW MANIFEST X Copies at Transit Station – Crew Stamp and Captain

Destination Station Signature

5 CARGO MANIFEST X Copies at Transit Station – Stamp

Destination Station
X Copies at Transit Station – Or Nil Cargo Declaration
Destination Station
6 Passenger service information form X Copies NO
① From March 1, 2016, only Beijing-Haikou, Beijing-Xi'an, Beijing-Guangzhou,
Beijing-Shenzhen, Beijing-Shanghai Hongqiao, Beijing-Shanghai Pudong 6 outbound
flights with more VIP members are still delivered Passenger service information slips
will be sent, and passenger service information slips will no longer be sent to other
outbound flights from Beijing and Taiyuan. The flight attendant will inquire in advance
through the new mobile operation network.
②The information transmission requirements for special passengers and important
passengers remain unchanged.
③In case of network failure, the flight attendant can contact the ground support unit and
print the passenger service letter on site
④The number of documents for each route and whether it is stamped shall be subject to
the requirements of the joint inspection unit and the destination country.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 API telex Check and Transmit
1) API data input
(1) Cross check passenger travel document and API data, re-insert if found mistakes.
(2) Check all passengers API data via entry, and insert missing data
2) API telex Transmit
(1) The departure system administrator pays attention to the flight departure in time.
(2) The departure system administrator (departing personnel of the agent unit) will promptly
report the flight according to the departure situation of the flight. The status changes to
CC, so that the API can be sent in time.
(3) At the departure station, our company handling agent or the flight supervisory supplier
staff, after the flight takes off, through the departure port The system checks whether the
flight has been changed to CC status. If not, promptly remind the departure system
management. The manager (departing staff of the ground service provider unit) must
change the status of the flight.
(4) The arrival or departure point of an international self-operated flight that does not use the
TravelSky departure system should be handled by an overseas office in consultation with
the local airport, the departure system of the local airport will pass the passenger’s DOCS
information through SITA. The message is sent to the Ministry of Public Security of the
People's Republic of China, and the sending address is: PEKKN1E.
3) API data crosscheck
(1) After the flight CC, the staff in charge of flight at the overseas departure station need to
log in to the China API portal. Website (http://adapis.travelsky.com) to checks whether
the flight date and the number of people sent are the same as the actual number. If there
is an error in the transmission of the information, the originating station shall modify it
in time and re-send it (due to the authority The problem is that the information for
domestic-origin flights cannot be queried for the time being, and the domestic originating
station does not require it for the time being).
(2) At the destination station, our company’s international flight handling personnel can
check the originating station through the China API portal in a timely manner. Whether
the sent API information is consistent with the departure system, if any discrepancies are
found, confirm with the originating station in time and modify from the originating
Remarks: If there is no API portal account for the ground suppliers and depots of the
originating station, please apply by yourself. How to apply: send an email to
api@travelsky.com and submit an application.
4) API Abnormal handling
(1) If flight delay to next day, original station and destination should check API website for
correct info. If found incorrect info but unable to adjustment, contact immigration duty
manager to explain, avoid penalty.
(2) Contact TravelSky if found any questions about API transmit. IAPI check procedure for international route
1) China IAPI Verification
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(1) All stations with TravelSky system
(2) Passenger check scope
All passengers for applicable stations
(3) Staff responsibility
A. Ground handling agent
All GHA agents must follow standard operation procedure to do IAPI check, if found any
questions during IAPI check, report to station duty officer for help.
B. Hainan Airlines overseas stations
Hainan Airlines duty officers are response for supervise operation procedure, and cross
check before boarding start.
(4) Operation procedure
A. IAPI check for passenger depart from China.
a System automatically trigger API check if passengers do not have US/Canada/China
Taiwan/South Korea segment(s),
b If passengers have US/Canada/China Taiwan/South Korea segment(s), Check-in agent
must do China IAPI check by another entry.
c When Retrieve passenger via PR entry, there should be a remark GOV/FCL/CHN
showing the history of the vilification.
d For Canadian route, system will automatically trigger AQQ test for US, agent will need
to manually verify Canadian and China IAPI. For UK route, system will automatically
trigger IAPI for China, agent will need to manually verify UK IAPI.
e For abnormal route please refer to China IAPI Manual.
B. IAPI check at boarding gate
a For passengers with inbound connection, doing IAPI check before passenger boarding,
no matter passenger has or has not held valid HU flight boarding pass.
b After all passengers complete Check-in, confirm every passenger did IAPI check via
entry: PD*,ACC,NGOV, system display as below, and all passengers complete IAPI
check, then system show NIL
c Check transfer passengers’ IAPI data, and ensure all passenger with remark
GOV/FCL/CHN (as below picture) by entry: PD*,I, ACC, GOV. If any passenger with
other remark, deny board passenger, and do other necessary action to avoid passenger
board aircraft.
d Flight supervisor must double check above three items 10 minutes prior to boarding to
ensure all passengers completed IAPI check correct.
e Contact method
China immigration IAPI project team: 24 hours hotline: +86 10 56095288 in both
Chinese and English language
TravelSky 24 hours hotline: +86 10 84018401-3 in both Chinese and English language
Hainan Airlines departure control supporter
Mr. Ma Yuan: +86-10-57817641 ma-yuan3@hnair.com
2) US AQQ Validation
(1) Validation requirements
A. AQQ verification is required for US routes to Check-in passengers who have passed the
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verification. If you have any questions about the passenger's passport and visa, you can
contact the U.S. Immigration Service: 001-8082374632.
B. Passengers going to the United States who are selected as selectee passengers by the
system during AQQ verification must print the SSSS logo on the boarding pass or
manually fill in the SSSS logo.
Note: The flights of Canada and Mexico need to be verified by the AQQ information of
the US routes because they fly over the airspace of the United States. There is also a
chance that SSSS passengers will be identified.
(2) In case of AQQ Validation failure
A. Contact the Service Desk of TravelSky, and dial 010-84018401 in the domestic area: ext.
B. The Service Desk of TravelSky will contact the R&D host for departure duty and
operation network duty respectively to determine the cause of the problem.
C. C. The Check-in clerk calls DHS Helpdesk (001-240-473-1500), reports to DHS that the
system link is broken, applies not to use AQQ mode, executes the original API mode, and
obtains the activation code provided by DHS.
D. D. The Check-in clerk uses the FAQQ instruction to set the flight to API mode. CITY
must be entered as a US city, and AQQ verification is not required for passenger reception.
E. Check whether the fault is resolved 15 minutes before the CI of the flight. The API
command will always perform automatic AQQ verification. The Check-in staff can judge
whether the AQQ fault is resolved according to the response of the API command. If
unresolved or other abnormalities are found, they must contact TravelSky Contact the
service desk.
3) US Visa Update Electronic System (EVUS)
(1) All Chinese citizens holding a 10-year valid B1/B2 visa must register or update their
personal information through the Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS) before
traveling to the United States in order to obtain an entry permit.
(2) Ground Check-in counters in various places shall be equipped with electronic equipment
and personnel for protection according to actual conditions.
(3) The ground service departments of all regions should monitor the number of passengers
who have not passed EVUS verification in real time and report them level by level in a
timely manner.
(4) Passengers who are refused carriage due to EVUS's failure to pass verification shall bear
the relevant responsibilities. Under limited conditions, HNA will reschedule for free to
improve the five-star service quality. For details, please refer to the separate business
announcement issued by the Marketing Department. The ground service department
shall provide necessary assistance to passengers who need to reschedule. They can also
assist them in contacting hotel accommodation, and the travelers shall bear the relevant
4) Taiwan APP-IN inspection
According to the requirements of the Taiwan Immigration Department, all land-based
flights entering Taiwan need to undergo passenger APP-IN verification, and the
verification method is equivalent to the US AQQ. Just like the normal API verification
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method, just swipe your passport. AQQ PROCESS IN PROGRESS is echoed during
system verification. If the passenger passes the verification, PASSENGER CLEARED
TO BOARD will be displayed; if the verification is not passed, the system will display
5) Australia route APP verification
(1) Verification requirements
When checking in for a group or family of 2 or more passengers, you must go through
the procedures one by one, that is, after completing the current passenger API, IAPI and
APP verification, the entire process of printing the boarding pass/baggage tag, after
returning the passenger's passport and boarding pass to the current passenger, the next
passenger can be processed. It is forbidden to select multiple passengers for APP
verification at the same time.
(2) Check and review
After the passenger has completed the Check-in process, the Check-in personnel will
extract the passenger information again through the departure instruction (which can be
differentiated according to the interface of different systems), and check whether the
entered APP information is consistent with the passenger information.
Note: When the system is verifying the APP, the passport information will not be swiped
right or wrong, that is, the passport information and the passenger information in the
departure system will not be notified that the passport information does not match the
passenger information in the departure system. The Check-in staff must review the APP
information and the passenger information immediately after the APP verification
(3) Information notification
If the APP verification cannot be completed due to system reasons or other non-human
reasons, you need to immediately contact the Australian Border Agency for filing and
apply for a fine exemption.
Australia border contact information
Email: appwebsite@abf.gov.au and boc@abf.gov.au
Tel: +61 1300 368 126 or +61 (02) 6264 1301-select “1 EOC/BOC”
6) New Zealand, Myanmar, Thailand APP verification
(1) New Zealand, Myanmar, Thailand, etc. require APP verification, and the verification is
successful to allow passengers to board the plane.
(2) If the verification fails, enter the AOVR process
First, you need to contact the other party’s immigration office to obtain boarding permits,
or the airline can decide whether to allow passengers to board the plane by checking
TIMATIC, etc. TIMATIC is a travel information query system.
7) Manual iAPI verification on Canadian routes
(1) iAPI verification operation method
A. Since the Canadian iAPI function only supports manual verification, and for flights
involving Canadian routes, the departure station Check-in staff must manually perform
verification after entering the API information.
B. For through Check-in flights originating in China, in addition to manual iAPI verification

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at the originating station, manual iAPI verification needs to be rechecked at the final
departure terminal, and if not verified, the iAPI manual verification needs to be re-checked
in time. For non-through Check-in flights at the final departure terminal or flights at the
origin port, the final departure terminal is responsible for manual iAPI verification.
Remarks: During the manual verification of iAPI, if you receive an echo that is not
allowed to be accepted, the Check-in clerk needs to submit the information again. If you
still receive an unacceptable response, contact the carrier account manager of the
Canadian Border Services Agency. If the Canadian Border Services Agency refuses to
accept the entry of passengers, it is recommended that the passengers contact the
Canadian Immigration Service by themselves.
(2) Verification of dual nationality passengers
A. If there is dual Canadian citizenship at the scene, the passport is not issued by Canada, and
the passenger who does not have a Canadian visa has not passed the IAPI verification,
you can remind the passenger whether they have applied for identity verification in
advance. The verification page is as follows:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/dual-
B. If passengers have any questions about dual citizenship verification, they can be advised
to consult the Canadian CBSA directly.
8) Canadian CTP policy (China Transit Program)
(1) Policy introduction
CTP is applicable to Chinese citizens who hold a valid passport of the People’s Republic
of China and a U.S. visa to take a direct flight from a designated (currently only Beijing
departure) city to the U.S. via a Canadian airport or to a third country (including China)
from the U.S. via Canada), can transfer in Canada visa-free.
(2) Ground Handling requirements for originating stations in China
A. Ensure that the passenger holds a valid Chinese passport;
B. Ensure that the passenger holds a valid visa to the United States;
C. Ensure that when passengers transit through Canada, the transit time is within the same
calendar day;
D. Check-in for passengers who are visa-free in transit: Check-in for boarding passes and
checked baggage within the United States;
E. According to the requirements of the template, collect the CTP passenger list information
and deliver it to the Calgary transit station by mail. email address:
(3) Calgary transfer station Ground Handling requirements
A. Before the transit flight enters the port, collect the CTP passenger list sent by the departure
station according to the requirements of the template form, and submit the information to
B. When the flight arrives, arrange the pick-up personnel to pick up the plane and guide the
passengers on the follow-up route;
C. Issue VIP Lounge invitation cards for our high-end passengers (Private guests, business
class, Fortune Wings VIP membership, Golden Deer card) for the rest of the VIP Lounge
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during transit stay.
Remarks: VIP Lounge invitation cards are only issued to business class passengers who
take Hainan Airlines as the carrier segment. That is, if passengers take business class of
other airlines, HNA's economy class will not be issued.
D. When the flight is cancelled, etc., the transfer passenger shall be processed according to
the requirements of the Canadian BSO
E. If the baggage of the transit passenger arrives late, the baggage is under-collected for the
passenger and the subsequent baggage express delivery shall be handled; Special restrictions for international flights
1) Due to complexity of the Stopover (Transit) flights, STCR, WCHC and UM services
are not available in these routes as well as online Check-in and self-Check-in.
2) For international route requirement please refer to the latest route specific document. Handling procedure for passengers held invalid travel document on international

1) General rule
In order to meet immigration regulations to original country, stop over stations and final
destinations, Hainan Airlines hold rights to refuse passengers and baggage who held
invalid travel document(s). However, ground agents should notify passengers’ reasons
and advise passengers find appropriate solutions.
2) Handling procedure
(1) Check TIM manual when ground agent cannot confirm if travel documents meet
immigration regulation at destination country.
(2) Contact with destination immigration or Hainan Airlines duty officer in local if no
available indication from TIM manual.
(3) If destination immigration has not made clear decision for the passenger, request an
advice from local immigration instead, and notify passengers accordingly.
(4) Reference of advice: “Sorry, Mr./Mrs. XXX. We are sorry to inform you that your
document is not valid to enter XXX (country), the immigration office recommends
you ......(suggestion). Hainan Airlines is pleased to help you if you need any help.”
3) Information notification for refused passenger
(1) Ground agent are response to keep travel document copies of refuse passengers at least
one year
(2) Ground agent should notify deny boarded passenger info to customer service supervisor
in Haikou via phone call or email for file.
Contact TEL: +86-898-65987105 Fax: +86-898-65759651。
E-mail address: khfwx@hnair.com。
(3) If media or legal process involved into specific case, also report to Hainan Airlines
branding department. Taiwan Check-in
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.
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3.2.5 DCS Departure control Overall understand in DCS
Main purpose: static data maintenance, flight establishment, flight monitoring Quality standard of flight control
1) Ensure aircraft type, aircraft registration number, reservation data and well matched.
2) Seat arrangement meets gravity requirement.
3) Control seat for flight with Stopover (Transit) point.
4) Reserve seats for VIP.
5) Update flight info and adjust in departure control system on time. Procedure of departure control
1) T-Card creation and active
(1) Establish T-card for flight and modify T-Card when there is change
(2) Validate T-CARD matching latest flight Schedule. (Especially confirming on multi
sectors) lights)
(3) T-CARD must be established and activated in one day before the flight season.
2) Initial flight, arrange seats and control flight
(1) Ensure flight in DCS matching reservation system.
(2) Initialize flight in DCS
(3) Flight MUST BE initializing and check 1 days before STD
(4) Before using the IF instruction, be sure to check the flight FI and make the corresponding
modification by FU. When initializing the flight at the departure station, check the transit
and take-off time of the stopping flight. If it does not match the actual situation, the
departure station shall rebuild the T-CARD table or use the FU command to modify the
departure time at the stop before the initialization is correct.
(5) For flights with additional full-time security personnel, the full-time security personnel
seats that are not set to the X lock state in the static seat layout will be locked immediately
after initialization.
3) Seat control for next day flight
(1) View the forecast of the passenger number for flights on the next day.
(2) According to the requirements of weight and balance, preliminarily lock the scope of
flight seat issuance;
(3) According to the forecast number of people and the available seats on the flight, the flight
waiting limit will be set.
(4) Flight seat reservation for important passengers and special passengers who need to be
reserved according to company regulations.
(5) Multi-segment seat allocation
A. Under normal circumstances, domestic routes follow the principle of long-segment
passenger centered arrangements, and domestic international flights with stops are
arranged in front of short-segment passengers with long-segment passengers, while
considering the total number of passengers and the aircraft's center of gravity requirements,
which is reasonable. Assign seats.
B. Check the over-stop seat map to avoid the phenomenon of over-stop locked seats when
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allocating passenger seats for long flights (determined by over-stop locked or "C" living
conditions), causing this station to not be able to accept the reserved seats Travelers.
(6) The seat control on the next day's flight should be completed before the end of get off
work on the same day, and the handover should be done with the successor of the next
4) Flight control operation of the day
(1) According to the requirements of territorial work, arrive at work no later than 100
minutes before the departure of the earliest departure flight.
(2) Check the type and time of the outbound flight according to the flight status of the day,
and make timely amendments.
(3) Check the standby quota and the release of seats.
(4) For important passengers and special passengers who need to be reserved in accordance
with company regulations, make flight seat reservations.
(5) According to the flight status table and flight query system of the day, accurately enter
the boarding gate of the all-day departure flight in the departure system.
(6) Enter the flight information that requires special protection in the remark’s column at the
front of departure.
(7) Check all-day flight seat locks and standby quotas and revise them in time.
5) Flight monitoring
(1) Continuous check and adjust a/c type, schedule and gate info on time
(2) Continuous supervise whole day flight, ensure all information could well recorded and
distributed to appropriate duty agent, and archive all necessary information
(3) For pending Check-in flight, use entry: DFL& FU change a/c type, then re-initial flight,
re-assign seats and set new GOSHOW allowance.
(4) For Flight with checked in passenger, use AEC entry for a/c swap.
6) Real-time seat control
(1) The reserved and locked seats for important passengers and other special passengers that
are temporarily added;
(2) According to the weight and balance requirements, perform temporary adjustment of the
flight seat lock;
(3) Lock a special seat according to the on-site requirements of the check-in staff;
(4) Monitor the increase and decrease of passengers during the flight check-in process, and
release or lock seats in time
7) Flight close procedure
(1) Perform initial flight closure (CI) and intermediate closure (CCL) according to the
airport's flight cut-off time;
(2) If the flight cannot be closed on time due to special circumstances, report to the load
balancing unit in time;
(3) After the flight is closed, if there are late passengers or waiting passengers that need to
be reopened for processing, they can report to the weight and balance unit and request
instructions from the relevant operation control department in accordance with the
territorial regulations.
(4) After the flight takes off, the final closure (CC) of the flight shall be carried out in time,

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and the final closure of the transit flight shall not be later than the stop of the check-in
time at the intermediate station.
8) Passenger/baggage information changes. When the passenger or baggage information
changes after the flight is intercepted (such as: adding or subtracting passengers/baggage,
adjusting passenger seats), please notify the loading first, and notify the on-site guarantee
of loading instructions Personnel, at the same time, revise the departure system data, and
review and confirm the actual adjustment of passengers and baggage with the guarantee
9) Post-flight work
(1) Fill out the departure control work log and handover on the next day;
(2) Turn off the device safely. DCS System irregularity response
1) Aircraft type change
(1) Use FU entry to change aircraft type for flight without initial.
(2) Use AEC entry to change aircraft type for flight already initialized, make sure notify
counter agent which passengers need to change seat.
(3) If VIP on board, make sure VIP passenger have seat after a/c type change. Rearrange
general passengers if necessary and change new boarding pass for general passengers
before boarding.
2) DCS Malfunction
(1) Fault classification judgment and notification
Failures are divided into three types: departure host (or core network) failure, airport local
database failure, or system breakdown. Judge according to the characteristics of the
failure, determine the type of failure, and take different emergency measures.
A. Failure of TravelSky host, airport to TravelSky network: enable local backup mode;
B. When the local database fails: enable the host backup mode Guide/host mode Eterm;
C. All the system is down: enable manual mode.
(2) When TravelSky service / airport system/ TravelSky network malfunction, switch to
local Check-in mode for half of flights. Local mode is also able to assign seat and set
GOSHOW allowance. Failure of TravelSky host, airport to TravelSky network: enable
local backup mode.
A. Cannot return back to home page after insert F10
B. No action when do acceptance/delete/modification
C. Eterm disconnect, and cannot re-connect
D. NewApp shows Eterm connection failure
E. No response from TravelSky after send Check-in and load control
(3) When the local database fails enable the host backup mode Guide/host mode Eterm;
A. CKI interface shows oracle error, unable to open the flight page
B. F5 When refreshing the passenger list, the passenger information list cannot be obtained
C. The passenger list of the current flight becomes empty
(4) All systems are down. Its fault characteristics: both the outbound host and the front-end
system cannot be used.

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(5) Report failure
A. Report to duty manager once Check-in agent found error.
B. Report error to TravelSky and advise load control.
C. Duty Manager need to report to the relevant department and leaders.
3) Troubleshooting process
(1) Departure host failure handling procedures
A. Departure controls
a If the failure time exceeds 5 minutes and there is no repair time, or the estimated repair
time reported by TravelSky is long, ask the duty manager to decide to switch the check-in
mode of the flight that is more time-critical to the local backup mode, and cooperate with
the duty manager to notify the local TravelSky System maintenance unit, boarding gate,
stowage balance room, security inspection and other related business units.
b For multi-segment flights, the stopover should be notified. It is recommended that the
stopover be suspended or the seat range for the stopover should be designated.
c Call TravelSky to protect the flight PC and find out if there is any abnormal ticket.
d Enter AngelFDC (flight backup system) to change the flight check-in mode, and unlock
the PC in the backup system.
e Perform flight monitoring: GS, BS, etc.
f For multi-segment flights, if the host system returns to normal before departure, notify the
check-in staff to enter the long-segment passenger and baggage that they have handled
into the system.
g After the system returns to normal and 15 minutes after the flight takes off, change the
flight status to CC in AngelFDC.
h Use NewApp to return the ETL report: enter the NEWAPP host mode, Ctrl+Alt+E to
select the date, select the flight number to be returned, and press Enter to prompt whether
to start.
i After the return, call TravelSky Service Desk 010-84018401 to confirm whether the return
is successful (This operation will send a message to the host). Be careful not to close the
flight as CC in the host system, so as not to affect the company's data statistics.
j After the flight is cleared, the flight interceptor can use Ctrl+ALT+S to check the number
of people in the zone, and the number/weight of baggage with SY information, and report
it manually.
k After the system returns to normal, enter Etrem, and the flight will be unprotected.
B. Check-in Agent
a Collect all flight coupons and check with the front-end system to record the number of
passengers with paper tickets who have checked in, when a discrepancy is found, the
departure control will be notified to deal with it.
b Reopen the establishment of the flight and process the passengers. Pay attention to check
whether the e-ticket passenger has the ET mark in the front-end system. For the e-ticket
without ET mark or reservation record, you need to contact the ticketing department for
confirmation and receive the company's approval. The check-in clerk records abnormal
e-ticket passengers, special services, frequent flyer card numbers and other information.
c It is not possible to go through the connecting/passing formalities, and the front-end
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system can only be used to process passengers, even during the process, the host cannot
be transferred back to the host to receive passengers when it returns to normal.
d If you need to add a crew in the backup mode, you need to notify the flight interceptor:
pay attention to the number of people displayed in SY (adding a crew locally will increase
the number of passengers at the same time), and remind the flight when reporting the load
Number of crew, etc.
e After the flight takes off, if the system returns to normal, the recorded abnormal e-ticket
passenger will be received in the host, and the recorded frequent flyer card number will be
entered into the system. The CC closed flight cannot be performed on the host.
C. boarding gate
The boarding gate normally uses the boarding system to check in.
(2) Procedures for handling front-end failures of the departure system
A. Departure control
a If the failure time exceeds 5 minutes and there is no repair time, or the front-end system
maintenance unit feedbacks the expected troubleshooting time for a long time, ask the
shift manager to decide whether to switch to the Guide mode (use The Angel NEWAPP
system can directly enter this mode from the front-end login interface of the system). If so,
the duty manager selects the switched flight and informs the check-in staff to switch the
b Check-in staff use Guide or Etrem for handling, and Etrem for departure control and
c Notify the boarding gate duty to prepare for manual boarding.
d During the flight check-in process, if the front-end system returns to normal, use the BKC
instruction to delete the flight, after re-downloading the flight with the BKO instruction,
notify each post to follow the normal guarantee.
e If the front-end system returns to normal after the flight takes off, use the BKC command
to delete the flight, and use the BKO command to download the flight again.
f After the flight is cut off, the flight interceptor records the total number of flight passengers,
infant passenger seat numbers, used seats (or unused seats) and transfers them to the
boarding gate personnel, and the boarding gate finds out the onboarded aircraft according
to the manual seat table. For passenger seats, the names of onboarded passengers will be
extracted according to the seat number and broadcast, and the procedures for reducing
onboarded passengers will be processed.
B. Check-in Agent
a According to the instructions of the shift manager, switch to Guide (host backup mode) or
receive passengers in Etrem (host mode).
b The guide mode application interface is the same as that of NewApp. The flight passenger
list is empty. Therefore, when registering a passenger, you need to enter the full name to
retrieve the passenger's information, and then process all kinds of passengers normally.
c Passengers who normally process e-tickets in Guide mode (there is an ET logo in the front-
end interface)
d During the check-in process, you need to use the host command to view the flight seat
layout and pay attention to verifying the normal status of the passenger e-ticket.
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e There is no special operation after the system returns to normal.
(3) Procedures for handling all system failures
A. Departure control
a If the failure time exceeds 5 minutes and there is no repair time, or the estimated
troubleshooting time reported by the system maintenance unit and the information
technology guarantee unit is long, notify the duty manager to decide whether to change
the manual operation of the flight. If so, inform the loading and boarding gate , Notify the
security check to release the hand-filled passenger boarding pass.
b Contact TravelSky Service Desk (Tel: 010-84018401) to obtain passenger data for flights
that need to be handled manually.
c Notify the check-in staff to prepare a manual boarding pass based on the data obtained.
d Change the public check-in mode to the single-flight check-in mode;
e Assist the check-in staff to deal with abnormal problems.
f Notify the marketing department of the company to protect the flight to avoid refunds for
passengers who have already boarded an electronic ticket.
g After check-in, the flight interceptor will provide the total number of people on the flight,
infant passenger seat numbers, unissued seat numbers or issued seat numbers to the
boarding gate personnel, and the boarding gate personnel will monitor the flight boarding.
h After the flight takes off, if the system is restored, notify the check-in staff to enter the
passenger data that needs to be added to the departure system.
A. Check-in Clerk
a Collect the flight coupons of each flight for totalization, prepare the manual boarding pass
for the remaining seats based on the flight data provided by TravelSky, fill in the seat
number on the boarding pass, and fill in the boarding number on the boarding pass(Serial
numbers are arranged in sequence according to the number of passengers received. If the
system originally received 100 passengers,The serial number of the boarding pass starts
from 101).
b Prepare manual luggage tags according to the destination of the flight.
c Check in manually according to the passenger list, register the e-ticket passenger, mark
the “ET” mark on the boarding pass, and keep the baggage copy for passengers with
checked baggage, corresponding to the record The number/weight of the baggage and the
corresponding serial number of the passenger boarding pass.
d After the flight is cleared, the number of passengers, the number of baggage pieces, the
weight, and the seat occupancy of the flight are reported to the boarding control, and the
boarding control manually reports the load. For multi-segment flights, the long-segment
passenger seat occupancy is reported to the allocation.
e After boarding the flight, go to the boarding gate to drop off the flight, and search for the
unhoarded passengers and their travels according to the boarding number.
4) Principles and precautions for using local backup mode
(1) Principles for switching local backup mode:
A. Ask about the stowage duty, the balance chart is not currently printed, and the flight that
needs to be settled urgently needs to be transferred to the local;
B. Ask the duty manager to transfer the current flight that must be handled to the local area;
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C. Suspend the remaining flights.
(2) Posts that need to be notified after departure control determines the flight to be switched:
A. weight and balance: Which flights are transferred to the local area, pay attention to check
the number of passengers with the flight interceptors, and start to make a manual balance
B. Duty manager: Decide which flights will be transferred to the local area to continue
processing, which flights will be postponed, and notify the security check of passengers
with handwritten ET and stamps to let them go;
C. Boarding gate service staff: Which flights transfer to the local area, pay attention to check
the number with the flight interceptors;
D. TravelSky: Which flights transfer to backup.
(3) Precautions at the check-in counter
A. On-line passengers only apply for this section, and luggage will only be received at the
destination of this section, and relevant explanations should be made to the passengers
B. The following passengers are required to present the itinerary and confirm that they are e-
ticket passengers, while recording the e-ticket number, passenger name, and ID number
of these passengers:
a Passengers who book a seat after the flight is transferred to the local area;
b E-ticket waiting passengers;
c E-ticket passengers, but there is no e-ticket logo in the system;
d Passengers who have been received by the host before transferring to local, and deleted in
local mode after transferring to local;
C. Notify departure control to release the waiting limit, unlock seats, and receive waiting
D. After the system is restored, return to the host system, and the check-in clerk is responsible
for modifying the above-mentioned passenger information handled by himself.
(4) Precautions for departure control
A. For multi-segment and connecting flights, reserve seating areas in AngelFDC. Announce
the seat reservation status of the station in the subsequent terminal to avoid seat conflicts.
According to the requirements of the check-in counter, adjust the waiting list and seat
B. If the fault still does not recover, the subsequent flight will continue to switch to local mode;
C. local mode flights are placed in CCL/CC status in AngelFDC according to the actual
D. Statistic the situation of passengers with special services and report to the follow-up
E. After the system is restored, the departure system administrator uses NewApp to return
the ETL message of the local flight to TravelSky. Some passengers who cannot be
processed should be solved by TravelSky.
(5) Notes for flight interceptors
A. Put the local backup mode flight in CI state. Use the statistics function of SY and NewApp
to report the number of people, the number of luggage pieces, the weight of luggage, the
statistics of the number of people in the district to the stowage.
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B. Notify the boarding gate to board the plane manually.
3.2.6 Handling procedure for Check-in irregularities Passenger late at check in
1) Applicable scope:
Flight closed when passenger arrive Check-in counter, but time is sufficient (within 5
mins after flight close)
2) General rules:
When receiving late passengers, the principle of flight punctuality shall be followed, and
the boarding gate of the flight shall be closed at the scheduled time while protecting the
passengers. Checked baggage of late passengers, if the passenger agrees, it can be
handled as late luggage exemption.
3) Handling procedure
(1) If found late show passengers, report to duty manager to decide if passengers and their
baggage can be checked in.
(2) Complete Check-in for late show passenger if punctuality can be ensured. Advise
passenger boarding deadline and notify boarding gate about the detail of late show
(3) If late show passengers have baggage need to be checked, advise them baggage may
delay arrival destination, attach disclaimer tag and late show bag tag.
(4) Attach late show sticker on passengers’ boarding pass for better identification. Help
passenger pass security officer via fast track if necessary.
(5) Arrange gate agent find the late show passenger and guide them to gate once gate
controller received late show passenger info.
(6) For passengers with checked baggage had checked in but missing at the gate, keep
enough time to offload baggage to ensure flight departure on time.
(7) Explain carefully to passenger if Check-in cannot passengers Passengers miss flight at Check-in.
1) Related definitions: Passengers late arrive at Check-in counter or deny Check-in due to
invalid travel document.
2) Search for passenger information
(1) No-show passengers who are unable to board the flight after check-in procedures: The
ground service personnel confirm the name, destination, and check-in of the no-show
passenger in the departure system based on the no-show passenger’s certificate and
boarding pass information Baggage and baggage number.
(2) Passengers who give up traveling after boarding: the flight attendant is responsible for
checking the passenger's boarding pass, assisting the passenger to collect cabin carry-on
items and self-care luggage; the ground service staff is responsible for checking and
confirming the amount and appearance of their checked luggage based on the
information provided by the passenger feature.
3) Cancel check-in procedures and return luggage
(1) The check-in personnel are responsible for canceling the passenger check-in status. If the
passenger is canceled after the load is intercepted, they should promptly notify the
loading and boarding gates of the changes in the number of people and baggage.
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(2) Inform the baggage sorting/handling personnel to reduce the baggage in time, and the
baggage information notification content includes: destination station, baggage number,
baggage shape characteristics (when the passenger is contacted), and whether the
baggage is transferred.
(3) After the baggage sorter/handler confirms that the number and number of the dropped
baggage are correct, the baggage will be sent to the check-in director counter or
transferred to the counter for handover with the check-in staff.
(4) The check-in staff is responsible for checking the number on the baggage according to
the baggage number tag provided by the passenger, confirming with the passenger, and
delivering it Missing passengers at the gate
1) Missing boarding refers to passengers failing to board the designated flight after
completing Check-in procedures at the departure station or when passing through the
2) Handling of passenger missed boarding due to Hainan Airlines:
(1) Passengers should be arranged to take HNA's subsequent flights as early as possible, free
of charge.
(2) If Hainan Airlines has no follow-up flights or no available seats on the follow-up flights,
it may endorse the passenger ticket to another carrier with the consent of the passenger.
(3) For passengers who missed the boarding at the Stopover (Transit) and waited for the
flight, Accommodation may be provided.
(4) Passengers requesting refunds shall be processed in accordance with the regulations on
involuntary refunds.
(5) When handling missed stops at stops, passenger tickets can be processed as the flight
3) Handling of passenger's missed flight: Refer to the relevant regulations on passenger no-
4) When there is a liability dispute over the reason for the missed flight, the passenger's
missed flight due to Hainan Airlines shall be handled. Passenger travelled on the wrong flight
1) Wrong flight refers to flights other than those listed on the ticket.
(1) What to do after the passenger has made a mistake:
A. If the departure station discovers that the passenger has made a mistake, it shall notify the
passenger of the arrival station of the mistake and put forward suggestions for handling. If
a wrong boarding is found at the stop and arrival station, the passenger's wrong boarding
station shall be notified.
B. The passenger can be returned to the departure station, and the departure station will
arrange for the passenger to take the follow-up flight to the destination listed on the ticket
as early as possible.
C. If there is a Hainan Airlines flight to the destination listed on the ticket at the passenger's
arrival station in the wrong boarding, the passenger can be arranged to fly directly to the
destination from the arrival station in the wrong boarding, or the passenger can be
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transported to the destination by ground transportation.
D. If the passenger requests to terminate the trip at the arrival station of the wrong boarding,
the wrong boarding is caused by Hainan Airlines.
E. Passengers who take the wrong boarding due to Hainan Airlines can provide
Accommodation while waiting for the flight at the arrival station of the wrong boarding.
F. When there is a liability dispute over the reason for the wrong boarding, it shall be handled
as the passenger's wrong boarding due to Hainan Airlines.
G. When a passenger takes a wrong flight, but the destination of the wrong flight is the
destination listed on the ticket, it will not be treated as the passenger's wrong flight. Passenger without Ticket
1) Found before the plane took off
(1) Infants under the age of 2 do not have a ticket to travel, and the fare of the infant shall be
paid for.
(2) Dealing with adults or children flying without a ticket: report to the duty supervisor and
business dispatching office and other relevant units in time; hand it over to the airport
public security department for processing.
2) Found after the plane took off
(1) Notify the destination station immediately, if there is a Stopover (Transit), notify the
Stopover (Transit) station;
(2) The destination station or Stopover (Transit) station shall immediately notify the local
security department or other relevant departments;
(3) After the plane arrives, hand it over to the security department or other relevant
(4) Make up the fare for the flight segment taken from passengers without a ticket;
(5) Report the situation to the leaders of relevant departments and competent departments. Lost boarding pass
1) Definition
After completing the Check-in procedures, the passenger declares that his boarding pass
is lost, which is called a lost boarding pass.
2) Processing principle
(1) When receiving a passenger's report of a lost boarding pass, the ground service personnel
should handle it carefully to prevent the passenger from getting on the plane by mistake
or imposting;
(2) Only the follow-up process of the passenger's declaration of loss of the boarding pass
will be accepted;
(3) Before reissuing the boarding pass for the passenger, carefully check and confirm the
authenticity and validity of the passenger ticket, valid ID and Check-in record; if the
passenger has passed the security check when the loss is reported, check with the security
inspection department;
(4) When the number of people boarding on a flight is larger than the number of people
checking in, the boarding controller should get on the plane and work with the flight
attendants to find out the reason. For passengers without tickets, they should be handled
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by the public security department if necessary.
3) Process of handling loss of passenger boarding pass at departure station
(1) The passenger declares that he has lost his boarding pass before passing the security
A. When receiving a passenger's declaration that his boarding pass is missing, the Check-in
staff should remind the passenger to look it up carefully. If they belong to a group
passenger, they should prompt the passenger to confirm: whether any companion has
taken the boarding pass; whether any companion has received the boarding pass without
going through the formalities Boarding pass.
B. Take back the passenger's ticket, ID card and other boarding passes, check the Check-in
record in the departure system based on the passenger's name, and find out whether the
passenger has gone through the Check-in formalities;
C. After verification, it is confirmed that they belong to the passenger of this flight and have
gone through the Check-in procedures, and give the passenger a replacement boarding
pass, write "reissue", and inform the passenger of the final boarding;
D. Notify the boarding gate service personnel to arrange the final boarding of passengers who
have reissued their boarding pass;
E. After boarding is completed and the number of passengers on the flight matches, the
passenger can be allowed to board.
(2) The passenger declares that he has lost his boarding pass after entering the quarantine
Check the passenger's ticket and documents, and confirm that the passenger has checked
in (if time permits, come out to make a Check-in at the counter.) Reissue a manual
boarding pass to the passenger, indicating the flight number, flight segment, and
passenger's name, and explain to the security personnel After the situation, the reissued
boarding pass shall be affixed with a security check stamp. After the flight has been
boarded to the final check, the passengers who have reissued their boarding passes will
be allowed to board the plane.
(3) The passenger declares on the apron that he has lost his boarding pass
A. The guide attendant should first check the passenger’s ID and ticket, check with the
attendant at the boarding gate whether the passenger has been boarded in the system,
report to the Check-in department and check the passenger’s name, seat number or
boarding number Whether the situation is consistent;
B. After confirming that the passenger has passed the boarding inspection, coordinate with
the on-site security inspectors to verify together, and can directly issue the manual
boarding pass to the passenger and arrange the passenger to board the plane at last;
C. When the number of passengers boarding is more than the number of Check-in
passengers, the passenger is denied boarding, and the service personnel immediately
notify the on-site leader on duty to find out the situation.
4) Process for handling loss of passenger boarding pass at transfer station
(1) Handling of lost boarding pass of passing passengers
A. After the boarding controller receives the passenger's declaration that he has lost his
boarding pass, he will immediately contact the Check-in officer to check the passenger's
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information in the departure system;
B. After confirming that it is correct, the boarding controller will reissue the passenger's
boarding pass, indicating the passenger's name, flight number, destination, passenger's
original seat number, and indicating the word "make up" on the boarding pass;
C. The passenger can board the plane only after other passing passengers have boarded.
(2) Loss of boarding pass for transit passengers
A. One-stop passengers who have already applied for their boarding pass at the departure
station and only need to affix the security stamp at the transfer station. If the boarding pass
of this type of passenger is lost, he can apply for a reissue at the Hainan Airlines flight
Check-in counter with his/her valid certificate. formalities.
B. For non-one-stop passengers, they must apply for the registration card at the transfer
station. If they are lost, they can refer to (1) A.
5) Handling of lost boarding pass of passengers on alternate flights
Check the passengers to show their identity documents and air tickets. The personnel at
the alternate landing site are responsible for verifying the identity of the passengers with
the Check-in station in front of them and arrange for the passengers to board the plane at
the end. Passenger name not able to display in DCS
N/A for international flight, please refer to Chinese manual for detail. Passenger's pre-selected seat cannot be reserved or changed
1) Understand the reasons why passengers' pre-selected seats cannot be reserved or
2) Explain and comfort;
3) If the original seat is still available, transfer the passenger back to the original seat; if not,
try to arrange a seat with the same or suboptimal conditions;
4) When the seat of the passenger who paid for seat selection changes, if the adjusted seat
cannot meet the passenger's requirements, inform the passenger that he can refund the
seat selection fee through the original place of purchase/sales platform;
5) If the passenger is still dissatisfied with the on-site disposal, report it in time and make a

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3.3 Boarding

3.3.1 Boarding Preparation Each unit should be equipped with sufficient personnel according to the flight type and
parking space, etc., and at least one person should be on duty 10 minutes before the flight
boarding to prepare. Inquire about flight plan/estimated arrival time, flight plan/estimated departure time,
flight reservations, parking spaces, boarding gates, and other information in advance, as
well as whether there are high-end passengers and special passengers, etc., and prepare
boarding related information Supplies. Check the boarding gate computer, boarding system, code scanning equipment, regional
broadcasting and other facilities and equipment to confirm that they can be used
normally, and check that the flight information displayed on the screen is accurate. Passengers should be notified of the time to stop the Check-in procedures through screen
display, broadcast, or boarding pass prompts. The boarding area informs passengers of the types of dangerous goods prohibited from
air transportation (including visual examples of dangerous goods prohibited to be
transported by aircraft) through a screen display or a notify board.
3.3.2 Priority boarding passengers
Before the flight officially starts boarding, patrol the waiting area to look for military
passengers, old, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant, young, and special passengers with
limited mobility, and remind such passengers to have priority boarding.
3.3.3 Inspection on over-sized baggage
1) Carry out over-limit baggage inspections before boarding, carry out over-limit baggage
card control, and pay attention to card control during flight boarding, and make a good
explanation of passenger policies.
2) The excess baggage carried by the passenger to the boarding gate or the baggage
controlled by the cabin card shall be handled in accordance with the following principles:
(1) If the airport boarding area is equipped with secondary security check equipment,
complete the security check at the boarding gate and check it in according to the
following requirements:
A. Remind passengers that lithium batteries, power banks and other items are not allowed to
be checked in, and must be taken out and carried, and passengers are required to fill in the
"Notify on the Safe Transportation of Lithium Batteries and the Clauses on Exemption of
Liability for Baggage" (see appendix template);
B. Attach the manual baggage tag, record the flight number, destination and seat number and
other information, and carefully check the flight number and destination information listed
on the passenger's boarding pass to ensure that the information on the baggage tag matches
the passenger's flight;
C. Inform relevant units of baggage information (boarding scheduling/Check-in/departure
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control, stowage, baggage loading and unloading) so that each unit can timely modify
departure system data, modify manifest data, and collect baggage to ensure normal
baggage Installed.
(2) If the boarding area is not equipped with secondary security inspection equipment, it is
recommended that passengers go to the Check-in area to check their baggage if the time
allowance does not affect the passenger's journey.
(3) Passengers carrying strollers and special passenger disability aids such as wheelchairs
for Check-in at the boarding gate do not need to undergo secondary security checks.
Passengers must be prompted to confirm that there are no lithium batteries, power banks
and other items in the strollers or wheelchairs, according to the above Steps A, B, and C
handle the same plane check for passengers.
(4) If the above conditions are not met, passengers need to be informed that their luggage
will be arranged for a subsequent flight to arrive at the destination airport, and the
following requirements should be followed:
A. Passengers must be reminded that lithium batteries, power banks and other items are not
allowed to be checked in. They must be taken out and carried with them. If they are not
taken out, they will not be able to go through the security check. Passengers are required
to fill in the "Notify on the Safe Transportation of Lithium Batteries and Exemption
Clauses for Baggage" ;
B. Attach a hand-made luggage tag to the luggage, record the flight number, destination and
seat number and other information, and carefully check the flight number and destination
information listed on the passenger's boarding pass to ensure that the information on the
luggage tag matches the passenger's boarding Flight matches;
C. Remind passengers to go to the baggage inquiry counter in the arrival hall after arriving at
the destination station to check the baggage under-collection and confirm the subsequent
D. Due to the passenger's failure to abide by the policy of the bureau and our company's
requirements, the checked baggage brought to the boarding gate cannot arrive on the same
plane as the passenger. Follow-up handling of late checked baggage due to the passenger
(not the carrier's reason) shall be carried out by the passenger. Go to the airport to claim
your luggage;
E. If the non-excess baggage carried by the passenger is transferred to the subsequent flight
due to the limited space of the luggage rack in the cabin, it must also go through a second
security check. When the passenger cannot arrive on the same plane as the passenger, the
delayed baggage shall be followed up for non-passenger reasons. Disposal.
3) The departure station and the destination station should communicate in time on the
baggage information under the boarding gate card and subsequent transportation matters.
4) For baggage controlled by the boarding gate, passengers should be reminded to take out
valuable and fragile items and carry them with them.
5) If the airport's regulations on temporary checked baggage at the boarding gate are higher
than the above standards, the current regulations of the local airport shall prevail.

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3.3.4 Organizing for Boarding The flight boarding time and gate closing time are subject to the requirements of local
airports, and the flight must operate safely and on time. Receive boarding instructions and broadcast to notify boarding. The content of the
broadcast includes flight number, destination, and gate number. (Note: Please refer to the
"Ground Service Specifications" of HNA Holdings for the relevant announcements at
the boarding gate) Organize passengers to board the aircraft in an orderly manner in accordance with the
following requirements
1) In areas with conditions, economy class and business class passengers are divided into
two boarding lanes, and the boarding lanes are effectively separated by railings;
2) Organize high-end passengers to board the plane from a dedicated passage. According
to the actual situation, high-end passengers can board at any time;
3) Organize priority boarding for special passengers, military passengers, and passengers
with additional service products;
4) According to the preferential treatment policy of the local government, organize fire
rescue personnel and medical personnel to board the plane with priority;
5) Organize other economy class passengers to board the plane in an orderly manner;
6) Partial boarding of economy class passengers will be organized on bridge flights in areas
where conditions permit (first class first, then front class).
7) Double-door boarding bridges should be set up with sub-cabin signs or arranged to be
guided by personnel. Boarding pass inspection
1) Check one by one whether the flight number on the passenger's boarding pass matches
the flight (additional verification destinations for flights with cancelled segments, and
additional verification dates for canceled flights with supplementary schedules), and
check the passenger boarding pass through the code scanning device to confirm success
After entering the system, retrieve the boarding pass link and return the boarding pass to
the passenger himself.
2) In the event that the boarding pass cannot be recognized by the system, the system
prompts abnormalities when scanning the code, etc., passengers should be intercepted in
time, and the boarding pass flight number, date, destination station and the flight should
be checked carefully, and the flight can be communicated if necessary. After checking
the passenger's ID card, boarding serial number, seat number, security check stamp, and
verifying the reason with the relevant post, it can be released for boarding.
3) If it is found that the Check-in status of the passenger has been cancelled, intercept the
passenger on the spot and verify the reason with the relevant unit (Check-in/departure
control, etc.) to confirm that the flight can accept the passenger. After the Check-in status
is restored, the verification is correct Can only be released for boarding.
4) For airports that implement electronic boarding passes, the above requirements shall be
implemented in accordance with special business announcements and airport
requirements. The boarding slip (or vice-coupon) should be retained, the passenger's
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boarding information should be recorded manually, the boarding voucher should be
counted using a review pass, etc., so that it can be used for the final count of the number
of boarding people and the system for verification.
5) If the requirements of the local airport are higher than the above standards, such as the
requirement to check the security stamp and the passenger's picture, etc., it will be
implemented in accordance with the requirements of the airport. Pay attention to maintaining passenger boarding order to prevent passengers from
boarding the plane without swiping their cards. Pay attention to the clearance speed of the boarding gate for flights on bridges to avoid
passenger congestion in the bridges. Precautions for boarding guidance at remote seats:
1) Before the departure of the shuttle bus, the service personnel can remind passengers on
the bus of the flight number and destination station of the flight before departure.
2) When it is necessary to get on and off the shuttle bus, the guide should pay attention to
maintaining the order of passengers getting on and off the bus, and pay attention to
arrange the elderly, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant and young passengers to board the
shuttle bus first.
3) Note that the number of people on the ferry car and passenger elevator car must not
exceed the number of people or the load capacity specified by the manufacturer.
4) When guiding on the apron, pay attention to passing vehicles and taxiing aircraft, and
the service guide will lead passengers to board the plane according to the prescribed route.
5) For passengers entering and leaving the port by ferry vehicles, the airport will assign
special personnel to monitor passengers to prevent passengers from breaking into the
apron or approaching the aircraft without authorization.
6) Regarding passengers taking a shuttle bus to board the plane through a gallery bridge or
a passenger elevator car, each guarantee unit should refer to the following risk prevention
measures based on the actual situation of this site to ensure that the actual number of
people on board and the departure system have been boarded Match the number of
passengers to prevent passengers from mistaking or missing.
(1) After boarding, the boarding gate staff counts the number of boarding passengers with
the boarding pass and electronic boarding pass, and confirms that the number of people
counted at the boarding gate matches the number of people boarded by the departure
(2) Arrange ground service personnel under the plane to check the flight number, count the
number of people boarding by recycling and counting the boarding pass coupon, using
counters or handheld devices, etc., and check with the boarding gate staff to confirm the
number of people boarding off the plane. The number of people notified at the boarding
gate matches.
(3) If the local area cannot meet the above 2) measures, the boarding gate staff must review
the number of shuttle buses, license plate numbers and all in-place conditions with the
boarding guide under the plane. The under-flight boarding guide cooperated with the
flight attendants to re-check the number and arrival of the shuttle bus.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 All ground support units shall deal with the complex boarding environment (such as
scissor-hole bridges, false bridges, multi-interfaces between the boarding gate and the
bridges, and simultaneous long-distance seats adjacent to each other) that are likely to
cause passengers to lose or board incorrectly. Complicated scenarios such as boarding),
combined with the actual situation of the territory, through optimizing the process (such
as increasing personnel, setting up isolation straps, placing reminders, etc.) to effectively
prevent passengers from taking wrong or missing trips. At the same time, corresponding
risk control measures should be formulated for the electronic boarding pass boarding
3.3.5 Last call for Boarding
According to the flight boarding deadline and the progress of the boarding process, the
passengers should be informed with last call boarding announcements.
3.3.6 Handling of passengers who fail to board the flight on time Basic principles
1) When passengers/baggage is offload at the boarding gate, the information on the
reduction shall be reported to the upstream unit (Check-in/departure control/stowage,
etc.), and the upstream unit shall be reviewed and confirmed after handling according to
the workflow.
2) The ground support unit shall complete the offload of checked baggage and passengers
before the scheduled closing time of the flight to ensure that the passenger and cargo
doors of the aircraft are closed in time. Principles of on-site handling
1) For passengers who have gone through the Check-in procedures but have not boarded
on time and have checked baggage, the ground support unit shall notify the search for
baggage 15 minutes before the flight plan/target departure time (251-500 seat aircrafts
are higher than this standard 5 minutes before).
2) It is necessary to board the plane to confirm the search for unboarded passengers, and
notify the flight attendant to assist the flight attendant to broadcast the passenger's name
on the plane and go to the passenger seat to search; if the passenger is confirmed to be
seated, check the boarding pass, ID card, etc.
3) For passengers who have not boarded on time, carry out passenger/baggage reduction
operations according to local operating procedures, and notify relevant units (boarding
scheduling/Check-in/departure control, stowage, baggage loading and unloading) in
accordance with the territorial information notification process for Timely modify
system data, modify manifest data, and reduce passenger baggage.
3.3.7 Total passenger number crosschecking and information handover
1) After boarding, count the number of boarding pass coupons and electronic boarding pass
passengers, and verify that the number matches the number of passengers boarded in the
2) According to the stowage instructions, the boarding gate staff who have been trained in
the airport and have LMC qualifications manually amend the manifest (if necessary).
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3) Hand over and confirm the number of people boarding and special circumstances and
other information with the cabin manager/crew at the gate area (gate L1 when the wide-
body aircraft has two gates),the transfer content includes but not limited to: flight number,
final boarding number, actual addition and subtraction of passengers/baggage, 、
temporary seat adjustment, etc., only after the cabin door is closed go away.
3.3.8 Irregular situation handling Change of boarding gate
1) When the boarding gate of the flight is changed, the passenger will be notified by
broadcasting, and a boarding gate change reminder shall be set up at the original
boarding gate, or the relevant unit shall change the original boarding gate on-screen
information to remind passengers of the change of the boarding gate.
2) When most passengers have already boarded and there are no passengers queuing up
before the Check-in counter, they should go to the original boarding gate to check
whether there are passengers waiting for this flight, and broadcast to inform passengers
to go to the correct boarding gate as soon as possible. machine. Seat change after Check-in closure
1) The principle of safety first, do not adjust work procedures without authorization due to
interference from flight delays, passenger/crew urges and other reasons.
2) According to the principle of instruction work, the unit requiring seat adjustment must
be confirmed and approved by the stowage before executing its work instruction. The
information confirmation includes the reason for the seat adjustment, the number of
people to be adjusted, and the seat number before/after adjustment.
3) The pre-operation principle, such as passengers who have not boarded the plane when
the seat is transferred, the passengers are carded at the boarding gate, the passenger's
boarding pass is manually modified, and the departure system seat information is
confirmed to be adjusted before being released for boarding.
4) Closed Stopover (Transit) of work order: After the seat adjustment executive completes
the passenger seat adjustment according to the instructions of the upstream unit (Check-
in/departure/stowage), they will review with the order issuing unit. The review includes
the seat information before/after adjustment, and before closing the cabin. Ensure that
the actual situation is consistent with the departure system and meets the stowage balance
5) Handover with flight attendants: If passengers need to adjust their seats after boarding
the plane, the seat adjustment executive will notify the flight attendants on the spot, and
complete the seat adjustment with the cooperation of the flight attendants. After the seat
adjustment is completed, adjust the information with the flight attendants (adjust the
number of people, before the adjustment / Back seat number) to review and both parties
to sign for confirmation.
6) Special monitoring: When the temporary seat adjustment exceeds the LMC (Last
Minute Revision of Manifest), the ground service agent must notify the HNA field
personnel, and the HNA field personnel will monitor the seat adjustment and confirm
with the loading personnel The final version of the manifest has been notified to the crew.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 The boarding pass is missing / the electronic boarding pass cannot be displayed
1) Instruct passengers to return to the Check-in counter to reissue their boarding pass;
2) Under special circumstances, reach an agreement with Check-in and security check
confirmation, and reissue boarding passes for passengers in accordance with the
procedures of the territorial airport; (the territorial self-refined and clarified)
3) After the flight has been boarded until the number of people checked is correct, the
passenger who reissued the boarding pass will be allowed to board the flight last;
4) Passengers who need to reprint their boarding pass will be shown boarded in the
departure system, and check on the plane to check whether there is a wrong passenger
on the flight. The boarding pass slip is less than the number of people in the system (miss torn)
1) When it is found that the number of boarding passes is less than the number of people
boarded in the boarding system, count the number of boarding passes again;
2) After confirming that the boarding pass is missing, find out the passenger's information
about the missing boarding pass;
3) Get on the plane and ask the flight attendant to broadcast the passenger's name and look
for it on his seat;
4) If it is confirmed that the passenger is on the plane, go forward to check his boarding
pass and ID information, and tear off the passenger's boarding pass coupon;
5) If it is confirmed that the passenger is not on the plane, notify the relevant department to
deal with it in accordance with the passenger reduction process;
6) Before closing the cabin, it is necessary to confirm that the actual number of people
boarding is consistent with the system data. There is more boarding pass than the number of people in the system
The number of boarding pass pairs is more than the number of people boarded in the
boarding system. Check the number of boarding passes again to verify whether there are
duplicate passes, wrong passes or missing boarding passes. It is necessary to find out the
specific reasons and confirm the problem to solve the problem, check that the actual
number of people boarding is consistent with the system data before closing the cabin.
Note: In the case of missing boarding pass, it is necessary to confirm that the passenger
is on the plane and enter the passenger information into the system. Duplicate Boarding Pass
1) First, check whether the passenger ID and boarding certificate are consistent with the
departure system information;
2) Check with the Check-in/departure port again. After confirming that the information can
be received without error, manually modify the seat number according to the Check-
in/departure instructions, record the passenger's name and seat number, and then release
the passenger. Passenger on the wrong flight
1) When a passenger on another flight is found to be on a wrong boarding, immediately
stop boarding, look for the passenger on the wrong board and pull it down;
2) If the wrong passenger has already boarded the plane, it is necessary to report the incident,
and find the passenger on the plane, guide him off the plane, and cooperate with the
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clearing of the cabin according to the captain's instructions;
3) Before closing the cabin, it is necessary to confirm that the actual number of people
boarding is consistent with the system data. Reopening cabin door
After the flight has been closed. if the flight is delayed for a long time due to weather,
flow control, etc., temporary cabin adjustment or baggage addition or reduction is
required, and the boarding service personnel should follow the instructions of the on-site
commander. Guide passengers to disembark and contact the baggage handling unit to
unload or load the baggage. Passengers voluntarily terminate their travel
1) Before boarding, the passenger proposes to terminate the travel, according to the airport
information notification process, notify the airport security unit such as Check-
in/departure/stowage, modify the system data, manifest data, if the passenger has
checked baggage, notify the loading and unloading unit to reduce the baggage, and
finally review the passenger/baggage reduction information;
2) After boarding, the passenger proposes to terminate the travel, guide the passenger to
disembark, follow the captain's instructions to cooperate with the clearing, and follow
step 1) to proceed. Boarding system failure
1) Report to the on-duty supervisor or arrange staff for on-site assistance;
2) When boarding, check carefully whether the flight number, date and destination station
are consistent with the flight;
3) Use methods such as the boarding system near the boarding gate or the markings on the
seat layout to verify the passenger's boarding status, and tear off the boarding pass
4) Find out the information of passengers who have not boarded the plane, broadcast to
urge boarding and search on the plane (requires flight attendant broadcast or seat check,
5) Follow the normal procedures and time node notifications to search for the luggage of
passengers who have not boarded on time, reduce passengers/baggage and related
review work;
6) Verify that the number of boarding pass copies and the number of passengers marked on
board are consistent with the actual number of Check-in passengers;
7) Hand over and confirm the number of people and other related matters with the crew.

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3.3.9 Security at the boarding gate If a passenger’s behavior affects the realization of the legitimate rights of other
passengers and adversely affects the safety and order of the aircraft, or may cause any
danger or harm to himself or other personnel or property, immediately report to the
Hainan Airlines personnel and captain, and the on-site response The refusal passenger
shall make a record and guide/assistance the passenger to process the refund. In the case of a significant increase in air defense security threats, our company will
initiate secondary security inspection measures at the boarding gate according to the
requirements of the bureau or (the civil aviation authority of the country where it is
located) or by itself. During the transit, guardians at the boarding gate are responsible for checking the
documents of the boarding staff to prevent unrelated personnel from boarding. During
the passenger boarding process, the guardians are responsible for monitoring the
boarding passengers, For suspicious personnel, documents and baggage items should be
checked. Passengers have gone through the Check-in procedures, but the baggage of passengers
who have not boarded at the end is not allowed to be loaded into the flight. Passengers
must unload their baggage when they stop traveling in the middle of the flight.
Passengers who are denied boarding due to security reasons or because they refuse to
undergo a security check shall have their checked baggage unloaded from the aircraft. If it is necessary to add or subtract passengers/baggage or adjust passenger seats at the
boarding gate, report the adjustment information to the upstream unit (Check-
in/departure control/stowage, etc.), and review and confirm with the upstream unit after
handling according to the work flow. Hand over with the flight attendant to confirm the
actual adjustment status and sign and confirm as required, and the cabin can be closed
only after the crew confirms. When the actual situation of the passenger/baggage is found to be inconsistent with the
departure system data at the boarding gate, the flight attendant shall be notified
immediately, and the cabin will be suspended before the error is corrected. At the same
time, the reason should be found to ensure that the error is corrected and the flight
attendant can be closed after confirmation cabin. After the passengers have boarded, the staff of our company's ground service agent shall
check the number of passengers with the cabin crew. If the actual number of boarding is
more than the number of people, the cabin crew of our company shall be responsible for
reconfirming the passengers. Unrelated personnel board the plane.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 If an error is found after the flight is closed/taxiing/after take-off, according to the
principle of first terminating and verifying after take-off, immediately notify the airport
operation command unit in accordance with the emergency procedures, and take all
feasible measures to notify the crew of this information as soon as possible, and
immediately afterwards Report to HNA staff on site (to report to Customer Service On-
Dutys in all entrusted areas). HNA's on-site personnel are prohibited from making decisions and issuing instructions
without asking for instructions to verify the standard requirements, and are prohibited
from interfering with production Ground Handlings beyond the normal process of
ground service agents. When a flight is closed/taxiing/after takeoff, the agency receives a notification from the
agent that the flight passenger, baggage, cargo and mail information is incorrect, HNA's
on-site personnel monitor the on-site disposal results and report according to the
company's internal abnormal information notification process.
3.3.10 Special requirements for boarding on international flights When boarding an international flight, check whether the flight number and date of the
passenger's boarding pass are consistent with the current flight. Passengers are also
required to present their international travel documents, check whether the photo of the
passenger's certificate is consistent with the passenger, and whether the information on
the passenger's certificate is consistent with the boarding pass, and ensure that the
boarding pass is valid and can only be released after verification. When boarding an international tandem flight, international passengers board first, and
domestic passengers board later. Boarding of flights requiring a second security check
1) US routes: Check passenger boarding passes. Suspicious passengers with the "SSSS"
mark on the boarding pass must be guided to the boarding gate security inspection
platform and be released by security personnel after inspection. For powdered articles
carried by passengers with a container volume exceeding 350ml (inclusive), airport
security personnel will use the explosive trace detector (ETD) at the boarding gate to
inspect suspicious passengers and uninterrupted random passengers.
2) Israel routes: 20% of passengers on the flight will be randomly checked by the security
staff at the boarding gate, and they can be released after the check is completed.
3) Canada and Mexico routes: Due to the very small number of "SSSS" passengers, there
is no special security checkpoint at the boarding gate. If 4S-marked passengers appear
on this route, the first-line unit will check the phone number of the flight security officer
on the day through the mobile operation network and notify it, or call the security
department's on-duty telephone to be communicated by the security department. If the
flight stops at the bridge, the security officer conducts a second inspection at the boarding
gate; if the flight stops at a far stand, the security officer conducts the inspection under
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the passenger elevator car. After boarding of an international flight, the immigration and custom must approve the

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3.4 Stopover (Transit)

3.4.1 Basic Requirements

1) During the flight Stopover (Transit), if passengers need to get off the plane temporarily,
they should ensure that the passengers stay in airside area of the terminal to prevent the
possible risk of aviation unsafety items from being carried on the aircraft and coming
into contact with personnel who have not undergone security inspection. If contacted,
passengers must conduct security checks on their personal and hand luggage again
before re-boarding.
2) If the passenger terminates the journey during the Stopover (Transit), the passenger’s
check baggage and belongings should be unloaded.
3) The baggage of passengers who have gone through the check-in procedures but have
not boarded the aircraft shall not be loaded or left on the aircraft. If passengers terminate
their travel during the transit, they shall unload their luggage and articles; The
unaccompanied baggage caused by the cause can be transported by the carrier after
security inspection.
4) After the passengers have boarded the plane, the staff must recheck the number of
passengers and the number of checked baggage to ensure that the number is accurate.
5) Passengers and their baggage passing through domestic airports on international,
regional and specially managed international flights shall undergo security inspections
at the airport. It can be excluded if the terms of mutual recognition of aviation security
standards are signed with China.
3.4.2 Stopover (Transit) arrival requirement
1) Preparation
(1) Inquire in advance to know the flight landing time, aircraft number, parking position and
the number of Stopover (Transit) passengers,
(2) Prepare enough transit boarding passes.
2) Disembarking
(1) Arrival agent shall arrive no later than 5 minutes to ETA
(2) Arrange for non-stop passengers to disembark first. After the non-stop passengers
disembark, the over-passengers disembark.
(3) Provide each passenger with a transit boarding pass or inform the passenger to keep the
original boarding pass.
(4) After the passengers leave the plane, count the number of Stopover (Transit) passengers
which should be consistent with the number of systems.
3) Stopover (Transit) passengers boarding
(1) In principle, prioritized boarding will be arranged for passengers who have stopped first,
and then boarding no-stop passengers.
(2) Check the travel documents, collect the past boarding pass or check the original boarding
pass to verify the passenger boarding status, or you can use the flight passenger list or
departure control system to complete the verification.
(3) The number of boarding passengers must be the same as the number of passengers
disembarking and must be consistent with the departure system.
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(4) If there is a discrepancy in the number of Stopover (Transit) passengers, it is necessary
to confirm the correctness and then start board no-stop passengers.
3.4.3 Stopover (Transit) Passenger remain onboard
1) Preparation work
(1) After receiving the flight crew's notice that passengers passing through the station do not
drop off, airport will notify the relevant ground handing unit in time to prepare for the
(2) Check the number of stopover passengers and seat information in the system in advance.
2) Passengers who pass the station do not disembark: after arriving passengers disembark,
the boarding gate staff confirm the number of stopover passengers and check with the
number of passengers in the system to confirm that they are correct.
3) Arrange boarding for originate passenger, as per 3.3 in this manual.
3.4.4 Irregularity on Stopover (Transit) Missing Stopover (Transit) Passenger
1) Quickly search for passengers in the waiting area, arrival area and boarding area.
2) After confirming that it is a transit passenger that terminates the itinerary, hand over the
name, seat number and other information of the passenger who terminated the itinerary
to the flight attendant, follow the captain's instructions to cooperate with the cabin
clearance, and verify that the actual passenger and baggage data are consistent with the
system before closing the cabin. Over passenger number at transit station
1) Approve the number of passengers passing through the station with relevant units, and
confirm with the station ahead if necessary.
2) When boarding the plane, carefully check that the passenger's boarding pass information
is consistent with the flight, and confirm that the boarding passenger is a passenger on
the flight.
3) In the event of a passenger taking a wrong boarding, the passenger should be guided off
the plane in time and cooperate with the clearing of the cabin according to the captain's
4) Before closing the cabin, verify that the actual passenger and baggage data are consistent
with the system, and hand over with the flight attendants.
5) In the case of doubts, the specific reasons must be ascertained and the problem resolved
before the cabin can be closed.

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3.5 Inbound (Arrival) Service

3.5.1 Preparation before flight arrival

1) Check inbound flight information and make corresponding preparations:
(1) Query the flight number, aircraft registration number, and parking position of the
incoming flight;
(2) Query passenger information, including but not limited to the number of passengers,
high-end passengers, special passengers, transfer passengers, stopover passengers, etc.
2) Track flight dynamic information.
3) According to the number of passengers and dynamic information, advance notice or
preparation of the required equipment or facilities, including but not limited to passenger
elevators, far-end shuttle bus, disabled lifts, wheelchairs, stretchers.
3.5.2 Inbound flight service
1) The staff should be in place no later than 5 minutes before the flight is expected to arrive
and be ready for service.
2) Passenger stair cars and shuttle buses should be in place at the specified time, and special
personnel should be arranged to guide them.
3) Orderly guide passengers to get off the plane and give passengers a safety reminder;
4) For remote service, dedicate agent shall be used to guide passenger off the stair and onto
the shuttle bus safely.
5) Ensure VIP, passenger with special request, transfer passenger and transit passenger are
all been covered.
6) Hand over documents and lost items with the crew.
3.5.3 International arrival requirement
1) Before the aircraft door is opened, it is necessary to clarify the position of the passage
(staircase) or the boarding bridge that the passenger will pass through after disembarking,
including the domestic segment of the international flight, and the passenger should be
diverted and guided.
2) Obtain a business document bag from the crew and distribute it to the any relevant units.
3) After the inspection by the relevant department, guide passengers to disembark, and help
old, weak, sick, and young passengers to disembark.
4) Guide passengers to the immigration hall and/or the baggage claim area in the arrival
hall to wait for their baggage.
5) Among arriving passengers, if the passenger holds the same-day international transit
ticket or through check-in boarding pass and transfers to our domestic follow-up flight,
the ground service personnel will assist in the onward or return flight and boarding

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3.6 Transfer Service

3.6.1 Overview of transfer services Related definitions and classification
1) Related definitions
(1) Interline ticket refers to two or more interline flights that are operated by one or more
carriers, whose interline flights are under the same record code and are the same ticket
number; It is impossible to fill in the same ticket because there are too many segments.
If the second or third ticket is filled out but the ticket numbers are continuous, this ticket
can also be regarded as a single contract of carriage.
(2) Transfer: passengers who purchase the above joint ticket take the flight of an airline
from the departure station, transfer to the flight docking station to transfer to another
flight of the same airline to continue travel, or transfer to another airline's flight to
Destination process.
2) Related categories
(1) According to whether the carrier is the same airline, it can be divided into same-carrier
transit and cross-carrier transit.
Same-carrier transit: The transfer process where passengers take a flight of an airline
and take another flight of the same airline to the destination station at the docking station.
Cross-carrier transit: passengers take a flight of an airline, transfer to another airline at
the connecting station, and transfer to the destination station.
(2) According to the transfer area, it can be divided into domestic transfer (domestic to
domestic), international transfer (domestic to international, international to domestic,
international to international).
(3) According to whether the carrier plane is the same plane, it is divided into the same plane
direct and connecting flights.
Direct flight on the same plane: Passengers take a flight of an airline, depart from the
departure station, and make a short stop at the transfer station. After the original aircraft
changes the flight number, the passenger continues to travel on the original aircraft to the
Interconnection: The process of passengers holding an interline ticket departing from
the departure station on a certain airline flight, and after a certain period of stay or
overnight at the transfer station, the passenger changes to another aircraft (the flight
number is changed) to the destination station.
(4) According to whether or not to handle the whole check-in procedures for transit
passengers and their checked baggage, it is divided into pass-through check-in and non-
pass-through check-in.
Through check-in: Refers to check-in procedures for passengers in two sectors (or
multiple sectors) at the departure station. Baggage is directly connected to the destination
station. Passengers only need to perform check-in services at the transfer station to
confirm the check-in procedures. At present, there are three main types of pass check-in
services that passengers can enjoy on our flights:
A. International = domestic interchange transfer check-in, which is mainly applicable to
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some of our own routes operated by Beijing, Xi'an, Shenzhen and Haikou domestic =
international interchange.
B. International = international interchange check-in, which is mainly applicable to the routes
connecting our international destinations with foreign airlines
C. Capital Airport BGS provides 24-hour transit visa-free passengers with baggage pick-up
and transfer to continuous international flights. At the same time, our company can also
print two-way boarding passes for international routes with Hong Kong Airlines, S7 and
internal transfers. Therefore, it can also be considered as a formal through check-in service.
Non-through check-in: Refers to check-in procedures for passengers from the
departure station to the transfer station only at the departure station. Baggage only goes
to the transfer station. Passengers need to check in at the transfer station for check-in.
(5) According to the transfer time, it can be divided into the same day transfer, the next day
transfer, and the following day transfer. Transfer Station
1) Haitian Domestic Transfer:
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.
2) International transfer station (including domestic transfer and international transfer)
According to the number of transit passengers and ground support resources, it is divided
into Class 1, 2 and 3 transfer stations:
(1) Category 1: Beijing
(2) Category 2: Xi'an, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shanghai Pudong, Changsha,
(3) Category 3: Guangzhou, Lanzhou, Hangzhou, Dalian, Sanya
Remarks: If there are new transfer stations in the future, they will be classified according
to the corresponding Ground Handling conditions.
Ground support resources

Transfer Transit Through Transfer Transit Transfer

Counter lounge check-in accommodation Accommodation arrival/Guide Staff


Transfer counter at 4-to-5-star hotels

T1 the exit of the arrival for high-end

Domes baggage hall travelers, 1

tic √ X √ person/room; √

Category Beijing Transfer counter at Three-star or the

International 1 the exit of the arrival same class hotel

transfer baggage hall for the remaining

station economy class

passengers, 2

T2 persons/room


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ional √ ╳ √

T2 No special place, use 4 to 5 star hotels √

Domes baggage inquiry for high-end

tic √ ╳ counter travelers, 1

Category T3 No special place, use person/room; √

2 Xi’an Internat √ baggage inquiry Three-star or the

ional ╳ ╳ counter same class hotel

for the remaining No pick-up person

economy class from domestic

No special place, use passengers, 2 flight to

Shenzhe T3 ╳ ╳ ╳ HNA sales counter persons/room international

n flight; from

international to

domestic have.

Comprehensive No pick-up staff

service center next to for domestic to

domestic arrivals on international

the L2 floor of flights, and

Terminal T3 international-to-

domestic airport

Chongqi personnel are only

ng T3 √ ╳ ╳ picked up at the

flight exit, not at

the door


Baggage claim personnel to pick

counter outside up and provide

airport hotel counter guidance for

T2 √ ╳ ╳ transit passenger


Chengdu tic


Baggage claim personnel to pick

T1 counter outside up and provide

Internat √ ╳ ╳ airport hotel counter guidance for

ional transit passenger

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personnel to pick

up and provide

HNA Ticket Office guidance for

Shanghai T2 ╳ ╳ ╳ next to K Island in transit passenger

Pudong Terminal T2

No special place, use

Changsh T2 ╳ ╳ ╳ airport bus sales

a office √Guide Service

No counter,

T2 Domestic to

Tianjin Domes international 022- Guided in the

tic;T1 ╳ ╳ ╳ 59099315 baggage claim

Internat International to area

ional domestic 022-


T1 No special place, use

Domes ╳ ╳ √ "Meilan Airport

tic Tourist Reception ╳



T2 No special place



╳ ╳ √ √Guide service

International Arrival:

No special place;

Domestic Arrivals:

Guangzh Use the M15 check-

ou T1 √ ╳ ╳ in counter in the ╳

Category departure hall on the

3 third floor

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T1 √ ╳ ╳ Airport transfer √


Lanzhou T2 √ ╳ ╳ Airport √


Service Counter

Termin Ticket counter in

al B domestic departure

Domes ╳ ╳ ╳ hall ╳


Hangzho Termin Ticket counter in

u al A domestic departure

Internat ╳ ╳ ╳ hall ╳

ional Transfer time requirements

When HNA as the first carrier transfers domestic and international flights with interline
airlines, the MCT is subject to the MCT set by the second-stage interline carrier in the
system; if the second-stage for interline carrier does not set the MCT in the system, then
HNA MCT shall prevail.
1) MCT for each transfer hub airport
MCT for domestic transfer station airport
International =

Domestic The terminal where the international (including

NO. Domestic= Domestic Domestic=International
Airport HNA flight is located Hainan Airlines-Hong

Kong Airlines flights)


( includingT2 Hong
Terminal T2 for 90mins(T2=T2)
150 mins
1 domestic and
T2 HNA= T2 interline airlines
international flights

150 mins
T2interline airlines=T2 HNA
120mins(T2=T3) 160 mins

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T2 HNA=T3 interline
160mins airlines
T2 HNA=T3 interline airlines


T3 interline airlines=T2 HNA

Note: The transfer between Beijing Capital Airport and Daxing Airport is 300 minutes. Due to the need for prevention and control during the epidemic, HNA's

international to domestic and international to international temporarily adjusted to 420 minutes.

Terminal T3 for

domestic flights,
2 HGH 120 mins 120 mins 120 mins
Terminal T2 for

international flights

3 SZX Terminal T3 90 mins 130 mins 180 mins

Domestic terminal, International to domestic 160 mins

4 HAK 90 mins 120 mins
International Terminal Domestic to international 120 mins

5 LHW Terminal T1 90 mins 120 mins N/A

SHA 120 mins 120 mins N/A

Mutual transfer of MCT
6 between SHA and PVG T1=T2:180 mins
PVG 210 mins T2=T2:150mins
is 315 minutes T2=T2:150 mins
HU=HU 150mins

Terminal T2 for

domestic flights,
7 XIY 80 mins 120 mins 120 mins
Terminal T3 for

international flights

8 CAN Terminal T1 90 mins 120 mins N/A

Terminal T2 for 120 minutes in the same

9 URC domestic flights, terminal, 150 minutes in 150 mins N/A

Terminal T3 for different terminals

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international flights

10 DLC Only one terminal 90 mins 120 mins 150 mins

11 HFE Only one terminal 90 mins 90 mins

12 SYX Only one terminal 120 mins 150 mins N/A

13 KMG Only one terminal 100 mins N/A N/A

14 CGO Only one terminal 90 mins N/A N/A

Terminal T2 for

domestic flights,
15 TSN 90 mins 180 mins 180 mins
Terminal T1 for

international flights

16 HET Only one terminal 90 mins N/A N/A

T2=T3:210 mins

120 minutes in the same T3=T3:135mins(Domestic to

17 CKG Terminal T3 terminal, 150 minutes in international)/140 mins
HU=HX:180 mins
different terminals (international to domestic)


Domestic to international:130mins
18 CSX Terminal T2 80 mins 150 mins
international to domestic:140 mins

Terminal T2 for

domestic flights, T2=T2:90 mins T1=T1:150 mins

19 CTU T1=T1:150 mins
Terminal T1 for T2=T1:150 mins

international flights

20 NKG Terminal T2 100 mins 180 mins 180 mins

Terminal T1 for

domestic flights,
21 TYN 90 mins 120 mins 120 mins
Terminal T2 for

international flights

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Terminal T2 for

domestic flights,
22 KWE 120 mins 150 mins 180 mins
Terminal T1 for

international flights

Note: If the new domestic airport, made the following announcement of business-related
content prevail.
MCT for overseas international airports
HU I=interline airline I HU I=interline airline D
NO Foreign airport (minutes) (minutes)

90 mins(E=E)
90 mins(E=F)
1 SVO Terminal E
200 mins(E=C)

2 LED Terminal T1 120 mins 120 mins

80 mins

3 TXL Terminal C Non-Schengen-Berlin-Non- 80 mins

Schengen 100mins

AS Domestic to HU International: 120 minutes

AS International to HU

90 minutes
International: 120 minutes

(Other interline airlines D-HU I)

4 SEA Only one Terminal

120mins(HU I-AS D)

120mins(HU international to other

90mins(HU I-AA D)
interline international)

120 mins(HU I-other interline D)

HU international to other

5 BRU Terminal B international :70mins in summer N/A

schedule,60minswinter schedule

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other international to HU


Terminal E
6 ZRH 120mins 120mins
Terminal B/D

120min(T3=T3) 110mins(T3=T3)

7 YYZ Terminal T3 120mins(T3=T1)

120 mins(HU to train)

8 AUH Terminal T1 100mins N/A

9 BKK Only one Terminal 90 mins 120 mins

10 HKT Only one Terminal 60 mins 60 mins

11 AKL International Terminal 90 mins 120 mins

90 min(T2=T2)
12 TPE Terminal T2 N/A

13 ALA International Terminal 120 mins 90 mins

14 OKA International Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

120mins(Interline airlines D to HU I)

90mins(B6 D to HU I )
15 ORD Terminal T5 120mins

120 mins(HU I -Interline airlines D)

16 BUD Terminal 2B 120 mins N/A

17 SYD Terminal T1 120 mins 150 mins

90mins(Interline airlines D-HU I)

18 BOS Terminal E 120 mins
120mins(HU I- Interline airlines D)

Terminal South
19 ORY 60mins 75 mins

20 CDG Terminal 2A T2A=T1:150 mins T2A=T1 150 mins

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T2A=T3 150 mins T2A=T3:150mins

120mins(T3=T1/T2/T5) 120 mins(T3=T1/T2)

21 FCO Terminal T3
90mins(T3=T3) 120 mins(T3=T3)

22 SJC International Terminal 120 mins 120mins

23 KHH International Terminal 60mins 90mins

24 PRG Terminal T1 90 mins 90mins

25 LAX Terminal B 120 mins 120 mins

26 MFM Airport Terminal 60 mins N/A

27 TLV Terminal T3 180 mins 180 mins

28 MAN Terminal T2 90 mins 90 mins

150mins(HU I - non-USA
90 mins(Interline airlines D-HU I)
international )
29 YYC Only one Terminal
150 mins(American route - HU
120 mins(HU I-Interline airlines D)

T2=T3 130 mins T3-T2(Interline airlines D-HU I):120 mins

T2=T2:90 mins T2=T2 :100 mins

NRT Terminal T2
T2=T1:90 mins T2-T1:110mins

30 between the

two airports

HND International Terminal 100 mins 120 mins

is 210 mins

31 DAD Only one Terminal 60 mins 90 mins

32 MEL Terminal T2 120 mins 150 mins

33 LAS Terminal T3 120 mins 120 mins

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34 CXR Only one Terminal 90 mins 90 mins

35 LPQ Only one Terminal 90 mins 90 mins

36 PNH Only one Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

37 VTE Only one Terminal 90 mins 90 mins

38 REP Terminal T1 120 mins 120 mins

39 CTS Airport Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

40 BNE International Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

41 BEG Only one Terminal 75 mins N/A

120 mins(Other route)

42 JFK Terminal T4 120 mins
180 mins(HU-B6)

43 CEI Only one Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

44 CNS Terminal T1 120 mins 120 mins

45 LGK Only one Terminal / 60 mins

46 T3=T2/T3 90 mins T3=T2/T3 90 mins

LHR Terminal T3 T3=T4/T5 120mins T3=T4/T5 120 mins

150 mins(HU-9B)

47 KOS Only one Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

48 T1=T1/T2/T3:60min T1=T1/T2/T3:60min

MAD Terminal T1 T1=T4:150min T1=T4:150min

T1=T4S:165 min T1=T4S:165 min

49 MEX T1=T1:120 mins T1=T1:120 mins

Terminal T1 T1=T2:180 mins T1=T2:180 mins

50 TIJ Only one Terminal N/A 120 mins

51 YVR International Terminal 120 mins 120 mins

52 EDI Only one Terminal 90 mins 90 mins

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53 Terminal T1 T1=T1 100 mins T1=T1 100 mins

DUB T1=T2 110 mins T1=T2 110 mins

54 VIE Terminal T3 60 mins 60 mins

55 Terminal T4 T4=T1,T2,T3 120 mins T4=T1,T2,T3 120 mins

SIN T4=T4 90 mins T4=T4 90 mins

56 KIX Terminal T1 180 mins 120 mins

57 OSL 120 mins 120 mins

58 MDL Only one Terminal 90 mins 90 mins

59 RGN Terminal T1 120 mins 120 mins

Note: If there are new overseas airports, the relevant content of the following business
announcement shall prevail.
2) Definition of tight connection time
Passenger's actual transit time is lower than MCT. Accommodation Regulations for Transit Passengers (Note: Hainan Airlines
International Transit Accommodation Service has been suspended from February 21,
2020, and the time for restoration is to be determined)
1) Conditions for transfer accommodation
(1) Domestic transfer: N/A
(2) International transfers: In principle, passengers who arrive at flights between 0-6 am and
flights more than 6 hours (inclusive) on the transfer day and transfers the next day can
enjoy one-night transfer accommodation services provided free by HNA.
A. All international and regional short-distance routes (including Taipei, Hong Kong,
Macau and other regional routes and Southeast Asian routes) of HU international transit
stations do not provide transit accommodation services. Interchange between
international short routes and international long routes and Japan routes still provide
transit accommodation for passengers who meet the conditions. (For example, Taipei-
Xi'an-Paris, Tel Aviv-Guangzhou-Taipei, based on the principle of long flight segment,
still provide transit accommodation for passengers whose transit time meets the
B. For the next day transfer due to flight schedule, the transfer station provides passengers
with a free overnight accommodation arrangement.
C. For international transit passengers who are not the same PNR code (non-transit joint
ticket), both sections are HU/CN flights. Arrival at the transit station requires
accommodation to be arranged. Disagree in principle. When a passenger strongly
requests it , the on duty staff may ask the duty officer on the day to agree to the
arrangement, and afterwards email the local duty officer for advice, and forward the
approved email to the expense auditor for record.
D. Passengers holding Hainan Airlines 880 connecting passenger tickets can transfer
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accommodation to international flights between Hainan Airlines and Hong Kong
Airlines. (Accommodation standards are implemented according to the agreement)
E. Passengers give up the domestic section for their own reasons and arrive at the transfer
station by other means (resulting in invalidation of the domestic section ticket). The
transfer station does not arrange accommodation. For other reasons, passengers abandon
the domestic flight segment. The transfer station can arrange the transfer accommodation
of the passengers according to the original ticket, and list the transfer interim service fee
F. The previous flight was delayed. After the passenger continued to take the flight to the
transfer station, the transfer station arranged accommodation for the passenger according
to the transfer accommodation standard and during the meal time period (7:00-9:00 local
time, 11:00-13:00 local time), 17:00-19:00) Meals are provided free of charge in
accordance with flight delay standards. Meals for high-end passengers such as important
passengers, F/C class passengers, Jinpeng Platinum Card/Gold Card/Silver Card, and
Golden Deer Card are higher than the ordinary economy Cabin passengers. Transfer
accommodation and meals are listed separately for transfer joint service fee accounts and
irregular flight fees.
G. If there is a delay in the subsequent flight at the transfer station, need to stay continuously,
in principle, don't change the hotel; however, if the passenger has checked out and went
to the airport and there is a delay, the hotel needs to be rearranged, and it will be Ground
Handling according to the hotel standard for irregular flights. Corresponding subjects are
listed separately according to the standards of accommodation arrangements (transfer
accommodation hotels list transfer intermodal service fee accounts, and irregular flights
hotels list irregular flight fees)
H. The hotel that provides passenger accommodation at the transfer station airport is a
designated hotel that has signed an agreement with our company. The agreement hotel
provides corresponding services for domestic and international transit passengers in
accordance with the service terms of the agreement signed with our company.
I. After arriving at the transfer station, passengers should go to the designated place for free
accommodation procedures in accordance with the airport's guidance signs or the
guidance of the ground personnel. In case of transfer accommodation requirements other
than the above special circumstances, the HNA staff will ask the duty officer of the day
to ask the duty officer make decisions.
J. The vehicle to pick up passengers to the transit accommodation hotel must meet the
requirements of GB7258-2012 "Technical Conditions for Vehicle Operation Safety".
The overall vehicle condition is good, and the environment inside the vehicle is clean
and tidy. It can meet the passengers who get on the vehicle can have a separate seat and
have an area where luggage is left alone. Meet the requirements of relevant national
safety standards.
2) Transit accommodation hotel standard
Passenger class Hotel Standard
Domestic transit(URC transfer station)
VIP/CIP Three-star hotel or equivalent, 2 persons/room

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Business class
Platinum Card\Gold Card
Silver Card, Golden Deer
Economy Class
International Transit (National Unification)
VVIP 、 VIP 、 business
class 、 platinum card 、
CIP、golden card、silver The highest standard of local transit agreement hotel, four-five-star hotel, 1 person/room
card、golden deer card
Ordinary Economy Class Arrange a three-star or equivalent hotel with 2 persons/room.
Note 1. When passenger cabins and identities overlap, they will be Ground Handlingd
according to the highest standard star hotels. The order of protection is VVIP, VIP,
Business Class, Platinum Card, CIP, Gold Card and Silver Card.
2. Children and infant passengers under 5 years of age do not arrange rooms separately,
live in the parents' or accompanying adults' rooms, and do not arrange for the rest of the
guests to stay (parents/accompanied persons stay in a standard room of 2 people/room,
extra beds are provided) .
3. If the passenger proposes to exceed the above occupancy standard requirements, the
passenger's requirements can be met with the consent of the local duty officer, and the
difference in accommodation will be settled by the passenger and the hotel.
4. Both sections are actual flights operated by HNA, and passengers in any one of the
business class will be subject to the business class passenger accommodation standards.
5. If the resources of the corresponding standard hotels around the airport are limited, the
standards will be lowered in this order (five-star, four-star, three-star, and hotels with the
same conditions) according to the actual local conditions, and the minimum shall not be
less than three-star or hotels with the same conditions.
6. If the passenger proposes to stay in a single room, the passenger's requirements can be
met, and the difference is paid by the passenger and settled by himself. In case of single
men or women, 1 person/room.
7. After 23:00, passengers will not be arranged to insert a room.
8. In case of transfer accommodation requirements other than the above-mentioned
special circumstances, please consult your superiors for decision-making step by step. Interim transportation regulations

1) Provisions for transfer passenger transportation
(1) After arriving at the transfer station airport, passengers can go to the transfer counter to

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confirm the transfer flight or stay at the transfer counter according to the transfer logo of
the airport or the guidance of the service personnel.
(2) HU does not temporarily provide transfer services for unaccompanied passengers,
stretcher passengers, pregnant women from 32 weeks to 36 weeks, and unaccompanied
2) Provisions for transit baggage transportation
(1) On the same day, transit passengers can go through check-in procedures at the departure
station, that is, go through two boarding passes from the departure station to the transfer
station and the transfer station to the destination station, and attach Hainan Airlines
"Haitian Wuxian" to the checked baggage” The special baggage tag for connecting
flights, the baggage is attached to the destination station, and the transfer station does not
need to pick up the baggage. For the stations that have not yet opened the check -in
service, the passengers should apply for the boarding pass from the departure station to
the transfer station, and check in the baggage to the transfer station.
(2) The standard for the checked baggage allowance of HU domestic to international
connecting passengers is Ground Handlingd in accordance with the amount stipulated
in the international segment of the ticket.
(3) In the "Haitian Wuxian" product, the unified standards for self-transit and cross-transit
transit are implemented. The free baggage allowance for business class is 30KG/person,
and the free baggage allowance for economy class is 20KG/person. The excess baggage
rate is calculated at 1.5% per kilogram of the full fare of the economy class applicable
on the day the excess baggage ticket is issued, in RMB. The total amount of charges is
in Yuan, and the mantissa is rounded.
(4) Charge requirements for transfer of excess baggage:
A. The flight segment of the piece-rate route charges is from the departure station to the final
destination station shown on the joint ticket. Weight-based routes can be charged for the
whole course or only the flight segments operated by HU.
B. "Haitian Wuxian" products
a For the check-in flight, the excess baggage fee from the departure station to the
destination station is charged at the departure station according to the standard; the excess
baggage fee income of the pass check-in is charged by the first carrier. The principle of
non-partitioning with the member companies in the latter stage.
b For non-passing check-in flights, excess baggage fees will be charged according to the
standard segment.
(5) Charge standard for transfer excess baggage: refer to the provisions in the baggage
transportation service in Chapter 13 of this manual.
(6) Regarding the compensation for the damage or loss of baggage in transit intermodal
transportation, the baggage transportation departure station/transfer station/destination
station can handle the compensation procedures, and the transfer station and the
departure station can only be processed with the consent of the destination station.
(7) One-stop transportation service for pet transfer is not provided. Passengers taking transit
connecting flights who need to check in pets can only handle the check-in to the flight
sector. After arriving at the transfer station, they will pick up the pets and go through the

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transfer check-in procedures. Direct flights on the same plane can handle pets to their
(8) Interline checked baggage should be delivered to any of the following first arrival
A. The passenger's first stopover;
B. The confirmed delivery location on the ticket (OK displayed on the ticket) or the
unrecognized requested delivery location (RQ/SA displayed on the ticket);
C. The location involved in the change of transit airport;
D. The final destination specified in the ticket, including any ticket issued with this ticket;
E. Ensure that the minimum transfer time (MCT) has been considered;
F. Unless a specific agreement between airlines is adopted, joint baggage check of
individual tickets is prohibited. Baggage security requirements for Transit and transfer passengers
1) Security for passengers passing through the station and their luggage
(1) During the flight stopover, if passengers need to get off the plane temporarily, they should
ensure that the passengers stay in the waiting area to prevent the possibility of bringing
aviation safety items to the aircraft and contact with personnel who have not been
checked for safety. If contacted, passengers must conduct security checks on their
personal and hand luggage again before boarding the aircraft again.
(2) After the passenger boarding is completed, the check-in and baggage loading and
unloading personnel must recheck the number of passengers and the number of luggage
to ensure that the number is accurate;
(3) If a passenger terminates his travel during the flight stopover, then should unload his
luggage and items. If the extra baggage is unaccompanied baggage, or there is no
indication that the baggage is missed, don’t need to unload it.
(4) If the passenger passing the station proposes to terminate the trip to the ground personnel
under the plane, the ground personnel should ask the passenger the reason for
terminating the trip, and ask the passenger to present their ID card, ticket and boarding
pass for information verification, to know whether there is checked baggage. Passengers
and baggage are reduced, and hand over to the cabin crew. International flights must
comply with the regulation requirements of inspection and quarantine.
2) Security for transit passengers and their luggage
(1) For connecting passengers, they should ensure that passengers and their hand luggage
stay in the waiting area during the transfer to prevent the possible risk of aviation safety
items from being carried on the aircraft and coming into contact with personnel who
have not undergone security inspection. Passengers must conduct a security check on
their personal and hand luggage again before boarding the plane again; if a transit
passenger needs to enter or leave the isolation area for the transfer procedures, they
should conduct a security check again before boarding the plane.
(2) In the carrier’s aircraft providing commercial transportation services, after the
passenger’s checked baggage is unloaded for some reason, if it needs to be reloaded to
the same plane of the carrier or another plane of the carrier, the checked baggage must
go through Security inspection, however, if the carrier determines that a security

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inspection has been carried out on the baggage.
A. Transfer baggage should be checked at the departure airport of the aircraft;
B. The airport shall take security control measures to prevent the transfer of baggage from
unlawful interference from the moment when the aircraft is unloaded to when the aircraft
is reinstalled on the same aircraft or another aircraft.
(3) If the checked baggage needs to be transferred to another aircraft carrier (including the
code-sharing aircraft carrier), it must go through a security check before being allowed
to load, unless the aircraft carrier is informed that the transfer baggage has passed the
security check.
A. Transfer baggage goes through a security check at the departure airport of the aircraft.
B. The airport shall adopt security control measures to prevent unlawful interference
between the time when the transfer baggage is unloaded on the inbound aircraft and the
time when it is reinstalled on the outbound aircraft.
(4) Transfer luggage should be stored in the luggage storage area;
(5) Baggage in the transfer baggage area must be guarded by personnel to prevent irrelevant
personnel from approaching until the baggage is loaded onto the aircraft;
(6) Transfer baggage that leaves the airport security control area after the checked baggage
is withdrawn must be re-checked through security before it can be reloaded into the
(7) Passengers and their baggages transferred at domestic airports on international, regional
and specially managed international routes should be subject to airport security
inspection. However, it can be excluded if the terms of mutual recognition aviation safety
standards are signed with China. Provision of transit information
1) HNA transit information support system
HNA SIM system and civil aviation departure system, etc.
2) Ground Handling requirements for normal transfer of transit information
(1) Information transfer at the departure station
A. Our staff log in to the HNA SIM system from the HNA X platform before the flight is
opened (all airport personnel are entrusted to use the departure system), and inquire about
the information of transit passengers (including the number of passengers, name,
whether there are passengers with tight connection time, etc.) ), prepare for flight security.
B. After the flight takes off, the check-in crew will close the departure system in time with
C. Errors in the departure station Ground Handling process or special, emergency situations
requiring special protection at the transit station, promptly call, fax, and email to notify
the transit station Ground Handling unit and confirm; if special circumstances that
require attention in the cabin (such as passengers have a tendency to complain etc.),
before the flight door is closed, it is necessary to inform the crew member on duty of the
transit passenger's name, seat number, follow-up connecting flight and other key
elements information transfer).
(2) Information transfer at transfer station
A. Before the flight arrives, our staff logs into the SIM system on the HNA X platform (all

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airport personnel are entrusted to use the departure system), and inquiries about the
transfer passenger information (including the number of passengers, name, seat number,
number of luggage, luggage weight, etc.) to prepare for flight.
B. After the flight arrives, the transfer dispatcher or station personnel check the actual
number of transfer passengers and the number of luggage according to the transfer data
of the HNA SIM system/departure system, and make preparations for the transfer
protection of subsequent flights.
C. The transit dispatcher receives the error information and emergency situation notified by
the originating station, and arranges the transit attendant to make up for it. Actively
cooperate with the special and emergency situations notified by the departure station to
ensure the safety.
3) Ground Handling requirements when transit information can’t be transmitted normally
Transit information cannot be transmitted normally: It means that the departure system
can’t transmit information normally or the SIM system is abnormal.
(1) Departure station Ground Handling requirements
A. When the HNA SIM system fails, check-in crew or station personnel can inquire
(command: PD*, O) transit passenger information (including number of passengers and
names) through the civil aviation check-in departure system to prepare for flight gr.
B. When both the HNA SIM system and the departure station's departure system fail, the
departure station staff or check-in staff will make the departure station's "Summary of
Transfer Flight Departure Information" 45 minutes before the flight arrives at the transfer
station. Or fax it to the Ground Handling unit of the relevant transit station. After sending
the fax, the check-in operator should call to confirm whether the fax is received and
whether the handwriting is clear.
(2) Transit station Ground Handling requirements
A. When the HNA SIM system fails, the transfer attendant or station personnel can check
the transfer passenger information (including the number of passengers, name, and
number of luggage) through the civil aviation check-in and departure system (command:
PD*, I) to prepare for flight protection.
B. When both the HNA SIM system and the transfer station departure system are faulty,
call the originating station or check-in staff to fax the "Summary of Transfer Information
for Departure Station".
a After receiving the summary table of the transfer flight departure information from the
departure station, notify the specific support post of the transfer passenger information
(number of people, luggage);
b The transfer staff greets and guides/directs transfer passengers at the flight cabin door;
c The baggage Ground Handling unit receives the transfer baggage at the first time and
checks the information with the departure station. Transfer counter
1) Requirements for setting the transfer counter
(1) The logo of the transfer counter is clear, and the HU logo is eye-catching, neat, and free
of damage, which is convenient for identification.
(2) The transfer counter facilities require the same check-in counters, and the transfer

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counters must have related supporting facilities, including flight information display
screens, counter decorations, and information display racks.
(3) There should be a prompt when the transit counter is closed. The closing prompt should
provide a service phone and a place where help can be provided.
2) Transfer counter service requirements
The transfer counter service staff's appearance, etiquette, attitude, behavior, etc. require
the same check-in. Responsibilities of each station
1) Departure station
(1) Before the flight is opened, check the passenger information in advance;
(2) Prompt passengers with basic information such as luggage and accommodation
arrangements at the transfer station;
(3) Issuing the transfer passenger identification for the transfer passenger; attaching the
corresponding transfer baggage tag to the passenger's checked baggage;
(4) Central loading of transfer baggage;
(5) Passengers with tight connection time will pay special attention, issue front seats, and
formulate protection plans;
(6) Provide services such as refund and change the flight tickets, accommodation, etc.
(7) Transfer the information of the transit passenger's protection and the assistance of the
transit station by mail, fax, etc.;
(8) For transit passengers who need to focus on cabin services, inform the crew on duty of
the relevant information in a timely manner;
(9) Follow the work instructions issued by the AOC customer service desk, and feedback
the transfer Ground Handling within the prescribed time limit.
2) Transfer Station
(1) Query the information of transit passengers in advance and prepare for pick-up;
(2) Increase the manpower for passengers with tight connection time, and provide key
Ground Handlings; formulate a Ground Handling plan in advance
(3) Provide services such as refund and change of tickets, accommodation, etc.
(4) Pass the information that needs the assistance of the destination station to the destination
station by mail, fax, etc.;
(5) For passengers who need to pay special attention to cabin services, inform the crew on
duty of the relevant information in time;
(6) Follow the work instructions issued by the AOC customer service desk, and feedback
the situation within the specified time limit.
3) Destination Station
(1) Responsible for handling abnormal luggage of transit passengers in accordance with
abnormal luggage protection and compensation standards
(2) According to the notice of the transfer station, do a good job of assistance;
(3) Follow the work instructions issued by the AOC customer service desk, and feedback
the situation within the specified time limit. AOC Customer Service Role Responsibility
1) Responsible for monitoring the protection of passengers with tight international
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connection time in various places;
2) Responsible for decision-making on the special circumstances that occur during the
Ground Handling of transit passengers at the "fully entrusted airport".
3.6.2 Domestic Transfer Service
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail
3.6.3 International Transfer Service Domestic=International Station
Divide into HNA group transfer or Hainan Airlines Transfer
Please refer to Chinese Manual for detail International Station
1) Departure station
(1) Pre-job preparation:
The departure station personnel and check-in staff comprehensively use SIM, check-in
departure system, etc. to inquire about flight international transfer passenger information;
check-in staff prepare international transfer passenger identification tags, international
transfer baggage identification tags and various check-in consumables Product.
(2) Check-in:
A. Document inspection: The check-in clerk needs to inspect the passenger’s international
travel documents.
B. Apply for the boarding pass from the departure station to the transfer station for the
passenger (a certain through check-in route needs to apply for a multi-segment boarding
pass for the passenger);
C. Seat issuance:
Centralized distribution of front-row seats for passengers with a tight connection time in
economy class (starting from the fourth row of economy class and later, if high-end
passengers in the first three rows of economy class are dissatisfied, they can also be
issued to passengers with a tight connection time);
(3) Baggage check:
A. Information reminder: remind passengers that prohibited items such as lighters, matches,
spare lithium batteries, controlled knives, etc. are not allowed in their checked baggage;
B. The check-in clerk handles the passenger’s checked baggage to the transit station (the
through check-in route is for the passenger to go to the destination), and the international
transit baggage identification tag is attached to the checked baggage (the through check-
in route is for the passenger to hang through Check-in baggage identification tag). For
VVIP, VIP, CIP, business class, Fortune Wings Platinum Card, Fortune Wings Gold and
Silver Card, and Golden Deer Card transit passengers (hereinafter referred to as high-
end transit passengers), the corresponding baggage identification tags and international
transit baggage identification tags shall be attached. For baggage checked in at the
boarding gate, the departure station should also attach a transit baggage mark to the
baggage, enter it into the departure system according to the actual weight, and monitor
the installation.
C. Excess baggage will be charged at the departure station at one time in accordance with
the over-limit baggage charging rules of the main carrier of the international flight
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segment. International main flight segment departure station).
D. Baggage must be collected and transported in accordance with the real-name system,
and the actual weight and number of bags must be entered into the departure system.
(4) Information prompt:
Prompt passengers whether they need to pick up their baggage at the transfer station and
whether they meet the transfer accommodation conditions; prompt the passenger to
follow the airport transfer guide sign or the transfer service staff to guide/guide the
transfer after arriving at the transfer station.
(5) Baggage loading:
The baggage loader shall load the transfer baggage in a centralized manner, and shall not
mix it with the checked baggage of other passengers. For the installation sequence,
please refer to the requirements of the priority baggage Ground Handling standard in the
chapter 4 Baggage Transportation.
(6) Ground Handling monitoring:
At the departure station, our company's ground support personnel will arrange a
dedicated person to monitor the transit passengers and their baggage security.
2) Transfer station
(1) Information query:
Hainan Airlines and its ground service agents at the transfer station comprehensively use
SIM or departure systems to inquire about flight transfer passenger information,
understand the special passengers who transfer, and receive key protection items sent by
the departure station, and book hotels for transfer accommodation passengers. Good
preparation for pick-up.
(2) Preparation for pick-up:
The transfer dispatcher clarifies the Ground Handling requirements to the Ground
Handling personnel and conducts the division of labor.
(3) Requirements of the pick-up personnel:
The transfer attendant must hold the intercom and transfer guide card when Ground
Handlining the transfer passengers. For foreign transit passengers, a service staff who is
fluent in English should be arranged to guide the pick-up and be responsible for the
follow-up processing of the passenger.
(4) Airport pick-up procedure (the specific Ground Handling capacity of each station shall
be subject to the local agreement):
A. Class I international transfer station: All inbound flights with connecting passengers must
arrange for personnel to pick up the plane at the bridge entrance or the arrival point of
the remote stand with a transfer guide card, and the pick-up personnel must arrive at the
designated location 10 minutes before the flight landing. Set up a transfer counter or
transfer accommodation meeting point in the arrival hall as the accommodation
arrangement point. Provide full or fixed-point guidance for all passengers;
B. Class II transfer station: All inbound flights with transit passengers must arrange for
personnel to pick up the plane at the bridge entrance or the arrival point of the remote
stand with a transfer guide card. The pick-up personnel must arrive at the designated
location 10 minutes before the flight landing. Set up a transfer counter or transfer

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accommodation meeting point in the arrival hall as the accommodation arrangement
C. Three types of transfer stations: According to actual conditions, personnel can be
arranged to pick up the airport, and transfer service counters can be set up to receive and
arrange passengers.
D. For VVIP, VIP, CIP, business class passengers, passengers with tight transit time, and
special passengers, special personnel must be arranged to provide full protection.
Note: The specific support capacity of each station is subject to the local agreement.
(5) Transit accommodation: (suspended, please refer to Transit Passenger
Accommodation Regulations for details)
After the transfer accommodation passenger picks up the luggage, the transfer attendant
will register the accommodation for the passenger, and notify the agreed vehicle security
unit in advance to go to the designated location and pick up the passenger to the agreed
hotel; in principle, passengers shall not wait for the transfer accommodation hotel vehicle
after completing the transfer confirmation procedures More than 30 minutes; in principle,
the agreed hotel should not exceed 30 minutes for check-in procedures for passengers,
and arrange accommodation according to the standard and send passengers to the
departure hall 90 minutes in advance (180 minutes for international flights) for check-in
(6) Offloading of late passengers:
The boarding gate controller inquires the information of the incoming passengers of the
flight in advance, and confirms whether all the transit passengers are boarded 15 minutes
before the flight departure. If there is a transit passenger who has not boarded the plane,
confirm with the duty manager counter whether the passenger has handed in checked
baggage. Avoid delaying flights due to rummaging through undelivered luggage.
(7) Ground Handling monitoring:
Our ground support staff at the transfer station arranges a dedicated person to monitor
the transfer passengers and their baggage security.
3) Arrival station
After passengers arrive at the destination station, the corresponding baggage service will
be provided. For details, please refer to the baggage transportation service chapter of the
Ground Operation Manual Through Check-in
1) Definition
Through check-in refers to the check-in procedures for two flight segments (or multiple
flight segments) for transit passengers at the departure station, the luggage is directly
linked to the destination station, and the passenger only needs to go through the check-
in procedures at the transit station to confirm the value Machine service.
2) Processing conditions:
(1) The ticket purchased by the passenger is a transit ticket, and all flight segments are
booked in the same PNR;
(2) Hainan Airlines provides pet passengers, unaccompanied passengers, stretcher
passengers, oxygen-inhaled passengers, pregnant women from 32 to 36 weeks,

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unaccompanied wheelchair passengers (WCHC), and unreserved standby tickets and
additional seats. Passengers and seat-occupied baggage are temporarily not available for
through check-in services. Passengers with self-care capacity (WCHR) and semi-self-
care capacity (WCHS) passengers and accompanied WCHC passengers are accepted
(Note: Flights to and from the United States must comply with the United States Clause
382, which is non-discrimination for persons with disabilities Provisions).
(3) At present, it is only for passengers who arrive on the same day for transit (meaning that
the arrival time and the departure time of the subsequent flight segment are on the same
day) or who arrive on the same day and transfer to the early morning flight of the next
day. In principle, overnight check-in is not possible. .
(4) Due to operational limitations, flights for through check-in must ensure that the transit
time at the transit point is not less than the local MCT time. When the flight season
changes, each departure station needs to clean up the connection of the current season. If
the season change time no longer meets the requirements of MCT time, the through
check-in will not be processed, and the passenger will be explained.
3) Requirements for originating station in full commission mode
(1) Counter and staff setting: Arrange for check-in personnel skilled in international business
to handle through check-in procedures for transit passengers. Special through check-in
counters should be set up in areas where conditions permit. Counter supplies and screen
displays must meet the requirements of Hainan Airlines. .
(2) Document inspection: Check whether the transit passenger holds a valid passport and
visa (or residence card), and meets the regulations of the country of entry or transit.
(3) API and system verification: enter passenger API information in a machine-readable or
manual manner, and perform system verification such as IAPI/AQQ/APP in accordance
with the relevant requirements of the destination government.
(4) Consultation of opinions: show the "Through Check-in Baggage Hand-Free Power of
Attorney" (hereinafter referred to as the "Power of Attorney") on the back of the
"Through Check-in" baggage identification label to the passenger and ask the passenger
to read it carefully and confirm whether to agree to the request Book content. If the
passenger agrees, the through check-in procedure can be processed. When signing the
"Power of Attorney", the handwriting should be clear. According to the requirements of
the customs, it is necessary to write in block letters, and ensure that the luggage tag is
consistent with the name signed in the power of attorney. The reserved telephone number
in the "Power of Attorney" should be written clearly and accurately and ensure that I can
be contacted. Fill in strictly according to the format specification. If the passenger
disagrees with the contents of the "Power of Attorney", the application will only be
processed to the transfer station.
(5) Security inquiries: Check-in personnel need to make security inquiries for passengers
checking in through the United States. For related requirements, please refer to "DF-
2017-138 on the implementation of TSA emergency amendments on flights to the
United States, "120-day measures" security inquiries Business Announcement.
(6) Boarding pass
A. Print the boarding pass for the passenger to the final destination of the passenger ticket,

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issue a circular "transfer passenger" logo and paste it on the boarding pass to remind the
passenger to show it to the transfer attendant after arriving at the transfer station
B. Passengers going to the United States who are selected as selectee passengers by the
system must add the SSSS logo on the boarding pass, and the ground supplier needs to
contact the local TravelSky agency in advance to add item 56 to the PEC item of the
boarding pass to achieve automatic printing, or fill in manually.
C. Regardless of whether the transit passengers are checking in on the same day, under the
premise of satisfying the load balance, the seats should be arranged as far forward as
possible so that the passengers have priority to disembark.
(7) Baggage check:
A. Check and confirm that the passenger’s hand-carried and checked baggage meets the
standards, avoid excess baggage at the boarding gate, check the baggage to the final
destination of the passenger ticket, and attach the “through-trip check-in” baggage sign.
If the connection time of the subsequent flight is less than 3 hours, the through baggage
classification will be carried out, and the check-in staff shall attach the passenger baggage
B. reminds passengers that spare lithium batteries, power banks, lighters, matches (tinder)
and other items prohibited by security inspections as well as items prohibited by Chinese
customs and quarantine shall not be carried in their checked baggage
C. Remind passengers that Beijing Customs, inspection and quarantine, and security check
have the right to sample their luggage and items, and items that need to be declared to
the customs should be declared on-site in Beijing as carry-on luggage. If the items to be
declared do need to be checked, the passenger can only go through the check-in
procedures to the transfer station.
D. Remind passengers not to lock their luggage. If necessary, use our one-time locks to lock
them or pack them at the packing area. If the passenger disagrees with the above
suggestions, the passenger will not be checked-in, and the boarding pass and checked
baggage will only be processed to the transfer station. It is reminded that passengers need
to pick up their luggage after arriving at the transfer station and follow the instructions of
the staff to go through the check-in procedures again.
E. All passengers applying for through check-in must check their luggage under their real
names, which are recorded in the passenger's name in the departure system, and group
passengers must check in separately. Passengers should add the filled-in name to the
checked baggage. The wide-body baggage shall be packed separately, and the narrow-
body baggage shall be placed in a centralized manner, which has priority over ordinary
checked baggage.
F. For strollers and wheelchairs for through check-in, passengers must be reminded that
they cannot be picked up at the transfer station. For other special baggage loading
conditions, the transfer station shall be notified by mail or other effective alternative
G. Avoid using manual baggage tags to handle the checked baggage of through check-in
passengers. As some transfer station customs (such as Beijing Customs) do not accept
luggage with hand-tied luggage tags, they cannot scan barcodes and enter the system. If

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you can only use hand-made luggage tags at the boarding gate, they can only be checked
in to the transfer station. At the same time, you need to remind passengers to pick up the
luggage with the hand-made luggage tags at the transfer station and go through the
check-in procedures again.
H. Passengers need to be reminded on Russian routes. If the luggage does not reach Russia
directly on the same plane due to force majeure, please register and declare in time when
you arrive, otherwise additional fees will be incurred when the subsequent luggage is
picked up after arrival.
(8) Destination entry reminder: remind passengers that they must pick up their luggage at
the first overseas arrival station and go through customs.
(9) Transfer reminder:
A. Passengers who cannot go through check-in on the same day: only apply for boarding
passes to the transfer station, and only check baggage to the transfer station, and clearly
inform passengers that they need to pick up their baggage after arriving at the transfer
station and go through the check-in procedures again.
B. Next day transfer: Passengers and baggage who transfer to the international flight on the
next day will only be processed to the transfer station. Passengers are required to carry
their luggage after arriving at the transfer station. Passenger transfer stations that meet
the transfer accommodation conditions will arrange hotel accommodation for the
(10) Excess baggage charges, please refer to Hainan Airlines' latest free baggage allowance
and excess baggage charges for international routes for specific charging standards.
(11) Baggage sorting and loading:
A. All luggage with the through luggage tag attached, regardless of whether there are other
types of luggage tags at the same time or not, should be packed or loaded in a centralized
manner. If a wide-body aircraft is packed, a through check-in baggage tag must be
affixed to the outside of the container for identification.
B. Luggage with fast-track luggage tags attached is still loaded in the through baggage
container (the departure station may also pack the luggage with fast-track tag attached to
separate boxes depending on the situation).
C. When installing the aircraft, the through check-in baggage shall be installed near the door,
and the priority is inferior to the high-end passenger baggage (non-through baggage).
The narrow-body aircraft must be loaded with the through-pass check-in if the load
balance and operation permit. Cargo baggage and high-end baggage are divided into
compartments or loaded with other ordinary baggage.
(12) Special handling
A. If the through check-in is not possible due to system reasons, only the check-in
procedures for the domestic segment will be processed, and passengers are clearly
reminded that they need to pick up their luggage after arriving at the transfer station and
go through the check-in process again.
B. If the passenger does not hold a valid passport visa at the departure station, the through
check-in will not be processed, and the passenger must be informed of the possible risk
of refusal for the international segment. After consulting the passenger, the domestic

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segment will be processed according to their valid ID Check-in procedures.
C. In case of unsuccessful IAPI/AQQ/APP verification, you need to contact the transfer
station in time to assist in completing the verification. When the time is tight and the
check cannot be completed before the end of the load, the passenger must be informed
that the passenger will be verified again after arriving at the transfer station, and there is
a possibility that the final verification result is that the immigration office of the
destination country rejects their entry, and the domestic flight will be processed
according to the passenger's wishes Section check-in procedures.
D. If a passenger arrives at an overseas station and transfers to a foreign airline that is
interlined with our company, the domestic departure station will handle the three-stage
boarding pass for the passenger from the departure station-transfer station-overseas final
destination, and the baggage will be checked to the final destination. Destination. At
present, TravelSky’s single baggage tag can print three paragraphs of baggage
destinations, but it is necessary to remind passengers that they need to collect their
checked baggage for customs clearance when entering the country.
E. If it is known that the flight at the originating station is delayed, and the passenger's
expected transit time at the transit station is less than MCT, the originating station will
not check in for the entire flight.
(13) The "Power of Attorney" is integrated on the through check-in baggage tag for delivery.
(14) Information transmission: CC should be carried out in time after the flight takes off.
Before CC, the increase, decrease and change information of passengers and baggage
should be entered into the system in time to ensure that the information is correct. At the
departure station, our staff will fill in the electronic version of the "Hainan Airlines
Check-in Passenger Information Form" for the number of passengers, baggage pieces,
loading information and other special circumstances that have already checked in
through the flight, and send the mail to the transfer station or send it In the International
Ground Handling WeChat group.
海南航空通程值机信息表 Hainan Airlines TCI Information form

始发站 Departure: 航班号 Flight: 日期 Date:

通程旅客总人数: 通程行李总件数

Total TCI pax : Total TCI bags:

通程行李箱号 通程行李装舱位置

TCI bag AKE No. TCI bag container loading position

其他信息 Other info :

4) All transfer stations should also follow their local transfer procedure Hainan International to International Transfer
1) Beijing Area International to International (T2=T2/T3)
Boarding pass and bag tag can be issued to final destination, other requirement please
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follow 3.5.4
2) All other areas international transfer please follow 3.5.4 Hainan International Interline service
1) At present, the list of intermodal transport cooperative enterprises and transit stations that
have achieved check-in with our company are as follows (as of December 2018):

Partner Airlines Transit Station

2) Domestic departure station service
3) Domestic transfer station service
4) Overseas transit station service
(1) Outbound flight
At the boarding gate, check the documents of the transit passengers and re-enter the API;
Confirm the number of checked baggage with the passenger, and inform the passenger
if they need to pick up checked baggage into China.
(2) Inbound flight
Inquire flight transfer passenger information in advance, and arrange personnel to
provide transfer prompts and guidance at key points of the transfer route as appropriate.
If there are problems with passenger baggage transfer, customs clearance, etc. or the
transfer time is tight, assist passengers in handling in time. International Irregular Transfer Service
This includes the protection of passengers who are in tight connection with the transfer
and the protection of passengers whose transfer baggage cannot be reached by the same
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1) Departure Station Service
(1) Definition of risk passengers: passengers with tight connection time (ie, the actual
transfer time is lower than MCT)
(2) Identification of risky passengers: The departure station arranges a special person to
check the information of transit passengers according to the SMS prompts pushed by the
SIM before the flight starts, focusing on passengers with tight connection time and
making a protection plan.
(3) Service Ground Handling for transit passengers with tight connection time
A. When the check-in staff is informed of flight delays before or during the check-in process
for passengers, they actively confirm that the actual connecting time of the passenger at
the transfer station is not less than the minimum connecting time before they can handle
the transfer joint check-in for the passenger check-in procedures; if the passenger's actual
transit time is known to be less than MCT, passengers are advised to do the ticket refund
and change procedures.
B. When the connecting time of the passenger who has completed the transfer check-in
procedure at the transfer station due to an abnormal flight is less than the minimum
transfer connection time, the check-in at the departure station should take the initiative to
recommend the passenger to ensure that the passenger has successfully departed from
the departure point Subsequent flights are signed at the departure station. If the passenger
still decides to go to the transfer station, the check-in staff at the departure station (or
station staff) immediately informs the transfer station and prepares the plan; at the same
time, the departure station will ensure the refund and change of the ticket for the
passenger's subsequent itinerary.
C. When the transfer flight and passengers are abnormal, the departure station personnel or
check-in staff will report the actual number of transfers, the number of luggage, the
luggage number and the loading position, and the passenger connection within half an
hour after the plane takes off the flight and other information will be given to the transfer
station. Please make a timely preparation of the transfer station.
D. If there is a passenger who needs attention or protection in the air, he/she shall be handed
over with the flight attendant on duty (the key information elements for the handover
include passenger's name, seat number, transit time, matters requiring assistance, etc.).
(4) Baggage Ground Handling for transit passengers when the connection is close
A. If passengers are scheduled to change to our follow-up flight of the same day, their
luggage will be transported to the destination station according to the transfer baggage
of the same day, and the transfer baggage identification strip will be attached; Transport
its baggage to the transfer station without the transfer baggage identification strip;
B. If the passenger is scheduled to change to a foreign flight departing from this station,
guide the passenger to check in at the airline counter after the change;
C. If passengers are scheduled to change to the transfer station's subsequent flights of
foreign airlines, their luggage will be transported to the transfer station without the
transfer luggage identification strip. After the passengers arrive, they will pick up their
luggage and go to the transit counter of the interline airline to re-check in and check in.

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(5) Pay special attention and Ground Handling to high-end passengers and special
passengers with tight connection time.
(6) Compensation standard
A. Carrier reasons
a Arrange for passengers to change their ticket to the nearest flight of our company free of
charge. If there is no flight of our company on the same day, arrange for passengers to
change to another company's flight on the same day.
b If there is no transferable flight on that day, arrange for passengers to change to the next
day's flight for free and arrange room and board according to the irregular flight standard.
The airfare difference and passenger hotel and meal expenses incurred will be charged
from the irregular flight fee.
c If the time of the changed follow-up flight is 4 (inclusive)-8 hours apart from the time of
the original transit flight, compensation can be made, and the compensation standard is
200 Yuan or equivalent points per person; the time of the subsequent flight change and
the time of the original transit flight more than 8 hours apart, compensation can be made,
the compensation standard is 400 Yuan per person or equivalent points. The amount is
in RMB.
B. Non-carrier reasons
Arrange for passengers to change their ticket to the nearest flight. If there is no flight of
our company on the same day, arrange for passengers to change flights of other
companies on the same day
(7) Services for transit passengers during flight diversion
A. The company's on-site units (base operation center/branch ground service room/on-site
support room/satellite station) at the alternate airport should take the initiative to inquire
about flight transfer passenger protection needs, and promptly negotiate with the transfer
station on the arrangements for transferring passengers. Passengers who are unable to
connect to subsequent flights at the transfer station after verification confirmed that the
re-scheduled flight should take the initiative to propose to change the flight at the
alternate destination.
B. If there is no suitable flight at the alternate airport for passengers to change their bookings,
the company's station unit should immediately report the passenger information to the
transfer station guarantee unit by telephone, and then immediately report it by mail after
the flight takes off.
2) Transfer station service
(1) Definition of risk passengers: passengers with tight transit time (ie, the actual transit time
is lower than MCT) and transit passengers whose baggage reported by the departure
station does not arrive on the same plane.
(2) Identification of risky passengers: The transfer station arranges a special person to query
the information of the transfer passenger of the incoming flight according to the SMS
prompt pushed by the SIM; to receive the abnormal transfer situation notified by the
originating station.
(3) Transit passenger’s protection with short transfer time
A. There are transit stations in the SOC area of the Flight Operations Control department

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(such as Xi'an, Beijing, Taiyuan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Urumqi, Dalian, and
subsequent areas will also apply):
a Ability to connect to subsequent flight disposal standards
a) Transit dispatcher (or business person), after taking off the flight at the departure station,
through the inquiry of the transfer information of the HNA service information system
and the transfer passenger information notified by the departure station and SOC, record
the transfer passenger information with tight connection time separately in the transfer
joint log book.
b) The transfer dispatcher notifies all transfer passengers and baggage information to the
transfer attendant and baggage handing unit respectively.
c) For the information of transit passengers notified by air (HNA and interline airlines
transit passengers), the transit attendant inquires the details of the transit passengers
through the departure control system (passenger name, baggage number and number, ID
number, and subsequent flights) .
d) The transfer attendant carries the HNA transit transfer board to the cabin door to greet
passengers and assist passengers to transfer to subsequent flights.
e) The transfer baggage Ground Handling unit quickly completes the unloading, sorting
and handover of transfer baggage, and the installation of subsequent flights.
b Unable to connect to subsequent flight disposal standards
a) The transfer dispatcher (or business dispatcher) at the transfer station will not be able to
connect the passenger information of subsequent flights by querying the transfer
information of the HNA service information system and the transfer passenger
information notified by the departure station and the operation control SOC after the
flight at the departure station. Recorded in the transfer logbook (number of transfer
passengers, baggage, and reservations for subsequent flights), at least 50 minutes before
the flight landing to the transfer station ground business dispatch notification.
b) Transit passengers who cannot connect to subsequent flights shall be notified by the
ground business dispatcher, report to flight operation control SOC.
c) The operation control SOC will decide the pros and cons based on whether there are
VVIP and VIP passengers on the subsequent flight, the reason for the delay of the
departure station, the number of transit passengers, and the delay time of the subsequent
flight , and notify the ground service unit to make a safeguard plan.
d) The departure flight arrives at the transfer station within 60 minutes (inclusive) of the
subsequent transfer flight that leaves the transfer station. If there is a subsequent flight
(including other airlines), the seat can be changed and can be changed without waiting.
If there is no follow-up flight or the subsequent flight does not have a free seat change,
the number of transfer passengers is more than 10 (inclusive), and there are no VIP
passengers for the follow-up flight leaving the transfer station, the flight can be delay. If
there are VIP passengers on the subsequent flight out of the transfer station, whether the
flight will be awaiting, the decision should be made by chief duty officer.
e) The departure flight arrives at the transfer station more than 60 minutes later than the
subsequent transfer flight leaving the transfer station, and the number of transfer
passengers is more than 20 (inclusive). If there is no subsequent flight or the subsequent

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flight cannot be changed, and the subsequent flight leaving the transfer station When
there are no VIP passengers, after considering the on-site security situation, you can wait
for delay. If there are VIP passengers on the subsequent flight out of the transfer station,
whether the flight will be awaiting the decision of the chief duty officer reporting to the
f) The above principles are flexibly mastered, and the chief duty officer of the locality
makes the final decision based on the on-site security situation.
g) Report to the chief duty officer of the territory when there are objections to the decision,
and the chief duty officer of the territory makes the final decision according to the actual
h) When obtaining the waiting instruction, follow the standard operation procedures that
can be connected to subsequent flights.
i) Obtain no waiting instruction
3) Destination Station Service
After arriving at the destination station, passengers will provide corresponding luggage
service. For details, please refer to the baggage transportation service chapter International Transfer Baggage irregular handling
1) Scope of application
It is applicable to the protection of abnormal baggage for international transfers by
Hainan Airlines on its own and with foreign airlines.
2) Principle
(1) Information communication
A. The departure station, transfer station and arrival station of an international transfer flight
shall promptly notify each other about the abnormal situation of the transfer baggage
B. The last terminal of the passenger's itinerary shall promptly and actively notify the
passenger of the subsequent processing of abnormal baggage.
C. If the passenger does not receive the checked baggage at the destination station, the
supplier will instruct the passenger to fill out the "Luggage Transport Accident Record
Form" (PIR form) and make the AHL record, according to the requirements of WT
system information entry (if there is WT System), do the baggage information entry and
(2) Focus
Concentrate resources to focus on and protect the international transfer baggage of our
important passengers, various high-end passengers and special passengers.
(3) Active compensation
In case of abnormal situations such as damage, loss or late arrival of passengers'
international transfer baggage, they shall proactively compensate passengers in
accordance with relevant laws and regulations and our standards.
3) Role Responsibility
(1) Responsibilities of external suppliers of the group
A. Responsible for registering various kinds of abnormal baggage related information
ledger (with world tracer system, recording in the system), and performing classification

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and summary statistics on a monthly basis.
B. Responsible for reporting the missing baggage information by telephone or other means
of information transmission in accordance with the "HNA Baggage Missing Information
Notification and Monitoring Process", and handling it in accordance with the "Abnormal
Baggage Handling SOP".
Irregular Baggage Handling SOP
Stage Section Complete
1 Offloading according to standard procedure (For pre-notice)
2 Notify Passenger
3 Modify Loadsheet
Information on abnormal baggage flights, the cause of the incident, determine
Depart the interpretation caliber, notify the flight stop and destination station,
ure Customer Service On-Duties and the abnormal baggage management unit of
Station the ground service management department
5 Arrange baggage to be forwarded in a timely manner
Organize the information and transmit it to the flight stop and destination
6 station, the abnormal baggage management unit of the ground service
management department and the customer service
1 Initialize the abnormal baggage handling plan
Arrange the staff of the corresponding level according to the identity of the
Arrival 3 Pay temporary living expenses according to the standard
Station 4 Arrange delivery for the delay baggage in a timely manner
Organize the information and transmit it to the flight stop and destination
5 station, the abnormal baggage management unit of the ground service
management department and the customer service
C. Responsible for proactively issuing temporary living allowances and compensation fees
for damaged and lost luggage to passengers in accordance with Hainan Airlines’baggage
compensation and compensation standards.
(2) Each office of the ground service management department, and the aviation member
companies within the group that act as our company's supervisory responsibility
A. Responsible for the docking with the baggage protection unit of the local supplier.
B. Responsible for reporting abnormal baggage information to the company.
C. Responsible for the follow-up supervision of the handling of abnormal conditions of
territorial luggage transportation.
D. Responsible for monitoring and implementing the compensation for abnormal baggage
and subsequent reimbursement.
(3) Base branch
A. Responsible for contacting the departure station, transfer station, arrival station and other
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relevant terminals, and actively deal with all kinds of abnormal baggage transportation
B. Responsible for keeping account records of all kinds of abnormal baggage incidents, and
provide the account records on time in accordance with our company's requirements.
C. Responsible for the compensation and follow-up reimbursement of abnormal luggage
of passengers.
D. Responsible for the implementation and supervision of the handling of abnormal
luggage transportation by our agency in the territories.
(4) Ground Service Management Department
A. Customer Service role in AOC
Responsible for reporting abnormal baggage information in accordance with the
"Regulations on the Information Management of Ground Service Irregular Events", and
monitoring the handling of passengers belonging to the following two types of abnormal
baggage (within the airport), and reporting abnormal events that occur during the
a There are more than 5 pieces (inclusive) of missing luggage on a single flight.
b (The passenger belonging to the missing luggage is an important passenger, business
class passenger, company leader or company guest.
B. Abnormal baggage handling unit
a Responsible for the verification of baggage transportation issues.
b Responsible for making an explanation for the complaining passenger through 95339
c Responsible for coordinating with the arrival station for follow-up handling of
passengers and abnormal baggage.
d Responsible for the comfort of complaining passengers and the handling of related issues.
4) Precautionary measures for international transfer baggage
(1) Departure station
A. Check-in
a Domestic departure: First-line check-in personnel attach international transit baggage
tags to the checked baggage of transit passengers (if it is a through check-in route, attach
the through check-in baggage tag), and verbally remind passengers whether they have
arrived at the transit station Need to pick up checked baggage.
b Departure from abroad: For the transit passengers of intermodal transportation, the front-
line check-in personnel must remind the passengers at the boarding gate that they need
to pick up their checked baggage and go through the check-in procedures again after
arriving at the first transit station in the country.
c For transit passengers who have not purchased connecting tickets, if the passenger does
not have an entry visa for the transit country, after verifying the passenger's follow-up
itinerary information, the front-line check-in staff must manually add the passenger's
follow-up flight segment to the system as a connecting flight, and Passengers check their
luggage to their destination. And remind passengers of follow-up baggage claim matters.
B. Baggage loading
The transfer baggage is loaded in a centralized manner, and the priority is inferior to the
priority baggage. The baggage loading personnel shall Ground Handling according to

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this principle.
C. Information Communication
After the flight takes off, our staff on site or agency personnel fill out the "Flight Ground
Handling Status Notice" and send the number of transfer baggage and the loading
location by mail. Special circumstances that require key protection at the transfer station
can also be communicated in time by telephone and other means.
(2) Transfer station
A. Baggage loading and unloading
The baggage handling personnel shall upload the transfer baggage in time according to
the order of baggage unloading and uploading.
B. Transit Guidelines
When picking up the plane, the transfer attendant at the transfer station proactively
reminds passengers whether they need to claim the checked transfer baggage and other
subsequent transfer matters.
5) Measures for handling abnormal baggage in international transit
(1) Missing baggage
A. definition of missing shipment
Refers to the failure of the passenger's checked baggage to arrive on the same plane as
the passenger due to baggage reduction, late arrival of the passenger, operational error,
security and other reasons.
B. Disposal measures
a Departure station (transfer station) shall notify passengers themselves of the delayed
baggage delivery information as far as possible before the flight takes off. If the
information cannot be notified in time, the ground personnel of each departure station
(transfer station) will be notified within 60 minutes after the flight takes off. , Pass the
passenger information, the number of luggage pieces, the baggage number, the
subsequent flight (if confirmed) and other information of the delayed baggage to the
transfer station (arrival station) by mail, phone, etc., and confirm the follow-up of the
missing baggage The disposal situation will be notified to the transfer station and the
arrival station as soon as possible. And email to the local service command room,
Customer Service On-Duties and bzcxlgls@hnair.com; the service command center of
the ground service management department is responsible for monitoring the subsequent
transportation process of the missing baggage.
b After the transfer station (arrival station) receives the information of the missing baggage,
it will start the Ground Handling plan (print the abnormal baggage ticket number, issue
the abnormal baggage notice, issue temporary living expenses, register the appearance
characteristics of the baggage and the delivery address, etc.), and then proceed to the
flight After landing, sufficient manpower will be arranged to provide necessary
assistance to passengers.
c The transfer station (arrival station) voluntarily provides passengers with temporary
living compensation fees for passengers to purchase temporary necessary daily
necessities while waiting for their luggage to arrive, fill in the "Luggage Accident
Record" form, record the appearance of the passenger's luggage, and the passenger's

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mailing address, and actively contact the departure Stations (transfer stations) search for
baggage, and actively provide passengers with a baggage dynamic query phone number,
and arrange for a dedicated person to actively notify passengers of delayed baggage
information by means of acceptance (text, email, telephone, etc.) not less than once a day.
After the delayed baggage arrives at the destination airport, it must be delivered to the
designated location, such as the hotel where the passenger is staying, according to the
passenger's requirements.
(2) Excess baggage
If over-collected baggage is found at the transfer station or arrival station, it should
immediately report the specific information of the over-collected baggage to the
originating station (transfer station) and the relevant terminal and register it before
entering the warehouse. If there is a WT system, it is necessary to establish an over-
collection message in the WT system. When receiving assistance from the departure
station for baggage assistance inquiries, the over-collection baggage will be actively
compared, and the confirmed baggage will be sent to the corresponding express baggage
operation requirements Terminal.
(3) Lost baggage
If the contents of the baggage are lost or the whole piece is lost, the local responsible unit
will voluntarily compensate the passengers in accordance with our existing
compensation standards.
(4) Damaged baggage
When a passenger’s luggage is damaged and the ground service staff confirms that the
passenger needs to be compensated, the passenger’s luggage or cash must be paid in
accordance with our standards. In areas where our company has designated the style and
brand of the compensation luggage, the physical goods must be paid according to our
requirements. Compensation for luggage.
6) Notification of abnormal baggage leakage in international transit
(1) Departure station
A. Departure from base/branch, terminal area, group member company supervision area
a Bases/branch companies, member companies and terminals shall establish an abnormal
baggage information transmission Ground Handling mechanism with the baggage
inquiry department of the airport where they are located, and keep abreast of abnormal
information about the baggage transportation Ground Handling process of HU and CN
flights in their respective territories.
b The baggage protection unit of the departure station found that there are more than 5
pieces (inclusive) of missing luggage on a single flight (the passenger belonging to the
missing luggage is our important passenger (VVIP/VIP/CIP), business class, Fortune
Wings Platinum Card, gold and silver Card passengers, company leaders, and company
guests will be notified regardless of the number of pieces), and the flight number, number
of pieces and passenger category of the missing luggage (including: important
passengers (VVIP/VIP/CIP), business class passengers) should be confirmed within 30
minutes , Golden Deer Card, Fortune Wings Platinum Card, Gold and Silver Card
passengers), and report according to the local notification process.

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c If there are more than 10 pieces of missing baggage on multiple flights, statistical
notification will be made according to the flight Ground Handling time period. All
regions will send out abnormal baggage information within 30 minutes according to the
flight check-out time before 09:00 in the morning. .
d After receiving the information of missing baggage, the territorial command room will
immediately report to the Customer Service On-Duty and the service command center
of the ground service management department (email: bzcxlgls@hnair.com).
e The territorial baggage Ground Handling unit immediately informs the transfer station
and the destination station for baggage inquiry after confirming the subsequent
transportation flight, time and baggage identification of the missing baggage.
f After receiving the above-mentioned missing shipment information, the on-site duty of
our company's on-site unit or supervision enterprise shall monitor the follow-up disposal
process of the missing luggage.
B. Departure from fully entrusted airport
a The baggage protection unit of the departure station finds that there are more than 5
pieces (inclusive) of missing baggage for a single flight (the passenger belonging to the
missing baggage is our important, business class, Fortune Wings VIP members,
company leaders, and company guests, regardless of the number of pieces. All
notifications), the flight number, number of pieces and passenger category (including:
important passenger, first class, business class passenger, Golden Deer card, Fortune
Wings Platinum card, and gold and silver card passengers) of the missing baggage
should be confirmed within 30 minutes.
b If there are more than 10 pieces of missing baggage on multiple flights, statistics and
notifications will be made according to the flight Ground Handling time period. Before
09:00 in the morning, other time periods will send out abnormal baggage information
within 30 minutes of the flight check-out time
c The abnormal baggage information should be notified to the Hainan Airlines Customer
Service Desk by email (email address: khfwx@hnair.com).
d The baggage Ground Handling unit immediately informs Hainan Airlines and the
destination baggage inquiries after confirming the subsequent transportation flight, time
and baggage identification of the missing baggage.
(2) Arrival station (transfer station)
A. When missing baggage occurs, check the missing baggage information notification sent
by the departure station in time to confirm the location of the missing baggage.
B. Check and collect the missing baggage according to the express flight information sent
by the departure station in time, and notify the departure station after receiving the
7) Time limit for payment of abnormal baggage
(1) Scope of application
A. When the passenger does not make a request for compensation on the spot, contact our
company for compensation after the flight operation ends.
B. There is not enough cash at the disposal site, and the passenger shall agree to compensate

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C. The amount of compensation cannot be determined at the disposal site, and the amount
of compensation is determined after subsequent investigation.
(2) Compensation payment
A. Confirm the compensation amount
The on-site handlers negotiate with passengers and determine the final compensation
amount in accordance with Hainan Airlines’ abnormal baggage handling requirements.
For specific standards, see Chapter 4 Baggage Service.
B. Obtain account information
After confirming the compensation amount, the staff confirms and records the date,
flight number,
Passenger's name, contact information, account opening bank information (account
opening name, account number), compensation amount, etc., please retell the account
information with the passenger.
C. Payment of compensation
a Domestic area: After negotiating with the passenger to reach an agreement on the
compensation amount, the transfer and remittance will be completed within 10 working
b Overseas areas: After negotiating with the passenger to reach an agreement on the
compensation amount, the transfer and remittance will be completed within 20 working
c In the case that the transfer cannot be completed due to incomplete information provided
by the passenger, the staff shall contact the passenger to correct the information in time,
and complete the compensation remittance within the above-mentioned prescribed time
after obtaining the accurate information.
d Pay attention to checking the account holder’s name, account number and other
information when handling the compensation transfer and remittance, confirm that you
have received the reminder of successful transfer, and keep the paper or electronic
remittance voucher.
D. Confirmation of compensation payment
a After the transfer and remittance is completed, the staff immediately informs the
passenger that the transfer has been successful by phone or SMS, and confirms the
receipt of the passenger's reply.
b If the transfer is made by the irregular flight room of the marketing department or the
quality management unit, the transfer unit shall be notified by mail on the day of the
3.6.4 Transfer detail for each domestic station
N/A for international operation please refer to Chinese manual for information.

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3.7 Special Assistant Service

3.7.1 Overview Care More Service
According to the service spirit of Hainan Airlines, treat every passenger with equality
and love. Go for the extra mile than what passengers expected; to ask more, to look more
and to do more. Service Principle
1) Principle of non-discrimination
Respect passengers with disabilities and do not discriminate against them. Focus on the
traveler, not the disabilities.
2) Proactive Principle
(1) Find passengers in need actively; ask and respond positively.
(2) Let passengers to choose provide passengers with alternate plans if their demands are
not satisfied.
3) Communication Principle
(1) Answer passengers enthusiastically, patiently, and naturally.
(2) Put yourself in passenger’s shoes and learn the essential requirements of them.
4) Priority Principle
(1) Under the premise of meeting requirements of high-end passengers, give priority to
refund or endorse tickets or arrange food and accommodation for special passengers.
(2) If there are limited resources, give priority to passengers require assistant after meeting
the requirements of high-end passengers.
5) Information delivery Principle
(1) Ensure information transfer to the next service link effectively, accurately, and timely.
(2) Service unit processes service information after receiving it and monitors work of
passenger service. Policy Reference
1) In accordance with 14 CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) Part 382 Nondiscrimination
on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel.
2) Measures for Air Transport for the Disabled (Trial) issued by the Department of Air
Transportation of Civil Aviation Administration of China on March 1, 2015.
3) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled Persons took effect
on July 1, 2008.
4) Civil Aircraft Issue [2000] No. 240 Standard of equipment configuration for accessible
facilities in passenger terminal area of civil airport. Relevant definition
1) Passenger require assistant also known as special service passengers, refer to passengers
that need to be given special courtesy or special care, or they need to meet the
transportation conditions stipulated by the carrier during the transportation of passengers.
Special passengers include passengers with disabilities (hearing, visual, speech, mental,
physical, etc.), unaccompanied children, elderly passengers, pregnant passengers, infant

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passengers, sick passengers, criminal suspects and their escorts, Special catering
passengers, drunken passengers, passengers with additional seats, confidential traffic
officers/diplomatic messengers, etc.
Note: An adult is a person who has reached the age of 18 and has full civil capacity.
2) Physical or mental injury: any physiological barrier or symptom, shape defect or
physical impairment affecting one or more of the following body systems. Nervous
system (nervous-related system), musculoskeletal system (muscles and bones), special
sense organs (sight, hearing, tactile, taste, olfactory organ), respiratory system (including
speech organs and respiratory organ), cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels),
reproductive system, digestive system (dissolve food), urogenital system (the
reproductive and urinary organs), blood lymphatic system, skin, endocrine system, or
any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain
syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.
(1) Physical or mental injury includes but not limited to orthopedic, visual, pronunciation,
hearing impairment and other diseases and symptoms; cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular
dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation,
emotional illness, drug dependence and alcoholism.
(2) Mental retardation is characterized by scores of mental or intellectual test far below the
average score, and abilities in daily life, such as communication, self-care, and
participating in the social environment and school activities are limited. Mental
retardation is also sometimes referred to as cognitive impairment or intellectual
disabilities. Organic brain syndrome refers to physical illness leading to mental decline
in general. Emotional mental illness may be depression, anxiety and so on; specific
learning disabilities may be reading disorder and so on.
3) Major living ability refers to self-care (such as cleaning, dressing and eating), hands-on
activities, walking, visual and hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working and other
4) Injury Record means a person with history of mental or physical injury or has been
mistakenly thought suffered from such injury which actually limits one or more major
living abilities.
5) Considered as injured means ① suffering from physical or mental injury not limiting
their major living abilities but is deemed by air carrier as affecting abilities; ② suffering
from physical or mental injury which is only deemed as limiting major living abilities by
other people; or ③ no injury defined in this definition, but air carrier considers they
have. The injury is not permanent, such as deficiency of body part or visual impairment.
Barriers may also be temporary, such as leg fracture.
6) Reasonable doubt–uncertainty under reasoning or reasonable judgment. For example:
Passengers with breathing difficulty or pain need further medical examination.
7) Special medical treatment: carrier’s staff trained to provide emergency treatment and first
responder life-saving procedures for passengers suffering from accidental medical
events on the aircraft, but conventional medical treatment and procedures needed by
impaired passengers shall be provided by professional medical personnel.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Not suitable for transport
1) Hainan Airlines are not allowed to prevent passengers from getting on board only based
on their disability. Passenger’s appearance, behaviors, unconscious behaviors (rude,
annoying, troublesome) not posing a direct threat cannot be used as grounds for refusing
boarding. For example, Tourette syndrome and other diseases causing unconscious
behaviors such as ballism, twitching, shouting, etc.
2) Following Situations are deemed as not Qualified for Safety Transport:
(1) If passenger’s condition is deemed as a direct threat or allowing his/her boarding violates
the regulations of CAAC or rules of other government administrative institutions, that
passenger will be considered as not qualified for transportation.
(2) Passengers pose a direct threat to the safety and health of themselves, flight crew, staff of
Hainan Airlines or its agent or other passengers.
Note: for diseases considered as direct threat, passengers can show Certificate of
Medical Diagnosis indicating that they are capable of safety trip with their disease, or
they can be transported as long as they have taken some precautionary measures.
(3) Passengers have not applied for and obtained the consent for transportation in advance,
and they would like apply for a stretcher or an incubator when arrived at the airport.
(4) If it is confirmed that passengers have not taken additional medical service measures
under reasonable judgment, they cannot finish travel safely and cannot or denied to
provide Certificate of Medical Diagnosis as required.
(5) Passenger-related materials and applications are in compliance with the transportation
regulations, but the physical condition of the ground is unstable (such as the passenger's
obvious breathing difficulty or pain, etc.), and the passenger has no additional medical
service measures after the airport aviation medical inspection The scope of safe travel
cannot be safely completed.
Note: Additional medical measures refer to the need to use emergency medical
equipment on board, or the need for passengers to select personnel with medical
professional training, or the need for necessary medical assistance when the flight is
delayed/diversion, or additional medical assistance may be required during the flight.
(6) If passengers are suffering from infectious disease which poses a direct threat to the
health or safety of other passengers and the infection cannot be controlled by taking
effective measures.
(7) Oxygen-absorbing passengers in a comatose state and passengers who also need oxygen
during ground waiting.
3) Subsequent processing for cannot be transported passengers
Refer to the relevant content of " Decision and Disposal of Unable to Transport"
for details, Documentation requirement
1) Certificate of Medical Diagnosis
(1) Passengers must provide Certificate of Medical Diagnosis if they are facing safety risk
during flight under the following circumstances
A. Passengers using a stretcher or an incubator;
B. Passengers need oxygen for medical use during the flight;
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C. Infectious diseases that may cause direct threat;
D. Pregnant women who take the flight at 32 weeks ≤ gestation period <36 weeks;
E. Other medical history;
F. Have reasonable doubt on whether the passenger can finish their travel without special
medical treatment.
(2) Valid date of Certificate of Medical Diagnosis
A. In general, a medical certificate will be deemed as valid only if it is issued within 10 days
before the scheduled departure date of the flight which passenger is going to take (If
carrying a service dogs, please refer to related terms). If preventive measures or steps are
needed to prevent the spread of disease, it must be stated in the certificate. To ensure the
validity of the Certificate of Medical Diagnosis, Hainan Airlines will check the actual
physical condition of passengers.
B. If the return date of passenger’s trip is more than 10 days after departure date, a new
medical certificate must be provided. For example: if the passenger plans to travel aboard,
he is going to depart from Beijing to Seattle on Jan. 10 and returns on Jan. 26, he should
show certificate with the date on or after Jan. 1st and provide a second certificate with
the date on or after Jan. 16 for return journey.
C. For passengers in need of a stretcher or medical oxygen during flight, the Certificate of
Medical Diagnosis will be deemed as valid only if its date is within 10 days before
passenger’s initial scheduled departure date.
(3) Certificate of Medical Diagnosis can only be deemed as valid with the signature of
doctors and the seal of medical organizations of county, city level or the equivalent level
(such as state second-level first class hospital) or above within China, and contains a
description and issuance of "suitable for travel" and issuance date. For medical
organizations outside China or in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, the certificate must be
filled out by licensed doctors recognized by government agencies. In Africa, the
certificate may be issued by Chinese-funded medical organizations. Certificate of
Medical Diagnosis issued within China must be filled out in Chinese or English; if it is
issued outside China, it may be filled out in other languages, but must be attached with a
version translated in Chinese or English and states that it will be valid for taking flight
before XX (date).
(4) If passengers’ physical condition deteriorates significantly after the issuance of medical
certificate or the certificate evidently concealed the threat of disease to other passengers,
Hainan Airlines may ask the passengers to take additional medical examination and ask
them to undergo medical check again at the eligible medical institutions. If the result of
medical examination shows the passengers may not be able to finish their air travel safely
without special medical treatment or the allowing of the passengers’ boarding will pose
a direct threat to the health and safety of other passengers, such passengers may be
considered as unsuitable for air travel.
(5) The ground service unit should keep the Certificate of Medical Diagnosis for at least 3
months. A copy can be accepted if the passenger requests to keep the original.
2) Special Assistant Request form
(1) Special Assistant Request form has three categories, A, B and C, and it shall be filled out

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by passengers when they apply for service. It provides information about special
passengers, and used as a basis for ticket office, departure airport, stopover airport and
destination airport to offer service to special passengers. Special Assistant Request form
contains four coupons: first, ticket coupon, kept by issuance unit; second, flight coupon,
kept by check-in unit of departure airport; third, crew-arrival coupon, delivered to and
kept by service department of destination airport by flight attendants; forth, passenger
(2) Applicable for Special Assistant Request Form A: Passengers on wheelchair (WCHS or
WCHR), passengers with hearing impairment, visual impairment or language disorders,
aged passengers or passengers with infants, passengers who need special meal and other
special passengers with general service need.
(3) Applicable of Special Assistant Request form B (Application of Taking Flight without
Accompany of Adult): Children without accompany of adult, unaccompanied
passengers with hearing impairment, visual impairment or language disorders,
unaccompanied pregnant passengers.
(4) Applicable targets of Special Assistant Request form C: Passengers using a stretcher or
wheelchair (WCHC), passengers with 32-36 weeks of pregnancy, passengers in need of
some medical apparatus (such as medical oxygen) for medical care during flight, sick or
injured passengers and other passengers with special service need.
(5) Special Assistant Request form shall be filled out by special passengers with service need
or their guardian when they apply for service at ticket office directly subordinate to or
95339 customer service (95339 customer service guides the passenger to fill out the
"Special Passenger Service Demand Form" online. Passengers need to bring the original
copy at HNA Rewrite the quadruple "Special Passenger Service Request Form" when
checking in at the airport counter) or the check-in counter. Special Assistant Request
form will be kept safely for one year by specialized person at a designated location.

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Form Type of Passenger SSR Code
Wheelchair passengers with semi-self-care capabilities WCHS
Passengers with self-care ability in wheelchairs WCHR
Cabin Child Seat \
Baby cradle onboard BSCT
Cabin wheelchair passengers WCON
Unaccompanied passengers with hearing restrictions UMDF
Unaccompanied Passengers with vision restrictions UMBD
Form Unaccompanied Passengers with language restrictions UMLG
B Unaccompanied pregnant women UMPG
Unaccompanied children UM
Unaccompanied elderly UMAD
Wheelchair passengers without self-care ability WCHC
Healthy pregnant women with 32 weeks ≤ gestation period <36 weeks PREG
Mentally restricted passengers DPNA
Form Cabin wheelchair passengers WCON
C Oxygen Require Onboard passenger PPOC
Passengers with general illnesses \
Infectious disease travelers \
Stretcher passenger STCR
1. When passengers need cabin wheelchair services, please fill in the "Special Passenger Service Demand Form"
(for passengers with long-term impairment of lower limbs and unable to walk, but healthy passengers can use
Class A; for passengers who need to provide a medical diagnosis certificate, they must fill it out Class C single).
2. Passengers for service dog transportation shall fill in the "Application for Service Dog Transportation" as
required, code PETC.

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3) Passenger Transportation Statement
(1) If the ground service staffs deem there is a risk or there may be a risk in transporting a
passenger, they may ask the passenger to provide a Transportation Statement.
(2) The ground service staffs remind the passengers of air transportation risks, the
passengers write on a piece of blank paper following contents “Hainan Airlines has
reminded me of all risks and I’ve already had knowledge of the air transportation risks.
Therefore, I, myself, will assume all consequences about any problem of my health
condition occurred during my taking Flight XX on XX (date)”. Passengers or their
family members (guardian) shall write on a piece of blank paper in a free format and sign
on it, their handwriting shall be clear and recognizable. If passengers cannot write
themselves, the person writing on his/her behalf must note the reasons in the statement.
(3) Passengers should be reminded that the captain has the right to make a final decision
whether to carry the passengers.
(4) This statement is not applicable to Sino-US air route. Impaired passengers of Sino-US
air route are not asked to sign a transferring statement, a waiver or a disclaimer before
boarding. Timeframe and Procedure on Special Assistant service application
1) Following impaired passengers must apply 24 hours before flight’s departure and after
obtained a clear positive response from Hainan Airlines, they shall come to the Check-
in Counter of Hainan Airlines or its agent 1 hour before check-in starts.
(1) Passengers with properly packaged wheelchair or other auxiliary equipment (batteries
are considered as hazardous articles).
(2) WCHC type request
(3) Passengers with respiratory auxiliary equipment and need to carry batteries for breathing
auxiliary equipment. (48 hours)
(4) Passengers with assistive animals.
(5) Passengers with both serious visual and hearing impairment.
(6) Passengers need to be transported on a stretcher. (48 hours)
(7) Passengers need to be transported in an incubator.
(8) Impaired passenger group who has ability to board. (48 hours)
2) If impaired passengers have complied with the pre-notice and checked in advance but
have to change the ticket to a flight of another date or a flight of other airlines due to some
reason such as the cancellation of original flight, original carrier shall try to reserve a seat
for passengers as their requirement and the transport rules shall be subject to that of the
carrier of follow-up flight.
3) If passengers have not informed in advance or checked in at the Check-in Counter within
the stipulated time, Hainan Airlines shall try to provide impaired passengers with service
or equipment they required as long as it would not delay flight.
4) In according to the Measures for Air Transport for the Disabled (Trial) issued by the
Department of Air Transportation of Civil Aviation Administration of China on March
1, 2015 and other reference legislations applied, to fulfill the requirement of emergency
evacuation. The number of passenger request special assistant is limited based on the
relevant requirement. For detail, please refer to relevant sections of this manual.

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5) When sales units and other units receive special passenger applications beyond the scope
of this manual (and within the authorization range of the corresponding departments),
the first accepting unit will be "in accordance with the principle of the first inquiry
responsibility system and the principle of who advocates who applies." According to the
actual situation, the organization shall at least report to the leader of the advocating unit
in charge of the company to make decisions and respond to passengers after soliciting
opinions from relevant departments.
6) On the same day or the next day, passengers who temporarily submit special applications
or urgent applications that exceed the scope of this manual shall be reported for disposal
according to the relevant work requirements of the production operation system (in
principle, each operation department shall be on duty in accordance with manual
standards or authorization. Can be reported to the chief on duty of the day-company on
duty). Transfer Passenger
1) Unaccompanied passengers, passengers using stretcher, passengers in need of oxygen
inhalation, passengers with 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy and unaccompanied WCHC
of Hainan Airlines cannot take connecting flight. Other special passengers who are
allowed to sell connecting tickets shall sell and notes transmit information in accordance
with the current regulations of the Marketing Department
2) Hainan Airlines, as a transferring carrier or an on-carrier shall be in compliance with
following principles during connecting transport
(1) During connecting transport, the transferring carrier shall be responsible for providing
impaired passengers qualified for taking flight with connecting service.
(2) During connecting transport, on-carrier shall be responsible for providing impaired
passengers qualified for taking flight with corresponding service and assistance since
such passengers are transferred from flight of transferring carrier to flight of on-carrier.
(3) If the flight of transferring carrier is off normal and causes impaired passengers qualified
for taking flight failed to take connecting flight of on-carrier, transferring carrier shall be
responsible for providing impaired passengers qualified for taking flight with all
necessary arrangements and assistance.
(4) If the flight of original on-carrier is off normal and must ask another on-carrier instead,
the original on-carrier shall be responsible for providing impaired passengers qualified
for taking flight with all necessary arrangements and assistance. Requirement on Airport facility
1) Make sure facilities are convenient for passengers accessing all areas in departure lounge
as well as their boarding and disembarkation.
2) Domestic airport should follow (2000) No. 240 document of Barrier-free Facilities
Building Standard in Terminal Area at Civil Airport issued by the civil aviation bureau.
3) The airport ground service suppliers shall annually carry out self-assessment of the air
transport service capacity of impaired passengers to ensure that they continue to meet
the requirements of the civil aviation authority on air transport services.
4) The airport should set up an integrated service counter with eye-catching indication in
the main entrance of the terminal for the opportunity to provide flight information for

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impaired passengers. Airport should also help to contact the carrier to facilitate check-in
procedures or security checks for impaired passengers.
5) Impaired passengers must be entitled to enjoy the same rapid check-in procedure as
common passengers. For example, if impaired passengers are incapable of using self-
service check-in machine, they are in principle allowed to be at the front of the queue.
Provide a separate counter for them to check in if possible.
6) Ensure impaired passengers at the airport to receive the following information at the
same time with other common passengers, including flight safety, ticketing, check-in
procedures, flight delay or cancellation, schedule and flight changes, boarding gate
allocation and adjustment, regulations on baggage, enlisting overbooking volunteer,
broadcasting for looking for individuals and emergencies. For example, if the airport is
broadcasting flight delay information, the same information must be displayed on the
display screen or Hainan Airlines staff shall directly inform passengers with hearing
7) All airport operating flights flying towards or leaving airports in the United States must
keep a 14 CFR Part 382 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel and
must provide passengers with a copy of it as they required for check. Note: This
provision is only applicable to Sino-US air route, an English version is all that needed. A
copy in Braille or an audio version is not necessary.
8) In United States, every passenger must obey regulations on security check of TSA
(Transportation Security Administration). Passengers at airport outside America must
obey regulations on security check of the country where the airport locates.
9) Carriers, airports and airport ground service agents shall provide disabled persons who
are qualified for boarding and disembarking with mobile assistive equipment for free,
including but not limited to those in the terminal building and from the boarding gate to
the remote stand. Handicap electric vehicles, shuttle buses, wheelchairs used at the
airport, boarding, and disembarking, and special narrow wheelchairs on board. The
airport shall be equipped with no less than one lift truck or lift equipment for passengers
with disabilities and the elderly, weak, injured, or sick to board and disembark the aircraft.
(1) Consult experts or passengers for the best way to help impaired passengers get on or off
board. Assistance for boarding and disembarking varies due to whether the flight has
horizontal entrance.
(2) If the horizontal entrance for boarding is not available, passengers may need special
assistance for boarding and disembarking because they are not able to get on and off
airstairs, thus passengers may ask for help after knowing the way of getting on or off.
(3) Provide passengers using wheelchairs with various available equipment when they get
on or off board, such as mechanical lifts, specialized seats, slide boards, conveyor belts,
slings, and so on, let passengers to choose the appropriate way by themselves.
(4) If mechanical lift is not available, provide them with an alternate plan which must be
agreed by passengers. Note that ground service staff shall not directly touch impaired
passengers’ body by pulling them in arms or carrying them on the back when they get
on or off board or during the process of other ground service.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Information Notify Procedure
1) For Special Assistant request require approval prior to ticket issue
(1) Stretcher passengers: After the ticketing unit conducts the preliminary review of the
application materials provided by the passengers, it shall not notify the customer service
seat more than 48 hours before the flight departure. After receiving the request, the
customer service seat shall conduct a review and evaluation in accordance with the
manual standards and submit the information to AOC duty manager. After receiving the
information, AOC duty manager to coordinate the evaluation of relevant guarantee units,
ask the chief duty officer of the company, make comments on whether it can be carried,
and give feedback to the customer service seat. After receiving the report, the customer
service seat will immediately report the information to the ticket office.
(2) Oxygen inhalation passengers: After the ticketing unit conducts the preliminary review
of the application materials provided by the passengers, it shall not notify the customer
service seats more than 48 hours before the flight departure. After the customer service
seats are reviewed in accordance with the manual standards, they will make their
opinions on whether they can be carried. And feed the information back to the ticket
(3) After the ticket is issued, the ticket sales unit shall mark the special passenger
identification (if any) behind the passenger's name, and shall send the special passenger
information through SIM no later than 48 hours before the flight departure. Overseas and
non-resident areas need to notify the customer service seats of passenger information by
email, and the customer service seats will notify the relevant information to the local
guarantee units
(4) If the company refuses to transport, the ticket sales staff will explain to the passengers
that if the passengers have already issued the tickets, the sales staff will handle the
involuntary refund procedures in accordance with the company's regulations.
2) For Special Assistant request NOT require approval prior to ticket issue
(1) The range of special passengers that the ticketing unit can directly issue tickets according
to the standard: other special passengers except for oxygen-inhaled passengers and
stretcher passengers.
(2) After the ticket is issued, the ticketing unit shall mark the special passenger identification
(if any) behind the passenger's name, and send special passenger information through
the SIM system according to the following requirements: WCHC passengers or battery-
driven wheelchair passengers, Passengers with service dogs and passengers with severe
visual and hearing impairments, and use incubators to transport passengers at least 24
hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight; other category B unaccompanied
special passengers and general service requirements such as WCHS, WCHR and other
special category A passengers At least 60 minutes before the scheduled departure time
of the flight. Involving the transmission of special passenger information in fully
entrusted areas, the ticket office directly under HNA and the 95339 customer service
shall not only declare special passenger service requirements in the SIM system within
the above required time limit, but also notify the passenger information to the customer
service desk by email, and the customer service desk will notify the relevant information

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All ground support units.
(3) For passengers with WCHC and passengers with service dogs, the ticket salesperson
needs to call/email the customer service seats after the ticket is issued, and the customer
service seats should monitor the flight guarantee.
3) 24 hours before the announced flight departure time, that the disabled need assistance
should be transmitted to:
(1) Airports and airport ground service agents for departure, arrival and stopping places;
(2) If the seat is not reserved by the operating carrier, the information shall be transmitted to
the operating carrier as soon as possible in a feasible way;
(3) When connecting transportation, the delivery carrier shall timely transmit relevant
information to the receiving carrier, and the receiving carrier shall notify the airport and
the airport ground service agent.
4) Notification on the ground
(1) If needed by the impaired passengers, ground service staff shall inform the information
about seat with armrest, aircraft limitation of impaired passengers transportation,
limitation of movable auxiliary equipment (in cabin or cargo compartment),
convenience of lavatory and other services and equipment on board.
(2) Ground service staff should check the remark in the system and the passenger
information, if there are no relevant remark in the system, the agent should input the
correct remark into the system.
(3) After assisting special passengers to check in, ground service staff shall ask and give a
tag of CARE MORE and tell them to hang such tag on the left chest during flight so that
our staff can provide them with better service.
(4) On-site personnel at each station inquire about the relevant information of special
passengers on this station in advance every day, and do a good job of flight guarantee,
monitoring and coordination. For information that the disabled need assistance, and the
local airport agent has special information transmission requirements, the on-site unit
must do a good job of information transmission and communication.
(5) Within 20 minutes after the flight takes off, the ground service department of the
departure station shall pass the special passenger information to the special passenger
service department of the stopover station and the destination station through the
departure system and other methods
(6) The ground service personnel at the destination station confirm the special passenger-
related information on the flight by querying the departure system before the flight
landed, and notify the relevant guarantee unit in time
(7) For fully entrusted areas, the customer service unit is responsible for the transmission of
relevant information and guarantee monitoring.
(8) For WCHC wheelchair passengers and stretcher passengers, the customer service seat
monitors the flight protection status the day before and on the day of the flight until the
passenger protection is completed. Abnormal Situation
1) For any injuries during transport, please refer to Passenger Injury Incident Procedure.
2) Remaining evidence of passenger injuries and deaths: when handling special situations,

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the ground service unit shall keep the documents of passengers’ flight information,
certificate of medical diagnostic etc. After the incident, the ground service unit should try
to obtain the surveillance videos for further investigation.
3.7.2 Passengers with disabilities Related definitions
1) A "disabled person" refers to a person who has a certain organization, function, or
abnormality in psychology, physiology, or human structure, and has completely or
partially lost the ability to engage in a certain activity in a normal way. Disabled persons
include people with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments.
These injuries interact with various obstacles and may prevent persons with disabilities
from fully and effectively participating in social activities on an equal basis with others.
The specific manifestations are visual disabilities, People with hearing disabilities,
speech disabilities, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, mental disabilities,
multiple disabilities and other disabilities.
2) Disabled group: refers to a group of persons with disabilities who have more than 10
people (including 10 people) and have the same flight schedule, flight date, and flight
3) Disabled persons with flight conditions: refer to the purchase or holding of a valid ticket,
the use of the facilities and services provided by the carrier, airport and airport ground
handling agent to arrive at the airport on the flight listed in the ticket, and meet the
requirements applicable to all passengers, Reasonable and non-discriminatory
transportation contract requirements for the disabled.
4) Direct threats-pose a serious threat to the health or safety of others, and the danger cannot
be eliminated by modifying policies, practices or procedures or by providing auxiliary
equipment or services.
5) Medical certificate: refers to a written certificate issued by the hospital stating that the
passenger can safely complete his travel without additional medical assistance during air
travel. Number of persons with disabilities transported and prevention of refusal to
1) Unless otherwise specified by safety or law, the company shall not refuse to transport
disabled persons who are qualified to take the flight because of the disability of the
disabled, which may cause offense, annoyance or inconvenience to the crew or other
passengers due to their appearance or involuntary behavior.
2) When the company refuses to provide air transportation for persons with disabilities who
are eligible for flight due to safety reasons, it shall explain the legal basis for the refusal.
If a disabled person with boarding conditions requires a written explanation, the carrier
shall provide it within 10 days after the refusal of transportation.
3) The number of passengers with disabilities who are not accompanied but needs
assistance from others during emergency evacuation is limited. When the number of
seats on the flight is 51-100, it will be 2; when the number of seats on the flight is 101-
200, it will be 4 When the number of seats on the flight is 201-400, the number is 6;
when the number of seats on the flight is more than 400, the number is 8.
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(1) Passengers with disabilities who do not have accompanying persons but need assistance
from others during emergency evacuation as mentioned in this article include passengers
using wheelchairs, passengers with severe lower limbs who are not equipped with
artificial limbs, blind people, disabled passengers with service dogs, intellectual or
Disabled passengers who are severely mentally impaired and cannot understand the
instructions of the staff on board. Except for the provisions of this article, HNA shall not
refuse to transport disabled passengers who have the conditions for boarding on the basis
of the number of disabled passengers on the flight.
(2) When the number of passengers with disabilities exceeds the above regulations, the
number of accompanying persons shall be increased at a ratio of 1:1, but the maximum
number of passengers with disabilities shall not exceed twice the above regulations;
when carrying groups of passengers with disabilities, under the premise of increasing the
number of accompanying persons, If corresponding measures are taken, the number of
passengers with disabilities can be increased as appropriate.
(3) Except for the provisions of this article, the restriction on the number of persons with
disabilities on the flight shall not be used as a reason to refuse to transport persons with
disabilities who are qualified to board the flight.
(4) This clause does not apply to US routes.
4) The accompanying person should declare the accompanying relationship when making
a reservation and issue the ticket separately. The carrier shall ensure that the
accompanying persons travel on the same plane with persons with disabilities who are
qualified to take the flight. The escort should be able to take care of the disabled during
the trip and assist in their evacuation in case of emergency. Basic ground guarantee requirements for disabled passengers
1) Passengers are not forced to accept special services. Disabled passengers or other
passengers must be provided with the same level of service, and restrictions that other
passengers do not have shall be imposed on disabled passengers. Disabled passengers
must not be required to wear special signs, and disabled passengers must not be required
to sign exemption documents, and they must waive their claims for damage or loss of
disability aids the rights of the goods, except those that have been damaged at the time
of delivery.
2) Unless otherwise specified, the ground department shall not restrict the movement of
disabled passengers in the terminal or require them to stay in a specific area.
3) Disabled persons who have the conditions to board the flight can check in their
wheelchairs, they can use the wheelchairs at the airport. Disabled persons with flight
conditions who are willing to use their own wheelchairs at the airport can use their
wheelchairs to the cabin door.
4) Passengers with disabilities who are qualified to board the flight cannot move
independently on the ground wheelchair, boarding wheelchair or other equipment, the
ground department shall not leave them unattended for more than 30 minutes.
5) Seating arrangements for disabled passengers:
(1) Unless otherwise specified, passengers with disabilities shall not be prohibited from
sitting in any seat, or required to be seated in a specific seat.

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(2) If the passenger does not make a request in accordance with the provisions of the
advance notice, the carrier shall try its best to meet the passenger's request as far as
practicable after receiving the request.
(3) Passengers using aisle seats but unable to smoothly pass through the aisle with fixed
armrests-provide aisle seats with movable armrests or other seats required by the
passengers. When a passenger uses an aisle wheelchair to get on the plane, and it is not
easy to transfer over the fixed aisle armrest, an aisle seat must be arranged for him, and
the seat has a movable armrest.
(4) According to the needs of passengers, as far as possible, provide bulkhead seats or other
seats required by passengers for disabled passengers who bring service dogs into the
(5) Passengers whose legs are fused or fixed, provide front cabin seats of corresponding
cabins or seats with larger leg space required by passengers. If the passenger's legs are
fixed by the splint and cannot move freely, provide them with a larger seat.
(6) Passengers with disabilities, their accompanying persons and service dogs shall not be
arranged in emergency exit seats and exit seats.
(7) If the disabled passenger does not have an accompanying person, the adjacent seats of
the disabled passenger will be left empty in the case of unsatisfactory seats on the flight.
(8) These seats can be arranged in advance through reservation or during check-in
(9) If the disabled passenger does not have an accompanying person but needs assistance
from others during an emergency evacuation, the disabled passenger should be arranged
to sit in the front row of the plane and get off the plane first. (Narrow-body aircraft is
recommended to be arranged in the front row of economy class, and wide-body aircraft
is recommended to be arranged in the front row of economy class or close to the toilet
seat. However, arrangements should be made after consultation with passengers, and it
is not mandatory.)
(10) Passengers with disabilities who are seated in the front row should be arranged to leave
the plane first. If it is necessary to reduce some passengers for some reason, priority
should be given to ensuring the transportation of persons with disabilities and their
accompanying persons who are eligible to board the flight (U.S. routes need to comply
with clause 382).
6) Under normal circumstances, passengers with disabilities and their companions should
be arranged for priority boarding and off-peak departures. If some passengers need to be
offloaded for some reason, the ground security department shall give priority to the
transportation of disabled passengers and their accompanying persons.
7) Disabled passengers should be arranged as far as possible to board and disembark the
aircraft using a covered bridge, and corresponding assistance should be provided; in the
case that a covered bridge cannot be provided, assistance in boarding and disembarking
should be provided. Boarding and disembarking assistance includes providing service
personnel, ordinary wheelchairs, special narrow wheelchairs, passenger elevators, lifting
equipment, etc. to disabled passengers as needed. When bridges or lifting devices cannot
be used, boarding and disembarking assistance shall be provided in a feasible way agreed

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by disabled passengers.
8) When the flight is abnormal, in addition to providing services in accordance with
relevant regulations, passengers with disabilities should also be given special assistance
in the following areas:
(1) Proactively provide relevant information in time, including refunds, endorsements,
follow-up flight arrangements, etc.;
(2) Designate a rest area, and consider barrier-free facilities and other conditions when
arranging accommodation;
(3) Take the initiative to ask related needs and provide assistance.
9) When connecting transportation, the ground support department should do a good job
in guaranteeing the flight connection for passengers with disabilities. If the disabled
passenger fails to connect to the follow-up flight due to the abnormal flight of the
company, the ground support department shall provide all necessary arrangements and
assistance for them.
10) Passengers with disabilities can take the disabled equipment listed in the table below as
carry-on items into the cabin.
Disability aids that can be brought into the cabin
Category Disabled Device
Disabled walking aids Crutches, folding wheelchairs, prostheses
Deaf hearing aids electronic cochlea, hearing aids
Blind Cane Multifunctional and simple
Vision aids, glasses for the blind
(1) The disability aids brought into the cabin by disabled passengers are not restricted as
carry-on items.
(2) If there are storage facilities and space in the passenger cabin, it shall be handled
according to the principle of first-come, first-storage, and the storage of disability aids
shall comply with the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration on
security and air transportation of dangerous goods.
(3) If there is no storage facility or space in the cabin, the handicapped equipment should be
checked free of charge, and passengers are allowed to deliver at the door of the cabin.
(4) Disabled persons who are eligible to board the flight can check in for free one piece of
disability assistance equipment other than those specified in the above table.
(5) The transportation of handicapped equipment has priority over other goods and baggage,
and it is ensured that it arrives on the same plane as disabled persons who have the
conditions to board the flight. The checked handicapped equipment should be taken out
of the cargo hold first, and delivered to the cabin door as soon as possible to the disabled
who are eligible for the flight (subject to the actual situation at the local airport).
11) Electric wheelchairs should be checked in. Disabled passengers consigning electric
wheelchairs should be delivered 2 hours before the check-in deadline, and comply with
the relevant regulations on air transportation of dangerous goods. Except for cases that
have been damaged at the time of receipt and transportation, passengers with disabilities
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shall not be required to sign an exemption document and waive their right to claim
compensation for damage or loss of disability aids.
12) Ground service personnel should attach “priority baggage” identification tags to checked
handicapped equipment or mobile service appliances (such as wheelchairs, crutches,
etc.), and hand the identification coupons to disabled passengers who are eligible for
13) When passengers with disabilities take service dogs on company flights, they shall
follow the provisions of the Service Dog chapter of this manual.
14) Respect passengers with disabilities in language. Discriminatory language is not allowed,
and service personnel cannot directly call passengers with disabilities.
15) Communicate directly with passengers. Always maintain eye contact with disabled
passengers, and communicate directly with passengers instead of their accompanying
persons to ensure that they get the direct feelings of passengers. Passengers with
disabilities know their abilities best, their familiarity with airports and airlines, and their
travel needs.
16) Respect personal space and privacy. Try to avoid physical contact or touching the
passenger's wheelchair or walking stick, and at the same time respect the privacy of the
passenger, and do not require the passenger to indicate the cause of the obstacle.
17) Don't make assumptions, don't assume that they can't do something. Don't think that all
disabled passengers must need help, and don't force disabled passengers to accept help
services. The personalities of disabled passengers, especially self-esteem and sense of
competition, are no different from those of ordinary passengers.
18) Stay natural and pay attention to your own behavior. When talking with disabled
passengers, stay relaxed and as natural as you would treat other people. Avoid body
language that reveals discomfort or irritability.
19) HNA and its agents provide various types of wheelchair services for passengers with
mobility impairments according to the conditions of carriage, and provide
unaccompanied services for passengers with visual/hearing/speech disabilities. See the
relevant requirements in this chapter for details. Special regulations for the carriage of passengers with disabilities on U.S. routes
The company's special regulations for the transportation of passengers with disabilities
on the company's U.S. routes apply to all the company's routes involving the United
States. All the company's routes involving the United States must comply with all the
contents of this regulation when transporting passengers with disabilities, unless
otherwise specified.
1) General requirements for non-discrimination of passengers with disabilities on U.S.
(1) Do not discriminate passengers with disabilities who meet the flight conditions on the
grounds of disability;
(2) Passengers with disabilities who meet the flight conditions cannot be required to receive
special services (such as priority boarding) that they have not requested. However, if the
passenger requires a specific seat or cabin to store auxiliary equipment, the passenger
can be required to board the aircraft in advance;

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(3) Disabled passengers cannot be deprived of any air transportation or related services that
other passengers can enjoy, even when separate and different services are provided to
the disabled
2) Transportation conditions for passengers with disabilities on U.S. routes:
(1) There is no limit to the number of disabled passengers allowed on each flight;
(2) It is not allowed to refuse to carry passengers with disabilities on the grounds of disability,
unless the passenger violates the laws and regulations of our country or the US
(3) If the evaluation confirms that the disabled passenger poses a direct threat to the health
and safety of others, the company may refuse to carry the disabled passenger on the
grounds of safety. However, from the passenger’s point of view, the solution that is the
least restrictive and consistent with protecting the health and safety of other passengers
should be selected, and at the same time, a written statement should be provided to the
denied passenger within 10 days to explain the reason for the refusal.
3) Range of disabilities’Accompanied Safety Assistant
(1) Safety assistant is supposed to help i disabilities to get off board in emergency and inform
Hainan Airlines staff of necessary safety situations of them. Personal support workers
take care of their personal needs, including food service, service in lavatory, service of
making up a prescription or helping them to take pills or other similar services that cannot
be provided by Hainan Airlines. Disabilities may arrange a personal support worker and
a safety assistant accompanying with them according to their personal needs or arrange
a personal support worker concurrently taking the responsibility of a safety assistant.
(2) Hainan Airlines shall not force disabilities to take a safety assistant as the condition of
taking flight and shall not force impaired passengers to be accompanied with a safety
assistant providing services that Hainan Airlines cannot provide (such as use lavatory or
feed food).
(3) If the passenger declares to be disabilities or his/her accompany, the ticket office should
fulfill its responsibilities and ask whether he/she will travel together as a safety assistant.
If yes, passengers need to be informed to issue tickets separately. Hainan Airlines should
ensure that the safety assistant travels on the same flight as the disabilities qualified for
transportation. Safety assistant should have the ability to take care and help impaired
passengers to get off board in emergency.
(4) Disabilities may not need to be accompanied with someone under the following
A. If the passenger has a weak sight or is totally blind, but he/she can understand the relevant
safety instructions and to implement such instructions.
B. If the passenger has difficulty in hearing or is totally deaf, but he/she can understand the
relevant safety instructions and to implement such instructions
C. If the passenger has mental disorders, but he/she can understand the relevant safety
instructions and to implement such instructions.
D. If the passenger needs help for getting on/off board, but he/she can move or evacuate in
emergency by himself or herself.
E. If the passenger is suffering from hemiplegia, paraplegia, amputation of both lower limbs

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and arthritis, he/she may not be able to move but he/she can take care of himself/herself
under normal circumstance and is able to evacuate in emergency by himself or herself
with the help of certain devices.
F. If the passenger is wearing a cast or is suffering from fracture, but he/she can move or
evacuate in emergency by himself or herself.
(5) For the following circumstances, disabilities must be accompanied with a safety assistant,
but a personal support worker may not be necessarily requested by Hainan Airlines.
A. Passenger with stretcher.
B. Intellectually disordered passengers are unable to understand, comprehend or respond to
the introduction of safety situations and safety rules.
C. Passengers with severe mobility impairment which causes their incapacity of evacuating
from the aircraft by themselves; especially those with physical ability damage, because
it is not enough that passengers themselves claim they are capable of shouting for help
during evacuating process. Note: this applicable to Sino-US air route and code share
flights with US airline companies.
D. Passengers with both serious hearing and visual impairment and are unable to
communicate with Hainan Airlines staff on safety instructions and other information by
any means. If the passenger comes to the airport with an interpreter who has been fully
informed of safety information and been instructed how to evacuate in emergency at the
boarding gate area before taking a direct flight, the carrier must allow such passenger not
to carry a safety assistant. They may communicate through body signals, such as touch
passenger’s hand in a certain way to indicate evacuation or other emergency situations.
Passengers may also provide flight crew with a list of communication instruction. Under
the condition where the above cases cannot be achieved, the passenger must be
accompanied by a safety assistant.
(6) If the disabilities contacts Hainan Airlines in advance and states that he/she will be
accompanied by a safety assistant or require a safety assistant to provide personal care
services, Hainan Airlines will charge the safety assistant or the personal support worker
for the transportation.
(7) If Hainan Airlines didn’t require but impaired passengers themselves choose to be
accompanied by a safety assistant or a personal support worker, Hainan Airlines will
charge them for the transportation.
(8) When there is a doubt on whether to take a safety assistant, Hainan Airlines staff shall
ask impaired passengers whether they are capable of finishing emergency evacuation by
themselves, if their answer is “no”, Hainan Airlines staff may ask passengers to be
accompanied by a security assistant, impaired passengers must take one and pay the cost.
(9) Hainan Airlines is not obligated to provide a safety assistant, but impaired passengers
may find a safety assistant from Hainan Airlines staff or its passengers who are willing
to undertake the responsibility:
A. Flight crew and/or flight attendants of Hainan Airlines who are not on duty and in the
same flight with impaired passengers (such as the jump seat flight crew).
B. Volunteers found by impaired passengers.
C. Volunteers in the same flight with impaired passengers.

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D. Flight crew and/or flight attendants of Hainan Airlines who are on duty (if above three
are unavailable, consider D).
(10) Safety assistant provided by Hainan Airlines is responsible for fasten seat belts for
impaired passengers and other service, but does not need to provide personal care
services, such as feed them or make up a prescription, help them to take pills, inject
medicine or help them use facilities in lavatory, etc.
(11) According to the needs of passengers, the safety assistants of disabled passengers should
be arranged with seats next to the disabled passengers. Adjacent seats need to be
provided for the following four types of assistants: personal assistants, which do not
require airline employees to provide; Reading assistants for passengers with impaired
power; interpreters for passengers with hearing impairment; safety assistants for
emergency evacuation of passengers as required by the carrier. Regardless of whether
passengers with disabilities think they need a safety assistant; the safety assistant must sit
in an adjacent seat.
4) Unless otherwise specified, restrictions that are not available to other passengers shall
not be imposed on passengers with disabilities, including but not limited to:
(1) Restrict the movement of passengers in the terminal;
(2) Require passengers to stay in a waiting area or other place to receive transportation,
service or assistance;
(3) Let passengers sit on the carpet of the aircraft;
(4) Allow passengers to wear badges or other special identification signs; or compulsorily
treat passengers with disabilities separately.
5) Except when the passenger’s wheelchair/other mobility aids have been damaged at the
time of acceptance, the ground department shall not require the disabled passenger to
sign a liability exemption agreement, a liability cancellation statement or similar
documents when accepting a passenger with a disability. The liability exemption
agreement includes but it is not limited to the loss of wheelchairs/other mobility aids of
disabled passengers, or the loss/death or injury of their service dogs.
6) The company allows passengers with disabilities to bring typical adult foldable
wheelchairs or manually assembled wheelchairs into the cabin. The company should
store the wheelchairs brought into the cabin in the cabin storage room. The scale of the
wheelchair when the wheels or parts are not removed is as follows: 13x36x42 inches,
can be stored in the cabin. If the wheelchair exceeds 13x36x42 inches and can be stored
in the passenger cabin after removing some parts without using tools, these parts should
be removed and the wheelchair should be stored in a designated area. In this case, the
removed parts must be stored in the hand luggage storage area.
7) Auxiliary Equipment for Impaired Passengers
(1) Auxiliary equipment refers to equipment that assist people to hear, see, speak, move and
achieve other living abilities. Auxiliary equipment includes moving devices, prescription
drugs and medical equipment. Moving devices includes wheelchairs, crutches, walking
aids. Medical equipment includes respiratory equipment, syringes, automatic syringes,
vision improving devices (such as magnifying glasses, glasses). Respiratory equipment
includes portable oxygen concentrator (POC), continuous positive airway pressure

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device (CPAP), ventilator, and respirator. For flight of Hainan Airlines flying Sino-US
air route, Hainan Airlines allow disabled passengers taking following equipment on
board: ventilator, respirator, continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP) or
similar POC devices approved by FFA allowed by American carrier.
(2) Auxiliary equipment will be carried free of charge.
(3) Auxiliary equipment, especially those devices that may need to be used during flight,
such as mobility aids cane or cane for guiding passengers with visual impairment,
medical equipment, medicines, medical supplies, respiratory equipment and so on,
should be stored in a location accessible to passengers.
8) Resolution of Complaint and for Refusing to Carry (according to CFR Part 382, it is
applicable to Sino-US air route and code share flights with US airline companies)
(1) According to CFR Part 382, Hainan Airlines appointed a CRO (Complaint Resolution
Official). In Beijing, CRO is the watchman of Beijing Branch of Ground Service
Department on that day; in the United States, CRO is the operating manager of that
(2) If passengers complain, accuse or suspect there is any behavior violating CFR Part 382
and they ask for CRO, staff shall contact CRO for assistance and support.
(3) CRO will determine whether such behavior violates regulations and how to handle this
situation or takes necessary measures to ensure the obedience of CFR Part 382.
(4) When passengers complain, resolve complaint in following manners:
A. Do not interrupt or argue when passengers complain.
B. Apologize to passengers for problems, such as “I am sorry that your wheelchair hasn’t
arrived”. Speak to them with honorifics.
C. Resolve emergent problems as soon as possible. For example, if the staff has provided
passengers with wrong information about the change of boarding gate, find out the
correct information and inform passengers immediately.
D. Ask passengers whether they are satisfied with the resolutions. If they are not satisfied,
ask them what else we can do to help and do it promptly after knowing their demand.
E. Help passengers to contact with CRO and offer contact information to them. Offer them
further assistance.
(5) Disposal measures after Sino-US air route refused to carry
A. CRO shall give a written explanation for refusing to passengers within 30 calendar days
after refused to carry, including specific policies and regulatory requirements, and use
specific reasons for why the transport would affect safety.
B. CRO shall submit the written explanation to Customer Relationship Management
Center, Product and Brand Department, for the record and such written materials shall
be kept for 3 years.
C. The date of postmark of any complaint received from emails shall not exceed 45 days
from the date of claimed violation, if it does, Hainan Airlines will reject it. Carrier must
reply complaint emails in written form within 30 days after receiving.
(6) Impaired passengers are entitled to file formal or informal complaints to DOT directly at
any time. (Only applicable to Sino-US air route and code share flight with US airline
company). The disposal processes of DOT are as follows:

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A. Aviation Enforcement Office of DOT receives complaints from impaired passengers
through emails, telephones or other electronic means.
B. If such complaints are filed through telephone, they will be input in the database of
Aviation Enforcement Office, and will be investigated only after receiving written
C. Complains will be deemed as valid only when it is received within 6 months upon the
relevant events take place. The standard of Aviation Enforcement Office is that such
complaints will be handled within 180 days (from the date of receiving such complaint
to the end of the case).
D. DOT shall encode received written complaint and then post a copy to Hainan Airlines
after receiving them. Then it shall input encoded information into the database of
Aviation Enforcement Office and input the summarized information into monthly Air
Travel Consumer Report, which will be released on the website of Aviation Enforcement
Office for reference by media.
E. Aviation Enforcement Office will send a conformation letter to the complainant
informing him/her of disposal of the case he/she complained. The conformation letter
will also state that such complaint has already been forward to Hainan Airlines, who will
give disposal response to the complaint within 30 days and will send a copy of such
response letter to Aviation Enforcement Office.
F. Hainan Airlines must handle the complaint in which DOT was involved.
G. Hainan Airlines will make response to DOT within 30 days, including the report for
proving its findings. After reaching a decision, Aviation Enforcement Office will send a
closing letter examined and signed by DOT lawyers. The closing letter includes
information summary sheet, which briefly summarized the complaint and its applicable
regulations, informing complainant whether there are violations. A closing letter and a
sheet of summarized finding as well as consequences of determination of violation will
be sent to Hainan Airlines at the same time.
H. Aviation Enforcement Office and Hainan Airlines may together discuss or correct
policies and procedures against ACAA (Air Carrier Access Act), even if such behaviors
are finally confirmed not as violations but are systemic problems found during the
I. If Hainan Airlines, Hainan Airlines staff or its agents are found in violation of CFR Part
382, DOT may take enforcement measures, including impose a fine. Aviation
Enforcement Office will track the number of illegal behaviors by its database and use
the data to determine whether there are many complaints reflecting discrimination on
some formality or practice. If the complaint is about a separate violation or a technical
violation, in general, such violation will be warned. Enforcement measures may be
letting the staff or unit being complained agrees to stop similar behaviors violating
ACAA and DOT regulations, or may impose a civil penalty. Whether to impose a civil
penalty depends on the scope of violation.
(7) Resolution of Complaint for non- Sino-US air route
Hainan airlines should deal with the passenger complaints as soon as possible and accept
the supervision of the civil aviation authority. Hainan Airlines should handle the

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complaints within 7 working days and give a reply within 10 working days. Service dogs Transportation
1) Policy Reference
(1) Domestic flights: CAAC [2014] No.105 Administrative Measure for Air transportation
of Disabled Passengers.
(2) International flights: 14 CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) Part 382 Nondiscrimination
on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel.
(3) 14 CFR Part 382 [Docket No. DOT–OST–2018–0068] RIN No. 2105–AE63 Traveling
by Air with Service Animals
(4) General Administration of Customs No. 5 of 2019 Announcement on Further
Regulating the Entry and Quarantine Supervision of Pets.
2) Definition and Scope of Service dogs
(1) Service dogs refer to dogs specifically trained to help the disabled’s life and work,
including auxiliary dogs, hearing dogs, guide dogs.
(2) Scope of application
Type of dog Type of passenger
Guide dog Visually impaired passenger
Hearing dog Hearing impaired passenger
Auxiliary dog /

3) Transportation Principles
Whether the service dog being carried in cabin or in cargo compartment shall be decided
by Hainan Airlines staff based on the following considerations:
(1) Whether the animal is too large or heavy to be held in the cabin.
(2) Whether the animal poses a direct threat to other passengers’ health or safety; whether
the animal will disturb cabin service. For example, running randomly at the boarding
gate, constantly howling or barking at others, biting or attacking others, urinating in the
cabin or boarding gate area, etc.
(3) If there’s no above problem, Hainan Airlines allows to carry the Service dog in cabin.
Otherwise, it shall be carried in cargo compartment.
A. Principle of safety
a Service dogs carried into the cabin cannot cause confusion or affect the safety, cannot
obstruct the aisle or other emergency evacuation routes, cannot pose a threat to other
passengers’ body or safety, and cannot affect the air service.
b Refuse Service dogs be carried onboard if they pose a direct threat to passengers and
crew members (for example, dangerous behavior exhibited).
c Hainan Airlines should try their best to consider other passengers’ worries and take
measures after issuing seats and boarding. For example, to separate the passenger with
service dog and the passengers who may be disturbed by such animal.
B. Principle of legal compliance
a It is prohibited for unimpaired passengers to carry pets into the cabin engaging in illegal
animal smuggling activities by showing forged documents that they need animal
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b If impaired passengers carry service dogs into the cabin, they must comply with the
requirements of each country’s national entry, exit and transit policies.
c Hainan Airlines allows impaired passengers carry service dogs qualified for
transportation into the cabin. The number of service dogs per passenger is based on the
policy of each country’s national entry, exit and transit requirement.
C. Principle of progressive disposition
a Do not refuse impaired passengers with service dogs to board because it they may offend
or disturb crew members and other passengers.
b If other passengers are annoyed or feel offended by assistive animal, adjust the seat for
the annoyed passenger, if possible, instead of refusing to carry service dog.
c If the seats of impaired passengers qualified for taking flight are unable to hold service
dogs, carrier shall allow passengers and their dogs to be arranged to a place (if any) where
there’s enough room for the animals.
d Flight attendants should negotiate with other passengers before arrange the impaired
passenger to a place where there’s enough room for him/her and service dog (such as
there’s a volunteer who would like to share the space under seat with animal).
e Carrier shall not refuse or allow service dog to stay under the seat with its owner only
based on that it may partially occupy the space under the neighboring seat (it shall not
affect other passengers’ use of their space under seat).
f Hainan Airlines may consider other unsatisfactory plans only when there’s no other
satisfactory alternate plan. For example, arrange impaired passengers to take following
flight with a larger space or place their animal in cargo compartment.
4) Limitation of Transportation
(1) Limitation of service dog type: Dog, there is no limitation on specific varieties. (If the
dog’s behavior has potential safety hazards or its size is too large, it may be refused.)
(2) Limitation of the number: Outbound China: Subject to the limit of the entry country;
Inbound China Only 1per person. (For oversize /overweight limitations please refer to
pet consignment standards.)
(3) Application time limitation: At least 24 hours before the flight estimates departure time.
(4) Charges:Service dogs are transported free of charge.
5) Requirements on Transport Documents of Service dogs
(1) Domestic flights:
A. Valid Animal Quarantine Certificate, the certificate indicates that the animal is healthy
after physical examination;
B. Valid service dog ID, such as Animal Work Permit, Animal ID or Qualified Certificate
for Animal Training.
C. Vaccination certificate of service dogs.
D. Passenger’s valid People’s Republic of China Disability Certificate。
Note:Domestic flights’passengers with service dogs must be impaired passengers and
have the valid People’s Republic of China Disability Certificate. Passenger without that
certificate cannot take service dog into the cabin. That certificate must be issued by the
Disabled Persons’ Federation at the city/county(district) level where the passenger’s
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personal residence is located. Ticket staff can check the validation on:
http://2dzcx.cdpf.org.cn/cdpf .
(2) International and regional flights
Requirements of relevant documents can refer to the latest TRAVEL INFORMATION
MANUAL, or consult the consulate or embassy of relevant country or inquire on the
government website of relevant country. Passenger should prepare the following
documents for service dog before applying:
A. Effective exit/entry documents issued by the relevant government (destination/transit).
B. Properly prepare the entry permit, health certificate, and vaccination certificate required
by the entry/transit country covered in all itineraries. At the same time, as a basis for
judging whether it is an service dog, passengers can be required to present (optional)
valid Animal Training Qualification Certificate, Animal Work Certificate or Animal
Identity Card.
C. Additional special documents required by the government of the country of entry/transit
covered in any itinerary.
D. Entry into China: The passenger should provide the official quarantine certificate,
vaccination certificate and electronic chip issued by the exporting country. The chip
implanted with the pet must comply with the international standards ISO 11784 and
11785. The 15-bit microchip code contains only digits and ensures that it can be read by
the reader. If the chip does not meet the standards above, the passenger should prepare a
reader that can read the implanted chip.
a Those who bring guide dogs or hearing dogs into the country and have valid official
quarantine certificates, vaccination certificates, electronic chips, and corresponding
professional training certificates can be exempted from isolation and quarantine after
passing the on-site quarantine.
b If passengers enter with mental service dogs, or guide dogs and hearing dogs without
professional training certificate, must meet customs pet supervision requirements, the
specific requirements are as follows:
a) Designated countries:
i. Designated countries or regions include New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, French
Polynesia, Hawaii (USA), Guam (USA), Jamaica, Iceland, United Kingdom, Ireland,
Liechtenstein, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong
and Macau (China).
ii. Pets brought into China from the designated countries or regions shall provide a valid
quarantine certificate and vaccination certificate issued by the official country or
region of the exporting country, and be implanted with a valid electronic chip. After
passing the on-site quarantine, they shall be released.
b) Non-designated countries:
i. Non-designated countries or regions refer to all countries or regions except those
listed in 3.1.
ii. The pet from non-designated countries or regions should provide the official
quarantine certificate, vaccination certificate, and the rabies antibody test report issued

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by the laboratory of the Chinese Customs acceptance test results (antibody titer or
immune antibody amount must be above 0.5IU/ml ), and the chip is implanted, and
after passing the on-site quarantine, it will be released. The list of laboratories that
have adopted the results of rabies antibody test by the General Administration of
Customs of China is attached.
iii. Pets that cannot provide an official quarantine certificate or vaccination certificate will
be returned or destroyed. Pets that appear to be unable to provide one or both of the
rabies antibody test report issued by the China Customs Admissible Test Result
Laboratory and the implanted chip (including cannot provide or failed to provide) will
be treated for 30 days of quarantine.
iv. Pets that do not need to be quarantined can enter through any port. Pets requiring
quarantine are only allowed to enter the country at the ports that have the conditions
for quarantine.
Note: The list of ports that meet the requirements for quarantine of imported pets in
addition to the above documents, passengers with service dogs must also present the
following documents
(3) Transportation Process
A. Passenger reservation
a Reservation channel: Domestic departing passengers can make an appointment at the
ticket office directly subordinate to or 95339. Overseas departure passengers can contact
the overseas office to make an appointment.
b Reservation time limit: Passengers with service dogs must make a flight request 24 hours
before the flight estimate departure time.
c Ticket office should review the status and transportation documents of passengers and
service dogs. After judged and applied, if Hainan Airlines accept to carry the dog, ticket
office should remind the passenger to bring traction ropes, animal cleaning and sanitary
appliances (such as pet urine pads, etc.) and animal-specific masks on the day of travel.
Note: Animal masks on Sino-US flight route are not mandatory, passengers are only
advised to bring them.
d Ticket office staff should pre-select seats for the passengers in the system when issuing
these tickets.
e Fill in the documents: the ticket office/ticket agent assists the passenger to fill out the
corresponding service dog transport application form as required.
f There are four copies of the service dog transport application form, one for the ticket
office, one for the check-in counter at the departure station, one for the passenger and
one for the cabin crew.
g For the domestic flights of Hainan Airlines, passengers with mental disability level 1 and
2 must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 18 years old and has full civil capacity.
h Enter the service dog code PETC in the sales system.
B. Information Notification
The sales unit will issue the ticket directly after the certificate inspection and preliminary
judgment, and notify the customer service desk to monitor it
C. Check-in

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a Check-in time: Passengers carrying service dogs and supporting documents shall arrive
at the check-in counter 60 minutes before the normal check-in procedure for the flight.
b Inspection documents: The check-in staff inspects certification documents that the
passengers carrying according to the transportation regulations, checks the passengers'
service dog transportation application form and keeps a copy.
c Checking service dogs: the check-in staff asks the passengers about the animal situation,
reviews the animal health and behavior, reminds the passengers to take care of the service
dogs during the flight, and also informs the domestic airline passengers that they need to
attach a traction rope, animal cleaning and sanitary appliances and animal-specific mask
before boarding (if the passenger do not wear a mask for the service dog, he/she must
obtain the consent of the relevant passengers within the scope of the service dog's
activities). International flights require passengers to attach traction ropes for service
d Seat distribution:
a) Ground service staff will issue seats to passengers based on their reserved seats. If the
flight is not full, the adjacent seats are not recommended to be issued, or issued last.
When issuing seats at check-in, try to keep passengers carrying service dogs and other
special passengers (such as pregnant women, unaccompanied children, infants, patients,
etc.) more than 3 rows apart.
b) If the ticket office does not reserve seats for passengers in advance, for impaired
passengers carrying service dogs, ground service staff should refer to Impaired
Passenger Seat Arrangement Principles, provide seats in the front cabin of the
corresponding area, other suitable seats or arrange seats according to passenger needs. If
requested by the passenger, it can be arranged in the aisle seat (the dog lies under the
passenger’s feet or under the front seat).
c) Service dogs can accompany passengers in the cabin. If passengers need, they can
purchase additional seats. Passengers who purchase additional seats, the dog should lie
under the passenger's feet or under the front seats. The service dog must not be placed in
a position that blocks emergency exits.
e Document handover
a) For passengers applying for special passenger service, the ground service staff shall take
the completed service dog transport application form to the flight attendant.
b) For passengers carrying service dogs but not applying for special passenger services, the
check-in staff reminds the passengers to bring the completed service dog transport
application form and hand it over to the cabin crew after boarding.
c) Notify the loading control: the check-in staff or the departure control personnel should
notify the loading control personnel of the number and weight of service dogs before the
flight close check-in.
(4) Assistive Service dogs are not suitable for cabin transportation and subsequent handling
A. Situations that are not suitable for cabin transportation
a Service dogs pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other people (such as animals
displaying dangerous and threatening behavior, growling, rushing, or trying to bite other
people on the plane);

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b Service dogs severely disrupt cabin services (for example, animals are too heavy or too
large to fit in the cabin, or cause serious interference in cabin services (uncontrolled
B. Subsequent processing for situations that are not suitable for cabin transportation
a If the service dog cannot enter the cabin for transportation due to its size, passengers are
advised to change to our subsequent flights (wide-body aircraft type) or change to other
airlines. Tickets will be refunded according the company’s involuntarily refund
procedure. If the passenger agrees to check-in the dog, the service dog will be handled
according to the pet check-in procedure;
b If the service dog cannot enter the cabin for transportation due to safety reasons, after
consultation with the passenger, the ground service staff can change the subsequent flight
or check-in the dog as pet for the passenger according to the passenger's opinion;
c If the service dog cannot be transported in the cabin due to safety or size reasons, and it
cannot be transported into the cabin after several measures, and the type of service dog
does not meet the type of pets can check-in by Hainan Airlines, it is recommended that
the passenger change to other airlines.
d Subsequent processing for service dog that cannot be transported
a) When it is determined that the service dog is not suitable for cabin transportation, the
ground service staff should immediately notify the supervisor on duty on the day (the
supervisor on duty refers to the leader of ground service unit of Hainan Airlines and
Hainan Aviation, etc.). The supervisor should immediately participate in the disposal,
communicate directly with the passengers on the spot, and notify the customer service
unit of the disposal plan and the results of the communication as soon as possible;
b) After the customer service staff knows the situation, they will promptly notify the ground
service department staff and the quality management of the ground service department
<hgbzlgl@hnair.com> for the record;
c) After unable to transport while passengers applying, if the passengers are in an
emergency, the local ground service unit should assist passengers to change tickets to
other airlines with conditions or choose other modes of transportation.
C. Service dog escaped emergency disposal principles: Refer to the Civil Aviation Industry
Standard of the People's Republic of China MH/T 1059-2014 Code for emergency
disposal of escape of live animals by air transportation.
(5) If the assistive animal fails to be carried in cabin after taking several measures and it will
be placed in cargo compartment as the last choice, relevant requirements are as follows
A. Must be packed in a solid specialized transport case which is suitable for its characteristic.
B. Requirements on transport case: must be made of solid materials and its top must be
covered. At least three sides to four sides of its body are ventilated. All its hardware
(including nut, bolt, rivet and locks, etc.) must be fixed and of good performance. Each
hole must be fixed with a nut and bolt. The door of transport case needs to be locked.
Each side where vents are located needs salient edging, which is convenient to carry. Its
wheels are fixed to prevent scrolling during transport.
C. The following situations do not meet the requirements: the case is packaged by soft
material; combined or folding case; made entirely of mesh or wicker welded by iron

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wire; a door or vent at the top of the case; the door is made of plastic or glass fiber.
D. Size of transport case: The transport case shall be big enough for pets to stand, sit, move
around or lie down freely. The interspace of the case shall not be too big in case of
accidental injury of animals. When a transport case placed vertically in cargo
compartment of Hainan Airlines flights, it must meet the specifications of pet transport
E. Sportive materials: animal case shall be covered with a water-absorbent pad.
F. Tag: when the passenger transports animals in a transport case, the transport case must
be attached with relevant tags before check-in. Attach an indicating arrow or a logo of
“vertical upward” to the outside of the case.
G. Feeding: passengers put some food and water in the animal case for animal to take by
H. The passengers should be responsible for the excretion of service dogs in the cabin, and
make sure will not affect the health problems on board.
I. Additional Notes: Hainan Airlines shall speak to the owner of the service dog other than
the dog. Do not do anything that might distract the service dog’s attention, do not call the
service dog’s name, and not to feed it.
3.7.3 Unaccompanied Passengers General requirements for services for unaccompanied passengers
1) The scope of unaccompanied passengers: including unaccompanied
hearing/sight/speech impaired passengers, unaccompanied children, unaccompanied
elderly, unaccompanied pregnant women, fill out "Special Passenger Service Demand
Form B" after application.
2) Acceptance and transportation conditions for unaccompanied passengers
(1) When applying for special services when handling seat reservation and ticket purchase
procedures, transportation can only be carried out with the company's approval.
(2) The physical condition is suitable for taking the flight and has the ability to take care of
3) General requirements and key points of unaccompanied passengers
(1) For passengers who apply for unaccompanied service, the ticket office should send
information through the SIM system no later than 60 minutes before the flight departure
after the ticket is issued. Areas with no resident units need to notify the customer service
seats of passenger information by email, and the customer service seats will notify the
relevant information to the local security units.
(2) The ground handling unit should check the special passenger information and special
passenger service requirements on this flight in advance, and make preparations in
(3) When going through the check-in procedures, the check-in personnel shall check the
validity of the passenger’s "Special Passenger Service Request Form B" and identity
documents, and only after the checks are correct, can the check-in formalities be
(4) The check-in clerk checks the passenger information in the departure system and checks
the departure system code when checking in. If the special passenger does not have the
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corresponding code remarked, then enter the corresponding service code in the departure
system. Supplementary records and amendments are made to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of the information when problems are found.
(5) In principle, each ground personnel can provide guidance services for multiple
unaccompanied passengers on the same flight, and one person is prohibited from guiding
unaccompanied passengers on two or more flights at the same time.
(6) Unaccompanied passengers can be arranged to rest in the special passenger lounge in
areas where there is a special passenger lounge dedicated to the airport.
(7) Seats shall be arranged according to the needs of passengers, but shall not be arranged at
emergency exits and exit seats. If the passenger has no special needs, try to arrange the
front seat as much as possible. If there are other special requirements for the issuance of
seats for various types of unaccompanied passengers, please refer to the detailed chapters
of each type of unaccompanied passengers.
(8) The passenger's checked baggage is attached with a "priority baggage" identification tag.
(9) The ground service personnel shall accompany the unaccompanied passenger
throughout the entire period from the check-in procedure to the completion of boarding.
(10) The service personnel assist in the check-in procedures, help carry hand luggage, guide
passengers through the dedicated special passenger security check channel to the flight
boarding gate, guide passengers into the cabin and hand over with the flight attendant
(cabin manager), and transfer the passengers and the "special passengers" Service
demand form B" handed over to the flight attendant (cabin manager).
(11) After the plane arrives, the flight attendant (cabin manager) will hand over the
unaccompanied passenger and the "Special Passenger Service Requirement Form B" to
the ground service personnel at the arrival station, who will lead the passengers through
the various arrival procedures.
(12) Priority unloading and delivery of baggage at the arrival station. Guide passengers to the
baggage claim area and assist in the collection of checked baggage.
(13) The ground service personnel must verify the identity documents of the unaccompanied
passenger pick-up at the destination station based on the information in the "Special
Passenger Service Request Form B", and make a handover with the pick-up person.
(14) If the flight is delayed after boarding at the departure station, the ground personnel must
immediately contact the unaccompanied family members and report the flight
information to the family members. If a flight alternates, ground personnel will contact
their families from time to time to let them know the situation of unaccompanied
passengers at the first time. Unaccompanied passengers with hearing/sight/speech impairment
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail Unaccompanied pregnant passengers (UMPG)
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail Unaccompanied children (UM)
Child passengers aged 5 (inclusive) but under 12 years old and adult passengers who are
not 18 years of age or older and have full capacity for civil conduct are accompanied in
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the same physical class, and passengers flying alone should apply for unaccompanied
1) Unaccompanied children are not suitable for the air transportation on following
(1) Children under 5 take the flight alone.
(2) Disabled or diseased children under 12 take the flight alone.
(3) Children with tickets issued by other companies or unauthorized ticket offices.
(4) Unaccompanied children shall not be accepted on Hainan Airlines transit flight or the
connection flight between Hainan Airlines and other airline company.
(5) For the code sharing flight of Hainan Airlines, no application of unaccompanied children
shall be accepted. The passenger shall apply to the actual carrier directly.
(6) No unaccompanied children shall be accepted on the domestic and international Transit
flight. For example, A-B-C, UM only acceptable for A-B or B-C, but A-C is not allowed.
(7) For international route specific requirement, please refer to the relevant route document.
2) Transport Limitations of Different Types of Aircraft
B737:5 unaccompanied children/flight; A330: 8 unaccompanied children/flight; B787:
8 unaccompanied children/flight; A350: 8 unaccompanied children/flight.
3) UM service is free of charge.
4) As per Hainan Airlines requirement, each adult over 18 years old can carry up to 2 child
passengers under the age for 12 within the same cabin. For passenger accompanying
over 2 child passenger, UM service can be arranged if the child fulfill the requirement
for UM.
5) For the passengers between 12 and 15 that have purchased full priced tickets, if they
apply, dispose as unaccompanied children, and no limitation of number is placed. The
domestic flight is free of charge from such passengers, and for the overseas and regional
flight, each of the passengers shall be charged with 50 Euro/500 RMB/75 Canadian
dollars/70 US dollars or other money equivalent for each segment.
6) For international flight, local requirement and legislation apply.
7) Service request and acceptance criteria
(1) It shall be brought up at least 60 minutes prior to STD and Special assistant request form
B should be filled in;
(2) Provide the residence booklet, identity card, birth certificate or passport, and the identity
card of the parent or guardian when purchasing tickets;
(3) The EU GDPR policy requires that for all airports in the EU/EEA, children under the
age of 16 who travel alone (unaccompanied) also require their parents or guardians to be
present during check-in.
(4) Child tickets with OPEN status can be received on non-accompanied children on direct
flights on which the flight is confirmed to have vacant seats, and can be received in
accordance with the seat waiting regulations and processed for unaccompanied services.
After such passengers are officially received Unaccompanied children who enjoy the
same rights as normal tickets;
(5) The parent or guardian of the unaccompanied child is responsible for picking up and
taking care of it after arriving at the exit of the destination station before completing the

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check-in procedures;
(6) The parent or guardian of the unaccompanied child is responsible for providing the
carrier with the name, address and telephone number of the pick-up and drop-off person
at the destination station;
(7) The company has the right to verify the identity documents of the person picking up and
dropping off unaccompanied children at the departure station and destination station of
the flight based on the content in the "Special Passenger Service Request Form B".
8) Service at Departure Station
(1) Check-in Service
A. When handling the check-in procedures, the check-in staff shall check the validity of the
Special Passenger Service Need List B and passengers’ identity documents, and handle
the check-in procedures only when there is no mistake.
B. If the passenger does not fill out the Special Passenger Service Need List B, the check-
in staff should remind the passenger to go to Special Passenger Counter, and the guardian
of the unaccompanied child should fill out the form. After completing the documents,
the passenger can go through the check-in procedures.
C. The check-in staff shall check the passenger information in the departure system, and
check the code of the departure system completely. If the unaccompanied passenger does
not have the corresponding code or the passenger needs to cancel the unaccompanied
service, enter /delete the corresponding service code in the departure system. Add or
modify if any problems are found to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the
D. Single unaccompanied child shall be arranged at the aisle seat in the front as far as
possible, and if there are more than one child without accompanying, arrange them in
the front seats convenient for the flight attendant to take care of them, but not the
emergency exit of the aircraft.
E. Priority tag shall be placed on UM Check-in baggage.
F. In the case where the service request is not brought out in advance, the application for
unaccompanied children can be applied to the service counter or the check-in counter 60
minutes prior to the departure. If the application is applied within 60 minutes prior to the
departure, the ground service staff shall help with the handling without delaying the flight;
if the application is applied within 60 minutes prior to the departure, and the number of
unaccompanied children has already reached the limitation, the service staff shall consult
with the guardian and change the flight for the passenger according to the regulations for
ticket reservation; if the ticket needs to be refunded, dispose as voluntary refund.
G. The ground special service staff shall check the Special Passenger Service Need List B
and verify the specified pickup and drop-off persons at the destination airport, and need
to verify that the unaccompanied children's ID, boarding pass and other information are
consistent with their own, then give out a file pocket to the unaccompanied child (little
traveler), and guide the child to the check-in counter to handle the check-in procedures.
During the flight, the child shall wear the file pocket (little traveler) contained with
passenger ticket, Special Passenger Service Need List B and travel documents in the

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H. If in the area with special passenger lounges, arrange the unaccompanied children to the
lounge for rest.
I. If the child purchases business class ticket, the special service staff shall guide the child
to the business class counter to handle the check-in procedures.
(2) Waiting and Boarding Service
A. During the whole period from the handling check-in procedures for the unaccompanied
child to the finishing of boarding, the special service staff shall accompany the child all
the way, and the parent or the guardian of the child shall leave after the departure of the
B. The unaccompanied child can be arranged to get onboard prior to the other passengers,
and provide guidance service.
C. Before the unaccompanied child gets on board, the special service staff shall ask the
name and destination of the unaccompanied child again, and verified whether it was
consistent with the personal information in the document bag.
D. When the unaccompanied child gets on board, the special service staff shall hand over
the unaccompanied child and Special Passenger Service Need List B together to the
(cabin manager).
E. (Cabin manager) shall check the documents of the unaccompanied child, and check
whether the unaccompanied child carries the file pocket for unaccompanied child (little
F. During flight check-in, if the flight attendant finds that a child passenger is traveling alone
and has not received the documents from the ground service unit, should promptly check
the system whether that passenger has applied for unaccompanied service.
a If there is the unaccompanied passenger information in the system, inform the ground
service unit supplement the handover documents in time.
b If the ground service unit fails to supplement the handover documents in time, it should
inform the destination airport of the unaccompanied child passenger information after
the flight takes off, and the destination airport should do the handover and the follow-up
Ground Handling service for the unaccompanied passengers.
G. After departure, SIM system will send massages automatically to the drop-off person at
the departure airport and the pickup person at the destination airport.
H. Children with business class tickets can be guided to the VIP lounge for rest by the
special service staff, and arrange the service staff at the lounge to keep the passengers
accompanied and provide service.
I. The dispatching staff in the lounge for business class shall arrange guides to guide the
unaccompanied children to the boarding gate for boarding when the boarding starts.
J. When the aircraft lands at the air bridge, such unaccompanied child shall get on board
through boarding passageway for the business class; when the aircraft lands at the remote
gate position, the guide shall lead such child passengers and other business class
passengers to the gate position for boarding by VIP shuttle bus. The guide shall leave
after guiding the passengers on board and finishing the handover with the purser.
K. Other airports:
The agent airports may operate in the following mode, and different service staffs shall

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do the handover properly:
a Check-in - guidance (special service staff) - waiting at the lounge for business class
(special service staff) -boarding (special service staff);
b Check-in - guidance (special service staff) -waiting at the lounge for business class (VIP
service staff) - boarding (VIP service staff);
c Check-in - guidance (special service staff) -waiting at the lounge for business class (VIP
service staff) - boarding(special service staff);
d Use Record List of Service Handover of Unaccompanied children in Business Class (see
attachment) for the handover, and keep the list for future reference for at least 6 months,
or hand over the document in the way required by the agent.
(3) Abnormal flight service:
A. If the flight is delayed after boarding at the departure station, ground service staff must
immediately contact the unaccompanied child's family and report the flight information
to the family.
B. If an alternate flight occurs, the ground service staff should contact the family from time
to time to let them know the situation of the unaccompanied child as soon as possible.
9) Service at Stopover (Transit) Station
(1) If the flight which the unaccompanied children take stays at the stopover airport for a
short time, the unaccompanied children can stay on the aircraft with the flight attendants
on duty taking care of the children.
(2) If the flight stays for a long time, the purser (cabin manage) shall hand over with the
special service staff at the stopover airport. The special service staff shall be responsible
to take care of the children during the stay. Before the cabin closing, the special service
staff shall hand over with the purser (cabin manager).
(3) According to the will of the passenger, if the child needs to be taken care of by the pickup
person at the stopover airport arranged by the parent or the guardian during the stay, the
special service unit at the stopover airport shall contact with the pickup person timely
after receiving the information of the unaccompanied child from the previous airport.
The special service staff shall meet the unaccompanied child at the gate position (remote
gate position) or the exit of the air bridge (if the aircraft stops there) 10 minutes in advance
and hand over the unaccompanied child to the pickup person. Before the cabin closing,
the special service staff shall do the handover with the purser (cabin manager). All the
procedures need to be signed for confirmation.
(4) When the child is taken care of by the service staff hired at the stopover airport during
the waiting of the onward flight, the stopover airport shall keep close contact and
cooperation with the service staff.
(5) If the flight lands at an alternate airport or the crew is changed during the flight, the last
shift of crew shall make sure that the unaccompanied children and their file pockets (little
traveler) are handed over to the next shift of crew.
10) Service at Destination Station
(1) Unaccompanied children in business class:
A. the dispatching staff of the lounge for business class at the destination airport shall inquire
the information of the unaccompanied child in business class in advance, and notify the

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guide to arrive at the exit of the air bridge or the gate position (remote gate position) 10
minutes in advance to pick up the unaccompanied child (if the special service staff learns
that there are unaccompanied children, notify the lounge timely).
B. When the aircraft arrives, the guide shall get on the aircraft and do the handover of the
unaccompanied child with the flight attendants, and guide the passenger to get off board.
If the flight lands at the remote gate position, the outside guide shall guide the
unaccompanied children to get to the terminal building by the shuttle bus along with
other passengers in the business class.
(2) Unaccompanied children in economy class: the special service unit of the destination
airport shall arrange special service staff to arrive at the gate position (remote gate
position) or the air bridge (if the aircraft is near the air bridge) 10 minutes in advance after
receiving the information of the unaccompanied children from the previous airport to
pick them up.
(3) The baggage service staff of the destination airport shall unload the baggage first and
hand the baggage over to the passengers.
(4) Before the unaccompanied children arrive, the special passenger service unit of the
destination airport shall contact with the pickup person specified in the information of
unaccompanied children, and inform the pickup person of the estimated time of arrival
in time. When the aircraft arrives, the purser (cabin manager) shall hand the children and
the file pocket (little traveler) over to the ground service staff at the destination airport,
and handle the handover procedures according to the Special Passenger Service Need
List B. The ground service staff shall guide the unaccompanied children to handle all
arrival procedures.
(5) The ground service staff shall hand over the unaccompanied children and the file pockets
(little traveler) to the pickup persons. Check the documents of the pickup persons when
handing over and ask the pickup persons to sign the Special Passenger Service Need List
(6) If there is no person picking up the accompanied child, the special service staff shall
contact the parent, guardian or pickup person of the unaccompanied child, and take care
of the accompanied child until the specified person arrives.
(7) After handing over the accompanied child to the pickup persons, file the information of
the accompanied child and the Special Passenger Service Need List B signed by parent
or guardian for the reference for one year.
11) Irregular flight services:
(1) If the flight is delayed after boarding at the departure station, the ground personnel must
immediately contact the family of the unaccompanied child and report the flight
information to the family.
(2) In the event of a flight diversion or a long delay at a stop, ground personnel should contact
their family members as soon as possible to let them know about the situation of
unaccompanied children. If the flight requires accommodation, the ground personnel
need to communicate with the family members. With the family members’ consent, the
following measures can be taken:
A. reschedule the flight for unaccompanied children;

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B. Full guardianship in the airport area;
C. Arrange ground personnel to accompany the hotel throughout the journey (should
arrange to be accompanied by unaccompanied children of the same sex);
D. Other arrangements agreed by parents.
(3) If the flight is canceled at an alternate destination or a stopover, the ground service staff
will give priority to protecting the unaccompanied children to change their booking and
contact the family members to communicate the follow-up guarantee matters. Unaccompanied Elderly (UMAD)
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail
3.7.4 Persistent Impairment- Service for Passengers with Mobility Impairment Definition and Classification
(1) Wheelchair passengers refer to passengers who need to use a wheelchair during travel.
(2) WCHC(WHEELCHAIR—C FOR CABIN SEAT):used to arriving or leaving cabin
seat. That is, passengers are incapable of moving by themselves and have to get on or off
board from Departure Lounge, up and down airstairs or arrive or leave cabin seats with
the help of certain tools (such passengers with wheelchair will be deemed as passengers
on wheelchair without self-care ability and their transportation has been strictly
(3) WCHS(WHEELCHAIR—S FOR STEP):used for up and down airstairs. That is,
passengers can move to or leaving cabin seats by themselves but must go up and down
airstairs and get on or off board from Departure Lounge (such passengers with
wheelchair will be deemed as passengers on wheelchair with half self-care ability).
(4) WCHR(WHEELCHAIR—R FOR RAMP):used to pass through parking apron.
Passengers are able to move to or leave cabin seats or go up and down airstairs by
themselves, but they may need certain tools to help them get on or off board from
Departure Lounge (such passengers with wheelchair will be deemed as passengers on
wheelchair with self-care ability and their transportation has not been restricted). Service request
(1) Ticket office shall ask passengers what we can do for them and confirm the following
A. Ask their physical conditions, determining service items that Hainan Airlines will
provide for them at the airport and in cabin according to the following scope: passengers
who are unable to move (WCHC); passengers who are unable to walk up and down
stairs (or the air stairs) without help but can manage to go to their seat (WCHS);
passengers who are able to walk up and down stairs (or the air stairs) and manage to go
to their seats without help (WCHR).
B. Ask passengers if they have carried walking aid with them; if they have carried following
devices? Cane (ordinary cane, multi-foot cane, S-type cane and so on); crutches (axillary
crutches, elbow crutches, etc.) ; walking aids (frame walker, wheeled walking aid, desk
type walking aid and so on); wheelchair (manual wheelchairs or electric wheelchairs;
whether the electric wheelchair is driven by dry cell or wet cell); artificial limbs, service
dog (help severely physically disabled persons). Ticket office shall tell passengers such

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auxiliary equipment can be transported free of charge.
C. Ask passengers if they are accompanied by someone else.
D. ASK passengers if they have carried an service dog with them. For passengers carried
an assistive animal, ask them to show relevant certificates for the animal and fill in
Application for Transport Service dog.
E. If there are passengers carrying themselves with a wheelchair, inform them that there's
no enough room in cabin for the wheelchair so that their wheelchairs must be checked
in. If the passenger carries an electric wheelchair, ask him/her to fill in Specification of
Disassembling Wheelchair by Hainan Airlines. And take it to the check-in staff on the
day of travel.
F. Ask passengers if they have any special seat demand. If there’s no special demand,
provide impaired passengers with seats nearby the lavatory or seats with moving armrest;
exit seats are not available for them.
(2) Ticket office may tell passengers available services that will be provided by Hainan
A. Three kinds of wheelchair services may be provided by Hainan Airlines (WCHR,
B. Whether there is an accessible lavatory in cabin and the location of it.
C. Information about the seat with moving armrest.
D. Information about how to store walking aids carried by passengers (in cabin or cargo
E. Remind passengers to arrive in cabin in advance for check-in time, especially for those
passengers with electric wheelchair.
(3) Remind passengers of the check-in time. If passengers carry electric wheelchairs with
themselves, tell them that there's no enough room in cabin for wheelchairs so that their
wheelchairs must be checked in and ask them to show the specification of the wheelchair.
They shall check in at the Check-in Counter at least 90 minutes before flight's departure.
(4) Application time limit and document filling requirements
A. WCHR and WCHS passengers may book tickets directly at the domestic and overseas
ticket office directly subordinate to Hainan Airlines, sales agent or through calling 95539,
there's no limit on application time and sales channels. When sell tickets to WCHR and
WCHS passengers departing from other places, after ticket sellers or booking clerks
issued the ticket according to the corresponding procedures, they shall remind
passengers to fill in Special assistant request form(A) at the check-in counter 60 minutes
before flight's departure;
B. WCHC passengers can only book tickets no later than 24 hours before STD at the
domestic and overseas ticket office directly subordinate to Hainan Airlines, overseas
General Sales Agent (GSA) and authorized domestic and overseas ticket office and
Special assistant request form(C) requirement.
(5) Passengers in wheelchairs who only need assistance on the ground at the airport or when
getting on and off the plane do not need to provide the "Medical Diagnosis Certificate".
If the wheelchair passenger is a sick passenger, it belongs to the restricted transportation
scope. In addition to filling out the applicable "Special Passenger Service Request Form"

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when booking a seat, you must also submit a "Medical Diagnosis Certificate" when
booking a seat and going through the check-in procedures. Book.
(6) Connecting flight information transmission process: WCHR and WCHS passengers
purchase connecting flight tickets, sell remarks and transmit information in accordance
with the current regulations of the Marketing Department. Service Skills
The ground service unit shall arrange the mobile restricted passengers to use the bridge
to board and disembark as far as possible, and provide corresponding assistance; the
boarding and disembarking assistance shall be provided, in the case that the bridge
cannot be provided.
Boarding and disembarking assistance includes providing service personnel, ordinary
wheelchairs, narrow wheelchairs, special narrow wheelchairs on board, passenger
elevators, lifting equipment, etc., to passengers with restricted mobility who have the
boarding conditions as needed.
When bridges or lifting devices cannot be used, boarding and disembarking assistance
shall be provided in a feasible way agreed by disabled passengers. U.S. routes must
strictly follow the requirements of Clause 382 for the transfer of restricted passengers.
Unless an emergency occurs, passengers cannot be held in their hands. The following
communication and transfer techniques can be used to transfer restricted passengers:
(1) Skills on Communicating with Mobility Impaired Passenger
A. Extend greetings to impaired passengers the way the staff greets other passengers; shake
hands with the passengers if appropriate even if the passenger has a limited moving
ability with hands or is equipped with an artificial limb.
B. Allow passengers to carry auxiliary equipment with them.
C. Allow passengers to get directions or move by themselves.
D. Sit down or squat nearby wheelchair passengers if talking to them; do not talk to
passengers by overlooking them.
E. Do not lean on passenger’s wheelchair.
F. Move passengers only after they agreed.
G. The airport ground supplier shall notify impaired passengers qualified for taking flights
to empty the excrement bag they carry before going through security.
(2) When transporting wheelchair passengers, the following basic guidelines should be used
to provide wheelchair implementation services
A. Hold the handles with both hands when pushing, pay attention to the speed and stability
of travel;
B. When it is necessary to stop or make a turn, passengers should be informed in advance
to stop moving forward gradually, and should not be pulled to a sudden stop;
C. Reverse slowly and enter the elevator so that passengers in wheelchairs can see the floor
to be reached and prevent the elevator door from pinching the wheelchair;
D. When going uphill, you should lean forward slightly to avoid slipping and kicking.
When going downhill, you should bend your arms and do not push with force. You
should lean back slightly, hold the handles with both hands, and control the forward
speed of the wheelchair to maintain stability. March. When the slope exceeds 15°, slide

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backward slowly. Departure Airport Service
(1) Ground service check-in unit shall check the information about special passengers in the
flight and their service needs in advance for preparation.
(2) When impaired passengers arrive at the Special Passenger Service Counter, check-in
staff shall check their ID/passport, Service Need List and other certificates for taking
(3) The check-in staff should check the passenger information and the code in the departure
system when checking in. If the special passenger does not have a corresponding code,
enter the corresponding service code in the departure system. If problems are found,
make supplemental recording and modification to ensure the accuracy and completeness
of the information.
(4) Ask passengers about their physical conditions and confirm their service needs. Arrange
special passenger service staff to provide corresponding wheelchair service according to
passengers’ needs.
A. For WCHR passengers, Hainan Airlines shall provide them with a common wheelchair
at the Check-in Counter and ask special passenger service staff to send them to the
boarding gate. (For remote gate Sino-US flights, passengers must be sent to the remote
gate to ensure that do not violate CFR 382.)
B. Normally, boarding service personnel (or airport service personnel) should arrange
impaired passengers qualified for taking flights and their accompanying persons to have
priority boarding.
C. For WCHS passengers, Hainan Airlines shall provide them with a common wheelchair
at the Check-in Counter and ask special passenger service staff to send them to the
boarding gate. If the flight stops at the air bridge, send passengers to the cabin door; if
the flight stops at the remote gate position, use the wheelchair to send passengers to the
mobile aircraft landing stairs and then send them to the cabin door by high lift or manual
D. For WCHC passengers, Hainan Airlines shall provide them with a common wheelchair
at the Check-in Counter, assist them to go through the security check channel and then
send them to the boarding gate. Use in-flight wheelchair to send passengers besides their
seats after they got onboard and help them to sit in their seats. If the flight stops at the
remote gate position, use the boarding wheelchair to send the passengers to the mobile
aircraft landing stairs and then send them to the cabin door by high lift or manual
handling and help them to settle in their seat.
E. If some passengers shall offload for some reasons, impaired passengers qualified for
taking flights and their accompanying persons have priority for transportation.
(5) Transporting walking aids is free of charge. Auxiliary equipment such as canes, crutches,
walking aids, artificial limbs and service dogs can be carried into the cabin, but the size
of auxiliary equipment such as canes, crutches, walking aids or the size after they were
folded shall be small enough to be placed under the cabin seat or in the overhead locker,
such devices cannot occupy any space of the aisle. If the passenger has carried a
wheelchair by himself, the wheelchair may be checked in at Check-in Counter because

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there’s no room in cabin to place it. If the impaired passenger asks to use his own
wheelchair at the airport, he may use it to the cabin door and then check in the wheelchair
at the boarding gate.
(6) Requirements on passenger’s carrying an electric wheelchair
Special passengers should check in 90 minutes before flight departure and check in
battery-powered wheelchairs. If a special passenger arrives at the airport after the
specified time, HNA should also make reasonable efforts to help the special passenger
make the trip, provided that the flight is not delayed.
When the battery-powered wheelchair is checked in, the check-in staff found that the
wheelchair is damaged, and the liability-exempt baggage tag should be attached, and the
passenger should be asked to sign for confirmation. Under other circumstances, special
passengers shall not be required to sign a waiver of liability for damage to battery-
powered wheelchairs. If the battery-powered wheelchair of a special passenger is lost or
damaged during transportation, it will not be subject to the limitation of liability listed in
the current international convention on the route. The compensation fee shall be
compensated with reference to the original price of the battery-powered wheelchair
equipment. For the transportation requirements of electric wheelchairs, see 4.2.3 of this
(7) Seat arrangement: for the convenience of impaired passengers, passengers with mobility
impairment may be arranged to the non-emergency aisle seat with moving armrest or
seat nearby lavatory. See details in “Introduction of Accessible Facilities and Equipment
in Hainan Airlines Flight”. When arrange seats for passengers with mobility impairment,
take their inconvenience into consideration, and make her normal part of body close to
the aisle and the impaired body part inward. For example, for the passenger who has an
impaired left leg and an normal right leg, he will be arranged to C seat instead of D seat
in 737 aircraft, while for the passenger with an impaired right leg and an normal left leg,
he will be arranged to D seat instead of C seat in 737 aircraft.
(8) The wheelchairs carried by wheelchair passengers shall be transported free of charge and
shall not be counted in free baggage allowance. Check-in staff shall hang a tag of
“priority baggage” on the checked assistive walking devices, such as wheelchairs or
crutches, etc.
(9) Due to the lack of storage space, the wheelchair and other assistive walking devices may
not be placed in cabin, so such devices shall be placed in the cargo compartment prior to
other goods and baggage.
(10) If the passenger asks to use his/her own wheelchair to the boarding gate and there’s a
fewer impaired passengers in the aircraft, check-in staff and security check staff shall
communicate and confirm to assist such passenger pass through the security check
channel prior to other passengers if possible and then check in the wheelchair with a
“GATE CLAIM TAG” on it at the boarding gate, then remind ground staff of the
destination airport to return checked wheelchair to the passenger at the cabin door. If
there is a group with more than 10 (included) impaired passengers in the aircraft,
wheelchairs they’ve carried with must be checked in at the Check-in Counter and then
they shall claim their wheelchairs at the “Baggage Claim” at the destination airport. In

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this case, passengers may use wheelchairs provided by Hainan Airlines after they’ve
checked in theirs.
(11) Special service staff hands over the completed Special assistant request form(A) or (C)
to the purser (cabin manager).
(12) In areas with Hainan Airlines Special Passenger Lounge, wheelchair passengers may be
sent to Special Passenger Lounge for a rest.
(13) Boarding service
A. For WCHS type passengers, when the flight stops at the bridge, the passenger will be
sent to the door of the aircraft cabin. In the case of remote seats, use wheelchairs to
transport passengers to the aircraft passenger elevator, and arrange lifting platform
vehicles or manual movement methods to transport passengers to the door of the aircraft
B. For WCHC type passengers, when boarding the flight, a boarding wheelchair will be
provided to transport the passenger to the seat in the cabin to assist the passenger in
getting a seat. For remote seats, use the boarding wheelchair to transport passengers to
the aircraft passenger elevator, and arrange lifting platform vehicles or manual
movement methods to transport passengers to the door of the aircraft cabin, and transport
passengers to the seats in the cabin to assist in seating .
C. If a special passenger with flight conditions cannot move independently on the ground
wheelchair, boarding wheelchair or other equipment, the carrier's airport and airport
ground handling agent shall not leave it unattended for more than 30 minutes according
to their respective responsibilities.
D. When bridges or lifting devices cannot be used, boarding and disembarking assistance
shall be provided in a feasible way agreed by restricted passengers with flight conditions.
E. When boarding a flight, the ground service personnel of the departure station shall hand
over the relevant information of the battery-driven wheelchair passenger to the flight
attendant. Stopover Airport Service
(1) If the stopover time isn’t too long, impaired passengers may not need to get off the flight
if they agreed.
(2) If impaired passengers need to get off board, flight attendants shall hand over with
ground service staff, and then ground service staff guides such passengers to have a rest
in Departure Lounge. Impaired passengers shall go on board in advance before other
passengers when boarding.
(3) For connecting flights, wheelchair passengers disembark at the transfer station, and
ground service personnel should take the passengers to the carrier of the next flight. Destination Airport Service
(1) Ground service unit shall arrange and help impaired passengers qualified for taking flight
to use air bridge disembarking as much as possible; if the air bridge is unavailable, then
help them off board. Disembarking service includes providing impaired passengers
qualified for taking flight with service staff, common wheelchair, narrow wheelchair, in-
flight narrow wheelchair, mobile aircraft landing stairs, lifting appliance and so on
according to their needs.
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(2) Devices used for deplaning include ground wheelchair, motorized cart, boarding
wheelchair (specialized seat), in-flight wheelchair, ramp and mechanical lifting
(3) Do not hold (lift) passengers with hands when they disembarking even if they agreed. If
the impaired passengers qualified for taking flight cannot move by themselves on the
ground wheelchair, boarding wheelchair or other devices, carrier’s airport and its airport
ground service agent shall not leave such passengers alone for 30 minutes by their own
responsibility. Help them disembarking quickly as soon as flight’s arrival. For example,
provide them with specialized wheelchair as soon as other passengers disembarked.
(4) For WCHR passengers, Hainan Airlines will provide them with ground common
wheelchair when they arrived at the air bridge/remote gate and arrange special passenger
service staff to send wheelchair passengers to “Baggage Claim” and help them to pick
up their baggage. For remote gate Sino-US flights, passengers must be picked at the
remote gate to ensure that do not violate CFR 382.
(5) For WCHS passengers, Hainan Airlines will provide them with a ground common
wheelchair at the cabin door and ask special passenger service staff to send them to
“Baggage Claim” and help them to pick up their baggage. If the flight stops at the remote
gate position, send staff to pick up them at the cabin door and then help them disembark
by high lift or manual handling. Arrange special passenger service staff to send
wheelchair passengers to “Baggage Claim” and help them to pick up their baggage.
(6) For WCHC passengers, Hainan Airlines will send special passenger service staff to pick
up them from the cabin and then use wheelchairs to send them to “Baggage Claim”, help
them to pick up their baggage, and then send them to the exit of Departure Lounge. If
the flight stops at the remote gate position, provide them with a wheelchair in cabin and
then help them disembark by high lift or manual handling. Ask special passenger service
staff to send them to “Baggage Claim” and help them to pick up their baggage, then send
them to the exit of Departure Lounge.
(7) If the air bridge or lifting appliance is unavailable, help impaired passengers qualified for
taking flight deplaning in a feasible way agreed by them.
(8) The destination airport shall send a message to baggage unloading unit after receiving
the information about transporting special passengers’ battery-driven wheelchairs from
the departure airport, and then baggage unloading unit sends specially-assigned staff to
reassemble the disassembled wheelchair, see details in Wheelchair Description Form.
Battery-driven wheelchair shall be returned to its owner prior to other baggage. If the
passenger did not ask to pick up the wheelchair at the “Baggage Claim”, the wheelchair
shall be returned to the passenger at the cabin door of the destination airport, making sure
it is the same as it was collected by Hainan Airlines after reassembling. Unless the
passenger asks to pick up the wheelchair at “Baggage Claim”, Hainan Airlines shall
return battery-driven wheelchair to the special passenger at the cabin door of the flight
so that the passenger can use his/her auxiliary equipment timely. Battery-driven
wheelchair should be unloaded preferentially just as other auxiliary equipment.
(9) Transfer service. Arrange service staff to send the transfer passenger via wheelchair to
the boarding gate of his/her subsequent flight after flight’s arrival. If the connecting flight

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is owned by another carrier, the carrier of the arriving flight is responsible for providing
them with wheelchairs for transferring and transfer the passenger to the next carrier.
3.7.5 Temporary Disorders- Transport Service for Passengers of General Diseases Definition and Scope
(1) Definition of temporary disorders: disorders generated from the limitation of one or more
living abilities due to any temporary body or mentality injuries.
(2) Body injuries: any physiological barrier or symptom, appearance defect or body
incompleteness that influence one or more body systems below: nervous system (system
related to the nerves), musculoskeletal system (muscles and skeletons), special sense
organs (visual, hearing, tactile, taste and olfactory organs), respiratory system (including
vocal and respiratory organs), cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessel), genital
system, digestive system (food digestion), urogenital system (reproductive and urinary
organs), blood-lymphatic system, skin, endocrine system. Clinical Manifestation of Passengers with Different Diseases
Type No. Disease Name Main Clinical Manifestation
Expiratory dyspnea with wheezes or paroxysmal chest distress and cough, forced to
1 Bronchial asthma adopt the sitting position or orthopnea, dry cough or cough with a great amount of white
frothy sputum, or even cyanosis, usually with allergic history.
Hot flash in the afternoon for a long term, dry cough or cough with a small amount of
2 Phthisis mucous sputum, hemoptysis, chest pain, dyspnea, night sweat, anorexia and weight loss
and so on.
3 Emphysema Signs of exertional dyspnea and emphysema
Dyspnea especially at night, headaches, insomnia, anorexia, obvious cyanosis,
Pulmonary heart
4 congestion of bulbar conjunctiva, edema, somnolence during the day are common, or
Disea disease
even the appearance of apatheia, mind wandering, delirium and so on.
se of
Rapid onset, the patient suddenly feels a short chest pain on a side like a needling or
cutting, and later chest distress and dyspnea with irritable cough, cannot be supine,
ratory 5 Aerothorax
nervous looks, fidgets, cyanosis, cold sweat, rapid pulse, collapse, arrhythmia, or even
unconsciousness, and respiratory failure.
No overt symptom or slight chest pain in less serious case, rapid onset in serious case,
6 Pleurisy main symptoms are acute chest pain on a side like needling, aggravation when breathing
or coughing.
Dyspnea, chest pain, fidgets, panic or with feeling of impending death, like spontaneous
Pulmonary pneumothorax, hemoptysis, low-grade fever and syncope, usually with medical history
thromboembolism of lower limbs or pelvic cavity thrombophlebitis, fracture, stroke, atrial fibrillation, or
happens to elder patients that are sick in bed for a long term.
Acute respiratory Accelerated breathing, progressively aggravating dyspnea, cyanosis with fidget, anxiety
distress syndrome and sweat.

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9 Bronchiectasia Recurrent cough, expectoration and hemoptysis
Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage: acute excessive bleeding, hematemesis and melaena,
Hemorrhage of
1 lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage: generally bloody stools or dark red stools without
digestive tract
Periodical recurrent epigastric pain within 2-4 hours after the meal or (and) in the middle
2 Peptic ulcer
of the night, with sour regurgitation, belching, epigastric distention and so on.
Disea Epigastrium or umbilicus pain, paroxysmal or persistent swelling pain and dull pain,
ses of 3 Acute appendicitis nausea, vomit, low fever, tenderness and rebound tenderness, tension of abdominal
Diges muscles
tive Epigastric distention after meals, aggravated epigastric pain with nausea, vomit, turn
4 Pyloric obstruction
Syste better after a great amount of vomit, and vomit contains fermented acid abiding food.
m Usually located at the right lower quadrant or around the umbilicus, intermittent attack,
5 Enterophthisis spastic throes with barborygmus, and aggravation after meals and remission after
defecation or anal aerofluxus, diarrhea and astriction, long-term fever with night sweat.
Fever, night sweat, persistent abdomen slight pain or dull pain, emaciation, edema,
6 Tubercular peritonitis
anemia, glossitis, angular cheilitis and so on.
7 Acute pancreatitis Acute epigastric pain, nausea, vomit, fever and increase of blood pancreatic enzyme
Outburst severe dyspnea, respiratory rate reaches 30-40 times/minute, forced sitting
1 Cardiac failure position, pale faced, cyanosis, profuse sweating, fidget, frequent cough with pink cystose
sputum, blurred mind in severe case.
No symptom at all or a possible sudden death. Fever 1-3 weeks prior to the onset, overall
Disea 2 Myocarditis tiredness and other symptoms of “cold” or nausea, vomit and other digestive tract
se of symptoms, then cardiopalmus, chest pain, dyspnea, edema, hepatomegaly and so on.
Cardi Sudden chest pain, no remission after rest or taking nitroglycerin pills, fidget, sweat,
ac 3 Myocardial infarction panic, chest congestion, or even dyspnea or feeling of impending death, shock, usually
and with medical history of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease.
Crani Paroxysmal chest pain that tends to spread to the left shoulder and inside of the left arm,
al ring finger and little finger, or to the neck, throat or under jaw, chest pain is usually
nerve oppressed, congested or tightened with burning sensation, but not like needling or
4 Angina
syste cutting, sometimes with the feeling of fear for impending death; some patients feel chest
m distress and discomfort, which is usually caused by physical work or rage (such as anger,
anxiety, overexcitation and so on), satiation, cold, smoking, polycardia, shock.
Rapid onset, blurred mind for a short term, headache, convulsion, contralateral
5 Cerebral embolism hemiplegia with a rapid development to the peak (severe extent), hemiparaplesia
(sensory deprivation), homonymous hemianopsia, aphasia, apraxia, dizziness, diplopia,

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paralysis of eye movement, ataxia, crossed paralysis, abnormity of pupil, quadriplegia,
dysphagia and disturbance of consciousness .
sudden numbness, acratia and disability of body on one side, dropping of handheld
objects, wry mouth, drool, unsteady walk. ②unable to speak when talking with people,
Sign of cerebral or unclear pronunciation, or unable to understand other people’s words. ③temporary
hemorrhage blurred vision, back to normal later, or lose of sight. ④sudden dizziness, spinning of
surrounding views, astasia, or even falling in a faint. All of these might happen for once
or repeatedly or get worse.
7 Craniocerebral injury Confirmed trauma history, headache, nausea, vomit, neck resistance, or even shock.
Half of them are with signs, such as dizziness, epigastric discomfort, seeing, hearing and
smelling disorders, shrill at onset, and falling down due to the loss of consciousness,
overall muscle rigidity, breathing pause, amesiality of head and eyes, clonus convulsion
8 Epilepsy after a few seconds and last for about 10 seconds, after recover from the clonus
convulsion, foaming at the mouth (bloody foam if the tongue is bitten by the teeth), some
patients suffer from gatism, overall slack after the convulsion or getting into lethargy,
then the consciousness recovers gradually.
Fever, general malaise, fatigue, inappetence and weight loss, headache, backache and
9 Infectious endocarditis
muscle and joint pain, sudden cardiac failure.
Dilated cardiomyopathy: dyspnea, or even orthopnoea, edema and hepatomegaly, some
of the patients might suffer sudden death.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: palpitatation, chest pain, exertional dyspnea, dizziness
when standing up or exercising, or even loss of mind.
Restrictive cardiomyophathy: fever and overall tiredness as the initial symptom, then
10 Cardiomyopathy palpitation, dyspnea, edema, hepatomegaly, distention of jugular vein, ascites.
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy: drinking history, dyspnea, or even orthopnoea, edema and
hepatomegaly, some of the patients may suffer sudden death.
Peripartum cardiomyopathy: dyspnea, bloody sputum, hepatomegaly, edema and so on.
Keshan disease: also called endemic cardiomyopathy, found in China, dyspnea, or even
orthopnoea, edema and hepatomegaly, some of the patients may suffer sudden death.
Chest distress, disturbance in respiration, feeling of lack of air and need to open the
window, or oxygen uptake, insomnia, dreaminess, anxiety, impatience and irritability,
11 Cardiovascular neurosis vexation, inappetence, dizziness, tinnitus, precordium pain under quiescent condition,
hidrosis, cold hands and feet, tremor of hands, frequent micturition, increase of times of
defecation or constipation.

Systolic pressure is over 180mmHg, and diastolic pressure is over 120mmHg, sudden
12 Hypertensive crisis
headache, dizziness, blurred vision or loss of sight, nausea, vomit, fluster, and shortness

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of breath, pallor or flush of face, tremor of hands, fidget, and temporary paralysis in
severe case, aphasia, angina, cloudy urine, convulsion and coma in more serious case.

Hypertensive Diffuse severe headache, vomit, disturbance of consciousness, mental disorders, or even
encephalopathy coma, focal or overall convulsion.
Usually after a cold, hearing loss, autophonia, earache with feeling of blocking or
1 Otitis media
ENT fullness in the ear, tinnitus and so on.
diseas Usually after a cold, nasal obstruction and pus snot, frons pain, worse condition in the
es 2 Nasosinusitis afternoon compared with that in the morning, pain in the depth of the eyeballs, which
might spread to the parietal region.
Worse symptoms of three lots and one little in the early phase (urorrhagia, polydipsia,
polyphagia and weight loss); fatigue, inappetence, nausea and vomit, urorrhagia,
Meta xerostomia, headache, somnolence, hyperpnea, smell of rotten apple in the expiration;
1 diabetic ketoacidosis
bolis severe water loss in the later period, hypourocrinia, orbital sag, dry skin mucoud
m membrane, decline of blood pressure, increased heart rate, cold limbs, disturbance of
and consciousness, bluntness and disappearance of reflection, coma.
nutriti Sweat, tremor, palpitation, tension, anxiety, hunger, salivation, weakness, pale face,
onal increased heart rate, cold limbs, slight increase of systolic pressure, unfocused mind, dull
2 Hypoglycemia
diseas thought and language, dizziness, somnolence, blurred vision, unstable walk, possibly
es hallucination, dysphoria, irritability, weird behaviors.
Acute and slight numbness and pricking of labia and limbs, muscle tremor; dizziness,
3 Respiratory alkalosis
faint and blurred vision and convulsion in serious case.
Dizziness, tinnitus, headache, insomnia, dreaminess, hypomnesia, inattention and so on,
pale skin mucous membrane, yellow stained mucous membrane, accelerated breathing
1 Severe anemia
after activities with palpitation and increased heart rate, abdominal heaviness,,
inappetence, change of defecation law and character, oliguria or anuria.
Bloo History of low-grade fever, sore throat, overall fatigue or upper respiratory infection
d 2 Anaphylactoid purpura within 1-3 weeks prior to the onset; typical bleeding of limb skin and mucous membrane
syste with stomachache, joint swelling and pain and hematuresis.
m Spontaneous bleeding or bleeding due to mild injuries, bleeding after minor operation
(such as tooth extraction, tonsil excision), swelling, stiffness, deformity of joints with
3 Hemophilia osteoporosis, joint ossification and corresponding amyotrophy, hematemesis,
hemoptysis or even intracranial hemorrhage in serious case.

ther 1 Poisoning Common manifestations are cyanosis, coma, convulsions, dyspnea, shock and oliguria.
Disea Headache, euphoria, excitement, uncoordinated movement, clumsy action, unclear
2 Acute ethylism
ses language, tremor of eyeballs, blurred vision, diplopia, instability of gait, lethargy,

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mydriasis, increased heart rate, decline of blood pressure, slow breathing with sonorous
rale, hypothermia that cause threat to life.
Swell and pain at the affected region, hydroderma and tension around the wound, pale
and bright and turns to aubergine quickly and atropurpureus after with the appearance of
3 unequal-sized blisters; bubbles escaping from the wound of the affected region with thin
and rotten bloody secreta of serous fluid flowing; dizziness, headache, nausea, vomit,
cold sweat, fidget, hyperpyrexia, fast pulse (100-120 times/min), shortness of breath.
Hidrosis, fatigue, asthenia, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomit and myospasm, obvious
4 Heatstroke
polycardia, orthostatic hypotension or faint, slight rise of body temperature.
Frontal pain, palpitation, chest distress, shortness of breath, anorexia, nausea and vomit;
5 Acute altitude stress
cyanosis of labia and nail bed in some cases.
High altitude Manifestations of acute altitude stress, then polycardia, dyspnea, intense dry cough,
pulmonary edema orthopnoea, white or pink foaming sputum.
Severe headache with vomit and mental disorders, ataxia, acousma, photis, obstruction
High altitude
7 of language and directive force, instability of gait, somnolence, stupor or coma,
sometimes even convulsions.
Headache, dizziness, insomnia, hypomnesis, inattention, palpitation, shortness of breath,
8 Chronic altitude stress inappetence, dyspepsia, dead limbs and edema of face, arrhythmia sometimes or
temporary faint.
High altitude heart Palpitation, shortness of breath, chest distress, cough, cyanosis, distension of jugular vein,
disease arrhythmia, hepatomegaly, ascites and lower limb edema. Transportation Conditions for Passengers with Different Diseases
(1) Hainan Airlines requires passengers of certain diseases to provide medical certificate.
Passengers with rheumatoid arthritis do not need to provide medical certificate.
Passengers with asthma can take the flight without providing medical certificate, but they
cannot carry oxygen bottle or oxygen bag. For passengers with minor fracture (forearm,
hands and feet, gypsum applied on one leg) that can get to the emergency evacuation
exit, it is not a must to arrange staff to accompany, and no certificate of medical diagnosis
is needed.
(2) For the following reasonable medial considerations, the carrier may ask the passengers
that have provided the medical certificates to go through additional medical examination
A. Obvious deterioration of the passengers’ conditions after the issuance of the certificate;
B. Concealing of diseases that might cause health threat to other passengers on the
(3) Following conclusions are made after the additional medical examination, in which the
passengers are not suitable for travel:
C. Passenger might need special medical assistance during the flight;
D. Passenger might cause direct threat to the health or safety of other passengers on the
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Ground Operation Manual 3
(4) Passengers with diseases are not in the scope of the air transportation are specified in the
(5) Requirements for the accompanying staff and safety assistant, limitations of the
transportation capacity, requirements for the transportation documents are specified in
the regulation. Provide special meal for the diabetic passengers on the flight. During the
flight, if there might be deterioration of the conditions of passengers, Hainan Airlines
advise the passengers to carry necessary medicines and injections.
(6) Conditions for Passengers of Other Diseases
Passenger Service
Medical Needs and
Situation of Inability of Transportation
No. Type Advise Appliances Equipment the
Transportation Conditions
Carriable Company Can
① No more than 10 days after
thoracoabdominal surgery and
Stationary phase of illness; your
gastrointestinal surgery are not
Certificate of medical own
Passen allowed to take the flight;
diagnosis; stretcher
gers ② No more than 15 days after
Accompanied by special or
that Head operation, ophthalmologic According
care staff; wheelch
have operation, ENT surgery; to the Stretcher or
1 Hand written transportation air and
differe ③Patients of tetanus, emphysema; medical wheelchair
statement; bring up
nt ④Patients of encephalitis, tumors or advice
Only when the conditions the
operati those who have pneumocephalus
above are satisfied, the demand
ons operation within 30 days;
passengers may be when
Passengers are not suitable to take the
transported. purchasi
civil aviation flight in the conditions
ng tickets
① Tonsillectomy;
② Severe otitis media with
eustachian tube blocking;
Stationary phase of illness;
③ Acute exudative inflammation
Certificate of medical
of ears or nose;
④Passengers that have middle Bring up
Accompanied by special
ear surgery within 30 days; the According
ENT care staff;
⑤Passengers with severe demand to the
2 diseas Hand written transportation
nasosinusitis and nasal airway when medical
es statement;
disorders; purchasi advice
Only when the conditions
⑥Passengers with decayed tooth or ng tickets
above are satisfied, the
the surface of the wound has not
passengers may be
healed after tooth extraction;
Passengers are not suitable to take the
civil aviation flight in the conditions
Diseas ①Systolic pressure is over 24KPa Stationary phase of illness; Bring Sphygmom
Stretcher or
3 es of (180mmHg), and diastolic pressure is Certificate of medical your anometer;
cardio over 17.4KPa (130mmHg); diagnosis; own according to

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Ground Operation Manual 3
vascul ②No more than one month after the Accompanied by special hypotens the medical
ar onset of severe cardiac failure, care staff; ors, advice
syste myocarditis; Hand written transportation quick
m ③myocardial infarction occurance statement; acting
within 6 weeks; Only when the conditions heart
④Recurrent angina, severe above are satisfied, the reliever,
arrhythmia within 30 days; passengers may be nitroglyc
⑤Within 2 weeks after transported. erin and
cerebrovascular disease; bring up
⑥Relapse or aggravation of the
cardiovascular disease due to mild demand
anoxia in the air, especially for when
passengers with incomplete cardiac purchasi
functions, myocardial anoxia, ng tickets
myocardial infarction and severe high
blood pressure;
Passengers are not suitable to take the
civil aviation flight in the conditions
Passengers with cerebral embolism, Stationary phase of illness;
cerebral hemorrhage, Certificate of medical
Diseas brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, diagnosis;
Bring up
e of skull fracture with coma, incomplete Accompanied by special
the According
cerebr respiratory rhythm, for patients of care staff;
demand to the Stretcher or
4 ovasc encephalitis, tumor or that have Hand written transportation
when medical wheelchair
ular pneumocephalus operation within 30 statement;
purchasi advice
syste days, roar shake and anoxia due to the Only when the conditions
ng tickets
m taking off and landing of aircraft above are satisfied, the
might worsen the condition, and they passengers may be
are not suitable to take the flight; transported.
For passengers with
severe bronchial asthma,
tuberculosis cavity, emphysema,
Stationary phase of illness;
pulmonary heart disease of
Certificate of medical
incomplete lung functions, large
Diseas mediastinal tumor, congenital long- Bring up
Accompanied by special
e of sac chest, pulmonary lobectomy, the the According
care staff;
respira condition may get worse due to gas demand to the Stretcher or
5 Hand written transportation
tory expansion during the flight. when medical wheelchair
syste Passengers with spontaneous purchasi advice
Only when the conditions
m pneumothorax, pneumothorax, ng tickets
above are satisfied, the
hemopneumothorax, wet pleurisy
passengers may be
and respiratory dysfunction;
Passengers are not suitable to take the
civil aviation flight in the conditions

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Ground Operation Manual 3
Stationary phase of illness;
Certificate of medical
Passengers with upper gastrointestinal
Diseas hemorrhage, gastrointestinal ulcer Bring up
Accompanied by special
es of with deep ulcer surface, acute the According
care staff;
digesti appendicitis is not suitable to take the demand to the
6 Hand written transportation
ve civil flight. Passengers with when medical
syste gastrointestinal hemorrhage can only purchasi advice
Only when the conditions
m take a flight after 3 weeks when the ng tickets
above are satisfied, the
bleeding stops.
passengers may be
Stationary phase of illness; your
Certificate of medical own
diagnosis; stretcher
Passengers with cast gypsum fixation Accompanied by special or
and heavy punch to traction, and care staff; wheelch Stretcher or
Fractu to the
7 passengers with immobilization of Hand written transportation air and wheelchair
re medical
jawbone are not allowed to take the statement; bring up
civil aviation flight. Only when the conditions the
above are satisfied, the demand
passengers may be when
transported. purchasi
ng tickets
Stationary phase of illness; your
Certificate of medical own
Some artificial limbs are driven with disgnosis; stretcher
small-scale carbon dioxide inflator, Accompanied by special or
Artific and according to the regulations of care staff; wheelch
to the
8 ial IATA hazardous articles, passengers Hand written transportation air and
limb wearing such artificial limbs are not statement; bring up
allowed to take the civil aviation Only when the conditions the
flight. above are satisfied, the demand
passengers may be when
transported. purchasi
ng tickets
Stationary phase of illness; Bring
Certificate of medical your
diagnosis; own
Passengers in acute phase of According
Accompanied by special stretcher Stretcher or
Paraly quadriplegia, high paraplegia are not to the
9 care staff; or wheelchair
sis suitable to take the civil aviation medical
Hand written transportation wheelch
flight. advice
statement; air and
Only when the conditions bring up
above are satisfied, the the

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Ground Operation Manual 3
passengers may be demand
transported. when
ng tickets
Stationary phase of illness;
Certificate of medical
diagnosis; Portable
Accompanied by special blood
Unconscious patients due to diabetes care staff; glucose test
Diabet and bring
10 are not suitable to take the civil Hand written transportation meter, refer low-sugar food
es up the
aviation flight. statement; to the
Only when the conditions medical
above are satisfied, the advice
passengers may be
ng tickets
Stationary phase of illness;
Certificate of medical
Bring up
Unconscious patients due to the According
Hypo Hand written transportation
hypoglycemia are not suitable to take demand to the
11 glyce statement; Sugared beverages
the civil aviation flight. when medical
mia Only when the conditions
purchasi advice
above are satisfied, the
ng tickets
passengers may be
Stationary phase of illness;
Certificate of medical
Bring up
Passengers with severe anemia, Accompanied by special
the According
Severe traumatic massive hemorrhoea, and care staff; Stretcher or
demand to the
12 anemi hemoglobin value lower than 60G/L Hand written transportation wheelchair
when medical
a are not suitable to take the flight statement;
purchasi advice
Only when the conditions
ng tickets
above are satisfied, the
passengers may be
Stationary phase of illness;
Passengers with psychosis of mania Certificate of medical
type that might cause threat to other diagnosis;
Bring up
passengers are not allowed to take the Accompanied by special
Menta the According
civil aviation flight; for other mental care staff; Stretcher or
l demand to the
13 patients, since the aviation Hand written transportation wheelchair
disord when medical
environment and atmosphere might statement;
ers purchasi advice
be easy to induce acute attack of the Only when the conditions
ng tickets
diseases, they are not suitable to take above are satisfied, the
the civil aviation flight. passengers may be

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Ground Operation Manual 3
Stationary phase of illness;
Certificate of medical
Bring up
For other mental patients, since the Accompanied by special
the According
aviation environment and atmosphere care staff; Stretcher or
Epilep demand to the
14 might be easy to induce acute attack Hand written transportation wheelchair
sy when medical
of the diseases, they are not suitable to statement;
purchasi advice
take the civil aviation flight. Only when the conditions
ng tickets
above are satisfied, the
passengers may be
Stationary phase of illness;
Certificate of medical
Bring up
Accompanied by special
Drunken passengers or passengers the According
care staff; Stretcher or
Poison poisoned with narcotic drug and other demand to the
15 Hand written transportation wheelchair
ing drugs are not suitable to take the civil when medical
aviation flight. purchasi advice
Only when the conditions
ng tickets
above are satisfied, the
passengers may be
1.Passengers with severe
hemoptysis, hematemesis, bleeding
and groaning;
2.Passengers with severe trauma on
face that might give rise to disgust of Stationary phase of illness;
other passengers in special cases; Certificate of medical
3.Passengers under salvage diagnosis;
Bring up
condition of shock, coma and Accompanying by special
the According
Other increased intracranial pressure; care staff; Stretcher or
demand to the
16 Diseas 4.Extra large tumors with Hand written transportation wheelchair
when medical
es pneumatosis, ileus, damage of brain, statement;
purchasi advice
abdomen, eyeballs and other visceral Only when the conditions
ng tickets
organs or tissues; above are satisfied, the
5. Passengers with craniocerebral passengers may be
injury, skull fracture with coma, transported.
incomplete respiratory rhythm;
Passengers are not suitable to take the
civil aviation flight in the conditions
above. Obstacles and Needs of the Diseased Passengers during the Air Travel
(1) Due to the diseases, the passengers have visual impairment, hearing impairment, limb
damage, language impairment, mental disorder or other conditions leading to these
symptoms, which leads to the obstacles of walking, hearing, vision, language, and
mentality for passengers.
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Ground Operation Manual 3
(2) Disorders of diseased passengers during the air travel are of the same nature with the
disorders of passengers with persistent disorders, and the service shall be executed
according to the corresponding service for persistent disorders. Service request
(1) For onboard oxygen require, and stretcher passenger, please follow the relevant
requirement and procedure to obtain approval prior to ticket issue.
(2) According to the service application brought up by the diseased passengers or their
guardians at the ticket office, the ticket office shall inform of the service content about
the relevant disorders, and help them fill out Special Passenger Service Need List C at
the ticket office.
(3) For procedure on onboard oxygen and stretcher passenger, please refer to the relevant
section on this manual.
(4) The ticket office shall transmit the information of the special passengers through SIM
system 24 hours prior to the flight’s departure after handling the ticket purchasing
procedures for the passengers, and notify the customer service unit by calling to confirm
that the receiving unit has received the information.
(5) Provide the following information for passengers by calls, internet or face-to-face
communication: location of seats with moving armrests (row number and seat number),
restricted seats (such as emergency exit seat, its row number and seat number), storage
place of movable auxiliary equipment (in cabin or cargo compartment), convenience of
lavatory (whether there is a wheelchair accessible lavatory and its specific location),
service provided by the aircraft (such as providing a horizontal entrance). Service at the Departure Airport
(1) The ground service staff at the departure airport shall get the relevant equipment and
service ready in advance when receiving the diseased passenger service notification.
(2) Check the diseased passengers’ ID, tickets, Certificate of Medical Diagnosis, Special
Passenger Service Need List C and other necessary transportation documents when they
get to the check-in counter.
(3) The seating arrangement of the sick passenger should be close to the flight attendant or
the seat close to the cabin door (but the wishes of the passenger should be respected).
Passengers with limited mobility should be arranged as close to the bathroom and
emergency exits as possible; passengers with legs that cannot be bent, casted in casts, or
paraplegics should be arranged as comfortable as possible, and can provide as much
space as possible for the device that supports the legs without giving them a chance.
Passengers may cause inconvenience to the seat, but the casted leg should not block the
passage or emergency exit;
(4) Passengers with inconvenience (such as hemiplegia, prosthetics, arms or legs with casts
or splints, supports, etc.) should be arranged at the side of the aisle, and the movable side
of the body should be close to the aisle; the accompanying person's seat should be
arranged in the sick passenger If the patient needs to occupy more seats, the ticket should
be purchased according to the actual number of seats occupied. If the seats on the plane
are not full, a vacant seat can be reserved next to the patient's seat for the convenience of
the patient's passenger according to the situation. However, if you are temporarily sick
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Ground Operation Manual 3
during the flight and need to occupy more seats, you can provide seats if there are vacant
seats, and there is no need to make up the ticket. For the seating arrangement of
wheelchair and stretcher passengers, please refer to the detailed description in the
attached table.
(5) Assist in baggage check-in. Identify the pickup location of the checked wheelchairs and
other service aids with the sick passengers (collect them at the gate of the destination
station or the baggage claim area at the destination station), and attach the "Priority
Baggage" identification tags and loading and unloading reminder tags to the wheelchairs
and other service aids. For the passenger's own wheelchair, please explain and guide the
disassembly of the wheelchair, such as battery-powered wheelchair, remove the battery,
separate the two poles, and pack it separately. If the battery is not removed, separate the
two poles, properly pack them to prevent short circuits, properly tie the luggage straps,
and remind the luggage handlers to place, load and unload vertically upwards. Handover
with baggage loading and unloading personnel, and loading and unloading after the
patient's auxiliary equipment is required.
(6) The airport ground supplier shall notify sick and disabled passengers with boarding
conditions to empty their carry-on excrement bags before going through the security
(7) Assist passengers to pass inspections through special security passages for special
(8) When boarding a flight, arrange for sick passengers to board in advance to help
passengers carry their personal belongings and hand luggage. Assist in arranging
passengers to sit on the plane and place their carry-on items, hand luggage and their own
service aids.
(9) Departure station service guides, check-in personnel, and boarding gate service
personnel all have the responsibility and obligation to judge whether the passenger meets
the flight requirements according to the transportation conditions of the sick passenger
when encountering sick passengers. If the conditions of HNA’s carriage are not met, it
shall be dealt with in accordance with the “conditions not suitable for transportation”. Service Procedure for Service without Advance Application
(1) The ground service staffs (guidance, check-in, boarding gate control and special service
staff) shall actively ask the diseased passengers or passengers that are suspected to be
diseased in the terminal building whether they need any help.
(2) Keep cautious, modest, and respectful, and avoid conflict with passengers.
(3) Ask questions about conditions of the diseased passengers.
(4) Contact the medical personnel of the airport emergency center to help to confirm the
condition of the passenger.
(5) Decide whether the condition is within the scope of unsuitable transportation according
to the diagnosis results.
(6) If it is not suitable to transport, suggest to arrange another flight for the passenger or ask
the passenger to provide certificate of medical diagnosis.
(7) In the case where it is consistent with the transportation conditions, try to help the
passengers to take the flight on the premise of no delay of the flight.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Service at the Stopover Airport
(1) After receiving the patient and passenger information from the previous terminal at the
stop, notify the relevant departments (pick-up guide, shuttle bus unit, airport emergency
center doctor, etc.), and prepare emergency vehicles and platform vehicles in accordance
with the information security requirements, Lifts and other auxiliary equipment.
(2) After the plane arrives, according to the captain's instructions, arrange to rest on the plane
or arrange the passengers to rest in the terminal building. For the sick passengers who
are arranged to rest in the terminal building, the ground personnel give special attention
and care. If the patient and passengers on board have been notified of the emergency
situation in advance, the ground service unit shall establish emergency handling
procedures to provide timely rescue and treatment for the patient passengers, and report
the handling situation and results to HNA. Service at the Destination Airport
(1) The ground service dispatching department of the destination airport shall make records
according to the information of the diseased passengers, and notify the relevant
departments (pickup guidance unit and shuttle bus unit, doctors), and prepare
ambulances, platform cars, lifters and other auxiliary equipment according to the service
requirements, and contact with the passengers’pickup persons to make necessary service
(2) The ground service pickup guidance staff shall prepare in advance.
(3) After the aircraft arrives, the ground service staff shall do the handover with the purser
and sign the Special Passenger Service Need List.
(4) Help the passengers disembark, and carry the belongings and other service auxiliary
equipment of the diseased passengers.
(5) If the diseased passenger has already requested to pick up the consigned service auxiliary
equipment like wheelchair at the boarding gate, the ground service staff shall timely
notify the baggage loading and unloading staff to take the wheelchair to the cabin gate
of the aircraft.
(6) If the diseased passenger has consigned baggage, help the passenger go to the Baggage
Claim and claim the consigned baggage.
(7) If the passenger needs to transfer to another flight, ask the passenger’s flight number and
time and help to check whether the baggage is transferred timely. If the passenger needs
to claim and handle the consignment again, the ground service staff shall guide and help
the passenger to claim the consigned baggage. If the passenger transfers to another flight
of Hainan Airlines, help the passenger handle the check-in procedures and arrange the
passenger to wait and get on board. Hand over properly with the flight attendant and
notify the next airport after the flight departs.
(8) In case of critical condition of the diseased passengers, and the captain has notified the
destination airport in advance, execute as the procedure rules above.
(9) Escort the diseased passengers until the pickup persons pick up them, and hand over
properly. Passengers with infectious diseases
1) Definition of infectious disease
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Ground Operation Manual 3
Infectious Diseases (Infectious Diseases) are a type of disease caused by various
pathogens that can spread from person to person, animal to animal, or person to animal.
Currently, China’s legally reported infectious diseases are divided into three categories:
A, B, and C, with a total of 40 types. In addition, it also includes other infectious diseases
that the National Health and Family Planning Commission has decided to include in the
management of Class B and Class C infectious diseases and other infectious diseases for
which emergency monitoring reports are carried out in accordance with Class A
management. For detailed classification of infectious diseases, see
2) Transportation conditions for passengers with infectious diseases
(1) For passengers suffering from infectious diseases, if the infectious diseases pose a direct
threat to the health or safety of other passengers and the infection cannot be controlled
by effective measures, Hainan Airlines has the right to refuse transportation.
Note: A direct threat refers to a serious threat to the health or safety of others, and the
danger cannot be eliminated by modifying policies, practices or procedures or by
providing auxiliary equipment or services. Passengers can be denied boarding on the
grounds of infectious diseases only when the passenger’s situation poses a direct threat.
When judging whether an infectious disease or infection constitutes a direct threat, it is
necessary to find out the following conditions:
A. The nature, duration and severity of the danger: the condition must be capable of causing
serious health consequences.
B. Situations that threaten the health and safety of others may actually occur.
C. The disease must be contagious through daily contact during the voyage and can cause
serious health effects. If the disease is easy to spread but does not cause serious health
effects, or may cause serious health effects but is not easily transmitted through daily
contact while sailing, it does not pose a direct threat.
(2) If the passenger’s infectious disease or infection will not spread to other people under the
current circumstances, or if restrictions or preventive measures have been taken to
prevent the spread of the disease, a "medical diagnosis certificate" can be provided to
indicate that the disease has recovered and is not infectious It can only be transported.
For example: SARS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), etc. are easily spread
in the cabin environment and can cause serious consequences, which are direct threats;
such as the common cold, etc., are easily spread in the cabin environment, but not Causes
serious health consequences; AIDS, etc., have very serious health consequences but will
not easily spread in the cabin of the aircraft, and are not a direct threat.
(3) In all aspects of air transportation, if passengers are found to have the following
symptoms, there is reason to suspect that the passengers have infectious diseases,
immediately notify the local airport emergency department to assist in the treatment, and
notify the Hainan Airlines aviation doctor on duty and the ground service department on
duty. Under the guidance of professional medical staff such as airport or company
aviation doctors, assist in follow-up treatment for passengers.
A. Persistent fever with exhaustion;
B. Acute rash or itching with or with fever;

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Ground Operation Manual 3
C. Severe diarrhea accompanied by other symptoms or collapse;
D. Accompanied by high fever, the skin and white eyes are obviously yellow.
(4) During the epidemic of infectious diseases or the outbreak of regional epidemics, ground
service personnel and agents shall implement relevant work related to the ground flight
link of air transportation in accordance with the relevant requirements of the relevant
national transportation departments, health departments/CDCs, etc.
3.7.6 Pregnant Passenger Definition
Pregnant passengers refer to the female pregnant passengers that have not labor during
the flight. Transportation Conditions
1) Pregnant women who are less than 32 weeks pregnant (8 months) are required to provide
relevant certificates that can prove the number of gestational weeks. Except for those
diagnosed by the doctor to be unsuitable for the flight, they are accepted as general
passengers (the transportation of such passengers is not restricted). For services for
unaccompanied pregnant women, please refer to 3.7.3 of this manual.
2) For the healthy pregnant women with pregnancy of over 32 weeks (included), but no
more than 36 weeks (9 months), if they need to take the flight due to special situation,
they shall be accompanied by an adult and fill out the Special Passenger Service Need
List C and hand over the Certificate of Medical Diagnosis for examination within 24
hours before check-in, which is marked with a certain effective date. The content of the
Certificate of Medical Diagnosis shall include the name, age, pregnancy period,
expected date of confinement, air range and date, suitable to take the flight, as well as
matters that need special care during the flight. The code for pregnant women with an
adult is PREG.
3) For pregnant passengers of 32 weeks (inclusive)-36 weeks (exclusive) who have not
made an application 24 hours before the flight departure, the conductor and reservation
staff must inform the passengers to bring a valid ID on the day of the flight (international
and regional flights are required to bring it) Valid travel documents) and the original copy
of the “Special Passenger Service Request Form” that meets the requirements of HNA
and the “Medical Diagnosis Certificate” issued by the hospital. Go to the airport counter
to complete the check-in procedures at least 60 minutes before the flight departure.
Pregnant women within 32 weeks can go directly to the airport for check-in procedures
with valid ID (valid travel documents are required for international and regional flights)
and proof of due date.
4) In the following cases, Hainan Airlines will not accept for transportation
(1) Passengers that have been pregnant for more than 36 weeks (included);
(2) The expected date of confinement is coming but the accurate date is still not sure, and it
is known that it will be a multiple birth or there might be complications of delivery;
(3) Passengers that just have a natural labor within 7 days, difficult labor, or early labor that
are not suitable to take the flight according to the diagnosis by the doctor.
Note: since the aircraft flies at a high altitude, and there is less oxygen at the high altitude
and the air pressure declines, so there are some restrictions for the pregnant passengers
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Ground Operation Manual 3
taking the flight. Although the researches show that it is safe to take a flight at any phase
of pregnancy, to be careful, airline companies usually make transportation regulations
for the pregnant passengers taking the flight. Only the pregnant women that are
consistent with the transportation regulations can be accepted on the flight, without
exception of Hainan Airlines. Service at Departure Airport
1) Check-in for pregnant women at designated counters at the airport. When handling the
check-in procedures, check whether the transportation conditions of the pregnant
passenger is consistent with the regulations by Hainan Airlines.
2) The check-in clerk took the initiative to inquire about passenger seat requirements.
Pregnant women's seats should be arranged in more spacious seats that are convenient
for flight attendants (such as the front row or seats near the toilet), but they should not be
arranged in the emergency exit seats of the aircraft.
3) The check-in clerk checks the service code of the departure system. If the passenger does
not remark the corresponding code or the passenger needs to cancel the service, he/she
will enter/delete the corresponding service code in the departure system. If any problem
is found, make a supplement or modification to ensure the accuracy of the information,
complete. The check-in clerk attaches a "priority baggage" sign to pregnant women’s
checked baggage.
4) If there is any delay of the flight at the airport with special passenger lounges, arrange the
passenger to go to special passenger lounges for rest. At the boarding time, the boarding
gate control staff shall arrange the pregnant passengers to get on board first. If in base
area, the pregnant passengers may get on board through high-end passenger passageway.
5) The baggage handling staff shall place the baggage near the door according to the priority
baggage loading principles.
3.7.7 Child Passenger Definition
Child passengers refer to passengers that are over 2 years old but under 12. Children
unaccompanied by an adult (unaccompanied children) refer to children over 5 (included)
but under 12 that are not accompanied by an adult over 18 with capacity for civil conduct.
If children over 5 (included) but under 12 that are not accompanied by an adult travel
alone, they must apply unaccompanied children service.
Note: The group of children passenger will be reviewed and issued by the marketing
department in accordance with the principle of matching the total number of adults and
children on the flight. For details, please refer to the basic rules for check-in procedures
in 3.2.1.
3.7.8 Infant Passenger Definition
Infant passengers refer to infants between 14 days and 2 years old.
Occupied infants: refers to infants occupying a separate seat; Hainan Airlines identifies
the infants occupying seats as CHD (consistent with child passengers) on domestic
flights; and INS on international flights.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Transportation Conditions
1) An infant shall be accompanied by an adult over 18 with full capacity for civil conduct,
and is not take a seat individually.
2) Hainan Airlines does not accept the transportation of infants of less than 14 days and
premature babies of less than 90 days (Premature babies refer to gestational age from 28
weeks to less than 37 weeks).
Note: since a newborn has weak resistance, incomplete respiratory functions and short
eustachian tube and the nasopharynx is always blocked by mucus, the air pressure
change due to the rise and fall of the aircraft will cause stimulations to the body, and the
newborn is unable to do swallowing acts so as to keep the balance between the internal
and external of the eardrum. Therefore, there are some restrictions for the newborns to
take a flight. The airline company stipulates that such newborns are not allowed to take
a flight.
3) Number of infants carried: each adult can only carry one infant with 10% fare. Excess
infants shall purchase child tickets and take seats individually. Hainan Airlines allow an
adult to carry 2 infants to take a flight.
4) Baggage regulations: 1 piece of baggage for free on the air route of piecework system
(no more than 23 KG, the sum of sizes of the three sides shall be no more than 115
CM/45 inches), and a foldable stroller or baby bassinet. The free allowance on the air
route of weight system is 10 kg, and a foldable stroller or baby bassinet. If the size of the
stroller is no more than 20*40*55 cm and the weight is no more than 5 kg, it is allowed
to be taken in cabin and put in the overhead locker. If the size or weight exceeds the
standard above, it must be consigned for transportation.
5) For the operational control and the service quality for the passengers, each flight
attendant can take care of 5 infants at most, so the number of the transported infants are
Limit of business Limit of economy class
Aircraft model Distribution class
C8Y156 4 16
737-88N ——
Y186/Y179/Y189 20
737-700 C8Y120 4 16
737-8QB C8Y162 4 16
737-8 C8Y168 4 16
330-300E C32Y260 8 25
330-200C C18Y242 6 25
330-200A C36Y178 8 20
330-300 C24Y278 6 25
787-8 C36Y177 8 20

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787-9E C30Y259 6 25
787-9D C30Y260 6 25
787-9H C26W21Y247 6 25
A350-900D C33Y301 8 32
1. The number of infants cannot exceed the number of redundant oxygen masks. The above-mentioned
number of redundant oxygen masks in business class and economy class are for reference only.
Actually, the number of occupants of various control seats needs to be subtracted.
2. Redundancy of oxygen masks in Economy Class does not include emergency exits and occupation
of cabin crew rest areas.
6) For Baby Meal request, please contact Hainan Airlines hotline on 95339 or Hainan
Airlines ticketing branch at no later than -24 hours to STD. Service at Departure Station
1) Handling of the Check-in Procedures
(1) The infants shall be checked in along with the accompanying adults.
(2) When handling the check-in for the infants, check the effective certificates of the date of
birth of the infants, and check whether the age is consistent with transportation
regulations according to the tickets purchased. The infant age shall be counted from the
day of the flight. If the passenger is under the age regulated, but gets to the age during
the flight, no balance of tickets shall be paid.
(3) No seat is provided for the infant passenger with an infant ticket, but if there are available
seats onboard, save a seat next to the passenger carrying an infant (seat not near the
emergency exit).
(4) The seat of the passenger carrying an infant shall be consistent with the regulations for
the infant seats, and is not allowed to be arranged near the emergency exit, but near the
aisle or the front cabin, also it shall not be in the same row with other special passengers.
A. If passengers with infants/children are traveling in economy class, if there is no clear seat
requirement, arrange passenger seats at least 3-4 rows away from business class;
B. If passengers with infants/children purchase business models with C1 and C2 cabins in
business class, if there is no clear seat requirement, the passengers shall be seated in the
second cabin, the seat issuance order is from left to right, from back and front to avoid
mutual interference with other passengers;
C. If passengers with babies/children purchase business class models without subdivision,
if there is no clear seat requirement, the seat issuance order is from left to right, from back
to front, to avoid mutual interference with other passengers.
(5) The check-in staff shall hang a “priority baggage” tag on the stroller consigned by the
(6) Identification of infant passengers occupying seats
A. Infant passengers occupying seats are shown as separate reservation records in the
departure system.
B. The tickets of infant passengers occupying seats for domestic flights, the identification
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Ground Operation Manual 3
mark uses CHD (infant passenger name suffix and reservation record remarks).
C. The tickets of infant passengers occupying seats for international flights, the
identification mark uses INS (infant passenger name suffix).
D. Ground check-in principle: During the check-in process, the ground service staff
encounters infant passengers occupying seats marked with an ID of CHD or INS. Such
passengers need to be allocated a seat next to their accompanying guardians, and the
service method is the same as that for child passengers. When boarding, the ground
service staff shall assist such passengers with priority boarding.
2) Priority Boarding
(1) Give priority to the passengers carrying infants to get on board. Boarding service staff
shall broadcast and look for the passengers carrying infants before the boarding, and
arrange them to get on board in advance of other passengers.
(2) For the passengers carrying stroller at the boarding gate, the boarding service staff shall
help the passengers to handle the consignment of the large baggage at the gate. Operation Procedure for Baby Bassinets
Please refer to special assistant request equipment procedure Distribution of Oxygen Masks and Seating Arrangements of Different Aircraft
Note: the number of the infants shall be less than the number of the redundant oxygen
masks on the aircraft.
1) B737 Aircraft
(1) Seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen masks: 4 redundant masks in each row of
the business class with seat layout of 2+2, 2 redundant masks in each row of the economy
class with seat layout of 3+3, and they are put above the seats on both side of the aisle.
(2) Rules for the seat arrangement: Each specialized seat in a two-seat row in the business
class can cover a passenger carrying an infant, and only one seat in a three-seat row in
the economy class can cover a passenger carrying an infant.
2) A330 Aircraft
(1) Seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen masks
A330-200 Aircraft
Aircraft registration number
Cabin B6116/B6118/B6088/ B5955/B5963 B6519
B6133 (C18Y242)
B6089 /B5979
Row 11: 4-5-4 Row 1: 5-3-5
Row 12: 3-2-3 Row 2: 3-3-3
Row 11: 4-3-4 Row 11: 4-3-4
Row 15: 2-3-2 Row 3: 3-3-3
C Row 12:3-2-3 Row 12: 3-3-3
Row 16: 4-5-4
Row 15:2-3-2 Row 15: 2-2-2
Row 17: 3-2-3
Row 18: 2-3-2
Y Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1

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Row 1: 5-5-5 Row 1: 4-7-4 Row 31: 5-5-5
Row 32-37: 3-5-3 Double row: 3-4-3 Row 32-37:
Row 1: 6-5-6
Row 38: 4-5-4 Singular row: 2-5-2 3-5-3
Double row: 4-4-4
Row 39-47: Row 38: 4-5-4
Singular row: 4-5-4
Double row: 3-4-3 Row 39-47:
Singular row: 2-5-2 3-5-3

Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2

Row 1: 3-5-3 Row 1: 3-5-3 Row 1: 3-5-3 Row 48-57:

Singular row:2-5-2 Singular row: 2-5-2 Singular row: 2-4-2 3-5-3
Double row: 3-4-3 Double row: 3-4-3 Double row: 3-5-3 Row 58-60:
Forth row from the end: Forth row from the Forth row from the end: 3-4-3
3-3-3 end: 3-3-3 3-4-3 Row 61:
Third row from the end: Third row from the Third row from the end: 3-4
2-4-2 end: 2-4-2 2-3-2
Penultimate row:3-3-3 Penultimate row:3-3-3 Penultimate row:3-4-3
Last row:2-4 Last row:2-4 Last row:2-3

2 above each flight attendant seat

Others 2 in each toilet
2 in each of kitchens 2 and 4, and 2 in the bar counter (5 in B5955/B5963/B5979 bar counter)

A330-300 Aircraft
Aircraft registration number
Cabin 300-300E 330-300:

B6520/B6527/B6529/B5905/B5935 300-300E B1020/B1021/

/B5971/B5972/B8015/B8117/B828 B6539/B8016 B1022/B1048/B1096/B303z/B1097/
7/B8118/B5950(C32Y260) B303C/B1098
C Row 11-19 :2-4-2 Row 11-20 :2-4-2 Row 11、12、15-18 :2-4-2
Row 20 :3-4-3

Y1 Y1 Y1
Y Row 31 :4-6-4 Row 31:3-6-3
Row 32-47: Row 31-43 :4-6-4 Row 32-49:
Singular row:3-4-3 Row 44:3-6-3 Singular row:3-4-3
Double row:2-5-2 Row 45-47:3-5-3 Double row:2-5-2
Y2 Y2 Y2

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Row 50:0-6-0
Row 48-60 : Row 48-60:3-5-3 Row 51-62 :

Singular row:2-4-2 Row 61-62:3-4-3 Singular row:3-4-3

Row 63-64:0-4-0
Double row:3-5-3 Double row:2-5-2
Row 61:2-3-2 Row 63、65:3-3-3
Row 62:3-4-3 Row 64:2-4-2
Row 63:0-3-0 Row 66:0-4-0
Row 64:0-4-0 Row 67:0-3-0
There are a total of 2 above the two adjacent flight attendant seats, and 2 above each of the remaining
flight attendant seats
There are 2 in each bathroom, 2 in each of the kitchens No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4
(2) Rules for the seat arrangement
If the number of the infants on the flight is no more than the number of bassinets, arrange
the passengers to the seats set with the spots for bassinets according to the class of the
seats; if the number of the infants is more than the number of bassinets, or there is a group
of passengers carrying infants, arrange the passengers to the seats according to the
distribution of the oxygen masks, but the seats near the emergency exit and the normal
exit shall not be taken.
3) B787-8 Aircraft
(1) 787-8(C36Y177) seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen masks
A. Business class: the seat layout shall be 2+2+2,
B. Economy class: the seating layout shall be 3+3+3 (row 31-48), 2+3+2 (row 49), 2+3+0
(row 50) and 0+3+0 (row 51), and the distribution of the oxygen masks is as follows:
Oxygen Mask distribution
C Cabin Row 11 :5-3-5; Row 12-15 :3-3-3;
Row 16 :5-3-5; Row 17-18 :3-3-3;
Y1 Cabin Row 31 :5-5-5; Row 32-39 :4-4-4;
Y2 Cabin Row 40-48 :4-4-4; Row 49 :3-4-3;
Row 50 :3-4-0;Row 51 :0-4-0
Others 1 each above Jumpseat, 2 each in each lavatory。
(2) The Maximum Number of Bassinets Allowed on the Aircraft
The number of the bassinets and seating arrangement:
Bassinets on 787 aircraft: normality + dynamic mode, 2 for the normality. The position
for installation:
A. 4 for the business class: 1 bassinet in front of each of the four seats of
B. 3 for the economy class: 1 bassinet in front of each of the three seats of
4) B787-9 Aircraft

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(1) C30Y259 seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen mask:
Oxygen mask location in business Extra oxygen masks location in business
Business class configuration
class class

Row11-17:2+2+2 Row 11-17:5+3+5 Row 11-17:3+1+3

Oxygen masks location in economy Extra oxygen masks location in economy

Economy class configuration
class class
Row 31: 3+3+3 Row 31:5+5+5 Row 31:2+2+2
Row 32-44:3+3+3 Row 32-44:4+4+4 Row 32-44:1+1+1
Row 45:3+0+3 Row 45:4+0+4 Row 45:1+0+1
Row 46:3+3+3 Row 46:4+5+4 Row 46:1+2+1
Row 47-58:3+3+3 Row 47-58:4+4+4 Row 47-58:1+1+1
Row 59:2+3+2 Row 59:3+4+3 Row 59:1+1+1
Row 60:0+3+0 Row 60:0+4+0 Row 60:0+1+0
(2) 787-9D (C30Y262) seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen mask:
Oxygen mask location in business Extra oxygen masks location in business
Business class configuration
class class

Row 11:3+3+3 Row 11:2+1+2

Row 11-19: 1+2+1
Row 12-19:2+3+2 Row 12-19:1+1+1
Row 20: 0+2+0
Row 20:0-3-0 Row 20:0-1-0

Oxygen masks location in economy Extra oxygen masks location in economy

Economy class configuration
class class

Row 31:3+3+3 Row 31:5+5+5 Row 31:2+2+2

Row 32-44:3+3+3 Row 32-44:4+4+4 Row 32-44:1+1+1
Row 45:3+0+3 Row 45:4+0+4 Row 45:1+0+1
Row 46:3+3+3 Row 46:4+5+4 Row 46:1+2+1
Row 47-58:3+3+3 Row 47-58:4+4+4 Row 47-58:1+1+1
Row 59:2+3+2 Row 59:3+4+3 Row 59:1+1+1
Row 60-61:0+3+0 Row 60:0+4+0 Row 60-61:0+1+0
(3) 787-9H (C26W21Y247) seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen mask:
Oxygen mask location in business Extra oxygen masks location in business
Business class configuration
class class
Row 11:1+0+1 Row 11:3+0+3 Row 11:2+0+2
Row 12-19:1+2+1 Row 12-19:2+3+2 Row 12-19:1+1+1
Premium economy class Oxygen masks location in premium Extra oxygen masks location in premium
configuration economy class economy class

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Row 31:2+3+2 Row 31:4+5+4 Row 31:2+2+2
Row 32-33:2+3+2 Row 32-33:3+4+3 Row 32-33:1+1+1
Oxygen masks location in economy Extra oxygen masks location in economy
Economy class configuration
class class
Row 34:3+3+3 Row 34:5+5+5 Row 34:2+2+2
Row 35-45:3+3+3 Row 35-45:4+4+4 Row 35-45:1+1+1
Row 46:3+3+0 Row 46:4+4+0 Row 46:1+1+0
Row 47:3+0+0 Row 47:4+0+0 Row 47:1+0+0
Row 48:3+3+3 Row 48:4+5+4 Row 48:1+2+1
Row 49-60:3+3+3 Row 49-60:4+4+4 Row 49-60:1+1+1
Row 61:2+3+2 Row 61:3+4+3 Row 61:1+1+1
Row 62-63:0+3+0 Row 62-63:0+4+0 Row 62-63:0+1+0
According to the oxygen mask distribution, the maximum number of infant allowed onboard is 119: (=126 -4-2-1 = Total
extra oxygen mask number – extra oxygen mask by emergency exit – extra oxygen mask above seats of security officer-
extra oxygen mask above seats of engineer)
According to the capability of cabin crew, the maximum number of infant allowed onboard is 31(Each cabin crew serves
maximum 5 infants as standard), number maximum allowed infants depends on crew figure of the particular aircraft type.
5) A350 Aircraft
(1) A350-900D (C33Y301) seat layout and the distribution of the oxygen mask:
Business class configuration Oxygen mask location in business class Extra oxygen masks location in business class

Row 11:1+2+0 Row 11:2+5+0 Row 11:1+3+0

Row 12, Row 15-20:1+2+1 Row 12, Row 15-20:2+3+2 Row 12, Row 15-20:1+1+1
Row 21:0+2+0 Row 21:0+4+0 Row 21:0-2-0

Oxygen masks location in economy Extra oxygen masks location in economy

Economy class configuration
class class
Row 31:0+0+3 Row 31:0+0+4 Row 31:0+0+1
Row 32:3+3+3 Row 32:4+6+4 Row 32:1+3+1
Row 33-49:3+3+3 Row 33-49:4+4+4 Row 33-49:1+1+1
Row 51:2+3+2 Row 51:2+6+2 Row 51:0+3+0
Row 52-65:3+3+3 Row 52-65:4+4+4 Row 52-65:1+1+1
Row 66:0+3+0 Row 66:0+4+0 Row 66:0+1+0

According to the oxygen mask distribution, the maximum number of infant allowed onboard is 126: (=130 -3-1 = Total
extra oxygen mask number – extra oxygen mask above seats of security officer- extra oxygen mask above seats of engineer)
According to the capability of cabin crew, the maximum number of infant allowed onboard is 40(Each cabin crew serves
maximum 5 infants as standard), number maximum allowed infants depends on crew figure of the particular aircraft type.

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Ground Operation Manual 3
3.7.9 Senior Citizen Passengers Definition
Senior citizen passengers refer to the healthy old people over 70 that take the civil aircraft,
which are classified into independent senior citizen passengers and accompanied senior
citizen passengers. Unaccompanied senior citizen passengers refer to senior citizen
passengers that take the flight independently and need on board and off board guidance
and air service. Service Requirement
1) The ground guidance staff shall walk ahead of the senior citizen passengers on the side
and pay attention to keep pace with the senior citizen passengers.
2) Moderate speech speed during the communication, clear expression, higher voice.
3) Arrange personnel to provide service guidance and health checks for the elderly who do
not use smartphones (for example, during the epidemic period) to provide convenience
for the elderly.
4) Those who have the conditions can set up priority dedicated waiting areas or green
passages for the elderly, and set up guide signs to facilitate the elderly to travel.
3.7.10 Oxygen Inhaling Passengers Definition
Oxygen inhaling passengers refer to passengers who need to use their own breathing
aids during the flight. Hainan Airlines does not provide medical oxygen on board.
Respiratory aid devices generally include portable oxygen machine (POC), continuous
positive airway pressure device (CPAP), ventilator and respirator. Limitation
1) Passenger with respiratory aid devices will not be accepted if they remain in coma.
2) Passenger with respiratory aid devices will not be accepted if they need respiratory aid
devices even on ground.
3) No equipment for storing, generating or distributing oxygen is allowed to board the
aircraft. Requirement on application timeframe and procedure
1) Passenger shall apply to Hainan Airlines at least 48 hours before departure.
2) Passenger departing from domestic stations can apply through following channel:
(1) Ticket office directly subordinate to Hainan Airlines;
(2) 95339.
3) Passenger departing from overseas shall apply to overseas representative office of
Hainan Airlines.
4) It is encouraged to accept passenger’s transportation if they apply at the check-in counter
on condition that the passenger's physical condition, respiratory aid device, battery,
medical diagnostic certificate (no necessary) meet the transport requirements. Requirement on Medical Diagnostic Certificate
1) The medical diagnostic certificate shall have following information: Passenger name, ID
used for the flight, validity, date of issue.
2) The medical diagnostic certificate shall also clearly indicate following: The passenger is
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cognizant of visual and audible warnings of respiratory aids and can take appropriate
action on these warnings without assistance, the passenger needs to use the respiratory
aid during the entire flight/ part of the flight, oxygen concentration required by the
passenger, the operating time of the device own battery and backup battery.
3) The certificate shall be signed by the passenger (or the guardian) or accompanying
personnel respectively.
4) If it is a copy, it shall be marked with words "this copy is consistent with the original" by
the passenger (or the guardian) along with signature of the passenger (or the guardian)
or the accompanying personnel.
Note: Passengers carrying oxygen equipment shall issue a certificate of medical
diagnosis. Other respiratory aid devices are not required. Requirement on accompanying personnel
1) Passenger can travel alone with following conditions are met: Passengers are cognizant
of visual and audible warnings of respiratory assistive devices and can take appropriate
actions on these warnings without assistance. And in the event of an emergency, they can
evacuate from the aircraft by themselves.
2) If the passenger is unable to understand or respond to the safety instructions and
precautions introduced by cabin crew due to mental disorder or audio-visual disorder,
etc., thus unable to evacuate himself / herself in case of emergency, accompanying
personnel is required. Respiratory Aid Device of Passengers
1) Basic requirements:
(1) The device must have the manufacturer's label which states that the device has been
tested and certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), FAA-certified
equipment that lacks the manufacturer's label is also acceptable (Note: Other regulation
of relevant governments involved in the route also applies if there is any).
(2) The equipment shall comply with the weight and size requirements for hand baggage of
Hainan Airlines:
A. Routes of weight system: Weight not exceed 5 kg, dimension not exceed 20*40*55 cm.
B. Routes of piece system: Weight not exceed 10 kg, the sum of length, width and height
no more than 115 cm or 45 inches.
C. It should be placed under the passenger's front seat or in the overhead locker.
(3) The equipment is not included in baggage allowance.
2) Equipment brand and model:
According to FAA certified POS equipment list, allow passengers to carry the following
brands and models of oxygen equipment onboard (Passengers carrying equipment other
than the listed below will not be accepted): Update as of September 29, 2018.
Note: POC brands and models of the latest certified are listed on the below website.
No. Brand and model
(1) AirSep "Focus" manufactured by AirSep
(2) AirSep "Freestyle" manufactured by AirSep

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(3) AirSep "Freestyle 5" manufactured by AirSep
(4) AirSep "Lifestyle" manufactured by AirSep
(5) RS-00400 manufactured by Delphi Medical Systems
(6) Oxus RS-00400 manufactured by Delphi Medical Systems
(7) Healthcare"iGo" manufactured by DeVilbiss
(8) Inogen One manufactured by Inogen
(9) Inogen One G2 manufactured by Inogen
(10) Inogen One G3 manufactured by Inogen
(11) Inova Labs "LifeChoice Activox" manufactured by Inova Labs
(12) International Biophysics "LifeChoice" manufactured by Inova Labs
(13) Invacare SOLO2 manufactured by Invacare
(14) Invacare XPO2/ XPO100 manufactured by Invacare
(15) OxLife "The Independence" manufactured by OxLife Incorporated
(16) Precision Medical EasyPulse manufactured by Precision Medical
(17) Respironics EverGo manufactured by Respironics Inc.
(18) Respironics SimplyGo manufactured by Respironics Inc.
(19) eQuinox (model 4000) manufactured by SeQual Technologies Inc.
(20) Oxywell (model 4000) manufactured by SeQual Technologies Inc.
(21) SeQual Eclipse manufactured by SeQual Technologies Inc.
(22) SeQual SAROS manufactured by SeQual Technologies Inc.
(23) Trooper manufactured by VBOX Inc.

3) Battery requirements:
(1) Under the United States Air Carrier Access Act - ACAA Section 382, Section 133,
oxygen passengers shall carry enough spare batteries into the cabin to support the use of
the equipment, providing power to the oxygen equipment with not less than the projected
maximum flight time × 150%. (Note: The operating instructions of the oxygen generator
provided by the passenger shall indicate the running time of the battery and backup
battery of the equipment, and the passenger shall fully charge the battery according to
the oxygen demand and carry the spare battery required.
(2) The spare battery (including lithium battery or other types battery) used to maintain the
operation of the equipment shall comply with ICAO's transport regulations for lithium
A. Lithium battery: the battery rated energy value should be less than or equal to 160Wh or
battery lithium content should be less than or equal to 8g, each passenger can carry two
onboard, each spare battery should be packaged separately to prevent short circuit and
B. Rechargeable dry battery: the passenger carries the dry battery type spare battery
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according to the oxygen demand, this kind of spare battery needs to use the non-
conductive material to separate, and prevent being wet. Additional Notes
Based on the interpretation of the POC documents by the US Department of
Transportation and the spirit of Care More, Hainan Airlines recommend that staff refer
to the following these principles when handling POC applications.
1) The carrier can legally refuse to transport passengers in the cabin that use POCs that do
not have a production label indicating compliance with RTCA/DO-160 standards or
FAA and foreign POC standards, but Hainan Airlines strongly recommend against this.
There is no danger in using FAA-approved POC in the cabin, whether it has a label, if it
meets the requirements provided by the FAA. The carrier can refuse this part of the
passengers carrying unlabeled POC, but Hainan Airlines encourage the carrier to
transport such passengers.
2) The purpose of the new article 382 to provide medical certificates within 10 days is to
restrict passengers with infectious diseases, not to restrict the need for oxygen. Therefore,
it is recommended that the carrier do not force POC passengers to strictly abide by the
10-day medical certification standard, but it is necessary to evaluate the passenger's
condition and confirm whether there are reasonable reasons to believe that there may be
changes in the passenger's condition that are not conducive to the flight after providing
the medical certificate. Service request
1) Understand the status of the passengers: The ticket staff or the staff of overseas office
shall learn the passengers about their itinerary and health conditions, and check the
medical certificate and other documents produced by the passenger, confirm whether the
passenger application documents are complete and meet the regulations.
2) Confirm the preliminary opinion: Ticket service staff or staff of overseas office shall
submit the passenger information and related paperwork to duty supervisor or general
manager of the overseas office for preliminary examination.
3) Informing the customer service seat: the ticket sales staff or the staff of the overseas office
will fax/scan/photograph the medical diagnosis certificate submitted by the passenger to
the customer service seat, and inform the customer service seat of the respiratory assist
equipment and Whether the qualification of the escort meets the requirements and the
preliminary review opinion of this unit, the customer service desk will give a carrier
opinion (clear whether it is transported) no later than 36 hours before the flight departure.
If the company refuses to transport, the ticket seller or the staff of the overseas office will
explain to the passenger. If the passenger has already issued the ticket, the involuntary
refund procedure will be carried out according to the company's regulations.
4) Fill out the Special Passenger Service Need List: When the oxygen inhaling passenger
is accepted to take the flight, the ticket service staff or the staff of the overseas office shall
provide the passenger with the Special Passenger Service Need List C (in quadruplicate),
remind the passenger to read carefully, understand the risk of transport and the transport
requirements, ask the passenger to complete relevant columns and sign properly for
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Ground Operation Manual 3
5) Issue ticket and remind passengers: Tickets issued for passengers, accompanying
personnel should purchase ticket of the same class. Staff shall remind passenger to bring
all the original documents needed (Medical Diagnostic Certificate and 3 copies of the
Special Passenger Service Need List C) to Hainan Airlines check in counter 2 hours
before check in close time. Service at Departure Station
1) Check in time: Passengers should carry respiratory equipment and the required
documents 2 hours before departure to the check-in counter.
2) Check in counter: Check-in counter of duty manager is available for oxygen inhaling
passengers. In case of peak hours or large area delays and other special circumstances,
check-in unit can adjust accordingly. Branch and station area - check-in services agent
shall notify ground services staff of branch company or station representative once
oxygen inhaling passengers arrived at counter.
3) Document verification: In accordance with the documents required, the check-in
personnel shall check the passenger’s medical diagnosis certificate, the Special
Passenger Service Need List C. Once confirmed the passenger in line with the conditions
of transport, the staff shall collect a copy of the Special Passenger Service Need List C
and retained for a period of 3 months. The third copy shall be handed over to the special
service staff, and the last copy shall be kept by passenger.
4) Confirm the condition of passenger’s health: The check-in staff shall ask the oxygen
inhaling passenger or the accompanying person about the passenger's physical condition.
If the passenger shows that he is in poor health and has obvious discomfort, the staff
should immediately contact the airport medical unit to check whether the passenger is
suitable for taking flight. Once confirmed by airport medical staff that the passenger is
not suitable for taking flight, the passenger shall not be accepted.
5) Check the respiratory aid equipment: The check-in staff shall check the oxygen
equipment and spare batteries with the label and medical diagnosis. If it is found that the
passenger actually carrying respiratory aid equipment and medical diagnosis does not
match or its backup battery does not meet the company transport requirements, the
passenger shall not be accepted. Passenger shall re-prepare the respiratory aid equipment
and change the ticket, the expenses incurred shall be borne by the passenger
6) Check in:
(1) Seat arrangements: The passenger should be seated in aisle or middle seat (No
emergency exit). Accompanying person shall be arranged in the adjacent seat.
Passengers may not be permitted to seat in the aisle seat if they need to use their
respiratory aid equipment during takeoff and landing.
(2) Checked baggage: Checked baggage shall be attached with the "priority baggage " tag,
the number of checked baggage shall be confirmed with passenger.
(3) Confirm code: After checking in for passengers with boarding passes and baggage
check-in, the check-in staff checks the service code in the departure system and confirms
it as "PPOC".
7) Boarding service: During boarding, the gate staff may arrange the oxygen inhaling

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passenger to board in priority after agreed by the passenger. Special service staff shall
handover the Special Passenger Service Need List C to the purser (cabin manager) along
with information such as seat number and accompanying personnel. Captain notification:
Special service staff, check-in staff, gate service personnel or other service personnel
(each service unit shall clear responsibilities and operational procedures with local actual
situation and incorporate into the work manual; for airports without Hainan Airlines unit,
the agents of those airports shall clear the responsibilities and report to the ground service
provider management center for the record) shall handover to the captain. Service at Stopover (Transit) Station
1) Stopover station service
(1) Pay attention to the passenger status: If the flight disembarks at the stopover station,
boarding gate staff shall monitor the status of oxygen inhaling passengers. If the
passengers show obvious discomfort, the staff shall ask the passengers to confirm the
need for medical services.
(2) Assistance for treatment: If the passenger needs medical service, the gate staff shall
immediately inform duty supervisor (Hainan Airlines ground services staff or station
personnel) and the airport command center for assistance in arranging passenger rescue,
notify staff of baggage handling, departure control personnel and weight & balance to
offload the baggage and the passenger.
2) Arrival station service: Arrival station shall take necessary action after acquiring
information from Hainan Airlines intelligent service command system and the departure
station, actively guide passengers and assist passengers to pick up baggage. Public Opinion
1) Departure airport with Hainan Airlines ground service unit
(1) Internal notification: due to the company's inability to transport, when there is a
sharpening of passenger sentiment or a trend of public opinion that is unfavorable to the
company, the ground service unit should immediately notify the on-site 01 duty officer
( or business department manager/supervision business department manager), customer
service unit. Customer service unit immediately informs the head of the Ground Service
Management Department, the duty officer of the Ground Service Management
Department, the flight supervisor, the company's chief watchman, and the Product and
Brand Department.
(2) After receiving the notice from the on-site service unit, the on-site 01 duty officer (or
business department manager/supervision business department manager) shall
immediately go to the site to organize the disposal, including appeasing passengers,
clarifying the reason of the matter and controlling the direction of public opinion.
(3) The Product and Brand Department monitors the disposal throughout the process, and
gives on-site disposal units and personnel a reasonable disposal instruction.
2) Departure airport without Hainan Airlines ground service unit
(1) Report to Hainan Airlines due to the company's inability to transport, when there is a
sharpening of passenger sentiment or a trend of public opinion that is unfavorable to the
company, the check-in agent shall immediately inform customer service unit (or inform
customer service unit through the domestic and overseas supplier management offices).
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(2) Internal notification and issue of disposal instructions: customer service unit shall
immediately report to the head of the Ground Service Management Department, the
duty officer of the Ground Service Management Department, the flight supervisor, the
company's chief watchman, and the Product and Brand Department and then inform the
check-in agent of the company's disposal instruction, and entrust the check-in agent to
implement on-site disposal.
(3) The Product and Brand Department monitors the disposal throughout the process, and
gives a reasonable disposal instruction in time. Customer service unit inform the check-
in agent to implement disposal.
3.7.11 Other Special assistant request Special Meals
1) Definition
Passengers need special meals refer to the passengers that need special food and
beverages due to their religion and other reasons.
2) Application time limit
(1) For domestic flight, passengers shall apply 24 hours in advance.
(2) For international flight, passengers shall apply 48 hours in advance.
3) List of special meals
Name Code Description
Indian vegetarian meal Respect India's eating habits and religious beliefs, use lamb, poultry,
fish, dairy products, spicy food and curry.
Kosher meal Choose meat sources, cook and serve according to Jewish laws and
Religious KSML dietary habits; sources of ingredients equipped on board are
Meal professionally certified.

Muslim meal MOML No alcohol/pork and pork products/ham/bacon.

Jain vegetarian meal

VJML Indian vegetarian prepared according to Jain vegetarianism.

Asian Indian vegetarian Indian-style non-strict vegetarian food, usually spicy and may
meal contain a small amount of dairy products. No meat, seafood and eggs.
Raw vegetarian meal
RVML Raw fruits mixed with raw vegetables.

Vegetarian Absolute vegetarian meal Absolutely strict vegetarian diet; choose high-protein foods, foods
meals VGML rich in iron and foods rich in calcium, and prefer foods grown
Vegetarian Egg Meal Choose high-protein foods, foods rich in iron and foods rich in
calcium, dairy products, eggs, vegan cheese without rennet, etc.
Oriental vegetarian meal VOML Oriental vegetarian food; choose fruits, vegetables, spices.

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It is suitable for passengers suffering from gastrointestinal diseases; it
Light meal BLML adopts the cooking method of mild fire heating, dry burning or

Diabetic meal DBML No sugar; less salt.

There is no gluten in food; it does not contain ingredients such as

Gluten-free meal GFML
wheat and lactose.
No fat, sauce, gravy, fried food; a small amount of sugar flavored
Low-calorie meal LCML
Medical meals Processed foods without natural salt taste and added with sodium (for
Low-salt meal LSML example: baking powder, soda, MSG); no salt is added during the
production process.
No animal fat but polyunsaturated fatty acids are allowed; less fat,
Low-fat meal LFML sauce, gravy, fried food; no butter, cream, full fat cheese; only lean
meat is allowed.

Lactose-free meal NLML No lactose/dairy products.

According to medical needs, the specific ingredients included in the

Special meal SPML
meal should be provided.
Suitable for children 2-5 years old, use soft, easy to chew, easy to
Child meal CHML
distinguish, healthy ingredients.
Suitable for children under two years of age, use fruit puree, vegetable
Child meals Baby meal BBML
puree, meat puree, dessert, etc.

Seafood meal SFML Only fish and seafood are used as ingredients.

According to the local situation, supply pretreated fresh fruits, dried

Fruit meal FPML
fruits without sulfite, etc.
Seafood meal SFML Only fish and seafood are used as ingredients.

4) Ground service
For last minute request at check in, the agent shall inform the passenger the timeframe
for SPML request. But info passenger they would try to request from Catering company.
But no Ground Handling. If request successful, the information and seat number for the
passenger should be passed over to the crew member. Drunken Passenger
1) Definition
Drunken passengers refer to the passengers that drink beyond their capacity and lose
self-control ability, and that bring displeasure to other passengers or cause bad influence
during the flight.
2) Legislation
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As per the Chinese Civil Aviation safety and security act section 25, Fighting,
drunkenness, and provocation are prohibited in the aircraft. At the place where
passengers aboard the plane, airlines have the right to refuse to board drunk passengers
who make trouble after drinking or may affect the life of other passengers on the journey.
During the flight, the captain has the right to order the passenger to disembark at the next
stop when it is found that the passenger is drunk and not suitable for travel or hinders the
travel of other passengers.
3) Handling methods
(1) Hainan Airlines has the right to judge whether a passenger is drunk or not according to
the appearance, speech and behaviors of the passenger, and Hainan Airlines does not
accept the transportation of drunken passengers.
(2) If a passenger is found to be drunk and not suitable to travel or the passenger will obstruct
other passengers on the boarding place, Hainan Airlines can refuse the boarding of the
passenger, after which, the purchased ticket will be refunded according to the regulations
for the voluntary refund.
(3) If the captain considers that the passenger is not suitable for taking flight or the passenger
is taken away by the public security organ because the passenger is drunk or fought on
the plane, the checked baggage must be unloaded. If the captain has doubts about the
safety inspection and aircraft security status, he/she may request an aircraft security
search. Unruly passengers
1) General provisions of transportation
For flight safety considerations, the carrier may refuse to transport or continue to carry
any unruly passengers or passengers whose behaviors or physical manifestations that
they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, in order to prevent violations of any
departure, transit or entry countries/regions. Laws, regulations or orders.
2) Ground support requirements
(1) Before arriving at the check-in counter, passengers should actively observe, pay attention
to, and identify the types of passengers who are mentally abnormal or behaving strangely.
(2) If passengers are found to have unruly behaviors during check-in procedures, in the
lounge or at the boarding gate, they should promptly report to HNA's on-site personnel
and HNA customer service seats (all-entrusted areas), and identify such passengers The
luggage is on standby.
(3) Whether the airline and its authorized unit/authorized person have reason to believe that
someone has done or is about to do something on the aircraft violates the criminal law,
endangers the safety of the aircraft, the personnel or property carried, or endangers the
good order and discipline on the aircraft When the act constitutes a crime, the passenger
has the right to refuse to carry the passenger and can take reasonable measures against
the person, including necessary control measures.
(4) If the passenger is refused transportation, delete the passenger record in the departure
system, unload his luggage from the plane, and make relevant records.
(5) If transportation continues, notify the crew, stop and destination station, and make
relevant records.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Passengers Occupying Extra Seats
1) Definition
Passengers occupying extra seats, also called passengers occupying seats by hand
baggage, refer to the passengers who occupying two or more seats for comport and
putting the hand baggage.
2) Reservations and Purchase of Tickets
Ticket can be purchase in the domestic and overseas ticket offices directly subordinate
to Hainan Airlines, GSA, 95339 and sales agents. They shall make an application when
reserving seats if they need extra seats. After getting approval of Hainan Airlines, they
need to fill in applicable the Special Passenger Service Need (A). Passengers occupying
extra seats shall be marked with “EXST” behind their names. Passengers occupying
extra seats by hand baggage should also make an application during reserving seats and
be marked with “CBBG” behind their names.
3) Check in and ticketing
(1) When going through the check-in procedures, the check-in clerk uses the additional seat-
occupying passenger's instructions to specify a seat with an adjacent empty seat, and the
system will automatically occupy the adjacent empty seat at this position, but only print
a boarding pass, such as boarding The boarding pass does not show the number of all
the seats occupied, the check-in staff shall manually indicate the number of all the seats
occupied by the passenger on the boarding pass and explain it to the passenger.
(2) The passenger's seat should be arranged according to the passenger's own situation. In
the case of special passengers, the regulations concerning the seating arrangements for
special passengers shall be followed.
(3) The free baggage allowance for passengers with additional seats shall be determined
according to the ticket fare class and the number of seats occupied. Confidential Couriers / Diplomatic Courier
1) Reservations and Purchase of Tickets
(1) Confidential couriers or diplomatic couriers shall reserve and purchase tickets in advance.
(2) Seats for confidential couriers or diplomatic couriers shall be reserved as required. They
should apply for the weight standard of baggage reservation in advance if carrying too
many confidential documents.
(3) If the confidential or diplomatic documents need to occupy seats, tickets should be
purchased based on the regulations about passengers occupying extra seats.
2) Boarding Service
(1) Confidential couriers or diplomatic couriers shall be seated based on their request. They
shall be seated behind VIP passengers at discretion.
(2) Confidential couriers or diplomatic couriers are not allowed to sit in the front of seats
occupied by confidential documents or diplomatic pouches.
(3) Confidential Couriers and diplomatic couriers’ transport
A. Confidential couriers or diplomatic couriers should carry confidential documents or
diplomatic pouches with themselves and take good care of them. Confidential
documents or diplomatic pouches can be transported as consigned baggage, but carrier
only undertakes the responsibility for common checked baggage.
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B. The weight of confidential documents or diplomatic pouches should be calculated with
other baggage together carried by the confidential couriers or diplomatic couriers.
According to the regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (2000) No.
27 on the transportation of confidential documents, confidential documents and articles
carried by confidential traffic personnel should be taken care of by themselves, and free
baggage allowances shall be provided in accordance with the corresponding cabin space.
The excess baggage fee is charged at 50%.
C. Confidential documents or diplomatic pouches can be put under their seats and shall be
no more than 10 kilograms. If they are more than 10 kilograms but the confidential
couriers or diplomatic couriers will not pay as occupied seats, they can be transported in
cabin when there are not many passengers. Details for disposal are as follows.
a The total free weight and volume of confidential documents or diplomatic pouches
together with other luggage brought into the cabin by the confidential couriers or
diplomatic couriers are limited to: ①The total weight of the documents and pouches
shouldn’t be more than 40 kilograms and the sum of the three sides of pouch shouldn’t
be more than 150cm in business class of A330 aircraft. ②The total weight of the
documents and pouches shouldn’t be more than 30 kilograms and the sum of the three
sides of pouches shouldn’t be more than 130cm in other classes and or in other aircraft
b While meeting the above conditions, the confidential documents or diplomatic letter
bags must be placed next to the seat of the confidential traffic officer or diplomatic
courier passenger, and shall not interfere with other passengers. Otherwise, they shall be
treated as separate seats.
D. For document require extra seat in the cabin, passenger shall arrange request during
reservation. And comply with the following rule:
a The fare of the necessary documents or diplomatic pockets occupied by the plane will
be sold according to the current fare. There is no free baggage allowance for confidential
documents or diplomatic pouch-occupied tickets.
b Confidential traffic officers or diplomatic couriers shall take care of the necessary
documents or diplomatic bags that are brought into the passenger cabin by themselves.
The total weight of the confidential documents or diplomatic letter bags placed on each
seat shall not exceed 72 kg for domestic flights, and 75 kg for international flights or
domestic segments of international flights. The total volume shall not exceed 40 cm ×
60 cm × 100 cm. The packaging shall be appropriate. When check-in, the confidential
documents or diplomatic bags they carry should be reviewed and confirmed to ensure
that their dimensions, weights, etc. meet the transportation requirements of HNA. Escort Transportation of Criminal Suspects
As according to the People Republic of China Civil Aviation Safety and Security Act
and CAAC document (2012) 26 in regards to the procedure of Escort Transportation of
Criminal Suspects. The following requirement and procedure must be followed.
1) Transportation Conditions
(1) If the police authority escorts a criminal suspect on a civilian flight, it shall fill in the
"Approval Form for Escort of a Criminal Suspect to Take a Civil Flight Aircraft", which
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shall be approved by the public security agency at or above the city level (including the
public security agency at the prefecture and city level) or the province or autonomous
region to which the escorting unit belongs , After approval by the relevant business unit
(bureau) of the public security department (bureau) of the municipality directly under the
Central Government, go to the airport public security agency of the departure place of
the flight to go through escort procedures and perform escort tasks;
(2) The arrest or escort of A-level wanted criminal suspects by the Ministry of Public
Security on a civilian flight must be approved by the Public Security Bureau of the Civil
Aviation Administration;
(3) Implement the principle of “whoever approves and who is responsible for escorting
criminal suspects; whoever escorts and who is responsible”
(4) The escort personnel shall notify the public security of the departure airport of the escort
plan at least 24 hours before the scheduled flight departure.
2) Procedure in Airport Police / Public security authority
(1) The airport public security is responsible for reviewing the letter of introduction of the
escorting unit, the Police ID and the "Approval Form for Escorting Criminal Suspects
on Civil Airplanes" and keeping copies, and issuing "Notice of Assisting in Escorting
Criminal Suspects on Civil Airplanes" for eligible escort tasks And notify the relevant
departments of the airport and the aviation security department, operation control
department and other relevant departments of our company in advance;
(2) If the criminal suspect does not have a valid flight identification document, the airport
public security may apply for a temporary flight identification certificate for the criminal
suspect based on the certificate provided by the escorting unit.
3) Escort transportation requirement
(1) Before performing the escort task, the public security agency must obtain the consent of
the public security agency at the airport where the flight originates and go through the
escort procedures: issue a letter of introduction of the unit, the work certificate of the
escort personnel, and legal documents, and notify the relevant case and the suspects
being escorted. In case of the situation, fill in the corresponding escort suspect’s flight
approval form and complete the escort procedures, the public security organ of the
airport of departure must notify the flight captain;
(2) When going through the security check, the escort personnel should take the initiative to
inform the security check personnel, submit the second copy of the "Notice of Assisting
the Escort of the Criminal Suspect to Take a Civil Airplane", and accept relevant
inspections. When boarding the plane, the escort personnel should take the initiative to
inform the flight crew and submit the third copy of the "Notice of Assisting the Escort of
the Criminal Suspect to Take a Civil Airplane".
(3) The following are the risk control measures for escort, which must be implemented:
A. Escorts are not allowed to carry weapons when taking the flight, and can use handcuffs
and other necessary equipment to restrain the criminal suspect, but the equipment should
not be exposed;
B. The escort suspect shall not be on the same plane as important passengers. Important
passenger refers to:
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a The person in charge at or above the provincial or ministerial level (including deputy
b The person in charge of the army serving as a major general or above;
c Ministers and diplomatic envoys;
d Guests who have been requested to be treated as VIP by units above the central ministries
and commissions, or Chinese embassies and consulates abroad.
(4) Hainan Airlines Aviation Security Department is responsible to review all escort
transportation of criminal suspects. And hold the right to refuse to carry if the procedure
and requirement not fully satisfy.
A. The person being escorted is violent;
B. The escorted object is mentally unstable;
C. Escort criminal suspects must not be on the same plane with important passengers;
D. The ratio of the escorted police force to the criminal suspect does not meet the escort
regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration.
(5) The escort police force (official serving police) should be at least 3 times the criminal
suspect. The total number of criminal suspects escorted on the same aircraft shall not
exceed 3, and the escort of female criminal suspects shall be at least 1 female police.
During the escort process, the criminal suspect is not allowed to act alone to prevent the
criminal suspect from losing control. However, it must not be tied to a seat or other
inanimate objects during take-off and landing;
(6) Where the escort of the criminal suspect needs to cross the station or transfer the flight
on the same day, he can present the People’s Police ID, the "Approval Form for Escorting
the Criminal Suspect to Take a Civil Airplane" and the "Assistance in Escorting the
Criminal Suspect to Take Civil Aviation" issued by the public security organ of the origin
airport. A copy of the "Flight Notice", directly pass the station at the transit airport or
transit escort, and do not go through the escort procedures again;
(7) To escort a criminal suspect into or out of the country on a Chinese civil flight, it shall be
approved by the Public Security Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration of China,
and the airport public security organ shall be responsible for filing and assisting the
escorted personnel in and out of the airport;
(8) When escorting criminal suspects from overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao, and
Taiwan) by plane, they should generally take the flight of their home country (region) or
destination country (region);
(9) Escorts and criminal suspects must board the plane before other passengers aboard the
plane, and leave the plane after the other passengers disembark.
(10) The escorted person should not be a person suspected of violent and terrorist crimes;
(11) Unless the requirements of the regulations are met at the same time, persons who have
been escorted due to judicial or administrative compulsory measures shall not be
(12) After the normal execution of the escort task, the air security personnel must fill in the
electronic duty form as required and feed relevant information to the duty mailbox of the
Aviation Security Department. If during the execution of the escort task, there are
abnormal information such as improper implementation of escort regulations or security

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incidents due to escort, the aviation security officer shall contact the Aviation Security
Department on duty immediately after landing.
4) Internal communication on Secure information
(1) For pre-arranged escort
The Aviation Security Department receives the flight escort plan notified by the airport
public security agency of our company, and reports the information to the Customer
Service On-Duty, the flight captain, the flight attendant, the security officer, and the AOC
seat leader after assessing the availability according to internal regulations; the customer
service role within AOC will notified to the relevant ground units for protection.
(2) For request at the airport
A. If the escort arrives directly at the counter to go through the check-in procedures, the
escort should be prompted to issue the "Notice of Assisting the Escort of the Criminal
Suspect to Take a Civil Airplane".
B. When the escort arrives at the counter with the "Notice of Assisting the Escort of the
Criminal Suspect to Take a Civil Airplane" issued by the airport public security, the
check-in personnel will call or confirm in person with the airport public security. After
receiving the confirmation of the escort information from the airport public security
branch, you should inquire about VIP passenger information of the flight. If VIP
passengers are on the flight, the reception will not be processed on the spot, and the
passenger will be assisted in refunding and resigning and filing with the customer service
role. If the ground personnel know that the escort has changed their booking to our
company for other subsequent flights, they should promptly notify the Customer Service
On-Duty, and the Customer Service On-Duty shall notify the Aviation Security
C. if there are no important passengers on the flight on duty, the ground personnel of the
HNA department stationed unit will immediately call the duty officer of the Aviation
Security Department (email: sdood@hnair.com, 24-hour duty phone: 13379999180),
and ask for instructions on whether to carry it. The duty officer of the Aviation Safety
Department informs the ground personnel of the assessment result and informs the safety
officer on duty. For fully entrusted sites (without HNA-based units on site), the airport
agent will immediately call the Customer Service On-Duty, and the Customer Service
On-Duty will notify the duty officer of the Aviation Security Department to ask for
instructions on whether to carry it. After receiving the escort information notification, the
aviation security officer shall coordinate with the crew on duty and cooperate with the
escort personnel to ensure the work.
Reference words: Aviation Security Department/Customer Service On-Duty, XX flight,
temporary application for escort transportation, XX people escorted XX people, the
airport public security has reviewed and issued the "Notice of Assistance in Escorting
Criminal Suspects on Civil Airplanes", please confirm whether it is accepted.
Note: The resident units of the HNA department include the Hainan Aviation Base
branch and its own terminal area, and the resident personnel area of aviation group
member airlines.
D. All local airports must promptly notify the airport security department of the escort

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information according to the requirements of the local airport.
5) Ground Handling Procedure
(1) ID verification, as per airlines and airport security notification, ground agent must inspect
escort and the suspect’s valid document for travel. As well as the "Notice of Assistance
in Escorting Criminal Suspects on Civil Airplanes".
(2) The seats of the escorted persons should be located between the escorted persons and
arranged in the rear of the cabin (in principle, the last row, if affected by special reasons
such as the epidemic, it can be adjusted according to the actual situation), and must not
be close to aisles, emergency exits, etc. Same flight with VIP passenger is NOT ALLOW.
(3) Boarding reminder
After the check-in procedures are completed, the ground personnel remind the escorts to
arrive at the boarding gate 10 minutes before the start of boarding of the flight. If other
passengers on the flight start boarding, they will not be able to travel.
(4) Information communication
When check-in complete, please inform the relevant unit as per the local requirement.
(5) Passenger boarding
Criminal suspects and their escorts should arrange to board the plane before other
passengers and disembark after other passengers disembark. When criminal suspects
and escorts board the plane, the ground personnel shall notify the flight attendant of the
escorted passengers and their seat numbers. If escorts and criminal suspects arrive at the
boarding gate after other passengers have started boarding, they will not be allowed to
board the plane; the ground personnel will inform the security officer/crew chief on duty
and assist the passengers to return and change their tickets, and then file with the
Customer Service On-Duty for the record.
(6) Transit and Arrival
A. If the criminal suspect transit the station, according to the captain's opinion, if there are
HNA staff on board, the criminal suspect and his escort shall not be arranged to
B. When the criminal suspect arrives, the criminal suspect and his escort should be arranged
for the final disembarkation.
(7) Abnormal circumstances
A. During the period from the time the escort personnel have checked in to before the flight
interception, if there is a temporary increase of VIP guests, in accordance with the
principle that criminal suspects escorted by the Bureau shall not be on the same plane
with important passengers, ground personnel shall confront escorts and criminal
suspects Carry out the offload, and file with the Customer Service On-Duty within AOC.
B. All ground support units carry out relevant work in accordance with the above
procedures. In case of special circumstances not covered by the above procedures,
ground personnel must immediately report to the HNA stationed unit or Customer
Service On-Duty (depending on the duty of the ground service department-the chief duty
of the company).
6) The flight crew assists in the escort task
(1) After receiving the escort notice, the crew must confirm the seat distribution of the
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escorted criminal suspects and escorts, and strictly implement safety measures;
(2) The escorted personnel should board the plane before other passengers aboard the plane,
and disembark after the other passengers disembark; the escorted personnel's seats
should be located between the escorts and arranged in the rear of the cabin (in principle,
the last row, if due to Special factors such as the epidemic situation can be adjusted
according to actual conditions), and must not be close to aisles, emergency exits, etc., or
be on the same plane with VIP passenger.
(3) The crew members are not allowed to provide metal or sharp tableware and alcoholic
beverages to the escorts and criminal suspects. Food can only be provided to the criminal
suspects with the consent of the escorts.
(4) The flight attendant should know the seat number of the escorted person and report it to
the captain. If the seat arrangement does not meet the above requirements, they should
be exchanged upon request;
(5) If the captain believes that safety cannot be ensured during the transportation of the
criminal suspect, he may refuse to carry it;
(6) The company's aviation security department may dispatch additional aviation security
officers or take other security measures based on actual conditions.
Notice of Boarding Civilian Plane for Criminals under the Escort

Notice of Boarding Civilian Plane for Criminals under

the Escort


Dear Flight Crew of :

There are hereby ____ police officer(s) working in ____

applying for escorting ____ criminal(s) in total including

____ by flight from ____ to ____ on ____. Please assist in

escorting criminals based on escort regulations after

receiving application.

(Remark: carry __ pair(s) of handcuffs.)

Transit airport:

Public Security Subbureau of *** airport

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Date: Weapon carrying onboard
1) Transportation of Guard Objects and Diplomatic Personnel
Except for the guards, no one else can carry weapons to board the aircraft. The guard
shall have the certificate of exemption from the inspection of the gun and their identity
documents and the certificate of the gun. The guard can carry guns and ammunition on
board without inspection and keep them with himself/herself. The bullets shall be
separated with the weapon and carried concealed before boarding.
2) Transportation of Armed Personnel
The company is not allowed to transport armed personnel by flight except for getting
authorization from the government of the People's Republic of China. If armed
personnel are authorized to perform official business by flight, they shall comply with
relevant laws of the People's Republic of China. If on the international flight, armed
personnel can be transported based on special requirements and regulations made by
relevant countries in different segment or can be transported after reaching an agreement.
3) Transportation of Guard
(1) Definition of guard and guard personnel
Guard objects include General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party,
Chairman of the State, Chairman of Standing Committee of NPC, Premier of the State
Council, CPPCC Chairman, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the
Politburo Standing Committee, Vice-President, and foreign heads of state, heads of
government, top leaders of the ruling party, Politburo member and alternate member,
Member of Secretariat of the Central Committee, Vice-Premier of the State Council,
State Councilor, Vice Chairman of Standing Committee of NPC, CPPCC Vice
Chairman, President of Supreme People's Court, President of Supreme People's
Procuratorate, old comrades and other leaders that quit the party and resign from
leadership positions, as well as foreign leaders at the same level of Chinese leaders
mentioned above. Guard personnel refer to who protect guard objects and perform guard
(2) Qualification of bearing arms to board for guard personnel
A. Guard personnel bearing gums shall hold the Letter of Certification (as listed the name
of holder , gun type, gun number, the number of guns and bullets, departure airport and
destination, expiration date) issued by Central Security Bureau of the Communist Party
of China, Security Guard Bureau of Ministry of Public, Guard Bureau of the Central
Military Commission General Office, General Political Security Department, Grand
Military Security Department and the provincial (autonomous regions and
municipalities) Public Security Department (Bureau), gun license and ID card. Agent of
airport is responsible for checking relevant certifications.
B. Guns and bullets should be put separately and carried under cover when guard personnel
take the plane of the company, and do not need to be given to the crew.
(3) When a guard personnel is traveling alone on a civil flight, he/she must be informed that
the weapons must always be kept well before boarding the aircraft. The guns and bullets

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carried must be put separately and cannot be kept in suitcase. And comply with the
relevant requirement.
(4) Pre-advise the personnel all weapon have to be in their control at all time and cannot be
kept in suitcase. And comply with the relevant requirement.
(5) No alcohol beverage will be served.
(6) Foreign guard objects and their accompanied guard personnel should make applications
to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China for approval in advance if they carry guns and
bullets. They should also hold gun license and boarding certification issued by Chinese
provincial and above public security organs. Foreign guard personnel should perform
guard duty accompanied by Chinese guard personnel when taking the company's
domestic civil flight or international civil flight leaving China. Both Chinese guard
personnel and foreign guard personnel should keep guns away from bullets and kept
them under cover. If there isn’t Chinese guard personnel, Guard Bureau of Ministry of
Public Security Department or the General Political Bureau shall inform Civil Aviation
Administration of China about the information of guard duty and relevant arms and
bullets in advance (over 24 hours in advance if on the domestic flight; over 48 hours in
advance if on the international flight). Guns and bullets should be kept separately and
given to the crew to take good care.
(7) The airport security guard department is responsible for checking the eligibility of the
guards to carry weapons, and after confirming the separation of the guns and bullets, fill
in the "Boarding Notice for the Guards with Guns" (the notice must include the number
of guards and the location of the guards), and submit it. The captain of the flight signs for
(8) Note
A. The flight on which the guard object is traveling shall not carry dangerous or prohibited
items such as flammable, explosive, radioactive, corrosive, etc., and shall not escort
criminal suspects.
B. All flights held by HNA, regardless of the form of obtaining the right to operate the
aircraft (dry lease, wet lease), are subject to the aforementioned security personnel flight
C. Firearms and bullets carried by important foreign guests and their guards shall be
checked in their carry-on or stored luggage at the decision of the reception department
and the security department when they leave the country on the company's domestic
civil flight or international civil flight, and the security department Notify the Border
Defense Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and inform the relevant airport border
defense and security checkpoints.
D. When guns and ammunition are transported as checked baggage, their outer packaging
must be an opaque and strong container, which should be affixed with a special label for
identification. At the same time, since the delivery, ground support personnel need to
closely monitor the entire process until the guards are handed over and picked up.
3.7.12 Special Assistant Equipment Handling Onboard Wheelchair
1) Relevant definition: WCHR/WCHC/WCHS please refer to 3.7.1
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2) Service Object and Applicable Routes
(1) Hainan Airlines provides passengers wheelchair service free of charge.
(2) On-board wheelchair can only be used in the cabin. It is suitable for the passengers that
have problems in walking and need to go to bathroom or the cabin gate and back to their
seats by using the on-board wheelchair.
(3) Hainan Airlines provides the on-board wheelchair service on all the international and
domestic flights of B787 and A330 aircrafts.
(4) On-board wheelchair is one of the special passenger services Hainan Airlines provides
for passengers. Passengers who are not within the scope of providing Medical
Diagnostic Certificate cannot be required to provide Medical Diagnostic Certificate
because they need an on-board wheelchair.
(5) Application time and number of on-board wheelchairs are not limited. But if the
passenger is in the range of restricted transportation, the transportation shall be strictly
controlled according to the restricted quantity.
3) Service request
(1) If passengers need to use on-board wheelchair, they need to fill in Special Passenger
Service Need List A or C. Passengers shall fill in Class A if they have long-term
impairment for lower limb and are not able to walk but are healthy. Passengers shall fill
in Class C if they need to provide Certificate of Medical Diagnosis.
(2) Ticket staff shall issue tickets to the passenger and add the WCON code after the
passenger’s name in PNR, and use the SSR format to note special service requirements
(3) Ticketing staff shall pre-arrange seat for passenger, if its not available in the system at
that point, the seat number should be filled on the special request form.
4) Ground Service
(1) Passengers arrive at the check-in counter with the "HNA Special Passenger Service
Demand Form" that has been approved by the ticketing unit to complete the check-in
(2) The check-in personnel check the passenger information content in the departure system,
and at the same time check whether there is cabin wheelchair equipment on the aircraft
type, and go through the check-in procedures for them after confirming that they are
correct. The check-in staff shall arrange the passenger's seat in the aisle of the aircraft
with the armrest of the seat liftable, and require the seat to be close to the barrier-free
restroom or ordinary restroom (if there is no barrier-free restroom on the plane).
Passengers who need cabin wheelchair service cannot be arranged in emergency exit
seats, and the accompanying persons shall be arranged in adjacent seats. See the attached
table for available seats on the plane. When checking in, check the passenger code. If not,
remark the passenger with the "WCON" code in the departure system. If there are other
service requirements, other codes should be remarked at the same time.
(3) In the case of organic changes, such as cabin wheelchair service cannot be provided, the
ground service check-in staff and/or special passenger service staff shall inform
passengers in time and consult passengers to provide follow-up services.
(4) For passengers who temporarily apply for cabin wheelchair services, the ground service
personnel should check the aircraft type, and if equipped on the aircraft type, inform the

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passenger that they can apply to the flight attendant for use during the flight.
(5) Ground service personnel should hand over information on special passenger service
requirements to flight attendants in a timely manner.
5) Accessible Seats and Accessible Lavatory for Passengers on Wheelchair (A330, B787)
Seat with adjustable
(A/C Type) (Configuration) Accessible Lavatory
B787-9E C30Y259
B787-9D C30Y262
By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories
B787-9H C26W21Y247
B787-8E C36Y177 Except for 1st row of the
A330-200A C36Y178 economy sections (Y1 By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories
and Y2) and emergency L61、L62
A330-200C C18Y242
exit seat, all armrest are For (5955/5963/5979 reg L35/L36)
adjustable By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories
A330-300 C24Y279 L61、L62

A330-300E C32Y260 By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories Stretcher
1) Definition
Stretcher passengers (STCR-STRETCHER) refer to the passengers who taking Hainan
Airlines’ flight cannot sit in upright posture on the seat during the whole flight. However,
they can lie down on the stretcher or other equipment during transportation.
2) Transportation Conditions
(1) Only one stretcher passenger can be carried on each route and each segment of Hainan
Airlines in principle. In special circumstances, report to the company's AOC chief
watchman to carry two stretchers on a plane to transport passengers.
(2) If passengers are sick or under other special circumstances, they shall comply with
relevant regulations of Hainan Airlines.
(3) No connecting flight service for stretchers.
(4) Stretchers in shock or coma are not suitable for air transportation.
(5) When there are VVIPs on the flight, stretchers will not be carried (except for Sino-US
(6) Stretchers should make an application 48 hours in advance at least.
(7) Passengers should provide the following three certificates while applying: ① complete
Special Passenger Service Need (C); ② Certificate of Medical Diagnosis as required
by Hainan Airlines; ③ Transportation Statement of stretchers. Staffs of Hainan Airlines
should notify passengers of transportation risks and then passengers write transportation
statement on a blank paper.
(8) Stretcher passenger transportation needs to meet the conditions of the Hainan Airlines
stretcher passenger transportation aircraft model and the relevant station stretcher
disassembly and assembly capabilities:
A. Consider the safety of air transportation, it is not allowed to use business class seats to
transport stretchers or passengers lie directly on (use) economy class row seats without
using stretcher equipment for transportation in principle.
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B. Stretcher should be arranged in the economy class. Applicable aircraft types and seat
arrangements are specified in attachment.
C. In principle, Hainan Airlines professional medical stretchers shall be used. In the case
where the company stretchers are not dispatched in time or ensuring the punctuality of
flights, the company may consider providing stretchers by passengers.
D. For using stretcher of Hainan Airlines or the one provided by passengers, customer
service unit is entitled to notify ticket office and then ticket office inform passengers after
the company chief watchman and AOC flight supervisor reach an agreement.
E. When different types of aircraft support stretcher transportation, some seats need to be
disassembled and install, and only some stations have the ability to disassemble and
install, this must be considered when transporting stretcher passengers. See the attached
table for specific disassembly and assembly Ground Handling conditions.
3) Transportation Charging Standard
(1) Hainan Airlines provides professional stretchers and does not charge for the use of
stretchers. If passengers use their own stretchers, they will not be charged for the use of
stretchers as well.
(2) Ticket fee for stretchers:
Domestic, International and regional flights: Passengers must purchase 9 tickets (B737),
8 tickets (787-9 aircraft), 7 tickets (787-8 aircraft), 6 tickets (A330), and 9 tickets (A350)
in Y class. HNA announced the sale of fare passenger tickets.
B737 model: If you use Hainan Airlines professional stretcher, you will receive 9
economy-class published ordinary fares, of which 6 economy-class announced ordinary
fares are for the seat occupied by stretchers, and 3 economy-class announced ordinary
fares are for the accompany of stretcher passengers. The personnel are seated. If you use
self-provided stretchers, you will be charged 9 economy class public fare, and the
accompanying person will be sold in the cabin. A350: Stretcher passengers need to
purchase 9 economy class full-price tickets, of which 6 are for stretcher passengers, and
the other 3 are seated by the entourage. The weight of the stretcher required for the
transportation of stretcher passengers will not be included in the free baggage allowance,
and free transportation will be provided. The free baggage allowance for stretcher
passengers is calculated based on the combined calculation of the free baggage
allowance for the number of seats purchased. If the free baggage allowance is exceeded,
it will be charged as normal overweight or overweight baggage If the stretcher passenger
needs to use the equipment of the disabled lift truck, the company and the agency will
carry out the cost calculation, and no passenger payment is required.
(3) If the stretcher passengers need to use the disabled lift equipment, our company and the
agency will calculate the cost, and no passengers need to pay.
(4) If the passenger contacts the airport to use the lift equipment for the disabled, the service
fee shall be paid by the passenger to the airport, and Hainan Airlines will not collect it on
their behalf. (The Hainan Airlines ticket office is responsible for assisting in
understanding the collection of equipment fees at the departure station, stopping station,
and destination airport, and informing passengers to prepare in advance, and the
passengers shall pay the fees to the airport on the day of flight).

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4) Preparation
Stretchers and their families should do preparation as follows. If it’s not fully prepared,
Hainan Airlines has the right to consider it unsuitable for air transportation.
(1) In the case that Hainan Airlines cannot provide a professional stretcher, the ticket office
shall inform passengers to prepare stretchers by themselves. The requirements for
preparing passengers’ own stretcher are as follows: ①The length of the self-provided
stretcher should not exceed 200CM, and the width should not exceed 60CM.②The self-
provided stretcher is a rigid flat plate (can lay a mat on the plate).③The four corners of
the self-provided stretcher must have bolts or rings for binding. ④After receiving the
notice from Hainan Airlines, passengers must prepare in advance and take it to the airport
on the day of flight.
(2) Passengers should contact hospital and arrange for ambulance and necessary equipment
during the flight by themselves. And notify ticket office of Hainan Airlines of details in
(3) Stretchers must be accompanied by at least one medical worker or adult passenger with
full civil capacity. The accompanying person needs to know the physical condition of
the stretcher passengers and be able to deal with any sudden medical problems during
the flight of the stretcher passengers. The specific number and qualification requirements
of accompanying personnel are listed in the accompanying personnel column of the
Special Passenger Service Demand List C.
(4) Stretcher passengers and accompanying staff should prepare pillows, mattresses and
quilts by themselves.
5) Service request
(1) When accepting the application, the marketing department needs to provide the
customer service desk with the three certificates after the initial review: ①Complete
HNA "Special Passenger Service Request Form C"; ②Provide the "Medical Diagnosis
Certificate" that meets the requirements of HNA ③ Application for the declaration of
carriage for stretcher passengers. The Customer Service On-Duty reports to the AOC
head teacher, and the AOC head teacher reports to the chief duty officer of the company
on that day to reply to the Customer Service On-Duty. After receiving the reply that the
Customer Service On-Duty can be carried, the ticket sales prescription accepted can
accept the passenger's ticket purchase.
(2) The passenger or their client submits the flight application at the ticket counter and fills
in the Special Passenger Service Need List C.
(3) If passengers provide complete materials, the handling ticket office should make an
application and confirmation of seats to seat control department of Hainan Airlines.
(4) If the stretcher (STCR) needs to carry other medical equipment, the ticket sales unit must
confirm to the passenger's family the item that requires HNA assistance, and notify the
customer service seat of the relevant content, and reply after the customer service seat
and the project guarantee unit have confirmed.
(5) Domestic tickets: ticket sellers shall remark with STCR behind passenger’ name and
with STCRA behind accompanied personnel’s name.

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(6) International and regional routes: ticket sellers should print tickets based on actual
number used for stretchers.
(7) Regulations of tickets’ refund, alter and endorse: stretchers are not allowed to endorse.
They need to pay personal ticket price if they want to alter or refund the tickets.
(8) Ticket sellers should publish information of the special passengers by Intelligent Service
Command System at least 48 hours prior to the departure time after handling purchase
of tickets. And email staff at the departure and arrival airport, notify customer service
unit by telephone (Tel: 0898-65987106) to confirm that related units have got relevant
information. Areas with no resident units also need to notify the customer service seats
of passenger information via email, and the customer service seats will notify the
relevant information to the local security units.
(9) Information transfer of international and regional flights: Sales of tickets and information
transfer in China are in the same procedure of domestic.
(10) When ticket offices outside China, and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan ticket office
handle the ticket purchase procedures for passengers, ticket sellers should remark special
passenger marks behind passengers’ name and remark special service in the format of
SSR in PNR. At the same time, they also need to notify customer service unit by email
and confirm that receiving unit has got relevant information.
6) Preparation
(1) After receiving the stretcher passenger transportation demand information notified by
the customer service seat, the AOC head manager will evaluate the stretcher
transportation plan, and after evaluating the stretcher transportation plan, consult the
company's chief duty officer for opinions to determine the transportation plan.
(2) If the chief duty officer of the company decides that the transport stretcher passenger is
not suitable for air transportation, AOC head manager inform the customer service seat,
and the customer service seat will notify the ticket sales unit, tell the passenger, explain
the reason, and related follow-up processing procedures. Operate in accordance with the
relevant chapters of special passengers in the "Ground Operation Manual" of HNA.
(3) If the chief duty officer of the company decides that stretchers can be transported, AOC
will immediately issue the "Special Flight Guarantee Order", and each unit will
guarantee it in accordance with the company's "Special Flight Guarantee Order".
7) Service at the Departure Airport
(1) Each relevant department should comply with pre-arranged plan and must report to
flight supervisor of AOC immediately in case of emergency.
(2) Ground service duty supervisor and representatives of Hainan Airlines must be on site
to supervise the service of the flight and negotiate to solve temporary problems on the
stretcher transportation day.
(3) Stretchers and their accompanied personnel must arrive at the airport at least 3 hours in
advance and check in 2 hours prior to the departure.
(4) If ground service staffs find that stretchers are not in compliance with transportation
conditions after stretchers arrive at the airport, they shall ask their families to make
preparation accordingly and notify AOC flight supervisor at the same time.
(5) According to the guarantee instructions, lock the stretcher passenger seat in advance.

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Only one boarding pass can be issued to stretchers. All seat numbers used for stretchers
shall be marked on the boarding pass. The seats occupied by stretcher passengers shall
not be issued to other passengers. Accompanied personnel remarked with “STCRA”
behind of their names should be seated beside stretchers. Their baggage should be
labeled with priority tag to load last and unload first.
(6) Generally, stretchers' families should transfer stretchers to the airport ambulance to reach
the gate position of the aircraft after the hospital ambulance arranged by themselves
arriving the airport. For special circumstances, if the hospital ambulance is needed to
come over the gate position at the parking apron, the service unit for special passengers
must notify police station of the airport as well as the emergency center of the airport in
time. Hospital ambulance can be used to send stretchers to the gate position after security
checking and getting approval of the airport police station.
(7) Check-in staff shall check the service code in the departure system. The code of stretcher
passengers is “STCR”.
(8) Ground service units of the departure airport is responsible for arranging stretchers to
board in advance, and arranging special passenger service staff to provide stretcher
carrying service. It is also responsible for transferring stretcher passengers to the stretcher
of ambulance and/or plane from the ambulance.
(9) Special passenger service staff should deliver the Special Passengers Service Needs List
C to (cabin manager) before departure, and inform (cabin manager) of seat No. and other
remarks about stretchers.
(10) Ground service units should inform stopover airport and destination of information
about stretchers to Ground Handling follow-up service work by phone, email and Sim
system after departure.
8) Service at the Destination Airport
(1) Service unit or relevant staffs at the destination should make preparation in advance and
check service conditions for stretchers of each unit, including stretcher, lift and stretcher-
bearer after receiving relevant information about stretchers by telegram (SPA/STCR),
fax or SIM system.
(2) Ground service duty supervisor and representatives of Hainan Airlines must be on site
to supervise the service of the flight and negotiate to solve temporary problems on the
stretcher transportation day.
(3) Generally, the hospital ambulance arranged by stretchers’ families should wait outside
the airport. Ground service unit should use the airport ambulance to reach the gate
position of the aircraft for the stretchers. After the airport ambulance arrives outside the
airport, transfer the stretchers to the hospital ambulance arranged by themselves. For
special circumstances, if the hospital ambulance is needed to come over the gate position
at the parking apron for picking up the stretchers, the service unit for special passengers
must notify police station of the airport as well as the emergency center of the airport in
time. Hospital ambulance can be used to pick up stretchers to the gate position after
security checking and getting approval of the airport police station.
(4) Ground service unit is responsible for sending stretcher passengers to disembark after all
the other passengers, and at the meantime arranging stretcher service for transferring

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such passengers from plane to ambulance or transferring them from one ambulance to
(5) Ground service unit shall arrange specially-assigned staff to pick up checked baggage of
stretcher passengers and of those accompanied and then deliver the baggage to them.
(6) After servicing the stretcher passengers, if the stretcher is carried by the passengers
themselves, maintenance staff of Grand China Aviation Technik Co. LTD shall
disassemble such stretcher and give it back to passengers’ family members. If the
stretcher is provided by Hainan Airlines, maintenance staff shall disassemble the
stretcher and place it into the case, and recover the seats on the aircraft.
(7) Grand China Aviation Technik Co., LTD is responsible for cleaning stretcher and
returning it back to local Hainan Airlines aviation materials warehouse or nearby
aviation materials warehouse on the same day or the next day. Purchasing Department
is responsible for returning stretcher to its original aviation materials warehouse within
(8) On international return routes, if passengers’ vomit is found on the sheets, it should be
handled by the ground quarantine department. The sterile sheets should not be taken
away from the plane as passenger waste by the cleaning team. Baby Bassinet
1) Applicable and routes
(1) The maximum load capacity of the baby cradle is 11 kg and the height is 72 cm. Infants
who can meet the weight and height restrictions can apply for use.
(2) Only applicable to HNA international flights operated by A330, B787, and B350 wide-
body aircraft.
2) Equipped with infant cradle in HNA cabin
The infant cradle in the cabin of HNA adopts the method of normal equipment and
dynamic equipment. Normally equipped with a certain number of baby cradles on wide-
body aircraft for passengers to use. Dynamic equipment means that some baby cradles
will be stored in the air material warehouse of Beijing and Haikou bases. When the
maintenance control seat of the Hai Technology Maintenance Control Department
receives an application for the number of dynamic equipment, it is responsible for
equipping the baby cradle on the machine and recycling it.
3) Installation location
Aircraft Aircraft Layout of
Installation Position
Type Model Seat
There are 4 installation positions:
2 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of seat 11C/11H/16C/16H
A330-200 330-200B C18Y242
2 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of seat 31A/31H
Business and economy class are common.
There are 9 installation positions:
330-200 330-200A C36Y178
6 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet on the bulkhead in front of

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AC/DG/HK of row 11 respectively; there’s a place reserved for bassinet on the bulkhead
in front of AC/DG/HK of row 16 respectively;
3 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet on the bulkhead in front of
AC/DEFG/HK of row 31 respectively;
Business and economy class are common.
There are 6 installation positions:
2 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet near the seat of 20ADGK
330-300E C32Y260 4 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet on the bulkhead in front of seat
A330-300 31A; a place on the bulkhead in front of seat 31HK; and two places on the bulkhead in
front of seat 31DEFG.
Business and economy class are common.
3 in economy class: there’s 2 places reserved for bassinet on the bulkhead in front of
DEFG of row 31 respectively; and 1 place on the bulkhead in front of seat 50DEFG.
a. 4 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of
11AC/11HK/16AC/16HK respectively;
C36Y177 b. 3 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of
31ABC/31DEG/31HJK respectively;
Business and economy class are common.
a. 2 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

B787-9 C30Y259 b. 4 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

31ABC/31DEG/31HJK/46DEG respectively;
Business and economy class are common.
a. 2 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

B787-9D C30Y262 b. 4 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

31ABC/31DEG/31HJK/46DEG respectively;

Business and economy class are not common.

a. 2 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of
Y247 b. 3 in premium economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat

of 31AC/31DEG/31HK respectively;

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c. 4 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

34ABC/34DEG/34HJK and 48DEG respectively;

Business and economy class are not common. Premium economy class and economy

class are common.

a. 2 in business class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

350-900D C33Y301 b. 4 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of the seat of

31ABC/31DEG/31HJK/51DEG respectively;
Business and economy class are not common.

Maximum number of applications is 2 (only economy class)

350-900E C30Y309 Installation position: 4 in economy class: there’s a place reserved for bassinet in front of

the seat of 31ABC/DEG/HJK and 51DEG.

4) Service request
(1) Application for bassinet must be filed 24 hours before flight’s departure at the ticket
office directly subordinate to Hainan Airlines, Hainan Airlines offices and 95339 service
(2) Passengers need to fill in Special Passenger Service Need (A) when they apply for
bassinet. If there’s no service items of bassinet in the Special Passenger Service Need (A)
issued before, “in need of a bassinet” can be marked in “Other service” of the E column.
5) Ground Service
(1) Passengers holding Hainan Airlines Special Passenger Service Need checked and
approved by business department shall carry their infants to check in at the Check-in
Counter on the flight date.
(2) Check-in unit shall reserve a seat available for installing a bassinet in advance after
receiving the information about application for bassinet from business department, office
or Call Center 95339. For the passenger having been reserved with a bassinet, check-in
staff issues boarding pass to them according to the reserved seat.
(3) During check-in, ground agent should input SSR BSCT into passenger booking, as well
as other request rise by passenger.
(4) If the bassinet is not available due to change of aircraft model, ground service check-in
staff and/or special passenger service staff shall inform passengers timely and consult
passengers to provide follow-up services such as endorse the tickets etc.
(5) Ground service staff shall hand over information about special passenger service need to
flight attendants in time.
(6) Other services can be provided according to existing service procedures of Hainan
Airlines. See details in Hainan Airlines Ground Service Manual.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Child seat
1) Applicable and route
(1) Applicable Target
A. Age: 0-6 (included) years old
B. Weight: 10-25 (included) KG
C. Height: no limit
Remark: (source of data: Operating instructions Child Restraint System)
(2) Applicable Air Route
Only applicable to Hainan Airlines international and regional flights performed by A330
and B787 aircraft model, and this service is not available for Hainan Airlines domestic
flights performed by A330 and B787 aircraft model.
2) Application timeframe
(1) Application for child seat must be filed to international or domestic ticket office of
Hainan Airlines, 95339 service hotline 24 hours before flight’s departure time (Beijing
(2) Ask passengers to fill in Special Passenger Service Need (A) if their application is
accepted, and make sure that the age, weight and height of the child meet the standards
of using a child seat. If there’s no service items of child seat in Special Passenger Service
Need (A) issued before, it can be marked in the E column “Other” with the service need
of “need a child seat”.
(3) Ticket staff may reserve a seat for passengers applying for a cabin child seat in advance
via reservation system and mark the seat number in “Cabin Child Seat” column in
Special Passenger Service Need (A). Consideration on seat arrangement: passengers
carrying children shall not be arranged at the seats of emergency exit or nearby the seats
of emergency exit affecting evacuation of passengers. They shall be arranged at the seats
that are convenient for providing them with services.
3) Ground Service
(1) Passenger holding Hainan Airlines Special Passenger Service Need checked and
approved shall carry their children to check in at the Check-in Counter on the flight date.
(2) For passengers having been reserved with a child seat, check-in staff issues boarding
passes to them according to reserved seats. If there’s no reservation in advance, check-in
staff shall notice that passengers carrying children shall not be arranged at the seat of
emergency exit or nearby the emergency exit affecting evacuation of passenger. They
shall be arranged at the seats that are convenient for providing them with service.
(3) Seat Distribution Requirements of Cabin Child Seat Passenger
Aircraft Seats available Seats not Seats not available for 0-1-year-old

model Business class Economy class available infants



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(4) Staff may get detailed information of the passenger applying for cabin child seat in
departure system of Travel Sky via PR1 instruction.
(5) If the child seat is not available due to the change of aircraft model, ground service check-
in staff and/or special passenger service staff shall inform passengers timely and consult
passengers to provide follow-up services such as endorse the tickets etc.
(6) Ground service unit shall arrange staff to fill in Special Passenger In-flight Service with
service needs of special passengers and then hand it over to flight attendants timely.
(7) Other services can be provided according to existing service procedures of Hainan
Airlines. See details in STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURES of part of
international air routes of Hainan Airlines.
3.7.13 Associated forms Assembling Stretcher for each aircraft
Form 1: Seats Used for Stretcher in Each Aircraft (Seats issued at check-in)

(A/C Type) Configuration Seats used for stretcher

737-86NE(738) Y186
737-88N(73Z) Y179 EF/JKseats in rows1,2and 3fromthebottomof thecabin

737-8QA(73D/73N/7OX/EFL) C8Y156

737-8QB C8Y162
737-8QN C8Y156
737-800(MAX)(7MX) C8Y168

737-86W Y189

787-8E C36Y177 Row 48, BC, Row 49, 50, AC

787-9E C30Y259 Rows 57 and 58 BC, Row 59 AC

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787-9H C26W21Y247 Row 59 and 60, BC, Row 61, AC

330-200C C18Y242
(331) Seat AC in the bottom 1.2.3 row of the cabin

330-300 C24Y279
330/300E C32Y260
330/200A C36Y178

350-900D B1069 B1070

BJ seat in the bottom 1.2.3 row of the cabin Accessible Seats and Accessible Lavatory for Passengers on Wheelchair

Seat with adjustable
(A/C Type) (Configuration) Accessible Lavatory
B787-9E C30Y259
B787-9D C30Y262
By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories
B787-9H C26W21Y247
B787-8E C36Y177 Except for 1st row of the
A330-200A C36Y178 economy sections (Y1 By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories
and Y2) and emergency L61、L62
A330-200C C18Y242
exit seat, all armrest are For (5955/5963/5979 reg L35/L36)
adjustable By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories
A330-300 C24Y279 L61、L62

A330-300E C32Y260 By L3 and R3 door. The inner lavatories

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3.8 Upgrade and Oversold
3.8.1 Definition
Overbooking means that the actual number of seats reserved for a flight is greater than
the maximum number of seats available for the flight.
3.8.2 Domestic Oversold requirement and handling procedure
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail
3.8.3 International Oversold requirement and handling procedure Reference document
[2016] No. 142 on the issuance of the “Hainan Airlines/ Grand China Air Flight
Overbooking Regulations”. Definition
1) Service level: business class, economy class.
2) Change of service level: change between economy class and business class (such as C
class to Y class, B class to R class, etc.).
3) Subsequent flight: refers to the next accepted flight in chronological order for a specified
4) In order to improve the service quality of overbooked flights, passengers can be changed
to flights within three days before and after departure. Scope of Application
Overbooking services for passengers on HNA and Grand China Air (except charter
flights and code-sharing flights on the market side of HNA and Grand China Air). Type of Oversold
1) Active oversold
(1) Revenue reasons for overselling refers to the process of airlines accepting more
reservations than the actual number of seats on the flight, and by reasonably setting the
number of oversold to minimize the loss of seat wastage and the total cost of oversold.
(2) Implementation and decision-making: International Profit Management Office of the
International Business Division of the Marketing Department (Note: To prevent wasted
seat reservations, the international airline administrator acts to amplify the total number
of open seats in advance of flight departure according to the needs of international flight
revenue management For overbooking, the airline administrator determines the number
of seats that can be overbooked according to the flight situation and cleans up the record
of unbooked seats. This behavior may lead to overbooking of the flight, but it is not part
of the active overbooking specified in this document. Dealing with passengers in
accordance with the provisions of this document).
2) Passive oversold
(1) Positioning Crew Oversold
A. Hainan Airlines and Grand China Airline crews positioning result in overbooking of the
flight. Including allocating flight missions in different station and returning to their home
after the missions.
B. Application Department: Flight Department and Ground Service Management

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Department of HNA and Grand China
C. Implementing department: 95339
(2) Positioning Engineer Oversold
A. HNAAviation Technology Co., Ltd. Positioning crew result in overbooking of the flight,
including the outbound flight and the return to the permanent station after the task is
completed Ground.
B. Application department: HNA Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.
C. Implementing department: 95339
(3) VIP request oversold
A. Applicable to over-limit and over-sale of important passengers in business class and
economy class.
B. Application department: the person who applies for the overbooking of important
C. Decision-making approver: the chief duty officer of the company's AOC at the time of
D. Implementing department: 95339
(4) Flight disruption result in overbooked:
A. Overbooking due to abnormal flight of our company.
B. Ground Handling department: Flight Ground Handling Group, Customer Service
Dispatching Center, Marketing Department
(5) Model change oversale: oversold caused by model adjustment; application and
implementation department: operation control room
(6) System failure oversold:
A. If the number of sales is greater than the number of aircraft layouts due to the sales system,
the International Revenue Management Office of the International Business Division of
the Marketing Department is responsible for identifying the cause and coordinating to
avoid the recurrence of such oversales.
B. Security Department: International Revenue Management Office, International
Business Division, Marketing Department Authority and scope of application
1) Revenue management oversold
(1) The international route administrator (or supervisor) is the department that oversells the
items that are oversold due to the aforementioned revenue. International route
administrators are responsible for overselling of the routes under their jurisdiction. Non-
jurisdictional routes and flights may not be oversold without authorization.
(2) Only overselling the economy class and its subclasses. Oversold seats can only be used
for individual passenger sales, not for group passenger sales.
(3) For flights with important passengers, the line manager must clear the unreserved
reservations within the reserved seat period to avoid overselling of flights.
2) Over-sales are Ground Handling for maintenance
95339 oversold aircrew support, maintenance support, and important passengers
exceeding the limit.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Oversold information communication
1) Oversold due to revenue
(1) The TravelSky background host starts to read the reservation data of all flights in the ICS
reservation system for the next day at 20:00 every evening, and compares the MAX item
in the ICS system with the CAP item. When the MAX number is greater than the CAP
number, it is deemed that the flight has pre-overbooking, and the pre-overbooking data
is uploaded to the intelligent service command system (hereinafter referred to as the SIM
(2) The route administrator carefully analyzes the number of GOSHOW, NOSHOW and
actual overbookings, adjusts the pre-overbooked number of flights that need to be
overbooked after 20:00 (excluding) 1 day before departure, and sets the number of
overbooked tickets reasonably to avoid Compensation costs incurred due to actual super.
(3) It is necessary to make overbooking flights after 20:00 one day before the flight departure
(in principle, all flights are required to be overbooked one day in advance before 20:00),
the international route administrator or 95339 staff have completed the pre-booking in
the ICS system After the oversale, the pre-oversale information should be emailed to the
Ground Handling unit of the originating station, or the relevant domestic sales
department and relevant overseas offices should be manually entered into the SIM
(4) The flight actual flight data is collected by the SIM system backend host in the departure
system on the day of flight departure, and the actual flight data is uploaded to the SIM
(5) VIP Passenger information inquiry
A. The route administrator checks whether there are important passenger information for
the flights of the day and the next day in the SIM system every day; check whether there
are important passenger reservations for the flights of the day and the next day in the
reservation terminal.
B. If there are VIP passengers on the above flights, in principle, the overbooking setting of
the flight needs to be cancelled. If the flight must be overbooked, the overbooking
quantity shall be modified according to the limit standard, and the real flight information
shall be maintained in the background of the SIM system.
(6) Because the ground support unit needs to activate the overbooking handling plan 5 hours
before the flight departs, for the flight on the day of departure, the airline administrator
should execute the overbooking instruction 5 hours in advance and maintain the
overbooking information in the SIM system. No overbooking is allowed within 5 hours
of departure.
(7) All ground handling units should understand and collect flight overbooking information
on the SIM system. When inquiring about such oversale information, the ground
handling unit shall actively prepare for on-site Ground Handlings in accordance with the
relevant operating procedures.
2) Oversold due to Crew / Engineer Positioning
(1) HNA Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., the Crew Resource Management Center of the
Flight Department, and the Cabin Management Department's Crew Resource

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Management Office publish information on the maintenance follow-up system
according to scheduling needs; or fill in the "Control Seat Application Form" and fax it
to the Marketing Department 95339 Call Center.
(2) After the 95339-call center received the "No seat overbooking" message, the flight seat
was full, and the overbooking code was formed directly in the ICS terminal (that is, the
OPN item in the ICS system was displayed as a negative number) and the overbooking
Free-form remarks are used in the seat code: OSI HU CHAO SHOU and REN, only the
economy class is oversold.
(3) Through the Hainan Airlines SIM system, enter the "Flight Overbooking Notice" page
in the "Notice", and enter relevant overbooking information according to the page
requirements, including flight number, flight date, starting station, arrival station, and
overbooking the number of people, the reason for the oversale, etc. and submit the
oversold notice.
(4) The process of canceling the overbooking notice is the same as that for issuing the
overbooking notice. 95339 cancels the overbooking reservation code, and at the same
time informs the customer service desk, the business department of the departure port,
and the station through the Hainan Airlines service information system in the form of
(5) The 95339 overbooking notice adopts the form of take-and-take and notice when
overbooking (that is, overbooking is notified at any time, and overbooking is canceled
at any time), so that relevant departments can do a good job in flight protection in time.
(6) Units that receive notices (ie, customer service counters, departure sales offices, stations)
monitor oversale notices at any time through the service information network, and
combine ICS data and received oversold notices to follow the oversale Ground Handling
process Timely Ground Handling for flights.
3) VIP oversold flight quotas
(1) Principle
A. In order to ensure the quality of service, the implementation of business class and
economy class over-limit and over-sale must be rigorous. This process can only be
started when there is a last resort and must be oversold.
B. This process can only be activated when the business class or economy class of the flight
is sold out.
(2) Applicable passenger
A. Business Class
a Leaders of the board of directors of HNA Group and their designated important
passengers who require overselling can overbook the business class of HNA Holdings
shares (Note: the oversold operation order will be subject to the mail instruction issued
by the Department of Business Travel Ground Services Management Department);
b Chairman/Vice Chairman/CEO/Operating President of HNA Travel Group,
Chairman/Vice Chairman/CEO of Aviation Investment Group, Chairman/Vice
Chairman/President of HNA Holdings, Marketing of HNA Holdings The President/Vice
President designates important passengers who require overselling, and can overbook
the business class of HNA Holdings.

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B. Economy Class
a Leaders of the board of directors of HNA Group and their designated important
passengers who require overselling can overbook Economy Class of HNA Holdings
shares (Note: The overselling operator will be subject to the mail instruction issued by
the Department of Business Travel Ground Services Management Department);
b HNA Group Co., Ltd. M7 (inclusive) and above management cadres and their
designated important passengers who require overselling can overbook the economy
class of HNA Holdings shares (Note: The overselling operator will use the mail sent by
the Department of Business Travel Service Management Instructions shall prevail);
c HNA Travel Group Co., Ltd., Aviation Investment Group, HNA Holdings M6 (inclusive)
and above management cadres and their designated important passengers who require
overselling can overbook Economy Class of HNA Holdings.
(3) Handling Process
A. Process of handling oversold flights with controlled seats:
a Manager submits an application to 95339;
b When the flight is sold out, 95339 extracts the flight control code. If the PNR of the
control seat of the business class or economy class is TWO, 95339 can be directly
separated from the code, and the PNR information is modified according to the
requirements of the guest and the business ticket control seat, and then used by the
B. Process for handling oversold in business class without control seats:
a The business class of the flight has been sold out and there is no control seat. In principle,
it cannot be oversold. If it is indeed necessary to oversell the business class, the operator
will ask the company’s AOC chief duty officer on the day of application to explain the
situation and obtain the chief duty. The staff agreed that after 95339 phone verifications
with the duty officer, they can be given for processing.
b In the case of "the company’s AOC chief duty officer on the day of application"
evaluating flights with Ground Handling risks and difficult to make decisions, the chief
duty officer shall consult the president of HNA Holdings, and obtain the consent of the
c 95339 After completing the overbooking reservation, fill out the "Business Class
Overbooking Information Form", send the business class overbooking information to
the abnormal flight processing mailbox bzchbcl@hnair.com of the Marketing
Department, and copy it to the Flight Support Center of the Marketing Department
Manager, abnormal flight service room manager, revenue management center manager
and deputy manager.
d Abnormal flight service starts business class clean-up work and keeps track. If the
business class is still oversold within 5 hours before the flight takes off, the abnormal
flight service room fills out the "Business Class Overbooking Information Form" and
notifies the flight support center manager of the business class overbooking information
by phone, fax or email. , Abnormal flight service room manager, Customer Service On-
Duty, flight departure station check-in, station or service support staff and copy it to the
company’s AOC chief duty officer on the day, and the flight Ground Handling service

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will be performed by the check-in, station or service support staff Ready to work.
e Within 5 hours before take-off of an overbooked flight in business class, regardless of
whether the business class is actually overbooked, the abnormal flight service of the
marketing department must fill out the "Overbooked Business Class Information Form"
to feed back the Ground Handling results of the business class to the "Approval" The
chief salesman of the oversold company AOC provides data support for later decision-
C. Process of handling oversold in economy class without control seat:
a Definition of economy class flight without control seat: The economy class of the flight
has been sold out, that is, in the booking terminal, the OPN item of the flight economy
class of the flight is 0 or negative and there is no control seat on the flight.
b Number of oversold: refers to the number of people who have been oversold in
Economy Class plus the number of people currently applying for overselling.
a) When the number of oversold single-channel models in economy class is less than 5,
and the number of dual-channel models is less than 7, the economy class of the flight has
been sold out and there is no control seat. In principle, it cannot be oversold. , The
manager asks the "AOC chief of the company on the day of application" to explain the
situation and obtain the consent of the chief duty officer. After the 95339 personnel and
the manager confirm, they can handle it.
b) When the number of oversold single-channel models in economy class is greater than 5
(inclusive) and the number of dual-channel models is greater than 7 (inclusive): The
economy class of the flight has been sold out and there is no control seat. In principle, it
cannot be oversold. If it is indeed necessary to oversell Economy Class, the operator will
ask the "AOC Chief Duty Officer of the company on the day of application" to explain
the situation and obtain his approval. After 95339 and the AOC Chief Duty Officer verify
the phone number, they can handle it.
c) Within four hours (inclusive) before the flight departure, there are important passengers,
the last departure of the route on that day, the departure station is not equipped with a
sales department, the date of the Chinese New Year, and the full day of March 15
applications for overselling: After checking that the economy class of the flight has been
sold out and there is no control seat, in principle, it cannot be oversold. If it is indeed
necessary to oversell Economy Class, the operator will ask the company's AOC chief
duty officer on the day of application to explain the situation and obtain the AOC chief's
consent. After 95339 and the chief duty officer's telephone verification and then handle
d) All overselling agreed by the AOC chief duty officer of the company must be remarked
in the PNR (remark format: XXX (manager) has asked the AOC chief leader XXX to
agree to oversold + work number + date), and through Hainan Airlines service In the
information system, go to the' Flight Overbooking Notice' page in the "Notification" and
enter the relevant overbooking information (such as the overbooked quantity and other
information) as required by the page.
(4) Each business unit should keep a record of the processed codes and file it for the record
for later inspection.

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(5) The operator must remind passengers that the flight has been oversold and advise
passengers to go through relevant check-in procedures in advance.
4) Oversold due to flight irregularity
(1) The flight adjustment clerk transmits the overbooking information to the flight protection
group of the customer service dispatch center of the marketing department, and the flight
protection group of the customer service dispatch center implements protection for the
overbooked passengers.
(2) For overbooked flights after 20:00 the day before departure, the flight adjustment clerk
also needs to maintain the SIM system-mixed cabin pre-overbooking plan-mixed cabin
overbooking plan increase-C/Y maximum sales items Enter the overbooking
information of the flight in the.
(3) Information communication
A. Plan adjustments result in overbooking of flights. In addition to entering the SIM system
for overbooking information, the flight adjustment clerk should also notify the customer
service dispatch center flight support team, route administrators and other units in the
form of e-mail, and reply with the received e-mail Show confirmation.
B. Temporary adjustments cause overbooking of flights. The flight adjustment clerk should
notify the customer service dispatch center flight support team, route administrators,
Customer Service On-Duty and other relevant units in the form of e-mail.
5) Oversold due to last minute control seat
6) After the model is adjusted, the information transmission process where the SIM system
layout data is inconsistent with the ICS data
(1) The SIM system starts to collect data at 20:00 the day before departure. The model of
the flight is adjusted after 20:00 the day before departure. The data of the SIM system
will be inconsistent with the ICS system. The flight adjustment clerk will finish the flight
in the ICS system. After the model is adjusted, the latest layout information of the flight
needs to be maintained in the SIM system, and the route administrator It is found that the
data of the SIM system and the ICS system do not match, and the actual flight model
can also be entered in the background of the SIM system.
(2) Path: SIM system-mixed cabin pre-oversale plan maintenance-mixed cabin oversale
plan increase-C/Y available seats.
7) Oversold information communication
(1) After the flight takes off, check-in, depot and other ground support units fill in the
"Oversold Feedback Form", and feedback the flight oversold information to the
international sales manager and general manager of the business department of the
departure station, and the international sales The manager transferred to the International
Revenue Route Administrator to provide data support for the later implementation of
Actual Oversold Information Feedback Form
Flight Flight Flight Number Compensation VIP passengers Remark(oversale
No Flight date overbooking
route number layout of amount on flights reason)

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Form Fill Date:

Form filler:
(2) If the flight departure and still overbooked, the ground support units such as check-in,
stations, etc. must immediately return the oversold information to the international sales
manager or line manager of the sales department by telephone or email, and the line
management The staff adjusted the pre-override settings of the subsequent flights in time
to avoid the accumulation of overbooking.
8) User authority on SIM system oversold method
(1) Permission setting: the SIM system administrator is responsible.
(2) Entry authority for overselling information: international route administrator or 95339
service platform staff.
(3) Access rights for overselling information: on duty AOC/base chief duty officer,
department duty officer, route manager of the revenue center of the marketing
department, 95339 related staff, customer service desk, check-in director and flight
check-in staff, various services Relevant personnel in offices, sales departments, and
(4) Dealing authority for oversold passengers: check-in officer and flight check-in staff, sales
departments, offices and personnel responsible for the station.
(5) Each flight Ground Handling unit must check the flight overbooking information
through the SIM system. If the overseas Ground Handling personnel cannot log in to the
SIM system due to network reasons, they can contact the airline administrator of the
International Revenue Room of the International Business Division to confirm the
number of oversold.
(6) Email confirmation process of airline administrator
A. The international route manager (or supervisor) is responsible for issuing oversold
information to the customer service desk of the ground service management department
and the check-in or station personnel of the flight departure station 24 hours before the
flight takes off. Sales occurring within 24 hours before the flight takes off at any time to
release overselling information to the Customer Service On-Duty of the ground service
management department and the check-in or station personnel of the flight departure
B. The international route administrator (or supervisor) conducts overbooking of flights and
is responsible for issuing overbooking information in accordance with the management
measures for overbooking and overbooking of high-passage flights on international and
regional routes. The route administrator will transfer the overbooked flight statistics table
(remarks "revenue reasons", "important passengers", "aircraft security", "model change",
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Ground Operation Manual 3
etc.) to the relevant command of the ground service management department by mail or
fax. Check-in or station personnel of the Customer Service On-Duty and flight departure
station of the center, and confirm by telephone.
C. Where the overbooking information is published in the form of flight overbooking
statistics, the publisher must sign the name and date. Ground Handling for Oversold Flight
1) Without the procedure of soliciting volunteers, the "order of seat priority guarantee" in shall not be used to determine the passengers who are refused to board. When
collecting volunteers, they shall negotiate with passengers on the conditions for
voluntarily giving up the trip, and make the following records:
(1) Work records of volunteers;
(2) Work records agreed with passengers.
2) Initialize the ground support plan
(1) The overbooking information will be released within 5 hours of the flight departure time,
and the ground support unit will initiate the overbooking handling plan;
(2) After the check-in duty supervisor or station staff receives the flight overbooking forecast,
they should make a handling plan for the expected overbooked flight in advance (at least
3 hours in advance for international flights).
3) Processing plan content
(1) The check-in or station personnel shall draw up the offload passenger list and/or the
upgrade / downgrade passenger list in advance.
A. When business class is overbooked, a list of business class passengers who can be
downgraded or offload shall be listed in accordance with the "general order of
downgrade or reduction of business class passengers".
B. When the economy class is overbooked, passengers will be upgraded according to
Hainan Airlines' current upgrade management regulations, and the list of passengers who
can be upgraded should be filtered.
C. The economy class is overtime. According to the "Order of economy class passengers",
a list of economy class passengers that can be offloaded will be listed.
(2) The possible overbooking compensation preparation and passenger arrangement
measures mainly include the following tasks:
A. Contact the ticket counter at the airport and the relevant airlines to make arrangements
for the seats for the subsequent flights of the overbooked passengers;
B. Reserve funds for abnormal flights.
C. Reasonably adjust the staff according to the on-site situation;
D. On-site explanation work of the duty staff and corresponding handling
E. Process the filling of handover records.
4) Check-in operation
(1) According to the requirements of the pre-processing plan, check in for passengers:
A. Perform the upgrade operations in accordance with the sequence of the upgraded
passenger list established in advance. After the flight is cut off, there are still vacant seats
in the economy class, and the seats of passengers that have been upgraded will not be

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Ground Operation Manual 3
B. Perform the downgrade operation in accordance with the order of the downgraded
passenger list formulated in advance
a Apologize to the passenger in a polite manner, explain the situation, and obtain the
passenger's consent.
b According to the involuntary downgrade, the passenger shall be arranged as far as
possible in the front seat of the economy class or the seat designated by the passenger.
c Assist passengers with the procedures for refunding the difference. The booking
regulations for business class passengers downgrading to economy class shall be
handled in accordance with the ticket management regulations for overbooked
passenger tickets.
d Ground services and free baggage allowance for passengers after downgrading are still
provided in accordance with the standard of the cabin class before downgrading.
C. Finding volunteers and handling methods:
a A after / before or at the same time of the lift cabin operation, the ground service unit can
inform passengers of overbooking information and compensation methods and follow-
up service arrangements for passengers who voluntarily give up their seats by orally
informing or placing notice boards (see below) at the boarding gate and check-in counter。
and negotiate the conditions for giving up the trip with passengers.The staff can provide
passengers with written instructions on the overbooking of this flight (the written
instructions are as follows. and negotiate the conditions for giving up the trip with
Announcement of flight overbooking(The amount of compensation that can finally be
taken on this flight is filled in according to the specified amount below, and the
compensation standard for failure to take this flight is in accordance with the following
Implementation of the regulations.)
旅客朋友们,乘客们好!乘客乘坐的海南航空 月 日 航班出现了超售,如乘客自愿
放弃乘坐本次航班,我们将为乘客安排后续航空公司 航班,其起飞时间为 。
乘客需要等候 小时,作为回报,我们将提供 服务,并提供 元人民币
航班成行,并仍可获得 元人民币(或其他等值货币)的补偿。非常感谢乘客对我们工
Dear passenger:
The flight HU you are taking on DD/MM/YYYY has been overbooked. For each
passenger who voluntarily gives up his/her reservation on this flight, we will offer monetary
compensation up to a maximum of CNY (or equivalent currency) and also offer the
following service(s)complimentary of Hainan Airlines: .
As a substitution for the overbooked flight, we will make arrangements for affected passengers to take
the next flight operated by . The scheduled departure time is , meaning
affected passengers will need to wait for hours. If prior to departure seats become
available on the original flight, passengers who volunteered to give up their booking and reschedule

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Ground Operation Manual 3
for another flight may take the original flight and still receive CNY (or equivalent
currency) as monetary compensation.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Hainan Airlines
b For passengers who voluntarily give up their seat, the duty supervisor or station staff is
responsible for arranging for them: a. Check in for them first or postpone check in; b.
Guide passengers to wait in the designated waiting area (make sure to find them at any
time Passengers); c. Book the seats in advance for the earliest available seats for the
passengers. d. When the flight is cut off, there are still vacant seats, the check-in staff
should immediately notify and assist the volunteers to board the flight on time, and
provide compensation as originally promised; e. If the flight is overtaken at the end, the
volunteers’ boarding seats will be cancelled for other arrangements, see "Treatment of
reduced passengers after actual overtaking."
Note: While the volunteers are waiting, they can be provided with free tea or beverage
services, combined with the environment at the time, and if conditions permit, they can
be arranged to rest in the lounge.
c If there are not enough volunteers on the flight, it should be handled in accordance with
the "general order of downgrading or reduction of passengers on actual flight overtime".
For other arrangements, see "Handling of overload passengers on oversold flight."
5) Handling of passengers who are offload after actual overtaking:
(1) See "Compensation Standards for Overbooked Passengers" for cash compensation
(2) On the basis of providing cash compensation, arrange to take the company's follow-up
flight; hold the company's ticket or a neutral ticket confirmed by 880 to request to change
the passenger, after obtaining the consent of the endorsed carrier, it can be arranged Sign-
off, ground service personnel should operate according to the following procedures:
(3) On the basis of providing cash compensation, Ground Handling to the carrier who has
an endorsement agreement, and after obtaining the consent of each carrier of the
subsequent Ground Handling flight segment, fill in the FIM form to endorse the
(4) On the basis of providing cash compensation, to Ground Handling to the carrier without
an endorsement agreement, the ground service personnel should first change the status
of the e-ticket of the segment to be signed, and the paper ticket should first collect the
flight coupon of the segment to be signed. Repurchase tickets for passengers.
(5) On the basis of providing cash compensation, if the passenger requests a refund, the
check-in or station staff shall issue a free refund certificate signed and affixed with a
business seal or indicate on the ticket "flight is overbooked, the original issuing place or
directly under Hainan Airlines Free refund at the ticket office"; sign and seal. At the same
time, passengers are required to go through the refund procedures within the validity
period of the ticket".
(6) Service standard for overbooked passengers: provide free meals for passengers during
meal time while waiting for subsequent flights; Beverage and accommodation services
shall refer to the service standards of abnormal flights due to HNA reasons .
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(7) The above-mentioned overbooked passengers' changes, endorsements, changes in
itineraries, transfers, the price difference, repurchase fare, beverages, meals,
accommodation expenses, and cash compensation are included in our company's
abnormal flight expenses. General principle on handling oversold passenger
1) When checking in for overbooked flights, passengers should be accepted by checking
the record code and name one by one.
2) When the flight is overbooked, the airport unit should actively seek out passengers who
voluntarily give up the flight, and pre-processing the overbooking; only after there are
no passengers who voluntarily abandon the flight and have taken measures to eliminate
the overbooking state, such as upgrade and downgrade. , Only when the flight is still
overbooked can the passengers be offload according to the “order of offload on oversold
3) When the flight is overbooked, please refer to for the priority order of passenger
4) If the flight is oversold, see for the offload order of business class and economy
class. Ground Support on Oversold Flight
1) Coordination and compensation of overbooked flights shall be handled by the base,
branch ground support unit or domestic sales department station, overseas office station,
operation manager; for cities without our company’s staff, ground service Agency
should handle the above duties.
2) After receiving the flight overbooking forecast from the route administrator (or
supervisor), the airport ground handling unit should create a handling plan for the
expected overbooked flight. The content of the plan includes:
(1) Analysis of overbooking of flights;
(2) Make a list of passengers whose seats should be Ground Handling first, and reserve seats
on the plane when necessary;
(3) If it is necessary to arrange upgrade, create the upgrade list;
(4) If it is necessary to arrange downgrade, create the downgrade list;
(5) If it is necessary to postpone the check-in procedures, select a list of postponed
(6) Compensation arrangements for possible oversales.
3) When the lower class of seats is oversold and the higher class has vacant seats, the
involuntary upgrade can be carried out according to the oversold quantity issued by the
marketing department in accordance with the principle of gradual upgrade during check-
in. Even if the lower cabin is not actually overtaken, the cabin class of the upgraded
passenger will not be changed.
(1) The order of passengers who choose to upgrade their cabin class should follow the
"Alternate Upgrade Priority Order" and "Economy Class Passenger Upgrade Order".
(2) Passengers who choose to upgrade should take into account factors such as the
passenger's identity, cultural quality and other factors. Passengers who may affect the
company's image should not be placed in the business class.
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(3) Free upgrade passengers enjoy business class service. If they cannot be Ground
Handling due to objective reasons (such as meal catering, aircraft supply, etc.),
passengers should be informed of business class services that they cannot enjoy after the
upgrade based on the actual situation.
4) When the seats of the higher cabin class are oversold and there are vacant seats in the
lower cabin class, the passengers of the higher cabin class can be arranged in the seats of
the lower cabin class on the basis of involuntary downgrading with the passenger’s
consent. Only when there is no voluntary downgrade or change of business class
passengers, and after pre-treatment measures have been taken to eliminate the
overbooking status, business class passengers can still be downgraded according to the
order of if the business class is still overbooked.
5) When the number of reserved seats exceeds the number of seats allowed for sale on the
aircraft, the operation process is as follows:
(1) Based on the handling of the upgrade/downgrade, the ground service unit can place a
notice board at the check-in counter to find volunteers. The information on the notice
board includes flight overbooking information and compensation methods for
passengers who voluntarily give up seats and follow-up service arrangements. At the
same time, staff will be arranged at the check-in counter to find volunteers who
voluntarily give up their seats. The staff can provide passengers with written instructions
on the overbooking of this flight, so that passengers can get the information.
(2) Service procedures for voluntary passenger
A. Check in for them first or postpone check in.
B. Guide passengers to wait in the designated waiting area (make sure able to find
passengers at any time).
C. Make reservations for the passenger's seat on the earliest available seat in the future.
D. When the flight is cut off, there are still vacant seats. Volunteers should be notified
immediately to board the plane on time and provide compensation as originally
E. If the actual overbooking occurs at the end of the flight, the volunteer boarding seats will
be cancelled. For other arrangements, see "Handling of Passengers Reduced After
Actual Overbooking".
F. While the volunteers are waiting, they can be provided with free tea or beverage service,
and combined with the environment at the time, they can also be arranged to rest in the
6) When the number of reserved seats exceeds the number of seats allowed for sale on the
aircraft, and no passengers voluntarily give up boarding or the number of passengers
who voluntarily give up boarding is not enough, the following methods shall be applied
according to the situation:
(1) Arrange to take the company's follow-up flight;
(2) Holding the company's ticket or a neutral ticket confirmed by 880 and requesting to
change the passenger, the endorsement can be arranged after obtaining the consent of the
endorsed carrier. The ground service personnel shall operate according to the following

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A. Carriers who have an endorsement agreement are Ground Handling to, with the consent
of all carriers in the subsequent Ground Handling segments, fill out an FIM form to
endorse passengers;
B. For carriers who have no endorsement agreement, the ground service personnel should
first change the status of the e-ticket for the segment to be signed, and the paper ticket
should first collect the flight coupon of the segment to be signed before repurchasing the
ticket for the passenger.
C. For passengers requesting refunds, the check-in or station staff shall issue a free refund
certificate signed and affixed with a business seal or indicate on the ticket "flight
overbooking, free refund at the original issuing place or directly under Hainan Airlines";
chapter. At the same time, passengers are required to go through the refund procedures
within the validity period of the ticket".
D. Service standards for overbooked passengers: refer to the service standards of Hainan
Airlines for abnormal flights, and provide beverages, meals, and accommodation
services in accordance with regulations.
E. The above-mentioned overbooked passengers' changes, endorsements, changes in the
itinerary, the price difference caused by the transfer, repurchase of tickets, beverages,
meals, accommodation costs, cash compensation costs in the ground service
management department standard and training center abnormal flights Included in the
cost. Proof of oversale
(1) Airport ticket counter
When handling overbooking refunds at the airport ticket counter, the airport station,
HNA businesspersons, and on-site security personnel must fill in the refund form: the
flight is overbooked, refund all, and sign. As the basis for financial settlement.
(2) Other areas
A. When a passenger applies for a refund in an area other than the airport ticket counter, the
unit handling the refund shall apply to the business department of the flight departure
B. After verifying the situation, the business department of the departure station will provide
the unit handling the refund with a flight oversale certificate affixed with the official seal
of the business department (it must include the flight date, route, flight number, passenger
name, etc.). As the basis for financial settlement.
(1) Oversold certificate template
Certification of Overbooking

编号NO.: 一式两联 航空公司联 需保存至航班起飞后一年

旅客姓名 票号
Name Of Passenger E-ticket No.

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Valid ID No.

航班日期Date 航班号Flight Number

航班信息 Route 从From 至To

Scheduled Time Of Departure-Actual Time Of Departure

Scheduled Time Of Arrival-Actual Time Of Arrival

航班超售 Flight Overbooking
Certification Type

Note: This document serves only as the certification of overbooking of the passenger’s flight, and shall
not be used for other purposes without approval from Hainan Airlines.


Hainan Airlines Holding Co.,Ltd.

Date: 年 月 日 Compensation for Oversold Passenger

1) After the overbooking is confirmed, the overbooked passenger can receive a one-off
compensation. Compensation is handled by the unit handling overbooked passengers on
2) Compensation method: The compensation method is cash compensation on site (unless
otherwise specified).
3) Carry out overbooking pre-processing, and compensation standards for passengers who
propose to voluntarily give up travel:
(1) For those who finally take this flight, the maximum cash compensation standard is RMB
600 (or other equivalent currency);
(2) Those who fail to take this flight will be compensated in accordance with the cash
compensation standard for passengers who are offload after the flight is oversold.
4) The cash compensation standard for passengers who are offload after the flight is sold
(1) Passengers are arranged to take follow-up or connecting flights and finally travel
A. When the oversale occurs in China, Japan or other countries (excluding EU countries,
Russia and the United States): the maximum cash compensation standard is RMB 1,000
(or other equivalent currencies). If a passenger takes a flight whose estimated arrival time
is delayed by 4 hours from the original flight's estimated arrival time under rescheduling,

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the maximum cash compensation standard is RMB 600 (or other equivalent currency).
B. When the oversale occurs in EU countries: the cash compensation standard is 600 euros
or equivalent currency. If the denied passenger takes a flight whose estimated time of
arrival is 4 hours later than the original flight's estimated time of arrival under the
rescheduled flight, the compensation standard can be halved. (According to the "EU
General Regulations on Compensation and Assistance to Passengers in the Event of
Flight Rejection, Cancellation or Delay")
C. When the oversale occurs in Russia: the highest cash compensation standard is 10,000
rubles or equivalent currency.
D. When the oversale occurs in the United States (the following compensation standards
are based on the United States DOT regulations)
a If the difference between the arrival time of another flight and the planned arrival time
of the original flight is less than 1 hour (inclusive), the airline does not need to
compensate the reduced passenger.
b If the difference between the arrival time of another flight and the planned arrival time
of the original flight is greater than 1 hour and less than or equal to 4 hours, the passenger
shall be compensated for twice the one-way fare of the reduced flight segment, up to a
maximum of US$650.
c c If the interval between the arrival time of another flight and the planned arrival time of
the original flight is greater than 4 hours, the passenger shall be compensated for four
times the one-way fare of the reduced segment, up to a maximum of US$1,300.
d For the tickets normally purchased by passengers, the one-way fare mentioned above is
the one-way fare actually paid by the passenger for the reduced flight segment; for
exemption (exempt for employees, guest tickets, etc., excluding agent award exemption),
such as frequent flyer points redemption The one-way fare mentioned above is the
lowest fare sold in the same service class of the passenger's flight, and it must be paid to
the passenger in cash at the airport. If it is impossible to determine the lowest fare sold
for the same service class on the flight at the time of the overbooking, it can be included
within 24 hours of the denied boarding (if it is Friday or the day before a legal holiday,
the involuntary denied boarding can be delayed until the next day. One working day)
Send a check to passengers by mail or other means.
e If the reduced passenger is signed on to the subsequent flight, if the baggage fee is lower
than the original flight, the passenger shall be refunded the difference; if the baggage fee
is higher than the original flight, the difference shall be borne by HNA, otherwise the
reduced passenger shall be compensated. The maximum one-way fare does not exceed
US$1,300; HNA does not need to be responsible for other additional costs for
subsequent flights, such as meals, seat selection, and in-flight services. If the passenger
has already purchased a certain service on the original flight and the alternative flight
cannot provide this service, HNA shall refund the passenger's purchase of this service.
For passengers who voluntarily give up boarding, they must be informed that they may
pay other additional fees, and the passenger decides whether to voluntarily give up
boarding. The above fees are included in the cost of abnormal flights.
(2) Compensation standards for passengers who fail to travel after the actual overbooking

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of the flight
A. When the overbooking occurs in China, Japan or other countries (excluding EU
countries, Russia and the United States): The maximum cash compensation standard is
RMB 1,000 (or other equivalent currency) to the amount paid by the passenger for the
one-way segment ticket The actual ticket price shall not exceed RMB 3000 (or other
equivalent currency).
B. When the oversale occurs in EU countries: cash compensation of 600 euros or other
equivalent currencies.
C. When the oversell occurs in Russia: the highest cash compensation standard is 20,000
rubles or other currencies.
D. When the overbooking occurs in the United States: If the airline is unable to arrange
alternative transportation, the airline must compensate the passenger for an amount
equivalent to four times the one-way ticket fare, up to a maximum of US$1,300.
(3) If ground agent need to inquire about the fare paid by the passenger to purchase the ticket
for the flight segment, they can directly contact the office of the ticket issuing place to
confirm the original fare payment; or inform 95339 of the ticket information, and 95339
will assist in confirming the original fare paid. In case of unrecognized ticket price of
95339 (such as IT, BT, etc.), the ground agent must communicate with the office of the
ticket issuing place to confirm the original payment.
(4) If connecting passengers are overbooked, Hainan Airlines will only provide cash
compensation for the overbooked segments in accordance with the above regulations.
The subsequent connecting segments can provide passengers with free endorsement,
change, refund, board and lodging services according to the passenger's itinerary.
(5) Other services (such as free ticket changes, free refunds, free boarding and lodging,
ground transportation, etc.) cannot be cancelled because of the provision of financial
compensation for passengers who are reduced after the flight is overbooked.
(6) No cash compensation is provided to passengers holding company employee free tickets
and discount tickets. Other HNA Fortune Wings card holders are free of points,
institutional customers, and agent rewards are exempted (the agent rewards exemption
in the United States is not applicable for oversales occurring in the United States), gold
The compensation standard for passengers with deer card free tickets and guest free
tickets is RMB 600 per person or other equivalent currencies, and other services are
equivalent to ordinary passengers.
(7) Except for the fixed compensation standards stipulated by law in EU countries, the above
cash compensation standards are handled flexibly in other regions not exceeding the
maximum cash compensation standards specified in this document.
(8) Compensation for overbooking of charter flights shall be handled by the charter party. Decision Making on Compensation
1) If the flight overbooking compensation is within the highest cash compensation standard,
the on-duty leader/station master of each base and branch ground service unit shall
exercise the final decision.
2) For compensation exceeding the maximum cash compensation standard, the chief duty
officer of each base or branch or the general manager of the sales department/overseas

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office shall exercise the final decision power and report to the customer service desk. Others
1) All overbooked flight Ground Handlings recorded by the SIM system are used as
historical data for inquiries.
2) The "Open Letter from Hainan Airlines Holding Co., Ltd. and Grand China Airlines Co.,
Ltd. to Passengers Regarding Flight Overbooking" is only for passengers to read. All
procedures for handling and reimbursement involving overbooking of HNA and Grand
China Airlines flights are subject to the manual. International Flight Oversold Attachment
Attachment 1

HNA International Oversold Notification

A/C Sect Go show No show Reaso
Config Booked Checked in Denie ensati
No. or n

Over by

Attachment 2
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese Manual for detail

3.8.4 Standby Upgrade Purpose
To standardize the operation process of standby' upgrade, to ensure the normal and
orderly operation of passenger services. Applicable Scope
This document is applicable to Hainan Airlines/Grand China Airlines' domestic,
international and regional direct flight passenger ground standby upgrade services
(charter flights and code-share flights with Hainan Airlines and Grand China Airlines as
the market, except for areas without Hainan Airlines on-site personnel), each upgrade
The scope of application of cabin types is subject to the specific requirements of each
type. Definition
1) Standby upgrade: When there are vacant seats in the business class, Upgrade eligible
2) Active upgrade: When there are vacant seats in business class and the number of vacant
seats meets certain requirements, after obtaining the passenger's consent, the ground staff
upgrade passenger from economy class to business class for eligible passengers.
3) Passive upgrade: When there are still vacant seats in the business class due to
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overbooking of economy class, balance of loading and other company reasons, and the
number of vacant seats meets certain requirements, after obtaining the passenger's
consent, the passenger is eligible to upgrade from economy class to business class free
of charge. Type of Standby Upgrade and Management
1) Active Upgrade
(1) HNA Group guest
A. Applicable scope
Leaders of the HNA Group Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors,
and guests of the management team; Leaders of the Board of Directors of the HNA
Group and Guests of the Management Team; Guests assigned by the leaders of HNA
Holdings; Guests of HNA Group, HNA Aviation Group, and HNA Holdings.
B. Handling
As per HNA Group Admin-notification-2019-13
a Approval Process
The leader of the board of directors, the chairman of the board of supervisors, and the
group headquarters management team’s guest protection shall be submitted directly to
the group office logistics reception center by the leader secretary or himself, and handled
by the group office logistics reception center; the HNA Group company must email the
president of HNA Airlines for approval to receive guests. Guests of HNA Company
must email the President of HNA Holdings for approval.
b Notification process
The handling personnel notify the upgrade operator by email before the departure date
of the flight to apply for the free upgrade of the guest, and shall not occupy a seat in the
sales system or the departure system in advance; the check-in time for the upgrade shall
not be earlier than 2 hours before the flight departure. hour. In case of special
circumstances where it is not possible to notify by email, the handling staff can notify by
phone first, and then re-send the email to the upgrade Ground Handling unit afterwards.
The content of the email should include information such as the leader who instructed
the upgrade, the name of the upgraded passenger, the passenger's identity, the flight
number, the flight segment, the ticket number, etc., and the upgrade operator should be
contacted to confirm the status of the guest upgrade information reception in a timely
manner after the email is sent.
c Guest Priority level
The upgrade operation unit handles the upgrade business for guests according to the
following priority requirements: Board leader/Supervisory board chairman guest--
Group headquarters management team guest--HNA Group guest board leader/operation
team guest-- assigned by the leader of HNA Holdings -Corporate guests.
(2) Hainan Area VIP
A. Applicable scope
The group office provides a list of passengers for upgrades, and the ground service
management department is responsible for entering the requested passenger’s database,
with a note of "upgrade available".

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B. Applicable route
Only for Domestic route, please refer to Chinese Manual for detail
C. Handling
The upgrade operation unit shall perform ground standby upgrade Ground Handling
according to the "upgrade available" remarks in the passenger library, and arrange the
arrival time at the check-in counter from early too late.
(3) HNA Senior Management Team
A. Applicable Personnel
a Leaders of HNA Group’s board of directors, chairman of the board of supervisors,
management team, and leaders above M5 (inclusive) of the group headquarters; leaders
of the board of directors, management team, and director of the safety management
committee of HNA Aviation Group; aviation and airport division, aviation leasing
division, non-aeronautical asset management Department President, Executive Vice
President, Vice President; Leader of HNA Holding Company.
b Management within the scope of the above-mentioned duties can only enjoy alternate
upgrades when traveling on official business.
B. Handling
a The above-mentioned leadership positions are subject to the appointment documents or
the positions shown in the address book of the HNA Group X platform;
b The upgrade operation unit queries the departure system. If the ticket type is displayed
as FBS, you can directly go through the standby upgrade procedure; if the ticket is of a
non-FBS type, the check-in staff will ask the passenger whether the passenger is
traveling on official business. Waiting for the upgrade requires that the upgrade
procedures be handled, and the “Passenger declares to travel on official business” in the
upgrade account.
(4) Hainan Province Retire government personnel
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail
(5) HNA Group retired senior management
A. Scope of applicable personnel
The group office provides the list of retired executives within the HNA Group, and the
ground service management department is responsible for entering the VIP database.
B. Ground Handling points
Wait for upgrades in the order in which the retired cadres arrive at the counter.
(6) HNA group airlines leaders pay upgrade
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail
(7) HNA group guest pay standby upgrade
A. Scope of applicable personnel
JD/GS/8L/PN/GX/FU/UQ/9H/GT/CN in order to maintain the relationship with the
government, finance, bureau and other related business units, and apply for special
protection during the flight process for important corporate passengers. The scope of
reference is as follows: civil aviation, political department and above, senior financial
professionals, or guests with certain positions.
B. Charge basis

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a Domestic, N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.
b International routes (on-site charges): (Fares for saleable cabins in business class-fares of
economy class tickets held by passengers) * 20% + tax difference;
Example: From Chongqing to Los Angeles, the business class fare is 20,693 yuan, and
the economy class fare is 2,794 yuan. The charge standard for standby upgrade is:
(20693-2794) *0.2+1300=4879.8 (the tax difference includes the fuel price difference
and the airport tax difference, and is affected by the time of reissuing the ticket, and the
system will calculate it when reissuing the ticket).
c In order to facilitate the later settlement, each airline applicant needs to forward the
approval email of the company leader to the company's finance and HNA Holdings
Finance He Yu 2yu-he1@hnair.com, Huang Xiaoling <xiaoling_huang@hnair.com>
for record.
C. Handling
a Domestic, N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.
b N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.
c Standby upgrade on international flights: Before the flight takes off, the guests of all
airlines should present the email approved by the approval leader (the email approval
path: Applicant-->Applicant’s company leader-->Head of Network Revenue
Department, Marketing Department, HNA Holdings Manager-->HNA Holdings
President) (printed copy) go to the ticket counter of HNA Airport to handle the standby
upgrade business. After confirming that the upgraded passenger information is
consistent with the information in the email, the ticket sales staff at the airport counter
will exchange the OI of the economy class ticket held by the passenger to the business
class ticket that can be sold in the system when there are vacant seats in the business class
of the flight. , And according to the airport standby upgrade fee standard, the passenger
will be charged the difference between the upgrade price and the tax difference.
(8) Captain pay standby upgrade
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese Manual for detail.
(9) Senior Management Upgrade
A. Scope of applicable personnel
a Leaders of HNA M5 (including) and above other than the group headquarters; general
managers and office directors of various departments of HNA Group; principal positions
of various departments of HNA Aviation Group; deputy director and above leaders of
HNA Aviation Safety Management Committee; deputy director and above of HNA
Aviation Business Committee Leaders; general managers of all departments of HNA
Holdings (except for deputy departmental departments) and directors of the office of the
board of directors; directors of operating bases and general managers of branches of
HNA Holdings; chairman/general manager of Hainan Tianyu Flight Training Co., Ltd.;
HNA Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. The company's management team.
b Leaders within the scope of the above-mentioned duties can enjoy alternate upgrades
only when traveling on official business.
B. Handling
a The above-mentioned positions of management cadres are subject to the appointment

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documents or address book of the HNA Group X platform. According to the
management level (M) of the management cadres, the Ground Handling is from high to
low; at the same level, the arrival time at the check-in counter is sorted from early to late.
b The upgrade operation unit queries the departure system. If the ticket type is displayed
as FBS, you can directly go through the standby upgrade procedure; if the ticket is not
FBS type, the check-in staff will ask the passenger if the passenger is traveling on official
business. Waiting for the upgrade requires that the upgrade procedures be handled, and
the “Passenger declares to travel on official business” in the upgrade account.
(10) Upgrades for specific types of passengers in a specific period
Refers to waiting for upgrades for certain types of passengers in a certain order according
to the company's requirements. The details are subject to the business documents issued
by the business unit.
For example: Hainan Province’s aid to Hubei medical care upgrade is applicable to the
period from March 30, 2020 to April 12, 2022 (inclusive), HNA Holding’s own
domestic routes out of Hainan Province, including Haikou, Sanya, and Qionghai.
(11) Upgrade of downgraded passengers
A. Scope of application
Refers to the overbooking of business class of the flight due to abnormal reasons of the
company (such as model change, flight cancellation and merger, seat restriction,
customer protection, etc.), and some business class seats have been booked (including
tickets already issued and not actually issued) The passenger was downgraded to
economy class on this flight. If there are still vacant seats in the business class when the
flight is cut off, it is the behavior of the degraded passenger to change to the business
class free of charge.
B. Handling
a One day before the flight takes off, the flight Ground Handling group of the Customer
Service Dispatching Center of the Marketing Department will downgrade some
passengers who have booked business class seats (including tickets issued and not
actually issued) to the economy class (or business class) of this flight. The flight support
team of the Customer Service Dispatching Center of the Marketing Department will
send the information of the downgraded passengers to the mailbox of the upgrade
operation unit by mail.
b After the upgrade operator receives the information of the downgraded passenger, it
checks the passenger information before the flight cut-off time, and confirms that the
ticket of the downgraded passenger is still in economy class (or business class) and there
are vacant seats in the business class Down, Free upgrades for downgraded passengers
shall be handled according to the priority order of upgrades.
(12) Employees approve upgrades
A. Headquarters of HNA Group Headquarters, HNA Aviation Group, HNA Holdings
cadres, employees and HNA technical departments (HNA is only available for
international flights), because of official business applications for waitlist upgrades, the
leaders of HNA Holdings have been approved by the official document approval of the
preferential ticket application.

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B. Long-term personnel stationed in overseas offices of HNA Holdings departments can
wait for business class on the company's international flight between the domestic and
the stationed place due to business or vacation. The official document for preferential
ticket application is submitted to the general manager of each department for approval.
C. If there are still vacant seats in business class when the flight is cut off, the above-
mentioned employees will be changed from economy class to business class free of
D. Employees and family members who use a family visit ticket are Ground Handlingd in
accordance with the rules of the family visit ticket.
2) Passive upgrade
(1) For company reasons such as economy class overbooking and stowage balance, if there
are still vacant seats in business class and the number of vacant seats meets certain
requirements, it is the same for VIPs, Fortune Wings VIP members, and full Y-class fare.
Value passengers, general passengers, etc. are changed from economy class to business
class free of charge.
(2) In order to avoid disturbing business class passengers, it is forbidden to wait for upgrades
for class G group passengers, individual group passengers (passengers with more than 3
(inclusive) and less than 10 people under the same PNR), and passengers with infants or
children (high-value passengers and passengers). The accompanying personnel are not
subject to this restriction).
(3) When the alternate staff arrives on-site for standby, if the ground service personnel have
sufficient operating time, the passengers on the upgrade list can be upgraded from
economy class to business class according to the current upgrade sequence, and the staff
can be waited on to vacant economy class seats. When an employee arrives temporarily
on the spot for waiting, the loading cut-off time is approaching, and the operation time
of the ground service personnel is urgent, and the employee can be directly upgraded to
the business class, and the upgrade operation unit shall make a record for future reference. Standby Upgrade Priority and service standard
Priority Passenge
Upgrade category Passenger category Remark
level r code

cadres and
their List provided by HNA Commercial
A0 A0
Activ spouses in Service

e Hainan

upgra Province
Leaders of the Board of Directors,
de HNA Supervisory Board, and Operation A1 Sort by management cadre
Team of HNA Group; Leaders of the
senior A2 management level (M). The same
A Board of Directors, Supervisors, and
managem Management Team of HNA Aviation A3 level, sorted by the time you arrive at
Group; Chairman, Vice Chairman, and
ent cadres Director of Various Industry Groups; …… the check-in counter.
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Leaders of HNA Holding Company,
upgrade Leaders of the Supervisory Board;
Other M5 within the HNA Group
(Inclusive) the above leaders.
Leaders of the board of directors of Guests assigned by different leaders
HNA Group, chairman of the board of
supervisors and guests of the are sorted according to the
management team; leaders of the
Guests board of directors and management B1 administrative level of the assigned
team of the HNA aviation group;
from guests entrusted by the leaders of the B2 leader; different guests of the same
HNA HNA holding company; guests from B3 leader must be prioritized with the
various departments of the HNA
Group group, HNA aviation group and HNA …… assignee; guests of the same category
holding; guests from other members of
the aviation division; others Industry or assigned leaders shall be
Group/Business Department Guests。
prioritized over prior applications.

Only applicable to outbound

domestic flights in 9 cities including
Haikou, Beijing, Xi'an, Taiyuan,
area VIP
C Hainan area VIP passenger list Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dalian,
Changsha, and Xinjiang, sorted
according to arrival check-in counter

Sort according to the original

Retired HNAexecutives of the original management level (M) of
Group D2
D M6 level and above (SIM system notes management cadres. The same level,
Retired D3
can be upgraded) sorted by the time you arrive at the
Executive ……
check-in counter.
Capital Airlines / Tianjin
Airlines/Lucky Air/ West Air / GX
Air/ Fuzhou Airlines / Urumqi
HNA Applicable to: HU/CN outbound
aviation Airlines / Changan Air / Guilin Air /
group domestic direct flights from HNA
member Grand China Air / Hong Kong
aviation holding base and branch office;
Airlines / Hong Kong ExpressAirlines
E enterprise/ According to the management level
business Chairman, Executive Chairman, Joint
departmen (Co )Chairman, Vice Chairman, (M) of management cadres. At the
t leader
standby President, General Manager, CEO; same level, the time to arrive at the
General Manager of the Food check-in counter.
Division/Hotel Division; Vice
President of French Blue Eagle

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Airlines (HNA Airlines staff); Co-
Chairman of African World Airlines
(HNA Aviation staff); Deer
Jet (Beijing) official chairman, vice
chairman, president

Applicable to: HU/CN outbound

Corporate class guests of Capital
Guests of domestic and international direct
Airlines/Tianjin Airlines/Lucky
EG Air/West Air/GX Air/Fuzhou flights where HNA Holdings bases,
Airlines/Urumqi Airlines/Changan
Air/Guilin Air/Grand China Air. branches and HNA's overseas
stations are located.
1. HU/CN plus crew is limited to the
upgrade of outbound flights of HNA
Haikou, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an,
Taiyuan, Xinjiang, Shenzhen,
Guangzhou, Dalian, Changsha,
Sanya, Chongqing Airport;
2. Other airlines and crews are
limited to upgrades for domestic
direct flights departing from Haikou,
Beijing, Xi'an, Taiyuan, Sanya,
Guangzhou, Shenzhen and
Captain F1
F 3. The flight crew of our airline is
upgrade The captain of the flight crew of F2 superior to other flight crew of
other airlines.
various airlines within the HNA Group
4. The order of captains and crews of
that performs flights and flight training.
the same type (both types of this

airline and other member airlines) is

subject to the order in which they

arrive at the site for formalities.

G payment G Subject to product documentation

HNA Group General Managers and
Office Directors, Policy Research
Upgrade Office Directors; HNA Air Group
General Managers and Office
of Directors; HNA Holdings
H Department General Managers H
managem (except deputy department level) and Sort by arrival time at the check-in
Board Office Directors, Investment
ent cadres counter
Committee Directors, Safety
Committee Executives Director,

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General Managers of various
departments of the Commercial
Committee/Commercial Committee
Office, Executive Deputy Director of
the Aircraft Introduction Center;
Directors of HNA's operating bases,
general managers of each branch,
Chairman/General Manager of
Hainan Tianyu Flight Training Co.,
Ltd., HNA Aviation Technology Co.,
The company's

Due to the abnormal reasons of our

flights (such as aircraft type changes,
Sort according to the order in which
Downgra flight cancellation and merger, etc.), the
I1 the original ticket has been issued →
de business class is oversold, and some
I2 not issued. Passengers of the same
I passengers passengers who have reserved
I3 category will be sorted from morning
and then business class seats (including issued
…… to night according to the time of
upgrade and not actually issued) are
arrival at the check-in counter.
downgraded to this flight in economy

Hainan Applicable flights: HNA Holdings

Provincial Hainan Province self-operated
Aid Hainan Province medical aid workers domestic routes, including Haikou,
MC Medical in Hubei (listed from the Provincial Sanya and Qionghai. Passengers of
Workers Health Commission) the same category will be sorted from
Standby morning to night according to the
Upgrade time of arrival at the check-in counter.

Refers to the official positions of HNA

Group headquarters, HNA Aviation
Sorted according to the
Employee Group, HNA holding cadres,
administrative level of the
approval employees, and various departments of
J J management cadres, the same level is
for HNA Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.
sorted by the time of arrival at the
upgrade (Haiji is limited to international flights),
check-in counter.
who submits preferential ticket official
documents for approval in advance.

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VIP Sorted by the time of arrival at the
K Company VIP K
upgrade check-in counter.

Sort by arrival time at the check-in
L Wings Fortune Wings platinum card L

CIP Sort by arrival time at the check-in

M Company CIP M
upgrade counter

According to the order of VVIP

entourage → VIP entourage → CIP
entourage, VVIP entourage is N1,
Entourage VIP entourage is N2, and CIP
N Entourage of important passengers N2
upgrade entourage is N3. Passengers of the
same category are sorted according to
the time of arrival at the check-in
According to the order of Fortune
upgra Fortune Wings Gold Card
Wings gold card →Fortune Wings
silver card →Golden Deer card,
Fortune Wings Silver Card O Fortune Wings gold card is 01,
O Wings
Fortune Wings silver card is 02, and
Golden Deer card is 03. Members of
Golden Deer Card
the same level are sorted according to
cabin class.

Y class
P Sort by arrival time at the check-in
P fare Y class fare passengers

Note: When passengers have more than two (inclusive) identities at the same time, their remarks code and upgrade will be
processed according to the identity with the highest upgrade priority; for example: both the upgradeable captain and upgradeable
cadre, according to the management The priority level for cadres to upgrade is to upgrade their remark code. Principle on Upgrade

1) The principle of advance application: In principle, each upgrade request unit should
apply in advance as far as possible to avoid the situation of temporarily arriving at the

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airport or on the plane requesting an upgrade and then supplementing official documents
or documents.
2) According to the handling principle: All types of temporary guest upgrades need to
provide approval emails, and the upgrade operation unit handles the upgrade business
3) The principle of direct flights: All types of airport standby upgrades are limited to tickets
with one-way direct point-to-point segments, that is, tickets for non-stop or non-transit
segments can be upgraded.
4) The principle of pre-ordering: alternate upgrades should be handled in strict accordance
with the "Alternative Upgrade Priority Order" of this document, and the ground support
unit should make the upgrade in advance if the flight is foreseeably overbooked and
mixed (including more passengers on standby) Pre-sort. The ground support unit can
sort the pre-upgrade passengers through the newly-operated network upgrade
sequencing system, and pass the information to the on-site upgrade operation unit.
5) The principle of advance notification: When checking in for various types of standby
upgrade passengers, you must consult in advance and inform the upgraded passengers.
If the business class is temporarily sold, the passenger still needs to be downgraded to
the original economy class; It also informs passengers in advance of the services that can
be enjoyed after the upgrade, and the passenger can apply for the upgrade only after
approval, and record the remarks in the upgrade account.
6) Principles of seat arrangement for upgrade: Alternate upgrade passenger seats are issued
in the order from back to front, from right to left; for true business class passengers, try
not to arrange upgrade passengers with adjacent seats. If arrangements must be made,
priority will be given to the group. Passenger upgrades, company executives’ upgrades,
management cadres’ upgrades, captain upgrades and employee approval upgrades. Standby Upgrade timeframe
1) Upgrade pretreatment before check in close
(1) The upgrade operator will inquire about the reservation status of the flight on the day in
advance, if the flight needs to be upgraded actively or the economy class is forecasted to
be overbooked, and there are still vacant seats in the first class/business class or the
number of waiting passengers is greater than the vacant seats in the economy class , The
upgrade operating unit sorts the pre-upgrade passengers through the upgrade sequencing
(2) If there are more than 5 seats in the business class of a wide-body aircraft and 2 seats or
more in the business class of a narrow-body aircraft, after the check-in counter is
normally open, when the pre-upgrade passenger arrives at the check-in counter, the
check-in staff shall take the initiative Ask the passenger whether he is willing to upgrade,
and if the passenger agrees, directly apply for the business class boarding pass for the
(3) Please refer to the relevant content in Chapter 3 of the "Ground Service Specification
Manual" for the language service specifications of the standby upgrade on the ground.
2) Upgrade after check in close
When the flight is cut off, if the economy class is overbooked temporarily or due to staff

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waiting, the economy class seats are full and there are still vacant seats in the business
class, when certain conditions are met, it can be before the flight cut off Apply for an
upgrade. The specific conditions are as follows:
A. If the flight economy class forecast is overbooked (including known waiting passengers
+ the number of economy class reservations on the flight> available seats in the economy
class of the flight) or the flight boarding time is earlier than the flight cut-off time, it can
be deemed compliant before the flight cut-off time Passengers with upgrade conditions
apply for an upgrade;
B. Upgrade order: Actively upgraded passengers>passively upgraded high-end
passengers>passively upgraded Y-class full fare passengers>late passengers (including
standby passengers, excluding passengers prohibited from upgrading). Ticket modification, endorsement, and refund
Please refer to the original ticket class for ticket rule Flight Divert
All service standard as per boarding pass cabin class Other requirement
1) If management who are not within the scope of the upgradeable duties want to enjoy the
free standby upgrade service on HU/CN flights, they need to send an email to the
president of HNA Holdings and above leaders for approval and send to the Standard
Training Center of the Ground Service Management Department hzdmglzx@hnair.com
Included in the list of available upgrades.
2) Due to the needs of various types of ground protection, the upgrade requirements of
passengers beyond the scope of this article should be reported to the chief duty officer of
the company for approval on the day of the handler's mail or telephone. If the flight
departure time is approaching, it must be reported to the chief duty officer of the
company on the day after the flight takes off for filing.
3) When a flight needs to be upgraded, the upgrade operator must ensure that all passengers
who meet the upgrade conditions are upgraded. If the passenger temporarily abandons
the itinerary, arrives late, etc., which results in an empty seat in the economy class, the
upgrade operator will not be held accountable responsibility.
4) The upgrade operation unit in these regulations refers to the ground support unit with
HNA personnel on site and the upgrade support unit in the ground service agent area.
Among them, the ground support unit with HNA personnel on site is responsible for
passenger upgrade sequencing and information Receive delivery, communicate with
airport agents, execute (self-operated areas) and monitor upgrade operations.
5) The upgrade operation unit strictly follows the provisions of this article to handle the
standby upgrade, but the passenger is no longer required to do the check-in procedure
online or at the self-service check-in counter, and unable to consult in advance through
channels such as the passenger’s reserved mobile phone number. If the passenger applies
for an upgrade, it will be postponed to the next one in the list of available upgrades. The
company shall exempt the operating unit of the ground upgrade.
6) When ordering upgrades, the ordering requirements for high-value passengers and
important passengers above the silver card must be strictly implemented. In case of
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temporary overbooking of flights or emergency waiting times, etc., the execution
deviation can be made on the order of this clause for full fare passengers in Y class, and
the records should be filed by themselves.
7) Each Ground Handling unit will refine its operation requirements based on its territorial
situation, establish daily Ground Handling accounts, and establish self-check procedures
for illegal upgrades; the group office and related units of the company will inspect the
upgrade operations from time to time, and check out according to the inspections.
Reported violations of regulations to the company for punishment.

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3.9 Irregular Flight
3.9.1 Definition on Irregular Flight Departure regularity standard
1) Hainan Airlines defines a normal departure flight according to the standards from Order
of the ‘Ministry of Transport’ No.56 2016 ‘Provision on Punctuality Management’
2) Normal flight departure means off-block time no later than 15 minutes of the scheduled
departure time Departure Irregularity
For any of the followings is defined as a departure irregularity.
1) Flights do not meet all the conditions of normal departures;
2) Canceled flights on the same day;
3) Airlines changes the flight scheduled without approval. Departure Delay
Actual off-block time is 15 minutes (not included) later than scheduled departure time. Arrival regularity standard
According to the standards from ‘Order of the Ministry of Transport ‘No.56 2016
‘Provision on Punctuality Management’.
Hainan uses this standard for passenger service.
1) Normal arrival means on-block time no later than 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival
2) Irregular arrival:
Any of the followings is defined as irregular arrival.
(1) Flight cancelled on the same day;
(2) Airlines changed schedule without approval;
(3) Note: The return or diversion flight, continue fly to the destination and the actual arrival
time is within range of the scheduled arrival time; the flight is a normal arrival flight. Arrival Irregularity
Actual on block time is 15 minutes (not included) later than the scheduled arrival time. Arrival Delay
The indicator reflects the extent of delay; flight delay time is equal to the time after 15
minutes of the actual departure time which is later than the scheduled time. Formula:
delay time = actual time of departure-(scheduled departure time + 15 min). Cancellation
Flight cannot be operated due to weather, mechanical failure or restrictions, etc. Tarmac Delay
Refers to the situation where passenger wait in the plane more than the taxi time
specified by the airport, after cabin door close to take off or after landing to cabin door
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Note: the tarmac delay clause only applies to passengers who have boarded the flight. Flight movement regularity standard
For detail, please refer to HNAIR-HR-Notice-2019-1319
1) A flight that meets one of the following conditions is determined to be a normal flight
(1) Take off within the airport ground taxi time specified after the planned departure time, and
no abnormal conditions such as return, alternate landing, etc. will occur;
(2) Landing no later than 20 minutes after the planned arrival time
2) Ground taxi time standard (if the CAAC announces a new standard, it will be based on
the latest standard of the CAAC):
(1) 30 minutes: Beijing Capital, Beijing Daxing, Shanghai Hongqiao, Shanghai Pudong,
Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Baoan, Chengdu Shuangliu, Kunming Changshui, Xi'an
Xianyang, Chongqing Jiangbei, Hangzhou Xiaoshan and overseas airports.
(2) 25 minutes: Urumqi Diwopu, Nanjing Lukou, Xiamen Gaoqi, Changsha Huanghua,
Wuhan Tianhe, Zhengzhou Xinzheng, Qingdao Liuting, Tianjin Binhai, Haikou Meilan,
Sanya Phoenix, Harbin Taiping, Guiyang Longdongbao, Dalian Zhoushuizi , Shenyang
(3) 20 minutes: Jinan Yaoqiang, Fuzhou Changle, Nanning Wuxu, Lanzhou Zhongchuan,
Taiyuan Wusu, Changchun Longjia, Nanchang Changbei, Hohhot White Tower, Hefei
Xinqiao, Zhuhai Jinwan, Ningbo Lishe, Wenzhou Longwan , Shijiazhuang Zhengding,
Yinchuan Hedong, Yantai Penglai.
(4) 15 minutes: other domestic airports.
3.9.2 Irregular Flight Service Principle
1) Warm and thoughtful
2) Convenient and honest
3) Careful and thorough
4) Sincere and exclusive
5) Efficient and responsive
3.9.3 Category on Irregularity
The causes leading to irregular flights are classified by Civil Aviation Administration of
China to 11 categories: weather, airlines,bureau of civil aviation flight schedule
military activities, airport, air traffic control,Custom and Border inspections, fueling,
departure system, passengers.public safety,
According to the liability nature of flight carrier, it is divided into carrier’s cause and non-
carrier cause:
1) Reasons for the carrier: aircraft failure, flight plan, aviation material support, aviation
support, flight crew support, crew support, safety officer support, ground support, freight
support, lack of capacity, capacity allocation and company reasons;
2) Non carrier reasons: weather reasons, air traffic control, military activities, public safety,
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bureau of civil aviation flight schedule, airport, joint inspection, fuel, departure system,
passenger reasons.
3.9.4 Job Responsibilities for Each Position Hainan Airlines bases/ Branches ‘s Duty Officer
1) Represent the company and lead the flight irregularity as well as customer service within
their responsible region and airports. Report to company Chief Duty Officer and local
2) Temporarily mobilize the human and material resources of all units within its region to
carry out duties.
3) Organize the handling of large-scale flight delays and mass events within its region.
4) Decision making on passenger services and economic compensation and assume
corresponding responsibilities within its region. Ground Service Management Department Duty Officer
1) Represent the General Manager of the department and lead the department operational
duties. Supervise and ensure all units comply with the Irregularity operation procedure.
2) Assist the company Chief Duty Officer and AOC to handle flight irregularity. Organize
technical assistant from the relevant units within the department to support the company
Chief Duty Officers and AOC. And provide advise and solution.
3) Decision Making on passenger service and economy compensation for full outsource
region as well as direct report station.
4) Support Daily Operational Meeting and report the handling of irregularity.
5) If the criteria within the Company Emergency Response Manual trigger, operate and
fulfill the duties as per that Manual. AOC Customer Service On-Duty
1) According to the evaluation requirements for abnormal flight adjustments issued by the
Operation Control Department, timely evaluate the information and feedback the
evaluation results to the Operation Control Department.
2) Responsible for tracking flight operation dynamics through the Operational Flight NET
system and other business systems, screening critical abnormal flights within the
monitoring area (referring to delays exceeding 4 hours, temporary
cancellation/Diversion/return flights)
3) According to the requirement of flight operation, issue flight operation instructions to
local service units and monitor the implementation of the instructions;
4) Cooperate with the duty officer of the Ground Service Management Department to assist
in decision-making on the passenger service content and economic compensation
amount in the fully entrusted area and the domestic station area directly under the
Ground Service Management Department;
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5) Responsible for reporting special circumstances in the operation of irregular flights in
accordance with the notification procedures of abnormal events, and track the progress
of the procedure.
6) Responsible for the filing of irregular flight costs and reporting to the ground service staff
on duty for approval in all entrusted areas. Hainan Airlines Ground Handling Units (Include Hainan airlines and all HNA
Groups Airlines Ground Handling Units)
1) Responsible for creating the handling plan for passengers on irregular flights in their own
territories and control areas, and completing ground handling work such as explanation
and comfort, catering and accommodation, and economic compensation for passengers
on irregular flights;
2) Responsible for supervising and inspecting their own territories and control regional
ground service agencies and hotels on irregular flights in accordance with HNA
standards and agreements provide services for passengers and crew, including the release
or communication of irregular flight information, passenger explanations and comforts,
catering and accommodation, etc.;
3) Responsible for maintaining communication and collaboration with the operation
control department, paying attention to flight dynamics, and proposing flight adjustment
suggestions, etc.;
4) Responsible for handling various abnormal events in the process of operating abnormal
5) Responsible for coordinating the resources required for the operation of irregular flights
in the territory and control area;
6) According to actual operation needs, notify the crew and the stop/destination of the flight
of the matters that need to be assisted to complete, and track the completion;
7) Responsible for accepting the operational instructions issued by the customer service on-
duty, and implementing and feedback as required. Airport Ground Handling Agency and Hotel Agency
1) Responsible for passenger notification of irregular flight information;
2) Responsible for passenger explanation and comfort, catering and accommodation
arrangements and economic compensation, etc., if it exceeds the HNA standard, please
follow the relevant request process for instructions;
3) Responsible for notifying the HNA Ground Handling units (applicable to HNA field
service units and their jurisdictions) or AOC customer service on-duty (applicable to
fully entrusted airport areas) of the progress of handling abnormal flights;
4) Accept the operational instructions issued by HNA, and implement and feedback as
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5) Responsible for completing ground support for irregular flights in accordance with the
rules and regulations of the CAAC, as well as the operation agreement and standards
signed with HNA.
3.9.5 Communication on Flight Irregularity Publishing Flight Irregularity
For detail and most up-to-date content, please refer to HNAIR-OCD-Notice-2019-315
1) The dispatch control center of the operation control department (abbreviated as AOC,
the same below) is the only qualifier and the only source of information release for flight
delays or adjustments within two calendar days, and is the management core of the
operation information system
2) The Network Department of the Commerce Commission is the only qualifier and
information release source for the change of flight schedule outside two calendar days
(except for postponed flights affected by the adjustment of AOC flights within two
calendar days).
3) All ground support units use the "Flight Adjustment Notice" published on the Internet
by AOC as the basis for real-time flight adjustment and irregular flight information
4) In an emergency, the AOC plan control seat will notify the relevant units of the flight
adjustment decision by phone or email according to the principle of "execute first and
then replenish the order", and the relevant unit will announce the flight adjustment and
other information to the frontline employees of the unit for implementation, AOC plans
to submit a flight adjustment notice to the control board after the fact. Confirming Flight Irregularity
For detail and most up-to-date content, please refer to HNAIR-OCD-Notice-2019-315
1) According to the AOC "Flight Adjustment Notice" and short messages, the ground
support center, station, and overseas duty manager/supervisor are responsible for
monitoring the reception of abnormal flight information, making flight operation
decisions and communicate abnormal information to all domestic and foreign
destinations Airports and other relevant ground agency units ensure that the units and
passengers obtain real-time information.
2) HNA Ground Handling Units are responsible for collecting information on the ground
support centers, airports, stations, supervisors' email addresses, and mobile phone
numbers of HNA's bases/branches, maintaining the flight adjustment order system into
the operation network and continuously updating it to ensure the "Flight Adjustment
Notice" "Order" information can be accurately delivered to the designated mailbox or
mobile phone on duty. The dispatched personnel at various destinations at home and
abroad supervise and review the receipt and release of the "Flight Adjustment Notice"
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Ground Operation Manual 3
by the airport agency and verify whether the reasons for the external release are
consistent with the reasons on the adjustment sheet. Passenger Notification on Flight Irregularity
1) After obtaining irregular information such as flight delays or cancellations, the airport
management agency shall use the public platforms in the terminal building (such as
display screens, notice boards, broadcasts, etc.) to notify passengers of flight departure
delays or cancellations promptly and accurately, when the irregular flight information is
uncertain, the flight status information should be broadcast every 30 minutes.
2) After obtaining flight adjustment information, all ground support units must complete
relevant preparations and support work in a timely manner in accordance with their own
operating procedures, including notifying check-in, VIP, special services, transfers and
boarding gates and other service positions, and revising China TravelSky Departure
system data, etc., to ensure that passengers can obtain flight adjustment information by
inquiring staff, checking boarding passes, etc.;
3) When checking in for passengers, check-in staff can verbally inform passengers of
abnormal flight information and service content based on the actual situation;
4) When business class/lounge staff receive the flight delay information, they should
understand the information in regards to the irregularity (the reason for the adjustment,
estimated time and service content, etc.), and inform the passengers who are resting in
the business class/VIP lounge.
5) The boarding gate of the irregular flights should inform passengers of the irregularity
information through display screens, signboards or arranging staff, including reasons for
abnormal flights, flight status, estimated departure time, and services provided to
passengers Content, etc., and answer questions raised by passengers;
6) If the flight is adjusted again after hotel accommodation been arranged, the various
ground handling units shall inform the hotel of the flight adjustment information in
accordance with the "Irregular Flight Service Agreement" and relevant standards, and
the hotel will notify the passenger.
7) Delay information release and monitor: On-site personnel on duty should supervise
whether the delay information at the check-in counter, boarding gate, information
counter, and standby counter is correct and timely.
3.9.6 Flight Irregularity On-Site Handling General Requirement
1) When handling irregular flights, all ground support units need to understand the relevant
information in advance, including reasons for flight adjustments, estimated duration, and
service content for passengers, etc.;
2) Personnel who do on-site handling of abnormal flights on behalf of HNA must arrive at
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the scene immediately when the abnormal flight occurs and provide passenger
explanation and ground service. After arriving at the scene, they shall first identify
themselves to the passengers and make it clear that they will be provided to passengers
on behalf of HNA. Abnormal flight services, listen to and understand passenger service
needs, and deal with them promptly and properly.
3) All ground support units should improve service quality, always pay attention to
passengers' emotions, explain flight status information to passengers and calm
passengers' emotions; when passengers inquire/request help, provide passengers with
information consulting services in a timely manner, and assist passengers in handling
ticket refunds/renewals/ Visa, flight extension certificate, catering and accommodation
services. As far as possible, arrangements should be made to satisfy the passenger's
request for taking out checked baggage.
4) Arrange staff at check-in counters, information counters, boarding gates, VIP reception
units, etc., to patiently explain and reassure passengers, and inform them of the reason
for the abnormal flight, estimated departure time, service content and other relevant
5) Give priority to high-end passengers, special passengers and transit passengers, and give
priority to providing services for them in accordance with HNA's high-
end/special/transit passenger service standards.
6) In accordance with the service standards of the CAAC and HNA for abnormal flights,
make decisions on passenger service items and contents, including but not limited to
meals, hotel accommodation, ticket changes and refunds, ground transportation, cash
compensation, etc., for those exceeding the service standards of HNA, they shall be
timely According to the procedures, ask the relevant leaders on duty to make decisions;
7) Accept the flight operational instructions issued by the AOC or AOC customer service
on duty of the HNA Operations Control Department, communicate them to the
responsible units, monitor the implementation, and provide feedback in accordance with
the requirements of HNA;
8) When passengers need to arrange drinks or meals, they should actively coordinate with
the beverage and meal delivery units, track the catering preparations, ensure that they are
provided to the boarding gate area on time, and quickly distribute them to passengers,
and make relevant records;
9) If passengers need to arrange accommodation, organize and guide passengers to the
designated pick-up point in accordance with the instructions of the on-duty leader or
business dispatch/service command, and do a good job of counting the number of
passengers to avoid errors such as omissions;
10) If it is necessary to provide cash compensation for passengers, the boarding gate staff
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should dedicate duties within the team, prepare reserve funds in advance, maintain
queuing order, and do cash distribution and records.
11) If an abnormal event occurs during handling, all business units should be instructed to
properly handle it. And promptly report to HNA AOC customer service on duty and
local on-duty leaders. Flight Irregularity Handling Procedure
1) After receiving the information of irregular flights, various Ground Handling units will
create an irregular flight Ground Handling plan based on the actual situation of the
number and composition of passengers, including passenger explanations, ticket refunds
and changes, catering, accommodation, cash compensation, and high-end/
Transit/special passenger handling, etc., and implement various preparations in advance;
2) According to the actual operation situation, each ground support unit create an abnormal
flight Ground Handling plan in written or unwritten form, and informs the ground
service-related positions by telephone, mail, etc., and monitors check-in, VIP, boarding
gate, and special services, etc. The business unit provides services to passengers.
3) Take all possible measure to ensure passengers arriving at the airport able to obtain our
flight adjustment information and follow-up arrangements in a timely manner.
4) For those exceeding the service standards of HNA, please follow the procedures for
requesting instructions in advance;
5) After typhoons, sandstorms, heavy fog, snowstorms and air control, etc. may cause
large-scale flight delays, the local emergency handling procedures should be activated
immediately; information that may cause large-scale flight delays is sent to the relevant
posts of the ground service , And understand the specific information of the flight
(including flight status, aircraft location, crew, passengers, etc.) with each production
support department, and at the same time formulate the corresponding service Ground
Handling plan, and prepare in advance.
6) Follow the flight Ground Handling instructions issued by the AOC or AOC customer
service on-duty of the HNA Operations Control Department, issue them to the
responsible units, monitor the implementation, and provide feedback in accordance with
the requirements of HNA; if there is an abnormality in the passenger service process In
the event, all business units should be instructed to properly handle the incident and
promptly report to the HNAAOC customer service on-duty and the local on-duty leader. Flight Irregularity On-Site Management
1) On-site support personnel should monitor systems such as the Flight NET, mobile Flight
NET, and on-site support system, or adopt other effective methods to continuously
monitor flight status and flight adjustment notification information;
2) After receiving the flight adjustment notice, the on-site support personnel must carefully
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check and monitor whether the terminal support system is changed;
3) After the flight adjustment information is released, the on-site attendant should keep
abreast of the support situation of various support units, crews and flight crews, and
notify the on-site commander of the flight.
4) After receiving the flight adjustment notice, the on-site security personnel must check
carefully. If you have any comments on adjustments, submit your own adjustment
comments to the department to dispatch the head teacher;
5) On-site support personnel should track the work of each front-line support unit in a
timely manner. Flight Irregularity Check-in and Boarding
1) Irregular Flight Check-In
(1) After receiving the information of the irregular flight, the duty supervisor of the check-in ,
based on the actual situation of the irregular flight, passenger composition and passenger
notification, etc., under the guidance and cooperation of relevant units such as business
dispatching/service commanding Based on the flight emergency protection plan,
detailed passenger service content and protection methods, including but not limited to
passenger interpretation, ticket change and refund, catering, accommodation, cash
compensation, high-end/transfer/special passenger handling, etc., and implement
various items in advance Ready to work;
(2) Keep close contact with the business dispatching department, keep abreast of flight
dynamics, communicate, request instructions and report on special circumstances, and
make timely decisions;
(3) The supervisor on duty is responsible for on-site organization and command of check-in,
overall arrangement of personnel, and decomposition and implementation of various
tasks for passenger service plans;
(4) Grasp the follow-up sales of flights on the same route, strengthen contacts with airlines,
and coordinate passenger endorsements.
(5) Prepare sufficient certificates for abnormal flights, and issue certificates for passengers in
a timely manner according to their needs;
(6) Give priority to high-end passengers, special passengers and transit passengers, and give
priority to them in accordance with HNA's high-end/special/transit passenger service
(7) Check-in staff should understand flight status information and passenger service plans, set
up abnormal flight information notices at the check-in counter, and actively inform
passengers of the reason for the abnormal flight, estimated departure time and available
services when checking in. Do a good job of explaining and comforting passengers;
(8) If a passenger who has gone through the check-in procedures needs to change, refund or
abandon the itinerary, take back and verify the boarding pass, return the checked baggage
of the passenger, and direct the passenger to the ticket counter to process the refund or
change of the ticket;
(9) For problems raised by passengers that require assistance from the crew on duty and

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follow-up terminals, they shall be collected, sorted out and reported to the business
dispatch/service command for coordination and resolution, and the passengers shall be
responded to the results in a timely manner;
(10) When passengers have objections to irregular flights or service items, or passengers make
other requests, the check-in staff shall promptly report to the check-in supervisor for
2) Irregular Flight Boarding
(1) Departure Delay and cancellation
A. After receiving the flight departure delay and cancellation information, the boarding gate
staff should immediately understand the flight status and passenger service plans,
including but not limited to flight departure delays, cancellation reasons, ticket changes
and refunds, whether to provide meals, accommodation, Cash compensation, etc.;
B. In the dedicated area of the boarding gate, inform passengers of abnormal flight
information through display screens, billboards, etc.;
C. Arrange staff at the boarding gate of the irregular flight to patiently explain and reassure
passengers, and inform them of the reason for the irregular flight, estimated departure
time and service content and other relevant information;
D. If the passenger requests to change, refund or abandon the itinerary, direct the passenger
to the check-in counter to complete the relevant formalities;
E. Prepare sufficient certificates for abnormal flights, and issue certificates for passengers
in a timely manner according to their needs;
F. In accordance with the service standards of HNA, give priority to providing services to
high-end passengers, special passengers and transit passengers;
G. If passengers need to arrange drinks or meals, they should actively coordinate the
beverage and meal delivery units, track the catering preparation, ensure that they are
provided to the boarding gate area on time, and quickly distribute them to passengers;
H. If passengers need to arrange accommodation, organize and guide them to the
designated pick-up point, counting the number of passengers, and avoid errors such as
left passenger behind;
I. If it is necessary to provide cash compensation for passengers, the boarding gate staff
should do dedicated duties, prepare reserve funds in advance, maintain the order of the
queue, and ensure cash distribution and recording is done according to the procedure.
J. In the event of a mass incident such as denied boarding at the boarding gate, the boarding
gate staff shall take the initiative to explain and reassure passengers, listen to passengers'
demands, and immediately notify the duty leader to go to the scene for disposal.
(2) Passenger disembarkation due to delay
A. After receiving the instruction for the passenger to disembark, the boarding gate staff
should immediately ask the flight attendant about the service content provided for the
passenger on the plane, the special request of the passenger, and other information;
B. The staff at the boarding gate should obtain the follow-up dynamic information of the
flight from the on-site command department, the airport command center and other units,
including the reason for the delay and the estimated length of delay;
C. Through the airport public platform, such as display screens, notice boards, etc., notify

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passengers of abnormal flight information every 30 minutes;
D. In the passenger waiting area, arrange personnel to provide passengers with explanation
and comfort services and assist passengers in handling various special situations;
E. In accordance with the standards of the bureau and HNA, provide passengers with
services such as catering, accommodation or cash compensation, and give priority to
high-end passengers, special passengers and transit passengers;
F. Prepare sufficient certificates for abnormal flights, and issue certificates for passengers
in a timely manner according to their needs;
G. If the passenger requests a refund or change, direct the passenger to the ticket counter for
H. In the event of a mass incident such as a denial of boarding at the boarding gate, the
passenger shall take the initiative to explain to the passenger, listen to and resolve the
passenger's appeal, and immediately notify the duty leader to go to the scene for disposal. Flight Irregularity VIP Service
1) Hainan Airlines Lounge Service Standard and Procedure
(1) Irregular Flight Service Standard
A. When the flight is abnormal, the VIP Lounge must have enough staff on duty. All staff
must provide services to passengers with a high sense of responsibility, initiative,
enthusiasm, patience, thoughtfulness, and time, and no excuses, ridicules, troubles, and
reprimands are allowed.
B. After receiving the flight delay information, the VIP duty manager/dispatcher should
immediately understand the relevant information about the flight abnormality (the
reason for the delay, the estimated delay time and our company's arrangements, etc.), and
inform all the personnel on duty;
C. When the departure flight is delayed for more than 3 hours and the subsequent flight is
delayed due to a large-scale delay of the flight, the VIP Lounge must promptly notify the
flight delay information and the estimated flight time to the VIP guests who have not
arrived at the airport;
D. For passengers' inquiries, the staff must answer patiently and accurately according to the
flight adjustment list issued by the operation control. If you are not sure about the
questions, call the business dispatcher to understand it, and then inform the passengers
in person;
E. When the flight on the same day is cancelled after the departure flight is delayed, the
attendant should notify important passengers as soon as possible, provide explanation,
and assist in arranging the passengers' board and accommodation and ticket changes and
refunds according to local business scheduling arrangements;
F. When the flight is abnormal, the attendant should inform the VIP of the flight status every
30 minutes;
G. When the departure of the flight is delayed, if the VIP leaves the terminal, the attendants
should leave the contact number for each other, so as to inform the VIP of the flight status
at any time;
H. When the flight departure is delayed, the chef in the VIP Lounge should prepare a certain
amount of meals according to the forecasted guests and high-end guests at that time, and
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provide them with the guests when they need it;
I. When the flight departure is delayed, the high-end passenger catering shall provide
meals according to the Hainan Airlines delayed flight catering standard. VIP reception
staff assist passengers in receiving and distributing meals, and the standard of meals is
higher than that of ordinary passengers;
J. On the same day, if the flight is cancelled or the flight departure is delayed for more than
4 hours, please contact and arrange for the passenger to go to the hotel on the abnormal
flight to take a rest;
K. Carry out luggage storage work according to the requirements of high-end passengers,
send and receive letters, faxes, etc.;
L. When the flight is abnormal, due to changes in the ticket or refund, the person in charge
of the self-operated VIP Lounge or station in each place will notify the business
dispatching office in time by phone or fax and report to the general control through the
intelligent service command system of HNA Declare customer cancellation information.
If the customer changes the subsequent flight to our company's flight, the customer
application must be resubmitted through the service information system. The VIP
Lounge at the arrival station is ready to pick up the plane according to the notification
from the service information system or the negotiation room (the notification time is no
later than 30 minutes before the scheduled flight landing time);
M. When the flight is abnormal, the domestic/international flights of Platinum Card, Gold
Card, and Silver Card members enjoy the treatment of business class passengers
(catering, accommodation, transportation), and the accompanying personnel of VIP
members are guaranteed according to the original ticket class.
(2) Baggage handling
A. If an important passenger requires all or part of the baggage to be returned, the baggage
shall be searched for according to the baggage tag provided by the check-in clerk, and
the baggage shall be sent to the location designated by the check-in clerk. The VIP
Lounge attendant assists passengers in handling luggage return procedures.
B. Baggage transfer: After receiving the notice from the dispatcher about the baggage
transfer, according to the flight time, push the baggage to the corresponding check-in
counter to do the baggage transfer work.
C. When the flight is cancelled or delayed for a long time, the luggage will be pushed to the
designated place for luggage storage on the abnormal flight.
(3) Catering and accommodation services
A. The flight departure delay is within 2 hours. After the guest has completed the check-in
procedures, the VIP receptionist will guide the guest to the lounge and give a delay notice
to the passenger every half an hour. The notice includes the reason for the delay, the
planned delay time, etc. information.
B. The flight departure delay is within 2 hours to 4 hours, providing high-end passengers
with beverages, snacks, etc., and providing meal services during dinner time.
C. The flight departure delay is more than 4 hours. After the high-end passengers have
completed the check-in procedures, the ground attendant asks whether the high-end
passengers are willing to arrange a hotel break. The business dispatcher will book the

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hotel and pick up and drop off vehicles for them. The cancellation procedure will guide
the cancelled passenger to the hotel to rest.
D. 1 person/room for high-end travelers, separate hotel and room arrangements.
(4) Passenger compensation
The compensation for high-end passengers is the same as that for ordinary passengers.
For details, please refer to the chapter on economic compensation for irregular flights.
2) Outsource Business / VIP Lounge Service Standard and Procedure
(1) When the flight is abnormal, the station staff can look up the customer information
through the SIM system;
(2) For VIPs who apply temporarily at the check-in counter, the attendant on duty shall report
the VIP information to the general control VIP room through the SIM system, and urge
them to approve and release as soon as possible, and assist in the formalities after
confirmation, and provide details of the delayed flight Inform VIPs of the situation;
(3) The station attendant understands the notifications of important passengers when flights
are delayed, including SMS, telephone notifications, and information releases of various
service links after passengers arrive at the airport to ensure that the VIP room receives
accurate delay information in a timely manner;
(4) The station attendant should pay attention to the flight status and notify the VIP guest of
the relevant flight change information in the VIP room. In the process of abnormal flight,
in principle, the VIP room attendant should notify the VIP guest of the flight status every
half an hour;
(5) When the departure of the flight is delayed, if the VIP leaves the terminal, the attendants
should keep each other's contact number, so that the VIP can be informed of the flight
status at any time;
(6) When the flight departure is delayed, high-end passenger catering shall provide meals in
accordance with the Hainan Airlines delayed flight catering standard. VIP reception
attendants assist passengers in picking up meals and distributing them and providing
entertainment facilities;
(7) If the flight is cancelled or the flight is delayed for more than 4 hours, please notify the
guest as soon as possible, do a good job of explanation, and assist in arranging passenger
accommodation services. The accommodation standard is higher than that of ordinary
passengers, and high-end passengers are 1 person/room.
(8) Returning, transshipping and custody of VIP luggage in a timely manner
(9) Assist in the refund and change of tickets in accordance with the requirements of VIP
customers and in accordance with the rules for handling abnormal flight tickets;
(10) To change the travel information of the passenger, declare the new travel information of
the passenger before the flight takes off and cancel the travel information before the
change, and notify the arrival station after the flight takes off to complete the pick-up
work. Irregular Flight Baggage Service
1) Handling Principle and Procedure
(1) The principle of passenger and checked baggage transportation is that the baggage is
carried on the same plane as the passenger, and it is strictly forbidden to transport people
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and baggage separately;
(2) When the flight is abnormal, determine whether to postpone the check-in and checked
baggage procedures based on the on-site situation;
(3) Passengers request to return checked baggage. The Baggage Handling Department will
search for the baggage according to the baggage information provided by the check-in
clerk and send the baggage to the location designated by the check-in clerk. The check-
in staff must monitor the baggage until the bag is offload;
(4) 10 minutes before boarding of the irregular flight, the ground support unit checks the
amount of baggage and prepares for loading;
(5) Passengers who refuse to board the plane, baggage handling when preparing for
passenger offload:
A. Look for the luggage of passengers who have not boarded the plane. If some of the
passengers in the group have not boarded the plane, pull down the luggage of the
passengers who have not boarded the plane. The pulled luggage can be checked on
subsequent flights or arranged by the passengers who have not boarded the plane; notify
the loading Be prepared to modify the manifest;
B. The ground service personnel and the baggage handlers check the loading status of the
checked baggage 15 minutes before the aircraft's STD, and the baggage handlers are
responsible for offload the checked baggage of passengers who refuse to board the
C. The ground service personnel inform the crew of the number of passengers, luggage and
weight that have boarded the aircraft 10 minutes before the aircraft's cabin closing time.
The stowage personnel should remake the manifest within 20 minutes.
(6) If the flight is intercepted or cancelled after boarding, the baggage claim method will be
determined by the department on-duty according to the on-site situation:
A. The Baggage Handling Department will transport all the baggage of the flight to the
baggage storage area designated by the department attendant, who will be supervised by
the check-in personnel, and will cooperate with the passengers in the baggage collection
B. The Baggage Handling Department will transport all the baggage of the flight to the
baggage conveyor belt, and the dedicated staff designated by the duty officer will guide
the passengers to the corresponding conveyor belt to pick up the baggage.
2) Excess Baggage Charge on Ticket Change / Endorsement
(1) Involuntary changes
A. For reason outside Carrier control Passengers changes to our company's subsequent
a Passengers who are involuntarily upgraded or downgraded can enjoy the free baggage
allowance of the original cabin.
b International passengers change involuntarily and enjoy the original free baggage
B. The passenger changes to HNA follow-up flight due to the carrier reason
a Passengers who are involuntarily upgraded or downgraded can enjoy the free baggage
allowance of the original cabin.

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b International passengers change involuntarily and enjoy the original free baggage
(2) Involuntary endorsement of other airlines
A. Involuntary endorsement of passengers caused by the carrier
a Passengers who involuntarily upgrade their cabins can enjoy the free baggage allowance
of the cabin after the upgrade of the other airlines; if they are involuntarily downgraded,
the excess baggage charges will be included in the abnormal flight cost.
b Involuntary endorsement for international passengers and our high-end passengers: The
excess baggage fee is included in the irregular flight fee.
B. Non-carrier reasons
a Passengers who are involuntarily upgraded due to reasons other than the carrier can
enjoy the free baggage allowance of the cabin after the upgrade; if the passenger is
involuntarily downgraded, the passenger shall pay the excess baggage fee by himself.
b International passengers and our high-end passenger’s involuntary endorsement:
Passengers pay for excess baggage by themselves.
3) Excess Baggage Charge on Diverted Flight
(1) Requirements for handling excess baggage charges for diverted flights due to reason
outside airlines control
When the flight diverts due to route control, weather or other force majeure, the excess
baggage fees paid by passengers will not be refunded.
(2) Requirements for handling excess baggage charges due to airlines reason
For the divert caused by airlines such as mechanical failure, the refund of the excess
baggage fee paid by the passenger depends on whether the passenger chooses the follow-
up transportation method arranged by HNA.
A. If the passenger chooses the flight change or other transportation arrangements arranged
by HNA, the excess baggage fee will not be refunded.
a When arranging passengers to change to other Hainan Airlines flights or other modes of
transportation, baggage transportation should be changed accordingly with the
passengers, and the excess baggage fees that have been collected will not be refunded.
b When arranging passenger endorsement to transfer to other carrier's flights, the excess
baggage should be signed and transferred to the foreign airline's flight together with the
ticket at the same time. The excess baggage fee received is not refundable, and the related
expenses are settled through inter-airline intermodal accounting.
B. If the passenger chooses other modes of transportation at the alternate destination, the
excess baggage fee will be refunded and not paid.
a If the distance from the origin to divert location is greater than the distance from the
origin to the destination, there is no need to refund the passenger's excess baggage fee,
and the passenger does not need to pay the excess baggage fee.
b If the distance from the origin to the divert location is less than the distance from the
origin to the destination, the passenger's excess baggage fee shall be refunded. The
refund amount shall be negotiated between the alternate ground service personnel and
the passenger, and the refund shall not exceed Excess baggage fees have been charged.
C. Excess baggage fee refund operation

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a When the ground service personnel of each unit refund the excess baggage fee, they shall
sign with the passenger in writing (see the appendix for the signature document) to
confirm the claim amount, and reserve the passenger ID number and contact information
for future reference.
b The alternate destination negotiates with the passenger to refund the passenger's excess
baggage fee. Part of the refund of the excess baggage fee will be included in the abnormal
flight expenses at the alternate station, and the alternate station shall submit the
reimbursement according to the procedures for the approval and reimbursement of
abnormal flight expenses.
Attachment: In Chinese Only: Irregular Flight Transfer Service

Please refer to the Transfer Section within this manual. Irregular Flight Compensation
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.
For international compensation standard, please refer to International Irregular Flight
Service Irregular Flight Catering and Refreshments
1) Arrange catering conditions and standards:
(1) Irregular flight type
A. The departure of the flight at the origin is delayed due to the carrier;
B. No matter what the reason, the departure of the flight at the stopover (transit) is delayed;
C. Regardless of the reason, the flight diverts;
D. The carrier causes the flight to return;
(2) Delay time
A. Delay time 1 (inclusive)-2 hours to provide tea and water services.
B. The delay time is more than 2 hours (inclusive)
a Provide drinks;
b Free meals are provided during the meal period. The meal period is: breakfast: 7:00-9:00,
lunch: 11:00-13:00, dinner: 17:00-19:00; special areas (such as Xinjiang) According to
the local meal time;
c The meal standards for high-end passengers on abnormal flights are higher than those
for ordinary economy class passengers. In principle, high-end passengers should
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guarantee at least two meat and two vegetarian dishes, and ordinary economy class
passengers should guarantee at least one meat and two vegetarian meals. The specific
agreement shall be subject to the guarantee agreement for passengers on irregular flights.
2) Flight returns due to non-carrier reasons, or delay/cancellation of departure at the origin
Due to non-carrier reasons such as weather, emergencies, air traffic control, security
checks, passengers, etc., if the flight returns, or the departure from the port of departure
is delayed or cancelled/returned, the carrier shall assist the passengers in arranging meals
and accommodation, and the expenses shall be borne by the passengers.
3) Requirements for catering arrangements
(1) After receiving the authorization/notification to provide catering services according to our
service standards, the contents of the irregular flight agreement, each ground support unit
shall immediately notify the catering guarantee unit of the abnormal flight, and deliver
the meal to the agreed time within the agreed time. location;
(2) All ground support units should inform passengers on abnormal flights of the information
that they will provide catering;
(3) When distributing meals in the terminal building, the ground service personnel should
deliver the meals to the passenger rest area, the boarding gate of the corresponding flight,
or centrally distribute them in a certain place. Before the distribution starts, the
passengers should be notified to receive them through broadcasting, etc., and strengthen
Inspection to ensure no omissions;
(4) High-end passengers can dine in the VIP room. If there is no food in the VIP room during
the delayed time period, the VIP room can arrange for service personnel to take the meal
back to the VIP room and provide it to high-end passengers;
(5) When providing meals and beverages on irregular flights, the validity period of meals and
beverages must be checked:
A. HNA's on-site service unit shall randomly check whether the meals and beverages are
within the validity period before the meals are distributed to passengers;
B. In areas where there is no HNA resident unit, the ground service agency will randomly
check whether the meals and beverages are within the validity period.
(1) For meals and beverages provided to passengers with a shelf life of more than 4 months,
in principle, the shelf life is not less than 1 month away.
(2) The work related to catering arrangements should be carried out in accordance with the
"Unusual Flight Passenger Service Agreement" signed by our company and the local
4) Special circumstances
(1) For passengers who have special requirements for meals due to religious beliefs and other
reasons, they must obtain their opinions after consulting the passengers. Provide catering
according to the specific situation. If the guarantee capacity cannot meet the needs of the
passengers, they should explain to the passengers;
(2) When catering should be arranged for passengers and cannot be provided due to objective
reasons, they can explain to passengers on the spot, and take the initiative to convert the
agreed price of catering on irregular flights into cash to compensate passengers, and
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passengers can arrange meals on their own.
(3) After the flight is delayed at the stopover, if the previous flight segment is a meal time but
due to short flight time and other reasons, there is no meal in the air, the ground can
provide meals for the passengers according to the meal needs of the passengers;
(4) In principle, meals are provided on the ground during the meal time. When the flight
organizes boarding during the meal time, meals can be provided on the plane;
(5) If there is already a meal on board, the ground support unit can communicate with the
cabin crew to distribute the on-board meal to the delayed passengers on the ground (not
including aircraft supplies);
(6) In the event of non-carrier reasons or non-meal time periods, when passengers request
various special circumstances such as meals, local security agencies should refer to the
abnormal flight service over-standard request process for instructions. Irregular Flight Accommodation
1) Accommodation conditions
(1) If the flight departure is delayed for more than 4 hours (inclusive) or the flight is cancelled
due to the carrier's reasons, free Accommodation will be provided to passengers.
(2) If the flight is delayed for more than 4 hours (inclusive) or cancelled at the stopping place,
no matter what the reason, Accommodation will be provided to the stopping passengers
free of charge.
(3) If the flight stays at the alternate landing place for more than 4 hours (inclusive) or is
cancelled, regardless of the reason, the alternate passengers will be provided with board
and lodging services free of charge.
(4) If the carrier causes the return of the flight to be delayed for more than 4 hours (inclusive)
or cancelled, it will provide free Accommodation to the passengers who stop by.
(5) If the flight is abnormal due to the carrier, the actual arrival time of the passenger is more
than 4 hours (inclusive) later than the planned time, or the actual destination is
inconsistent with the planned destination, and the passenger has the necessary
accommodation needs, it can be provided.
(6) Except for free accommodation in the above circumstances, other special circumstances
can refer to the procedures for requesting instructions for abnormal flights.
2) Accommodation standard:
(1) In principle, arrange for passengers to stay in three-star (including) standard hotels. If hotel
resources in the area or on the day of the flight are limited and cannot meet this standard,
try to arrange for passengers to stay in hotels with the same or similar conditions. The
irregular flight handling agreements signed by the company and local agencies are in
(2) 1 person/room for high-end passengers, 1 person/room for foreign passengers, 2
persons/room for ordinary economy class passengers.
(3) Passengers of the opposite sex shall not be arranged in the same room without the
passenger’s consent, and the remaining unscheduled passengers shall appear in the same
room. For male or single female passengers, separate rooms can be arranged;
(4) For passengers of the same flight and class, arrange to stay in the same hotel as much as
possible; if it is not possible to ensure the arrangement in the same hotel, priority should
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be given to the nearest hotel to arrange passengers;
(5) Infants do not arrange separate rooms and live with their parents; ordinary economy class
passengers traveling alone with infants will arrange separate rooms instead of sharing
with other passengers;
(6) Children under the age of 5 do not arrange separate rooms, but live in a companion adult
room (extra bed is provided when parents live in a standard room with 2 people/room);
ordinary economy for traveling with children under 5 years old (inclusive) alone For
cabin passengers, arrange rooms separately and do not arrange to share with other
(7) During the guest’s stay, free meals will be provided during meal times (7:00-9:00, 11:00-
13:00, 17:00-19:00), and special areas (such as Xinjiang) will follow the local dining
time determine;
(8) The meal standards for high-end passengers are higher than those for ordinary economy
class passengers. Meals can be in the form of set meals or buffets. In principle, if a set
meal is provided, high-end passengers must have at least two meat and two vegetarian
meals for their regular meals, and ordinary economy class passengers must guarantee at
least one meat and two vegetarian meals for their regular meals; if a table-wrapped meal
is provided, at least one must be guaranteed. The table cannot exceed 10 people
(inclusive), the meal guarantees eight dishes and one soup (three meats and five
vegetarians), and all regions follow the irregular flight guarantee agreement;
(9) In the case of flight cancellation and free accommodation, the ground support unit shall
determine the number of days those passengers need to stay for accommodation based
on the date of the re-scheduled flight or the most recent rebooking flight. If the passenger
abandons the make-up schedule provided by the carrier or can change the flight recently
and choose a later flight, the excess stay shall be borne by the passenger.
3) Airport to hotel service arrangement requirements
(1) According to the service standards of our company, the contents of the irregular flight
agreement or the authorization/notification of the accommodation service, each ground
support unit shall complete the hotel reservation and pick up and drop off vehicles within
60 minutes in principle; the hotel reservation time and the vehicle arrival time are based
on the "Service Agreement for Passengers on Irregular Flight" signed by our company
and the local agent shall prevail;
(2) Priority is given to hotels closer to the airport. In principle, hotels within 30 minutes of the
airport’s drive are selected; if the hotel resources are insufficient within this range, the
hotel resources available in the local area can be used in the "Irregular Flight Handling
Agreement" Choose other hotels within the framework;
(3) For restricted passengers with limited mobility, priority will be given to hotels with barrier-
free facilities;
(4) The ground personnel notify and organize passengers to arrive at the unified boarding
point and take the designated vehicle to the hotel;
(5) For passengers who are unwilling to go to the hotel to rest, the ground personnel remind
passengers to pay attention to the public platforms in the terminal building (such as
display screens, notice boards, broadcasts, etc.), or prompt passengers to actively contact

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the HNA customer service hotline to inquire about flight status to avoid mistakes
(6) High-end passengers in the business class lounge or VIP room will be guided to the
unified boarding point by the VIP room service staff. If the passenger arranges
accommodation by himself, the VIP room must leave the passenger's contact
information and promptly notify the passenger of the latest time of the follow-up flight;
if the passenger requests to rest in the lounge, the VIP room shall be responsible for
notifying the passenger of the follow-up flight time.
4) Service arrangement requirements during hotel stay
(1) According to the irregular flight accommodation standard and the irregular flight
guarantee agreement, the hotel organizes guest room allocation and check-in procedures
for passengers, and arranges passengers to check in as soon as possible;
(2) The hotel should try its best to meet the reasonable service needs of passengers. For
passengers’ requests for excess services, the hotel should contact the airport or HNA’s
ground support unit, and respond to the passengers after requesting instructions in
accordance with the procedures for requesting instructions for abnormal flights. When
the needs of passengers cannot be met, the hotel must do a good job of explaining.
(3) If guests are arranged to have meals at the hotel, the hotel shall provide meals services for
the passengers according to the standard of the meal arrangements for abnormal flights.
The hotel service personnel shall ensure that the information such as the dining location
and meal time is notified to the staying passengers to avoid omissions.
(4) If the flight is adjusted again, the ground personnel will notify the hotel immediately, and
the hotel shall adopt a reasonable and effective method to notify the passengers within
30 minutes to ensure that all the passengers can receive accurate information.
(5) For passengers who leave the hotel on their own during their stay at the hotel, the hotel
must keep a record (including the passenger's name, departure time, and contact number)
and notify the airport or HNA ground support unit in time, and report in time if special
circumstances occur.
(6) During the stay in the hotel, the additional consumption of the passenger shall be borne
by himself, and the settlement shall be made directly between the passenger and the hotel.
(7) The hotel should truthfully fill in the relevant accounts for the accommodation of
passengers on irregular flights, and the record should include at least date, flight number,
flight segment, passenger name, room number, price, and passenger contact information.
5) Hotel to airport service arrangement requirements
(1) According to the latest flight time, all ground support units will notify the hotel in advance
and arrange passengers to go to the airport to ensure that passengers have enough time
to check out, board, check in, and pass security checks.
(2) When necessary, various security agencies can confirm the flight time with Hainan
Airlines AOC according to operational needs to determine the time to notify passengers
to return to the airport;
(3) After receiving the notice that the passenger needs to be sent back to the airport, the hotel
organizes the check-out procedure and confirms that all the check-in passengers have
left the hotel. If the check-out number does not match the number of the check-in, it is
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necessary to immediately find out and contact the passenger to confirm the reason .
(4) After the passengers leave the hotel, the hotel needs to inform the airport ground service
unit/HNA ground support unit of the number of passengers who have taken the shuttle
vehicle back to the airport. There are special circumstances such as shortage of
passengers or passengers not taking the arranged vehicle to return to the airport. unit.
(5) The ground service unit should arrange for service personnel to guide the vehicle when
the vehicle arrives at the terminal. If necessary, communicate with the airport ground
service and security check in advance, set up check-in counters and security check
channels to ensure that passengers arrive at the boarding gate quickly.
6) Special circumstances
(1) If the available hotel resources in the area are insufficient on the day, the average
negotiated price of the hotels with irregular flights in the area can be converted into cash
and distributed to passengers in the form of accommodation subsidies. After the
accommodation subsidy is issued, no accommodation will be arranged for passengers.
But the scene needs to explain to the passengers.
(2) When the resources of the hotel's regular rooms (single room/standard double room) are
insufficient, the hotel shall not arrange unconventional room types (such as triple rooms,
suites, etc.) to passengers without authorization. It is necessary to fully communicate
with passengers and check the room conditions on site to obtain their consent
Arrangements can be made later.
(3) When the room resources of the same hotel are insufficient, in order to ensure the rest of
the passengers, two or more passengers (limited to ordinary economy class passengers)
can be arranged to stay in one room after obtaining the consent of the passengers, but
one person and one bed shall be guaranteed; Agree to arrange passengers in a double
room without authorization;
(4) When ordinary economy class passengers do not want two people to stay in the same
room, they can stay in a separate room after paying the room price difference. If the
passenger resolutely disagrees to pay the difference to stay in the room, the hotel can
contact the airport or Hainan Airlines' onsite unit, and respond to the passenger after
requesting instructions in accordance with the procedures for requesting instructions for
abnormal flights. When the requirements of the passengers cannot be met, the hotel must
do an explanation.
7) Confirmation of conformity
(1) (Ground personnel must report the name of the hotel to be booked, the composition of
passengers, the number of people, the number of rooms booked, the vehicle type, and
the number to the HNA site unit;
(2) All ground support units confirm the compliance of hotels and vehicles based on the "List
of Hotels for Irregular Flights of Hainan Airlines", and make arrangements for
passengers after agreeing.
Note: The Supplier Management Center of the Ground Service Management
Department updates the information of hotels in various airports at least once a year on
the basis of the existing list of hotels with irregular flights. List of hotels on regular flights.

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Irregular Flight Ground Transportation
1) Conditions for ground transportation costs compensation
(1) Flight delays, cancellations, diversions, or return flights due to the carrier's reasons cause
passengers to be unable to connect to the ground transportation vehicles (such as high-
speed rails, high-speed trains, automobiles, ships, etc.) that have purchased tickets after
arriving at their destination;
(2) Flight delays, cancellations, diversions or return flights due to the carrier's reasons cause
passengers to exceed the public transportation service time from the airport to the urban
subway or airport bus after arriving at the destination airport;
(3) If the flight is cancelled at the stop or alternate destination due to the carrier, and the flight
is not made up, the passenger arrives at the destination by ground transportation;
(4) In addition to the above circumstances, other special circumstances can refer to the
abnormal flight over-standard request process for instructions.
2) Expense compensation standard:
(1) After arriving at the destination, the passenger cannot connect to the ground transportation
vehicle for which the ticket has been purchased
A. Passengers need to provide tickets or electronic orders that have been purchased for train
tickets, bus tickets, etc.;
B. Hainan Airlines or its ground agent can compensate passengers for the refund fees of
ground transportation bills, and the refund fees shall be implemented in accordance with
the relevant regulations of ground transportation enterprises;
C. The refund fees incurred will be included in the abnormal flight fees.
(2) After the passenger arrives at the destination airport, the public transportation service time
from the airport to the urban subway or airport bus is exceeded
A. After the abnormal flight caused by the carrier causes the passenger to arrive at the
destination, and the airport cannot provide the subway or airport bus from the airport to
the city, the passenger can be compensated for the ground transportation cost at a time,
and the cost does not exceed the airport to the city center. Taxi fare
B. The ground transportation costs incurred are included in the cost of irregular flights;
(3) If the flight is cancelled at a stop or alternate destination due to the carrier, and the flight is
not made up, the passenger arrives at the destination by ground transportation;
A. In accordance with the relevant ticket management regulations for involuntary refunds,
the ground support unit can instruct passengers to contact HNA customer service
number 95339, the original ticketing place or the local airport ticket office to handle the
relevant refund procedures for refunds of unused sector tickets;
B. HNA does not directly or indirectly provide ground transportation;
C. Provide passenger subsidies in accordance with the ticket cost standard of public
transport between the stop (or alternate landing) and the destination of the ticket;
D. The ground transportation expenses incurred shall be included in the expenses of
irregular flights;
3) The flight is not normal due to non-carrier reasons
Each ground support unit can assist passengers in arranging ground transportation, and
the expenses incurred shall be borne by the passengers.
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Ground Operation Manual 3 Irregular Flight Certificate
1) Purpose of "Proof of Irregular Flight"
(1) As a proof that the passenger's flight is abnormal;
(2) Vouchers used for passenger refunds when the flight is abnormal;
2) Requirements for filling out "Proof of Irregular Flight"
(1) Issue an "Irregular Flight Certificate" based on the "Flight Adjustment Notice" issued by
AOC; if the "Flight Adjustment Notice" is not issued, the relevant AOC seat must be
contacted on the spot to confirm the reason for the abnormal flight and issue it;
A. HNA personnel on site can contact AOC to confirm the reason for the abnormal flight;
B. In all entrusted areas, airport ground service personnel can contact HNA customer
service seats. After the customer service seats confirm to AOC, they will issue a
certificate in a unified way.
(2) Abnormal flight certificates should include at least the name of the passenger ID number,
date, flight number, flight information, plan / actual take-off and arrival time, delay cause
and so on.
(3) Online issuance:
In order to avoid the backlog of passengers, on-site ground service personnel give
priority to guiding passengers to issue "Proof of Irregular Flight" through the following
methods, and assist passengers when necessary.
A. Hainan Airlines official website: http://www.hnair.com
B. Hainan Airlines APP
C. Hainan Airlines WeChat Official Account
(4) On-site issuance:
A. There is a ticket office directly under Hainan Airlines, and the on-site ground service staff
can guide passengers to the ticket counter to manually issue a certificate and stamp;
B. There is no ticket office directly under Hainan Airlines, but there are areas where Hainan
Airlines is stationed, which shall be issued by Hainan Airlines on-site personnel for
passengers, or Hainan Airlines on-site personnel shall coordinate the airport to issue for
passengers and affix relevant airport certification stamps;
C. Fully entrusted areas, issued by the airport ground service agent, affixed with relevant
airport certification; if the agent airport does not have the HNA "Proof of Irregular Flight",
the passenger's name, ticket number, certificate number, and related flight number and
flight number can be recorded in detail The date, and leave the passenger’s contact
information (telephone and email), and then notify the marketing department of HNA
Holdings (email: bzchbcl@hnair.com); the marketing department will verify the
information after receiving the information and issue the "Proof of Irregular Flight" for
the passenger , Provided to passengers within three working days;
D. "Certificate of Irregular Flight" in two copies, which must be kept for one year after being
issued by various security agencies;
(5) If the passenger does not request on the spot but requires the ground unit to issue an
"Irregular Flight Certificate" afterwards, the ground unit guides the passenger to handle
it through self-service channels. If there are special circumstances, you can call the
95339-customer service hotline to assist in the process, it shall be provided to passengers
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within 7 days from (including) the date of passenger's request.
(6) If the passenger disagrees with the certificate of abnormal flight and requests to provide it
again after confirmation, it shall provide it again to the passenger by letter, fax or e-mail
within 7 days from the date of the passenger's request (including the day). If the abnormal
flight certification information has been corrected, the passenger shall be supplemented
with relevant services according to the corrected information.
(7) Passengers requesting the carrier to issue a certificate of abnormal flight should submit it
within 2 year from the date of issuance of the flight change. Irregular Flight On-Site expense request
Please refer to DF-2018-92
3.9.7 International Flight Irregularity Handling Principle for International Flight Irregularity
1) Principles for handling international irregular flight services
(1) Must meet the requirements of local laws and regulations;
(2) Take the service items specified in the manual as the reference basis;
(3) Please refer to DF-2018-92 [GM] "Business Reminders on HNA Holdings Ground
Operation Business Authorization and Request Process Changes" for the procedures for
requesting instructions for domestic outbound flights. Standard); The final decision-
making power is exercised by the overseas regional manager for overseas departure.
2) Principles for the use of irregularity international expense
(1) All charges involving irregular international flights shall be implemented in accordance
with the latest charge management documents issued by the company.
(2) The reimbursement process for reserve funds and abnormal flight expenses shall be
implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Finance Department.
3) Principles of compensation for irregular international flights
(1) On the premise of fulfilling the company's service commitments, the principle of handling
is to resume flight operations as soon as possible, meet the needs of passengers, and
minimize company losses.
(2) The amount of economic compensation is determined through negotiation with the
passenger, so as to minimize expenses, especially cash expenses.
(3) In accordance with relevant documents and in accordance with overseas requirements.
4) Ticketing service for irregular international flights
If the flight is abnormal due to the carrier or non-carrier, HNA will handle the
corresponding change, change, and refund service for passengers in accordance with the
company’s latest policy. For specific operating standards, please refer to the "HNA
International Flight Ticketing Regulations" of the Marketing Department. And the
service standards of irregular flights on various routes. International Flight irregularity service standard
1) Policies for handling international flight delays and cancellations
(1) Principles for formulating policies for handling international flight delays and
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A. What is expected to happen;
B. Establish an applicable local irregular flight handling plan (different countries due to
laws and regulations, economic conditions, customs, and actual conditions of airport
peripheral equipment and facilities, etc.). Therefore, HNA adopts the same service for
each overseas terminal and station according to local conditions. Keep the project and
service standards as consistent as possible;
C. Meet the reasonable needs of different passengers;
D. Give priority to important and high-end passengers;
E. Care and take care of special passengers;
F. Employees must be familiar with the procedures of the local irregular flight handling
G. Based on the actual handling of abnormal flights, sum up experience in a timely manner,
and continuously optimize and revise the local handling plan for abnormal flights. The
local handling plan must have appropriate financial support procedures.
(2) Local handling plan for HNA international flights
A. The basis for the implementation of the local handling plan for HNA's international
a Sufficient manpower: Sufficient personnel support, if necessary, the support of other staff
in the area can be gathered.
b Coordination with airport management authorities: maintain good relations with
customs, border defense, inspection and quarantine. When the flight is abnormal, keep
in touch with immigration and give the latest news. Able to communicate in English
c The basic quality of employees: front-line employees must be familiar with the handling
process of irregular international flights, participate in and clarify the formulation and
implementation of local handling plans.
d Be able to provide proof of abnormal flight. The certificate contains the airline's apology,
flight number, date, route and reason for the delay, with the airline's logo, and the airline's
seal or the signature of the local competent leader.
e The local airport must have hotels, catering companies, restaurants, automobile
transportation companies, and airlines that have signed an agreement with HNA for
guaranteeing irregular flights.
f If the local airport does not have the conditions to sign an agreement with a catering
company or restaurant, it is necessary to purchase beverages and snacks to prepare for
the protection of abnormal flights.
B. Abnormal basic service items of HNA International
a Information notification: According to the flight delay information provided by the
airline, if the delay exceeds 30 minutes, the passenger must be notified in the form of
broadcast, display, or notice board. If the passenger has not yet checked in, the passenger
must be notified of the flight delay and the current delay time when checking in. If the
flight continues to be delayed, the flight status information will be broadcast every 30
minutes to ensure that the passenger can get the latest flight information.
b Proof of abnormal flight: able to provide proof of abnormal flight.

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c Communication and explanation: Check-in staff, check-in supervisors, on-site support
room or ground service room managers, overseas operation managers, and ground
service leaders of the agency will come to the scene to communicate with passengers
and give them explanations.
d Catering: to ensure the food and beverage needs of passengers in the airport. Meals can
be provided in the hotel during accommodation; passengers can use the on-board meal
catering when they are on the plane; at other times, passengers are guaranteed to have
meals in the terminal building.
e Accommodation: It can meet the accommodation needs of passengers. When
accommodation must be provided, suitable hotels can be arranged in time, and the
requirements of local laws and regulations must be followed when arranging
accommodation. If it cannot be provided, the passenger can negotiate to compensate the
passenger in accordance with the standard of the accommodation hotel agreement.
f Ground transportation: Provide timely ground transportation services when necessary, if
not available, economic compensation can also be taken.
g Economic compensation: When the flight is delayed or cancelled for a certain period of
time, certain economic compensation will be given to passengers in accordance with
local laws and regulations, as well as compensation principles and practices. (If the
overseas departure station cannot provide economic compensation to passengers or the
domestic arrival station is required to assist in providing passenger services, the amount
of economic compensation, compensation method and passenger service needs must be
communicated with the domestic arrival station in advance, and the domestic arrival
station should prepare in advance to avoid service commitments. It is not always the case
that passengers wait for a long time after the flight has landed.)
h Ticket changes, changes, and refunds: When necessary, to meet the ticketing needs of
passengers. If the passenger is rescheduled, the corresponding baggage reshipment
should be handled at the same time.
2) Flight Irregularity on Chinese departure international flight
N/A for International Operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail
3) High-end and special passenger services:
(1) Important passengers (VIP/CIP), business class passengers, and Fortune Wings Platinum,
Gold, and Silver Card passengers should arrange hotels and rooms separately.
(2) Passengers with infants should arrange separate rooms.
(3) Senior and sick passengers should be given special care and services.
(4) Unaccompanied children should be accompanied by special service staff throughout the
journey. If the parents are on this site, they can be taken away by the parents, but the
contact number must be kept.
(5) If the passenger needs it, the passenger can send a message to the arrival station to notify
the person who is going to meet the person about the delayed arrival of the flight or
change the arrival time and other information.
4) Passenger handling procedures for connecting flights
(1) Connection between HNA domestic flights and HNA international flights
A. The information notification process when a flight is delayed at the departure station is
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implemented by referring to the relevant information notification and passenger
notification procedures of "Improper Domestic Flight Services" in this manual.
B. After the ground service personnel of the departure station are informed of the flight
delays at the departure station, they will look up the international transit passengers
through the service information system and formulate a handling plan.
C. The principle of the pre-processing plan. Passengers who can connect to subsequent
flights after the flight is delayed will be dealt with in accordance with the general delay,
and the accommodation at the transfer station shall be arranged in accordance with the
transfer accommodation standard.
D. Domestic transfer to international: For passengers who cannot connect to subsequent
international flights, first change the previous domestic flight to ensure that passengers
have enough time to connect to the subsequent international flight at the transfer station.
If the earliest domestic flight is changed and the subsequent international flight still
cannot be connected, the transfer station shall be notified for the passenger to change the
international flight segment, and the passenger's accommodation at the transfer station
shall be arranged in accordance with the transfer accommodation standard.
E. International to domestic: For passengers who cannot connect with subsequent domestic
flights, the originating station will notify the transfer station to change the later domestic
flights to ensure that passengers have enough time to connect to the subsequent flights at
the transfer station.
F. For specific operations, please refer to the transfer passenger service section of this
(2) HNA international flights connect to foreign flights
A. The departure station of Hainan Airlines international flights is delayed. After the ground
service staff of the departure station learns of the delay of the departure station, they will
find the international transit passengers through the service information system and
formulate a handling plan.
B. The principle of the pre-processing plan, passengers who can still be connected to
subsequent foreign flights after the flight is delayed shall be dealt with as general delays.
For passengers who are unable to connect to subsequent foreign flights after the delay,
according to the actual situation, the departure station will send a list of passengers that
cannot be connected to the transfer station, and the transfer station will help passengers
change their foreign flights. The cost of the carrier is borne by the airline. If there is no
follow-up flight on the day, free board and lodging can be provided. If the passenger
wishes to purchase a train ticket to the destination, he can reimburse the cost of
purchasing the train ticket, and the ticket price is non-refundable. All expenses for non-
carrier reasons shall be paid by the passenger. Flight Irregularity Handling for Domestic sector on international flight
N/A for international operation, please refer to Chinese manual for detail International / Regional Flight irregularity
Please refer to the latest local operation procedure for most up-to-date information
1) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside USA

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Ground Operation Manual 3
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
United States
Delay due to the carrier Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Delay<2 hours Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes,
no other service provided
Delay 2-6 hours 1. Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
(2 hours included) 2. Phone card service of 10 minutes, provided according to the
passengers’ requirement
3. Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining time
Delays ≥ 6 hours 1. Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours
2.Endorsement and refunding service free of charge provided as
required by the passengers
3.Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation
Flight cancellation Service items
The flight is cancelled due to the According to the estimated waiting time of the passenger waiting
carrier, and the passenger is for the changed flight/subsequent replacement flight, the
waiting for the changed flight or corresponding service will be provided according to the carrier’s
subsequent make-ups flight delay service item
Flight diversion Service items
Regardless of whether it is According to the length of the delay after the alternate landing, the
caused by the carrier or not, we service of the corresponding time period is provided according to
will provide corresponding the flight delay service item
services in accordance with the
carrier’s reasons
Remarks: The reason for the delay is determined based on the reason for the abnormal flight
issued by the company whether it is the carrier or non-carrier.
2) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Canada

Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
Delay due to the carrier Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding
Delay < 2 hours 1.Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30

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minutes, no other service provided
Delay 2-6 hours 2.Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
(2 hour included) 3.If the delay happens at the local dining time, food
Delay ≥ 6 hours 4.Accommodation service and ground transportation to the
5.Refunding or endorsement to other airline company
Cancellation due to the carrier Service items
4-6 hours from the changed time of Refer to the service standard for the delay of 4- 6 hours
arrival to the original time
Over 6 hours from the changed time of Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 6 hours
arrival to the original time
The estimated waiting time is over 2 Food provided according to the local dining time
hours after the endorsement of the ticket
Passenger cannot take the flight Accommodation and transportation to provided, food
provided according to the local dining time

3) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside European Union
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
inside European Union
Delay due to the carrier Service items

Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly

Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no

Delay < 4 hour
other service provided

1. Broadcast flight dynamic information timely

2. E-mail, phone telegram or fax email service provided free of charge

for twice
3. Beverage and food provided
Delay≥4 hours
4. Endorsement of tickets for passengers free of charge
5. Accommodation and transportation between the airport and the
hotel provided on the premise of:

A. the passengers must stay over for one or more nights

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B. or compared to the original time of stay, the delay causes the stay
for extra one or more nights
Including the service items for the delay of ≥4 hours
Delay ≥ 5 hours Passenger may apply for the refund within 7 days and the handling of
refund is free of charge
1. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation
Passenger cannot take the flight
2. Food provided according to the local dining time

Cancellation of flights Service items

Food accommodation and transportation provided for the passengers

according to the service items for the delay above
Arrange follow-up flights or endorse the tickets to other flights as the
passengers require, or the passengers may apply for the refund within
7 days and the handling of refund is free of charge
Compensation is provided but no compensation in the following
A. The passengers are informed 2 weeks prior to the planned
departure time of the flight
B. The passengers are informed 1 to 2 weeks prior to the planned
departure time of the flight to change the flight. The departure time of
the changed flight is less than 2 hours after that of the original flight;
Whether it is the due to the the interval between the arriving times of the two flights is less than 4
carrier or not hours
C. The passengers are informed within 7 days of the planned departure
time of the flight to change the flight for the passengers. The departure
time of the changed flight is less than 1 hours after that of the original
flight; the interval between the arriving times of the two flights is less
than 2 hours
D. Unstable political situation (for example: public curfew domestic
turmoil armed conflicts); severe weather conditions where the normal
flight is not allowed (for example: dense fog rainstorm snowstorm
tsunami gale earthquake flood and so on); security risk (for example:
launch different security level to protect the passengers, baggage and
aircraft and so on); unexpected aviation safety defection, strikes of
staff that influence the operation of the flights, air traffic control

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4) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Russia
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
inside Russia

Delay due to the carrier Service items

Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly

Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes,

Delay<1 hour
no other service provided
Delay1-2 hours 1.Broadcast flight dynamic information timely

(1 hour included) 2. Phone card service provided as the passengers require

3. Beverages provided

Delay 2-4 hours 1. Including the service items for the delay of 1-2 hours

2. Endorsement and refunding service free of charge provided as

(2 hours included)
required by the passengers
3. Snacks and beverages provided

1. Including the service items for the delay of 2-4 hours

2. Endorsement and refunding service free of charge provided as

required by the passengers
Delay≥4 hours
3.Accommodation provided for the passengers according to the
actual circumstances
4. Meal tickets provided for the dining in the airport restaurant or
the hotel
Accommodation or the transportation fee from and to the airport
Passenger cannot take the flight
Food provided in the hotel according to the local dining time

Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Over 4 hours from the changed time

Refer to the service standard for the delay of 4 hours
of arrival to the original time

The estimated waiting time is over 2

Snacks and beverages provided according to the local dining
hours after the endorsement of the

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Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation
If the passenger cannot take the flight
Snacks and beverages provided according to the local dining

5) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Kazakhstan

Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from Alma-

Delay due to the carrier Service items

No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding

Delay≤15 minutes
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30
Delay<1 hour
minutes, no other service provided
Delay 1-6 hours 1. Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
2. Phone service provided according to the passengers’
(1 hour included)
3. Snacks and beverages provided (purchase from the local

4. Meal tickets provided (according to the local dining time)

1. Including the service items for the delay of 1-6 hours

2. Endorsement and refunding service free of charge

Delays ≥ 6 hours provided as required by the passengers
3. Meal tickets and accommodation provided
4. Arrange the transportation for the passengers from Alma-
Ata to go home for rest if possible
1.Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation
Passenger cannot take the flight provided
2. Food provided according to the local dining time

Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Less than 6 hours from the changed time of

Refer to the service standard for the delay of 6 hours
arrival to the original time

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The estimated waiting time is over 1 hour after
Meal tickets provided according to the local dining time
the endorsement of the ticket

Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation

If the passenger cannot take the flight
Snacks and beverages provided according to the local dining

6) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside China Taipei
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from China
Delay time Service items

Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly

Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other

Delay≤1 hour
service provided
Delay1-2 hours 1. Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
(1 hour included) 2.Beverages provided for each passenger
3. If the delay happens at the local dining time food provided
Delay2-6 hours 1. Notify of the delay through broadcast
2. Food provided (the way of supply is determined by the time of the
confirmation of the delay information. If the notification is received before the
(2 hours included) check-in, provide the meal tickets directly. If the notification is received after
the notification, deliver the beverages and sandwiches to the boarding gate and
the specific time is determined by the actual circumstance)
3. In case of delay of more than 2 hours. Serve according to the actual situation.
If there is a small demand, provide business mobile phones for the passenger to
contact. If there is a large demand, fill out the contact sheet and fax it to the
destination airport for contact.
4. In case of cancellation of flight or delay of over 4 hours, provide phone card
of TWD 100.
1.Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours

2.Phone card service of no more than 10 minutes provided for the passengers
Delay≥6 hours
3. Ground transportation to the hotel provided
4. Refund or endorse the ticket to other airline company

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Passengers cannot take the 1. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
flight on that day 2. Food provided according to the local dining time
Cancellation due to the
Service items
Over 6 hours from the changed time of arrival to the
Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 6 hours
original time
The estimated waiting time is over 1 hour after the
Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining time
endorsement of the ticket
Accommodation and transportation to the
accommodation provided
If the passenger cannot take the flight
Snacks and beverages provided according to the local
dining time

7) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Singapore

Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from Singapore
Delay time Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other
Delay<2 hours
service provided
Delay2-6 hours
1.Notify of the delay through broadcast
(2 hours included)
2.Food provided (if the delay is known before the check-in, provide the meal
ticket for the specified restaurant directly to the passengers; and the passengers
may have meals in the restaurant specified by the safeguards after the check-in
3. In case of cancellation of flight or delay of more than 2 hours, international
call service of 3 minutes is provided. The hotel provides international call
service of 3 minutes and the time of domestic call is not limited during the
1. Including the service items for the delay >2 hours and <6 hours
2. Transportation fee from and to the downtown
Delay≥6 hours
3. Accommodation and ground transportation to the hotel provided
4. Refunding or endorsement to other airline company
Passengers cannot take the 1. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
flight on that day 2. Food provided according to the local dining time
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Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Over 6 hours from the changed time of arrival to the Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 6
original time hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours after the

Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining time
endorsement of the ticket

Accommodation and transportation to the

If the passenger cannot take the flight accommodation provided

Food provided according to the local dining time

8) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Australia

Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from Sydney
Delay time Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other
Delay<2 hours
service provided
Delay2-4 hours 1. Notify of the delay through broadcast
(2 hours included) 2. Food provided at the local dining time (meal tickets provided)
1. Including the service items for the delay of 2-4 hours

2. Phone card service of no more than 10 minutes provided for the passengers
Delay≥4 hours
3.Accommodation and ground transportation to the hotel provided
4.Refunding or endorsement to other airline company
Passengers cannot take the 1.Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
flight on that day 2. Food provided according to the local dining time
Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Less than 4 hours from the changed time of arrival to the Refer to the service standard for the delay of over
original time 4 hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours after the Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining
endorsement of the ticket time

1.Accommodation and transportation to the

If the passenger cannot take the flight
accommodation provided

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2.Food provided according to the local dining time

9) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Thailand

Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
Delay time Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other
Delay<2 hours
service provided
Delay2-6 hours 1. Notify of the delay through broadcast once every 30 minutes
(2 hours included) 2. Beverages provided according to the site circumstances
3. Communicate with the catering company to provide food subject to the price
according to the site circumstance. The passengers are responsible for the
transportation and the fees from and to the airport
4. When there is a long time of delay as soon as the passengers get on board
provide the beverage and when the flight takes off provide food
5.Provide inbound mobile phone service according to the site circumstance. In
principle, 5 minutes/person for the economy class, 15 minutes/person for the
business class. All communication fees shall be controlled within the planned
Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours
Delay ≥ 6 hours
Provide accommodation service as the passengers require
Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Less than 6 hours from the changed time of arrival to the Refer to the service standard for the delay of over
original time 6 hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours after the Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining
endorsement of the ticket time

If the passenger cannot take the flight Accommodation provided

10) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Vietnam
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from Hanoi
Delay time Service items

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Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other
Delay < 2 hours
service provided
Delay2-6 hours 1.Notify of the delay through broadcast once every 30 minutes
(2 hours included) 2. Beverages provided according to the site circumstances
3. Communicate with the catering company to provide food subject to the price
according to the site circumstance. The passengers are responsible for the
transportation and the fees from and to the airport
4. When there is a long time of delay as soon as the passengers get on board
provide the beverage and when the flight takes off provide food.
5. Provide inbound mobile phone service according to the site circumstance. In
principle, 5 minutes/person for the economy class, 15 minutes/person for the
business class. All communication fees shall be controlled within the planned
Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours
Delay ≥ 6 hours
Provide accommodation service as the passengers require
Cancellation due to the Carrier Service items

Less than 6 hours from the changed time of arrival to the Refer to the service standard for the delay of over
original time 6 hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours after the Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining
endorsement of the ticket time

If the passenger cannot take the flight Accommodation provided

11) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside South Korea
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from Busan
Delay due to the carrier Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other service
Delay < 2 hours
Delay2-4 hours 1.Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
(2 hours included) 2. Phone card service provided as the passengers require
3. Snacks and beverages provided
4. Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining time; provide food if there is no
meal ticket

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1. Including the service items for the delay of 2-4 hours
2. Endorsement and refunding service free of charge provided as required by the
Delay ≥ 4 hours
3.Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
Passengers cannot take the flight 1. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
on that day 2. Food provided according to the local dining time

Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

2 hours from the changed time of arrival to the original

Refer to the service standard for the delay of 2-4 hours

Over 4 hours from the changed time of arrival to the

Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 4 hours
original time

Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation

If the passenger cannot take the flight
provided food provided according to the local dining time

12) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Japan
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from Okinawa
Delay due to the carrier Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other service
Delay < 2 hours
Delay2-4 hours 1.Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
(2 hours included) 2. Phone card service provided as the passengers require
Delay≥4 hours (the flight on that 1. Including the service items for the delay of 2-4 hours
day must be canceled due to the
2. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
airport curfew and excess working
time of the flight crew) 3. Food provided according to the local dining time
Passengers cannot take the flight 1. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
on that day 2. Food provided according to the local dining time

Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

2 hours from the changed time of arrival to the original

Refer to the service standard for the delay of 2-4 hours

Over 4 hours from the changed time of arrival to the

Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 4 hours
original time

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Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation
If the passenger cannot take the flight
provided food provided according to the local dining time

13) Service for International Irregular flight depart from inside Salvia
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from salvia
Delay due to the carrier Service items
Delay < 15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly
Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other service
Delay < 2 hours
1.Broadcast flight dynamic information timely
Delay > 2 hours< 6 hours 2. Snacks and beverages provided according to the actual flight condition
3.Breakfast provided according to the local dining time
1. Including the service items for the delay >2 hours and <6 hours
2. Endorsement and refunding service free of charge provided as required by the
Delay > 6 hours< 12 hours
3. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
1. Including the service items for the delay >2 hours and <6 hours, and delay > 6
hours and < 12 hours
Delay > 12 hours
2. Endorsement and refunding service free of charge provided as required by the
1. Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation provided
Passengers cannot take the flight
2. Food provided according to the local dining time
Cancellation due to the carrier Service items
6-12 hours from the changed time of arrival to the original
Refer to the service standard for the delay of 6-12 hours
Over 12 hours from the changed time of arrival to the
Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 12 hours
original time
The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours after the
Food provided according to the local dining time
endorsement of the ticket
Accommodation and transportation to the accommodation
If the passenger cannot take the flight
provided food provided according to the local dining time

14) Service for international irregular flight depart from Israel

(1) Scope of application
A. The passengers taking flight to or from Israel, including Chinese nationality and Israeli
nationality and passengers of other country’s nationality.
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B. The flights inbound and outbound Israel. Such as: Beijing=Tel Aviv round trips.
(2) Delay flight service standards
A. No matter the delay due to what reasons, provide service according to (3) service
B. Service items: notification, food and beverage, communication, accommodation and
transportation, endorsement and involuntary refunding ticket.
C. Service standard:
a Answer passenger’s questions on-site, provide irregular flight service and ensure there
are service staff on every service position can answer the passenger’s questions.
b Delay<= 15minutes, no need to notify the passengers and put off boarding time slight.
c Delay< 2 hours, broadcast the flight status every 30 minutes including the delay reason,
estimated time of delay.
d Delay>= 2hours but <5 hours:
a) Non-mealtime: snacks and beverage
b) Mealtime: food and beverage, explain and make cash compensation to the passenger if
Kosher Meal is not available.
c) Provide 10-minute telephone service if the passenger request to communicate with
family or friends.
e Delay>= 5 hours but <8 hours:
a) Provide accommodation and transportation service as passengers’ request.
b) Provide endorsement or involuntary refund ticket service, if the delay due to government
approved strict, no need to provide ticket endorsement.
f Delay>= 8 hours, treat as flight cancellation.
(3) Flight cancellation service standard
A. Reasons for flight cancellation: carrier’s reasons and non-carrier’s reasons. Non-carrier’s
reasons include: adverse weather, ATC, military activities and very rare mechanical
failure (it is the decision by the court if the rare mechanical failure belong to irresistible
B. The situations below are treated as flight cancellation
a The flight is cancelled before or on the day of the flight by the carrier;
b The flight is delayed more than 8 hours;
c The flight delay led to the passenger missed subsequent flight, transit airport endorses
d the passenger’s ticket to a flight later more than 8 hours than the original flight;
C. Service standard:
a If the flight is cancelled due to carrier’s reason, provide the corresponding service to the
b If the flight is cancelled due to carrier’s reason and carrier notified the passenger 14days
before the day of the flight, provide the corresponding service to the passengers.
c If the flight is cancelled due to carrier’s reason and carrier notified passengers before the
passenger leaving from home or arriving the airport, the passengers declined the
endorsement due to some reasons as safety, religion, or medical issues, provide the
corresponding service to the passengers.
d If the flight is cancelled due to irresistible reasons, provide the corresponding service to

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the passengers.
e The service items include: endorsement, involuntary refund (refund all the segments or
segments used), food and beverage, telecommunication, accommodation and round-trip
transportation between airport and accommodation.
(4) Note on alternative flights: the choice of alternative flights are not limited to the airlines
flights with agreement with Hainan Airlines, including flights without agreement (flights
of airlines without agreement can be endorsed to the same class or purchase the ticket
for the passenger), and should endorse the ticket to the earliest or the flight passenger
requests. The choice of alternative flights should be based on 8 hours and 800USD as
the reference. If the actual delay is more than 8 hours or actual arrival time is more than
8 hours than the original planned time, if foreign ticket is less than 800USD, it is
recommended to purchase foreign ticket for the passenger.
(5) Note for connecting flights: passengers have connecting flights involving stations in Israel
and there is an irregular segment of the itinerary.
A. Hainan departure airport operation requirements
a The departure station needs to fully communicate with the passengers, endorse the ticket
to the earliest alternative flights or involuntary refund.
b If the subsequent Hainan transfer station is required to provide service arrangement, the
departure station must contact the transfer station in advance, after the flight take off,
notify transfer station by mail or telephone about the service required by the transfer
station and the service arrangement made by the departure station.
c If the subsequent transfer station has no Hainan stationed office, should actively assist
passengers to contact the carrier of the sub
B. HNA transfer station operation requirements
a If the connection time of the passenger's subsequent connecting flight is tight, please
follow the relevant content of the transfer chapter of the Ground Operation Manual.
b If the passenger fails to take the subsequent flight due to the delay of the departure station,
the transit station shall fully communicate with the passenger, and give priority to the
passenger with the earliest alternative flight or handle involuntary refund. Provide meals
and beverages, communication, accommodation, and round-trip transportation services
according to the service standards of irregular flights on Israeli routes.
c If the departure flight is delayed and the passenger's transfer is missed, it is equivalent to
the cancellation of the flight, and the passenger shall be protected in accordance with the
flight cancellation standard. If the follow-up flight protected by our company causes the
passenger to arrive at the destination more than 8 hours later than the original flight, the
departure station needs to consider changing or repurchasing the foreign airline's flight
to the passenger destination within 8 hours.
d If the subsequent flight protected by the originating station arrives at the destination more
than 8 hours later than the original flight, the transit station needs to consider changing
or repurchasing the foreign airline's flight to the passenger's destination within 8 hours.
15) Service for International Irregular Flights that Depart from Cambodia

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Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
Delay time Service items
Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly

Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes, no other

Delay<2 hours
service provided
Delay2-6 hours 1. Notify of the delay through broadcast once every 30 minutes
(2 hours included) 2. Beverages provided according to the site circumstances
3. Communicate with the catering company to provide food subject to the
price according to the site circumstance. The passengers are responsible for
the transportation and the fees from and to the airport

4. When there is a long time of delay as soon as the passengers get on board
provide the beverage and when the flight takes off provide food

5.Provide inbound mobile phone service according to the site

circumstance. In principle, 5 minutes/person for the economy class, 15
minutes/person for the business class. All communication fees shall be
controlled within the planned amounts

Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours

Delay ≥ 6 hours
Provide accommodation service as the passengers require
Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Less than 6 hours from the changed time of arrival to Refer to the service standard for the delay of over
the original time 6 hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours after the Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining
endorsement of the ticket time

If the passenger cannot take the flight Accommodation provided

16) Service for International Irregular Flights that Depart from Laos
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
Delay time Service items

Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly

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Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes,
Delay<2 hours
no other service provided

Delay2-6 hours 1. Notify of the delay through broadcast once every 30 minutes

(2 hours included) 2. Beverages provided according to the site circumstances

3. Communicate with the catering company to provide food subject

to the price according to the site circumstance. The passengers are
responsible for the transportation and the fees from and to the airport
4. When there is a long time of delay as soon as the passengers get
on board provide the beverage and when the flight takes off provide
5.Provide inbound mobile phone service according to the site
circumstance. In principle, 5 minutes/person for the economy class,
15 minutes/person for the business class. All communication fees
shall be controlled within the planned amounts
Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours
Delay ≥ 6 hours
Provide accommodation service as the passengers require

Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Less than 6 hours from the changed time of Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 6
arrival to the original time hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours

Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining time
after the endorsement of the ticket

If the passenger cannot take the flight Accommodation provided

17) Service for International Irregular Flights that Depart from New Zealand
Service Items and Service Standards of the International Irregular Flights that Depart from
New Zealand
Delay time Service items

Delay≤15 minutes No need to notify the passengers and put off the boarding slightly

Broadcast the flight dynamic information once every 30 minutes,

Delay<2 hours
no other service provided

Delay2-6 hours 1. Notify of the delay through broadcast once every 30 minutes

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(2 hours included) 2. Beverages provided according to the site circumstances
3. Communicate with the catering company to provide food subject
to the price according to the site circumstance. The passengers are
responsible for the transportation and the fees from and to the airport
4. When there is a long time of delay as soon as the passengers get
on board provide the beverage and when the flight takes off provide
5.Provide inbound mobile phone service according to the site
circumstance. In principle, 5 minutes/person for the economy class,
15 minutes/person for the business class. All communication fees
shall be controlled within the planned amounts

Delay ≥ 6 hour (including

Including the service items for the delay of 2-6 hours
airport curfew and exceeding
crew working hour) Provide accommodation service as the passengers require
Cancellation due to the carrier Service items

Less than 6 hours from the changed time of Refer to the service standard for the delay of over 6
arrival to the original time hours

The estimated waiting time is over 2 hours

Meal tickets provided subject to the local dining time
after the endorsement of the ticket

If the passenger cannot take the flight Accommodation provided

18) Additional support requirements and instructions

(1) The platinum card, golden card and silver card referred herein mean the platinum card,
golden card and silver card passengers of the Hainan Fortune Wings Club.
(2) For the international terminals not referred in the regulations, the materials of them will
be collected and submitted through a document.
(3) The service fee standard shall be revised once a year. If there is any special circumstance
such as sudden rise in price, the stationed unit shall report to the ground business standard
room of the ground service department and the ground business standard room shall
issue and execute the revise.
(4) If the cancellation not due to the carrier, Hainan Airlines is exempted from the
responsibility. Despite it, Hainan Airlines can help the passengers to arrange the
accommodation, transportation and other service items, but passengers are responsible
for the fees.
A. The passengers are 2 weeks prior to the planned departure time of the flight
B. The passengers are 1 to 2 weeks prior to the planned departure time of the flight to change
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the flight. The time shall be less than 2 hours from the departure time of the changed
flight to that of the original flight; the time shall be less than 4 hours between the arriving
times of the two flights.
C. The passengers are within 7 days of the planned departure time of the flight to change
the flight. The time shall be less than 1 hour from the departure time of the changed flight
to that of the original flight; the time shall be less than 2 hours between the arriving times
of the two flights.
D. The flight is canceled due to the unexpected or uncontrollable reasons: unstable political
situation; severe weather conditions; security risk; unexpected aviation safety defection,
strikes of staff that influence the operation of the flights.
3.9.8 Post Departure Irregular Flight Ground Information Communication
1) information delivery content
(1) Flight information, passenger information, baggage information
(2) Subsequent arrival accommodation arrangements
(3) Delay compensation
(4) Other relevant information
2) Information communication procedures of each unit
(1) Departure station ground support unit
A. Communicate with the ground support unit of the arrival station in a timely manner,
formulate an abnormal flight passenger service guarantee plan, notify the ground support
unit and customer service seat of the arrival station by mail, and make a phone
B. Within 30 minutes after the flight takes off, the security unit of the origin station will
notify the ground security unit of the arrival station of the flight, passengers, baggage and
other information by email again, and confirm by phone.
(2) Ground support unit at the arrival station
A. Receive the confirmation information from the ground support unit of the originating
station and provide timely feedback.
B. Pay attention to the flight status at any time after the flight takes off, provide
corresponding services to passengers according to the abnormal flight plan after the
flight arrives, and feedback the information to the ground support unit and customer
service seat of the departure station after the guarantee is completed.
(3) Customer Service On-Duty
A. After the passenger service plan for abnormal flights is formulated, the customer service
seat must confirm that the ground support units of the departure station and the arrival
station have communicated and understood the plan.
B. Department attendants and customer service seats track the implementation of the
handling of passengers on irregular flights in a timely manner.
C. After the irregular flight guarantee is completed, report to the attendant on the day in time. Irregular Flight Air to Ground Communication
1) As for the problems raised by passengers that require assistance from the crew on duty

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and the follow-up terminal, they should be collected, sorted out and reported to the
business dispatch/service command for coordination and resolution, and the passengers
should be responded to the results in a timely manner.
2) Handover content
(1) Ground support services and compensation that the ground support unit has made to
(2) The content that the departure station has promised to the passenger and has not been
3) Emergency transfer passenger handover
(1) Emergency transfer passenger information is foreseen on the ground of the origin
A. When checking in, if the passenger declares on-site for the connecting flight within one
hour after checking, please register the name, seat number and follow-up flight time at
the duty officer or representative office of the station.
a Follow up with foreign airlines within one hour of flight;
b There will be subsequent flights to HNA within one hour, but there is no connection
information in the operating network;
B. The duty supervisor or the station representative summarizes the check-in crew
notification and on-site notification of the passenger information of the emergency
connecting flight that meets the above A. or B. The flight attendant transfers such
C. The flight crew can change seats to try to meet the priority of disembarking passengers
who are connected to subsequent flights within one hour after the plane landed, except
for full- and VIP-guaranteed flights.
(2) Passengers on subsequent flights will be connected within one hour after being
temporarily informed in the air
A. Flight attendants will report the names and seat numbers of emergency transit passengers
temporarily, and inform the captain of this information before landing, and the captain
will notify the Operations Control Department before the flight lands.
B. The flight crew can change seats and try their best to arrange priority disembarkation for
transit passengers, except for flights with full passengers and VIP passengers.
(3) Arrival station guarantee work procedures
A. Conscientiously check the flight status telegrams from the rear station (including the
departure station and the stopover station) and the emergency transit passenger
information notified by the rear station and the air at any time.
B. After receiving the emergency transit passenger information, follow the abnormal transit
guarantee process to formulate a plan and guarantee it.
3.9.9 Irregular Flight Expense Management Cash Expense Claim Procedure
As per HNAIR-STM-Notice-2018-740 Reserve Cash Request Procedure
N/A for International Operation, please refer to Chinese Manual for detail

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Ground Operation Manual 3 Special circumstance Irregular Expense Loan Scheme
N/A for International Operation, please refer to Chinese Manual for detail
3.9.10 Irregular Flight Expense Audit and Claim process
1) Purpose
Further standardize the management of abnormal flight costs and strengthen the control
of abnormal flight costs.
2) Scope of application
It is suitable for ground service guarantee personnel to operate and manage the expenses
incurred by passengers on domestic/international flights of Grand China (CN) and
Hainan Airlines (HU) when the flight or luggage transportation is abnormal.
3) Reference documents
Notice on the revision and issuance of the "Statistical Measures for Flight Regularity of
HNA Holdings and the Classification of Reasons for Flight Irregularities" (HNAIR-HR-
Notice-2019-1319), and the issuance of the "Regulations on the Management of
Overbooking of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Airlines" Notice (Qiong Hangpin
[2016] No. 142), "Operational Rules for the Verification and Write-off of Cash-based
Expenses for HNA Holdings' Irregular Flight Fees and Transfer Service Fees", etc.
4) Expense budget, review and allocation
(1) The annual cost budget is prepared by the Supplier Management Center of the Ground
Service Management Department of HNA Holdings.
(2) All abnormal flight fees will be reviewed by the supplier management center of the
ground service management department and the cost management center of the financial
department, and the financial department will settle the fees.
(3) The expenses shall be included in the budget of abnormal flight expenses of the Ground
Service Management Department.
5) Operating standards
(1) The price standards for beverages, meals, lodging, accommodation and transportation for
passengers on irregular flights are the prices in the "Service Agency Agreement for
Irregular Flight Passengers" (or other agreements that include this service) signed by the
company and the agency. Similar agreement price.
(2) For the fee request process, please refer to DF-2018-92 [GM] "Business Reminders on
HNA Holdings Ground Operation Business Authorization and Request Process
Changes" (If the organization changes, there will be follow-up document updates,
subject to the updated documents)
(3) The ground service personnel of the ground support unit supervise the ground service
provider's provision of services for HNA passengers on irregular flights, and check the
bills issued by the ground service provider to confirm whether the information such as
the number of passengers, service items, and prices are in line with the ground service.
Supplier agreement requires and sign on the bill to confirm.
6) Responsibilities and division of cost audit management
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(1) Passenger bills for irregular flights and irregular baggage (domestic areas), cash-related
expenses for irregular flights and irregular baggage (including domestic and overseas
areas) shall be reviewed by the Supplier Management Center of the Ground Service
Management Department, and the Finance Department Settlement.
(2) Irregular flight crew costs (including domestic and overseas areas), Beijing BGS
international irregular flights and abnormal baggage bills, and overseas bills are directly
reviewed and settled by the Cost Management Center of the Finance Department.
7) Reimbursement certificate, verification process
(1) The reimbursement voucher for the reimbursement of abnormal flight fees and abnormal
baggage fees shall be based on agreements.
(2) For the reimbursement voucher of cash expenses for abnormal flights and abnormal
baggage, and the verification process, please refer to the "Operational Specifications for
the Verification of Cash Expenses for Irregular Flight Fees and Transfer Service Fees of
HNA Holdings".
3.9.11 Irregular Flight Ticketing procedure Refund and Change
1) If a passenger who has gone through the check-in procedures needs to change, refund or
abandon the itinerary, the ground personnel will take back and verify the boarding pass,
return the passenger's checked baggage, and direct the passenger to the ticket window or
through the Hainan Airlines official website, APP and WeChat public Refund and
change tickets online, such as number and other online methods;
2) For specific regulations, please refer to HUGN2018-243 on the issuance of HNA
Holdings and Grand China China's domestic irregular flight ticket management
regulations. Domestic Flight Irregularity Ticketing Procedure
N/A for International Operation, please refer to Chinese Manual for detail. International and Regional Flight Irregularity Ticketing Procedure
Regulations for handling irregular flight ticketing apply to international and regional
routes operated by HNA in the form of code-sharing and charter flights operated by
HNA itself and HNA as the actual carrier.
For details, please refer to "HUIR20001 HNA International and Regional Route
Irregularities Ticket Handling Regulations" (subsequent to the update of this document
by the Marketing Department).

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3.10 Suspected of smuggling, refusal of entry, and deportation plans
3.10.1 Description
1) Formulation basis
(1) "Chinese Civil Air Passenger and Baggage International Transportation Rules"
(2) "Hainan Airlines International Transportation General Conditions"
(3) "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Exit and Entry Border Inspection"
(implemented on September 1, 1995)
(4) ANNEXE 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation ANNEXE 9 to the
Convention on International Civil Aviation
(5) IATA Passenger Service conference Resolution 701
(6) IATA/Control Authorities Working Group- Guidelines for The Removal Of Inadmissible
Passengers (MAY 2011)
(7) IATA/Control Authorities Working Group- Guidelines for the Removal of Deportees
(May 2010)
(8) EU General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR for short
(9) "China Civil Air Passenger and Baggage International Carriage Rules"
2) Related definitions
(1) Suspected smuggling passengers: Passengers who are suspected of having forged or
fraudulently used documents, or suspected of smuggling in their behavioral
characteristics, or suspected of seeking entry opportunities in the country of entry or
transit by abnormal means such as tearing up their travel documents.
(2) Stowaway passengers: Passengers who have been confirmed to have forged or
fraudulently used passports, visas or boarding passes, or have torn up their travel
documents and other abnormal means to seek entry into the country of entry or transit.
(3) Passengers denied entry (INAD): Passengers who arrive in a country by flight, but are
refused entry or transit by the country’s administrative authorities, or are refused carriage
by the onward airline because of violations of the country’s immigration laws and
regulations or other reasons.
(4) Deportation of passengers (DEPA or DEPU): Passengers who are permitted to enter or
enter the country illegally by the administrative authority of the country of entry, and are
ordered to leave the country by the administrative authority of that country after staying
in the country. There are different reasons for being forced to leave the country, such as
being found to have entered the country illegally, criminal offences, extradition required
by other countries, and visa expiration.
(5) DEPA refers to the industry-approved code for a deportee who is escorted by authorized
personnel during the removal. DEPU refers to the industry-approved code for a deportee
who is not escorted during the removal.
(6) Imposter: an individual who uses or intends to use an international travel document other
than the person.
(7) International travel documents: passports or documents used in place of passports and
used to prove the identity of passengers during international travel.
(8) Entry/Exit Permit: Documents issued by the authorities of the entry/exit/transit country
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that allow passengers to enter, exit and transit, such as visas, endorsements, group
signatures, residence cards, etc., as well as other materials that need to be checked during
exit, entry, and transit.
(9) Invalid documents: damaged (unidentifiable), expired or invalid international travel
documents and entry and exit permits, as well as international travel documents and entry
and exit permits that are not recognized by the country of entry and exit.
(10) Forged documents: all forged international travel documents and entry and exit permits,
altered items, dismantled documents or visa pages, exposed photos, forged visas, forged
border inspection stamps or other seals, etc. International travel documents and entry and
exit permits. As long as one of the international travel documents and entry permits held
by passengers is forged or altered, they are deemed to be holding forged documents.
(11) Inbound carrier: When arriving in a certain country, there are passengers who are denied
entry or onward travel on the carrier's flight, and this carrier is the inbound carrier.
(12) Participation in inbound transportation means that all carriers (including inbound carriers)
participate in the transportation of the entire itinerary of passengers who have been
refused entry from their last stop or departure station to the place where they were refused
entry or where they refused to continue their journey. .
(13) Outbound carrier: the carrier of the flight on which the denied entry passenger is carrying
the flight from the place where the entry is denied or refused to go onward, or the flight
on which the deported passenger is carrying the flight that the country’s administrative
authority orders him to leave the country. people.
(14) Participation in outbound transportation means that all carriers (including outbound
carriers) participate in the itinerary transportation of passengers denied entry or deported
passengers to their destinations.
(15) Escort personnel: personnel who have been assigned by the administrative authorities or
airlines and have received special training to supervise passengers who have been
refused entry and/or deported passengers during outbound transportation.
(16) Risk assessment is the assessment conducted by the administrative authority or the
outbound carrier that issued the deportation of passengers. It mainly refers to whether the
use of civil aviation flight transportation requires escort personnel. The risk assessment
should take into account various potential situations: passenger wishes, behaviors, and
psychology. And physical fitness conditions, past violent resistance incidents, medical
insurance conditions, and other related conditions.
(17) HNA Ground Units: Including HNA's domestic ground support centers, supervised
airlines within the group, internal suppliers and international terminals, etc.
(18) HNA ground personnel: the staff of HNA's various service units.
3) Risk levels and handling principles: According to the types of passengers, the difficulty
of handling, and the degree of passenger cooperation, the risk levels of suspected
smuggling, refusal of entry, and repatriation of passengers are classified in order to clarify
the responsibilities of the carrier.
Suspected smuggling passengers
Risk Passenger type and difficulty of handling Handling Principle

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Medium Suspected smuggling of foreign tourists going The departure station shall deal
abroad via China. with it in accordance with the
Medium Suspected smuggling Chinese tourists going standards and procedures for the
abroad. prevention of suspected smuggling
Passengers refused entry
Remarks: In the table below, if any one or both of the two dimensions of passenger type, transportation
difficulty, and passenger cooperation are “high”, it is determined as a high-risk passenger.
Risk Passenger type and difficulty of handling Passenger Handling
cooperation Principle
High Foreign travelers who are not nationals of High: The The AOC will
overseas arrival stations who are refused passenger lead the class
entry/transit abroad due to torn or lost passports. refuses to teacher’s assistant
Foreign travelers who hold valid travel cooperate with to set up the
documents and are refused entry/transit at the the airline in necessary special
overseas arrival station due to other reasons, and violent and handling team to
are not foreign travelers of the nationality of the non-violent coordinate all
overseas arrival station. forms. Need to relevant units to
Foreign passengers who have been refused assess whether formulate
entry/transit by China’s border guards and are not to escort. transportation and
of the nationality of the overseas originating departure plans.
station and have no direct flights to transport them
to the place where they can receive their entry.
Medium Chinese passengers who are refused entry/transit Medium: The arrival
at overseas arrival stations due to torn or lost Passengers station where the
passports actively incident occurred
Chinese passengers who are refused entry/transit cooperate with communicated
at overseas arrival stations due to other reasons the airline's with the
shall hold valid travel documents. work, or departure station
Foreign travelers whose nationality is the country although they to make
where the overseas departure station is located are are reluctant, transportation
denied entry/transit by the Chinese border guards. they can arrangements by
Foreign passengers who have been refused cooperate with itself.
entry/transit by China’s border guards and are not the airline's
of the nationality of the overseas departure station work after
and have direct flights to transport them to the persuasion.

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place where they can receive their entry.
Deportation of passengers
Risk Type of Passenger Handling Principle
High DEPA 或 DEPU The AOC will lead the class teacher’s assistant to set up the
necessary special handling team to coordinate all relevant
units to formulate transportation and departure plans. Need to
assess whether to escort.

3.10.2 Job Responsibility

1) Dedicate Handling Team
(1) For high-risk passengers, after receiving the information summarized by AOC customer
service seats, authorized by the chief duty officer, AOC will lead the class teacher's
assistant seat to establish a special handling team, and the handling team will
coordinately formulate a transportation departure plan.
(2) The members of the special handling team should include: AOC head teacher assistants,
AOC customer service seats, HNA ground unit representatives (including the station
where the incident occurred, the passenger departure station, and the station along the
planned departure route), the ground service management department, Duty officer of
marketing department, security department and cabin department. It can be adjusted
according to the actual situation, and the WeChat group form can be adopted to facilitate
2) HNA and domestic and foreign service providers
(1) Starting from multiple angles such as internal training and outreach, we will continue to
improve the anti-smuggling awareness and handling capabilities of front-line employees.
(2) International flight check-in personnel must receive basic training on passport authenticity
recognition organized by their department before taking up their posts.
(3) Raise awareness of responsibility and actively identify suspected smuggling passengers.
Carefully use the right to refuse to transport suspected smugglers, and actively report to
the local HNA ground personnel for the final decision.
(4) Maintain good contact with the administrative authority and the corresponding national
carrier liaison officer to facilitate timely assistance.
(5) Actively assist in communicating with the ground service of the
originating/transferring/arriving station and the administrative authorities to seek the best
solution for passengers suspected of smuggling, repatriation or refusal of entry.
3) HNA ground handling units (HNA's domestic ground support centers, group supervised
airlines, HNA local service units, overseas terminals, etc.)
(1) Responsible for effective linkage with the administrative authorities, actively obtaining
suggestions for anti-smuggling work, such as blacklists, high-risk countries list, etc., and
promptly remind the originating station ground security unit.
(2) Responsible for actively assisting the origin site and communicating with the
administrative authorities to obtain the transportation opinions of suspected smuggling
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(3) Responsible if a passenger is refused entry or transit, he should actively communicate with
the local and originating station administrative authorities and ground suppliers to obtain
information, and if necessary, contact the passenger's national embassy and consulate to
assist in reissuing international travel documents for the passenger. Preliminarily
formulate transportation and departure plans, provide risk assessment opinions, and
provide feedback on required assistance resources.
4) Ground Service Management Department
(1) Responsible for the training of ground service agents and HNA ground personnel's anti-
smuggling handling capabilities, and continue to improve the disposal plan through
analysis of cases collected by the standard training center of the ground service
management department and other channels.
(2) Responsible for the collection and notification of information in the ground service system,
as well as the information docking with the AOC and the assistant seat of the class teacher.
(3) Responsible for the verification and write-off of expenses incurred in the transportation of
passengers who refuse entry and deportation.
5) Aviation Security Department
Responsible for formulating escort plan and dispatching personnel to carry out escort
when necessary, based on the transportation risk assessment opinions of persons who
refuse to enter and repatriate.
6) Compliance and Legal Department
Responsible for recovering necessary expenses by legal means.
7) Marketing Department
Responsible for the establishment of a blacklist mechanism to blacklist passport
information held by passengers who are suspected of smuggling, who were officially
recommended to refuse transportation, actually committed smuggling, used forged
travel documents or imposed passengers, and prohibited them from repurchasing
Hainan Airlines tickets.
Information receiving address: ma-yuan3@hnair.com, mz-guo@hnair.com, fuq-
3.10.3 Preventive measures and handling procedures for suspected smuggling passengers
1) General
Hainan Airlines strictly abides by the international civil aviation conventions and takes
measures to avoid smuggling passengers on the flights it carries. Willing to negotiate
with relevant government authorities on the handling measures for smuggling
passengers to safeguard the rights and interests of relevant government authorities and
2) Privacy protection
The processing of personal data of EU travelers must comply with GDPR requirements.
For details, please refer to DF-Notification-2018-103 [GS] business reminder on issuing
ground service requirements under the EU GDPR policy. The main points are as follows:
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"Passenger authorization and consent: In addition to legal regulations and business
requirements during check-in, boarding, baggage and other service links, if passenger
information needs to be communicated to a third party for confirmation (such as
confirming passenger passport information, you need to consult domestic At the
departure station, you need to take a photo and send it to the staff at the departure station),
or use passenger information for other purposes, you should explain the purpose of use
to the passenger and ask for the passenger’s consent.
3) Disposal measures for on-site ticket sales
(1) On-site ticket sellers should organize basic training on passport authenticity recognition
by their department before taking up their posts. The training format can be on-site
training or self-study by consulting courseware.
(2) The on-site ticket sales staff shall check the passports and other travel documents of the
passengers in accordance with the entry/transit requirements and confirm that the
documents are authentic and valid before selling tickets.
(3) Passengers whose travel documents are judged to be forged or fraudulently used shall
refuse to sell tickets to them, and register their document numbers, routes and appearance
characteristics, and remind other Hainan Airlines ticket offices.
4) Disposal measures at the originating station
(1) The decision process for the opinion of suspected smuggling passengers

(2) Pre-opening preparation: Check the composition of passengers in advance before opening
the cabinet for international flights, and identify the passengers who need to be focused
on in terms of nationality, itinerary, etc., in order to take precautions.
(3) Routine inspection. Check-in personnel should carefully check the passenger's documents
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in accordance with the latest TIM manual to ensure that the passenger meets the entry
and transit requirements in the TIM manual. In order to prove the validity of the
passenger's certificate, the passenger can be asked to show a certificate that further proves
his identity, such as an ID card, driver's license, etc. At the same time, attention should
be paid to observing the characteristics of passengers' behavior and judging whether they
are suspected to be illegal immigrants.
(4) Judgment basis for suspected smuggling passengers. The factors for determining
suspected smuggling passengers listed in the table below can be used as a reference basis
for check-in personnel at the departure station, but are not limited to this. The check-in
unit shall make a comprehensive assessment based on the on-site situation, and if
necessary, converge with the opinions of the operation manager of the overseas arrival
station to decide whether to carry passengers. If the carriage is refused, HNA ground
personnel should write a report in the format of "Report on Hainan Airlines’ Refusal to
Transport Suspected Stowaway Passengers, Refusal of Entry and Repatriation" and send
it to the email address hzdmglzx@hnair.com of the Standard Training Center of the
Ground Service Management Department and ground service management Department
of terminal administrative management mailbox hgbhzxzgl@hnair.com. In principle,
passengers holding diplomatic or official passports are not considered as suspected
smuggling passengers.
Nationality and Region
From a region or country where the economy is relatively backward, or the political situation is unstable, or
is in a period of war, or designated by the administrative authority, and the region or country (mainly Africa,
the Middle East) that has been identified by our company based on the actual situation is more serious. ),
transit or travel to countries or regions with more developed economies and looser immigration and refugee
High-risk routes
European routes (mainly Brussels and Rome), Canadian routes, Mexico routes
Air ticket, itinerary
Purchase air tickets in cash
Tickets are issued before departure on international routes
The ticket issuance location is a third country
Hold a short-term visitor visa, but only a one-way ticket, no return or onward ticket
The itinerary is complicated and tortuous. Have a faster itinerary, but choose a more complicated itinerary
The length of stay in a foreign country does not match the purpose of travel indicated in the visa or other
Behaviour, language
Nervous, avoiding the eyes of the check-in staff
Acting too cooperatively, eager to prove that they meet the entry and transit requirements
Unclear explanation of one's own itinerary and travel purpose, or can only retell it mechanically

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The processing time is too late, trying to use the tight time as an excuse to induce the check-in staff to ignore
the document verification step
Attempting to have someone else handle the check-in procedures on their behalf, or continue to receive
external guidance during the process
Does not speak the language of the country where the travel document was issued
Does not speak the language of the country of birth indicated on the travel document
Travel documents, proof of identity
The travel documents and immigration stamps are tampered with, smeared, or of poor quality
Except for necessary travel documents such as passports, other valid identification documents cannot be
Not clear about the visa application requirements and procedures
Luggage, clothing
No checked baggage, or the checked baggage is very light, small or contains only low-value contents
The amount of baggage, the contents and the purpose of the trip, and the duration of the trip do not match
The amount and contents of the baggage are quite different from the usual baggage of similar passengers
on the route in question
Dressing does not match the declared identity
Other doubts found at the scene
(5) decide refused to transport passengers suspected of smuggling referrals process: when it
is determined a suspected stowaway passengers bearing higher operational risk value,
but cannot get timely advice official carrier, or official cannot give an opinion, the value
of the crew shall promptly Details Report level by level to get the final rejection decision.
Branch/base area: The ground support centre manager provides decision-making
Shenzhen/Guangzhou/Changsha, etc. suggestions-->The branch/base 01 duty officer makes the final
Regulatory regions of airline The duty manager of the ground support centre of each airline
companies within the group: company (or equivalent function personnel) provides decision-
Pudong/Chongqing/Chengdu/Sanya, making suggestions -> The manager of the ground support centre
etc. of each airline company makes the final decision
area: Ground Service International Travel Service Duty Manager (or
Beijing/Xi'an/Haikou/Taiyuan/Tianjin equivalent function personnel) provides decision-making
etc. suggestions-->Ground Service Duty Officer makes the final
Overseas terminal Overseas terminal managers
(6) The right to refuse transportation. Our company reserves the right to decide on its own to
refuse to carry suspected smuggling passengers. The basis for the right to refuse carriage
is as follows:
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A. Article 29 of the "Chinese Civil Air Passenger and Baggage International Carriage
Rules" "Passengers whose carriers have the right to refuse carriage: in order to comply
with the laws and other effective regulations of the origin, stopover, destination, or
overflight country; the passenger has not Present a valid travel document; the passenger
may seek entry in a transit country, the passenger may destroy his or her document during
the flight, or the passenger does not submit the travel document to the flight crew for
custody as required by the carrier."
B. Chapter 7 of "Hainan Airlines General Conditions of International Carriage" "HNA has
the right to refuse the carriage of passengers and their luggage when one of the following
conditions is determined for safety or based on its own reasonable judgment": (1) In
order to comply with the origin , Stopping places, destinations, or the laws and other
relevant regulations of the countries that fly over; (6) The passenger has not presented
his valid passport, visa or other travel documents; (7) The passenger may attempt to enter
the country illegally in his transit country, or may be in Destroy their documents during
the flight, or refuse to hand over their travel documents or copies to the flight crew for
safekeeping in accordance with the requirements of HNA."
(7) Normative interpretation of the refusal to transport suspected smugglers
A. For suspected smuggled passengers who have received the opinion of the administrative
authority to refuse transportation, the check-in staff can inform them that it is the official
opinion of the administrative authority.
B. For passengers who have been voluntarily decided to refuse carriage by our company,
the standard of notification shall be: Hainan Airlines has good reason to suspect that you
may enter the country illegally / enter the country illegally during transit / destroy your
documents in flight (choose according to the specific situation), according to Hainan
Airlines International the rights stipulated in the General Conditions of Transport, now it
is decided to refuse you to take our flight. Based on valid proofs it is highly suspected
you will try to enter XXX (country name) by illegal means/ enter XXX (country name)
by illegal means during your transit/destroy your passport on the flight (select according
to actual situation). According to the rights specified in the General Conditions of
Carriage of Hainan Airlines, now we refuse to accept you on our flights.
(8) Follow-up handling of refusal to transport suspected smuggled passengers
A. Suspected smuggling passengers who refuse to carry on their own judgment, if they
strongly request to take our follow-up flight, must provide sufficient evidence to
eliminate the suspected smuggling, such as work certificate, asset certificate, guarantee
letter, etc. And after obtaining the transportation opinions of the administrative authorities
of the entry and transit countries in advance, or after communicating with the ground
personnel of Hainan Airlines at the arrival station, the passengers shall be handled in
accordance with the "document package". Tickets should be rescheduled free of charge.
If the passenger does not request to take our follow-up flight, the ticket will be processed
as an involuntary refund.
B. If the carriage is refused due to the opinion of the administrative authority, if there is no
corresponding license, the carriage will not be carried in the future. Tickets are handled
as involuntary refunds.

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C. It can assist passengers in refunding tickets and booking hotel accommodation. In
principle, the cost of accommodation shall be borne by the passenger.
(9) Employee attitude and employee protection. Employees should communicate politely
and resolutely when collecting passenger documents and packing. If you decide to refuse
the carriage by yourself, you should try to avoid excessive disputes on the spot.
Passengers who act aggressively should protect themselves and report to the police.
(10) Document packaging process: when the administrative authority cannot give advice on
carriage, cannot give advice on carriage in time, or although it is recommended to carry,
but our company believes that there is still a risk, we can do "document packing"
processing. Packing is not applicable for holders of official passports and diplomatic
passports; the operation is as follows:
A. Check the TIM to ensure that the passenger meets the entry or transit requirements of the
relevant country.
B. Passengers are requested to show reasonable financial proof and inform them that if they
are refused entry or transit by the administrative authorities, they need to pay for food
and lodging, transportation, and return air tickets.
C. Take photos of passports and other travel documents and visas and archive them for 3
days. If the passenger is refused entry or transit by the administrative authority, the
corresponding data shall be kept for 3 months for subsequent investigation and
D. Standardize the interpretation and inform passengers when checking in: According to
our reasonable judgment, we believe that you may be refused entry or transit by the
national administrative authority. In order to reduce the risk, you are now required to
cooperate with our company and submit your travel documents. Keep in the unit
E. Based on reasonable judgment we believe it is highly possible you might be refused
entry or transit by the immigration of arrival station, in order to reduce possible risk we
would like to ask your kindly cooperation to handover your travel document to our cabin
crew. At the same time, passengers are requested to read the contents of the passenger
declaration column of the "Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover
Form" and sign for confirmation. If the passenger still resolutely refuses to cooperate
after patient persuasion, the carriage may be refused.
F. Seating arrangement: The seat of the passenger with the certificate should be arranged
next to the seat of the security officer on duty, or within the two rows behind, so that the
security officer can pay attention to the passenger.
G. Ensure that the passenger's identity, certificates, and boarding pass information are
completely consistent with the departure system before boarding. When boarding the
plane, the ground service personnel shall collect the passenger travel documents and
boarding pass, fill in the "Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover Form"
and sign and hand over with the escort (security officer) and the cabin manager/crew
captain. Passengers travel during the flight The certificate and boarding pass are
temporarily arranged by the escort (security officer) for safekeeping, and transferred to
the HNA ground staff upon arrival.
H. Check-in personnel must notify the arrival station of passenger-related information such

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as passports and other travel documents, visas, and itinerary no later than 3 hours before
the estimated flight arrival time by mail or other valid forms. If the flight time is less than
3 hours, it will be sent no later than 1 hour before the estimated flight arrival time.
I. Make arrangements in advance to take advantage of the high risks of air transportation
to refuse entry and deport passengers, and seats must be arranged in the back row of
economy class. The originating station shall notify the stopping and arriving stations in
time, and the latest sending time shall be the same as above.
5) Handling measures at the arrival station
(11) After receiving a notification from the departure station that there are passengers with
"document packs" on the flight, or after receiving a notification from the AOC customer
service seat that there are stowaways on the aircraft, the HNA ground personnel at the
arrival station should immediately contact the administrative authority and the onward
flight carrier. Company, prepare the disposal plan, and arrive at the stand before the flight
arrives, and be ready to receive it.
6) After the flight arrives, for passengers with "document packs" at the departure station
and smuggled passengers reported on the flight, the ground service personnel of HNA
or its authorized supplier at the arrival station will handover and collect the passengers.
The travel documents and boarding passes will be directly handed over to the
administrative staff for inspection, and the passengers will be guided to the inspection
office of the immigration or transit administrative authority. After monitoring the
passenger’s clearance and confirming that there is no problem, the travel documents can
be returned to the passenger.
(1) For transit passengers, it is necessary to communicate with the onward airline in advance,
and the airline company will decide whether to take over the travel documents of the
passengers, but it should be recommended to continue to take appropriate measures to
prevent passengers from seeking entry in abnormal ways such as tearing up travel
documents during transit opportunity.
(2) In the event that passengers tear or change their passports at the destination or transit
airport or on the flight, the identity cannot be verified, the ground personnel of Hainan
Airlines at the arrival station should contact the local administrative authority in time and
ask them to assist in the monitoring and inspection. At the same time, it contacted the
ground service unit of the departure station to collect relevant information on passengers
who had torn or exchanged their passports, and actively assisted the administrative
authorities in their investigations.
(3) If the local administrative authority has special requirements, it will be handled in
accordance with the local requirements.
3.10.4 Procedures for handling refusal of entry passengers
1) The reasons for refusal of entry are usually as follows: ①Holding invalid exit and entry
documents, such as lack of valid visa or passport has expired; ②Holding forged or
altered exit and entry documents; ③Not holding exit and entry documents, such as
certificates Lost, stolen, or deliberately torn up and destroyed during the journey; ④
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Impersonate others, holding exit and entry documents that are not the person; ⑤Other
refusal to enter: Hold all travel documents required by the country of arrival or transit,
and comply with entry The carrier’s transportation conditions, but due to lack of cost, or
being denied entry or transit by the administrative authority of the arrival station or transit
country, or denied entry or transit as required by laws or administrative regulations, or
other potential factors causing the inability to enter or transit.
2) Transport responsibility
(1) Regardless of the reasons mentioned above, if it is a flight operated by Hainan Airlines,
according to Article 5.11 of the IX "Simplified Procedures" of the International Civil
Aviation Convention: Aircraft operators must repatriate those who cannot be admitted
to: a) This the place where the person begins his journey; or b) any place where the
person is accepted for entry.
(2) When a passenger is refused entry, the administrative authority shall immediately notify
the carrier and consult with the carrier on the feasibility of departure. When a passenger
is clearly admitted to the country of the arrival station and then needs to be removed from
the country for some reason, the passenger cannot be defined as a "rejected passenger".
(Guidelines for The Removal of Inadmissible Passengers 4.3)
3) According to Article 5.14 of "Simplification of Procedures" in Annex IX of the
International Civil Aviation Convention, "When it is found that the documents of
arriving and transiting persons are inappropriate, and the aircraft operator can show that
they have taken sufficient precautions to ensure that these persons meet the document
requirements of the country of entry and reception At the time, each Contracting State
shall not impose a fine on the aircraft operator". The HNA ground personnel at the arrival
station shall explain to the administrative authority of the country that refuses to enter the
country and provide evidence that they have tried their best to ensure that the passenger
meets the document requirements of the country where the arrival station is located, so
as to avoid or appropriately reduce the fines imposed by the immigration authorities on
4) Confirmation of refusal of entry information
(1) When a passenger is refused entry at the arrival station, or is not determined whether to
refuse entry, the administrative authority of the country where the arrival station is
located shall notify the carrier that refuses to enter the port as soon as possible, and at the
latest within 24 hours after the arrival of the flight. (Guidelines for The Removal Of
Inadmissible Passengers 3.2). If there is no reply or notice from the administrative
authority, the ground personnel of HNA should ask whether they confirm the refusal of
the passenger's entry.
(2) If there is a refusal to enter the passenger, the ground service personnel should ask about
the reason for the refusal to enter, and collect relevant evidence or information.
According to the requirements of the immigration authorities, contact the ground service
unit of the departure station, collect relevant information of passengers, and actively
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assist the immigration authorities in their investigations.
(3) The airport administrative authority of the arrival station requires the carrier airline to
transfer the passenger who refuses to enter the country, and it shall issue a written transfer
notice. The notice shall include the passenger's name, age, gender, nationality, and
destination of transfer (Guidelines for The Removal). Of Inadmissible Passengers 3.4).
Except where the airport administration refuses to issue a written notice.
5) Transportation plan arrangement
(1) Medium-risk passengers: In principle, the arrival station shall communicate with the
departure station to make transportation arrangements by itself. It is necessary to
coordinate with passengers to pay their own expenses. Seats can be issued according to
passenger needs and actual conditions. Travel documents should be packaged.
(2) High-risk passengers
A. At the arrival station, the HNA ground unit communicates with the local administrative
authority and the departure station to formulate a planned transportation and departure
plan. The plan includes but not limited to ① passenger information; ② event
introduction; ③ travel document preparation; ④ transportation destination; ⑤
outbound transportation ⑦Flight arrangements; ⑦Limits on transportation quantity;
⑧ Ticket preparation; ⑨ Food and lodging supervision; ⑩ Escort personnel;
⑪Expense advance and collection; ⑫Problems that need to be coordinated and
resolved. The plan should be notified to the AOC customer service seat in a timely
manner. After the AOC customer service seat evaluates the feasibility, the AOC will
report to the assistant seat of the head teacher, start the special handling team to review
the plan and organize the implementation as a whole. If any ⑫ problems that need to
be coordinated and solved will be handled by the special handling team.
B. In principle, flights with first- and second-class VIP passengers do not carry high-risk
C. In principle, foreign passengers should be directly transported back to their home country
or other countries that can accept their entry, or use the transit visa exemption policy to
transit back to their home country or other countries that can accept their entry after
communicating with other airlines and China's border defense. .
D. The AOC customer service seat is responsible for tracking and monitoring the day of
transportation, and promptly solve problems that occur. If overall coordination is
required, notify the special handling team for handling.
6) Expenses
(1) Article 5.10 of “Simplified Procedures” in Annex IX of the International Civil Aviation
Convention: When a person cannot be allowed to enter and is returned to the aircraft
operator to be transported out of the territory of a country, the aircraft operator shall not
be prohibited from collecting the person involved in the repatriation Any shipping costs.
(2) Passengers who refuse entry shall bear the expenses of meals, accommodation,
supervision and ground transportation during their stay at the place where entry is denied
or where the onward journey is refused (from the room where entry is denied to the start
of outbound transportation). If the fee cannot or cannot be collected from the passenger
who is denied entry, the entry carrier shall bear the fee. Other expenses incurred (such as
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guardianship fees, etc.) should also be handled in accordance with this principle. If
Hainan Airlines is the inbound carrier, all expenses for transporting passengers who
refuse to enter the country shall in principle be borne by the passenger, and if the
passenger cannot afford it, it shall be borne by Hainan Airlines.
(3) If the administrative authority of the country where the refusal to enter the country
expressly prohibits the airline from charging passengers, it shall be implemented in
accordance with the regulations of the administrative authority.
7) Preparation of travel documents
(1) When the travel document of a passenger who refuses to enter the country is confiscated,
the ground personnel of HNA shall request a letter of certification and other important
information from the government authority who refuses to enter the country. Reference:
Article 3.46 of Annex IX of the International Civil Aviation Convention "Simplified
Procedures": "The government authorities of each Contracting State must detain
counterfeit, altered or forged travel documents. The government authorities must also
detain the documents that pretend to be the legal holders of the travel documents. Such
documents must be immediately banned from circulation and returned to the relevant
authority of the nominal issuing country or the permanent diplomatic mission of that
country.” Article 3.46: “All Contracting States that order the repatriation of those who
cannot enter the country whose travel documents are detained in accordance with 3.46
must be Send an official letter to explain the situation to the authorities of the country
where the transit and/or journey originated. The official letter, together with the
photocopy of the detained travel document and the repatriation order, must be given to
the aircraft operator; if it is an escorted person, it must be given to the escort, And must
be responsible for delivering the above materials to the government authorities of the
destination country.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by the national law of refusal to enter or affect national
security, the administrative authority of the arrival station or the airport at the stop cannot
request the refusal of entry passengers without travel documents to leave the country,
unless the passenger holds the necessary travel documents issued separately , Or the
airline company and the authorities of the planned destination country and transit country
have reached an agreement on the removal plan (Guidelines for The Removal Of
Inadmissible Passengers 4.6). In this way, the arrival station that has been transported
and departed because of no travel documents will be refused entry again, and there will
be multiple round trips.
(3) For passengers without valid international travel documents, HNA ground personnel
should actively assist in contacting the local embassies and consulates of the country of
nationality to obtain valid temporary international travel documents.
(4) If smugglers deliberately conceal their true nationality, HNA ground personnel should
persuade them to cooperate with their work to provide identity information, and at the
same time make inquiries through the departure system and at the departure station and
the previous stop. If necessary, the administrative authority may be asked to assist in the
search of passengers Carry items to confirm the identity of the passenger.
(5) It should be fully realized that passports and visas held by passengers who are refused

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entry may still be valid entry documents for another country.
8) Shipping destination
(1) The aircraft operator must repatriate the person who cannot be admitted to: a) the place
where the person started his journey; or b) any place where the person is accepted for
entry. (Article 5.11 of the IX "Simplified Procedures" of the International Civil Aviation
(2) After consulting the passenger and the administrative authority of the country that refuses
to enter the country, the transportation location shall be the country of the passenger's
nationality, or it may be transported to another destination where the passenger document
meets the requirements. The travel document should meet the entry requirements.
9) Outbound carrier
(1) HNA shall be the outbound carrier for passengers who refuse to enter the country.
(2) Hainan Airlines generally does not accept outbound transportation of passengers who
have been refused entry by other carriers.
10) Flight arrangements
(1) The administrative authority that refuses to enter the country shall give the inbound carrier
reasonable time based on the actual situation, so that it can take effective measures to
transfer the passenger out of the country through its own flight within this period. Usually,
the earliest available flight should be arranged. If the inbound carrier cannot complete
the transfer task on its own flight within 24 hours, the administrative authority can guide
the carrier to make other arrangements. (Guidelines for The Removal Of Inadmissible
Passengers 4.3).
(2) HNA ground personnel should actively negotiate with the administrative authority that
refuses to enter the passenger, and allow the HNA flight to take the passenger out of the
country. If you use the outbound flights of other carriers, try your best to coordinate and
ensure that passengers who refuse to enter the country will leave the country within 24
(3) If the administrative authority of the destination country has no final decision on whether
the passenger can be allowed to enter, under normal circumstances, the administrative
authority of the destination country should not prevent the HNA aircraft from leaving
the country. (Guidelines for The Removal of Inadmissible Passengers 3.1)
11) Transportation quantity restriction
(1) The maximum number of deported passengers and/or refused entry passengers on each
international flight for which Hainan Airlines is the actual carrier without escorts is 5
adults and 3 children. If the above range is exceeded, the next available flight shall be
arranged, or Hainan Airlines shall arrange escort personnel. There is no limit to the
number of repatriated passengers and passengers refused entry with escorts.
(2) The number of passengers who are departed by other carriers who refuse to enter the
country shall be transported in accordance with the regulations of the carrier on each
12) Ticket issuance procedure
(1) When a passenger who refuses to enter the country holds a ticket for outbound
transportation, but there are restrictions on the ticket such as the minimum stay time, the
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validity period of the fare, group travel, etc., this restriction shall be abolished and the
ticket can be used for outbound transportation. The endorsement is not subject to the
restrictions on the ticket.
(2) When a passenger who refuses to enter the country does not have a ticket suitable for
outbound transportation, the inbound carrier shall provide him with a ticket from the exit
to the previous stop. If the passenger is still not allowed to enter at the previous stop, he
shall provide the ticket until the departure station. If the administrative authority that
refused entry has designated an arrival station other than the last stop or departure station
where entry was denied, or if other routes are more suitable, the entry carrier shall
provide the ticket accordingly. The special code "INAD" should be entered after the
passenger's name.
(3) For the unused passenger ticket segment held by the passenger who is denied entry, the
entry carrier shall take it back, and the ticket fee shall be used to pay for the new ticket
purchased in whole or in part.
(4) When HNA provides a ticket for a passenger who refuses to enter the country, the ticket
will be issued by the local ticket office. The reservation information of the passenger who
refuses to enter should include the information of the refusal to enter. This information
can be listed in the SSR remarks column through the service code "OTHS" , Including
the special code "INAD" and the city/airport code for denied entry. If there is an escort
or guardian, please indicate "ESCORT" in the PNR. The ticket office should inform the
arrival station of the INAD/DEPA/DEPU passenger information. At the transit point, the
HNA ground personnel are responsible for notifying the carrier who transported the
above-mentioned passengers out of the port.
(5) According to "Simplified Procedures" 5.10, when a person cannot be allowed to enter the
country and is returned to the aircraft operator to be transported out of the territory of a
country, the aircraft operator shall not be prohibited from charging that person any
transportation costs involved in the repatriation. Therefore, for flights departing from the
country using Hainan Airlines or other carriers, the passenger’s fare shall be paid first. If
the passenger is unable to pay, the expenses shall be borne by Hainan Airlines.
(6) The ticket office can choose the lowest applicable fare to calculate the ticket fee. If the
additional difference cannot be collected on the spot, a copy of the entry refusal
document issued by the country shall be used as the basis for issuing the ticket, and the
passenger shall be required to sign the “Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document
Handover Form”, which shall be handed in by the Hainan Airlines ground personnel.
The travel documents are handed over to the flight crew, and when the flight reaches its
destination, the local Hainan Airlines ground personnel will guide the passengers to the
ticket office to pay the fee.
(7) If Hainan Airlines is an inbound carrier, it shall try its best to obtain a reserved seat from
the outbound carrier for passengers who have been denied entry, and make use of the
services of the IATA member carriers participating in the inbound transportation as far
as possible or reasonably. When the inbound carrier is unable to provide the return ticket,
IATA members can provide the ticket, but the inbound carrier must bear all the
transportation costs. After the ticket is issued, the issuing IATA member shall

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immediately notify the inbound carrier.
(8) If the administrative authority of the country where the refusal to enter the country
expressly prohibits the airline from charging passengers, it shall be implemented in
accordance with the regulations of the administrative authority.
13) Accommodation and supervision arrangements
(1) Before HNA is responsible for transporting passengers who have refused entry to other
countries, the ground personnel of HNA shall coordinate with immigration authorities to
arrange board and lodging, supervision places and personnel for passengers.
(2) The accommodation and supervision arrangements shall be borne by passengers who
refuse to enter the country. If it is unable to pay, the expenses shall be borne by HNA.
Hainan Airlines ground personnel can request passengers who refuse entry to sign on the
"Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover Form". After the handover
form, the ticket payment and other expenses incurred can be attached. The ground unit
of HNA can recover the fees from the passengers according to the repayment statement
signed by the passengers in the "Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover
Form". If the passenger refuses to return the payment, it can transfer the payment to the
Compliance and Legal Department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
case management.
(3) For persons with improper documents, HNA shall be responsible for the advancement of
guardianship and care expenses since they were not allowed to enter the country and
were returned to the aircraft operator from the time they were repatriated from the
(4) For all other types of persons who are not allowed to enter, including those who are not
allowed to enter due to document problems beyond the scope of the carrier and its agent’s
professional knowledge or improper documents, in principle, each country shall bear the
responsibility of its own. These personnel cannot be allowed to enter the country until
they are returned to the aircraft operator to repatriate the guardianship and care costs from
the country.
(5) HNA's ground personnel shall make detailed records of the expenses incurred and the
services provided.
(6) For objections or legal disputes arising in the later recovery of the advanced fees, see the
chapter on recovery of fees.
(7) If the administrative authority of the country where the refusal to enter the country
expressly prohibits the airline from charging passengers, it shall be implemented in
accordance with the regulations of the administrative authority.
14) Arrangement of escorts
(1) The carrier is responsible for the decision whether or not to escort personnel, and the
decision should be based on the carrier's reasonable safety risk assessment. (Guidelines
for The Removal of Inadmissible Passengers 4.7)
(2) The ground personnel of HNA where the case of refusal of entry occurs is responsible for
obtaining the opinion of the administrative authority to evaluate the transportation risk,
taking into account various potential situations such as passenger wishes, behaviors, past
violent resistance behaviors, and passenger psychological and physical conditions.
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According to the results of the risk assessment, suggestions on whether escorts are
needed. After the AOC customer service seat evaluates the possibility, it will notify the
AOC to lead the class teacher’s assistant seat, and the AOC lead the class teacher’s
assistant seat to initiate a special handling team to review and confirm the overall
organization and implementation.
(3) HNA AOC will lead the class teacher’s assistant to issue escort instructions and escort
passenger information. The Aviation Security Department dispatches personnel to carry
out escort according to the instructions, and in principle, the escort task is undertaken by
the safety officer.
(4) If more than 5 adult passengers and 3 children (under 14 years of age) are refused entry at
one time, Hainan Airlines will repatriate in batches.
(5) The number of escorts is determined according to actual conditions.
(6) The escorts are only responsible for the guardianship and handover of passengers who
refuse entry, and do not perform other tasks.
(7) If it is inconvenient to arrange the company's personnel to perform the escort task and
need to assist the administrative authority, or the administrative authority requests to send
someone to escort, Hainan Airlines shall bear the reasonable expenses of the escort
personnel's round-trip air ticket, accommodation, catering, and communication. The cost
can be paid directly by the company. It can also be paid in advance by the administrative
authority, and then settled with Hainan Airlines. Unify charges for irregular flights.
15) Expense and write-off
The administrative authorities charge for the supervision fees, fines, and outbound air
tickets, boarding and lodging, and ground transportation of passengers who refuse entry
into the country, as well as the expenses of irregular flights. For the specific
reimbursement process, please refer to the "Notice on Re-revision and Issuance of the
"Operational Rules for the Verification and Write-off of Cash-related Expenses of HNA
Holdings' Irregular Flight Fees and Transfer Service Fees"."
16) Transportation arrangements on the day of flight
(1) The travel documents of passengers who refuse to enter the country should be packaged
and handed over to the escorts (security officers) for safekeeping. The departure station
and the arrival station should promptly report the news. The escort personnel (security
officer) will report the relevant information to the captain after verifying the information,
and put the “packed” documents in the cockpit in time, and follow the instructions of the
captain for the placement location.
(2) Passengers who refuse to enter the country who need to be escorted should arrange their
seats together with the escorts on the last row of the flight. As long as there are vacant
seats on the flight, they should be separated from other passengers as much as possible.
(3) It is not allowed to provide alcoholic beverages to the passengers themselves and the
(4) The escort (security officer) takes out all the documents of the "packed" certificate from
the cockpit before landing broadcast and keeps it properly. After landing, passengers who
have refused entry and "packed" documents, articles or collected relevant evidence
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(document fragments, etc.) shall be handed over to the ground staff at the arrival station
airport at the door.
(5) After receiving the repatriation refusal passenger information from the departure station,
the arrival station immediately informs the local airport administration, arranges the
ground service personnel to accompany the administration personnel to the aircraft
position in advance, and meets the escort (security officer) after the flight arrives.
(6) The AOC customer service seat is responsible for monitoring the security situation of the
day, solving problems in time, and reporting to the special handling team for handling if
overall coordination is required.
17) Data preservation
(1) Hainan Airlines ground personnel shall properly keep the information of passengers who
refuse to enter the country, such as ticket information, copies of travel documents, copies
of entry permits, and "Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover Form"
signed by the passengers. The retention period is 3 months.
(2) HNA ground personnel will send detailed incident handling reports to the Standard
Training Center of the Ground Service Management Department and the administrative
management mailbox of the Ground Service Management Department in written form
with reference to Annex 3 to make regular analysis reports and organize information
sharing. Email address: hzdmglzx@hnair.com, hgbhzxzgl@hnair.com. For the handling
of deported passengers, a copy should also be sent to the senior manager of the Risk
Management Center of the Compliance and Legal Department.
18) Cost recovery
(1) For return air tickets, accommodation, meals, supervision and other related expenses that
are advanced for passengers who refuse to enter the country, if the passenger signs and
confirms the repayment declaration department in the "Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel
Document Handover Form", the advance payment will be made overseas The terminal,
the domestic ground support center, the group's internal ground service supplier, etc. are
responsible for the recovery.
(2) After the advance payment is successfully recovered, immediately notify the Material
Expenses Office of the Supplier Management Center of the Ground Service
Management Department of the company, and remit the amount through the account of
the Finance Department. After receiving the remittance, the Finance Department will
offset the abnormal flight expenses originally listed.
(3) If the passenger refuses to repay, the operation manager of the overseas terminal, the
domestic ground protection center, and the group's internal supervision aviation
company can transfer the case to the Legal Affairs Center of the Compliance and Legal
Department to try to take legal measures to recover it.
(4) If the administrative authority of the country where the refusal to enter the country
explicitly prohibits the airline from charging the passenger, the passenger is not required
to sign the repayment statement part of the "Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document
Handover Form" when repatriating, and all related expenses shall be borne by Hainan
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3.10.5 Handling procedures for deported passengers
1) General rules
(1) According to Article 5.19 of “Simplification of Procedures” in Annex IX of the
International Civil Aviation Convention: Each Contracting State must provide the
following information as soon as possible when making arrangements with the aircraft
operator for the repatriation of the deported person, but in any case, no later than the flight
24 hours before scheduled departure time:
A. Attached to the expulsion order if permitted by the law of the State Party
B. The country’s risk assessment and/or any other relevant information that helps the
aircraft operator assess the security risks of the flight;
C. The name and nationality of the escort
(2) Considering the transportation safety responsibilities of other passengers, Hainan Airlines
has the right to refuse the transportation of deported passengers. If there are VVIPs or
VIPs on the flight, Hainan Airlines may not carry passengers deported by the relevant
government authorities (Guidelines for the Removal of Deportees 7.6). After receiving
the notice from the administrative authority, if the carrier refuses to carry the repatriated
passenger, it shall inform the specific reason in writing. If necessary, the reply shall state
the additional conditions that should be met to carry the repatriated passenger).
(3) Under normal circumstances, the administrative authority ordering passengers to leave
the country should provide tickets for deportation transportation at the applicable fare,
and the transportation expenses of the deported persons and escorts should be paid by
the administrative authority that made the deportation order Payment (Guidelines for the
Removal of Deportees 7.1 The administrative authority shall use its best endeavors to
comply with the provisions of the “Simplified Procedures” listed in Annex IX of the
International Civil Aviation Convention: Contracting States that repatriate deportees
from their territories must undertake all obligations related to repatriation, Liability and
(4) The travel documents of the deported passengers must be packaged and handed over to
the escorts.
2) Information notification
(1) When an overseas terminal operation manager or domestic ground support center, a
group's internally supervised airline company or a ground service provider receives a
demand for transporting outbound passengers from the local administrative authority,
they should immediately notify the AOC customer service seat and provide passenger
identity information, Transport risk assessment, planned transportation plan and other
related materials, after the customer service seat sorts out and evaluates the feasibility,
notify AOC to bring the class teacher’s assistant seat.
(2) After the AOC led the class teacher’s assistant seat to initiate a special team review, the
overall organization and implementation of transportation. If the application of the
relevant government authority to transport the deported passengers is accepted, the
special handling team shall collectively decide whether or not escort is required based
on the information obtained. Coordinating with the administrative authority that issued
the expulsion order to arrange the specific work of the escort personnel is the
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responsibility of the local HNA ground personnel (Guidelines for the Removal of
Deportees 7.6 After receiving the notice of the administrative authority, if the carrier
refuses to carry the repatriated passengers, it shall inform the specific work in writing.
Reason. If necessary, the response should state the additional conditions that should be
met to carry the repatriated passengers). If the administrative authority cannot provide
escort, Hainan Airlines will provide escorts. In principle, the cost of round-trip air tickets,
accommodation, transportation, communication, and labor services of the escorts should
be paid by the administrative authority of the country.
(3) In the case of receiving and transporting deported passengers, the HNA AOC customer
service desk is responsible for monitoring the security situation of the day, solving
problems in a timely manner, and reporting to the special handling team for handling if
overall coordination is required.
3) Ticket sales
(1) When issuing tickets at the ticket office directly under Hainan Airlines, the special code
DEPA or DEPU should be added to the passenger's name.
(2) If there are insufficient seats on the flight, other passengers can be mobilized to
automatically transfer seats, but the related expenses and legal liabilities arising
therefrom shall be borne by the authority that issued the deportation order.
4) Boarding and lodging arrangements
According to Article 5.18 of “Simplification of Procedures” in Annex IX of the
International Civil Aviation Convention, each Contracting State that repatriates the
deported person from its territory must bear all the obligations, responsibilities and
expenses related to the repatriation.
5) Transportation arrangements on the day of flight:
See 3.11.4-16). After the flight leaves the station, the local Hainan Airlines ground
personnel shall immediately notify the arrival station, inform the deported passenger's
name, whether there is a guardian, complete transportation route plan, airline and flight
number. When the arrival station is informed of the information, the forwarding carrier
shall be notified immediately.
Attachment: For the Passport Handover Form of Passengers on International Flights,
please refer to the “Passport Handover Form for Passengers on International Flights”
attached to this manual.
3.10.6 Hainan Airlines refused to transport suspected smuggled passengers, refused
entry and repatriation case report

Report of Denying Acceptance of Suspected Illegal Immigrant / INAD / Deportee
日期 Date 航班号 Flight 起飞/到达站Station
姓名 Name 国籍 Nation 性别 Gender

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年龄 Age 同行人信息 Companion info
PNR 全部行程 Whole Itinerary
出票时间 ET Date of Issue 付款方式 Form of payment
Case summary:
拒运、拒绝入境、遣返原因(1-7 为参考建议,可根据实际情况填写):
Reasons of denying acceptance:

Photo evidence

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4 Baggage Service
4.1 Definition and Classification of Baggage
4.1.1 Definition
Baggage refers to the baggage handed over by the passenger to the
carrier for care and transportation, and the baggage transportation
certificate is issued. Some necessary or moderate articles and other
personal belongings carried by passengers for wear, use, comfort
or convenience, including checked baggage and unchecked
baggage unless otherwise specified.
4.1.2 Classification
1) Checked baggage
(1) Checked baggage refers to baggage loaded in the cargo
compartment for transport. It is usually taken back at the check in
counter and will be claimed by passengers when they arrive and
then delivered by carrier or its agent.
(2) Checked baggage for transportation should be counted by weight
or by piece and the bag tag identification should be stuck on the
boarding check and given to passengers. The baggage should be
hanged with baggage tag and taken care of by carrier during
2) Unchecked baggage
Unchecked baggage refers to the baggage that the passenger is
responsible for taking care of, including hand baggage, free carry-
on items, seat occupied baggage (CBBG), etc.
(1) Hand baggage
Hand baggage refers to the baggage that is handed over to Hainan
Airlines for weight or piece counting with the consent of Hainan
Airlines and under the care and responsibility of the passengers
during the travel period, including the period of stopover.
(2) Free carry-on items
Free carry-on items refer to the sporadic small items carried by
passengers during travel, including stop and stay, within the
variety and quantity limited by Hainan Airlines and with the
consent of Hainan Airlines.

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4.2 Restrictions on Baggage Transport
4.2.1 Principles
1) The provisions applicable to dangerous goods handling in ground
service operations are extracted from “Dangerous Good Transport
Manual of Hainan Airlines” (source from IATA DGR and CAAC
MH/T1030-2018 “The regulation of carrying dangerous goods for
air transport of passengers and crew”, CAAC in 2016, no.6
announced “The catalogue of prohibited items in check-in and
cabin luggage on passenger air transport” and “The catalogue of
restricted items in check-in and cabin luggage on passenger air
transport”, “The Rules of China on Domestic Civil Air Transport
of Passengers and Luggage”, ““The Rules of China on
International Civil Air Transport of Passengers and Luggage” and
Hainan Airlines Alienated rule compilation). In case of any
discrepancy between the contents of this section in this manual
and “Dangerous Good Transport Manual of Hainan Airlines”, the
Dangerous Good Manual shall prevail.
2) According to the relevant provisions of IOSA, a sign should be set
at check in area for passenger designated by check in department
of ground service supplier of Hainan Airline to indicate that
dangerous goods in this clause are prohibited to be transported as
baggage. Dangerous goods refer to items that might endanger
aircraft, on board personal or property security, such as those set
forth in Technical Instructions for the Safety Air Transport of
Dangerous Goods established by International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) and “Rules for Dangerous Goods Transport”
established by International Air Transport Association (IATA) as
well as in the provisions of our company.
3) In accordance with the relevant provisions of the conditions, some
dangerous goods with less dangerous, can be carried as check-in
luggage, hand luggage or carry on. Passengers with these items
should make themselves known to the ground service staff ad
clarify the items at check-in. Such items can only be accepted after
being checked in the time check-in in accordance with the
regulations. Otherwise, the dangerous items must be referred to
cargo department as freight for further process.
4) This provision does not apply to the following situation. Any
dangerous goods carried by passengers or crew members in their
luggage if they have been separated from the owners ( such as mis-
handled, loss or delayed during flights). Such luggage shall not
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contain dangerous goods. If dangerous goods were found, ground
staff should liaise with the owner in time and explain the situation,
and carry out relevant follow up procedures under authorization
of the owner.
5) When any carryon luggage is taken over and placed in the cargo
hold, the luggage must not contain any prohibited items as check-
in luggage. The ground staff must confirm with the passengers that
the dangerous goods which are only allowed for hand luggage
have been taken out before placing them in the cargo hold for
6) Any items listed in this chapter that can only be accepted with
approval from Hainan Airlines should be examined and approved
by the local ground agent first according to the manual, and then
an email should be sent to the designated department of Hainan
Airlines for further approval: (1) Hainan Airlines Branch and
terminals: approval should be granted by the ground staff on duty.
(2) Other sites shall be approved by the authorizes department of
Hainan Airlines, or submit it to the customer service station
(khfwx@hnair.com), and the customer service station staff on
duty will submit it to the duty officer of the ground service
management department for approval. Any queries please contact
the ground service management department duty officer.
7) According to national laws and regulations on the management of
the transport if dangerous goods by civil aviation, any items can
only be transported as carry-on or check-in luggage with the
approval of Hainan Airlines, the passenger needs to grant approval
by our company and confirmed by the security inspections before
being released. Hainan Airlines needs to inform passengers of
such special goods list and approval requirements, every station
and branch needs to clarify the procedure to the local airport
8) Any passenger intentionally conceals, falsely report or withhold
the information of dangerous goods or any dangerous goods in the
luggage, once discovered, he/she must be reported to the local
Civil Aviation authority, inform the local airport security and
police for further handling, and the information must be notified
Hainan Airlines immediately.
9) Dangerous goods regarded as exceptions in this manual are not
included in 4.2.2 to 4.2.3. The following dangerous goods are not
restricted: radioactive drugs implanted in the human body for
medical treatment and for personal or family use; Energy-saving
lamps packed in retail packaging.
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10) For the label legend of dangerous goods in baggage, please see the
appendix in Chapter 12 of this manual.
4.2.2 Items prohibited to be carried or checked by passengers and

crew Guns and other weapons (including main parts)

Devices capable of firing ammunition (including projectiles and
other items) and causing serious personal injury or items that may
be mistaken for such devices include:
1) Military guns, official guns, such as pistols, rifles, sub machine
guns, machine guns, anti-riot guns;
2) Civilian guns, such as air guns, shotguns, shooting sport guns,
anesthesia injection guns;
3) Other firearms, such as prop guns, starter guns, steel ball guns,
overseas firearms and various types of illegally manufactured
4) Simulation of the above items. Dangerous goods
Dangerous goods that can cause serious personal injury or
endanger aircraft safety and pose a greater hazard to transportation
order, mainly including:
1) Explosive or burning substances and devices or items that may be
mistaken for such devices (substances)
(1) Ammunition, such as bombs, grenades, flares, incendiary bombs,
smoke bombs, signal bombs, tear gas, gas bombs, bullets (lead
bullets, empty bombs, coach bombs);
(2) Blasting equipment, such as explosives, detonators, fuzes,
detonators, fuse, detonating cord, blasting agent;
(3) Pyrotechnic products, such as fireworks, smoke cakes, yellow
smoke, fireworks;
(4) Simulation of the above items.
2) Compressed gas and liquefied gas, such as hydrogen, methane,
ethane, butane, natural gas, ethylene, propylene, acetylene
(dissolved in medium), carbon monoxide, liquefied petroleum gas,
freon, oxygen (with liquid oxygen device), carbon dioxide, water
gas, Liquefied gas such as lighter fuel and lighter;
3) In spontaneous combustion items, such as yellow phosphorus,
white phosphorus, nitrocellulose (including film), oil paper and its
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Ground Operation Manual 4
4) Combustible items when wet, such as metal potassium, sodium,
lithium, calcium carbide (calcium carbide), magnesium aluminum
5) Flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, benzene,
ethanol (alcohol), acetone, ether, paint, thinner, rosin oil, and
products containing flammable solvents;
6) Flammable solids, such as red phosphorus, glitter powder, solid
alcohol, celluloid, foaming agent;
7) Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides, such as potassium
permanganate, potassium chloride, sodium peroxide, potassium
peroxide, lead peroxide, peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide;
8) Toxic goods, such as cyanide, arsenic, highly toxic pesticides and
other highly toxic chemicals;
9) Corrosive substances, such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid,
nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, mercury;
10) Other items that contain one or more dangerous goods: such as
briefcases, cash boxes/bags containing dangerous goods such as
lithium batteries or pyrotechnic materials, except for DGR3.3.2.6,
electric shock weapons (such as Tasers). Controlled Apparatus
Controlled devices that can cause personal injury or pose a greater
hazard to aviation safety and transportation order, mainly
1) Controlled knives, such as daggers (single-blade, double-bladed
or multi-bladed sharp knives with handles, knife grids and blood
grooves, with a blade tip angle of less than 60 degrees), triangular
blades (machining knives with three blades), Spring knife or jump
knife with self-locking device (after the knife body is unfolded or
popped out, the self-locking folding knife can be fixed by the
spring or snap lock in the shank), other similar single-edged
double-edged trigonal sharp knife (blade tip Single-edge, double-
edge and multi-edge tools with an angle of less than 60 degrees
and a blade length of more than 150 mm) and other single-edge,
double-edge and multi-edge tools with a blade angle of more than
60 degrees and a blade length of more than 220 mm;
2) Military police equipment, such as batons, police shocks, military
or police daggers, handcuffs, thumb cuffs, shackles, tear sprayers;
3) Other regulated appliances that are regulated by our country, such
as crossbows.

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Ground Operation Manual 4 Other Items
Other items that can cause personal injury or cause greater harm
to aviation safety and transportation order, mainly including:
1) Infectious disease pathogens, such as hepatitis B virus, Bacillus
anthracis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HIV;
2) Types of ignitions (including various types of ignition devices),
such as lighters, matches, cigarette lighters, magnesium rods (flint)
3) Similar products such as power banks, lithium batteries and
lithium battery balancing vehicles with a rated energy exceeding
160Wh; (Lithium batteries for electric wheelchairs are otherwise
4) Alcoholic beverages with a percentage of alcohol greater than
5) Strong magnetized objects, items with strong irritating odors or
easily causing passengers' panic, and items that cannot be
identified as potentially dangerous.

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Ground Operation Manual 4 Any live stocks apart from the small animals (family raised dogs,

cats, birds and other pets), that is wild, with strange shape and

might be dangerous for human being and other animals cannot be

accepted at check-in. Except for those handled in accordance with

provision of “Transport of Special Goods – Pet transport”. Other articles that are forbidden by national laws, administrative

regulations, and rules. Articles considered that are not suitable for transportation due to

the following reasons: fragile or perishable articles due to their

dangerous or unsafe nature, or due to the packaging, weight,

volume, size, shape or due to the factors including but limited to

aircraft type. Articles that are forbidden to export. Import or transit in China or

transiting countries. According to the DGR issued by IATA and “The Rules of

Dangerous goods on Civil Air Transport of Passengers and Crew

“issued by CAAC MH/T1030-2018, following items are

prohibited for transportation:

1) Briefcase、Cash Box/Bag
Confidential equipment set forth in Clause DGR2.3.2.6 can be
transported as checked baggage, others with built-in dangerous
goods like lithium battery and pyrotechnical such as insurance
briefcase, cash boxes, cash bags and etc. are prohibited for
2) Incapacitating devices
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It is forbidden to carry equipment that contained with irritant
material or may cause cripple such as MACE poison gas pepper
spray, etc., in your checked, hand baggage or on passenger.
3) Medical oxygen cylinder (or air bottle) and liquid oxygen devices
It is forbidden to carry medical oxygen cylinder (or air bottle) and
liquid oxygen devices in checked, hand baggage or on passenger.
4) Gun-shaped electronic dry power fire extinguisher
It is forbidden to carry Gun-shaped electronic dry power fire
extinguisher n checked, hand baggage or on passenger.
5) Stun weapon
It is forbidden to carry electric shock weapons (e.g. Taser gun)
containing dangerous goods such as explosives, compressed gas,
lithium batteries, etc., in checked,hand baggage or on passenger.
6) Matches (including friction matches, safety matches)
It is forbidden to carry any kind of matches in checked, hand
luggage or on passenger.
7) Lighters (including lighter fuel) and lithium-battery-powered
It is forbidden to carry lighters and their fuels, and lithium-battery-
powered lighters and lithium-mental battery-powered lighters (eg.
Laser light ion lighter, Tesla coil lighter, Electric lighter, Electric
arc lighter and Double arc lighter) in checked, hand baggage or on
8) Lithium battery balancing scooter
Self-balanced vehicles powered by lithium battery (such as
wheelbarrow、Mobility Scooter、Sensor Controlled Vehicle) and
related accessories are prohibited from transportation as both
check in or hand baggage.
9) Self-heated Meals ready to eat (MRE)
Self-heating MRE mainly consists of three parts: heat source,
activator (or activation device) and food. The heat source usually
referred to is mainly composed of heat-generating chemical raw
materials, and no open flame is generated during heat generation,
so it is also called flameless chemical heater. Self-heating
packaged foods have the risk of fire when the heating materials
react to heat, and passengers are prohibited from using them in the
10) Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 cellphone is prohibited from transport as
checked baggage, hand baggage, passenger personal belongings
and cargo on flight of Hainan Airlines. Items that can only be
accepted as checked baggage under authorization of Hainan
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Ground Operation Manual 4
11) Rescue kits for Avalanche
Rescue kits for Avalanche are not allowed in check-in nor hand
carry luggage.
4.2.3 Restricted items as checked baggage for passengers and crews The following dangerous goods can only be transported as

checked baggage under authorization of Hainan Airlines.

1) Ammunition for sports
The gross weight of ammunition under Clause 1.4S (only UN0012
or UN0014) with strong package, only for use by sports teams,
carried by each passenger should not exceed 5kg (11 lb),
excluding explosive or incendiary projectiles. Bullets carried by
more than one passenger should not be pooled into one or more
packages. Passengers need to issue an identification report/item
safety data sheet MSDS to prove that the items they carry meet the
above requirements.
2) Wheelchair/mobility aid device with sealed wet battery or NI-
MH battery or dry cell battery
Wheelchair/ mobility-aids with sealed wet battery with special
provision A67, or NI-MH battery with special provision A199, or
dry cell battery with special provision A123 used by passengers
who are restricted on movement due to disability, health or age, or
temporary movement problems (such as leg fracture). Such
batteries must meet the following requirements:
(1) The mobility-aids must be prepared for operation to prevent
accidental activation and its sealed battery must not contain any
free or UNABSORBED liquid.
(2) Ground service staff of airport must fix the mobility aids with the
battery installed with straps or other fixing devices. Mobility aids,
batteries, electrical wiring and controllers must be protected from
damage caused by the movement of luggage, mail or cargo;
(3) Ground service staff of airport must confirm following:
A. Passenger confirms that the battery is a sealed wet battery with
special provision A67, or NI-MH battery with special provision
A199, or dry cell battery with special provision A123;
B. Both poles of the battery have been protected from short-circuit,
such as put it into battery container;
C. The battery condition is one of the following:
D. The battery has been fixed firmly on the wheelchair or mobility-
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aids and disconnect the circuit according to the manufacturer's
instructions; Or the battery must be removed by the user according
to the manufacturer's instructions, if the design of the mobility-aids
allows the battery to be disassembled.
E. Leakage-proofed batteries shall pass specific vibration pressure
tests and the electrolyte shall not flow out.
(4) The passenger can only take up to:
One sealed wet battery compliance with regulation A67; or
Two nickel-metal hydride batteries compliance with regulation
A199 or dry batteries compliance with A123
It must be confirmed that the battery or spare battery removed
from the wheelchair/walker must be packed in a sturdy, rigid
packaging container and transported in the cargo compartment;
(5) To facilitate the operation of a battery-equipped wheelchair or
mobility aid, a label can be used to help identify whether the
battery in the wheelchair has been removed. This label is divided
into two parts. Part A is pasted on the wheelchair to indicate
whether the battery has been removed. When the battery is
transported separately from the wheelchair, we use part B to
identify the battery, at the same time, it can also ensure that the
battery and the wheelchair can correspond. As shown below:
Battery-powered wheelchair and mobility aid labels

(6) Captain must be informed of the loading position of mobility aid

with battery or the loading position of the battery packaged;
(7) It is recommended that passengers inform Hainan Airlines and
make arrangement in advance.
3) Wheelchair/ mobility aid device with non-sealed battery
Wheelchair with non-sealed battery or other similar mobility aids
used by passengers who are restricted on movement due to

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disability, health or age, or temporary movement problems (such
as leg fracture). Such batteries must meet the following
(1) Ground staff must fix the mobility aids with the battery installed
with straps or other fixing devices. Mobility aids, batteries,
electrical wiring and controllers must be protected from damage
caused by the movement of luggage, mail or cargo;
(2) Ground service staff must confirm following:
A. Both poles of the battery have been protected from short-circuit,
such as put it into battery container;
B. If possible, install a leak-proof cover on the battery;
The battery condition is one of the following:
The battery has been fixed firmly on the wheelchair or mobility-
aids and disconnect the circuit according to the manufacturer's
instructions; Or According to the manufacturer’s instruction, if the
aid device cannot be placed in an upright position, the battery
should be removed. The wheelchair is transported as check-in
luggage, and the removed battery should be transported in a sturdy
and hard package with “BATTERY, ET, WITH WHEELCHAIR”
and “PACKAGE UPRIGHT” labels.
To facilitate the operation of a battery-equipped wheelchair or
mobility aid, a label can be used to help identify whether the battery
in the wheelchair has been removed. This label is divided into two
parts. Part A is pasted on the wheelchair to indicate whether the
battery has been removed. When the battery is transported
separately from the wheelchair, we use part B to identify the battery,
at the same time, it can also ensure that the battery and the
wheelchair can correspond. As shown below:
Battery-powered wheelchair and mobility aid labels

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(3) The ground service of each airport must load, place, fix and unload
the mobility-aids from the aircraft in an upright manner. If the
mobility-aids cannot always be loaded, placed, fixed or unloaded
in an upright manner or mobility-aids are not adequately protected,
staff of Hainan Airlines must remove the battery. Wheelchairs or
mobility-aids can be transported as checked baggage without
restrictions and the removed battery must be packed in a sturdy
hard package and transported as follows:
A. The packaging must be tight, it can prevent the battery liquid from
leaking, and be fixed in a suitable way, such as using a strap, fixing
clips or brackets, to fix it on the pallet or in the cargo compartment
(do not support with cargo or luggage) to prevent from overturning;
B. The battery must be protected against short circuits and fixed
upright in the packaging, filled with suitable absorbent materials
around it so that the materials can fully absorb the liquid contained
in the battery; and
C. The packaging must be marked with "BATTERY, WET,
WITHMOBILITYAID", and pasted with "corrosive" label and
"package up" label.
(4) The ground service staff of each airport must inform captain of the
loading position of wheelchair or mobility aid with battery or the
loading position of the battery packaged.
(5) It is recommended that passengers inform and make arrangement
in advance with Hainan Airlines.
4) Wheelchair/mobility aid device with lithium battery
Wheelchair or other similar mobility aids with lithium battery
used by passengers who are restricted on movement due to

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disability, health or age, or temporary movement problems (such
as leg fracture) are restricted by the following conditions:
(1) Battery must be in line with every test requirement under Part Ш
section 38.3 of UN Testing and Standards Manual.
(2) The Company ground service staff of each airport must fix the
battery equipped-mobility aids with straps or other fixing devices.
Mobility aids, batteries, cables and controllers must be protected
from damage caused by the movement of luggage, mail or cargo.
(3) The company or ground service staff of airport must confirm
A. Both poles of the battery have been protected from short-circuit,
such as put it into battery container;
B. The battery condition is one of the following:
The battery has been fixed firmly on the wheelchair or mobility-
aids and disconnect the circuit according to the manufacturer's
instructions; Or The battery must be removed by the user according
to the manufacturer's instructions, if the design of the mobility-aids
allows the battery to be disassembled. The battery removed from
the mobility aids cannot exceed 300Wh, or if a mobility aid is
installed with two batteries, each battery cannot exceed 160Wh.
(4) Passengers can carry one spare battery up to 300Wh or two spare
batteries and each of them cannot exceed 160Wh.
(5) The ground service staff must ensure that the batteries and other
spare batteries removed from the mobility aid only being carried
in the cabin. Removed or spare batteries must be protected against
damage (such as put each battery in a protective bag);
(6) The ground service staff must inform captain of the location of the
mobility aid and the removed batteries and spare batteries;
(7) It is recommended that passengers inform and make arrangement
in advance with Hainan Airlines.
5) Camping stove or fuel containers with flammable liquid fuel
Camping stove and other fuel containers containing flammable
liquid fuel used as camping stove can only be transported as
checked baggage, provided that:
(1) Fuel tank and/or fuel container of camping stove must be
completely emptied. All danger have/has been eliminated through
appropriate measures.
(2) The lid of the fuel tank and/or container must be tightened and be
wrapped with absorbent materials such as tissues. Place fuel tank
and/or container in a polyethylene or an equivalent bag
(3) It must seal the top of the bag or fastens it with a rope.
(4) Note: To eliminate the danger, empty fuel tank and/or container
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must be emptied for at least one hour, and then be placed as opened
in order to evaporate residual fuel completely. Alternative
methods can also be taken such as add cooking oil into the fuel
tank and/or container in order to increase the flash point of residual
liquids to a higher level than that of flammable liquids, in the last
empty the fuel tank and/or container.
6) Security equipment
Confidential equipment such as briefcases, cash boxes/cash bags
that meet the following conditions can be transported as checked
(1) Protect well to avoid accidental activation;
(2) If the equipment contains explosive, fumes or hypergolic
substances, this substance does not include Class 1 explosives in
dangerous goods, and must meet the requirements of DGR;
(3) If the device contains lithium ion or lithium metal batteries, the
following conditions must be observed:
A. The lithium content of lithium metal or lithium alloy battery cell
should not exceed 1g;
B. The total lithium content of lithium metal or lithium alloy battery
should not exceed 2g.
C. Rated energy of Lithium ion or lithium polymer battery cell should
not exceed 20Wh;
D. Rated energy of Lithium ion or lithium polymer battery should not
exceed 100Wh.
E. The model of each cell or battery must be in line with all test
requirement under Part Ш section 38.3 of UN Testing and
Standards Manual.
(4) If the ink-jet security equipment is driven by gas which are in line
with dangerous goods 2.2, and the amount of gas should not
exceed 50ml. The equipment must be equipped with a device to
prevent accidental activation, even if an accidental activation
occurs, all dangerous effects must be limited to the equipment, and
excessive noise is not allowed to disturb the crew and passenger.
(5) Defective or damaged security equipment is prohibited from
(6) The passenger needs to provide Qualified Reports/Products safety
report MSDS/Product Manual, for the purpose of proving such
items meet the requirement stated above. Ground staff need to
check the relevant documents before accepting such items.
7) Non-infectious samples packed with a small amount of
flammable liquid
Non-infectious specimens in delivery or hand luggage, such as
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samples of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects, and
other invertebrates that contain small amounts of flammable
liquids, must comply with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
4.4 Special Provisions A180 requirements (as following):
(1) Samples:
A. Wrap in paper towels stained with alcohol or alcohol solutions, and
then placed in heat-sealed plastic bags. The free liquid in the bag
cannot exceed 30ml; or
B. Put into a vial or other rigid container, the content of alcohol or
alcohol solution inside cannot exceed 30mL.
(2) Place the prepared specimen in a plastic bag and seal the bag
(3) Then put the specimen bag in another plastic bag with adsorbent
material and seal it;
(4) Place the packaged bag in a sturdy outer packaging with
appropriate cushioning material;
(5) The total amount of flammable liquid contained in each outer
package shall not exceed 1L; and
(6) The completed package must be marked "Scientific research
specimens, without restrictions".
(7) The passenger should provide appraisal report, such report should
be provided by the National Health Commission or health
department of the city or equivalent level in China(such as
National class A2). The report should include the official seal, and
date of issuance. The luggage can be accepted after being checked
by ground staff.
8) Internal combustion engine or fuel cell engine
(1) Internal combustion engines or fuel cell engines that are driven by
flammable liquids and do not contain batteries or other dangerous
goods can only be accepted in checked baggage. The engine must
meet the following requirements of IATA "Dangerous Goods
Regulations" 4.4 Special Provision A70:
(2) The engine is driven by fuel that does not meet any classification
criteria; or
(3) The fuel tank of the vehicle, machine or other equipment has never
been filled with fuel or the fuel tank has been cleaned, steam has
been removed, and appropriate measures have been taken to
remove the hazard;
(4) The passenger provides the operator with written or electronic
documents stating and following the flushing and cleaning
procedures; and
(5) There is no free liquid in the engine of the entire fuel system, and
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all fuel lines are sealed or capped or firmly connected to the engine
of the machine or equipment.
9) Permeability apparatus
Permeability apparatus used for calibrating air quality monitoring
equipment can only be transported through checked baggage. This
equipment must be in line with Special Regulation A41 of the 4.4
of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
(1) Each apparatus must be made of materials compatible with the
dangerous goods it contains;
(2) The total amount of dangerous goods in each apparatus should be
restricted to 2ml, and the liquid should not suffuse the device at
(3) Each permeability apparatus must be placed in a sealed, highly
impact-resistant plastic tube or an inner package with equivalent
materials. Absorbent pad material inside the inner package must
be sufficient enough to absorb the contents. Use metal wire, tape
or other useful materials to ensure the tightness of the inner
(4) Each inner package must be packed in an intermediate package
made of metal or plastic with a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm.
The intermediate packaging must be hermetically sealed;
(5) The intermediate packaging must be safely packed in a strong
outer packaging. The finished package should be durable against
compression, ensure that any inner package is not damaged or
leaked, and will not greatly reduce efficiency;
A. Free fall from a height of 1.8 meters onto a hard, inelastic and flat
horizontal surface;
--The bottom of the package drops once;
--The top of the package drops once;
--The long side of the package drops once;
--The short side of the package drops once;
--The corners with three sides crossed of the package drops once;
B. The top surface is continuously pressed for 24 hours, and its weight
is equal to the height of the same package stacking 3 meters
(including test samples).
Note: The above tests may not be carried out on the same
packaging, but all the packaging specifications used should be the
(6) The gross weight of the final package should not exceed 30kg.
(7) The passenger needs to provide Qualified Reports/Products safety
report MSDS/Product Manual, for the purpose of proving such
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items meet the requirement stated above. Ground staff need to
check the relevant documents before accepting such items. Items that can only be accepted as hand baggage under

authorization of Hainan Airlines

1) Mercury barometer or thermometer
Staff of the government weather bureau or similar official bodies
can only carry one mercury barometer or mercury thermometer
per person in the hand baggage. Mercury barometer or mercury
thermometer must be packed in sturdy package with sealed lining
and bag made of sturdy leak-proof and pierce-proof material
which can prevent the leakage of mercury from leaking out of the
package (no matter the direction of the package). The captain must
be informed of the place of the mercury barometer or mercury
2) Spare lithium battery
Spare lithium batteries, including products containing lithium
metal or lithium-ion battery cells or batteries whose main function
is to provide power for other devices, such as mobile power
supplies, are allowed to be placed in hand luggage, as described
(1) It is allowed to carry 2 lithium ion batteries exceeding 100Wh but
not exceeding 160Wh or 2 lithium metal batteries with a lithium
content exceeding 2g but not exceeding 8g. Lithium metal
batteries can only be used in portable medical electronic
equipment (PMED), such as Automated External Defibrillator
(AED), Portable Oxygen Collector (POC) and Continuous
Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).
(2) The spare batteries must be individually protected against short
circuits (insert in the original retail packaging or insulate the
electrode sections for protection, such as wrapping the exposed
electrodes with tape or placing each battery in a plastic bag or
protective bag);
(3) The battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of
Section 38.3 of Part III of the United Nations Manual of Testing
and Standards. Each person can carry no more than 2 individually
protected spare batteries (batteries exceeding 100Wh but not
exceeding 160Wh or 2 lithium metal batteries with a lithium
content exceeding 2g but not exceeding 8g)
(4) Other requirements stated in this chapter.

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Ground Operation Manual 4 Items can be accepted as baggage with approval of Hainan

Airlines (Checked or Hand baggage)

1) Small inflatable device containing non-flammable and non-
toxic gas
(1) Automatic inflatable equipment for personal safety containing
small cylinder (life rescue jacket or vest):
A. Each person can carry maximum one personal safety equipment;
B. Packing method of personal safety equipment must prevent the
equipment from unanticipated activation.
C. Gas contained in cylinder is restricted to carbon dioxide or other
gases under Clause 2.2;
D. Cylinder is used for air inflation purpose only;
E. Each equipment can have maximum two cylinders, and
F. Each equipment can have maximum two spare cylinders.
(2) Other devices
A. Small gas cylinders containing carbon dioxide or other 2.2 non-
minor hazardous gases used by other equipment shall not be carried
more than 4 per person.
B. The water capacity of each cylinder should not exceed 50ml.
Note: A carbon dioxide gas bottle with a capacity of 50 ml is
equivalent to a 28g gas tank.
2) Devices for monitoring chemicals
Equipment containing radioactive substances of which radioactive
activity does not exceed the limit specified in the table DGR10.3.C,
including Chemicals Monitor (CAM) and/or Rapid Alarm and
Identification Device Monitor (RAID-M), packaged tightly without
lithium battery can be carried by staff members during business
The passenger needs to provide Qualified Reports/Products safety
report MSDS/Product Manual, for the purpose of proving such
items meet the requirement stated above. Ground staff need to
check the relevant documents before accepting such items.
3) Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice)
(1) Each passenger is allowed to carry no more than 2.5 kg of dry ice
used for fresh and perishable preservation, the package should
have a vent hole for releasing carbon dioxide gas, and checked
baggage must be labeled "Dry ice" or "Solid carbon dioxide" and
net weight of dry ice. If the packaging is irregular, you can also
hang the dry ice baggage tag, as shown below:

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(2) Solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) is prohibited to be transported as

a hand baggage or checked baggage separately.
4) Items that generate heat
Once battery-powered equipment which can produce a lot of heat
such as high-intensity lights for diving starts, it may cause fire.
Heating components, batteries or other components, such as fuses,
should be removed to keep insulated from each other. Any battery
removed must be properly protected from short-circuit, it can be
placed in the original sales package or insulate its electrode, such
as use insulating tape to cover the exposed electrode, or put each
battery into a separate plastic bag or protecting bag.
5) Lithium battery-powered electronic equipment
"Lithium battery-powered electronic equipment" in this manual
refers to a device that can operate only when the lithium battery
cell or battery provides electrical energy. Such equipment is
allowed to be placed in checked baggage or hand luggage with the
approval of Hainan Airlines, as described below:
(1) Portable medical electronic equipment (PMED) equipped with
lithium metal or lithium ion battery cells or batteries, such as
Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Portable Oxygen
Collector (POC) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
(CPAP), can be carried by passengers for medical purposes as
A. In the case of a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery, the single
lithium content exceeds 2g, but not exceeds 8g; or
B. In the case of lithium-ion batteries, the watt-hour of a single battery
exceeds 100Wh, but not more than 160Wh;
C. The battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of Section
38.3 of Part III of the United Nations Test and Standards Manual.
(2) Portable electronic devices containing lithium-ion batteries, such
as power tools, small video cameras and notebook computers, as
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A. The watt-hour of Lithium-ion battery exceeds 100Wh, but not
exceeds 160Wh;
B. The battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of Section
38.3 of Part III of the United Nations Test and Standards Manual.
Note: For the backup batteries of lithium metal batteries, when the
lithium content exceeds 2g or the watt-hour of the lithium-ion
battery exceeds 100Wh, please refer to the "Spare lithium battery"
For electronic equipment containing lithium metal batteries with a
lithium content not exceeding 2g, or containing lithium electronic
batteries with a wattage not exceeding 100Wh, please refer to the
"Fuel cell in portable electronic equipment" clause of this manual.
(3) If passengers or crew carry equipment in checked baggage:
A. If the equipment is in checked baggage, the equipment must be
protected from damage and taken measures to prevent accidental
B. The device must be turned off completely (not in sleep or
hibernation mode)
(4) Other requirements stated in this chapter.
6) Heat insulating packaging containing refrigerated liquid
nitrogen (liquid nitrogen packed as dry nitrogen)
As checked or hand baggage, liquid nitrogen contained in heat
insulating packaging is all absorbed by porous materials and is used
for transporting non-dangerous goods in low temperature. The
design of the heat-insulated packaging must comply with the
special requirements A152 of 4.4 of the IATA Dangerous Goods
Regulations and can ensure that this heat insulating packaging will
not cause the increase of pressure in the container and the effusion
of refrigerated liquid nitrogen due to the direction it is placed, it will
not subject to this rule. Other Restricted Items
1) Sharps and Blunts
Items that are prohibited from being carried on board but can be
checked as baggage
(1) Sharps
Such items have sharp edges or sharp tips, and are made of metal
or other materials, and they are strong enough to cause serious
personal injury, mainly including:
A. Daily knives (blade length greater than 6 cm), such as kitchen
knives, fruit knives, scissors, utility knives, paper cutters;
B. Professional knives (unlimited blade length), such as scalpels,
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butcher knives, carving knives, planers, milling cutters;
C. Used as a sword, spear, sword, halberd, etc. for martial arts
(2) Blunts
Such items do not have sharp edges or sharp tips, they are made of
metal or other materials and are strong enough to cause serious
personal injury, mainly including: sticks (including telescopic
sticks, nunchakus), bats, billiard sticks, Cricket rackets, hockey
sticks, golf clubs, trekking poles, ski poles, brass knuckles (hand
(3) Other items
Other items that can cause personal injury or cause greater harm to
aviation safety and transportation order, mainly including:
A. Tools, such as drilling rigs (including drill bits), chisels, cones, saws,
bolt guns, nail guns, screwdrivers, crowbars, hammers, pliers,
welding torches, wrenches, axes, short-handled axe (very axe),
vernier calipers, ice picks, Crushed ice cone;
B. Among other items, such as darts, slingshots, bows, arrows, buzzer
self-defense devices and electric shock devices that are not within
the scope of national regulations, Metz gas, tear gas, pepper and
pepper sprays, acid sprays, and animal sprays.
2) Liquid Items
Liquid items carried with limited conditions but can be checked as
(1) When passengers take international and regional flights, liquid
articles should be carried in a container with a volume of no more
than 100ML, and at the same time, the container for liquid articles
should be placed in a transparent and resealable plastic bag with a
maximum volume of no more than 1L. Each passenger is only
allowed to carry one transparent plastic bag at a time, and the
excess should be checked as baggage;
(2) When a passenger transfers from an international or regional flight
to a domestic flight in the same airport control area, the tax-free
liquid items that be carried with passenger must meet the three
conditions at the same time (showing a shopping certificate,
placed in a sealed and intact transparent plastic bag, confirmed by
security inspection) before being carried with passenger. If
passenger leave the airport control area during the transfer to a
domestic flight, he/she must check in the imported duty-free liquid
items as baggage;
(3) Necessary liquid dairy products for infants and necessary liquid
medicines for patients with diabetes or other diseases on the flight
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can only be carried with them after being confirmed by safety
(4) Liquid items purchased or obtained by passengers in the airport
control area or in the aircraft can be carried with them before
leaving the airport control area.
3) Alcoholic beverages
Passengers should not bring alcoholic beverages on board, but
they can deliver alcoholic beverages as checked baggage. When
alcoholic beverages are delivered as checked baggage, the
quantity should meet the following requirements:
(1) Alcohol volume concentration percentage is less than or equal to
24%, without restrictions;
(2) Alcohol volume concentration percentage is greater than 24%, is
treated as dangerous goods by air transport;
(3) The volume concentration of alcohol is between 24% and 70%:
A. If each package is less than or equal to 5 liters, it can be checked as
check-in baggage;
B. If each package is greater than 5 liters, it must be transported as
(4) Alcohol volume concentration percentage is greater than 70%, it
is forbidden to be accepted by air transport.
4) Lithium Batteries and Power Bank
(1) Power bank and lithium batteries are prohibited as checked
baggage. Carried as hand luggage please refer to the clauses in this
chapter “Spare Lithium batteries”, “Lithium batteries for
electronic devices”, “Light devices contains lithium batteries
(PED) (Medical devices)”. (Lithium batteries for electric
wheelchairs are otherwise specified):
(2) Protection instructions for Lithium batteries
A. Each spare battery should be protected from short-circuit, including
place the backup battery into the retail packaging of the original
factory or insulate its electrode, such as use tape to stick the exposed
electrode or put each of the electrode into the plastic bag or
protecting bag. Meanwhile, measures should be taken to protect
battery from being crushed, pierced, or experiencing high pressure.
All above will cause short-circuit inside the battery thus lead to
B. Effective measures should be taken to the package of lithium battery
installed in equipment to prevent the equipment from accidental
activation. Meanwhile, equipment with lithium battery must be
securely fixed in the package in order to avoid battery dropping out
of the equipment in the process of moving or baggage sorting.
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C. Provide passengers with plastic bags and other articles at check in
counter to prevent short-circuiting of lithium battery and assist
passengers to take measures for protecting lithium battery from
(3) Application Form for Transporting Passengers’ Lithium Battery.
Application Form for Transporting Passengers’ Lithium Battery
should be filled in by passengers and it is available for portable
electronic equipment with lithium metal battery or lithium ion
battery carried by passengers for personal use; lithium ion battery-
driven wheelchair or other similar mobility aid equipment and its
backup battery carried by passengers; portable electrical medical
device with lithium metal or lithium ion battery and its backup
battery carried by passengers for medical use.
(4) Observable notice with direct examples of transporting baggage
with lithium battery should be placed at the booking office, check
in counter, boarding gate and any place for passengers checking in
at the airport. Passengers who are purchasing tickets or checking
in should be provide with regulations and information on safety
air transport of lithium battery through Internet or self-check in
service facilities.
(5) Check in staff should confirm that passengers have no lithium
batteries that are prohibited or restricted to carry, and further
investigation is required if there is any suspected lithium batteries.
If lithium batteries carried by the passenger meet the requirements,
staff should explain the consignment method to the passenger and
provide he/she with exclusive package bag for lithium battery.
Concerned passenger should fill in Application Form for
Transporting Passengers’ Lithium Battery and sign.
(6) Lithium batteries without indicated rated energy or lithium content
carried by passengers are prohibited to be carried onboard for
(7) Transporting power bank should meet below requirements:
A. Power bank can only be carried by passengers for personal use;
B. Power bank can only be carried in hand baggage or carried with
passengers; transporting through checked baggage is prohibited;
C. If the rated energy of power bank is less than 100Wh, it can be
carried without the approval of Hainan Airlines; if the rated energy
of power bank is more than 100Wh but no more than 160Wh, it can
be carried only with the approval of Hainan Airlines, each passenger
or crew can carry no more than two power banks;
D. Power bank with rated energy exceeding 160Wh is prohibited.
Power bank without indicated rated energy or other parameters with
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which its rated energy can be calculated is prohibited to carry.
5) Other restricted items stipulated by national laws, administrative
regulations and rules.
6) According to the DGR issued by IATA and “The Rules of
Dangerous goods on Civil Air Transport of Passengers and Crew”
issued by CAAC MH/T1030-2018, following items are restricted
for transportation:
(1) Pharmaceuticals or cosmetics and Aerosol under Clause 2.2
A. Aerosol under Clause 2.2 without secondary risk and for sport or
family use can only be in check-in luggage. The net volume of each
single item should not exceed 0.5kg or 0.5L. The relief valve of
aerosol must be protected by the lid or through other proper means
in case of releasing the contents due to negligence. The total net
weight of such items carried by each passenger or crew member
should not exceed 2kg or 2L.
B. Cosmetics Products (Hair spray and perfume etc., including aerosol)
a) As check-in luggage, each person may carry 1 piece of each
product, each item should not exceed 0.5kg or 0.5L.
b) As hand or carry-on luggage, each cosmetic product is limited
to 1 piece, the container volume shall not exceed 100ml and
should be placed in a separate bag for inspection, and the total
amount of liquid shall not exceed 1L.
c) The aerosol release valve shall be protected by a cover or
appropriate measures to prevent accidental release of the
d) Non-radioactive drugs, toiletries, and aerosols of non-minor
risk for sports or household use that can be carried by personal.
The total quantity should not exceed 2KG or 2L.
C. Non-radioactive pharmaceuticals including aerosol.
a) Each person should not carry more than 0.5kg or 0.5L for each
b) The aeroslol release valve shall be protected by a cover or
appropriate measures to prevent accidental release of the
c) Patients with diabetes or other patients who carry necessary
liquid medicines shall undergo security inspection and provide
a doctor’s prescription or medical certificate from hospital, or
if it is checked by the liquid substance detector, it may be
carried by the passengers.
d) Non-radioactive drugs, toiletries, and aerosols of non-minor
risk for sports or household use that can be carried by personal.
The total quantity should not exceed 2KG or 2L.
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(2) Gas bottles for mechanical prosthesis
Small gas bottles containing gases under Clause 2.2 for managing
mechanical prosthesis. Reserve bottle of the same size can be
carried for meeting passengers’ needs during fight.
(3) Cardiac pacemaker
A. Radioisotope cardiac pacemaker or other devices, including those
lithium battery-driven devices implanted in the human body or
configured outside the body, and radioactive drugs inside human
body, should be carried as personal articles.
B. Devices that implanted into the human body or installed outside the
body for medical purpose only.
C. Radioactive drugs should be used only as therapeutic purpose.
(4) Medical/clinical thermometer
Only in checked baggage, a small medical or clinical thermometer
containing mercury placed in protective box only for personal use.
(5) Hair curler
Each passenger or crew member can only carry no more one hair
curler containing hydrocarbon gases, but its lib must be tightly
covered on the heating part. Hair curler cannot be used in the
aircraft at any time. The roller used for hair curler is prohibited in
the checked baggage or hand baggage.
(6) Portable electronic equipment containing battery (PED)
(including medical devices)
A. "Lithium battery-powered electronic equipment" in this manual
refers to devices that require batteries to provide electrical energy
for operation. Passengers or crew members carry such personal
equipment (PED) containing lithium metal or lithium ion battery
cells or batteries for personal use including medical equipment such
as portable oxygen collectors (POC) and consumer electronics
products (such as cameras, mobile phones, and laptops and tablets)
can be carried in hand luggage. For portable electronic devices that
emit large amount of heat, the batteries and heating elements must
be separated and removed from the device. These provisions also
apply to dry cell batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, lithium
batteries and sealed wet batteries.
If the equipment is transported as checked baggage:
The equipment must be protected against damage and measures
taken to prevent accidental activation;
The device must be turned off completely (not in sleep or
hibernation mode).
B. The backup battery must be individually protected against short
circuits. For example, it can be put into its original package with
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insulating tape wrapped around the exposed electrode and put each
battery in a separate plastic bag or protecting bag, and only be
transported in checked baggage. Each person can carry up to 20
spare batteries (lithium battery with no more than 2g lithium content
or no more than 100Wh rated energy) If carrying more than 20 spare
batteries, permission can be granted from Hainan Airlines.
C. In addition, the lithium battery must meet the following conditions:
a) Each installed or spare battery should not exceed:
For lithium metal batteries or lithium alloy batteries, the
lithium metal content should not exceed 2g; or
For lithium-ion battery packs, the watt rating should not
exceed 100Wh.
b) The battery must be of a type that meets the requirements of
Section 38.3 of Part III of the United Nations Test and
Standards Manual.
c) Each person can carry up to 15 PEDs. If carrying more than
15 PEDs, permission can be granted from Hainan Airlines.
d) Articles containing lithium metal batteries or lithium ion
battery cells or batteries whose main purpose is to provide
energy to another device, such as a mobile power supply, are
only allowed in hand luggage. These items must be
individually protected against short circuits, such as by placing
them in the original product packaging or other methods of
isolating the electrodes: Wrap the exposed electrodes with
adhesive tape, put each battery in a separate plastic bag or
protective bag, or consult the ground service staff of the
terminal for the battery packaging method. For example:
passengers can be provided with enough plastic insulated bags
by checking in at the terminal or in the security area.
e) Electronic cigarettes containing lithium batteries are only
allowed in hand luggage. (Please refer to section ‘Electronic
cigarette with battery’)
f) Luggage with a lithium battery installed and the lithium metal
content of the lithium battery exceeds 0.3g or the watt hour
exceeds 2.7Wh: If it is checked luggage, the lithium battery
must be unloaded from the luggage and the lithium battery
must be brought into the cabin; or baggage must be carried in
the cabin.
When the lithium battery on the luggage is designed to charge
other devices and cannot be disassembled, such luggage is not
allowed to be carried.

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D. Additional requirements for sealed wet cell batteries:
Only can be accepted in hand luggage, each passenger can carry up
to 2 spare batteries and must meet the following conditions:
a) The batteries shall meet the requirements stated in special
regulation A67 and shall not contain any unabsorbed liquid;
b) The voltage of each battery shall not exceed 12V and the rated
watt-hour value shall not exceed 100Wh;
c) Each battery must be protected against short circuit by
measures of electrode insulation.
E. Refer to the section “Other Restricted Items – Lithium batteries,
power bank” for additional requirements.
(7) Fuel cell in portable electronic equipment
Fuel battery that provides power to portable electronic equipment
(such as cameras, cell phones, laptop computers, and portable
video cameras, etc.) and back up fuel box must meet the following
A. Fuel battery or fuel battery box can only contain flammable liquids,
corrosive substances, liquefied flammable gases, water reactive
substances or hydrogen in the form of metal hydrides;
B. The fuel cell cartridge cannot be refueled by the user. It is not
allowed to add fuel to the fuel cell system unless it is allowed to
install a spare fuel cell cartridge. Do not carry fuel cell cartridges
used to refuel the fuel cell system, but are not designed or intended
to be installed in equipment.
C. The maximum amount of fuel in any fuel cell box must not exceed:
a) For liquid, 200ml;
b) For solid, 200g;
c) For liquefied gas, non-metal fuel cell box, 120ml; for metal
fuel cell box, 200ml;
d) For hydrogen in metal hydrides, the fuel cell cartridge must
have a water capacity of 120ml or less.
D. Each fuel cell system and each fuel cell box must comply with IEC
PAS 62282-6-100Ed.1, and must be marked with the manufacturer's
certificate of compliance with this standard. Moreover, each fuel
cell cartridge must be marked with the maximum quantity and type
of fuel in the cartridge;
E. Each passenger cannot carry more than 2 fuel cell boxes;
a) Fuel cell boxes containing flammable liquids, corrosive
substances, liquefied flammable gases or metal hydrides can
be transported as hand luggage, checked baggage or carry-on
board with passengers;

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b) Fuel cell box with water-containing reactive substance can
only be transported as hand luggage or carry-on board with
F. Fuel cell system with fuel and fuel cell box (including spare box)
can only be transported in hand luggage;
G. The interaction between fuel battery and integrated battery pack in
the equipment must be in line with IEC62282-6-100 Ed.1, fuel
battery box or fuel battery only used for charging battery pack in the
equipment is not allowed to transport;
H. The design of fuel battery must ensure that it is unable to charge the
battery pack when the portable electronic equipment is not working;
meanwhile, the manufacturer must make a tight label:
I. In addition to the above-specified language label of the originating
country, it must also be marked in English.
(8) Portable electronic equipment containing sealed battery
Portable electronic equipment containing hermetically-sealed
batteries that comply with Special Regulation A67 of IATA
DGR4.4 can be carried up to 2 spare batteries of the same type by
passengers and crew, provided that the following requirements are
A. Voltage of each battery shall not exceed 12V and the rated energy
shall not exceed 100Wh;
B. The battery must not contain any free or unabsorbed liquid;
C. The equipment must be protected from accidental activation, or the
battery must be separated from equipment and the electrode must
be insulated;
D. Each battery must be protected from short-circuit through insulating
its electrode.
E. Leakproof batteries shall pass certain vibration and differential
pressure tests, electrolyte will not flow out of housing.
F. At temperature of 55 degrees, the electrolyte shall not flow out of
the broken housing.
(9) Electronic cigarette with battery
Personal electronic cigarettes with batteries, including electronic
cigars and other personal vaporizers used by passengers or crew
members must be limited to hand luggage. It is not allowed to
charge these devices or batteries on the aircraft. And passengers or
crew members must take measures to prevent accidental activation.
The spare battery must be placed in the original product packaging
or the electrodes are insulated separately for short-circuit
protection. For example, wrap the exposed electrodes with
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tape, put each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective bag,
and only carry it in the hand baggage. In addition, the lithium
battery must meet the following conditions:
A. Each installed or spare battery should not exceed:
Lithium metal or lithium alloy batteries, lithium content does not
exceed 2g; Or Lithium-ion battery, the watt-hour value should not
exceed 100Wh.
B. Batteries and battery cells must be of the type that meets the
requirements of Section 38.3 of Part III of the United Nations Test
and Standards Manual.
(10) Valuable objects
Items that need special care shall not be transported as checked
baggage or put into checked baggage, but should be brought into
cabin as hand baggage. For example, important documents and
materials including contracts and agreements, pharmaceuticals,
securities, currency, draft, jewelry, precious metals and its
products, silver products, valuables, antiques and paintings,
fragile and vulnerable items, perishables, samples, electronic
digital products, travel documents medical certificates, X-rays,
prescription drugs that individuals need to take regularly and so
Passengers going aboard with valuables in large quantity (such as
gold) shall comply with CBBG policies and take care by

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4.2.4 Provisions for Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or

Crew (DGR Ed.62-Table 2.3.A)

Note: The above regulations are the standards implemented by IATA. If the HNA

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Holdings standard is inconsistent with the above standards, the relevant regulations of
HNA Holdings shall prevail.

4.2.5 Items with hidden dangerous substances Provisions to prevent dangerous goods from being transported

as baggage
1) In order to prevent hidden dangerous goods from being
transported as baggage, the ground staff must be provided with the
necessary training and work with a certificate to ensure that the
ground staff can correctly identify undeclared or hidden dangerous
2) Information Notice
(1) Set up sufficient number of "Service Reminders" at conspicuous
locations such as ticket counters, check-in counters, and gates in
the airports to inform, notice or remind passengers about
dangerous goods prohibited by aircraft.
(2) If passengers purchase tickets or check in through electronic
medium, the relevant electronic medium should contain
information on prohibited dangerous goods.
(3) If passengers use self-service for check-in, such as CUSS, online
check-in, mobile client, etc., during the check-in process,
passengers should be shown dangerous goods information that is
prohibited to be transported by aircraft (including checked or hand
baggage). After passengers make sure that they have known the
information, they can complete the check-in process.
3) Baggage acceptance
(1) Informing passengers at the check-in area of the requirements for
prohibiting excess baggage transportation at the boarding gate,
and strictly follow the baggage allowance for baggage control. For
online check-in, self-service check-in passengers and queued
passengers in the security check area, baggage control and policy
tips should be done well.
(2) Ground staff inspects checked baggage packaging. Checked
baggage must be fully packaged, well-locked, securely strapped,
able to withstand a certain amount of pressure, and can be safely
loaded, unloaded and transported under normal operating
(3) When collecting baggage, ask passengers if there are prohibited
items such as lithium batteries, charging treasures, lighters, etc.;
and ask them if there are other items that cannot be transported as
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(4) For checked baggage suspected of containing dangerous goods,
baggage transportation staff should actively inquire and confirm
the type of items to passengers, and assist security inspection staff
to carry out inspections. If it is a dangerous article, it should be
disposed of in accordance with 4.2 of this manual. If the type or
quantity of dangerous goods carried by passengers does not meet
the requirements in 4.2 of this manual, passengers should be
advised to check their baggage as baggage containing dangerous
goods. For the baggage of dangerous goods exceeding the
prescribed limit, the ground staff must refuse to transport.
(5) Checked baggage must pass the security check before the staff can
hand over the passenger ID, boarding pass and baggage coupon to
the passenger.
(6) For other operation requirements of baggage transportation, please
refer to Chapter 3 Passenger Service-Check in Service.
4) Baggage control at boarding gate (for passengers carrying excess
baggage to the boarding gate, ground staff can handle it according
to the following progressive principle)
(1) If secondary security check equipment is installed in the boarding
area of the airport, it is necessary to prompt and ask passengers
whether there are lithium-containing battery items such as lighters,
computers, mobile phones, charging treasures in the baggage.
After confirming that the baggage meets the shipping
requirements, complete the security check at the boarding gate and
check baggage for passengers;
(2) For the boarding area without secondary security check equipment,
if there is sufficient time to allow passengers to travel, it is
recommended that passengers go to the check-in area (or other
check-in baggage area equipped with security inspection
equipment) for baggage check-in.
(3) If the above situation is not met, the boarding control staff will
prompt and inform the passenger that the baggage will be
expressed by next flight to the destination airport. Passengers can
contact the destination inspection unit to inquire about the
baggage claim;
(4) For excess baggage brought into the cabin, after receiving the
notice from the cabin group, follow the steps above;
(5) Strollers and special passenger assistance equipment (such as
wheelchair etc.) that passengers bring to the boarding gate, if the
second security check is not passed, the passenger must be
reminded again to confirm that there are no lithium batteries,
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charging treasures, etc. in the stroller or wheelchair before the
consignment (Airports already have stricter standards and will be
implemented in accordance with current airport standards);
(6) If the passenger fails to abide by the bureau's policy and our
requirements, and the baggage carried to the boarding gate cannot
be arrived on the same flight as the passenger, the late baggage
will be disposed of according to the passenger's reason (not the
carrier's reason) for subsequent disposal.
A. For the excess baggage blocked at the boarding gate, the ground
service staff shall hang a hand luggage bag for the passenger, record
the passenger's name, flight, seat number, contact information, and
hand over the luggage bag to the passenger.
B. For the excess baggage blocked at the boarding gate, ground service
staff must prompt passengers to take out lithium batteries, power
bank (and containing) etc. and to carry with them on the flight. If
they do not take out these things the baggage will fail to through the
security check for transportation. And require passengers to fill out
the form "Lithium Battery Safe Transportation Report to Passengers
and Baggage Exemption Liability Clauses", each station prints it for
own use.
C. For excess baggage taken at the boarding gate, the ground service
staff should remind passengers to register for the lack of baggage
collection at the baggage inquiry counter in the arrival hall after they
get to the destination and confirm the subsequent baggage collection.
(7) If the non-excess baggage carried by the passenger cannot be
brought into cabin and be transferred to the subsequent flight due
to the limited space in the cabin luggage rack (for example,
because of the lifeboat equipped with a cross-water flight), the
baggage also needs to go through the secondary security check,
and the late baggage shall be handed over for non-passenger
reasons for subsequent disposal when it is unable to arrive on the
same flight as the passenger.
(8) The departure station and the destination station should
communicate in a timely manner about the excess baggage
blocked at the boarding gate and the subsequent delivery.
(9) If the airport's provision for temporary checked baggage at the
gate is higher than the above standard, the current local airport
regulations shall prevail.
(10) For other operation requirements of baggage control at the
boarding gate, please refer to Chapter 3 Passenger Services-
Boarding Services.
5) The staff and supervisors of the apron need strictly implement the
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ground support requirements for dangerous goods in the apron
support of Chapter 8 of this manual.
6) Information notification (when dangerous goods are transported)
(1) Ground staff should make detailed records and provide
corresponding information to the captain and crew before
boarding, including passenger name, seat number, nature and
quantity of items checked/carried.
(2) Forward baggage transportation information to transfer and arrival
(3) For the dangerous goods that require the company's consent, after
verifying the relevant information provided by the ticket sales
department, if the actual situation is consistent with the
information and complies with the company's regulations on
baggage containing dangerous goods, the ground staff will check
the baggage according to the dangerous goods collection and
transportation procedures.
7) If the passenger deliberately conceals the name of the dangerous
goods and the dangerous goods are carried in the baggage, once
they are found, the ground staff must report to the Civil Aviation
Regulatory Bureau where the incident occurred, and notify our
company at the same time, and pass them onto the Airport police. Typical cases of items with hidden dangerous substances
1) AIRCRAFT ON GROUND SPARES: may contain explosives
(flares or other smoke bombs), chemical oxygen generators,
unserviceable tire devices, compressed gases (oxygen, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen or fire extinguisher), cylinders, oil paints,
adhesives, aerosols, life-saving supplies, oil in equipment, wet or
potassium batteries and matches. Aircraft parts and equipment.
MOTORCYCLE): may contain ferromagnetic substances which
are not in line with the definition of magnetic material but may
affect aeronautical apparatus because of special loading
requirements; or they may contain engines, carburetors,
containing or contained fuel tank, wet batteries, the inflation
3) BREATHING APPARATUS: may contain compressed gas
cylinder or oxygen bottles, chemical oxygen generators or
refrigerated liquefied oxygen.
4) CAMPING EQUIPMENT: may contain flammable gases (butane,
propane, etc.), flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.),
flammable solids (hexamine, matches, etc.) or other dangerous
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6) CHEMICALS: may contain articles complying with all standards
of dangerous goods, particularly flammable liquids, flammable
solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
7) COMAT (COMPANY MATERIALS): may contain indispensable
dangerous goods, such as chemical oxygen generators, various
compressed gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen), gas lighters,
aerosols, fire extinguishers, flammable gases (oil paints, adhesives,
fuel oil), corrosive substances (batteries ), first aid kit, life-saving
equipment, flares, matches and magnetic materials, etc. of
passenger service equipment.
contain any kind of dangerous goods.
9) CRYOGENIC (LIQUID): refers to refrigerated liquefied gases,
such as argon, helium, neon, nitrogen and other gases.
10) CYLINDERS: may contain compressed or liquefied gases.
11) DENTAL APPARATUS: may contain flammable resins or
solvents, compressed or liquefied gases, mercury or radioactive
12) DIAGNOSTIC SPECIMENS: may contain infectious substances.
13) DIVING EQUIPMENT: may contain cylinders filled with
compressed gases (air, oxygen, etc.), submarine lights with high
luminance and may produce high heat when operated in air. Bulb
or battery must be removed for the sake of safety.
explosives and other dangerous substances.
15) Liquid nitrogen dry pack: may contain free liquid nitrogen. Only
when the freezing container is not placed in the correct direction
will release liquid nitrogen, it is a dangerous product.
16) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: switch box or electronic tube or
wet batteries may contain magnetic substances or mercury. It may
also be equipped with wet batteries.
LAWNMOWERS, GOLF CARTS, ETC.): may be equipped with
wet batteries.
18) EXPEDITIONARY EQUIPMENTS: may contain explosives
(flares), flammable liquids (gasoline), flammable gases (propane,
camping gas) or other dangerous substances.
pyrotechnic devices of explosive materials, explosive motor
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generators, wet batteries, fuels, heat generators, etc.
20) REFRIGERATED EMBRYOS: may contain refrigerated
liquefied gases or solid carbon dioxide (dry ice).
dioxide (dry ice) may be contained in its package.
22) FUELS: may contain flammable liquids, flammable solids or
flammable gases.
23) FUEL CONTROL UNIT: may contain flammable liquids.
24) HOT AIR BALLOON: may contain cylinders filled with
flammable gases, fire extinguishers, explosive motors, batteries,
25) HOUSEHOLD GOODS: may contain articles in line with the
standard of dangerous goods, such as solvent paints, adhesives,
polishes, aerosols, flammable liquid such as bleach, rust stoves or
drain cleaners, ammunition and matches, etc.
26) INSTRUMENTS: may include manometers containing mercury,
barometers, mercury converters, rectifier, thermometers and other
mercury-containing articles.
27) LABORATORY/TESTING EQUIPMENT: may contain articles
in line with the standard of dangerous goods, especially flammable
liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or
corrosive substances.
28) MACHINERY PARTS: may contain adhesives, oil paints, sealing
paint, peptizing agents, wet or buried batteries, mercury, cylinders
containing compressed or liquefied gas and so on.
may individually or integrally comply with the definition of
magnetic materials.
30) MEDICAL SUPPLIES: may contain articles in line with the
standard of dangerous goods, especially flammable liquids,
flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive
METALPIPING: may contain ferromagnetic materials that must
meet the special loading requirements due to its influence to
aircraft instruments.
may contain wet batteries;
33) PASSENGERS BAGGAGE: may contain articles in line with the
standard of dangerous goods, including fireworks and crackers,
flammable household liquids, corrosive stove or drain cleaners,
flammable gases or liquid lighter additives, or camping stove
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cylinders, matches, ammunition, bleaching powder, aerosols that
are prohibited to be transported according to the provisions of
Section 2.3 under “Dangerous Goods Regulations” (IATA), etc.
34) PHARMACEUTICALS: may contain articles in line with the
standard of dangerous goods, especially radioactive substances,
flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides,
toxic or corrosive substances.
35) PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES: may contain articles in line with
the standard of dangerous goods, especially heat generating
devices, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic
peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
36) Promotional substances: see "Passenger Baggage".
be equipped with engine, carburetor or fuel tank containing oil or
oil residues, flammable aerosols, compressed air cylinder,
nitromethane, other additional fuel or wet batteries, etc.
38) REFRIGERATORS: may contain liquefied gas or ammonia
39) REPAIR KITS: may contain organic peroxides, flammable
adhesives, solvent paints, resins, etc.
40) SAMPLES FOR TESTING: may contain articles in line with the
standard of dangerous goods, especially infectious substances,
flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides,
toxic or corrosive substances.
41) SEMEN: may be packed by using solid carbon dioxide (dry ice)
or refrigerated liquefied gases.
EQUIPMENT: may contain flammable substances, explosives or
other dangerous substances.
43) SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS: may contain oxidation
material or corrosives.
INSTRUMENTS: may contain mercury;
45) TOOL BOXES: may contain explosives (nail gun), compressed
gases or aerosols, flammable gases (butane cylinders), flammable
adhesives or oil paints and corrosive liquids, etc.
46) TOUCHES: Miniature torches and glow sticks may contain
flammable gases and are equipped with electric starters. Large
torches may consist of a torch head (usually with a natural switch)
and a container or cylinder containing flammable gas.
EFFECTS: baggage may contain articles in line with the standard
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of dangerous goods, including fireworks, flammable household
liquids, rusty stoves or sewer cleaners, flammable gases or liquid
lighter additives or camping stove cylinders, matches, bleaching
powder, aerosols, and items not allowed under Section 2.3 of the
Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA).
48) VACCINES: may be packed by using solid carbon dioxide (dry
49) SHIP FITTINGS: may contain explosives, compressed gas
cylinders (life raft) paints, lithium battery etc,.
50) Gun-type electronic dry powder fire extinguisher (no shipping
name): this type of fire extinguisher has a certain degree of
lethality and may contain explosives, etc.
51) MEALS READYTO EAT (MRE): mainly consists of three parts:
heat source, activator (or device) and food. The heat source
usually referred to is mainly composed of heat-generating
chemical raw materials, and no open flame is generated during
heat generation, so it is also called flameless chemical heater. Self-
heating packaged foods have the risk of fire when the heating
materials react to heat, and passengers are prohibited from using
them in the aircraft.
52) RADIOACTIVEMATERIAL: may contain small amounts of
radioactive material.
contain wet battery or lithium battery.
cylinders for compressed or liquefied gases such as air or carbon
dioxide, lithium battery, propane torch, first aid kit, flammable
adhesive, aerosol.
55) Note: For those dangerous goods not included in Dangerous
Goods Regulations of IATA and this manual, such as saline
solution, powdered or liquid dyes and cure foods, etc., because
long-time leakage may cause serious problems of elimination or
corrode aluminum product, the consignor must check and ensure
that those goods will not leak during transport. Checklist for preventing the receipt and transportation of

implied dangerous goods (baggage)

The following checklist is applicable to the check-in counter at the
departure station to verify whether the passenger’s luggage
contains hidden dangerous goods.

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NO Name Description YES or NO
1 Aircraft Spare May contain explosives (flares or other smoke bombs), □YES
Parts(AOG) chemical □NO
Oxygen generators, unusable tire devices, cylinders or
compressed gas (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or fire
extinguishers), paint, adhesives, aerosols, life-saving
equipment, first aid kits, oil in equipment, wet batteries or
lithium batteries, and Matches and so on.AIRCRAFT SPARE
2 Automobiles, May contain magnetic substances, such substances □YES
auto parts Although the quality does not meet the definition of magnetic □NO
(cars, motor substance, it may affect aircraft instruments and requires
vehicles, special loading; it may also include engines, carburetors, fuel
motorcycles) tanks that contain fuel or have been filled with fuel, wet
batteries, compressed gas in tire inflation equipment, fire
extinguishing Bottles, nitrogen-containing shock
absorbers/brackets, airbag punches/airbag components, etc.
3 Respirator There may be compressed gas cylinders or oxygen cylinders, □YES
chemical oxygen generators or refrigerated liquefied oxygen. □NO
4 Camping May contain flammable gases (butane, propane, etc.), □YES
equipment flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.), flammable solids □NO
(tetrazohexaformaldehyde, matches, etc.) or other dangerous
5 Autocars, Refer to Automobiles, auto parts □YES
auto parts □NO
6 Chemicals May contain any category of substances that meet the □YES
definition of dangerous goods, especially flammable liquids, □NO
flammable solids, oxidizing substances, organic peroxides,
toxic or corrosive substances.
7 Company May contain dangerous goods, such as chemical oxygen □YES
assets generators in passenger service equipment, multiple □NO
compressed gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen), gas
lighters, aerosols, fire extinguishing bottles,Combustible gas
(paint, adhesive, fuel), corrosive substances (battery), first aid
kit, life-saving equipment, signal flares, matches, magnetized
materials, etc..
8 Mixed cargo May contain any kind of dangerous goods. □YES

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9 Low Refers to refrigerated liquefied gas, such as argon, helium, □YES
temperature neon, nitrogen and other gases. □NO
items (liquid)
10 Cylinder May contain compressed or liquefied gas. □YES
11 Dental May contain flammable resin or solvent, compressed or □YES
instruments liquefied gas, mercury or radioactive material. □NO
12 Diagnostic May contain infectious substances. □YES
specimen □NO
13 Diving May contain compressed gas cylinders (air, oxygen, etc.), □YES
equipment such as self-contained diving breathing oxygen tanks, vest □NO
cylinders, etc., may also contain strong light diving lights,
which may generate extremely high heat when activated in the
air. For safe transportation, the bulb or battery must be
14 Drilling and May contain explosives and/or other dangerous goods. □YES
mining □NO
15 Liquid May contain free liquid nitrogen. Only when the freezing □YES
nitrogen dry container is not placed in the correct direction will release □NO
pack liquid nitrogen, it is classified as dangerous.
16 Electrical May contain magnetic materials, mercury in switch gears, □YES
Equipment electron tubes, wet batteries or lithium batteries, or contain □NO
fuel cells or fuel cell cartridges.
17 Electric May contain wet batteries or lithium batteries or contain fuel □YES
equipment cells or fuel cell cartridges. □NO
weeders, golf
carts, etc.)
18 Adventure May contain explosives (flares), flammable liquids (gasoline), □YES
equipment flammable gases (propane, camping gas) or other dangerous □NO
19 Film and May contain explosive pyrotechnic devices, generators with □YES
promotional internal combustion engines, wet batteries or lithium batteries, □NO
media fuel, heat-generating items, etc.
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20 Frozen May contain frozen liquefied gas or solid carbon dioxide (dry □YES
embryos ice). □NO
21 Frozen fruits, The packaging may contain solid carbon dioxide (dry ice). □YES
vegetables, □NO
22 Fuel May contain flammable liquids, flammable solids or flammable □YES
gases. □NO
23 Fuel May contain flammable liquid. □YES
controller □NO
24 Hot air May contain flammable gas cylinders, fire extinguishers, □YES
balloon internal combustion engines, batteries, etc. □NO
25 Household May contain items that meet the standards of dangerous □YES
products goods, including solvent-based paints, adhesives, polishes, □NO
aerosols, bleaches and other flammable liquids, corrosion
furnace or drain cleaners, ammunition, matches etc.
26 Instrument This may include items such as pressure gauges, barometers, □YES
mercury converters, rectifiers, thermometers, etc. that contain □NO
27 Experiment/te May contain items that meet the standards of dangerous □YES
st equipment goods, especially flammable liquids, flammable solids, □NO
oxidizing substances, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive
28 Mechanical May contain adhesives, paints, sealing paints, peptizers, wet □YES
spare parts batteries or lithium batteries, mercury, steel cylinders □NO
containing compressed or liquefied gas, etc.
29 Magnet or It is possible to meet the standards for magnetized substances □YES
similar individually or as a whole. □NO
30 Medical May contain items that meet any indicators of dangerous □YES
supplies/equi goods, especially flammable liquids, flammable solids, □NO
pment oxidizing substances, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive
substances, and lithium batteries.
31 Metal May contain ferromagnetic substances that need to meet □YES
building special loading requirements due to impact on aircraft □NO
materials, instruments.
metal fences,
metal pipes
32 Auto parts May contain wet batteries etc. □YES

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(cars, motor □NO
33 Passenger May contain items that meet the dangerous goods standards, □YES
luggage including fireworks, flammable household liquids, corrosive □NO
stove or drain cleaners, flammable gas or liquid lighter
additives, or camping stove cylinders, matches, ammunition,
bleach, and Table 2.3 in DGR (IATA) that are not allowed to
be carried.
34 Medications May contain items that meet the standards of dangerous □YES
goods, especially radioactive substances, flammable liquids, □NO
flammable solids, oxidizing substances, organic peroxides,
toxic or corrosive substances.
35 Photography May contain items that meet the standards of dangerous □YES
supplies/equi goods, especially heating devices, flammable liquids, □NO
pment flammable solids, oxidizing substances, organic peroxides,
toxic and corrosive substances, and lithium batteries.
36 Promotional Please refer to “Passenger Luggage” □YES
material □NO
37 Racing or It may be equipped with engines, carburetors, fuel tanks □YES
motorcycle containing oil or residual oil, flammable aerosols, compressed □NO
racing team cylinders, nitromethane, other fuel additives or wet batteries,
equipment lithium batteries, etc.
38 Refrigerator May contain liquefied gas or ammonia solution. □YES
39 Repair May contain organic peroxides, flammable adhesives, solvent- □YES
Toolbox based paints, resins, etc. □NO
40 Laboratory, May contain items that meet any indicators of dangerous □YES
test goods, especially infectious substances, flammable liquids, □NO
equipment flammable solids, oxidizing substances, organic peroxides,
toxic or corrosive substances, lithium batteries, compressed
gas cylinders, etc.
41 Semen It is possible to use solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) or □YES
refrigerated liquefied gas. Refer to "DRY SHIPPER". □NO
42 Equipment for May contain flammable substances, explosives or other □YES
performances, dangerous goods. □NO

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stages and
special effects
43 Swimming May contain oxidizing or corrosive substances. □YES
pool □NO
44 Switch of May contain mercury. □YES
electronic □NO
equipment or
45 TOOL May contain explosives (nail gun), compressed gas or aerosol, □YES
BOXES flammable gas (butane cartridge), flammable adhesive or □NO
paint, corrosive liquid, lithium battery, etc..
46 Torch, glow Mini torches and glow sticks may contain flammable gas and □YES
stick, are equipped with electric starters. A large torch may consist □NO
TOUCHES of a torch head (usually with a natural switch) and a container
or gas cylinder containing flammable gas.
47 UNACCOMP Baggage may contain items that meet the dangerous goods □YES
ANIED standards, including fireworks, flammable household liquids, □NO
PASSENGER corrosive stove or drain cleaners, flammable gas, liquid lighter
S additives or camping stove cylinders, matches, bleach,
BAGGAGE/P aerosols, and according to the table 2.3 DGR(IATA) that are
ERSONAL not allowed to be carried.
48 VACCINES May use solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) packaging. □YES
49 SHIP’S May contain explosives, compressed gas cylinders (life rafts), □YES
SPARES paint, lithium batteries, etc. □NO
50 Gun-type This type of fire extinguisher has a certain degree of lethality □YES
electronic dry and may contain explosives. □NO
powder fire
51 MEALS Self-heating instant food is mainly composed of three parts, □YES
READY TO namely heat source, activator (or device) and food. The heat □NO
EAT(MRE) source usually referred to is mainly composed of chemical
raw materials that can produce heat, and no open flame is
produced when heat is produced, so it is also called a
flameless chemical heater. Self-heating packaged food may

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cause a fire hazard when the heating material reacts to
heating, and passengers are prohibited from using it in the
52 RADIOACTI May contain a small amount of radioactive material. □YES
53 Battery May contain wet batteries or lithium batteries. □YES
Driven □NO
54 Sports May contain compressed or liquefied gas (air, carbon dioxide, □YES
goods/sports etc.) cylinders, lithium batteries, propane torches, first aid kits, □NO
team flammable adhesives, aerosols, etc.
If the territorial supervision bureau has other requirements, the
acceptance check list can be formulated and used in accordance
with the requirements of the local supervision bureau.

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4.2.6 Provision of Dangerous Goods transport information
1) Information provided to the captain
(1) Flights with dangerous goods, the cargo loading department shall
provide NOTOC (Notification to Captain) to the captain at the
earliest stage before departure. Please refer to the appendix of this
manual for detailed contents and format of the document
(2) NOTOC must be signed by the loading staff in charge, and
confirming there is no sign of damage or leakage to the packages
that have been loaded on the aircraft.
(3) NOTOC must be signed by the captain to acknowledge receipt of
the information.
(4) 4 copies of NOTOC need to be provided, after signed by the
captain, one copy for the captain, one copy for the ground staff
who provided the NOTOC, one copy is kept by the loading
supervisor, another copy for load control staff, and NOTOC is
needed to be kept for at least 24 month.
(PS: Since some airports use the NOTOC inside the airport, if
there is no load control staff copy, it is not necessary to distribute
it to the load control staff. However, the information transportation
of dangerous goods must still be reported to the load control unit
according to the specified information transportation process.)
(5) NOTOC should be written in both Chinese and English.
2) Information provided to airline operations staff
All relevant ground staff should provide dangerous goods
information to the operation department in writing before
departure. The information provided shall be the same information
required on NOTOC. The subject of the email is suggested as
follows: “Notice of Transport Information of Dangerous Goods on
HUXXX Flight on Date of Departure”
(1) Stations with HU employed staff, the information shall be sent via
email by HU staff to the AOC dispatcher(FOC_qpfxx@hnair.com)
and AOC flight planning controller(FOC_jhkzx@hnair.com) ,
copy customer service station (khfwx@hnair.com).
(2) Satellite stations, the information shall be sent via email by
assigned ground staff to the AOC dispatcher
(FOC_qpfxx@hnair.com)and AOC flight planning controller
(3) Oversea stations with HU employed staff, the information shall be
sent via email by HU staff to the AOC dispatcher
(FOC_qpfxx@hnair.com)and AOC flight planning controller

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( FOC_jhkzx@hnair.com ), copy customer service station
3) Information provided to load control department
Ground services staff shall provide the accepted dangerous goods
information to load control department if such dangerous goods is
proved to be taken by passengers and crew. The load controller
shall state such information and loading position in Loading
Instruction and notify crew on the flight.

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4.3 The Right of Refusing Carriage and Inspection

4.3.1 Right of refusing carriage

1) Passengers refuse to accept the security inspection of their luggage
by the government, airport and our company.
2) Baggage without security check.
3) Prohibited articles specified by the state, restricted transportation
articles, dangerous articles, and other articles with odor or easily
degrading the aircraft cannot be checked as baggage or caught in
4) Passengers' checked baggage and unchecked baggage shall not
violate the relevant provisions of the country prohibiting or
restricting transportation. Hainan Airlines will refuse to accept or
terminate the transportation and notify the passengers if it is found
that the baggage contains any items that cannot be transported as
baggage during the collection or transportation of baggage.
5) The company refuses to transport controlled cutlery.
6) The outer packaging does not meet the requirements of civil
aviation regulations, the company refuses to transport.
7) When the company disagrees with the declared value of the
baggage and the passenger refuses to accept the inspection, the
company could refuse to transport the baggage.
8) If the checked baggage or unchecked baggage of the passenger is
not suitable for transportation due to its size, shape, weight,
content, characteristics or for safe operation, or for the comfort
and convenience of other passengers, Hainan Airlines shall ask the
passenger to improve it. If the passenger cannot or refuses to
improve, Hainan Airlines has the right to refuse to accept the
transportation of the baggage.
4.3.2 Right of security check
1) Due to safety and security needs, passenger should allow us to
carry out security check on him/her, and allow the baggage to be
checked, scanned or checked through X-ray by us. If passengers
are not on the scene, we can also check their baggage in order to
determine whether they have carried goods listed in this manual
with them or in their baggage. If they do not comply with this
requirement, we will refuse to carry them and their baggage. We
will not be liable for the damage of their baggage caused by
checking or scanning or X-ray inspection, unless the injury or
damage is due to our fault.
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2) Inspection-free goods
(1) The diplomatic pouch can be exempt from inspection with the
passport of diplomatic courier and the proof issued by embassies
and consulates, diplomatic courier himself/herself and other
baggage carried with him/her should accept security check.
(2) Deedbox for aviation with confidential documents can be exempt
from security check by virtue of “Confidential Traffic License” of
The General Office of CCCPC and lead sealing or special mark
after verified by security check institutions.
(3) Important national defense military products and documentation
whose level is above confidential can be exempt from security
check by virtue of inspection-free introduction letter, lead sealing
issued by Defense Department of the State Commission of
Science and Technology for National Defense Industry after
verified by security check institutions.
(4) Other special articles can be exempt from inspection by virtue of
Certificate for Exemption from Inspection issued by Civil
Aviation Administration of China.

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4.4 Restrictions on Package, Weight and Size of Baggage

4.4.1 Checked baggage

1) Packing requirements: checked baggage must be packed
completely, locked up, tied up and can withstand certain pressures;
it can be installed, removed and transported safely under normal
operating conditions, and should comply with the following
(1) Suitcases, travel bags and handbags and so on must be locked;
(2) More than two pieces of baggage cannot be bounded into one
(3) Other articles cannot be attached to or hanged on the baggage;
(4) Bamboo baskets, net bags, grass strings, grass bags and other
articles cannot be used as outer packaging materials for baggage;
(5) Packages with marks or labels of dangerous goods generally
cannot be used as outer package of baggage; if the baggage has
been packed, the mark or label of dangerous goods on it must be
removed or covered;
(6) Passenger’s name, detailed address, telephone number should be
marked on the baggage;
(7) Sawdust, chaff, grass clippings and other articles cannot be used
as underlay in baggage.
2) Restrictions on weight and volume
(1) N/A for international flights
(2) International routes: the weight of each piece of checked baggage
of passengers cannot exceed 32kg. The sum of three sides of each
piece of checked baggage of international route cannot exceed
203cm (80 inches), and if the weight or size of each piece of
checked baggage beyond above standard, it is suggested that
passengers should separate the baggage into several parts, and if it
cannot be separated, please contact cargo division of Hainan
(3) Articles do not belong to baggage category can only be checked
in as freight.
4.4.2 Hand baggage
1) Hand baggage should be placed under the front seat or in the
closed-up storage area. Items exceeding the maximum weight and
size specified by Hainan Airlines regulation shall not be accepted
as hand baggage and should be transported as check-in baggage.
2) For details, please refer to the relevant content in the "Free
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Baggage Allowance and Overweight (Excess) Baggage" chapter.

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4.5 Free Baggage Allowance and Excessive (exceed the
limit) Baggage

4.5.1 Free baggage allowance General principle

1) Baggage of not less than two passengers with same flight and
destination can be pooled together when check-in at same location
and time. The total allowance is the combination of their
respective baggage allowance according to their class of travel.
2) Passengers voluntarily change flights are entitled to the baggage
allowance of their new tickets. The passengers involuntarily
change flights, their baggage allowance is subject to their original
ticket allowance.
3) Involuntarily regraded passenger is entitled to the baggage
allowance of their original class of travel before regrade.
4) Allowance of transit baggage from domestic flight to international
flight of Hainan Airlines shall follow below principle: If passenger
holding conjunction ticket, baggage allowance on domestic shall
be the same as on international flight. If passenger holding
separate ticket, baggage allowance on domestic shall be the one
shown on their ticket.
5) Note: Passengers holding separate ticket, but both domestic and
international flights are operated by Hainan Airlines, and
connecting time is less than 24hours, baggage allowance for
domestic sector should be the same as international sector. If
excess occurs, it should be charged separately, domestic excess
rate for domestic sector, international excess rate for international
6) Personal aid devices such as folding wheelchair, crutch and
artificial limb of passenger who need special care are allowed to
carry freely. Baggage allowance of stretcher passenger shall be the
combination of allowance of total number seat occupied.
7) Baggage allowance for charter flights shall be determined in
accordance with the charter agreement.
8) Special baggage promotions launched by Hainan Airlines shall be
determined according to the promotion plan.

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Ground Operation Manual 4 N/A International flight

1) Checked baggage
About free baggage allowance please refer to latest baggage
policies updated on Hainan Airlines official website under travel
information column by marketing department of Hainan Airlines.
2) Hand baggage
(1) United states routes
A. One piece of hand baggage for each passenger only.
B. Weight of single piece of hand baggage shall not exceed 10kg or 22
pounds. Size of hand baggage shall not exceed 115cm or 45inch
which is the sum of length, width and height. Hand baggage shall
able to store in overhead locker or under the seat in front.
C. Each passenger is allowed to take one pieced of personal belongings
freely except hand baggage. Such as wallet, brief case or notebook.
Following items are also considered as hand baggage: Mobility
devices such as crutch and wheelchair, musical instruments,
photographic equipment bag, duty free items (duty free items
purchased in controlled area containing liquids, aerosols and gels
shall be handed over to passenger when boarding).
D. Hand baggage of crew and dead crew member are exempted from
requirements above.
(2) Other international flight
A. Passengers of business class can carry two hand baggage while
passengers of economy class can only carry one;
B. Weight of single piece of hand baggage shall not exceed 10kg or 22
pounds. Size of hand baggage shall not exceed 115cm or 45inch
which is the sum of length, width and height. Hand baggage shall
be able to store in overhead locker or under the seat in front.
C. Apart from hand baggage, each passenger of Hainan Airlines is
allowed to take one extra personal belonging freely on board for
usage before boarding and after disembarkation. For details, please
refer to following table.

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Articles Range of Application
A coat, stole or blanket; an umbrella or walking stick; a All passengers except
pair of binoculars; a small camera; a reasonable number baby passengers
of books read in flight; a carrier bag, vanity bag or
handbag generally for cosmetics for travel other than for
that baggage that should be checked in; a small briefcase
or a portable laptop briefcase
In-flight food for feeding baby, a baby carrier, portable Baby passengers
folding pram or baby stroller (it may be checked in; but
it can be carried into the cabin and be placed in the
overhead locker of passenger’s seat or under the seat of
their right forward of their seat if its volume and weight
is in compliance with the restriction of hand baggage)
A folding wheelchair and/or a pair of walking sticks Disabled passengers
and/or a pair of braces or other tools for supporting the relying on wheelchair,
body (it may be checked in; but it can be carried into the walking stick, and other
cabin and be placed in the overhead locker of passenger’s tools for supporting the
seat or under the seat of their right forward of their seat body
if its volume and weight is in compliance with the
restriction of hand baggage)

4.5.2 Excess baggage charge Definition of excess baggage

Excess baggage refers to the part of checked baggage and hand
baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance. Passengers
should pay excess baggage fee if they check in with excess
baggage. Excess (exceed the limit) baggage rate
1) N/A
2) International flight
Please refer to latest baggage policies updated on Hainan Airlines
official website under travel information column by marketing
department of Hainan Airlines.
Note: If the checked baggage exceeding 2 or more restrictions of
limit of piece, weight or size, the excess baggage fee should be
stacked up (the excess baggage fee for checked baggage of
exceeded piece, weight or size of the route of Canada should be
charged for the highest fee other than being stacked up)

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Ground Operation Manual 4 Collection of excess baggage fee
An excess baggage check should be filled and issued when
collecting the excess baggage fee; the total amount of excess
baggage fee should be calculated in RMB Yuan and the mantissa
rounds off; passengers can pay excess baggage fee in cash or by
check, credit card, or miscellaneous charges order (MCO), etc.
1) Issuance of excess baggage check
(1) Excess baggage check is a voucher for carrier collecting excess
baggage fee or additional charge of baggage declared value. It is
also a voucher for carriage of excess baggage.
(2) Excess baggage check is composed of four parts: finance coupon,
stub coupon, carrier coupon and passenger coupon. Finance
coupon is used for the financial settlement, auditing, financial
accounting; stub coupon is kept by ticket issuance department for
future reference; carrier coupon, as a voucher of carrying excess
baggage, is the proof for carrier to settle the carriage income or to
settle accounts between carriers; passenger coupon is kept by
passenger themselves as a proof of having paid the excess baggage
fee or additional charge of baggage declared value.
(3) When relevant staff issue the excess baggage check, their writing
should be clear and the content should be complete. Excess
baggage check should be used in order instead of at random.
Standby Counter has a specific record of excess baggage fee
collection to record the receipt, issuance and cancellation of
excess baggage check.
(4) Excess baggage check cannot be altered and once did, it would be
deemed as invalid and be perforated.
(5) Excess baggage check cannot be canceled after issuance; it can
only be canceled through perforating after signed by the first
responsible person of ground service and the first responsible
person of check in room under special circumstances. Excess
baggage check is valid only when used together with passenger
2) Collection of excess baggage fee and procedures of carrying
excess baggage
(1) Staff of Standby Counter or Frequent Flyer Counter at airport is
responsible for collecting excess baggage fee.
(2) After staff of Standby Counter or Frequent Flyer Counter at airport
having collected the excess baggage fee and tore down finance
coupon and stub coupon, they should stamp the carrier coupon
with “Cash Received” seal and then give the carrier coupon and
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passenger coupon to passenger in order to go through procedures
of carrying excess baggage.
(3) Check in staff is responsible for auditing whether the flight the
passenger is going to take is the same as that of carrying excess
baggage as well as the charging standard complies with relevant
regulations. If there is any error, dispose in time and if there is not,
they can tear down the carrier coupon to go through relevant
(4) Collection of excess baggage of connecting fights: if it is
calculated by weight, the fees can be fully collected at the
departure airport or only partially (from the transfer airport)
collected; if it is calculated by piece, full payment must be
collected at the departure airport.
3) Others
According to the provisions of the Civil Aviation Administration
of China (2000) No. 27 on the transportation of confidential
documents, confidential documents and articles carried by
confidential traffic personnel should be taken care of by
themselves, and free baggage allowances should be provided in
accordance with the corresponding cabin space. The excess
baggage fee is charged at 50%.

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4.6 Declared Value of Baggage

4.6.1 N/A

4.6.2 International flights General rules

1) Passengers may declare a value for their baggage when their
checked baggage is over 30 US dollars (or the equivalent RMB or
equivalent other currency) per kilogram. Any baggage with
declared value over 2500 US dollars would not be accepted. If the
declared value exceeds the maximum limit of the carrier, the
baggage can not be accepted as valued item.
2) Declared value of checked baggage shall not exceed its actual
3) Hainan Airlines reserve the right to refuse carriage of baggage of
which passenger declared its value but refuse physical verification
by Hainan Airlines.
4) Value declaration is limited to a checked baggage in whole. Value
declaration for single item inside a checked baggage is not allowed. Added charge on declared value
1) The declared value surcharge shall be charged according to 5 ‰
of the value of the passenger's declared value exceeding the above
general limit.
2) Declaring a value for baggage is only available for segments that
are accepted for carriage by Hainan Airlines or by other carriers
having special agreements with Hainan Airlines.
3) The rate is based on USD. Payment may be collected in local
currency according to exchange rate with USD published by the
bank on that very day.
4) Value declaration of a checked baggage doesn’t exempt concerned
baggage from other charges if it meets related standard.
4.6.3 Hainan Airlines Restriction on certain items and flights for

value declaration Restriction on certain items for value declaration

1) Precision instrument, electronics.
2) Hunting rifle, arms and ammunition for sport purposes, sport and
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musical instruments exceeding limits.
3) Confidential documents, diplomatic couriers, official couriers.
4) Electrically powered wheelchair.
5) Edged tools or blunts not classified as controlled knives such as
kitchen knife and scissor.
6) Dry ice, liquids, cosmetics containing alcohol.
7) Bone ashes.
8) Fragile and perishables.
9) Dangerous goods
10) Currencies, securities, tickets, stamps, coins, gold and silver
products, jewelry, diamonds, jade, ancient books, calligraphy, art,
plants and other items not easy or even unable for appraised value.
11) Pets carried by passengers on Hainan Airlines international flights
12) Other items not allowed for transportation as baggage by Hainan
Airlines. Restriction on certain flights for value declaration
Baggage already checked in at departure station is not allowed for
value declaration at transit or stopover station. Handling procedures
Check in staff shall proactively inquire passenger if there is any
valuable or fragile inside their checked in baggage. Once learned
passenger has checked baggage along with proof of value, staff
may introduce passenger for value declaration. Handling procedure for value declaration
1) Notification initially: Once passenger reached counter, check-in
staff shall initially details of baggage for value declaration and
supporting proof, and inform passenger related requirements.
2) Baggage and document verification: check-in staff shall
physically check items for value declaration and supporting proof,
collect or copy supporting proof once confirmed they meet
3) Sign transport agreement: check-in staff shall guide passenger to
complete and sign Transport Agreement for Value Declared
Baggage. The agreement is in triplicate, check-in, ticketing and
passenger obtain one copy each.
4) Payment bill assurance: check-in staff issue Excess Baggage
Ticket for passenger indicating Value Declaration and guide
passenger to ticketing counter for payment.
5) Baggage check in: check-in staff accept baggage once confirmed
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payment. The baggage shall be attached with the Tag of Declared
Value and appropriate priority tag if any.
6) Document record: completed Transport Agreement for Value
Declared Baggage, payment proof, value proof supporting
document or its copy shall be filed for at least one year. Baggage loading
Once notified about declared value baggage, ramp staff load the
baggage in accordance with the principle of handle with care, load
last and unload first. Baggage delivery
Ramp staff shall notify baggage service department once noticed
abnormality such as broken of lost during delivery, Baggage
service department shall actively contact passenger for settlement. Guideline in special circumstances
1) Hainan Airlines do not accept baggage as declared value baggage
if passenger do not have supporting document or have supporting
document with incomplete information. Once refused, check in
staff shall inform passenger the checked in baggage is a normal
one which will be settled according to normal regulation if any
irregularity happens. Meanwhile check in staff shall request
passenger to sign limited release accordingly.
2) In case passenger who’d like to declare value but has dispute over
settlement articles, ground staff shall suggest passenger to buy
commercial insurance.

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4.7 Baggage Handling Procedure

4.7.1 Baggage security check requirements

1) Passenger’s baggage and hand baggage must go through security
2) Hainan Airlines may check passenger’s baggage with themselves
for the sake of safety carriage; it may check with relevant
authorities if necessary. If any passenger refuses to be checked,
Hainan Airlines has the right to refuse carrying that baggage.
3) Unaccompanied baggage (free allowance baggage for business,
baggage carried by error) should be placed in the separate storage
area during carriage and they should go through security check
and should not below the standard of security check of other
baggage when being transported or being kept.
4) Hainan Airlines only accepts checked baggage on the day the
flight departs during check-in procedures. If passengers request to
check in advance (such as group passengers), it needs to be
arranged in advance.
5) Passengers should check their luggage with a valid ticket.
Passengers are not allowed to use air tickets to check in or carry
baggage items that are not the passengers themselves. The flights
only carry baggage carried by passengers on the same plane, or
unaccompanied baggage determined to be caused by other reasons
rather than passengers. Passengers’ checked baggage is not
allowed to be tagged with the baggage tags of other passengers.
Checked baggage must be tagged with correct flight number,
departure date, and luggage tag number.
6) When checking luggage for passengers, their luggage must be
affixed with luggage tags. Each pair of baggage tags is affixed to
the passenger baggage, boarding pass and baggage stub sheets.
For unaccompanied baggage that is not caused by the passenger,
the baggage copy will be affixed to the baggage and baggage slip
7) Hainan Airlines only carries the checked baggage of the passenger
and the checked baggage received by our agent or authorized
representative. Check in baggage for other passengers is
prohibited. When checking baggage for passengers, the check-in
staff shall confirm to the passengers whether they are the
passengers' own baggage, and inform the passengers that they are
not allowed to check baggage for others. If it is found that the
passenger’s checked baggage is not his/her own baggage (the
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baggage of the passenger on the same flight; the baggage of the
passenger not on the same flight), the passenger shall be
proactively reminded of the safety risks that this behavior may
cause to him/her and be discouraged (for example: it may affect
the normal travel of passengers, and in serious cases, the
corresponding legal consequences shall be borne). At the same
time, it shall be declared to the passengers that all the
consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the passengers
themselves. If the passenger recognizes that it is his/her own
baggage, the check-in staff can go through the baggage check-in
8) After the checked baggage is delivered, it must be ensured that it
is always in a safe and controllable state to prevent unauthorized
persons from contacting it. Personnel supervision should be
arranged when baggage is transferred in the sorting area, stored on
the ground, and transported to prevent unauthorized personnel
from contacting it. Check the baggage tags and quantity before
loading the checked baggage. Under normal circumstances, the
number of checked baggage registered must be the same as the
number of checked baggage installed on the aircraft.
9) Baggage checked at a place other than the check-in counter at the
airport that has passed the security check must be under security
control from the check-in location until it is loaded on the aircraft
to prevent unauthorized persons from contacting; if it has not
passed the security check, corresponding security inspection
measures should be taken at the airport.
10) For passengers who have checked in at the airport of the departure
station but have not boarded the plane, the check-in and baggage
handling unit must evaluate the following:
(1) Whether the passenger has checked luggage;
(2) Whether the checked baggage is loaded or not;
(3) Whether the baggage is unaccompanied baggage.
(4) And handle the baggage according to the following requirements:
A. If the passenger has no checked baggage, there is no need to
consider it;
B. If the passenger has checked baggage but has not been loaded on
the plane, it shall not be loaded;
C. If the passenger has checked baggage and has been loaded on the
plane, the baggage must be offloaded;
D. His/her baggage must be offloaded when the passenger stop
traveling during the flight;
E. Unaccompanied baggage that is not caused by the passenger may
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be loaded after the security check.
11) The baggage of passengers who have gone through the check-in
procedures but have not boarded the aircraft shall not be loaded or
left on the aircraft. If any passengers terminate their travel during
the transit, their checked baggage and articles must be offloaded;
The unaccompanied baggage can be transported by the carrier
after the security check. Passengers who are denied boarding due
to security reasons or refuse to undergo security checks, their
checked baggage must be offloaded from the aircraft.
12) The staff at transit station must recheck the number of passengers
and the number of pieces of luggage. If a passenger terminates the
trip in the middle of the trip, his luggage and belongings must be
offloaded; unaccompanied luggage that is not caused by the
passenger may stay on the plane after the security check.
13) Passengers’ checked baggage should be transported on the same
plane as the passenger. If it cannot be carried on the same plane
under special circumstances, it should be explained to the
passenger in time and prioritized to be transported on the next
available flight.
4.7.2 Hand-carried and Irregular baggage control
1) In order to maintain the internal order of the aircraft cabin and
ensure the safety of the aircraft, the hand luggage carried by
passengers into the cabin should be controlled. Hand luggage
exceeding the prescribed limit should be checked as checked
2) Hand baggage control can be carried out at check-in counters,
passenger security gates, flight boarding gates and at the door side
of the aircraft.
3) The hand baggage control point shall establish the standard size of
unchecked baggage as the basis for control.
4) For specific requirements during check-in and boarding, please
refer to the chapters of "Check-in Service" and "Boarding Service".
5) All staff in the airport shall strictly follow the instruction of the
irregular baggage control, and prevent the occurrence of flight
delays caused by handling the irregular baggage on the plane.
4.7.3 Baggage Check-in Procedure
For the specific operation process of baggage, please refer to
Chapter 3 Passenger Services-Check-in Service, Boarding Service,
and Chapter 8 Tarmac Protection. To accept and transport special
baggage, please refer to the regulations on special baggage
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collection and transportation in this chapter.
4.7.4 Baggage Claim
1) After the flight arrives, passengers should immediately pick up
their luggage at the designated luggage delivery area at the airport
by presenting the identification coupon of the luggage tag, and
hand in the ticket for inspection if necessary;
2) The baggage service personnel of Hainan Airlines or its ground
handling agent shall check the number of the luggage tag transport
coupon on the checked baggage and the luggage tag identification
coupon number held by the passenger. The baggage can be
delivered to the passenger only if the numbers are the same. At the
same time, the luggage tag identification coupons in the hands of
passengers are recovered. The baggage tag identification coupons
after recycling should be properly kept for at least 7 days, and then
destroyed as discarded. It is not responsible for whether the person
claiming the baggage is indeed the passenger, and for all losses
caused thereby;
3) After the delayed arrival of the passenger’s luggage, the passenger
should be notified immediately to claim it, or the luggage can be
delivered directly to the passenger;
4) Passengers who lose the identification coupon of the luggage tag
should report the loss to HNA immediately. Passengers who
request baggage claim should provide HNA with sufficient proof
and issue a receipt as required by HNA when claiming baggage. If
the baggage has been falsely claimed before the declaration of loss,
HNA shall not be liable;
5) If the passenger does not raise a written objection when claiming
the baggage, it shall be deemed that the checked baggage has been
delivered in good condition according to the transportation
6) For the baggage with the exemption luggage tag, the exemption
items indicated on the tag shall be checked, and the exemption
shall be delivered to the passenger.
7) At the baggage delivery site, staff shall be arranged to arrive in
advance, check whether the facilities and equipment operate well,
and staff should be arranged to patrol and coordinate and deal with
abnormal situations in the baggage delivery process in a timely
8) If there are too many bags on the baggage conveyor belt, it shall
be removed from the conveyor belt and placed in an area that will
not pose a safety risk to passengers in a safe manner.
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9) When all baggage of the flight has been sent to the baggage claim
area and the passenger has left the baggage claim area, the ground
staff shall clean the baggage conveyor belt and send unclaimed
baggage, mishandled baggage, unowned baggage and rush-on
baggage to the airport baggage inquiry office/lost and found office
or other designated areas for further processing.
4.7.5 Baggage Storage
1) Hainan Airlines or the airport baggage services department of the
ground handling agent shall set up a baggage warehouse to
properly keep the passengers' unclaimed baggage and on-hand
baggage. For incorrectly transported baggage, such as mishandled
baggage, unclaimed baggage, on-hand baggage, etc., the baggage
shall be immediately collected into the baggage warehouse and
kept properly when found. Mishandled baggage, unclaimed
baggage, and on-hand baggage must go through X-ray security
inspection before being transported or stored, and corresponding
records should be made in the baggage checklist during
2) Establish storage areas for wrongly checked baggage, unclaimed
baggage, and on-hand baggage, and develop relevant monitoring
measures(If a safe storage warehouse with lock is established, the
key shall be supervised and controlled; configure monitoring
cameras in the baggage safe storage warehouse; arrange staff to
supervise and control the warehouse, etc.) to prevent unauthorized
persons from approaching until the baggage is removed, claimed
or processed. Safety inspection shall be carried out for the
mishandled baggage arriving on international flights before being
stored and loaded on the aircraft.
3) During the baggage custody period, the baggage shall not be
opened privately. When it is necessary to open the luggage to
verify the contents due to safety and other reasons, the leader of
the luggage inquiry department should obtain the consent of three
persons present and make a record of the unpacking.
4) HNA reserves the right to deal with the perishable items in the
luggage 24 hours after the luggage arrives.
5) After the flight arrives, if the passenger fails to claim the luggage
immediately, Hainan Airlines may charge the passenger a storage
fee from 8 o'clock the next day after the luggage arrives.
6) If the baggage is not delivered on the same plane as the passenger
due to the carrier, it should be kept free of charge and no storage
fee will be charged.
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4.8 Rules on International Transfer Baggage

4.8.1 Definition of Carriers

Rules on international transfer baggage no longer enforce interline
carriers to carry out the single standard of IATA, carrier's baggage
rules would be developed by carrier itself and be published to
global distribution systems of ATPCO, and then ABR system
would automatically select baggage rules available for passengers.
4.8.2 Decision principle of selecting rules for international transfer

1) If all carriers in the voyage share the same baggage transport rules,
such rules should be available.
2) If they have different baggage transport rules, they should be
subject to the transport rules developed by the most significant
carrier (MSC); and if it is the code-sharing flight, it should be
subject to rules developed by actual carrier (expect for the United
States, see details in US-DOT)
3) If the MSC does not publish baggage rules, subject to rules of the
carrier who firstly check in baggage.
4) If the carrier who check in baggage does not publish baggage rules,
subject to rules of actual carrier of each segment of connecting
flight segments.
5) Selecting principle of MSC:
(1) Following figure shows the partition of global TC (traffic rate
areas) partition. Where: blue thick line is the dividing line of TC
partition; yellow thick line is the dividing line of subarea of each
TC partition.
A. TC1: North America subarea, Central America subarea, South
America subarea, the Caribbean subarea;
B. TC2: Europe subarea, Africa subarea, Middle East subarea;
C. TC3: Southeast Asia subarea, SASC (the South Asian subcontinent)
subarea, Japan and South Korea subarea, southwest Pacific subarea;
it can be seen from the figure that our country belongs to TC3,
Southeast Asia subarea.

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(2) When passenger travels trans-regional, the carrier of the first

trans-regional segment is MSC (Exception: MSC of global travel
is the carrier of the first segment between TC1 and TC2)
this is a global trip that across the Pacific and the Atlantic,
therefore the MSC is LH which is the carrier of YYZ-BRU and
Example 2: BRU-HU-X/PEK-HX-HKG, this is a trip that crosses
between TC2 and TC3, therefore the MSC is LH which is the
carrier of BRU-PEK;if the passenger separates the trip in PEK
midway, then BRU-PEK applys the baggage rules of HU and
PEK-HKG applys the baggage rules of HX.
(3) When passenger travels in the same TC area, the MSC is the
carrier of the first trans-regional segment.
For example: KRT-HU-X/DXB-KQ-NBO, this is a trip within
TC2 from Middle east subarea to Africa subarea, therefore the
MSC is KQ which is the carrier of DXB-NBO.
(4) When passenger travels in the same TC subarea, the MSC is the
carrier of the first international segment.
For example: PEK-HU-X/BKK-GA-SIN, this is a trip within
Southeast Asia subarea of TC3, therefore the MSC is HU which is
the carrier of first international segment PEK-BKK.
4.8.3 Special regulations for international transfer baggage on US

routes (US-DOT)
1) If the starting airport or the farthest destination of a passenger’s

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trip is in the United States, the baggage rules applied at the
beginning of the trip should be applied to the whole journey,
regardless of whether there are stopovers.
For example: PEK-HU-SEA-F9-DEN-F9-SEA-HU-PEK, the
farthest destination of the passenger who departs from PEK is
DEN of America, HU is the first carrier of the journey, so the
baggage rules of HU is applicable to the whole journey of the
passenger whether there are stopovers.
2) For code-sharing flights, if there is a stop during the whole journey
that is in the United States, MSC would be the marketing carrier
and the baggage rules of marketing carrier would be carried out.
4.8.4 Regulations on excess baggage charges for international

connection transportation Baggage transportation regulations

1) The baggage transportation rules include both free baggage
allowance and excess baggage charges.
2) International luggage standard for domestic transportation.
According to the IATA302 resolution, the baggage rules apply to
the main carrier (MSC).
For example: SHA(HU)-x/PEK(HU)-x/BRU(SN)-HEL(AY)-
PEK in this connecting transportation, the SHA-HEL section is a
baggage transportation section, and the entire baggage
transportation section is subject to the baggage transportation rules
of the main carrier HU international section. Therefore, both the
SHA-PEK (HU) and BRU-HEL (AY) segments apply to HU’s
PEK-BRU segment rules.
3) The excess baggage fee is charged according to the baggage
transportation section, and it will be collected at the departure
station according to the applicable baggage rules, and the excess
baggage fee for the next baggage transportation section will be
collected at the departure station for the next segment.
4) For the excess baggage charge rules of Hainan Airlines as the main
carrier, please refer to the company document "HUIR14129
Notice on the Issuance of Free Baggage Allowance and Excess
Baggage Charges on International Routes of Our Company". If
there are updates, please refer to the latest documents issued by
the company.
5) For the excess baggage charge rules of Hainan Airlines as the non-
main carrier, require the check-in staff to make judgments and
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(1) Judgment method
A. If the baggage rules of Hainan Airlines and other carriers are the
same in the baggage transportation section, the rules apply to the
entire section.
B. If the baggage rules of Hainan Airlines and other carriers are
inconsistent, the rules of the main carrier are used. If it is a code-
share flight, the baggage rules of the market party need to be applied.
C. If the main carrier does not release the baggage rules, the baggage
rules issued by the carrier will be used. if the baggage is collected
by Hainan Airlines, and the baggage rules of Hainan Airlines will
be used.
(2) Inquiry method
In the DCS system, check the relevant transportation rules through
the ABR series of instructions.
A. Freight rate information query: ABR:1 or ABR:TN/88012345678;
B. Choose freight: XS:FSQ1;
C. Excess baggage charge information display: XS:FSB1;
D. Charge information switch page: XS:FSPN.
6) One segment of the passenger's connecting ticket is economy class
and the other segment is first class, which is determined by the
main carrier's luggage transportation rules. For example: PEK(HU
C cabin)-x/BRU(SN Y cabin)-MAD, the baggage transportation
section of the main carrier HU’s PEK-BRU section C cabin
applies the baggage transportation rules.
7) The US/Canada exception principle. For carriages originating in
the United States or Canada or at the farthest point of the itinerary
in the United States or Canada, the rules of the first main carrier
apply to all voyages. For international code-share flights with the
United States or Canada, the market’s baggage rules apply.
Example: The passenger’s itinerary is MAN (BA Y cabin)-x/LON
(AA Y cabin)-NYC (BA Y cabin)-x/LON (BA Y cabin)-MAN The
farthest point of this voyage is the United States, and the United
States exception rules apply .
AA is the main carrier for the outbound journey, and AA’s free
baggage allowance applies to the entire voyage. The MAN-LON-
NYC segment is subject to the AA economy class rules. Although
the return NYC-LON-MAN is carried by BA, the AA economy
class rules are also applicable. Check-in operation
1) The check-in agent confirms the luggage transport section of the
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passenger's itinerary.

2) Use PD*,FBA to inquire about free baggage allowance.

3) Select applicable baggage rules.
4) Selection of excess documents. If the determined baggage
transport segment is a purely domestic segment, the domestic
excess baggage ticket will be used; if the determined baggage
transport segment includes an international segment, the
international excess baggage ticket will be used.
5) Fill in the excess documents. The check-in agent must complete
the following on the excess baggage document:
6) Three-character codes for all segments in the passenger ticket
itinerary, two-character codes of carriers participating in the
intermodal transport, flight number, weight/number of
pieces/specifications in excess of the free baggage allowance,
applicable rates for excess baggage, passengers Name, date of
receipt and shipment, handling agent’s name. For details, please
refer to "MCO Instructions". The writing must be neat and tidy. If
the content cannot be confirmed, the company has the right to
charge the difference in accordance with the highest charging
7) Retention of excess baggage tickets. The check-in agent of the
departure station shall collect them uniformly at the departure
station, and the excess baggage ticket filled out at the departure
station shall be handed over to the territorial financial settlement
by the accounting sheet. The carrier of each flight segment tears
off the corresponding carrier coupon of the carrier segment, and
brings it back to the data processing center of the Finance
Department of HNA through the flight on time for settlement. If
the carrier coupon is not used, the passenger coupon will be
handed to the passenger for safekeeping, and the passenger is
reminded to transfer. At the time, the charge receipt shall be

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handed over to the next carrier for acceptance, and the passenger
coupon shall be kept by the passenger as a receipt.
8) If the passenger is checking in at the departure station, the check-
in staff shall staple the passenger’s onward overweight baggage
ticket to the passenger’s onward boarding pass, and the check-in
staff (boarding controller) at the transfer station will tear up and
keep it for their record. Baggage charges for domestic segments of interline

international flights
1) Collection
The baggage fee for domestic segment of HNA's international
transportation is one-stop collection of baggage fees. According to
the specific conditions of each region, the baggage fee is only
collected at the departure station or the transfer station. The details
are as follows.
(1) Collection at the originating station
Refers to the method of collection at the departure station. For
interline transportation flights departing from the following
stations of Hainan Airlines, excess baggage fees will be charged
at the departure station.
A. 20 Main stations: Beijing, Haikou, Xi'an, Taiyuan, Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, Urumqi, Dalian; Wenzhou, Changsha, Harbin, Kunming,
Chengdu, Wuhan, Shanghai Hongqiao, Shanghai Pudong, Xiamen,
Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Chongqing.
B. Overseas Stations: Seattle, Boston, Chicago, Toronto, San Jose,
Brussels, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk Almaty,
Bangkok, Phuket, Singapore, Taipei, Kaohsiung and other new
overseas Stations.
Note: The details are subject to the agreements.
(2) Collection at the transfer station
It means that after the baggage transport segment is determined,
the departure station will not collect it, but will be collected by the
domestic transfer station of the intermodal international flight.
Except at the above-mentioned departure station, all stations other
than the above-mentioned departure station will charge excess
baggage fees at the transfer station (the departure terminal of
international flights).
2) Notes for collection at the transfer station (the departure terminal
of international flights)
(1) After the check-in staff at the departure station of the baggage
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transport section judges that the passenger’s luggage is over-
governed, they should remind the passenger that the excess
baggage fee is charged at the transfer station, and enter the correct
number of pieces of luggage in the AVIC departure system The
baggage is real-named, and several passengers are not allowed to
superimpose and input together, which is convenient for check-in
staff at the transfer station.
(2) After the check-in staff at the transfer station determines that the
passenger’s luggage is excess luggage, they will check with the
checked luggage of the passengers in the previous flight segment
and collect the luggage according to the excess baggage limit till
their final destination. The baggage standard for the domestic segment of non-

interline international transportation

1) Both domestic and international flights are transported by Hainan
Airlines, but the tickets are issued separately and do not belong to
the same transportation contract. The domestic transfer point
transfer time is within 24 hours, and the free baggage allowance
for the domestic flight segment is implemented in accordance with
the international segment standard. In such cases, if excess
baggage charges occur, they will be charged in sections, the
domestic section will be charged according to the standard of the
domestic section, and the international section will be charged
according to the standard of the international section.
Example: Passengers who purchase two single-segment tickets,
SHA-PEK(HU) and PEK-BRU(HU), stay in PEK for no more
than 24 hours, and domestic flights are subject to international
flight standards.
2) The international flight is non-HNA transportation, and the tickets
are issued separately and do not belong to the same transportation
contract, then the domestic flight segment shall be subject to the
baggage allowance stated on the ticket.
Example: When a passenger purchases two single-segment tickets,
CDG-PEK (AF) and PEK-CTU (HU), regardless of whether the
stay in PEK exceeds 24 hours, the domestic segment will be
subject to the free baggage allowance shown on the HU ticket. Special circumstances
Due to our special circumstances, if the free baggage allowance
shown on the passenger ticket is higher than the above-mentioned
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baggage transportation rules, the ticket display shall prevail.
Example: Economy class passengers purchase SHA(HU)-
PEK(HU)-BRU. The passenger ticket is 1PC free baggage
allowance, and the passenger checks two pieces of baggage in
Shanghai, which are 21KG and 28KG respectively. How to charge
in this case? Passengers split their journeys in Beijing. Therefore,
the check-in agent in Shanghai determines that the passenger
baggage segment is Shanghai-Beijing. The domestic excess
baggage ticket should be used for the pure domestic segment. The
free baggage allowance is 1PC based on the baggage allowance
stated on the ticket, therefore the piece of 21KG baggage is free
of charge, and the excess baggage part is 28KG. Therefore, excess
baggage fee = 28KG * (Shanghai-Beijing excess baggage rate).
4.8.5 International interline transportation baggage operation
1) Interline Baggage Transportation
(1) Luggage can only be accepted at the check-in counter on the day
of travel, and the passenger must hand in the ticket for inspection.
(2) Baggage can be delivered to:
A. The first transit station;
B. The station where the passenger wishes to retrieve all or part of the
checked baggage;
C. The station where interlined transportation has been confirmed or
D. The connection point that must be transferred from one airport to
another airport, and the connection point that requires passengers to
retrieve their luggage before continuing the interline transportation;
E. The final destination listed on the ticket (including any consecutive
tickets); consecutive tickets must have the same combined number
and must be issued in numerical order at the beginning.
2) Conditions for interlined baggage transportation
(1) It should be determined whether the flight connection time at the
transfer point is sufficient. You can refer to the minimum flight
connection time in “OAG”(MINIMUM CONNECTING TIMES );
(2) Passengers should present valid tickets and go through customs
formalities in advance for checked baggage. Passengers must hold
valid exit, transit and entry permits if applies. If there are
commercial samples, unused items, dangerous, prohibited items,
etc., they should be handled in accordance with the laws,
government regulations, and orders of the Chinese government
and relevant countries during the transportation process, as well as
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the relevant provisions of international transportation. Baggage
that does not meet the transportation regulations may be refused
to be accepted;
(3) The passenger's consent must be obtained and the passenger's
baggage arrival location must be notified;
(4) Interline flights must be on the same day, or on different days but
within 24 hours (if the connecting country has special regulations,
it will be implemented in accordance with special regulations);
(5) Transit at the same airport;
(6) The passenger's name must be indicated in the interline baggage;
(7) The reservation status must be “OK” or “RQ”;
(8) Applicable between two different tickets, and between scheduled
and charter flights of IATA member airlines.
3) Handling of Interline passenger baggage

(1) Passengers arriving at this station by Hainan Airlines flight:

A. When going through the check-in procedures of connecting
passengers, agent should check with the passengers whether there
is any connecting baggage, and go through the baggage transfer
procedures according to the connecting baggage tag claim coupons
and the passenger ticket submitted by the passenger for inspection.
B. If the passenger arrives at this station by another carrier's flight and
transfers to a HNA flight, or takes a HNA flight to arrive and
transfers to another carrier's flight:
a) For interline baggage between different carriers, the handover
procedures should be completed according to the baggage
handover form before transfer.
b) When going through the passenger endorsement or check-in
procedures, check with the passenger whether there is any
connecting baggage; if so, you should first go through the
receiving formalities with the shipper or agent, and then go
through the baggage transfer.
c) At the same time, the baggage packaging should be checked;
if the baggage is found to be damaged, please contact the
carrier (or agent) directly for handling; when accepting the
baggage, you must indicate the situation on the original
baggage tag or remove the original baggage After the baggage
claim coupon is returned to the passenger, the liability-free
baggage tag shall be attached separately.
d) If the baggage is not received, the “NSTF” (NOTSEEN
TRANSFER) telegram should be sent to the originating station
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(2) If connecting passengers change their itinerary, their baggage
transportation should also be changed accordingly, and handle as
A. Take back the original luggage tag and attach the luggage tag again;
B. Notify related stations of power generation;
C. If the connecting baggage is lost, it shall be dealt with in accordance
with the relevant regulations in "Handling of abnormal baggage
4) Charging standards and methods for over-limit or overweight

baggage transportation for connecting baggage

According to IATA "passenger service reference resolution manual"
780e "Passenger Interline Transport Agreement", if it is a joint
transportation, the airline at the originating station will handle the
interline transportation of the baggage. The departure station
charges uniformly, and the collected flight segment is from the
departure station to the final destination of the baggage interline
transportation (may be the final destination or not the final
destination). The excess ticket coupon is used. If the charge exceeds
the limit (overweight or excess baggage) is carried by two or more
carriers, different carriers should fill in separate documents, and the
passenger should keep the overweight coupon, and remind the
passenger to send the overweight coupon with the charge receipt
when transferring, submit to the next carrier for acceptance. When
the passenger arrives at the transit point, the next carrier will take
back the excess ticket coupons held by the passenger, according to
the "Excess Baggage Charge Sharing Agreement", and use this to
open an account to the previous carrier.

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4.9 Transportation of special baggage-Sport Equipment

4.9.1 General principle

Following checked sports equipment, regardless of their actual
size (the sum of the three sides of the luggage should not exceed
203 cm), can be considered as a baggage with dimension less than
62 inches or 158 cm in pieces system.
1) A set of arms for sport purpose, including no more than 1 rifle
container with no more than two rifles inside, no more than 10
pounds or 5 kg of ammunition, a shooting pad, a silencer and small
rifle tools, or two shotguns with two shotgun cases, or one pistol
case with no more than five pistols inside, no more than 10 pounds
or 5 kg of ammunition, a silencer, a pistol telescope and small
pistol tool.
2) A set of standard water ski or obstacle water ski.
3) A set of properly packed fishing equipment including less than two
fishing rod, a scroll, a pair of net, a pair of fishing shoes and a
fishing equipment box.
4) A set of golf equipment (including 14 bats, 12 balls and 1 pair of
5) A set of ski equipment: a pair of skis, two poles and/or a pair of
ski boots.
6) A set of surfing equipment including masts, booms and sails (the
overall size of each surfboard: length + width + height must be
less than 277 cm or 109 inches and one side must not exceed 203
cm or 80inches).
7) A bicycle with proper package(touring or sport bicycle with single
saddle not driven by motor),handlebar fixed on the side with
pedal removed.
4.9.2 Archery equipment
1) Bows and arrows must be placed in the firm and hard covered
containers specially designed for the transportation for
2) Charging standard of weight system: the weight of passengers’
checked baggage and archery equipment should be counted
together. For the part exceeding free baggage allowance, the
charge should be collected as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage of Archery Equipment
Excess weight Charging Standards

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0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg
in accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15 kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess
baggage charging rate
3) Charging standards of piece system: if within the free baggage
allowance, the baggage should be free of any charges. If exceeding
the free baggage allowance, the baggage should be charged
subject to the charging standard for the excess baggage;
4) If the archery equipment is not encased in the hard covered case,
the note of “Exemption from liability” should be stuck (handle
when getting the boarding check), indicating that Hainan Airlines
is not responsible for the compensation of the baggage;
5) Acceptable consignment cases

Bow Case Archery Equipment Case with Wheels

4.9.3 Wake board

1) Charging standard of weight system:
Weight of checked wake board shall be counted into baggage
allowance together with normal baggage. Charge standard for the
excessive part is shown below:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage of wake board
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -3kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
3kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 3 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of
3kg in accordance with the special charging
standards for excess baggage, for the part exceeding

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15 kg, each kg should be charged subject to the
general excess baggage charging rate
2) Charging standards of piecework system:
(1) Hainan Airlines accept the transportation for one wakeboard or a
wake board bag contained with 2 wake boards at most on
condition that the length of surfboard does not exceed 107 cm or
43 inch.
(2) Wake board shall not be charged if it is does not exceed free
baggage allowance.
(3) In case of excess baggage charge, special charge policy is
applicable for only one set of wakeboard equipment each
passenger, namely, the charge would be collected on the basis of
33% of the charge standard. [Note: For detailed flight charging
standards, see consignment standards of piecework system. If paid
in other currencies, settle subject to the exchange rate on the
current day.
(4) For other wake board exceeding the free baggage allowance,
charge in accordance with the regular excess baggage charging
3) Hainan Airlines is not responsible for the damage of surf bag not
placed in the hard covered cases during transportation and the
baggage declared value cannot be purchased for the transportation
of the wakeboard.
4) Acceptable cases

Group-use Bag Wake board Bag

4.9.4 Fishing equipment

1) Charging standards of weight system: the weight of passengers’
baggage and the fishing tackle should be counted together. For the
excess baggage, the charge should be collected as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage of Fishing Tackle
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -4kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess

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4kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 4 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
2) Charging standards of piecework system:
(1) Hainan Airlines can accept the transportation for one set of fishing
tackle (including 2 fishing poles with coiling blocks, junket,
fishing net, a pair of long boots and a fishing tackle case) as the
replacement of one baggage in the limited amount of free baggage
(2) No charge for the fishing tackle within the free baggage allowance.
For the excess baggage allowance, the charge would be collected
in accordance with the excess baggage charging standards.
3) The container of the fishing pole can not exceed 62 inches
(158cm). Those exceeding 62 inches (158 cm) are advised to be
transported as cargo. A specially designed firm and hard covered
container must be used for the transportation of the fishing pole,
junket, fishing net, long boots for safekeeping. If it is other
packages, baggage tag of “Exemption from liability” should be
stuck on the tackle (when getting the boarding check) indicating
that Hainan Airlines is not responsible for the damage of the
fishing tackle. The baggage declared value cannot be purchased
for the transportation of the fishing tackle.
4) Acceptable consignment fishing tackle bag

Ball Arm Case Travel Bag

4.9.5 Golf equipment

1) Charging standards of weight system:
(1) Golf tools: a set of golf equipment (including 14 sticks, 12 balls
and 1 pair of shoes)
(2) The weight of passengers’ baggage and the golf equipment should
be counted together. For the excess baggage, the charge should be
collected as follows:

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Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
2) Charging standards of piecework system:
Transportation of 1 set of golf equipment is free of charge: Total
weight of the equipment can not exceed 23 kg, and the total of
length of three sides can not exceed 158 cm (62 inches).
Golf equipment: one golf bag, 1 pair of golf shoes. The second
golf equipment would be charged on the basis of 50% of the
charging standard. The charges for the second golf equipment and
more would be subject to the normal charging standards.
3) Note: For detailed flight charging standards, see consignment
standards of piecework system.
4) Acceptable consignment cases for golf equipment

Shell Case Soft Bag Soft Bag with Wheels

4.9.6 Diving equipment

1) Charging standards of weight system:
(1) Hainan Airlines can accept the transportation for one set of diving

bag contained with diving equipment (not empty diving bottle),

and the diving equipment includes empty diving bottle. CO2 tank

is equipped on the spear gun, and the tank must be empty;

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(2) The weight of passengers’ baggage and the diving equipment

should be counted together. For the excess baggage, the charge

should be collected as follows:

Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
2) Charging standards of piecework system:
(1) Hainan Airlines can accept the transportation for one set of diving
bag contained with diving equipment (not empty diving bottle) as
the baggage within the free consignment allowance, and the diving
equipment includes empty diving bottle, CO2 tank is equipped on
the spear gun, and the tank must be empty;
(2) No charge for the diving equipment within the free baggage
allowance. In case the equipment exceeds the free baggage
allowance, for the round flight between China and the US, the
charge would be collected in accordance with certain charging
For other flights, the charge would be collected normally.
[Note: For the charging standard of each route, see charging
standard of piecework system. If paid in RMB, the exchange rate
should be subject to the day when the baggage ticket is issued].
3) All equipment should be put in a hard covered container specially
designed. If it is other packaging materials, baggage tag of
“Exemption from liability” should be stuck (when getting the
boarding check) indicating that Hainan Airlines is not responsible
for the damage of the baggage.
4) Acceptable consignment cases

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Backpack with stretching rope Handbag Bag with Wheels/Rucksack

4.9.7 Sleigh and skiing equipment

1) Charging standards of weight system:
(1) Skiing equipment: a pair of snowboards, two ski poles and/or a
pair of ski boots. Each passenger can carry only one set of skiing
equipment charged in accordance with this.
(2) The weight of passengers’ baggage and the skiing equipment
should be counted together. For the excess baggage, the charge
should be collected as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage of Skiing Equipment
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -3kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual
excess weight
3kg-15kg Collect charges on the basis of 3 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 3kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for excess
baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg should be
charged subject to the general excess baggage charging
2) Charging standards of piecework system:
1 set of skiing equipment is transported free of charge: total weight
of the equipment can not exceed 23 kg, and the total of length of
three sides can not exceed 203 cm (80 inches).
Skiing equipment: a pair of snowboards, two ski poles and/or a
pair of ski boots. The second sleigh and skiing equipment should
be charged on the basis of 33% of the charging standard. The
charges for the second sleigh and skiing equipment and more
should be subject to the normal charging standards. [Note: For the
charging standard of each route, see charging standard of
piecework system. If paid in RMB, the exchange rate should be
subject to the day when the baggage ticket is issued]

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3) Acceptable consignment cases

Sleigh Bag Boots Bag

4.9.8 Surfing equipment

1) Charging standards of weight system:
(1) Hainan Airlines only accepts the transportation of surfing
equipment as checked baggage. The overall size of each surfing
boarding (length+ width+ height) must be less than 277 cm or 109
inches, and can not exceed 203 cm or 80 inches, including the
sailing surfboards with masts, arm extension and sail.
(2) The weight of passengers’ baggage and the surfing equipment
should be counted together. For the excess baggage, the charge
should be collected as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
2) Charging standards of piecework system:
(1) Hainan Airlines only accepts the transportation of surfing
equipment as checked baggage. The overall size of each surfing
boarding (length+ width+ height) must be less than 277 cm or 109
inches, and can not exceed 203 cm or 80 inches, including the
sailing surfboards with masts, arm extension and sail.
(2) Hainan Airlines does not accept the transportation of surfing
equipment as free checked baggage. Special charge policy is
applicable for only one set of surfing equipment each passenger,

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namely, the charge would be collected on the basis of 50% of the
charge standard. [Note: For detailed flight charging standards, see
consignment standards of piecework system. If paid in RMB, the
exchange rate should be subject to the rate on the issue date.]
Besides, for any other surfing equipment, the normal excess
baggage charging standards would be applied.
3) Surfing board must be placed in the firm and hard covered
containers specially designed for the transportation for
safekeeping. If it is not packaged this way, a baggage tag of limited
release should be stuck on the surfboard (when getting the
boarding pass) indicating that Hainan Airlines is not responsible
for the compensation of the baggage, and the baggage declared
value is not allowed.
4) Acceptable consignment cases

4.9.9 Bowling equipment

1) Basic requirements
(1) A set of bowling equipment includes: 1-3 bowling balls; Hainan
Airlines only allows three balls at most in one bag; a bowling ball
bag; a pair of bowling shoes;
(2) A great amount of bowling equipment detergent containing 70%
or more acetone or alcohol would be deemed as dangerous goods
and cannot be handled as checked baggage or hand baggage;
2) Charging standards of weight system: The weight of passengers’
baggage and the bowling equipment should be counted together.
For the excess baggage, the charge should be collected as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg
Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for

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excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
3) Charging standards of piecework system:
If within the free baggage allowance, the baggage would be free
of any charges. If exceeding the free baggage allowance, the
baggage would be charged subject to the charging standard for the
excess baggage. [Note: For detailed flight charging standards, see
consignment standards of piecework system. If paid in RMB, the
exchange rate should be subject to the rate on the issue date.]
4) Bowling equipment must be placed in the firm and hard covered
containers specially designed for the transportation for
safekeeping. If it is not packaged this way, a baggage tag of
“Exemption from liability” should be stuck on the equipment
indicating that Hainan Airlines is not responsible for the
compensation of the baggage, and the baggage declared value
cannot be purchased.
5) Hainan Airlines acceptable cases:

4.9.10 Stickball/lacrosse equipment

1) Charging standards of piece system: Hainan Airlines allows the
passenger to replace one free baggage with two sticks for stickball
or sticks for lacrosse tied together as free checked baggage. If it
exceeds the free baggage allowance, it will be charged according
to the excess baggage charging standard.
2) Charging standards of weight system: The weight of passengers’
baggage and the stickball/lacrosse equipment should be counted
together. For the excess baggage, the charge should be collected
as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg

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Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
3) Stickball or lacrosse equipment must be placed in the firm and
hard covered containers specially designed for the transportation
for safekeeping. If it is not packaged this way, a baggage tag of
“Exemption from liability” should be stuck on the equipment
indicating that Hainan Airlines is not responsible for the
compensation of the baggage, and the baggage declared value
cannot be purchased.
4) Acceptable consignment cases:

Bag with Wheels or backpack Lacrosse Bag

4.9.11 Ball games equipment
1) Includes handballs, water polos, tennis, baseball, badminton,
football, basketball, softball, hockey ball, volleyball, ping-pong,
rugby, gate ball, boccia, balls for artistic gymnastics and other
relevant supporting equipment.
2) Inflatable balls: for water polos, basketball, volleyball, rugby,
football and others, the pressure inside the ball can not exceed the
nominal pressure. Release the air when necessary.
3) Other supporting equipment: such as base bag, home base board,
pitcher’s plate, gloves, safety device can be checked case by case,
generally can be checked in.
4.9.12 Javelin
1) Hainan Airlines allows a javelin to replace one piece of free
luggage. The javelin must be completely packed in a hard-sided
box, and the javelins in the box must be bundled together.
2) Javelin equipment that does not occupy the number of free pieces
of baggage is charged according to the current excess baggage

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charging standards (except for the round-trip route of the piece
concept, the excess baggage charges on global routes are based on
the weight system, and the excess baggage rate is per kilogram
based on the day when the excess baggage ticket is issued. The
economy class passenger fare used is calculated at 1.5%; the
piece-rate route will be charged at the over-limit standard).
3) The javelin must be placed in a strong and hard shell container
specially designed for transportation. If it is not packaged in such
a container, the exemption baggage tag will be attached, and
Hainan Airlines will not compensate the baggage and passenger is
not allowed to purchase the baggage to declare the value.
4.9.13 Bicycles
1) Bicycles should be transported as cargo. If transported as baggage,
it should be agreed by Hainan Airlines.
2) Preparatory work for the consignment of bicycle:
(1) The pedals must be taken off from the bicycle (or turned inside);
(2) The handles must be turned to the side;
(3) The bicycle must be put into the firm case or bag specially
designed for the transportation;
(4) Deflate the tires for safety.
3) The regulation applies to all domestic and international flights
operated by Hainan Airlines/Grand China Air.
4) Hainan Airlines only accepts unpowered tourism, competition or
tandem bicycle as checked baggage, and bicycles with weight less
than 70 pounds (included) or 32 kg (included) as baggage to be
transported. If it is to be transported as baggage, consult with
Hainan Airlines for agreement (determined by the size and
carrying capacity of the aircraft). Bicycles with weight that
exceeds 70 pound or 32 kg must be transported as cargo.
5) Hainan Airlines allows a passenger to carry one non-motorized
bicycle or two non-motorized bicycles at most put in one case for
6) Charging standards of weight system: The weight of passengers’
baggage and that of the bicycle should be counted together. For
the excess baggage, the charge should be collected as follows:
Charging Standards for the Excess Baggage
Excess Kg Charging Standards
0kg -6kg Collect charges in accordance with the actual excess
6kg – 15kg Collect charges on the basis of 6 kg

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Over 15kg For the first 15kg, collect charges on the basis of 6kg in
accordance with the special charging standards for
excess baggage, for the part exceeding 15kg, each kg
should be charged subject to the general excess baggage
charging rate
7) Charging standards of piecework system: If the bicycle is within
the free baggage allowance, the baggage would be free of any
charges. If exceeding the free baggage allowance, the baggage
would be charged subject to the charging standard for the excess
8) Example of acceptable consignment cases:

A. Folding Bicycle Bag

B. Compact Bag for Fordable Bicycle

C. Shell-type Bicycle Case

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4.10 Transportation of Special Baggage-Electronics and
Musical Instruments

4.10.1 Precision instrument and electronics articles

1) Definition and classification
(1) Precise instruments include precise metrical instruments, precise
astro observation instruments, precise remote sensing instruments,
precise measurement and control instruments, precise medical
instruments and other high-tech equipment with automation,
digitization, intelligence, integration and multidimensional and
dynamic measuring functions. Common precise instruments are:
all kinds of water quality analytical instruments, environmental
monitoring instruments, microscopes, pipettors, incubators,
drying machines, balance weighing apparatus, spectral analytical
instruments, chromatographic analytical instruments, test
chambers, test consumables, experimental apparatus, bioscience
instruments, optical instruments, dehumidification purification
equipment, physical property measurement instruments, food
detecting instruments, drug test instruments, textile instruments,
petroleum instruments, medical instruments and so on.
(2) “Electrical equipment” generally refers to all electric appliances.
Technically, it refers to electrical devices, equipment and
components that are used for the connection and disjunction of the
circuit and the conversion of circuit parameters to realize the
control, adjustment, transition, detection, protection and other
functions to the circuit or electric equipment. Generally, it refers
to electric equipment for household use that provides convenience
for daily life, such as TV sets, air conditioner, refrigerator,
washing machine, computer and all kinds of small household
2) Transportation Requirement
Precise equipment and electrical equipment should be transported
as cargo. If the passenger insists to transport as checked baggage,
it must comply with the following requirements:
(1) Dimensional requirement: the weight of a single instrument
cannot exceed 50kg, and the lengths of the three sides cannot
exceed 40×60×100 cm. For the airlines that implement the
charging standard of piecework system, the single precise
equipment, electrical instrument checked in cannot exceed 32 kg,
and total length of the three sides cannot exceed 62 inches (158
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(2) Packing requirement: the precise instruments and electrical
equipment can be transported as checked baggage only with
factory packaging or packaging that conforms to the requirements
for checked baggage by Hainan Airlines. It is advisable for the
passengers to pack the precise instruments and electrical
equipment in hard covered cases and fill in the case to prevent the
damage from the wag during the transportation.
(3) Charging requirement: for the air lines that implement the
charging standards of weight system, the weight of the precise
instruments and electrical equipment can not be counted into the
free baggage allowance, but should be charged in accordance with
the excess baggage charging standards. For the air lines that
implement the charging standards of piecework system, the
charges should be collected in accordance with a certain standard
rate. The article features requirement: precise instruments and
electrical equipment containing 9 kinds of dangerous goods
(explosive materials, gas, inflammable liquid, inflammable solid,
hypergolic materials, materials that release inflammable gas when
meeting with water, oxidizing agent and organic peroxides,
toxicant and infectious materials, radioactive substance, corrosive
materials and miscellaneous dangerous goods) must not be
transported as baggage. For the articles with unclear nature or
seemingly dangerous goods, the operator must request the
passengers to provide examining report issued by the Dangerous
Goods Accrediting Authority recognized by the authority or the
product manufacturer to proof that the baggage would not cause
any danger to the air transportation for the consignment. For the
articles without examining report or dissatisfactory examining
report, our company rejects the transportation.
(4) Requirements on the handling of checked baggage: the precise
instruments and electrical equipment belong to breakables and
damageable articles, so the operator should stick a baggage tag of
“Exemption from liability” when handling the consignment and
fill out the baggage tag of “Exemption from liability” correctly
and ask the passenger to sign. No declared value can be handled
for the precise instruments and electrical appliances.
4.10.2 Musical instruments

1) Definition and classification of musical instruments

Musical instruments refer to appliances that can give out tones and
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conduct recreation of music art. Musical instruments are divided
into national instruments and western instruments.
(1) Chinese traditional instruments are divided into:
A. Idiophones: such as gong, wooden knocker, cymbals and so on.
B. Membranophones: such as Taiping drum, octagonal drum and so on.
C. Aerophones: such as trombone, Hujia, whistle, cucurbit flute, suona
horn and so on.
D. Chordophones: qiang, liuqin, pipa, erhu, horse head string
instrument and so on.
(2) Western instruments are divided into:
A. String instruments: such as violin, viola, cello, harp, electric guitar,
bass and so on.
B. Woodwind instrument: such as flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe,
saxophone and so on.
C. Brass wind instruments: such as trumpet, cornet, tuba, trombone,
French horn and so on.
D. Keyboard instruments: such as piano, accordion, electric organ and
so on.
E. Percussion instruments: such as timpani, xylophone and so on.
2) Requirement details for the transportation of musical

instruments are as follows:

(1) Hainan Airlines does not accept oversized or overweight musical
instruments as checked baggage or baggage placed on the cabin
(2) Dimensional requirement: passengers can carry musical
instruments with single volume not exceeding 20×40×55cm into
the cabin and they would be counted into the free baggage
allowance. The musical instrument as hand baggage must be able
to be put under the seat in the front or in the overhead locker.
Musical instruments with single volume exceeding 20×40×55 cm,
but not exceeding 40×60×100 cm and with weight not exceeding
50 kg can be transported as checked baggage. Musical instruments
with single volume exceeding 40×60×100 cm or with weight
exceeding 50 kg must be transported as cargo. For piece counting
routes: the weight of a single piece shall not exceed 32 kg, and the
total volume of the three sides shall not exceed 62 inches (158 cm).
(3) Packing requirement: passengers must put the musical instruments
as checked baggage into specially made hard-edge or anti-press
containers for transportation. It is recommended that passengers
pack the musical instrument in a hard shell box and fill the box
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with contents to prevent it from shaking side to side during
transportation and causing unnecessary damage.
(4) Charging requirement: for the routes that implement charging
standards of weight system, musical instruments can be counted
into free baggage allowance as checked baggage for transportation.
For the weight exceeding the baggage allowance, charges would
be collected. For the routes that implement charging standards of
piecework system, such as US route and Canada route, musical
instruments as checked baggage can not be counted into the free
baggage allowance, but would be charged with 80 USD/piece.
(5) For the handling of checked baggage, the operator is required to
stick a baggage tag of limited release on the musical instrument
and ask the passenger to sign during the handling of the boarding
procedures for the passengers that carry musical instrument.
Hainan Airlines is not responsible for the damage or delay
incurred on the musical instrument during the transportation.
Baggage declared value cannot be purchased for the transportation
of the musical instrument.
3) Cabin Seat for baggage
(1) If passenger wants to use the instrument as a seat in the cabin,
Hainan Airlines requires passengers to purchase another seat and
make a request when they purchase the ticket and get the approval
of company, and place the designated instrument in a hard shell
box against the bulkhead. For international routes, the weight of
the luggage placed on the seats of the cabin must not exceed 75
kg, and the volume should not exceed 40×60×100.
(2) The baggage must be packed or covered in some way to avoid the
harm to other passengers.
(3) The seat belt must be properly reinforced to avoid shaking during
(4) Baggage shall not block any passenger from seeing signs such as
"fastened seat belt", "no smoking" or "exit", and shall not contain
dangerous goods.

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4.11 Transportation of Special Baggage-Passenger Need

4.11.1 Baby strollers

1) Unless regulated otherwise by the authority of the airport, Hainan
Airlines allows passengers to carry or use baby strollers to the
boarding gate.
2) For the baby stroller or the folded baby stroller whose volume is
within the range of 20CM×40CM×55CM, the passenger can carry
it into the cabin and put it in the overhead locker or under the seat
in the front.
3) If the volume of the baby stroller or the folded baby stroller is over
20CM×40CM×55CM, the passenger should handle the
consignment procedures at the boarding gate.
4.11.2 Wheelchair and mobility aid devices
1) Hainan Airlines accepts all types of wheelchairs for personal use
(including folding wheelchair and non-folding manual wheelchair)
to be transported on board. The wheelchair can be transported only
when it complies with the regulations of Hainan Airlines.
2) For the passenger that can move only with a wheelchair, Hainan
Airlines allows the passenger to check in a wheelchair for free as
courtesy service beside the free baggage allowance. For the
passenger that does not depend on the wheelchair to move, if there
is any excess baggage, the charge for the excess baggage should
be applied. The wheelchair can be checked in at the ticket
checking counter or the boarding gate. If the consignment is
limited due to the type of the aircraft or the type of the wheel,
contact our personnel and we will handle properly.
3) Electrically powered wheelchair must meet following conditions
before check in
(1) Battery circuit must be disconnected and attached firmly on the
wheelchair. Both electrodes covered by tape to avoid short circuit.
(2) Attach sticker This Side Up to both sides of the wheelchair to
avoid upside down. Wheelchair must remain in upright position
and tied down in cargo compartments to prevent it from moving.
4) Passenger uses its own wheelchair during boarding and
disembarkation approved by Hainan Airlines in advance shall
follow below procedures:
(1) The wheelchair shall be retrieved at boarding gate and loaded by
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door side of cargo compartment.
(2) Arrival station shall unload the wheelchair first and send to
boarding gate for passenger to use after disembarkation.
(3) The form of Notice to Captain shall be filled and send to captain
for reference.
(4) Concerned department such as weight and balance department
shall be notified in order to send telex to station of transit, stopover
and arrival.
5) Other mobility aid devices: Hainan Airlines deems walking sticks,
hand crutches and fixed supports, artificial limbs as special hand
baggage carried long, and allows passengers to carry them on
board for free besides the free hand baggage allowance.

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4.12 Transportation of Special Baggage-Camping

4.12.1 Camping equipment

1) Hainan Airlines allow the baggage allowance to be replaced with
camping equipment. Camping equipment includes but is not
limited to the following articles: tents, backpacks or back boxes,
sleeping bags;
2) Cloth, plastic, vinyl or other articles made of non-wear-resistant
materials, and articles with aluminum rack, external pocket, straps,
snap joint and other ledge can be transported as breakables;
3) Hainan Airlines is not responsible for the damage of the
breakables. According to the rules for dangerous goods, hand light,
stove, heating equipment using liquid fuel, propane, butane or
similar materials are not allowed to be transported as baggage.

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4.13 Transportation of Special Baggage-Others

4.13.1 Arms and ammunition as checked baggage

1) Principles
(1) According to the relevant provisions of “Regulations on Aviation
Safety for Public Air Transport Enterprises” and “Hainan Airlines
Aviation security program”, Hainan Airlines refuses to accept any
application for gun transportation from units or individuals that do
not have a gun transportation permit. Company or individuals that
need to transport firearms must truthfully declare the type,
quantity, route and method of transportation of firearms to the
Chinese public security organs and customs, and obtain a firearm
transportation permit. For transportation within the province,
autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central
Government, apply to the public security organ of the municipal
people’s government for the delivery of firearms for a license; for
transportation across provinces, autonomous regions, or
municipalities directly under the Central Government, apply to the
public security organ of the provincial people’s government for
the delivery of firearms transport permit. Before applying for the
transportation of guns, take the initiative to submit the originals of
the relevant permits to Hainan Airlines.
(2) The arms and ammunition can only be placed in the cargo
compartment as checked baggage for transportation. Flight crew
is not allowed to take them into the cockpit;
(3) According to Hainan Airlines Dangerous Goods Transportation
Manual, the gross weight of ammunition under Clause 1.4S (only
UN0012 or UN0014) with strong package, only for use by sports
teams, carried by each passenger should not exceed 5kg (11 lb),
excluding explosive or incendiary projectiles. Bullets carried by
more than one passenger should not be pooled into one or more
packages. Passengers need to issue an identification report/item
safety data sheet MSDS to prove that the items they carry meet the
above requirements.
(4) The weight of arms and ammunition for sport purpose should not
be counted into the free baggage allowance but charged as the
excess baggage. The ammunition of group passengers should not
be checked in in centralized package but encased separately.
(5) Hainan Airlines is only responsible for the ground services for
such passengers in the flight segment operated by Hainan Airlines.
If subsequent flights need to be interlined with other airlines, the
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passengers need to connect with the interline airlines themselves.
2) Permission requirements
(1) In case a foreign sports delegation that enters for shooting
competitive sports activities needs to check in arms and
ammunition for sports games into the country, approval certificate
from the sports administrative department in charge of the
government should be provided;
(2) In case a Chinese sports delegation that departures for shooting
competitive sports activities needs to check in arms and
ammunition for sports games out of the country, the consignor
must satisfy and provide the approval certificates from the sports
administrative department in charge of the government, transfer
country and destination country;
(3) For arms and ammunition used for national sports games, the
company’s flight can accept for carriage only with the approval
from the sports department in charge of the government and guns
transport license issued by the local provincial level public
security organs;
(4) It must be approved by the public security organs if hunters
outside the country carry shotguns into the country.
3) Packaging requirements
(1) Package of arms and ammunition shall meet related standard.
Arms and ammunition must be placed into firm cases with lock
separately. The case must be sealed and placed in the cargo
compartment out of anyone’s reach;
(2) Acceptable consignment cases

Pistol Package Pistol Case Shotgun Package

4) Ground handling
(1) Passengers should deliver the baggage to the airport for the check
120 minutes prior to the departure time of the flight on that day.
(2) Before the firearms and ammunition are accepted and transported,
the transportation documents must be verified by the public

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security (international flight notification border defense), and the
airport security inspector must confirm that the firearms and
ammunition are separated and packaged and inspected.
(3) Check-in staff shall review the transportation documents, fill in
the NOTOC, and report the actual situation of the guns and
ammunition consignment to the flight captain.
(4) During the loading and unloading period of the arms and
ammunition, it should be supervised by a specially assigned
person, and ensure that it should be stored in an area out of reach
of passengers during transportation.
(5) The unit that checks in the guns should send personnel along on
the flight. Once upon arrival, they should be picked up. Ground
staff should verify the identity of the accompanying person. If the
destination country has other security requirements on the guns,
they should be returned to the passengers after the requirements
are implemented.
4.13.2 Fragile and valuable items
1) Definition
Valuables generally refer to the articles with small volume and
high value.
2) Transportation requirements: important documents and materials
(including contract agreements, etc.); medicines; securities;
currency; bills of exchange; jewelry; precious metals and their
products; silver products; valuables; antique calligraphy and
painting; fragile and easily damaged items; perishable items ;
Samples; electronic digital products; travel documents; medical
certificates; X-rays; prescription drugs that individuals need to
take regularly and other items that require special personnel to
take care of must not be carried in the baggage for consignment.
Hainan Airlines shall be liable for compensation for the loss or
damage of the above-mentioned items in checked baggage as
normal checked baggage.
3) Passengers carrying precious metals (such as gold), if they are
within the free carry-on baggage allowance, can be carried free of
charge and kept with them; if the free carry-on baggage allowance
is exceeded, they must be occupied in accordance with the
requirements for seat-occupying luggage, and passengers must
make reservations in advance Apply at the time. If passengers
carry a large amount of gold and gold products into or out of the
country, they must follow the laws and regulations of the relevant
country, and issue a "Gold Permit" issued by the competent
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authority of the People's Bank of China, and go through customs
procedures with the customs. If passengers carry multiple boxes
of gold and other precious metal items, the boxes should be packed
and secured so that they can be placed on the flight seats if they
meet the conditions of occupying a seat. Gold and other precious
metal items can only be transported as carry-on baggage, and it is
forbidden to collect fees in the form of excess baggage fees.
4) Treatment measures of the baggage check personnel when
valuables are missing
(1) Consult carefully the name, durable years and value of the missing
(2) Check the appearance of the checked baggage on site and see
whether the external packing has been pried.
(3) Weigh the checked baggage and compare it with the weight
recorded by the personnel at consignment for reference.
(4) Ask the loading and unloading personnel at the station for the
Certificate of Baggage Loading and Unloading Accidents for
(5) Inform the passengers of the telephone number of the local Public
Security Bureau according to the filing standard for stolen articles
in different places, and help the passengers to report the case. After
reporting, coordinate with the local Public Security Bureau for
investigation and collection of evidence.
(6) Apart from handling in accordance with this provision, the
breakables and valuables occupying seats should be handled in
accordance with regulations on CBBG in Clause CBBD.
4.13.3 Pharmaceutical, cosmetics and smoking tools
1) Passenger is allowed to carry pharmaceutical and cosmetics
containing flammable substances of reasonable quantity.
2) Passenger is not allowed to carry lighters and safety matches under
any circumstances.
3) Passenger carrying pharmaceutical and cosmetics containing
flammable substance shall follow relevant regulations issued by
security check department.
4.13.4 Edge tools/blunt tools other than controlled knives
1) Edge tools, blunt tools other than controlled knives refer to cutters
and blunt tools with edges longer than 6 cm other than controlled
knives, including medial surgery knives with edges shorter than 6
cm and extremely sharp and firm knives for exclusive use,
including living utensils and means of production, such as kitchen
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knives, fruit knives, table knives, art ware knives, surgery knives,
scissors, sickles, knives for performance, swords, javelin, antiques
or knives, swords and steel files, iron cones, axes, short sticks and
hammers as souvenirs.
2) Edge tools and blunt tools other than the controlled knives must
be put in the checked baggage for transportation and the
passengers cannot carry them. Small pieces of controlled articles
that are not put in the checked baggage can be put into controlled
article bags by the security check department and handed over to
the flight crew for custody. Upon arrival at destination, the flight
crew returns them back to the passengers.
3) Domestic passengers having Dagger Equipping Certificate,
minority people taking flight in national autonomous areas or
foreign passengers purchasing minority knives (such as Tibetan
knives, broadswords, boots knives) in national autonomous areas
in China, the knives can be put in checked baggage as edge tools
and blunt tools other than controlled knives for transportation.
4) In case the passengers carry edge tools and blunt tools other than
the controlled knives to take a flight, it should be handled in
accordance with the relevant regulations issued or interpreted by
the security check department.
4.13.5 Bone ash
1) Definition: Bone ashes are ashes that human bodies are burned.
2) Transport requirements: Bone ashes should be transported as
freight. If transported as check-in baggage, it must be agreed by
Hainan Airlines beforehand. It may be accepted as carry baggage
in the cabin. Hainan Airlines reserves the right to refuse accepting
such article if it does not meet the relevant requirements.
(1) Transport as carry on baggage:
A. If the external packing of the bone ash box and the mood of the
passenger carrying the bone ash box do not influence other
passengers, the passenger can take the bone ash into the cabin as he
or she requires.
B. Packing requirements: The checked in bone ash should be put in a
sealed pot or box encased in a wooden case and padded. Such case
must be inside a suitcase. (The demission should not exceed 20cm
x 40cm x 55cm, and no more than 5kgs)
C. If the passenger needs to purchase an occupied seat to place the
baggage containing the ash, CBBG policy should be followed.
(2) Transport as Check-in baggage:
A. Packing requirements: The ash should be packed in a sealed plastic
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bag or other airtight container, within a wooden box, and the out
layer of the box should be packed with cloth.
a) Check-in separately: Place the ash container in a wooden box
or carton, if there is any gap in the box, it should be filled with
soft material for protection.
b) Check-in in a suitcase: Any gap between the ash container and
edge of the suitcase should be filled with clothing or other soft
objects for protection.
B. Charging standard: It can be included in the free baggage allowance,
if any excess occurs standard rate will be charged. Hainan Airlines
is only responsible as general check-in baggage.
C. Note: Considering the risks of loss and damages of ash as check-in
baggage, passengers are suggested to take it as carry-on baggage.
(3) Others: Passengers are advised to provide the death certification
issued by the health department and the cremation certificate
issued by the funeral provider to facilitate the inspection by the
airport security, customs, quarantine authorities. For further
requirement, please consult the local airport.
3) Ground Service requirement
(1) When passenger proposes to carry ashes, the check-in staff shall
seek willingness of the passenger for transportation methods (as
check-in /carry-on baggage).
(2) If the passenger wants to handle the ash as carry-on baggage, the
ground staff shall check if the baggage containing ash meets the
above requirements before processing check-in procedure.
(3) If the passenger wants to handle the ash as check-in baggage, after
confirming the baggage meets the above requirements, the
baggage should be tagged as “priority baggage”. Check-in agent
should tick as “precious/fragile item” on the bag tag and get the
passenger signature for confirmation, and paste “Fragile” sticker
on the baggage.
4.13.6 Transportation of pets Definition and range of application

1) Pets: refers to family tamed dogs and cats within the weight
restriction range that can be checked in along with the owners.
2) Range of consignment for non-pet: other ornamental pets, wild
animals and animals with odd shape or feature of attacking people,
such as wolfhound, Tibetan Mastiff and so on, they can only be
transported as cargo.
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3) Transportation Methods: Pets are generally transported as check-
in baggage; it may be carried in the cabin when specific conditions
are met.
4) For transportation requirements of service animals, please refer to
the chapter of special passenger handling. Limitations on transportation of pets
1) Pets not old than 6 months.
2) Pregnant pets or pets that just give delivery 48 hours prior to the
departure of the flight.
3) Pets with otolaryngological, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular,
respiratory, digestive diseases and pets that have surgeries within
48 hours.
4) Pets that are restless, delicate, weak and sensitive for the high
temperature and high-altitude environment, or that cannot stay in
pet case for a long time.
5) Pets that take sedative or sleeping pills
6) Pets that release stinky smell or unbearable sharp smell.
7) Following pets and hybrids of them are not suitable for air travel,
and consignment of them is prohibited:
(1) Flat nosed dogs or cats: all terriers, all boxers, all bulldogs, all
spaniels, all mastiffs, all pugs, all mastiffs, American Stafford
shire terriers, Pit bull terriers, Boston terriers, Brussels Griffons,
spaniels, English Toy Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels,
bull mastiffs, Brussels Griffons, Affenpinschers, lhasa apsos,
Pekingeses, Chow Chows, Japanese Chins, Sharpeis, Shih Tzus,
Burmese, Himalayans, Persians, Exotic Shorthairs.
(2) Pit bulls: Pit Bull Terriers, Tosa Inus, Fila Brasileiros and other
hybrids, Argentinian Dogs.
(3) Dogs that are unsuitable for high temperature and high altitude
environment: Samoyed. Transportation of Pets
1) Conditions of transportation of pets
(1) Limitation of application: Pets cannot be transported as un-
accompanied baggage.
(2) Transit service is not provided for the pets. If passengers that take
a connecting flight need to check in pets, they can only handle the
consignment of the single non-stop segment. When they arrive at
the transfer station, they pick up the pets by themselves and handle
the transfer consignment procedures. For domestic transfer, the
joining time should not be less than 120 minutes. For international
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transfer (including international flight transfer to domestic flight),
the joining time should not be less than 240 minutes. For the same
non-stop flight, the transportation of pets can be handled to the
(3) No more than 3 pets can be transported on each flight. Each
passenger can check in up to 2 pets, which should be packed
separately. Each of the total weight (including the food and water
in the pet case) of the separate pet and the pet case can not exceed
32 kg (included).
(4) Guide dogs, hearing aid dogs, service dogs and other working
dogs are not limited by the regulations of (2)-(3).
(5) In the following cases, Hainan Airlines can not provide pet
consignment service:
A. The living animals are not suitable for transportation due to the type
of the aircraft.
B. The consignor fails to prepare for the transportation of the pets,
including that the certificates are not complete, the pet cases do not
comply with the requirements of Hainan Airlines.
C. Passengers do not accept pet transportation conditions or the
requirements on the pet case of Hainan Airlines, or refuse to fill out
the application form for pet transportation.
D. Some domestic and international airports cannot handle small
animals due to the service limitation of ground agencies. Detailed
routes information is subject to the information published on
Hainan Airlines official website.
E. when passengers of international charter flights request pet
transportation, the unit or person that receives the application
should check with the oversea ground agency to confirm the
overseas airport agency assurance conditions and airport policies).
F. Not inconsistent with the special regulations for the special period
of the country. (For example: time of epidemic)
G. If at any station (places of departure/stops/destinations) on the way
of pet transportation, the forecast temperature will be lower than -
12℃ or higher than 30℃ (the detailed temperature is subject to the
temperature forecast information issued by China Meteorological
Net on the day when the passenger brings up the application,
website: http://www.cma.gov.cn/. Overseas office inquires the
temperature information on the website of the local weather
organizations), the pets are not allowed to be transported as check-
in baggage.
2) Requirements on transportation documents
(1) N/A for oversea stations.
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(2) International flight
A. Animal Quarantine Conformity Certificate issued by the Institute
of Animal Health Supervision is needed. The column of
“Disinfection Condition of the Carrier” must be filled out and the
document need to be sealed with the special seal for the quarantine
of the Institute of Animal Health Supervision (when going
outbound from China).
B. Effective output/input document approved and issued by relevant
government (destination/ transfer station).
C. Effective health statement approved and issued by relevant
authorities and certificate of rabies vaccination.
D. Prepare all entry permission needed for the inbound/outbound
requirement, health statement and certificate of vaccination needed
during the flight.
E. Any special document required by the government of the entry
country/transit country needed during the flight. For the relevant
documents, refer to TRAVEL INFORMATION MANUAL, or
consult with the consulates or embassies of the relevant country, or
inquire through the websites of relevant country government.
(3) Transportation Agreement
Both domestic and international flights need to provide the
transportation agreement. Passengers should read and fill out
Hainan Airlines Transportation Agreement for Pets, and sign them
3) Requirements for pet cases
(1) Pet cases in conformity with the following conditions can be
accepted to check in:
A. It should be pet consignment case exclusively and must be made of
solid materials. The top must be fixed with three air open sides.
There must be a locking device on the door of the pet case made of
solid metal material. The locking device should be able to stop the
pet from opening the door to escape when it is locked.
B. The air vents of the pet case should be metal materials and fixed
firmly on the pet case. If the air vents are not metal, there must be
round or other shaped holes on them.

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C. All accessories (including nuts, bars, rivets and lockset) of the pet
cases must be firm with good performance.
D. The pet case must have raised edge or handle for sorting and normal
moving during loading and uploading.
E. The bottom of the pet case must be smooth and steady enough to be
fixed on the smooth surface without moving. If there are wheels on
the pet case, they must be fixed or dismantled in advance to make
sure that the pet case will not slide during the transportation.
F. The size of the pet case must be consistent with the living animal
rules of IATA (see details below) to ensure enough space in the pet
case so that the pet can stand or sit, turn or lie normally in it. All the
operating units should be equipped with tape measure and other
measuring tools. Generally, the operator observe the pet case to
ensure enough space in the pet case so that the pet can stand or sit,
turn or lie normally in it. When it is hard to assess, measuring tools
must be used to confirm whether the size is consistent with the

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a Size specifications:
a)The length from the tip of nose to the end of tail;
b)The height from elbow to the ground;
c)The maximum width of pet;
d)The height from the ground to the tip of ear or the top of head,
and the ear of pet should not touch the roof of case.
b Size of the pet case:
Length=A + ½B

Width= C x 2

Height= D
G. There should be water-absorbing pad (such as towels, blankets, pet
diapers or white paper) in pet case to prevent the excreta from
overflowing and polluting other baggage. The water-absorbing pad
should not contain toxicant materials (such as newspaper and so on);
this is a recommended standard. If the passenger insists on not using
water-absorbing pad or using pad containing toxicant materials, the
passenger must sign the Pet Transportation Agreement and
confirms to bear the consequences incurred due to this.
(2) Following pet cases can be checked in only when passengers are
willing to bear the full transportation risks:
A. The air vents of the pet case are plastic grilling (example as below).

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B. It is very likely that there will be an accident due to the material and
the structure of the pet case above (for example, the pet may break
the grilling and escape and cause accidents or pollute the baggage
of other passengers). The operator must explain the risks and bearer
of the risks when handling consignment procedures of the cases and
fill out Pet Transportation Agreement.
C. When the pet case above is checked in, all the other requirements
except “The air vents of the pet case should be metal materials and
should be fixed firmly on the pet case. If the air vents are not metal,
there must be round or other shaped holes on them.” should be
D. If the pet escapes from the case and pollutes or damages the
baggage of other passengers due to the structure or the material of
the case, Hainan Airlines reserves the right to strengthen the
accountability of the consignors.
(3) Following pet cases are not allowed to be checked in:
A. Combined type or folding type

B. Pet cases that are completely made of iron wires or wickers.

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C. Pet cases with a door or air vents on the top.

D. Pet cases with a door made of plastics or fiberglass.

E. Pet cases that are made of soft materials or whose ventilating

grilling is made of soft material (judgment method: when pressed
by hand, the case body or the grilling is indented or transformed).
(4) Packing of pet cases
A. Use the protective screening for the pet cases to be checked in
provided by Hainan Airlines. Cover the pet cases with protective
screening and tie up and then pack them up.
B. Packing belt
a) The packing belt must be used on the external side of the
protective screening.
b) When packed, the middle size case (the volume of the case is
no smaller than 81×55×58cm, but smaller than 91×60×66cm)
must be circled with 2 turns horizontally and vertically on the
top and the bottom, forming a shape of “#”; The large size case
(the volume of the case no smaller than 91×60×66cm) must be
circled with 3 turns horizontally and vertically on the top and
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the bottom with the packing belt being well distributed; To
avoid disturbing the little animals when turning the cases for
packing, do not pack the case horizontally and the packing belt
on the sides must be vertical and parallel.
c) It is required that the packing belt must go through the grid on
the door and the protective grid. It should go in one grid and
go out from another grid, being well-distributed to fix the door
and the body and the protective screening together. The correct
way for packing is as shown in the following pictures:

Examples of correct way for packing

(5) Signs of pet case
A. “Portfolio for Pet on Board” should be stuck on the pet case.
B. A signboard of priority baggage should be stuck on the pet case.
Signs of “keep upright” and “breakables” should be stuck on the
prominent spots.
4) Charging standards
(1) Charges for the pets checked in
A. The total weight of the pet, the pet case and the food carried along
is not counted into the free baggage allowance, but be charged as
excess baggage.
B. Charging standard of weight system for excess baggage:
charge=charging standard per kg×the weight to be charged. Note:
the charging standard of per kg is the price of economy class general
ticket for one-way non-stop flight×1.5%, and the weight to be
charged is the total weight of the pet, the pet case and the food.
C. Charging standard of piecework system for excess baggage:
charge= a certain multiple (determined by the weight and volume
of the pet and the consignment case) ×a certain charging standard.
Note: “a certain charging standard” is the charging standard that
passengers in the economy cabin of flights with piecework system
have one more piece of baggage than free baggage allowance while
the weight and volume are within the free baggage allowance.
a) The charging multiple for China-US and China-Canada flights:
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Mode of Size X Stands for the Weight (Pet +the
Transpo Consignment
rtation Case)
X<32Kg X≥32Kg
Consign Small Size53×38×40cm 1 Time
ment Middle to Small Size
baggage 2 Times
Middle Size 2 Times Not allowed to
81×55×58cm be transported
Large Size 3 Times as checked
91×60×66cm baggage
Extra Large Size 3 Times
Super Large Size 3 Times
1. Any side beyond 121x81x88cm will not be accepted.
2. Example of compilation rule: in case the total weight is less than 32kg, when
the total length of the three sides of the pet case checked in by the passenger is no
more than that of the small size pet case, it is charged subject to 1 time; when the
total length of the three sides of the pet case checked in by the passenger is more
than that of the small size pet case and is not bigger than that of the middle size
pet case, it is charged subject to 2 times.
b) The charging multiples of other flight routes implementing the
charging standard of piecework system (European routes,
Moscow-St. Petersburg, Busan-Thailand-Singapore-Alma-
Ata and new routes implementing charging standard of
piecework system issued by the marketing department):
Mode of Size X Stands for the Weight (Pet +the
Transpo Consignment Case)
rtation X≤23Kg 23<X< X≥32Kg
Consign Small Size53×38×40cm 1 Time 1 Time
Middle to Small Size 1 Time 2 Times
68×50×48cm Not allowed to
Middle Size 1 Time 2 Times be transported
81×55×58cm as checked
Large Size 2 Times 3 Times baggage
Extra Large Size 2 Times 3 Times
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Super Large Size 2 Times 3 Times
1. Any side beyond 121x81x88cm will not be accepted.
2. Example of compilation rule: in case the total weight is less than 32kg, when the
total length of the three sides of the pet case checked in by the passenger is no more
than that of the small size pet case, it is charged subject to 1 time; when the total
length of the three sides of the pet case checked in by the passenger is more than that
of the small size pet case and is not bigger than that of the middle size pet case, it is
charged subject to 2 times.
(2) Declared value
N/A for oversea stations.
5) Quarantine requirements for pets entering China
(1) General Requirements
A. Pets (dogs, cats) brought into China should be subject to quarantine
requirements of “the Customs Law of the People’s Republic of
China”, “The Law of People’s Republic of China on the Entry and
Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine” and its implementation
regulations, and under supervision of the customs quarantine.
B. One passenger can take up to 1 pet at each entry. Pets should be
microchipped. The passenger shall present to the Customs with a
valid quarantine certificate and vaccination certificate issued by the
official animal quarantine facilities of the original country or region.
The check-in staff shall check the validity of the relevant
documents. The passenger shall fill in the “Information Registration
Form of Carrying Pet (Dog, Cat)” at the Customs.
C. Pets brought into China should be quarantined at the port of entry.
The customs will release, return or destroy the pets according to
come out of the quarantine.。
D. The pets brought into the country shall be quarantined in the
designated quarantine area for 30 days (the interception period is
included). Pets that need to be quarantined should enter the country
from the ports with quarantine facilities. Pets with the following
conditions are exempt from quarantine:
a) Pets brought from designated counties or regions have valid
microchip and pass the on-site quarantine;
b) Pets from countries and regions not listed on the designated
list, with valid microchip, providing the rabies antibody test
report issued by the accepted laboratory (antibody titer or
rabbit pain antibody must be above 0.51U/ml) and pass the on-
site quarantine;
c) Pets categorized as guide dogs, hearing aid dogs, or searching
and rescue dog, with valid microchip, and providing
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corresponding user certificate and professional training
certificate and pass on-site quarantine.
(2) Quarantine Requirements
The Chinese Customs implements classified management on pets
brought into China according to designated countries or regions.
The list of designated countries or regions and non-designated
countries or regions is subject to the official website of Chinese
A. Pets from the designated countries or regions
a) Pets brought from designated counties or regions with a valid
quarantine certificate and vaccination certificate issued by the
official animal quarantine facilities of the original country or
region, and have valid microchip, can be released after passing
the on-site quarantine inspection.
b) Pets without a valid quarantine certificate and vaccination
certificate issued by the official animal quarantine facilities of
the original country or region, will be returned or disposed
after certain period. Pets without valid microchips need to be
quarantined for 30 days.
c) The chips implanted in the pets shall comply with international
standard ISO-11784 and 11785. The 15-bit microchip code
should contain numbers only, and is guaranteed to be read by
the reader. If the chip does not meet the above standards,
special reader that can read implanted chips should be
B. Pets from the non- designated countries or regions
a) Pets from non-designated countries or regions, must provide a
valid quarantine certificate, vaccination certificate the rabies
antibody test report issued by the accepted laboratory
(antibody titer or rabbit pain antibody must be above
0.51U/ml), and must be microchipped. Pets can be released
after passing the on-site quarantine inspection.
b) Note: Please refer to official website of Chinese Customs for
the list of trusted laboratories.
c) Pets without a valid quarantine certificate and vaccination
certificate issued by the official animal quarantine facilities of
the original country or region, will be returned or disposed
after certain period. Pets cannot provide a valid quarantine
certificate, vaccination certificate the rabies antibody test
report issued by the trusted laboratory and/or without valid
microchips (including non-documents or unqualified
documents) need to be quarantined for 30 days.
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d) The chips implanted in the pets shall comply with international
standard ISO-11784 and 11785. The 15-bit microchip code
should contain numbers only, and is guaranteed to be read by
the reader. If the chip does not meet the above standards,
special reader that can read implanted chips should be
(3) Other requirements
A. Pets shall be subjected to animal health clinical examination
conducted by the official agencies of exporting countries or regions
to ensure that they are not contaminated by animal infectious
diseases and parasitic diseases including rabies as listed in “the list
of Quarantine Diseases of Entry Animals of the People’s Republic
of China”.
B. The official quarantine certificate attached to the pets must include
the following contents without any modification:
a) Pet’s information (Including breed, name, sex, color, date of
birth or age);
b) Serial number of the chip, date and part of implant;
c) The date and validation of vaccination for rabies, Types of
vaccines (non-actively vaccines or recombinant vaccines),
name of vaccines and manufacturer;
d) The year, month and day of blood collection for detection of
rabies antibody titer, name of testing institution and antibody
titer results;
e) Results and date of the animal health clinical examination.
C. Pets exempted from quarantine can enter the country through any
port. Pets that require quarantine can only enter the country at ports
with quarantine facilities.
Note: The list of ports with quarantine facilities for pets shall be
subjected to the official website of Chinese Customs.
D. For pets would be returned within specified time frame, the bearer
shall claim and arrange the return process with the interception
certificate issued by the Customs. Failure to claim after the deadline
will be regarded as voluntary giving up, pets will be disposed.
E. Passengers carrying pets shall confirm that all documents for the
pet are valid and completed., and the pet entry time is within the
validity period of the documents. If the pet cannot enter the country
according to the above provisions, the Customs will return or
dispose the pet within a time frame, Hainan Airlines has no liability
for this.
6) Procedure for Pet Handling
(1) Reservation of passenger: passengers that departure from China
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may order the consignment of the pets at the ticket office directly
subordinate to Hainan Airlines or ticket agents authorized by
Hainan Airlines. Passengers that departure from out of China may
contact the overseas office of the Marketing Department to order
consignment of pets. Application through internet is not accepted.
(2) Time limit of reservation: passengers should bring up the pet
transportation application 24 hours prior to the day of the flight.
(3) All direct ticket offices, authorized ticket agents, overseas offices
should only accept the pet consignment application on the one-
way flights that departure from there (not round flight).
(4) Passengers must sign Pet Transportation Agreement when
reserving the consignment of pet.
(5) Handling Procedure
A. Procedure at the departure airport
a Handling time: the passengers take the pet, the pet case, 2
copies of Pet Transportation Agreement and proving
documents to the operating counter to handle the boarding
procedures 2 hours prior to the departure.
b Handling counter: subject to local check-in counters.
c Information transmission: Check-in staff shall inform the HU
staff in time when handling pet check-in. Stationed personnel
of Hainan Airlines at the departure airport shall check whether
there is any pet transportation request through SIM system one
day prior departure. When there is no personnel of Hainan
Airlines at the departure station, the Customer Service Station
will inform the departure handling company pf the pet
transportation information one day in advance. When handling
the pet transportation, HU staff shall monitor the loading and
handling situation. In case of any special circumstances, the
Customer Service Station shall be informed immediately
(within 30mins); The ground staff at departure station shall
handle base on the “pet Transportation Record”, fill in the
record form after departure and send it to the Customer Service
Station via email.
d Document check: the operator checks the Pet Transportation
Agreement and proving documents carried by the passengers
in accordance with the transportation documents, and helps the
passengers to fill out the “Portfolio for Pet on board”.
e Pet check: the operator inquires the passenger about the
information of the pet and checks the pet in according to the
Pet Transportation Agreement signed by the passengers,
including the breed, age, physical condition and so on. If there
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is any discrepancy between the pet and the transportation
agreement, confirms with the passenger and marks in “Other
Agreement” on the Agreement and asks the passenger to
confirm and sign.
f Pet case check: if the operator checks the pet case and finds
any discrepancy of the pet case, the operator should inform the
passenger to get a new pet case with the risks borne by the
passenger; if pet case is conditional, the operator should
explain to the passenger that the pet case is not consistent with
the requirements of Hainan Airlines and there is potential risks
during the flight. If the passenger is willing to take the risks,
the operator should mark in “Other Agreement” on the
Agreement and ask the passenger to confirm and sign.
g Pet case packing: in case the pet, documents and pet case are
all consistent with the consignment requirements, the operator
should handle consignment procedures for the passenger, and
cover a protective screening outside the pet case with the
screening clinging to the case. The opening of the protective
screening should be tightened by the ropes on the screening
and the rest part of the rope should be knotted firmly. Pack the
screened pet case according to the requirement.
h Sticking a sign on the pet case: the operator sticks a note of
checked baggage and priority baggage signboard, sticks “keep
upright” tag and breakables tag on the pet case, and keeps one
copy of the two Pet Transportation Agreements signed by the
passengers for 1 year. The operator should put the other copy
into the Portfolio for Pet on board and stick it on the pet case,
and then tick the “valuables/breakables” (if there is an option
of pet in the immunity options, tick the pet option) in the
immunity options on the back side of the note and ask the
passenger to confirm and sign.
i Confirmation of service code: after handling the consignment,
the operator should check the service code in the departure
system to confirm that it is “AVIH”.
j Collection of transportation charges: the operator issues
excess baggage bill according to the weight of the pet, the
consignment case and other information, and informs the
passenger to pay the charges at specified place. For the
passenger that requires to handle declared value, the operator
should remind the passenger to inform the collector of the
handling of declared value when paying the excess baggage
charge after the operator has confirmed the conformity of the
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passenger, and the passenger should pay the relevant charges
according to the bill issued by the collector.
k Tips for passengers on a connecting flight or international
a) For the pet consignment of the passenger on connecting flight,
the operator only transports the pet to the transit airport (one-
way non-stop segment), and reminds the passenger to handle
the consignment on the following flight at the transit airport.
b) For the handling of pet consignment on international flight, the
operator should remind the passenger that if there are
diversion and other abnormal circumstances due to weather
and other reasons and the passenger has to get off board at the
alternative landing field, the passenger should inform the
airport personnel that he or she has pets and requires to take
care of the pets themselves as the case may be.
l Handover to the sorting personnel: after the check in, the
operator should hand over the pet cases to the sorting
personnel face to face, and the sorting personnel should move
the pet cases to baggage sorting area.
m Notification of load controller: the load controller at the
departure airport or other support personnel should inform the
stowage personnel of the number of the pets transported by
telephone before the cut-off so as to guarantee the priority of
the pet when relieving the baggage of adjusting the baggage.
n Stowage and control of pets: the baggage loading and
unloading personnel should follow the principle of “loading
goes after unloading” and load the pet cases at the specified
spot at the door of the cargo compartment. They should move
the pet cases gently. Turning upside down, throwing roughly
and other violation operation are prohibited, make sure that pet
cases are not pressed by other baggage and are not blocked by
other baggage. The stationed working personnel of Hainan
Airlines should supervise the process of loading pets (the
agency unit executes the suppression if there is not stationed
unit of Hainan Airlines).
o Minimize ground time for pets handling in order to avoid any
potential harm from wind, rain, noise and severe weather.
p Do not load any animals of natural enemies together.
q Do not load live animals and dry ice or radioactive objects in
the same compartment.
r Information for captain: the loading and unloading personnel
or service personnel at the boarding gate or other support
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personnel fill out the Notification of Special Baggage to the
Captain and handover it to captain for signing. The handover
sheet should be made in three copies and kept for at least 24
B. Procedure at the transit airport
a Staff at transit station should check SIM system for
confirmation of any pet transportation request on the next day.
Stations without HU staff, the Customer Service Station
should pass the information to ground staff via email the day
before departure.
b Check the condition of the pet and report the information: the
ground staff of Hainan Airlines at the transit station should
liaise with loading staff, open the cargo compartment and
check the condition of the pet when the flight lands. If there is
any abnormal condition (injuries, deaths, escaping or missing
of pets), the ground staff should report the condition to the
customer service station immediately (within 30mins of
C. Procedure at the destination airport
Priority of unloading and handover to the passenger: the loading and
unloading personnel unload the pets first, and the stationed
personnel of Hainan Airlines hand over to the passenger at site.
7) Information transmission and handling of special situation
(1) Information transmission of pet transportation
A. Stationed personnel of Hainan Airlines at the destination airport
inquire whether there is any pet transported on the arriving flight
through SIM system.
B. If there is no personnel of Hainan Airlines at the destination airport,
the personnel at the departure airport inform the pet transportation
information to the customer service unit and the customer service
unit delivers the information to the agency unit at the destination
C. Pet should be unloaded (with caution) first on arrival and hand over
to the passengers at the earliest stage by the HU ground staff.
D. “Pet Transportation Record From (Destination Station)” should be
filled up by ground staff after arrival of the destination station, and
should be kept for 3 months. In case of any abnormal situation
occurs, the information should be reported immediately via phone
(within 30mins after arrival), and email with the information should
be sent to Customer Service Station within 1 hour.
(2) Information transfer of breakdown of heating system in cargo
compartment and assurance requirements
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A. Models and berths with potential breakdown of heating system:
Boeing 767, 787 among the fleet of our company, bulk cargo
compartment of the Airbus A330 all have heating system.
B. When there is breakdown of the heating system in the bulk cargo
compartment of the aircraft above (already known before the
departure of the flight) and the pets cannot be transported, the
transfer process of the breakdown information is as follow:
a Technical Maintenance Unit of Technical Maintenance and
Control Department of Hainan Airlines reports to the customer
service unit and AOC unit on duty of marketing department
immediately when there is breakdown in the bulk cargo
compartment of the aircraft.
b The customer service unit informs the information of
breakdown of the heating system to relevant bases, operating
unit of the branch company or ground service room and site
assurance room; the ground service room and site assurance
room of the branch company should report to the agency
operating unit at the airport immediately. For the airport with
no stationed unit of our company, the customer service unit is
responsible to inform the airport agency unit of the
information of breakdown of the bulk cargo compartment.
c AOC unit on duty of marketing department is responsible for
informing the relevant business department, ticket office,
airfields and overseas offices of the sales company.
C. When the breakdown of the heating system in the bulk cargo
compartment of the aircraft is uplifted, Technical Maintenance Unit
of Technical Maintenance and Control Department of Hainan
Airlines should update the information in the system so that every
other department can check accordingly.
D. Handling requirements
a After the operating unit (including Hainan Airlines operating
room and airport operating unit) receives the notification, the
flights operating with the default aircraft will not accept pet
b In case the passenger has applied pet consignment 24 hours in
advance and got the agreement, if the pet cannot be transported
due to the breakdown of cargo compartment or replacement of
module, Hainan Airlines can reschedule of ticket in the
following flight for free or refund the ticket. If the passenger
reschedules the ticket, the passenger needs to resign a Pet
Transportation Agreement in accordance with the new flight.
(3) Injuries and deaths of pets during transportation
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A. Special situation happening at the stations operated by Hainan
a If there is any injury or death of pets during transportation, the
loading staff should notify the local HU staff on duty 01 and
customer service unit and take pictures as evidences.
b After receiving the information, the customer service unit
should notify the quality management center and the
watchman of ground service department, the leader of the
department, the chief watchman of the company, brand
management center of the human resources department,
service quality management center of the safety supervision
c The local HU staff on duty 01 should communicate with the
passenger on site and dispose the situation (try to avoid to talk
about compensation amount when communicating with the
passengers), and report the communication and disposal
process to the customer service unit, and the customer service
unit reports the information to the quality management center
and the watchman, leader of the ground service department,
the chief watchman of the company, the brand management
center of the human resources department, the service quality
management center of the safety supervision department.
d Return pet case and pet to passenger right after taking evidence.
e When there are public opinions unfavorable to the company,
the local AOC chief personnel on duty should report to the
brand management center of the human resources center, the
service quality management center of the safety supervision
department, and carry out the follow-up handling work in
accordance with the instructions by the company.
B. Special situation happening at the contracted agency stations (with
personnel of Hainan Airlines):
a If pet is injured or dead during transportation, the agency unit
reports to the airport command center at first time, and the
airport command center informs the local personnel of Hainan
b After receiving the information, local personnel of Hainan
Airlines should take pictures as evident immediately and
notify the local watchman 01 or manager of business
department, customer service unit. After receiving the
information, the customer service center should report to the
quality management center, the watchman and leader of the
ground service department, the chief watchman, the brand
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management center of the human resources, and the service
quality management center of the safety supervision
c Hainan Airlines local watchman 01 or the manager of the
business department should communicate with passenger and
handle the situation (try to avoid to talk about compensation
amount when communicating with passenger), and report the
communication and disposal process to the customer service
unit at first time.
d The customer service unit reports the information to the
quality management center and the watchman, leader of the
ground service department, the chief watchman of the
company, the brand management center of the human
resources department, and the service quality management
center of the safety supervision department.
e When there are public opinions unfavorable to the company,
the local AOC chief personnel on duty of Hainan Airlines
should report to the brand management center of the human
resources center, the service quality management center of the
safety supervision department, and carry out the follow-up
handling work in accordance with the instructions by the
C. Special situation happening at the contracted agency stations
(without personnel of Hainan Airlines):
a If pet is injured or dead during transportation, the agency unit
should take pictures as evidences and report to the airport
command center at first time, and the airport command center
informs the customer service unit.
b After receiving the information, the customer service center
should report to the quality management center, the watchman
and leader of the ground service department, the chief
watchman, the brand management center of the human
resources, and the service quality management center of the
safety supervision department. Entrust the airport agency unit
to dispose at site according to the instructions by the leaders,
and keep communication with airport agency unit and report
the process at any time.
c When there are public opinions unfavorable to the company,
the customer service unit should report to the brand
management center of the human resources center, the service
quality management center of the safety supervision
department, and carry out the follow-up handling work in
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accordance with the instructions by the company.
(4) Pet escaping during transportation
A. The loading staff should notify the local personnel of Hainan
Airlines and customer service unit, and catch the pet in time.
B. If the pet rejects to be caught and tends to hurt people, the loading
personnel should use a net to control the pet within a safe area (such
as the cargo compartment, the baggage sorting hall) to avoid the pet
rushing to the airport apron, the runway and other areas, meanwhile,
contact the owner of the pet and ask the owner to pick the pet up.
C. In case the pet cannot be caught and must be shot, the loading team
should report to the local personnel of Hainan Airlines. The
situation of dead pet should be disposed referring to the
requirements above.
(5) The irregular baggage handling department of the ground service
department should assist to dispose the irregular event of pet
transportation and provide guidance.
(6) Pet transportation on irregular flight
A. For the airport where there is personnel of Hainan Airlines, if the
delay of the flight on which the pet is transported is over 4 hours
(included) and the passenger has not got on board, the local
personnel of Hainan Airlines should hand over the pet to the
passenger to take care and ask the passenger to handle the pet
consignment 20 minutes prior to the boarding.
B. For the airport where there is no personnel of Hainan Airlines, if the
delay of the flight on which the pet is transported is over 4 hours
(included) and if the passenger has not got on board, the customer
service unit informs the airport agency unit to hand over the pet to
the passenger to take care. The customer service unit inquires the
information of pet transportation on the service network. The airport
personnel should inform the passenger to handle consignment 20
minutes prior to the boarding.
C. If the international flight lands at an alternative airport outbound,
the customer service unit reports the information of pet
transportation to the director in charge of FOC of operational
control department, and the director reports to the alternative airport.
Since the alternative airports for international flights have no
regular ground service assurance agreement with our company, the
assurance can be done to the pet according to practical assurance
conditions after the aircraft landing at the alternative airport.
(7) Regulations on injuries and deaths of pets
A. Compensation standards for the pets without declared value
a If the pet dies, return the charges of excess baggage submitted
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by the passenger, and compensate the passenger 100 Yuan/kg.
For example: if the weight of the dead pet is 15 kg (subject to
the weight marked on the bill for excess baggage), the
maximum compensation to the passenger is 1500 Yuan.
b If the pet is injured, return the charges of excess baggage
submitted by the passenger, and compensate the passenger the
medical fee actually incurred due to treatment, but the
compensation should not be over 100 Yuan/kg×the weight of
the pet. The passenger must provide medical charging
document issued by the pet hospital.
B. Compensation standards for the pets with declared value
a If the pet dies, return the charges of excess baggage submitted
by the passenger, and compensate the passenger in accordance
with the declared value, excluding the additional charge.
b If the pet is injured, return the charges of excess baggage
submitted by the passenger, and compensate the passenger the
medical fee actually incurred due to treatment, but the
compensation should not be over 100 Yuan/kg×the weight of
the pet. The passenger must provide medical charging
document issued by the pet hospital. Pet in Cabin
N/A for oversea stations.
4.13.7 Seafood and durian, etc.
1) Seafood
Seafood is not allowed to be taken in the cabin as hand baggage.
If it is to be checked in with dry ice, it must comply with the
standard of dry ice transportation of Hainan Airlines. Live seafood
is not allowed to be checked in. For the consignment of the frozen
seafood, the seafood should be covered by an unbroken plastic bag
and then packed into a carton or plastic cases for consignment.
Make sure the packing is well for frozen food to prevent the liquid
from overflowing and polluting the cargo compartment or other
checked baggage.
2) Durian and other odorous fruits
Durian is not allowed to be carried in the cabin; if it needs to be
checked in, use carton or plastic case to pack and seal it to prevent
the abnormal smell from spilling.
3) Note: If the airport consignment of the above items is higher than
the Hainan Airlines regulations, it will be handled in accordance
with the local airport standards.
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4.13.8 Human Organ
1) Definition
Donated human organs refer to all or part of the heart, liver, kidney,
lung, pancreas, and other organs that are harvested from human
organ donors and have specific functions.
2) Scope of application
All Domestic Flight operated by Hainan Airlines, Grand China
3) Reference Basis
These regulations refer to the Bureau of Invention and Electricity
[2016] Document No. 450 "Notice of Further Improvement on
Special Air Transport Services", "China Civil Aviation Passengers
and Baggage Domestic Transportation Rules", "Medical Waste
Management Regulations of the People's Republic of China",
"Human Body Provisions on the Management of the Acquisition
and Distribution of Donated Organs" and the Civil Aviation
Development [2017] No. 9 Document "Notice on Issuing the
Administrative Measures for the Air Transport of Human Donated
Organs" were formulated.
4) Transportation Criteria
(1) Way to transport: Passengers are only allowed to transport human
organs as cabin baggage (hand baggage or seat-occupying
baggage), and passengers will be responsible during the
transportation of organs.
(2) Restricted transportation: If the human organ transport box
contains air transportation restricted items, it should be notified in
advance and HNA's consent should be obtained.
(3) Application time: In principle, the application must be made 24
hours before the scheduled flight departure time. The staff of the
Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) should apply at least 4
hours before the scheduled flight departure time.
(4) Unless otherwise specified, human organ donations should be
transported as hand luggage by OPO staff in a special transport
container, and they should be taken full responsibility during
transportation. If the size of the special container for the
transportation of human organ donations exceeds the maximum
size of our company's allowed passengers to carry hand luggage,
our company may require OPO staff to use seat-occupied luggage
as way for transportation.
5) Basic Principle
(1) Following the humanitarian spirit of "life priority, special affairs",
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provide convenient, smooth, and efficient transportation services
on the premise of ensuring the safety of air transportation.
(2) In the case of abnormal flights, in case of unexpected special
circumstances such as the survival of human organs or the
provision of donors is urgent, the staff on duty of the base
branch/ground personnel of each stationed unit (full commission
In the airport area, the customer service seat coordinates the
airport agent unit) to actively communicate and cooperate closely
with the airport and air traffic control departments to ensure that
passengers with human organs take flights "priority departure".
(3) The National Health and Family Planning Commission, together
with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the
Civil Aviation Administration, the Railway Corporation, the China
Red Cross Society, and other relevant departments and units have
established a coordination mechanism for the green channel for
the transfer of human donated organs to coordinate and guide the
implementation of related Work, set up a 24-hour emergency
Note: This principle is based on the Bureau of Invented Electricity
[2016] No. 450 Document "On the Further Improvement of
Special Air Transport Services"
Notification of Service Work
6) Transportation package and documentation requirement
(1) Packaging requirements: Use specialized transport containers,
which can effectively maintain temperature, shockproof,
convenient to carry, and have good airtightness (no smell or liquid
leakage). The appearance of the container will not affect other
passengers and will not be affected due to changes in the cabin air
pressure and the turbulence of the aircraft during the flight result
in the organs being damaged. For human organ donation, a special
sign for the transportation of human organs must be posted on a
prominent place outside the container (this sign is prepared by the
OPO staff). If the transport container contains dangerous goods, it
shall meet the relevant requirements of air transport. For those that
do not meet the requirements, our company may refuse to
(2) Proof documents: OPO staff must prepare in advance the organ
transport certificate "Confirmation of Receiving Organs from
Transplant Center" issued by the hospitals in the list of hospitals
qualified to carry out human organ transplant projects (see the
appendix for the form of the confirmation, the list is subject to the
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latest announcement on the website of the National Health and
Family Planning Commission) and copies. The certification
documents should indicate the legal source, purpose, contact name
and contact number of the organ being transported.
Note: For the passenger's own residual limb, the hospital needs to
issue a certificate that the residual limb is belong to the passenger,
the residual limb is not contagious, and the residual limb is not
medical waste.
(3) Transportation agreement: The passenger agrees to sign the
"Human Organ Transportation Agreement" and accept the
possible risks of air transportation.
7) Transportation Application
(1) When the sales team receives passenger's application for carrying
human organs on board, he should query about the transportation
method, and inform the passenger of the supporting documents,
organ transportation packaging and security inspection
requirements that need to be provided during transportation and
remind the possible risks of air transportation. And ask about the
dangerous goods contained in the package.
(2) After checking that the certification documents and transport
packaging provided by the passengers meet our company's human
organ transportation requirements, the sales team should request
instructions from the duty supervisor of the AOC marketing
department (for instructions from the customer service supervisor
in the "full entrusted airport" area), and obtain approval prior go
through the procedures for ticketing the transportation of human
organs, and notify the customer service supervisor as well as AOC
Duty Supervisor.
8) Ground Service
(1) Information notification
A. After confirming the passenger's application for the transportation
of human organs, the sales team will immediately notify the
departure station HNA base branch office staff on the day/ground
personnel of each unit (In full outsource airport area the sales team
will notify the customer service seats and the airport agent in
advance) To prepared for handing, as well as noticing the Customer
Service Supervisor and AOC Supervisor on duty.
B. After receiving the application information of passengers carrying
human organs, the ground staff (customer service supervisor) of the
departure station HNA shall communicate with the airport security
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inspection unit in advance to open a green channel to improve
transport efficiency.
C. Within 30 minutes after the flight takes off, all HNA base
branches/on-site units/ground agents should report the handling
situation to the destination airport handling unit and file with the
customer service supervisor (if there is an abnormal situation during
the handling, it shall be Feedback detailed information), the
customer service supervisor will continue monitoring and record
the entire process. The HNA base branch of the destination
airport/the on-site units/the airport ground service agency must
aware the status of the arrival of the flight in advance, actively
coordinates the airport AOC to arrange the parking space, and try
to arrange the flight on the bridge stand.
(2) Documentation Confirmation
A. After receiving the passenger’s application for transportation on the
same day, the staff of each HNA base branch/station unit/ground
service agent will check the passenger’s organ transportation
certificate and contact the hospital that issued the certificate by
telephone to check the information stated in the certificate. Perform
verification and make corresponding records. If deemed necessary,
you can call the National Health and Family Planning
Commission's 24-hour emergency phone to check relevant
information; for human organ donations, you can scan the QR code
of the "Transplant Center Organ Acceptance Confirmation" and dial
the National Health Service. The Human Organ Donation
Commissioner of the Planning Commission has a 24-hour
emergency telephone number (400-6686-836) in the passenger
passage to check the organ transport certification documents.
B. Check whether the packaging of the transport container is intact and
meets the transport requirements.
C. Explain the possible risks of air transportation to passengers/OPO
staff and assist them in filling out the transportation agreement.
(The "Human Organ Transport Agreement" consists of four copies.
The first copy is the "Sales Copy", which is kept by the sales team;
the second copy is the "Ground Service Copy", which will be filled
by the company's onsite unit or ground service after the passenger
has completed it. Retained by the agency; the third page is the
"Crew Copy", which is handed over to the flight attendant by the
ground service personnel on the plane; the fourth page is the
"Passenger Copy" and is handed over to the passenger for
Human organ donation and transportation, each of Hainan Airlines
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After completing the check-in procedures, the base branch
company/site units/ground service agent staff shall provide the
OPO staff with a written "Certificate of Acceptance of Carriage",
receive a copy of the certification document and the transportation
agreement "Ground Copy" and keep it securely.
D. Receive copies of the supporting documents and the "Ground
Copy" of the transportation agreement and keep them properly, with
a storage period of at least 2 years.
(3) Check-in procedures
A. After receiving an application from a passenger carrying human
organs, check-in personnel should give priority, and attach a
"priority baggage" tag to their checked baggage so that they can
pick up their baggage first at the arrival station.
B. Check-in personnel should try their best to arrange for passengers
with human organs to sit close to the door or front seats so that
passengers can get off the plane first.
C. After the passenger completes the check-in procedures, the ground
staff shall assist the passenger in the priority security check.
(4) Security inspection
A. Special transportation containers containing human organs
donation should be inspected by civil aviation baggage security
inspection equipment. Undoubtedly, unpacking inspections may
not be required.
B. Except for the special transportation container containing human
organs donated, other luggage items of OPO staff shall be subject
to security inspection in accordance with normal procedures.
C. If the special container for the transportation of human organs
contains liquids necessary for the preservation of human organs, it
shall not be restricted by the air transportation conditions of liquids,
but shall meet the transportation safety requirements. We can refuse
to transport liquid items that do not meet the requirements.
(5) File transfer
Before the cabin of the flight is closed, the staff of the HNA
bases/stations/ground service agents board the aircraft to hand over
the human organ transportation agreement "Crew Copy" with the
flight attendant, and the flight attendant will submit the document
in the "Ground Copy". "Sign the confirmation. At the airport where
there is no company on site, the customer service supervisor
prompts and monitors the ground service agent to board the plane
and transfer to the flight attendant.
(6) Material submission:
The HNA Holding Base Branch/HNA Holding’s self-operated
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terminal/service command center shall fill in and stamp the "Report
Form for Air Transportation of Human Donated Organs" within five
days after the completion of the transportation of human organs.
After approval, the email should be submitted to the civil aviation
administration department (dg@caac.gov.cn) in word electronic
version and stamped scanned version materials, and copied to the
customer service supervisor (khfwx@hnair.com) and ground
service department quality management (hgbzlgl@hnair .com), as
well as log the incident in the local report, submit mail, copies of
certification documents and the "Report Form for Air Transport of
Human Organ Donated Organs", and the retention period shall be
at least 24 months. The customer service supervisor will keeps the
records and the mails of the submission forms from various places
and enters them into the operational record. At the same time, the
copy of the certification documents and the "Report Form for Air
Transport of Human Organ Donated Organs" are kept for at least 24
months. Refer to the table below for submitting units and approval
Handling Department Reporting Department Approval Leader
Hainan Airlines Hainan Airlines Ground Service
Bases/Branches Bases/Branches Supervisor of the
Hainan Airlines Stations Hainan Airlines Stations Ground Service
Management Department
Station Management
Centre Manager
HNA Airlines Stations Ground Service Ground Service
Management Department Management Department
Service Control Centre Service Control Centre
Full Outsource Stations Ground Service Ground Service
Management Department Management Department
Service Control Centre Service Control Centre

9) Abnormal Situation Handling and information notification

(1) Last minute application for transportation on site
A. In the case of the transportation of the body parts at last minute on-
site, the ground staff should verify the passenger's certification
documents, examine and approve the hospital transportation
qualification, and check whether the transportation container
packaging is intact and meets the transportation requirements.

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B. Where the company has representative: the ground staff should
immediately notify the local attendant of the last-minute application
for the transportation of human organs and report it to the AOC
Ground Service Management Department on duty. After obtaining
the consent, the transportation can be provided and report to
customer service supervisor on duty.
C. In places where there is no company representative on site: the
airport agency should immediately notify the customer service
supervisor of the human organ transportation last minute request
and report it to the AOC Ground Service Management Department
on duty, and the transportation can be provided after obtaining the
D. In case of non-compliance with the transportation requirements,
explain to the passengers. If the passenger insists on transportation
and the time is urgent and the transportation documents cannot be
re-prepared, the ground staff will notify the customer service
supervisor, and the customer service supervisor will notify the AOC
ground service management. After the department on duty asks the
chief on duty of the company, he decides whether to transport.
(2) Emergency response when the flight is abnormal
A. Flight irregularities caused by controllable factors such as aircraft
failures and flight flow control can be coordinated by replacing
aircraft and actively coordinating airport operating units to ensure
that passengers with human organs can travel.
B. If the local ground support capability is limited, actively coordinate
with other airlines for endorsement. If other airline refuses to carry,
under the condition of ensuring aviation safety and not violating
civil aviation laws and regulations, the day-by-day attendant of the
HNA base branch/staff of each on-site unit (Full outsource airports
are fully entrusted to the customer service supervisor to coordinate
the airport agent) contact The airport operation unit or air traffic
control department shall coordinate to ensure that passengers with
human organs can travel.
C. On-site operation when the flight is abnormal
a The flight is temporarily delayed, and the passenger has not
checked in
a) The staff of all HNA bases and branches/on-site units/ground
service agents shall inform the flight delay information and
ask the passengers about their willingness to check in. If the
passenger confirms that the flight delay is not affected, he can
go through the check in formalities for him.
b) If the passenger requests to change the ticket, he will assist the
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passenger to go through the ticket refund and change
procedures in accordance with the company's rules on ticket
endorsement for irregular flights. If the passenger proposes to
use other transportation methods to transfer the donated
human organs, the ground service personnel shall provide
assistance within a reasonable range.
c) Passengers who indicate that the flight delay has an impact on
the organs transported but still intend to go through the check-
in procedures, the staff of HNA bases/stations/ground service
agents can go through the check-in procedures for them, and
the latest flight developments should be updated in time
Information informs passengers.
b When a passenger is temporarily delayed after entering the
a) The staff of all HNA bases and branches/on-site units/ground
service agents should actively call passengers to inform the
passengers of the flight delay information and ask the
passengers about their willingness to take the flight. If the
passengers request to change the ticket, they will be in
accordance with the company's abnormal flight ticket
endorsement. Provisions to assist passengers in handling ticket
refund and change procedures. If the passenger proposes to use
other transportation methods to transfer the donated human
organs, the ground service personnel shall provide assistance
within a reasonable range.
b) When the flight is delayed for more than 4 hours (inclusive)
and the passenger has not boarded the plane, the staff of each
HNA base branch/station unit/ground service agent should
take the initiative to learn about the baggage situation and
inform the flight information hourly. At the same time notify
the local duty officer and customer service supervisor.
c) Flight Diversion
When the flight alternates due to force majeure reasons such
as weather, the customer service supervisor will report the
baggage status to the AOC of the Transportation Control
Department Duty Officer, and the customer service supervisor
and the alternate airport will notify the OPO personnel of the
actual situation. After the flight resumes operations, priority
should be given to handling the flights taken by OPO staff. If
the OPO staff chooses to change the mode of transportation
after the flight alternates, the ground service staff shall provide
assistance within a reasonable range.
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D. In the event of large-scale flight delays caused by uncontrollable
factors such as weather, air traffic control, public safety, etc.,
ground service personnel shall handle refunds for passengers free
of charge, and advise passengers to choose other modes of
transportation and actively assist passengers in transferring.
(3) OPO staff arrive at the airport late
A. The ticket office, 95339, should report to the customer service seat
immediately if they receive that the OPO staff may be late at the
B. After receiving the notice from the OPO staff that the OPO staff
arrives late at the airport, the customer service desk activates the
emergency protection plan, informs the ground protection unit of
the departure station, and opens the green channel for human organ
a The OPO staff arrives before the door of the flight is closed,
the ground support unit should quickly check in for the OPO
staff and assist them to go through the security check and
board the plane with priority.
b OPO staff arrive after the flight's cabin door is closed, and the
ground support unit is responsible for coordinating and
arranging changes to the nearby flight.
(4) Non-medical institution personnel carry human organs on board
(5) When scientific research institutions, public security organs, and
medical research units carry human organs on board due to
business needs, sales team need to carefully check relevant
certification documents. The certification documents should
indicate the legal source and purpose of the organs transported,
and the organs are not disease-infectious, and request signature
and contact number of the relevant person in charge of the unit (try
to keep the landline phone of the office), and the official seal of
the unit. After the inspection and certification documents meet the
requirements, and report to the customer service Supervisor-the
duty officer of the ground service department-the chief duty
officer of the company on the day for approval, the transportation
shall be handled in accordance with the above handling procedures.
(6) Human organs that do not meet the transportation regulations
When applying for transportation, the human organs that do not
meet the transportation regulations mainly refer to the passenger's
own residual limbs caused by traffic accidents. When the
passenger insists on transportation, it is applicable to the "Human
Organ Transportation Agreement" Clause 4 "Other Agreements"
in the "Book", if the passenger can prove that the stump belongs
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to him, and the hospital has issued a certificate that it is not
infectious and not medical waste, he can be transported after
signing on Clause 4.
(7) When the OPO staff does not carry the "Confirmation", the ground
service personnel should call the National Health and Family
Planning Commission's 24-hour emergency telephone for the
transfer of human organs to verify the relevant situation and
request the relevant personnel to provide a copy of the
"Confirmation". If the "Confirmation" fails to pass the inspection,
the ground service personnel should treat the OPO staff as
ordinary passengers, and there is no need to open a green channel
for them and carry out security inspections and luggage
transportation in accordance with normal procedures. The losses
caused by this shall be worked by OPO the personnel are
responsible for it.
(8) In special circumstances such as full flight, OPO staff cannot take
the scheduled flight, and ground service personnel should actively
assist passengers to transfer to other modes of transportation; if
there are no other suitable flights within the preservation period of
human organ donations, the ground support unit should take
Corresponding measures (such as looking for passengers who
voluntarily give up their itinerary, etc.), give priority to ensuring
that OPO staff with human organs donated to board the flight.
10) Other
(1) Medical waste: Human waste (such as residual limbs) and medical
laboratory animal carcasses generated during diagnosis and
treatment. According to the Regulations of the People's Republic
of China on the Management of Medical Waste, it is prohibited to
transport medical waste by rail or air, and it is prohibited to carry
medical waste and passengers on the same means of transportation.
(2) The air transportation of human organs donated by our company
on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan routes and international routes
shall be implemented with reference to these Measures.
(3) Air transportation activities of hematopoietic stem cells, blood and
other human tissues used to save the lives of patients shall be
implemented with reference to these Measures
11) Relevant parties 24 hours emergency contact
Departments / Units Relevant Organization 24 hours emergency
National Health and China Organ Transplant 400-6686-836

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Ground Operation Manual 4
Family Planning Development Foundation
Ministry of Transport Road Network Monitoring 010-65292200
and Emergency Response
Center of the Ministry of
Civil Aviation Department of 010-64091504
Administration of China Transportation, Civil
Aviation Administration
of China
Chinese Red Cross China Human Organ 010-65236997
Donation Management
China Railway Railway Corporation 12306
Corporation Transportation Bureau

4.13.9 Plasma Serum

1) Definition
Plasma, serum: Refers to special drugs that need to be taken away
for testing and research. If our company provides special
guarantee services (such as priority check-in/boarding/security,
coordinated flights and other green channels), please refer to the
"human organ donation" handling procedure.
2) Packaging requirements
Use professional plasma and serum transport boxes, and if
necessary, use an appropriate amount of dry ice as a refrigerant.
3) Professional shipping box:

4) Required supporting materials

Plasma and serum must have a certificate of sterility and non-
toxicity from the hospital, and should be accompanied by
professional medical staff.
5) Mode of transportation
Plasma and serum: can be transported as luggage or carried in the
6) Charging standards
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Can be included in the free baggage allowance of passengers. The
excess part is calculated as excess baggage.
7) Ground handling procedure
When the passenger clearly informs at check-in that it contains
valuables such as serum, plasma, etc., check whether the checked
baggage package is intact and meets the handling requirements,
attach a "priority baggage" identification tag, and sign
valuable/fragile items on the baggage tag Exempt you from
picking a tick, and ask passengers to sign on the baggage tag for
confirmation, and affix valuable and fragile luggage tags at the
same time.
4.13.10 Aquatic products
1) Definition: Aquatic products refer to fresh and live animals
produced in oceans, rivers, lakes, tidal flats and ponds. Such as
fish, shrimp, crab, loach, rice field eel, shellfish, etc.
2) Transportation requirements:
Aquatic products can only be checked as baggage and cannot be
carried on board.
When passengers on international routes have transportation
requirements, HNA needs to confirm the ground service
conditions and immigration policies before providing
transportation services; if there are other special regulations by
domestic/international airport security and customs, local
regulations shall prevail.
3) Basic transportation requirements:
(1) Checked baggage size
The weight of each shipping package of aquatic products should
not exceed 30kg.
(2) Charges
The total weight of the checked aquatic products and packaging
shall be included in the free baggage allowance, and the excess
shall be charged according to the excess baggage.
(3) Packaging requirements: Pay attention to the daily life of aquatic
products and the presence or absence of water temperature
A. It should be properly packaged and labeled correctly, and there
should be no leakage, dripping, water seepage, or bad smell. Ensure
that luggage, mail, cargo, aircraft body and equipment will not be
damaged during the entire process from receipt and delivery to
B. Should be able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and
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C. It should have a certain compressive strength to ensure that it will
not be damaged during normal air transportation.
(4) Packaging materials: Corrugated boxes, foam boxes, polyethylene
products, tapes and other auxiliary materials should be selected for
the packaging materials of aquatic products.
A. Example of Corrugated box:

B. Example of Foam box:

C. Example of polyethylene products

D. Sealing tape: The width of the sealing tape should not be less than
E. Other auxiliary materials: Other auxiliary materials include
newspapers, sawdust and net bags and other absorbent materials.

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(5) Packaging method

A. Treatment before packaging
a Keep the water or blood of aquatic products as dry as possible.
b The chilled and fresh-keeping aquatic products can be frozen
in advance to reduce the use of ice during transportation.
c For live aquatic products, minimize the amount of water in the
package when packaging.
B. Packaging sequence: The packaging sequence of various aquatic
products from inside to outside requires the following:
a Chilled fresh and seedlings: two-layer polyethylene plastic
bag-foam box-polyethylene starting plastic bag-corrugated
b Live fish: polyvinyl sticky leather aquatic bag-foam box-
polyethylene plastic bag-corrugated box.
c Live shrimp and shellfish: two-layer polyethylene plastic bag
- foam box - corrugated box.
The two layers of polyethylene plastic bags and foam boxes
can be exchanged in sequence.
a) Crabs, turtles, seedlings, frogs: foam box - corrugated box.
b) Loach, Eel: Polyethylene plastic bag - foam box - corrugated
c) The packaging order of other aquatic products can refer to the
above order packaging.
(6) Packing of ice cubes: The ice cubes should be packed in two-layer
polyethylene plastic bags or other polyethylene products to
prevent water from melting after the ice cubes have melted.
(7) Special requirements for aquatic products such as crabs: For
aquatic products such as crabs, water-absorbing materials such as
net bags and sawdust should be added to the foam box when
(8) Packaging logo: Paste the "Handle with care" sticker on the outer
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4) Ground handling process:
(1) Ticketing
Before traveling, please refer to our official website to read the
precautions concerning the packaging of aquatic products
consignment. If you have any questions, please call HNA
customer service number 95339.
(2) Check-in
A. Processing time
Passengers carrying packaged aquatic products must reserve 2-3
hours for repackaging to check-in on-site in advance to avoid
impacting the itinerary when the packaging does not meet the
requirements during the check-in procedures.
B. When handling the transportation of aquatic products, the personnel
of HNA's on-site supervision unit are responsible for monitoring.
5) Other matters needing attention
(1) All ground support units transport aquatic products in strict
accordance with relevant regulations to ensure that the packaging
meets the requirements to prevent accidental escape of aquatic
(2) In the process of sorting, loading and unloading aquatic product
luggage, care should be taken to handle the aquatic product gently.
It is forbidden to carry out illegal operations such as turning the
aquatic product packaging box upside down, throwing the
packaging box forcefully, and ensuring that other luggage cannot
be placed on it.
4.13.11 Smart luggage
1) Introduction
The smart luggage on the market integrates lithium battery, motor,
power bank, GPS, GSM global mobile communication, Bluetooth,
RFID and WIFI technology. The main functions are as follows:
(1) Lithium-ion batteries and motors can be used for personal mobile
device functions, such as lithium battery balance bikes, or electric
wheelchairs. These smart suitcases do not meet the requirements
of mobile devices;
(2) The charging function of the lithium battery power bank is used to
provide power to electronic devices, such as mobile phones,
tablets, and laptops;
(3) GPS navigation device function with/without GSM function;
(4) Bluetooth, RFID and WIFI function;
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(5) Electronic baggage tag function;
(6) Electronic lock function;
(7) Containing lithium battery, motor, and tracking device can make
the luggage automatically move and follow the owner.
2) Prohibited transportation
(1) For luggage equipped with lithium batteries, the lithium metal
content of the lithium battery exceeds 0.3g or the rated energy
exceeds 2.7Wh, and the battery is not removable.
(2) When the lithium battery on the baggage is designed to charge
other devices and cannot be removed, this type of baggage is
3) Circumstances without carrier approval
(1) Luggage equipped with lithium battery, when the battery is not
removable, and the lithium metal content of the lithium battery
does not exceed 0.3g or the rated energy does not exceed 2.7Wh,
it can be transported as either hand luggage or checked luggage.
(2) For suitcases equipped with lithium batteries, when the battery can
be removed, and the lithium metal content of the lithium battery
exceeds 0.3g or the rated energy exceeds 2.7Wh (but does not
reach the scope of approval by the carrier), if it is used as checked
baggage, the lithium battery The lithium battery must be removed
from the luggage and brought into the cabin; or the luggage must
be brought into the cabin.
4) Circumstances requiring carrier approval
Luggage equipped with lithium batteries, removable lithium metal
or lithium ion batteries, lithium alloy lithium content exceeding 2g
but not exceeding 8g; lithium ion battery capacity exceeding
100Wh but not exceeding 160Wh.
5) Transportation requirements
(1) As checked baggage: luggage equipped with lithium batteries,
when the battery can be removed, when checking in, the lithium
battery/power bank power supply device on the luggage must be
removed as hand luggage and transported as hand luggage,
completely closed and insulated Measures.
(2) As hand luggage: When the smart luggage is suitable for hand
luggage transportation, the lithium battery/power bank and other
devices that provide power for the above functions do not need to
be removed, but ensure that the power is turned off during the
flight and stop using various functions.
4.13.12 Baggage transportation within the HNA Group
1) Key requirements
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(1) The operator of each unit must ensure that the goods transported
by the flight comply with the Civil Aviation Law and the civil
aviation article transportation safety management rules and
(2) All units handling baggage transportation items must comply with
Hainan Airlines' baggage transportation regulations. For details,
please refer to Hainan Airlines' official website-Travel
Information-Baggage Transportation or the regulations in the
baggage service chapter of this manual.
2) Classification of baggage transportation at various levels within
the HNA Group
(1) Baggage transportation assigned by senior management: refers to
the baggage transportation services for the group's board of
directors, board of supervisors, and management team.
(2) Departments of the Group Headquarters and Directly Managed
Enterprises: Refers to the baggage transportation services
provided for each department of the Group Headquarters and
directly managed enterprises.
(3) All industrial groups and member companies: refer to the baggage
transportation services handled by the group's internal companies
(except Hainan Airlines Holdings Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to
as "HNA Holdings") in accordance with the principles of
(4) Group external unit: Refers to the luggage transportation service
handled by the group's external public relations maintenance unit.
(5) HNA Holdings: refers to the baggage transported between various
departments, bases, branches or terminals of the company in order
to protect the company’s daily operation and business needs (for
aviation materials, the requirements shall be handled in
accordance with the freight regulations, urgent non-hazardous
aviation materials and Tools and equipment can be transported by
baggage or delivered in the form of random documents on the
flight after approval)
3) Approval procedures for baggage transportation
(1) Free luggage transportation
A. Group headquarters and directly managed enterprises
a Transportation of senior managements' goods:
The administrative affairs department of Hainan HNA
Business Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HNA
Business") is responsible for handling excess baggage and air
transportation services led by the group's board of directors,
board of supervisors, and management team.
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Under normal circumstances, the secretary will provide
transportation information to HNA Business, and after the
mail is submitted to the group office responsible leader for
approval, the transportation will be undertaken by HNA
In an emergency, if you need to apply for free transportation
of goods, you can notify HNA Business by email, SMS,
WeChat, and phone by the leader or the secretary, and HNA
Business will notify the HNA Holdings flight departure
ground service unit to handle it, and copy it to the leader's
secretary and the group The office is in charge of the
leadership, and HNA Business will later go through the
relevant approval procedures, and the official documents will
be reported every 2 months (for the transportation of goods for
senior management cadres).
b Transportation of public goods for various departments of the
group headquarters and directly-managed enterprises:
Due to work needs, each department of the group headquarters
and directly-managed enterprises must fill in the "Approval
Form for Free Transportation of Articles by Group Units"
(hereinafter referred to as the "Approval Form") for
transporting goods through flights, and mail them to the
department leaders in turn (the directly-managed enterprise is
the company Leaders), after approval by the in-charge leaders
of the group office, they will be handled by HNA Business.
B. Various industry groups and member companies
In principle, all industry groups and member companies charge fees
in accordance with the Hainan Airlines/Grand China Airlines
excess baggage charging standards; if there are major urgent
business documents or items that require free flight, they must fill
out the approval form and report to the department leader by mail.
After approval, the company leaders, the director of the industrial
group office, and the in-charge leader of the group office shall
contact the ground service unit of the departure port of the HNA
Holdings flight by themselves, and the mail must be copied to the
leader in charge of the group office at the same time.
C. Group external units
If each unit needs to handle the free transportation of goods on
flights for the external public relations maintenance unit of the
group, it must fill out the approval form in accordance with the
principle of "single declaration and batch", and submit the mail to
department leaders, company leaders, industry group office
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directors, and group office leaders for approval. Contact the ground
service unit of the departure airport of HNA Holdings on your own
to avoid wasting air transportation resources.
D. All units within HNA Holdings
For daily operation of the company, the maintenance of external
relations and other business needs, the approval of the first person
in charge of each department (base, branch) of HNA Holdings or its
authorized person is required.
a All departments (bases and branches) of HNA Holdings are
entitled to free luggage allowance of 5000 (including) KG
each year, and the excess baggage allowance shall be paid
according to the standard of excess baggage.
b The handler will fill in the "HNA Group Internal Unit Baggage
Transportation Approval Form", and all approvers will use
mail for approval; after approval, the handler will notify the
relevant baggage handling and operating units of the approval
content by email and then go to the check-in counter to handle
it. At the same time, it shall be filed with the human resources
business partners of the unit and the settlement center of the
financial department.
c Each unit controls the free baggage transportation quota by
itself, the unit’s human resources business partners give early
warning and the financial settlement center monitors it.
d The weight of a single shipment exceeds 500 (including) KG,
after the approval of the first person in charge of each
department (base, branch) of HNA Holdings or its authorized
person, it shall be reported to the president of the company for
e Aviation materials, flight data, and ground service guarantee
materials (check-in consumables, etc.) belong to the
company’s production guarantee materials and can be
transported free of charge, and do not need to be included in
the 5000KG free transportation quota (if there are special
regulations for transportation materials, follow the special
regulations Execution); In addition, such production guarantee
materials can be directly mailed to the ground service unit of
the departure port of HNA Holding's flight.
(2) Paid baggage transportation
A. Each department of the group headquarters and each department of
the enterprise directly under the management of the business of paid
official luggage transportation shall be approved by the first person
in charge or authorized person of the department.
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B. In-group companies (except HNA Holdings) handling paid official
luggage transportation business shall be approved by the first
person in charge or authorized person of the human resources
administration department or comprehensive management unit.
C. The handler fills in the "HNA Group Internal Unit Baggage
Transportation Approval Form", and approves in the form of mail
or official document according to the approval process. The handler
contacts the airline and informs the relevant baggage handling and
operating units of the approval content by email before proceeding
to check-in Counter check
D. For daily operation of the company, maintenance of external
relations and other business needs, the handlers fill in the "Approval
Form for Baggage Transportation of Internal Units of HNA Group",
and all departments (bases, branches) of HNA Holdings shall
Approval by the first person in charge or its authorized person
(exceeding the specified 5000KG free quota).
4) Excess baggage charges
(1) Except for the above-mentioned free baggage transportation, on-
site staff will charge 100% of the company's excess baggage
charges for baggage transportation fees, and all settlements will be
in cash.
(2) When each unit handles paid baggage transportation, if a staff
member is accompanied by a staff member, the baggage can be
hung under the name of the staff member. According to the free
baggage allowance enjoyed by the staff member, no charge will
be charged, and the excess will be charged. Charges (all
departments of HNA Holdings will include the excess part into the
free quota of 5000KG); if unaccompanied, all luggage weight will
be charged according to the excess luggage standard.
(3) If the actual weight of checked baggage weighed by each baggage
transportation unit is less than the approved weight, it shall be
calculated according to the actual weight; if the actual weighed
checked baggage weight is more than the approved weight, each
operating unit shall follow the approval form the weight of the
received baggage, the excess part will not be discounted.
5) Ground operation process
(1) All bases, branches, and member airlines: The handler sends the
approved mail to the local ground support unit, and the local
ground support unit staff will handle the approval form, approval
document or mail receipt after confirmation.
(2) All overseas terminals: the handler will send the approved mail to
the terminal manager/duty manager for processing.
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(3) Other areas:
In principle, the airport area is fully entrusted (no HNA Group
stationed personnel station at home or abroad) not to handle the
baggage transportation of internal units of the group.
A. In case of special circumstances, all units communicate in advance
with the staff of the ground service management department
agreement management center, and the staff will communicate with
the fully entrusted airport ground service supplier to confirm
whether the transportation can be guaranteed.
If it is determined that it can be guaranteed, each unit shall apply
to Hainan Airlines Holding Co., Ltd. separately, and each unit
shall supplement the approval of the president of Hainan Airlines
Holding Co., Ltd. in the original application process.
If it is determined that it cannot be guaranteed, the baggage
transportation within the group will not be handled. The handler
can handle the transportation by means of goods, express delivery,
B. After submitting for approval, the handler will send an email to the
customer service seat of the Service Command Center of the
Ground Service Management Department of HNA Holdings
(khfwx@hnair.com), the Agreement Management Center
(dmgys@hnair.com), and the Settlement Center of the Finance
Department for filing ( According to regulations, those who need to
be filed with human resources business partners must be filed
C. The handler will communicate with the customer service desk for
confirmation (0898-65987105, 0898-65987106) as soon as possible.
The customer service desk is responsible for confirming the receipt
of the mail (including the approval form), and notify the luggage
transportation unit, and the handler will go to Check-in counter.
6) Control measures
(1) Each on-site receiving and operating unit must make a record of
the baggage transportation account of the group's internal unit to
facilitate follow-up inspection and monitoring;
(2) The ground service management department of HNA Holdings
will conduct random inspections on the baggage transportation
charges of each operating unit in conjunction with the financial
A. The person in charge of the unit, the person in charge of the
monitoring unit, the handler, and other related personnel who do not
operate in accordance with the company's regulations, fail to strictly
monitor the collection of excess baggage fees, or reduce the fee for
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free will be reported to the company's human resources and
administration department, according to the company Provide for
corresponding sanctions;
B. For persons who violated regulations such as under-collecting or
missing collection by ground units, they will be notified and
punished ten times the corresponding fees, and the unit’s annual
free baggage allowance will be reduced.
7) Other requirements
(1) The handlers of each application unit must follow the "Civil
Aviation Law and Civil Aviation Articles Transportation Safety
Management Rules and Regulations" and "Hainan Airlines
Baggage Transportation Regulations". When it comes to the
requirements of the airport regulations, before handling the
group’s internal baggage transportation approval, the handlers
should communicate with the departure place operation handling
unit or the ground service management department to confirm
whether it can be handled, so as to avoid unavailability, airport
customs deductions, etc. after arriving at the scene. problem.
(2) In order to facilitate the reception and identification of baggage
transportation within the group, each handler can mark key
elements such as destination, recipient, and contact information on
the baggage (in the form of baggage tags, etc.).
(3) Baggage transportation within the group, such as unaccompanied
baggage transportation (express baggage) transportation if no one
is accompanied. Each ground handling unit at the port of departure,
when receiving the baggage transportation paid by the internal unit
of the group, fills in the "excess baggage ticket" as required, and
handles it in accordance with the normal excess baggage charging
(4) In case of holidays, emergencies, etc., internal units within the
HNA Group cannot complete the approval application in a timely
manner for baggage transportation. When an internal unit of the
HNA Group applies for the transportation of arrears of baggage, it
needs to complete the approval application within three working
days after the completion of the process and make a replenishment
to the handling unit. For the unit that handles the baggage
transportation of the outstanding invoice, the baggage
transportation will not be processed next time if the outstanding
invoice is not filled within the specified time, and it can only be
processed after the outstanding invoice is cleared.

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4.14 Special Transportation Method for Baggage

4.14.1 CBBG
1) Hainan Airlines does not accept cargo as CBBG. For the
diplomatic pouch or other passenger baggage that must occupy
seats, the application should be brought up at the time of
reservation. It can only be accepted with the agreement from the
ticket office.
2) CBBG would not be counted into the free baggage allowance.
3) Restricted by the DCS, each passenger can only apply for one
CBBG ticket.
4) The CBBG that the passenger takes into the cabin should be under
the custody of the passenger. The weight of the CBBG should not
exceed 75kg for international flights. The volume should not
exceed 40cm*60cm*100cm. The CBBG should not exceed such
requirements, and for the articles that exceed such requirements,
they can be transported as cargo.
5) When going through the check-in procedures, the ground staff
should review and confirm the CBBG carried by the passenger to
ensure that its size and weight meet the transportation
requirements of Hainan Airlines.
6) The baggage occupying seat should be packed well to avoid
injuries to passengers and flight crew.
7) The baggage occupying the seats can not block the regular and
emergency exits or passage way in the cabin. The baggage
occupying the seats should not prevent the passengers from seeing
the safety seat belt signs, no smoking signs and relevant
emergency exit signs, etc.
8) To ensure the flight safety, the seat occupied by the passengers and
their baggage should be assigned by Hainan Airlines. The baggage
should be fixed with safety belt and fastened with fasteners to
avoid movement of the baggage during transportation.
9) If the transportation is handled by the successive carrier, the
agreement from the relevant successive carrier is required.
4.14.2 Relevant regulation of cargo transported in cabin
1) Besides the regulations of Term 2) or 3) of this clause, our
company regulates that the cargo cannot be transported in cabin.
2) If the cargo is in container and the container satisfies the following
requirements, the application department will report to the leader
of the company in charge for approval, and the cargo can be put at
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any place in the cabin;
(1) The container should be able to bear 1.15 times of the loading
factor of the seat on the aircraft loaded with the container and the
emergency landing conditions; use the total weight of the weight
of the container and the maximum weight of the cargo loaded in
the container for computation;
(2) The maximum weight permitted to be loaded in the container and
any description necessary for the correct distribution of the weight
of the container should be marked clearly on the cargo;
(3) The loading of the container can not exceed the loading limit of
the floor or other structural parts of the aircraft;
(4) The container should be fixed on seat slide or structural part of the
aircraft, and the fixed point should be able to bear certain times of
the loading factor of the seat on the aircraft loaded with the
container and the emergency landing conditions, and the multiple
should be the higher one of 1.15 or the fixed parameter of the seat
regulated for the aircraft. Use the total weight of the weight of the
container and the maximum weight of the cargo loaded in the
container for computation;
(5) The container can not be put at any needed emergency exit or
passageway in the cabin where it would obstruct the way;
(6) The containers should be enclosed and should be made of flame
retardant materials at least;
(7) The container should have proper safety device to prevent the
cargo from moving at emergency landing;
(8) The container can not be put at any places where it would prevent
any passenger from seeing the sign “Fasten the Safety Belt”, “No
Smoking” or any signs indicating the place of needed exit, unless
there is a support sign or other measure that delivers proper notice
to the passengers approved.
3) As long as the cargo is fixed under the overload condition
corresponding to the loading factor regulated in Article (3), Term
(b), Clause 25.561 of CCAR-25, and the cargo is loaded as the
required below, the cargo can be put behind the bulkhead or
clapboard in any cabin;
(1) The cargo should be properly fastened with the safety belt or other
mooring lock with enough strength to make sure that the cargo
does not move during the normal flight and under normal ground
conditions expected;
(2) The packing or covering method can avoid potential injury to the
passengers and personnel in the cabin;
(3) Do not add any load to the seat or floor structure, which will
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exceed the loading limit of the parts;
(4) The place of the cargo does not obstruct the access or the using of
any needed emergency exit, normal exit or passageway in the
(5) The places of the cargo does not cover the sign “Fasten the Safety
Belt”, “No Smoking” or any signs indicating the place of needed
exit, unless there is a support sign or other measure that delivers
proper notice to the passengers approved.
4) Detailed operation requirements please refer to Cabin Freight
Transportation Management Manual and Cargo Transportation

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4.15 Operation Procedure of transporting non-hazardous
aviation materials, equipment, tools and
accompanying documents/items as baggage

4.15.1 Definition
Articles do not belong to the non-hazardous materials, tools and
equipment, documents and articles listed in the "Technical
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air"
published by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
4.15.2 Regulations on the operation of non-hazardous materials and

tools Transportation principles

1) For dangerous goods, aviation materials, tools and equipment
must be handled in accordance with cargo regulations;
2) In principle, non-hazardous air materials and tools and equipment
are required to be transported by cargo, but urgent non-hazardous
air materials and tools and equipment can be transported through
baggage or delivered in the form of random documents on the
flight after approval, and must go through security inspections. Basic requirements for consignment or collection
1) Only applicable to airports where the check-in counters are staff
of Hainan Airlines.
2) The shipping department of the company's aviation materials and
tools and equipment is responsible for the quality of the aviation
materials; the ground check-in personnel are responsible for the
collection and transportation.
3) Air materials, tools and equipment that are collected and operated
as baggage transportation are not allowed to claim compensation
from the company in the event of an abnormality.
4) Limits on the weight and volume of a single piece of checked
baggage: international flights cannot exceed 32kg, and the sum of
the three sides cannot exceed 158cm. Items exceeding this limit
shall be handled in accordance with the cargo process.
5) In principle, the quantity of consignment items exceeds 10 pieces
or large items (the volume exceeds 40×60×100cm) shall be
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handled in accordance with the cargo process. Requirements for the use of the transportation application

1) Non-dangerous air materials, tools and equipment are transported
as baggage, and must be checked with the "HNA Non-dangerous
Air Materials, Tools and Equipment as Baggage Transportation
Application Form".
2) The shipper fills in the "HNA Non-Dangerous Goods Aviation
Materials and Tools and Equipment as Baggage Transportation
Application Form", and the name, number of pieces, packaging,
starting and ending points of the aviation materials and tools and
equipment, the signature of the shipper, and the shipper must be
indicated in the shipping form. The company’s seal, etc.; all
contents shall not be altered or become invalid; the shipping unit
shall be responsible for the authenticity, correctness and
packaging of the descriptions and declarations on the items filled
in the transportation bill.
3) Custody of the "HNA Non-Dangerous Goods Air Materials and
Tools and Equipment as Baggage Transportation Application
Form": The collection and transportation units in each region are
responsible for the custody, and the retention time is one year. The shipper handling procedures
1) Strictly check the checked air materials, packaging and markings
in accordance with the 2.2, 3, 5.1, 8 and 9 aviation materials listed
in the "Technical Rules for the Air Transport of Dangerous Goods";
ensure that the baggage is tightly packed and not Liquids are
allowed to flow out to avoid contaminating the luggage, and its
packaging, weight, specifications and dimensions must meet the
requirements of Hainan Airlines for luggage transportation;
2) Paste the signs of "aircraft parts", "emergency aircraft parts " or
"tool delivery special sign" on the baggage;
3) Fill in the "HNA Non-Dangerous Goods Aircraft Parts and Tools
and Equipment as Baggage Transportation Application Form"
(hereinafter referred to as the application form), and submit it to
the leader for signature and approval and affixed with the unit's
4) 50 minutes before the flight departure, present the approved
application form to the check-in director counter to complete the
check-in and receiving security check;
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5) When necessary, cooperate with check-in and security inspectors
to unpack luggage and receive inspection;
6) Supervise the check-in personnel to stick the baggage tag on the
body of the aviation materials and tools and equipment, and jointly
check with them to confirm whether the destination station is
7) The shipping information should be notified to the receiving unit
for collection within 15 minutes after the flight takes off. Check-in staff handling procedures
1) The check-in counter supervising staff is responsible for collecting
and handling the consignment;
2) Check whether the application form meets the requirements for
use. If the application form is not filled in as required, the staff at
the counter will not accept it; if it is found that the non-dangerous
goods transportation form for aviation materials, tools and
equipment is filled in violation, the safety supervision department
will investigate and relevant personnel shall be held accountable;
3) Confirm that the contents, weight, dimensions, packaging and
markings of the baggage with non-dangerous materials, tools and
equipment meet the company’s requirements for baggage
transportation, otherwise it may be refused to be accepted; if
necessary, the consignee has the right to transport Perform
necessary inspections of non-dangerous goods category aviation
materials, including unpacking inspection;
4) Attach the "Exemption Baggage Tag" and paste the "Fragile
Items" identification tag;
5) After the check-in of aviation materials, tools and equipment, the
check-in personnel keep the "HNA Non-Dangerous Goods
Aviation Materials as Baggage Transportation Application Form",
and perform statistics on a monthly basis, and count them into the
scope of the department's excess baggage assessment. Tracking and collection
The responsible person of the receiving unit shall track the arrival
of the baggage according to the received shipping information and
collect it in time.

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4.15.3 Operating Regulations for Transport and Handover of

Random Documents/Items Job responsibilities

1) Responsibilities of the file transfer
(1) Receive documents/items and do a preliminary inspection, sort
them by receiving department.
(2) Responsible for handing over the documents/items to the
corresponding flight security officer.
2) Delivery principal: Responsible for notifying the recipient to track
and sign for documents in a timely manner. Transportation principles
1) The transportation of all documents/items must comply with civil
aviation transportation regulations. If the transportation is delayed
due to security inspections and other reasons, the transportation
consignor shall bear the consequences.
2) The outer packaging of all documents/items must be intact. If the
contents are missing or damaged due to packaging problems (such
as unsealed), the shipping consignor shall bear the consequences.
3) In principle, the delivery of valuable documents such as checks,
cash, and other valuables is prohibited, otherwise the shipping
consignor shall bear the consequences.
4) As a random document, its size should be limited to the national
standard "52-0036-C4 Envelope" (324mm×294mm). In principle,
it cannot be transmitted beyond the size.
5) The documents brought into the cabin must be filled in the
"Hainan Airlines Holding Co., Ltd. Outer Station Document
Transfer and Handover Form", indicating: flight number, arrival
station, flight date, content, handover, and sign for. In addition, the
“Name and Contact Number of the Deliverer” and “Name and
Contact Number of the Recipient” should be indicated on the
document handover envelope, and the documents should be
stamped with the “Important Documents” seal.
6) The weight of a single item brought into the passenger cabin shall
not exceed 2kg or the total weight shall not exceed 2.5kg, and the
volume shall meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation
Administration for hand luggage restrictions (the volume shall not
exceed 20×40×55cm).
7) When the documents/items are transferred to the plane, they must
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go through the airport security check for security inspection. Handling procedure
1) All documents/items must be delivered to the airport document
transfer table 90 minutes before the flight departure to complete
the transfer procedures.
(1) For stations with HNA employed staff, the designated units/staff
of each station are responsible for the handling.
(2) At stations where Hainan Airlines has no overseas offices, no
documents/items will be transported.
2) The document transfer station or the territorial designated unit
shall carefully check when receiving the delivery, and in principle
have the right to refuse to deliver the delivery that does not meet
the requirements.
3) Check in items in accordance with the check-in procedure. At the
same time, the ground support unit must keep the luggage tags and
pass on the luggage tags or report the luggage ticket number
according to the requirements of the consignor.
4) According to the requirements of the transportation client, the
ground support unit of the origin station shall notify the
completion status of the guarantee, and the transportation client
shall contact the destination station to receive it in time.
5) The ground support personnel at the arrival station shall promptly
receive the documents/items handed over in the cabin according
to the notification of the document/item delivery consignor or
inquire about the information of the "document handover system"
and make follow-up handover matters.
6) The operation of overseas station refers to the handling process of
the originating station. For the overseas working environment,
mail can be used to replace the "document handover system".
7) The shipper is responsible for delivering it to the door of the
aircraft cabin before closing the door of the flight (provided that it
does not affect the punctuality of the flight), handing over with the
security officer on duty, and notifying the recipient to pick it up.
8) After the flight has landed, the recipient of the document should
receive it in time. In case of special circumstances and failure to
complete the document handover, the security officer should hand
it over to the local ground staff. In principle, the storage period for
various documents/items is 7 days (the storage period for special
items such as fruits and other perishable items does not exceed 24
hours); if the documents/items are damaged or lost due to untimely
collection, the document/item delivery consignor shall bear the
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responsibility as a result.
9) For international flights, the document/item deliverer needs to
communicate with the overseas station unit in advance to confirm
whether it can be transported, and then hand it over to the
document transfer counter after receiving a confirmed response.
After receiving the confirmation email, the document transfer
counter will receive the document/item. Regulations for handling abnormal situations
In the process of document/item delivery, when the handler finds
that the delivery slip on the document/item is missing, if the
recipient and recipient address on the envelope of the
document/item are clear, the handler will fill in another delivery
slip and attach it, and then deliver it according to the normal
procedure; if the recipient and recipient address on the envelope
of the document/item are not clear, the handler will return the
document/item to the original recipient.

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4.16 Handing Abnormal Circumstances in Baggage

4.16.1 Information Notification Applicable scope

Baggage service departments of all ground services suppliers and
HNA bases staff in Hainan Airlines network. Notification condition
The baggage at the departure station has been mishandled, wrong
(missed) loaded, defaced, priority baggage protection and other
irregularities. Notification addresses
1) Departure Station
(1) When the departure station finds abnormal baggage, it should
inform the destination station for luggage inquiry immediately.
After that, departure station should confirm with the destination
station through wechat, phone or email.
(2) Departure station should provide detail information relate to the
passenger (including name, telephone number, baggage number,
pieces of baggage, passenger category etc.) so that the destination
station can located the passenger as soon as possible.
(3) When departure station found there are more than five pieces of
baggage misleading or mishandling, departure station should
check and confirm within 30 minutes after the departure of the
flight. Then send an email to the public mailbox of the baggage
management office (xltsx@hnair.com) which should include the
pieces of bags, baggage number, flights number, flight destination
and other information. At the same time copy the email to the
customer service desk (khfwx@hnair.com).
2) Destination station
(1) The destination station shall enact disposal plan after obtaining the
notified information.
(2) If the destination station is belong to Hainan Airlines base or
branch (including Haikou branch) or self-operated stations, the
luggage inquiry office at the destination station shall inform HNA
staff after obtaining the notification information. According to the
notified information, the station shall actively contact passenger
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for handling after the flight landing, so as to avoid complaints
caused by passive handling.
(3) If the destination station is a fully entrusted or HNA Group stations,
after obtaining the notified information, the destination station
baggage inquiry shall draw up disposal plan. According to the
notified information, the destination station shall actively contact
passengers for disposal after the flight landing, so as to avoid
complaints caused by passive disposal.
(4) If the destination station is an overseas airport, as required
departure station shall inform the overseas duty officers, local duty
officers should intervene in time as to comfort passengers and
collect detailed information so as to follow-up. If there are no duty
officers on the site, it shall inform the overseas supervision
department to deal with it in time.
3) According Public Opinion Handling Procedures for Emergency
Crisis of Hainan Airlines, if the passengers are not satisfied with
the results, and this event may have a negative impact on the
company in the society, every unit is required to make a
4.16.2 Property Irregularity Report
1) The “Property Irregularity Report” (PIR) is an error record filled
when passengers report abnormal transportation such as loss,
damage or loss of checked baggage, and it is also an important
basis for the carrier or the agent to search and compensate the
passengers for luggage. In the course of baggage transportation, if
the checked baggage is delayed, lost or damaged, and the
passenger requests PIR, Hainan Airlines or Hainan Airlines'
ground service agent shall provide it in time.
2) The PIR is in triplicate, one is retained by the declared terminal,
one is received by the passenger, and one is handed over to the
3) For the relevant stations where luggage transportation error
accidents occur, when the staff of each link performs the luggage
handover, they need to check the pieces and weight of the luggage,
the integrity of the luggage (whether the luggage is intact, whether
the lock is intact, etc.), and record the above inspection results
(recommended on-site take photos or record videos), fill in the
handover form and sign for confirmation. All documents and
materials should be kept for at least 21 days in order to verify the
responsibility of the luggage transportation accident under
abnormal circumstances. The airline reserves the right of recourse
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to the agency based on the basis materials kept by each unit.
4.16.3 Baggage transported in advance Definition
Baggage transported in advance refers to those baggage
transported not at the same aircraft with its owner but before their
owner. Handling at departure airport
1) Before transporting baggage, the destination airport should be
informed. The content of information should include the
flight/date, amount of baggage, baggage tag no. of the baggage
transported in advance and the scheduled flight/date of its owner,
2) Baggage transported in advance can not be stuck or hung the tag
of “Express”.
3) For baggage carried by Hainan Airlines, select the latest flight for
transport when transport in advance.
4) Passengers should be informed of the number and date of the flight
on which the baggage is transported in advance.
5) If the amount of baggage transported in advance is too large, the
amount and weight should be informed to loading units in order to
arrange and correctly develop the loading plan of the flight
carrying baggage and the flight transporting passengers. Handling at destination airport
1) Record must be taken down when receiving baggage transported
from other airports.
2) The baggage should be checked in after its arrival and then be kept
into the baggage storehouse for safekeeping. If the baggage has
not arrived, ask the departure airport.
3) Deliver baggage to passengers after their arrival.
4.16.4 Delayed baggage Definition
Delayed baggage refers to those baggage transported not at the
same aircraft with its owner but being transported by follow up

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1) Number the delay baggage and check in;
2) If the follow up flight transporting the baggage has not been
confirmed before passengers’ arrival, the destination airport of
passengers should be informed of the delay. The content of
information should include the flight passengers taking, the
amount of delayed baggage and the baggage tag number.
3) If the flight transporting the baggage has already been confirmed,
the destination airport of baggage should be informed.
4) If the destination airport of baggage cannot be confirmed due to
the loss of baggage tag and thus causes delay, it should be inquired
at the stopover airport and destination airport of the flights that
have the same baggage sorting area and the crossed time period
and depart from the airport on that day when that unconfirmed
flight checks in.
5) The delayed baggage should be transported as rush tag baggage. Handling at destination airport
1) Record must be taken down when receiving information about
delayed baggage from other airports and inform passengers
according to the situation.
2) The baggage should be kept into the baggage storehouse for
safekeeping so soon as it has been received and then deliver it as
rush tag baggage.
3) If the delay information of baggage is received while the baggage
is not after the arrival of flight, ask the departure airport.
4) The baggage received without the delay information from other
airports should be disposed as On hand baggage.
4.16.5 Short-shipped (Lost) baggage Definition
Short-shipped baggage refers to those baggage transported not at
the same aircraft with its owner and to be found. Handling at the airport of short-shipped baggage
1) Look for baggage within the airport and fill out the Property
Irregularity Report with passengers if the shortage in collection is
2) Ask for the identification tag of the lost baggage, passenger
coupon of the ticket (or copies), passenger coupon of excess
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baggage check (or copies) and the boarding check (when the flight
taken by the passenger is not the same as the flight on ticket)
3) For passengers taking flights of Hainan Airlines, they should be
paid a compensation of temporary daily necessities. See details in
the "Liability and Compensation-Baggage Compensation
Standards" chapter.
4) Ask passengers to fill out Questionnaire of Lost Baggage and
Compensation for Passenger’s Baggage.
5) Look for baggage. Requirements are as follows: First inquiry: 24
hours within the declaration of losing baggage, inquire through
calling the departure airport, stopover airports and the follow-up
airport of the baggage. Second inquiry:If there is no clue of the
baggage 48 hours within the declaration of losing baggage, give a
second call to unanswered airport. Third inquiry:If there is no clue
of the baggage 72 hours after the declaration of losing baggage,
continue to call unanswered airport and the departure airport,
stopover airports of the flight that departs from the airport near the
departure airport of baggage and departs at the similar time with
the flight that shortage in collection of baggage occurred. Focus
on the key airports if necessary.
6) During the process of finding baggage, passengers should be
informed of result of finding via letters and/or phone calls.
Requirements are as follows: First notice: 24 hours within the first
inquiry; Second notice: 24 hours within the second inquiry; Third
notice: period from the third inquiry to the time when the baggage
is confirmed to be lost but no later than 72 hours after the third
7) The lost baggage should be delivered to the passenger as soon as
possible after being found.
(1) When the place of lost baggage is confirmed, service staff should
inform the baggage retention airport, and then transport them to
the airport by excess and confirm the flight of transport and its
arrival time.
(2) The ground service staff should inform the passenger through
phone calls of the information (the transport flight and the arrival
time) of his/her baggage within 2 hours after finding the lost
baggage. Ask the passenger about the way and time of delivery
after the baggage arrives.
(3) Usually Hainan Airlines does not accept the baggage being
collected or received by the third person assigned by the passenger.
If there is special circumstance, such as there is difficulty to
deliver the baggage or the passenger has difficulty in collecting
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the baggage, when the passenger arrives at the airport and finds
the lost baggage, he or she should report to the ground staff when
filling out Questionnaire of Lost Baggage and Compensation for
Passenger’s Baggage, and specify the detailed information about
the third party and then sign as confirmation.
(4) After the arrival of lost baggage, the service staff should arrange a
vehicle for transport or a suitable flight and ensure to deliver that
baggage to passengers according to the agreed way and time. If
the baggage is received/collected by the third party (relatives,
colleagues or friends of the passenger) specified by the passenger,
the service staff should check the information of the certificate of
identification carefully; the service staff should contact with the
passenger himself/herself if it is possible to recheck, and copy the
certificates of identification and other relevant certifications of the
third party assigned by the passenger.
(5) The service staff should apologize to the passenger or the third
party assigned by the passenger when deliver the baggage and ask
him/her to check and accept the baggage himself/herself. If the
outer package of baggage and articles in it is correct, the passenger
or the third party assigned by the passenger should sign on
Delivery Receipt of Baggage. If there are articles lost, dispose in
accordance with clauses in the "Lost Contents" section; if the
baggage is damaged, dispose in accordance with clauses in the
“Baggage Damage” section.
(6) Relevant records should be filed and saved after the delivery of
8) If there is still no clue of the lost baggage after three times of
inquiry, it still needs to be found (for example the passenger insists
to find his/her baggage and does not accept compensation), it
should continue to be found and ask the assistance of each airport
to explore in detailed way.
9) If the baggage has not been found after several searches, all
inquiry records and documents of the baggage should be
submitted to the baggage compensation unit of the airport on the
21 days after the flight’s arrival, and preparations should be made
for the final search and making compensation. Documents and
materials needed are as follows:
(1) One Property Irregularity Report
(2) Identification tag of the lost baggage
(3) Passenger coupon of the ticket (or copies);
(4) One Questionnaire of Lost Baggage;
(5) One Compensation for Passenger’s Baggage;
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(6) Passenger coupon of the excess baggage check (or copies);
(7) All records and letters of searching for the baggage;
(8) Boarding pass (when the flight taken by the passenger is not the
same as the flight on ticket). Handing of the airport received the telegram for inquiry of

short-shipped baggage
1) Check the record of On hand baggage.
2) If the baggage inquired is transported from this airport, the record
of the baggage losing baggage tag should be checked.
3) If the baggage is found, transport the found baggage by express to
the airport where the baggage is shortage in collection.
4) If the baggage is not found, reply through phone calls timely.
5) If there is any clue, send telegram to inform the airport where the
baggage is shortage in collection or inform the airport where the
baggage is excess collected directly.
4.16.6 On hand baggage Definition
On hand baggage refers to the baggage that is unclaimed when the
delivery of baggage is completed after the flight’s arrival. The category of on hand baggage
1) Being hung on with a baggage tap of arriving at this airport;
2) Being hung on with a baggage tap of not arriving at this airport;
3) No baggage tag. Handling of the airport of on hand baggage
1) On hand baggage should be checked in and the baggage tag of “On
hand baggage” should be filled out and attach to the baggage as
required, the baggage should be kept in the baggage storehouse
for safekeeping. At the same time, appropriate security control
measures should be taken for the storage places of mishandled
luggage and unclaimed luggage in accordance with the actual
operating conditions of the territory (such as establishing a safe
storage warehouse with locks, and at the same time keys should
be supervised and controlled; monitoring cameras should be
installed in the safe storage of luggage ; Arrange staff to supervise
and control the warehouse, etc.) until the luggage is removed,
claimed or processed.

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2) Following items should be checked when check in On hand
(1) The outer packing (if it is locked, or any damages to the baggage).
(2) Any names, addresses and phone numbers found with the baggage.
(3) All On hand baggage should be weighted, record any damages and
wrap the outer package if applies, and seal the baggage with chip
seal or lead seal if it was not locked.
(4) Must be checked by Customs for all international baggage.
3) Check the On hand baggage of the airport:
(1) Check the record of shortage in collection of the airport; if it is
confirmed as the short-shipped baggage of the airport, deliver to
passenger as soon as possible.
(2) Check the record of shortage in collection of the other airports; if
it is confirmed as the short-shipped baggage of other airports,
transport or deliver as required.
(3) If there is still no clue of the lost baggage, report to the departure
airport, stopover airport and follow up airport of the flight within
4 hours after the arrival of the flight.
(4) If there is still no clue of the lost baggage 72 hours after the arrival
of the flight, continue to report to the key airport.
(5) If there is still no clue of the lost baggage 5 days after the arrival,
report to the baggage check unit of Hainan Airlines or the baggage
check unit of ground agent of other airports.
(6) If the baggage is opened for check due to security reasons, search
the lost baggage via articles inside the baggage.
(7) Mishandled baggage and unclaimed baggage must undergo a
security check before storage and loading.
4) Any baggage received but with different destination, it should be
handled as Rush baggage. The baggage should be rushed to the
designated destination on the tag or return to the origin airport. Disposal of overdue undeliverable baggage
If the owner of excess baggage collected (including lost articles of
passengers) cannot be found after various efforts, such baggage
can be handled as unclaimed baggage after 90 days since the first
day of custody. Disposal of telegram received about excess collection
1) Check the record of shortage in collection of the airport and if it is
confirmed as the short-shipped baggage of the airport, claim the
baggage from the airport of On hand baggage. Deliver the baggage
to the passenger as soon as possible after the receipt.
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2) If the short-shipped baggage belongs to the airport and the
passenger is not anywhere nearby, transport the baggage to the
terminal required by the passenger.
3) No need to reply if the short-shipped baggage does not belong to
the airport, but clues found can be provided to the airport of excess
4.16.7 Loss of articles in the baggage Definition
Loss of articles in the baggage refers to the loss of articles in
passenger’s checked baggage during transport. Handling of the loss caused by carrier
1) Perform on-site queries.
2) Confirm the loss and must weigh the baggage when confirming.
If the outer packing of the baggage is intact and the weight is no
less than the weight recorded in passenger’s ticket, it can not be
considered as loss of articles in the baggage bag.
3) Fill in Property Irregularity Report with passenger.
4) Ask for the identification tag of the lost baggage, passenger
coupon of the ticket (or copies) and the boarding check (when the
flight taken by the passenger is not the same as the flight on ticket).
5) Enquiry from the departure airport and each stop airport of the
baggage via telegram.
6) During the finding process, the passenger should be kept updated
of the progress via letter and /or phone. Requirements are as
follows: make the first notice within 48 hours after the report of
loss and the second notice within 72 hours after the first notice.
7) The lost articles should be returned to the passenger as soon as
possible after being found.
8) If the baggage has not been found after searches, all inquiry
records and documents of the baggage should be submitted to the
baggage compensation unit of the airport on the 21 day after the
flight’s arrival, and preparations should be made for making
compensation. Documents and materials needed are as follows:
(1) One Property Irregularity Report;
(2) Identification tag of the baggage;
(3) Passenger coupon of the ticket (or copies)
(4) All records and letters of searching for the baggage;
(5) Boarding pass (when the flight taken by the passenger is not the
same as the flight on ticket).
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9) Compensation for loss of articles in the baggage can be given
based on the actual situation. Handling of the loss caused by passengers
1) Contact the departure airport or the relevant terminal to make one-
time query for the passenger.
2) The lost articles should be delivered to the passenger as soon as
possible after being found.
3) Notify the passenger if the lost articles are not found, but Hainan
Airlines is not liable for compensation.
4) Handling of the report of loss of articles in the baggage: check the
Lost and Found of the airport. If found, the lost articles should be
properly packaged and be transported to the terminal making the
query by means of express delivery. If not found, prompt reply
should be given.
4.16.8 Broken or damaged baggage Definition
Broken or damaged baggage refers to that passenger’s checked
baggage is damaged or polluted on the outside during the process
of transport which may cause or has already caused damage to the
packing or the articles in the baggage. Confirmation and compensation
1) After confirming that the damage is caused by reasons of the
carrier, fill in Property Irregularity Report together with the
2) No need to compensate or give some symbolic compensation
based on the actual conditions if the baggage is slightly damaged
and can be normally used after repair.
3) Pay appropriate repair fee when the damage baggage is beyond
repair on site.
4) When the baggage cannot be used because of the damage: provide
a new baggage case of basically the same shape and size to the
passenger; approve passenger’s request to buy a new baggage case
within the prescribed price range and the cost should be
reimbursed with the invoice during the period of compensation;
offer the passenger an one-time proper compensation; take back
Property Irregularity Report from the passenger when handling the
5) When articles in the baggage are damage d and lost: in case of the
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loss of articles in the baggage due to the damage, continue the
procedure of loss of articles in the baggage after the procedure of
damaged baggage. However, the total compensation for damaged
baggage and loss of articles in the baggage should not exceed the
compensation upper limit of each passenger.
4.16.9 Loss of hand baggage Handling of loss caused by Hainan Airlines

1) Fill in Property Irregularity Report together with the passenger
after confirming that the loss is caused by Hainan Airlines.
2) Request passenger’s sheet of the ticket (or the copy) and the
boarding pass (when the flight the passenger taking is different
from those indicated on the ticket).
3) One-time compensation should be made according the actual
conditions if hand baggage is damaged or destructed. Take back
Property Irregularity Report from the passenger when making
4) Make a one-time query with relevant terminals if the hand
baggage is lost outside the airport.
5) Help passengers to find the hand baggage if it is lost in this airport.
Once found, deliver it to the passenger as soon as possible. Submit
all query records and documents of the baggage to the baggage
compensation department on the 21st day after the arrival of the
flight. Documents and information required are as follows:
(1) One Property Irregularity Report;
(2) Passenger’s sheet of the ticket (or the copy);
(3) All records and letters of searching for the baggage;
(4) Boarding pass (when the flight taken by the passenger is not the
same as the flight on ticket).
6) After the loss of hand baggage (such as being polluted on the
aircraft), compensations can be made to passengers in accordance
with the compensation rules of baggage article loss, as the case
may be. Handling of loss caused by passengers
1) For loss of hand baggage, check under duty at the airport or make
one-time check with relevant terminals.
2) Once found, return the baggage to the passenger as soon as
3) If not found, notify the passenger but Hainan Airlines should not
be liable for compensation.
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4) Hainan Airlines should not be responsible for the destruction or
damage caused to hand baggage.
5) Terminal’s handling of telegrams received about query of lost
articles: check the lost and found. If found, the lost articles should
be properly packaged and be transported to the terminal making
the query by means of express delivery. If not found, prompt reply
should be given.
4.16.10 Rush tag baggage Definition
Rush tag baggage refers to the baggage that needs to be delivered
in case of abnormal baggage transport (such as delayed transport
or transport of excess baggage etc.) Transport and requirements
1) Rush tag baggage can be transported by the earliest available flight
of Hainan Airlines or other carriers free of charge, provided that
such transport would not affect the normal load of the flight. Try
to transport by flights of Hainan Airlines if Hainan Airlines is the
original carrier.
2) Rush tag baggage should be attached with a baggage tag of “Rush
tag baggage” and fill in the contents on tag term by term as
3) Notify the destination airport of the baggage.
4) Transport the baggage.
5) Arrange a separate storage area for rush tag baggage (business-
purpose baggage transported free of charge and miss-transported
baggage). Such baggage should also go through security check
during transport and storage with standards no less strict than any
other security check. Transport responsibilities
1) The loss of Hainan Airlines’ rush tag baggage during the transport
via other carriers’ flights should be borne by Hainan Airlines itself.
2) Hainan Airlines should not liable for the loss of rush tag baggage
carried by other carriers during the process of transport. Delivery
1) Upon the arrival of the rush tag baggage, notify passengers’ to
claim the baggage as soon as possible or may deliver the baggage
to the passengers as required by such passenger.
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2) Take back the identification sheet of the baggage tag and Property
Irregularity Report from the passenger upon the delivery of
baggage. If the loss of baggage has not been reported, the
passenger should provide sufficient proof to query department of
Hainan Airlines or the baggage inquiry department of ground
service agency airport.
3) Ground transportation costs generated from the delivery of rush
tag baggage should be borne by the carrier of the baggage.
4.16.11 Courtesy tracing baggage Definition and scope

1) Courtesy tracing baggage refers to baggage that Hainan Airlines
is only responsible for tracing for but not for compensation.
2) Passenger’s baggage has been lost outside the airport and is not
carried by Hainan Airlines before the passenger reports the loss.
3) The baggage tag is lost and no checked baggage is stated on the
4) The baggage tag held by the passenger indicates more pieces of
baggage than those stated on the ticket and the amount of baggage
received is no less than as stated on the ticket.
5) The passenger cannot provide the ticket and boarding pass for
his/her flight.
6) The passenger reports loss in airports other than the destination of
the baggage (excluding wrong departure airport or wrong baggage
7) The outer packing of the baggage is intact and the baggage weighs
no less than the weight noted on the ticket but articles in the
baggage is missing.
8) Loss of hand baggage caused by reasons of the passenger. Handling
1) Fill in Property Irregularity Report and indicate “Check on behalf
of the passenger” in the remarks column.
2) Short-shipped courtesy tracing baggage should be handled in
accordance with provisions for short-shipped baggage.
3) Loss of articles in baggage under check should be handled in
accordance with provisions of loss of articles in baggage.
4) Loss of hand courtesy tracing baggage should be handled in
accordance with provisions of loss of articles in baggage.

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4.16.12 Unclaimed baggage Definition and types

1) Unclaimed baggage refers to unclaimed passenger’s baggage
found at the check in and baggage claim desks.
2) Check in baggage with departure baggage tag of the airport;
departure baggage with baggage tag of this airport; checked
baggage with arrival baggage tag of this airport; baggage without
arrival baggage tag of the airport. Handling
1) Unclaimed baggage must go through the security check
2) Unclaimed baggage should be put with a baggage tag of excess
collection where the time and location of finding should be
indicated. Such baggage should be immediately sent to the
baggage warehouse for safekeeping and passenger’s claim.
3) For baggage with departure baggage tag of the airport found at the
check in desk, ask the destination airport whether there is short-
shipped baggage and handle such baggage as delayed baggage.
4) Unclaimed baggage should be handled as baggage undeliverable
after 90 days of safekeeping.
5) This provision should not be applied to passenger’s baggage found
in reception hall and waiting hall.
4.16.13 Unaccompanied luggage Definition
Unaccompanied baggage refers to baggage items that the baggage
owner or consignor does not accompany with the baggage during
transportation. For example: unaccompanied baggage caused by
other reasons such as flight, weather changes, over-sold unloaded
late baggage, over-collected baggage, mishandled baggage,
passenger second boarding, stowage, etc. Requirements of checking in
1) The departure station handles large quantities (20 pieces or more)
of unaccompanied baggage and does not enjoy priority baggage
service. The check-in staff does not attach priority baggage tags
when handling this type of checked baggage. And for the
convenience of identifying and picking up unaccompanied
baggage, the check-in staff will attach “important meeting

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baggage strips”, and informs the baggage receiving unit of the
destination station.
2) After completing small batches (20 pieces or less) of
unaccompanied baggage with priority service at the departure
station, the check-in staff will attach priority baggage tags when
checking in for such baggage to ensure that the baggage will be
loaded last and unloaded first.
3) In the case of unaccompanied baggage due to an emergency and
the airport at the destination station has arranged for baggage
collection, the check-in staff handling the baggage will confirm
the priority luggage tag and ensure that the baggage will be loaded
last and unloaded first, and the staff of the destination station can
pick this baggage in time.
4) Unaccompanied baggage only can be checked at Economy check-
in counters. Monitoring requirements
1) After the departure station has processed a large quantity of
unaccompanied luggage, the check-in staff will inform the
destination baggage receiving unit of the relevant information and
remind the baggage to be delivered finally to avoid affecting the
delivery of other passengers' baggage.
2) For large quantities of unaccompanied baggage, the inspector at
the destination station monitors the baggage claimer to pick up
such baggage in time. When no one comes to pick up the baggage,
the inspector needs to pick up the baggage from the conveyor belt
and keep it for it., Until the subsequent handover with the baggage
claimant, a large amount of unaccompanied baggage shall not be
unclaimed on the conveyor belt.
4.16.14 Unclaimed baggage
1) Unclaimed baggage refers to baggage that has not been picked up
within 90 days after the delivery of the baggage after the arrival of
the flight;
2) The types of unclaimed baggage include: baggage identification
tags attached to the site, identification tags attached to non-site
luggage, no identification tags, and unclaimed luggage within the
HNA Group.
3) Unclaimed baggage must go through X-ray security inspection
before being stored and transported. The ground agent’s baggage
enquiry should set up a storage point at the airport and set up a
registration account to properly keep unclaimed baggage.
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At the same time, appropriate security control measures should be
taken for the storage places of mishandled luggage and unclaimed
luggage in accordance with the actual operating conditions of the
territory (such as establishing a safe storage warehouse with locks,
and at the same time keys should be supervised and controlled;
monitoring cameras should be installed in the safe storage of
luggage ; Arrange staff to supervise and control the warehouse,
etc.) until the luggage is removed, claimed or processed.
4) All unclaimed baggage inquiries on the day of flight arrival must
be managed in a centralized manner, make a record, check the
relevant information of the operator on the suitcase and contact;
5) Baggage that has not been claimed 24 hours after the flight arrives
needs to be put into the warehouse for management. If you contact
the departure station for baggage inquiries, there is no result and
the information should be reported. Security control measures
shall be adopted for the storage places of transported luggage and
unclaimed luggage until the luggage is removed, claimed or
(1) Stations with HNA employed staff: notify the local service
command room or the staff in charge, and the attendant will
arrange for processing;
(2) For baggage inquiries in all entrusted areas, unclaimed
information should be reported to the "internal control quality and
baggage management" and "customer service station" supervision
contact processing.
6) The handling of fresh and perishable items in luggage is as follows:
(1) For domestic flights, the baggage should be processed 24 hours
after its arrival, and a "handling notice" should be issued at the
same time;
(2) For international and regional flights, the baggage should be
handled 72 hours after the arrival of the baggage, and a "handling
notice" should be issued at the same time.
7) Baggage restricted to be transported due to safety reasons should
be stored separately and kept separate from other baggage.
8) The mishandled baggage and unclaimed baggage must be checked
for security before being stored and installed on the aircraft. After
unclaimed baggage is transported out of the isolation area, before
entering the isolation area again for transportation or storage, it
must go through X-ray security inspection or alternative security
inspection measures approved by other authorities.
9) After the unclaimed baggage has been kept for 90 days, it will be
handled as the baggage that cannot be delivered. The handling
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method is as follows:
(1) Baggage for domestic transportation should be reported to the
superior authority for processing;
(2) Baggage transported internationally or regionally should be
handed over to the customs for processing or reported to the
higher-level competent authority for processing.
4.16.15 Passenger’s lost or left behind baggage and property
1) Lost (left) baggage of passengers should be stored separately
during security, and
(1) Transit, deliver to the authority of transferring airport for handling;
(2) Arrive, deliver to the authority of destination airport for handling;
(3) Stopover, deliver to the authority of stopover airport for handling;
(4) Transfer, deliver to the authority of transferring airport for
2) Ground operation process of lost items on the aircraft
(1) Handling principles
A. The ground staff are responsible for receiving and keeping the lost
items of the passengers on the flight handed over by the flight
attendants, and shall not refuse or shirk for any reason;
B. Air and ground service staff should pay attention to verbal language
when handing over lost items of passengers, with a tactful tone and
a gentle attitude, and require the use of the "Hainan Airlines
Passenger Lost Items Handover Form" (in two copies);
C. If the passenger proposes that he/she lost the item on the plane, in
principle, it is not allowed to disassemble the seat at the crossing
station to find the lost item.
D. All ground staff should maintain a high degree of responsibility and
a proactive attitude during the process of handing over passengers’
lost property, if the passenger cannot be delivered in time, the
passenger’s lost items should be properly kept to avoid damage to
the items or lost again.
(2) Handling process for seat disassemble request
A. At the stopover station, when passengers need to remove the seat
due to the loss of mobile phones, necklaces and other items in the
seat between the maintenance personnel, in principle, it is not
allowed to remove the seat at the crossing station to find the missing
items. If passengers require to disassemble the seats, the HNA staff
present should notify the local duty leader as soon as possible and
carry out the work according to the instructions of the local duty
leader. Stations without HNA staff should contact Customer Service
Unit for instruction.
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B. In the event of disassembling the seat at the stopover station, the
flight attendant informs the after-flight maintenance personnel to
board the aircraft to disassemble the seat and look for it. If the
passenger finds the missing item, hand it over to the ground
personnel for safekeeping, and fill in the "Hainan Airlines
Passenger Lost Item Handover "Single" (two copies in one form),
hand over the first copy to the receiving personnel, and keep the
other copy by the cabin manager (crew chief) for at least 30 days;
if the passenger is not found to have lost items, the passenger should
explain it as soon as possible.
(3) Procedures for handover of items lost by passengers on board
A. When the flight attendant finds the lost items of the passengers on
board, they first look for the boarding gate staff, hand over the lost
items to the boarding gate staff in time, fill in the "Hainan Airlines
Passenger Lost Items Handover Form", and hand over the first page
For the boarding gate staff, the other copy is reserved by the cabin
manager (crew chief) for at least 30 days. The boarding gate staff
will promptly hand over the items to the baggage inquiry
counters/lost and found offices in various places after receiving the
lost items from the passengers.
B. If the airport staff at the boarding gate indicates that they cannot
accept the items, the flight attendant can contact the local HNA staff
at the airport through the boarding gate staff to indicate the flight
number, seat number and item name of the item to be picked up.
After receiving the information reported by the flight attendants, the
local HNA staff arranged for the ground personnel to return to the
flight and hand over the lost items to the flight attendants. The flight
attendants fill out the "Hainan Airlines Passenger Lost Items
Handover Form" and hand over the first page to the ground
personnel. Coupons are reserved by the cabin manager (crew chief)
for at least 30 days.
C. If the flight attendant passes through the baggage inquiry
counter/lost and found office of various airports when leaving the
venue, the flight attendant can hand over the passenger's lost items
to the ground staff of the airport baggage inquiry counter/lost and
found office. The flight attendant fills in the "Hainan Airlines
Passenger Lost Item Handover Form" Pass the first sheet to the
ground personnel, and the other sheet will be reserved by the cabin
manager (crew chief) for at least 30 days.
D. The ground personnel are responsible for receiving and keeping the
lost items of passengers handed over by the flight attendants. After
receiving the lost items from the passenger, register and indicate the
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flight number, seat number and item name of the item picked up. If
passengers search for their lost items, return them in time. If no one
is looking for them, ground personnel will hand them over to the
airport police station or lost and found office on a daily basis, and
the lost item handover voucher will be kept for six months.
E. In the event of a passenger missing an item, when seeking help from
the ground personnel, the ground personnel should contact the local
on-site command office/baggage inquiry counter/lost and found
office as soon as possible to ask if anyone has found the lost item
and returned it to the passenger in time.
F. The cleaning teams shall communicate with the flight attendant as
soon as possible when they find the passenger's missing items
during the cabin cleaning, and follow the above-mentioned
(4) Handling procedure of special circumstances
In case of other special circumstances, the HNA staff on duty
should notify the local leader on duty as soon as possible, and
carry out work according to the instructions of the local leader on
duty. Contact our customer service desk to handle the full
commission site.
4.16.16 Handling of abnormal situations after baggage collection Baggage against regulation

Checked in baggage or hand baggage containing prohibited,
restricted or dangerous goods under relevant regulations of the
People’s Republic of China and other nations should be called
baggage against regulation.
1) Hainan Airlines has the right to refuse to collect and transport
baggage against regulation found at the departure airport and has
the right to cancel the transport if such baggage is already accepted
or transport the baggage after taking out the unlawful goods. The
charge of excess baggage already received is not refundable.
2) Transport of baggage against regulation found at any transit
station should be stopped immediately and the charge of excess
baggage already received is not refundable.
3) Prohibited, restricted or dangerous goods under relevant
regulations of the People’s Republic of China and other nations in
the baggage should be submitted to relevant departments. Change in baggage transport
1) The transport of baggage should be adjusted accordingly if
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passenger is arranged to take other flight due to the reasons of
Hainan Airlines.
2) For the change of baggage transport, the policy of “refund of
overpayment and no make-up for deficiency” should be applied to
the charge of excess baggage already received.
3) The charge of declared value already paid can not be refunded.
4) Under special circumstances, if corresponding change is not made
to the baggage and the baggage is transferred before or after the
passenger’s flight takes off, such cases should refer respectively
to relevant provisions of baggage transported in advance and
delayed baggage. Returned baggage
1) If passengers require to return the baggage before the loading at
departure airport or passengers have their tickets refunded, the
baggage should be returned to the passenger and the charge of
excess baggage already received should be refunded.
2) Passengers’ request for returning baggage at intermediate stop
should be accepted if times allows, but the charge of excess
baggage already received for the subsequent route segment should
not be refundable.
3) When returning the baggage with declared value, the charge of
declared value already paid would be refunded at the departure
airport and would not be refunded at intermediate stop. Offloading check in baggage due to the limit of aircraft

1) Offloading passengers’ checked baggage due to estimated aircraft
loading limit should be handled as follows:
(1) Look for volunteers in advance, negotiate with passengers to
offload their checked baggage or apply for ticket change for them
and provide some financial compensation.
(2) Offload the excess baggage first and explain to passengers when
checking in. Hainan Airlines can refuse to carry the baggage if it
is overweight.
2) When passengers’ checked baggage needs to be offloaded due to
temporary loading imbalance, the following rules should be
applied if seat adjustment and checked baggage cabin adjustment
are invalid:
(1) Choose baggage that need to be offloaded based on passengers’
actual conditions and make an order. Offload passengers’ baggage
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(2) following the order below:
A. Company staff and their family members enjoying discount tickets;
B. Hainan Airlines’ staff departing from the airport;
C. Hainan Airlines’ staff in transit on the original flight;
D. Passengers with no booked tickets but make up the ticket later;
E. Other passengers.
Note: to ensure the baggage can be offloaded in the shortest period
possible with no mistakes, the above baggage should be tied with a
special ID card or baggage tag to help baggage handling staff to
make easy distinctions.
(3) Baggage of the following passengers cannot be offloaded:
A. Important passengers (VIP) and their entourage;
B. Regular passengers holding Hainan Airlines Jinlu Card and Fortune
Wings Card;
C. Business-class passengers;
D. Passengers receiving special treatment with Hainan Airlines’
approval in advance (unaccompanied, sick, wheel-chaired
passengers or passengers lying on stretchers etc.);
E. Passengers with connecting tickets and the transit interval is short;
F. Group passengers;
G. Passengers get on board but are under special hardships.
(4) Offloaded baggage should be tied with a special ID card and be
transported on the latest follow up flight. Timely notice should be
given to the passenger himself/herself.
(5) If passengers’ baggage is pulled off but timely notice can not be
given to such passenger before the flight takes off due to lack of
time, inform the destination airport of passenger before the aircraft
arrives and notify the passenger the first time possible when the
flight arrives. Explain to the passenger and let him/her know the
arrangement for his/her baggage.
(6) Offloaded baggage should be handled as delayed delivery and
provide necessary services for passengers based on the actual

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4.16.17 Disposal of abnormal baggage declared by passengers Principal
1) In principle, abnormal baggage will be handled by the destination
station. If the destination station is the Hainan Airlines base or
branch area, it will be handled by Hainan Airlines base and branch
(including Haikou branch); Others will be handled by Ground
Service Department (bzcxlgls@hnair.com).
2) If the passenger clearly points out that the problem is the departure
station (transit station), distribute to the departure station (transit
station) to deal with it. If the departure station (transit station) is
Hainan Airlines base or branch (including the Haikou branch), the
quality unit of base or branch (including the Haikou branch) is
responsible to handle it; Others will be handled by Ground Service
Department (bzcxlgls@hnair.com).
3) After receiving the notification from the customer service unit, the
Hainan Airlines bases, branches (including the Haikou branch)
and the baggage management office of the Ground Service
Department must respond to passengers and intervene in handling
in accordance with the "Ground Service Complaint Handling
Management Procedures".
4) Hainan Airlines base, branch (including Haikou branch) and the
baggage management room of the Ground Service Department
must continue to track the accepted baggage problem until it is
closed; if the passenger is dissatisfied with the disposal result, the
business unit must report it, and dispose of them in accordance
with the approval opinions of superior leaders.
5) For cases where the claim amount exceeds 5,000 RMB, the
territorial quality unit can submit the Ground Service Department
(bzcxlgls@hnair.com), and provide relevant investigation
communication records, and the baggage management office will
contact passengers to assist in processing. After the disposal is
completed, the Hainan Airlines base and branch will handle the
compensation for passengers according to the guidance of the
baggage management room, and improve the supervision system
to close the case. Ground Handling
1) Hainan Airlines base, branch (including Haikou branch)
(1) Baggage enquiry unit at the arrival station shall quickly handle
passenger problems in accordance with the requirements of the
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first-inquiry responsibility system.
(2) If the baggage inquiry unit at the arrival station cannot be resolved
due to exceeding the authority, the inspection at the arrival station
will notify the Hainan Airlines base, branch (including Haikou
branch) on-duty staff to intervene, and the on-duty staff will
quickly respond to passenger requests and deal with passenger
problems in a timely manner.
(3) If the on-duty staff is still unable to solve the problem, they should
explain and appease the work, record, take pictures and file, and
report to the local quality unit level by level according to the
domestic compensation standard and the request process, and the
local quality unit shall follow-up and deal with it.
2) Hainan Airlines self-operated stations
(1) Baggage enquiry unit at the arrival station shall quickly handle
passenger problems in accordance with the requirements of the
first-inquiry responsibility system.
(2) If the baggage inquiry unit at the arrival station cannot be resolved
due to exceeding the authority, the inspection at the arrival station
will notify the station on-duty staff to intervene, and the on-duty
staff will quickly respond to passenger requests and deal with
passenger problems in a timely manner.
(3) If the station on-duty staff is unable to solve the problem, they
shall explain and appease the work and conduct follow-up
investigation and follow-up; for cases of over-standard
compensation, the station on-duty staff must fill in the "Hainan
Airlines Abnormal Baggage Disposal Declaration Form" and send
the email to the Ground Service Department (bzcxlgls@hnair.com)
for filing, the baggage management office staff will respond to
passengers based on the investigation within three working days.
In the self-operated station area, there is no non-investigation,
non-processing, and guiding passengers to call for complaints, so
as to avoid escalation of complaints or outbreaks of public opinion.
3) Fully commissioned site and HNA Group stations
(1) Baggage enquiry unit at the arrival station shall quickly handle
passenger problems in accordance with the requirements of the
first-inquiry responsibility system.
(2) For on-site claims for over-standard compensation, the baggage
inquiry unit can first explain and reassure the passengers, record,
take photos for record, and fill in the " Hainan Airlines Abnormal
Baggage Disposal Declaration Form" according to the handling
situation, and send the mail to the xltsx@hnair.com. The business
staff of the baggage management office will reply to the passenger
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based on the investigation situation within three working days. Handling of complaints or feedback on abnormal

baggage through off-site channels

1) Passengers who provide feedback through self-service declaration,
customer suggestion box, president’s mailbox and other channels
shall be handled by the business unit which is designated by the
baggage management office of Ground Service Department based
on the passenger’s feedback.
2) If the passenger gives feedback by calling the customer service,
the customer service unit will record the luggage problem reported
by the passenger, and notify the corresponding Hainan Airlines
base, branch (including the Haikou branch) or the Baggage
Management Office of the Safety and Quality Center of the
Ground Service Department by phone or email, and the
responsible unit shall input the information in service supervision

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4.17 Abnormal Baggage Standards for International

For details of international transfer abnormal baggage standards,

please refer to Passenger Services-"International Transfer
Abnormal Transfer Baggage Handling Standard".

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4.18 Emergency Baggage Operation (handling of
dangerous goods)

For details of handling dangerous goods in baggage please refer

to Chapter 8 Ramp Services – Dangerous Goods Handling.

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4.19 Liability and Compensation for Luggage

4.19.1 Domestic flights

4.19.2 International flights Baggage compensation regulations

1) General regulations
Passenger's checked baggage shall be liable for compensation in
the event of loss, damage, pollution, shortage or delayed
transportation of the company's flight. Baggage compensation can
be divided into the following categories: late baggage
compensation fee, lost baggage compensation fee, lost property
compensation fee, and damaged (pollution) baggage
compensation fee.
2) Basis for compensation-Warsaw Convention and Montreal
(1) The Warsaw system is the collective name of the Warsaw
Convention and its seven subsequent amendments or
supplementary documents, a total of eight documents.
(2) The Warsaw Convention is the foundation of the Warsaw System
and the first important private aviation law in the world; it was
signed on October 12, 1929, and it is called "Convention for the
Unification of Certain Rules of International Air Transportation".
The effective style of the convention is the French version. It
mainly adjusts the relationship between the carrier and passengers
and luggage, the shipper and the consignee of cargo, and is by far
an important code in international air transport.
(3) The Hague Protocol is the first amendment document to the
Warsaw Convention, signed on September 28, 1955, which is
called "Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Unification of
Certain Rules of International Air Transport signed in Warsaw on
October 12, 1929" ", effective August 1, 1963.
(4) China sent the letter of accession to the Warsaw Convention on
July 20, 1958, and entered into force for me on October 18, 1958;
China sent the letter of accession to the Hague Protocol on August
20, 1975, and in 1975 It became effective for me on November 28,
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(5) Relevant international conventions: HNA’s liability for
international baggage transportation (overseas countries=China),
specifically applicable to the Montreal Convention or Warsaw
Convention, depending on whether the country involved in the
transportation is the Montreal Convention or/ And parties to the
Warsaw Convention. For other countries involved in HNA's
international baggage transportation, the applicable conditions
shall be implemented in accordance with the following provisions:
A. For those who are already parties to the Warsaw Convention but are
not yet parties to the Montreal Convention, the Warsaw Convention
B. For the parties that are already parties to the Montreal Convention,
but not yet parties to the Warsaw Convention, the Montreal
Convention applies;
C. For the parties to both the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal
Convention, the new law prevails over the old law, then it applies
to the Montreal Convention;
D. China joined the Montreal Convention on September 10, 1980, and
entered into force on October 10, 1980. As of January 10, 2009, of
the routes opened by HNA, the routes of the United States, France,
Germany, and Hungary are applicable to the Montreal Convention,
the routes of Taipei are also applicable to the Montreal Convention,
and the routes of Russia are applicable to the Warsaw Convention.
For other international routes, please refer to the list of parties to
the Montreal Convention.
3) The provisions applicable to baggage compensation in the Warsaw
(1) For any loss of registered baggage or cargo due to destruction, loss
or damage, the carrier shall be responsible if the accident that
caused such loss occurred during air transportation.
(2) The meaning of air transportation referred to in the preceding
paragraph includes the period during which the baggage or cargo
is in the custody of the carrier, whether it is inside the air station,
on the aircraft, or any place where it landed outside the air station.
(3) The period of air transportation does not include any land, sea or
river transportation outside the air station. However, if such
transportation is for the purpose of fulfilling the contract for air
transportation, for loading, delivery or transshipment, any loss
should be regarded as the result of an accident during air
transportation, unless there is evidence to the contrary.
(4) The carrier shall be responsible for the loss caused by the delay of
passengers, baggage or cargo during air transportation.
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(5) The carrier is not liable if he proves that he and his agent have
taken all necessary measures to avoid the loss, or it is impossible
to take such measures.
(6) When transporting goods and baggage, if the carrier proves that
the loss occurred due to a fault in driving, operation of the aircraft,
or navigation, and in all other respects, the carrier and his agent
have taken all necessary measures When you avoid losses, you are
not responsible.
(7) If the carrier proves that the loss was caused or assisted by the
victim’s fault, the court may exempt or reduce the carrier’s
liability in accordance with its legal provisions.
(8) When transporting registered baggage and cargo, the carrier’s
liability for baggage or cargo is limited to 17 SDR per kilogram,
unless the shipper has specifically stated the value of the baggage
or cargo upon delivery, and Pay the necessary surcharge. In this
case, the carrier’s responsibility shall not exceed the declared
amount unless the carrier proves that the shipper’s declared
amount is higher than the actual value of the baggage or goods
upon arrival.
Note: The value of the SDR is about $1.37, which can fluctuate
according to the exchange rate of the day.
(9) With regard to the items kept by the passengers themselves, the
carrier’s liability to each passenger is limited to 332 SDR.
(10) If the loss is due to the carrier’s intentional misconduct, or due to
the carrier’s negligence, and the law of the receiving court, such
negligence is considered to be equal to the intentional misconduct,
the carrier has no right to invoke this Convention Provisions on
exemption or limitation of carrier’s liability.
(11) Similarly, if the loss caused by the above situation is caused by
one of the carrier’s agents within the scope of performing his
duties, the carrier has no right to invoke this provision.
(12) Unless there is evidence to the contrary, if the recipient has no
objection when accepting the baggage or cargo, it is deemed that
the baggage or cargo has been delivered in good condition and is
consistent with the transport document.
(13) If there is damage, the recipient should object to the carrier
immediately after the damage is found. If it is baggage, it should
be submitted within three days after receipt of the baggage. If it is
cargo, it should be received at the latest. Submit within seven days.
If there is a delay, the objection should be filed within 14 days
from the day the baggage or goods are handed over to the recipient.
(14) Any objection should be written on the transportation voucher
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within the specified time limit or filed in writing.
(15) Unless there is fraud on the part of the carrier, if there is no
objection within the prescribed period, the carrier cannot be sued.
(16) The lawsuit concerning compensation shall be brought to the court
of the place of the carrier’s domicile or its general management
office or the place of the contracting agency, or to the court of
destination, within the territory of a Contracting State, as the
plaintiff wishes.
(17) The litigation procedure shall be handled in accordance with the
legal provisions of the receiving court.
4) The provisions of the Montreal Convention applicable to baggage
(1) For loss caused by the destruction, loss or damage of checked
baggage, as long as the event causing the destruction, loss or
damage occurs on the aircraft or during any period during which
the checked baggage is under the carrier’s control, the carrier shall
Should take responsibility. However, the baggage loss is caused
by the inherent defects, quality or defects of the baggage, and the
carrier is not liable within this range. Regarding unchecked
baggage, including personal items, the carrier is liable for losses
caused by its fault or the fault of its servants or agents.
(2) If the carrier acknowledges that the checked baggage has been lost,
or if the checked baggage has not arrived after 21 days from the
date of arrival, the passenger has the right to exercise the rights
conferred by the carrier on the carrier.
(3) Unless otherwise specified, the term "baggage" in this Convention
refers to checked baggage and unchecked baggage.
(4) The carrier shall be liable for the loss caused by the delay of
passengers, baggage or cargo in air transportation. However, if the
carrier proves that he, his servants and agents have taken all
reasonable measures or it is impossible to take such measures in
order to avoid the loss, the carrier shall not be liable for the losses
caused by the delay.
(5) If the carrier proves that the loss was caused or facilitated by the
negligence or other improper acts or omissions of the claimant or
the person from whom the claimant obtained the rights, the
negligence or other improper acts that caused or contributed to
such losses shall be based on The degree of inaction is
correspondingly exempted from the carrier’s liability to the
claimant in whole or in part. If a person other than the passenger
makes a claim for compensation for the death or injury of the
passenger, the carrier proves that the loss was caused or
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contributed to by the passenger’s own fault or other improper acts,
omissions, or should be based on the fault that caused or
contributed to such loss or The degree of other improper acts or
omissions shall be wholly or partially exempt from the carrier’s
(6) According to the second paragraph of Article 22 of the Montreal
Convention, in the case of destruction, loss, damage or delay in
the transportation of luggage, the limit of compensation for each
passenger shall be 1,288 SDR; unless passengers deliver their
checked baggage to the carrier, they specifically declare their
interest at the destination and pay the surcharge if necessary . In
this case, except that the carrier proves that the amount declared
by the passenger is higher than the actual interest of the passenger
at the time of delivery at the destination, the carrier is liable within
the declared amount. For the compensation of checked baggage,
in the absence of sufficient evidence such as shopping invoices,
the limit of 30 US dollars per kilogram.
Note: The value of the SDR is about $1.37, which can fluctuate
according to the exchange rate of the day.
(7) The person who has the right to withdraw checked baggage or
cargo accepts the checked baggage or cargo without objection,
because the checked baggage or cargo is in good condition and is
in contact with the transport document or Article 3, paragraph 2
and Article 4, second The preliminary evidence delivered if the
records kept by other methods mentioned in the paragraph are
(8) If a loss occurs, the person who has the right to withdraw checked
baggage or goods must file an objection with the carrier as soon
as the loss is discovered, and, if the checked baggage is lost, it
must be filed within seven days from the date of receipt of the
checked baggage, In case of loss of goods, it shall be submitted
within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods. If a delay
occurs, an objection must be filed within 21 days from the day the
baggage or cargo is delivered to the recipient for disposal.
(9) Any objection must be raised or issued in writing within the period
specified in the preceding paragraph.
(10) Except for fraud on the side of the carrier, if no objection is raised
within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, no lawsuit
may be brought against the carrier.
5) Scope of liability
(1) Passenger's checked baggage shall be liable for loss, damage,
pollution, shortage or delay in transportation during the
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transportation of the company; in the case of loss of cabin baggage
(passenger's own baggage and free carry items), except Can prove
that it is caused by the fault of the carrier and shall not be liable
for compensation.
(2) If the baggage loss is only a part of all the checked baggage,
regardless of the value of the loss, it can only be held liable in
proportion to the weight of the lost baggage in the total weight.
(3) As an agent of other carriers, the company will not be liable for
compensation for the loss of baggage transported by other carriers,
but if the carrier has a representative in this station, it can accept
the passenger's compensation request on behalf of the carrier , And
forward this request to the representative of the relevant carrier in
this station.
(4) The company is not liable for compensation due to the loss of
checked baggage due to the following circumstances:
A. Natural disasters or other uncontrollable causes;
B. Due to compliance with the laws, government regulations, orders
and travel conditions of the People’s Republic of China or the
relevant countries during transportation, or because the passengers
did not comply with these regulations;
C. Due to defects in the luggage itself or internal items.
(5) The baggage contains items that cannot be caught in the checked
baggage, such as fragile, perishable items, currency, precious
metals, jewelry, gold and silver products, tickets, securities,
important documents and other valuable items HNA only bears
responsibility for the general checked baggage.
(6) The airline will not accept claims from anyone other than the
passenger unless the person obtains an authorization letter signed
by the passenger.
(7) Passenger's liability: The passenger shall be liable for
compensation due to the defects of the luggage itself, the internal
contents of the luggage or the loss of the passenger's original cost
company or other passenger's luggage.
(8) Litigation for baggage compensation:
A. In the case of loss of checked baggage, passengers shall submit
written objections to HNA after the loss occurs.
B. If there is any claim for compensation, the loss of checked baggage
shall be filed within 7 days from the date of receiving the checked
baggage; if the checked baggage is delayed, it shall be filed within
21 days from the date of delivery of the checked baggage to the
passenger. If a passenger fails to file a claim within the prescribed
time limit, he cannot file a lawsuit against HNA.
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C. Baggage compensation can be handled at the baggage's departure
station, stop station or destination station, but when the departure
station and stop station apply for compensation, they must be
authorized or confirmed by the destination station and be confident
that no compensation has been made at the destination, Only claims
can be settled.
D. If passengers have different opinions on the compensation of the
company, they can file a lawsuit at the receiving station, processing
station or the court where the carrier is legally located; the lawsuit
should be from the date the aircraft arrives at its destination, or from
the date the aircraft should arrive, or from Proposed within two
years from the date of cessation of transportation, otherwise the
right to litigation will be lost. Late Baggage Compensation Fee
1) Overview
(1) Definition of baggage delay: Baggage delay means that the
checked baggage cannot be delivered to the passenger according
to the agreed flight due to the carrier’s reasons.
(2) If the passenger's checked baggage fails to arrive at the same time
as the passenger due to delayed transportation, according to the
actual situation, the loss caused by the passenger's late arrival,
including the purchase of various late luggage compensation
necessities, will be compensated.
2) Provisions for payment of compensation for late baggage
When the carrier causes the passenger’s luggage to arrive late, a
temporary living allowance can be issued to the passenger
according to the actual situation, which is convenient for the
passenger to purchase the necessities of life. However, the
temporary living allowance issued will be included in the total
amount of late baggage compensation finally negotiated with the
(1) Conditions for payment of temporary living allowance
A. Passengers request that the delay of baggage does cause direct loss
to passengers and can provide valid evidence.
B. Baggage cannot be delivered to the passenger's designated place on
the same day.
C. The destination station of the passenger is not the place of residence
of the passenger.
D. The time limit for accepting the claim for compensation for delayed
luggage transportation is within 21 days from the day when the
passenger arrives to receive the luggage;
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(2) After the passenger arrives and the baggage fails to arrive on the
subsequent flight on the same day, the passenger may be paid
temporary living expenses
A. The standard cost of temporary living expenses for business class
passengers is US$100. On this basis, each day of delay is
compensated by US$50. The temporary living expenses of business
class passengers are limited to US$200.
B. Temporary living expenses for economy class passengers are
US$50. On this basis, each day of delay is compensated by US$25.
Temporary living expenses for economy class passengers are
limited to US$100.
C. If the baggage is delayed for more than a week or the passenger has
made other claims for compensation for damage, the carrier will
evaluate the compensation based on the reasonable consumption
certificate provided by the passenger. If it exceeds US$600, the
general manager of the service management department will need
to approve it.
After receiving the consumption certification materials submitted
by passengers, the carrier's evaluation requirements are as follows:
The consumption certification materials should follow the
principles of actual, reasonable and verifiable;
Consumer use should be a necessity of life, and can include
communication, washing, makeup, clothing and other uses;
Consumer prices should be reasonable, such as basic toiletries and
cosmetics not exceeding US$20 each, daily necessities of daily use
don’t exceed US$30 each.
(3) When paying the temporary living expenses, the amount paid
should be filled in the "prepaid cash" column of the "baggage
transportation accident record", and the "temporary living
expenses receipt" should be filled out, and the passenger should
be asked to sign the receipt. , To submit financial reimbursement;
passenger coupon, to the passenger; stub coupon, attached to the
"baggage transportation accident record" for reference when
making compensation.
(4) When it is determined that the passenger's checked baggage has
been lost and needs compensation, the compensation shall be
deducted from the compensation amount; if the luggage is found
after the query, the passenger does not need to reimburse the
temporary living expenses.
(5) If the passenger's permanent and/or long-term address is local,
temporary living expenses may not be paid.
(6) If the delayed baggage is the excess baggage that was pulled down
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(7) due to the load, the temporary living compensation fee may not be
(8) The compensation for baggage delay shall not exceed the
maximum limit of baggage loss compensation. Baggage Delivery Fee
1) General regulations
If the passenger's checked baggage arrives late, Hainan Airlines
shall promptly notify the passenger to claim it. Unless otherwise
specified by the state, if the arrival of checked baggage is delayed
due to non-passenger reasons, and the passenger requests direct
delivery, Hainan Airlines shall deliver the checked baggage
directly to the passenger free of charge or the passenger shall
negotiate a solution.
2) Deliver lost luggage to passengers in time.
(1) Upon receipt of express baggage, the passenger shall immediately
notify the passenger and confirm the delivery time of the baggage
according to the telephone number indicated in the original record
"PIR" or on the express card, and then press the address
(permanent or temporary) Send the luggage to the passenger's
(2) The baggage should be checked by the customs before it is sent
out. If the baggage cannot be cleared due to customs reasons, the
passenger should be notified in time to go through the customs
formalities, or authorize other agents or carriers to handle the
customs formalities (such as delivery of luggage keys,
authorization to open the box) Checked by customs).
(3) After the baggage is delivered to the passenger, after confirmation
of the lost baggage, the "baggage transportation accident record"
(PIR) of the passenger's receipt shall be recovered.
(4) If there are several pieces or batches of baggage to be delivered at
the same time, arrangements must be made in advance to reduce
the number of round trips as much as possible to save baggage
(5) In order to better provide baggage delivery service, and also to
save the cost and time of baggage delivery, the company and its
subordinate foreign stations should set up a special service
department or configure the necessary equipment for the
department that provides the service. It is necessary to formulate
corresponding regulations to improve service work.
(6) After the delayed baggage arrives on the subsequent flight, if the
passenger proposes to pick up the baggage at the airport on his
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own, the passenger will be reimbursed with the invoice for the
transportation expenses incurred. However, the reimbursement
amount shall not exceed 1.5 times the transportation cost of the
baggage delivered by HNA.
3) Settlement of baggage delivery fee
(1) At the time of settlement of the baggage delivery fee, a "baggage
delivery receipt" shall be attached, and the receipt shall be signed
by the passenger.
(2) At the same time, a copy of the original PIR should be attached,
or if the baggage is entrusted to be delivered by another carrier,
the copy price of the baggage (including delivery instructions on
the baggage) of the baggage should be attached. Delivery telegram
and copy of original luggage tag.
(3) According to regulations, carriers generally do not settle the
baggage delivery fee with each other, but if the baggage delivery
fee exceeds US$25 (or equivalent in other currencies) each time,
it can be settled with the responsible carrier.
(4) In addition to the above-mentioned documents, a baggage receipt
signed by the customs shall be filled out. Compensation for Destruction and Loss of Luggage
1) Definition
The carrier supervises the destruction and loss of luggage during
2) General regulations
(1) If the baggage delivered by the passenger fails to arrive at random,
and there is no whereabouts after searching by multiple parties, if
the passenger makes a claim, he shall go through the compensation
procedures for lost luggage.
(2) According to the value of the goods provided by the passenger,
negotiate with the passenger within the limit provisions (the lower
of the limit standard and the actual value). Or compensate
according to the class of cabin the passenger enjoys.
(3) Among the value of baggage provided by passengers, valuables
and items that cannot be placed in checked baggage should be
removed from the total value of items declared by passengers and
compensated by the weight of general luggage.
(4) If the passenger insists on a high claim, he can be allowed to
present an invoice for the items in the baggage. The items in the
invoice are not purchased in the current year.
(5) If the baggage is stolen or robbed during the custody of the carrier,
the carrier shall not bear any responsibility other than civil
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aviation transportation.
(6) If luggage is stolen or robbed, passengers should be advised to
report to the public security department. If the public security
department does not solve the case within the prescribed
compensation time frame, the baggage inquiry staff shall
compensate the passengers in accordance with the compensation
standard for lost luggage of HNA.
(7) The compensation for lost luggage shall not exceed the maximum
3) Time limit for compensation
The claim shall be filed in writing within 21 to 180 days from the
date the baggage is delivered to the recipient.
4) Compensation regulations
The claim for compensation to passengers should generally be
accepted by the destination station or the terminal where the
accident occurred. If the accident does not occur at the departure
station, the passenger can also accept it at the departure station,
but it should be processed with the original processing station (ie,
fill in the baggage transportation The baggage of the accident
record arrives at the station) to get in touch and get a formal letter
of authorization from the station before proceeding.
5) Compensation limit: please refer to the relevant provisions of
baggage compensation.
6) Basic procedures for accepting compensation
(1) Within the stipulated time limit, passengers (if they are agents,
should hold a letter of attorney signed by the passengers) to
provide compensation claims in writing, detail the actual value of
the lost luggage, provide the necessary proof, and attach Records
of baggage transportation accidents and other filled documents or
forms received by passengers.
(2) After receiving the claim for compensation, passengers or their
agents should be asked to fill out the "Passenger Baggage Claim
Form" and immediately understand the baggage accident inquiry
and handling situation of the project. , Can put forward
compensation advice, and go through compensation procedures
after approval.
(3) In general, the passenger's written compensation request can be
replaced by the "Passenger Baggage Claim Form".
7) Basic requirements for compensation
(1) The following documents should be attached when handling lost
baggage compensation:
A. "Luggage Transportation Accident Record";
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B. The passenger's written claim for compensation, that is, "Luggage
Claim Form";
C. "Luggage Loss Questionnaire";
D. Necessary proof of the actual value of baggage loss;
E. Various incoming and outgoing telegrams (all inquiries about
telegrams and calls or copies at the original location);
F. Baggage claim coupon (copy) of the luggage tag;
G. Photocopies of all sections of the journey
H. The baggage compensation fee receipt, which should be signed by
the passenger;
I. In the case of compensation for excess baggage or declared value
baggage, there should also be a receipt for excess baggage ticket or
declared value surcharge (or a copy thereof);
J. Compensation apportionment slip (if apportionment settlement is
(2) In the case of interline baggage, when sharing is required, the
above documents should be provided to the relevant carrier; if
there is no copy of the ticket and luggage tag, they can also provide
their numbers to other carriers (see the compensation allocation
method, please refer to (Shared baggage compensation allocation).
(3) After accepting the compensation case, it should be dealt with
promptly according to the regulations. If the case needs to be
submitted for approval, the handling opinions should be submitted
within three days after acceptance and all the materials should be
submitted, and the compensation procedures should be processed
according to the approval authority.
(4) The compensation case must be returned to the passenger within
seven days after accepting the passenger's claim for compensation.
(5) When the passenger's compensation request is analyzed and
investigated, and it is determined that the accident liability does
not belong to any carrier in the transportation process, the
receiving station shall promptly reply the passenger to explain the
reasons and grounds, and at the same time, return the relevant
tickets and documents.
(6) After the compensation for the lost baggage, it shall be indicated
on the under-collected file and under-collected record book,
including the date of compensation, the amount, the person in
charge, etc., and be registered in the compensated record book.
8) Division of liability for code-sharing flights
(1) Code sharing: When one carrier represents another carrier and
uses its airline code in the flight number to operate the flight; or
two or more carriers use one or more airline codes to jointly
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operate a flight Is called code sharing.
(2) In the settlement of baggage compensation cases, the
transportation airline may authorize its “code sharing” partner to
handle compensation matters, but the ultimate compensation
liability and compensation negotiation shall be the airline
indicated on the ticket. Compensation for Damaged (Contaminated) Luggage
1) General regulations
If the baggage delivered by the passenger is damaged or
contaminated during the transportation process due to damage or
contamination of the baggage, and the value of the baggage
packaging and/or the contents of the baggage is lost, the carrier
shall be liable for compensation.
2) Time limit for claims
Compensation for damaged or contaminated baggage shall be
accepted by the airport/station where the passenger finds the
baggage damaged (such as the destination station of the transfer
station). The passenger must submit a declaration to the airline (or
its agent) when leaving the customs supervision area, and Claim
within 7 days from the date of the declaration.
3) Service requirements
As one of a series of service items, airlines should provide perfect
repair and replacement services for broken luggage. Service
agreements with specific shopping malls in major cities. Because
the maintenance fees of the shopping malls are more reasonable
than the charges of general stores, airlines can not only provide
passengers with services Provide a thoughtful list of services, and
can save unnecessary expenses for airlines.
4) Compensation for broken luggage
(1) Normally, if possible, the passenger is first recommended to repair
the original luggage and replace the damaged parts.
A. The simpler repair and replacement work should be available
immediately at the maintenance service department of the airport.
B. If it is not possible to repair on the spot, passengers should be
arranged to go to the designated maintenance department of the city
and have an agreement with the airline for maintenance and
C. Passengers need to pay for repairs in the above-mentioned shopping
malls without paying maintenance fees. The shopping malls only
need to attach the bills to the recovered "baggage transport accident
record" to our company for checkout as required by the agreement,
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which is not only conducive to airline services At the same time,
passengers do not need to waste a lot of unnecessary time to repair
broken luggage.
(2) If the baggage cannot be repaired, it can be replaced in its entirety,
but at this time, the original suitcase (bag) usage time and original
quality should be taken into consideration before making
A. However, if the repair cost is similar to the value of purchasing a
new box (bag), passengers may wish to replace their damaged
B. Compensation for damaged baggage is in principle based on the
actual value of the damaged item. If the passenger’s claim is located
in China, the compensation for the damaged item can refer to the
price of the same item in the local area, but the compensation
amount per kilogram is 30 USD limit.
C. If the baggage loss is only a part of all the checked baggage,
regardless of the value of the loss, it can only be held liable in
proportion to the weight of the lost baggage in the total weight.
(3) Specific compensation limit
A. The baggage is slightly damaged, including loose handles, slight
scratches, non-penetrating damage, damage to the zipper, lock, etc.,
and passengers shall be compensated in cash not exceeding RMB
B. The middle and heavy suitcases are damaged, which seriously
affects the use of replaceable new suitcases. The price of buying
new boxes in bulk should be within RMB 200-400 each.
C. If you do not have the conditions to replace the new box or the
passenger does not accept the replacement of the new box, please
provide the invoice for the purchase of the box, deducting 15% of
the depreciation fee annually according to the decreasing method,
and the actual value will be compensated for the lower limit. Above
the limit, the damaged empty container shall be weighed, and then
the passenger shall be compensated according to the standard per
kilogram limit.
D. The amount of compensation for damage or loss of some items in
the baggage shall not be higher than the maximum amount of
compensation for the whole baggage.
5) Settlement of compensation for damaged baggage
(1) Passengers should be required to submit an accident record when
they claim that their luggage is intact when claiming their luggage,
otherwise they will not be accepted. Damaged baggage
compensation shall be accompanied by the following documents:
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A. "Luggage Handling Accident Visa";
B. The necessary proof of the lost value of luggage (such as the invoice
for the purchase of luggage);
C. The receipt (or copy) of the luggage tag;
D. In the case of baggage whose value has been declared, a receipt (or
copy) of the declared value surcharge shall be attached;
E. The baggage compensation fee receipt, and ask the passenger to
sign the receipt;
F. The necessary telegram;
G. Apportionment form (if apportionment settlement is required).
(2) The apportioned compensation does not exceed US$50 and no
apportioned settlement will be made.
(3) If apportionment is required for settlement, please refer to the
instructions for apportionment of baggage compensation.
6) Exemption from compensation for loss of liability baggage
Luggage with "exempt liability baggage tag", according to the
items marked with "X" in accordance with the label, are exempted
from corresponding transportation responsibilities: ① fragile,
perishable, the packaging does not meet the requirements, the lock
is not perfect, and the item occurs When damaged or short. ②The
baggage that has been damaged or damaged at the time of
collection and transportation, and the location of the baggage
exemption label and the part of the damage that has been enlarged
by this have been indicated.
7) Supplementary notes on the breakage of certain fragile items
(1) According to the general air transportation regulations, it is to
exclude the carrier’s responsibility for the damage of fragile items
placed in the checked baggage. However, there are some items
between the concept of fragile and non-fragile, such as Wooden
sculptures, etc., if such items are placed in checked baggage after
a fairly complete packaging process, and passengers declare
damages and claims within a strict time limit, they can accept
compensation within the scope of compensation.
(2) In another case, the compensation can also be based on the weight
of the broken part of the baggage. For example: because there are
fragile items in the baggage, the cabin baggage that is specially
kept by the carrier for safekeeping before boarding is damaged.
Settlement of claims within the scope of corresponding liability.
8) Compensation for damage to items in luggage
The outer packaging of the luggage is intact, unless the passenger
proposes to prove that it was caused by the company’s fault, and
it shall not be liable for damage to the contents of the luggage.
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9) Compensation for contaminated luggage
(1) Check the contaminated baggage carefully to determine whether
the contaminated baggage is caused by the airline’s fault or the
passenger’s reasons, so as to clarify the responsibility.
(2) If it is determined to be the responsibility of the airline, it shall be
handled as follows:
A. If the inspection can be cleaned, it should be cleaned as much as
possible, and the airline will bear the cleaning cost within the scope
of responsibility according to regulations.
B. If it cannot be cleaned, compensation shall be made according to the
value of liability.
C. Compensation can be based on the standard of compensation for
lost baggage: unless the passenger can present a valid declared value
surcharge receipt and/or excess baggage fee receipt, the above
compensation fee is calculated at USD 20 per kilogram, based on
the actual contaminated items Weight compensation, and the weight
of the compensation does not exceed the free baggage allowance
enjoyed by passengers.
(3) If it is indeed the responsibility of the passenger, the baggage
inquiry staff can assist the passenger to clear and sort the luggage,
and the passenger will retrieve it by himself. The company does
not need to bear the responsibility for cleaning and other
(4) Our company shall not be liable for damage to passengers’
luggage caused by items contained in their luggage.
(5) As the contents of the passenger's luggage cause damage to other
people's luggage or damage to the company's property, the
passenger shall compensate all losses of the company and all
expenses arising therefrom. Compensation for Lost Luggage
1) General regulations
When the passenger picks up the checked baggage, he finds that
some items in the baggage are lost, which is called the loss of
contents. If the baggage found to be missing is within the
supervision time of the carrier and within the jurisdiction, and it is
the responsibility of the company, the company shall be liable for
2) Time limit for claims
Passengers should make a declaration before leaving the baggage
claim area when they receive their luggage, and submit a claim to
the airport (station) where the contents are found within seven
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days from the date of the declaration.
3) Compensation standards for lost luggage
(1) In principle, the compensation is based on the actual value of the
lost items. The amount of compensation can refer to the price of
similar local items, but the compensation amount per kilogram is
limited to 30 US dollars.
(2) Take responsibility for the proportion of the weight of the lost
contents in the total weight of the checked baggage.
(3) In the case of baggage whose value has been declared, the
passenger presents a valid value-added surcharge receipt, and the
declared value shall be used as the compensation limit.
(4) If the checked baggage is overweight, it should be based on the
valid excess baggage ticket presented by the passenger, based on
the excess baggage amount paid for excess baggage charges plus
the free baggage allowance on the passenger ticket minus the
received baggage The weight is the calculated weight.
(5) Part of the luggage contents are damaged or lost, please provide
the shopping invoice, and deduct 15% of the depreciation fee
every year according to the decreasing method. The compensation
amount is negotiated with the passenger within the limit standard.
If the value of damaged and lost items is lower than the limit
standard, the actual value will be compensated.
(6) The amount of compensation for the loss of some items in the
baggage shall not exceed the maximum amount of compensation
for the whole baggage.
(7) Certain items can only be used as non-delivery baggage (such as
valuables, fragile items, etc.). If it is lost or damaged in the
delivery baggage, the company will not be liable for compensation.
(8) If you do not know the weight of the lost contents, please refer to
"Standard Weight of Lost Contents compiled by IATA". Provisions for Interline Baggage Compensation
1) Provisions for interline baggage compensation allocation
(1) The company settles the compensation fee allocated to foreign
A. If the passenger’s interline baggage is lost, if the liability cannot be
ascertained after the inquiry, the carrier should be responsible for
the compensation procedures, and the compensation sharing
method should be used to settle the settlement with the relevant
B. The apportionment ratio is calculated based on the mileage of the
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segments carried by the relevant carriers. Find mileage in <IATA
C. Fill in the compensation apportionment form and attach a copy of
the information in the voucher for "Settlement of Damaged
Baggage Compensation Fees".
D. When the apportioned compensation does not exceed US$100,
there is no need to provide a telegraphic inquiry;
E. The notice of apportionment of compensation to other carriers
should be submitted within three days after receiving compensation.
F. The apportioned compensation does not exceed US$50 and no
apportioned settlement will be made.
G. If the amount of compensation paid by one of the carriers exceeds
US$300, the carrier’s consent (a telegram or letter’s notice of
apportionment of sharing) should be obtained before the passenger
can be compensated. If there is no reply within 60 days after the
notice is issued, it shall be deemed that compensation has been
H. For the calculation of compensation allocation, the company shall
be responsible for the baggage inquiry and compensation related
business unit. If the company acts as an agent of other airlines for
its baggage inquiry and compensation business, the calculation of
the compensation allocation point shall occur by The business unit
responsible for baggage inquiry and compensation of the airline to
which the baggage accident flight belongs is responsible.
(2) Settlement by the foreign airline to the company (the loss of the
joint baggage that the company participated in the carrier has
occurred. When other carriers compensate for the compensation to
me, it shall be handled as follows):
A. First determine if there is this flight on the same day.
B. Check the international joint baggage transport record PIM
(PASSENGER TANSFER MESSAGE) in the check-in room, that
is, the joint passenger transfer report, to determine whether to
handle the transport of this joint baggage.
C. Check the record of our under-departure receipt and whether you
have received the inquiry telegram from the other party.
D. According to all the telegrams and materials provided by foreign
airlines, carefully analyze whether the baggage was lost due to the
fault of my flight.
E. If the responsibility for the accident cannot be determined after
review, we shall participate in the compensation allocation.
F. If there is evidence to be the responsibility of the foreign airline, it
should reply to the other party by telegram or telegram that the loss
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of the bag has nothing to do with our airline.
G. In the case of foreign airlines, the allocation of compensation shall
also be accompanied by the information in the certificate of
“Settlement of Damaged Baggage Compensation Fees”. If there is
any deficiency, it shall be requested for power generation by the
division of compensation and compensation of the airline, and the
missing information shall be clearly indicated in the telegram.
H. Check whether the telegrams provided by foreign airlines are
complete. Among them, more than two telegrams should be sent to
our airline (including the first query and the last query telegram).
I. Carefully review whether the apportionment ratio is correct.
J. If you agree to its apportioned amount, use the compensation
apportionment form to fill in the “appropriation reply” and/or notify
the other party by telegram; foreign airlines will use this as a
voucher and then transfer the relevant documents to the financial
department of the unit to the company’s international settlement
Room processing.
K. In case of disagreement or refusal to share, use "Compensation
Distribution Form" or telegram to inform the relevant carrier of the
reasons and opinions.
L. The notice of apportionment compensation issued by other carriers
to us shall be processed within three days after receipt of the notice,
and shall be completed within two months of receipt of the notice.
M. If a letter from Foreign Airlines asks the company to undertake
compensation sharing of more than three hundred dollars, it must
be answered within 30 days, otherwise, the carrier handling the
compensation may think that the company agrees to the
N. The handling of the baggage compensation letter from CAAC and
our company shall be the responsibility of our business unit
responsible for baggage inquiry and compensation.
(3) Acceptance of compensation from the originating carrier (If the
company acts as the originating carrier and the passenger returns
to the place of departure within the claim period to claim
compensation from the company, it shall be treated as follows):
A. Passengers should be required to provide the "baggage
transportation accident record" presented by the last carrier after the
baggage is found and reported at their arrival station.
B. Seek compensation advice from the last carrier, request the other
party to authorize our airline to handle the baggage compensation,
and agree to send the attached materials for compensation allocation.
C. Only after receiving the authorization letter from the last carrier can
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compensation be paid, and the passenger can be compensated
according to the compensation decision.
D. When baggage compensation does not involve the airline, for the
convenience of passengers, the company will handle the
compensation and advance the compensation on behalf of the
foreign airline (the relevant responsible carrier) agrees to authorize
the telegram or letter. Fees, but the calculation of compensation
sharing is the responsibility of the baggage compensation
department of the airline to which the flight occurred.
2) Instructions for filling in the compensation assessment form
(1) Fill in the content description
A. Fill in the detailed correspondence address of the corresponding
carrier that accepts our allocation.
B. Fill in the inquiry record number of the corresponding carrier.
C. Fill in our inquiry record number.
D. Fill in the filling date of the assessment form.
E. Fill in the passenger's name. If several passengers check in their
luggage together and lose them at the same time, they can fill in
their names together in this column.
F. Fill in the full voyage of the passenger's actual travel. Including
stopovers and transit stations during the journey.
G. Fill in the numbers of all the tickets for the above voyages, which
should include the ticket codes of the relevant carriers, such as
"999", "748", "160", etc.
H. Fill in the luggage tag number of the lost luggage.
I. Fill in the total value of the passenger’s claim in the “Lost Baggage
J. Fill in the compensation category. According to the type of
compensation, type "X" in the corresponding column.
K. Please make advance payment for our compensation. Use this
column when authorizing other carriers to pay compensation.
L. Please attach a copy of your inquiry file to your transfer statement
and transfer the following amount of our finance. This column is
used when we agree to the allocation of foreign airlines.
M. Please accept the percentage of compensation that you should pay.
In this column, fill in the percentage of compensation payable by
foreign airlines.
N. We have handled the baggage compensation, please authorize you
to transfer the following amount, fill in the compensation amount
that the other party should pay in this column.
O. I hope to receive your payment check or authorized telegram as

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soon as possible.
P. If you haven't received your reply within 60 days, then you think
that you agree to accept the compensation allocation processed by
us and will transfer it to you. When the other party’s carrier’s share
does not exceed US$300, 60 days after the relevant file has been
issued, if the other party’s reply has not been received, it can be
directly transferred to the carrier.
Q. According to the records provided by the front station, it proves that
the baggage has not been transferred to our flight at the front station.
If the front station (or the agent of the front station) can provide
proof (such as'NOT SEEN FOR TRANSFER MSG', etc.) and
determine that the baggage has not been transferred to our flight at
all, then we will not be liable for the lost baggage, Therefore, it does
not participate in the assessment.
R. The luggage tag of the bank arrives at XXX. When baggage is lost
due to the inconsistency between the baggage's arrival station and
the passenger's actual arrival station, fill in the arrival station shown
on the luggage tag in this column to explain the responsibility of the
S. Please contact the passenger directly to deal with this compensation.
If you need our agency, please write or call to inform. When our
airline is not the last responsible carrier, and passengers request
compensation from our airline, this column can be used when
issuing a bill to the last responsible carrier.
T. This case is not our responsibility.
U. The file information provided by you is not complete, please add
the following information.
V. Please reply to our letter dated below.
W. Carrier. Fill in the two-letter code of the carrier involved in the
X. Apportionment ratio. Fill in the proportion that the carrier should
Y. Amortized amount. Fill in the amount of compensation that the
carrier should pay.
Z. The actual weight of the baggage compensated.
Note: In addition to the above columns, if there are still other
problems that need to be explained or stated to the relevant carrier,
this column can be used as a supplement.
(2) Instructions
A. Completion of the compensation assessment form should be in
English and printed using an English typewriter or printer.
B. The assessment form should be typed according to the requirements
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of the English letter, and the person handling it must sign at the end
of the letter to show responsibility.
C. The column where the action is required is currently indicated by
D. The content should not be altered, especially in the amount of
E. Each compensation assessment form shall be in duplicate, one shall
be kept by the processor for inspection, and the other shall be sent
to the corresponding carrier.
F. Compensation apportionment slips can be used for apportionment
with foreign airlines, and can also be used as replies or urge letters. Luggage Compensation Procedures
1) Acceptance requirements
(1) When accepting compensation, you should verify whether the
company is responsible for transportation.
(2) If the company is not responsible for transportation, it should
promptly reply to the passenger, explain the reasons and basis for
not compensating, and return all relevant tickets and documents of
the passenger.
(3) If the company is responsible for transportation, if passengers
have claims, they should compensate passengers (including
passengers with discount tickets).
2) Acceptance basis
(1) When accepting compensation, you should check and prepare the
necessary documents and materials according to the following
clauses of this manual.
(2) Compensation for under-collected baggage, loss of contents, self-
care baggage and free carry-on items shall be implemented with
reference to the relevant provisions of international transportation
liability and compensation.
(3) According to the company's baggage compensation regulations,
propose compensation opinions and negotiate with passengers to
determine the amount of compensation. After the examination and
approval, the passengers shall go through the baggage
compensation procedures.
3) Procedures
(1) Fill in the "Luggage Compensation Fee Receipt" and hand over
the passenger to the passenger.
(2) Withdraw the passenger's "baggage transportation error record".
(3) If the passenger has already paid the excess baggage fee, the
excess baggage fee shall be refunded to the passenger.
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(4) The baggage compensation of the insurance company's baggage
insurance does not affect the company's performance of the
responsible compensation.
(5) The compensation fee for the abnormal transportation of the
company’s flight baggage shall be borne by the company, but such
compensation shall be caused by the staff of the ground service
agent airport intentionally or knowingly may cause losses and rash
actions, and shall be borne by the agency.
(6) If the passenger declares baggage loss (including damage, loss of
contents, pollution, etc.) off-site, the passenger shall submit the
declaration within 7 days after leaving the airport. HNA will not
accept it unless the following three conditions are met at the same
A. Passengers must submit a declaration to the carrier by fax, mail or
post in writing.
B. Passengers should provide other side certificates, such as photos of
broken luggage and accidental luggage, or written certification of
other travelers.
C. Passengers must provide ticket or boarding pass or photocopy,
luggage tag or photocopy, and ID or photocopy.
4) Approval authority
(1) Passenger baggage inquiries suppliers that meet the passenger
baggage compensation requirements of our company for abnormal
baggage compensation (see Chapter 14 Liability and
Compensation) shall take the initiative to negotiate with
passengers and go through the payment procedures; for
compensation within the prescribed free baggage allowance, our
company’s airport Approved by the Commercial Office (outside
station is headed by the ground baggage inquiry airport
authorization department authorized by the agreement).
(2) The delayed baggage delivery fee shall be implemented in
accordance with the relevant agreements signed by HNA with
various airlines or agents, and the fee shall be borne by the airline;
(3) If baggage is delayed, if passengers wait at the airport for more
than 4 hours, they can make room and board arrangements in
accordance with the service standards of abnormal flights;
(4) When handling the luggage compensation cases of our company,
the investigating units in various places can, in principle, be
approved by the person in charge of the investigating unit, and can
handle cases with a compensation amount of less than RMB 500;
if the amount exceeds RMB 500 and meets the compensation
standard, the investigating unit shall consult the department on
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duty Staff decision; if the standard is exceeded or materials need
to be submitted afterwards, transfer it to the internal control
quality and baggage management mailbox "bzcxlgls@hnair.com"
of the ground service management department;
(5) If passengers are dissatisfied with the on-site processing results,
the resulting service abnormal events that may have a certain
negative impact on the company in society will be reported in
accordance with the HNA Stock Services Emergency Crisis Public
Relations Event Public Opinion Disposal Process.
5) Undertaking and settlement of compensation costs
(1) Baggage compensation fees (including compensation, repair costs,
damage compensation fees, delivery of baggage transportation
fees, and late baggage compensation compensation fees) are borne
by the carrier, and the residual value of damaged baggage and
other expenses belong to HNA.
(2) In the case of other carrier responsibilities, the compensation paid
by the terminal shall be settled by the receiving terminal at the end
of each month.
(3) The following materials (original or photocopy) can be attached
to the settlement of compensation costs:
A. Passenger baggage claim form, lost baggage questionnaire and
related materials to prove the content and value of baggage;
B. Baggage transportation accident record or damaged baggage record,
baggage handling accident visa, baggage collection voucher,
overweight baggage receipt, baggage compensation fee receipt and
C. The compensation and settlement currency for domestic flights is
RMB; those that need to be converted are converted into RMB for
settlement according to the foreign exchange rate of the Bank of
China on the day of the incident.
6) Off-site compensation and distribution requirements
(1) Scope of application
A. The passenger did not submit a compensation request on the spot,
and contacted our company after the flight operation to request
B. There is not enough cash at the disposal site, and the passenger is
agreed to compensate afterwards.
C. The compensation amount cannot be determined at the disposal site,
and the compensation amount will be determined after investigation.
(2) Basic principles
A. According to the requirements of the first question responsibility
system, the supervisor on duty is responsible for the communication,
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soothing and tracking of compensation for passengers and baggage
disposal of irregular flights.
B. The staff should pay attention to the passenger experience when
disposing, give priority to the promised passenger compensation,
and then reimburse and settle the abnormal flight expenses
according to company regulations and agreement requirements.
(3) Compensation and payment
A. Confirm the compensation amount: the on-site disposal staff will
determine the passenger compensation amount according to Hainan
Airlines’ abnormal flight/baggage disposal requirements. For
specific standards, please refer to the chapters on abnormal flight
services and baggage services.
B. Obtain account information: After confirming the compensation
amount, the staff confirms and records the date, flight number,
passenger name, contact information, account opening bank
information (name of the account holder, account number),
compensation amount, etc., pay attention to repeat the confirmation
account information with the passenger.
C. Payment of compensation
a The staff should complete the transfer and remittance within 7
days after recording the passenger information. Under special
circumstances such as large-scale flight delays, the remittance
should be completed within 10 days.
b In the case where the transfer cannot be made smoothly due to
incomplete information provided by the passenger, the staff
should contact the passenger in time to correct the information
and complete the remittance within the specified time after
obtaining the accurate information.
c Pay attention to checking the account opener's name, account
number and other information during the transfer of
remittances, confirm receipt of the transfer success prompt,
and keep the paper or electronic version of the remittance
D. Confirmation of compensation payment:
a The staff informs the passenger that the transfer has been
successful by phone or text message after the transfer and
remittance are completed, and confirms the receipt of the
passenger response.
b If it is transferred by the abnormal flight room or quality
control unit of the marketing department, the transfer unit will
be notified by mail on the day of transfer.

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Ground Operation Manual 5
5 Service Provided for High-end Passengers
5.1 Service Procedures for High-end Passengers

5.1.1 Scope of High-end Passengers

1) Important passengers(VVIP\VIP\CIP);
2) Business class passengers;
3) HNA Group/Company Guests (company leaders, company-level
guests, department-level guests).;
4) Passengers with Fortune wing Platinum/Golden/Silver or Golden
Deer card.
5) Passengers with Golden Deer card.
Passenger Category Specific Definition
(1)General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Members of the Standing
Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Members or Alternate
Members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, President or Vice-
President of People’s Republic of China, Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Standing
Committee of the National People's Congress, The Premier, Vice-Premiers, State
VVIP Councilors, Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Political Consultative
Conference, Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission,
Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Protectorate, President of the Supreme
People's Court.
(2)The heads of foreign countries, governments(above deputy prime minister), or
ruling parties, Speaker or Surrogate Speaker of Parliament, UN Secretary-General.
(1) Heads and their deputies of provincial or ministerial parties or
organizations(Including deputies),
(2) Military leaders with the rank of Major-General or above,
(3) Foreign ambassadors and diplomatic ministers.
(4)Passengers who need to be treated as VIP according to the demands of provincial or
ministerial organizations or embassies & consulates.
Important (5)Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of
passengers Engineering (same treatment level as deputy ministerial).
VIP (6)Special-grade/first/second-level civilian cadres in military.
(7)VIP in HNA’s VIP list.
Note: ⑴-⑷ is the VIP definition scope of the Civil Aviation Administration [1994] No.
22 "Regulations on Transportation Services for Important Passengers Taking Civil
Airplanes"; ⑸-⑺ is the newly added VIP of HNA Holdings based on the actual
conditions of the Civil Aviation Administration, various airlines and airports Within the
scope, each agency shall provide ground service guarantee in accordance with VIP equal
treatment when the conditions are met.
CIP is dominated by high-level figures from the political, military and financial
sectors. The scope of reference is as follows:
(1) Party and Political sectors: Heads and their deputies of department-level.
(2) Military and police sectors: Leaders at the level of the colonel and colonel; leaders
of the provincial armed police, public security, and fire brigade.
(3) Financial sectors: Deputy governors of provincial banks or above; heads of
branches directly under the China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Banking
Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, or provincial
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branches; major leaders of financial institutions such as China's securities industry,
banking industry, and insurance industry, or their direct subsidiaries Person in charge
of branches and provincial branches.
(4) Other well-known personalities in industry and commerce, education, media,
medicine, sports, etc., the main leaders of domestic core media, and the main leaders
of domestic well-known enterprises.
(5) Relatives of VVIP.

Business class Business

Passengers who purchase seats in business class.
passengers class

HNA (1) Guests assigned by the leaders Group Board of directors;

Group (2) Guests assigned by Group Office approved by official documents or notified by
Guests mails.

HNA Group /
Company- Refers to the guests assigned by the company leaders of Hainan Airlines Holdings Co.,
level Ltd., according to the specific assignment requirements, free or paid to provide service.

Refers to the guests applied by various departments (including bases and branches) of
HNA Holdings Co., Ltd, VIP service provided through cash or periodic reduction of
business activity fees of the applying unit.
with a flight mileage of 100,000 points or 80 qualifying flight sectors.

Passengers with a flight mileage of 50,000 points or 40 qualifying flight sectors.

with Fortune Golden
wing cards
with a flight mileage of 30,000 points or 20 qualifying flight sectors.

When purchasing Hainan Airlines Golden Deer Card, the customer base is targeted at
high-level business people and government employees.
Note: Both old and new versions are acceptable
Old Version:

Golden Deer Golden

Card Deer
New Version:

1、 In principle, this definition and supporting service standards are applicable to domestic and overseas stations,
but CIP service rights and interests are only in areas where domestic and overseas can provide supporting

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services. For the specific list, please refer to the specific agreements between our company and agents
around the world.
2、 The above is the company's principled definition of high-end passengers. For the specific definition of
personnel entering the customer base, please refer to the company's "HNA Holdings Management
Regulations for the Customer Base".
3、 If the identity of important passengers is superimposed, the highest identity of the passenger is provided for

5.1.2 Service Principle

Ground service units should provide corresponding services in
accordance with the service standards and service products
corresponding to various high-end passengers. Among them, the
service principles for important passengers and HNA Group
important guests are as follows:
Service principle for important passengers
1) Specialized staff should be appointed for the service of important
passengers such as reservation, ticketing, information transfer.
Basically, reservation and ticketing should be done by HU
ticketing offices.
2) The flights with important passengers should be provided with
good service and kept confidential.
3) HNA CIP ground high-end service rights are limited to domestic
inbound and outbound of HNA domestic flights and international
flights, excluding overseas inbound and outbound.
4) In the process of flight supporting for important passengers, in
case of any abnormal situation, each supporting unit must
promptly report to the on-duty leaders and report the handling
results to the AOC customer service desk. Service principle for HNA Group important guests
1) Emergency processing and notification system for emergencies
2) After receiving the guest’s information notified, the VIP rooms
and stations should contact the guest or main contact personnel in
advance (when designated the flight scheduled to depart before
10am, the guests should be contacted one day before departure) to
confirm the arrival time at the airport of the guests to avoid the
situation of no one contacting or leading after the guests arrive at
the airport.
3) Group Guest First Principle
In case of special emergencies such as failure to purchase tickets
in time, temporarily changing flights, overweight baggage, etc.,
you must first call the person in charge of the reception and
support of HNA Group, and according to the his/her instructions,

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first guarantee the guest's itinerary, and then fill in the relevant
procedures or ticket.
4) Priority Flying Principle
In case of special emergencies such as failure to purchase tickets
in time, temporarily changing flights, overweight baggage, etc.,
you must first call the person in charge of the reception and
support of HNA Group, and according to the his/her instructions,
first guarantee the guest's itinerary, and then fill in the relevant
procedures or ticket.
5) Interpretation Principle
When you need to explain the reasons to the guests in special
emergencies, you should consult the person in charge of the
reception and support of HNA Group and deal with them flexibly,
and you must not explain them privately to avoid unnecessary
6) Confidentiality Principle
Group guests' identity information, itinerary information, etc.
need to be kept strictly confidential, and the staff of each
supporting unit shall not ask the guests for their follow-up
itinerary in order to avoid leakage of confidentiality. Relevant
information required during the supporting process can be
consulted to the person in charge of the reception and support of
HNA Group.
7) Information Feedback Principle
Each ground support unit needs to verify whether the agent has the
reception authority and the mail is copied to the director of the
group reception office when receiving support requirements such
as upgrades, priority standby, baggage consignment, etc. The
reception staff should feedback the results after completing the
processing in order to count the completion rate of related work.
8) Emergency processing and notification system for emergencies
When carrying out reception support work, the ground first-line
units should implement the service as required. If there is an
emergency during the reception process, the person in charge of
the group reception shall be notified as soon as possible, and the
person in charge shall request instructions from the leader or the
leader secretary to determine the follow-up emergency service
plan. Unexpected situations include: flight overbooking, aircraft
change, flight delay, flight cancellation, excess baggage, etc.
5.1.3 Service Procedures
The ground service procedures of high-end passengers includes
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multiple service links such as information transmission
requirements. Ground service staffs should provide services in
accordance with the standards corresponding to various high-end
passengers. Passenger categories not included in specific service
links do not make special requirements in principle. For the
purpose of improving service quality, it can be protected according
to the temporary service instructions and passenger service needs. Information Transmission
1) When transmitting high-end passenger information, each
information transmission channel must be ensure that the content
is comprehensive and accurate. The Transmitting content includes
and is not limited to: guest information (name, identity, seat,
baggage, accompanying, special needs, etc.), flight information
(flight number, flight time, etc.), etc.
2) Areas with HU station representatives
The ground staffs or supervisors of Group member companies
inquire for the VIP, CIP guest’s information, and notify the local
airport ground support unit one day in advance, and will be
responsible for monitoring the ground support situation.
Fully entrusted satellite station areas (areas without HU station or
member companies’ representatives) AOC Customer Service
Desk is responsible for informing the airport ground support unit
one day in advance of the passenger information in the supervision
area. All supervision units should inform the airport ground
service unit immediately once receiving above passenger
information, and be responsible for monitoring the ground service
3) AOC Customer Service Desk is responsible for information
transmission of VVIP and monitoring the ground support situation. Information Transmission and Service Requirements of

Temporary Important Passengers

1) At areas with HU station representatives or under the supervision
of Group member companies, information transmission
procedures of temporary important passengers are as follows:
(1) Ground Service units (Check-in and Lounge) staffs check
passenger’s identification information etc., if the information of
important passengers is identified, the seats should be arranged
according to the concerned rules. Checked baggage should be
marked with priority; its receiving should be identified by the
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sorting departments, and loading should be checked by supervisor
departments. VIP Lounge should provide VIP service for
important passengers according to their ranks. If the important
passengers are VVIP or VIP, receptionist of VIP lounge should be
informed to meet them. For CIP, whether there is a meeting service
or not is according to the agreements between HU and local VIP
(2) Hainan Airlines station representatives should submit temporary
important passengers information to VIP Office of Sales &
Marketing Department (VVIP itinerary information is reported by
fax) by SIM and monitoring ground service situation (Fax
number-010-59782188, Phone-010-57814690).
(3) Leader on-duty of check-in desk, leaders of VIP reception, and HU
station representatives are responsible to inquire and obtain the
information of the VIP/CIP added, change and cancellation
information released by the SIM system, and monitor supporting
process of important passengers.
(4) On receiving information of temporary important
passengers(excluding VVIP), VIP office of Sales & Marketing
Department should publish it through SIM, X-Platform of HNA,
New Operation Website, FLIGHT OPS, email, etc.
(5) When the flight is boarding, the VIP reception unit should hand
over the important passenger’s information to the inflight manager
/ chief flight attendants, including job title, baggage information
and seat number.
(6) The reception department at the arrival station requires the
relevant preparations in advance when receiving the temporary
important passengers’ information from HNA, and provides the
pick-up service according to the standard of HNA passenger
Remarks: HNA’s self-operated and named VIP lounges are
responsible for the temporary declaration of VIP information to
the marketing department through the SIM system (VVIP itinerary
information is reported by fax).
2) At fully entrusted satellite station areas, information transmission
procedures of temporary important passengers are as follows:
(1) For the unit (check-in or VIP lounge) that first obtains the
temporary important passengers’ information, its staff identify the
passenger’s identification. If the passenger is identified as
important passenger, the staff should notify the information to VIP
Office of Sales & Marketing Department of HNA(Fax:010-
59782188, tel:010-57814690), and notify AOC Customer Service
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Desk (0898-65987105/65987106), who is responsible for
monitoring ground service process.
(2) Check-in staffs check passenger’s identification information etc.,
if the information of important passengers is identified, the seats
should be arranged according to the concerned rules. Checked
baggage should be marked with priority; its receiving should be
identified by the sorting departments, and loading should be
checked by supervisor departments. VIP Lounge should provide
VIP service for important passengers according to their ranks. If
the important passengers are VVIP or VIP, receptionist of VIP
lounge should be informed to meet them. For CIP, whether there
is a meeting service or not is according to the agreements between
HU and local VIP Lounge.
3) Other information transmission requirements
(1) Due to confidentiality requirements, VVIP information must
submit a fax form to VIP Office of Sales & Marketing Department
and confirm by phone. They will not accept the submission via
SIM or emails.
(2) Each unit must transmit the relevant information within 30
minutes after receiving the important passengers’ information.
4) Handling skills for temporary important passengers
(1) Identified documents of important passengers should be shown at
check-in. Those who are marked in DRS should be treated as
important passengers. If the information is not contained in SIM
system, submit to VIP Office of Sales & Marketing Department
according to the temporary declaration procedures, VIP Office
will publish the service information all concerned offices.
(2) For those who take our company’s flights for the first time and are
not contained in the list of important passengers, and who are not
marked VIP in DRS, if they proposed the VIP application during
check-in, the check-in office and VIP Lounge should follow the
principle of “Service before Verify” and treat them as important
passengers, and at the same time, inform VIP Office to check
passengers’ identities through government website, to avoid
passengers waiting at check-in counters.
(3) Irregular information should obey the rule “inform first,
investigate later”. The events should be informed by ground
handling department in 30 minutes to local on-duty leaders of the
first responsible person through phone or short messengers, and
the Customer Service Desk of AOC by phone, Customer Service
Desk is in charge of subsequent processing of irregular
information according to the kinds and severity.
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Ground Operation Manual 5 Seat reservation/optimal seats and distribution
1) Scope
Seats reserved for VVIP/VIP/CIP/Group important
guests/company guests are applicable to HU/CN international and
domestic routes;
Note: International routes are areas where our company is
stationed; for Fortune Wings VIP members and product
passengers, the market unit is responsible for seat reservation.
2) Principles of seat reservation
(1) On the day before the flight takes off, after the flight is initialized,
the ground support unit performs X lock in the departure system
according to the number of VVIP, VIP, CIP, and group/company
guest forecasts, and uses "D" and "D" according to passenger
preferences and seat requirements. V" locks and other effective
forms reserve seats for important passengers; if the flight does not
have the above types of VIPs, the ground support unit also needs
to lock the three seats on the left side of the first row after the flight
is initialized, which is suitable for temporarily added VIPs , Do
not release the X lock instruction in advance (except for the
requirements of the stowage unit); if the flight has no temporary
new guests, the high-end check-in counter may give priority to the
three seats on the left side of the first row to VIP member
passengers ( First come first served).
Operating instructions: The ground support unit should use the
JCS instruction to reserve the seat in the "D" and "V" state. It is
not recommended to use the PA instruction to reserve the
passenger seat in the "P" state. This form of reserved seat is
extremely It is easy to be occupied by others; if the operator is an
ordinary counter check-in person (level 91, JCS instructions
cannot be used), he should promptly notify the departure or the
duty director to make a reservation for passengers at the counter
check-in (level 82).
(2) Ground support units have priority to use the three X-lock seats
on the left side of the first row of economy class. B737-88N
models have three X-lock seats on the right side of the economy
class. No unit may reserve/preselect to others in advance during
the sales link. Passengers; the marketing department can use seats
other than X locks.
(3) When the flight starts to check in, the ground support unit will
issue seats for the high-end passengers of the corresponding
category after soliciting the wishes of high-end passengers on the
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Ground Operation Manual 5
spot according to the reserved seats.
(4) If high-end passengers have not reserved seats in advance, the
seats will be issued on the first-come-first-served basis; if high-
end passengers no longer have front seats when they arrive, the
check-in staff should recommend the best window/aisle to high-
end passengers Seats; before the seats are issued, they will be
issued after soliciting the wishes of high-end passengers on the
(5) The main base areas in Beijing, Haikou, and Taiyuan will reserve
an equal number of seats in the economy class according to the
number of trips of the Fortune Wings VIP members on the same
day, and distribute them on the spot on a first-come, first-served
3) Other matters
(1) If VIP or CIP request seats when purchases tickets, the call center
of the marketing department can use seats other than X locks to
make reservations synchronously; if the relevant needs of the
customers cannot be met (including those other than seat
reservations) Other requirements) The call center must verbally
inform the client.
(2) When the operating unit reserves seats for important passengers
and finds that the seats are insufficient, the ground support unit
and the marketing department call center will negotiate, and then
the seat will be reserved and issued after a consensus.
Main Contacts for Seat Reservation in VIP Lounges
Area Duty Tel Email
Beijing Dispatcher 010-84166991 bjgbs@hnair.com
Haikou Dispatcher 0898-65751527/65751710 gbs@hnair.com
Xi’an Dispatcher 029-88797811 xagbs@hnair.com
Xinjiang Dispatcher 0991-3807701 xjgbs@hnair.com
Taiyuan Dispatcher 0351-7812270 TYGB@hnair.com
Main Contacts for Seat Reservation in Marketing call senter
1 Contact Membership Hot Line 950717-2 and asking for manager on duty
2 Email
Email is mannered 0800-2400
Note: For the contact information of other ground units, please
refer to the HNA X platform.
4) Restrictions
Some airports are unable to provide high-end passenger seat
reservation services due to airport conditions. For specific
restrictions, the latest agreement terms shall prevail.

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Ground Operation Manual 5 Check-in Service
1) Counter’s classification
High-end passenger check-in areas: counters are equipped with
business class check-in counters and Fortune Wings Elite
members check-in counters.
2) Scope of application
Important passengers, Group important guests, card passengers,
and company guests.
(1) Platinum Card members with valid cards and HU/CN valid tickets
can bring two travel partners to enjoy the check-in service at high-
end passengers check-in counters/areas;
(2) Golden Card members with valid cards and HU/CN valid ticket
can bring a travel partner to enjoy the check-in service at Fortune
Wings Elite members check-in counters/areas.
Note: For areas without Fortune Wings Elite members check-in
counter, Golden Card members can check in at the business class
check-in counter.
(3) Silver Card members with valid cards and HU/CN valid ticket can
check in at Fortune Wings Elite members check-in counters/areas.
In other cities and international departures, Silver Card members
can check in at business class check-in counter. If there is no
Fortune Wings Elite members check-in counters at the local
airport, silver members can check in at the business class check-
in counter.
(4) Golden Deer Cards members with valid cards, HU valid ticket,
and ID cards can check in at Fortune Wings Elite members check-
in counters. If there is no Fortune Wings Elite members check-in
counters at the local airport, they can check in at the business class
check-in counter.
3) Service Standards of high-end passenger’s check-in
(1) Arrange receptionists at business class check-in area/counter in
HNA Bases areas;
(2) Receptionists are responsible for guiding and diverting passengers
and answering passengers’ questions.
4) Remark
(1) If a Fortune Wings Club member purchases electronic ticket, only
the Fortune Wings Platinum Card, Gold Card or Silver Card and
valid ID of the member are required;
(2) The member codes shown in DOC system: Furtune Wings
Platinum Card- “V”; Golden Card- “G”; Silver Card: “S”; Golden
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Ground Operation Manual 5
Deer Card: "AAAA"or “JL”. Baggage transportation service
1) The ground support unit should arrange for specific staff to check
in important passengers’ baggage, check-in baggage must be
tagged with “VIP passenger “tags, check whether the check-in
baggage is intact, and clear the old baggage tags on the check-in
baggage; The baggage of VIP retinue shall be checked-in and
recorded as important passengers’ . After baggage checked-in,
check with important passengers about their baggage amount and
destination, and hand over baggage tags to important passengers.
The VVIP baggage allowance is not limited.
2) Baggage allowance of VIP passengers is based on their tickets, at
the same time, they have free additional 20 kg allowance on the
weight-concept flights, or extra 1 PC of baggage allowance
according to their tickets class level on the piece-concept flights,
and each baggage weight limit is: Business Class 32 kg (70
pounds), Economy Class 23 kg (50 pounds).
3) Baggage allowance of CIP passengers is based on their tickets, at
the same time, they have free additional 20 kg allowance on the
weight-concept flights, or extra 1pc of baggage allowance
according to their tickets class level on the piece-concept flights
which weight is no more than 23kg.
4) Baggage allowance of Fortune Wings Platinum/Golden/Silver
members: The free checked baggage allowance for domestic and
international routes is implemented in accordance with the
baggage transportation policy issued by the Marketing
Department. You can check the latest information published on the
official website of Hainan Airlines (query path: travel
information-baggage information-free checked baggage, and
subject to change). Baggage Loading and Supervision
1) The guarantee unit for important passengers should arrange staff
to check with the baggage sorting unit to confirm the checked-in
baggage amount, and monitor the baggage loading.
2) The loading staff need to put the important passengers’ baggage at
the top of the container or near the door of bulk. The important
passengers’ baggage should be packed in separate container.
3) For wide-body aircraft, the container with important passengers’
luggage should be loaded last.
4) For narrow body aircraft, the important passengers’ baggage
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Ground Operation Manual 5
should be finally loaded at a suitable location near the door of the
cargo compartment, where is convenient for priority unloading.
5) If passengers’ baggage needs to be off-loaded due to abnormal
conditions, baggage of important passengers are not allowed to
off-loading. Baggage Priority Service
1) Applicable to HU/CN international and domestic routes
2) Baggage of important passengers and Group important guests
should be attached with the "VIP passenger" tags on outbound
flights, and baggage will be collected in priority on inbound flights;
3) Baggage of Business Class passengers should be attached with the
"Business Class" tags.
4) Fortune Wings (Platinum/Golden/Silver Card members)
passengers and company guests should be attached with the
"Priority Baggage" tags, and enjoy priority luggage service at
domestic or international airports (Please refer to official website
for more details)
For more details, please refer to Chapter Check-in Services and
Ramp Services. Guidance Service
1) Scope:VVIP, VIP enjoy guidance service from the ground
service staffs, CIP, Group important guests, platinum card
passengers, company guests can enjoy guidance services
according to their requests.
2) Guidance service for departure
(1) After check-in, assign a specific VIP service staff to provide a
guidance service of passing security check and going to lounge.
(if important passengers in business class and their retinue in
economy class need to pass the security check for business class
together, VIP service staff need to coordinate with the security unit;
If the airport clearly stipulates that the economy class passengers
cannot be checked through the track for business, the VIP service
staff should do the explanation well).
(2) Boarding notification and guidance: VIP service staff need to
know the flight boarding information, confirm the boarding time
with VIP retinue (first boarding or later boarding), and guide VIP
for boarding in a way of "one-to-one". If the plane is parked in
the apron, prepare a VIP shuttle bus in advance. VVIP and retinue
take a VIP shuttle bus separately; VIP and retinue can be arranged
in a VIP shuttle bus with other high-end passengers.
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Ground Operation Manual 5
(3) Service requirements for full-time escort in outbound flights: VIP
service staff should guarantee VIP passengers’ check-in, security
check, VIP lounge and boarding service with full-time escort, and
guide VIP passengers until the cabin door when boarding, and
hand over their identity information, seats number, retinue and
hand luggage to the cabin manager and chief flight attendant; If
the plane is parked in the apron, VIP service staff should full-time
escort VIP passengers in the shuttle bus.
(4) Reduce the confirmation procedures between the VIP hotline and
the guarantee units. The VIP hotline receives the service
application of platinum card members, and directly sends the order
to the ground guarantee units in Beijing, Haikou, Xi'an, Taiyuan,
and Urumqi. The ground guarantee unit provide services to the
platinum card members according to their needs. (One-to-one
guide service from check-in counter to VIP lounge)
3) Guidance service for arrival
(1) Service requirements for full-time escort in inbound flights: VIP
service staff should arrive at parking bay location and wait for the
VIP passengers 10 minutes in advance, guide the VIP passengers
to pick up the luggage and go to the designated place; if the flight
is parked in the apron, the supporting staff should arrive at the
apron 15 minutes before the flight landing to wait for the VIP, after
receiving the VIP, full-time escort VIP passengers in the shuttle
bus, and guide the VIP to collect the luggage and go to the
designated location.
(2) Due to the different requirements of the borders and customs
abroad, there may be situations where the staffs cannot be
accompanied in the pick-up and drop-off procedures, and the
supporting staffs are required to communicate well with the
reception handling staffs or the guests themselves in advance.
(3) Flight transit guidance service is provided in accordance with
normal flight standards.
(4) Please refer to the "Ground Service Manual” for the detailed
requirements of the guidance service. If the customer puts forward
praise or questions about our service contacts, please immediately
report to the HNA station staff/HNA Customer Service Desk (fully
commissioned areas).
(5) N/A to oversea stations. Security Check of Fast Track Service
1) Important passengers(CIP cannot enjoy the service in some areas
due to airport restrictions, specifically: Beijing, Qinhuangdao,
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Jinzhou, Mudanjiang, Qiqihar, Jiamusi. Note: The specific actual
restrictions are subject to the latest agreement terms)
2) Business class passengers
3) Company guests (In Haikou, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Taiyuan, Urumqi,
you can enjoy business class security inspection channels, and
other areas are according to the original cabin class.)
4) Fortune Wings Elite members
(1) Fortune Wings Platinum Card members can use the invitation card
issued at the check-in counter to enjoy the security check of fast
track service for business class passengers; (The cities that can
provide the security check of fast track service are as follows);
(2) Fortune Wings Golden/Silver Card members can enjoy the
security check of fast track service for business class passengers
in Haikou, Xi'an, Taiyuan and Urumqi when take the HU/CN
flights. VIP Lounge Service
1) Scope
(1) Important passengers
(2) Business class passengers
(3) Group/Company important passengers
(4) Fortune Wings Elite passengers
(5) The Golden Deer Card members
(6) AS Elite members (MVP GOLD, MVP GOLD75K members, only
enjoy the lounges in Beijing, Haikou, Xi'an, Urumqi, Guangzhou,
if there is no member lounge in local airport, they can enjoy the
business class lounge。)
2) Amounts of accompanying persons
(1) VVIP:no limitation.
(2) VIP:3 retinue.
(3) CIP:1 retinue(Note: "Special Contribution" CIP passengers in
HNA's self-operated areas: 2 retinue).
(4) Group important guests: Arrange the amounts of accompanying
persons on demand.
(5) Business class passengers:passengers only;
(6) Fortune Wings Elite passengers
A. Platinum Card:2 retinue on the same flight (Can bring infants
under two years old (inclusive), not accounting for the number of
B. Golden Card:1 retinue on the same flight (Can bring infants under
two years old (inclusive), not accounting for the number of
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Ground Operation Manual 5
C. Silver Card:passenger only;
(7) Gold Deer Card:passenger only;
(8) Company guests: Arrange the amounts of accompanying persons
on demand.
(9) AS Elite members(MVP GOLD、MVP GOLD75K members):
1 retinue on the same flight (Can bring infants under two years old
(inclusive), not accounting for the number of entourage).
(10) Remarks: Fortune Wings Platinum members can enjoy business
class lounge services when taking domestic and international
flights of Hainan Airlines. Fortune Wings Golden and Silver Card
members can enjoy the Fortune Wings Golden and Silver Card
Member Lounge when taking domestic and international flights of
Hainan Airlines; if there is no Member Lounge, they can enjoy the
business class lounge. Subject to the service requirements of the
documents issued by the company's product category.
3) Notification of boarding service
(1) In the prominent position of VIP Lounge there will flight displays
and clocks in eye-catching positions to provide correct flight
boarding information;
(2) Before boarding, the lounge staffs should know the flight boarding
time, and remind passengers individually in lounge. Verify the VIP
information of each flight to ensure all boarding. Priority boarding service
High-end passengers enjoy boarding in a dedicated channel.
According to the actual situation, high-end passengers can board
at any time. VIP Shuttle Bus Service
1) VIP shuttle bus service for departure on apron (Some stations may
not be able to provide such service, subject to new service
agreement and information published on official website).
(1) Scope
A. Important passengers
B. Business class passenger
C. Group/Company important guests
D. Fortune Wings Platinum members can enjoy VIP shuttle bus service
for departure on apron when taking HU/CN flights. Golden/Golden
Deer Card members can enjoy VIP shuttle bus service for departure
on apron in Haikou, Xi'an, Taiyuan, Urumqi (Golden Card
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Ground Operation Manual 5
illegibility is now extended to Guangzhou and Shenzhen Station),
Silver Card members is not illegible for VIP shuttle bus service for
departure on apron.
(2) Service principles
A. VIP Dispatcher is responsible for collecting the information on
apron, boarding, aircraft kinds, number of passengers and so on. The
application for shuttle vehicles should be written;
B. If the plane is parked at a remote stand, prepare the VIP shuttle bus
in advance; separate VIP shuttle bus should be arranged for VVIP,
accompanying and important group guests;
C. VIP dispatcher should arrange vehicles according to passengers’
numbers. Rain gears should be prepared on overcast or rainy days;
D. VIP drivers should adjust the temperature in the vehicle and prepare
well for the flight and the inspection of the seat covers, tablecloths
and hygiene in the VIP shuttle bus.
E. Guiders should go to dispatcher office to fetch “the application for
shuttle vehicles”, go to the gate to check vehicles as well as
boarding cards of high-end passengers, guide the passengers get on
the vehicle with gesture and monitor the process. When all
passengers getting on vehicle, guiders tell passengers to prepare for
leaving and inform VIP drivers to reach designated positions;
F. Guider should remind the driver to volume down the radio and
control the driving speed during dropping off process;
G. When the passengers who enjoy VIP shuttle bus service for
departure on apron arrive at the designated parking position, if
plenty of passengers from economy class shuttle bus are boarding,
the instructor should first consult with VIP passengers and suggest
that VIP passengers first take a short break on the VIP shuttle bus to
wait for economy class passengers finishing boarding.(Remarks: In
case of VIP passengers do not want to wait, they can board the
aircraft together with passengers in economy class).
H. When boarding is finished, guiders should inform the VIP
2) Reception service on apron
In principle, the following 3 kinds of passengers in the domestic
and overseas regions can enjoy this service (Some stations may
not be able to provide such service, subject to new service
agreement; Fortune Wings Club members and Golden Deer card
holders are not illegible to this service):
A. Important passengers
B. Business class passengers
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C. Group/Company important guests
(1) Service Principles
A. VIP Dispatcher is responsible for collecting the information on
apron, boarding, aircraft kinds, number of passengers and so on. The
application for shuttle vehicles should be written;
B. If the plane is parked on apron, prepare a VIP shuttle bus in advance.
VVIP and retinue, Group important guests can be arranged VIP
shuttle bus individually;
C. VIP Dispatcher should arrange vehicles according to passengers’
number, rain gears should be prepared on overcast or rainy days;
D. VIP drivers should prepare well for the flight and the inspection of
the seat covers, tablecloths and hygiene in the VIP shuttle bus;
E. Guiders should go to dispatcher office to fetch “the application for
shuttle vehicles”, know passengers’ number, go to appointed
positions to check the situation of vehicles, prepare for reception 15
minutes ahead;
F. After the plane arrives, the VIP shuttle should park at the designated
parking space of the bridge/passenger elevator car, and the guide
arrives to meet and guide the passengers who enjoy the pick-up
service from the remote airport. After getting all the passengers,
guider should check the number, close the door, and advise
passengers to prepare for leaving, And notify the driver of the VIP
car to close the door to start the car, and dropping off the passenger
to the designated arrival hall;
G. While getting to the terminal door, guider bids farewell to
passengers, bowing with 15 degrees. When passengers have left,
guider should return on the car to check if there are passengers’
belongs left, try best to return lost ones to the passengers, if it’s
impossible, guiders should inform VIP dispatcher in time
H. When work is finished, guiders should inform the VIP dispatcher. Service for Irregular Flight
Details refers to Chapter 3 Passenger Service - Service for
Irregular Flight. Overbooking and Upgrading Service
Details refers to Chapter 3 Passenger Service -Service for
Oversales and Upgrade.

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Ground Operation Manual 5
5.1.4 Special Charter Flight Service Special chartered flights are flights where there are national or

foreign leaders, or flights designated by the company for special

service or flights for important meetings, such as the flights for

representatives of “Two Sessions” Every department should pay special attention with main leader

responsible to arrange work or problems on the spot. VIP rooms are only available for those who arrange the special

flight, other personnel are not allowed to enter. When there is a large amount of baggage for customers (such as

representatives of the ‘two sessions’), baggage can be collected or

sorted at the VIP lounge door or on the apron depends on the

situation. Ground service for the flights should be carried out based on the

level of the importance by the company, carry out ground support


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Ground Operation Manual 5
5.2 Standards of VIP Lounges

N/A for oversea stations

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Ground Operation Manual 5
5.3 Standards of Domestic Agent VIP Lounges

5.3.1 standards of Agent VIP Lounges

N/A for oversea stations

5.3.2 Standards of Oversea Agent VIP Lounges Presentation Requirements of HNA Elements

At facade or side of VIP room , within the sight of passengers,
HNA LOGO or HNA access logo should be remarkable placed and
easy to identify.
HNA crew figure model must be placed at the entrance as HNA
element or guidance sign. The crew figure model use the bottom
socket uniformly and keep it upright. Requirements of basic services in lounge
1) Business services
(1) computers with internet connection must be available.
(2) multifunctional printer with connection to 1 internet device at least
must be available.
(3) High speed wireless internet access must be available for
(4) Phone charger and shoe polisher must be provided
(5) Baggage storage services must be provided.
2) Entertainment audio-visual services: LCD TV provided
3) Newspapers and magazines service: 14 types of magazines (3
Chinese, 11 English); 6 types of newspapers (3 Chinese, 3 English)
Remarks: HNA reading material ("Cloud Hai Vision") provided
for important flight can be provided by Hainan Airlines.
4) Notification of boarding service
(1) In the prominent position of VIP Lounge there will be flight
displays and clocks in eye-catching positions to provide correct
flight boarding information;
(2) Before boarding, the lounge staffs should know the flight boarding
time, and verify the VIP information of each flight to ensure all
5) Catering service requirements
(1) Catering supply time: According to the time period, provide
breakfast, dinner (lunch/dinner), and all-day supply food.
(2) Catering requirement
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Ground Operation Manual 5
Apart from meals, provide all-day snacks, cold meals, fruits,
drinks, etc., provide at least 3 types of snacks, 5 types of cold
meals, 3 types of fruits, 3 types of beverages, 1 type of mineral
water, 1 type of tea, 1 type of coffee, 1 type of alcohol.

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Ground Operation Manual 5
5.4 Special Requirements within HNA Group

5.4.1 Ground Service Standard for business travel of M5 manager

and above
Ground Service Standard for business travel of M5 manager and
above Document cited: Group Office [2019] No. 28 "Notice on
Prohibition of Violation of Business Security for Group

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Ground Operation Manual 5 The principle of "moderateness": the u ground service nit should

prevent excessive services and save resources. For group M5

(inclusive) and above management, the service can be provided

according to the standard of the flight class of the flight that the

management personnel take. Apart from the leaders of the group's

board of directors, the chairman of the board of supervisors and

retired members of the board of directors, management personnel

above M5 (inclusive), others will not provide airport pick-up and

drop-off, and "one-to-one" guided shuttle service. The principle of "Simplicity": Apart from the leaders of the

group's board of directors, the chairman of the board of

supervisors and retired members of the board of directors, when

taking a flight from remote stand, management personnel above

M5 (inclusive) should be arranged in the same VIP shuttle with

other important passengers on that flight. If the group leaders traveling for major business activities (such as

participating in party and national meetings, obtaining major

honors, accompanying national leaders on visits, etc.), the group

office is responsible for coordinating the welcome and send-off


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Ground Operation Manual 5 The service personnel shall collectively refer to the leaders as

"Mr./Ms." when provide service in the airport or VIP lounge, and

shall not call the position within the group, and it is strictly

forbidden to disclose the identity of the leader. If the group's provisional notice changes the service standards for

someone, the content of the provisional notice shall prevail. When managers and employees who do not meet the relevant

conditions are traveling, it is strictly forbidden to use airport

ground service resources.

5.4.2 N/A for oversea stations

5.4.3 N/A for oversea stations

5.4.4 N/A for oversea stations

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Ground Operation Manual 6
6 Aircraft Handling
6.1 Aircraft Arrival

6.1.1 Aircraft Arrival Preparation

1) The aircraft arrival personnel are composed of Commander and
Guard. After receiving the inbound flight information notification,
team member should clarify their duties, understand the special
requirements of the aircraft and parking bays, and prepare the
necessary tools and equipment. For the aircraft needs APU failure,
at least confirm that the required ground power unit is ready.
2) Tools and equipment required for arrival:
Two way radio,at least 1;
Chocks, at least 6(depend on the model of aircraft);
Cone, at least 5(depend on the model of aircraft);
Luminous baton, 2;
Flashlight; (if needed)
Ground electrical power vehicle/unit; (if needed)
Ground air power vehicle/unit; (if needed)
3) After receiving the arrival task, it is necessary to monitor whether
the landing time and parking bay of the aircraft are changed at any
4) Commander and Guard should arrive at the designated position at
least 5 minutes in advance and perform the following check: (If
the company or the local airport has special requirements, follow
the requirements of the company or the local airport, arrive at the
parking gate in advance.)
(1) Confirm whether there are special requirements for the parking
gate of the incoming aircraft.
(2) Confirm that the model marked on the parking gate is consistent
with the incoming aircraft. If there is no marking, it is necessary
to verify whether the aircraft position is in accordance with the
requirements of the parking space of the incoming aircraft.
(3) Confirm the ground marking line of the parking gate is clearly
(4) Check whether there is any FOD on the ground of the aircraft
approach route and parking gate. If there is, clean up in time.
(5) Check that other personnel, ground equipment and vehicles are

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parked at designated locations.
(6) Check whether the number of chocks and cones are applicable to
the incoming aircraft type. If the parking gate designates the chock
and reflective cone placement area, chock and reflective cone
must be placed in the specified box. If the parking gate doesn’t
designate the chock and reflective cone placement area (specified
box), according to the situation, chock and reflective cone can be
placed in the nearby area with convenient access, however, it is
prohibited to place chocks and reflective warning cones in the stop
line before the aircraft is in position.
(7) Check that adequate fire extinguishers are in place and available.
(8) For night operation, confirm that the apron lights are available and
in working condition。
(9) Check and confirm the bridge at right position.
(10) Comply with other special requirements of the local airport.
5) If any abnormality is found during the above inspection, it must
be properly handled before the aircraft enters the parking gate,
inform local airport related department for coordination when
6) Stand in the designated position when the preparations are ready.
Commander should stand directly in front of the aircraft where it
is visible to the flight crew. Guard should stand in front of the
aircraft stop line on the right side of the aircraft parking gate and
can effectively monitor the stop line on the taxiway. It is
prohibited to wait for the aircraft in the work car or in the place
where fight crew members are not easy to find.
6.1.2 Guide the aircraft into parking gate
1) Manual guide the aircraft into parking gate
(1) Commander uses the baton to guide the aircraft into parking gate.
(2) When the aircraft taxied to close to the stop line position of 10
meters, Guard should give continue taxiing gesture signal.
(3) Commander should change the command signal according to the
change of the position of the plane and the change of the guard's
gesture signal, and slow down the frequency of waving the baton
when aircraft will approach the stop line for 10 meters.
(4) When the aircraft approaches the position of 3 meters of the stop
line, Commander should prepare to give the stop taxiing gesture
(5) According to the plane taxiing speed, Guard should choose the
time to give the Commander stop taxiing gesture signal.
(6) After seeing the stop taxi signal from the Guard, Commander
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should cross the baton immediately and send the stop taxi signal
to the flight crew.
(7) Commander should command the flight crew to set break and shut
down the engines.
(8) If the plane taxiing into the parking gate is too fast, Commander
reduces the signal wave speed (or arms extended, raised to the top
of the head, pause for 2-3 seconds), let the flight crew to slow
down. Give the normal stop signal when the plane is approaching
the position of 10 meters near the stop line and still fails to reduce
the speed.
(9) If the taxi light still on when the aircraft entering the parking gate,
Commander should cease command immediately. Hold two
batons in one hand and hang down naturally, with the other hand
placed over the eyes to cover them. If the plane taxi light is still
not turned off out of the corner of the eye, then the personnel
should walk away, if the plane taxi light has been turned off, and
then continue to guide the aircraft.
2) Use the safedock system (AVDGS) guide the aircraft into parking
(1) Commander should check whether the safedock system is working
normally, If the system fails to be available, stop it immediately
and inform related department of the airport,guide the aircraft
by manually if confirm the aircraft type is correct.
(2) If the system is working normally, guidance instructions for the
aircraft should be set by Commander when the aircraft leaves the
taxiway. In the process of the aircraft taxiing into gate position,
the Commander should always be at the side of the manual control
board, and at any time to observe the aircraft taxiing situation and
observe the signal given by the guard.
(3) Guard should stand in front of the stop line on the right side of the
stop line of the aircraft, be responsible for observing the taxiing
situation of the aircraft and visual display unit of the bridge
guidance system. Give the Commander the emergency stop sign
in time when there is emergency.。
(4) When the plane deviates significantly from the position lead line,
the bridge guidance system indicates that the aircraft is about to
collide with other planes or ground obstacles, aircraft is about to
slide over the line, Guard should immediately send an emergency
stop signal to the Commander.
(5) Once seeing the guard give the emergency stop sign, Commander
should press the emergency stop button on the manual operation
board immediately,Then give the emergency stop sign to the
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flight crew. After the potential safety hazards are eliminated, the
aircraft shall continue to guide into position by manual guidance
or contact the tractor to tow the aircraft to the position.
3) If the APU of the incoming aircraft cannot be normally activated,
Commander should command the pilot should first shut down the
right engine. Then guide the ground power car to approach and
stop steadily, start the ground power car, and connect the ground
power to the plane after stable operation. Finally, notify the flight
crew to shut down the other side of the engine.
4) Guard should receive the Commander’s signal and confirm all the
engine off, then put chocks to the aircraft wheel. After confirming
that all wheel chocks are in place, Commander should send brake
release instructions to the flight crew by gesture signal or intercom,
and then place the cones as required.
5) Commander plugs in a headset and talk to the crew (as needed) to
find out the aircraft condition.
6.1.3 Aircraft arrival completion and report
1) After aircraft entered parking gate, do visual check for sewage
service cover, boarding door, service door, cargo door and so on.
Be sure there were remain closed and free of damage.
2) Inform other airport personnel or service vehicles that they are
allowed to work near the aircraft,then perform surveillance work
around the aircraft。
3) Except for GPU equipment failure, aircraft should always connect
and rely on GPU.
6.1.4 Other
Please refer to “Aircraft ground handling arrival and departure
hand signal guide” for the standard hand gesture of above-
mentioned hand signals.

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6.2 Aircraft Departure

6.2.1 Aircraft Departure Preparation

1) After receiving the aircraft departure information, Commander
and Guard prepare the tools required for the aircraft departure and
arrive at the work site.
2) Tools and equipment required for aircraft departure:
(1) Interphone, quantity: at least 2;
Note: if the driver of the tractor does not bring a walkie talkie, one
walkie talkie shall be provided for him to use in the launching
(2) Earphone, quantity: 1;
(3) Flashlight (If applicable)
(4) Front wheel turning pin (select according to the aircraft type)
(5) Air supply vehicle (on demand)
(6) Wheel chock, quantity: 1;
3) Complete the preparation procedure according to different types
of parking bays.
(1) For non-automated parking, select the applicable turning pin
according to the model, insert the front wheel turning pin, connect
the headset and confirm to establish effective contact with the
(2) For automated parking, connect the headset and confirm the
effective contact with the crew.
4) Check the aircraft and surrounding environment on the ramp
before departure.
(1) All hatch doors and hatch cover of the aircraft shall be closed and
in place, the airspeed pipe sleeve shall be removed, the landing
gear safety pin shall be removed, and it shall be confirmed that the
rope belt inside the aircraft is not stuck outside the aircraft, and
each air inlet and passage shall be free of foreign objects.
(2) There shall be no vehicles, maintenance equipment and other
obstacles around the aircraft that obstruct the aircraft from taxiing.
(3) Check the nearby ground the engine and around the aircraft to
ensure that there are no metal and other objects.
(4) Check that the fire protection equipment is sufficient and available
in place.
(5) Reflective cones are required to be placed in some airports, and
shall be removed after confirming that all service vehicles have
been evacuated from the aircraft.
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(6) When the aircraft boarding is complete and all doors are closed,
the aircraft is ready to be pushed back or forward. And the airport
control makes the aircraft waits for a long time, if the service
vehicle approaches the aircraft again, the reflective cone shall be
placed as required or special personnel shall be assigned for
(7) Check and confirm that the tools required for aircraft departure
and the tools used for maintenance work before departure are in
place without loss.
6.2.2 Command the Aircraft Push Back or Taxiing
1) Stand with Jet bridge Pushback
(1) When the passengers start boarding, Commander should contact
with the crew to confirm that parking brake has been set.
(2) Withdraw chock
A. The chock can remove when passengers start boarding. But under
the windy weather conditions, it is necessary to ensure that the
loading bridge, passenger stairs and service vehicles have been
evacuated from the aircraft, and all doors have been closed, the
chock can be removed after the aircraft has been braked and the
clearly informed that the aircraft can be push back.
B. Before connecting the tractor, Guard could remove some Chocks
first, but at least keep one set of Chocks in front and rear of any
landing gear. The remaining chock shall be removed when the
aircraft has connected with tractor as the requirement of this
C. For the Automated parking stand, Guard should first remove the left
and right main wheel Chocks, then remove the front wheel Chocks
when the aircraft engine has ready to taxiing.
D. If the chock was stucked by the wheel and cannot be taken out, take
out the chock according to the way it was stucked after boarding
completed and the cabin door closed. Push the aircraft backward or
pull the aircraft forward to separate the wheel from the Chocks.
Push / pull the aircraft only need to move a little distance (generally
no more than 10 cm) and then stop.
(3) For self-taxiing stand, after confirming that the bridge, passenger
ladder, and various service vehicles have been evacuated, all the
doors have been closed and the reflective cones have been
removed, directly inform the crew to start engine to operate.
2) Non-self taxi Stand (Remote Parking) Departure
For non-self taxi stand, Commander would connect the
towbar/tractor. After passengers have boarded the plane, confirm
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that the bridge, passenger ladder, and service vehicles have been
evacuated, all the doors have been closed, and all the reflective
cones have been removed, then connecting the towbar/tractor.
(1) Using the tractor with a towbar to push out aircraft, first the towbar
should be connected with the aircraft by the Commander, and then
connect with the tractor. Commander should confirm the towbar
is suitable for the aircraft. Using visual inspection and touch
inspection to confirm that the towbar components is good, the
safety pin and shear pin are in place. In the process of connecting
the towbar, all the participants' actions are based on the
commander’s instruction. The towbar should be aligned with the
centerline of the aircraft before it is connected. The towbar should
be kept in a straight line during the approach of the aircraft. When
hanging the pole, the action should be slow to avoid scratching the
front landing gear components. For the heavier wide body aircraft
towbar, it should be operated by two people.
(2) For non-automated parking stand, confirm the red anti-collision
light has turned on, and follow the procedure to push out the
A. Commander contacts with the crew to confirm whether the aircraft
can be pushed out and the nose direction. Commanding the crew to
release the parking brake.
B. Commander confirms that there is no conflict with other aircraft,
the direction of aircraft tail is right, to prevent the engine's airflow
which affect the building.
C. Guard carries a front wheel chock with the tractor, it is used for
emergency and as required after the aircraft is pushed to the
designated location.
D. The Guard gives a gesture that aircraft can be pushed out,
Commander use the walkie-talkie/gesture to command the tractor
push out the aircraft, and instruct the direction of the aircraft
nose for tractor driver.
E. Pay attention to the safety of standing during the towing process,
usually with a safe distance of more than 3 meters from the tractor
and the aircraft.
F. When the aircraft arrive at the intended location, instruct the tractor
driver to straighten the front wheels and stop, and to make sure that
the nose direction is toward the aircraft taxi line.
G. Inform the crew that the aircraft has been pushed into the intended
place and command the crew to set the stop brake.

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a During the departure of the aircraft, the condition of the aircraft and
changes in the surrounding environment should be monitored
closely to ensure that the departing aircraft has safety distance from
the surrounding obstacles (including other adjacent aircraft).
b Not above the maximum nose gear turning limit of the aircraft.
c During the push back of the aircraft, the aircraft internal system is
used to maintain communication with the crew, and the effective
communication with the trailer driver is maintained through the
walkie-talkie; in case of thunderstorms or internal headset failture,
use the gesture to command the aircraft.
d If communication with the crew is interrupted during the departure
of the aircraft, the towing aircraft should be stopped immediately
until the effective communication is re-established. In order to
ensure that the aircraft will leave the port on time, in this case,
communication with the crew through gestures can also be
considered as establishing effective communication.
(3) For non automated parking stand, set the wheel chock and
disengage the drawbar/tractor:
A. Using the tractor with a towbar to push back, the aircraft is pushed
into place, confirming the front wheel of the aircraft has been set in
the correct position. The tractor, the tow bar and the front wheel of
the aircraft are in a straight line, and then disengage the tow bar
from the tractor.
B. The front wheel chock has placed; Commander should first
disengage the tow bar from tractor, and slowly disengage the tow
bar from the aircraft front landing gear. For those heavier wide body
aircraft, two people should perform the operation to avoid damage
aircraft parts. At last, hung on the tow bar to the tractor and instruct
the tractor driver to evacuate.
C. Using the Tow Bar Less tractor to push back, the front wheel chock
is placed next to the front wheel of the aircraft. When the tractor is
disengaged from the aircraft, the wheel chock is immediately
chocked and the tractor driver is instructed to evacuate.
D. In order to prevent the wheel chock stucked by the tire when the
engine is started, the front wheel chock and the tire should be kept
at a distance of 5-10 cm.

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3) Inform the Crew to Start Engines
(1) Using APU to start engines
A. For the non automated parking stand, if the crew requires to start
engine during the pushback process, the following conditions need
to be determined before the engine can be notified to start an engine.
When the aircraft is pushed into position, the nose wheel's front
chock is placed and the parking brake is confirmed setting before
starting the other engine.
a) The weather is good. “Start while pushing" is prohibited under
strong wind, heavy rain, snow, fog, sand and other weather
b) It is forbidden to execute "push out and start" when using Tow Bar
Less tractor.
c) If the civil aviation bureau, airport or ground handling company has
special requirements, the corresponding requirements shall be
d) Prohibit double engine starting during pushing back process.
e) Observe the danger area of engine without foreign objects, person,
vehicles, etc.
B. For the non automated parking stand, if the engine is not started
during the pushing back process, the aircraft should be pushed back
into the position, the nose wheel's front chock should be placed and
the parking brake should be set before the engine can be started.
C. For the automated parking stand, the engine can be started only after
confirming that the parking brake is setting and the anti-collision
light is on.
(2) Start engine with ground power/air source
A. Commander confirms required the power vehicle and air vehicle are
ready in advance. After confirming that the ground air source/power
supply has been connected, command the crew to start engine1 or
engine2 (depending on the aircraft type). After the crew reports that
engine 1 or engine 2 have been started, command the maintenance
personnel to cut off the air source/power supply and remove the
joints; Make sure that other maintenance personnel have covered
the service gate and put the tube and line back to the designated
position on the car; Command the evacuation of power and air
B. When the aircraft with one engine started pushed into the designated
position, Commander contacts the crew to start the remaining
(3) When the airport issues a gale warning, according to the forecast
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wind direction and wind speed of the gale, refer to the tail wind
limit when each model starts the engine, it is suggested that the
crew should apply to the airport command department for
adjusting the nose direction to prevent the engine from starting
with a heavy downwind.
(4) Engine Area Safety Warning
A. A350 Aircraft(For Reference Only)

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B. B787 Aircraft(For Reference Only)

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C. Airbus Aircraft(For Reference Only)

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D. B737 Aircraft(For Reference Only)

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4) Command Aircraft Taxing and Taking off

(1) After receiving the double engine started notices from the crew,
the commander should confirm that the tow bar/tractor has been
withdrawn for the non automated parking stand before the
following work can be carried out: "remove the nose wheel turning
pin", "close the power cover plate" and "remove the wheel chock":
A. The commander takes off the turning pin of the nose wheel and
displays the turning pin to a guard. The guard will use OK gesture
after confirmation for Reply. (For the A350 aircraft, after removing
the turning pin of the nose wheel, the cover plate where the turning
pin is located needs to be rechecked and replied to properly buckle.)
B. The commander pulls out the earphone, closes the power cover, and
signals the guard to review. The guard completes the review by
touching the button of the power cover plate and replies with the
OK gesture. (For A350 aircraft, review and reply the button of
headphone cover). After confirming that the power panel is covered
(the A350 aircraft is headphone cover plate), the commander signals
the guard to remove the front wheel chock, and the visual
monitoring guard removes all the nose wheel chock, and then
evacuates the aircraft to the designated position together with the
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(2) During the departure stage of the aircraft, the ground commander
should repeat the key information to the aircrew, and remind the
aircrew to "see the gesture of sliding out" at the end of the handling
process, so as to avoid the occurrence of unsafe events due to the
poor communication on and off the aircraft.
(3) The commander and the guard stand side by side (commander
stand by the nose side).
(4) Put the wheel chock on the side for the crew to observe and
(5) After the crew gives a gesture to request taxi out, the nose wheel
turning pin is raised for inspection by the crew, and then the gives
a signal to let the aircraft taxi out.
(6) When the aircraft starts to taxi, the two signalman should wave
their right hands at the same time to farewell the aircraft, until the
whole fuselage of the aircraft glides over the farewell position.
(7) Place the wheel chock and reflective cone (if any) in the
designated area of the airport after departure finished.
(8) After the earphone and turning pin are verified that they are
normal and no damage, place them into the kit and wait for the
aircraft to take off.
(9) If some tool is missing, commander should report to related
department and client immediately.
6.2.3 Other
Above mentioned gestures standard in the paragraph should be
referred to “Aircraft ground handling arrival and departure gesture

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6.3 Language used between Ground and Air Crew

1) When Pushback (Tow) the Aircraft

——1.1 Cockpit: “Ground, cockpit, ready for push back.”
——1.2 Ground: “Stand by.”
After confirming the jet bridge is pulled back, ground equipment was
removed, all doors and covers are closed and all preparations
are completed, answering:
——1.3 Ground: “cockpit, ground ready, clear to release parking
Cockpit performs and confirms release parking brake completed:
——1.4 Cockpit: “parking brake released, clear to pushback ,facing
N\E\W\S/ following X line. or push to XXX(position)”
——1.5 Ground: “Roger, clear to pushback ,facing N\E\W\S
follow X line. or push to XXX(position). ”
——1.6 Ground: “Pushback(tow off) aircraft in position,please set
parking brake ”
——1.7 Cockpit: “parking brake set, start engine NO.X”
——1.8 Ground: “Stand by.( If conditions are not met) or clear to
start engine NO.X”
After all engines are started:
— — 1.9 Cockpit: “Ground, Engine start completed, clear to
disconnect, bye-bye”
——1.10 Ground: “hand signals from left(right)side, goodbye”
Cockpit completed checklist before taxing, get taxi order, must
confirm seeing hand signal from ground to taxi out.
2) Contact Language when Aircraft Start Engine from Original
Position for Departure
2.1 Contact when using Auxiliary Power Unit to start engines
——2.1.1 Cockpit:“Parking brake set, request start engine NO.X”
Ground staff confirms there is no obstacle in the dangerous area of
the engines:
——2.1.2Ground: “Clear to Start NO.X or stand by”
When all the engines operate steady, complete check after start, and
then use the following languages to contact:
——2.1.3 Cockpit: “Ground, Engine start completed, clear to
disconnect, bye”
——2.1.4 Ground: “Hand signals from left (right) side, goodbye”
Cockpit should not release the break until maintenance staff gives
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3) Using Air Start Unit (ASU) or Ground Power Unit (GPU) to Start
Engine Contact
——2.2.1Ground: “cockpit, ground , please confirm parking brake
set,ready to supply air.”
——2.2.2 Cockpit: “Parking brake set, clear to supply air, request
start engine NO.X
After engine start complete, air supply is set up:
— — 2.2.3 Cockpit :“ Engine NO.X starts completed, clear to
disconnect ground power and external air.”
Ground completed the order:
——2.2.4 Ground: “Clear to disconnect ground power and external
Disconnect GPU or ASU and under applicable circumstance, start
another engine after taxi out or at the original position.

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6.4 Regulation of Chock and Cone

1) Standard Placement of Chocks:

(1) Timing to place the chock:When the aircraft arrives at designated
position, Guard gives stop signal to the commander; commander
immediately gives stop taxiing signal to the cockpit. Commander
instructs the cockpit to set up break and shut down the engines.
Commander assists Guard to place the wheel Chocks after all
engines are shut down.
(2) Number of Chocks required:
A. Under normal circumstances, after the flight and turnover the
station, the front landing gear must be placed with wheel Chocks
before and after the same wheel. The outer wheel of each outer main
landing gear is placed with the front wheel and the last wheel behind
each wheel chock (the same landing gear only need two wheel
Chocks to be placed), each aircraft needs 6 wheel Chocks in total;
B. If parking time exceeds 24 hours, the front wheel and the rear wheel
of each row of each landing gear must be placed with a wheel chock;
C. When the aircraft parks on a sloped apron, the number of wheel
Chocks should be increased in the downward slope direction to
prevent the aircraft from sliding;
D. In the case of strong winds, the front wheel and the rear wheel of
each row of each landing gear longitudinally should be placed with
wheel Chocks, and the front and rear wheel Chocks of the
corresponding wheels should be connected as a whole unit.
(3) The order of the wheel chock arrangement: first place the front
wheel chock, and then place the main wheel chock. After all the
wheel Chocks are placed, the commander can give instructions to
the bridge or passenger ladder car and notify the cockpit to release
the brakes.
(4) The spacing of the wheel chock: the wheel chock should be placed
close to the tire; the distance should not exceed 2.5cm.
2) Standard Placement of Cones:
(1) Timing of cone placement: place the cone immediately after all
wheel Chocks are placed. When receiving the message from the
airport that the apron wind will exceed level 5 or strong wind
warning or the airport apron wind will exceed level 5, the
reflective cone should be put away in time to prevent it from being
moved by the wind. If there are special requirements from the
airport, the special requirements of the airport shall be followed.

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(2) Arrangement order of cones: first place the cone at the nose (as
needed), then place the cones on both sides of the large wing and
the cones at the tail, and finally place the cones in the front of the
engine. After all cones are in place, the commander informs the
airport personnel or the service vehicle that they can work close to
the aircraft and perform surveillance work around the aircraft。
(3) Cone placement positions: The placement is in front of the nose,
behind the tail, in front of the engine, 1.5 meters outside of the
large wings on both sides or front and rear (equivalent to the height
of 3 cone barrels).
(4) According to the above requirements, at least 5 cones should be
placed on double-engine airplanes, and at least 7 cones should be
placed on four-engine airplanes; if there are special requirements
from the client company or airport, the special requirements of the
client company or airport must be implemented.

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6.5 Aircraft Doors

6.5.1 Cabin Door Open and Close

1) Hainan Airlines require cabin crew opening cabin door on arrival.
Please refer to Cabin Department manual requirement.
2) Only authorized person who received trainings are allowed to open and
close cabin doors;
3) Before the cabin door is opened, the passenger ladder car or jet bridge
needs to be docked. It is forbidden to open the cabin door before
4) When the cabin door is opened, unless there is a falling prevention
device placed at the entrance of the cabin door, the passenger ladder car
or the bridge cannot be evacuated. It should be considered that the door
warning tape installed on the aircraft cabin door to be a suitable falling
prevention device;
5) When cabin door completed closed, passenger ladder car or jet bridge
should be removed as soon as possible;
6) When authorized person open the cabin door from inside, ground
handling staff should:
(1) Gives the signal to indicate jet bridge or passenger ladder car is in
position (e.g. knocking the door or other hand signals) ;
(2) Stay away from the cabin door, wait the crew to open it;
(3) (If necessary) Assist the crew to move the cabin door to the completed
open position. Put the anti-wind lock if needed.
6.5.2 Cargo Door Open and Close General Requirement of Cargo Door Open

1) The operator of opening and closing the cargo door needs to be trained
and obtained the corresponding qualifications ; All loading and
unloading personnel and vehicle drivers working in the cargo
compartment should be very familiar with the track of the door;
2) Because the cargo compartment door of wide-body aircraft moves in an
arc when it is opened or closed, its running route will be lower than the
lower side of the cargo compartment door, so it is recommended to use
the work ladder to open the cargo compartment door; If the door of the
cargo compartment is opened using the baggage conveyor, the safety
guardrail of the conveyor must be raised; Do not use a platform car to
open cargo compartment doors.
3) It is forbidden for the operator to reset and close the cargo compartment
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door without permission. If it is really necessary, it should be notified
to the Hainan Airlines station managers and local aircraft maintenance
in time and the operation can be carried out after obtaining permission
and authorization.;
4) Pay attention to the wind speed limit during the operation of the cargo
door of each aircraft. It is forbidden to open the cargo door when the
wind speed exceeds the opening limit of the cargo door. According to
the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), aircrafts are prohibited from
operate when the wind speed reaches 40 knots (level 8 wind) and above;
5) If the door cannot be opened or closed, do not open or close the cargo
door by force, tools or ground equipment, and contact the aircraft
maintainance person to handle it;
6) Do not open the cargo compartment door until the aircraft engine and
anti-collision lights are turned off;
7) Before opening the cargo compartment door, if the loading and
unloading personnel find that the cargo compartment door and the
surrounding area are damaged, they will report it according to the
company's corresponding notification process;
8) Reserve enough space near the cargo door to prevent the equipment
from chocking the opening of the door; General Requirement of Cargo Door Close
1) The operator of closing the cargo door needs to be trained and obtained
the corresponding qualifications;All loading and unloading personnel
and vehicle drivers working in the cargo compartment should be very
familiar with the track of the door;
2) Before closing the cargo door, the loading and unloading personnel
should check and clean the cargo door area, ensure that there are no
obstacles such as loading and unloading equipment near the door,
ensure that the wide-body restrains are retracted, and check the door sill
area with no obstacles such as ice, gravel, etc. The bulk cargo
compartment of the narrow- body and wide-body aircraft must be fixed
with a protective mesh belt. No personnel stays in the cargo
compartment or foreign objects are missing. There are no contaminants
and debris (metal, packaging debris, scattered packaging rope, etc.) in
the door frame of the door that affects the door to be normally closed.
If the cabin door cannot be closed due to icing, etc., notify the
maintainance staff immediately;
3) Before closing the cargo compartment door, confirm that there are no
persons or irrelevant items left in the cargo compartment;
4) Do not use ULD loader to open and close the cargo door, it is
recommended to use a working ladder to open and close the cargo door;
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5) After the cargo hold door is closed, check whether it is completely
closed according to the characteristics of the cargo hold door of each
6) This chapter only lists the current Hainan Airlines Holdings Company
main aircraft type cargo door opening and closing process. For models
not listed, please refer to the operation manual of each aircraft. Re-opening and closing of cargo compartment doors
1) If the cargo hold door is not closed correctly, it must be reopened and
closed correctly.
2) No attempt to re-open any aircraft cargo door without the crew's
authorization shall be made once the pre-departure winding inspection
of the aircraft has been completed.
3) If for some reason the cargo door must be reopened, ground operators
must contact the crew through the use of the aircraft intercom.
4) If the crew asks to reopen a cargo door, ground operators are notified.
5) If either party requests to reopen the cargo door, follow the actions/steps
in "opening the Cargo door" and "Closing the Cargo Door" if permitted
by the crew.
6) If you do not have authorization to reopen the cargo door, do not attempt
to reopen the door unless you obtain permission from the crew. B737-800 Aircraft Open and Close Operation Procedure
1) Cargo Door Open
(1) Pull out the cargo door handle.
(2) Hold the cargo door handle and turn the handle in the "unlock" direction
indicated by the door to ensure that the door is unlocked.
(3) Push up the inside of the cargo door to ensure that the door is fully up.
2) Cargo Door Close
(1) Hold the pull handle at the front of the cargo compartment door and pull
down until the compartment door is lowered;
(2) Hold the door handle and pull the door to fully close;
(3) When closing the door, the handle must be in the unlocked position;
(4) Rotate the handle in the direction that the door indicates “closed” until
the door is fully locked;
(5) Put the handle in the handle slot, make sure the door is same height with
the fuselage skin, and the handle is same height with the door;
(6) Check door close status.

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Ground Operation Manual 6 A330-200/300 Aircraft Open and Close Operation Procedure

1) Main Cargo Door Open
(1) Use work ladder to open the main cargo compartment door. Do not use
platform car to open door;
(2) First operate the door panel, and then operate the door cover.

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Ground Operation Manual 6

2) Lower Deck Cargo Door Close

(1) Use work ladder to close the main cargo compartment door. Do not use
platform car to close door;
(2) First operate the door cover, then operate the door panel;

(3) Check the indicator flag in the lower part of the door. If the flag closed
completely, it means the door is locked.

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3) Bulk Cargo Door Open
(1) Press the button to release the handle;
(2) Turn the handle to the "unlock" position to partially open the door;
(3) Turn the handle back to the "locked" position and press into the groove;
(4) Push the door upward until it locks.
4) Bulk Cargo Door Close
(1) Press the button to release the handle;
(2) Turn the handle to the "unlock" position and close the door;
(3) Turn the handle back to the "locked" position and press into the groove.

5) Note
(1) The operating rod must automatically return to the stop position, if not,
place it manually in the STOP position to prevent the yellow hydraulic
pump from permanently running;
(2) When the light in the picture below is on, it means that the pressure in
the cabin has not been released, and it is forbidden to open the cargo
door. B787-800/900 Aircraft Open and Close Operation Procedure

1) Lower deck Door Open
(1) Do not operate the cargo compartment door when the wind speed
exceeds 40 knots, and do not keep the door open when it exceeds 65
(2) The control panel, when the door is not open, the normal display is green;
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(3) Press the lock handle release button, pull down the popped out lock
handle to the unlocked position, and confirm that the vent door is open;
(4) The "READY TO LOCK" light on the control panel lights on;
(5) Turn the switch button up and keep it in the "OPEN" position. When the
door is fully open and the white FULL OPEN light is on, release the
switch button. (Note that for the operation of the electric door, every 5
minutes of operation should be stopped for at least 5 minutes to allow
the system to cool. If the system is overheated, the power will be cut off
for at least 10 minutes. There is no such limit for manually opening the

2) Lower deck Door Close

(1) Move the button to the "CLOSE" position and hold it. When the door is
fully closed and the amber light "READY TO LOCK" lights up, release
the button;
(2) Reset the lock handle to the flush state of the fuselage, and confirm that
the vent door is closed. At this time, the green light "CLOSED &
LOCKED" is on (it automatically turns off after 5 minutes), and the
amber light "READY TO LOCK" is off.

(3) Observe the status of the door through the 5 observation windows below
the cargo compartment door. When two yellow triangles merged up and
down are observed, the door is closed. Pay attention to read the
instructions on the side of the cargo door.
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3) Bulk Cargo Door Open

(1) Pull out the handle and turn the handle counterclockwise to the stop

(2) Push the door inwards about 4 inches, turn and release the handle to the
storage position (the groove), and push the door to the fully open

4) Bulk Cargo Door Close

(1) Pull out the handle and turn the handle counterclockwise to the stop
(2) Pull the bulk door to the fully close position;
(3) Turn the handle clockwise and release to confirm that the handle returns
to the storage position (groove position).

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Ground Operation Manual 6 A350 Aircraft Open and Close Operation Procedure

1) Cargo Door Open Procedure

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Ground Operation Manual 6

2) Cargo Door Close Procedure

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Ground Operation Manual 6 Cargo Door Identifications

1) 787-8
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2) 787-9

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3) 737-800

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Ground Operation Manual 6

4) 350-900(350-1000 door location is the same as 350-900)

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5) 330-200

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6) 330-200 330-800

7) 330-300 330-900

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8) Please refer to the operation manual of each Aircraft for the cargo door

identification of the models not listed.

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6.6 De-icing Operation

For the de-icing and anti-icing operation process, please refer to

the special manual for de-icing/anti-icing of Hainan Airlines
Holdings Company.

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Ground Operation Manual 7
7 Vehicle Handling
The content of this chapter is formulated by relevant departments
of HNA Holdings Co., Ltd. based on the Civil Aviation
Administration/IATA documents and actual conditions. All
domestic and overseas ground agency units of HNA shall
formulate their own management and Operating Procedures in
accordance with the relevant operating standard documents issued
by the Civil Aviation Administration/IATA (for overseas agents
can refer to the international general standards). And on this basis,
you can also refer to the content of this chapter to formulate
applicable operating standards. In principle, it must comply with
the Civil Aviation Administration/IATA documents, and after the
risk assessment of the unit, the principle of not scratching the
aircraft is the principle.
7.1 General Requirement

7.1.1 Vehicle Type

Vehicle types can be divided into Ground Service Vehicles,
administrative vehicles and new energy vehicles.
Ground Service Vehicles are subdivided into service vehicles and
approaching vehicles according to the actual ground handling
situation. Service vehicle
Service vehicles refer to vehicles that do not attach directly onto
the aircraft, generally through lines, tubes and other means of soft
connection with the aircraft, such as Baggage Tug, Passenger
Shuttle Bus, Ground Power Units, Air Start Units, air-conditioning
vehicles, oxygen vehicles, water tankers, lavatory service vehicles,
and High Loaders and so on. Connecting Vehicle
Connecting vehicles are vehicles operating directly attach to the
aircraft Direct docking vehicles: passenger boarding stair vehicles,
High Loaders, belt loaders, passengers with reduced mobility
Passenger High lifts, catering trucks, water trucks, aircraft Tugs,
de-icing vehicles.

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Ground Operation Manual 7 Administrative Vehicle
Administrative vehicles refer to the operating service vehicles at
airside except Ground Service Vehicles, including crew shuttles,
VIP shuttles, guide vehicles, rental vehicles, staff shuttles, airport
buses, aircraft supply transport vehicles and catering delivery
vehicles. New Energy Vehicle
New energy vehicles refer to the vehicles with rechargeable
batteries as the main fuel resource for vehicles and the main source
of power.
7.1.2 Regulation on Safe Operation of Ground Service Vehicle Ground Service Vehicle operation priority

1) Handling priority
According to the aircraft operation support requirements, the
priority of support refers to the following order:
First-level guarantee, vehicles that serve passengers: passenger
elevator cars, passenger ferry cars, passenger boarding cars for
passengers with limited mobility, luggage conveyor belt cars,
platform cars, luggage Tugs, etc. 6 types. second-level guarantee,
ground service and maintenance vehicles: Garbage trucks,
aviation food trucks, sewage trucks, clean water trucks, power
trucks, aircraft air-conditioned trucks, air source trucks, aircraft
Tugs, deicing trucks, etc. 9 types.
Priority Sequencing Type of Vehicle
1 Passenger Stair Truck
2 Passenger Shuttle Bus
3 High Lift for Special Assistant
Level 1
4 Baggage Belt Loader
5 High Loader
6 Baggage Tug
7 Waste Truck
8 Catering Truck
9 Wastewater Truck
Level 2 10 Portable Water Truck
11 GPU Truck
12 Air-conditioning Track
13 ASU

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14 Pushback Tug
15 De-icing Truck
2) Handling requirements
(1) Vehicle movement
When all types of vehicles have conflicts during their travels, they
must evade in accordance with the priority order of protection.
(2) Vehicle docking
A. Ensure that vehicles should be docked as soon as they are in place
to ensure timely boarding and loading of personnel and materials.
B. In the process of docking aircraft, all types of vehicles have the
same docking position or adjacent distances of 3 meters or less (the
shortest acceptable distance between the vehicles), and the docking
must be done according to the priority level.
C. When the vehicle is docked to the designated docking interface, the
center of the vehicle is aligned with the center of the docking
interface, and the distance between the two sides should be equal.
(3) Parking of vehicles
All types of vehicles shall not occupy or obstruct other vehicle
operation areas when parking. If parking is required due to
operation requirements, the vehicles shall be parked in the order
of priority after the vehicles in the front have completed their
(4) In-place monitoring
The on-site marshallers monitor the arrival and docking of Ground
Service Vehicles according to the special passenger protection
tasks of the flight.
3) Special handling
(1) If there is a delay in the arrival of vehicles, which affects the
docking and parking of the vehicles on the site with the lower
priority, the on-site vehicles need to consult the vehicle dispatcher
as soon as possible to determine the docking and parking time.
when the vehicle operation conflicts, the on-site marshaller should
do good communication and coordination.
(2) If the on-site vehicle finds that the docking position or parking
position is blocked by the vehicle with the lower priority, the
vehicle dispatcher should be notified as soon as possible to
determine the disposal plan.
(3) In the event of an abnormal situation such as a malfunction or
skid-over of the aircraft, the corresponding vehicle should be
arranged for priority docking according to the actual local disposal
(4) If vehicle operation conflicts and there is a risk of flight delays,
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the vehicle dispatcher shall notify the on-site marshaller as soon
as possible, and the on-site marshaller shall coordinate the
(5) After communicating with front-line Ground Service Vehicle
personnel, the following three types of vehicle operation conflicts
exist at this stage. The specific cases and handling requirements
are as follows:
Type of
Vehicle Conflict Handling requirement
Conflict in Catering truck and 1. In principle, the docking of food trucks shall be
docking waste truck need given priority, and the docking of garbage trucks
position to dock the same shall be followed.
door 2. If the garbage truck is in place with priority, but
the food truck is not in place, the driver of the
garbage truck may ask for instructions and give
priority to docking operations after vehicle
Working area Refueling truck 1. In principle, refueling trucks should be docked
conflict and vehicle (such first. After refueling, disengage, and platform
as lifting platform trucks will be docked.
truck) work area 2. If the platform truck is in place first and the
overlap refueling truck is not in place, the platform truck
driver can ask for instructions and give priority to
docking operations.
3. If the refueling truck is in place during the
operation of the platform truck, the platform truck
needs to stop the operation and disengage to
ensure that the refueling truck completes the
operation before docking.
The passenger 1. On-site command of this kind of flight, vehicle
Passenger Highlift dispatching needs to focus on this flight, and
and the lift High direct the operation position of the baggage Tug
Loader use the to avoid simultaneous operation with passengers
same area, and the with inconvenience boarding the locomotive. in
luggage Tug and the event of a vehicle operation conflict, guide
the disabled the baggage Tug to avoid in advance.
vehicle work area 2. When the baggage Tug is parked, the freight
overlap pallet should avoid the passenger boarding
passage for passengers with limited mobility.
3. In the event of overlapping of the operation
areas of Type 2 vehicles, the luggage Tug shall
suspend the operation and disengage to ensure

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Ground Operation Manual 7
that passengers have priority boarding before
docking. Vehicle Safety Requirement

1) Basic requirements
(1) Brakes, steering gears, wipers, rearview mirrors, horns and
lighting devices are kept complete and effective.
(2) Vehicles and power-supply equipment operating in the active area
of the aircraft should be equipped with yellow warning lights at
the top of the front, and they should be turned on day and night.
(3) Equipped with effective fire extinguishing equipment.
(4) Ground Service Vehicles can only be used for designated purposes
and must not be used for other purposes, such as prohibiting the
use of High Loaders to open and close the doors.
2) Vehicle driving requirements
(1) Special equipment and vehicles are not allowed to drive into
dangerous areas of related models.
(2) When a Ground Service Vehicle approaches or disengages the
aircraft, all vehicles with hydraulic operating devices should be in
a retracted state during driving. Vehicles are not allowed to operate
vehicle lifting equipment at the same time during the movement
(each territories combine local airport requirements and apron
environment for detailed operation).
(3) When the baggage Tug is towing pallets and trailers, there should
be no more than 4 large pallets with a length of 3.4 meters and a
width of 2.5 meters and no more than 6 small pallets with a length
of 1.9 meters and a width of 1.8 meters.
(4) When a vehicle is pulling goods, luggage, garbage, etc., it should
be effectively secured and covered to prevent it from being
dropped during transportation, and to ensure that the towed
equipment is connected firmly and reliably.
(5) During the movement, it is not allowed to take additional persons
beyond the fixed number-follow the principle of "no seat, no ride".
3) Requirements for vehicles approaching and evacuating aircraft
(1) The guardrail and telescopic platform must be retracted before
approaching and Disengage.
(2) Before approaching the aircraft, test the brakes at a distance of 15
meters from the aircraft to confirm that the brakes are effective
(the self-owned vehicle will perform another brake test at a
distance of 5 meters from the aircraft and stop. execution by
overseas agents: before entering the equipment Test the brakes in
restricted areas or 5 meters before the aircraft, and stop).
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(3) After ensuring that the vehicle is docked with the aircraft, it should
be in a braking state and wheel blocks should be set.
(4) Vehicles approaching the aircraft strictly follow the approach and
Disengagement Procedure procedures and command gestures of
each model to ensure that the distance between the vehicle and the
cabin door meets the requirements of the manual.
(5) For vehicles operating in parking spaces, those who have not
stalled should be waiting with the vehicle.
(6) When the manual transmission model approaches the aircraft, the
driver shall not leave the brake with his right foot after
approaching, put the gear in neutral and tighten the handbrake,
slowly loosen the clutch, and confirm that the vehicle is not
(7) Please refer to AHM630 for other requirements.
4) The use of lights in vehicles shall comply with the following
(1) Turn on the right turn signal when turning right, changing lanes to
the right, or parking by the side of the road.
(2) Turn on the left turn signal when turning left, changing lanes to
the left, leaving the parking place or turning around.
(3) When the Tug is towing the aircraft, turn on the yellow warning
(4) Turn on the yellow warning lights day and night, turn on the low
beam, width lights and tail lights at night, turn on the anti-fog
lights on foggy days, and prohibit the use of high beam lights. Safety Requirements for Drivers
1) Basic Safety Requirement
(1) Drivers shall strictly abide by the 《Provisions of the Road Traffic
Safety Law of the People's Republic of China》, and shall strictly
abide by the traffic indicator signals and marking lines. It is not
allowed to drive through yellow lights, recklessly change lanes,
speeding and illegal parking.
(2) Drivers should strictly follow the ramp rules of each airport.
Strictly follow the drive routes and speed limits, operation
(3) In the case of accident-prone and complex road sections, the driver
must pay more attention and slow down in advance, especially
when the vehicle is driving on the passenger apron, apron, or
taxiway intersection, stop and observe the aircraft dynamics. Only
pass after confirm its safe to do so.
(4) During the normal operation of the vehicle, drivers should ensure
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to keep the vehicle running smoothly, no rapid acceleration, brake
and make sharp striking direction. The driver observes the rear-
view mirror when driving the vehicle and maintains a suitable
safety distance between the other vehicles to avoid tailgating or
(5) When driving a motor vehicle on public roads, drivers should pay
close attention to keeping a safe distance from other vehicles, slow
down in advance and avoid rushing, and must not race with other
(6) Alcohol strictly prohibited 12 hours prior to shift start. (Alcohol
test will be applied before duty).
(7) Do not drive the vehicles that are not indicated on the permitted
vehicle types of the driver's driving license.
(8) Smoking is prohibited inside the car.
2) Precautions for drivers and Signalman/ Marshaller:
(1) Marshallers should pay attention to the environment and the actual
situation, to avoid the incorrect signals.
(2) The driver shall immediately stop moving and operating the
vehicle/equipment if cannot see the marshaller.
(3) Marshaller should stop the driver immediately if he/she noticed
there’s a mistake.
(4) During the process of driving and giving signals, focus on the
"heart ready, eyes ready, mouth ready, hands ready", the actual
action and the planned action must be consistent. Speed and route requirement for Ground Service Vehicle
1) When the vehicle or equipment enters the safety red zone of the
aircraft, the speed should not exceed 5 km/h (for self-owned
vehicles: when the aircraft is 15 meters away, the approach speed
should not exceed 5 km/hour. when the aircraft is 5 meters away,
the speed should not exceed 2 km/h).
2) In the event of an aircraft taxiing or being towed, keep a safe
distance on the side of the aircraft. Do not walk within 200 meters
of the taxiing aircraft or trail or pass within 50 meters of the taxiing

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Ground Operation Manual 7 Priority Sequencing
Unless prohibited by the airport, the priority order of vehicles on
the apron is as follows:
1) Aircraft (driven by its own engine and driven by a Tug).
2) Rescue vehicle.
3) Vehicles that are exiting the taxiway.
4) Ground support equipment and other vehicles. Special weather driving requirement
Under special weather conditions, such as strong winds, rain,
snow and fog, in accordance with the local airport special weather
protection plan requirements, Ground Service Vehicles should
have restrictions and speed limit. According to the provisions,
drivers should turn on the corresponding lights , pay attention and
be alert.
1) Strong wind
(1) The service vehicle shall be carried out in accordance with the
strong wind protection plan/requirements of the respective
airports, follow the requirements of the equipment manufacturers.
(2) When the wind speed exceeds the vehicle wind resistance limit,
the vehicle is prohibited from lifting the box / ladder operation.
The container and ladder should be lowered to the lowest position.
(3) Under windy condition, visibility is limited. Drivers should pay
attention to observe the surrounding situation, slow down, and
avoid other equipment.
(4) Driver should check inside and outside the vehicle to prevent
items scattered out due to the wind.
(5) Under strong wind, the container may be blow away. The lifting,
transporting, moving of containers should follow the windy
protection plan of the local airport.
(6) During strong wind warning period, the vehicle should be parked
at places out of the wind. Apply the brake and put on chocks.
(7) Working ladders, fire extinguisher, chocks and other mobile
equipment should be stored safely indoors if possible. If leave
outdoors, they should be securely fastened.
(8) During strong wind warning, Embark and disembark the aircraft
or vehicle should be avoided. If necessary, be sure to hold tightly
to the door or other fixed items.
(9) After extreme weather, check the vehicle and ground support
equipment for any damage as soon as possible.
2) Rain
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(1) In addition to routine inspections before a rainy day, the brakes,
tires, wipers and vehicle lights should be checked.
(2) On rainy days due to slippery roads and increased braking distance,
the driver needs to drive the vehicle and maintain a greater driving
distance from the front car, and balance the steering wheel with
both hands to prevent side-slip of the vehicle.
(3) Driver should strictly control the speed, brake should not be
excessive and sudden to cause tire braking lock, should prepare to
slow down in advance, so that the rear car has enough time to stop
or avoid.
(4) GPU may leak due to wet weather, the usage under thunderstorm
weather or humidity over 95% is prohibited.
(5) In heavy rain, steps, operator's stations, side ladders, work ladders
and other surfaces may be watery. Water on the above surfaces
should be removed before passenger step up or down, staff climb
side ladders, work ladders and operating platform to prevent them
from falling and injury.
3) Snow and ice
(1) Carefully inspect the vehicle before operation to ensure operates
without any failure, especially break system failure. Comply with
traffic rules and regulations and the company's relevant provisions.
(2) When the road is icing, no speeding and sudden brake.
(3) Keep a longer distance, double or even triple the safety distance
on the dry road.
(4) Vehicles are strictly prohibited from using neutral taxiing. When
the snow is thick, drive of the in the middle roadbed or on other
car's driving mark as far as possible. when it is not possible to
distinguish the road conditions, driver should get out of the car to
check to ensure safety before continuing to drive.
(5) After heavy snow vehicles have been used, the engine is not
allowed to be switched off at high speed and the vehicle should be
switched to idle for 3-5 minutes before the vehicle is turned off.
(6) In snow weather, steps, operator's stations, side ladders, work
ladders and other surfaces may be icy. Ice and snow on the above
surfaces should be removed before passenger step up or down,
staff climb side ladders, work ladders and operating platform to
prevent them from falling and injury..
(7) All base, branch and ground agent should comply with the relevant
requirements of the airport to do snow prevention, snow removal
operations in the airside. During the operation, promptly recover
and reasonable place all types of facilities and equipment, so as
not to affect the snow removal.
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(8) All base, branch and ground agent should promptly notify the
airport management unit for cooperation when the ground is wet
and slippery during the operation under snow weather.
(9) All base, branch and ground agent should cooperate with the
airport. Remove the vehicle and equipment to the area that would
not affect the airport snow removal operation.
4) Frog
(1) In foggy days, in addition to routine inspection before the
departure of the car, focus on all lights (fog lights) and horns check,
to ensure that they are in good condition.
(2) In foggy conditions, driver must turn on fog lights, tail lights, wide
lights and small lights, pay attention to surroundings, crossing
intersections. When low visibility, driver must get out of the car to
observe to ensure safety before passing.
(3) In the event of foggy weather, promptly remove condensed water
vapor from the windshield, so as not to affect the driver's visibility.
While driving, wipes water vapor order to improve the clarity of
(4) When visibility affects safe operation, the driver should
immediately report to the vehicle dispatcher, and the vehicle
dispatcher issues the driving instructions uniformly.
7.1.3 Vehicle Inspection Pre-departure check

Before leaving with the vehicle, all models should be inspected by
the driver for a full circle to ensure that the vehicle/equipment is
operational and in good working condition. And will not cause any
damage to the aircraft. Driver should sign the checklist once
inspection complete. Observation while driving
The driver should pay attention to the vehicle’s condition, road
condition and surrounding. Avoid collision with people, vehicles,
buildings and aircrafts. If any abnormal occurs, driver should
record, report and follow the local work procedure to make repairs. Post arrival check
After servicing the last aircraft, the driver should check around the
vehicle. If notice any abnormal/failure, driver should follow the
local procedure to report and arrange repairs promptly. Leave a
note if repair not complete. After the check, driver should sign the
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Ground Operation Manual 7
checklist. Under no circumstance should use ground support equipment

with “Out of service” sign.

Under no circumstance should use ground support equipment with
“Out of service” sign. That equipment should be reported and
given to manufacture for repair or maintenance.
If any situation below happens, the equipment should be marked
as “Out of Service”:
1) Anything would affect safety visibility
Reflective bar
2) Anything would affect safety driving
(1) A. Steering.
(2) Brake.
3) Any safety device cannot be operated
(1) Safety handrails (if applicable).
(2) Alert device (if applicable). The following situation is allowed to continue operate safely

but have to report to maintenance department for repairs.

1) Seat cover is damaged.
2) Light cover breaks (light is okay).
3) Minor damages on the vehicle body.
4) Wiper has failure (cannot be operated under rainy day).
5) High beam is broken (can be only operate in daytime and under
good visibility).

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Ground Operation Manual 7
7.2 Ground Service Vehicle Operating Standard

7.2.1 Ground Power Unit Definition of power unit

When an aircraft is on the ground for electrified inspection,
maintenance, cleaning or refueling, loading and unloading cargo,
it can be used as an external power supply on the ground to power
some (or all) electrical loads on board. This special equipment can
be divided into self-moved power equipment and powerless power

Picture-self-moved power equipment

Picture-powerless power equipment General Requirement

1) The generators can operate reliably under the following conditions:
(1) The relative humidity of ambient air is not higher than 95%.

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(2) In the event of lightning over the airport, the ground power supply
outdoor operation of the aircraft should be stopped.
2) When the power supply is not towed, keep the tow bar in a vertical
direction (brake) and chock the wheel.

Picture 3: vertical direction of tow bar on powerless ground power

unit Emergency Handling
Emergency handling principal of power unit failure: with the
agreement with Hainan Technical Company, if failure occurs
during the power, air supply, the following principal could be used
to handle the operation:
1) If the driver evaluates the failure is minor and have enough time.
First notify maintenance staff for approval to shut down the
2) If the driver evaluate the failure is major and requires immediate
(1) Press emergency stop to shut down.
(2) If the emergency button is not work, shut off the fueling cable
switch or use push bar to push electrical valve level to shut down
the engine.
(3) Notice the maintenance staff after finishing the treatment.
Note: Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
manufacture. Operating Procedure
1) Arrival time requirement:
(1) Follow the timeframe advise by maintenance staff
(2) Turnaround flight: arrive 10 minutes before aircraft on block after
receiving the service task (special situation depends on actual
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Ground Operation Manual 7
2) Vehicle in place requirement: When entering the operation area,
driver must wait in the vehicle. For turnaround flight with APU
failure, should start power supply partially and monitor its
operation. When all preparation ready, promptly notify the
coordination desk.
3) Power supply equipment operating position: B737, B767, B787,
A319, A330, A340, A350, at the front right or back left position
of the aircraft. For aircraft type not mentioned, depends on the
actual working condition.
4) Approaching the aircraft
(1) Driver should only approach the aircraft understand the speed and
route guidance once instruction been given from maintenance staff.
(2) After the vehicle has parked on the aircraft, the distance between
the vehicle and the aircraft must be safe and moderate. (Reference
distance: the distance between AC power supply equipment and
any part of the aircraft should not be less than 2 meters, and DC
power supply equipment should not be less than 1 meter).
(3) The power supply unit should parked parallel to the aircraft: when
parked on the front side of the fuselage, the front of the vehicle
and the nose of the aircraft are facing the same. When parked at
the back of the fuselage, the front and rear of the aircraft face the
same direction. When the power supply is parked vertically with
the nose, it must be parked in front of the nose. If the locomotive
requires a parking position, it shall be executed according to the
locomotive requirements. If two power supplies need to be parked
at the same location, pay close attention to the distance between
them when parking, operating and Disengage to avoid scratching.
(4) After parking, put the transmission in the neutral position, tighten
the hand brake, turn off the vehicle engine, close the door, and
block the double-wheel gear.
(5) After the unpowered power supply device is parked on the aircraft,
it is necessary to confirm that the luggage Tug and the unpowered
power supply device are separated before driving the luggage Tug
5) Power supply operation:
(1) Check that the power supply switch is in the off state, start the
power supply unit and put it in an idling state (the state of no load
after the vehicle is started).
(2) The crew should unload the cable and insert the plug into the
power interface of the aircraft, and confirm that the cable is in the
unfolded state.
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(3) Adjust the speed of the power supply unit from idle speed to high-
speed operation.
(4) When the engine speed reaches 2000 rpm, the frequency of the AC
power supply equipment reaches 400Hz, the output voltage
reaches 115/200V (phase voltage/line voltage) or the output
voltage of the DC power supply equipment reaches 28.5V, the oil
pressure gauge shows normal, and the equipment is waiting to be
powered Turn on the power supply switch of the power equipment
after the operation is stable.
(5) After the vehicle equipment is working normally, the driver and
the maintenance staff will carry out the handover work, and it is
clear that the maintenance staff is responsible for the monitoring
during the use. If the vehicle equipment is found to be abnormal
during use, the maintenance staff will notify the special fleet
dispatch seat as soon as possible., The driver of the vehicle is
responsible for handling the abnormal conditions of the vehicle.
The driver will report to the dispatching seat after the work
handover is completed.
6) Operating Procedure after ground power no longer require:
(1) After receiving the instruction from the maintenance crew to stop
the power supply, the driver should arrive to the ramp as soon as
(2) The pilot and the crew verify that the power switch has been
turned off.
(3) Unplug the power plug by the crew member and put away the
(4) The driver of the vehicle is responsible for the operation, and the
power unit will automatically shut down after 3 minutes of
running at idle speed from high-speed operation.
7) Disengagement Procedure:
(1) After receiving the Disengage instruction of the maintenance crew,
the driver or marshaller will check the vehicle for a week, confirm
that the cable has been separated from the aircraft and put it away,
and after confirming that the scene is safe, put the wheel block
away, drive away by himself, and leave without evacuating. The
vehicle speed in the red line safety zone of the aircraft stand shall
not exceed 5 km/h. If reversing is required under special
circumstances, someone must give instructions.
(2) For outbound flights with an aircraft APU failure, the power
supply equipment should first be disengaged to a safe position that
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does not affect the aircraft taxiing, and the aircraft can be
disengaged from the site after the aircraft slides out of the parking
space. the driver informs the dispatching seat of the security work
status and moves the vehicle according to regulations Park in the
designated parking space and block the wheels.
7.2.2 Air Start Unit Definition of Air Start Unit

Air start unit is a Ground Service Vehicle that provides air source
power and air conditioning in the aircraft cabin when started by
the aircraft engine.

Picture-Air Start Unit Operating Procedure

1) Report to the position 10 minutes before flight departure, park the
vehicle airport regulated area and notify coordination desk.
2) Driver should only approach the aircraft understand the speed and
route guidance once instruction been given from maintenance staff.
(Marshaller require for reverse) And Park at the designated
position. (Minimum distance 2m to the aircraft) The hose side
should face the aircraft and no twisting for any of the hose and
3) After approaching the aircraft, place the transmission to the
neutral position, lift the hand brake, shut down the vehicle engine,
block the double chocks, and perform the following operations:
(1) Before starting the air start unit, confirm that the selection switch
is in the "standby" position and the air valve is closed.
(2) The air supply hose is removed by the maintenance staff and the
connector is connected to the aircraft gas source interface and
checked that the gas hose is fully expanded.
(3) After receiving instructions from the maintenance staff to start the
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aircraft engine, rotate the switch is to the (start status) position..
(4) Slowly open the air valve when the output pressure reaches the set
air pressure and the operation is stable.
(5) The air supple should not be interrupted.
(6) If air supply abnormal or other emergency happens, driver should
report to maintenance staff immediately for approval to stop the
air supply.
(7) If air start unit generator cannot be shut down normally, driver
should press the red emergency button on the control panel
(8) Under special circumstance like major repairs, the maintenance
staff is responsible to monitor.
(9) After receiving the instructions of the maintenance staff to stop
supplying air, the select switch of the gas source unit is rotated
from the (starting) position to the (standby) position, and the gas
supply unit is shut down after closing the gas supply valve (where
the engine equipped with the booster must run at a low speed for
at least 3 minutes before the gas supply unit can be switched off).
(10) The maintenance staff disconnects the air start plug and put back
the gas supply hose and put the pipe port into the recovery tank.
4) Disengagement Procedure:
(1) After receiving Disengage instruction from maintenance staff,
driver or marshaller should check around the vehicle, confirm the
cable is disconnected and put back, confirm surrounding is safe
and remove the chocks, then drive the vehicle to exit. The speed
limit is 5km /hour within red safety zone of the parking bay.
(2) If special situation where need to back the vehicle, someone must
guide the driver. Emergency Handling
Emergency handling principal of air start unit failure: with the
agreement with Hainan Technical Company, if failure occurs
during the power, air supply, the following principal could be used
to handle the operation:
1) If the driver evaluates the failure is minor and have enough time.
First notify maintenance staff for approval to shut down the
2) If the driver evaluate the failure is major and requires immediate
(1) Press emergency stop to shut down.
(2) If the emergency button is not work, shut off the fueling cable
switch to shut down the engine.
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(3) Notice the maintenance staff after finishing the treatment.
Note: Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.3 Air-conditioning Vehicle Definition
Aircraft air-conditioning vehicle is a Ground Service Vehicle that
provides suitable temperature and fresh air for the aircraft cabin to
adjust the temperature in the cabin during the flight turnaround to
transit passengers or perform aircraft maintenance.

Picture- Air-conditioning Vehicle Operating Procedure

1) Departure flight: Report to the position at planned time.
Turnaround flight: 10 minutes before flight arrival, when receive
the service task.
2) Driver should only approach the aircraft understand the speed and
route guidance once instruction been given from maintenance staff.
(Marshaller require for reverse) And park at the designated
position. (Minimum distance 2m to the aircraft) The hose side
should face the aircraft and no twisting for any of the hose and
3) After approaching the aircraft, place the transmission to the
neutral position, lift the hand brake, shut down the vehicle engine,
place the double chocks.
4) Vehicle Air Supply Operating Procedure (Detailed operation
depends on local vehicle types):
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(1) The air supply hose is removed by the maintenance staff and the
connector is connected to the aircraft air source interface and
checked that the air hose is fully expanded.
(2) Check the ventilation adjustment valve to ensure that the
adjustment valve is open.
(3) Put the selection switch to the desired position. Switch to the
temperature-controlled status for cooling, or the ventilation status
for heating.
(4) Start the on-vehicle generator. Start air supply after receive
permission from maintenance staff.
(5) Under special circumstance like major repairs, the maintenance
staff is responsible to monitor.
5) Operating Procedure after Air Supply Completed:
(1) After receiving the instructions of the maintenance staff to stop
supplying air, the driver turns off the air conditioner and adjusts
the flow switch to bypass position. Shut down the on-vehicle
generator, the generator will continue to work 3 more minutes
before stop the entire system.
(2) The maintenance staff disconnects the air start plug and put back
the gas supply hose and put the pipe port into the recovery tank.
(Note: It is prohibited to drag the tube on the ground. This may
damage and broke the tube and result in air leaking)
(3) After receiving Disengage instruction from maintenance staff,
driver or marshaller should check around the vehicle, confirm the
cable is disconnected and put back, confirm surrounding is safe
and remove the chocks, then drive the vehicle to exit under
command of maintenance staff. The speed limit is 5km/hour
within red safety zone of the parking bay. Emergency Handling
Emergency handling principal of Air-conditioning Vehicle failure:
with the agreement with Hainan Technical Company, if failure
occurs during the power, air supply, the following principal could
be used to handle the operation:
1) If the driver evaluates the failure is minor and have enough time.
First notify maintenance staff for approval to shut down the
2) If the driver evaluates the failure is major and requires immediate
(1) Press emergency stop to shut down.
(2) If the emergency button is not work, shut off the fueling cable
switch or use push bar to push electrical valve level to shut down
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the engine.
(3) Notice the maintenance staff after finishing the treatment.
Note: Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.4 Potable Water Vehicle Definition
Water tanker is a special ground vehicle for aircraft to add water
for passenger use, and is a necessary Ground Service Vehicle of
civil airports to provide ground service for aircraft.

Picture-Water Tanker

Picture-Water tanker is refilling clean water Potable Water Vehicle Operating Procedure

1) Vehicle operating position: B737-300/400, A319, A320, A330,
A350, E190 and other aircraft under the left rear door of the
aircraft. B787 water refill hole is under the belly of the central
aircraft, the clear water truck needs to be in the front side of the
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aircraft right engine to approach. E145, B737-700/800 and other
aircraft in the aircraft's right rear lower door.
The aircraft not mention above depends in the actual working
2) Approaching Requirement:
(1) Water refilling staff arrives at designated work position. guide the
driver to back the vehicle. The tail of the vehicle point to the
aircraft’s drinking water service hole.
(2) Under the command of the marshaller, when the rear edge of the
vehicle reaches the side of the drinking water service port, stop
when receiving the marshaller's stop gesture, and the marshaller's
place the chock.
(3) The distance between the air start unit and any part of the aircraft
should not be less than 0.5 meters.
3) Disengagement Procedure:
(1) Driver observes the operation of the water refilling in the cab.
After refill completed, refill staff or driver checks the vehicle
around, confirm that the water pipe has been recovered, the
vehicle surroundings and driving route clean. Refilling staff
sending out the Disengage gesture, the driver disengage with a
speed of no more than 5 km /h within the red line safety zone.
Refilling staff get back the chocks, driver drives away from
parking bay.
(2) The refilling staff should lock the tank cover. put back the vehicle
to the designated position. The distance between the water tanker
and the pollution source must not be less than 50 meters. In winter,
preparation should be planned for anti-freeze .
(3) The disinfection water in the pipe head disinfection box should be
replaced daily, and the water pipe connector should be placed in
the disinfection box when the vehicle is not in use.
(4) Wastewater and Water Tanker MUST not servicing the aircraft at
the same time due to contamination risk. Potable Water Vehicle Disinfect Procedure
1) Clean and disinfect the water tank once a month. Clear water
service equipment must be arranged for about 4 hours of
disinfection procedures, and make relevant record.
2) Fill ¾ clean water to the water tank.
3) Add the disinfection product proportionally directly to the water
tank (refer to the disinfection liquid instruction for rationing).
4) Fill the water in the water tank completely with clean water until
soaked for 3 hours after driving, shaking the brakes, so that the
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box is fully disinfected.
5) Open all valves, start the water pump, drain the waste water
through the hose.
6) Repeatedly rinse the water tank 3 times, extract water samples,
sent to the inspection and quarantine department.
7) If the inspection report fails, the vehicle shall be deactivated
immediately, if the airport has special requirements, follow the
requirement of the airport. Potable Water Vehicle Emergency Handling
1) Working platform switch failure
(1) Service staff press the red emergency stop button immediately to
shut down power.
(2) Driver get out of the vehicle to check.
(3) Report to dispatcher and maintenance staff.
(4) If the vehicle has or about to have abnormal contact with the
aircraft, notify maintenance staff.
2) Platform cannot lower down
(1) The service staff bends down and grabs the guardrail with both
(2) Driver drives to a safe position, open the cut-off or bypass valve,
lower the workbench.
(3) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
Note: before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
manufacture. Potable Water Vehicle Service Procedure
1) Start water refilling operation after jet bridge or passenger stair
has been docked. Finish the task 15 minutes before
estimated/planned cabin door close time.
2) Unexpected service task:
(1) If noticed more than 30 minutes in advance, water tanker should
arrive at the designated location at the planned time.
(2) If noticed less than 30 minutes in advance, should arrive at the
position 15 minutes after receiving the notice.
3) If the truck served as Wastewater Vehicle for the same flight, it
cannot be used as clean water tanker.
4) Refilling person should use soap or liquid soap to wash the hands
or put on new pair of disposable gloves to perform the job.
5) Before opening the refill cover, refilling person should check if
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there is any damage, leakage or icing sign. Notify the maintenance
staff if any.
6) Before connecting the water refill tube, the refilling person should
dispose the remaining water in the tube and use new clean water
to wash the inside of the tube.
7) Connect the tube with the aircraft, refill as required.
8) After complete the refilling, confirm all tube are disconnected,
close all cover of the water connection panel. Close the refill cover.
9) When the water pipe is not in use, cover the pipe with a lid or
immerse the pipe in a chlorine-containing water container.
10) In freezing conditions, take the following measures to prevent
aircraft water tanks and water pipes from freezing:
(1) Draining the water tank.
(2) Before covering the water tank cover, make sure to drain the water
from the water pipe and prevent icing.
(3) No self-de-icing water tanks, water pipes or connectors and access
panels shall be done immediately to contact the maintenance staff.
(4) The cargo door should be closed at all times to prevent the water
pipes from freezing, except for the need to load and offload the
cargo. Water Refilling
1) Responsibility
(1) Base: Departure (or turnaround) Flight drinking water refilling
should be monitored by cabin manager. Ground staff of the base
should cooperate.
(2) Station: Departure (or turnaround) Flight drinking water refilling
should be monitored by cabin manager. Station representative
should cooperate.
(3) Airport with no base, station or branch: Departure (or turnaround)
Flight drinking water refilling should be monitored by cabin
2) Reduced refill of drink water plan
(1) Purpose
The actual air fuel consumption of flights is the product of average
hourly fuel consumption and total flight hours, and fuel saving
spent can be considered in terms of reducing aircraft hour fuel
consumption. Too much surplus drinking water increases the
weight of the aircraft itself, increasing fuel consumption.
Therefore, according to the actual drinking water needs on board
the reduction (aircraft drinking water tank related data, see in the
appendix section of this manual chart – Hainan Airlines-related
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aircraft tank volume chart), remove unnecessary aircraft load,
reduce fuel consumption, improve cost savings.
(2) Refill Standard
A. Narrow-bodied Aircraft
Drinking water filling volume (water tank
volume ratio)
2 hours and less 25%
2-3 hours 50%
3 hours and above 75%
Cargo chartered flight 25%,for round trip. No water refill and
lavatory service during turnaround
B. Wide-bodied Aircraft
Drinking water filling volume (water tank
Routes volume ratio)
A330 A350 B787-8 B787-9
Domestic short flight(2 hours
25% 30% 90 Gallon 90 Gallon
and less)
Domestic medium and long
flight(2 hours above) 120 150
50% 50%
International short flight(4 Gallon Gallon
hours and less)
International medium and long 210 270
100% 100%
flight(4 hours above) Gallon Gallon
Cargo charted flight 25% 25% 90 Gallon 90 Gallon
Note:Cargo chartered flight for round trip. No water refill and lavatory
service during turnaround
C. Water refilling standard adjustment for international long passenger
flight during COVID-19
D. Due to reduce consume of drinking water during the flight, the
standard of refill water volume is determined by actual load factor
of the international long passenger flight. After the COVID-19
ended, the water refill volume will be set back to 100%. The
recovery time is to be announced.
Drinking water filling volume (water tank volume ratio)
Load Factor
A330 A350 B787-8 B787-9

40% and less 50% 50% 120 Gallon 150 Gallon

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40% and above 75% 75% 210Gallon 240 Gallon
(3) Operating Procedure
A. When the cleaning personnel get on the plane to carry out the
cleaning work, the team leader asks the flight attendant to the
outbound flight water refill volume, communicates with the flight
attendant to confirm, accurately communicates the water refill
volume to the refilling person.
B. Refilling person strictly follow the water volume standard, after
filling completed, notice the cabin cleaning team leader, the team
leader notifies the cabin crew to check.
7.2.5 Wastewater Vehicle Definition of Wastewater Vehicle

Wastewater Vehicle is a Ground Service Vehicle that takes and
keeps the aircraft’s lavatory waste and water. Refills clean water to
the lavatory.

Picture-Wastewater Vehicle

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Picture-Wastewater Vehicle Wastewater Vehicle Operating Procedure

1) The task should be finished no later than 15 minutes before flight
estimated cabin door close time.
2) Wastewater Vehicle working position:
(1) B737-300/400 under front and rear right cabin door accordingly.
(2) B737-700/800 under rear left cabin door accordingly.
(3) B787 at the aircraft tail.
(4) A350/330, E190, E145 at the rear right of the aircraft.
(5) A319/320/321 under the rear right cabin door.
Aircraft type not mentioned depends on actual position.
3) Approaching Requirement:
(1) Lavatory service staff arrives at designated work position. Guides
the driver to back the vehicle. The tail of the vehicle points to the
aircraft’s lavatory service hole.
(2) When the vehicle is under the service hole of the aircraft, stop the
vehicle after receiving hand signal from Lavatory service person.
Lavatory service staff put on chocks.
(3) Distance between the air start unit and any part of the aircraft
should not be less than 0.5 meters.
(4) After lavatory service finished, add clean water. Service staff put
back lavatory disposal tube and water tube neatly.
4) Disengagement Procedure:
(1) Driver observes the operation of the lavatory service in the cab.
After lavatory waste disposal completed, lavatory service staff or
driver checks the vehicle around, confirm that the lavatory tube
and water pipe have been recovered, the vehicle surroundings and
driving route clean. Lavatory service staff sending out the
Disengage gesture, the driver disengage with a speed of no more
than 5 km /h within the red line safety zone. Lavatory service staff
get back the chocks, driver drives away from parking bay.
(2) The distance between the water tanker and the pollution source
must not be less than 50 meters. In winter, preparation should be
planned for anti- freeze.
5) Lavatory disposal operation: Drain the pollution tank at
designated place. Should not have any leak on the way. When
clean water tank has less than 1/10 volume of clean water, refill to
full level except for winter.
6) Wastewater Vehicle and Potable water Vehicle MUST NOT
service the aircraft at the same time.
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Ground Operation Manual 7 Wastewater Vehicle Emergency Handling
1) Working platform switch failure
(1) Service staff press the red emergency stop button immediately to
shut down power.
(2) Driver get out of the vehicle to check.
(3) Report to dispatcher and maintenance staff.
(4) If the vehicle has or about to have abnormal contact with the
aircraft, notify maintenance staff.
2) Platform cannot lower down
(1) The service staff bends down and grabs the guardrail with both
(2) Driver drives to a safe position, open the cut-off or bypass valve,
lower the workbench.
(3) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
Note: Before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
manufacture. Wastewater Vehicle Servicing procedure
1) Introduction
The entire wastewater service includes the following three steps:
(1) Drain the sewage tank.
(2) Wash the sewage tank.
(3) Add some pre-filled or condensed deodorize products if applicable.
Note: Sewage tank liquid corrosion: Check the sewage tank panel
on the aircraft for signs of leakage before adding sewage. If blue
water stains are found on the flat board, they must be cleaned
before service is provided, and then check again for signs of
leakage. At high altitudes, blue icicles may affect flight operation.
In the event of a possible leak, follow the Company's
communication report process.
2) Precautions
(1) Staff must wear gloves and protect themselves from hazardous
(2) Sewage services may not be carried out in clear water service areas
or water-refill location.
(3) Staff who have been sewage service or lavatory cleaning on the
same shift shall no longer be allowed to carry out clean water
3) Lavatory service procedure
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(1) Each model has special requirements for sewage services and the
number of pre-placed rechargeable and/or concentrated deodorant
(2) Check ingenuity stains before carrying out lavatory sewage
(3) When opening the service panel, be careful to keep it tidy and
observe for signs of leakage.
(4) Keep away from drain fitting fittings when opening the service
panel and observe for signs of leakage.
(5) Make sure that the Y-type connection of the water hose is
connected correctly before pulling the drain gate.
(6) Drain sewage tank.
(7) Wash the sewage tank twice and drain sewage tank again.
(8) Pre-include appropriate amounts of water and disinfectant in the
sewage tank (if any).
(9) Add the right amount of water and concentrated deodorant or
mixed liquid (if any) to the sewage tank. The aircraft is equipped
with a traditional sewage system that can be added to the sewage
tank with the right amount of water or concentrated deodorant .
(10) After adding water, make sure that there is no leakage at the end
of the discharge connector cap and drain hose Y-type joint.
(11) lose the nozzle to prevent condensation into ice during flight and
remove residual water and disinfectants.
(12) Check again for leaks.
(13) Close and tighten the accessory cap and service panel door after
service, (notify the maintenance staff or crew if the fluid leaks, the
drain valve cannot be opened or the sewage tank cannot be
4) Drain sewage water
(1) Draining sewage from aircraft sewage systems to sewage vehicles.
(2) In the drainage process, pay attention to observe the drainage hose
to ensure that the sewage tank is completely empty, sewage
discharged into the sewage truck. the hose will have a few seconds
of vibration.
5) Lavatory services in very cold weather
(1) In freezing conditions in cold weather, the following measures
may be taken to prevent the aircraft sewage tanks and pipelines
from freezing:
(2) If the aircraft is parked outdoors for several hours without power
supply and the temperature is below zero or is expected to be
below zero, the sewage tank can be drained in accordance with
operating procedures.
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A. Sewage operations on aircraft as soon as possible before the aircraft
departure time following the restoration of power supply.
B. Ensure that the water in the sewage tank is completely drained and
that ice freezes inside the tank and its sewage system.
C. Note: If the interfaces of the sewage treatment system are frozen,
you must not de-icing the water tank, the inside or connector of the
water pipe and the access panel on your own, and the maintenance
staff should be contacted immediately.
6) Sewage system failure
(1) Contact the maintenance for treatment if it is unable to discharge
normally due to a faulty sewage system.
(2) Notify the crew or station representative if no available
maintenance technician.
7.2.6 Passenger Stairs Vehicle Definition
It is the must-have equipment of all airports to provide ground
service to the aircraft that help passengers to embark and

Picture-Passenger Stairs Vehicle General Requirement

1) According to the wind resistance level of each model and
combined with the local airport wind protection plan operation.
2) When operating on a rainy day, close the window, if the ladder is
found to rise automatically after the vehicle is started, the driver
takes care to press the emergency stop button immediately to
disengage from the lifter.
3) Vehicles should be through a variety of channels to remind
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passengers to be careful of the steps, pay attention to slippery, can
pass but not limited to the following ways: when the platform
lighting is insufficient to turn on the ladder lights, ladder paste tips
and stickers, etc..
4) Unauthorized personnel may not move passenger ladder vehicles
during aircraft service.
5) Pay attention to the distance from the aircraft to maintain a safe
distance, according to the aircraft load changes in a timely manner
to adjust the horizontal and vertical distance between the
passenger ladder vehicle and aircraft, to ensure that not to hit on
the aircraft .
6) Passenger ladders and rain sheds must be retracted when driving
on the road. Approaching Operation
1) Vehicle arrival time requirements: for inbound flights, arrive at the
operating position 5 minutes before the planned/estimated arrival
time of the aircraft. outbound flights are as follows:
(1) The 251-500-seat aircraft should complete the docking of
passenger elevator cars no later than 70 minutes before the flight
plan/target departure time.
(2) The 151-250-seat aircraft should complete the docking of
passenger elevator cars no later than 70 minutes before the flight
plan/target departure time.
(3) Aircraft with 60-150 seats should complete the docking of
passenger elevator cars no later than 60 minutes before the flight
plan/target departure time.
2) For transit flights, the operation time for vehicle docking with
aircraft shall not exceed 4 minutes.
3) When using two cars, connect the left front and left middle doors
respectively. If the airport has requirements and the maintenance
work needs to connect the left rear door, it shall be implemented
according to the requirements of the airport and maintenance.
4) After the clear command gestures given by the crew to allow for
approaching, under the command of the commander, test the
brakes and approach at the speed requirements.
5) Ensure that the cabin door is closed before docking.
6) The driver raises the telescopic platform of the vehicle to the
required height according to the height of the cabin door of each
7) When the vehicle is close, the front of the telescopic platform is at
a safe and moderate distance from the aircraft. The driver puts the
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transmission in the neutral position, tightens the hand brake, the
commander places the wheel block, and the driver lowers the
supporting foot to fix it.
8) The pilot operates the telescopic platform to dock the aircraft,
turns off the power supply of the operation control panel,
disconnects the power take-off, and turns off the engine. Check
the ladder to confirm that the ladder body is firm and reliable and
the height of the platform from the cabin door meets the
9) After extend the right side baffle , the person responsible for
knocking on the cabin door reminds the crew to open the cabin
door safely. After the cabin door is opened, pull out the left side
10) After the vehicle is parked on the aircraft, the parking distance
between the telescopic platform, guardrail and the aircraft must be
safe and moderate, and no contact with the aircraft will be allowed
and no personnel or objects will fall. (Reference distance: the
horizontal distance between the telescopic platform and the
bottom of the cabin door is 5-8 cm, the inbound flight is 10-20 cm
below the bottom of the cabin door, and the outbound flight is 15-
25 cm below the bottom of the cabin door. Guardrails on both sides
The body distance is 10-15 cm) Disengagement Procedure
1) Before Disengage, take back the left bezel, retract the right bezel
after the cabin door is closed, and then retract the telescopic
platform to retract the hydraulic support foot.
2) The marshaller carefully observes the status of the vehicle,
inspects the vehicle around, confirms the safety and directs the
driver to disengage.
3) The commander instructs the reverse, and the driver reverses at
the prescribed speed and route to a safe area away from the aircraft
body (approximately 2 meters away from the aircraft. If the
operating environment of the local airport is special, a safe
distance must be set in accordance with the actual situation in
various places to ensure the safety of the vehicle run).
4) The marshaller puts the chocks away, the driver lowers the stair to
the lowest position, separates the exTug and turns off the power
switch of the control panel.
5) Passenger stairs vehicles should be disengaged after the aircraft
closes the cabin door, the Disengagement Procedure time should
not exceed 4 minutes.
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Ground Operation Manual 7 Emergency Handling
1) The vehicle ladder cannot stop lifting:
(1) Should immediately press the emergency switch to stop the engine,
stop the ladder up, and disengage from the exTug.
(2) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
2) If the vehicle touched or likely touched the aircraft abnormally,
notify the maintenance staff
Note: Before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.7 Cargo High Loader Definition of Cargo High Loader

Picture-High Loader is working General Requirement

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Picture-When rail is recovered and laid down
1) The movable side of the rail should be at retract position when the
High Loader is not in use.
2) In order to avoid collision with the aircraft, it is prohibited to use
High Loader to open or close cargo compartment door.
3) While driving the High Loader, no cargo, baggage or other items
should be loaded on the high loaded
4) When the main, bridge platform are at raise position, driving is
5) The lock and stop by the door should be raised to ensure that the
container / pallet is secure and prevents the roll-out before the high
loader approach and before the Disengage. Operating Procedure
1) Arrive in place according to the outbound flights ETD 60 minutes
in advance, inbound flights arrival 5 minutes in advance.
2) Approaching Operation:
Before approaching, the driver adjusts the width of the baffle and
support plate of the high loader according to the aircraft type, and
checks whether the guardrail of the bridge platform is in the initial
position, and the main bridge platform needs to be in the lowest
3) Docking Operation:
(1) Under the command of the marshaller, the high loader driver
approach the aircraft for docking. The driver should pay close
attention to whether the protruding part of the front end of the
vehicle and the protruding part of the fuselage can be safely
approached. It is strictly forbidden to be in place at one time if you
are not sure, and if necessary, adjust the position of the vehicle and
(2) Adjust the height of the high loader according to the height of the
cargo door
(3) The driver put transmission to neutral/Park, deploy the stabilizers,
pulls the guardrail up and out
(4) The front end of the docking should be 15-20 cm from the aircraft
cargo floor. The loading and unloading platform shall be
horizontal with the bottom height of the cargo hold, and the
vertical height error value of the upper and lower is within 2 cm,
the bridge platform and the cargo door floor should be basically
on the same level, and the bridge platform anti-collision cartridge
should be basically parallel to the bottom edge of the cargo door..
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(5) The driver should pays attention to the difference between the
width of the bridge platform and the cargo door, when the width
of the bridge platform meets the width of the hatch, and the yellow
pallet does not need to be raised, the silver rail should be placed
in the inside position of the bridge platform, and when the
platform car's yellow tray is not met, the silver rail should be
placed in the outer hole of the platform car when the width of the
bridge is not met.

Picture-Silver rail is inside and outside accordingly

4) Handling precautions:
(1) During the loading and unloading process, it is forbidden to move
the container or pallet while lifting the platform.
(2) It is strictly forbidden to operate two button (except when
operating the drive) or more at one hand at the same time.
(3) No personnel allow on any part of the high loader when its being
(4) During loading and unloading, the loading platform shall not be
operated when container/pallet does not fully enter/exit from the
cargo door, to preventing the container/ pallet collide with the
(5) Before loading and unloading, container/ pallet needs to be kept
in the center, if the volume of cargo excess the pallet limit, loading
and unloading personnel need to adjust in a timely manner.
Loading supervisor needs to monitor the content.
(6) Operator must follow the instruction from the loading supervisor
and ensure container / pallet must not collide with the aircraft door.
(7) When loading containers, the loading supervisor must observe the
left and right distance between the container and the door, and
keep in communicate with the driver before loading and unloading
the container/PMC to avoid collide with the aircraft. The driver
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must observe the distance between the container/pallet on the
driver's side and the aircraft door.
(8) High Loader Operator must pay attention to observe the cargo on
the platform in and out of the door to ensure there is no deviation,
observe the aircraft height, follow the instruction from the loading
and unloading personnel at any time to adjust the status of the
High Loader, to ensure the consistence of the leveling between the
high loader and the aircraft.
(9) Immediately stop loading excessive cargo, and notify the
supervision to adjust cargo loading.
(10) The main lifting platform is not allowed to exceed 2 containers at
one time, and the distance between the containers should be no
less than 30 cm.
(11) When the vehicle is not parked steady, or the container platform is
being transferred from the lift bridge platform or bridge platform,
it is prohibited to climb the ladder to get up and down on the High
(12) When the Container / Pallet needs to be rotated on the platform,
the main platform needs to be at lowest position, and confirm that
the transferred goods are in the middle of the main platform,
confirm that the safety bezels on both sides of the platform are
effective, to prevent the cargo from falling from the platform
resulting in damage to people, equipment or aircraft. Rotating the
container platform is prohibited when the container platform is not
fully in the main platform.
(13) The pallet is correctly aligned with the High Loader, the pallet
height and main platform are the same.
(14) Loading staff shall not stand between High Loader and trailer.
(15) When the driver lifts the bridge platform, pay attention to whether
the cargo door operation panel cover is closed, to prevent the open
cover and guardrail collide.

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(16) When loading and unloading stop or waiting for cargo, the main
and bridge platforms should be kept retracting position, the
guardrails on both sides should be retract, the left guardrail laid
down, and the engine off.
5) Disengagement Procedure:
(1) The driver lowers the main platform to the retract position,
recovers the guardrails on both sides, lowers the left guardrail,
lowers the bridge platform to the lowest position.
(2) When unload / onload complete, operator carefully observes the
status of the vehicle, confirm the safety of the preparation for
(3) The marshaller removes all the chocks, puts the chocks on the car,
the driver starts to retract the stabilizer.
(4) Disengage the aircraft under the guidance of the marshaller. Emergency Handling
1) When the High Loader approaches the aircraft, the accelerator
pedal stuck appears, should be immediately:
(1) Lift the accelerator pedal and press the red emergency stop button
on the operator panel.
(2) Shut off general power, check the failure.
(3) Notify the failure to supervisor or duty manager. After they
approve, disengage from the aircraft.
2) When the vehicle cannot stop lifting up:
(1) Press emergency button, shut off engine, stop the platform from
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(2) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
(3) If the vehicle touched or likely touched the aircraft abnormally,
notify the maintenance staff.
Note: Before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.8 Belt Loader Belt Loader Definition

Belt loaders are motorized conveyors for loading and unloading
items such as baggage, parcels, bulk cargo, etc.

Picture-Belt loader General Requirement

Belt loader shall not approach to or disengage from the aircraft
when guardrail not retract. Operating Procedure
1) Arrive in place according to the outbound flights STD 60 minutes
in advance, inbound flights arrival 5 minutes in advance.
2) Approaching Operation:
(1) Approach the aircraft under the supervision of the marshaller and
comply with the speed and brake requirement. Conveyor belt
should align with the cargo door in a straight angle. (Note: The
Airbus A319 aircraft docks the front compartment at no less than
25 degrees angle to the front compartment).
(2) The conveyor belt shall be aligned with the cargo door and shall
be straight with the cargo door and be vertically docked with the
fuselage (Note: The Airbus A319 aircraft docks the front
compartment at no less than 25 degrees angle to the front
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(3) Adjust the height of the conveyor belt according to the height of
the cargo door.
(4) After approached: when loading, the front end of the conveyor belt
is higher than the vertical distance of the cargo floor 5-15 cm, and
the front end of the conveyor belt is 0-10 cm lower than the
vertical distance of the cargo floor when unloading.
(5) Marshallers place the chocks. The driver lifts hand brake, deploy
the stabilizer.
(6) Marshaller turns on belt power switch.
Marshaller operates belt to transfer cargo, and lift the guardrail
according to the on-site cargo and mail situation and the
movement of personnel in and out of the door.
3) Precautions:
(1) Do not lift the belt while the vehicle is driving.
(2) The belt loader shall not carry any cargo, baggage and other items
while in motion.
(3) Do not allow staff to use belt loader and operate switches when
the vehicle is not stopped.
(4) Do not stand, sit or walk on the belt when lifting or operating.
(5) Follow the loader instruction when the height is to be adjusted
during loading and unloading.
(6) During loading and unloading, the loader should ensure the item
is place on the center position of the belt.
(7) When stopping loading and unloading and waiting for work, the
lift belt should at lowest position, the engine should be off and the
headlights and working lights should be turned off at night..
(8) If the belt loader docks the front compartment, if the working
environment around the front compartment is small, in order to
reduce the risk of the front end of the belt crucifying the aircraft
engine, the vehicle should be circled from the empty area behind
the aircraft to the front compartment docking.
(9) The vehicle does not shut down and the driver is required to wait
with the vehicle.
(10) Ensure that the conveyor belts are properly spaced and that
congestion is avoided.
4) Disengagement Procedure:
(1) After loading and unloading work is complete, the operator turns
off the belt switch, if the guardrail is raised, the guardrail needs to
be retracted.
(2) The driver retracts the back and front of the belt, retracts the
stabilizer and relieves the hand brake.
(3) Before the Disengage, the marshaller carefully observes the status
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of the vehicle, check the vehicle around for inspection, confirms
the safety and ready to disengage.
(4) Under the instruction of the marshaller, the driver disengages from
the red safety line of the aircraft at a speed of no more than 5 km/h,
the marshaller withdraws the chocks and driver drives away. Emergency Handling
1) When the belt loader approaches the aircraft, the accelerator pedal
stuck appears, should be immediately:
(1) Lift the accelerator pedal.
(2) Lift hand brake.
(3) Press the red emergency stop button on the operator panel if the
belt cannot stop.
(4) Shut off general power, check the failure.
(5) Notify the failure to supervisor or duty manager. After they
approve, disengage from the aircraft.
2) When the vehicle cannot stop lifting up:
(1) Press emergency button, shut off engine, stop the belt from lifting.
(2) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
If the vehicle touched or likely touched the aircraft abnormally,
notify the maintenance staff.
Note: Before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.9 Passenger Highlift for Reduced Mobility Passenger Vehicle Definition

Passenger Highlift for Reduced Mobility Passenger is a Ground
Service Vehicle that assist passenger with disability to embark and

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Picture-Passenger Highlift for Reduced Mobility Passenger General Requirement
Follow weight limit of manufacture manual. The marshaller
monitors maximum occupancy. Approaching Operation
1) Arriving time:
2) Inbound flights: arrive 5 minutes before aircraft on block.
3) Outbound Flight: Before passenger embark (according to
dispatcher order).
4) Vehicle docking position at which cabin door is designated by the
5) Approach under guidance of marshaller and position within a safe
distance to the aircraft.
6) Vehicle should align with the aircraft door as long as its comply
with the safety procedure as well as not obstructing the aircraft
7) Put transmission to neutral, Lift hand brake, put on chocks.
8) Passenger embark operation:
(1) Lower the rear lift platform to the ground, the operator put down
the side door boarding ladder, and then open the rear of the
(2) Assist personnel to help passengers to board the rear platform,
secure the wheelchair, stretcher should be placed in a stable state.
(3) Raise the vehicle to the same level of the aircraft door.
(4) Extend the docking platform and attach to the aircraft door.
(5) Position the side rail and lock in position
(6) Prior to docking, the front end of the vehicle and handrail must
remain in a suitable position in which no contact with the aircraft
but no risk of falling. (e.g. extendable platform and door floor
distance is 5-10 cm. The distance should be 10-20 cm of vehicles
with removable panels.
(7) Assist personnel assist the passenger onboard.
(8) First withdraw the guardrail on one side of the hatch, wait for the
door to close, take back the other side of the guardrail, then take
back the telescopic platform, and carry out the lower down
9) Passenger disembark operation:
(1) The operator arrives at the designated position and raise up the
vehicle for docking.
(2) Service personnel to help passengers disembark to the main lifting
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carriage from the aircraft. Hold the passenger wheelchair into the
vehicle floor plate groove, stretcher should be placed in a stable
(3) Operating the carriage to the lowest position. The service
personnel should help the passenger to leave the vehicle.
(4) Same requirement as embarking. Disengagement Procedure
1) The operator closes the rear door, closes the side door and retracts
the boarding ladder, and the driver raises the retracted platform to
its initial status.
2) Before the Disengage, the operator carefully observes the status of
the vehicle, check the vehicle around for inspection, confirms the
safety and ready to disengage.
3) Follow instruction of marshaller to disengage to a safe distance,
remove all the chocks. Emergency Handling
1) Vehicle lifting cannot stop:
(1) Press emergency button immediately, shut off engine, stop the
platform from lifting and disengage force exTug.
(2) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
2) If the vehicle touched or likely touched the aircraft abnormally,
notify the maintenance staff.
Note: Before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.10 Catering Truck
Note: Ground service management department is not responsible
for the management of aviation catering truck. The specific
operating standards refer to authorized agency’s management
7.2.11 Waste Truck Definition of Garbage Truck

Garbage trucks are Ground Service Vehicles that hold and recycle
household waste on aircraft.

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Picture-Garbage truck General Requirement

1) When the garbage is full, close the garbage truck cover and send
it to a designated waste disposal site for decontamination.
2) The maximum driving speed of the vehicle should not exceed the
speed limit of each airport. Should not spill out garbage while
3) When waste truck approaching the aircraft, all hydraulic
equipment should be retracted and raising platform must remain
static during movement.
4) During the operation, the service person should immediately stop
the operation if there is an emergency.
5) During the service person working process, the driver should not
leave the vehicle cab and observe carefully to be prepared for
emergency handling. Operating Procedure
1) Garbage truck arrival and servicing time
(1) For turnaround flight, arrive the parking bay the same time as
cleaning team. After aircraft finish flight, service the aircrafts
follow the notice of cleaning team.
(2) Collect all waste within 3 minutes after docking for narrow-bodied
aircraft, within 10 minutes for wide-bodied aircraft.
2) Approaching operation
(1) Vehicle docking: As per the local requirement, garbage truck can
be docked to the left rear cabin door, right rear cabin door, right
front cabin door and right center door.
(2) Approach with marshaller instruction and stop within safety
distance to the aircraft.

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(3) After docking, the driver put transmission to neutral, lifts hand
brake, extend the stabilizer. Service staff put chocks. Driver
engages exTug.
(4) Vehicle operating requirements:
A. When the waste truck needs to be raised up for operation, the staff
should attach their safety belt and proceed as working in high
B. The operator raises the vehicle and approach the aircraft door.
C. The service person expands the folding guardrails on both sides
according to the opening of the cabin door, with a distance of 10-15
cm from the aircraft (when the guardrail opened on one side of the
door cannot be fully opened, the service person shall, according to
the actual situation at the scene, open the guardrail at a certain safety
angle to prevent the service staff from falling from the gap).
D. Prior to docking, the front end of the vehicle and handrail should
maintain a safe distance to the aircraft. Contact with aircraft is not
allow but the distance should not allow any person or object to fall.
3) Disengagement Procedure
(1) Service person confirms the trash bags are all cleaned and hang on
the yellow warning belt on the cabin door.
(2) The service person recovers the guardrail to the initial position,
retract the extendable platform. Once its fully retract, the operator
can lower the vehicle.
(3) After trunk reaches the retract position, the service person releases
the safety rope and lowers the ladder.
(4) After confirming that the service person has stepped down the
stairs, retract the stabilizer.
(5) The service person checks the vehicle around to confirm that the
support foot has been retracted, the vehicle has no obstacle around
and behind, command the vehicle to disengage, the Disengage
speed does not exceed 5 km/h.
(6) The vehicle is disengaged to the safety zone of the Red Line, the
service person take back the chocks on the vehicle and then gets
on the vehicle, and the driver leaves the aircraft. Emergency Handling
1) When the vehicle cannot stop lifting:
(1) Press emergency button, shut off engine, stop the platform from
lifting and disengage exTug.
(2) Notify dispatcher and maintenance staff.
2) If the vehicle touched or likely touched the aircraft abnormally,
notify the maintenance staff.
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Ground Operation Manual 7
Note: Before the failure is fixed, the vehicle should not be used
again. Due to the difference between different vehicle models, the
emergency operation standard should refer to manual provided by
7.2.12 Aircraft Tow/Pushback Tug Definition of Aircraft Tow/Pushback Tug

Aircraft Tow/Pushback Tug are support vehicle for pushing and
towing aircraft on the ground at the airport. Tow/Pushback Tug
include tug with and without tow bar.

Picture-Tow Tug with tow bar

Picture-Tow Tug with tow bar is pushing back aircraft

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Picture-Towbarless Tug General Requirement

1) Aircraft pushing or towing route and surrounding should not have
any obstacle.
2) Except for the departure aircraft APU failure, the Tow Tug can be
attached while GPU/ASU still connect. For other cases, the Tug
driver must ensure that all types of vehicles and equipment have
been disengaged prior to docking.
3) Correct type of Tow Tug should be used based on aircraft type.
4) Driving cabin is prohibited from lifting when the vehicle is under
the aircraft body.
5) When towing an aircraft into or out of an aircraft hangar or passing
through a congest runway, there should be sufficient maintenance
staff on site to assist in towing work and monitor the aircraft. The
number of maintenance personnel shall be followed with the
relevant standards of the authorities to prevent the collision
between the aircraft and the obstacles (the clearance distance
between aircrafts should not be less than 2 meters. the Tug driver
shall only follow the command of the maintenance staff who is
wearing headphones).
6) If cockpit turns on the taxiing lights during aircraft Tug docking
process, bright light exposure might result the driver briefly blind,
immediately stop docking and service, inform the dispatcher,
change the driver.
7) When pushing and towing an Aircraft with APU in operation or
the aircraft pushed or towed at front is passing through another
aircraft with APU in operation, the distance between the APU
exhaust port and the tank vent shall not be less than 15 meters.
8) When waiting for a long time at the designate position, when the
vehicle needs to be turned off, it should be parked on the left or

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right side of the position and kept at least one parking space from
the taxi line. The driver should chock the wheel if he leaves the
vehicle. Push Back Procedure
1) Aircraft Tow Tug with tow bar
(1) Push back preparation:
A. If the vehicles have lifting function, confirm the driver’s cab is
B. After receiving service task, should be in place 5 minutes before
flight estimated/planned departure time, wait outside the red safety
zone or 5 meters away from the aircraft.
(2) Approaching operation:
A. After the aircraft front wheel and front cone barrel Disengage is
complete, the maintenance staff gives signals that the vehicle can
approach to the aircraft, and the driver drives slowly to the tow bar.
Stop when the vehicle and the tow bar at 1m distance, then controls
Tug speed slowly to dock the tow bar.
B. When connected to the towbar, it shall be smooth and accurate and
shall not be hit anything. The Tug, towbar and aircraft body shall be
in the same straight line when attachment the towbar. (The docking
process should not take more than 3 minutes)
C. Tug should remain in natural and park gear after attached to the
aircraft and prior to pushback.
(3) Push back operation:
A. The driver pushes back the aircraft according to the gesture
command of maintenance staff (gestures are shown below). Before
obtaining a clear instruction, it shall not start moving (e.g. aircraft
anti-collision light failure, the maintenance personnel should get
consent from the tower before the service the aircraft).
Aircraft head direction: Hit the driver to
watch, touch forehead by the fingers, then
point to the direction of the aircraft head

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Aircraft brake released: show fist, after
driver noticed, open the palms

Okay to push/pull: The arm and body are

extended 90 degrees and thumbs up, then
fingers are close and straight while the
arm swings in the direction of push/pull

Slow down: The arm and body are

extended 90 degrees, palms down, make a
downward patting movement to hint
driver to slow down

Brake: if brake needed, show palms and

fist immediately

B. Under the guidance of at least two maintenance staff, the driver

should refer to taxiing line and start to push back slowly. If feel the
aircraft is not moving, should not accelerate aimlessly. Immediately
contact the maintenance staff and find out the reason.
C. Do not change the direction of aircraft front during push back. The
vehicle speed should be limited to 5km/hour and less.
D. During push back, no person shall get on or off the vehicle.
E. No direction turn shall be made in place before the aircraft wheel
rotate, and the distance of the aircraft nose wheel from the taxiing
line shall not exceed 1 meter (except for turns and special parking
bays) during the aircraft pushing back.
F. The turning angle must comply with the provisions of the aircraft
maintenance manual and the towbar must not exceed the red
warning line of the front landing gear attached door.
G. Tugs should be gradually put on the brakes and are prohibited from
shifting, making sharp turns, rapid acceleration and sudden braking
during the push-back the aircraft.
H. The net distance between aircraft in push back process and aircraft
parked adjacent to the aircraft or moving obstacles (e.g. passenger
ladder vehicles, etc.) should meet the requirements of

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B737: > 4.5M

B787: >7.5M

A330: >7.5M

A350: >7.5M
I. If the driver cannot see maintenance guide staff, the driver shall not
push back aircraft further.
J. In the event of complex weather such as rain, snow, fog and sand,
the driver needs to clearly see the aircraft's wing tip and tail tip.
When it is not clear to see, the aircraft can only be pushed with
increases the ground monitoring personnel.
K. When the road snow and ice makes the Tug slip/ice-covered taxiing
line invisible, the aircraft must be pushed after the airport removes
the snow and ice.
L. The start of the towing process should not exceed 3 minutes (except
for special condition and special parking bays).
(4) Disengagement Procedure:
A. After aircraft being pushed into place, the maintenance staff gives a
thumbs-up gesture, the aircraft, the tow bar and the Tug are in a
straight line, the wheels and the front wheels of the aircraft are in
correct position, and the driver slowly brakes and stops.
B. Maintenance staff remove the towbar from Tow Tug.
C. Driver observes the rear of the vehicle carefully, confirm safe and
back the vehicle within a speed of 2km/hour. Turn around the
direction and wait 2 meters away from the aircraft.
D. The operator removes the tow bar from the aircraft and hangs the
towbar on the Tug Tow Tug hook, and the driver drives away and
inform the dispatcher.
E. The driver is required to drag the tow bar back into the equipment
parking area and the towbar is removed by the maintenance staff. If
no maintenance staff available to remove, the driver will parallel
parked the Tug and aircraft, Put P/empty or stop transmission and
tighten the hand brake. If in the slope area must block the chocks,
get off the vehicle to remove the towbar.
2) Towbar-less Tug
(1) Push back preparation: the procedure is the same as traditional
aircraft Tow Tug with towbar.
(2) Approaching operation:
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A. Test brake procedure is the same as traditional aircraft Tow Tug with
B. Before approach to the aircraft, lower the Tow Tug holding device
to the working position.
C. Confirm that the central axis of the Tug, the laser position and the
center axis of the aircraft nose wheel are in the same straight line.
In the meanwhile, turn the steering wheel to upright position.
D. After front chocks and cones are removed from the aircraft front
gear, maintenance staff given signal ready to approach, the
operation vehicle can approach to aircraft front gear.
E. Confirm the correct position to put holding nose wheel device. If
the position not correct, back the vehicle and approach again.
Operator should not force to perform the holding operation.

Picture-Confirm the position to put holding nose wheel position

F. Hold and lift aircraft front wheel tightly, wait for push-back
G. Operation time to perform the connecting operation should not
exceed 3 minutes.
(3) Push-back Operation:
A. Towbar-less Tug push-back operation mostly the same as Tug with
towbar. The below is the detailed difference. Refer to the following
content to operate if there is any difference:
B. Maintenance staff put all the chocks on the Tug’s large arm.
C. When push the aircraft to the taxiing way, the driver should pay
attention to the taxiing way central line light to avoid stop and
release the wheel on the light.
D. Should not use towbar-less Tug when there is an APU failure and
for 777ER aircrafts.
E. The turning angle of towbar-less Tug is mainly determined by
vehicle over turn alarm system, with the observation of red cap short
bar on the middle of the vehicle body.
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(4) Disengagement Procedure:
A. When pushed in place, maintenance person gives a thumb-up
gesture, Tug driver confirms the Tug, aircraft body at the same
straight line, make the wheel at upright position, put aircraft front
gear to neutral position, slowly brake to stop.
B. The driver put down the aircraft front wheel, take back holding
device, observe surrounding carefully, and confirm safe, back the
vehicle to 2 meters from the aircraft slowly within a speed of
2km/hour. Lift the holding device to original status and drive away.
Notify dispatcher about the service process. Towing Procedure
The towing process consists of a combination of the two processes
of pushing and pulling, which is pushing the aircraft to the taxiway
before towing to the specified position. Towing methods include
parking bay towing, hangar towing and parking bay ↔ hangar
1) Definition
(1) Parking bay towing: the process of towing the aircraft from one
parking bay to another parking bay.
(2) Hangar towing: the process of towing the aircraft from one hangar
to another hangar or to the different parking space within the same
(3) Parking bay↔Hangar towing: the process of towing the aircraft to
hangar from parking bay or to the parking bay from hangar.
(4) Some self taxiing parking bay and when aircraft head facing out
in the hangar, no pushing needed during the towing operation. The
Tug can tow the aircraft directly.
2) Towing operation
(1) Preparation check before vehicle departure is the same as pushing
back procedure.
(2) Arrival time: After receiving the service task and arrive in place at
pointed time.
(3) Push back operation: Tug with towbar and towbar-less Tug
pushing back procedure is the same as aircraft push-back
(4) Towing procedure: After pushed back the aircraft to the taxiing
way, operate according to vehicle model
A. Double-heads Tug with towbar: driver use one of the driving cabin
to push the aircraft to the taxiway, then get off the vehicle and use
another driving cabin to operate.
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B. Single-head Tug: after the driver pushed the aircraft to the taxiway,
the maintenance staff lifts the towbar and Tug, the driver backs the
vehicle and turns the Tug direction, under the command of the
maintenance staff, observes the rear end of the vehicle with a rear-
view mirror, reversing camera, slowly backing (speed does not
exceed 2 km/h), Point the hook of the tail trailer to the towbar and
connected by maintenance staff. After connected, the vehicle body
is aligned with the towbar and the aircraft body.
C. Towbar-less Tug: driver pushes back the aircraft to taxiway, then
turn the driving seat 180 degree.
D. Before towing and after aircraft Tugs completed aircraft docking,
the vehicle should keep neutral and parking status.
E. Driver follows the gesture of maintenance staff, follows the driving
route and ground signs accordingly, slowly start to tow the aircraft.
F. If maintenance staff walking to guide, the driver should not continue
to towing if he cannot see the maintenance staff. For long distance
towing, the maintenance staff can get on the vehicle to guide the
G. Driver keeps in touch with maintenance staff, maintenance staff
should pay attention to Tug, aircraft moving status, prepare for
emergency handling at any time.
H. Before aircraft in place(turning), maintenance staff should get off
the vehicle to monitor aircraft to be in place.
I. In the event of rain, snow, fog, sand and other complex weather, the
driver needs to clearly see the aircraft wing tip, tail tip. When it is
not clear, the aircraft increases the ground monitoring personnel
before the aircraft can be towed.
J. When the ice and snow on the road make the Tug slip/icy, and slide
line invisible, the snow and ice must be removed before the aircraft
can be towed.
K. Towing aircraft speed:
a) The straight-line driving speed to tow aircraft on the tarmac
taxiway should generally not exceed 10 km/h.
b) When the surrounding is open and has no obstacle, the speed should
not exceed 15km/hour.
c) The direct driving speed of the towing aircraft on the taxiway
should not exceed 3 km/h.
d) In night and special weather conditions, the towing aircraft should
not travel at a linear speed of more than 5 km/h across the airport
e) Towing aircraft should not travel at a linear speed of more than 1.5
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km/h through obstacles, complex areas and sloped areas.
f) The turning angle of the towing aircraft shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the aircraft maintenance
manual of the aircraft type, and the turning speed shall not exceed
3 km/h.
L. Other operations of the towing aircraft, such as turning operation,
turning angle limit, brake operation, shift operation, spacing
between aircraft and obstacles, distance between the nose wheel and
taxiing line of the aircraft and parking operation after being put in
place, are consistent with the aircraft push-back operation process
and are will not be repeated.
M. During the towing process, the driving cabin hanging the towbar is
prohibited from lifting. For other cabin away from the towbar, the
driver can adjust the height of the cabin to have better sight and
driving. After service completed, lower the cabin to initial status.
N. When the Tug tows the aircraft into position, the driver slowly
brakes and stops after the aircraft maintenance staff has given a stop
gesture. If there is a stop line, stops on the corresponding model stop
line. If there is no stop line, stops at the position required by the
parking bay.
O. The Tug with towbar is removed by the maintenance staff and left
after removing the side towbar. If the Tug needs to leaves with
towbar, the aircraft maintenance guides Tug drives away from the
aircraft 1 meter away, removes the tow bar on one side of the aircraft
and mounts it to the rear tow pin of the Tug, which leaves away.
P. Towbar-less Tug recovers holding device, the driver drives away
and notify dispatcher.
3) Timeframe for Towing
Depend on aircraft type, aircraft should be towed into designated
departure stand within the following timeframe.
(1) For seats between 251-500, 90 minutes to STD
(2) For seats between 151-250, 90 minutes to STD
(3) For seats between 61-150. 90 minutes to STD Hangar Operation
1) Tugs refer to the taxiing line when push/towing aircraft in and out
of the hangar. If there is no taxiing line outside the hangar, or the
taxiway inside the hangar is not clear, the maintenance staff takes
temporary lines.
2) The speed should not exceed 1 km/h when entering and exiting the
hangar and dock, as well as inside the hangar.
3) Aircraft in and out of the hangar, and in the hangar protection,
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there should be sufficient maintenance staff on site to assist in the
monitoring of the aircraft (the number of staff shall be determined
by the aircraft maintenance in accordance with the local standards).
4) In the hangar service, the driver needs to be highly concentrated,
closely observe the spacing between the aircraft and the
surrounding obstacles, and listen to the command of the
maintenance wearing headphones. If the distance between the
aircraft and the surrounding obstacles is not less than 2 meters, if
the site conditions are not met, the aircraft shall arrange for
personnel to focus on the monitoring of the narrow area.
5) For the area equipped with alarm, it alarm is blinking, driver
should stop immediately.
6) When the front wheel of the aircraft reaches the specified stop line
or the specified position required by the maintenance staff, the
driver slowly brakes in accordance with the maintenance staff’s
gesture or instructions. Under the command of the aircraft,
disengage from the hangar. Reverse to push/tow aircrafts
1) Reversing towing aircraft: After a normal flight is launched to the
taxiway, due to the apron space limitation, when the maintenance
requires the aircraft to move a short distance forward, the driver
reverses to tow the aircraft to the designated position of the
maintenance; in the hangar, the aircraft weighs When it is heavy,
the aircraft can be reversed to tow;
2) During the reversing operation, the maintenance staff should
strengthen the monitoring of the obstacles around the tug and the
rear of the aircraft; during the reversing operation, the
maintenance should strengthen the monitoring around the aircraft
and the tractor to ensure safe operation;
3) When reversing the towing operation, go straight and retreat
without turning directions;
4) It is forbidden to push the aircraft by reversing the tug.
5) If the airport requires otherwise, it must be complied with. Engine Start during pushback
1) For Airport allow Engine start during pushback, joint risk
assessment with Flight Deck, Engineering and pushback team
should be in placed prior to operation. Only implement when there
is no risk identity.
2) For Airport allow Engine start during pushback, each stand /
parking bay should be risk assessed each as slope angle or turning
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angle. Only implement at suitable stand.
3) In principle, tow bar pushback can implement single engine start
during pushback. For capable airport towbarness pushback / dual
engine start can be implement once no risk been identified.
4) Prior to engine start, Engineer / Flight Deck should inform the
pushback team which engine they intend to start during pushback. Emergency Handling
1) After pushing the aircraft that has started the engine in place, the
maintenance staff should remove it, after the tow bar blocks, hang
up the reverse gear and pay attention to observe the aircraft
dynamics, once the aircraft slips in front, should quickly back
down to prevent the aircraft from collide with the Tug.
2) Towbar shear pin broken: the phenomenon of "towing rod shear
pin" break occurs during the protection aircraft, such as a "click"
sound of the tow bar or the discovery that the aircraft traction
direction is not controlled:
(1) During pushing the aircraft, keep horning to warn, slowly apply
the brakes, control the speed of the aircraft and Tugs to slowly stop,
immediately notify the aircraft maintenance.
(2) During towing the aircraft, keep horning to warn. Release the
throttle to reduce the speed, so that the vehicle and aircraft as far
as possible to stay on a line, slowly apply the brakes while
notifying the aircraft traction marshaller (maintenance staff),
maintenance staff will notify the person on board to brake together
until the aircraft is stopped.
3) The towbar shear pin and the connection pin are broken at the
same time: the cutting pin and the connecting pin are broken at the
same time while the aircraft is protected, causing the aircraft
towbar to be separated from the aircraft:
(1) During the pushing operation, keep horning to warn, Tug driver
should make emergency braking to avoid the Tug crashing into the
Tug or aircraft.
(2) During the towing operation process, keep horning to warn, driver
should immediately increase the throttle to drive the vehicle away
to a safe area, inform the maintenance staff to eliminate the
4) When the vehicle is in the working position stalled due to a
malfunction, does not start, and cannot complete the aircraft
support mission, promptly follows the report process to notify. In
towing the defective vehicle when the emergency pump switch of
the faulty vehicle is pressed, the handle brake switch is hit to the
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"OFF" position, the vehicle is disengaged to a zone that does not
affect the aircraft taxiing, and the vehicle is replaced in a timely
5) Aircraft Tug emergency operation is usually due to the Tug failure
and cannot work properly, and use the aircraft Tug self-equipped
emergency transmission shift moving, emergency steering,
emergency braking and other devices to implement emergency
measures, or other vehicle is towed by other vehicle of emergency
(1) Emergency moving: When the shift handle switch fails,
emergency moving can be carried out. Rotating the emergency
switch, the transmission can be correspondingly hanging
forward/backward one stop, Once this switch is on, the shift
switch will be incapacitated.
(2) Emergency steering: after the Tug stalls, the main steering oil road
will not work, equipped with emergency electric hydraulic pump,
hydraulic pump powered by the battery, to provide hydraulic oil
into the oil channel. By the operation of the cab to switch allows
the vehicle to steer normally. After the steering action is complete,
the emergency pump power should be cut off in time, each
working time should not exceed 1 minute, the two steering interval
time is not less than 2 minutes (this pump can only work for a short
period of time to avoid excessive heating of the electrical system).
(3) Emergency manual pump, brake pump failure, and the
accumulator pressure are insufficient, the service brake valve
cannot brake, and the parking brake valve cannot open. At this
time, the manual pump can be triggered to provide power to ensure
that the normal brake valve, parking brake valve open, so that the
Tug can effectively brake.
(4) Emergency shutdown: In a state of emergency, press the
emergency stop switch to turn off the engine.
(5) After the emergency stop switch is pressed, pay attention to restore
the original state, otherwise it will not start properly.
6) If the Tug is unable to operate due to the failure of the Tug,
immediately report to the special fleet dispatcher office /
production team leader another good Tug to ensure production.
7) Emergency steering operation of Tug with towbar:
(1) When the Tug's engine or hydraulic pump failure causes the
hydraulic steering system to not work properly and the vehicle
must be moved away, the emergency steering button can be
pressed to make the electric hydraulic pump work, provide
hydraulic oil for the steering system, and make the steering system
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steering power.
(2) Confirm that the engine key switch is in the "on" position and the
emergency stop switch is released.
(3) Start the emergency power supply and observe if the emergency
pump is started.
(4) Note: The emergency pump continuous time cannot exceed 1
minute, need to continue to use, must let the emergency motor cool
down for 10 minutes before operation, otherwise the motor will
overheat damage.
(5) Important: When dragging the Tug away from the site, it is only
possible to use the front wheel steering and retreat to the neutral.
When the Tug is towed, the towing speed must not exceed 10 km/h
and the towing distance should not exceed 10 km/ h.
8) Emergency steering operation of towbar-less Tug:
(1) Align the Tug with the aircraft.
(2) To make the aircraft's braking system work.
(3) If using an electric hydraulic pump, turn on the power supply.
Emergency operation can directly be done with manual pump.
(4) Open the control valve and turn on the emergency oil channel.
(5) Open the parking brake valve and release the brake.
(6) Open the hydraulic direction valve, use the manual pump to
provide pressure and turn any steering wheel in the cab, the front
wheels can be returned. Reset the hydraulic direction valve after
(7) Open the hydraulic control valve of the lowering wheel lift device
and the lift device can be lowered.
(8) Reset the hydraulic control valve for the lowering wheel lift device.
(9) Open the hydraulic opening valve of the holding wheel lift device
clamping device, provide pressure with a manual or electric pump,
and open the lift device.
(10) Reset the hydraulic opening valve holding the wheel lift clamping
(11) Close the parking brake valve and use hand brake to operate.
(12) Drive the Tow Tug away from the aircraft
If the Tug needs to be towed away from the aircraft, continue the
following work after completing the above operations:
A. Shake the manual pump. open the hydraulic bypass valve of the
travel motor.
B. Open the parking brake valve, release the parking brake, or
mechanically release the parking brake.
C. Open the hydraulic direction valve, open the emergency electric
pump, and turn any steering wheel in the cab to turn the front wheels.
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Tow the Tug away.
Warning: When towing a Tug, turn the engine off and place the
ignition in the open position.
(13) Mechanically release of hand brakes
When the hydraulic system fails, the hand brake is automatically
locked for the safety of the Tug. Mechanical way to release the hand
brake method:
Take out the special tool, remove the end cover on the drive wheel
shaft, place the tool in the position of driving the wheel shaft and
screw the screws clockwise until the hand brake is released.
7.2.13 Deicing Operating standard General requirements

1) Deicing vehicle drivers shall receive training and regular
retraining in accordance with the regulations in order to obtain
driving qualifications for vehicles in the airport.
2) Untrained or unqualified personnel are not allowed to drive and
operate de-icing vehicles.
3) Deicing unit shall ensure all deicing equipment are properly
maintain and in good working order.
4) Deicing equipment shall follow local airport procedure for
movement between stands and parking bay.
5) Deicing units shall ensure all local regulations / requirement
within its operating region / airport are fulfill and deliver
6) If foreign countries or civil aviation management agencies have
special requirements, they shall be implemented in accordance
with local regulations and policies on the premise of ensuring
safety. Deicing Operating Requirement
1) The operator of the deicing vehicle should carefully check the
vehicle before leaving the vehicle to ensure that the deicing
vehicle is in a good and usable condition. If the deicing vehicle is
malfunctioning or has unstable performance, it is strictly
forbidden to perform any operations on the aircraft.
2) The deicing operator must perform the following checks to
confirm that all functions are normal before operation:
(1) Whether the concentration of deicing fluid meets the standard and
whether the amount of deicing fluid is sufficient.
(2) Whether the deicing vehicle earphone is operational.
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(3) Whether the safety belt of the deicing vehicle is operational.
(4) Whether the operation handle of the deicing vehicle is operational
in all directions;
(5) Whether the emergency brake button of the deicing vehicle is in
(6) Whether the deicing spray is in good condition;
3) The driver of the deicing vehicle should arrive at the designated
location at the time notified by the airport operation command
4) When supporting vehicles and equipment provide ground support
operations for the aircraft, other vehicles and equipment are not
allowed to enter the operating area of the aircraft position.
5) Before the de-icing vehicle approaches the aircraft, the brakes
must be tested at about 15 meters from the aircraft to confirm that
the de-icing vehicle has good braking performance.
6) When the vehicle approaches or docks with the aircraft, the brakes
and wheel blocks shall be used as needed, and the speed shall not
exceed 5 kilometers per hour.
7) When the deicing vehicle is approaching or disengaging the
aircraft, the pod, lift, and swing should not be manipulated while
moving the vehicle forward and backward.
8) The number or weight of the de-icing vehicle must not exceed the
manufacturer's regulations. The operators in the pod must wear
seat belts. The rotation angle of the lifting boom must not exceed
the manufacturer's vehicle instructions.
9) During the de-icing/anti-icing process, any part of the de-icing
vehicle should always maintain a safe distance from the aircraft
outline (reference standard: the de-icing vehicle should be kept at
a safe distance of more than 2 meters from the aircraft, and the
hanging basket, boom and aircraft should be kept more than 2
meters away. 1.5m safety distance), vehicles are prohibited from
entering the vertical projection area of the aircraft. When making
a detour, pay attention to driving at a low speed, not making sharp
turns and braking.
10) Someone must observe and direct the deicing vehicle when it
reverses into position (except for the position where the slow
deicing is implemented). It is forbidden to reverse the vehicle
without unmanned command, and it is forbidden for commanders
to perform tasks other than command and observation when the
deicing vehicle is moving.
11) The driver of the deicing vehicle and the deicing operator must
establish an effective communication method. When the
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communication with the other party is not smooth or has not yet
received a response, the operation should be stopped immediately,
and the next operation can be performed only after the effective
communication is re-established.
12) According to the continuous changes of the aircraft's deicing (anti-
icing) position, the deicing operator communicates with the driver
of the deicing vehicle through earphones/interphone in time to
adjust the deicing vehicle to the best deicing (anti-icing) position.
When the de-icing vehicle is approaching or leaving the aircraft,
the commander shall not perform other tasks, and shall
concentrate on directing the vehicle to move to prevent scratching
with the aircraft.
13) During the entire process from the vehicle preparing to approach
the aircraft to the completion of the deicing operation and the
vehicle preparing to evacuate the aircraft, the deicing operator
informs the driver of the location of the boom and pod, the
direction of the vehicle, and the parking before the vehicle moves.
De-icing operators and drivers should accurately predict that the
vehicle will always maintain a safe distance from the aircraft
during the driving process and at the stopping point before the
vehicle can be moved.
14) Due to differences in vehicle equipment, standard procedures, and
aircraft environment in various regions, the driving route, boom
and pod lifting operations of the deicing vehicle when
approaching/evacuating the aircraft and deicing operations shall
be implemented in accordance with the procedures of each
guarantee unit to avoid deicing vehicles Strike the aircraft.
15) When the de-icing vehicle does not perform the guarantee mission
or needs to travel a long distance to the next operation site, the pod
shall not carry personnel or equipment.
16) Before the de-icing fluid has dropped to the specified temperature,
it is strictly forbidden to stop the engine under load.
17) The deicing of local vehicles and deicing of designated vehicles
shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the
approval/filing procedures of each airport or civil aviation
management unit. Emergency Handling
1) During operation, if there is a vehicle failure, the operation should
be stopped immediately, and the backup program should be
activated according to the manufacturer's instructions. If the
normal operation still cannot be performed, the unit should be
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reported for disposal.
2) If emergency situations such as out-of-control of the vehicle,
failure of the hydraulic system, rupture of the water pipe, etc. are
found during the operation, the emergency brake button should be
pressed to stop the operation immediately, and the unit should be
reported for disposal.
3) In the event of damage to the aircraft or casualties, operations must
be stopped immediately, and relevant information must be
immediately reported to the crew, HNA staff on site, HNA
customer service on-duty (khfwx@hnair.com, +86-0898-
65987106), etc. post.
7.2.14 Baggage Tug Definition of Baggage Tug

Baggage Tugs are Ground Service Vehicles that provide towing
service for cargo, mail, baggage, power equipment, etc.

Picture-Baggage Tug General Requirement

1) When the baggage Tug tows the pallets, the large pallets shall not
exceed four, the small pallets shall not exceed six, and the dollies
shall not exceed six. The weight of the cargo towed must not
exceed the maximum load of the dolly.
2) Baggage Tug must not reverse when driving with pallets or
electrical equipment Operating Procedure
1) Time in place: All local agents should be in accordance with the
actual situation of the local airport, baggage Tugs should arrive at
the cargo terminal and baggage sorting room in advance, in order
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not to delay the flight as the principle. Following is suggested
arrival time for baggage Tug: Cargo task arrival (Based on flight
departure time: wide-bodied aircraft 90 minutes in advance,
narrow-bodied aircraft 70 minutes in advance), Baggage task
arrival (Based on flight departure time: wide-bodied aircraft 60
minutes in advance, narrow-bodied aircraft 40 minutes in
2) For inbound flight, arrive 5 minutes in advance.
3) It is strictly forbidden to walk under the wing (except when
handling wide-body aircraft, but only an empty pallet/trailer can
be towed under the rear edge of the right wing)
4) After loading and offloading the cargo, baggage, before
Disengage, it is necessary to confirm that the baggage Tug is
connected or disconnected with the dolly/pallet.
5) The driver tows baggage and cargo to the designated location, the
driving speed shall not exceed 25 km/h. When making turns, at
cargo warehouse and bumps shall not exceed 5 km/h.
6) When driving over long distances and passing bumpy sections,
driver should get off the vehicle to check the connection of power
supply equipment, dolly/pallet with the baggage Tug, and also
check if the cargo net is secure on the dolly/pallet.
7) After the dolly/pallet is hooked or dismounted, the baggage Tug
driver/loader/supervisor discharge (as determined by the territorial
situation) checks the connection or disconnection status of the
dolly/pallet to the baggage Tug before being disengaged.
8) Baggage Tug towing powerless power equipment to approach,
Disengage aircraft support procedures refers ground power units
operation chapter.
9) When the baggage tractor is in the parking space, the vehicle and
any part of the towed pallet and trailer must be kept at least 2
meters apart from the aircraft. The baggage tractor is not allowed
to be docked and towed when the tractor is docked with the aircraft
door. The porter pulls the trailer about 2 meters away from the
aircraft before docking and towing.
10) When the baggage tractor is waiting on the apron, the driver
should wait with the vehicle. Emergency Handling
1) When the baggage Tug broken under the aircraft and cannot move,
it is usually reported immediately to the dispatcher
office/production team leader of the Ground Service Vehicle,
using manual push, or towing the vehicle, or emergency
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Disengage by fork-lift truck, etc..
2) When the baggage Tug approaches the aircraft, if any of the
following situations happens: The brake is invalid, the accelerator
stuck reversely or the engine rotate speed is out of control. Driver
should immediately:
(1) Lift accelerator pedal.
(2) Tighten hand break.
(3) Avoid aircrafts.
(4) Shut down general power and check the failure.
(5) Inform the supervisor or on-duty leader of the failure in a timely
manner and disengage the aircraft with consent.
3) When the baggage Tug caught on fire while working, it should
stop immediately. Quickly separate the connection with the pallet,
dolly or power supply equipment, and drive away from the aircraft
to safety zone and shut down the engine. Use the fire extinguisher
to put out the fire, and notify the production dispatcher to send
rescue, and call the airport firefighting.
Note: Due to differences between models, the emergency
operating standards are implemented by manuals from the model
7.2.15 Passenger Shuttle Operating Standard Definition of Passenger Shuttle

Passenger shuttle is a ground vehicle that operated between
terminal gate and remote aircraft parking bay to transfer

Picture-Passenger Shuttle General requirement

1) Only after passenger stair docked to aircraft, the shuttle can enter
the service area.

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2) Should confirm the driving route of the passenger shuttle has no
other vehicle (equipment). Warning Signs
1) "No Standing" area, each shuttle set up a "no standing" area under
each door, the area is displayed by a brighter color. the guide
should prompt the passenger not to stand in this area.
2) "Attention to safety, stand clear of door", each shuttle should place
an "Attention to safety, stand clear of door" sign on window of the
door. Prompt passengers do not rely on the door, increase the
safety measures.
3) "Do not hold", each handle on switch door should be set with "do
not hold" to prevent the passenger taken out of the shuttle when
door is open. Operating Procedure
1) Check the condition of the vehicle and the safety and effectiveness
of the fire extinguishing equipment after the drivers change shift.
2) After receiving the service task, for inbound flight, first passenger
shuttle should arrive the parking bay 5 minutes before estimated
arrival time, other shuttles should arrive within 2 minutes after
first shuttle left.
For Outbound flight please following this timeframe:
(1) For seats between 251 and 500, 50 minutes to STD
(2) For seats between 151-250, 45 minutes to STD
(3) For seats between 61-150, 45 minutes to STD
(4) other shuttles should arrive within 2 minutes after first shuttle left.
3) For outbound flight, driver should confirm flight number and
parking bay with guide personnel before departing from gate.
4) For inbound flight, driver should confirm arrival gate with vehicle
dispatcher or guide personnel.
5) Driver should not leave the vehicle while passenger embark and
disembark the vehicle.
6) Ensure passenger avoid the door position when opening and
closing the vehicle door.
7) Once the door close and ready to depart, the driver should avoid
to open the door again which might cause confusion or danger to
8) When service the inbound flights arrive at the aircraft parking bay
and park in the designated area. the driver cannot open the door
until receiving the guide person’s boarding instructions.
9) Once all passenger disembarks, the driver shall inspect the cabin
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to ensure no passenger or item left behind.
10) During congestion on the apron, the driver shall monitor
passengers comfy and ensure air-conditioning is set to a comfort
level and report to dispatch. Maximum number of passengers
According to the maximum number of passengers allowed
provided by the vehicle manufacturer, the passenger shuttle
should display the number of maximum passengers "Maximum
load X persons" on the both sides of the vehicle's exterior by
spraying, pasting or hanging.

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7.3 General Vehicle Operating Standard

7.3.1 Crew shuttle operation standard Definition of crew shuttle

Crew shuttle is the designated vehicle to provide ground service
to inbound and outbound crew.

Picture-Crew shuttle Operating Standard
1) Outbound flight crew supporting standard:
(1) When crew shuttle drops off crew, the vehicle should keep clean
inside and outside.
(2) Air-conditioning should be set to a comfort level.
(3) Crew shuttle driver should not listen to the radio while performing
the task.
(4) The driver opens the door to the crew to board the car, welcome
the crew with smile and take the initiative to greeting.
(5) Driver should confirm if the crew is correct for the flight.
(6) Near shuttle departure, the driver confirm with the crew if they all
boarded, if not, ask the crew onboard to contact late person, to
avoid anyone miss the shuttle.
(7) When departure time, driver close the door, confirm again if all
boarding. If not, report to the vehicle dispatcher and depart on time.
(8) After the departure, driving at the prescribed speed. It is not
allowed to exceed the speed during all specified section. Drive
smoothly and change shift smoothly.
(9) When arriving at the designated location to stop the vehicle and
the crew disembark, the drive prompts the crew to bring their
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belongings (including passing through the airport entrance and
when the crew disembarks for security check).
(10) After the crew arrives at the destination and leaves the vehicle, the
driver checks the condition inside the vehicle to ensure that there
is no crew, items left behind. If abnormal situation is found to
inform the dispatcher promptly, according to the dispatcher’s
instructions to execute.
(11) After complete the task, park the vehicle at designated space and
standby according to the instruction of dispatcher office.
2) Inbound flight crew supporting standard:
(1) When crew shuttle picks up the crew, keep inside and outside
clean, including window, seat and other decoration. No trash and
smell in the vehicle.
(2) Crew shuttle should operate with air conditioning, to keep
appropriate temperature in the shuttle.
(3) Crew shuttle driver should not listen to the radio while performing
the task.
(4) After aircraft taxiing to designated parking bay and on block,
driver opens the automatic door when seeing the crew disembark
and waits for them to get on the shuttle.
(5) Driver confirms all crew have boarded, close the door, prompt
safety reminder and prepare to depart.
(6) After the departure, driving at the prescribed speed. It is not
allowed to exceed the speed during all specified section. Drive
smoothly and change shift smoothly.
(7) When arrive at designated place and stop the shuttle, crew gets off
the vehicle. Driver remind the crew to take all their belongings.
(8) After the crew arrives at the destination and leaves the vehicle, the
driver checks the condition inside the vehicle to ensure that there
is no crew, items left behind. If abnormal situation is found to
inform the dispatcher promptly, according to the dispatcher’s
instructions to execute.
(9) After complete the task, park the vehicle at designated space and
standby according to the instruction of dispatcher office.
7.3.2 VIP Shuttle Operation Standard Definition of VIP Shuttle

VIP shuttle is a Ground Service Vehicle improves the service
quality which provided only to VVIP, VIP, CIP, first class,
business class and company guest passenger to transport in the
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Picture- VIP Shuttle Operating Standard
(1) Keep the vehicle inside and outside clean all the time. Decoration
and facility in the vehicle should complete and in good condition.
(2) Turn on air conditioning to keep appropriate temperature during
(3) Driver should not listen to radio during operation.
(4) When receiving task from dispatcher, driver should arrive in place
before planned arrival time and park the vehicle at designated area.
(5) When VIP and accompanies arrives, the driver take initiative to
open the automatic door to wait for VIP and accompanies to get
on the shuttle.
(6) Confirm VIP and accompanies all boarded and sit still, and then
close the door and depart.
(7) Follow the rule that “No service order, no departure”. The driver
should take over the service document from VIP service staff at
front, sign and confirm flight number, aircraft number, parking
bay and other key information.
(8) While driving, pay attention to the aircrafts, stop promptly to
avoid aircrafts.
(9) When arriving at designated space and stopped the vehicle,
confirm again the actual parking bay and aircraft number is the
same as the document.
(10) When passengers get off, the VIP service staff or driver prompt
passengers to bring all belongings.
(11) After passenger left, driver or service staff check condition inside
the vehicle, ensure that no passenger, items left behind. If any
abnormal situation occurs, report to dispatcher in a timely manner
and execute accordingly to their instruction.
(12) During congestion on the airfield, the driver or service assistant
shall monitor passenger comfort.
(13) After complete the task, park the vehicle at designated space and

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standby according to the instruction of dispatcher office.
7.3.3 Other Administrative Vehicles Definition
Other administrative vehicles are administrative vehicles other
than crew shuttle, VIP shuttle and pilot car, which include leased
car, staff shuttle, airport bus. aircraft supply transportation vehicle
and catering car. Operation standard
1) The use of administrative vehicles, unified by the vehicle team
dispatcher or the operation unit dispatcher according to the same
day flight plan to arrange drivers and vehicles to operate.
2) The vehicle follow local uniform route, stops and time, performed
by arranged driver and designated vehicle.
3) Temporary department or individual productive services should be
applied to vehicle dispatcher office by walkie-talkie or phone from
the department or individual. The applicant must state the reason,
time, place and desired model to use the car.
4) The vehicle dispatcher would arrange driver and car according to
actual situation.

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7.4 New Energy Vehicle Operation Standard

7.4.1 Definition
1) New energy vehicle: vehicles (equipment) that use rechargeable
batteries as the main fuel for vehicles and the main source of
2) Emergency handling: Refers to the implementation of emergency
measures due to the new energy vehicles (equipment) in the
driving and operation process of vehicle fire, leakage, circuit
failure, tire explosion and other endangering safety conditions to
implement emergency measures.
7.4.2 Procedures for the safe use of new energy vehicles Management requirements for new energy vehicles

1) Vehicle should be configured with over/under voltage protection
system, overload/short circuit protection system.
2) Effective fire extinguisher should be equipped.
3) The vehicle annual inspection certificate should be attached to the
upper right corner of the front windscreen (except for the towing
new energy vehicle).
4) 《The Motor Vehicle Driving Permit in the Aircraft Activity Area
of China Civil Airports》and the Motor Vehicle Number Plate in
the Aircraft Activity Area (except for towing new energy vehicles)
should be obtained..
5) Vehicles should be serviced and maintained on a regular basis. Safety requirements for the use of new energy vehicles
1) Drivers and vehicle management personnel should strictly comply
with the relevant safety requirements. In the event of an abnormal
situation in the vehicle system, the driver must immediately turn
off the start switch, do not touch or remove the vehicle's high-
voltage system components and cables, and at all times do not
touch the charging port and high-voltage post by hand or other
2) The battery cannot be placed in a sealed container, cannot be
closed to an open flame, do not throw the battery into the fire or
immerse in water, strictly prohibit direct exposure to the sun. Turn
off all power in the car when stopped.
3) When new energy vehicles have faults or unstable performance, it

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is strictly prohibited to perform operational support for aircraft.
4) The person responsible for the vehicle goes to the prescribed
driving route to charge, and it is strictly forbidden to charge
privately without permission. New energy vehicle operating procedures (can be performed

according to the instructions for different models)

1) Pre-start (engine) check
(1) Whether the instruments and lights are complete and effective.
(2) Whether the battery level is within the specified range.
(3) Whether the battery surface is clean and whether the electrolyte
surface meets the standard.
(4) Whether the tire pressure meets the standard.
(5) whether the fire extinguisher pressure within the specified
pressure range.
(6) Whether the switch is normal, flexible, defective, broken.
2) Start the vehicle
(1) Gear position description: D forward gear (prohibited to use), R
reverse, E-stop forward for economic mode, N for neutral. Press
the brake pedal before shifting, otherwise the gear selection is
(2) When replacing the reverse gear (R), make sure that the vehicle
remains stationary, then press the brake pedal and turn the knob to
the R position, at which point the letter R is highlighted and the
rest is shown in white. Cannot shift into R gear when the car is
moving, must be fully stopped when the vehicle can be hung
reverse gear.
(3) Forward economic mode E, before shifting, please press the brake
pedal, otherwise the gear selection is invalid, turn the knob to the
E position, at this time the letter is bright, the rest not selected are
(4) N can be used when the vehicle is just started or towed, can also
be used while waiting for a signal or traffic jam, short stop, while
hanging in the N stop, tightening the handbrake as well. When
make short stop on the slope, to prevent the slide downward,
should put on brake. The use of N-stop taxiing is prohibited when
downhill, and the car must be placed in the N-stop when parking.
(5) Start-up procedure
When new energy vehicles in the starting point, accelerate evenly,
try to avoid suddenly press on the accelerator to form an instant
high current discharge, which is easy to lead sulfuric acid crystals,
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and therefore damage the physical performance of the battery plate.
3) New energy vehicle charging requirement
(1) Do not close the charging port cover when the plastic cover of the
charging socket is open.
(2) Do not pull or twist the charging cable.
(3) Do not expose charging device to hit.
(4) Do not place the charging device close to the heater or other heat
(5) It is not recommended that people stay in the vehicle while
(6) The first charge time for long-term parked vehicles should be
more than 8 hours.
(7) When the vehicle's electricity supply is shown to be equal to 30%
or less, the vehicle should stop using for charging, should be
charged in a timely manner, charging time should meet the
requirements of the vehicle manual. During charging, if the battery
temperature exceeds 65 degrees C, the charging should be stopped.
(8) The battery cannot work with power. Every time when vehicle
stops, must turn off the power switch, pull out the key, put the gear
to the N stop position, and pull up the handbrake, and turn off all
power on the car to avoid affecting the vehicle charging.
4) energy vehicle charging operating procedure (can be carried out
according to the charging instructions for different models)
(1) Remove the charging cable and insert the power plug securely into
the power supply socket, turn the power box general switch on,
pull the button on the power supply and prepare to charge.
(2) Check the vehicle's charging status, confirm if charged correctly.
(3) Charged full when completed.
(4) After charging, the vehicle plug of the AC charging connection
should be disconnected first, and then the power supply plug
should be disconnected. Put the power cord back and fix to the
charging pile and put on the rain cover. Turn off the general power
switch, lock the switch box.
(5) Charging plug must be placed in accordance with the requirements
on the charging pile, strictly prohibited close to water, oil and other
flammable and items easily conduct electricity. Strictly prohibited
to put charging plugs randomness, charging pile plugs and vehicle
connections must be kept dry. New Energy Vehicle Emergency Handling
1) Emergency handling of vehicle circuit faults
(1) When the vehicle circuit failure causes the whole vehicle to run
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out of power, the driver is strictly prohibited to disassemble and
touch the high-voltage parts of the vehicle (high-voltage lines,
power batteries, motors, electric power steering and various high-
voltage controllers, etc.). Driver should be promptly towing away
the faulty vehicle.
(2) When disengage the faulty vehicle for a short distance, the gear
should be in neutral, using a hard tow pole trailer. Long-distance
towing shall be operated by professional towing personnel.
(3) Vehicle fault should be repaired by professional vehicle
2) Emergency handling when vehicle on fire
When a vehicle catches fire while driving, it should be driven into
a safe area immediately, and after the vehicle is stopped, quickly
disengages the connection between the trailer and the vehicle, cut
off the power in time, disengages the personnel, and immediately
reports to the airport fire department.
Under the premise of ensuring safety, the onsite personnel should
take fire-fighting measures first, and the fire extinguishing should
be carried out in the course of fire extinguishing, and the
corresponding fire extinguishing material and fire extinguishing
equipment should be correctly selected to carry out fire fighting.
When a vehicle fire poses a threat to the lives of personnel at the
scene, stay away from the fire area and disengage to the safety
area immediately.
3) Emergency handling of vehicle wading
(1) The vehicle body should not touch the water when wading.
(2) Electric equipment are prohibited from soaking in the water. Short
circuit of electrical wiring may cause fire.
(3) Due to wet brakes, braking may cause brake failure or side slip
sliding, resulting in accidents, should be drive slowly.
(4) After wading, vehicle should be driven slowly and brake slowly
until the brakes are dry and the brakes are dry before they can drive
(5) If the vehicle suddenly stops in the water, does not start the vehicle
again. Driver should pull out the key, pull the hand brake, and
contact the towing staff.
4) Emergency handling of a flat tire
(1) Vehicle in the process of driving, if a flat tire occurs, the vehicle
should slow down, the new energy vehicle should be towed to the
right side of the road, stop in a safe area, and turn on the double
flash warning lights, timely report the vehicle dispatch unit, on-
site replace with spare tire.
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(2) If a new energy vehicle tire explodes in an aircraft taxiway, the
vehicle shall be forcibly towed to a safe area that does not affect
the aircraft taxiing, and then follow-up work shall be carried out.
5) Electric leakage prevention
(1) Pay attention to check the electrical wiring fixed points during
regular maintenance for looseness and wear, whether the line is
worn, harness protective covers for breakage, loss, if any,
immediately check whether there is insulation damage and take
measures such as tightening, strengthening protection and other
(2) Regularly check the harness and electrical component contact
points for poor contact, if so, to tighten in time.
(3) Regularly check whether the electrical wiring is too close to the
heat source, pay attention to check the aging of the line insulation.
If any, replace the aging wire harness.
(4) It is strictly forbidden to modify, install circuits, electrical
equipment, etc. to avoid circuit overload and damage to the
insulation outside the harness during modification, forming a short
circuit of the line.
(5) It is strictly forbidden to approach all types of electrical equipment
and plugs of flammable materials.
(6) Regularly inspect and clean electrical components dust, pollutants,
etc. (Especially near contact points). Regulate the operation of the
use of electrical components. Regularly inspected and maintained
all kinds of electrical components, harness fixed points, etc., if
find any problem, timely contact with the vehicle manufacturer's
service department to solve the problem.
7.4.3 Other
Each unit shall, in accordance with the requirements of the local
airport on the management of new energy vehicles, formulate or
improve the management system of new energy vehicles in a
timely manner in conjunction with this plan. The main contents
should include the agency organization management, the
operation and management procedures of new energy vehicles,
emergency handling procedures, etc.

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7.5 Powerless Vehicle Operating Procedure

7.5.1 Powerless hand pushed passenger stair

Picture- hand pushed passenger stair Definition
Hand pushed passenger stair is a stair that has no power on its own
and is driven by other equipment towing or manpower. General requirement
1) According to the wind resistance level of each model and
combined with the local airport wind protection plan to operate.
2) Passenger stair vehicle should use a variety of channels to remind
passengers to be careful of the steps, pay attention to slippery. The
methods include but not limited to the following ways: passenger
stairs pasted with notes, boarding attendant oral announcement
and brings with broadcast, etc..
3) Ladders and rain sheds must be in a state of recovery when towing
or pushing on the road. Approaching Operation
1) Vehicle in place requirement: For inbound flight, arrives at
operation location 5 minutes before aircraft estimated arrival time.
For outbound flight, arrives at operation location 70 minutes
before estimated departure time.
2) Turnaround flight, the operation time should not exceed 4 minutes
to dock to the aircraft.
3) When baggage Tug towing hand pushed passenger equipment, lift
the foot supmarshaller from the ground by a distance of not less
than 5 cm before driving and check the Tug and hand-pushed
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passenger stair connection rod, confirm link pin fixed, then start
the vehicle. Straight travel speed should not exceed 6 km/hour. the
speed should not exceed 3km/hour when making turns.
4) The operator pushes the hand-pushed passenger stair equipment 5
minutes in advance to the corresponding parking bay, and
confirms that the placement of the stair does not affect the taxiing
and parking of the aircraft. The command personnel should stand
under the aircraft door to command (baggage Tug disconnected
from the hand-pushed passenger stair can left and drive away).
5) The operator operates the stair according to the model, so that the
platform is at the appropriate height, close the hydraulic valve
switch. Confirm that the maintenance gives a gesture that can
approach to the aircraft to carry out the support operation, a
commanding officer standing in front of the hand-pushed
passenger stair equipment to command, a person to manipulate the
direction control lever of the passenger stair equipment, slowly
docking door. Stair platform front buffer hose and body to
maintain a distance of 5-8 cm, tighten the parking brake, release
the passenger stair equipment feet supmarshaller. In order to
ensure safety and do not affect the door switch, try to make the
door in the middle position of the platform.
6) When pushing the stair equipment, operator is prohibited to enter
inside of the stair equipment to push.
7) Walk onto the stair checking and confirming that the stair steps are
steady and reliable.
8) After blocking the right bezel first, remind the crew that the cabin
door can be safely opened, and the left bezel is pulled out when
the cabin door is opened.
9) Keep a safe distance between the buffer and the aircraft. The
rubber buffer should not be in contacted with the aircraft but
should not allow any personnel or object to be fell. Disengagement Procedure
In the course of use, if the guard plate is stuck, the connecting pin
falls off and the brake fails, it is prohibited to use it, drag it to a
safe area, post a sign prohibiting the use of malfunctioning
equipment, and notify the maintenance room for maintenance. Emergency Handling
During the operation, if guard plate position stuck, connection pin
falls off and brake failure occurs, it is prohibited to continue use
the equipment. Tow it to the safety area, posted faulty equipment
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prohibited to use signs, and inform the repair department to fix.

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7.6 Vehicle Emergency Handling Standard

1) Safety first. Strictly follow the airport ramp operation requirement

and vehicle operation manual to perform the operation. Prohibited
any man-made operation not comply with the regulation.
2) In the event of an emergency, appropriate emergency measures are
taken under the premise of ensuring personal safety.
3) After an emergency, if the STOP program start-up standard is met,
start the STOP procedure immediately. If the risk is not recognized,
not to carry out the next step.
4) Immediately report any abnormal contact with the aircraft or
suspected abnormal contact with the aircraft to the maintenance
engineer, and normally report in accordance with the relevant
information management procedures.
7.6.1 Smoke and Fire
1) Immediately stop the operation (electrical source, air-conditioning
vehicle should immediately obtain the consent of the on-site
maintenance engineer to press the emergency stop button. If no
maintenance staff on site, press the stop button immediately and
notify maintenance after finish the disposal).
2) The driver is required to evaluate and judge according to the scene
(fire site, fire size, etc.), flexible selection of the following
disposal measures:
(1) Ground Service Vehicles: Rapid separation of the connection with
the aircraft (aircraft Tug disconnect with the consent of the aircraft
maintenance staff. Electrical source, air-conditioning vehicle
separate the cable, gas supply pipe by the maintenance staff.),
disengaged to a safe area and turn off the engine.
(2) Passenger vehicles: turn off engine, open the doors, organize
people to get off, disengage to a safe area in the direction of the
wind (when the doors cannot be opened, open the doors with the
door emergency switch. if they can't open, smash the glass with an
escape hammer or open the doors with a pressure relief valve).
(3) Report the on-site condition to dispatcher. According to the actual
situation on the scene, the driver / dispatch / OCC would report to
the airport fire alarm (follow the local airport situation self-
regulated notification requirements). If the airport has special
requirements, follow the airport requirements to implement.
(4) The use of fire extinguishers to urgently extinguish the fire, cut off
the spread of the fire: If the fire is severe and out of control, smoke

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is more likely to be poison and dangerous to people’s safety,
should not put off the fire recklessly. Staff should disengage far
away from the source of the fire (the upper wind direction
location), waiting for the airport fire department to handle.
7.6.2 Turning Malfunction
1) Quickly release the accelerator, reduce the speed, use the brake
pedal, handbrake to stop and reduce the speed, shorten the parking
distance as far as possible to stop the vehicle.
2) Turn off engine and shut down power, place warning signs.
3) Report to vehicle dispatcher/ repair unit. tow the vehicle as soon
as possible to avoid affecting later flight operation.
7.6.3 Brake Malfunction
1) Quickly release accelerator, lower the speed, beep the horn, avoid
the aircraft and people.
2) Manual model vehicle should reduce gear step-by-step. Automatic
model vehicle should tighten handbrake (vehicles with
accumulators should press the brake pedal), and stop the vehicle.
(1) Handbrake cannot be pulled tight, to prevent the cable break, first
pull loose and then pull, repeated action many times to achieve
(2) The ramp operator of the aircraft can use the chocks to assist the
driver to stop the vehicle while ensuring his own safety.
3) Quickly press the emergency stop button, shut down the power,
put the warning signs.
4) Report to vehicle dispatcher/ repair unit. tow the vehicle as soon
as possible to avoid affecting later flight operation.
7.6.4 Vehicle Flat Tire
1) Hold the steering wheel with both hands tightly, control the
direction of the vehicle (try to reverse the rotation of the steering
wheel) and keep the vehicle in a straight line.
2) Release accelerator, lightly press brake pedal, reduce the vehicle
speed gradually until fully stopped.
3) Turn off engine and power, put warning sign.
4) Report to vehicle dispatcher/ repair unit.
Note: try to reverse the rotation of the steering wheel or lightly
step on the brake. Otherwise, the vehicle may zigzagging or side-

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7.6.5 Engine Rotate Speed Out of Control
1) Driver step on brake, stop the vehicle steadily.
2) Put the gear to neutral or P, shut down engine and power. If cannot,
press emergency button to cut off power. (Marshaller should pay
attention all the time, if vehicle cannot stop, help the driver to stop
the vehicle with chocks)
3) Put warning sign.
4) Report to vehicle dispatcher/ repair unit.
7.6.6 Vehicle Emergency Failure
1) When the vehicle has emergency failure (e.g. engine/compressor
oil leakage, engine temperature is too high, abnormal noise of the
vehicle, pipe burst, serious damage to the machine, etc.),
immediately shut down engine or press the emergency stop button.
2) Put warning sign.
3) Report to vehicle dispatcher/ repair unit(If related to vehicle
attached to aircraft, notify maintenance engineer to check at the
same time).
7.6.7 Unable to retract stabilizer
1) Report to vehicle dispatcher.
2) When the engine is not working, vehicles with electric hydraulic
pumps can be pressed to operate the electric emergency pump.
Operate the support foot control valve, retract the support foot,
disengage the vehicle from the aircraft to the safety area does not
affect flight operation.
3) When the engine, hydraulic pump, electric emergency pump
cannot work, should use the hand pump. One person shake the
hand pump up and down, the other person operate the control
valve, recover the support foot. Disengage of vehicles from the
aircraft by Tug or man-power to areas that do not affect flight
4) When the hydraulic pipe bursts and the emergency pump is not
available, each supporting oil pipe can be removed. The support
foot is pried off the ground with a crowbar, and the vehicle is
disengaged from the aircraft to an area that does not affect flight

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8 Apron Operation
8.1 Flow Chart of Sortation, Loading and Supervision

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8.2 Standard of Baggage Sortation

8.2.1 General Requirement

1) Requirement of staff qualification
(1) Staff involved must wear under dressing code with protective
items (fluo jacket, safefy shoes, valid badge, ear protection, gloves,
etc.) and well prepare documentation, walkie talkie, PDA and
video recorder (if necessary);
(2) Airport and handling company must establish integrated
regulation of staff qualification management and procedure of
training matters. Staff in charge of baggage sortation must take
training courses of sortation, DGR, safety rules before going to
work and try to pass exam to get the qualification.
(3) Any information concerning flight cannot be released to the third
party, unless national authority accredited (such as law
enforcement officers who track or prevent crime) requires.
(4) All luggage must be sorted according to flight, date and passenger
traveling class;
(5) The checked baggage warehouse must be supervised.
(6) Pay attention to on-site safety protection and self-protection
according to the requirements of the job.
2) Security requirements
(1) During the check-in process, the curtain for baggage transfer to
the baggage sortation area shall be monitored to prevent irrelevant
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personnel from approaching illegally; When the baggage
conveyor is not in use, the curtain must be closed.
(2) For baggage which has passed through the security check, staff on
duty needs to keep all these baggage separately in the sortation
area and cross check the total number of them. Baggage needs to
be supervised until they are loaded in the airplane. Nobody is
allowed to approach to this baggage without permission. Any
irregular situation will be reported to airport public security
8.2.2 Preparation
1) Baggage sortation staff needs to prepare radio (Scanner PDA
machine) and baggage hand over sheet, rain curtain, and
acknowledging loading instruction from load control office.
2) The baggage sorter should dress according to regulations, arrive
at the work area 10 minutes before the check-in and start the
conveyor belt to ensure the normal operation of the baggage
conveyor belt;
3) To estimate the number of baggage in total according to flight
details and baggage classification of baggage of Hainan Airlines
(for example: by classes, interline bags, transfer bags etc.), and
confirm all containers are suitable for the flight;
4) According to baggage classification, make a baggage type card
(VIP/ business/priority/transfer/economic direct/interline, etc.)
and insert it into the information bag at the door of the container.
The card information should include the container number, flight
number, flight date and destination. Cross check for all above
information is mandatory.
5) Check whether the baggage belt operates normally, prepare
enough baggage trailer and containers, and arrange them neatly;
6) Prepare bingo sheet, fill up the 《baggage stub form of departure
flight 》 (bingo sheet), before check in counters open. Every
baggage trailer must have an unique 《baggage stub form of
departure flight》
8.2.3 Procedure of Baggage Sortation
1) While sorting baggage, staff must check the destination carefully,
clarify the flight number, take the receipt of stub form and attach
it to the bingo sheet (For the company which use baggage
scanning system, sorter needs to scan every baggage carefully)
and put baggage in the specified container. Be carefully for the
deferent flights with same destination.

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2) Items with Cargo Aircraft Only label cannot be loaded on the
airplane that operates passenger flight.
3) Baggage are loaded to trailer from the chute. For the airport which
uses bingo sheet, sorter needs to take out the receipt of baggage
tag and attach it to the 《baggage stub form of departure flight》.
If there’s no tag, sorter needs to write down the correct tag number.
Sorter must check carefully the information of destination and
flight number and make sure the baggage is loaded correctly to the
right trailer. For the airport which uses baggage scanning system,
sorter needs to scan the bar code of baggage tag and check the
destination and flight number before loading baggage to the right
4) For the airport which uses baggage scanning system, specific staff
is to be allocated on each carousal, the sorter needs to scan the bar
code of baggage tag and check the destination and flight number
before loading baggage to the right trailer.
5) VIP baggage, transfer baggage, priority baggage, business class
baggage, fortune wings club premium/gold/silver cardholders’
baggage, special passenger baggage and crew baggage need to be
put aside from other baggage according to the situation of loading.
When check in counter is closed, sorter needs to check with CKI
agent to get the details of all types of baggage with priority and
confirm with someone in charge in the destination, sorting them
separately. The relevant information needs to be handed over to
ramp supervisor separately.
(1) For narrow body airplane, PRIO baggage need to be put in the
dedicated trailer.
(2) For wide body airplane, PRIO baggage need to be put in the
dedicated AKE with distinct tag.
A. When there are enough containers, priority baggage should be
loaded separately. Otherwise, priority bags can be loaded by the
doorway in bulk or share the same container with economy class
baggage. International transfer and interline bags must be loaded
separately, cannot be in the same container as the other direct
B. If the VIP, business class and priority baggage is classified as
international transfer/interline baggage, the baggage should be
loaded in the international transfer/interline container.
6) Chute needs to be cleared once baggage comes down. Normally it
is not allowed to have more than 10 pieces of baggage stuck in one
chute (if any irregular circumstances makes it impossible to clear
the chute in time, supervisor on duty needs to call on extra staff to
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come to help)
7) Baggage can only be sorted when it is stopped at the bottom of the
chute. Sorter needs to move the baggage gently and neatly, in strict
accordance with the sorting standard (Smaller on the top, Lighter
on the top, Softer on the top and maximum four layer). Make sure
no accident happens.
8) VIP, fragile and oversize baggage delivered from Oversized
Baggage Room should be handled with care, and sorted by
9) Sorting rudely and causing damage of baggage is extremely
10) If sorter finds baggage with obscured tag number or other
information which cannot be identified clearly, he needs to inform
the check in department immediately instead of loading the
baggage; If passenger cannot be reached, the baggage needs to be
handed over to lost and found service.
11) Sorter needs to concern with the availability of AKE. Once there’s
not enough AKE can be used, sorter needs to inform load control
office and any other relevant department.
12) Under severe weather condition, sorter needs put coverage on the
trailer once sortation is finished.
13) The tag attached on the trailer needs to indicate flight number and
A/C registered number and be water proof. Empty trailer return to
baggage room needs to be cleared and remove the old tag
14) Once damage of baggage is found, sorter needs to report to lost
and found service and check in department immediately and take
photo as evidence in order to find the passenger concerned.
8.2.4 Baggage Clearance
1) 10 minutes before check in close, sorter needs to count pieces of
baggage in the trailer or AKE, verifying 《Bingo sheet》If the
baggage scanning system is used, the data recorded by the
scanning system shall be checked. Once check in close, sorter
needs to check with check in department for the final figure of
baggage and record it on the 《 Baggage hand over sheet 》 .
《Baggage hand over sheet》should include the following contents:
flight number, date, destination, number of bags to be handed over,
number of unpowered equipment and its number, signature of
handover personnel, etc
2) Normally baggage needs to be delivered to ramp out of baggage
room no later than 10 minutes after check in counter close. If final
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figure of baggage when delivery does not match that of check in
system, sorter must record it well, write it down on hand over sheet,
note the details of situation and clarify the responsibility. Delay
caused by sortation is not tolerated.
3) Baggage must be covered by the net entirely and fixed according
to the procedure. Note: The loading equipment might be different
in every airport/station, more details please refer to the local
4) Report procedure of short of baggage while sortation clearance
(1) When sortation is finished, sorter needs to report the missing
baggage information (including flight number, destination and
number of missing baggage) through radio or phone to check in
department, lost and found service, ramp supervision and load
control (discrepancy of procedure is acceptable based on the
operation situation of different airport).
(2) Check in department and lost and found service need to organize
to find the baggage and prepare for rush plan afterwards. Load
control office will make load sheet base on the actual number of
luggage provided by sortation department, check in department
and ramp supervision (discrepancy of procedure is acceptable
based on the operation situation of different airport).
5) Report procedure of over counted baggage while sortation
When actual loaded baggage count is more than expected baggage
count after flight closed, sorter needs check the bingo sheets and
find the exact baggage that does not belong to the relevant flight
(When scanning machine are used, then check the scanning data),
offload the baggage from the bag cart or container and making
sure safety accident caused by human mistake is avoided.
6) In case of mishandled baggage, the sorter shall inform the baggage
services department of the mishandled baggage information.
8.2.5 Checking devices
Baggage handling equipment should be checked and in good
condition before being transported from the baggage sorting area.
Check and review the following items:
1) The door of the baggage compartment should be kept locked, the
net cover must cover all the luggage, and the bolt is firmly hung,
the net cover bolt is not less than 6 hanging points;
2) The seaworthiness of the container should be checked again.
There is no obvious deformation or damage. The door of the
container should be locked properly, the bolt is inserted, and the

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bolt handle should be pressed down.
3) The number of tugs and pallets shall meet the standards of the
corresponding airport, and the connecting pins and clips of
container pallets/baggage tugs shall be firmly connected.
8.2.6 Baggage Handover
1) Normally sorter needs to verify the baggage information with
check in department within 5 minutes after check in close.
Verification must be finished and baggage need to be transported
to ramp within 10 minutes after check in close.
2) Sorter needs to sign the 《Baggage hand over sheet》(Including
the number of pieces, destination, container number, truck number)
after verification is done and give it to loader of the flight.
Meanwhile, bingo sheet needs to be given to ramp supervision as
well. Sorter needs to record the time when paper work is handed
over. If the flight has other delivery orders and bags that need to
be delivered, the delivery shall be carried out together;
3) Baggage need to be transported to ramp in time in order to make
sure the cargo door can be closed 10 minutes before departure.
Please remember that this time frame could be adjusted under
irregular situation.
4) Late arrived baggage:
If some baggage arrives late, sorter needs to report the situation to
check in department, ramp supervision and load control office
with no delay. If loading the late baggage will cause the flight
delayed, baggage needs to be handed over to baggage services
department for further process.
8.2.7 Information Communication
1) For wide-body flights, the ground service unit will notify the
weight and balance department of types of baggage and the
baggage container information Or bulk cargo hold (according to
the differences between station/branch, this information can be
supplied by baggage sortation team or ramp loading team. The
specific information notification process is subject to each
airport/ground service company)
2) N/A to oversea stations.
3) The ground service unit at the departure station of the international
flight shall list the baggage container number and loading position
of the priority and transfer baggage in the flight report after the
flight takes off, and the mail needs to be sent to the downline
Note: The notification unit is subject to local service agreement.
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8.2.8 After Flight
After the flight departs, sorter needs to check whether the baggage
belt is closed, make sure no baggage left in the baggage room,
prepare for the next flight and clear up the workplace before
leaving the area.
8.2.9 Special Baggage
1) Overweight baggage
Be carefully while loading over weight baggage, try to place them
in the bottom of trailer or container.
2) Late arrived baggage
Please refer to handling procedure in clause 8.2.5.
3) Fragile baggage
(1) Be carefully while loading fragile baggage, check carefully if the
baggage is damaged or leaking. If so, sorter needs to report and
take photo as evidence immediately.
(2) Place them as far as possible on the top of AKE or trailer.
4) Live animal(baggage)
(1) While live animal is checked in, CKI agent needs to hand it over
to sorter face to face and give the 《 animal transportation
agreement》. Sorter will be responsible to put the live animal aside
in the specified area and designate a specified staff for supervision.
Live animal containers should be placed in a quiet and cool place
to avoid excessive light exposure and noise.
(2) Live animal needs to be put in the specific undamaged cage and
locked. The cage must be covered by net entirely.
(3) Live animals should not be transported in containers. If live
animals are transported in container boards, protective motion
limiting devices should be used. For example, the container should
be fixed with container board net cover.
5) Transfer baggage
(1) Transfer baggage needs to be offloaded from the previous flight
and handed over to staff in charge for baggage transfer.
(2) Any transfer baggage that has short transfer time must be handed
over to specified area as soon as possible.
(3) If airport security inspection allows, transfer baggage can be
exempted for second security check. (Domestic transfers do not
need to be inspected, and international transfers require a second
inspection due to domestic security requirements.)
8.2.10 Baggage Hand Over and Preservation
1) Request of hand over time frame
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(1) The process of baggage hand over must be accurate and rapid
(2) According to China's civil airport service quality evaluation index
system, baggage claim time: the first baggage should be on the
belt within 10 minutes after the passenger arrives at the baggage
carousel; the last baggage should be on the belt within 40 minutes
after the passenger arrives at the baggage carousel.
2) Baggage claim sequence
(1) Staff needs to put baggage with priority firstly on the baggage belt,
the sequence is as follows: VIP→Business class→international
transfer baggage→Priority baggage→normal baggage. Note: If
one baggage has more than one type of label, choose the more
prior type to hand over.
(2) In some oversea transit stations, there is a dedicated area for
transfer baggage only, these bags should be sorted and delivered
to the onward flights.
3) Baggage claim requirements
(1) When baggage is delivered, the staff shall record the number of
baggage delivered.
(2) The priority baggage should be placed on the baggage belt with
the hands up or out. Staff should put the baggage gently and wipe
the dirty luggage with a rag.
(3) The live animals shall be delivered as soon as possible, and the
on-site staff of HNA on-site unit shall carry out on-site handover
with the passengers.

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8.3 Operating Standards for Goods Shipped Out of Warehouse

Please refer to the Cargo Transportation Manuel of Hainan


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8.4 Operation Standard of Loading Cargo, Mail and Baggage

8.4.1 General Requirement

1) Basic Requirement
(1) The GSA should be equipped with loading and unloading
equipment suitable for the cargo and mail loading services, and
with sufficient number of qualified loading and unloading
personnel to avoid unsafe incidents of loading and unloading due
to insufficient equipment, personnel or non-compliance
(2) Handling company must have entire staff qualification regulation
and training program. All loading agents must accept training
course concerning loading, DGR, safety operation. Staff needs to
pass the exam in order to have qualification of work.
(3) Staff involved must wear under dressing code with appropriate
PPE and well prepare documentation, equipment such as radio,
PDA and video recorder;
(4) Establish a smooth information transmission channel within the
loading and unloading department, between the loading and
unloading department and the weight and balance department,
especially for special circumstances such as temporary adjustment
of the loading and unloading plan, transfer of alternate flights, etc.,
to ensure the information transmitted timely accurately.
(5) Any information concerning flight cannot be released to the third
party, unless national authority accredited requires. (such as law
enforcement officers who track or prevent crime)
(6) Smoking is not allowed while working. Staff is also not allowed
to carry flammable items. It is not allowed to carry items that are
not related to work, personal belongings should be properly kept
to prevent from being left, slipped, or blown off. No littering is
allowed, and work supplies are not allowed to be thrown or thrown.
2) Operation requirement
(1) Loading operation must follow the loading instruction issued by
load control office
(2) Compartment clearance: Loading agent or supervisor must double
check the cargo compartment before and after loading completed
to make sure all baggage, cargo and mails are loaded and nothing
unnecessary left behind in the cargo hold.
(3) Loading and unloading procedure:
A. Loading and offloading process should strictly follow the Loading
Instruction, Offloading Instruction and inbound LDM/CPM.
B. Follow the principle of Front Compartment onload first offload last,

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After Compartment offload first on load first. Or operating at the
same time.
C. According to the delivery time requirements of the cargo and mail,
aircraft should be loaded in the order of cargo, mail, and baggage
when loading, and t unloaded in the order of baggage, mail, and
cargo when offloading. When the baggage containers were loaded
in the from compartments, loading team should offload cargo (mail)
in the rear cargo compartment at the same time when offloading the
front baggage containers.
D. The center of gravity of the B737 aircraft is rearward. In order to
prevent the aircraft from tail tipping, try to avoid the rear cargo
compartment from being full while the front cargo compartment is
empty while loading and offloading.
(4) Some important instruction such as loading gently, lighter on the
top, smaller on the top, do not throw baggage cargo or mail,
Barbarous loading and unloading is prohibited, and loading in the
wrong compartments is forbidden.
(5) Loading agent needs to use working ladder to open or close main
cargo doors, using high loader or belt loader to do so is prohibited.
(6) When using the operation panel of the power drive equipment in
the main cargo compartment of a wide-body aircraft, do not turn
the joystick back and forth in a short period of time to avoid failure
of the cargo hold power drive equipment. While loading is under
process, loading agent needs to fix the protective net in the cabin
and avoid the net to drop off on the ground, causing airplane
damaged and door closure failed.
(7) When loading and unloading, the protection net of the aircraft
cargo compartment shall be fixed firmly to prevent the scattered
protection net from rubbing the aircraft or causing the failure of
the door closing;
(8) Loading agent needs to focus on the distance between AKE/Pallet
and cargo door, stay close with driver of high loader and execute
offloading safely and prevent any part of airplane from scratch.
(9) Before loading, the loading and unloading supervisor should
check the condition of the container or the pallet to ensure that the
container is intact and suitable for loading. Otherwise, the
container or pallet shall not be loaded. The lock at the bottom of
the cargo hold should be fastened after loading completed to
ensure that the ULD does not move;
(10) Stack of cargo/mail/baggage cannot obstruct usability of smoke
detectors, lighting equipment etc.
(11) If loading instruction is updated, loading agent needs to cross
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check with supervisor after adjustment is completed, making sure
loading is fully respect the loading instruction and signed for
(12) Under severe weather condition, it is forbidden to use the
waterproof plastic coverage alone to cover the goods. A net cover
must be installed on the outside to prevent the flying of the plastic
sheet from causing safety problems. When loading the cargo in
rainy and snowy weather, remove the waterproof plastic sheet that
covers the pallet, and check whether there is water, snow, or ice
on the top or the surrounding depressions of the pallet. Clean up
immediately to prevent accumulated water or snow from entering
the cargo hold and leaking into the electronic cabin under the
cargo hold floor and resulting accidents.
(13) If loading condition cannot satisfy the loading instruction, loading
agent needs to report to supervisor in time and adjust loading
process with the updated directive.
(14) All checked baggage in self-operated areas will be loaded 10
minutes before the scheduled flight departure time; stations in
non-self-operated areas will set the loading completion time for all
checked baggage according to the difference in the operating
procedure of the local airport, but not later 5 minutes before the
scheduled departure time.
(15) If the flight is not allowed to transport cargo, mail or aircraft parts,
loading agent needs to check the loading condition, making sure
anything not allowed to be loaded is not on the airplane.
(16) If loading agent finds that loading is not matching with the loading
instruction, he or she must report load control office immediately.
Cargo door can only be closed until the mistake is addressed.
(17) If irregular condition is found when the door is closed, aircraft is
taxing or aircraft has taken off, loading agent needs to call on
terminating take off procedure first, immediately notify the airport
operation command unit in accordance with the emergency
procedures, and take all feasible measures to inform the aircrew
of this information as soon as possible. The accident needs to be
reported to Hainan Airlines representative as well (if there’s no
Hainan staff over there, it must be reported to khfwx@hnair.com)
3) Safety requirement
(1) Handling company must establish clear management regulation in
order to make sure vehicle for operation is supervised. The vehicle
cannot park in an area without supervision. When leaving
unattended or unrelated personnel contacted checked baggage,
goods and mail, and the safety and reliability cannot be guaranteed,
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they must go through a security inspection again.
(2) When baggage and cargo are loaded and loading has been
confirmed, there must be a specific staff designated to supervise
the flight operation to avoid any non-relevant person approach the
airplane, and to prevent illegal interference with baggage, cargo
and mail;
(3) Loading department must execute process of security search
before loading the flight.
(4) Checked baggage, cargo and mail should be placed in the
designated position of the aircraft's cargo hold. During the loading
process, relevant baggage, cargo and mail staff are responsible for
supervising the loading and unloading to ensure that unauthorized
persons cannot touch it.
(5) If it is doubtful that some suspicious baggage is mixed in the cargo
compartment or security check is not trustful, loading department
needs to execute security search immediately.
(6) When the flight is during turn-around, the checked baggage should
be verified, and the requirement of "luggage matching against
unloading instruction report (LDM/CPM)" should be strictly
implemented. In case of special circumstances such as a
passenger's interruption of the trip, the baggage must be offloaded
and strictly follow company regulations.
8.4.2 Usage of Facility
1) Non-powered equipment
(1) The tray cannot be put under the aircraft wing
(2) The tray cannot be put an area which obstruct the entrance or exit
of fueling vehicle.
(3) Do not walk through the gap between different tray
(4) Do not stand on the tray, do not climb up and down the tray while
it is moving
(5) Under extreme weather condition, before using the tray, the water
(or snow) on the tray should be removed promptly to prevent the
water (or snow) from seep into the goods; Waterproof coverage
should be used to prevent goods from getting wet;
(6) All equipment should be checked before using. If tray is broken,
loading agent should report to dispatch immediately and put the
broken tray aside and replace with appropriate equipment.
(7) There must be at least two loading agents to work together to move
the tray forward to or backward from the aircraft. Speed should be
limited and it is not allowed to only have one agent to operate the
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(8) During loading and unloading operations under the cargo hold,
pull the tug to 15-20 cm away from the aircraft (20 cm in rainy
and snowy days) and open the cargo net. The opened cargo net
shall be placed in the storage box.
(9) During loading and unloading of freight forwarders under the
cargo hold, the tow bar of the mop shall not be placed on one side
of the engine of the aircraft or on the side close to the cabin door;
(10) Tray can only be moved toward high loader when it stops moving.
Appropriate distance should be kept accordingly.
(11) Once the AKE is put on the tray, the shield on the tray must be
hold up in order to prevent AKE drops off on the ground while
(12) Once loading and offloading process is done. ①Arrival flight:
Loading agent should check around the aircraft to see if anything
left behind. Then move the tray back to the storeroom. ②
Departure flight: Once loading is finished, loading agent should
check around the aircraft to see if anything left behind. Then move
the tray back to the storeroom.
(13) When driving from the baggage sortation area to container standby
area, baggage tractor can only tow 4 big trays maximum or 6 small
trays maximum. The number of trailers cannot be more than 6.
When driving from container standby area to ramp area, baggage
tractor can only tow 2 trays at the most.
(14) The loading agent/supervisor/baggage tractor driver (to be
determined according to the local conditions) shall check the
connection or disconnection between the trailer/pallet and the
baggage tractor before withdrawing;
(15) When the towing bucket/pallet needs to move between the front
and rear compartments, it must circumnavigate from the outside
of the wing (for example, the layout of restricted area of aircraft
or equipment allows the baggage trailer to travel under the wing,
and it can pass under the last edge of the right wing when the wide-
body aircraft pulls the empty pallet and towing bucket), and shall
not cross under the wing;
(16) After using the mop/tray, place the mop gently to prevent the mop
from injuring the staff's legs or feet;
(17) Trailers/trays must be stored in designated areas (outside the
security cordon) after being secured by the flight forwarder; For
the towed bucket/tray stored in the remote position, it is required
to be neatly placed and placed outside the aircraft safety red line.
When pushing and pulling the equipment, it is necessary to pay
attention to the surrounding environment of the equipment;
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2) Usage of work ladder
For the work ladders that our company is responsible for
maintenance and management (each airport supplier can refer to
the following requirements)
(1) The position of the work ladder near the surface of the aircraft
shall be equipped with anti-collision facilities (anti-collision
rubber, anti-collision sponge, etc.);
(2) Reflective signs, equipment entry permit signs, anti-collision
facilities and reflective signs shall be posted on the ladder body
before being put into use;
(3) if loading agent finds the work ladder broken or, it is prohibited to
use, must hang up tag as "equipment failure, it is prohibited to use",
and arrange for maintenance; After qualified maintenance, the tag
"equipment failure, do not use" shall be removed before it is put
into use.
(4) It is prohibited to use the work ladder with fault identification;
(5) When the work ladder is parked in the equipment area, waiting
area, temporary parking area or under the aircraft, the loading
agent must place the chocking device on both sides of the wheel;
(6) When the work ladder is approaching the aircraft, the aircraft shall
be safely blocked.
(7) The use of the work ladder shall be implemented by manpower.
After using, check whether the fixed brake device of the work
ladder is put down and whether the double wheel stops are
properly held;
(8) When the work ladder needs to move from one side of the aircraft
to the other side, the work ladder must detour from the rear tail of
the aircraft, and it is forbidden to cross in front of the aircraft,
under the belly of the aircraft and under the tail of the aircraft;
(9) Two or more loading agent (only one agent may be assisted by the
supervisor) shall push and pull the work ladder at the same time,
one in front of the other; One loading agent controls the advance
direction of the work ladder, and another loading agent assists in
pushing and pulling at the front end of the advance direction of the
work ladder. Meanwhile, the docking distance is monitored. After
the docking of the work ladder, the fixed brake device is put down
immediately and both wheels are put in good position.
(10) the work ladder in place can touch the handle and the position of
switch does not stop the cargo door, the horizontal distance back
and the aircraft is not less than 20 cm, to work with the wide body
a and cargo door on the right side edge of the horizontal distance
is not less than 10 cm.
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(11) If the loader cannot perform the cargo door operation or unable to
reach the cargo door operation panel due to the work ladder is not
positioned properly, the work ladder must be repositioned. To
avoid falling off from ladder, it is strictly forbidden for the loader
to reach out of the work ladder area or the fence to force the
(12) When fixing brake device, one operator shall stand between the
aircraft and the work ladder and hold the work ladder with both
hands to act as a barrier, while another operator shall lower the
fixed brake device with the handle;
(13) Check whether the fixed brake device of the work ladder is
lowered and whether the wheelsets on both sides are properly held;
(14) The handrail of the work ladder should be put down, and the
handrail of the work ladder can be raised after the approach is
completed; Put down the mobile armrest before moving backward;
When using the movable handrail, the operator should pay
attention to the speed of action and support the movable handrail
with both hands throughout the whole process. It is strictly
prohibited to use inertia to let the movable handrail down freely.
(15) When opening and closing the cargo compartment door with the
help of the work ladder, loading agent should carefully climb up
and hold the handrail; with the aid of the job ladder, cargo door,
the one on the ladder cargo door operation on/off, another person
under the ladder to monitor open and shut case, someone on site
should be paid attention to see if collision may happen and
immediately stop the agent open or close the cargo door if such
situation happens.
(16) When moving work ladder backward from the aircraft, there must
be at least two loading agents to work together. One agent controls
the direction of work ladder, the other one assist to push the ladder.
Work ladder should be fixed on the specific position.
3) Usage of belt loader
(1) The driver of the belt loader and the loading personnel should
cooperate with each other to ensure following the operating
standards of the belt loader in this manual.
(2) Loading agent should lift the guardrail according to their need. If
the object is oversized, the guardrail can be put back;
(3) Sitting, walking or standing on the moving belt loader is forbidden.
When walking on the belt loader, loading agent are not allowed to
do anything unrelated to work. Pay attention to squat down and
walk. When approaching the cargo compartment door, reduce the
walking speed and enter or come out from the cargo compartment
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before confirming safety.
(4) Care should be taken when placing the freight on the belt loader
to ensure that the freight is placed in the center of belt and securely
stowed and does not fall off.
4) Usage of high loader
(1) The driver of the high loader and the loading personnel should
cooperate with each other to ensure following the operating
standards of high loader in this manual.
(2) In principle, high loader cannot be used to open the main cargo
door. If it is used to open and close the main cargo door, the
operating unit must establish procedures to prevent the aircraft
from scratching and preventing the risk of personnel falling.
(3) When the vehicle is not stationary and the high loader is lifting or
transferring, loading agent is prohibited from climbing up and
down the ladder of the high loader;
(4) When high loader is moving or operating, loading agent is
prohibited to standing on the main platform.
(5) In the process of loading and unloading, it is necessary to pay
attention to the transport of freight in the middle;
(6) The main lifting platform shall be operated by the high loader
driver, and it is not allowed to lift more than 2 AKE/pallets at one
time, and the distance between the containers shall not be less than
8.4.3 Procedure of Offloading

1) Requirement of opening cargo door

(1) Open the cargo compartment door according to the specific
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operation instructions of each aircraft manufacturer;
(2) If the cargo door cannot be opened, do not open the cargo door by
pushing and pulling the cargo door rudely or use tools or ground
support equipment, loading agent should report to the crew
(3) It is forbidden to open the cargo compartment door when the wind
speed exceeds the limit. According to the Aircraft Maintenance
Manual (AMM), it is forbidden to operate when the wind speed
reaches 40 knots (class 8 wind) or above;
(4) Before opening the cargo compartment for international
(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) flights, the cargo
compartment door shall be operated in accordance with the
specific instructions of customs and border control;
2) Offloading Requirements
(1) The loading and unloading department shall arrange unloading in
advance according to the offloading information, and prepare
sufficient number of container trays or baggage trailers; check the
loading equipment and ensure the safety during loading,
offloading and transporting process. Using faulty equipment is
(2) When unloading the aircraft, the baggage should be handled with
care, not under heavy pressure, not under heavy pressure, and not
thrown, and the baggage should be placed in the trailers in time.
(3) The loading and unloading department shall unload the onboard
luggage and cargo accurately according to the requirements of
stowage balance, and check the unloading situation;
(4) Check the number of inbound luggage according to regulations
and check with the LDM/CPM and load sheet;
(5) Luggage with delivery labels attached to the cabin door shall be
delivered to passengers as required by the airport and HNA;
(6) Unloading of special goods and dangerous goods shall follow the
unloading process of special goods and dangerous goods;
(7) Special cargo loading and unloading procedures shall be carried
out in accordance with the "Special Cargo Loading" section of this
(8) Standards for loading and unloading of overweight or hard-
packaged goods, please refer to the chapter “8.7 Standards for
loading and unloading of overweight or hard-packaged goods” in
this manual.
(9) In the process of unloading, if the luggage or cargo is found
damaged, the loading agent shall immediately notify the loading
and unloading team leader or loading and unloading supervisor,
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who shall take photos and record, report them and take
corresponding emergency measures immediately;
(10) After the unloading operation is completed, the agent shall check
again, and the loading and unloading supervisor shall check again
to ensure everything has been offloaded;
(11) After unloading, the cargo compartment isolation net shall be
fixed in the compartment and shall not be hung outside the
(12) Upon the completion of unloading at the freight, the loading
agent/loading supervisor shall carry out clearance inspection to
confirm that no personnel, equipment, other carry-on items and
other items are left behind. The loading and unloading personnel
entering the cargo hold shall be paid special attention to so as to
prevent personnel from being locked in the cargo hold;
(13) The loading agent/loading supervisors shall, in the course of the
clearance inspection and the unloading of the cargo, clear the
cargo hold (such as the lost baggage casters, etc.) on the spot;
(14) The loading agent /loading supervision and unloading personnel
shall notify the on-site maintenance staff in time for instruction,
simultaneously notify the HNA on-site personnel, and carry out
follow-up work according to the requirements of the on-site
maintenance personnel and HNA personnel for assistance if they
find any of the following situations during the clearance
inspection and unloading:
A. Damage or new scratch marks to cargo doors, bulkheads, floors and
B. The offload instruction shows where the cargo and mail lines are
loaded, and the cargo hold loading system, cover plate, floor locks
and cargo compartment nets and other facilities are damaged or
C. Water seepage of seafood and damaged leakage of liquids such as
alcohol and oil, resulting in pollution of the cargo compartment;
D. Other unidentifiable cargo hold remains, such as debris, powder, or
odorous objects.
E. Damage to the packaging of the goods causes the goods being lost,
leaked, damaged and contaminated aircraft equipment or other
(15) In special weather, such as rain and snow, luggage protection
should be used, and waterproof cloth should be covered on the
mop to avoid causing losses.
3) Domestic flight unloading process

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4) International flight unloading process
(1) Before opening the cargo compartment for international
(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) flights, the cargo
compartment shall be opened in accordance with the specific
instructions of customs and border control;
(2) Carefully check the flight number, aircraft number and position
before opening the door, and pay attention to the unloading
information of tools, aviation materials and empty container;
(3) The rest of the terms are the same as the domestic stop-over
loading and unloading process.
5) Damage report
(1) In case of any damage to baggage, cargo and container, or the
damage is caused by the loading and unloading personnel, it shall
be reported immediately and recorded in detail.
(2) in case of airplane cargo door is malfunctioned, loading agent
must immediately report the one in charge, inform the airport
service or HNA Technics engineer onsite (if any), at the same time
inform the HNA station staff on duty and record it
8.4.4 Loading Process

1) Complete baggage loading and unloading in strict accordance with

the information in the loading instruction.

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2) Cargo hold door open
(1) Cargo hold doors (including bulk door) should be open when start
(2) Open the cargo compartment door according to the specific
operation instructions of each aircraft manufacturer;
(3) If the cargo door cannot be opened, do not open the cargo door by
pushing and pulling the cargo door by brute force, tools or ground
support equipment, and report to the crew immediately;
(4) It is forbidden to open the cargo compartment door when the wind
speed exceeds the limit. According to the Aircraft Maintenance
Manual (AMM), it is forbidden to operate when the wind speed
reaches 40 knots (class 8 wind) or above;
(5) Before opening the cargo compartment for international
(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) flights, the cargo
compartment door shall be operated in accordance with the
specific instructions of customs and border control;
3) Cargo compartment door open
(1) The cargo compartment door (including BULK compartment door)
shall be opened at the beginning of loading;
(2) Open the cargo compartment door according to the specific
operation instructions of each aircraft manufacturer;
(3) If the cargo compartment door cannot be opened, do not use brute
force, tools or ground support equipment to push or pull the cargo
compartment door open, immediately report to the on-site
maintenance personnel;
(4) Do not open the cargo door when the wind speed exceeds the
opening limit of the cargo door; according to the aircraft
Maintenance Manual (AMM), do not operate when the wind speed
reaches 40 knots (category 8 wind) or above;
(5) Before the opening of international (including Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan) flights, cargo doors shall be operated according to the
specific instructions of "Three Customs";
(6) For specific opening requirements, please refer to Chapter 6 of this
manual for cargo compartment door opening joints.
4) Pre-installation inspection
(1) The stevedore/loading supervisor should carry out clearance
inspection before loading to avoid leaving the cargo hold with
foreign articles.
(2) For wide-body aircraft, check whether the pre-action clamps of
the ULD in the cargo hold are complete and effective; whether the

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PDU (power drive assembly in the cargo hold), drive rollers, etc.
can operate normally, whether there is any damage or missing.
Check that all motion restrains on the path from the collector drive
to the loading position are removed;
5) Container or pallet loading
(1) Before installation, the loading supervisor and unloader shall
check the situation of the container or the pallet to ensure that the
pallet is in good condition and suitable for loading; otherwise, the
pallet shall not be installed:
A. The AKE is intact without obvious damage or deformation. The
door of the container is locked to ensure that the contents do not
scatter to the outside of the container;
B. The AKE and its auxiliary equipment are in good condition. The
goods on the board are covered and fixed with net cover, and there
is no obvious sign of collapse, tilt, or looseness. The net cover and
angle rope should not fall outside the board.
(2) Before loading, the loading supervisor should carefully check
whether the label or code (including container number, flight
number, flight date, freight or mail volume and weight) of the
container is consistent with the loading instruction. If not, the
loading should be stopped immediately and confirm with load
control departments accordingly;
(3) During loading, first, push THE ULD from the pallet to the lifting
platform by human force. Check that the Angle rope and cargo net
of ULD are well stored to avoid being rolled into the roller. The
bridge platform of the loading and unloading platform of the
loader should always be flush with the lower edge of the door
frame and the floor of the cargo compartment. the distance
between the container and the cabin door, door frame, inner wall
plate and other containers shall be observed to avoid cutting or
collision. If such a situation occurs, the loading shall be stopped
(4) After the container or the container plate is loaded into the
compartment, it shall be locked with the card at the bottom of the
cargo hold to ensure that the container does not move. Regardless
of whether it is a container loaded with cargo or an empty
container for transportation, all the restraining clips around it must
be opened after installation to make it in working condition;
(5) For wide-body passenger planes the containers loaded with
priority luggage are located closest to the cargo compartment door,
and the specific order (according to the loading sequence is as

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follows: ordinary luggage → luggage with priority baggage tag →
international transit luggage → business class passenger luggage
→ VIP luggage), for quick unloading upon arrival at the
(6) Articles with “Cargo Aircraft Only” sign can not be loaded on the
passenger aircraft.
(7) While the transportation of empty pallet, improper stacking of
pallet may cause damage to the cargo compartment and loading
system. For safety reasons, pallet should be fixed on the bottom
plate and no more than 15 stacking of pallet at a single loading
(8) Before closing the cargo compartment, the loading and unloading
agent shall check and clear the cargo compartment door area to
ensure that the cargo compartment lock is retractable (when the
aircraft is not full fit, all the stoppers and clips in the empty
position must be all opened and in working condition) and there
are no pollutants, debris (metal, packaging debris, scattered
packaging rope, etc.) and other substances affecting the normal
closing of the cargo compartment door in the door frame (see the
Appendix for the procedures of cargo compartment closing).
6) Bulk shipping line loading
(1) Before loading into the compartment, the loading and unloading
supervisor and loading agent shall check the freight for any
damage or leakage. The leaked goods shall not be loaded into the
aircraft and shall be reported to the load control for offloading
instruction, and report the lost and found service and the cargo
department in a timely manner;
(2) When handling the freight and mail, the loading agent should
handle the goods with ease, not under heavy pressure, not under
heavy pressure, and not throwing the luggage. Special goods
should be operated according to the label requirements (such as:
this face up, fragile goods, etc.);
(3) If the shipper's label is found missing, the agent should first
confirm with cargo department if the freight or mail is for the flight,
and hang a new label on it before loading it into the compartment,
otherwise offload it;
(4) If any baggage is found without tag, it should be offloaded and
return to the baggage sortation department.
(5) When loading narrow body aircraft cargo hold and wide body
plane bulk cargo hold, the agent shall use the separation net in the
cargo hold to fix the bulk cargo line, so as to avoid its movement

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in the cargo hold;
(6) Heavy goods should be placed at the bottom, and if necessary,
heavy goods should be placed on the disperser to avoid exceeding
the maximum pressure limit on the cargo floor;
(7) In order to maximize the use of the space in the cargo hold, the
luggage or cargo shall be packed in a compact and regular manner.
The height of the luggage and cargo in the bulk cargo hold shall
not exceed the safety height indicator line of the compartment, or
a space of at least 10 centimeters shall be reserved from the top of
the cargo hold;
(8) Loading agent should load all the priority baggage (VIP \ CIP \ full
C class\ fortune wings club gold card\the silver card and other
high-end passenger baggage and special passenger baggage)
according to the loading instruction report. Generally, various
priority baggage needs to be placed at the door area of the cargo
hold so that can be unloaded first. The order of loading: ordinary
baggage → priority baggage → international transfer baggage →
business class passenger baggage→important passenger baggage.
(Note: different sort of baggage must be placed together). Live
animals should be placed in the ventilated cabin.
(9) Live animals (luggage) should be installed at the entrance to the
designated cargo location, installed will live animals should be
paid attention to during the process of container light to take light
put, banned the pet box flip upside down, hard fall throw pet box
and other irregularities, and at the same time ensure other baggage
shall not be pressure on the pet box, and pet containment box shall
be around other luggage. The staff of HNA resident unit shall
monitor the installation process of pets (the airport without HNA
resident unit shall be monitored by the agent unit); Minimize the
amount of time animals spend on the tarmac to protect them from
wind, rain, noise and extreme temperatures; Natural enemies
should not be placed adjacent to each other. Do not pack animals
in the same compartment with dry ice or radioactive materials.
Document handover: The guarantee personnel fill in the HNA
Special Baggage Notice to the Captain and sign with the captain
for handover. The handover is in a single triplets and will be kept
for 3 months.
(10) Special goods should be placed in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the manual in chapter 4. For example, the battery of
the electric wheelchair should be removed and insulated before
loading. Guns and ammunition should be placed in accordance
with the requirements of separation;
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(11) Before closing the cargo compartment, the loading and unloading
personnel shall check and clear the cargo compartment door area,
fix the protective net belt in the cargo compartment door, and there
shall be no pollutants, debris (metal, packaging debris, scattered
packaging rope, etc.) and other substances affecting the normal
closing of the cargo compartment door in the door frame (see the
Appendix for the procedures of cargo compartment closing).
7) Standards for loading and unloading of overweight or hard-
packaged goods, please refer to the chapter “Standards for loading
and unloading of overweight or hard-packaged goods” in this
8) Loading sequence (first listed will be the first to be loaded)
Cargo – Mail - Baggage - Delivery at Aircraft Baggage (DAA)
9) Check after loading
(1) After loading, loading agent shall ensure that the loading position
and weight are consistent with the latest loading instructions; It is
necessary to check whether the restraint clip of each ULD is
locked according to the regulations, whether the pallet net sleeve
is loose, etc.; when the ULD is loaded in the cargo compartment
of a wide-body aircraft but is not full fit, all restricted blocks and
stoppers on empty positions must be lifted to make them in
working condition;
(2) Safety nets shall be put in place when the cargo doors shall be
closed at least 10 minutes before the scheduled/estimated time of
(3) In order to maximize the use of the space in the cargo hold, the
luggage or cargo shall be packed in a compact and regular manner.
The height of the luggage and cargo in the bulk cargo hold shall
not exceed the safety height indicator line of the compartment, or
a space of at least 10cm shall be reserved from the top of the cargo
(4) Upon completion of loading, the loading agent/loading and
unloading supervisor shall carry out clearance inspection to
confirm that no personnel, equipment and carry-on items are left
behind. The loading and unloading personnel who enter the cargo
hold and search for luggage shall be paid special attention to
prevent them from being locked in the cargo hold;
(5) During the clearance inspection and loading, the loading
agent/loading supervisor can clean up the obviously
distinguishable cargo compartment (such as lost baggage casters,
etc.) on the spot;

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(6) In the following situations during the clearance inspection and
loading, the loading agent /loading supervision and unloader shall
timely report to the local engineer for assistance, and report to
Hainan Airlines Station staff at the same time, and follow the
instruction given.
A. Damage or new scratch marks to cargo doors, bulkheads, floor and
B. The loading instruction shows that the space equipped with the
shipping line, the cargo compartment loading system, cover plate,
floor lock, cargo compartment net and other facilities are damaged
or deformed;
C. Water seepage of seafood and damaged leakage of liquids such as
alcohol and oil, resulting in pollution of the cargo compartment;
D. Other unidentifiable cargo hold remains, such as debris, powder, or
odorous objects.
E. Damage to the packaging of the goods causes the goods to be lost,
leaked, damaged and contaminated aircraft equipment or other
(7) The closing of the cargo compartment door (including BULK)
must be carried out after the loading and unloading of cargo, mail
and baggage, and the addition and reduction of baggage (note: in
accordance with the Airport Flight Operation Standards (CAAC
(2020) No. 4);
(8) Cargo hold doors (including the bulk door) should be closed 5mins
before scheduled departure time,
(9) Operating time for closing doors (including bulk door) should be
less than 2mins;
(10) Report to the loading supervisor after cargo hold clearance check,
loading supervisor confirms loading with load controller, then
close the doors and leave the aircraft.
(11) The empty bulk trailers, pallets, and remaining containers that
have not been used must be immediately transported to the
designated safe area.
8.4.5 Cargo compartment inspection General Requirements

1) Cargo compartment inspection is generally carried out at the
following time nodes
(1) After the flight is unloaded;
(2) before the start of loading of the flight;
(3) After the completion of unloading, before loading if the aircraft is
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left unattended between unloading and loading;
(4) The personnel in charge of loading and unloading has been
2) The cargo compartment inspection shall focus on the following
points through the inspection method:
(1) Cargo floor, siding, roof, sills, operation panel (if any) Cargo
(2) Motion limiting device of wide-body machine, isolation net of
bulk cargo compartment of narrow-body or wide-body machine;
(3) Leakage situation;
(4) Whether there are any other foreign articles other than the freight
(5) Other articles that should not be present in the cargo hold.
3) Before loading, the loading and unloading personnel in charge of
cargo compartment inspection shall report the inspection results to
the loading and unloading supervision personnel.
4) Any damage or discrepancy found shall be reported to the loading
and unloading supervision personnel and the stowage and
5) Attention, please. Cargo hold should be inspected even if it has
been reported to be empty on arrival.
6) Any other articles in the cargo hold which should not be present
except those included in the dry weight and cargo hold shall be
identified. Cargo hold damaged
Any damage to the cargo hold, such as holes, tearing, limiter lock
failure, etc., will limit the function of the cargo hold. The damage
will lead to air entering the cargo hold or fire extinguishing agent
overflow in an emergency, which will reduce the ability to deal
with the fire in the cargo hold. The aging of the clamping clamp
may lead to the load limitation of some holding Spaces.
(1) Any fault or damage found during the cargo hold inspection shall
be reported to the maintenance personnel, and reported to the
ground resident supervision personnel according to the
information process;
(2) Carry out operations according to the carrier's decision, and carry
out further loading and unloading operations according to the
space limitation information;
(3) If the restrictions in the cargo hold cannot be resolved on this site,
record and report the restrictions in the cargo hold according to the
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requirements of the information notification. Cargo Spill
1) The goods may spill due to improper packing and operation.
2) Spills are not limited to liquids, but may also be paste, powder and
granular objects.
3) Spills may be dangerous, corrosive, flammable and explosive,
toxic substances, etc. Even water can cause serious damage to
aircraft electrical components and systems. If the metal tribute
leaks, it will interact with the aircraft material to produce
aluminum amalgam, causing serious damage to the aircraft;
4) Therefore, if cargo spill is found in the loading and unloading
process, it must be reported to the loading and unloading
supervision in the first time, and handled according to the
operation process of loading and unloading in this manual, and the
information should be notified and recorded at the same time.
5) If dangerous goods spill is involved, the operation shall be carried
out in accordance with the section of dangerous goods Disposal in
this chapter of this manual.
8.4.6 Cargo hold door closing process
1) Check the locks, nets and foreign objects before closing
Before closing the cargo door, the loading and unloading
personnel should check and clean the cargo door area, ensure that
there are no obstructions such as loading and unloading equipment
near the door, ensure that the wide-body machine is locked and
retracted, and check that there are no obstacles such as ice, snow,
gravel and narrow-body machine in the door sill area. Narrow
body aircraft and the bulk cargo compartment of wide-body
aircraft must be secured with protective mesh belts, no personnel
or foreign objects are left in the cargo compartment, and there are
no pollutants and debris (metal, packaging fragments, scattered
packaging ropes, etc.) in the door frame that affect the normal
closing of the cargo door. If the door cannot be closed due to icing,
etc., notify the on-site maintenance staff immediately.
2) B737-800 cargo door open and close operation
For specific operations, please refer to this manual for the
operation process of B737-800 cargo door opening and closing.
3) A330-200/300 cargo door open and close operation
For specific operations, please refer to this manual for the
operation process of A330-200/300 cargo door opening and
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4) B787-8/9 cargo door open and close operation
For specific operations, please refer to the operation process of
cargo door opening and closing in this manual.
5) A350 cargo door open and close operation
For specific operations, please refer to this manual for the
operation process of A350 cargo door opening and closing. Note
that after turning on the switch in the operation panel, you need to
wait for 30 seconds before you can further operate the cargo hold
power drive equipment.
6) Please refer to Chapter 6 for cargo door signature.

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8.5 Operation Standard of Ramp Supervision

8.5.1 General Requirement

1) Qualification
(1) Staff involved must wear under dressing code with protective
items and well prepare documentation;
(2) Handling company must have entire staff qualification regulation
and training program. Staff needs to pass the exam in order to have
qualification of work.
(3) Full-time personnel should be assigned to supervise the loading
and unloading operations of the flight. If the designated full-time
personnel need to take care of multiple loading and unloading sites,
the GSA must specify measures to ensure that relevant personnel
are responsible for supervising loading and unloading during the
entire process.
(4) Any information concerning flight cannot be released to the third
party, unless national authority accredited (such as law
enforcement officers who track or prevent crime) requires.
2) Operation Requirement
(1) The loading and unloading supervision shall be carried out in
accordance with the loading instruction and the unloading order
(offloading report or LMD/CPM). In the special case of temporary
adjustment during the loading and unloading process, it shall
immediately report to the dispatching and load control office, and
work based on the updated directive commanded by load control
(2) The loading and unloading supervisor shall check whether the
loading and unloading personnel, special equipment and drivers
are in place in time and dressed in accordance with the regulations,
and whether the equipment is parked at the designated location
according to the standards and specifications to ensure that the
loading and unloading aircraft is properly prepared;
(3) Clearance: the loading agent/loading supervisor shall inspect the
cargo compartment before, after loading and before offloading to
avoid any baggage, cargo, mail or other foreign objects left behind
(4) Before loading, the loading and unloading supervisor shall check
whether the cargo and mail has been delivered to the aircraft
according to the time stipulated, and urge the responsible unit to
timely deliver if they are not in place on time; and check whether
the relevant information (including flight
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number/date/pieces/weight) is matching the loading instruction;
(5) Supervising that the container and supporting equipment meet the
requirements of loading, and the assembly and fixing of the cargo
and mail pallet or the container, and the conditions of the cargo
and mail in the bulk compartment and the container in the cargo
(6) Upon the completion of the loading, the loading supervisor and
unloading supervisor shall execute check procedure and take the
initiative to check the loading with the load control office to ensure
that the actual loading is consistent with the load sheet. In the
following situations during offloading, the loading agent /loading
supervision and unloader shall timely report to the local engineer
for assistance, and report to Hainan Airlines Station staff at the
same time, and follow the instruction given.
A. Damage or new scratch marks to cargo doors, bulkheads, floor and
B. The unloading instruction shows that the space equipped with the
shipping line, the cargo compartment loading system, cover plate,
floor lock, cargo compartment net and other facilities are damaged
or deformed;
C. Water seepage of seafood and damaged leakage of liquids such as
alcohol and oil, resulting in pollution of the cargo compartment;
D. Other unidentifiable cargo hold remains, such as debris, powder, or
odorous objects.
E. Damage to the packaging of the goods causes the goods to be lost,
leaked, damaged and contaminated aircraft equipment or other
(7) If any abnormal situation is found during the flight (including but
not limited to: the cargo hold restricted area does not meet the
actual requirements, the loading requirements do not meet the
cargo hold restriction requirements, etc.), the STOP procedure
should be executed immediately, and the local load control
department should be contacted for investigation and verification ,
When the standards of the two parties are consistent, the operation
can be continued, and at the same time, the local HNA station staff
should be notified. Note: In an emergency, please contact the AOC
load control seat (0898-65987224; loadcontrol@hnair.com) or
AOC customer service seat (0898-65987105/6;
khfwx@hnair.com) to assist in the verification and resolution.
(8) When it is necessary to transfer the cargo space/pull and reduce
the cargo space, the loading supervision and unloading personnel
shall first communicate with the load control office to confirm the
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latest loading instructions and then inform the execution of the
operation. The actual loading situation shall be checked with load
control office before the flight is closed, and the cargo space shall
not be closed without verification.
(9) If any error is found after the cabin is closed/during taxi/after
takeoff, it shall immediately report to the airport operation
command unit in accordance with the principle of first termination
and verification after takeoff, take all feasible measures to inform
the crew in the first place, and immediately report to the staff of
Hainan Airlines on site afterwards (all the authorized areas shall
report to the customer service).
8.5.2 Offloading Process

1) Preparation for supervision and discharge

(1) The ground service unit must assign special personnel to be
responsible for on-site monitoring of the baggage unloading
(2) Make the unloading instruction no later than 30 minutes before the
arrival of the flight. The unloading instruction can be made by the
loading, supervising and unloading on duty dispatching or load
control office (subject to the actual situation of each airport/agent)
through the message information of the departure system or the
LDM/CPM incoming port;
(3) Five minutes before flight arrival time, check whether the
unloading agent, special equipment and driver are ready and in
accordance with the provisions, dress, parked at the designated
location, equipment according to the standard specification.
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Check flight information and confirm the parking bay number,
flight number etc., immediately report to the operation after flight
2) Open the cargo hold
(1) When aircraft engines are turned off, safety warning light goes out,
safety cone bucket, wheel gear is placed, engineer personnel will
give permission to open the cargo doors. When operating
international flight, loading agent should open the doors under
permission by customs and border control and report to operation
center for details.
(2) Check whether the personnel and equipment are approaching in
the order, whether the mop is used to carry out the command,
whether the approaching operations meet the standards, etc.;
(3) After the cabin door is opened, the loading and unloading
supervisor or the document handover officer shall request the
entry documents bag and the Captain's Notice of Special Cargo (if
any) from the flight crew, and hand it to the cargo driver (depends
on the specific work procedures of each airport/agency);
(4) Check whether the flight number, aircraft registration, parking
position and other information of the loading and unloading order
are consistent with the actual situation, and report to operation
center as soon as possible.
3) Unloading supervision
(1) The unloading team shall carry out the supervision of unloading
in accordance with the requirements of the operation
specifications of loading and unloading and the requirements of
the unloading list. In the event unloading of special goods such as
dangerous goods, valuables, live animals and aviation materials,
the supervisor should strengthen on-site monitoring and ensure the
safety of unloading;
(2) Supervise offload process according to the principle of loading
and unloading sequence.
(3) The loading and unloading supervisor shall supervise and inspect
the driving of vehicles under the aircraft and the operation of
loading and unloading personnel, and monitor the loading and
unloading process and the reassembling of nets; Monitor the
loading and unloading personnel in compliance with the
regulations during the unloading process, handle with care, and
strictly prohibit rough loading and unloading, and check whether
there is any damaged cargo or mail.
(4) The supervisory and unloading personnel shall record the number
of pieces of baggage unloaded from the aircraft and inform the
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baggage sorting personnel (or follow the local procedure to ensure
all baggage for the station are unloaded);
(5) Loading agent should confirm the actual loading position, report
to load control agent in time the cargo, mail, baggage position. If
something is not fully identical, loading agent must execute the
search inspection and report to supervisor if necessary, and adjust
the loading according to the instruction from load control to ensure
the actual loading is consistent with loading instruction.
(6) According to the requirements in the delivery process of airport
and HNA inbound goods offloading process, such as the sequence
of unloading, code release standard, delivery time, use of net cover
and rain cloth, etc., the loading and unloading supervisor shall
supervise the delivery of goods under the aircraft, and sign with
the unloading personnel and the cargo and mail transportation
airport pickup personnel for confirmation;
(7) After the freighter is unloaded, before the implementation of the
loading operation, the loading and unloading supervisor shall
monitor the loading and unloading personnel to go on board for
the clearance inspection to prevent overcarry and wrong unloading;
(8) Upon the completion of unloading on site, the loading
agent/loading supervisor shall clear the cargo space, check the
cargo space and make sure that no personnel, equipment and
carry-on items are left behind. The loading and unloading
personnel entering the cargo space shall be paid special attention
to so as to prevent the personnel from being locked in the cargo
(9) The loading agent/loading supervisor shall, during the clearance
inspection and unloading of the cargo, clear the cargo hold (such
as lost baggage casters, etc.) on the spot;
(10) Standards for loading and unloading of overweight or hard-
packaged goods, please refer to the chapter “Standards for loading
and unloading of overweight or hard-packaged goods” in this
4) Abnormal unloading information report
Loading agent must check the weight and position information of
goods according to unloading instruction. If anything is not fully
identical (for wide-body aircraft operation, check if container is
damaged), the agent involved needs to report to supervisor, load
control office and Hainan representative about the discrepancy
and record the difference by photo or written report.
Requirements for information recording: clear written record;
Photo or video shooting quality is clear, including the security
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scene (distant and close shots), such as aircraft number, security
vehicle, etc. and retained for a month in order to collect evidence
under unusual circumstances.
8.5.3 Supervision Process

1) Loading preparation supervision

(1) Before the prescribed time limit, (in principle, the narrow body
aircraft no later than 50 minutes before the scheduled departure
time, wide body aircraft no later than 70 minutes before the
scheduled departure time), supervision of loading unloading
personnel should get outbound loading instruction report (paper
LIR can get from load control office or operating center, electronic
LIR can be retrieved from PDA directly, the specific process is
according to the local airport/handling company’s actual
procedure), and getting ready for operation. If special goods such
as dangerous goods, valuables, living animals and aviation
materials are indicated on the LIR, the flight loading and
unloading supervisor should inform the loading team in advance
and perform the loading operation according to the requirements
of special goods loading procedure.
(2) Checking flight information; receiving loading instruction from
load control after the flight is closed for check in.
(3) Before the start of loading and unloading operation, loading
supervisor shall check the loading agents, special vehicles,
equipment and driver are ready in position in time and in
accordance with the provisions, dress code; equipment are parked
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at the designated safe location; actively and accurately get the
baggage loading instruction from the load control; timely and
accurately pass the loading information to loading staff, and
confirm the gate number, aircraft registration, flight number and
other flight information.
(4) Cargo doors (including bulk) should be open before loading
(5) Before loading, the loading agent/loading and unloading
supervisor shall carry out clearance inspection to avoid the cargo
compartments has something left behind;
2) Delivery of goods
(1) Check the cargo and postal label, cargo card number and other
information (including card, container, board number) delivered
to the aircraft parking stand according to the cargo mail list
provided by the freight department, and the aircraft can be loaded
only after confirming that it is correct. In principle, the cargo and
mail of wide-body aircraft must be delivered to the stand no later
than 60 minutes before the scheduled departure time, and for
narrow-body aircraft no later than 40 minutes before the scheduled
departure time; airports in different regions have differences in
cargo releasing time, sufficient ground operation time should be
reserved to ensure the cargo hold is closed on time.
(2) Check the baggage (including the number of pieces, destination,
container number and bag cart number) delivered to the plane
against the baggage hand-over sheet provided by Baggage
handling unit, and process for loading only after it is confirmed to
be correct.
(3) Check the baggage delivered to the airport (including flight
number, date, destination, number of pieces, box number and
compartment number) according to the Baggage Claim Form
provided by the baggage sorting unit.
(4) Check the following precautions:
A. Check whether there is any damage during transportation.
B. There is no sign of damage to the packing.
C. Check whether the net sleeve, Angle rope, lock and other
protective materials on the assembly plate are fixed and fastened, so
as to avoid equipment jamming caused by roller during loading;
D. Check the shipping office for obvious damage;
E. Check whether there are traces of liquid leakage in the
F. Check whether the packing of the shipping company is in good
condition, and whether its size, the height of the packed goods, the
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probe board and the probe size meet the requirements;
G. Check that the assembly device can be effectively fixed on the
tray, and the tray limiter lock is in working state to avoid unsafe
situations such as sliding during operation;
H. Check whether the container door is deformed or improperly
(5) Check to ensure that special goods are not affected by inclement
weather conditions (if applicable).
(6) No matter in the handover or in the process of handling/loading
and unloading, the damage of the goods should be reported to the
loading and unloading supervision personnel and handled
according to the relevant procedures of the disposal of the goods.
The information should be notified and recorded.
(7) ULD or bulk parts without pollution (including snow, ice, water,
water, wood, plastic).
(8) The supervisor shall brief the loading instruction report to the
loading team and submit it to the loading team leader for signature
and confirmation.
(9) Before the installation, the loading supervision and unloading
personnel should carefully check whether the labeling information
of the loader (including the number of the loader, flight number,
flight date, quantity and weight of the shipping line, etc.) and the
code are consistent with the installation list. If not, the loading will
be suspended and confirmed with the stowing department and
relevant departments;
(10) If baggage tags and cargo tags are torn or missing, please report in
time. Do not install without correction.
3) Loading supervision
(1) The loading supervision personnel shall monitor the loading
personnel to load the flight correctly and timely in accordance
with the requirements of load control office staff.
(2) Supervise offload process according to the principle of loading
and unloading sequence;
(3) In case the designated full-time personnel need to take into
account multiple loading and unloading sites, the ground service
company shall formulate relevant measures to ensure that relevant
personnel are responsible for loading and unloading throughout
the loading and unloading process.
(4) The loading and unloading supervisor shall strictly monitor the
operation of baggage loading and unloading personnel to avoid the
phenomenon of baggage dropping; Monitor the loading and
unloading personnel in compliance with the regulations during the
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unloading process, handle with care, and strictly prohibit rough
handling, check whether there is any damaged baggage, cargo or
(5) All relevant ground service team shall follow the loading
procedures to ensure that the loaded baggage/cargo/mail belongs
to the flight.
(6) Special freight, such as priority luggage, valuables and live
animals, should be loaded near the cargo compartment door, with
special attention to loading/unloading;
(7) Standards for loading and unloading of overweight or hard-
packaged goods, please refer to the chapter “Standards for loading
and unloading of overweight or hard-packaged goods” in this
(8) Upon the completion of the loading of freight and mail, the
outbound freight and mail bags and NOTOC (if any) shall be
handed over to the crew on board;
(9) After the baggage loading is completed, confirm the number of
baggage (narrow-body aircraft) with the agents and check the
number of baggage on the baggage declaration; Check the
container number and code against Loading Instruction Report
(wide-body aircraft);
(10) If the loading situation fails to meet the requirements of the
loading instruction, the loading supervisor shall timely inform the
load control office, and inform the loading agent to adjust the
loading operation according to the final loading instruction of the
load control office. After the adjustment, the actual loading
situation shall be reported to the load control office again;
(11) After loading, the loading agent shall check the fixed situation of
the freight/mail/baggage, container or pallet loaded in the bulk;
(12) Monitor baggage loading and unloading personnel to receive or
remove baggage in a timely manner according to the baggage
increase or decrease information provided by the check-in and
gate staff.
(13) The loading supervisor shall record the number of baggage handed
over from the boarding gate, and report to load control staff after
the loading is completed.
(14) For the abnormal conditions such as luggage damage, the report
(Baggage discrepancy report) needs to be filled and sent to
baggage services department.
(15) During the loading process, the supervisors should check whether
the cargo and mail packaging meets the freight packaging
regulations (the wide-body machine also needs to check the
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appearance of the container). If it is damaged, it must be reported
to the dispatcher, the on-site maintenance staff, and the freight unit
for evaluation. If the cargo needs to be pulled, the loading staff
should immediately report the load controller and cargo staff, and
organize the loading according to the new version of the "Loading
Instruction Report" issued by the load control.
(16) In case of disrupted flight
A. Received information: After receiving the information about the
abnormal flight, arrange for relevant team to loading or unloading
and storage baggage.
B. After receiving the baggage reduction instruction from the
passenger service team, search and offload the baggage according
to the specific baggage information;
C. Prepare the handover of the offloaded baggage for subsequent
(17) Handling of loading/offloading baggage: ① Receiving
information about the check-in baggage loading or offloading by
radio, promptly informs the ramp team to be in place, monitors
and assists in the loading of oversized baggage, and work with the
load control and baggage services department to ensure the flight
punctuality. ②Stop accepting late arrival baggage 20 minutes
after the flight check-in closes, and handle abnormal situations
(18) The loading shall be completed no later than 10 minutes before the
scheduled/estimated time of departure, and immediately check the
loading/unloading information with load control office after the
loading is completed and before the cargo compartment is closed;
(19) Upon completion of loading, the loading agent/loading and
unloading supervisor shall carry out clearance inspection to
confirm that no personnel, equipment or carry-on items are left
behind in the aircraft. The loading and unloading personnel who
enter the cargo hold and search for luggage shall be paid special
attention to prevent them from being locked in the cargo hold;
(20) The loading agent /loading supervisor should clean up any
obviously distinguishable cargo (such as lost baggage casters, etc.)
during clearance inspection and loading of the cargo hold,;
(21) Freight and mail
A. Inspect and supervise loading staff to load the freight strictly in
accordance with the weight and space specified in the Loading
instruction. In accordance with the order indicated in the Outward
Cargo Mail List, priority shall be given to loading the goods and the
requirements of the weight, size collocation and the height marking
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line of the space, and reasonable loading and unloading shall be
carried out to make full use of the space;
B. Any question concerning loading process should be raised up to
load control office. If something needs to be offloaded due to weight
or balance restriction (special goods such as fresh goods, live stock,
aircraft parts, valuable items etc.). The details of offloaded goods
need to be reported to load control office, and the load control office
will issue the new loading instruction accordingly.
C. If the loading cannot be carried out according to the loading
instruction due to the volume of the cargo, the loading supervisor
must inform the load control of the weight and space of the unloaded
cargo, and operate according to the stowage adjustment and loading
instructions notified by the load control office. Normally it is
required to load the flight after the loading team receiving the
updated LIR, but in order to keep the flight on time, if load control
office agrees, loading team can remark the discrepancy on the
previous LIR and load the flight according to the revised LIR. Read
back of loading confirmation must be done. The revised LIR must
be signed by supervisor and loading agent together.
D. Items marked 'Cargo Aircraft Only' are not allowed to be loaded
onto passenger Aircraft. Meanwhile, anything that is not allowed to
be loaded on the flight by Hainan airlines cannot be loaded as well.
(22) Baggage loading
A. In case of a large amount of checked baggage, in order to ensure the
flight is on time, the aircraft shall be loaded in batches to ensure that
the cargo doors can be closed on time. The loading and unloading
supervisor shall check whether the baggage date, flight number,
aircraft number, destination station, number of baggage carts
(boxes), number of pieces and other information are consistent with
the reality according to the Outgoing Baggage Receipt handed over
from the baggage warehouse;
B. After checking, loading and unloading teams shall arrange loading
according to the space designated in the Loading instruction;
C. Try to meet the loading requirements for late baggage before the
cargo doors are closed.
D. The loading and unloading supervision personnel receive the
checked baggage at the gate handed over by the ground personnel,
check the flight number, date, destination station and other key
information corresponding to the baggage strip, install the baggage,
check the loading status with the stowage personnel, and record the
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4) Loading check and confirmation
No later than 20 minutes prior to departure (delay flights by
standing guarantee time postpone), loading supervisor must report
to load control officer about the final loading situation (through
radio, phone, PDA, WeChat according the different situation), The
content of the loading confirmation can be the version number of
the LIR according to the actual operating conditions in each
station, or it can be the specific cargo hold loading data (such as
various types of baggage and wide-body AKE numbers, etc., the
confirmation content and words need to be standardized). Cargo
doors cannot be closed until loading confirmation is done (note:
according to the "standard of airport flight operation" (civil
aviation (2020) no. 4), cargo door closing (including BULK) can
only be done when the loading is finished and LMC is done as
well when it is necessary.
5) Abnormal information report of loading
(1) Loading agent must cross check if cargo manifest holds identical
information with actual situation. Information including baggage
delivery date, flight number, A/C register number, destination,
trailer number is mandatory to be cross checked. If anything is
abnormal, loading agent needs to report to supervisor, load control
office and Hainan representative as soon as possible.
(2) The loading supervisor must check that loading instruction holds
same information, cargo/mail/baggage container, pallets, carts
number, compare to the actual situation. If anything is abnormal,
loading agent needs to report to supervisor, load control office and
Hainan representative as soon as possible.
(3) The loading and unloading supervisor shall check whether the
package of freight mail meets the provisions of freight packing
(the wide-body aircraft shall also check the appearance of the
container). In case of any damage, it shall immediately inform the
dispatching and maintenance evaluation, and make records (such
as video recording, pictures and written records); Requirements
for information recording: clear written record; Photo or video
shooting quality clear, cover to ensure the scene. It need to be
retained for a month in order to collect evidence under unusual
(4) In case of temporary accommodation adjustment or unloading in
the installation, the loading and unloading supervisor shall
immediately verify the adjustment information with load control
office. Normally it is required to load the flight after the loading
team receive the updated LIR, but in order to keep the flight on
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time, if load control office agrees, loading team can remark the
discrepancy on the previous LIR and load the flight according to
the revised LIR. Reading back of loading confirmation must be
done. The revised LIR must be signed by supervisor and loading
agent together.
6) Cargo door closure
(1) The closing operation of the cargo door (including the bulk
compartment BULK door) should be performed after the cargo,
mail, and baggage have been loaded and unloaded, and there is no
need to search and add or subtract baggage;
(2) Cargo doors (including bulk compartment BULK doors) should
be closed 5 minutes before the scheduled flight/target departure
(3) The closing operation time of the cargo door (including the bulk
compartment BULK door) should not exceed 2 minutes.
(4) Cargo door is closed and evacuate.

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8.6 Loading Process of Wide Body Aircraft

8.6.1 Standard of Distance between High Loader and Cargo Door.

Please refer to Chapter 7 in the manual for details.
8.6.2 Loading Team Staffing and Loading Process Standard
Note: The direction in this manual is judged under such condition
as when the agent stands on the high loader and face to cargo door,
his left hand will be determined as left side, and his right hand will
be determined as right side)
1) Standard of loading staffing
During loading and unloading of each cargo compartment, the
agent unit shall allocate at least two loading and unloading
personnel, one of whom shall be responsible for the cargo
compartment operating system control and monitoring the
conditions on the right side of the compartment door when the
container goes in and out the compartment door; One person is
responsible for the closing and lifting of the cargo compartment
locks, monitoring the left side of the compartment door when the
container goes in and out the compartment door, and monitoring
the space between the cargo unit and the compartment wall.
2) Standing position of loading and unloading personnel
Cargo hold system operator, standing on the right side of the hatch
of the loading equipment;
Cargo hold loading and unloading monitor, standing on the left
side of cargo hold door on the loading equipment.

3) Airworthiness of container equipment (applicable to U.S.


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(1) The marking on the container must be clear and complete.
Including "company name", "container identification code",
"manufacturing brand", "documents bag", etc.;
(2) There must be no cracks, holes or deformations in the container
wall panels. The frame and corners of the top plate are required to
be flat. The height of any point from the bottom plane to the upper
plane of the bottom frame profile used for limiting should not
exceed 28mm (1.1 inches). The inner, outer and plastic gussets
should not be damaged. It is required to be flat, and it cannot be
used if the overall size exceeds two cracks or the hole size exceeds
(3) The container board core, frame and board corners are required to
be flat, and the aluminum bracket of the bottom plate corner and
the bayonet of the mooring slide rail shall not be broken or
deformed. No more than three rivets should be loose or missing.
The minimum distance between loose or missing rivets should be
304.8mm (12 inches);
(4) The vertical sides and fasten belts of the inclined panels of the
container are required to be intact;
(5) Container rivets shall not be loose or missing; If there are 3 rivets
loose or missing at any continuous distance, and the total number
of loose or missing rivets is more than 6, it cannot be used. The
minimum distance between loose or missing rivets shall be
304.8mm (12 inches);
(6) The container door shall not be twisted or deformed to ensure that
it can withstand the load and switch normally. The door bolts, bolts,
hinges and other locking devices shall be intact; the container door
shall not be used if the crack of the door is perforated or cut to
25mm x 20mm;
(7) Requirements for auxiliary facilities: The service life of the net
cover shall not exceed 2 years (the net cover is marked with a
metal sign), the net rope shall not be moldy or rotten, and the metal
products (locks, adjusting buckles, adjusting hooks, etc.) shall be
complete. durable. Any mesh on the surface of the sleeve is not
allowed if the mesh is larger than 250mm x 250mm; the strap
should not be damaged, and the metal lock buckle should be
damaged or lost. The quality of the wooden pallets should be intact.
The corner rope cannot be used if there is no net corner rope at any
of the four peripheral corners or the net corner rope is worn or cut;
the quality of the rain cloth should be intact;
(8) The identification of the pallet should be clear and complete,
including "company name", "unit loader identification code",
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"manufacturing brand", etc.;
(9) The pallet surface must not have cracks, dents or holes, and the
maximum amplitude of flatness deformation under no-load
conditions must not exceed 28mm;
(10) The frame and corners of the pallet should be flat and not broken,
and it is not allowed to lack any corners;
(11) There should be no fracture or deformation at the bayonet of the
pallet mooring slide rail;
(12) The edge rivets shall not be loose or fall off, and each edge shall
not be loose, missing or damaged in more than 4 places. The
distance between two adjacent dead pixels cannot be less than
508mm (20 inches).
4) Cargo hold loading and unloading supervising
(1) Check key points
A. Inspect the airworthiness of the ULD, pay special attention to
whether the four sides of the ULD are warped, missing corners, and
whether the container is damaged. It is strictly forbidden to load
unsuitable ULDs.
B. Deformation of pallet lay-out, detection of exceeding standards in
cargo packaging, risk of cutting against inner wall and door of cargo
C. Check the cargo space after unloading to avoid goods leakage;
D. After loading of each container/pallet, check whether the loading
position is correct and whether all the locking locks of the assembly
container are completed.
(2) Handling of abnormal situations
A. Before loading, the supervisor shall check whether the pallet
packaging is damaged, whether the packaging material has obvious
deviation, and whether the label and the packing list are consistent.
In case of any abnormal situation, photos or videos shall be taken
and recorded, and airlines representative and the cargo manager
shall be reported to decide whether to take it or not. If the decision
is made, accurate information of goods and assemblers shall be
immediately notified to the load control office to adjust the loading
B. Before unloading, the loading supervisor and unloading supervisor
shall first enter the cargo hold to check whether the container door
is closed and intact, whether the stacking board is tilted, and
whether the bottom pallet is out of standard. If the container door is
opened, the goods are tilted, and the bottom plate of the goods is out
of conformity with the standard, the unloading operation shall be
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suspended, photos or video records shall be kept, and the station
shall be notified. Continue unloading after the adjustment of the
container door/goods, and pay close attention to the distance
between the door and the unloading process, to avoid scratching.
C. During the loading process, if the container/cargo board cuts against
the aircraft cabin door or cargo bulkhead, the loading and unloading
supervisor shall immediately perform the following process:
a Stop the loading operation immediately;
b Keep complete pictures/video materials on site;
c Inform the maintenance agent for the damage, and the
subsequent loading shall be carried out in accordance with the
maintenance release opinions;
d Inform the station staff/supervisor to be on site;
e Inform the load control office to adjust the loading plan.
D. In the event that containers/cargo rub against the doors or bulkheads
of aircraft during unloading, the loading and unloading supervisors
shall immediately perform the following process:
a Stop unloading operation immediately;
b Keep complete pictures/video materials on site;
c Inform the maintenance agent of the damage, and offload the
aircraft according to the maintenance release opinions;
d Inform the station/supervisor to be on site.
5) The standard of pallets packing
(1) The goods on the pallet are strictly prohibited to have wide edges
protruding. At least 5cm space is reserved between the goods and
the edge of the pallet;
(2) After the pallet cargo is extended 60cm in height, the narrow side
of the pallet can be properly protruded, and the protruding part of
each side of the narrow side can be no more than 15cm.;
(3) The overall height (that is, the distance from the bottom plate to
the highest point of the goods) of the assembly plate after
assembly shall not exceed 162cm.
Note: The main responsibility unit of the cargo panel shall be the
cargo operation handler, and the apron
supervision/unloading/loading personnel shall perform the
responsibilities of the apron safety inspection.

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8.7 Special cargo loading

8.7.1 Identification of special Goods General Requirements
1) Special cargo (including special baggage, the same below)
information of inbound flights shall be identified by LDM/CPM or
alternative documents;
2) Special cargo information of outbound flights is identified by
Notoc (Captain's Notice of Special Baggage/Cargo);
3) Strictly comply with the special loading requirements of special
goods, especially special loads and transportation of dangerous
4) Loading and unloading in strict compliance with direction marks
and applicable special operating instructions;
5) Ensure that the packaging with directional handling labels is kept
in the correct direction (for example: this face to the upper label);
6) Pay attention to the identification of specific indication labels (for
example, only for cargo aircraft CAO, fragile fragile, placed on
TOP, etc.).
8.7.2 Standards for loading and unloading of overweight or hard-
packaged goods General requirements
1) This standard is applicable to goods with wooden, metal materials
and other hard outer packaging (hereinafter referred to as "this kind
of goods"). Common types include aviation materials, mechanical
equipment, metal materials/accessories, precision instruments,
valuables, easy Broken objects, coffins, some liquid objects, and
dangerous goods.
2) Metal materials and other similar hard goods (such as machinery
and equipment, metal materials/accessories, etc.) must be packaged
with wooden or other hard materials.
3) For goods that do not fall into the above categories, the use of inner
packaging is encouraged. In principle, wooden, metal and other
rigid outer packaging are not allowed. If there are special
packaging requirements, they must be approved by the airline
before delivery.
4) When this type of cargo is transported by narrow-body aircraft, The
maximum weight of a single cargo (non-self-use aviation materials)
shall not exceed 80kg, and the maximum weight of a single cargo

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of self-use aviation materials shall not exceed 150kg.
5) For this type of cargo, if the weight of a single piece exceeds 50 kg,
it must be loaded by a belt loader. Loading and unloading requirements
1) Before loading, the loading and unloading personnel must check
and ensure that the bottom of the outer package is flat and free of
foreign objects.
2) Before loading, the loading and unloading personnel should first
enter the cargo hold. The personnel in the cabin and the ground
personnel respectively support the ends of the cargo, and steadily
transport the cargo into the cabin, slowly lowering it until it touches
the floor of the cargo hold; avoid side loading that causes the
corners to contact the floor first. Avoid relying on the cargo hold
3) The cargo should be moved slowly in the cargo hold to prevent
throwing, falling, and savage dragging.
4) The packing belt can be used in assisting the transportation, but it
is not allowed to lift the goods completely by the packing belt
bearing force to avoid the packing belt from breaking.
5) During the loading process, pay attention to observe and maintain
a safe distance between the cargo and the door and bulkhead.
6) During the whole loading process, the package should be kept face
up according to the operation label.
7) Priority loading position should be as close as possible to the cargo
compartment segregation net, avoiding too close to the cabin door
and bulkhead, and pile up with other cargo around it, and hang the
net after loading and unloading.
8) This kind of cargo is not allowed to be stacked in the cargo hold.
9) When unloading, follow the same operating principles as above.
10) For this type of cargo, if the weight of a single piece exceeds 50 kg,
it must be loaded by a belt loader and the following requirements
must be followed:
A. Arrange for 2 or more loading and unloading personnel to enter the
cargo hold in advance.
B. The goods are placed in the middle of the conveyor belt and should
not protrude out of both sides of the conveyor belt.
C. When the cargo is close to the top of the conveyor belt, the people in
the cabin should hold one end of the cargo and steadily lift it to the
cargo floor to avoid contact between the cargo and the door and door

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Ground Operation Manual 8 Information reporting requirements
1) For this type of cargo, if the weight of a single piece exceeds 50 kg,
the cargo department shall notify the loading and load control team
to facilitate the preparation of personnel and equipment in advance;
the three-letter code "HEA" should be marked on the cargo and
mail manifest ".
2) During the guarantee process, if damage to the cabin door/bulk
wall/floor is found, it should be reported to the on-site maintenance
personnel and station staff/supervising unit; if there is any damage
to the package or other abnormal events, it should be reported to
station duty staff or supervisor as soon as possible. Principles of offloading cargo
If it is found that such packaged goods do not meet the above-
mentioned standards during the loading and unloading process, the
loading and unloading personnel shall notify the local cargo team
as soon as possible to offload the goods. After the adjustment of the
loading instruction, the loading situation must be checked again to
prevent the occurrence of hidden incidents. Special circumstances
When transporting urgent aircraft part such as AOG, if the shipping
unit cannot complete packing in time, it should still arrange the
collection and transportation under the guidance of the local HNA
Cargo agency as normal, and send additional personnel to carry out
the loading process. Packaging standards for wooden, metal and other hard-packed
1) The outer packaging should be strong, intact and sealed (the special
box for the transportation of live animals does not have to follow
the sealing requirements).
2) The surface of the outer packaging should be regular and smooth;
there should be no damage, deformation, or sharp edges and
corners, and no hooks, nails, or punctures.
3) Significant handling labels must be affixed to the outer packaging,
including but not limited to upward labels, handle with care labels,
moisture-proof/sunproof labels, etc., and irrelevant labels should
be completely removed.
4) Bulk cargo with wooden, metal material and other hard outer
packaging (especially the cargo loaded in the front and rear cargo
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compartments of narrow-body aircraft and the bulk cargo
compartment of wide-body aircraft, which is different from
contained cargo):
(1) The edges and corners must be packed with foam, sponge, linen,
cardboard, bubble film and other materials for protection.
(2) Double cross straps must be used to bind the packing belts for easy
handling/loading and unloading. For the packing belts connected
with metal buckles, keep the buckles on the upper surface of the
outer packing and secure the liners to the outer packing.
(3) The liner and winding material shall not block the marking label.
The bottom edges and corners of the package are padded with
cardboard or equivalent materials for easy handling.The padding
and wrapping shall not cover the marking label.
(4) If wooden pallets and pads need to be used, make sure that the
bottom surface is flat without supporting feet; pallets and pads
should be firmly fixed with the goods, and the edges and corners
should also be protected.
5) For some special and irregularly shaped oversized cargo (such as
some aircraft parts, automobile bumpers, etc.), if the outer
packaging conditions are not met, it must be ensured that there are
no sharp protrusions on the outer surface, and should be covered
with protected and tied and fixed at the protruding parts and both
ends of the cargo.
Please refer to the "Cargo Transportation Manual" for the
packaging standards of goods.
8.7.3 Live cargo Loading Precautions
1) Live animals must be loaded after the loading of general cargo and
baggage, usually near the door of the cargo compartment, and the
last to be loaded and the first to be unloaded. Live animals should
be packed in cargo holds suitable for their transportation conditions.
Please refer to the appendix of this manual for the basic data of
cargo holds of each model. For the loading density and suitable
temperature range of all kinds of live animals, please refer to our
"Cargo Transportation Manual".
2) Direct contact between live animals and luggage should be avoided
to prevent contamination of luggage.
3) Animals (excluding cold-blooded animals) shall not be transported
in containers except special containers. Animals should not be
transported on the same pallet as other goods. The animals
transported on the pallet cannot be covered with plastic sheets. In
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rainy days, when a rainproof sheet is needed to be covered, enough
space must be left between the sheet and the animal packaging to
allow air circulation and prevent the animal from suffocation.
4) Add plastic film and other waterproof materials on containers and
pallet to prevent animal excrement from contaminating and
corroding cargo hold, aircraft equipment and pallet (container).
5) When loading, live animals must be avoided at the location of the
alarm probe and vent of the cargo compartment door, and generally
loaded at the cargo compartment door. The container shall not be
close to the bulkhead, with sufficient clearance; There should
also be enough space between the container and other cargo, and
other cargo around the container should be fixed so as not to affect
the air circulation and cause the suffocation of live animals. At
least 5cm of space should be left between the container and the top
of the cargo hold so as not to block the ventilation system in the
cargo hold.
6) The cargo shall not block the smoke detectors in the cargo hold and
shall be kept at least 10cm away.
7) Live animals should not be placed with food, radioactive
substances, toxic substances, coffins, dry ice, etc.
8) Animals that are natural enemies of each other, animals from
different regions, animals in heat period and experimental animals
should be stored separately from general animals, and should not
be packed in the same cargo compartment. For imported live
animals, they shall not come into contact or use the same means of
transport with live animals of different species, different origins,
different shippers or consignees during the transportation before
arriving at the port.
9) Small animals with bad smell, limited to a small number of
experimental monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, and newborn poultry
and dogs that can make calls can only be loaded in the lower cargo
compartment of the plane.
10) Containers for live animals should be placed smoothly and
horizontally, and fixed when necessary. Protective motion
limiting devices, such as a pallet net cover, should be used to secure
animal containers.
11) The live animals for escort shall be loaded under the guidance of
the escort.
12) When the flight is not normal or in severe weather, such as high
temperature, cold, rain, etc., live animals should not be placed in
the closed cargo compartment or open air on the apron. If necessary,
the shipper should be notified to come to take care of them, such as
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feeding and oxygenation.
13) Care must be taken during operation to ensure the health and safety
of animals and people
14) Ventilation and heating systems of cargo holds of different models
must be considered when installing live animals. Before the
installation, the personnel of our company's cargo agency or the
airport freight agency must fill in the NOTOC for special cargo and
hand over to the captain. The captain should control the
temperature and ventilation in the engine room according to the
contents of the NOTOC. Appropriate ventilation and temperature
shall be maintained in the cargo hold during stopover for flights
carrying live animals.
15) After the loading is completed, it shall be fixed according to the
fixing requirements of the loading operation process in this manual.
During the transportation of narrow-body machine or bulk cargo
warehouse, the quarantine net of the cargo compartment shall be
hung and tightened to prevent the tumbling of live animals during
the takeoff, landing and flight of the aircraft, resulting in container
damage. Precautions for Uninstallation
1) After landing, the plane should open the cabin door for ventilation.
If dogs or ferocious live animals are found to escape, the cargo
compartment door should be closed immediately, and the airport
unit and HNA resident personnel should be reported step by step to
handle according to the instructions. Staff members are forbidden
to enter the cargo compartment without permission to capture the
escaped live animals.
2) If live animal excrement is found in the cargo hold loaded with live
animals, it shall be cleaned immediately. The cargo hold should be
cleaned, disinfected and sterilized to prevent living animals.
3) Live animals shall be delivered to the consignee or his agent at the
airport as soon as possible upon arrival.
4) In case of delayed arrival of live animal transport flights,
information should be sent to the shipper or arrival station.
8.7.4 Fresh perishable articles Precautions during load
1) The transportation of fresh and perishable goods must be carried
out in accordance with the relevant provisions of iATA "Fresh and
perishable Cargo Code" and "Temperature Control Cargo Code".
2) The machine should be installed as close as possible to the

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departure time of the flight, and should not be exposed to the hot
sun or exposed to the wind and rain.
3) All production links should be handled with care during operation
and checked at any time. Once liquid leakage is found, the
operation should be stopped immediately and remedial measures
should be taken or the ground service personnel or freight
personnel should be notified as soon as possible to take further
4) Fresh perishable goods should be installed in the best ventilation
and temperature conditions in the engine room. For loading
standards, refer to iATA "Live perishable Cargo Code",
"Temperature controlled Cargo Code".
5) In order to avoid mutual contamination between fresh and
perishable goods and other goods, attention should be paid to:
(1) Eggs can not be placed adjacent to dry ice.
(2) Flowers and vegetables should not be placed adjacent to fruits.
(3) Food shall not be placed near toxic substances, infectious
substances, coffins or live animals.
6) After the loading is completed, the quarantine net of the cargo
compartment shall be hung and tightened to prevent the cargo from
tumbling and damage during the takeoff, landing and flight of the
7) The company does not load fresh perishable goods with bad odor.
8) After the installation of fresh and perishable goods, in case of any
abnormal situation (such as flight cancellation, connection
departure, long flight delay which may adversely affect the goods),
the departure station shall notify the shipper or consignee and
solicit handling opinions. Notice is sent via stopovers and
destination stations. Precautions for Unload
1) Upon arrival of fresh perishable goods, they should be delivered to
the consignee or his agent at the airport as soon as possible.
2) According to local conditions and characteristics of goods, fresh
and perishable goods should be stored in a cool and ventilated place
after unloading, and avoid exposure to the hot sun; Do not leave it
open to the wind and rain when it rains; In winter, keep warm
according to the characteristics of the goods.
3) If the fresh perishable goods arrive and the package is damaged or
has traces of leakage, the information should be fed back to the
departure station from the cargo hold, and the departure station
should be asked to check and improve the package.

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8.7.5 Oversized and overweight cargo
1) When handling oversized and overweight cargo, the operation must
be carried out according to its instructions.
2) Don't put other goods on the oversized or overweight goods.
3) Must be carefully handled, prohibit rough handling and make
preparations in advance, adequate materials required.
4) The departure station shall send "HEA" and "BIG" telegrams to the
arrival station, connecting station or transfer station of the goods.
5) During the loading and unloading of super heavy cargo, there must
be a special person to supervise the loading and unloading.
6) When loading, oversized and overweight cargo should be placed
near the door (to facilitate unloading at the unloading station) and
bound firmly in accordance with the prescribed procedures to
prevent the cargo from moving or tumbling during the flight,
damaging the aircraft or equipment and endangering the flight
7) For oversized or overweight cargo with special handling
requirements, the consignor shall request the shipper or consignee
to be present for guidance.
8.7.6 Coffin
1) Coffins should be load before passengers boarding and unloaded
after passengers deplaning. Coffins should not be packed in the
same container with animals, food and fresh perishable goods;
2) In bulk, coffins should not be loaded in the same hold as animals,
food and fresh perishable goods; There should be at least one
physical interval between the coffins and the animal packers;
3) The coffin should not be placed on top of other cargo. If it is really
necessary to put the coffin on a container with other cargo, the
coffin should be placed on top of other cargo or take up a part of
the container alone.
4) The coffin should not be rolled, upside-down or placed on its side
during storage and transportation. When transported in the bulk
cargo bay, the coffin shall be fixed to prevent damage caused by
5) Before loading or after unloading, the coffin should be parked in a
secluded place. If conditions permit, it should be covered with
tarpaulin and stored separately from other goods.
6) When the coffin is parked on the apron, staff are not allowed to
watch or discuss.
7) If necessary, the aircraft or equipment carrying the coffin should be
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8) In case of flight delay or departure, it shall be properly kept and
timely notified to cargo personnel, who shall consult the shipper or
departure station for handling opinions.
8.7.7 Loading of wet cargo
Crawfish, lobsters, snails, meat crabs, shellfish, ornamental fish,
live fish, live shrimp, oxygenated live sea crabs, fish fry, frog
shrimp fry frozen aquatic products (frozen fish, frozen shrimp,
frozen meat and the need to be refrigerated animal organs,
vegetables, etc.) cargo machine. (Note: If the above packages do
not contain any items within the scope of DGR, they are regarded
as aquatic products)
1) There is liquid in a watertight container;
2) Wet materials not packed in watertight containers, such as fish
packed with wet ice, fresh or frozen meat, casings (fresh animal
offal), wet skins, skins, etc.;
3) There could be feces and urine; Animals, such as larger live animals
(usually mammals), that may produce fluid depending on their
4) High-moisture fruits/vegetables such as berries. Precautions for Loading
1) The packing of goods shall be inspected again before the
installation, and the packing with leakage phenomenon shall be
pulled down and the transportation shall be stopped.
2) It is forbidden to put such goods on the side or upside down.
3) For bulk transportation of narrow-body aircraft and wide-body
aircraft, waterproof tarpaulin (or plastic cloth) of sufficient area
shall be laid on the cargo compartment floor before installation.
After loading, fold up the sides of the tarpaulin and fix the folded
part with adhesive tape (for example, it is not necessary to fold up
the sides of the tarpaulin when transporting frog aquatic products). Precautions for safe operation of aquatic products on the apron
1) In order to prevent unsafe incidents, it is strictly prohibited to bring
open plastic sheets into the tarmac. Loading and unloading
personnel can be in the warehouse or apron outside the plastic cloth
folding, into the tractor cab cargo designated special protection,
into the apron. When installed, it should be taken from the ground
to the cargo bay of the aircraft in the folded state, and then spread
out and laid for use.
2) If plastic sheeting is used in the inbound flight, the unloading
personnel should fold the plastic sheeting in the cargo hold of the

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aircraft after unloading the cargo, then take off the aircraft, put it in
the tractor cab or designate special personnel to take care of it and
bring it back to the warehouse. It is strictly prohibited to unload
the plastic sheeting from the cargo hold of the aircraft when it is
8.7.8 Other special cargo loading
1) AOG Loading
(1) Emergency aviation materials are the aviation materials required
for the emergency repair of the aircraft stopped due to failure. The
English abbreviation is AOG, which is a special emergency
cargo. AOG aviation materials should be guaranteed priority
(2) When loading, the AOG loaded by the bulk parts should be loaded
as close to the bulk cargo compartment as possible. When
transported in a container, the container shall be loaded as close to
the cargo door as possible.
(3) After loading, fix it.
2) Guns and ammunition Loading
(1) In the process of collecting, storing, loading, unloading and
transportation of guns and ammunition, there should be key
supervision by designated personnel, and each operation link
should be handed over in accordance with the handover regulations
of special cargo.
(2) Should be stored in a cool and ventilated place, avoid the sun
exposure; Do not leave it out in the open when it rains.
(3) During the loading and unloading of the assembly assembly or bulk
cargo compartment of the bulk aircraft, at least two or more
personnel shall work together. During the operation, the packing
condition of the goods shall be checked at any time, and the
operation shall be stopped immediately and reported as soon as
possible if any abnormal phenomenon such as damage or cracking
is found. After the installation and unloading of the assembler, it
should be signed on the relevant quality documents for retention.
3) Diplomatic pouch loading
(1) When loading the diplomatic letter bag, check whether the outer
package and seal are in good condition, and the packing of the
diplomatic letter bag should not contain pastes, old labels, etc.
(2) Diplomatic bags should not be mixed with mail in the same cargo
hold or in the same container, especially not with mail.
(3) The diplomatic letter bag should be placed in an obvious position
in the cargo hold, away from dangerous goods, live animals and

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fresh perishable goods as far as possible.

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8.8 Dangerous Good Handling Procedure

8.8.1 Sorting and Handling of Dangerous Goods

1) Definition
In the process of ground transportation of baggage, due to damage
to the packaging of dangerous goods, spills, spills, fires, etc., which
cause personal injury or property damage.
2) Information transmission
In the event of accidents such as spilling or burning of dangerous
goods, the company’s emergency command center, airport
emergency response team, company’s security department, and
shippers should be notified immediately for handling.
3) Handling requirements
Before the relevant professionals arrive, the personnel discovered
the spill of dangerous goods and the personnel who implemented
preventive measures on site should:
(1) Eliminate all ignition sources; prohibit touching or crossing leakage;
ground all operating equipment; evacuate the surrounding
passengers and personnel as soon as possible. In enclosed or semi-
enclosed areas, such as elevators and bridges, guide passengers to
evacuate upwind; assist professionals in accordance with safety
regulations, isolate the accident site.
(2) In the event of a fire, provide the fireman with documents of the type
and quantity of dangerous goods and the quantity of consignments;
(3) Before taking protective measures, do not get direct skin contact
with dangerous goods.
(4) Cover the flammable liquid with sand or other non-combustible
materials in time. The collected residue should be prevented from
flowing into the sewer to prevent pollution. The destruction site
should be an open and safe place.
(5) Flammable solids can be collected for deep burial treatment. Spills
and spills that react with water cannot be treated with water, but the
site after cleaning can be washed with water.
(6) Oxidant spills should be lightly swept up, filled separately, and
placed in a proper place, such as bathroom.
8.8.2 Requirements for loading dangerous goods
When packages containing dangerous goods or composite packages
are loaded on an aircraft or in a container, they must be inspected to
ensure that there is no sign of leakage or damage. If any harmful
pollution is found on the aircraft due to the leakage or damage of
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dangerous goods, it shall be cleaned up immediately. Aircraft
contaminated by radioactive materials should be grounded
immediately. If the level of radiation and non-fixed pollution on any
accessible surface exceeds the value specified in the "Technical
Regulations", it shall not be reused.
1) Loading principle
During the loading process of dangerous goods, the supervisors of
loading and unloading must be trained with dangerous goods
knowledge and obtained a certificate. Supervising loading and
unloading personnel are responsible for supervising and guiding
staff to load and unload in accordance with dangerous goods
handling procedures and operating requirements. During the loading
of dangerous goods, the following loading principles should be
strictly observed:
(1) Principles of pre-inspection
The packaging of dangerous goods must be carefully inspected by
the staff before assembling the ULD and the machine. The operation
be continued only when the packaged parts meet the requirements,
the contents of the inspection include:
A. The outer packaging has no loopholes or damage; the packaging has
no smell, and there is no sign of leakage or damage. If there is a
damaged or leaked package, it must not be loaded on the aircraft or in
the container, and then the ground agency or the relevant competent
authority should remove and dispose safely. In the event of leakage, it
is also necessary to ensure that the other cargo is protected from
damage and contamination.
B. If any package of dangerous goods loaded on the aircraft is damaged
or leaked, the article should be removed from the aircraft, and the
leakage should be evaluated to ensure that other goods are not
contaminated. At the same time, check whether other cargo, baggage
or container equipment is contaminated. If there is contaminated cargo,
baggage and container equipment, it must be unloaded to ensure
transportation safety. After this, it should be ensured that the rest of
the delivered goods are in good condition and comply with air
C. Packages containing dangerous goods, composite packages and
special containers containing radioactive materials should be
inspected for signs of damage or leakage when unloading from the
aircraft or ULD. If there is evidence that the package has been
damaged or leaked, or if it is suspected of being damaged or leaked,
access to the package should be restricted. The local safety and
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emergency response procedures should then be followed. When
necessary, additional steps (such as occupational health and safety
authorities, environmental protection bureaus, etc.) should be taken to
protect personnel, property and the environment in accordance with
the regulations of relevant government authorities, and the
consequences of similar leakage and damage should be overcome and
minimized. The diamond-shaped icon with GHS on the package
indicates that the contents may pose risks to personnel or the
environment. Therefore, even if the contents of the package may not
meet the classification standards for dangerous goods, these contents
should still cause concern.
D. The hazard label and operation label on the package should be correct
and firmly pasted; if the label is lost, peeled off or blurred, the
inspector should immediately report the situation to the receiving
department for accurate replacement.
E. The text mark of the package (including the shipping name, UN or ID
number. The name and address of the shipper and consignee) is written
correctly and the handwriting is clear. If there is any omission,
immediately notify the cargo department for supplementation.
F. Hainan Airlines does not transport radioactive materials. In order to
prevent miscarriage or misloading, the loading supervisor must
supervise the loading and unloading personnel to strictly follow the
procedures. If radioactive cargo is misloaded and contaminates other
goods, baggage and container equipment, the loading and unloading
personnel should immediately start emergency procedures for
abnormal transportation of dangerous goods and report at the same
G. If any harmful pollution is found on the aircraft due to leakage of
dangerous goods or damaged packaging, it shall be removed
(2) Directional principle
Packages containing liquid dangerous goods are marked with
upward labels as required (“THIS SIDE UP” should also be marked
when necessary). During the whole process of handling, loading and
unloading, loading pallets or containers, the operator must keep the
package upright according to the direction of the label.
(3) Handle with care
When transporting or loading and unloading packages of dangerous
goods, regardless manual or mechanical operations are used, they
must be handled with care, knocking, bumping, falling, or bumping
is prohibited.
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(4) Segregation principle
The principle of segregation means that in order to ensure the safety
of personnel and the integrity of goods, Segregation is needed
between certain dangerous goods and people, between certain
different types of dangerous goods, between certain dangerous
goods and other non-dangerous goods during storage and loading.
(5) Accessibility principle
The principle of accessibility is for packages that are only
transported by cargo planes. It means that when storing and loading,
the packages labeled "CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY" must be
accessible. Which means during storage or flight, warehouse
management personnel or crew members can see and approach such
packages. When necessary, as long as the size and weight of the
package permit, the above-mentioned personnel can remove it by
hand at any time.
(6) The principle of securing the cargo to prevent sliding
After the dangerous goods packages are loaded into the cargo
compartment of the aircraft, to prevent damage, the loading and
unloading personnel should secure them in the cargo compartment
to prevent the dangerous goods from slipping or overturning during
the flight. The loading of dangerous goods packages should meet the
following requirements: small packages should not fall from the
pallet through the mesh net; bulk packages will not move in the
cargo compartment; barrel-shaped packages, which are difficult to
bind with nylon belts should be clamped with other goods; when
other goods are used to clamp bulk packages, they must be clamped
in five directions (front, back, left, right, top); if the container is not
fulfilled with goods (The volume used does not exceed two-thirds of
the total volume), and the cargo should be secured inside the
2) Requirements for dangerous goods loading
(1) When dangerous goods are loaded into the aircraft as required, the
loading staff must ensure that the package of the dangerous goods is
not damaged, and must pay special attention to the operation and
loading method of the package during the transportation preparation
process to avoid dragging, pulling or incorrect handling causes
accidental damage.
(2) The loading staff must correctly secure the dangerous goods on the
aircraft as required, and if necessary, take effective measures to
prevent the package from being damaged due to displacement or

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movement with other cargo in the cargo compartment during the
(3) When the loader finds that the label is missing, damaged or blurred,
the relevant department must be notified to replace the label. This
requirement does not apply to the situation where the label falls off
or the handwriting is illegible when receiving.
(4) If any person responsible for the transportation and unpacking of
packages of infectious substances has known damage or leakage, the
person in charge should: avoid contact or touch the package; check
the adjacent packages in case of contamination, separate the
packages that may be contaminated; notify the public health
authority or the epidemic prevention department, and provide any
other country where the goods are transferred about the possible
danger of the person who has contacted the package; notify the
shipper or consignee .
(5) Loading staff must carefully check the cargo documents and labels
before loading cargo to prevent dangerous goods with the "CARGO
AIRCRAFT ONLY" label from being loaded on passenger aircraft.
(6) During the loading process of dangerous goods, the loading
supervisors are responsible for supervising the loading and
unloading situation according to the operation requirements of
dangerous goods, and preventing the loading and unloading of
dangerous goods into the cockpit and passenger cabin of the aircraft.
However, the restrictive clauses of the rules in the competent
authority or the International Air Transport Association DGR are
(7) For the transportation of dangerous goods (including dangerous
goods such as aviation materials) on a transfer flight, in order to
prevent the dangerous goods from being mishandled by the transit
station, the personnel of the originating station should place and
secure the dangerous goods at the back of the cargo hold. Place the
cargo and luggage for transit station at the front of the cargo hold.
So that the loading and unloading personnel at the transit station
cannot touch or move the dangerous goods. If the cargo contains
dangerous goods need to be reposited, it must be reported to the
person in charge of the local cargo office of HNA Cargo. In addition,
the GSA at the transit station is obliged to monitor the dangerous
goods. If the packaging of the goods is damaged, leaked, overflowed,
caught fire or other abnormal conditions, the personnel should
promptly report to the flight captain and local civil aviation authority,
the headquarter of the safety supervision department of Hainan
Airlines, the operation control department AOC and ground service
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department personnel on duty.
3) Segregation of conflicting dangerous goods
(1) Some dangerous goods of different categories can have very
dangerous chemical reactions when they come into contact with
each other, which are called dangerous goods of conflicting nature.
For example, flammable liquids and oxidizing substances.
A. In order to avoid dangerous chemical reactions when such dangerous
goods are accidentally leaked and damaged, they must be isolated
during storage and loading.
Note: Incompatible dangerous goods should also be isolated when
being collected, transported, operated, and installed. The relevant
regulations of the competent government departments of our country
should also be taken into consideration.
B. The dangerous goods that need to be separated from each other are
shown in the table below. When judging dangerous goods with
conflicting properties, the main hazard shall be used as the basis, and
the secondary hazard shall not be considered. The intersection of the
horizontal and vertical rows is "×", which means that the nature of
the two corresponding dangerous goods conflicts with each other. If
“-” is marked at the intersection of the horizontal row and the vertical
column, it means that the dangerous goods packages containing
these categories/items do not need to be separated.
Incompatible dangerous goods

Explosives outside the 4S group shall not be loaded together with all
the categories or items in the above table. Since the aircraft operated
by Hainan Airlines are passenger aircraft, no explosives in Category
1 except 1.4S can be transported.
The above table does not include 1.4S, 6, 7 and 9 categories (except
for lithium batteries, see 11.2.3 3)), they do not need to be separated
from other categories of dangerous goods。
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(2) Dangerous goods packages with multiple hazards in major hazard
and minor hazard categories or items shall be separated in
accordance with the above table, but do not need to be isolated from
other packages with the same UN number. Such as UN3219 liquid
that reacts with water, corrosive, n. o. s.
(3) Packages and overpacks containing lithium-ion batteries prepared
according to UN3480 PI965ⅠA or IB, and packages and overpacks
containing lithium metal batteries prepared according to UN3090
PI968ⅠA or IB. They may cause fire and damage to each other.
Packages and Overpack shall not be placed adjacent to or in the same
position as packages and Overpacks with Category 1 (except 1.4S),
2.1, 3, 4.1 or 5.1 hazard labels when installed. In order to ensure
effective isolation between the package and the Overpack during
loading, the isolation requirements shown in Table 11-1 must be
complied with. The regulations on segregation apply to all hazard
labels affixed to packages and Overpacks, regardless they are major
hazard labels or minor hazard labels.
(4) UN internal combustion engines, flammable liquid drives, fuel cell
engines, flammable liquid drives, internal combustion engines,
flammable liquid drives and fuel cell machines, flammable liquid
drives do not need to be separated from packages containing 5.1
dangerous goods.
4) Segregation between explosives
(1) Only item in 1.4, explosives of assembly group S are allowed to be
transported by passenger aircraft. The following explosives must be
transported by cargo aircraft:
A. 1.3 item, matching group C, G;
B. 1.4 item, matching group B, C, D, E, G, S.
(2) Which explosives can be stacked together is determined by their
compatibility. If they can be stacked together without greatly
increasing the possibility of accidents, or if they do not increase the
destructiveness of such accidents under a certain number, then
explosives are considered compatible.
(3) Explosives of the S group can be stacked together with all the
explosives group.
(4) Except for the provisions of DGR9. or this manual,
explosives of different compatibility groups can be loaded together,
regardless of whether they belong to the same category or not.
(5) Except for the explosives of the 1.4S compatibility group, the
explosives of the 1.4B package shall not be loaded with other
explosives. When loaded on the same aircraft, the 1.4B explosives
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must be packed in a separate container and separated by other cargo
at a distance of at least 2 meters. If the 1.4B explosive is not
contained in the ULD, it must be placed in a different compartment
from the other explosives and separated by other cargo at a distance
of at least 2 meters.
5) Segregation of Class VI dangerous goods from other goods
Toxic or infectious substances and substances that require a
secondary hazard "Toxic" label shall not be loaded in the same cargo
hold with the following cargo.
(1) Live animals;
(2) Food;
(3) Feed;
(4) Other edible substances for human or animal consumption, except
in the following two cases:
A. Toxic or infectious substances and substances that require a secondary
hazard "Toxic" label are loaded in a closed container, and food or
animals are loaded in another closed container;
B. Toxic or infectious substances and the material packages that require
the secondary hazard "Toxic" label to be affixed to the above cargo
are installed on different pallets, and the pallets must not be loaded
next to each other in the cargo hold.
6) Loading of dry ice
(1) The transportation of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) should be
arranged properly according to factors such as the model, the
ventilation rate of the aircraft, the packaging and stacking method,
and the loading requirements. The quantity of dry ice (solid carbon
dioxide) transported as a refrigerant for cargo, loaded into the cargo
hold (including the main cargo hold of the cargo aircraft) can not
exceed the limit in the table below.
Weight limit for dry ice loading
Maximum Loading Weight
Aircraft Fleet Compartment
With AVI Without AVI

1 0 200 kg
4 0 200 kg

1 or 2 200 kg 1000 kg
5 100 kg 200 kg

A-330 250 kg 1000 kg

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B-787 250 kg 1000 kg

A-350 250 kg 1000 kg

(2) Dry ice has two dangers to live animals. One is to release carbon
dioxide gas. The density of carbon dioxide gas is greater than that of
air, and it will replace the oxygen in the air. If the content of carbon
dioxide in the air is greater than 2.5%, it will affect the normal
physiological functions of humans and animals. The second is to
lower the surrounding temperature, so that animals and other
temperature-sensitive goods are damaged.
(3) The ground operator must be notified when the aircraft is loading or
has been loaded with dry ice. When an aircraft is landing at a transit
station, the door should be opened to facilitate air circulation and
reduce the carbon dioxide concentration in the cargo hold.
(4) If it is necessary to load and unload cargo, the staff must enter the
cargo hold to carry out loading and unloading operations only after
the air in the cargo hold is fully circulated.
(5) The carrier must notify the captain of the exact dry ice content if
they need to add dry ice after receiving and transporting the
container containing dry ice.
7) Loading of dangerous goods in category 4.1 and 5.2
During the entire loading process, packages or containers containing
self-reactive substances in category 4.1 or organic peroxides in
category 5.2 should be protected from direct sunlight, away from
heat sources, and well ventilated. Do not stack with other goods.
8) Loading of expandable polymer particles and plastic molding
Polyester pellets are semi-finished products used to produce
polymers, when used as a blowing agent with flammable gas or
liquid. When mixed, a small amount of flammable gas may be
released. The net weight of polymer particles or plastic forming
materials must not exceed 100 kg (220 lb), and must be loaded in a
cargo hold that is inaccessible to personnel during the flight or a
closed container in the main cargo hold. See package instruction 957
for details.
9) Loading of magnetic substances
(1) The loading of magnetic materials must ensure that the compass
pointing of the aircraft remains within the tolerance allowed by the
operating requirements of the aircraft. In the actual process, it should
be loaded in a position that has the least impact on the compass.
Multiple packages will have a cumulative effect. According to the
packing instruction 953 described in the magnetic substance
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transported under the approved conditions, loading must meet the
specific conditions approved by the competent authority.
(2) The magnetic material at 2.1 meters from the outer surface of the
package that makes the compass deflection greater than 2 degrees
but less than 2 degrees at 4.6 meters (equivalent to a magnetic field
strength of 0.418 A/m or 0.00525 Gauss at 4.6 meters) is regarded
as not be restricted by other provisions of this rule, provided that the
following provisions are met:
A. The shipper must make arrangement with the operator for the
identification of magnetic substances in advance. If the "magnetic
substance" and the number of packages (unless only these packages
are included in the goods) are indicated in the "Cargo Nature and
Quantity Column" of the air waybill or other alternative transportation
documents, the Dangerous Goods Shipper's Declaration Form is not
required. If there is an agreement with the operator, the shipper can
provide corresponding information in the form of EDP or EDI;
B. The package must be affixed with a magnetic substance handling label;
C. The operator must carry out loading in accordance with the above
requirements; and must comply with the requirements of dangerous
goods accidents or incidents.
Note: if the compass is deflected by 2 degrees, the magnetic field
strength is 0.00525 Gauss.
10) Cryogenic liquefied gas loading
Cryogenic liquefied gas packages must be pre-arranged before
loading, select the applicable model, and be segregated from live
animals. At the same time, the loading and unloading personnel must
be informed in order to protect them from being harmed, and only
enter the cargo hold after opening the cargo door for ventilation.
11) Please refer to the segregation requirements when loading, see the
table below:

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×: Means must be placed separately from each other. AVI Live Animals
Bulk cargo loading-not to be loaded in the same cargo hold. FIL unprocessed film
ULD loading-must not be loaded in the same ULD. HUM Corpse
: Refers to the separation distance between RRY and AVI/LHO/HEG at least 0.5 meters PER
Fresh and perishable
②: Refers to FIL and RRY that cannot be loaded in the same cargo hold. EAT Unsealed food
﹡: These dangerous goods are only loaded on cargo planes, HEG breeding eggs, LHO living
human organs
12) If any package of dangerous goods loaded on the aircraft is damaged
or leaked, the package should be unloaded from the aircraft, or
arranged to be unloaded by the relevant authority or agency. After
this, it should be ensured that the rest of the cargo is in good
condition and in compliance with air transportation, and is free from
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8.8.3 Requirements for unloading and emergency handling of
dangerous goods
When packages or composite packages containing dangerous goods
are unloaded from an aircraft or container equipment, they must be
inspected to ensure that there are no signs of leakage or damage.
1) Unloading and emergency handling of dangerous baggage
The specific category of dangerous goods in baggage shall prevail in
the “Catalogue of Items Restricted to be Carried or Checked by Civil
Aviation Passengers”. The specific unloading procedures are as
(1) When packages or composite packages containing dangerous goods
are unloaded from an airplane or container equipment, they must be
inspected to ensure that there are no signs of leakage or damage.
(2) If any signs of damage or leakage are found, the aircraft must be
checked for damage or contamination at the location where the
dangerous goods or container equipment have been stacked. If there
is dangerous contamination, remove it immediately.
(3) If anyone responsible for transporting or opening a package
containing infectious substances finds signs of damage or leakage
on the package, the above-mentioned relevant personnel must: avoid
contacting or touching the package. Check the contamination of
adjacent packages, and place the packages that may be contaminated
separately. Notify the relevant authorities and provide other
countries where the goods have passed through information about
the possible harm of persons who have been in contact with the
package. Notify the shipper and consignee.
2) Unloading and emergency handling of dangerous goods
(1) When packages or composite packages containing dangerous goods
are unloaded from an aircraft or container, they must be inspected to
ensure that there are no signs of leakage or damage.
(2) If any signs of damage or leakage are found, the aircraft must be
checked for damage or contamination at the location where the
dangerous goods or container equipment have been stacked. If there
is dangerous contamination, remove it immediately.
(3) If any person responsible for transporting or opening a package
containing infectious substances finds signs of damage or leakage
on the package, the above-mentioned personnel must: avoid contact
or touch the package as little as possible; check adjacent For the
contamination of the package, separate the packages that may be
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contaminated; notify the relevant departments and provide other
countries where the goods pass by providing information about the
possible harm of persons who have been in contact with the package;
notify the shipper and the consignee.
(4) Unloading
A. Preparation before unloading: After receiving the DG telegram from
the departure station airport, you should immediately prepare tools
according to the cargo information, and be familiar with the
emergency handling measures for the dangerous goods being
B. Unloading of dangerous goods: If dry ice is being transported, the air
in the cargo hold must be fully circulated before entering the cargo
hold for loading and unloading operations.
8.8.4 Emergency handling procedures for ground hazardous
This section describes the emergency response principles when the
dangerous goods carried by the company are stored, handled, loaded
and unloaded in the ground warehouse, and is a guiding document
for the handling of dangerous goods ground incidents. Each
department of the company should refer to this document and
combine the specific tasks and production conditions of the
department to formulate emergency procedures for the dangerous
goods ground incidents of the department.

The dangerous goods transported by the company shall be handled

in accordance with the emergency procedures of the local airport or
the agent in case of abnormal ground transportation and dangerous
goods incidents at the oversea station.
1) Emergency response to incidents involving dangerous goods on
the ground
When a ground dangerous goods incident occurs, the on-site
personnel must immediately report to the company's emergency
command center, through the dangerous goods label, container label,
shipping order, dangerous goods incident phenomenon or to
understand and evaluate the hazard and loss from the staff involved,
and avoid chemical reaction or fire or explosion caused by multiple
dangerous goods at the same time.
(1) When the staff on duty receives a report of the dangerous goods
incident from the crew or related departments, they shall ask the
leaders at the scene of the incident to find out the airwaybill number,

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number of pieces/weight (gross weight), transportation name, and
name of the dangerous goods. UN number, classification of
dangerous goods, hazard, hazard situation, etc.
(2) If the goods have been loaded, it should also include: the
identification number of the ULD and the actual loading position.
(3) If it is safe to do so, separate the incident package from other
packages and goods.
(4) Avoid contacting with the contents of the package.
(5) After receiving a report of a dangerous goods incident, the duty
officer should immediately find out the location of the incident area
and the traffic situation, and get in touch with the airport emergency
department or nearby medical, environmental protection, and
epidemic prevention departments in a timely manner. Please ask the
airport and relevant department participates in the handling and
rescue work.
(6) Dangerous goods in contact with body or clothing: rinse with plenty
of water, take off contaminated clothing, do not eat or smoke, keep
hands away from mouth and nose, and seek medical assistance.
(7) In the process of handling, make a detailed record of the handling of
dangerous goods incidents and the personnel involved in the scene.
After the emergency evacuation work is completed, relevant
materials should be collected in time, and the written report should
be done.
2) Handling procedures for damage or leakage of dangerous goods
(1) Evacuate and determine a safe area
Personnel who come into contact with damaged or leaking
dangerous goods should quickly evacuate from the scene and take
control of the scene. Set up dangerous areas and send patrols to
prevent non-relevant personnel from entering the scene.
(2) Make an emergency response immediately
The on-site personnel should immediately report to the company's
emergency command center, and the emergency manager initiated
the company's emergency response procedures based on the actual
situation. The emergency command center will get the information
of the location of the incident and the category of dangerous goods
through reports, document query and other means. Keep
communication flowing, arrange for a dedicated person to answer
the phone, and convey relevant information to the relevant fire,
police, radiation protection, explosion-proof or medical rescue
3) First aid
(1) Move the victim to a place with fresh air.
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(2) Call emergency medical services.
(3) If the victim cannot breathe, artificial respiration should be given; if
the victim swallows or inhales the substance, do not use mouth-to-
mouth artificial respiration. Give a one-way tube or other
corresponding respiratory medical equipment to the device.
Artificial respiration with a pocket mask; if the victim has difficulty
breathing, oxygen should be given.
(4) The contaminated clothes and footwear should be removed or
isolated. Once the dangerous substance is found, immediately wash
the skin and eyes with running water for at least 20 minutes, and
shower or rinse with soap and water. Keep the victim warm and quiet.
(5) Exposure (inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact) to this dangerous
product may have a late reaction.
(6) Ensure that medical staff can recognize the substance and take
defensive measures to protect their own safety.
4) Flow chart of ground dangerous goods incident report

staff report

OCD Airport
AOC control
duty desk center
y Emergenc
command y
center command
Safety Security Other Informatio Quarantine Environme Medical
Dept Dept Dept n Team Dept. ntal Dept Dept

Police y response
ation of

Emergency measures for leakage or fire of dangerous goods

Emergency measures for leakage or fire of nine types of dangerous goods

Three Dangerous Emergency
characters goods Risk description response
item and matching
Code description Measures
group/radiation level
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Fire or less explosion
1.3C RCX
hazard and/or less
1.3G RGX
ejection hazard
1.4B RXB (cargo aircraft Notify the fire
1.4C RXC only) department to put
Fire or no other
1.4D RXD out the fire
significant hazard
1.4E RXE
1.4G RXG
Explosives (less
1.4S RXS Less fire hazard
Notify the fire
Leakage can cause
Flammable gas department to put
2.1 Non-flammable out the fire,
RFG High pressure cylinders
2.2 and non-toxic evacuate the
RNG may explode
2.2 gas cargo to ventilate
RCL Cryogenic freezing
2.3 Cryogenic the area, and
RPG High-pressure cylinders
liquefied gas keep a distance
will explode and
Toxic gas of at least 25
release poisonous gas
Notify the fire
department to put
out the fire, do
3 RFL Emits flammable gas not use water to
put out the fire
under any
solid Notify the fire
Pyrophoric department to put
4.1 RFS substance out the fire, do
Burns when exposed to
4.2 RSC Substances that not use water to
4.3 RFW release put out the fire
Combustible in contact
flammable gas under any
with water
in contact with circumstances
Contact can support Notify the fire
Oxidant combustion department to put
5.1 ROX
Organic Violent reaction to out the fire
5.2 ROP
peroxide contact with other without using
substances water

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When swallowed,
inhaled, or absorbed
through the skin, it will Put in an isolated
6.1 RPB substances
harm your health and area
6.2 RIS Infectious
cause people and Need
animals to be infected professional
with diseases guidance, no
Radioactive contact
material-white Keep at least 25
7 CATⅠ RRW Radioactive hazard,
Radioactive meters away
7 CATⅡ/Ⅲ RRY damage to health
Notify the fire
department to put
Corrosive Damage to skin and
8 RCM out the fire,
substances metal
Avoid skin
Emits a small amount
Aggregate five
of flammable and liquid
Affect the navigation Avoid skin
RSB Magnetic
system contact
MAG substance
9 Cause hypothermia or No emergency
ICE dry ice
suffocation treatment is
RMD Miscellaneous
Other categories of required.
dangerous goods not
covered by the nature
8.8.5 Emergency Handling Guidelines for Nine Categories of
Dangerous Goods Handling of Class 1 Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Accidents
When working with explosives, perform non-sparking operations.
When working on the ground, load and handle with care. Do not
shake or hit to prevent explosion. Do not use iron tools to strike hard.
Mechanical tools should be equipped with fire protection devices.
1) Damaged
(1) Smoke and fire are strictly prohibited near damaged packages, all
flammable sources (no smoking, flash burning, sparks or flammable
direct areas) are removed, and all equipment used to handle
packages must be on the ground.
(2) Do not touch or approach damaged packages. Radio transmitters
cannot be used within 100 meters (330 feet) of the electronic
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(3) Do not clean or dispose of the site without professional guidance.
2) The following regulations must be followed when explosives
have a fire and may endanger other explosive packages:
(1) Report the fire department immediately, and explain the presence of
explosives and the classification and quantity of explosives at the
(2) When reporting a fire, state the fire-fighting equipment available on
(3) Transport other explosives packages to a safe distance;
(4) When the cargo catches fire, do not extinguish the fire when the fire
extends to the cargo. The cargo may explode! Suspend traffic and
clean up the site, isolate at least 500 meters from the surrounding
area, and do not move the goods or transportation vehicles if the
goods are already hot.
(5) Fire caused by oil tank: flush the fire area with a lot of water. If the
water supply is insufficient, use carbon dioxide, dry powder or soil
to extinguish the fire. If possible and no danger, use an unmanned
water pipe controller or monitoring nozzle from the farthest distance.
Put out the fire to prevent the fire from extending to the cargo area.
Even if a fire extinguisher is prepared, pay special attention to the
possibility of re-ignition if the tire is on fire.
3) Matters needing attention
(1) For the explosive package of category 1.4, any fire extinguisher can
be used except for the fire extinguisher containing halogen fire
extinguishing agent. For explosives of CAT 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.5 that
are transported under special circumstances, the types of fire
extinguishers that can be used shall be pre-designated by the
competent government authority.
(2) For explosives belonging to the 1.4S group, when an accident occurs,
the scope of explosion and ejection is very small, and it will not
hinder the use of fire-fighting or other emergency measures nearby.
If the fire is dangerous to the cargo area and the cargo area contains
1.4S-labeled packaging or 1.4S-classified explosives, it should be
isolated at least 15 meters (50 feet) from the surrounding area. Use
general measures to extinguish the fire at a reasonable distance.
(3) For explosives of CAT 1.4 other than the 1.4 compatibility group,
the external open flame is unlikely to cause instantaneous explosion
of the contents of the package. Handling of Class 2 Dangerous Goods (Gas) Accidents
1) Damaged
(1) When there are signs of leakage in the package, personnel should
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take care to avoid inhaling the leaked gas nearby. If the flammable
gas or non-flammable gas package leaks in the warehouse or indoors,
all doors and windows must be opened to allow sufficient air
circulation, and then the goods will be moved outdoors by
professionals. If the toxic gas package leaks, it should be handled by
professionals wearing gas masks.
(2) Smoking is not allowed near the damaged package of flammable gas,
any open flame is strictly prohibited, any electrical switches are not
allowed, and any motor vehicles are not allowed to approach.
(3) The overflow or leakage area should be isolated at least 100 meters
from the surrounding area.
(4) Fully compressed steam-proof protective clothing should be worn to
prevent burns. Do not flush water directly at the source of leakage.
Spray water with a water mist fire extinguisher to reduce steam and
change the direction of steam flow to prevent wastewater from
contacting leaking materials For chlorosilane compounds, water can
not be used to extinguish fires. Use AFFF anti-alcohol as a medium
to expand the foam to reduce steam.
(5) If possible, turn over the leaking device to allow the gas to escape
instead of the liquid.
(6) Prevent leaked substances from entering sewers, ventilation systems
and fixed areas, and isolate the areas until the gas disappears.
2) When a gas fires and may endanger flammable gas or toxic gas
packages, it must:
(1) Report fire immediately, stating that there are flammable gas or toxic
gas packages at the scene.
(2) When reporting fire, explain the fire-fighting equipment available
on site.
(3) Small fire: dry powder fire extinguishing agent, carbon dioxide fire
extinguisher to extinguish.
(4) Large fire: fire with water spray, water mist or anti-alcohol foam.
Remove the container from the fire area when there is no danger.
The damaged cylinder should be handled by professional personnel.
(5) Fire caused by oil tank: put out the fire as far as possible, or use an
unmanned fire extinguishing belt rod or monitoring nozzle to
extinguish the fire. Use a lot of water to cool the device until the fire
is extinguished. Do not directly aim the fire with water Or safety
device to prevent freezing. If the sound of the safety ventilation
equipment becomes louder or the storage tank changes color,
evacuate immediately and stay away from the burning oil tank.
3) First aid
(1) Move the victim to a place with fresh air.
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(2) Call emergency medical services.
(3) If the victim cannot breathe, artificial respiration should be given; if
the victim swallows or inhales the substance, do not use mouth-to-
mouth artificial respiration. Give a one-way tube or other
corresponding respiratory medical equipment to the device.
Artificial respiration with a pocket mask; if the victim has difficulty
breathing, oxygen should be given.
(4) The contaminated clothes and footwear should be removed or
isolated. Once the dangerous substance is found, immediately wash
the skin and eyes with running water for at least 20 minutes, and
shower or rinse with soap and water.
(5) The cloth frozen on the skin should be thawed first and then removed.
The place exposed to the liquefied gas should be defrosted with
warm temperature. For burns, the burned skin should be rinsed
immediately with cold water for a long time. Do not remove the
clothing material that sticks to the burned skin.
4) Matters needing attention
(1) For non-pressure packages containing cryogenic liquefied gas, if a
small amount of gas escapes at the opening, it emits visible steam
and forms a lower temperature near the package, which is a normal
phenomenon and should not be regarded as an accident. Packages
can be loaded in accordance with the requirements of IATA
"Dangerous Goods Regulations".
(2) People who have symptoms of poisoning due to inhalation of gas
near the leaking package should be immediately sent to the medical
department for first aid.
(3) Many materials will become brittle when contacted with cold and
low-temperature liquids, and will easily explode without warning.
(4) The fires caused by hydrogen (UN1049), deuterium (UN1957) and
cryogenic liquefied hydrogen (UN1966) are difficult to detect
because the flames they burn are not visible. The compressed
mixture of hydrogen and methane (UN2034) burns without flame. Handling of accidents of category 3 dangerous goods (flammable

1) Damaged
(1) Smoking is not allowed near the leaked package, any open flame is
strictly prohibited, and no electrical switches are allowed to be
turned on.
(2) If flammable liquid leaks in the warehouse or the cargo hold of the
aircraft, the fire department should be notified, and the leaked
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flammable liquid should be removed. The plane is not allowed to
take off until the cargo compartment was cleared.
(3) Move the leaking package to the outdoors.
(4) Set up an isolation belt at least 50 meters away from the splash or
leak. In the event of a large-scale leak, evacuate within at least 300
meters of the initial downwind direction.
(5) Make sure to wear steam-proof protective clothing to prevent burns
from spilled liquid. All equipment used to handle packages must be
on the ground. Remove any combustibles (pyrotechnics, sparks,
sparks or flames are strictly prohibited in the nearby area), do not
touch or approach the leaking flammable liquid, use air pressure
foam to reduce the generation of steam.
(6) While ensuring your own safety, stop leaks and prevent flammable
liquids from entering drains, sewers, basement or dead ends.
(7) Slight leakage: Use dry soil, sand or other non-flammable materials
to absorb the leaked material, and then put it into a container after
absorbing it, and deal with it afterwards. Use cleaning tools that will
not generate sparks to collect the adsorbed material.
(8) Severe leakage: build a dyke for the leakage of liquid material for
subsequent treatment. Water spray can reduce steam, but it cannot
prevent burning in a closed space.
2) When a flammable liquid has a fire and may endanger the
flammable liquid package, it must:
(1) Report the fire immediately, stating that there are flammable liquid
packages at the scene, and further specify their nature (including the
UN or ID number of the flammable substance, transportation name,
packaging grade, etc.) and quantity.
(2) When reporting a fire, explain the fire-fighting equipment available
on site.
(3) Transport the flammable liquid package to a safe distance.
(4) Small fire: dry powder fire extinguishing agent, CO2, water mist, or
alcohol-resistant foam.
(5) Large fire: Use water spray, fog, or alcohol-resistant foam. When
extinguishing fire with water, use water foam or water spray. Do not
use water jet to extinguish the fire. The fire-extinguishing water
should be treated afterwards to prevent contamination of other
substances and prevent the water in the container from leaking.
(6) Fires caused by oil tanks: implement fire extinguishing as far as
possible, or use self-controlled fire belt faucets or monitoring
nozzles. After the fire is extinguished, use a large amount of running
water to cool the container. If the safety ventilation equipment
becomes louder or the storage tank changes color, evacuate
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immediately. Keep away from storage tanks that are on fire. For
large fires, use self-controlled fire belt faucets or monitoring nozzles;
if the conditions are not met, immediately evacuate the area and let
it burn.
3) First aid: the same as the above-mentioned "Emergency
Handling of Ground Dangerous Goods Incidents-First Aid"
4) Matters needing attention
(1) If the package itself or the leaked liquid catches fire, the
extinguishing agent used must not conflict with the nature of the
flammable liquid. In this case, usually do not use water to extinguish
the fire. The fire should be extinguished in accordance with the
method indicated by the fire department according to the nature of
the flammable liquid.
(2) The flash points of these substances are very low, and the use of
water mist may be ineffective when extinguishing fires. Handling of accidents of category 4 dangerous goods (flammable
solids, natural substances and substances that release flammable
gas in fire)
1) Damaged
(1) Smoking is not allowed in the vicinity of damaged packages, and
any open flames are strictly prohibited.
(2) Keep any heat sources away from damaged packages.
(3) For damaged packages of articles that will burn in contact with water,
avoid contact with water and cover them with waterproof canvas.
(4) An isolation area should be set up at least 25 meters away from the
splash or leak. In the event of a large-scale leak, evacuate within at
least 100 meters downwind from the initial direction.
(5) Make sure to wear protective clothing against steam to prevent burns
from spilled liquid. Remove any combustible materials (fireworks,
sparks, sparks or flames are strictly prohibited in the nearby area),
do not touch or approach the leaked materials, do not touch damaged
containers or splashes, unless you have special protective clothing.
In the case of ensuring your own safety, stop the leak.
(6) Use water mist to reduce the generation of steam; do not directly
flush the leaking or overflow area with water or get water into the
container. Separate flammable materials (mask, paper, right, etc.)
from spilled materials. If chlorosilane overflows or leaks, use AFFF
to reduce steam.
(7) Slight overflow: Cover the overflow area with dry soil, dry sand or

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other non-flammable substances, while covering with plastic film to
reduce diffusion or contact with rain; use clean spark-free tools to
concentrate the materials and place the materials in a simple cover
In the container for subsequent treatment; prevent entry into water
areas, sewers, basements or other restricted areas.
(8) Powder overflow: Cover with plastic film or tarpaulin to minimize
spreading and keep the powder dry. If there is no expert guidance,
do not clean and process the site.
2) When flammable solids, spontaneously combustible substances
and substances that release flammable gas in contact with water
cause a fire and may endanger the packages of dangerous goods
in this category, they must:
(1) Report the fire immediately, stating that there are packages of
flammable solids (or spontaneously combustible substances or
substances that release flammable gas in contact with water) at the
scene, and further specify its nature (including its UN or ID number,
transportation name, Package grade, etc.) and quantity.
(2) When reporting a fire, explain the fire-fighting equipment available
on site.
(3) Transport such dangerous goods packages to a safe distance.
(4) Small fire: Use dry powder, soda ash or sand to extinguish the fire.
(5) Large fire: Use dry sand, dry powder, soda ash to extinguish the fire
or evacuate from the fire area.
(6) Metal coating or metal foil (such as aluminum foil) on fire:
Aluminum foil should be treated as combustible metal on fire. Use
dry sand, graphite powder, dry sodium oxide for fire extinguishing,
G-1 ® or Met-L-X ®.
(7) Metal or powder ignition (aluminum, lithium, magnesium, etc.): Use
dry powder, dry sand, sodium chloride powder, graphite powder or
Met-L-X powder; for lithium, lithium h-X powder or copper powder
can also be used.
(8) Fire caused by oil tank: implement fire fighting as far as possible, or
use automatic fire belt faucet or monitoring nozzle. Do not let water
enter the container or come into contact with such substances. If the
safety ventilation equipment becomes louder or the storage tank
changes color, evacuate immediately. Keep away from storage tanks
that are on fire. Using water to extinguish metal combustion will
produce hydrogen. Especially when the fire occurs in a closed
environment (such as in a building, a warehouse, etc.), it is a very
dangerous explosion hazard.
3) First aid: the same as the above-mentioned "Emergency
Handling of Ground Dangerous Goods Incidents-First Aid"
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4) Matters needing attention
(1) If the package itself catches fire, the extinguishing agent used must
not conflict with the nature of the contents. For the packages of
substances that release flammable gas in contact with water in CAT
4.3, water fire is not allowed to extinguish the fire. Instead, the fire
department should extinguish the fire in accordance with the method
instructed by the fire department according to the nature of the
dangerous goods.
(2) If chlorosilane catches fire, do not use water to extinguish the fire,
but use AFFF to extinguish the fire. Do not use dry powder, soda ash
or lime to extinguish the chlorosilane flame (regardless of size),
because they may release a lot of oxygen and cause an explosion.
(3) When handling the spills of xanthate, UN3342 and sodium bisulfite
(hyposulfite/sulfanyl) UN1384, UN1923 and UN1929, use a large
amount of running water to extinguish the fire to prevent it from
reacting with air. For some substances this does not work because
they do not require air for combustion. Accident disposal of category 5 dangerous goods (oxidizing
substances and organic peroxides)
1) Damaged
(1) Smoking is not allowed near the leaked package, and any open flame
is strictly prohibited;
(2) Other dangerous goods (even if the package is intact) and all
flammable materials (such as paper, cardboard, rags, etc.) are not
allowed to approach the leaked package;
(3) Keep any heat source away from organic peroxide packaging.
(4) If the leakage is solid, isolate the leakage area at least 25 meters, if
it is liquid, isolate the leakage area at least 50 meters. In case of a
large spill, consider evacuation at least 250 meters.
(5) Keep flammable materials (such as wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from
the leakage area (substances). When the leakage does not catch fire,
use bulging bladders, inflatable protective clothing, etc. to protect
yourself, unless you are wearing Protective clothing, otherwise do
not touch damaged containers. Do not touch damaged equipment
and leaking materials without wearing proper protective clothing.
Use water spray to reduce the emission of steam or change the
direction of gas emission. While ensuring your own safety, block
leaks and prevent leaked substances from entering water, ponds,
sewers or closed areas.
(6) Small area leakage: slight dry matter spills, put the spilled matter in
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a clean, dry container with a clean shovel and cover it loosely; then
move the container out of the spill area; slight liquid spillage, use
non-flammable materials such as Vermiculite or sand absorbs the
cargo and places the cargo in the container for subsequent treatment;
for the oxidant that reacts with water, cover the surface of the
material with dry sand, dry mud or other non-flammable substances,
and add a layer of film to it. Prevent diffusion or contact with rain;
for peroxides, use clean non-sparking tools to pick up the inert, damp,
non-flammable material and spread it loosely on a plastic container
for later processing.
(7) Large-scale leakage: Before the liquid overflows again, pay
attention to the embankment for subsequent treatment to prevent
spilled materials from entering drains, sewers, basements and certain
enclosed areas. Do not clean or treat the site without professional
2) When the oxidizer and organic peroxide fires may endanger the
oxidizer or organic peroxide package, you must:
(1) Report the fire immediately, stating that there are oxidizers or
organic peroxide packages on site, and further explain their nature
and quantity.
(2) When reporting a fire, explain the fire-fighting equipment available
on site.
(3) Transport the packages of oxidants or organic peroxides to a safe
(4) Small fire: For oxidants, use water to extinguish the fire. Do not use
dry powder or foam fire extinguishers; carbon dioxide or Halon has
limited effect; for oxidants that react with water, use dry powder fire
extinguishers, soda ash or lime to extinguish the fire; for peroxides,
it is best to use water mist fire extinguishers, if not, use dry powder
to extinguish the fire Fire extinguishing agent, carbon dioxide or
conventional foam.
(5) Large fires: For oxidants, use water to extinguish the fire from a long
distance; for oxidants that react with water, use dry sand, dry powder
fire extinguishers, soda ash, lime to extinguish the fire or evacuate
the area to let the fire burn; for peroxides, it is best to use a water
mist fire extinguisher Extinguishing. If the goods have been heated,
the goods or vehicles cannot be moved.
(6) Fire caused by oil tank: extinguish fire from the longest distance or
use unmanned water pipe controller or monitoring nozzle. Pour the
container with large water until the fire goes out to cool it down.
Keep away from oil cans in the fire. For large-area fires, use
unmanned water pipe controllers or monitoring nozzles to
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extinguish the fire; if it is not feasible, immediately evacuate the fire
3) First aid:
(1) The same as the above "Emergency Handling of Ground Dangerous
Goods Incidents-First Aid" requirements.
(2) Remove the material from the skin immediately.
(3) Contaminated clothing may catch fire when it is dry.
(4) For organic peroxides, the removal of solid fusible substances from
the skin requires specialized medical personnel.
4) Matters needing attention
When the organic peroxide package is close to a strong heat source,
even if the package is intact, the chemical properties of the organic
peroxide inside will become unstable and may have the risk of
explosion. In the event of a fire, this packaging should be moved to
a safe place and be handled by the fire department. Disposal of accidents of category 6 dangerous goods (toxic and
infectious substances)
1) If the package of toxic substances leaks, smells or has slight
leakage, the following regulations must be followed:
(1) On-site personnel should avoid skin contact with leaked packages
and avoid inhaling toxic vapors.
(2) Personnel who carry leaked packages must wear special rubber
gloves and wash their hands with running water within five minutes
after the operation.
(3) When the liquid or solid powder of toxic substances is spilled in the
warehouse or the cargo hold of the aircraft, the health and quarantine
department shall be notified, and the contaminated warehouse, cargo
hold and other goods or luggage shall be cleaned by the health and
quarantine personnel. The plane is not allowed to take off until the
pollution in the cargo compartment is eliminated.
(4) Put the missing packages separately in the sub-store.
(5) For the leakage of toxic substances in item 6.1, if any personnel
accidentally contaminated with toxic substances, regardless of
whether they have symptoms of poisoning, they should be sent to
the medical department for examination and treatment immediately,
and the transportation of the toxic substances should be explained to
the doctor Dedicated name. In the event of an emergency, the nearest
medical emergency department must be notified in time.
(6) The telephone numbers of the above-mentioned emergency
departments should be written in obvious locations in the warehouse,
office, and possible accident locations for emergency use.
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(7) The overflow or leakage area should be isolated at least 100 meters
from the surrounding area.
(8) Do not touch dangerous containers and leaking materials unless you
wear correct protective clothing; prevent leaks under the premise of
ensuring safety; prevent leaked materials from entering water
sources, basements, sewers or other restricted areas. Cover with
plastic film to prevent diffusion. Use dry soil or other non-
flammable substances to absorb and cover, and then put it in a
container. Do not let water enter the container or mix with the leaked
substance. Use compressed foam equipment to remove water vapor.
For CHLOROSILANES, AFFF medium expansion and stable
alcohol foam should be used to remove steam. When using water
spray to reduce steam or remove steam, there will be floating, and
care should be taken to prevent leakage of such substances.
(9) Use carbon dioxide, dry powder, dry soil and stable alcohol foam to
extinguish the fire, monitor the fire-extinguishing water and wait for
the aftermath, and do not let it spread.
2) When the package of infectious substances leaks or has slight
leakage, it must:
(1) For leaking or damaged packages, it is best not to move or move as
little as possible. If it must be moved, such as unloaded from an
airplane, in order to reduce the chance of infection, only one person
should carry it.
(2) Persons who carry leaked packages are strictly prohibited from
direct contact with their skin, and must wear special rubber gloves
during operation.
(3) For liquids, a circular area with a radius of 50 meters (150 feet)
centered on the leaked or spilled material is formed; for solids, a
radius of 25 meters (75 feet) centered on the leaked or spilled
material is formed No one is allowed to enter the circular area, and
ropes are used to isolate this area.
(4) Report to the environmental protection department and the health
and epidemic prevention department in a timely manner, and should
explain the following conditions:
A. The information about the package as stated on the shipper’s
dangerous goods declaration. A list of all personnel who have been in
contact with the missing package; the location where the missing
package has passed during the transportation process, that is, the range
that the package may affect.
B. Notify the supervisor of the freight department.
C. Strictly follow the requirements of the environmental protection
department and the epidemic prevention department to eliminate the
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cargo compartment of the aircraft. Contamination of other goods,
baggage and transportation equipment, physical examination of
persons who have been in contact with packages of infectious
substances, treatment of these persons’ clothes, and treatment of the
D. Notify the shipper and consignee. Without the consent of the epidemic
prevention department, the package shall not be transported.
E. Absorb spillage with soil, sand or other non-combustible materials.
Cover damaged packaging or spills with a damp towel or rag, and keep
it moist with bleach or disinfectant. Only under the guidance of
experts, can the site be cleaned up or processed.
F. Use suitable fire extinguishing equipment to extinguish the fire. Do
not use high-pressure water guns to disperse the leakage.
3) First aid
(1) The same as the above "Emergency Handling of Ground Dangerous
Goods Incidents-First Aid" requirements.
(2) For small skin contact, try to avoid infecting untouched skin.
(3) Once burns occur, immediately let them cool with cold water for as
long as possible; and do not forcibly remove the clothes attached to
the skin.
(4) For infectious substances, a further measure is to contact the local
drug control center.
4) Matters needing attention
(1) Most foam firefighting extinguisher react with toxic substances and
produce corrosive/toxic gases.
(2) For Acetyl chloride (UN1717), only dry powder or carbon dioxide
fire extinguisher can be used. Disposal of Class 7 Dangerous Goods (Radioactive Materials)
1) Damaged
(1) Before unloading the damaged package from the aircraft, the
location of the damaged package in the aircraft's cargo compartment
should be marked for inspection and decontamination.
(2) Except for inspection and transport personnel, no one is allowed to
approach the damaged package.
(3) Check the shipper’s declaration of dangerous goods, and take
corresponding measures in accordance with the text in the
(4) The damaged package should be put into the radioactive material
warehouse specially designed by the airport. If there is no dedicated
warehouse, it should be placed outdoors, at least 25 meters away
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from the damaged package, and no one is allowed to approach it.
The area should be isolated with a rope and marked with danger
signs. In the event of a large number of leaks, first consider
evacuation of personnel who are 100 meters down from the incident.
When a large amount of material is involved in the fire, people 300
meters around the incident area should be evacuated.
(5) Notify the environmental protection department and (or) the
radiation protection department, and they will measure and make
judgments on the pollution degree of cargo, aircraft and the
(6) The pollution to the cabin, other cargo and luggage, and
transportation equipment must be eliminated in accordance with the
requirements of the environmental protection department and/or the
radiation protection department. The plane is not allowed to take off
until the cabin is decontaminated.
(7) Notify the supervisor of the freight department to investigate the
(8) Cover the spill with sand, soil or other non-flammable compatible
materials. If the spill is powdery, cover it with a plastic sheet or tarp
to minimize the spread.
(9) If the surface of the undamaged package is wet and the package is
slightly damaged, it does not mean that the package has failed. The
contents are seldom liquid. Most liquid packages contain inner
packaging or internal absorbing materials. If radiation pollution
occurs due to liquid seepage, the pollution must be slight. The
contents are generally a metal compartment, if there is a leak, it is
easy to see. If the container does leak out of the packaging, do not
touch it, stay away and wait for the opinion of the radiologist.
(10) When there is no fireworks caused, the leakage of irritating mist and
residues will accumulate in the leakage area. Use a water mist fire
extinguisher to reduce steam, but do not direct the water at the mouth
of the container where the substance overflows. For relatively small
seepage, the residue can be blocked, and a dike is built far above the
overflow to prevent the residue from overflowing.
2) According to the provisions of the International Civil Aviation
Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency, the
radiation dose equivalent rate of any accessible surface of the
aircraft shall not exceed 5 μ Sv/h (5 micro Sv/h), and the non-
stationary radioactive pollution shall not exceed the following
table Otherwise the aircraft must be grounded.
Pollution Maximum allowable does Bq/cm2

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β and γ radiation and low-level α radiation 0.4

All other α radiation 0.04

3) People affected by radioactive contamination must be
immediately sent to the health and medical department for
4) Extinguish
(1) The presence of radioactive materials does not affect the fire-
fighting procedures nor the choice of fire-fighting methods.
(2) Do not move damaged packages, and move undamaged packages
out of the fire area.
5) First aid
(1) The same as the above "Emergency Handling of Ground Dangerous
Goods Incidents-First Aid" requirements.
(2) Move personnel to a place that is not contaminated by radioactive
(3) Priority should be given to radiology during treatment.
(4) The contaminated clothing of the wounded is not too harmful to
medical staff, equipment and other basic facilities. Disposal of Class 8 Dangerous Goods (Corrosive Substances)
1) On-site personnel should avoid skin contact with leaking packages
and leaking corrosive substances, and avoid inhaling their vapors.
2) Personnel handling leaked packages must wear special rubber
3) If corrosive substances are spilled on the structural parts of the
aircraft, this part must be thoroughly cleaned as soon as possible.
Personnel washing from work should wear rubber gloves to avoid
skin contact with corrosive substances. Once such an accident
occurs, the aircraft maintenance department should be notified
immediately, stating the name of the special equipment for the
transportation of corrosive substances, so that thorough cleaning can
be done in time.
4) Other dangerous goods (even if the package is intact) are not allowed
to approach the missing package.
5) Notify the supervisor of the freight department to investigate and
deal with the accident.
6) After a spill accident occurs, if the cleaning is not thorough and a
small amount of corrosive substances still remain on the structural
parts of the aircraft, it is likely to affect the structural strength of the
aircraft. In order to carefully inspect the structural parts of the
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aircraft, the floor or certain parts should be removed. For thorough
cleaning, chemical neutralizers should be used if necessary. Disposal of Class 9 Dangerous Goods (Miscellaneous Dangerous
1) Check whether the aircraft is damaged.
2) Notify the supervisor of the freight department to investigate and
deal with the accident.
3) Notify relevant authorities.
4) Emergency handling of lithium batteries
(1) Use water mist fire extinguishers and conventional foam fire
extinguishers to extinguish the fire.
(2) When damaged, use soil, dry sand or other non-flammable materials
to absorb. The leaked battery and contaminated absorbent materials
must be placed in a metal container.
(3) The same as the above "Emergency Handling of Ground Dangerous
Goods Incidents-First Aid" requirements. Others
1) For dangerous goods that need to be transferred and transported, if
the package is damaged, the originating station should be sent a
telegram to notify the originating station to pay the full cost of the
replacement of the packaging, and after the confirmation of the
originating station, follow the instructions of the originating station.
2) Tools used in handling damaged dangerous goods and dangerous
goods accidents should be handled by professional technical
3) The hidden undeclared dangerous goods found in the transportation
should be offloaded at the nearest terminal, the relevant situation
should be reported to the bureau, the owner or consignee of the cargo
should be notified, and t dealt based on the relevant regulations of
civil aviation.
4) The malicious concealment of dangerous goods means that
accidents that damage the safety of personnel and aircraft are
transferred to the local public security department for disposal, and
at the same time reported to the Civil Aviation Central South
Regional Administration and its local regulatory agencies.
5) Dangerous goods that have been mis declared during transportation
should be offloaded at the nearest terminal, the relevant situation
should be reported to the bureau, the owner or consignee should be
notified, and dealt based on the relevant regulations of civil aviation.

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8.8.6 Air transportation incident report of dangerous goods
1) Dangerous goods air transportation incident reports are divided into
dangerous goods emergency reports and dangerous goods non-
emergency reports, and classified management is implemented.
2) The following situations are dangerous goods emergencies:
(1) Damage to aircraft or personnel injury or death caused by air
transportation of dangerous goods;
(2) Dangerous goods catch fire or smoke;
(3) Dangerous goods are damaged, spilled, liquid leakage, radioactive
leakage, and packaging cannot be kept intact, etc., which require
emergency response;
(4) Other situations similar to the above clauses.
3) Dangerous goods air transport incidents that are not classified as
dangerous goods emergencies are classified as dangerous goods
non-emergency incidents.
4) In the event of an emergency air transportation of dangerous goods,
the party concerned should report to the ground service duty officer
(0898-65987106) and Hainan Airlines local staff on duty by
telephone as soon as possible (within 10 minutes), and continue to
report as needed. Supplement the information elements of each
event. After receiving the information, the ground service duty
officer will conduct further reports and processing according to the
incident classification and the company's mandatory reporting
5) If an air transportation incident of dangerous goods occurs during
ground services operation, the ground service agent or the operator
responsible for ground service shall be responsible for reporting; if
it occurs in flight, the operator shall be responsible for reporting.
6) The occurrence of suspected dangerous goods air transportation
incidents should also be reported in accordance with the above

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8.9 Ballast Handling Procedure

8.9.1 Purpose
Standardize the aircraft ballast handling procedure due to light flight load or the
center of gravity exceeds the operational safety range, to prevent the occurrence of
aircraft hidden load incidents caused by incorrect loading, missing loading or
missing unloading of ballast, and ensuring the safety and smooth flight operations.
8.9.2 Scope
1) Scheduled flight, cargo charter flight, flight adjustment, training, flight test, and
flight verification;
2) Flight weight and center of gravity requirements.
8.9.3 Standard for use of ballast
1) Ballast includes container equipment and ballast sandbags
2) When container equipment is used as ballast, it must be loaded in accordance with
relevant standards. For details, see section 8.4.4 of this manual.
3) Ballast sandbags must meet the standard of use
(1) The inner filling of the sandbag must be sand and no other materials shall be mixed;
the diameter of the sand should not be greater than 1mm.
(2) Sandbags must be packed by at least 2 layers:
A. The inner packaging should use thick plastic film or equivalent materials to wrap the
sand completely to prevent moisture and leakage;
B. The outer package must have the characteristics of water proof, moisture proof, leak
proof, wear resistant etc. It is recommended to use Oxford cloth or equivalent
C. The outer packaging of the sandbags must be completely sealed, the recommended
stitching method is: double-layer stitching on the four sides, and zigzag sealing at the
four corners.
D. The outer packaging of the sandbag should be marked with the words "ballast
sandbag" and its own weight.
E. Sandbags that outer packaging has been damaged, leaked, or have hidden dangers
of leakage must not be used; the basis for judging hidden dangers of leakage is:
a The outer packaging has obvious scratch marks;
b There are signs of loosening at the strapping part of the sandbag;
c The stitched part of the sandbag has an open thread;
d There are obvious signs of wear on the outer cover, thread ends, perforations,
or uneven transparency.
e Note: Ballast sandbags newly purchased or newly delivered by the charter
party/consignor must strictly comply with our company's ballast sandbag
usage standards; the ballast sandbags currently in use in the warehouse have
been checked and confirmed that there is no internal leakage (The outer
packaging is undamaged and tightly bound), can continue to be used, and
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gradually replaced.
4) Ballast emergency contact information list
Seq. Position Dealing unit Contact information
AOC Weight & Balance
1 Weight & Balance control department 00-898-65987224
AOC Customer Service
2 GSA Ramp Department, Stations 00-898-65987105

8.9.4 Ballast Information Transmission

AOC Weight & Balance Desk should send flight plans for the next day 10:00-
10:00+1 no later than 17:00 every day via email to AOC cargo control seats,
customer service desk and related airport load control department. After receiving
the information, the customer service desk should immediately send it to the
ground service unit involved, and at the same time publishes the flight plan to the
ballast handling and monitoring WeChat group. The person in charge of the ballast
flight handling in each region should check it at 20:00 daily, and confirm receipt
through WeChat group in time, and the customer service desk coordinate the
implementation of the actual ballast loading process.
8.9.5 Ballast Departure Handling Process
1) Special flights such as scheduled flight/training/test flight/cargo charter flight may
involve ballast loading requirements. The loading supervisor should understand
the nature of the flight in advance through the operation scheduling, and after
receiving the loading instruction report from the load control department for
loading ballast in the cargo hold (the loading supervision directly receives the
loading instruction report from the load control, or obtains the loading instruction
report from the operation scheduling unit , The specific collection process is subject
to the actual handling process of each airport/GSA), monitor the timely delivery of
the ballast to the aircraft and organize the loading according to the loading
2) Loading of ballast must strictly follow the loading instruction report issued by the
load control (Specified in the SI column on the loading instruction report). The
loading supervisor must explain and go through the loading instruction report with
the loading team, and sign on the report for confirmation.
3) Before the ballast sandbags are loaded, the loading staff should check the
appearance of the sandbags to confirm that there are no obvious signs of damage
or leakage;
4) Before loading the ballast sandbags, two layers of rain cloth should be laid on the
floor of the bulk compartment to facilitate cleaning under abnormal conditions.
5) During the loading process of the ballast sandbags, pay attention to avoid
scratching with the frame, hooks and other parts of the trailer, and to prevent brutal
dragging; once the sandbags are found to be damaged or leaking, they should be
offloaded and the information should be transmitted in time, including:

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(1) The loading supervisors notify the load control to verify whether the offloading of
sandbags affects the balance of the aircraft and whether the cargo loading position
needs to be adjusted;
(2) If it is necessary to top up ballast sandbags, the loading supervisors should notify
the cargo department in time.
6) A330-300 aircraft with seats removed (aircraft number: B304K/B1022/B1020) is
equipped with fixed ballast in the bulk cargo compartment and rear galley (the
weight has been included in the dry use weight DOW). Cannot be unloaded in any
station, and the ballast data is shown in the table below. (If there are new modified
aircraft, follow the email notification)
Ballast Information
16 carts in the rear
W&B code A/C Remarks
5H kitchen (including
cart weight)
B1022 No offload,
A330-CZY3 1520KG 1587KG
B1020 must stay on
board at all
A330-CZY3 B304K 1520KG 1599KG
The fixed ballast in the back galley is in the cart parking space, and the fixed ballast
in the bulk is wrapped with rain cloth with the signs of "random ballast not to be
unloaded, ballast weight, emergency contact number" (see Figure 1, Figure 2),
Ground service personnel are forbidden to unload the cabin back galley and the
fixed ballast of the bulk cargo compartment from the aircraft. The loading
supervisor must check to ensure that they are in place before departure and do the
loading confirmation to the load control.
Figure 1

Figure 2

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7) The loading of ballast must strictly follow the loading instruction report issued by
the load control (B304L/B304K/B1022/B1020 fixed ballast is displayed in the
remarks column of the loading instruction report). After the loading is completed,
the loading supervisor must contact load controller for loading confirmation.
In addition, the load control must specify the cargo unloading requirements.
Ballast unloading requirements: on B304L/B304K/B1022/B1020 aircraft, fixed
ballast is prohibited from unloading at all domestic and oversea stations; for other
aircraft, temporary ballast is prohibited from unloading at oversea stations.
Take the Shenzhen=Los Angeles route as an example:
(1) B304K/B1022/B1020
Unloading of aircraft's fixed ballast is prohibited throughout the entire journey
Shenzhen and Los Angeles loading instruction report should be all remarked as:
(2) Apart from B304K/B1022/B1020
Provision of temporary ballast in the bulk cargo hold for Shenzhen departure is
Unloading is prohibited on the return trip from Los Angeles, Shenzhen departure
manifest remarks: BAL 3000 KG IN 5H DONOT REMOVE IN LAX,After
arriving in Los Angeles, the ballast is forbidden to unload and must bring back on
the original aircraft.
Remarks on the LIR of Shenzhen arrival and unloading, Los Angeles return
manifest remarks: BAL 3000KG IN 5H OFFLOAD IN SZX,After arriving in
Shenzhen, the ballast is to be unloaded.
8) During the ground operation process, if the loading supervisor finds any abnormal
situation, they should suspend the ballast loading operation according to the STOP
principle, contact the load controller to investigate and verify the solution, and
report to the station personnel of our company at the same time. If the load control
staff cannot resolve the issue, please contact the HNA AOC load control desk
(0898-65987224 / loadcontrol@hnair.com) to assist in the verification and
resolution. The station staff should simultaneously contact the customer service
desk (0898-65987105/khfwx@hnair.com) to clarify the handling standards. When
the standards of both parties are consistent, the operation can be continued.
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8.9.6 Inbound Ballast Handling Process
30 minutes before the flight arrives, the customer service desk is responsible for
notifying and confirming the ground service agent, the loading and unloading
supervision of the unloading requirements of the ballast (weight, loading position,
whether to unload); the Weight and Balance Desk is responsible for notifying and
confirming the load controller accurately understand the unloading requirements
of the ballast (weight, loading position, whether unloading).
1) After the ballast arrives, the loading and unloading personnel shall unload all of
them according to the offloading report or the loading position marked by
LDM/CPM, and conduct a cargo hold inspection. The unloaded ballast shall be
transported to the cargo warehouse for safekeeping. Except for the following
special circumstances:
(1) If the aircraft continues to perform the next segment of the flight and needs to
continue to use ballast due to aircraft change, cargo hold restrictions, etc., the ballast
will be included in the outbound loading instruction report by the load controller
based on the arrival LDM/CPM, the loading staff shall ensure that the ballast is in
place according to the loading instruction and confirm in writing.
(2) For international charter flights, the ballast will not be unloaded after arriving at the
overseas destination. The load control agent will include the ballast in the outbound
loading instruction report based on the arrival LDM/CPM message information.
The loading supervisor confirms that the ballast is in place and confirms in writing.
(3) For flights with fixed ballast, its weight has been included in the basis weight of the
aircraft and is not reflected in the loading instruction report or LDM/CPM; the
ballast is affixed with a "ballast not unloaded" sign, and it is prohibited to unload it
from the aircraft, loading supervising shall check to ensure that they are in place
during the transit.
2) The ballast sandbag should be handled with care to avoid sand leakage due to
damage to the packaging bag while unloading; after the unloading is completed,
the loading supervisor should check whether there is any leakage on the bulk floor,
and if so, arrange for cleaning in time and notify the cargo department, the cargo
department should inspect and replace sandbags.
3) On arrival flights, if the loading supervisors find any irregularities, they should
immediately keep records by taking photos or filling out documents, etc., and
contact the load control to investigate and verify the ballast information of the
incoming flights, and at the same time report to the Hainan Airlines station staff
Make a report. Or notify the customer service desk in all entrusted areas.
8.9.7 Inspection requirements for ballast by the stations
1) Inspection requirements for cargo charter flights and aircraft with dismantled seats
(1) Before the departure of the cargo charter flight, our staff on site must conduct an
on-site inspection of the ballast loading. The main points of the inspection include:
whether the flight is loaded with ballast and whether the loading position is
consistent with the loading plan, etc.. Door can be closed after verification. Report
the inspection status to the customer service desk and the load control desk 30
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minutes before the flight departure (the notification form can be email or WeChat
group, and the notification of the WeChat group needs @specific staff), and
provide the actual loading information of ballast to the crew. The customer service
desk must follow up and remind the on-site personnel to check the feedback。
(2) After the cargo charter flight arrives, our on-site personnel must conduct on-site
inspections on the unloading of the ballast to ensure that the ballast is handled in
strict accordance with the loading instructions.
(3) For flights operated by aircrafts with seats removed (B304K/B1022/B1020)
(including special flights such as flight change), our company’s station staff must
know the dry operating weight of the aircraft before and after the flight’s departure
and arrival. Perform on-site inspection of the loading of fixed ballast to ensure that
it is in place. The main points of the inspection include: whether the flight is loaded
with ballast, whether the ballast is posted with "random ballast not unloaded, ballast
weight, emergency contact number" logo. If the flight requires additional
temporary ballast, the inspection shall be carried out simultaneously in accordance
with the above requirements.
2) Ballast inspection requirements for other flights
(1) Before the flight departs, the station staff can monitor the ballast of the flight
according to the actual operation needs, and check the situation 30 minutes before
the flight departure (must include key information like ballast locations, etc.) and
report to the customer service desk and the load control desk (the form of
notification can be email or WeChat group, and the WeChat group report requires
@ Specific staff), and provide the crew with the actual ballast loading information.
The customer service desk needs to follow up the inspection feedback from the
station staff.
(2) After the flight arrives, station staff must monitor the ground service operation to
ensure that the ballast is handled in strict accordance with the loading instructions.
3) If any abnormal situation is found during the inspection, our company's station staff
must immediately organize the local agency (load control agent, loading and
unloading agent, etc.) to verify and solve it according to the STOP procedure. If the
problem still cannot be resolved, contact the HNA customer service desk and the
load control desk for assisting in the verification and resolution.
8.9.8 The crew's inspection requirements for ballas
After receiving the loadsheet, the crew must check the remarks of the manifest
LDM. If there is a ballast code BAL (see Figure 1 for a sample), the crew must
verify the ballast presence information with the ground service personnel. Ground
service personnel can use video, photos, etc. to provide the crew with ballast
loading information. Only when it is confirmed that the actual ballast loading is
consistent with the loadsheet data, the cabin can be closed; if they are inconsistent,
the crew must request the ground service personnel to check immediately and close
the cabin after the error is corrected.
8.9.9 Requirements for the handling of ballast by the engineer
When the engineer needs to unload the ballast, the local loading department must
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be notified as soon as possible (and the AOC customer service desk need to be
notified at the same time), and the loading department notify the local load control
staff. After the maintenance work is completed, report the ballast handling
information to the AOC load control desk and customer service desk.

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8.10 Documentation Filling Requirement
Documents related to loading and unloading operations, such as
baggage handover sheets, cargo and mail manifests, weighing
records, loading instruction reports, offloading reports etc., must
be kept in paper or electronic form for more than 3 months.

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8.11 Cabin Cleaning

8.11.1 General Requirement Purpose
To standardize aircraft cabin cleaning procedures, work standards and inspection
standards, ensure the quality of aircraft cabin cleaning, and provide passengers with
a clean, hygienic and comfortable cabin environment. Scope
The cabin cleaning before, after and turn around flight shall be entrusted to the
ground support unit of the airport by agreement. Reference Files
Cleanliness of Civil Aircraft, Civil Aviation of China (MH/T-3010.12 -- 2006). Basic Requirements for Cleaning Personnel
1) GSA should be equipped with sufficient personnel according to the type of flight,
the nature of the flight.
2) Should be trained with relevant knowledge and obtain the qualification for the
3) Can correctly use cleaning tools and relevant ground equipment. Should be
familiar with the use of cleaning agents, disinfectants performance, usage, scope
and method.
4) The relevant cleaning requirements and relevant safety knowledge in the
maintenance manual of this type of aircraft shall be mastered, as well as the use
method, functions and functions of service facilities in the cabin, as well as the
meanings of various warning marks and color marks. Requirements For Cleaning Agents
1) Detergent used on the aircraft shall be recommended by the aircraft manufacturer
or any of the following substitutes:
(1) The substitute has been approved or recognized by the Airworthiness certification
department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China;
(2) The manufacturing standards or specifications of the substitute detergent are
equivalent to those of the substitute detergent.
2) Should be equipped with a variety of detergent, species include but not limited to:
fungicide (toilet), disinfectant, general detergents, detergent, chewing gum cleaner,
glass cleaners, soap, citric acid, polishing cleaner, air fresheners, oven cleaners,
pesticides, carpet cleaner, be (leather seats), other cleaners, etc.
3) Detergent shall have product qualification certificate, operation manual and safety
data sheet.
4) The cleaner should be used according to the instructions. Cleaners over the expiry
date should not be used for aircraft cleaning. When using volatile, irritating and
toxic cleaning agents, cleaning personnel should take necessary protective

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5) The detergent should be used as specified in the work order or relevant technical
notice, and the diluted concentration must be lower than the standard specified in
the product instruction to prevent the detergent from corroding the aircraft.
6) Only clean water or detergent approved by relevant departments should be used to
scrub the cabin glass of the aircraft. Other detergent (acetone, gasoline, alcohol and
other solvents are prohibited) should not be used without authorization to prevent
the glass from corroding. Requirements on The Equipment and Use of Cleaning Appliances and
Cleaning Equipment
1) The cleaning tools and equipment should be correctly selected according to the
specific requirements of the cleaned parts to prevent scratch, damage on the cabin
wall and equipment.
2) The brush, toothbrush, cleaning cloth and other cleaning AIDS used must be soft,
clean and meet the requirements of anti-static.
3) The vacuum cleaner is equipped for after-flight cleaning to ensure the effective
cleaning of the remaining fine particles such as finishes, carpets, seats and various
side seams in the cabin.
4) Cleaning equipment must be kept in a state of clean appearance, good condition,
safe operation and reliable function. The electrical equipment used for cleaning the
cabin shall have explosion-proof function; when the cleaning equipment needs to
be supplied with external power supply, explosion-proof, leak-proof locking power
socket, plug and safety device should be used. General Requirements for Cabin Cleaning
1) When entering the cabin to work, the sole should be cleaned of oil and dirt;
appropriate anti-pollution measures should be taken according to the specific
conditions in the work.
2) It is not allowed to touch any facility or handle in the cabin; Do not step on the seat,
armrest, back and all kinds of table; Scrub the tray table should be held with one
hand at the bottom, to prevent too much pressure to break the table; It is not allowed
to use the cleaning facility in the cabin; Do not allow the use of hard scraping, hard
cutting, percussion methods for cleaning and descaling; It is not allowed to throw
waste onto the ground.
3) Cleaning and lubrication of disassembled parts in the cabin is not allowed, and it is
not allowed to put any parts or tools in the back of the seats or other surface of table.
4) When cleaning the meal boxes and other contaminated sundries in the cabin, be
careful not to put the used or unused meal boxes and other contaminated sundries
on the seats temporarily; All kinds of waste from cabin cleaning should be placed
in garbage bags and removed from the aircraft after completion of the work. It is
prohibited to put the waste into the onboard toilet and sink.
5) The floor of the cabin should be kept clean, dry, neat and free of debris and sundries.
6) The cabin glass shall be cleaned with a soft pure cotton cloth dipped in neutral
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soapy water or a special detergent. Organic solvents such as acetone, gasoline and
alcohol shall not be used for cleaning.
7) When cleaning the cabin kitchen, focus on oven surface stains to avoid stains and
oil stains.
8) All kinds of service appliances in the cabin that are in direct contact with
passengers' skin, such as seat belt buckle, table board, skin contact surface and floor
in the toilet area, shall be disinfected. The cleaning and disinfection of the surfaces
of such articles shall be carried out together with the after-flight cleaning of the
9) In case of pollution caused by leakage of cargo in the cabin, cleaning personnel
shall deal with and clean according to the nature of the pollution source and
relevant regulations. The pollution caused by special substances (such as mercury,
etc.) shall be reported to the technical and quality department of the maintenance
unit in time, and the maintenance unit shall give professional disposal. Rules for Safe Operation of Cabin Cleaning
1) When cleaning the cabin, the cleaning personnel shall not open the cabin door
without authorization, and shall not fiddle with all kinds of equipment, switches,
buttons, electric switches, handles and so on that have nothing to do with cleaning.
Should not trample seat, armrest, back of a chair and all sorts of mesa. Do not use
on board equipment as cleaning facility in the cabin. Do not allow the use of hard
scraping, hard cutting, and percussion methods for cleaning and descaling; it is not
allowed to throw waste onto the ground.
2) You must hang a guardrail belt when working near the service desk at the cabin
door. It is strictly prohibited to turn your back to the cabin door.
3) When handling the garbage on the aircraft, the location and distance of the garbage
truck should be clearly seen, and the mouth of the garbage bag should be tied to
ensure the accuracy and personal safety of the garbage bag throwing.
4) It is strictly prohibited to stand on the seat to clean the luggage rack and ceiling
when the plane is towing.
5) High heels are not allowed when performing cleaning work on the plane.
6) When cleaning the top of the cabin and the luggage rack, you must take off your
shoes to stand before work.
7) It is prohibited to bring prohibited items into the airport or carry items for others on
the plane.
8) The engine and propeller are not allowed to approach the aircraft until the complete
stop of rotation.
9) If using the vacuum cleaner, check whether the lead of the vacuum cleaner is in
good condition before use, in case of electric leakage, which may hurt people or
cause fire. The lamp car must be supervised by trained personnel.
10) When wiping the service door, or after using the service door power supply (if the
vacuum cleaner needs to use the service door power supply), cover the power
socket with the plug board to prevent air and ground water from entering and
causing short circuit, and prevent the plug board from losing.
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Ground Operation Manual 8 Rules for Disinfection In The Aircraft
1) Aircraft cabins shall be disinfected regularly. When the aircraft is cleaning the cabin
after stopover or voyage, the detergent used and the sanitary agent put into the toilet
shall contain disinfectant.
2) Use disinfection drugs that meet safety requirements and have been confirmed by
aviation doctors.
3) In case of infectious diseases or sudden serious pollution, thorough disinfection of
aircraft shall be carried out by the professional health and epidemic prevention
department of the airport.
4) After the transport of infectious patients, the epidemic area of infectious diseases
or the area of nuclear pollution after the departure or stopover, the cabin shall be
disinfected and sterilized, which shall be completed by the professional health and
epidemic prevention department of the airport.
8.11.2 Security of Aircraft Cleaning Selection and Training of Cleaning Workers
1) All cleaning staff work for the company must pass the relevant political
examination and be qualified before entering the site for work. At the same time,
the agent shall acknowledge the relevant regulations of air defense management in
the apron-controlled area;
2) The cleaning personnel who serve the company must undergo relevant business
training, and can carry out cleaning work on the aircraft of the company only after
passing the training; Security of Cleaning Tools and Supplies
The tools and supplies used for cleaning shall be kept and distributed by specialized
personnel to ensure that no outsiders touch them. Cleaning tools and supplies
should comply with local airport security requirements. Those that cannot pass
airport security should not be used on board. Clean the Working Parts and Ensure The Security of Inspection
1) Cleaning staff shall only clean the cabin, exterior and cargo compartment of the
aircraft and shall not enter the cockpit.
2) When cleaning the aircraft, the cleaning personnel must work under the
supervision of the security personnel or the company's aircraft maintenance
personnel, and shall not board the aircraft at will. If the aircraft has retention
problems or other precautions, the security personnel or the company's aircraft
maintenance personnel should explain to the cleaning personnel.
3) After the cleaning, the aircraft maintenance personnel shall carefully inspect the
aircraft, and any problems found shall be put on record, and any damage to the
aircraft shall be reported to the superior in time and put on record. Maintenance
personnel should be on the scene to identify the extent of damage, and the
identification results reported to the leadership.
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4) The cockpit and other important equipment and areas of the aircraft of the
company shall be cleaned by the maintenance crew of the company.
5) Cleaning personnel shall be subject to security check by security personnel when
boarding the plane.
6) In case of epidemic situation, the cabin cleaning and disinfection shall be entrusted
to the airport inspection and quarantine or a qualified third-party disinfection
company to carry out the disinfection and cleaning of the aircraft. The cleaning
personnel who fail to perform personal protection and have been trained shall not
handle the cleaning without permission. Disposal of Lost Items Found by Passengers
Please refer to chapter “concerning baggage transportation”. Disposal in Case of Suspicious Circumstances
1) Disposal of dangerous goods
(1) Timely report to the safety officer or on-site staff if any dangerous items (such as
lighters, knives, etc.) are found during cleaning or inspection of key parts; in the
absence of a safety officer or on site staff, report to the dispatch room.
(2) If dangerous goods are found in the cleaning work, they shall be handled according
to the dangerous goods Disposal method stipulated in the Dangerous Goods
Manual; For the suspected dangerous goods that cannot be identified, the cleaning
personnel should immediately report the information to the dispatching unit, and
contact relevant security units of the airport to deal with the situation on the spot.
2) Handling of lost items found
(1) Handover 1: The cleaning staff picks up the lost items of the passengers on the
plane and hands them over to the flight attendants, and both parties sign, and
cleaning agent keeps a copy handed over to the cleaning dispatching unit for
(2) Handover 2: After the cleaning personnel picks up the lost items of passengers on
the plane, in the absence of flight attendants, the cleaning personnel will bring the
items back to the dispatching unit. The dispatching personnel will fill in the
handover form of the lost items and check the handover or the handover table of
documents. The two parties will sign and hand over the lost items and keep a copy
to be handed over to the cleaning dispatching unit for preservation.
8.11.3 Pre-flight cabin cleaning
After the plane stops overnight, before the first flight of the day, cleaning personnel
will go on board for pre-flight cleaning, mainly to replenish a small part of onboard
supplies and check the remaining problems of post-flight cleaning. Pre-Flight Cleaning Preparation
1) Arrival requirements
(1) Pre-flight cabin cleaning shall be in place no later than 70 minutes before flight
schedule/eta (for important flights, 120 minutes in advance).
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(2) Check the aircraft register number, flight number, departure time and all flight plans
executed by the aircraft on that day.
(3) Prepare in-flight supplies for departing flights and in-flight connections and return
flights according to the equipment standards, and fill in the in-flight supplies
delivery form.
2) Check the main cabin, kitchen, and toilet area. Procedures for pre-flight cabin cleaning
1) The cleaning personnel shall take the cleaning team bus to approach the site in
2) The cleaning personnel shall enter the cabin only with the consent of the
maintenance personnel or the supervising personnel.
3) After entering the cabin, the cleaning team leader shall hold the pre-flight
inspection list to check the post-flight cleaning quality item by item, and arrange
cleaning personnel to clean according to the remaining problems and matters need
attention of the previous day's post-flight work.
4) Cleaning personnel shall carry out cleaning according to pre-flight cleaning
standards. After the cleaning, check the fitting, stacking and replenishment of
cleaning supplies and aircraft supplies, and the cleaning team leader timely inform
the crew members on duty.
5) Crew members shall check the cleaning quality according to the pre-flight cleaning
standards of HNA:
(1) If the inspection results are qualified, the chief steward will sign the "HNA Aircraft
Cabin Cleaning Acceptance Form" for confirmation (please refer to the detailed
form and content of the acceptance form in the attached table of this manual.).
(2) Under normal circumstances, if the inspection results are unqualified, cleaning
personnel are required to rework the unqualified parts on the spot. Until the rework
results meet the standard requirements, the chief steward can sign the "HNA
Aircraft Cabin Cleaning Acceptance Form".
(3) Due to the poor cleaning quality of the passenger cabin, repeated rectification is
still unqualified. In order to ensure the normal takeoff of the flight, according to the
requirements of the guarantee time at that time, the chief steward can sign on the
"HNA Aircraft Cabin Cleaning Acceptance Form" and fill in the word
(4) When the cleaning inspection is "unqualified", the chief crew will take photo of the
"HNA aircraft cabins clean acceptance certificate", inform the HNA station
agreement management department within 5 working days with the photos in the
form of an email, phone or daily log.
(5) The agreement management unit of THE Service Management Department of
HNA Holding Company shall communicate with suppliers and require
rectification according to the feedback of the chief steward; In the same month, the
supplier who has two or more times of unqualified cabin cleaning will be penalized
according to the provisions of the agreement.
6) The cabin cleaning team can only leave with the "HNA Aircraft Cabin Cleaning
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Acceptance Form" signed by the chief steward.
7) Completed the handover of pre-flight aircraft supplies check and cleaning quality
acceptance with the crew, followed the instructions of on-site commanders, and
assisted the crew to complete other cabin operations.
8) Pre-flight cleaning shall be carried out in accordance with HNA cabin cleaning
standards at no later than 70 minutes before ETD and shall be completed before
9) Departure boarding time: the boarding time should be no later than 40 minutes
before the ETD. Pre-Flight Cabin Cleaning Standard
Preflight cabin cleaning standards are detailed in the appendix of this manual
8.11.4 Turnaround Cabin Cleaning and Emergency Cleaning
Before the plane lands in a certain place and takes off again for another flight, the
cleaning personnel will go on the plane to do the station cleaning, mainly to
replenish some onboard supplies and clean the parts frequently used or touched by
passengers. Turnaround Cleaning Preparation
1) Arrival requirements
(1) According to the different turnaround time, it can be divided into:
(2) Quick turnaround: less than 60 minutes (inclusive);
(3) General turnaround: more than 60 minutes, less than 120 minutes;
(4) Long turnaround: more than 120 minutes (including).
(5) Generally, the cabin cleaning items of the turnaround are the same as those of
normal situation, but the cleaning process can be adjusted according to the length
of the turnaround. Time frame is as follows:
A. Aircraft with seats more than 200, such as A350/A330/B787, should be cleaned and
equipped in accordance with requirements within 25 minutes after passengers
B. B737 and other aircraft with less than 200 seats shall complete cabin cleaning and
equipment as required within 20 minutes after the passenger disembarks;
C. The cleaning time of quick turnaround can be adjusted flexibly, but there should be
no obvious debris and garbage in the cabin.
2) Check the cabin area, kitchen and toilets, and the team leader conducts the flight
hygiene quality inspection and acceptance work. Procedures for Cabin Cleaning During Turnaround
1) The cleaning personnel shall arrive at the airport 5 minutes before the plane lands
with necessary cleaning tools.
2) Cleaning personnel will line up beside the winding staircase of the corridor bridge
(passenger ladder car) and wait for passengers to complete disembarking before
entering the cabin for cleaning.
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3) Cleaning according to the cabin cleaning standards of HNA Transit station.
4) After the cleaning, the cleaning team shall inform the crew on duty for inspection.
5) Crew members shall check the cleaning quality according to the cabin cleaning
standards of HNA Transit station:
(1) If the hygiene inspection is qualified, the chief steward shall sign the "HNAAircraft
Cabin Cleaning Acceptance Form" for confirmation;
(2) In case of unqualified inspection, under normal circumstances, the cleaning
personnel are required to rework the unqualified parts on the spot until the chief
steward signs and receives the qualified signature;
(3) Due to the poor cleaning quality of the passenger cabin, repeated rectification is
still unqualified. In order to ensure the normal takeoff of the flight, according to the
requirements of the guarantee time at that time, the chief steward can sign on the
"HNA Aircraft Cabin Cleaning Acceptance Form" and fill in the word
(4) When the cleaning inspection is "unqualified", the chief crew will take photo of the
"HNA aircraft cabins clean acceptance certificate", inform the HNA station
agreement management department within 5 working days with the photos in the
form of an email, phone or daily log.
(5) The agreement management unit of THE Service Management Department of
HNA Holding Company shall communicate with the supplier and require
rectification according to the feedback of the chief steward; In the same month, the
supplier who has two or more times of unqualified cabin cleaning shall be
penalized according to the provisions of the agreement.
6) The cabin cleaning team can only leave with the "HNA Aircraft Cabin Cleaning
Acceptance Form" signed by the chief steward. Standards of Cabin Cleaning for Turnaround
Please refer to the appendix of this manual for detailed standards of cabin
cleanliness. Turnaround Emergency Cleaning
1) Emergency cleaning requirements
(1) Due to the delay in the arrival time of the aircraft, the turnaround time is shortened,
which shall be deemed as the emergency treatment.
(2) Reasonably allocate personnel, clear division of duties and cleaning responsibilities,
and ensure the cleaning quality of the cabin during emergency turnaround.
2) Emergency cleaning standards
(1) Under the condition that the specified cleaning time is not shortened, the cleaning
standard of the station shall be followed.
(2) Under the condition that the specified cleaning time must be reduced, the standard
will be no obvious sundries in the cabin and no garbage on the aircraft.
(3) Seat belts and back pockets placing should meet the basic standards.
(4) After cleaning the aircraft, the unit concerned should be notified immediately.

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8.11.5 Arrival Flight Cabin Cleaning
When the plane lands and prepares to execute the flight the next day, the cleaning
personnel should go on board for post-flight cleaning. All onboard supplies need
to be replenished and all parts of the plane should be cleaned. Post-flight Cleaning Preparation
1) Arrival requirements
(1) Arrive at work 20 minutes before the arrival of the aircraft, acknowledge the arrival
time and reschedule time of the flight, and prepare the onboard supplies for the next
morning's departure flight according to the "Onboard Supplies Standards";
(2) Carry the relevant onboard supplies and cleaning equipment at the yellow safety
line of the airport and waiting for completion of the passenger disembarkation (if
you have to walk to the airport, you should also follow the regulations), and then
get on the plane to work corporately.
2) Check the cabin area, the kitchen and toilets, and the team leader conducts the flight
hygiene quality inspection and acceptance work. Procedures for Post-flight Cabin Cleaning
1) After disembarkation, the cleaning team will arrange cleaning personnel to process
cabin cleaning.
2) The cleaning personnel shall enter the cabin only with the consent of the flight crew
or the security supervisor.
3) Cleaning according to HNA post-flight cabin cleaning standards.
4) After the cabin cleaning is completed, the shift leader of the cleaning team shall
inspect the cabin according to the after-flight cleaning standards. If unqualified
items are found, the cleaning staff shall rework the unqualified items on the spot
until they pass the acceptance inspection, and report the unqualified cases to the
supervisor on duty.
5) After all the in-flight cleaning is done, the cleaning team shall tidy up the supplies
and utensils they use and disembark.
6) The cleaning team leader shall make a record of the problems left over on the day
and the adjustment of the flight, and make handover with the cleaning team before
the next flight.
7) There is no requirement for cleaning time for post flight, but it must be strictly
implemented in accordance with the cleaning content and standards of HNA.
From the time the cleaning staff board the plane, the following time can be referred
to: ①B737 and other fleets with less than 200 seats 1 hour and 30 minutes; ②
A350/A330/B787 and other fleets with more than 200 seats 2 hours.
8) For APU management and control time requirements, when there is sufficient
personnel and sufficient cleaning time, all cleaning projects shall be completed
after the flight arrives to avoid delays in departure before the flight; if all cleaning
projects cannot be completed within the APU control time, some of the cleaning
job may be completed after the flight , The remaining unfinished part can be
adjusted to pre-flight service; when adjusting, staff arrangements should be
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combined with the actual on-site and the pre-flight personnel schedule of the next
day, so as not to cause the delay of the next day's departure flight. Please refer to
chapter 11 in the appendix of this manual. Post-flight Cabin Cleaning Standard
Post - flight cabin cleaning standards are detailed in the appendix of this manual.
8.11.6 Standards of Cabin cleaning Scope of Cleaning
Hygienic cleaning of the following areas in the cabin:


1 Kitchen Oven, water boiler, coffee machine, locker/storage drawer, trash can,
kitchen, non-slip layer, etc.

2 Lavatory Toilet and Washbasin components, trash cans, floors, wall panels, door
components, consumables replenishment, etc.

3 Seat Area Luggage racks, portholes, lockers/coating cabinets, partitions and

newspaper folders, carpets/floors, bar counters, boarding gates/service
doors, lockers, partitions, non-slip layers, small table boards, seat
armrests , PTV (small TV, cabin entertainment system), seat trim, seat
body structure, seat hoardings, flight attendant seats, consumables
replenishment, crew lounge (seat, bed, locker, floor/carpet , Door and
Stair components, etc.) etc.

4 Cabin door Frame of boarding door etc. Key cleaning areas

1) Class A cleaning areas
(1) Key business flight routes
(2) Post flights:
A. Lavatory area (sink tops, bench, sink decoration board, liquid soap holder, water tap,
mirror, baby diaper changing station).
B. Seat’s area (tea cup holder, plate, reading lamp, PTV surface and controller, legs).
C. Bar counter top.
D. Inner layer glass (including all cabin glass).
2) Class B cleaning areas
(1) Stain on lavatory closes tool and floor;
(2) Stain on air grid and air outlet;
(3) Stain on galley oven, coffee maker and hot cup connection areas;
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(4) Dirty mark and oil stain on carpet/floor and carpet connection areas;
(5) Maintenance of seat cover, stains and leather seats. Cleaning standards for different items
1) The cabin cleaning specifications of A330-300 models with BE Super Diamond
anti-fishbone seats are basically the same as other 330 models. It should be noted
that the location of business class service supplies and the location of related
facilities and equipment are different. The following table will explain separately.
2) The cabin cleaning specifications of the 737-8 model are the same as other 737
models. It should be noted that the economy class seat of this model is equipped
with an IPAD bracket and an integrated magazine rack, which will be explained
separately in the following table.
3) The cabin of the B787-9 model adopts the industry-leading BE Super Diamond
anti-fishbone business class seat, which has the characteristics of high privacy,
large rest space and storage space. The third batch of B787-9 has optimized the
details of the seats, including customized book lights and seat control panels, and
the first introduction of new Nomex fabrics that absorb noise and are easy to clean
into the inner wall of the seat shell to create a high-end comfort texture. And the
first use of leather headrests. The following table will explain separately.

Area Items Specific operation Reference picture

Kitchen oven Clean the oven door to ensure

that it is clean, no oil and

Clean the visible gap between

the oven and the mounting
bracket (do not remove the oven,
only clean the surface of the

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Clean the connection area
between the oven door and the
oven to ensure that it is clean and
free of grease and stains.

Clean the internal surface of the

oven to ensure that the visible
surface inside the oven is clean
and free of oil and stains.

Potable Water boiler Clean the outer surface of the

boiler to ensure it is clean, free of
dust and stains.

Clean the spout area to ensure it

is clean and free of scale and

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Coffee machine Clean the outer surface of the
coffee machine to ensure it is
clean and free of dust and stains.

Storage Clean the outer surface and

cabinet/storage hinges of the locker to ensure it is
drawer clean and free of dust and stains.

Clean the inner surface of the

locker to ensure it is clean and
free of debris and stains。

Clean the surface of the storage

drawer to ensure it is clean and
free of dust and stains.

Clean the inside of the storage

drawer to ensure it is clean and
free of debris and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Waste bin Clean the dustbin door, door
lock, and frame to ensure that it
is clean and free of dust and

Clean the surface and frame of

the garbage throwing door to
ensure it is clean and free of dust
and stains.

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Clean the trash bin to ensure that
the trash bin and the storage area
of the trash bin are clean and free
of debris, stains, and odors.

The kitchen waste bin in the

front cabin of the B787 model is
relatively close to the R1 door.
Cleaners should take the trash
bin carefully when replacing the
trash bin

Two trash bins in the rear cabin

kitchen of the B787 model are in Trash
a small cart. When replacing the bin
trash can, first pull out the small
cart and then replace it.

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Main kitchen area Clean the kitchen countertop
area to ensure it is clean and free
of dust and stains.

Clean the faucet and sink area to

ensure it is clean and free of dust,
scale and stains.

Clean the kitchen inner wall

panels and anti-collision strips to
ensure that they are clean and
free of dust and stains.

Clean the apron conponents of

the kitchen dining car and the
door of the cabinet to ensure that
the stop and its roots are clean
and free of oil and stains.

Anti-skid layer in the Clean the anti-skid layer of the

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Ground Operation Manual 8
kitchen area kitchen and the connecting
surface with the kitchen body to
ensure that it is clean and free of
oil and stains.

Clean the gap between the

kitchen anti-skid layer and the
kitchen body to ensure that it is
clean and free of grease.

Toilets Precautions for There are 3 toilets in the C cabin

cleaning the on-board of the B787 model, 2 of which
restroom are high-grade toilets, and one is
a standard toilet.

There are 5 toilets in the Y cabin

of the B787 model. Among
them, the two toilets in the
middle of the No. 3 door can be
adjusted to disabled toilets.

B787 model external opening

and locking toilet door way:

Open the door handle and push

the button forward until red is
locked; green is open.

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B787 model bathroom mirror button for bathroom mirror
cabinet opening method: the cabinet
button is located under the
bathroom mirror cabinet. After
pressing, the mirror door can be
opened to replace the paper box.

Items placed in the mirror Disposable Tissue

cabinet of B787 model mouthwash cup

Toilet components Clean the toilet enclosure to

ensure it is clean and free of dust,
stains, and dirt.

Clean the toilet cover, toilet seat,

toilet cover (both sides) and toilet
cover shaft to ensure that it is
clean and free of dust, stains, and

Clean the inner wall of the toilet

to ensure it is clean and free of
stains and dirt.

After cleaning the toilet in the

toilet, the cleaning staff no longer
puts new pads on the toilet to
avoid the pads being thrown into
the toilet and causing blockage.

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Replace the toilet pad paper of
the B787 model toilet, such as
the red arrow indicating the
button, press hard。

Wash basin Clean the sink and countertop to

components ensure that the sink and
countertop are clean and free of
dust and stains.

Clean the hand sanitizer holder

to ensure it is clean and free of
dust and stains.

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Clean the faucet and hand
sanitizer nozzle assembly to
ensure it is clean and free of dust
and stains.

Trash bin Clean the dustbin door to ensure

it is clean and free of dust and

Clean the trash bin and the

storage area of the trash bin to
ensure that it is clean and free of
debris, stains, and odors.

Clean the trash throwing door

and frame to ensure it is clean
and free of dust and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Cabin floor Clean the bathroom floor and
threshold to ensure that it is clean
and free of dust, stains, and

Clean the corner area of the

bathroom floor to ensure it is
clean and free of stains and dirt.

Lavatory siding Clean the side walls of the

washroom to ensure that it is
clean and free of dust and stains.

Clean the handrails on the wall

panels to ensure that they are
clean and free of dust and stains.

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Clean the mirror surface to
ensure it is clean and free of
stains and water stains.

Clean the baby organizer to

ensure it is clean and free of dust
and stains.

Toilet door assembly Clean the bathroom door surface

to ensure it is clean and free of
dust and stains.

Clean door handles, ashtrays,

and locks to ensure that they are
clean and free of dust and stains.

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Clean the ventilation grille to
ensure it is clean and free of dust
and stains.

Cabin Bu Brand Clean the board to ensure it is

sin billboard clean and free of dust and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Tray table Clean the tray table to ensure it is
clean and free of dust and stains.

Clean the tray table board brackets

and grooves to ensure that they are
clean and free of dust and stains.

Clean the storage area of the tray

table to ensure that it is clean and
free of debris, debris and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Seat armrest Clean the surface of the handrail
to ensure it is clean and free of
dust and stains.

Clean the passenger control

components on the handrail, the
installation slot, and the earphone
storage slot (if any) to ensure that
it is clean and free of dust and

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Clean the gaps between the
mounting parts on the handrail to
ensure that it is clean and free of
dirt and stains.

Clean the inner surface and corner

area of the seat armrest cover
(openable) to ensure it is clean and
free of dirt and stains.

PTV (TV, cabin Clean the outer shell of PTV (TV,

entertainment cabin entertainment system) to
system) ensure that it is clean and free of
dust and stains.

Clean the bracket of PTV (TV,

cabin entertainment system) to
ensure that the bracket and the gap
are clean and free of dust and

If there are obvious stains and oil

stains on the screen of the wide-
body entertainment system, use a
clean damp cloth to wipe gently
when passing the station and after
the flight to ensure that the screen
is clean and free of dust and stains.

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Clean the storage area of PTV
(TV, cabin entertainment system)
to ensure that it is clean and free of
debris, debris and stains。

B787 C cabin display: C1/C2

cabin only the first and fourth row
(12 seats) TV screens are stored
inside the armrests, and the
remaining 24 seats entertainment
system is located behind the front
seat back.

How to remove the display screen

in the armrest of C cabin of B787

Press the second button on the

inside of the armrest, the TV
screen will pop up, pull the
protruding handle on the screen to
pull out the screen and use it.

Seat decoration Clean the seat trim and bumper

strips to ensure that they are clean
and free of dust and stains.

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Clean the seat reading light to

ensure it is clean and free of dust
and stains.

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Clean the middle baffle of the seat
to ensure it is clean and free of
dust and stains.

Seat structure Clean the seat pedals and brackets

to ensure that they are clean and
free of dust and stains.

Clean the seat leg structure to

ensure it is clean and free of
debris, debris, and stains.

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Seat panel Clean the inner surface of the seat
panel to ensure it is clean and free
of dust and stains.

B787-9 uses the new Nomex

fabric as the inner surround
(black part). When cleaning
Nomex fabric, please follow the
following suggestions:

1. General Maintenance

General maintenance should be

carried out regularly to avoid
accumulation of dirt. Regular
light brush cleaning can remove
dust and dry contaminants. The
brush should be strong but not
too hard. (To help maintain the
appearance of the fabric,
vacuum clean Nomex fabrics

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Ground Operation Manual 8
according to the cleaning

2. On-site cleaning

On-site cleaning should be

performed in the same way as
passenger seats.

For the B787-9 model, when

cleaning the leather headrest,
please follow the cabin cleaning
and maintenance standards
and the leather cleaning
standards in the process.

Clean the outer surface of the

seat board and the newspaper
bag to ensure that it is clean and
free of debris, debris and stains.

Clean the inner and outer

surfaces of the shoe cabinet to
ensure that it is clean and free of
dust and stains.

Clean the space between the

seat back and the hoard to
ensure that it is clean and free of
debris, debris, and stains.

Clean the gap between the seat

panel and the rear partition to
ensure it is clean and free of
debris, debris, and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Preca Items Slippers: The first and fourth
utions placed rows of slippers are placed
for in C horizontally in the storage
cabin cabin compartment under the foot
cleani before pedal, and placed to the right
ng of flight according to the LOGO.

Slippers for the rest of the

seats are placed in a small
storage compartment on the
side under the foot pedals,
and the front of the LOGO
must face the direction of the

Slippers for the rest of the

seats are placed in a small
storage compartment on the
side under the foot pedals,
and the front of the LOGO
must face the direction of the

Mineral water can be inserted

into the seat inside.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Headse The first and fourth rows of
t headsets are placed above the
placem front footrest, with the
ent LOGO facing the direction
locatio of the passenger.

The remaining seat

earphones are placed on the
top of the seat armrest.

Headphone jack

Headphone jack position in

cabin C.

How Open the table board storage

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Ground Operation Manual 8
to device, pull out the table
remov board and lay it flat.
e the
table The table can only slide
board inwards (in the direction of
of C passengers), not upwards.
Due to the design of the table
board, it is not easy to handle,
and the material of the table
board is relatively heavy.

Storag C-cabin L-channel lockers

e (storage cabinets opposite to
locatio the video system) can hold 9
n of silk quilts.

In the C1 cabin R channel

storage cabinet (R1 door
area), 9 silk quilts can be store 9 quilts from bottom to top
placed. The silk quilts can be
placed from the bottom to the
top, and a space for
passengers’ clothes needs to
be reserved above.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
The silk quilts of the C2
cabin can be uniformly 18 silk quilts in storage
placed in the lockers in the compartment
L2 door area, and 18 pieces
can be placed;

A330- Busine It should be noted that the

300 ss placement and related
model Class facilities and equipment are
with Servic different
BE e
Super Suppli
Diamo es
ne seat

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Ground Operation Manual 8

Eco Brand billboard Clean the board to ensure it is

no clean and free of dust and
my stains.
Tray table Clean the tray table to ensure
it is clean and free of dust and

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the tray table support
to ensure it is clean and free
of dust and stains.

Clean the storage area of the

tray table to ensure that it is
clean and free of debris,
debris and stains.

Seat armrest Clean the surface of the

handrail to ensure it is clean
and free of dust and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the gaps between the
mounting parts on the
handrail to ensure that it is
clean and free of dirt and

Clean the passenger control

components and installation
slots on the handrails to
ensure that they are clean and
free of dust and stains.

PTV (TV, cabin Clean the PTV (TV, cabin

entertainment entertainment system) shell
system) and bracket to ensure that it is
clean and free of dust and

Clean the PTV (TV, cabin

entertainment system)
controller and mounting base
to ensure that it is clean and
free of dust and stains.

If there are obvious stains and

oil stains on the screen of the
wide-body entertainment
system, use a clean damp
cloth to wipe gently to ensure
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Ground Operation Manual 8
that the screen is clean and
free of dust and stains.

Clean the storage area of

PTV (TV, cabin
entertainment system) to
ensure that it is clean and free
of debris, debris, and stains.

The first row and the 16th

row of the Y cabin of the
B787 model. The display is
stored under the armrest.
Press the button down and
the screen pops up
automatically. Take it out and
use it.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Seat decoration Clean the seat trim and
bumper strips to ensure that
they are clean and free of
dust and stains.

Structure of Clean the leg area of the seat

Seat frame and the luggage lever to
ensure that it is clean and free
of debris, debris, and stains.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the seat mounting area
of the seat to absorb debris to
ensure that it is clean and free
of debris.

Inserting items There is no need to put

in the back of headphones, magazines,
Economy Class cleaning bags and other items
seats in the pocket behind the
48A/K seat of the B787

The magazine frame and

safety instructions of the
B737-8 model must be
placed upright and face up. If
the number of magazines
does not exceed 3, they are
all inserted in the magazine
frame, and the safety
instructions are inserted on
the outermost side. If the
number of magazines in the
seat exceeds 3, sales
magazines such as "Duty
Free on Board" in the excess
will be inserted in the seat
pocket under the magazine
frame. The insertion
requirements are the same as
above. The cleaning bag is
inserted on the outermost
side of the seat pocket below.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Flight attendant Clean the seat surface of the
seat flight attendant to ensure that
the surface of the seat and the
area of the anti-collision strip
are clean and free of dust and

Ser Seat Pocket 1. seat pocket items placed in

vice (Standard for order (from outside to
sup Placement inside): safety instructions —
plie Order and — cleaning bags —— cloud,
s Form of other magazines
plac International
eme Flight Cleaning 2. cleaning bags need to face
nt Pocket) up, and the chinese and
are english font parts need to be
a unobstructed, the specific
placement of physical
drawings detailed in the

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Cab Baggage rack Clean the external surface
in and handle area of the
inte baggage case. Make sure
rior they are clean and free of
dust and dirty marks.

Clean the internal surface of

the baggage case. Make sure
it is clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

Clean the surface of the

passenger service unit PSU
including lamps and air
vents. Make sure it is clean
and free of dust and dirty

Side wallboard Clean the lateral wallboards.

Make sure it is clean and free
of dust and dirty marks.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the gaps between side
wallboards. Make sure they
are clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

Cabin window Clean the surface of inner

layer glass inside the cabin
window. Make sure it is
clean and free of dust dirty
marks and water spot.

Clean the surface of the

window shade of the cabin
window. Make sure it is
clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the window shade
orbit gap of the cabin
window. Make sure it is
clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

Be careful not to touch the

porthole button B787 the
porthole cabin is cleaned.
Don’t touch this button

Cabinet/locker Clean the external surface of

the cabinet/locker. Make sure
it is clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

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Clean the internal surface of
the cabinet/locker. Make sure
it is clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

B787 model, economy class

blanket can be placed in L3
door area lockers; economy Storage space for
class headphones can be blankets
placed in R3 door area

Partition board Clean the partition board and

and newspaper strake. Make sure they are
bag clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

Clean the newspaper bag

installed on the partition
board. Make sure it is clean
and free of sundries and

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean wall paintings. Make
sure it is clean and free of
dust and dirty marks if any.

Carpet/floor Clean the sundries on the

carpet/floor. Make sure they
are clean tidy and level.

Clean the fluorescent strips of

exit. Make sure they are
clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the depression bar of
carpet. Make sure it is clean
and free of dirty marks.

1. during the post-flight

cleaning task, the cleaning
team cleans the stains on the
surface of the fluorescent

2. in carrying out pre-flight

and over-station cleaning
tasks, the cleaning team shall
assist if any steward
temporarily proposes
cleaning requirements for the
surface of the fluorescent

3. such as fluorescent strip

surface stains can not be
cleaned, the cleaning team
does not need to deal with,
further treatment by
subsequent deep cleaning.

Bar counter Clean the bar counter top and

external surface. Make sure
they are clean and free of
dust and dirty marks.

Clean the newspaper bag on

the bar counters. Make sure
the surface is clean and free
of sundries and fragments.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the internal surface of
bar counter. Make sure the
surface is clean and free of
dust and dirty marks.

Cre Seat Clean the surface of seats and

w armrests. Make sure they are
rest clean and free of dust and
roo dirty marks.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Bed Clean the bed side. Make
sure it is clean and free of
dust and dirty marks.

Cabinet Clean the external surface of

the cabinet. Make sure it is
clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

Clean the inside of the

cabinet. Make sure it is clean
and free of sundries and dirty

Floor/carpet Clean the sundries on the

floor. Make sure the carpet is
clean tidy and level.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Door unit Clean the internal and
external surfaces of the door
unit. Make sure they are
clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

Stairway unit Clean the surfaces of stairs

and handrail unit. Make sure
they are clean and free of
dust and dirty marks.

Area Departure gate/service Clean the liner of departure

near door gate/service door. Make it is
servi clean and free of dust and
ce dirty marks.
Clean the service of the
enclosure of the slide cover
assembly. Make sure the
enclosure and anti-collision
bar are clean and free of dust
and dirty marks.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the liner and handle of
departure gate/service door.
Make sure they are clean and
free of dust and dirty marks
only clean the plastic
decoration board instead of
metal instruments.

Clean the door frame surface

visible part only clean the
plastic decoration board
instead of metal instruments

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Clean the threshold area.
Make sure the threshold and
bleed hole are clean and free
of dust and dirty marks

Cabinet and partition Clean the external surfaces of

board of departure cabinet in the departure
gate/service door area gate/service door area. Make
sure they are clean and free
of dust and dirty marks.

Clean the inside of the

cabinet. Make sure it is clean
and free of sundries and dirty

Clean the partition boards of

the departure gate/service
door area. Make sure they are
clean and free of dust and
dirty marks.

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Ground Operation Manual 8
Floor of departure Clean the floor anti-slide
gate/service door anti- layer of departure
slide layer gate/service door area. Make
sure it is clean and free of
dust and dirty marks.

Clean the edges and corners

of the floor such as
connecting area between
floor and lavatory connecting
area of floor and door frame
Make sure they are clean and
free of dust and dirty marks.


1.Cleaning staffs are forbidden to open and close the cabin door. While cleaning the liner and slide cover assembly
enclosure of departure gate/service door it is forbidden to touch the slide cover assembly arming handle otherwise it
may cause unexpected release of slide and cause human injury and damage to equipment.

2.When cleaning the departure gate/service door areas orient the outside of the aircraft so as to prevent from falling off
the aircraft and cause personal injury. Check standards
1) The cleaning unit shall arrange inspectors to touch and spot-check the visible areas
of the cabin that have been cleaned according to the standards of cabin cleaning
before and after flight (white towel, paper towel, etc.), and wipe all parts. The white
gloves without ash stains, water stains, stains, oil stains, and color difference shall
be the standards of cleaning acceptance.
2) White-glove spot check shall be carried out in business class and economy class
respectively. Spot check shall be carried out in at least 3 places, such as seat armrest,
tray table, outside of the luggage rack, and bathroom mirror. Economy class shall
include front, middle and rear cabins; If the inspector finds stains on the white
gloves during the spot-checking, he shall immediately notify the cleaning
personnel to conduct secondary cleaning on the relevant areas until no stains are

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Ground Operation Manual 8
found. After the inspector completes the spot check of white glove cabin cleaning,
the inspector shall fill in the white glove cabin cleaning acceptance work sheet, and
the work sheet shall be arranged by each cleaning unit.

Acceptance Form for White Gloves of Cabin Clean


Aircraft registration
Cleanning type

Please mark "√" in the acceptance area (at least 3 locations in the following two areas for each
sampling inspection)

Acceptance location of business class area

1. The armrest □

2. The tray table □

3. Readling light □

4. Porthole glass surface □

5. Porthole screen surface □

6. PTV surface □

7. Outside of luggage rack □

8. Bathroom sink panel □

9. Bathroom mirror surface □

10. Counter top □

11. Other regions (each region shall add corresponding inspection items according to the actual situation) :

Economy class area acceptance location

1. The armrest □

2. The tray table □

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Ground Operation Manual 8
3. Readling light □

4. Porthole glass surface □

5. Porthole screen surface □

6. PTV surface □

7. Outside of luggage rack □

8. Bathroom sink panel □

9. Bathroom mirror surface □

10. Counter top □

11. Other regions (each region shall add corresponding inspection items according to the actual situation) :


Signature of
the acceptor
3) General inspection points and project standards for cabin cleaning

Pre-flight cabin cleaning check list

No. Cleaning items Check standards Remarks

1) Seat cover, headrest cover and

pillow are clean, stainless, no
folds and color difference.
Cleaned leather shall be painted
Seats cover; seats gaps; seat leather protector.
armrest surface; lateral, front/rare guard
2) Protective bars, tea cup holder,
1 plates and decoration boards; internal
controller, internal and external
and external decoration boards; tea cup decoration boards are stainless,
holder; and controllers. out of handwriting, and no
sundries and fragments in gap.

3) Seat belts are buckled and placed

evenly on seats.

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PTV, tray surface, bars and gaps are stainless
PTV, tray surface, bars, gaps,
and no color difference on white tower; storing
2 storing grooves, holder, guide grooves,
grooves, bars and connection parts are clean and
corners and connection parts.
stainless, and out of sundries and fragments.

1) Internal and external of newspaper bags

are stainless, out of handwriting and folding marks.

2) Newspaper bag shall be placed from

Internal and external of newspaper
3 outside to inside queue: safety instruction, disposal
bags bag, exit notice (emergency area), video
instruction card, PTV controller instruction, PTV
program card (for A/C type equipped with
PTV),and magazine.

Internal and external surface of

Internal of baggage case is out of fragments,
baggage case, handler of baggage case,
and be stainless; external surface, side wall and
4 side wall PSU (including lamp, air
gaps are clean and stainless and out color
outlet), side wall gap, air grid and air
difference; air grid/ air outlet is clean and stainless.

Inside layer glass and gap and window shade

Inside layer glass and gap, window are clean, out of folding mark and free of dust
shade, window frame, track gap. marks; window frame and track gap are clean and
free of dust marks.

The internal of the cabinet/lockers clean, out

of fragment sand sundries; cloth hanger placed
6 Cabinet and locker regularly, and out of damage; product placed in
queue, internal and external surface are clean and
free of dust and dirty marks.

Panel board, newspaper bag installed on the

partition board, partition board bar sand gaps, and
Panel board, newspaper bag
wall paintings are clean and free of dust marks.
7 installed on partition board, partition
Newspaper bags are out of sundries and
board gap, wall paintings
fragments, free of dust marks, and magazines and
newspaper are placed regularly.

Fluorescent strip of exit and carpet depression

Carpet/ floor, Fluorescent strip of bar are clean and free of dust and dirty marks.
exit, Carpet depression bar Carpet and floor are clean and free of dust
and dirty marks., out of sundries and fragments.

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Bar counter top is clean and free of water stain,
dust and dirty marks.
Bar counter top and surface,
9 Bar counter surface and newspaper bag are clean
newspaper bag, inside of bar counter
and free of water stain, oil stain, dust and dirty

Door frame, threshold, liner and water outlet

are clean and free of stain.
Departure gate/service door liner,
window, slide cover assembly Door handle and window are free of dust and
enclosure surface, door handle, door color difference.
frame(decoration board), threshold,
cabinet of service door area, partition Threshold, floor, connection area are clean
10 and free of stain.
board, roof board, floor (anti-slide
layer), edges and corners (connection
Internal and external surface of cabinet,
area between floor and lavatory,
partition board, roof board, and Slide cover
connection area between floor and door
assembly enclosure surface are clean and free of
oil stain and dust. No sundries and fragments in
cabinet. Products are well placed.

Hot cup, coffee maker surface, inside and

Hot cup, coffee maker surface, outside of oven door are clean and free of dust, oil
oven door, connection area of oven stain and dirty marks.,
door and oven, gap between oven and
mounting rack, inside of oven Gap between oven and mounting rack is
clean and free of oil stain and fragments.

Inside and outside of waste bin, door frame, door

lock, and its storage area are clean and free of
sundries and fragments, dirty marks and dust.
Waste bin door, door lock, door
Inside bottom and its storage area floor are clean
12 frame, inside bottom, waste throwing
and free of peculiar smell, dirty marks and
door, waste bin storage area
water stain.

New waste bag shall be installed after waste is


Wallboard, work bench top, water tap, anti-

Wallboard, work bench top, water tap,
collision bar, trolley backstop, cabinet backstop,
anti-collision bar, trolley backstop,
13 floor (anti-slide layer), connections and gaps are
cabinet backstop, floor (anti-slide
clean and free of oil stain, water stain and dirty
layer), connections and gaps

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Closestool inside wallboard is free of stain,
color difference and smell.
Close stool inside wallboard, enclosure,
14 cover, bottom, coaming and cover Close stool enclosure, cover, bottom,
spindle coaming and cover spindle are clean and
free of dirty marks , oil stain, water stain
and color difference.

Basin top, water tap units, nozzle grid,

mirror, baby diaper changing station,
Clean and free of sundries and fragments,
floor, threshold, floor edges and
15 water stain, oil stain, color difference, dirty marks
corners, inside wallboard, handrail,
and smell.
door unit surface, door handle and
latch, ash tray, air grid.

Add lavatory reel paper, box tissue, close

Cleaning products: close stool stool cover paper, and liquid soap. Outside part of
cover paper, reel paper, box tissue reel paper and box tissue are folded in triangle
shape. Spray air fresher after cleaning,

Footstep floor, depression bar and gaps are clean

17 Footstep and staircase handrail
and free of sundries, stain and dirty marks.
8.11.7 Cabin cleaning process articles and tools of Hainan Airlines Cabin cleaning process
1) Cleaning the surfaces with dusty such as wallboard and surface of overhead locker.
(1) Use a wet towel spotted with clean water to wipe the surface. Clean the towel for
several times during the process of wiping so as to completely remove dust.
(2) Wipe the cleaned surface with a dry towel. Make sure it is clean and free of water
2) Cleaning the surfaces with dirty marks and oil stain such as oven tray table and
galley floor
(1) 30 Spray cabin cleaner or degreaser let cleaner or degreaser immersed 30s first use
a towel or brush to wipe the surface repeatedly until the surface is free of dirty
marks and oil stain.
(2) Use a wet towel spotted with clean water to wipe the cleaned surface so as to
remove cleaner or degreaser.
(3) Wipe the cleaned surface with a dry towel. Make sure it is clean and free of water
(4) For closet stool coaming enclosure and floor anti-slide layer
A. 30 Spray lavatory cleaner let the cleaner immersed 30s first use a hard brush tooth
brush or towel to wipe repeatedly until the area is free of dirt and peculiar smell.
B. Use a wet towel spotted with clean water to wipe the cleaned surface so as to remove
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cleaner. Finally wipe with a dry towel. Make sure they are clean and free of water
(5) For closet stool inner wall
A. 30 Spray lavatory cleaner let the cleaner immersed 30s first use a hard brush tooth
brush or towel to wipe repeatedly until the area is free of dirty marks.
B. Wipe with a towel spotted with sterilizing fluid.
C. Wipe with a wet towel spotted with clean water. Make sure the area is clean and free
of peculiar smell.
3) Cleaning cabin floor such as cabin carpet floor of galley/lavatory/departure gate
Use a dust collector and an applicable adapter to remove the fragments on the floor.
4) Cleaning leather products
Clean the leather surface with a towel spotted with special cleaner by means of
circling don’t spray cleaner onto the surface of leather products or wipe with towel
only along one direction which would cause damage to the leather surface.
5) Cleaning the surfaces of mirror and cabin window inner layer glass
(1) Spray special glass cleaner on the surface of mirror inner layer glass let the cleaner
immersed 30s first.
(2) Wipe glass surface with suede cloth so as to remove dirty marks and dust. Make
sure glass surface is clean and free of water spots.
6) Cleaning the areas for storing a tray table/PTV in the seat armrest
(1) Use a dust collector and an applicable adapter to remove the sundries in the storage
(2) Use a tool such as long-handle brush and a wet towel spotted with cleaner to clean
the above areas.
(3) Wipe the cleaned surface with a clean wet towel. Make sure these areas are clean
and free of water spots.
7) Rough surfaces including gap and groove such as mounting groove of PCU and
connecting parts between strake and body
Use tools such as brush tooth brush and Bakelite piece and a towel to clean the
above areas. Make sure they are clean and free of foul and dirty marks.
8) Considerations
(1) Comply with the requirements concerning safety protection fire prevention and
ventilation as well as safety operation procedures of equipment and facilities so as
to avoid causing human injury and damage to equipment.
(2) Prevent cleaner from contacting your eyes mouth or skin. Wear gloves and
breathing mask. The working area shall have good ventilation conditions. Cleaner
shall be far away from sparks flame and heat sources otherwise human injury or
damage to equipment may be caused.
(3) When operating electrical appliances including dust collector operate strictly in
accordance with equipment operating instructions. General cleaning procedures
1) Cleaning opaque plastic and coating surfaces such as door frame armchair tray
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table decoration parts and other plastic decoration parts
(1) Implement the following steps when cleaning small areas
A. Carefully wipe surface contamination with wiping cloth don’t wipe or press the
contamination into the connection of surface layer.
B. Apply cleaner mixer on the surface of the dirty area using sprayer or sponge.
C. Carefully wipe the area with wiping cloth for the area with texture brush the
contamination on the sunken area.
D. Wipe off cleaner using the sponge spotted with water.
E. Wipe the area back and forth with clean dry wiping cloth until the area become dry.
If dirty marks fail to be cleared implement the following steps:
Wipe the contaminated surface with wiping cloth spotted with solvent or CA
Clean the solution of the clean area by repeating Steps ① to ④.
(2) Implement the following steps when cleaning the whole area
A. Apply cleaner mixer on the surface of the contaminated area using sprayer or sponge.
B. Let cleaner immersed on the surface for half to two minutes.
C. Wipe the surface with wet wiping cloth.
D. Wipe off cleaner with the wiping cloth immersed with clean water.
E. Dry the area with dry wiping cloth.
2) Cleaning the insulating surfaces of TEDLAR such as external surface and partition
board of galley external surface of locker external surface of lavatory side
wallboard baggage case and PSU surface
(1) Apply cleanser using soft brush to the surface of TEDLAR let cleanser immersed
for 30s first. Use a brush to wipe the surface in different directions.
(2) Wipe off cleaner with the sponge spotted with clean water.
(3) Dry the area with dry and clean wiping cloth.
3) Cleaning translucent and transparent plastic surfaces excluding window
(1) Carefully wipe the surface with the solvent spotted with solvent let solvent
immersed for 30s first.
(2) Wipe solvent with the wiping cloth spotted with water.
(3) Wipe off contaminations with the wiping cloth spotted with wiping cloth so as to
eliminate static electricity.
(4) Caution
A. Don’t wipe the plastic surface with dry wiping cloth which would easily cause
scratching and static energy.
B. Don’t let the solution enter your mouth eyes and skin. Wear goggles and mask in
operation. Don’t breath solvent vapor as it is a kind of inflammable and poisonous
4) Cleaning the inner layer glass of cabin window
(1) Clean the inner surface of glass with wet soapy water.
(2) Flush window glass with clean water.
(3) Dry window glass with suede cloth.
(4) Caution Don’t clean the plastic surface with dry wiping cloth as it may easily cause
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scratching and static electricity. Static electricity could absorb dust.
5) Cleaning glass mirror
(1) Remove dry paint and other inedible residuals with a nonmetal scraper.
(2) Clean the glass mirror face with glass cleaner.
6) Cleaning bare metal surface such as armrest mounting rail on the plug-in surface
of galley part of countertop
(1) Implement the following steps when cleaning the small area of aluminum surface
A. Wipe off surface contamination with wiping cloth.
B. Apply cleaner to the contaminated area using sprayer or sponge let cleaner immersed
for 30s first.
C. Carefully wipe the area with clean wiping cloth so as to remove contamination.
D. Wipe off cleanser with sponge spotted with water.
E. Wipe the area back and forth with clean dry wiping cloth until the area become dry.
If there is still contamination implement the following steps
F. Wipe the contaminated surface with wiping cloth spotted with solvent or CA
G. When the area looks completely clean, then clean solvent with cleanser by
implementing the above steps
(2) Implement the following steps when cleaning aluminum surface according to
normal procedures
A. Apply cleaner mixer on the surface of the dirty area using sprayer or sponge.
B. Let cleaner stay 1 to 2 minutes on the surface.
C. Clean the surface with the dry wiping cloth spotted with clean water.
D. Dry the area with dry wiping cloth.
(3) Implement the following steps when cleaning stainless steel surface
A. Clean opaque plastic and coating surface by implementing Step 1
B. Apply polishing agent to the small area with wiping cloth.
C. Wipe the area until the polishing agent turns black.
D. Clean the surface with dry and clean wiping cloth until its brightness is continuous.
E. Remove the residual polishing agent with cleaner.
(4) Caution
A. Only use clean water to clean the front panel of the oven as it may cause damage to
the decorative sheet. Don’t apply polishing agent to the aluminum decoration surface
as it may cause damage to the surface.
B. Don’t let the solution enter your mouth eyes and skin. Wear goggles and mask in
operation. Don’t breathe solvent vapor as it is a kind of inflammable and poisonous
7) Cleaning lacquered plastic or rubber floor coverings such as floor coverings and
floor depression bar of departure gate or galley area
(1) Clean the contamination absorbed on the surface using a vacuum dust collector.
(2) Apply cleaner mixer on floor coverings let cleaner immersed for 30s first.
(3) Wipe the surface with a brush of medium hardness depending on actual conditions.
(4) Wipe the surface with the wet wiping cloth spotted with clean water.
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(5) Remove loose contamination with wiping cloth.
(6) Repeat the above steps until the surface has become completely clean.
8) Considerations
(1) Opaque plastic and lacquered surfaces
A. Don’t rub dry plastic surface of pure color as particles may enter the surface of
material and it would be difficult to clean.
B. Don’t move too much cleanser.
C. Avoid polluting the area adjacent to the cleaned area.
D. Prevent alcohol from contacting plastic parts as they may damage plastic parts.
E. The alcohol with 30% concentration can effectively remove nicotine.
(2) Translucent and transparent plastic surfaces
A. Don’t wipe the plastic surface with dry towel otherwise scratching and static
electricity would be caused.
B. Prevent alcohol from contacting plastic parts as they may damage plastic parts.
(3) Fabric surface
A. Pay attention to intensity when removing the contamination on the fabrics with
palette knife and prevent from damage to fabrics.
B. Wipe carefully along the same direction so as to avoid influencing the appearance of
C. Use a soft towel to remove the residual moisture.
D. Fabrics are subject to fire retardant treatment. Comply with the operating instructions
of the manufacture for cleaning. Avoid the decrease of the retardancy of fabrics.
(4) Leather surface
Don’t use too much Freon, prevent from pollution to the adjacent areas. Too much
Freon would cause damage to the parts.
(5) Bare metal surface
A. Clean metal surface with clean water or sterilizing fluid ammonia spirit. Cleaner
would cause surface oxidization.
B. Don’t polish the surface of aluminum parts as it would cause damage to the parts.
C. Clean stainless steel materials by following the procedures of cleaning opaque plastic
and coating surfaces.
9) The cleaning teams of all bases and branches of HNA Holdings should promptly
notify the on-site maintenance personnel of the items that need to be replaced after
completing cleaning.

Item Standard for replacement

1 There are obvious color difference among carpets and between carpets the cabin
2 There are obvious indelible drink marks oil stain or other dirty marks on the carpet
3 There is obvious chunk-out or off-line of the surface of the carpet
4 The carpet surface gets worn and the carpet velvet has become obviously worn.
5 There is pilling or off-line on the edge of the carpet
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The color of seat covers s is not identical with that of the seat covers of the aircraft
with obvious difference in color
2 Seat covers have become obviously worn with color loss or chunk-out
Seat 3 There are obvious drink spots or other obvious dirty marks on the seat cover
cover 4 The adhesive belt of the seat cover has fallen off or aged
5 Crack or offline occurs to the seat bag
6 The seat cover is improper and the seat cushion obviously exposes. Cabin cleaning tools

No. Item Picture Purpose

For cleaning cabin waste and waste truck after

1 Broom
flight and during the transit

For cleaning galley floor lavatory floor cabin

2 Mop
seat depression bar and waste truck

3 Dustpan For cleaning waste in the cabin and waste truck

For holding water cleaner and mixed liquids

4 Plastic bucket washing wiping cloth mop and other cleaning
tools and cleaning landing stairs after flight

5 Spray can In-flight disinfection with universal cleaner

Soft brush seat For cleaning the dust and dirty marks on cloth
brush and seat cover etc.

Plastic brush with For cleaning the dirty marks on the seat support
handle onboard help desk and ground

8 Closet bowl brush For cleaning dirty marks in the small areas or pits

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For brushing the dirty marks in the galley and on
9 Toothbrush
the lavatory ground

Wooden floor For brushing the dirty marks in the galley and on
brush the lavatory ground

11 Sundry clamp For cleaning the waste in the gaps

Such long clamp is needed when cleaning the

Clamp waste
12 waste in the waste bin of the galley and the large
waste bin for wide-body aircraft

For cleaning the hard and strongly adhered foul

13 Bakelite shovel
on the parts

For cleaning the hard and strongly adhered foul

14 Scrapper
on the parts

15 Tool bag broom For preparing the cleaning tools on the aircraft
bag such as clamp towel and spray can

16 For holding cleaning tools such as CA CA towel

Waist bag
and brush

17 For absorbing dust and fragments

Dust collector

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18 For cleaning baggage case

Brush the toilet and clean the garbage can while

19 Latex gloves
protecting the staff

Used to remove stubborn stains, wipe gently to

20 Steel ball
avoid scraping the surface

21 Microfiber cloth Clean toilet, countertops, floors, oven racks, etc

Clean bulkheads, tables, stubborn stains and

22 CACA clean

23 towel Disposable, wipe the dirty parts

24 Clean cabin Windows and bathroom mirrors
window cleaner

Used for cleaning screen, glass and other surface

25 Suede fabric
easily scratched.

26 White gloves Used to check cleaning effect Cabin cleaning items

No. Item Picture Purpose

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1 Detergent For cleaning oil stain in the oven

2 For disinfection of closet stool and towel
84 sterilizing fluid

3 Universal cleaner For cleaning the whole cabin

4 cleanser essence For cleaning oven grease

5 Gum cleaner For cleaning the dirty marks of gum

For cleaning glass products and cabin window

6 Glass cleaner

7 polishing medium Used for polishing metal surfaces

8 Air freshener Used for cabin air purification

9 Oven cleaner Used for cleaning heavy oil in oven

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10 Cabin pesticide For cabin insecticide

11 Carpet cleaner For carpet cleaning

12 Pledge For cleaning leather seats of the cabi

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8.12 Disinfection for aircraft cargo compartment

8.12.1 Scope of application

This procedure is suitable for international routes (including
charter flights) that require cargo hold disinfection. If the
destination station has no special requirements, you can refer to
this procedure. If the destination station has special requirements,
it will be implemented in conjunction with this document and the
destination station requirements.
8.12.2 Introduction to disinfection supplies Changsha/Xi'an/Haikou=Sydney route
1) Brand: Carrington Aviation Insecticide.
2) Specification: canned, 150g. (It is recommended that a total of 2
bottles in the front cargo compartment/rear cargo compartment of
the wide-body aircraft. If there are special requirements at the
destination station, the requirements of the destination station
shall prevail)
3) Ingredients: Contains 2% permethrin, 2% dexphenothrin, 80%
propellant (tetrafluoroethane HFC-134a) and 7% others.
4) Features: Advanced technology, safety and environmental
protection, high efficiency, non-flammable and explosive, non-
toxic to human body.
5) Note: Store in a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and do not
expose it to an environment above 50°C. Please operate according
to the manufacturer's instructions. The specific style is as follows:

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Ground Operation Manual 8 Xi'an=Paris route
1) Brand: Six-dimensional NW 016A insecticide.
2) Specification: 200g/bottle in aerosol cans. (A330-200/300, B787
8 models, a total of 1 bottle in the front cargo compartment/rear
cargo compartment. A total of 2 bottles in the front cargo
compartment/rear cargo compartment of the B787-9 model. If
there are special requirements at the destination station, the
requirements of the destination station shall prevail)
3) Ingredients: 2% permethrin.
4) Features: NW 016A insecticidal aerosol is a product carefully
developed on the basis of the World Health Organization (WHO),
International Air Transport Association, and International Civil
Aviation Organization on the research and use of aircraft pest
control. The medicine is permethrin approved by the WHO, which
is safe for the human body, and the propellant uses the
environment-friendly HFC 134a recommended by the WHO. The
safety of use complies with the requirements of the International
Air Transport Association and the World Health Organization on
aircraft disinfestation. It also has a broad-spectrum and high-
efficiency insecticidal effect, which is suitable for spray
insecticide treatment in passenger cabins and cargo holds.
5) Matters needing attention:
(1) Please use as directed and keep out of reach of children.
(2) Pay attention to ventilation after use. Do not use upside down.
Wash hands after use. Do not spray on human body and food.
(3) This product is slightly toxic and has no irritation to skin and eyes.
(4) This product is highly toxic to fish, bees and silkworms, so it is
forbidden in the silkworm house and its vicinity.
(5) People with allergies are prohibited. If you have any adverse
reactions during use, please consult a doctor in time.
(6) This product is pressure-packed, do not destroy or burn, do not
spray near the fire, and do not throw empty cans into the fire. The
specific style is as follows:

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8.12.3 Cargo hold disinsection

1) The disinfectant is sprayed at the origin station, and the ground
service unit performs disinfection after all cargo is loaded and
before the cargo door is closed.
2) Operators can wear masks and gloves for disinfection, and wash
their hands after disinfection. An example of correct disinfection
is shown below:

3) Insecticide may activate smoke alarms. Before disinsection, the

on-site maintenance personnel must be notified, and the
maintenance personnel shall inform the crew.
4) It is strictly forbidden to spray the disinsection toward the top of
the cargo hold, and spray to the lower part of the cargo hold as
much as possible, especially after the cargo hold is filled with
containers, and the upper space is narrow. At the same time, avoid
spraying at various vents, restraint cards, cargo hold rolling
wheels, people and live animals in the cargo hold. Smoke alarm
location: the center line of the longitudinal axis of the cargo hold
roof, there are 2 in the front cargo hold, 2 in the rear cargo hold,
and 1 in the bulk cargo hold. The icons are as follows:
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5) Insecticide must be completely sprayed and kept empty; within 5

minutes after spraying, the aircraft air conditioner must be turned
off, and the circulating fan must be kept working but must be
adjusted to the lowest power (disinfectants need to notify the on-
site maintenance personnel, and the on-site maintenance personnel
shall inform the crew).
6) After the cargo hold has been disinsected according to the correct
procedures, immediately close the cargo hold door. If you need to
reopen the cargo door (except for loading and unloading animals)
or the disinfection tank fails (Insecticide cannot be sprayed
completely), you must re-disinfect according to the above steps.
7) If the above procedures are not followed due to special reasons,
the ground personnel of the departure station must notify the
arrival station by email/phone in time.
8.12.4 Handover of documents Changsha/Xi'an/Haikou=Sydney route
After the ground service unit completes the cargo cabin
disinfection, the used disinfected empty tank should be handed
over to the cabin crew manager, and fills in the HOLD part of the
"Sydney Route Disinfection Certificate"; the international check-
in crew and the cabin crew perform a document handover, retrieve
a copy of the completed "Sydney Route Disinfection Certificate",
and check whether the information is complete and accurate. Xi'an=Paris route
The ground service unit asks the cabin crew manager for a
disinsection certificate, fills in the HOLD part of the "Hainan
Airlines Entry France Flight Epidemic Prevention Record Form"
and fills in the position of the empty disinsectant bottle; the ground
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service unit handover the documents to the cabin crew chief and
retrieves a completed copy, and at the same time check whether
the information is complete and accurate. The documents need to
be kept for 1 year.
8.12.5 Online system declaration
For the Changsha/Xi’an/Haikou=Sydney route, the international
check-in staff completes the receipt of documents and completes
the online declaration within two hours after the flight takes off.
The declaration certificate must be kept for 1 year. The operation
process of the aircraft disinfection online declaration system is as
1) Log in to https://apps.daff.gov.au/adi/asp/login.asp to fill in the
username and password.
2) Click the Login button to log in, click AIRCRAFT, select the
aircraft search link to enter, and start the aircraft deworming

3) After selecting Hainan Airlines in the Airline drop-down menu,

there is no need to enter the Callsign item, just click Search.

4) According to different aircraft models, click the corresponding

ADD button.
Fill in according to the requirements of the form:
Fill in the tail number of the aircraft in the Aircraft Registration;
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Fill in the flight number at Flight Number;
Fill in the three-character code of the deworming operation site at
the Code of Airport Where Treated;
Fill in the date of the deworming operation at Date Sprayed;
In the Comment field, fill in the spray tank number (cabin and
cargo hold) used in the actual disinfection operation;

5) After clicking the Save button to save, it will return to the previous
menu, and the newly entered flight information will appear in the
corresponding model list.

6) Please check that the information has entered the system, and click
LOGOUT to exit the system.

7) Note: If the aircraft number is the same and cannot be declared,

the following steps must be taken:
(1) Enter the aircraft number in the callsign field and click the
"search" button

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(2) The display results are as follows:

(3) Click "sign number"

(4) The display is as follows:

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(5) Update the information in the red ring and click save

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8.13 Annex

8.13.1 Examples of common job tables

1) Sample of BINGO SHEET

2) Sample of "Baggage Claim Form"

3) Sample of Mail delivery slip

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4) Sample of loading instruction

(1) sample1

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(2) sample 2

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9 Weight and Balance
1) Before the flight takes off, the passenger service unit shall submit
to the weight and balance unit the number of passengers, the
number of checked baggage pieces and the weight of the aircraft
in each area of the flight (including transit passengers and
2) Passenger service check-in, boarding, baggage transportation, etc.,
need to communicate with the weight and balance unit in
accordance with the established work procedures for check-in,
boarding, and baggage in this manual.
3) For other weight and balance operations, please refer to the "Load
Control Manual".

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10 Operation Management and Emergency
10.1 Overview

10.1.1 Scope of Operation Management

In this section, the operation management cover all managing
duties for night stopper and turnaround operation. Include but not
limit to the following:
1) Liaise and manage all local ground service provider to ensure all
flights are operate under the established operation procedure and
instruction. As well as other duties preparation, implementation
and quality management are follow accordingly.
2) Establish coordination with all units within local airport to ensure
flights are operate as planned.
3) Establish flight operation handling, supervision, auditing and
coordination procedure locally.
4) At Hainan Airlines bases and branches, summaries and evaluate
the operation quality standard and report back to the company.
10.1.2 Operation Management method
1) Within all bases, branches, and company stations where with
directly employed on-site coordinators or staff to perform
coordinate functions, station employees are in charge of
coordination and implementing company operation requirements
locally. Monitor ground service agent’s work quality.
2) For other locations, coordination function is in charged by ground
service agents according to the (Ground Service Agreement)
signed with Ground Service Management Department. Both
parties follow rights and responsibility of the agreement, the
ground handling service agency would complete flight support
and ground services.
3) For station without local bases, branches or station personnel, but
have established supervisory units, operation management is
handled according to the (Ground Service Management
Agreement) or other similar agreement with the parties involved.
4) Hainan Airlines hold the right to audit and validate the service
quality via established service level agreement and quality audit,
investigation etc.
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10.2 Classification

For region with Hainan Airlines operation, a local procedure shall

be established according to the following requirements.
10.2.1 Flight Irregularity Handling
The Customer Service On-Duty from the Ground Service
Management Department is the core management units for flight
irregularity on the date. It will coordinate all local flight
irregularity handling resource, as well as each ground handling
center, station, and relevant personnel. Each local handling units
shall follow the Ground Operating Manual as well as this section
to carry out their responsible duties. Type of Irregularity and Definition
1) Return: Flight return to departure airport after takeoff due to
weather, technical or civil aviation restriction reason. Result in
flight cannot be operated.
2) Divert: Flight cannot land at the planned airport and divert to
another airport due to weather, technical or civil aviation
restriction reason.
3) Additional Stop (Transit): Flight landed at additional airport
according to flight plan but not on the original schedule.
4) Reduce Stop (Transit): Flight did not land at transit airport due to
any reason, result in transit departure sector been cancelled.
5) Suspended Flight (Transit): Flight cancelled after land at transit
airport. Result in onward sector been cancelled.
6) Reschedule: Flight cancelled due to any reason and reschedule
afterward. Flight Irregularity Handling Procedure
1) Involving regional ground support centers, stations and support
personnel should proactively obtain the irregularities within their
responsible region. Combine with the regional support resources
to identify flights with higher handling risks, and establish
handling irregularity plans accordingly to handle such
irregularities. Report back to the customer service on-duty of the
ground service management department within 30 minutes after
the flight information is released.
2) Handling plans include but are not limited to: staff arrangements,
VIP passenger arrangements, special passengers, special baggage
arrangements, passenger accommodation compensation
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arrangements, notification requirements for Irregular events, etc.
Please refer to the "Irregular Flight Handling SOP" for details.
3) Involving regional ground support centers, stations, and support
personnel who receive any irregularity information related to the
company's production and operation need to understand the
specific circumstances of the irregular event, such as: time,
location, report, and what happened. Report to the duty leader of
the unit, the company’s decision-making unit, the airport
command center, and the customer service on-duty within 10
minutes, and continue to investigate and report;
4) For involving regional ground support centers, stations and
support personnel, after receiving any irregularity information,
they shall arrive to the location of the incident to handle the
situation as soon as possible, kept communication tools unblocked,
and carried out work in accordance with corresponding
5) The handling plan for regional irregular flights shall include, but
is not limited to, handling of offloading of passengers on boarding,
handling of occupied aircraft by passengers, handling of flight
return, alternate landing, cancellation, replacement flights, and
handling of temporary changes to aircraft, etc.
6) The principle of handling should be based on passengers can travel
as soon as possible or be properly arranged to avoid long waits
and ensure the interests of most passengers and the company.
7) Passenger handling should be patient, meticulous, enthusiastic,
and thoughtful, focusing on special passengers and passengers in
need of special care, and make timely arrangements to avoid
excessive speech leading to deterioration of the situation.
8) In accordance with the company's corresponding policies, assist
passengers with refunds and changes in accordance with the
9) Dedicate personnel should be assigned to handle VIP, CIP and
other high-end passengers in case of irregular flight handling.
10) After the handling is completed, results, remaining problems and
matters that need to be coordinated should be notified to the
customer service on-duty of the ground service management
department and handed over to the crew on duty.
11) The handling of irregular flights in various places should have
corresponding safety risk control measures to avoid unsafe
incidents such as smashing and hidden loading of flights caused
by mistakes in the busy environment.
12) When involving emergency events, carry out work in accordance
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with the corresponding requirements of HNA's "Emergency
Handling Manual".
13) The handling of large-scale delays involving flights shall be
implemented in accordance with the provisions of of this
manual. Large Scale Delay Handling Procedure
1) Refer to chapter H of HNA’s Emergency Handling Manual for
emergency handling of large-scale delays in flights held by HNA.
2) With reference to the level of large-scale flight delays, establish a
plan for handling large-scale flight delays within the responsible
3) Any plan should be based on the principle of rapid response
mechanism, active handling, and proper handling of passengers.
4) The plan should include the corresponding staff assignment and
attendance criteria.
5) The plan should include the communication of information under
large-scale delays and irregular conditions to ensure the speed,
smoothness, and accuracy of information transmission.
Attachment: Domestic Flight Irregularity SOP
N/A for International Operation, please refer to Chinese Manual
for detail
10.2.2 Passenger Injuries, Illness and Death Handling Procedure
Regulate the action of relevant departments in handling passenger
injuries, illnesses and deaths, and minimize the impact to
company's reputation, economic losses and legal risks through
legal compliance and efficient and orderly handling.
All region shall follow the "Process for Handling of Injuries and
Deaths of Passengers of HNA Holdings" (revised edition)
Qionghangpin [2016] No. 1539. Or, in conjunction with the
relevant regulations of the airport, develop regional injury,
sickness and death procedures. Definition of Passenger Injuries, Illness and Death
Refers to incidents of injury, sudden illness or death to passengers
who have a valid air transportation contract relationship with the
company while on board or boarding the aircraft of the company.
1) "The process of boarding the aircraft", that is, the boarding process,
starts when the passenger steps into the bridge, or when the
passenger on the remote stand when boarded the stair.
2) "The process of getting off the aircraft", when the passenger
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finally walks out of the bridge and enters the terminal building, or
the passenger on the remote stand steps down the stair and steps
on the ground. Jurisdiction
Location of the incident/ Handling Units Decision Making
Passenger Personnel
Bases/Branches Sub Bases/Branches Bases Director
Region Branches General
Sales office/ Stations/ Sales Office/ General Manager of the
Oversea Stations area Stations/Oversea Branches Marketing Department
Sub-Region manage by HNA Group Airlines President of the HNA
HNA Group Airlines Group Airlines
Fully Outsource Stations Local Station nearby Personnel in Charge at
nearby station Type of Incident

Reason Seriousness Type

Any Severe: Injuries and illnesses that may be life-threatening and require A
immediate professional first aid, including but not limited to
epilepsy/coma/shock/dyspnea/pinched fingers/severe bumps that cause
multiple injuries;
Any Injuries that are uncomfortable but not serious enough to reach B
Category A are raised on the aircraft, including but not limited
to the kneecap of the dining car, the fingers being pinched by
the cabin equipment, the injury due to sudden bumps, the skin
Low being burned by hot water, and the bridge/hanging ladder.
Injuries such as slips and falls;
Third Including but not limited to third party infringement incidents C
party such as falling luggage and hurting the head;
Passenger' It is impossible to prove that our company caused it, did not raise it when D
s own taking the flight, and later complained or requested our company to take
health responsibility for the injury, including but not limited to patients with
reasons otitis media, hypertension patients, and signs of pregnancy miscarriage. Procedure Requirement

1) In principle, our company will not be responsible for any injuries
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or deaths that occur during the passenger’s check-in procedures
and enter the secure area in the airport until the passenger boarding,
and from the time the passenger arrives at the destination and
leaves the aircraft until he leaves the destination airport secure
area. Or any Legal responsibility, no advance payment, but the
priority should still be the first to assist in the treatment to prevent
the situation from getting worse.
2) This procedure does not apply to events that meet the definition of
"emergency events" in the company's "Emergency Handling
Manual" or company leaders have instructed to deal with
"emergency events".
3) Passenger injuries, illnesses and deaths shall be handled by the
ground unit at the place of the incident. After obtaining
information on passenger injuries, illnesses and deaths, the
information release staff should first verify the passenger’s
physical status, including but not limited to the passenger’s age,
gender, presence or absence, the cause of the abnormality, status,
seat number and other basic information, and inform the
information to the airport command center to report the emergency
situation of passenger injuries, illnesses and deaths, and applies
for coordination of parking spaces and other ground support
resources. After confirmation, they shall inform the local support
units to prepare, and immediately contact the local medical
emergency units to go to the scene. If the passenger's location is
transferred to another area outside the place of the incident during
the aftermath compensation negotiation process, the incident will
be transferred to the ground unit at the place of the passenger for
subsequent handling.
4) If the passenger injury or death incident or the deterioration of the
situation is caused by the fault or negligence of a certain unit, the
responsible unit shall be responsible for or assist in handling the
incident until the case is closed.
5) In the event of disputes arising from responsibilities or
geographical overlap in handling the incident, the HNA Brand
Department has the right to designate the handling unit, and if
necessary, it can ask the level to confirm it.
6) The principle of priority assistance: the priority is to rescue
passengers, prevent the deterioration and expansion of injuries,
and treat them in time to prevent the infection of acute and
malignant diseases, or the further deterioration of passenger
injuries and illnesses. Pay attention to the relief of responsibilities
when rescuing passengers: seek the consent of the passengers;
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seek the opinions of medical staff (if local medical resources are
available and time permits).
7) The principle of reporting: After the incident, the responsible unit
must report the incident according to the process as soon as
possible (in principle, no more than 2 hours after the incident)
8) The principle of evidence collection: The incident/responsible unit
(air/ground service personnel) should collect and preserve
relevant evidence on key issues in an effective way while handling
the incident.
9) The principle of investigation: The incident/responsible unit shall
submit the investigation report of passenger injury, illness and
death to the Customer Relationship Management Center of the
Product and Brand Department ("HNA Holding Service
Inspector" mail group) within the time limit listed in the following
10) For the specific implementation procedures based on event
classification, please refer to the "Process for Handling of
Passenger Injury and Death Incidents of HNA Holdings" (revised
edition) Qionghangpin [2016] No. 1539.
11) During the handling of passenger injury or death incidents in
accordance with this procedure, if the passenger who was injured
or died complains about the incident at the same time, the
complaint handler shall follow the normal complaint handling
procedures and complete the complaint handling with reference to
the incident handling progress and the handling opinions of
relevant units and reply to passengers.
12) After a passenger injury or death incident has not been dealt with
in accordance with this procedure, and the passenger complains
first, the complaint handler will enter the complaint into the
service quality supervision system and conduct normal
investigation and handling in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the complaint handling procedure.
13) The complaint handler has the right to instruct the responsible
unit/unit/unit subject to complaint (or its supervisory unit) to
respond to the complaint and negotiate with the passenger about
possible economic compensation in accordance with the
provisions of this procedure;
14) All relevant units shall complete the investigation and feedback
within the time limit of the complaint handler’s instruction and
reply to the passenger, follow up with the passenger in accordance
with the provisions of this procedure to negotiate with the
passenger on possible economic compensation, and deal with the
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specific compensation procedures (including contacting the
passenger to complete the agreement and signing and Performance,
document collection, etc.)
15) For claims made by passengers, the handling unit shall, on the
basis of distinguishing liability and faults, with the bottom line of
maximizing the interests of the company as the bottom line, and
the principle of fully protecting the legitimate and reasonable
rights of passengers, and send special personnel to conduct
adequate communication and negotiation with the passengers. .
16) In the event of injury that is the responsibility of the carrier, the
handling unit shall request the company's legal opinions and make
reasonable compensation for related medical expenses,
transportation expenses, and lost work losses.
17) If there is no financial compensation for sickness caused by the
passenger’s own health, the handling unit should ask for the
company’s legal opinions and negotiate the insurance company’s
claims, and then the principle of maximum limit shall be the top
priority from humanitarian considerations. Medical treatment
18) If there is no financial compensation for the death caused by the
passenger's own health, and the family members of the deceased
insisted on requesting and tending to a crisis, the handling unit
should ask for the company's legal opinions and negotiate the
insurance company's claims, and then pay a certain amount from
humanitarian considerations. The amount of humanitarian
19) For the code of conduct and expense reimbursement management
of all units of HNA, please refer to the "Process for Handling of
Passenger Injuries and Deaths in HNA Holdings" (Revised
Edition) Qionghangpin [2016] No. 1539. List and Template
1) Evidence list of common claim items for injuries, illnesses and
deaths of passengers
[This list is only for the handling unit after the passenger's specific
claims for compensation items, as a reference for communication
and negotiation, and shall not be provided to passengers]
Medical ①Diagnosis certificate (original + red seal), inspection report (original +
Treatme doctor's signature), complete hospitalization record (including admission
nt Cost record + discharge summary, photocopy + red seal) of hospitals above the
second level;
②Medical invoices (original) of hospitals above the second level with a list of

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Lost ①Determination of missed work period: medical order certificate [diagnosis
work certificate of hospitals above level 2 (original + red seal), complete
Cost hospitalization record (including admission record + discharge summary, copy
+ red seal), etc.];
② Those with fixed salary income: personal tax payment certificate-social
insurance payment certificate;
③ No fixed salary income: certificate of average income in the 6 months
before the incident (a tax bill issued by the tax bureau).
Nursing ①Determining the sequence of nursing period: disability appraisal report-
Cost medical order certificate [diagnosis certificate of hospitals above level 2
(original + red seal), complete hospitalization record (including admission
record + discharge summary, photocopy + red seal), etc.]-- During
②If the nursing staff has income, it shall be calculated with reference to the
lost work fee;
③If the nursing staff has no income or employs nursing workers, the
calculation shall be based on the labor compensation standard of the local
nursing workers engaged in the same level of nursing.
Transpor The invoice for transportation expenses should be consistent with the place,
tation time, number, and frequency of medical treatment.
2) For the settlement agreement template, power of attorney, incident
investigation template, responsibility confirmation template,
information record form, passenger injury and death event
notification template, please refer to the "HNA Holdings Co., Ltd.
Passenger Injury and Death Incident Handling Process" (revised
edition) Qionghang Article [2016] No. 1539.
10.2.3 Rapid Turnaround Flight Ground Handling Procedure
At HNA bases, branches, self-owned terminals and airports that
have been coordinated and confirmed to be executable, flights
whose turnaround time does not meet the company’s standards
due to the delay of the first part of a HNA flight’s flight, and flights
that require rapid turnaround based on actual operating conditions,
are based on safety Under the premise of, the implementation of
the turnaround handling is different from the standard turnaround
handling process, to ensure that the flight completes various
handling tasks and launches within the fast turnaround time
standard, and at the same time coordinates the relevant units to
make the flight ahead of the original scheduled departure time of
the air traffic control take off.

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Ground Operation Manual 10 Relevant Standard
1) N/A for International Operation, please refer to Chinese Manual
for detail
2) Criteria for the success of rapid turnaround
After the company initiates the flight's fast turnaround handling
procedure, the flight will complete the landing-to-departure flight
within the standard time of the rapid turnaround or pass the
implementation of the rapid turnaround, and subsequent flights
will take off normally.
3) Standard time for ground handling for fast turnaround
4) Refers to the period from when the aircraft slides into the gear
block until the flight guarantee is completed and the control agrees
to release the aircraft with the gear block. The specific standards
are as follows:
Seat Numbers Aircraft Type Time limit for Rapid Turnaround
200 or below B737 35
200 or above B787/A330 45
5) Estimated departure time for rapid turnaround
Based on the arrival time of the aircraft, the period of time to
postpone the ground support time standard for rapid turnaround is
the estimated departure time for rapid turnaround.
6) Flights that require fast turnaround
(1) The flight with insufficient transit time caused by the delay of the
previous flight;
(2) Flight regularity warning flights;
(3) Flights with operational restrictions (aircraft ban, airport closure,
(4) Other flights that require fast turnaround are designated based on
the overall operation perspective. Procedure Requirement
1) Responsible units of all regions will promptly pass the information
to relevant handling units (check-in, boarding, baggage loading
and unloading, VIPs, cleaning teams, stowage, etc.) after
receiving the instructions for fast turnaround flight handling.
2) After receiving the information, each ground support unit will
promptly arrange a dedicated person to monitor and handling fast
turnaround flights.
3) The handling process for the region should be established in
accordance with the "HNA Holdings Fast turnaround handling
Procedure" in conjunction with the characteristics of the handling
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of the airport.
4) Corresponding response mechanisms should be formulated to
ensure that handling personnel and equipment are in place in
advance, and to prepare for rapid turnaround handling.
5) A procedure for interception of fast turnaround flights should be
6) The aircraft cleaning process should be developed for rapid
turnaround and disembarking.
7) The boarding process should be formulated for rapid turnaround
and disembarkation, such as queuing in advance and waiting for
passengers on the bridge in advance.
8) The production process of manifests should be developed for rapid
10.2.4 Hainan Airlines Positioning Crew Handling Procedure
1) HNA bases, branches and self-operated terminals should lead the
ground service agent, weight and balance agent and other handling
units to establish detailed regional Positioning Crew Handling
procedures in accordance with the "HNA Holding Flight and Crew
Position Operation Specifications".
2) Each operation supervision unit needs to implement the
differentiated process management and control requirements of
the " HNA Holding Flight and Crew Position Operation
Specifications " to ensure that various responsibilities and
requirements such as the management and control of the
Positioning Crew and Engineer of operational network functional
modules are in place.
3) Each operation supervision unit shall supervise the execution
process and results of the Positioning Crew in accordance with the
"HNA Aviation Domestic Flight Ground Support Operation and
Management Regulations" and the "Station Supervision Service
Agreement" to ensure that the number of additional crews is
consistent with the manifest.
10.2.5 Boarding Handling Procedure
1) All operating units of HNA shall abide by the "Management
Regulations on the Procedures for Passenger Boarding
Notification of HNA Holding Flights".
2) Each operation supervision unit shall, in light of the actual
operating conditions of the local airport, clarify the passenger
boarding process of the local flight, and ensure that the crew and
the boarding instruction issuing unit are coordinated as a
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prerequisite for the boarding instruction issuance.
3) Each operation supervision unit shall ensure that the local
passenger boarding process is maintained in a timely, complete
and accurate manner to the (mobile) operation network system;
4) Each operation supervision unit shall supervise the execution
process and results of the local boarding procedures to ensure that
the boarding process is effectively implemented.
10.2.6 Emergency Handling Procedure Company System in Emergency Response

The company's emergency response is divided into safety incident
(including security), operation incident, and service incident. It is
divided into three response levels: red, orange, and yellow. The
emergency response process is divided into two levels: Station site
level and headquarters level.
Each Station shall establish a local emergency response procedure
in accordance with the "Company Emergency Manual" Station
on-site emergency response standard procedures and
domestic/overseas Station emergency plan templates, combined
with the relevant regulations of the airport. Station Emergency Response Handling Procedure
1) The overall coordination of emergency response at the Station
should be in the order of the highest representative and the highest
operating representative of the station company.
2) The initiation process of the Station emergency response plan is
reference on the "Emergency Response Manual" of Hainan
3) If the company's emergency command center announces the
initiation of emergency response, all emergency personnel at the
Station shall obey the work arrangements of the company's
emergency command center and family assistance team, and
ensure all on-site emergency response duties are complete.
4) The Station needs to periodically assess the local emergency
resources needed, and report to the Station’s general coordinator
for approval before docking and calling in an emergency state. Emergency Response on the Ground
1) Procedures for emergency evacuation of the aircraft during the
ground operation
Each unit of ground operations should ensure that its staff
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understand the specific responsibilities in an emergency. All units
should inform and train staff about the procedures to be followed
in emergency situations. The emergency procedures should
clearly stipulate how to guide passengers and staff to reach the
safe area in different emergencies.
This section summarizes the environmental factors of evacuating
aircraft and general working areas. For other requirements, please
refer to the company's "Emergency Handling Manual".
(1) Fuel Spillage
A. The operator activates the emergency shut-off valve;
B. Immediately notify the captain, and the crew is responsible for
notifying the local airport on-site command center and the
company's AOC On Duty;
C. If necessary, evacuate all personnel. In this case, the cabin crew
reminds passengers that not everyone will be evacuated from the
boarding gate and informs passengers of the two nearest exit
locations. When this exit cannot be used, inform Passengers
evacuated from other exits. During emergency evacuation, try to
ensure that all available exits in the cabin are open for passengers
to evacuate. The cabin crew arranges helpers for passengers with
special requirements (the elderly, the disabled, the passengers who
cannot walk, etc.), and instructs the method of assisting the
passengers who cannot walk to the exit (for the specific procedures
of the cabin emergency evacuation, please refer to the emergency
cabin crew manual. Evacuate). Ground service personnel assist the
flight attendants to guide passengers to the safe area of the airport;
D. Use the spill emergency kit to contain the spill;
E. Seal off the fuel spill area.
(2) Aircraft Fire
A. Immediately notify the captain, and the crew is responsible for
notifying the local airport on-site command center and the
company's AOC On Duty;
B. If you are instructed to evacuate passengers and staff, in this case,
the cabin crew reminds passengers that not everyone will be
evacuated from the boarding gate and inform the passengers of the
two nearest exit locations. When this exit cannot be used, inform
passengers to evacuate from other exits. During emergency
evacuation, try to ensure that all available exits in the cabin are open
for passengers to evacuate. The cabin crew arranges assistance for
passengers with special requirements (elderly, disabled, and unable
to walk, etc.), and instructs the method of assisting the unable to
walk to the exit. (For the specific procedures of cabin emergency
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evacuation, please refer to the “Cabin Attendant Manual”. Chapter
5 Emergency Evacuation). Ground service personnel assist the
flight attendants to guide passengers to the safe area of the airport;
C. Organize firefighting immediately;
D. Seal off the fire area.
(3) Dangerous Goods
A. Immediately notify the captain, and the crew is responsible for
notifying the local airport on-site command center; at the same time,
notify the company AOC On Duty;
B. If instructed, evacuate passengers and staff. In this case, the cabin
crew reminds passengers that not everyone will be evacuated from
the boarding gate. And inform passengers of the two nearest exit
locations. When this exit cannot be used, inform passengers to
evacuate from other exits. During emergency evacuation, try to
ensure that all available exits in the cabin are open for passengers
to evacuate. The cabin crew arranges helpers for passengers with
special requirements (the elderly, the disabled, the passengers who
cannot walk, etc.), and instructs the method of assisting the
passengers who cannot walk to the exit (for the specific procedures
of the cabin emergency evacuation, please refer to the emergency
cabin crew manual. Evacuate). In this case, the ground service
personnel will assist the flight attendants and guide the passengers
to the safe area of the airport;
C. Seal the area, isolate the goods and confirm the source of the goods;
D. The operation control department will track the development of the
incident, and organize the relevant departments of the company,
staff on duty, the airport, and functional agencies to deal with the
E. For other handling requirements, please refer to the company's
"Dangerous Goods Transportation Manual"-General Ground
Dangerous Goods Incident Report and Handling Procedures.
(4) Aviation safety incidents
A. Assess threats and implement corresponding procedures. For
details, please refer to the requirements of the company's "Aviation
Security Manual" and "Emergency Handling Manual";
B. Evacuate all personnel if necessary;
C. According to the instructions, park the aircraft and equipment.
(5) Other requirements
A. For the above emergency situations, it is strictly forbidden for
passengers and staff to use electronic devices, portable electronic
devices (PEDs), and cameras with flashing lights;
B. Restrict the movement of all vehicles;
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C. Lock down the corresponding area and follow the instructions of
the local airport command center and the company's operation
control department;
D. Control potential sources of ignition.
(6) Emergency evacuation of ground personnel onboard (without
crew on board)
A. If there is no crew on board, the ground service personnel on board
are required to evacuate the aircraft. In an emergency,
B. Immediately notify the local airport command center, and at the
same time notify the company AOC On Duty;
C. This requirement only applies to the situation where there is no
crew on board, and it applies to maintenance personnel, cleaning
personnel, catering personnel, apron operators, etc.;
D. The designated person on board is solely responsible for handling
emergency situations, coordinating evacuation and guiding
personnel to the assembly point;
E. The procedures should specify the evacuation methods for different
types of aircraft, such as the use of movable stair and bridges;
F. At the same time, the communication method used during
emergency evacuation (radio, sound warning, etc.) should also be
2) Aircraft Crash
(1) Upon receipt of the notification from the emergency command
center at the airport in regards to aircraft crash, immediately
activate the emergency response procedures, the plane’s departure
airport of the crashed plane will immediately seal up the data on
the plane’s load balance and related data;
(2) The company's on-site personnel or ground handling agents are
responsible for providing the passenger's name and seat status of
the crashed flight, and sealing and the passenger flight coupon,
checked baggage receipt, and relevant data in the departure system
of the flight.
(3) If the crash occurs at the company's base airport, the local leader
on duty shall be responsible for coordinating the logistics,
equipment, accommodation required for emergency response.
3) Emergency landing
(1) If the plane makes an emergency landing at the company's base
airport, the ground personnel should assist the crew to guide the
passengers to evacuate to a safe area;
(2) The ground personnel should coordinate the airport rescue center
and the company medical center to organize medical rescue work
for the injured, and arrange the passengers' accommodation, and
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follow-up travel.
4) Hijacking or threatened by hijacking
For departments not listed separately, after receiving an instruction
from the emergency command center regarding aircraft hijacking
or threats of hijacking, and implementing emergency response
procedures, their emergency response procedures shall refer to
"Emergency Response to Aircraft Crash" and "Emergency
Response to Aircraft Emergency Landing". The relevant
provisions in the implementation.
5) Aircraft explosives/explosion threat
(1) After receiving an instruction from the emergency command
center regarding the discovery of explosives on the aircraft or an
explosion threat warning, activate the emergency handling
procedures, the ground duty leader should immediately rush to the
emergency command room to participate in emergency handling.
(2) If explosives are found on the plane waiting to depart from the
company base, or an explosion threat warning message is received,
or the plane has landed, organize personnel to guide the passengers
on the plane to evacuate to a safe area;
(3) Arrange passengers' accommodation, and follow-up travel.
6) Ground explosion or fire
(1) After receiving an instruction from the emergency command
center about the aircraft exploding or catching fire on the ground,
activate the emergency response procedures, the on-site duty
manager should immediately rush to the emergency command
room to participate in the emergency response duties;
(2) Assist the medical department to send the injured person to the
hospital for treatment in time;
(3) Immediately apply for passenger elevators and shuttle buses to the
airport (or terminal) where the plane is parked;
(4) Arrange special personnel and vehicles to transport uninjured
passengers to the hotel for rest, and do a good job in stabilizing
passengers' emotions and explaining;
(5) Arrange passengers' accommodation, and continued travel.
7) Serious illegal interference in the air
(1) After receiving an instruction from the emergency command
center about the aircraft's serious illegal interference incident in
the air activate the emergency response procedures, the on-site
duty manager immediately rushed to the emergency command
center to participate in the emergency response work;
(2) The check-in unit is responsible for providing the emergency
command center with the number of passengers on the aircraft,
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their names, and the distribution of seats;
(3) The check-in unit is responsible for finding out the illegal
interference with the passenger’s name and ID number on the
plane and reporting it to the emergency command center;
(4) If the aircraft involved in the illegal interference incident lands at
the airport where the company base is located, it is responsible for
guiding and serving passengers off the plane;
(5) Immediately apply for passenger elevators and shuttle buses to the
airport (or terminal) where the plane is ready to land;
(6) Organizing the inspection and claiming of passenger luggage, and
handing over unclaimed luggage to security personnel for security
(7) Arrange passengers' rest, board and lodging and follow-up travel;
(8) Participate in incident investigation and aftermath handling.
8) Acute infectious diseases found on the plane
(1) After getting information about acute infectious diseases or
suspected patients who have taken company flights, immediately
report to the leader of the unit on duty;
(2) If the patient has been identified as an acute infectious disease
patient, it is also necessary to provide: personal information of the
passenger and all passengers within the three rows of seats before
and after, including name, gender, seat number, age, etc., as well
as a list of other passengers on the flight;
(3) Personnel handling: assist the airport in arranging rest,
accommodation and follow-up travel for other passengers;
(4) Protective clothing when entering the scene: The emergency
treatment personnel entering the scene must be specially trained
personnel and wear appropriate protective clothing according to
the type and nature of the danger (such as pressurized self-
contained breathing apparatus, fire-fighting protective clothing
and chemical protection Clothing and equipment, etc.) to prevent
(5) Precautions for entering the scene: The emergency response
personnel must restrain irritability and prevent blind entry before
the situation is fully understood. Untrained personnel are not
allowed to intervene to help.
9) Explosion or fire in the office
After receiving an instruction from the emergency command
center about the company’s building explosion or fire, activate the
emergency response procedures, the on-site duty manager
immediately summoned the relevant personnel to the scene of the
incident and organized rescue work for the affected persons and
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10) Serious natural disasters occur
(1) The marketing department shall be responsible for services such
as ticket refunds and changes;
(2) The ground personnel are responsible for the cleaning, registration
and custody of passenger luggage.
11) Dangerous goods accident
(1) The personnel on duty should organize personnel to follow the
command of the emergency rescue command center;
(2) The ground service personnel, under the guidance of professionals,
send the injured to an emergency center or other hospital for
12) Other security threat incident handling requirements
(1) According to the instruction requirements of the duty officer or
customer service on-duty of the Ground Service Department, the
ground support unit understands the support capabilities,
including special vehicle support, fire protection, first aid, public
security, customs, border defense, quarantine, transit passenger
connection, passenger placement information, etc. Involving
international flights, understand the passenger and crew entry and
exit requirements in a timely manner;
(2) Ground personnel are responsible for cooperating with airport and
public security personnel in relevant emergency response work;
(3) If the first responsible person of the ground support unit receives
the safety (including security) red emergency response initiation
information, connect to the emergency command center
emergency meeting number 622018 for work report, and timely
return on-site pictures;
(4) According to the emergency situation of the incident, proactively
report to the staff on duty of the ground service management
department on the day to continuously update the incident
information and provide assistance.
13) Response to ground accidents and emergencies
For details, please refer to the company's "Emergency Handling
14) Emergency facilities and equipment
(1) Procurement and management of emergency equipment and
A. The emergency command center should be equipped with sufficient
space, facilities and equipment available at any time to successfully
manage the execution of the company's emergency response plan;
B. The emergency equipment required by each emergency response
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function center shall be equipped by the director of each center
according to the actual disposal needs by requisitioning office
equipment, temporary lease or submitting a purchase application,
and emergency allocation by the procurement department after the
emergency manager's approval. The required equipment items can
refer to the emergency equipment list;
C. The emergency manager is responsible for formulating the
company's emergency equipment procurement and management
system, and compiling the emergency equipment procurement
project plan;
D. The procurement department of HNA Holdings shares purchases
the emergency rescue equipment required according to the
approved emergency equipment purchase plan and configures it in
E. The emergency manager is responsible for organizing the
inspection and acceptance, and shall ensure that the purchased and
leased safety protection appliances and emergency equipment have
production (manufacturing) licenses and product qualification
certificates. They shall be inspected during purchase and receipt,
and the emergency equipment shall be inspected after installation
and commissioning. Availability is checked;
F. The emergency manager is responsible for registering the
configured emergency equipment, establishing an emergency
equipment management account, and ensuring that the property
accounts are consistent;
G. The emergency manager is responsible for the daily management,
maintenance and maintenance of emergency equipment, and is
responsible for the archive management of the original technical
documents of emergency equipment.
(2) Periodic inspection of emergency equipment
A. The emergency manager formulates a corresponding periodic
inspection list for each different emergency equipment, and
organizes the implementation of the effectiveness inspection of the
emergency equipment according to the inspection list;
B. The inspection cycle of emergency equipment is 2 months, that is,
no less than 6 inspections per year to ensure that all emergency
equipment is always available;
C. There must be a detailed record for each inspection, and the record
sheet must adopt a uniform format, and the content of the record
shall at least include:
D. Inspection date, inspector (signature), current available status of
equipment, malfunctions, repairs to malfunctions, repair date,
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repairer unit, name, etc.;
E. The inspection records are archived together with the original
documents of the equipment, and the records are kept for at least 6
(3) Update of emergency equipment
A. According to the use of emergency equipment, regular inspections,
and the manufacturer’s technical staff’s suggestions, the emergency
manager is responsible for deciding the scrap and update of
emergency equipment;
B. In principle, emergency equipment belonging to one of the
following situations should be scrapped and updated:
a Experts predict that even after major repairs, the technical
performance of the emergency equipment still cannot meet the
requirements for use and guarantee the quality of the
emergency equipment;
b The emergency equipment is seriously damaged and cannot be
repaired and used;
c Although the technical performance of emergency equipment
can be restored after major repairs, it is not as good as updated
economical after economic analysis and evaluation;
d The use of emergency equipment has exceeded the prescribed
service life, and its technical performance has not reached the
requirements of national norms and regulations, endangering
e Emergency equipment has been phased out according to
regulations of the state or relevant departments.
f For the emergency equipment checklist, please refer to 3.3 of
the Emergency Handling Manual.
10.2.7 Assurance Procedures for Early Warning of Security Threats Early Warning Level

The warning level of civil aviation threats is determined according
to the degree of threat, which is determined by the possibility of
threat occurrence and the severity of the consequences. The
possibility of threats is divided into four levels: extremely high,
very high, normal, and low; the severity of the consequences of
threats is divided into four levels: extremely serious, very serious,
normal, and minor.
For details, please refer to the "Aviation Security Plan" of HNA.
1) Level ONE (red)
(1) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is
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extremely serious and the possibility of occurrence is extremely
high. For example, when the possibility of the following threat
events is extremely high:
A. Hijacking or attacking civil aircraft by means of explosion or arson
within the territory;
B. Hijacking or attacking my country's civil aircraft by means of
explosions, arson, etc. abroad;
C. Use force, explosion or other methods to attack our civil airport and
cause heavy casualties;
D. Use force, explosion or other methods to attack or destroy the vital
facilities and equipment of civil aviation, causing the operation of
civil aviation to be largely paralyzed;
E. Hijacking or attacking national leaders at a civilian airport.
(2) When the above-mentioned event is occurring or has occurred.
2) Level TWO (orange)
(1) The seriousness of the consequences of the threat is extremely
serious and the possibility of occurrence is high;
(2) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is very
serious and the possibility of occurrence is extremely high;
(3) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is very
serious and the possibility of occurrence is high;
3) Level THREE (yellow)
(1) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is
extremely serious and the probability of occurrence is normal;
(2) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is
extremely serious and the possibility of occurrence is low;
(3) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is very
serious and the probability of occurrence is normal;
(4) The seriousness of the consequences of the threat is general, and
the possibility of occurrence is extremely high;
(5) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is general
and the possibility of occurrence is high;
(6) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is minor
and the possibility of occurrence is extremely high.
4) Four-level warning (blue)
(1) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is very
serious and the possibility of occurrence is low;
(2) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is general,
and the probability of occurrence is general;
(3) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is general
and the possibility of occurrence is low;
(4) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is minor
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and the possibility of occurrence is high;
(5) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is minor
and the probability of occurrence is normal;
(6) When the seriousness of the consequences of the threat is minor
and the possibility of occurrence is low. Responding Procedure
1) For flight in which the Administrator issued Level 1 and Level 2
threat warnings, each jurisdiction shall establish temporary special
check-in counters for passenger check-in. There are no
requirements for Level 3 and Level 4 warning response.
2) Each station should set up an economy class passenger check-in
counter as the main check-in counter for Level 1 and 2 warning
flights, and select a counter as a backup counter. When neither the
main counter nor the backup counter can meet the protection
requirements, a dedicated check-in counter should be added after
communicating with the airport security inspection department
based on the on-site security situation to ensure that passengers
complete the check-in procedures within the cut-off time.
3) All stations responded to the warning notice and communicated
with the airport security inspection department in advance to
confirm business class passengers, company VIPs, Fortune Wings
Platinum Card, Gold Card, Silver Card passengers, Golden Deer
Card passengers and other passengers who enjoy the ground
business class counter check-in service ( (Hereinafter referred to
as “high-end passengers”) still have to go through the check-in
procedures with economy class passengers at the unified counter?
If there is no mandatory requirement, high-end passengers on
early warning routes can check in at the business class counter
normally, and the security inspection department will arrange for
security check personnel to check the passenger’s luggage .
4) If the security inspection department requires all passengers on the
early warning route to check in at the unified counter, all check-in
personnel at the check-in site should be notified in advance, and
explanations should be made to the passengers who have
questions to avoid complaints. Uniform interpretation: "In order
to ensure the safety of all passengers, the airport security
inspection department needs to conduct more detailed security
inspections on passenger luggage. We apologize for the
inconvenience caused to you."
5) Pre-select the check-in personnel of each team responsible for the
flight check-in guarantee task of the early warning route. Each
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team should appropriately increase the check-in personnel
according to the number of passengers and the on-site security
situation, and there should be backup personnel at the same time.
Such personnel should have received company aviation Safety
SMS and aviation security training. Level 1 and 2 Early Warning Check in Activation and


1) Warning respond flowchart

2) Related requirements
(1) After the bureau releases the early warning information (including
the warning level, activation and cancellation time limit), the
company's security department sends an early warning response
notice to the check-in rooms of suppliers in various places in the
form of e-mail (see the warning response notice for the notice
template), and confirm by phone Each check-in room manager has
been notified (if the check-in room manager cannot confirm in
time due to the attendance of the check-in room manager at the
meeting, etc., he should take the initiative to contact the deputy
check-in room manager to notify).
(2) Until the time limit for the cancellation of the early warning
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specified in the notice, if the security department does not notify
the extension of the response time limit, each check-in room will
automatically cancel the dedicated check-in counter of the early
warning route and resume the daily handling mode. Check-in Handling requirements
1) Preparations for flight check-in on early warning routes
(1) Adjust the content displayed on the dedicated check-in counter to
display the flight information of the early warning route for which
the counter is ready for check-in procedures (should include the
flight number, the departure station and arrival station of the flight,
and the flight cut-off time).
(2) Arrange staff to maintain passenger order in the area in front of
the check-in counter, answer passenger questions in time, and find
late passengers.
(3) Communicate with the airport security inspection department in
advance to clarify the baggage inspection method for passengers
on early warning routes (the security inspectors randomly inspect
or all baggage needs to be opened for inspection), and estimate the
time required for passenger check-in according to the security
inspection baggage inspection requirements, such as counters
Insufficient to make adjustments in time.
2) Passenger check-in handling requirements for flights on early
warning routes
(1) Check-in personnel normally go through the check-in procedures
for passengers, carefully check the authenticity and validity of
passenger documents, and ask passengers whether there are
dangerous goods in their hand luggage and checked luggage.
(2) Check-in personnel should pay attention to observation during the
check-in process. If they find that the luggage carried by the
passenger is of special size or shape, or the check-in passenger has
flustered expressions, flickering speech, or suspicious behavior,
he should promptly suggest or notify the airport. Security
inspectors conduct random inspections of such passenger’s
luggage, and pay attention to avoid complaints caused by
improper speech.
(3) N/A for International Operation, Please refer to Chinese Manual
for detail.
(4) During the check-in process of flights on early warning routes, the
duty supervisor of each territory and above should be on duty on
the same day. The supervisor or manager should monitor at the
dedicated check-in counter, and respond to passenger complaints
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or other emergencies in a timely manner.
(5) After the flight is intercepted, the check-in personnel should clean
up the check-in counter, and tear up the boarding pass and baggage
tag that were previously reprinted. The blank boarding pass and
baggage tag should be kept properly to avoid being picked up by
passengers After fraudulent use.
(6) In the case that the security inspection department does not require
high-end passengers and economy class passengers to go through
the check-in procedures at the same counter, the operational
requirements of the business class counter check-in personnel are
the same as above.

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11 Airside Restricted Area Safe Operation
11.1 Overview

Airside restricted area safe operation supervision means in order

to ensure safety of ground operation, all station activities of HNA
Holdings flight, including the activities that are outsourced to
external third-party ground service provider, should be carried out
under the direct supervision of HNA supervisors. The regulatory
business and procedural requirements listed in this chapter
generally refer to the regulatory scope and items that should be
implemented during various operations on the ground. The
responsible units of the company are responsible for searching
their respective regulatory projects to implement effective
11.1.1 Definition of Supervision
Broadly refers to each department of HNA, and their respective
personnel or authorized persons responsible for implementing
relevant supervision work in accordance with the supervision
requirements of this chapter.
It also refers to the safety supervision work of the aircraft
operating in the restricted area of the local ground service agent
company responsible for implementing relevant supervision work
in accordance with the supervision requirements of this chapter.
11.1.2 Scope of Supervision
The supervision described in this chapter mainly includes the
safety supervision work of the aircraft operating in the restricted
area of the local airport, including but not limited to:
1) Aircraft inbound;
2) Unload cargo/mail/luggage;
3) Upload cargo/mail/luggage;
4) Aircraft outbound;
5) Operation of ground support equipment;
6) Personal protective equipment, behavior and operation;
7) Ramp safety management.

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11.1.3 HNA Service Mode
The bases and branches, and areas where there are HNA stations.
Their supervision work is guaranteed by the HNA ground service
staffs and HNA station staffs, referred to as the Direct Mode;
In other regions, the Ground Service Management Department is
responsible for signing the "Ground Service Agency Agreement"
with the ground service agency. The agreement stipulates the
responsibilities and rights of both parties, and the agency should
complete the organization of the HNA’s flight operations. The
agency should complete organizations according to the agreement;
All HNA direct units and agency units are responsible for
organizing the ground operations team of local airport to control
process of the flight safety operation, implement the operation
instructions, and ensure flight operation safety and punctuality
The company monitors the work process and work quality of the
agency through agency agreements, quality audits, and incident

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11.2 Monitoring procedure

With the help of monitoring procedures, supervisors can identify

the factors that may have a negative impact on safety from each
support slot to ensure the safe operation of the aircraft. The key
points of monitoring in this chapter are formulated with reference
to the IGOM manual.
11.2.1 Aircraft Inbound
1) Whether the operator is equipped with appropriate hearing
protection equipment;
2) Whether the operator is equipped with safety footwear or leather
3) Whether the operator is equipped with reflective materials and
reflective vest;
4) Whether to ensure the inspection of foreign objects and the proper
disposal of foreign objects before the completion of the operation;;
5) Before the operation, whether all the equipment is placed in a safe
6) Whether the door area is kept free of obstacles;
7) Whether the jetbridge is fully retracted, if it is a retractable
jetbridge, it must be correctly recovered into a restricted safe area;
8) Whether the airbridge operator conducts a visual inspection to
ensure that there are no obstacles within the operating range of the
9) Whether the cabin door and the airbridge are correctly connected,
make preparations for boarding and deboarding;
10) Whether the airbridge operator wears hearing protection
11) Whether there are no obstacles on the airbridge;
12) Whether anti-fall devices such as doors or guardrails are installed
on the airbridge;
13) If a station coordinating position is set up, whether the station
coordinator uses the correct manual to guide personnel to operate;
14) In low visibility conditions, whether the staff use the signal rod to
guide the aircraft;
15) Whether the aircraft wheel block is placed accurately;
16) Whether the power supply cable of the airbridge is accurately
connected to the connector of the aircraft landing gear panel;
17) Before the operation, whether all staffs wait for the station
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dispatcher to indicate that they can approach after the operation.
(It must be after the aircraft stops taxiing, the wheel block is set,
the anti-collision signal lights are turned off, and the engine is
turned off);
18) Whether the reflective cone is placed in the designated place
according to the regulations;
19) Whether the airbridge operator is vigilant while operating the
airbridge to dock the fuselage to prevent scratches;
20) Whether the airbridge operator uses the alarm device when
operating the airbridge;
21) Whether the automatic leveling system is used for the operation of
the airbridge;
22) Whether the lighting on the airbridge is sufficient;
23) Whether the shelter of the airbridge is equipped with docking
24) Whether the cleaning team wears protective gloves when cleaning
the restroom;
25) After cleaning the restroom, whether the door latch is available
and the door can be closed.
11.2.2 Unload cargo/mail/luggage
1) Whether the operator complies with the ramp safety regulations
(No playing& smoking, etc.);
2) Whether the individual is riding when the vehicle has a seat, it is
prohibited to follow the vehicle;
3) The staff can only walk on the ramp of the airbridge, no running;
4) Whether the driver of the vehicle complies with the airport speed
5) Whether the driver of the vehicle is driving along the planned
apron road;
6) Whether the ground operation equipment is guided by personnel
when it is parked in the restricted area;
7) Whether the ground operation equipment is guided by personnel
when it is reversing in the restricted area;
8) Whether there is personnel guidance for the docking of the lifting
platform vehicle;
9) Whether the wheel block is set up immediately after docking the
aircraft on the lifting platform;
10) Whether all ground equipment conducts test braking at a specified
distance from the aircraft to confirm that the braking performance
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is good;
11) Before the ground equipment approaches the aircraft, check the
cargo door and cabin door for dents, scratches and other damage;
12) When the operator opens the cargo/cabin door, should they ensure
that there is no damage to the door and no foreign objects around;
13) Whether opening and fixing the cargo/cabin doors is performed by
14) Whether to use wheel block to fix when using hand-push airstairs;
15) Personnel are prohibited from playing;
16) Before the docking the crawler-type luggage transfer vehicle, is it
confirmed that the guardrails on both sides of the vehicle are
17) Whether the buffer of the baggage conveyor belt is placed under
the cargo door and must not be in contact with it;
18) When the crawler-type luggage conveyor rises and docks with the
wide-bodies aircraft, confirm that the guardrails on both sides are
19) All personnel are prohibited to stand, walk or sit on the conveyor
belt at work;
20) When docking the wide-body machine, is it necessary to raise the
front section of the conveyor belt to the required height of the
cargo door before entering;
21) After the ULD or aircraft container is loaded into the aircrafthold,
is the buckle at the bottom of the aircrafthold, ensure that no
displacement occurs;
22) When the cargo door is closed, is the container loading equipment
guardrail properly retracted;
23) Operators are not allowed to stand on the loading platform of the
container, they need to use the freight ladder to get up and down;
24) Whether the brake of the ground operation equipment is in a
normal and usable status;
25) Whether the vehicle wheel block is accurately set on the apron;
26) When unloaded, is the luggage tractor turned off, and the
handbrake is pulled up, and the wheel block is placed;
27) Is the buckle of the container loading tray opened before docking
with the container loading device;
28) When the vehicle is moving, the operator is prohibited to extend
his hands and feet outside the vehicle;
29) When loading and unloading or carrying, the loading and
unloading personnel use the correct posture to prevent human
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30) Whether the luggage is handled lightly. No violent loading and
31) After the cargo is installed, whether it is fixed with a net cover, no
signs of loosening;
32) The cargo/mail/ luggage shall not be placed on the top of the hood,
fender and container of the luggage tug;
33) It is forbidden for ground handling equipment to pass under the
wings and fuselage;
34) Safety inspection should be carried out before unloading the ULD,
including whether the condition of the cargo panel is standardized,
whether there is displacement and there is a risk of scratching the
35) During the unloading of the ULD, personnel should be arranged
to monitor the whole process to prevent scratches on the aircraft.
11.2.3 Loading cargo/mail/luggage
1) Whether the driver of the vehicle complies with the airport speed
2) Whether the driver of the vehicle is driving along the planned
apron road;
3) When the vehicle is moving, the operator is prohibited to extend
his hands and feet outside the vehicle;
4) Whether all ground equipment conducts test braking at a specified
distance from the aircraft to confirm that the braking performance
is good;
5) Whether the covering net of the ULD is kept closed and fastened
during transportation;
6) Safety inspection should be carried out before loading the ULD
into the cargo hold, including the airworthiness of the container
and the standardization of the packing/assembly board;
7) When using a hand-push airstairs, whether it is ensured that it is
properly docked with the aircraft, and fixed with a wheel block;
8) Personnel are prohibited from playing;
9) It is forbidden for ground handling equipment to pass under the
wings and fuselage;
10) The cargo/mail/ luggage shall not be placed on the top of the hood,
fender and container of the luggage tug;
11) Whether the buffer of the baggage conveyor belt is placed under
the cargo door and must not be in contact with it;
12) When the crawler-type luggage conveyor rises and docks with the
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wide-bodies aircraft, confirm that the guardrails on both sides are
13) All personnel are prohibited to stand, walk or sit on the conveyor
belt at work;
14) After the ULD or aircraft container is loaded into the aircrafthold,
is the buckle at the bottom of the aircrafthold, ensure that no
displacement occurs;
15) When the cargo door is closed, is the container loading equipment
guardrail properly retracted;
16) Operators are not allowed to stand on the loading platform of the
container, they need to use the freight ladder to get up and down;
17) Is the buckle of the container loading tray opened before docking
with the container loading device;
18) Whether the brake of the ground operation equipment is in a
normal and usable status;
19) Whether the ground operation equipment is guided by personnel
when it is reversing in the restricted area;
20) Whether the ground operation equipment is guided by personnel
when it is parked in the restricted area;
21) When unloaded, is the luggage tractor turned off, and the
handbrake is pulled up, and the wheel block is placed;
22) Whether the luggage is handled lightly. No violent loading and
23) When loading and unloading or carrying, the loading and
unloading personnel use the correct posture to prevent human
24) Check whether all locks, cargo nets, snaps, etc. have been installed
and fixed before the cargo door is closed;
25) When the operator opens the cargo/cabin door, should they ensure
that there is no damage to the door and no foreign objects around;
26) Is the aircraft equipped with a suitable push-back according to the
aircraft type;
27) Whether there is a round inspection to check whether the doors are
closed, whether the aircraft has no obvious damage, and whether
there is no ground equipment in the door area;
28) Is the ground equipment properly parked to prevent foreign
objects from being sucked into the aircraft engine;
29) During the loading of the ULD, personnel should be arranged to
monitor the whole process to prevent scratches on the aircraft.

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11.2.4 Aircraft outbound
1) Whether the airbridge is correctly docked with the aircraft;
2) Whether the automatic leveling system is used for the operation of
the airbridge;
3) Whether the shelter of the airbridge is equipped with docking
4) Whether the lighting on the airbridge is sufficient;
5) Whether the operator is equipped with appropriate hearing
protection equipment;
6) Whether the operator is equipped with safety footwear or leather
7) The staff may only walk on the ramp of the covered bridge, and
may not run;
8) Whether the airbridge was withdrawn before the aircraft was
9) Whether the staff ensure that no personnel or objects stay before
the airbridge is withdrawn;
10) Whether the airbridge operator is vigilant while operating the
airbridge to dock the fuselage to prevent scratches;
11) Whether the airbridge operator uses the alarm device when
operating the airbridge;
12) Whether the shelter of the airbridge is put away when the covered
airbridge is withdrawn;
13) Until the plane is launched, the staff must stay at the bridge to drop
14) Is the reflective cone properly closed;
15) If the operator connected to the call system does not follow the
tractor, follow the guidance at the front landing gear when the
aircraft is launched;
16) When the aircraft is started, is the operator next to the wing seated
and using the correct guidance gestures;
17) Does the engine operator know the danger zone of the engine;
18) Whether the staff understand the aircraft engine start signal sign;
19) Whether the staff use the command signal stick to guide the
aircraft (guide when the visibility is low);
20) Staffs are prohibited from walking under the fuselage or directly
crossing the towing bar of the tractor;
21) Whether the commander directed the aircraft to stop at the correct
stopping position;
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22) Whether the tow bar of the tractor is properly separated from the
23) Whether the staff removed the wheel block in time and stored it
11.2.5 GSE Operation
1) Whether the GSE is well maintained, the inspection focuses
include the following:
(1) Vehicle brake-foot brake;
(2) Front windshield-glass is broken/stained;
(3) Wiper;
(4) Axle/tyre;
(5) Horn/reverse lights;
(6) No liquid leakage;
(7) Vehicle cleaning-inside and outside;
(8) Operation control system-joystick, shifter, etc.;
(9) Functional operating systems-conveyor belts, rollers, pipes, etc.;
2) All vehicles are equipped with wheel chocks;
3) The staff operates the brake device of the cargo and pallet
4) All pallets are equipped with sufficient locks;
5) All cargo and pallets are equipped with brake devices;
6) The number of occupants of the vehicle equipment meets the
7) The safety system of all vehicle equipment is functioning
8) Vehicle equipment shall be equipped with fire extinguishers in
accordance with regulations, and shall be regularly checked and
recorded to the label;
9) Check the applicability of the baggage container before loading;
10) During the transportation process, the pallet locks should be kept
upright and stabilize the goods; the net pockets and container of
the cargo should be kept closed;
11) When the vehicle is stationary or driving on the apron, the
conveyor belt must be in the recovery state.
12) Keep the rear door closed at all times during loading or driving of
the loaded vehicle equipment;
13) Keep your body low while driving the vehicle;
14) Make sure that the vehicle door is closed when the driver leaves.
11.2.6 Aircraft Refueling
1) Whether the operator operates according to the operation
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procedures of the fuel truck;
2) Whether the operator is working according to the safe operation
procedures of the refueling equipment;
3) Whether there are obstacles in front of the fuel truck;
4) Whether to use prompt signs to place at refueling sites, such as
flags, reflective cones, signal lights, etc.
5) After refueling, whether the operator does around check.
11.2.7 Catering Truck
1) Whether the operator is working according to the operation
procedures of the catering truck;
2) Whether the operator uses the engine plug correctly;
3) Whether the operator is operating in accordance with the
provisions of the catering truck movement procedure;
4) If there are no items that can cause FOD in the catering truck, it is
forbidden to drop the items on the apron;
5) Ensure the safe operation of personnel, such as driving at a
prescribed speed, operating in a safe area, and prohibiting reckless
6) Whether the catering truck disdocked the aircraft, whether the
equipment is properly recovered.
11.2.8 Sewage Truck
1) Whether the operator is working according to the operation
procedures of the sewage truck;
2) Whether the operator cleans the sewage according to the operating
11.2.9 Water Truck
1) Whether the operator is working according to the operation
procedures of the water truck;
2) Whether the operator replenishes drinking water according to the
operating procedures;
3) Whether the operator is far away from the pollution source that
may cause drinking water pollution during the operation, such as
sewage truck.
11.2.10 Garbage Truck
1) Whether the operator operates according to the garbage truck
operation procedures;
2) Whether the personnel recognize the aircraft signal light;
3) Whether the operators follow the cabin cleaning safety procedures,
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such as pollutant cleaning and sharp objects;
4) Whether the operator picked up any items that may cause FOD on
the apron;
5) Whether the operator operates according to the door operating
11.2.11 De-icing Vehicle
1) Whether the operator operates according to the operation
procedures of the de-icing vehicle;
2) Whether the operator wears personal protective equipment;
3) The de-icing operator must establish a communication mechanism
with the operators in the bucket, such as real-time communication
through headphones.
11.2.12 Personal Protection, Behavior and Operation
1) Whether the operator wears personal protective equipment;
2) Whether the operator is working seriously and prudently, without
playful behavior;
3) Whether the operator operates according to the manual, such as
lifting the equipment correctly;
4) Whether personnel avoid walking in unauthorized area, such as
under the fuselage, crossing the tow bar, and staying between two
5) Whether all operators follow the apron traffic rules.
11.2.13 Apron Safety Management
1) Are there any items on the apron that may cause FOD;
2) Whether the apron is cleaned regularly;
3) Whether there is no liquid overflow on the apron;
4) Whether the apron is free from unnecessary congestion;
5) Whether the boarding gate is free of equipment that hinders the
arrival or departure of the aircraft;
6) Whether the apron mark (vehicle driving line, etc.) is clearly
7) Whether the ground equipment is parked in the designated area;
8) Whether all ground vehicles are parked backwards and parked in
the parking space;
9) If the ground vehicle is not in use, whether to drive back to the
parking area, keep the braking state, and block the gear;
10) Whether the wheel block is properly stored when not in use;
11) Is there a sufficient number of trash cans on the apron, and they
are cleaned regularly;
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12) Whether all vehicles are free of any parts that may hinder safe
operation or cause FOD;
13) It is forbidden for all personnel to smoke on ground vehicles;
14) Whether the tow bar is disconnected from the tug when the vehicle
is not in use;
15) Whether the pallet and container are stored off the ground;
16) Are emergency exits and equipment channels kept clear.
11.2.14 Airport Restricted Area Safety Management Inspection
1) Whether to conduct safety and security assessment in restricted
2) Frequency of safety and security assessment in restricted areas;
3) Whether to keep the safety and security assessment records of
restricted areas;
4) Whether to analyze and improve the performance evaluation
5) Whether to establish and communicate the management
objectives of the restricted area;
6) Whether the management objectives of the restricted area are
7) Has anyone analyzed the shortcomings of the goal of the
management department;
8) Are there any records showing that all operators have received
relevant operation qualification training.
11.2.15 Severe weather supervision procedures
Supervise aircraft arrival/departure operations during severe
weather including but not limited to the following activities.
Examples of severe weather include winter or slippery tarmac
conditions, storms/lightning, lightning warnings, sandstorms,
strong winds, hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes and extreme heat. Supervisory activities
1) Operation and parking of aircraft, vehicles and ground service
equipment (GSE);
2) Parking;
3) Baggage operations;
4) Cabin equipment;
5) Operation of apron catering;
6) Departure;
7) External cleaning;
8) Internal cleaning;
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9) Accuracy of loading management documents:
(1) Loading Instructions/Report (LIR)
(2) Loading plan
(4) Other documents (if applicable)
10) Weight & Balance management and flight operations;
11) Aircraft guidance
12) Aircraft towing;
13) Passenger service;
14) People with reduced mobility (PRM);
15) Refueling/defueling operations on the apron;
16) Tarmac rules;
17) Ramp service;
18) Communication between the apron and the cockpit;
19) Employee behavior, behavior and operation practices, personal
protective equipment;
20) Lavetory service;
21) Cargo and luggage transportation;
22) Luggage and cargo handling equipment (ULD) and bulk cargo
loading and unloading operations;
23) Water supply services. Supervision process
1) Receive notifications of severe weather;
2) Confirm the notice of severe weather;
3) Identify threats;
4) Take action in accordance with established procedures;
5) Communicate with all involved parties;
6) Ensure compliance with local regulations.

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11.3 Definition of Ground Safety Responsibility

1) The Ground Service Management Department is responsible for

the safety of passengers, baggage, cargo and related work.
2) The Maintenance Engineering Department is responsible for the
safety of aircraft routine airworthiness/maintenance operations,
aircraft ground support, etc. and related work.
3) The Operation Control Department is responsible for the aircraft
weight and balance and the safety of its related work.

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11.4 Emergency incident report

11.4.1 Risk points

1) Failure to report emergency incidents and violations of regulations;
2) If emergency incidents are not reported in time, there are also
violations of regulations;
3) Emergency incidents are not reported, and there are breaches of
11.4.2 Classification
1) Emergency report
2) Non-emergency reports
11.4.3 Information Handling Procedure Information classification

Unsafe information is divided into emergency information and
non-emergency information, both of which are mandatory report
information. Mandatory report list
Mandatory reporting of the situation in the following table, or
similar to the situation in the following table.
Classification Specific sample/list
1. Take off without removing the control panel, landing gear safety pins,
hooks, airspeed tube sleeves, static pressure hole plugs or tail struts.
2. The aircraft collides with the aircraft; or the aircraft collides with
vehicles, people, equipment, facilities or other objects, causing aircraft
3. During aircraft operation, maintenance or support, death, serious or
minor injuries were caused.
4. Failure to load live animals in passenger flights as required, triggering
fire alarms and other warnings.
5. The carried items catch fire or smoke, or leak, etc., which may cause
aircraft damage or personal injury.
6. Violation of "Hainan Airlines Safety Red Line Management
7. Incidents that comply with the "Hainan Airlines Standards for Serious
Errors in Safety".

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1. Aircraft, vehicles, or personnel appearing by mistake in the take-off
or landing restricted area in the airport.
2. Aircraft facilities and equipment, vehicles, people, animals or other
objects have a risk of scratching, and emergency measures must be
taken to avoid scratching (such as ground vehicles or people rushing to
the way with a taxiing aircraft); or vehicles, people, equipment, and
facilities or other objects scratch with the parked aircraft causes damage
to the aircraft but does not exceed the standard.
3. The carried live animals escape or appear in the airport ramp area,
which will affect the normal operation of the aircraft or the airport.
4. The weight and loading position of baggage, mail, cargo, ballast, etc.
do not match the manifest or balance chart (exceeding the last-minute
change limit), and the aircraft takes off.
5. The aircraft is not de-icing/anti-icing as required.
6. Other situations of aircraft damage or personal injury occurred during
the ground service process.
7. The freight operation standard does not meet the requirements of the
bureau or manufacturer, which affects the safety of the company's
8. The manifest is not in conformity with the reality due to cargo
reasons, which exceeds the relevant flight restrictions but does not affect
Non- the normal flight operation.
emergency 9. Illegal receipt and transportation of prohibited goods.
Incidents 10. The cargo is not packaged according to the company's standards,
causing the cargo to contaminate the cargo compartment. The aircraft
needs to be temporarily parked for maintenance and inspection.
11. Dangerous goods are accepted and transported in violation of
regulations, and are ready to be loaded or have been loaded through
security inspection, which affects operational safety; or dangerous
goods are not loaded and transported in accordance with regulations.
12. The cargo is not packaged according to the company's standards,
causing live animals to escape into the cargo compartment of the
aircraft, resulting in damage to the aircraft or AOG for maintenance.
13. Failure to securely load cargo and container equipment in the cargo
hold in accordance with regulations, causing the cargo and container
equipment to move out of the original loading position and affecting
flight operations.
14. Receiving, transporting or loading oversized and overweight cargo
in violation of regulations, causing damage to the door or the inner wall
of the cargo hold or affecting the normal operation of the flight.
15 Failure to assemble the ULD cargo as required, causing damage to
the door or the inner wall of the cargo hold or affecting the normal
operation of the flight.
16. The general safety error that does not meet the "Hainan Airlines
Safety Serious Error Standard".
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17. Liability incidents caused by human errors. Information report

1) When a safety incident occurs or is discovered in the Hainan
Airlines base or branch area, it shall be notified in accordance with
the "Hainan Airlines Ground Service System Security Incident
Information Management Regulations";
2) When a security incident occurs or is discovered in a non-Hainan
Airlines base or branch area, after the occurrence or discovery of
a security incident, the GSA or related unit does not need to judge
the nature of the incident but immediately (within 10 minutes)
report to the customer service desk (by phone: +86-898-65987106)
and station staff, and continue to report updated incident
information. Report template
Hainan Airlines Irragular Incidents Report

Date (1) A/C Registration (2) Fleet (3)

Flight No. (4) Station (5) Classfication (6)

Incident Duration (7) Incident height (air) (8)

Personnel involved (9) Captain (10) Crew (11)

Incident Description (12)

Possible causes or equipment
(13) (14)
known deviation damages and
personnel injuries

Whether it is Other
required/reported to (15) plans/measures (16)
another company taken

Remarks (17)

Photo or video
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Reporter (19) Time (20) Department (21)
1-7: Required fields
8: It needs to be filled in if there is an event during the flight, if there is no exact
altitude, fill in "height unknown"
9: Human Error caused incidents are required, Human Error caused incidents are
10-11: Optional
12: Required, what is the reason and what is the impact and what measures have
13: Fill in truthfully the information that has the preliminary reason and deviation
14: Required
15: Bird strikes/foreign object injuries/tyre punctures/aircraft damage due to other
reasons must be reported to the airport.
16-17: Optional
18: Bird strikes/lightning strikes/foreign object injuries/tyre punctures/aircraft
damage due to other reasons must be attached with photos.
19-21: Required fields

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11.5 Ground safety investigation procedures

All ground services units, including the ground service agents of

Hainan Airlines, obey the arrangements of the Safety Quality
Center of the Ground Service Department, closely cooperate with
the Safety Quality Management Center of the Ground Service
Department to carry out investigations, carry out corresponding
work under the command of the Safety Quality Center of the
Ground Service Department, seal up the required materials and
provide investigations.

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11.6 Severe weather ground operation procedures

Supervise aircraft arrival/departure operations during severe

weather including but not limited to the following activities.
Examples of severe weather include winter or slippery conditions
on the tarmac, storm/lightning, lightning warning, sandstorms,
strong winds, typhoons, tornadoes and extreme heat.
11.6.1 Definition of Severe Weather
1) Strong wind or continuous strong wind-continuous wind or cloud
gusts with wind speed greater than 75 km/h (40 knots);
2) Lightning—including cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground
3) Low visibility—refers to weather conditions of rain, snow,
sandstorm or fog, and visibility is less than 800 meters (0.5 miles);
4) Ground icing conditions-refers to the conditions where ice and
snow appear on the airport road surface or ramp area, and the road
surface temperature or cold wind causes icing. (The specific
content of CCAR-121-R5 shall prevail)
11.6.2 Operation Procedure Strong Wind

1) Make sure to acknowledge the notice of strong wind and
dangerous weather
2) Ensure that strong winds and dangerous weather information have
been transmitted to all ground service units
3) Identify the safety risks of aircraft, bridges, ground support
equipment, luggage and cargo, equipment and passengers and
operators caused by strong winds and dangerous weather.
4) A gale information collection and forecast system should be
established; real-time weather conditions can be obtained through
the following methods: internal weather forecasts, national
weather service warnings, local TV or radio forecasts, pilot reports,
observations on terminal towers, and reports on apron towers,
observation and local detection devices.
5) Before the strong wind arrives, the time required to complete the
following items should be determined;
6) Ensure that all personnel have been notified of the weather
7) Secure aircraft: In order to ensure the safety of aircraft parking,
the aircraft manufacturer’s procedures should be implemented,
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using wheel blocks, brakes, mooring devices and ballast materials,
etc. Fasten all cargo nets and close all cargo doors on the aircraft.
Close all cabin doors on the aircraft (Note: When closing the cabin
door of the aircraft, if the APU is still on or the external air
conditioning unit is still connected, the aircraft will be pressurized.)
Close the cockpit windows. Close all flaps. Lock the control panel
according to the aircraft maintenance manual. Fix the torque link
of the aircraft's nose gear to prevent the front wheels of the aircraft
from moving due to strong winds. Hook the mop as much as
possible, connect the tractor and plug in the turning pin. If time
permits and there is an aircraft parking area available, park the
aircraft in the hangar. If hanar parking is not available,
consideration should be given to parking the aircraft at a remote
location away from the building that may be blown. Use the above
fixing measures to park the aircraft against the wind (make the
axis direction of the aircraft consistent with the direction of the
8) Aerobridge: Put away the ground power cord. Close all hatches,
retract and lower the height of the bridge, and fix the wheels. Park
the bridge at a location upwind or close to the terminal building,
or where it can connect to a mooring device. Remove all
equipment that cannot be fixed, such as ladders, FOD bins, etc.;
9) Ground support equipment: remove all unnecessary ground
support equipment around the aircraft. Move the ground support
equipment away from the aircraft and the aircraft movement area.
If possible, store the equipment in the building. All equipment
parked in the open air should be fixed with brakes and
disconnected from carts and platform trucks. Ensure that the
vehicle can use its own brake control or connect to other vehicles
to fix it in place. Lock all the containers on the platform trucks,
make sure the doors of the transport vehicles are closed and fasten
the cover. Remove all empty, loose containers around the aircraft.
If possible, tie loose containers together or place them indoors.
Fasten the work support to the railing (if any) or other fixed
equipment with a chain. Lower the lifting gear (if any). Lower all
high-altitude operating equipment, such as loaders, passenger
elevators, catering trucks, etc., and extend the supporting feet.
Remove all loose equipment, such as wheel blocks, cones, ladders,
10) Baggage and cargo: Ensure that all baggage rooms and cargo
personnel understand the current situation and will not continue to
load and place cargo on or around the aircraft. Try to use the
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luggage room to store luggage. Use the above-mentioned
measures to secure all cargo equipment. Contact the mail and
cargo agent to temporarily return the unshipped cargo or make
other proper arrangements;
11) The cleaning of the aircraft: Put all the supplies and equipment on
the aircraft well, and do not leave equipment or rubbish on the
steps of the bridge. Drive all vehicles away from the aircraft
parking area. Close the door of the cleaning vehicle to avoid loose
objects scattered around the aircraft. Take the water pipe back and
store it in the sewage truck and clean water truck;
12) Facilities: Ensure that equipment operators understand the
weather conditions. Equipment personnel remain on standby to
deal with possible power outages or equipment maintenance tasks.
Close all doors that open to the outside. Secure all garbage trucks
and garbage bins;
13) Passenger safety: Ensure that all passenger service personnel are
aware of the latest weather conditions. Prepare to transfer
passengers to the safe area of the terminal building. When the
weather is in the warning stage, passengers will be suspended
from boarding or disembarking;
14) Flight crew: When the aircraft is parked due to windy weather,
notify the pilot to set the brakes;
15) Shift change: Ensure that all personnel on duty understand that the
severe weather operation plan has been activated. Lightening
1) Make sure to acknowledge the notification of lightning dangerous
2) Ensure that the lightning-dangerous weather has been transmitted
to all ground service units
3) Identify the safety risks of aircraft, bridges, ground support
equipment, luggage and cargo, equipment and passengers and
operators caused by lightning dangerous weather.
4) A lightning information collection and forecast system should be
established; real-time weather conditions can be obtained through
the following methods: internal weather forecasts, national
weather service warnings, local TV or radio forecasts, pilot reports,
observations on terminal towers, and reports on apron towers
observation and local detection devices.
5) Acknowledge the lightning warning, prepare to start the "stop"
command. Stop some unnecessary outdoor operations. Reduce the
refueling pressure to prevent the accumulation of static charges.
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Avoid using highly conductive equipment;
6) Receipt of a stop command: stop refueling and terminate the
communication between ground maintenance and flight crew.
Terminate all apron activities and clean up the apron. Personnel
should stay in buildings or metal vehicles. They should not stay
under aircraft, under bridges, near lamp posts, fences or under
trees. Ensure that all passenger service personnel are aware of the
latest weather conditions. If the passenger has not started boarding,
the passenger should be arranged to wait in the lounge. If boarding
has already started, boarding will be stopped and passengers who
have already boarded should stay on the plane. If the aircraft has
just arrived at the port, it should be parked in the area outside the
boarding gate until the lightning warning ends.
7) Personnel safety: In the event of lightning, personnel should not:
get out of a closed vehicle; use earphones connected to the aircraft;
use portable electronic devices (such as mobile phones, lspeakers
and two-way communication radios in open areas or in front of
windows); standing in the open air or under an airplane; hiding
under a tall tree; loading and unloading flammable and explosive
8) Lightning protection: The purpose of lightning protection is to
protect people, buildings and all items inside from the impact of
lightning, or to reduce its impact to an acceptable level. The
purpose of lightning prevention is not to prevent the formation of
lightning discharges, but to prevent objects from being directly hit
or affected by long-distance lightning discharges. No place is
absolutely safe and can avoid the threat of lightning, but some
places are safe compared to other places, such as inside the
terminal building, fully enclosed metal vehicles or safety shelters. Low visibility
1) Make sure to acknowledge notifications of dangerous weather
with low visibility.
2) Ensure that the low-visibility and dangerous weather has been
transmitted to all ground service units.
3) Identify the safety risks of aircraft, bridges, ground support
equipment, luggage and cargo, equipment and passengers and
operators caused by dangerous weather with low visibility.
4) A low-visibility information collection and forecast system should
be established; real-time weather conditions can be obtained
through the following methods: internal weather forecasts,
national weather service warnings, local television or radio
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forecasts, pilot reports, terminal tower observations, apron towers
observation, local detection device
5) Remove all unnecessary equipment from the ramp restricted area.
For operations in low visibility, only the minimum necessary
equipment is allowed to be parked on the airside. Greatly reduce
the operating speed of the equipment. When visibility is low, the
lights of all motor vehicles should be turned on. Equipment
operators should take extra care when passing through all
intersections. Ground ice
1) Make sure to acknowledge the notice of icing dangerous weather
on the ground.
2) Ensure that the dangerous weather of ice on the ground has been
transmitted to all ground service units.
3) Identify aircraft, bridges, ground support equipment, luggage and
cargo caused by dangerous weather on ground ice.
4) A gale information collection and forecast system should be
established; real-time weather conditions can be obtained through
the following methods: internal weather forecasts, national
weather service warnings, local TV or radio forecasts, pilot reports,
observations on terminal towers, and reports on apron towers
observation and local detection devices.
5) Ground icing increases the risk of working on the ground and
equipment surface. After knowing the icing condition on the
ground, it is necessary to make special preparations for the
equipment to ensure the operational function and safety of the
equipment. The personnel can extend the working hours, drive
slowly, and maintain the larger interval required to stop the
equipment. Typhoon
1) Make sure to acknowledge notifications of typhoon dangerous
weather and know the typhoon level.
2) Ensure that the dangerous weather of the typhoon has been
transmitted to all ground service units.
3) Identify aircraft, bridges, ground support equipment, luggage and
cargo caused by typhoon dangerous weather.
4) A typhoon information collection and forecast system should be
established; real-time weather conditions can be obtained through
the following methods: internal weather forecasts, national
weather service warnings, local television or radio forecasts, pilot
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reports, observations of terminal towers, and apron towers
observation, local detection device
5) There should be a typhoon prevention plan.
6) Should always pay attention to the typhoon development trend and
continuous changes in the affected situation;
7) According to the expected time of the typhoon to pass the field,
prepare for aircraft mooring work, storage of cargo, baggage
equipment and prepare for typhoon prevention;
8) According to the intensity of the typhoon, determine whether the
aircraft needs to go to the outer station for shelter;
9) During the transit of the typhoon, establish communication
channels with all affected parties, including but not limited to
receiving and arranging various work orders, and updating
typhoon information
10) When the typhoon weakens, it is necessary to allocate manpower
to resume the flight operation.
11) Other dangerous weather caused by typhoons shall be
implemented in accordance with the corresponding requirements
of this manual.
12) There should be safety protection measures for operators,
passengers, equipment and facilities during typhoons. Fire management
1) Fire prevention is often more important than fire fighting.
2) Good cleaning and arrangement are necessary. Do not accumulate
and store the waste. Instead, put the garbage into the designated
3) Immediately report in case of any suspicious or apparent fire.
4) Immediately report in case of wire malfunction.
5) No smoking on the apron and in the vehicle on the ramp.
6) Do not wear shoes with metal protrusions. The sole of the shoe
should not be attached with metal or iron nails.
7) Personnel must be familiar with the positions of fire-fighting
equipment, fire alarm bells and the emergency shutdown button.
8) The passage leading to the fire fighting equipment, fire alarm bells
and the emergency shutdown button must be kept unobstructed.
9) If finding that the aircraft catches fire, immediately notify the
people on board to evacuate.
10) Where possible, you should close all the cabin doors and fasten
the cross bars.
11) If the ground support equipment catches fire, use fire
extinguishers on the apron or deployed on the equipment to
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control the fire. Once feasible, immediately tow the equipment
away from the adjacent aircraft.
12) Do not operate the equipment in the vicinity of the fuel leak.
13) Staff should be aware of the types of firefighting equipment and
receive the equipment use training.

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12 Appendix
12.1 Definitions and Terms
1) Aircraft Type
(1) 60 Seats or under: EMB145, CRJ200 etc.
(2) 61-150 seats: EMB190, ARJ21, A319, B737(700 or below),
CRJ900 etc.
(3) 151-250 seats: B737(700 above), B757, A310, A320, A321 etc.
(4) 251-500 seats: B747, B777, B787, A300, A330, A340, A350 etc.
(5) 500 Seats or above: A380.
2) Departure and arrival time
(1) Schedule Time Departure: The departure time approve in the slot
(2) Estimate Time Departure: The departure time for pushback/
engine start after approval receive.
(3) Schedule Time Arrival: The arrival time approve in the slot system.
(4) Estimate Time Arrival: The estimate arrival on block time after the
flight depart.
3) Domestic Carriage
Travel in which, according to the contract of carriage, the points
of departure, stopover and destination are all within the People’
s Republic of China.
4) International Carriage
Carriage in which, according to the contract of carriage, the place
of departure, and any place of landing are situated in more than
one state. no matter whether there is suspension or transfer during
the transportation.
5) Domestic Segment of International Flight
No statement refers to “domestic segment of international flight”
in IATA, ICAO or international conventions . Article 43 in <China
Civil Aviation Passenger and Baggage International
Transportation Regulation> (CCAR-272TR-R1) mentioned that
“For domestic segment within international transportation, free
baggage allowance for passenger shall be subject to that of
international segment”. Therefore, we consider the “domestic
segment of international carriage” as a single transportation first
(refer to the definition and explanation of sequential tickets), it
operated by one or several carriers and including segments not
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only domestic but also overseas and belongs to the category of
international transportation. “Segment within China” here is
“domestic segment of international Carriage”.
6) Carrier
The air carrier issuing the ticket and all air passenger that carry or
undertake to carry the passenger and/ or his baggage thereunder or
to perform any other services related to such air carriage.
7) Carrier Regulations
Regulations published by carrier to manage transportation of
passenger and baggage that becomes effective since issuing date,
including valid ticket fare.
8) Sales agent
Enterprise engaged in agency business of civil aviation
9) Sales Agent or Authorized Agent of Carrier
A passenger sales agent who has been appointed by carrier to
represent such carrier in the sale of air passenger transportation
over the services of that carrier and, when authorized, over the
services of other air carriers.
10) Ground Service Agent
Enterprise engaged in ground service of civil aviation
11) Ground Service Agent of Carrier
Ground service agent appointed by carrier to provide ground
service to carrier’s flight.
12) Passenger
Any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried
in an aircraft with the consent of carrier.
13) Group Passengers
Ten or more passengers who are uniformly organized and pay
group fare with the same itinerary, flight date, flight number and
14) Infant and Child
Infant refers to a person who has not reached his/her second
birthday (2 exclusive). Child refers to a person who has reached
his/her second birthday but not his/her 12th birthday(2-12

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12
15) Seat Reservation
Passenger reservation of seats, class booked or weight and
dimension of baggage.
16) Contract party
Party that makes a contract of reservation and ticket purchasing
with carrier.
17) Flight
Regular flight operated by aircraft according to air route, date and
18) Passenger Reservation List
Business list filled by passenger before purchasing a ticket for
carrier or sales agent to reserve seat and issue ticket.
19) Valid Identity Document
Document that is presented by passengers when purchasing ticket
and taking flight, it is stipulated by government for proving the
passenger’s identity, such as resident identification card, valid
passport that is usable according to regulations, certification of
officer, police ID, certification of soldier, certification of civil
service cadre or retired cadre, and student identity card, residence
booklet, birth certificate of minor under 16 years old, etc.
20) Ticket
The document entitled “Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check”, in
each case issued by carrier or agent as preliminary proof that
passenger takes a flight or checks in baggage. The ticket is a kind
of valuable ticket, and transportation contract between passenger
and carrier and proof for settlement between carriers or between
carrier and agent.
21) Single Ticket
Ticket lists a flight’s departure station and destination station.
22) Interline Transportation and Interline Ticket
Interline transportation is the transportation where passenger’s
itinerary consists of two or more flights. Interline ticket is the
ticket listing two or more flights.
23) Return Transportation and Return Ticket
Passenger travels from departure station to arrival station and
retraces the route with the same single ticket fare, which is return
transportation. Return ticket is the ticket listing the itinerary from
departure station to destination station and that retracing the
Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12
original route.
24) Sequential Ticket
Ticket issued to passenger with another ticket that together forms
a single transportation contract.
25) Schedule Ticket
Ticket that lists flight, flight date and reserved seat.
26) OPEN Ticket
Ticket that has not listed flight, flight date or reserved seat.
27) Flight Coupon
The part of ticket that indicates “for segment on the ticket
transportation use only”, showing that the flight coupon is
applicable to the transportation between two certain locations.
28) Passenger Coupon
The part that indicates “passenger coupon” and is held by
29) Ticket Fare
Fare of aviation transportation from departure airport to
destination airport, including neither ground traffic fare between
airport and downtown, nor airport construction fee and charge of
paid service and facilities used by passenger.
30) Standard Fare
The highest ticket fare among fares of first, business and economy
class within the period that the ticket fare is available.
31) Discounted Fare
Ticket fare of first, business and economy class with concession
within the period that the ticket fare is available.
32) Special Fare
Other ticket fares that do not belong to normal ticket fare.
33) Baggage
The equivalent to the term “luggage”, means such articles, effects
and other personal property of a passenger as are necessary or
appropriate for wear, use, comfort, or convenience in connection
with his trip. Unless otherwise specified, it includes both checked
and unchecked baggage of the passenger.
34) Checked Baggage
The equivalent to “registered luggage”, means baggage of which
the carrier takes sole custody and for which carrier has issued a
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Ground Operation Manual 12
baggage check.
35) Unchecked Baggage
Baggage that is kept by passenger with carrier’s agreement.
36) Free carry-on Items
Small items that are carried on board by passenger for free within
the category and quantity restricted by carrier.
37) Baggage Ticket
The part that is related to transportation of passenger’s checked
38) Baggage Tag
A document issued by the carrier solely for identification of
checked baggage,
39) Departure Time
The time when cabin is closed after boarding.
40) Check-in Closure Time
The time when check-in is finished. It is 30 minutes before flight
departure time normally.
41) Appointed Intermediate Stop
The location, except departure station and destination station,
indicated on ticket or carrier’s flight schedule as somewhere
passenger is scheduled to stay during travel.
42) Stopover
when a passenger arrives at an intermediate point and is scheduled
to depart later than 24 hours after arrival (local time).
43) Transfer
A change from the service of one carrier to another service of one
carrier to another service of the same carrier (bearing a different
flight number) or to the service of another carrier.
44) Damage
includes death, injury, delay, loss, partial loss or other damage of
whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection with carriage or
other services performed by the carrier.
45) Days
Full calendar days, including Sundays and legal holidays;
provided that, for the purpose of notification, the balance of the
day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and that
for purposes of determining duration of validity, the balance of the
Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12
day upon which the ticket is issued or flight has commenced shall
not be counted.
46) Weight and Balance (As according to the Operation Control
Departure Issue (HU) OCD-2020-11 Change in Weight and
Balance Standard for Hainan Airlines and Grand China
(1) Standard weight for passenger
Adult Child Infant

Domestic/International 75KG 38KG 10KG

Charter Average Actual Weight

* Above weight include carry on luggage and all personal belonging.
** Special group charter is use when the average weight of the passenger
(include carry on luggage and all personal belonging) is different with the
standard passenger weight. And the average figure will be provided by the
(2) Standard weight for crew
Flight Crew Cabin Crew Sky Marshal Positioning Crew

All Flights 80KG

(3) Standard weight for baggage

Checked Baggage Gate Checked Baggage

Actual Weight 14KG

(4) LMC (Last Minute Change)

A. Hainan Airlines
Aircraft Type B737 B787 A330 A350

Maximum Change ±5 person or weight ± 400KG

B. Grand China Airlines

Aircraft Type B737

Maximum Change ±5 person or weight ± 375KG

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12
12.2 Common Operational Forms and Sheets

12.2.1 List of Operation Forms and Sheets

1) All operation forms and documents in ground service manual shall
be filled in a standard, clear and readable manner according to the
requirements in the documents, including the actual guarantee
data and ensuring that the responsible filer and the documents are
kept by the responsible filer. The retention period shall conform to
the table below; Involves the privacy of passengers and flight
information data documents, other irrelevant personnel access is
prohibited, and the corresponding documents by the preservation
unit security reserve (paper need to be locked in the closed area,
electronic document storage devices need to be set the secret
mechanism to avoid irrelevant personnel view), reach the
retention period must be crushed or deleted.

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Serial Reserved Preservation
No. Name Preparer Medium
Number by Period
Transfer Flight’s
Check-in Check-in Electronic HU-12-1 Departure Information 3 months
staff Department Edition
Summary Sheet
Hainan Airlines through
Transfer Transfer Electronic HU-12-2 check-in passengers 1 year
staff Department Edition
information sheet
Transfer Passenger
Check-in Check-in Electronic HU-12-3 Accommodation 1 year
supervisor Department Edition
Compensation Receipt
Check-in Check-in Paper HU-12-4 for Passenger on 1 year
supervisor Department Edition
Overbooking Flight
Check-in Check-in Electronic HU-12-5 Upgrading Records 3 months
staff Department Edition
Registration Form of
Compensation Issued to Check-in Check-in Paper HU-12-6 1 year
Irregular Flight supervisor Department Edition
Internatio Check-in
Hainan Airlines
nal check- staff/cabin
Passenger Travel Paper HU-12-7 in safety 4 weeks
Document Handover Edition
staff/statio guard/overs
n staff ea station
Special Passenger Ticket/chec
Paper HU-12-8 Service Request passenger k-in/service 1 year
Form(A) department
Unaccompanied Ticket/chec
Paper HU-12-9 Passenger Service passenger k-in/service 1 year
Request Form(B) department
Special Passenger Ticket/chec
Paper HU-12-10 Service Request passenger k-in/service 1 year
Form(C)) department
Service Dog Transport Paper HU-12-11 Passenger Handling 1 year
Request From Edition
Special Passenger Department/ Paper HU-12-12 service Half a year
Service Form Cabin Edition
Supporting Condition
for Disassembling and Electronic
Installing Cabin Seat at Edition or HU-12-13 None units Long term
Hainan Airlines Air Paper
Base or Airport Edition
(material sheet)
Passenger Wheelchair Supporting
Paper HU-12-14 Disassemble and Passenger units /
reassemble form concerned
Ticket Financial Paper HU-12-15 Excess Baggage Ticket 5 years
staff Department Edition

Revised date:2021-08-01
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Baggage Baggage
Over-collected Arrival Paper HU-12-16 inquiry inquiry 2 years
Baggage Records Edition
staff Department
Baggage Baggage
Under-collected Arrival Paper HU-12-17 inquiry inquiry 2 years
Baggage Records Edition
staff Department
Baggage Baggage
Damaged Arrival Paper HU-12-18 inquiry inquiry 2 years
Baggage Records Edition
staff Department
Baggage Baggage
Expedited Baggage Paper HU-12-19 inquiry inquiry 2 years
Registration Form Edition
staff Department
Damaged Baggage Paper HU-12-20 passenger inquiry 2 years
Registration Form Edition
Baggage Baggage
Lost Baggage Paper HU-12-21 inquiry inquiry 2 years
Investigation Form Edition
staff Department
Property Irregularity inquiry Paper HU-12-22 inquiry 2 years
Report staff Edition
Aviation Aviation
Document Delivery
materials materials Paper HU-12.23 Sheet of Hainan 30 days
administra receiving Edition
Airlines Oversea Office
tor unit
Application Form of
Hainan Airlines Non- Aviation
dangerous Aviation materials Check-in Paper HU-12.24 1 year
Materials and administra Department Edition
Equipment Transported tor
as Baggage
Pet Transportation Paper HU-12-25 passenger units 1 year
Agreement Edition
Cargo Compartment Electronic
Standard for Live Edition or HU-12-26 / units Long term
Animal Transportation Paper
of Each Aircraft Type Edition
Baggage Baggage
Temporary Supplies Paper HU-12-27 inquiry inquiry 2 years
Payment Bill Edition
staff Department
Claim Form of Paper HU-12-28 passenger inquiry 2 years
Passagers` Baggage Edition
Receipt for Baggage Paper HU-12-29 passenger inquiry 2 years
Compensation Edition
purser/cle Cabin
Cabin Cleaning Check aning crew/cleani Paper HU-12-30 3 months
List group ng Edition
leader department

Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-3
Ground Operation Manual 12
Pre-flight Cabin
Cleaning Assignment Supporting
Edition or HU-12-31 Sheet (operation / units Long term
material sheet) concerned
Quick Transit Cabin Electronic
Cleaning Assignment Edition or HU-12-32 / units Long term
Sheet (operation Paper
material sheet) Edition
Postflight Cabin
Cleaning Assignment Supporting
Edition or HU-12-33 Sheet (operation / units Long term
material sheet) concerned
Lithium Battery and
Check-in Paper HU-12-34 Power Bank Transport Passenger 1 year
Department Edition
Application Form
Interview Notice to Internatio
Check-in Paper HU-12-35 Mainland Resident for nal check- 1 year
office Edition
Taiwan in staff
Application Form of
Taiwan Resident with
Passport is Overdue or Frontier
Paper HU-12-36 Lost in Mainland Who Passenger inspection None
Return to Taiwan from office
Mainland or via Hong
Kong and Macao
Hainan Airlines
Delivery Form of Cabin Paper HU-12-37 Service 30 days
Passenger Article crew Edition
Missed on Board
Armed Guard Boarding Security Flight Paper HU-12-38
Notice checker Department Edition
Transfer Baggage Transfer Paper HU-12-39 Office/Speci 30 days
Information Form staff Edition
al Service
Hainan Airlines Special Supportin Supporting
Paper HU-12-40 Baggage Notice to g units units 24 months
Captain concerned concerned
Agreement for Human Paper HU-12-41 Passenger units 1 year
Organ Transportation Edition
Agreement for Declared Supporting
Paper HU-12-42 Value Baggage Passenger units 1 year
Transportation concerned
Supportin Supporting
Proof of Disinfection Paper HU-12-43 g units units 1 year
(SYD) Edition
concerned concerned
Approval Form for Supportin Supporting
Electronic HU-12-44 Internal items g units units 1 year
transportation in HNA concerned concerned

Revised date:2021-08-01
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Approval Form for Supportin Supporting
Electronic HU-12-45 Internal luggage g units units 1 year
transportation in HNA concerned concerned
Details for Internal Supportin Supporting
Electronic HU-12-46 luggage transportation g units units 1 year
in HNA concerned concerned
Monthly report for Supportin Supporting
Electronic HU-12-47 Internal luggage g units units 1 year
transportation in HNA concerned concerned
Information Checked Supportin Supporting
Paper HU-12-48 Record of Human g units units 2 year
Organ Transportation concerned concerned
Organ Receiving Supportin Supporting
Paper HU-12-49 Confirmation of g units units 2 year
Transplant Center concerned concerned
Verification record of
Supportin Supporting
human organ Paper HU-12-50 g units units 2 year
transportation Edition
concerned concerned
certification information
Supportin Supporting
Carriage Certificate of Paper HU-12-51 g units units 2 year
Airlines Approval Edition
concerned concerned
Report form for air Supportin Supporting
Electronic HU-12-52 transportation of human g units units 2 year
organ donation concerned concerned
Safety Transportation of
Lithium Battery and Supportin Supporting
Paper HU-12-53 g units units 2 year
luggage responsibility Edition
concerned concerned
exception term
Notice for passenger in Supporting
Paper HU-12-54 regard to Lithium / units Long term
Battery concerned
Announcement of the
Public Security Bureau
of the Civil Aviation
Administration of China Supporting
Paper HU-12-55 / units Long term
on Maintaining the Edition
Order of Civil Aviation
and Ensuring the Safety
of Air Transport
Announcement on
prohibiting passengers Electronic
Edition, HU-12-56 from carrying lighters / units Long term
and matches on civil concerned

Revised date:2021-08-01
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Notice on Legal Electronic
Liability of Passengers Supporting Paper HU-12-57 Carrying Lighters and / units Edition Long term
Matches on Civil concerned
Aviation Aircraft
Announcement on Electronic
reiterating that Supporting Paper HU-12-58 passengers carry power / units Edition Long term
banks and other items concerned
on the flight
Luggage transportation Electronic
regulations (it is Edition,
Supporting Paper HU-12-59 prohibited to carry / units Edition Long term
dangerous goods on concerned
Instructions for check-in Electronic
Edition, HU-12-60 (domestic/international / units Long term
version) concerned
Regulations on the
Transportation of Electronic
Edition, HU-12-61 Dangerous Goods by / units Long term
Civil Aviation" (Order concerned
of the Ministry of
Transport 2016 No. 42)
Items liable to contain Supporting
Edition, HU-12-62 / units Long term
dangerous goods Paper
Legend of Dangerous Electronic
Edition, HU-12-63 Goods Label in / units /
Baggage concerned
Distribution record of Supporting
Edition, HU-12-64 / units /
GOM Paper
Note: Paper documents involving passengers' personal information, such as "Pet Transportation Application
Form", "Special Passenger Service Application Form", "Record Ledger" and other paper documents or
documents, should be electronically back-up regularly.

Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-6
Ground Operation Manual 12
12.2.2 Simple and Content of Operation Form and Sheet Transfer Flight’s Departure Information Summary Sheet
Transfer Flight’s Departure Information Summary Sheet
Flight Date:
Segment/Flight Passenger
Baggage Amount/Weight Baggage No. Notice
No. number

Operator: Contact number of operator:

Notice: This sheet is made by origin station staff or check-in staff. ISO
standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size: 148×210mm).

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-7
Ground Operation Manual 12 Hainan Airlines through check-in passengers information
sheet (HU-12-2)
departure: Arrival flight No:
date: year month day
No Passenger name Seat No Total Luggage No Luggage Transfer
luggag destinatio flight
es n

Through luggage loading position:

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-8
Ground Operation Manual 12 Transfer Passenger Accommodation Statistics (attached
sheet: HU-12-3)
Transfer Passenger Accommodation Statistics
( Year Month)
Interlin Fligh Fligh
Tick Accommodatio
No Passeng Gende e t t Check- Check-
et n Fee
. er r Segmen Date Date in Date out Date
No. (rmb)/Day
t 1 2

Total (rmb)
Lister: auditor:
Notice: ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-9
Ground Operation Manual 12 Compensation Receipt for Passenger on Overbooking Flight
Compensation Receipt for Passenger on Overbooking Flight
Passenger Flight Ticket Record
Overbookin Flight Date Class Informati
Name No. No. No.
g Condition on

Flight Record Compensati Passenge Passenger

Type Flight Date
No. No. on r Name Number
Passenger 1.Change
Arrangeme 2.Endorseme
nt nt
Operator: Duty manager (station manager): Manager of Sales Department:

1.The receipt is in triplicate. The first coupon is passenger coupon for passenger, the
second is operator coupon, the third is settlement coupon for reimbursement in
Financial Department.
2.The receipt must be reimbursed only after being signed by manager of check-in
department or Sales Department.
3.When paying cash compensation to passenger, passenger arrangement must be
written clearly for check.
Notice: ISO standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-10
Ground Operation Manual 12 Upgrading Records (HU-12-5)
Upgrading Records
Date Flight No. Seat No. Upgrading Reason Notifier

Notice: ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-11
Ground Operation Manual 12 Registration Form of Subsidy Issued to Irregular Flight
Passenger (HU-12-6)
Registration Form of Subsidy Issued to Irregular Flight
Origin Arrival Subsidy (per
Date Flight No. Notice
Station Station passenger)

Passenger Signature of Passenger Signature of

Ticket No. Ticket No.
Name Passenger Name Passenger

This sheet is in duplicate. The first coupon is for reimbursement and the second one is
for preservation.
Notice: ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-12
Ground Operation Manual 12 Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover Form

Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover Form
Hainan Airlines Passenger Travel Document Handover Form
航班号/航线 日期
Flight No./Route : Date :
旅客姓名 Name: 性别 Gender:
出生日期 Date of birth: 座位号 Seat:
旅行证件号 Doc No.: 证件类型 Doc type:
交接记录 Handover Record
始发站 Departure Station
客舱经理 Cabin Manager/
安全员 Security Officer
Station (If
到达站 Arrival Station
旅客声明 Passenger Declaration

I insist on continuing my itinerary despite Hainan airlines has clearly informed me that I may be
refused entry or transit by the authority of arrival or transit station. In case it happens all the
expenses including but not limited to surveillance, food & accommodation, transportation tickets,
administrative fee, fines to the airlines will be borne by myself. Hainan airlines has the rights to
request reimbursement from me in case I can not afford to pay immediately.
声明人 Signed by:

I’ve already been refused entry or transit by the authority of arrival/transit station. All related
expenses including but not limited to surveillance, food & accommodation, transportation tickets,
Administrative Fee, fines to the airlines will be borne by myself. Hainan airlines has the rights to

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Ground Operation Manual 12
request reimbursement from me in case I can not afford to pay immediately.
声明人 Signed by:

I agree to hand over my travel document to Hainan Airlines until i arrive in scheduled destination.
声明人 Signed by:

Permanent Residence Address:
联系方式 Contact No.: 日期 Date:
使用说明 Instruction
1, 此单一式 5 份,始发站地服部门、安全员、中转站(如有)、到达站地服部门、旅客各留存 1
份。This form is in quintuplicate . Ground services department of departure station,
transit and arrival station, security officer shall keep one copy each.
2, 旅客声明请在适用部分下方签字确认。Passenger shall sign at applicable parts of the
passenger declaration.
Instructions for use:
1.This single change of handover is deemed to be invalid, and the handover personnel
of each link should pay great attention to it.
2.Statement 1 is that the departure station has informed the passenger that there is a
certain risk of being denied entry/transit, and the passenger still insists that he must
sign the project when traveling.
3.Statement 2 does its best to persuade passengers to cooperate with the signing without
compulsory requirements
4.Statement 3 is that the project must be signed when performing the document packing
ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size: 210×297mm).

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-14
Ground Operation Manual 12 Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (HU-12-8)
Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type A)
(Wheelchair passengers (WCHS/WCHR), physically challenged passengers, passengers with general service requirements_________)
Dear passengers:
Thanks for choosing HNA’s flights. Please fill out this form in details by ticking items in □ so that we can provide better services to
Name Gender Age
Flight date Flight No. Tel
A Starting Airport Stop-over airport Destination
Type of certificate Number of certificate

condition For passengers with sight or hearing challenged, whether escorted by a seeing eye dog or hearing aid dog?
No □ Yes □
⑴ Wheelchair
service needed in □ Able to go up and down stairs, but need wheelchair for long-distance movement (WCHR)
the airport? □ Unable to go up and down stairs, but able to move unassisted in the cabin (WCHS)
No □ Yes □
□ Complete wheelchair check-in at the check-in counter
□ Prefer to use my own wheelchair to the boarding gate and
complete wheelchair check-in at the boarding gate
□ Manual wheelchair □ Prefer to retrieve the checked wheelchair at the cabin door upon
□ Mechanical axle arrival
wheelchair (WCMP) □ Prefer to retrieve the checked wheelchair at the baggage claim
area upon arrival.
* We regret to inform you currently there is no space in the cabin
Wheelchair ⑵ Availability of to store the passenger’s own wheelchair.
services passenger’s own □ Travelling with a wheelchair driven by spill-able battery
wheelchair? (WCBW)
No □ Yes □ □ Travelling with a wheelchair driven by sealed non-spill-able
battery (WCBD)
□ Prefer to retrieve the checked wheelchair at the cabin door upon
□ Electric wheelchair arrival
□ Prefer to retrieve the checked wheelchair at the baggage claim
area upon arrival.
* It takes a relatively long time to load the electric wheelchair in
the cargo cabin, so please complete wheelchair check-in at the
check-in counter 90 minutes before the departure time.
⑶ DO you need on-board wheelchair service ? No □ Yes □
* Hainan airlines can provide you with on-board wheelchair services in A330 & B787 aircraft cabin .
Guidance Guiding service till the boarding gate required at the departure airport? No □ Yes □
⑴ Special seat required No □ Yes □
Special in- If "yes", please specify: aisle seat □, window seat □, other
arrangements ⑵Bassinet required? No □ Yes □ Seats No.:___________
need ⑶ Child seat required? No □ Yes □ Seats No.:____________
⑷Other requirements
F Retinue
I, the undersigned, hereby guarantee the above information is authentic and valid.
Signature of passenger (guardian\Retinue) Date
HNA’s department handling the application: Ticket office or ground service department; Handled by:
① This application form does not apply to unaccompanied minor. Unaccompanied minor should use Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type B) ②
This application form does not apply to passengers who need certain medical equipment (e.g. oxygen cylinder) or stretcher during the flight for medical care
purposes, passengers who can not take care of their own needs unassisted, passengers on wheelchairs, passengers who need assistance sitting down or getting up
(WCHC), passengers suffering from certain disease, and healthy passengers who have been pregnant for more than 8 months (32 weeks) (inclusive) but less than 9
months (36 weeks). Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type C) shall apply to these passengers. ③ This application form consists of two forms without
Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-15
Ground Operation Manual 12
carbon copy. The first form is airline form to be kept by the department handling the passenger’s application, the second form is passenger form.

Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type A)

This application form has been designed to provide better services to passengers. It
enumerates free service items available to special passengers including wheelchair
services, guidance services, special meal services. Medical information sheet certifying
the passenger’s flight-worthiness is not required.
When booking ticket via phone or buying ticket at the ticket counter, passengers should
fill out the back of this form where appropriate so that HNA can make appropriate
arrangement in advance based on the information provided to ensure thoughtful
services. Whether to fill out this application is entirely up to the passengers. For more
information, please contact HNA at 95339 or visit the nearest ticket office.
Special services are described below for reference only, see back for detailed
Guidance services
Hainan Airlines can provide you with guidance services, help you go through the check-
in procedures, check your luggage, assist you through security checks, enter the waiting
hall and rest, and guide you to the boarding gate. It is suitable for passengers with
disabilities, passengers with language barriers (including foreign passengers) and other
passengers who need guidance services provided by HNA.
Wheelchair services
Passengers who require wheelchair services should apply at the time of ticket-buying.
Service personnel at the airport’s check-in counter will require passengers to go through
wheelchair check-in procedure. HNA may provide special wheelchair services to
passengers by placing the wheelchair beside the passenger’s seat. If any passenger
intends to use his/her own wheelchair up till the boarding gate, s/he should notify HNA
at the time of ticket-buying. As there is no space to store wheelchairs in the cabin,
passengers who intend to use their own wheelchairs need to go through baggage check-
in procedure at the boarding gate and have their wheelchairs stored in the cargo cabin.
Apply to mobility-restricted older passengers, passengers with disability and other
passengers physically or mentally impaired needing wheelchair service.
Infant cradle service:
HNA provide infant cradles to those infants whose height is within 72cm and the weight
is within the 11kg and the age is between 0 to 2 years old. The facility is only equipped
on international flight taken by wide-body aircraft. The amount of infant cradles on
each aircraft of HNA is limited, passengers shall consult with the ticket seller when
booking tickets.
Child seat service
HNA provide child seat to those children whose weight between 10kg to 25kg
(inclusion) and the age between 0 to 6 (inclusion) years old. The facility is only
equipped on international flight taken by wide-body aircraft. The amount of child seat
Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-16
Ground Operation Manual 12
on each aircraft of HNA is limited, passengers shall consult with the ticket seller when

Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-17
Ground Operation Manual 12 Unaccompanied Passenger Service Request Form (HU-12-9)
(Unaccompanied minor, elder, pregnant passenger, passenger with

visual and hearing disabilities)

Unaccompanied Traveler Application forms

乘机人信息 information:
姓名 Name: 年龄 Age: 性别 Sex: 母语 Languages spoken:
住址 Permanent address: 电话号码:Telephone no.: 其他联系方式:Other contacts :

航班详细资料 Flight details Information

航班号 Flight no. 日期 date 自 from 至 to
航班号 Flight no. 日期 date 自 from 至 to
始发站旅客送机人员(旅客亲属)信息 Person(relatives of passengers)seeing off on departure
姓名 Name: 电话号码 Telephone no.: 地址 Address:
经停/衔接站接送人员(旅客亲属)信息 Person (relatives of passengers)meeting and seeing off at stopover
姓名 Name: 电话号码 Telephone no.:
地址 Address:
到达站接机人员(旅客亲属)信息 Person(relatives of passengers) meeting on arrival
姓名 Name: 电话号码 Telephone no.: 地址 Address:
到达站旅客接机人员(旅客亲属)签字 Signature for release of traveler from airlines’ custody

申明 Declaration
1. I confirm that I have arranged for the above mentioned minor to be accompanied to the airport
on departure and to be met at stopover point and on arrival by the persons named. These persons
will remain at the airport until the flight has departed and/or be available at the airport at the
scheduled time of arrival of the flight.我确定我已经安排妥当以上所提及的事务,未成人在始
2. Should the minor not be met at stopover point or designation, I authorize the carrier(s) to take
whatever action they consider necessary to ensure the minor’s safe custody including return of minor
to the airport of original departure, and I agree to indemnify and reimburse the carrier(s) for the
costs and expenses incurred by them in taking such action.如果未成年在经停/衔接站和到达站无
3. I certify that the minor is in possession of all travel documents (passport, visa, health certificate,
etc.) required by applicable laws.我保证未成年人已具备相关国家法律要求的所有旅行文件(护
照、签证、健康证明等) 。
4. I the undersigned parent or guardian of the above mentioned minor agree to and minor named
above and certify that the information provided is accurate.我作为申请书所列未成年人的父母或

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-18
Ground Operation Manual 12
签名 Signature: 地址 Address : 电话 Telephone no.: 日期 Date:
This form is in triplicate: the first sheet is for issuing, kept by issuing unit; the second sheet is for
flight, kept by check-in department of airport of departure; the third sheet is for steward, retained
by the cabin department; the fourth sheet is for arriving, kept by the service department of airport
of destination.
Signature of Airlines/Agent Staff
Special service Ground service
Unit Ticket staff passenger at origin Cabin crew passenger at
station destination station

First/Business Class Unaccompanied Minor Service Records

Airport: Date: Year Month Day
Passenger Flight Time Items Signature Signature of Service
Name No. of Service Staff in First Class
Staff Lounge
Zhang Hu7282 15:30 The passenger Li Si Wang Wu
San comes in lounge for

Notice: print and sign the sheet when first/business class unaccompanied minor has a rest in first
class lounge and is ready for boarding. The records shall be kept for at least 6 months.

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-19
Ground Operation Manual 12 Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (HU-12-10)

Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type

As the fastest and most convenient way of transportation for sick passengers, air transportation
boasts great superiority in convenience and stability.. However, the physical condition of sick passengers
may deteriorate due to the long-hour air traveling, altitude and cabin environment. Therefore, not all sick
passengers are suitable to travel by air.
Normally, civil aircraft's travel at a near-sonic speed of 900 km/hour (560 feet/hour) at a height of
9,000-12,000 meters (30,000-40,000 feet). Under the condition of the high altitude environment whose
air pressure has a huge difference from ground air pressure, the flight cabin shall be engine-driven
supercharged at the time of flying only. During the flying, the air pressure in the flight cabin shall be
remained at the level equivalent to that at a peak of 1,500 - 2,100 meters (5,000 - 7,000 feet) high.
However, the air pressure of the cabin fluctuates greatly at the process of 15 - 30 minutes of takeoff and
The air pressure in the flight cabin: When air pressure falls, the gas inside the human body will
expand. During the flying, the gas pressure accumulated in the human body cannot be released,therefore,
the injured part and body organs of passengers will be extruded And even worse, this may cause pain
and/or respiratory difficulty.
Oxygen density: Gradually decreased oxygen density with the increase of height may deteriorate
the physical condition of passengers who suffering from respiratory disease, heart disease,
cerebrovascular disease or severe anemia. Pregnant passengers at the parturient period and newborn
infants will also be negatively affected.
Given the above reasons, passengers who meet any of the following seven categories must fill out
the Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type C) and provide Medical certificate when booking
tickets. Medical certificate will serve as the basis for the airline company to judge whether the sick
passenger is suitable to take a plane.
(1) Passengers who require to use stretcher or incubator during the flight.
(2) Passenger who have been pregnant for over 32 weeks and less than 36 weeks.
(3) Passengers who require portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) during the flight.
(4) Passengers suffering from severe diseases or infectious diseases that may cause direct
threatening to other passengers.
(5) Passengers who need to use their own auxiliary medical equipment and require additional
medical treatment during the flight.
(6) Passengers who are suspect to be needed additional medical treatment during the flight by their
carriers or the authorized agents.
(7) Passengers who have doubts about whether they are fitted to travel by air under the consideration
of their discomfort, illness, and other physical conditions.
A valid Medical Certificate must be signed by the doctor and be stamped by the medical
organization at or above the county level, municipal level or equivalent level (e.g. national-level class-2
and grade-A hospital). There is no restriction on the format and edition of the Medical Certificate as long
as it bears “ fitted to travel by air before the date of XX” with definite issue date. Certificate of overseas
passengers should be filled out by qualified doctors approved by government departments. The certificate
of passengers from African areas can also be issued by Chinese medical institutions. .The medical
certificate should be written in Chinese in China as well as other languages in overseas areas
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Ground Operation Manual 12
accompanied with English or Chinese translation. Passengers who have any of the above seven
symptoms must inform HNA in advance before booking tickets so that HNA can prepare well and provide
thoughtful services. HNA is not responsible for any consequences arising from caused by passengers’
intentional concealment of disease or incomplete information.
Passengers under the following conditions must be accompanied by an escort: ① North American
routes: A. Passengers who require to use stretcher or incubator; B. Passengers who cannot understand or
respond to safety instructions because of psychological disease; C. Passengers who hurt their sight and
hearing; D. passengers who are unable to carry out emergency evacuation due to severe injury (or
damage); ② Domestic and other international or regional routes: A. Passengers who require to use
stretcher or incubator; B. Passengers who can not take care of themselves and require POC during the
flight. Escorts must be adults and able to take care of their own needs unassisted and able to assist
sick/physically or mentally challenged passengers to use the bathroom, carry out emergency evaluation,
get on/off the aircraft, have dinner, etc. Escorts must be familiar with the passenger's condition and must
not be occupied with other tasks (e.g. taking care of a child). Escorts must be competent at dealing with
the medical needs of the sick passengers.
Special Attention: please fill out the Special Service Demand Sheet at the back, and then read the
Passenger Declaration and sign your name after complete the form.

Special Passenger Service Demand Sheet (Type

(Stretcher passengers, wheelchair passengers (WCHC), pregnant passengers (32 weeks ≤ pregnancy < 36 weeks), sick passengers
or passengers suffering from disease or injury, passengers requiring medical oxygen on board the aircraft, passengers who are criminal
suspect under escort,_______________)
Dear passengers:
Thanks for choosing HNA's flights. Please fill out this form in details by ticking items in □so that we can provide better services for
Name Gender Age
Flight date Flight No. Tel
A Starting Airport Stop-over airport Destination
Certificate Number of certificate
(1) Wheelchair
service needed in □ Completely unable to move, need assistance when sitting down or getting up in the
the airport? cabin (WCHC)
No □ Yes □
□ Manual □ Complete wheelchair check-in at the check-in counter
wheelchair □ Prefer to use my own wheelchair to get to the boarding gate and
□ Mechanical complete wheelchair check-in at the boarding gate
axle wheelchair * We regret to inform you that currently there is no space in the
Wheelchair (2) Availability of (WCMP) cabin to store the passenger's own wheelchair.
B passenger's own □ Traveling with a wheelchair driven by spillable liquid battery
wheelchair? (WCBW)
No □ Yes □ □ Traveling with a wheelchair driven by sealed non-spillable
□ Electric
battery (WCBD)
* It takes a relatively long time to load the electric wheelchair in
the cargo cabin, so please complete wheelchair check-in at the
check-in counter 90 minutes before the departure time.
(3) DO you need on-board wheelchair service (WCON)? No □ Yes □
* Hainan airlines can provide you with on-board wheelchair services inB767; B787;A330aircraft cabin .
(1) Staffs of HNA at the departure airport will guide you to the boarding gate
C (2) For passengers taking a connecting flight, the ground service personnel's of HNA will guide you to the right
boarding area.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Please write your connecting flight number ________ and departure time_______.
(3) The ground service personnel's of HNA at the destination airport will welcome you upon arrival, assist you to
claim baggage and guide you to the departure hall exit.
D Stretcher Stretcher required? (escort and medical information sheet required) No □ Yes □
(1) Specialized on-board portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) required? No □ Yes □
Oxygen (2) The Type of portable oxygen concentrators (POCs):
equipment (3) Weight:
(4) Size:
At present, HNA does not provide ambulance service, passengers should arrange ambulance on their own and
provide the following information:
(1) Arrival at the departure airport. Name of the ambulance company __________________________________
F Ambulance
Telephone: _________________
(2) Departure from the destination airport. Name of the ambulance company ____________________________
Telephone: _________________
(1) Name: Age: Gender: □Doctor □Nurse □Other ( )
G (2) Name: Age: Gender: □Doctor □Nurse □Other ( )
(3) Name: Age: Gender: □Doctor □Nurse □Other ( )
H comment
Passenger’s Declaration: I, the undersigned, hereby guarantee the above information is authentic and valid. Signature of passenger
(guardian): date: _______________________________
HNA’s department handling the application_______________________________ticket office
Signature of the staff handling the application: _______________________________Date:_______________________________.
_________________ ground service department of the departure airport, handled by: _________________Date: ______________.
Note: this application consists of three forms without carbon copy. The first page is the ticket issuance form to be kept by the ticket office;the
second page isthe check-in form kept by the check-in counter of the departure airpart; the third page is the service form to be delivered by
the ground service personnel of the departure airport to the chief steward after confirming transportation condition and all service
arrangement, the chief steward will deliver this service form to the ground service personnel of the destination airport for filing purposes; the
third form is the passenger form.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Application for Service animal Transportation (HU-12-

Application for Service animal Transportation

旅客姓名 电子票号
Name Electronic Ticket Number
航班号/日期 航段
Flt No. / Date Route
动物年龄 重量
Age Weight
动物类型 Type of Animal
□ 导盲犬 Guide dog □ 助听犬 Hearing dog □ 辅助犬 ESA
证件查验情况(旅客证件是否齐全) Document checking
国内航线 Domestic flight:
□动物检疫合格证 Quarantine Certificate □服务犬身份证明 Certificate for Animal Training
□服务犬疫苗注射证明 vaccine injection Certificate
□中华人民共和国残疾人证 China disabled Card

国际及地区航线 International flight:

□检疫证书 Quarantine certificate
□出境/入境文件及许可 exit/entry permit
Rabies Vaccination Certificate
□疫苗注射证明 vaccination certificates
□宠物电子芯片 Electronic chip
□其他入 境/过 境国政 府 要求的额 外特殊 文件
Additional special documents
Reports of rabies antibodies (non-designated
□精神类旅客通行文件(辅助犬)Documents for
Documents for ESA
服务犬器具是否齐全 Tools for service animal
□ 牵引绳 Ropes □卫生用具(尿垫、尿不湿) Sanitary tools
□ 动物口罩(涉美航线非必须) Muzzle(Not must for China-US route)
航行时间超过 8 小时需要乘客提供文件证明动物在飞行途中无需排泄或排泄方式不会引起健康或卫
Documentation is required stating your service animal won’t relieve itself during the flight, or can do
so in a way that doesn’t create a health and sanitation issue.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
1. 请描述您采取了什么措施和步骤以确保您的动物不会在飞行途中排泄。
Describe what steps have been taken to prevent your animal from relieving itself during the flight.
□ 受过专业训练
□ 其他措施,请说明:
2. 如飞行途中您的动物需要排泄,请描述您将如何处理动物的排泄问题以确保机上卫生。
If your animal needs to relieve itself during the flight, describe how you would handle this to prevent
a health and sanitation issue.
□ 携带宠物卫生用具(尿垫、尿不湿)
□ 其他措施,请说明:

声 明
1. 旅客应承担服务犬的安全、健康和管理的全部责任。
2. 携带服务犬的旅客应遵守所有相关的政府要求、规定或限制,包括运输该服务犬所涉及国家或地
3. 旅客未能遵守以上要求规定,因未照管好所携带的服务犬而导致海南航空产生了任何财、物损失
4. 若旅客所携带的服务犬被相关国家或地区政府拒绝过境或入境,海南航空不为此而导致的损失或
5. 国内航线携带服务犬的旅客应为服务犬带上牵引绳、宠物卫生用具及动物专用口罩,如不为服务

1. Passenger shall assume full responsibility for the safety, well-being.
2. Passenger is similarly responsible for compliance with all governmental requirements,
regulations, or restrictions, including entry permits and required health certificates of the country,
state, or territory from and/or to which Service Animal is being transported.
3. Any passenger who fails to control their animal in accordance with the above mentioned rules
shall reimburse Hainan Airlines for any loss, damage, or expense arising out Service Animal's
4. Hainan Airlines shall not be liable for loss or expense, without limitation, if any Service Animal is
refused passage into or through any state or country.
旅客本人同意 (签名) I agree (Signature):



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Ground Operation Manual 12
Note: This application form consists of four forms without carbon copy. The first form is airline
form to be kept by the department handling the passenger’s application, the second form is the
check-in form to be kept by the check-in counter, the third form is the crew form to be kept by
the cabin crew, the fourth form is passenger form.

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 SPECIAL PASSENGER SERVICE FORM (HU-12-12)
特 殊 旅 客 乘 机 服 务 单

航班号 飞机号 日期(年月日)

FLT No. A/C No. Date(Y/M/D))

1.重要旅客 VVIP/VIP/CIP 2.担架旅客 STCR 3.轮椅旅客 WCHC/WCHS/WCHR

特服种类编号及代 4.病患旅客 INVALID 5.老年人旅客 AGED 6.孕妇旅客 PRGNT 7.盲人/聋哑
码 人旅客 BLND/DEAF/DUMB 8.特餐旅客 SPML 9.犯罪嫌疑人 SUSPECT 10.无
Special Sort Code 伴儿童 UM 11.客舱婴儿摇篮旅客 BSCT 12.客舱儿童座椅旅客 CHST 13.客舱
轮椅旅客 WCON 14.其它 OTHERS

旅客姓名 编号及代 座位号 经停/衔接 服务事项

要客职务 始发站 到达站
码 站
PSGR Seating Service
VIP duty Departure Arrival
Name Code Num Stopover INFO

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Ground Operation Manual 12

始发站服务员 Departure Waiter: 乘务长 Chief Flight Attenda

经停/衔接站服务员 Stopover Waiter: 到达站服务员 Arrival Wait

The form is quadruplicate, Coupon One for departure station , preserved by the service
department of departure station; Coupon Two for steward,retained by the cabin
department; Coupon Three for ground service of the stopover /transfer station, retained
by the ground service department of the stopover/transfer station, Coupon Four for the
ground of destination, retained by the ground service department of the destination.

注:13-5 附表应以中英文结合印刷并交付现场使用,建议采用 ISO 标准 A5 型纸(尺寸:

Note: Attached Form 13-5 should be printed in Chinese and English for use on site.
We suggest that the paper should adopt A5 Type of ISO standard (Size: 148×210mm )

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-27
Ground Operation Manual 12 Disassembling and Installing Cabin Seat at Base or
Airport (HU-12-13)
Supporting Condition for Disassembling and Installing
Cabin Seat at Hainan Airlines Air Base or Airport
(material sheet)
Air base or Stretcher
airport able to Aircraft with Disassembl specification
No. of seat Device for unit and
disassemble seats y time on board
removable fixing contact
and install removable (minute) (depth,
cabin seat width)
See the See the
Rope for Haikou MCC
Haikou 737/767/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 0898-65751519
instruction instruction
See the See the
Rope for Beijing MCC
Beijing 737/767/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 010-64591409
instruction instruction
See the See the
Rope for Xi’an MCC
Xi’an 737/767/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 029-88797196
instruction instruction
See the See the
Rope for Taiyuan MCC
Taiyuan 737/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 0351-7286917
instruction instruction
See the See the
Rope for Tianjin MCC
Tianjin 737 50 minutes following following
fixing 022-24902250
instruction instruction
See the See the
Rope for Xinjiang MCC
Urumchi 737/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 0991-3807327
instruction instruction
See the See the
Rope for Ningbo Branch
Ningbo 737/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 0574-87427971
instruction instruction
See the See the Guangzhou
Rope for
Guangzhou 737/767/319 50 minutes following following Branch
instruction instruction 020-86439303
See the See the
Rope for Sanya Branch
Sanya 737/767/319 50 minutes following following
fixing 0899-88289165
instruction instruction

1.For stretcher whose size over 152 cm
Enter from the rear cabin door or rear service door, disassemble seats on the last four row but
one on the right and place the stretcher. Fix the stretcher with setting angle of last row and
fifth row from the back. Enough rope is needed and it depends on the situation to use fixing

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-28
Ground Operation Manual 12
Enter from the rear cabin door or rear service door, disassemble seats on the last four row but
one on the right and place the stretcher. Fix the stretcher with setting angle of last row and
fifth row from the back. Enough rope is needed and it depends on the situation to use fixing
Enter from the middle, rear cabin door or middle, rear service door, disassemble seats on the
last four row but one on the right and place the stretcher. Fix the stretcher with setting angle
of last row and fifth row from the back. Enough rope is needed and it depends on the situation
to use fixing pole.
2.For stretcher whose size under 152 cm
In principle, seats will be not disassembled. Wheelchair is placed on three seats of a single
row and fixed with rope.
Enter from the left rear cabin door or right rear service door. Seat AC on row 31, 32 and 33
need not be disassembled. Back of these six seats may be flatted forward for placing stretcher.
Enter from the L3 cabin door. Seat AC on row 42, 43 and 44 need not be disassembled. Back
of these six seats may be flatted forward for placing stretcher.
5 . For aircraft structure, confirm stretcher’s location and seat No. on each aircraft
according to the attached sheet 13-8.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Passenger Wheelchair Disassemble and reassemble form
Wheelchair Description Form
Dear passengers:
Thanks for flying with Hainan airlines, for your convenient, please complete this form prior to your
arrival at the airport. Please provide as much detailed information as possible. Present a copy of this
form each time you check in for a flight where it is necessary to check your wheelchair for stowage.
姓名 Name 电话号码 Phone number

Motorized: □Wet Cell Battery(remove from chair) □Dry Cell Battery(do not remove)
电动轮椅:□湿电池(从轮椅上卸下) □干电池(不要把电池从轮椅上卸下)
Manual: □Foldable/Collapsible □Not Foldable/Collapsible
手动轮椅:□可折叠 □不可折叠
Wheelchair Disassembly Instructions

Wheelchair Assembly Instructions


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Ground Operation Manual 12 Excess Baggage Ticket (HU-12-15)

逾 重 行 李 票
航段 承运人 航班号 重 量 费率/千克 运费金额 合计收费

至 TO

日期 OATE 经手人 ISSUED BY 盖章

Notice: ISO standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Over-collected Arrival Baggage Records (HU-12-16)

Over-collected Arrival Baggage Records

Serial No.:
Referenc Day/Mont Passenger Type of Baggage Tag
Flight Reason Amount
e No. h name baggage No.


Handled by: Year

Month Day
Notice: ISO standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-32
Ground Operation Manual 12 Under-collected Arrival Baggage Records (HU-12-17)

Under-collected Arrival Baggage Records

Serial No.:
Reference Day/Mont Passenger Type of Baggage Tag
Flight Reason Amount
No. h name baggage No.


Handled by: Year Month

Notice: ISO standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Damaged Arrival Baggage Records (HU-12-18)

Damaged Arrival Baggage Records

Serial No.:
Reference Day/Mont Passenger Type of Baggage Tag
Flight Reason Amount
No. h name baggage No.


Handled by: Year Month

Notice: ISO standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Expedited Baggage Registration Form (HU-12-19)

Expedited Baggage Registration Form

Original Expedited
Flight Destinatio Color and Delivered
No. baggage baggage tag Handling
/Date n model by/received by
tag No. No.

Notice: ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Damaged Baggage Registration Form (HU-12-20)

Damaged Baggage Registration Form

Origin Baggag
Inquir Fligh Passenge Color/ amou Handle Compensati Compensati
Date r name
e tag d by on on date Notice
y No. t model on No.

Notice: ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-36
Ground Operation Manual 12 Lost Baggage Investigation Form (HU-12-21)



Lost baggage questionnaire
We would like to offer our apologies for not being able to deliver your baggage on your arrival.
Would you please complete both sides of this form and forward to the address given above. This
additional information should help us in our next tracing action. Where possible, please forward
your ticket cover and receipts for items claimed.
Passenger’s full name 旅客姓名:
Passenger’s prance home address and phone No.旅客永久住址及电话号码:

Passenger’s temporary address and phone No.旅客临时住址及电话号码:

UNTIL 直到何时
Airline Flight No. Date/month From To
航空公司 航班号 日期 从 至

eight of missing baggage 丢失行李重量:

Ticket No 客票号: Baggage tag No 行李牌号:
Total No. and Wt,of Baggage as per ticket.每张机票上的总件和总重量:
Description of contents of baggage
Would you please make a full list of the items in each piece of baggage. A fully detailed description
of each item will greatly help our tracing action.
Please make a separate list for each baggage. Many thanks for your assistance.
Number of items Item/description Ate of purchase Purchase value Present value
内容数量 内容/说明 购买日期 价值 现在价值

Date Signature of passenger Totals

日期 旅客签字 合计

注:本表建议采用 ISO 标准 A4 型纸(尺寸:210×297mm)。

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Property Irregularity Report (attached sheet HU-12-22)

Notice: ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-38
Ground Operation Manual 12 Document Delivery Sheet of Hainan Airlines Oversea
Office (HU-12-23)

Document Delivery Sheet of Hainan Airlines Oversea Office

Flight Arrival Date Document Content Delivered Received
No. Station No. by by

Instructions: The sheet is in sixtuplicate. When delivering documents, the sheet is

necessary with complete package and seal. Person in charge of delivery is not
responsible for loss of item inside. The sheet shall be kept for 30 days within the unit.
Please contact the addressee in time when delivering documents.
Notice: sheet one: black; sheet two: green; sheet three: blue; sheet four: red;
sheet five: yellow; sheet six: dark blue. Size: 53×190mm.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Application Form of Hainan Airlines Non-dangerous
Aviation Materials and Equipment Transported as Baggage

Application Form of Hainan Airlines Non-dangerous

Aviation Materials and Equipment Transported as Baggage
Date Origin Destination
Name of aviation material/
Amount Package Notice

Addressee unit: Addressee name and telephone:

Signature of addressee unit leader:
Notice: ISO standard A5 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size:

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Pets Transportation Agreement of Hainan Airlines (HU-


Carrier: Hainan Airlines


Pet Information (Completed by passenger when applying for


Date/Flight No.: _ / Method of Transportation:


Pet (Dog or Cat)/Breed/Color: / /

Original/Destination: / Age:

Weight (including container): Name:

Note: The “Weight” shall be pet’s actual weight acquired during checked


Warm Notice

Pets may feel discomfort caused by the environment factors in the air

transportation, such as high altitude pressure and confined space. They may

go through emotional and physiologic changes, which may leads to injury

or death. Therefore, in consideration of your pet’s safety, we suggest you

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Ground Operation Manual 12
choose the air transportation with discretion.

Hainan Airlines shall be exempt from liability for the pets’ injury or

death during transportation if there is no evidence proving that Hainan

Airlines has fault. Hainan Airlines shall be exempt from liability if other

passengers' baggage on the same flight are damaged or contaminated due

to pets illness or overflowing excreta, damage or inadequate package of

container. Hainan Airlines reserve the rights to hold passenger carrying the

pet accountable for any claims raised by other passengers due to the

damage or contamination caused by the pet.

Passenger who carrying pets into cabin are allowed to take out the pet

from container, hold the pet in arms and put the oxygen mask on the nose

of the pets for its safety ONLY in case of emergency cabin decompression.

In case of emergency evacuation passenger shall exit aircraft with pets

inside the container. Passenger are fully responsible for the injure or death

of the pets if no evidence proving Hainan Airlines has fault.

The two parties hereby have reached following agreements in

accordance with the principle of fairness and integrity after

negotiation in order to meet the requirements raised by passenger

for the air transportation of the pets and ensure transportation safety

1. Transportation Regulations of the Carrier

1.1 Limitations and Conditions of the Transportation

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1.1.1 ”Pet” refers to the domesticated dog or cat within weight

limitation, which can be transported with its owner on the same flight.

1.1.2 Maximum 3 checked-in pets are allowed on each flight.

Maximum 2 checked-in pet are allowed for each passenger. The live

animals regulations of the destination authorities are also applicable on

international flights, e.g. only 1 checked in pet is allowed for each

passenger by Chinese authority. Passenger shall submit for approval to the

ticketing offices or authorized ticket agencies of Hainan Airlines at least

24 hours before departure and sign the PETS TRANSPORTATION

AGREEMENT OF HAINAN AIRLINES. On the day of travel, passenger

shall check in the pet at least 2 hours before departure along with the


AIRLINES and other relevant documents.

1.1.3 Service dogs such as the seeing-eye dogs, hearing-ear dogs and

the rescue dogs are excluded from above limit of quantity.

1.1.4 Through check-in service for pets are not available. Howver pets

can be checked to final destination on direct flights with one or more stops.

1.1.5 Each pet shall be in an individual container.

1.1.6 The total weight of the checked in pets along with its container

shall not exceed 32KGs. The total weight of the pet in cabin along with its

container shall not exceed 5KGs

1.1.7 Pets are not allowed for transportation by air under following
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conditions: The pet is in the list of animals forbidden for transportation of

country. The pet has communicable disease symptoms or it is suspected to

has communicable disease, such as pets from areas infected by bird flu. The pet is under 6 months of age. Pregnant pet or pet just give birth within 48 hours before

departure. The pet is irritable, emotional or vulnerable, or sensitive to

high altitude and temperature, or cannot stay in the container for long time. The pet has taken sedative or hypnotics. The pet has unpleasant or stinky smell.. The pet has cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive or ENT(ear,

nose and throat) disease, or had surgery within 48 hours. Preparation for air transportation has not been done by

passenger before departure. All following breeds and their hybrids that are considered not

suitable for air transportation.

A. Dogs or cats with flat nose: Terriers, Boxers, Bulldogs, Spaniel

Dogs, Molosser, Pugs, Mastiff, American Stafforshire Terrier, American

Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Brussels Griffon, Spaniel Hound, English Toy

Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, Bullmastiff, Brussels Griffon,

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Affenpinscher, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Chow, Japanese Chin, Sharpei,

Shih Tzu, Burmese, Himalayan, Persian Cat, Exotic Shorthair.

B. Fighting dogs: Pit Bull, Tosa Inu, Fila Brasileiro and its hybrid,

Dogo Argentina

C. Dogs have discomfort with high altitude and high temperature:


D. Malinois kennel The aircraft type is unsuitable for animal

transportation.(e.g.no suitable space in the cargo hold.) The pet does not conform to the relevant regulations of the

departure, stopover, destination city or country. The passenger does not agree with carrier’s requirements for

pet transportation and container, or reject to fill in the PETS


have all relevant documents ready . Pets are not allowed to transport as checked in bag if the

temperature in any point (departure/stopover/destination) is expected to be

below minus 12 degrees Celsius (inclusive) or above 30 degrees Celsius

(inclusive) the exact temperature information shall be referred to the

weather forecast issued at http://www.cma.gov.cn on the day of application.

For the international departure, the temperature information shall be

referred to the weather forecast issued by local meteorological agency,

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Ground Operation Manual 12

2 Mandatory Documents Required for Pet Transportation

2.1 International flight. Following documents shall be prepared by

passenger before the departure.

2.1.1 The Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People's

Republic of China —Animal Health Certificate

2.1.2Valid entry or exit permits issued by relevant government of

destination and stopover.

2.1.3Valid health certificate and rabies vaccine injection certificate

issued by the relevant authorities

2.1.4 Prepared entry permit, health certificate and vaccine injection

certificate required by all the entry or stop country

2.1.5 Extra special documents required by the entry or exit

governments during the whole journey

2.2 Domestic flight. Following documents shall be prepared by

passenger before the departure.

2.2.1 Valid Quarantine Certification for Animals issued by Animal

Health Supervision, and the document must be stamped with the seal of the


2.2.2 Valid animal vaccine injection certificate.


with passenger signature.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
3) Requirements of the container.

Checked in pet

3.1 The carrier will not offer container for the pet. Passenger must

prepare special container for air transportation and ensure that the container

can be locked to prevent escape and leakage.

3.2 The container must be made of solid materials with fixed top and

metallic door. At least 3 sides shall be ventilated. All parts including nuts,

screws and door must be installed completely. The door must be firm with

locking device and fixed handle or protuberant edge.

3.3 The container vents should be metallic grille. If it is not metallic

it maybe round or other shapes.

3.4 The container shall the big enough so that the pet can stand, sit

down, turn around and lie down freely. The container’s bottom shall be flat

and can be fixed on the floor without moving around.

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3.4.1 Pet size illustration:

A: Length from pet’s nose to root of tail

B: Height from knuckle to ground

C: Maximum width of the pet

D: Height from ground to ear or top of head. The container top shall

not touch pet’s ears when standing.

3.4.2 Container Dimension

Length =A +½B. Width =C x 2. Height = D

3.5 Wheels of container shall be fixed or removed so that the container

will not move around during transportation. The container must be strapped

up properly. For medium-sized container, the top and bottom sides shall be

strapped up at least 2 circles as a "#" shape. For large-sized container, at

least 3 circles are needed for the top and bottom sides, and straps should be

placed evenly. To avoid scaring the pet by the turnover of the container

during packing, the flanks cannot be packed laterally and the straps should

be vertical and parallel and will not fall off under normal circumstances
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during transportation.

3.6 Water-absorbing materials such as towel, blanket or pet diaper

shall be placed under the bottom of the container to prevent the pet’s

excreta from overflowing and contaminating other baggage.

3.7 Following container are not allowed to use for transportation.

3.7.1 Modular container or folding container

3.7.2 Container made of wire entanglement or wicker

3.7.3 Container with door or vent on the top

3.7.4 Container with plastic or fiberglass door

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3.8 Accident is very likely to happen to the following container during

transportation, e.g. pet may break the grille then escape which may lead to

accident or contamination to other baggage. Passenger shall fully take the

responsibility if they insist on transporting the pet by using mentioned

container. Otherwise the pet will not be allowed to check in.

Container with plastic grille type vent.

Pet in cabin

3.9 The container shall be placed under the seat in front. Dimensioin

shall be within 36cm * 28cm*24cm in length, width and height.

3.10 The container shall be soft shell with water-proofing and bite-

proofing features.

3.11 Muzzle and pet diaper shall be worn by the pet before bringing

it into cabin, No food or water shall be fed to the pet during the flight.

I confirm that I have read and understand above contents:

Passenger Signature:

Or Agent Signature: Relationship with Passenger:

(If the application is made by agent above blank shall be filled.)

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Ground Operation Manual 12
2. Service Charges for Pet Transportation

2.1 Charges for check in pet

2.1.1 The total weight of pet, container and its food shall not be

counted within the free baggage allowance, EB charge shall be paid.

2.1.2 Charges on weight concept routes: rate/kg * total weight. Note:

rate/kg is 1.5% of the standard one way ticket fare of economy class. Total

weight includes pet, container and its food

2.1.3 Charges on piece concept routes: special digit (determined by

weight and size of the checked in pet and container) * standard EB rate.

Notes: standard EB rate refers to economy class EB rate for one piece extra

bag. Charge Standards on China-U.S. and China-Canada Routes

Transport Weight(Pet+Container)
Method <32Kg ≥32Kg

Small : 53*38*40cm Special digit: 1

Special digit: 2
Med-small size: 68×50×48cm
Special digit: 2
Medium size: 81×55×58cm
Special digit: 3
Large size: 91×60×66cm

Extra large size:101×68×76cm Special digit: 3

Over size: 121×81×88cm Special digit: 3
Checked allowed as
in checked in
1. Check in not allowed if any dimension exceeds 121*81*88cm.
2. Calculation rule:The sum of the three sides of the pet

container ≤the sum of the three sides of the small size: 1

Charging multiple; the sum of the three sides of the small size

<the sum of the three sides of the pet container<the sum of

the three sides of the medium size: 2 Charging multiple.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Charge standards on other piece concept routes (including

European routes, Moscow and St.Petersburg routes, Busan, Thailand,

Alma-ata routes etc.)

Transpor Weight (Pet+Container)
t Dimension
≦23KG 23-32Kg ≥32Kg
Small: 53*38*40cm Special digit:1 Special digit: 1
Special digit:1
Med-small size:68×50×
Special digit:2
Special digit:1
Medium size:81×55×58cm Special digit:2
Special digit:2
Large size: 91×60×66cm Special digit:3

Extra large size: 101×68× Not

Special digit: 2 Special digit: 2
76cm allowed
Over size: 121×81×88cm Special digit: 2 Special digit: 3 as
NOTE: checked

1. Check in not allowed if any dimension exceeds 121*81*88cm. in bag.

2. Calculation rule:The sum of the three sides of the pet container

≤the sum of the three sides of the small size: 1 Charging multiple;

the sum of the three sides of the small size <the sum of the three

sides of the pet container<the sum of the three sides of the

medium size: 2 Charging multiple.

2.2 Value declaration for checked-in pet

2.2.1 Applicable to domestic flight only. Passenger, who declaring

value of pet must provide relevant proof such as purchase invoice of the

pet issued within 3 month before scheduled departure date.to prove that

pet’s actual value is more than 100 CNY per kg.

2.2.2 The maximum declared value for each checked in pet is 8,000

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2.2.3 Value declaration is not applicable to the container but to the pet


2.2.4 Hainan Airlines reserve the right of denying acceptance if

passenger disagrees with the declared value and refuse to go through


2.2.5 Value declaration surcharge shall be collected. Calculation

Formula: Surcharge = (declared value per kg–100 cny) * weight of pet *


For example, a 10kg pet is declared a value of 7500CNY,

surcharge = (750CNY-100CNY) * 10 * 5‰ = 32.5 CNY.

2.2.6 Surcharge is calculated based on CNY and rounded up to 1.

2.3 Charges for pet in cabin

Service available on domestic flight only, charge standard is 800CNY

per flight for each pet.

I confirm that I have read and understand above contents:

Passenger Signature:

Or Agent Signature: Relationship with Passenger:

(If the application is made by agent above blank shall be filled.)

3. Compensation standards for pet injury or death during

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3.1 EB charge shall be refunded. However the value declaration

charge is non-refundable.

3.2 Compensation standards on the condition that value declaration

was not made.

3.2.1 No compensation if there is no evidence showing that the injury

or death was caused by carrier reason.

3.2.2 Compensation standard is 100CNY per kg if the death was

caused by carrier reason.

3.2.3 Actual cost for treatment will be reimbursed to passenger on the

condition that passenger can provide treatment bill issued by pet hospital

if the injury was caused by carrier reason, however the maximum

reimbursement value shall not exceed 100cny/kg * pet weight.

3.3 Compensation standards on the condition that value declaration

was made.

3.3.1 Compensation will be made no matter whether the injury or

death was caused by carrier reason or not.

3.3.2 Compensation standard for the death is the actual amount of

valued declared.

3.3.3 Actual cost for treatment will be reimbursed to passenger on the

condition that passenger can provide treatment bill issued by pet hospital,

however the maximum reimbursement value shall not exceed 100cny/kg *

pet weight.
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I confirm that I have read and understand above contents:

Passenger Signature:

Or Agent Signature: Relationship with Passenger:

(If the application is made by agent above blank shall be filled.)

4. Responsibilities

4.1 Responsibilities of Hainan Airlines

4.1.1 Hainan Airlines is responsible of reminding passenger the

potential risk of air transportation when passenger making reservation..

4.1.2 Hainan Airlines is responsible of informing passenger the

potential risk of air transportation if the pet doesn’t met transportation

requirements. Hainan Airlines has the right of denying acceptance when


4.1.3 Hainan Airlines is responsible of transporting the pet to final

destination as shown on ticket and delivery to passenger under the

condition all air transportation requirements for pet are met.

4.1.4 Hainan Airlines is responsible of contacting passenger for

negotiation and settlement in case accidents happens to the pet during air


4.2 Responsibilities of passenger

4.2.1 Passenger shall read the transport regulations of agreement and

confirm understanding of the transport risks.

4.2.2 Passenger shall check and ensure the pet meets the
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transportation requirements of Hainan Airlines. During reservation stage,

passenger shall provide true information to the representatives of Hainan

Airlines if being questioned

4.2.3 Passenger shall prepare transportation documents and container

in advance according to the requirements and check in the pet at the airport

on time. During the inspection before check in, passenger shall provide true

information to the representatives of Hainan Airlines if being questioned

4.2.4 Passenger shall pack the container before check-in according to

the requirements.

4.2.5 Passenger shall pay EB charge accordingly.

4.2.6 Passenger shall cooperate with Hainan Airlines to settle the

issues caused by pet injury or death during transportation.

I confirm that I have read and understand above contents:

Passenger Signature:

Or Agent Signature: Relationship with Passenger:

(If the application is made by agent above blank shall be filled.)

5. The Effectiveness and Termination of the Agreement

This agreement shall be effective after both parties confirm all the articles

and sign the agreement, it shall terminate after carrier transports the pet to

the destination and deliver to passenger. In the term of agreement, when

either of parties cannot perform the agreement due to force majeure, the

party shall notify the other party of the reason of non-performance or

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partial performance and provide valid proof in time. Postponed

performance, partial performance or non-performance is allowed without

liability after mutual agreements.

6. Settlement of Disputes

If any party disputes over the agreement, both parties shall negotiate based

on understanding and friendship. If no agreement can be made after

negotiation, it shall be settled through legal action.

7. Others

7.1 This agreement is in triplicate, 2 copies for carrier and 1 copy for


7.2 Transportation is prohibited if the pet breed, or health condition,

or container, or package, or other transport conditions do not meet the

carrier's transport requirements.

Carrier: Hainan Airlines Passenger (or Agent):

Date: Date:

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Cargo Compartment Size and maximum weight limit

Door Size Maximum Loading Temperature
A/C Compartment maximum Ventilation
(Height*Width) (Volume / Weight) control
FWD 89cm*122cm 19m3/3558kg
B737-800 732kg/m2 Y /
AFT 89cm*122cm 25m3/4850kg
FWD 169.9cm*244.6cm 63m3/18871kg Depend on Y 5-25℃
A330-200 AFT 168.2cm*244.6cm 51m3/15241kg AKE/PL N /
BULK 63.7cm*95.0cm 19.7m3/3465kg 732kg/m2 Y /
FWD 170cm*245cm 76m3/22861kg Depend on Y 5-25℃
A330-300 AFT 170cm*245cm 64m3/18507kg AKE/PL N /
BULK 62cm*95cm 19.7m3/3465kg 732kg/m2 Y /
FWD 170.1cm*245.1cm 58.7m3/25514kg Depend on Y 4.4-26.7℃
B787-8 AFT 170.1cm*245.1cm 43m3/19132kg AKE/PL N /
BULK 114.3cm*101.6cm 11.3m3/2735kg 732kg/m2 Y /
FWD 170.1cm*245.1cm 73m3/32005kg Depend on Y 4.4-26.7℃
B787-9 AFT 170.1cm*245.1cm 56.9m3/25655kg AKE/PL N /
BULK 114.3cm*101.6cm 11.3m3/2735kg 732kg/m2 Y /
FWD 170cm*245cm 61m3/22000kg Depend on Y 5-25℃
A350 AFT 170cm*245cm 78m3/19000kg AKE/PL N /
BULK 95cm*95cm 11.3m3/1500kg 732kg/m2 Y /

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Ground Operation Manual 12
1. The maximum load capacity in the table refers to the load weight restricted by the structure of
each cabin of the aircraft, which is different from the actual load. The actual available cargo load
depends on many factors, such as the overall performance of the aircraft, the release conditions, the
number of passengers/baggage, etc.
2. The air sources in the front and rear cargo compartments of the B737 model are inconsistent. The
cargo compartment is heated by the air flow between the cargo compartment liner and the aircraft
structure. The crew cannot directly control the temperature of the front and rear compartments. The
temperature of the cargo compartment is determined by many factors. Including outside
temperature, aircraft airspeed, cabin temperature and heat generated by animal cargo. When flying
under normal atmospheric conditions and cruising altitude conditions, the standard stable
temperature is cold, close to 5-10°C.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Temporary Supplies Payment Bill (HU-12-27)



编码 PIR No. 记录编号 Reference No.


旅客姓名 客票号码
Passenger’s name Ticket form and serial No.
地 址
Bagg Tag serial No.
金 额
The sum of
Passenger’s signature
经 手 人 批准人签字
Prepared by Approved by

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Notice: sheet one: stub coupon (white); sheet two: passenger coupon (yellow); sheet
three: financial coupon (red). ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for
this form (size: 210×297mm).

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-61
Ground Operation Manual 12 Claim Form of Passengers` Baggage (HU-12-28)



编码 PIR No.
记 录 编 号
Reference No.

Passenger’s name
Ticket and Tag No.
航班号 月 日 航班号 月 日
Flight No. Month Date Flight No. Month
Date and Place of Occurrence
Details of Damage or loss
件数 重量 声明价值
No. Of Pieces Weight Declared Value
List of Contents
Amount Clamed
索赔人签字或盖章 日期 地点
Signature of Claimant Date Place

Notice: sheet one: stub coupon (white); sheet two: passenger coupon (yellow). ISO
standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this form (size: 210×297mm).

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Receipt for Baggage Compensation (HU-12-29)


海 南 航 空 行 李 赔 偿 费 收 据

编码 PIR No. 记录编号


旅客姓名 日期
Passenger name: DATE:
航程 航班号/日期
Routing: FLT.No./date:
客票号码 行李牌号码
Ticket No.: Tag No.:
Type of compensation:
Details of the accident:

The Sum of:
兹收到海南航空公司 (办事处)所支付给我的
I, the under signed, received from HAINAN AIRLINES
(office)the above sum. In consideration of this payment, I hereby release discharge
HAINAN AIRLINES agents and others from any and all chains or demands which I
now have or may hereafter have.
经手人 批准人 签字日

Prepared by: Authorized by: Date
Signature of Passenger:

Notice: sheet one: stub coupon (white); sheet two: financial coupon (yellow); sheet
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Ground Operation Manual 12
three: passenger coupon (red). ISO standard A4 paper is suggested to be used for this
form (size: 210×297mm).

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Cabin Cleaning Standard of Hainan Airlines (HU-12-30)

Hainan Airlines Cabin Cleaning Check List

Date Flight No. Air Station

1.Clean the greasy on door and surface of oven.

2.Clean the greasy inside oven, especially that on cooling fan and barrier. No
crumbs, no food, no oil stains.

3.Clean the air conditioning vent, ceiling. No stains or dust on surface.

Kitchen 4.Clean the garbage can, empty the can and replace garbage bag. No smells inside
the can.

5.Clean the stains on door, internal and outside surface of locker. Clean the
sundries inside the locker. Clean the cabinet surface of dinning car. No stains
or dust on surface.

6.Clean the non-slip mat in the kitchen. No stains on surface.

1.Clean decorative sheet, internal and outside surface of cushion and cover of
toilet. No dust, stains or smells.

2.Clean the hand washing sink, the board and the platform above it. Clean the
surface of mirror.

3.Clean the internal wallboard and ceiling of lavatory.

4.Clean the garbage chest, the garbage entry door and chest door.

5.Clean the internal and outside door surface of lavatory and ventilating grids.

6.Disinfect the kitchen and lavatory.

7.Clean the floor of lavatory and wipe the water on the floor.

8.Clean the internal and outside surface of lavatory’s clapboard.

Cabin 1.Check seat covers of cabin and passenger seats to clean and replace. No
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cracking, wear, fading or stains. Replace headrest covers. Door curtain is clean
without stains.

2.Clean the sundries inside the seat pocket. Arrange the articles inside the pocket.

3.Clean and disinfect the tray table. No water stains on surface.

4.Clean the armrests and disinfect the seat.

5.Clean the gap and joint of seat legs.

6.Arrange seat belts on seat cushion in line style. Buckle up the seat belts on aisle

7.Clean the stains and greasy dirt on cabin ceiling and side wall. Disinfect the
ceiling and side wall.

8.Clean internal window and window shades in cabin.

9.Clean the stains and greasy dirt on panel above the seat.

10.Clean the greasy and stains on internal and outside surface of head locker.
Clean the sundries inside the head locker.

11.Clean stains and dust on cabin floor.

12.Disinfect the main area of cabin.

13.Cover board of power supply onboard is closed.

1.Clean the door frame of boarding gate.

2.Clean the stains on surface of air stairs.

1.Reading on water meter before adding drinking water: E、1/4、1/2、3/4、F

2.Reading on water meter after adding drinking water: 1/2、3/4、F

Overall evaluation of cabin cleaning:

Signature by purser/maintenance staff: Signature by cleaning

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Ground Operation Manual 12
group leader:

Notice: This form is used for documents delivery after preflight, post-flight and
transit (in italic) cabin cleaning. For preflight and transit cabin cleaning, the form
shall be signed by purser. For post-flight cabin cleaning, the form shall be signed
by maintenance staff. The form is provided by cleaning units without uniform
format. The form above may be reference. ISO standard A4 paper is used for this
form (size: 210×297mm).

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Pre-flight Cabin Cleaning Standard (HU-12-31)
Pre-flight Cabin Cleaning Assignment Sheet
Area Cleaning item Notice
First class (or business class) :
1. Tray table:
Check the tray table and holder;
Check the store room of tray table.
2. Seat cover:
Clean garbage o surface of seat cover and crack.
Tidy up seat cover and ensure it is orderly.
3. Seat armrest:
Check the surface of seat armrest, rubber and decorative sheet on
both sides of armrest;
Check the middle seat armrest and cup bracket (if there is);
Check the passenger control button, installing slot and earphone
storage slot on armrest (if there is);
Check the cracks between components on armrest;
Check the inside surface and corners of armrest cover.
4. PTV (mini television): Check the shell of PTV (mini television),
Seat holder and storage room.
5. seat decoration
Check the side board and protector strip of seat;
Check the front decorative sheet and back decorative sheet of seat,
outside surface of coaming and the seat pocket;
Check the foot rest of seat and inside and outside surface;
Check the interspace between seat back and coaming;
Check the interspace between seat coaming and retral partition;
Buckle up all the seat belts and arrange them in line style.
6.Consumables replenish:
Check whether headrest cover and waist cushion have been tidied
up and whether the backups complete.
Check whether the safety instruction is complete and consistent
with aircraft type. If the instruction is wrong or missed, correct
Check whether each seat is equipped one clean bag
Check whether magazines worn and dog-eared have been

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-68
Ground Operation Manual 12
Check the articles in each seat pocket and arrange the articles from
outside in: safety instruction → clean bag →emergency exit
instruction (emergency exit) → TV guide or remote controller
instructions and programmer (aircraft equipped with television) →
Economy class
1. Tray table (spot check):
Check the tray table and holder;
Check the store room of tray table.
2. Seat cover:
Clean garbage o surface of seat cover and crack.
Tidy up seat cover and ensure it is orderly.
3. Seat declarations (spot check):
Check the side board and protector strip of seat;
Check the back decorative sheet of seat, legroom and baggage bar;
Buckle up all the seat belts and arrange them in line style.
4. Consumables replenish:
Check whether headrest cover and waist cushion have been tidied
up and ensure it is complete, and check whether the backups
Check whether the safety instruction is complete and consistent
with aircraft type. If the instruction is wrong or missed, correct
Check whether each seat is equipped one clean bag. (spot check)
Check whether magazines worn and dog-eared have been
replaced. (spot check)
Check the articles in each seat pocket and arrange the articles from
outside in: safety instruction → clean bag →emergency exit
instruction (emergency exit) → TV guide or remote controller
instructions and programmer (aircraft equipped with television) →
5. Cabin crew seat:
Check the surface of crew seat and seat crack, ensure the surface
and protector strip is clean without dust and stains.
Cabin interior decorations
1. Head locker: check the outside surface and handle;

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Ground Operation Manual 12
2. Lateral wallboard (spot check): check lateral wallboard and
cracks between them;
3. Cabin window:
Check the surface of inner window;
Check the surface of window shades;
4. Cabinet/locker:
Check whether there is stain on outside surface of cabinet/locker;
Check whether there is sundries on internal surface of
5. Clapboard and newspaper clamp:
Check the clapboard and edges;
Check the newspaper clamp on clapboard.
6. Carpet/floor:
Check the sundries on the carpet/floor;
Check the emergency exit shiner and carpet bar.
7. Bar counter:
Check the bar table and outside surface;
Check the newspaper clamp on bar counter.
Cabin door/Service door
1.Cabin door/service door:
Check the scaleboard and observation window on cabin
door/service door;
Check the surface of slide cover and ensure the cover and
protector bar are clean without dust and stain;
Check the sideward scaleboard, handle and surface of door frame
( plastic decoration board) of cabin door/service door
Check the threshold and ensure the threshold and drain hole are
clean without stain.
2. Cabinet, clapboard:
Check the inside and outside surface of cabinet by cabin
door/service door and ensure the surface is clean without dust and
ensure the clapboard by cabin door/service door;
3. Floor by cabin door/service door (non-skid layer):
Check the floor by cabin door/service door (non-skid layer);

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Check the edges of floor (e.g.,: jointing area of floor and
washroom; jointing area of floor and door frame).
1. Oven:
Check the oven and the jointing area of oven door and oven;
Check the visible cracks between oven and bracket (without
removing the oven);
Check the interior of oven and ensure the inside surface, fan and
retainer are clean without the greasy.
Check the outside surface of boiler and spout.
Check the boiler and bottom.
3. Coffee machine:
Check the coffee drawer, panel, etc.
4. Cabinet/drawer:
Check the inside and outside surface of cabinet and drawer and the
Kitchen 5. Dustbin:
Check the dustbin door, locker and frame;
Check the surface of dustbin door and its frame;
Check the dustbin and ensure that the dustbin and the area where it
is placed is clean, check whether the garbage bag has been put on
the dustbin.
6. Kitchen:
Check the kitchen workbench;
Check the faucet and water channel;
Check the interior wallboard and protector bar;
Check the trolley backstop, cabinet door backstop and ensure the
backstop and its root are clean without grease and stain;
Check joint surface of the non-skip layer of floor and kitchen and
cracks of joints;
Check the floor in kitchen;
1. Closestool:
Washroo Check the toilet coaming, cover, seat, lip (both sides) and spindle;
m Check the toilet inwall.
2. Hand sink:

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Check the table-board, panel and the decoration board above of
hand sink;
Check the sanitizer holder and ensure it is clean and not sticky.
Add other articles as required;
Check the faucet, nozzle of sanitizer and filter element of hand
3. Dustbin:
Check the dustbin door and the area where dustbin is placed;
Check the dustbin, dustbin door and its frame; check whether the
garbage bag has been put on the dustbin.
4. Floor: check the floor, door frame and perimeter area of floor in
washroom and ensure it is clean without water.
5. Wallboard of washroom:
Check the interior wallboard and handrail on wallboard;
Check the surface of mirror and changing table.
6. Door of washroom:
Check the door surface, door handle, ashtray and lock catch of
7. Consumables replenish:
Replenish cleaning supplies: roll paper, tissue, toilet seat pat
paper; fold the replenished roll paper and tissue
symmetric triangle.
Clean the tissue shelf and storage box.
8. Spray air freshener after finishing washroom check.

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-72
Ground Operation Manual 12 Quick Transit Cabin Cleaning Standard (HU-12-32)
Quick Transit Cabin Cleaning Assignment Sheet
Area Cleaning item Notice
First class (or business class) :
1. Tray table: check the tray table and ensure it is clean without
2. Seat cover: clean garbage and sundries on surface of seat cover
and ensure the cover is clean and tidy.
3. Armrest: check the surface of armrest.
4. Seat:
Clean the garbage and sundries in each seat pocket.
Arrange seat belts. Buckle up the seat belts in line style on aisle
5. Consumables replenish:
Complete and tidy up headrest cover and waist cushion, and
whether replenish the articles.
Check the articles in each seat pocket and ensure there are:
safety instruction → clean bag →emergency exit instruction
(emergency exit)
Economy class
1. Tray table: check the tray table and ensure it is clean without
2. Seat cover: clean garbage and sundries on surface of seat cover
and ensure the cover is clean and tidy.
3. Armrest: check the surface of armrest.
4. Seat:
Clean the garbage and sundries in each seat pocket.
Arrange seat belts. Buckle up the seat belts in line style on aisle
5. Consumables replenish:
Complete and tidy up headrest cover and waist cushion (waist
cushion only for international flight)
Check the articles in each seat pocket and ensure there are:
safety instruction → clean bag →emergency exit instruction
(emergency exit)
Cabin interior decorations

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Cabin 1. Carpet/floor: check the sundries on the carpet/floor.
1. Oven: check the surface of oven and ensure it is clean without
2. Dustbin: clean the garbage in the dustbin and put on clean
garbage bag;
3. Kitchen:
Check the kitchen workbench and ensure it is clean without
Check the floor in kitchen and ensure there is no garbage and water.
Check the toilet coaming, cover and seat, lip (both sides) ;
Check the toilet inwall.
2. Hand sink:
Check the table-board and panel;
3. Dustbin: clean the garbage in the dustbin and put on clean
garbage bag.
4. Floor: check the floor and ensure it is clean without grease and
5. Wallboard of washroom: check the mirror and the panel around.
6. Consumables replenish:
Replenish cleaning supplies: roll paper, tissue, toilet seat pat paper;
fold the replenished roll paper and tissue symmetric triangle.

Normal Transit and Long Transit Cabin Cleaning Assignment Sheet

Area Cleaning item Notice
First class (or business class) :
1. Tray table: check the tray table and ensure it is clean without
2. Seat cover:
Clean the garbage and sundries on seat and ensure the seat cover is
Seat clean and tidy.
3. Armrest: check the surface of armrest.
4. PTV (mini television):
Clean the screen of the PTV that is dirty and ensure it is clean
without stain.
5. Seat:
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Clean the garbage and sundries in each seat pocket.
Arrange seat belts. Buckle up the seat belts in line style on aisle
6. Consumables replenish:
Complete and tidy up headrest cover and waist cushion.
Check the articles in each seat pocket and ensure there are: safety
instruction → clean bag →emergency exit instruction (emergency
Economy class:
1. Tray table: check the tray table and ensure it is clean without
2. Seat cover: clean the garbage and sundries on seat and ensure the
seat cover is clean and tidy.
3. Armrest: check the surface of armrest.。
4.PTV (mini television):
Clean the screen of the PTV that is dirty and ensure it is clean
without stain.
5. Seat:
Clean the garbage and sundries in each seat pocket.
Arrange seat belts. Buckle up the seat belts in line style on aisle
6. Consumables replenish:
Complete and tidy up headrest cover and waist cushion.
Check the articles in each seat pocket and ensure there are:
safety instruction → clean bag →emergency exit instruction
(emergency exit).
Cabin interior decorations
1. Carpet/floor: check the sundries on the carpet/floor.
Cabin 2. Seat cover: change the seat cover that is dirty, worn and laddering
in time. For wide-bodied aircraft, within 8 (including 8) covers; for
narrow-bodied aircraft, within 6 (including 6) covers
1. Oven: check the outside surface of oven and ensure it is clean
without grease. Clean the residue in oven.
Kitchen 2. Dustbin: clean the garbage in the dustbin and put on clean
garbage bag.
3. Kitchen:

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Check the kitchen workbench and ensure it is clean without
Check the floor in kitchen and ensure there is no garbage and water.
1. Toilet:
Check the toilet coaming, cover, seat, lip (both sides) and spindle;
(for transit cleaning only);
Check the toilet inwall.
2. Hand sink:
Check the table-board, panel and the decoration board above of
hand sink;
Clean the faucet and drain.
Check the sanitizer holder and ensure it is clean and not sticky. Add
sanitizer and other articles as required;
Washroo 3. Dustbin:
m Clean the dustbin and put on new garbage bag;
Clean the dustbin door and its frame.
4. Check the floor and ensure it is clean without grease and
5. Wallboard of washroom: check the mirror and the panel around.
6. Door of washroom:
Check the door surface of washroom, door handle and ensure it is
clean without stain.
7. Consumables replenish:
Replenish cleaning supplies: roll paper, tissue, toilet seat pat paper;
fold the replenished roll paper and tissue symmetric triangle.

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-76
Ground Operation Manual 12 Postflight Cabin Cleaning Standard (HU-12-33)
( notice: cleaning unit shall check the items with“★”with when carrying out

postflight cleaning. Clean it if dirty, for items mark with “O” not complete due to APU
timeframe, can be arranged to pre-flight preparation)
Postflight Cabin Cleaning Assignment Sheet
Area Cleaning item Notice
First class (or business class) :
1.Tray table:
Clean the surface, edge, cracks and groove of tray table;
Clean the holder and groove of tray table
Clean the store room of tray table.
2. Seat cover:
Clean garbage on surface of seat cover and crack.
Tidy up seat cover and ensure it is orderly. o
3. Seat armrest:
Clean the surface of seat armrest;
Clean rubber and decorative sheet on both sides of armrest;
Clean the middle seat armrest and cup bracket (if there is);
Clean the passenger control button, installing slot and earphone
storage slot on armrest (if there is);
Seat Clean the cracks between components on armrest;
Check the inside surface and corners of armrest cover.
4. PTV (mini television):
Clean the shell of PTV (mini television), holder and storage room.
Clean the screen of the PTV that is dirty and ensure it is clean
without stain.
5. Seat decoration:
Clean the side board and protector strip of seat;
Clean the front decorative sheet and back decorative sheet of seat;
slideable side plate of armrest ★;
Clean the reading light, baffle and surface of life jacket box;
Clean the foot rest of seat; holder ★;
Clean the seat leg ★;
Clean the interior surface of seat coaming ★;

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Cleaning the outside coaming and seat pocket;
Clean the inside and outside surface of shoe cabinet;
Clean the interspace between seat back and coaming;
Check the interspace between seat coaming and retral partition;
Smear leather protective agent on leather of seat after cleaning ★
Buckle up all the seat belts and arrange them in line style. o
6. Consumables replenish:
Change headrest cover and ensure it is complete. o
Replace the magazines worn and dog-eared. o
Backup some application form of Fortune Wings Club, toilet seat
paper, safety instruction, emergency exit instruction, clean bag,
head rest cover and place them in the storage of wide-bodied
aircraft or the last head locker of narrow-bodied aircraft. o
Arrange the articles in each seat pocket from outside in: safety
instruction → clean bag →emergency exit instruction (emergency
exit) → TV guide or remote controller instructions and
programmer (aircraft equipped with television) → magazine.
Economy class
1.Tray table:
Clean the surface, edge, cracks and groove of tray table;
Clean the holder, groove of tray table, edge, corner and slide bar;
Clean the store room of tray table.
2. Seat cover:
Clean garbage on surface of seat cover and crack.
Report to air crew the seat cover with wear and laddering (the
cover contaminated by drinks or grease with one-centimeter radius
of stain).
Tidy up seat cover and ensure it is orderly. o
3. Seat armrest:
Clean the surface of seat armrest;
Clean rubber and decorative sheet on both sides of armrest;
Clean the cracks between components on armrest★;
Check the passenger control button and installing groove;
Check the inside surface and interior corners of armrest cover.
4.PTV(mini television):
Clean the shell of PTV (mini television), holder and storage room.
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Clean the screen of the PTV that is dirty and ensure it is clean
without stain.
5. Seat decoration:
Check the side board and protector strip of seat;
Check the back decorative sheet of seat;
Clean the seat leg ★; baggage bar;
Clean the installing part of seat leg ★;
Paint leather protective agent on leather of seat after cleaning ★
Buckle up all the seat belts and arrange them in line style. o
6. Cabin crew seat:
Check the surface of crew seat and seat crack, ensure the surface
and protector strip is clean without dust and stains. o
7. Consumables replenish:
Change headrest cover and ensure it is complete. o
Replace the magazines worn and dog-eared. o
Backup some application form of Fortune Wings Club, toilet seat
paper, safety instruction, emergency exit instruction, clean bag,
head rest cover and place them in the storage of wide-bodied
aircraft or the last head locker of narrow-bodied aircraft.
Arrange the articles in each seat pocket from outside in: safety
instruction → clean bag →emergency exit instruction (emergency
exit) → TV guide or remote controller instructions and
programmer (aircraft equipped with television) → magazine.
Cabin interior decorations
1. Head locker:
Clean the outside surface of head locker and handle;
Clean the inside surface of head locker;
Clean surface of PSU (including light and air outlet).
2. Lateral wallboard:
Clean lateral wallboard and cracks between them;
Clean the retainer/air outlet on lateral wallboard .
3. Cabin window:
Clean the surface of inner window;
Clean the surface of window shades;
Clean the slide crack of window shades ★.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
4. Cabinet/locker: clean the interior and outside surface of
5. Clapboard and newspaper clamp:
Clean the clapboard and edges;
Clean the newspaper clamp (bag) on clapboard.;
Clean the mural ★.
6. Carpet/floor:
Clean the sundries on the carpet/floor;
Clean the emergency exit shiner;
Clean the carpet bar.
7. Bar counter:
Clean the bar table and outside surface;
Clean the newspaper clamp on bar counter.
Clean outside surface of bar counter.
Cabin door/Service door
1. Cabin door/service door:
Clean the scaleboard of cabin door/service door and observation
Clean the surface of slide cover and ensure the cover and protector
bar are clean without dust and stain;
Clean the sideward scaleboard, handle and surface of door frame
( plastic decoration board) of cabin door/service door
Clean the threshold and ensure the threshold and drain hole are
clean without stain.
2. Cabinet, clapboard and head plate:
Clean the interior and outside surface of cabinet by cabin
door/service door and ensure it is clean without dust and stain;
Clean the clapboard by cabin door/service door;
Clean the head plate by cabin door/service door ★.
3. Floor by cabin door/service door (non-skid layer):
Clean the floor by cabin door/service door (non-skid layer);
Clean the edges of floor (e.g.,: jointing area of floor and
washroom; jointing area of floor and door frame).
Clean the oven and the jointing area of oven door and oven;

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Clean the visible cracks between oven and bracket (without
removing the oven);
Clean the interior of oven and ensure the inside surface, fan and
retainer are clean without the greasy.
2. Boiler:
Clean the outside surface of boiler and spout.
Clean the boiler and bottom.
3. Coffee machine:clean the coffee drawer, panel, etc.
4. Cabinet/drawer: Clean the inside and outside surface of cabinet
and drawer and the hinge;
5. Dustbin:
Clean the garbage and take out the garbage bag;
Clean the dustbin door, locker and frame;
Clean the surface of dustbin door and its frame;
Clean the dustbin and ensure that the dustbin and the area where it
is placed is clean, put on new garbage bag.
6. Kitchen:
Clean the kitchen workbench;
Clean the faucet and water channel;
Clean the interior wallboard and protector bar★;
Clean the trolley backstop, cabinet door backstop and ensure the
backstop and its root are clean without grease and stain;
Clean joint surface of the non-skip layer of floor and kitchen and
cracks of joints;
Clean the floor in kitchen.
1. Closestool:
Clean the toilet coaming, cover, seat, lip (both sides) and spindle;
Clean the floor in kitchen;
2. Hand sink:
Clean the table-board, panel and the decoration board above of
Washroo hand sink;
m Clean the sanitizer holder and ensure it is clean and not sticky.
Add sanitizer and other articles as required;
Clean the faucet and nozzle of sanitizer;
Clean the filter element of hand sink and sundries on it.
3. Dustbin:
Clean the garbage in dustbin and take out garbage bag;
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Clean the dustbin door, the dustbin and the area where dustbin is
Clean the dustbin door and the frame;
Put on clean garbage bag after cleaning.
4. Floor: clean the floor, threshold and perimeter area of floor in
5. Wallboard of washroom:
Clean the interior wallboard and handrail on wallboard;
Clean the mirror;
Clean the baby changing table.
6. Door of washroom:
Clean the door surface, door handle, ashtray and lock catch of
Clean the ventilating retainer.
7. Consumables replenish:
Replenish cleaning supplies: roll paper, tissue, toilet seat pat
paper; fold the replenished roll paper and tissue
symmetric triangle.
Clean the tissue shelf and storage box.
8. Spray air freshener after finishing washroom check.
1. Seat: clean the surface of seat and armrest and ensure it is clean
without dust and stain.
2. Bed: clean the bed frame
3. Cabinet: clean the interior and outside surface of cabinet.
4. Floor/carpet: clean the sundries on carpet and ensure it is clean

and smooth.
5. Door: clean the inside and outside surface of the door and
ensure it is clean without dust and stain.
6.Stairs: clean the surface of steps and handle and ensure it is
clean without dust and stain.

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-82
Ground Operation Manual 12 Lithium Battery and Power Bank Transport Application

Lithium Battery and Power Bank Transport Application

This form is applicable when:
1. Passenger carry portable electronic equipment with lithium metal battery or lithium-
ion battery for personal use (including power bank);
2. Passenger carry wheelchair driven by lithium-ion battery (detachable) or other similar
transportation tools and its spare battery;
3、Passenger carry portable electronic medical equipment with lithium metal battery or
lithium-ion battery for medical use.
Please the following items according to actual situation. The carrier will refuse
transportation with any option “No”.
Flight No. Date
⑴Whether the portable electronic equipment for personal use meets
the following requirements:
The lithium content in electronic equipment’s lithium battery and □Yes □No
spare lithium battery is no more than 2g or the rated energy no more
than 160Wh.
⑵ Whether the portable electronic medical equipment meets the
following requirements:
The lithium content in medical equipment’s lithium battery and □Yes □No
spare lithium battery is no more than 8g or the rated energy no more
than 160Wh.
⑶ Whether the wheelchair driven by detachable battery or
transportation tools meets the following requirements:
The rated energy of lithium battery and spare lithium battery in □Yes □No
electronic wheelchair or transportation tool is no more than
⑷ Whether the spare battery carried meets the following
① No more than two batteries (spare battery with rated energy over
160Wh in electronic wheelchair or transportation tool can only be □Yes □No
②With lithium content or rated energy, or the rated energy can be
calculated by the specifications.
⑸ Whether the power bank carried meets the following
① With rated energy, or the rated energy can be calculated by the
□Yes □No
②The rated energy is no more than 160Wh;
③The power bank carried is no more than two.

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-83
Ground Operation Manual 12
Insulation methods of spare lithium battery:
□original package □tape □packing box □plastic bag
□others(describe in detail):

I guarantee the content declared is true. If there is anything inauthentic, I will undertake
all the consequences caused.

Signature of passenger:

Advice of airlines:

Operator of airlines:

Instructions: the sheet is in duplicate. The first sheet is for airlines and the second is for operator
of airlines.

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-84
Ground Operation Manual 12 Interview Notice to Mainland Resident for Taiwan (HU-

Airlines (shipping company) Date:

Arrival location □Terminal 1 of Taoyuan Airport □Terminal 2 of
Taoyuan Airport □Taipei □Taizhong □Kaohsiung Airport
□Shuitou Port □Fuao Port
Flight (Ship) No.: Departure (sailing) time: Arrival time:
No. Chinese No. of Exit No. Chinese No. of Exit
Name Entry Permit Name Entry Permit
Taiwan Republic Taiwan Republic
of China of China
1 12
2 13
3 14
4 15
5 16
6 17
7 18
8 19
9 20
10 21
11 22
Fax of airports and port frontier guard:
(1) Terminal 1 of Taoyuan Airport: 03-3931433、03-3834557.
(2) Terminal 2 of Taoyuan Airport : 03-3931677 (terminal for Hainan
(3)Songshan Airport: 02-25474825.
(4)Kaohsiung Airport: 07-8034819.
(5)Taichung Airport: 04-26155027.
(6)Shuitou Port: 082-322921.
(7)Fuao Airport: 0836-23740.

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-85
Ground Operation Manual 12 Application Form of Taiwan Resident with Passport is
Overdue or Lost in Mainland Who Return to Taiwan from
Mainland or via Hong Kong and Macao(HU-12-36)

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-86
Ground Operation Manual 12 Hainan Airlines Delivery Receipt of lost items on Board

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-87
Ground Operation Manual 12 Armed Person On Board Notification (HU-12-38)

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-88
Ground Operation Manual 12 Transfer Baggage Information (HU-12-39)

Transfer Baggage Information


Dear passengers.
Thank you for flying with Hainan Airlines! We are really sorry that
there is no enough time for your transfers; If you would like to catch up
your next flight first without your check-in baggage, please help to fill out
the transfer baggage form. If you are willing to transfer without check-in
baggage, please take good care of the transfer baggage form and your
baggage ticket and show them to the Lost & Found of your final destination
to file a baggage loss report. This is important for us to forward your
baggage. After your final destination airport or airlines receive your
baggage, they will contact you accordingly.
Please fill out this form.
旅 客 姓 航 班 始发站/航 目的站/航 行 李 行 李 旅客地址及联 旅客签
名 日期 班号 班号 件数 号 系方式 名
Passenge Flight Departure Destination/ Bagga Bagga Your Address Signatu
r Name Date Station/ Flight No. ge ge Tag & Contact re
Flight No. Amou No.

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-89
Ground Operation Manual 12

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-90
Ground Operation Manual 12 Special Baggage Notice to Captain of Hainan Airlines (HU-12-40)

Special Baggage Notice to Captain of Hainan Airlines
航班号/Flight: 日期/Date: 飞机注册号/Aircraft Registration: 始发站/Departure Station: 经停站/Via: 目的站/Arrival Station:

危险品/Dangerous Goods
品名/Content 应急代码 旅客姓名/Name 件数/Pieces 装载信息/Loading Information
ERG Code 座位号/Seat No 重量/Weight
行李牌号/Bag Tag
□弹药(包装牢固的 1.4S弹药: 仅限UN0012 或UN0014) 箱板号ULD ID: □ 客 舱 内 (Cabin
(Ammunition)[UN No:0012 or 0014 only] 装载位置/Position: Baggage)
更 改 后 的 装 载 位 置 /Changed □ 托 运 (Checked
Position: Baggage)
□政府气象局代表携带的水银气压计或温度计 箱板号ULD ID: □ 客 舱 内 (Cabin
(Mercury barometer or thermometer carried by a 装载位置/Position: Baggage)
representative weather bureau or similar agency) 更 改 后 的 装 载 位 置 /Changed □ 托 运 (Checked
Position: Baggage)
□装有密封型电池或镍氢电池或干电池的轮椅/助行器 □ 客 舱 内 (Cabin
(Wheelchairs or other similar battery-powered mobility 箱板号ULD ID: Baggage)
Aids with spillable batteries or nickel-hydrogen batteries or 装载位置/Position: □ 托 运 (Checked
dry batteries) 更 改 后 的 装 载 位 置 /Changed Baggage)
□已拆卸下的用于轮椅/助行器的密封型电池或镍氢电 Position:

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Ground Operation Manual 12
(Spillable or nickel-hydrogen batteries or dry batteries for
wheelchairs or other similar mobility Aids)
□装有非密封型电池的轮椅/助行器 □ 客 舱 内 (Cabin
(Wheelchairs or other similar battery-powered mobility 箱板号ULD ID: Baggage)
Aids with non-spillable batteries) 装载位置/Position: □ 托 运 (Checked
□已拆卸下的用于轮椅/助行器的非密封型电池 更 改 后 的 装 载 位 置 /Changed Baggage)
(Non-spillable batteries for wheelchairs or other similar Position:
mobility Aids)
□装有锂电池的轮椅/助行器 □ 客 舱 内 (Cabin
(Wheelchairs or other similar battery-powered mobility 箱板号ULD ID: Baggage)
Aids with lithium batteries) 装载位置/Position: □ 托 运 (Checked
□已拆下的用于轮椅/助行器的锂电池 更 改 后 的 装 载 位 置 /Changed Baggage)
(Lithium batteries for wheelchairs or other similar mobility Position:
Aids )
□其他(Other) /
其他特种物品/Other Special Goods
品名/Content 旅客姓名/Name 件数/Pieces 装载信息/Loading Information
座位号/Seat No 重量/Weight
行李牌号/Bag Tag No
□动物(Live Animal) 箱板号/ULD ID: □客舱内(Cabin Baggage)
装载位置/Position: □托运(Checked Baggage)
更改后的装载位置/Changed Position:
□导盲犬、助听犬、辅助犬(Service 箱板号/ULD ID: □客舱内(Cabin Baggage)
Dog) 装载位置/Position: □托运(Checked Baggage)
更改后的装载位置/Changed Position:
□枪支(Gun) 箱板号/ULD ID: □客舱内(Cabin Baggage)
装载位置/Position: □托运(Checked Baggage)

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Ground Operation Manual 12
更改后的装载位置/Changed Position:
温度要求/Temperature Requirements: □加温要求/Heating Required for °C(指定温度范围/Specify) □降温要求/Cooling Required for °C(指定温度范围/Specify)
填写人签字: 监装负责人签字: 机长签字:
Prepared By: Loading Supervisor’s Signature: Captain’s Signature:

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Agreement for Human Organ Transportation (HU-12-41)

Agreement for Human Organ Transportation


Passenger Information(filled in when applying for transportation, all items compulsory)
Name: TEL:
Sex: Type of valid ID card:
Age: Identification Number:

Flight Information(filled in when applying for transportation, all items compulsory)
Date: Departure Station:
Flight Number: Transfer/Destination Station:
Note: Please specify the information of via or transfer points in the above blank if you take such
flights operated by Hainan Airlines.
Organ Information(filled in when applying for transportation, all items compulsory):
Origin of human organ: Type of human organ:
Hainan Airlines/Grand China Air and its agents have fulfilled the obligation to
inform me of all the risks of this air transportation. With thorough knowledge of all
risks and consideration of all consequences, I decide to keep the original plan to take
the flight stated above. For any problem like irregular flight, delay, or alternate landing
caused by the package and preservation of the organ, weather, aviation control, military
activities, public security, air traffic control or other reasons, I agree to shoulder all the
consequences and promise not to file lawsuit and any request for compensation to
Hainan Airlines/Grand China Air and its agents. I am grateful for the help provided by
Hainan Airlines/Grand China Air and its agents.

On the passenger’s application for taking the flight, the herein agreement is made
based on the principle of fairness and honesty through consultation for the safety
of the passenger.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
I 、Carrier’s Regulation of Carriage

ⅰ、Way of Transportation

Only accepted the organ to be transported as cabin baggage (carrying-on baggage or

baggage having the seat),and take care by passenger themselves.

ⅱ、 Requirements of package

1. Having to use the professional transport containers which can be effective in heat
insulation and shock, and can be easy to take. Its seal property is good.
2. The appearance of container will not affect other passengers, and it
cannot be damaged by pressure change of cabin and aircraft turbulence.
3. Passengers has read and signed the Agreement for Human Organ

ⅲ、Requirements of files

1.Certification of Organ Transportation(Original and photocopy).

①Issuing unit: It has to be on the list of National Institutes of Health and Family
Planning Committee of China-169 hospitals of organ
transplantation .( http://www.nhfpc.gov.cn/yzygj/s3594q/201510/2c5551f6b36340a7
A. Information that has to be written: name of passenger, ID number, date of taking
plane and the date of issuing.
B. Information that has to be noted: Legal origin of organ, purpose and No infectious
Information that has to be endorsed: signature of passenger and head of hospital, contact
number of hospital and the stamp of hospital.
Passenger has to write “the copy is same as the Original” on the copy one, and passenger
and the head of hospital should sign on it.

2.Agreement for Human Organ Transportation.

I have read and known the information above, and I will check it now;

Passenger Sign:

Agents Sign: Relationship with Passenger:

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Ground Operation Manual 12
(If the reservation is made by agents, the blank must be completed)

II、The Agreement Takes Effect and Termination

The agreement will take effect since when both sides confirm the agreement content
and sign on it. After passengers arrive to destination by the carrier, the agreement
terminates. Before the agreement takes effect to termination, if any side cannot carry
out the agreement due to force majeure, the one should inform the other side the
reason why it is unable to perform or not completely perform, and provide verified
proof. Allowing to extension of performance, part of the performance or not to perform
the agreement after consultation by both sides, and not assume responsibility for breach
of contract.

Ⅲ、Dispute Resolution

If there is a dispute between the two sides on this Agreement, both sides should
negotiate friendly on the basis of understanding and accommodation. If the negotiation
fails, the people's court at the place where the carrier is located shall be resolved.
Ⅳ、Other Conventions
ⅰ、The agreement is in quadruplicate. Carrier and the guarantee units hold one copy
(totally in three copies), and passenger hold one copy.
ⅱ、Passenger carries (for example:
human organs or packaging requirements, etc.) not comply with the
relevant regulations. Passenger should fully take all risks of the transportation if
insisting in transportation. And the consequences caused in the process have nothing to
do with carriers.

Carrier: Passenger(or Agent):

Date: Date:

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Agreement for Declared Value Baggage Transportation

Agreement for Declared Value Baggage Transportation

Carrier: Hainan Airlines Co., Ltd.

Passenger Information (filled in when applying for transportation, all items
身份证件/Type of Identity Document: 证件号码/Document
联系电话/Contact Number:
Flight Information (filled in when applying for transportation, all items
航班日期/ Date of Flight: 始发站/ Origin:
航 班 号/ Flight Number: 经停站/ 中转站 / 到达站
Note:Please specify the information of via or transfer points in the above blank if you
take such flights operated by Hainan Airlines.
Baggage Information (filled in when applying for transportation, all items
行李物品/Baggage Contents: 行李价值/Baggage

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Hainan Airlines Co.,Ltd.and its agents have fulfilled the obligation to inform me of
all the risks of this air transportation. With thorough knowledge of all the risks and
consideration of all consequences, I decide to keep the original plan to take the flight
stated above. For any problem caused by the package and preservation of the organ,
course reversal or forced landing in case of force majeure, I agree to shoulder all the
consequences and promise not to file lawsuit and any request for compensation to
Hainan Airlines and its agents. I am grateful for the help provided by Hainan Airlines

On the passenger’s application for taking the flight, the herein agreement is
made based on the principle of farness and honesty through consultation for the
safety of the passenger.
Carrier’s Regulation of Carriage
㈠ 运输要求
Transportation requirement
1. 办理声明价值的行李须是托运行李;
Baggage Declared Value must be checked baggage;
2. 须能提供发票等有效行李价值凭证(原件及复印件);
Effective baggage value vouchers (original or copy);
3. 确认并签署“行李声明价值运输协议书”;
Signing Baggage Declared Value Agreement;
4. 缴付行李声明价值附加费用。
Paying surcharge.
㈡ 不应办理行李声明价值的物品及航班限制
Contents not allowed to declare value and flight restrictions
The following contents are not allowed to declare value:
1) 精密仪器、电器类物品;
Precise instrument, electric equipment;
2) 猎枪、体育运动用枪支和子弹、超标体育运动用品及乐器;
Shotgun, gun and bullet for sport use; oversized sports equipment and musical
3) 机要文件、外交信袋、无人押运的公邮袋等;
Confidential document, diplomatic mailbags, unescorted public mailbags, and
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Ground Operation Manual 12
4) 旅行途中所使用的电动轮椅;
Electric wheelchair used in trip;
5) 管制刀具以外并符合承运人规定的利器、钝器,例如菜刀、剪刀等;
Edged tools and blunt allowed by the carrier’s regulation other than controlled
knives, such as kitchen knife and scissor;
6) 干冰、液态饮品、含酒精类的化妆品等;
Dry ice, liquid drinks, cosmetics containing alcohol;
7) 骨灰;
Bone ash;
8) 易碎、易腐物品;
Fragile and perishable contents;
9) 危险品;
Dangerous articles;
10) 货币、有价证券、票证、邮票、纪念币、金银制品、首饰、珠宝、钻石、
Contents uneasy or unable to identify value, such as currency, securities, tickets,
stamps, commemorative coins, gold and silver items, accessories, jewelry, diamonds,
jadeware, ancient books, calligraphy and painting, artwork, plants and others;
11) 乘坐海航国际航班的旅客所携带的宠物;
Pets carried by passengers taking HU’s international flights;
Other contents defined as inappropriate for baggage transportation by Hainan
2. 搭乘中转航班或经停航班的旅客,始发站已交运的行李在中转站或经停
Passengers taking connecting flights should not declare value for baggage which
is already check-in at origin.
㈢ 申请及收费规定
Application and Surcharge
Domestic flight
1) 托运行李每千克价值超过人民币 100 元时,可办理行李的声明价值;
Baggage valuing over 100 RMB per kg can apply for value declaration;
2) 对于办理声明价值的行李,若同时满足海航其它收费规定时,应按照相
Baggage declaring value will be charged extra fee when HU’ s other charge
regulation is applicable, independent with fee charged by value declaration;
3) 托运行李的声明价值不能超过行李本身的实际价值;
Value declared must not exceed the real value of baggage;
4) 每一名旅客的行李声明价值最高限额为人民币 8000 元;声明价值超过承
Each passenger can declare a maximum of 8,000 RMB for baggage; baggage over
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Ground Operation Manual 12
that value should not be transported as this category;
5) 对声明价值有异议而旅客又拒绝接受检查时,海航有权拒绝按照声明价
HU has the right to reject transporting the baggage as declared value baggage when
there’s disagreement on the value declared and the passenger refuses to accept check;
6) 旅客办理声明价值的托运行李仅限于整包件行李,行李中的任何单个物
Value declaration is confined to baggage in a whole package, Individual items in
baggage must not apply for value declaration;
7) 声明价值附加费按照声明的每千克价值超过人民币 100 元限额部分价值
的 5‰收取声明价值附加费;
Surcharge for value declaration is 5‰ of the amount over 100 RMB per kg;
8) 计算公式:声明价值附加费=(旅客声明价值-100 元/千克)×办理声明价
Formula: Surcharge for value declaration= (value declared by passenger-100kg/kg)
x weight of baggage declared x 5‰
9) 行李声明价值附加费收取金额以人民币元为计算单位,尾数四舍五入。
The unit is RMB, the amount should be rounded to the nearest integer.
International and regional flight
1) 国际及地区航班旅客托运行李,每千克价值超过 30 美元时,可办理行李
Baggage valuing over 30 USD per kg can apply for value declaration at
international and regional flight;
2) 国际及地区航班每一名旅客的行李声明价值最高限额为 2500 美元,声明
Each passenger should declare a maximum of 2,500 USD for baggage; baggage
over that value should not be transported as this category;
3) 托运行李的声明价值不能超过行李本身的实际价值;
Value declared must not exceed the real value of baggage;
4) 对声明价值有异议而旅客又拒绝接受检查时,海航有权拒绝按照声明价
HU has the right to reject transporting the baggage as declared value baggage when
there’s disagreement on the value declared and the passenger refuses to accept check;
5) 办理声明价值的托运行李仅限于整件行李,行李中的任何单件物品不得
Value declaration is confined to baggage in a whole package. Individual items in
baggage can not apply for value declaration;
6) 声明价值附加费按照每 100 美元申报金额收取 1 美元计算方式来收取(不
足 100 美元的部分按 1 美元收取);
Surcharge for value declaration is1 USD for every 100 USD declared (1 USD is
charged for the amount under 100 USD);
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Ground Operation Manual 12
7) 办理行李声明价值,只适用于海航承运的航段和与海航有特别协议的其
Baggage value declaration is only applicable on sectors operated by HU and
sectors operated by other carriers having special agreement with HU;
8) 行李声明价值附加费收取金额以美元为计算单位,实际收取可按当日美
The unit is USD and can be changed to equivalent amount of local currency
according to specific exchange rate to USD of the date. Baggage declaring value will
be charged with extra fee when HU’ s other charge regulation on international or
regional flights is applicable, independent with fee charged by value declaration.
I have carefully read and am fully aware of the above contents, and now
乘机人签字/Signature of passenger:
或代理人签字/or Signature of agent:
与乘机人关系/Relationship to passenger: (如为代理预
约,必须填写/compulsory in case of agent involvement)
Ⅱ Validity and Termination
The present Agreement shall come to effect on the completion of required items and
signing by both parties. It shall terminate upon the arrival at destination. If either party
cannot fully or partially fulfill its obligation due to force majeure, it shall promptly
notify the reasons to the other party and provide proof accordingly, in which case,
parties shall be allowed to delay, partially or not implement the agreement through
negotiation and be exempted from responsibilities of infringement.
Ⅲ Settlement of disputes
Any dispute to the present agreement shall be settled through consultation between
the Parties in the principle of mutual understanding, otherwise shall be settled by
lawsuit at the court where the carrier is located.
Ⅳ Miscellaneous
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Ground Operation Manual 12
㈠ 本协议一式三份,承运人值机单位持一份,承运人缴费处持一份,乘机人
The present agreement is in triplicate with one copy for check-in department;
one for the carrier, and one for the passenger.
㈡ 乘机人携带的 不符合承
If ___________________________________________carried by the
passenger violate the carriage regulation of the carrier, but the passenger insists the
transportation, the passenger shall fully shoulder all risks during the transportation. The
Carrier will compensate for the damage therefore caused to baggage during the
transportation according to the rules for general baggage.

承运人:海南航空控股股份有限公司 乘机人(或代理人):
Carrier: Hainan Airlines Co., Ltd. Passenger(or agent):

日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日
Date: DD/MM/YY Date: DD/MM/YY

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Disinfection Certificate (HU-12-43)

Hainan Airlines Pre-embarktion Disinsection Certificate

Aircraft Flight Number(航班号)
Registration (飞机号)
Port Departure(起飞 Date of Departure
机场) (起飞日期)

Aircraft Type(机型) Series(机型序列号:是指飞机

出厂编码,位于 L1 门门框上方。


This is to certify that the above aircraft has on this day been disinsected in accordance with
Department of Agriculture and MPI requirements.
Size of cans used(grams) 150g

Serial numbers of aerosol cans used:(喷雾剂序列号)共三瓶

填第一瓶喷药底部第四 填第二瓶喷药底部第四 填第三瓶喷药底部第四

排数字 排数字 排数字

Cabin disinsection undertaken by:

Full Name(Please
Position (职位)

Name of

Size of cans used(grams) 150g

Serial Number of aerosol cans used:(喷雾剂序列号)

填第一瓶喷药底部第四 填第二瓶喷药底部第四

排数字 排数字

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Hold disinsection undertaken by: □Tick if same as above
Full Name(Please Print)(姓名)
Name of Organisaton(所属单位)

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Approval Form for Internal Item transportation in HNA
Applicant Department

Transportation Transportation
materials weight
Flight Date Flight NO.
Origin Destination


Comments of

Comments of
company leader

Comments of
administrator of
business group

Comments of
administrator of
HNA group

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-105
Ground Operation Manual 12 Approval Form for Internal Luggage transportation in
HNA (HU-12-45)
Applicant Department

Transportation Transportation
materials weight

Number of cases Flight/Date

Origin Destination




Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-106
Ground Operation Manual 12 Details for luggage transportation in HNA (HU-12-46)

Prefere Owe Desti Weig
Appli Flig Orig Amo gage Opera Rem
Date ntial or natio ht/K
cant ht in unt amo tor ark
unit not n G

Note: It is necessary to record in detail HNA's internal baggage transportation handling account
and standardize the names of preferential units; the corresponding unit of the handler is clear.

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-107
Ground Operation Manual 12 Monthly report for Internal luggage transportation in
Hainan Airlines (HU-12-47)
Monthly Totally
Transportation Transportatio loca transpor Amount
transpor transportat Remark
type n unit tion tation for free
tation ion amount
The leader in
Airlines and
Department in
bases and

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-108
Ground Operation Manual 12 Information Checked Record of Human Organ
Transportation (HU-12-48)

Name(Who Name
check the Departm Check Check (Who picks
Number Position Check Result
information ent Date Time up the
) telephone)
Beijing 010-
XX provided by
Zhang san check-in 2013-1-X 12:30 XXXXX Li si
director passenger are
room XX
Xi’an 029- provided by
Wang wu check-in 2013-2-X 09:45 XXXXX Zhao liu XX doctor passenger are
room XX
false .Details:

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Organ Receiving Confirmation of Transplant Center

Receiving unit: XXXX Hospital


Head of organ transplant center:XXX
This is to certify that XXXXXXX hospital has received an organ of type X blood
from XXXXXX hospital through Human Organ Allocation of China and shareware
computer system in _________(time), and the organ will be used in the person who is
on the organ receiving list, and the following regulations are ensured:
1. To comply with the State Council Decree No.491 Human Organ Transplant
Ordinance and other relevant laws and regulations, and abide by the state organ
allocation policy strictly.
2. The hospital has to inform the receiving side immediately if the organ is failed
to be used to the people who are waiting for the organ transplant for some special
reasons. The two sides should take organ redistribution or other appropriate treatments
according to the relevant regulations.
3.The patient should be removed from the list after receiving organ transplant
within 72 hours, and the hospital should feedback the medical history and the
postoperative recovery situation of the patient to the receiving side.

XXXX hospital(stamp)
( the signature or stamp of the head/chief
XXXX hospital
Contacts: XXX

First step: Open the Wechat and scan the two-dimensional code;
Second step:Follow the Wechat Subscription(COTRS2011)
Third step:Check the message, and verify the validity of the organ acceptance

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Verification record of human organ transportation
certification (HU-12-50)
Verification record of human organ transportation
certification information
Verifica Phone
Verifier Affiliatio Verificati Caller' Job
tion number the results
name n on date s name title
time dialed
The information
provided by the
Beijing passenger to
Check-in 2013-1-X 12:30 LI SI provide
SAN XXXXXXX director
Counter supporting
documents is
The information
provided by the
Xi`an providing the
Check-in 2013-2-X 09:45 certification
Counter document is not

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-111
Ground Operation Manual 12 Human organ Donation Carriage Certificate of Airlines
Approval (HU-12-51)

Carriage Certificate of Airlines Approval

To Whom obtaining human organs:
According to the provisions of Article 17 of the "Administrative
Measures on the Air Transport of Human Donated Organs", our company
agrees that your staff will carry the organs donated by humans on
Flight (seat number ) to .

Airline (Seal)
(DATE: year/month/day)

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-112
Ground Operation Manual 12 Report form for air transportation of human organ
donation (HU-12-52)
Report form for air transportation of human
organ donation
Airlines Date Flight Depart Destinat Orga Mode OPO OPO Repo Contact Remar
No ure ion n of staff comp rter's informa k
airport airport type transp nam any name tion
ort e


1.The transportation method is divided into four types: hand luggage, seat baggage,

crew transportation, and cargo transportation, which should be filled in according to the

transportation situation of the organ donor.

2.The airline should fill in the "Report Form for Air Transport of Human Donated

Organs" within five days after the transportation of human organ donations is

completed, and send the electronic version and stamped scanned version to


Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-113
Ground Operation Manual 12 Notification on the safe transportation of lithium battery
and the Limited Release (HU-12-53)

Notification on the safe transportation of lithium
battery and the Limited Release
Dear passengers:
According to the document of the International Civil Aviation Organization
Safety air transportation technical regulations of dangerous goods, the
regulation of lithium batteries in passenger's baggage are as follows:
和便携式摄像机等) ,其电池的锂含量≤2克(锂金属电池) ,额定能量值
For passengers with watches, calculator, camera, cell phone, laptop computer,
camera and other portable electronic devices, if the contents of the lithium
battery are no
more than 2g, or the rated energy is under 100Wh, it can be treated as check-in
carry-on baggage; if the rated energy of the lithium battery is between 100Wh and 160Wh, it can
be treated as carry-on baggage and taken onboard after being approved by the carrier.
Spare lithium battery is prohibited checked, can only carry on. Spare lithium
battery Should be packed well and prevent the equipment from activating
accidentally. The correct way is put into a small box of each battery or lithium
battery transportation bag. "Charging Po" is as spare lithium battery,
passengers carrying "Charging Po" should follow the spare lithium batteries
transportation standard. At the same time, it is forbidden to use "Charging Po" on the plane.
旅 客 个 人 自 用 电 子 设 备 的 备 用 锂 电 池 锂 含 量 ≤2克 或 额 定 能 量 值
李携带登机,限带2 块。
Spare battery of portable electronic devices, the contents of the lithium should
be no more than 2g, or the rated energy should be under 100Wh, it can be
treated as carry-on luggage with a reasonable amount; If the rated energy of
the lithium battery is between
100Wh and 160Wh, you can carry it no more than 2 batteries after it was approved by the carrier.
装置的备用电池≤160Wh或≤8g,必须手提上机,且每人限带2 块。电动轮椅或其他代步
工具的备用锂电池,必须手提上机,电池额定能量值≤160Wh 的,每人限带 2 块;电池
额定能量值≤300Wh 的,每人限带 1 块。
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Ground Operation Manual 12
Passengers with portable electronic medical devices or electric wheelchairs must follow the
regulations of Safety air transportation technical regulations of dangerous goods, the lithium
battery must be packed well and approved by the carrier. The spare battery of portable electronic
medical devices with rated energy value ≤160Wh or lithium content is ≤ 8 g; you can take it as a
carry-on baggage with a limit of2 blocks. The spare battery of wheelchairs with rated energy value
≤160Wh, passengers can take no more than 2 batteries after it was approved by the carrier. Batteries
with rated energy value ≤ 300Wh, passengers can carry only one after it was approved by the carrier.
A consignment of lithium metal batteries may be transported on passenger aircraft, only with
the prior approval of the appropriate authority of the State of Origin and the State of the Operator
under the written conditions stablished by those authorities.
Thank you for your cooperation.

The airline shall not be liable for transportation compensation for the luggage loss and late caused by the
above reasons.

I confirm that all kinds of lithium batteries are not included in the baggage and accept the Limited release,
agree to have my baggage checked. in the next flight
旅客签字: 航班号: 联系方式:
Signature: Flight Number: TEL.:

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Notification on the safe transportation of lithium battery
Notification on the safe transportation of lithium

Welcome to fly with Hainan Airlines!
According to the document of the International Civil Aviation Organization Safety air
transportation technical regulations of dangerous goods , the regulation of lithium
batteries in passenger's baggage are as follows:
像机等),其电池的锂含量≤2 克(锂金属电池),额定能量值≤100Wh(瓦特小
超过 100Wh 但不超过 160Wh 的,经海南航空批准后,该设备可以作为手提行李携
For passengers with watches, calculator, camera, cell phone, laptop computer, video
camera and other portable electronic devices, if the contents of the lithium battery are
no more than 2g, or the rated energy is under 100Wh, it can be treated as check-in or
carry-on baggage; if the rated energy of the lithium battery is between 100Wh and
160Wh, it can be treated as carry-on baggage and taken on board after being approved
by the carrier.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Spare lithium battery is prohibited checked, can only carry on. Spare lithium battery
should be packed well and prevent the equipment from activating accidentally. The
correct way is put into a small box of each battery or lithium battery transportation
bag. "Charging Po" is as spare lithium battery, passengers carrying "Charging Po"
should follow the spare lithium batteries transportation standard. At the same time, it
is forbidden to use "Charging Po" on the plane.
Small Vehicles Powered by Lithium Batteries are banned from transporting as carry-
on baggage and checked baggage.

旅客个人自用电子设备的备用锂电池锂含量≤2 克或额定能量值≤100Wh,须作
≤160Wh,须经海南航空批准后,作为手提行李携带登机,限带 2 块。
Spare battery of portable electronic devices, the contents of the lithium should be no
more than 2g, or the rated energy should be under 100Wh, it can be treated as carry-on

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Ground Operation Manual 12
luggage with a reasonable amount; If the rated energy of the lithium battery is between
100Wh and 160Wh, you can carry it no more than 2 batteries after it was approved by
the carrier.

空批准。便携式电子医疗装置的备用电池≤160 Wh 或≤8g,必须手提上机,且每
人限带 2 块。电动轮椅或其他代步工具的备用锂电池,必须手提上机,电池额定
能量值≤160Wh 的,每人限带 2 块;电池额定能量值≤300Wh 的,每人限带 1 块。
Passengers with portable electronic medical devices or electric wheelchairs must follow
the regulations of Safety air transportation technical regulations of dangerous goods,
the lithium battery must be packed well and approved by the carrier. The spare battery
of portable electronic medical devices with rated energy value ≤160Wh or lithium
content is ≤ 8 g; you can take it as a carry-on baggage with a limit of 2 blocks. The
spare battery of wheelchairs with rated energy value ≤160Wh, passengers can take no
more than 2 batteries after it was approved by the carrier. Batteries with rated energy
value ≤ 300Wh, passengers can carry only one after it was approved by the carrier.

A consignment of lithium metal batteries may be transported on passenger aircraft, only
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Ground Operation Manual 12
with the prior approval of the appropriate authority of the State of Origin and the State
of the Operator under the written conditions established by those authorities.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Announcement of the Public Security Bureau of the Civil

Aviation Administration of China on Maintaining the Order

of Civil Aviation and Ensuring the Safety of Air Transport


N/A for International Operational, please refer to Chinese manual for detail.

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Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-120
Ground Operation Manual 12 Notification on Prohibition to carry lighter and matches

onboard (HU-12-56)

Announcement on prohibiting passengers from carrying

lighters and matches on civil aircraft

In order to maintain the order of civil aviation transportation and protect

the lives and property of passengers and the safety of aircraft, the Civil

Aviation Administration once again issued an announcement, reiterating

that passengers are reiterated in accordance with the "Announcement on

Prohibiting Passengers from Carrying Lighters and Matches on Civil

Aviation Aircraft" (Civil Aviation Announcement [2008] No. 3). The

following behaviors are prohibited when taking the flight:

1. Passengers are forbidden to carry lighters and matches on civil aviation


2. Passengers are forbidden to place lighters and matches in portable


3. Passengers are forbidden to carry lighters and matches in their checked


The Civil Aviation Administration reminds passengers to strictly abide by

the above regulations when going through the check-in procedures. For

violations of the above regulations, the civil aviation public security organs
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Ground Operation Manual 12
will severely deal with the circumstances and in accordance with relevant

national laws and regulations. Other consequences caused by this shall be

borne by the passenger.

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Responsibility Notification about Passengers Carrying
Lighters and Matches When Taking Civil Aircrafts (HU-12-57)

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Notification for passenger carry power bank /lithium
battery charger onboard (HU-12-58)

Regarding reiterating that passengers carry power banks

and other items on the flight announcement

In order to maintain the order of civil aviation transportation and protect

the lives and property of passengers and the safety of aircraft, in accordance

with the "Announcement on Reaffirming the Provisions for Civil Aviation

Passengers to Carry "Power Banks"," and "Announcement on Prohibition

of Passengers from Carrying Lighters and Matches on Civil Aviation

Aircraft", the Civil Aviation The bureau reiterated that the following

behaviors are prohibited when passengers take the flight:

1. It is strictly forbidden to carry power banks in checked baggage.

2. It is strictly forbidden to carry a power bank with a rated energy

exceeding 160Wh; carrying a power bank with a rated energy exceeding

100Wh but not exceeding 160Wh must be approved by the airline and must

not exceed two.

3. It is strictly forbidden to carry power banks with unclear marks.

4. It is strictly forbidden to use power banks during the flight.

5. It is strictly forbidden to carry the power bank for non-personal use.

6. Passengers are forbidden to carry lighters and matches on civil aviation

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Ground Operation Manual 12

7. Passengers are forbidden to transport lighters and matches in their hand


8. Passengers are forbidden to carry lighters and matches in their checked


The Civil Aviation Administration reminds passengers to strictly abide by

the above regulations when going through the check-in procedures. For

violations of the above regulations, the civil aviation public security organs

will severely deal with the circumstances and in accordance with relevant

national laws and regulations. Other consequences caused by this shall be

borne by the passenger.

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Baggage Transportation Regulation. (Dangerous good
items prohibited onboard) (HU-12-59)

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Check in Information (Domestic / International) (HU-

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Ground Operation Manual 12

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.2-128
Ground Operation Manual 12 Civil Aviation Dangerous Goods Transportation
Regulations (Department of Transport Department issue 2016
no.42) (HU-12-61)

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Ground Operation Manual 12 Items might contain Dangerous Goods (HU-12-63)

Not all the hazardous goods are easily identified. The ordinary items declared by
passengers and consignors may contain the unidentified hazardous goods, and these
goods may exist in the mailings or baggage. So, it is very important to know the basic
concepts of hidden hazardous goods. When goods, mailings, baggage and articles
loaded by airlines at random are consigned or received, it is necessary to carefully check
them, the operation can be done only after their properties are identified. Please don’t
easily accept them in case of any doubt.


may contain explosives (flares or other pyrotechnics), chemical oxygen generators, unserviceable
tyre assemblies, cylinders of compressed gas (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or fire
extinguishers), paint, adhesives, aerosols, life-saving appliances, first aid kits, fuel in equipment,
wet or lithium batteries, matches, etc.
2.AUTOMOBILES, AUTOMOBILE PARTS/SUPPLIES—(car, motor, motorcycle) may contain
ferro-magnetic ma terial which may not meet the definition for magnetized material but which
may be subject to special stowage requirements due to the possibility of affecting aircraft
instruments. May also contain engines, including fuel cell engines, carburett ors or fuel tanks
which contain or have contained fuel, wet or lithium batteries, compressed gases in tyre inflation
devices, fire extinguishers, shocks/struts with nitrogen, air bag inflators/air bag modules,
flammable adhesives, paints, sealants and solvents, etc.
3. BATTERY-POWERED DEVICES/EQUIPMENT—may contain wet or lithium batteries.
4. BREATHING APPARATUS—may indicate cylinders of compressed air or oxygen, chemical
oxygen generators or refrigerated liquefied oxygen.
5. CAMPING EQUIPMENT—may contain flammable gases (butane, propane, etc.), flammable
liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.), flammable solids (hexamine, matches, etc.) or other dangerous
7. CHEMICALS—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly
flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
8. COMAT (COMPANY MATERIALS)—such as aircraft parts,may contain dangerous goods as
an integral part, e.g. chemical oxygen generators in a passenger service unit (PSU), various
compressed gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, gas lighters, aerosols, fire
extinguishers, flammable liquids such as fuels, paints and adhesives and corrosive material such as
batteries. Other items such as flares, first aid kits, life-saving appliances, matches, magnetized
material, etc.
9. CONSOLIDATED CONSIGNMENTS (GROUPAGES)—may contain any of the defined
classes of dangerous goods.
10. CRYOGENIC (LIQUID)—indicates refrigerated liquefied gases such as argon, helium, neon
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Ground Operation Manual 12
and nitrogen.
11. CYLINDERS—may indicate compressed or liquefied gas.
12. DENTAL APPARATUS—may contain flammable resins or solvents, compressed or liquefied
gas, mercury and radioactive material.
13. DIAGNOSTIC SPECIMENS—may contain infectious sub- stances.
14. DIVING EQUIPMENT—may contain cylinders (such as scuba tanks, vest bottles, etc.) of
compressed gas (air, oxygen, etc.)high intensity diving lamps which can generate extremely high
heat when operated in air. In order to be carried safely, the bulb or battery must be disconnected.
15. DRILLING AND MINING EQUIPMENT—may contain ex-plosive(s) and/or other dangerous
16. DRY SHIPPER (VAPOUR SHIPPER)—may contain free liquid nitrogen. Only when the
freezing container is not placed in the correct direction will release liquid nitrogen, it is a dangerous
materials or mercury in switch gear and electron tubes, wet batteries, lithium batteries or fuel cells
or fuel cell cartridges that contain or have contained fuel.
18. ELECTRICALLY POWERED APPARATUS—(wheelchairs, lawn mowers, golf carts, etc.)
may contain wet batteries, lithium batteries or fuel cells or fuel cell cartridges that contain or have
contained fuel.
19. EXPEDITIONARY EQUIPMENT—may contain explosives(flares) flammable
liquids(gasoline) flammable gas (propane camping gas) or other dangerous goods.
20.FILM CREW OR MEDIA EQUIPMENT—may contain explosives pyrotechnic devices
generators incorporating internal combustion engines, wet batteries, lithium batteries, fuel, heat
producing items, etc.
21. FROZEN EMBRYOS—may contain refrigerated liquefied gas or Carbon dioxide, solid (dry
22. FROZEN FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC.—may be packed in Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice).
23. FUELS-may contain flammable liquids. flammable solids or flammable gases
24. FUEL CONTROL UNITS—may contain flammable liquids.
25. HOT AIR BALLOON—may contain cylinders with flammable gas, fire extinguishers, engines
internal combustion, batteries, etc.
26. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods
including flammable liquids such as solvent based paint, adhesives, polishes, aerosols, bleach,
corrosive oven or drain cleaners, ammunition, matches, etc.
27.INSTRUMENTS —may conceal barometers manometers, mercury switches rectifier tubes
thermometers, etc, containing mercury.
28. LABORATORY/TESTING EQUIPMET—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for
dangerous goods particularly flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides,
toxic or corrosive substances, lithium batteries, cylinders of compressed gas, etc.
29. MACHINERY PARTS—may contain adhesives, paints, sealants, solvents, wet and lithium
batteries, mercury, cylinders of compressed or liquefied gas, etc.
cumulatively meet the definition of magnetized material

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Ground Operation Manual 12
31. MEDICAL SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for
dangerous goods, particularly flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides,
toxic, corrosive substances or lithium batteries.
contain ferro magnetic material, which may be subject to special stowage requirements due to the
possibility of affecting aircraft instruments
33. PARTS OF AUTOMOBILE (CAR, MOTOR, MOTORCYCLE)—may contain wet batteries,
34. PASSENGERS BAGGAGE—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous
goods. Examples include fireworks, flammable household liquids, corrosive oven or drain
cleaners, flammable gas or liquid lighter refills or camping stove cylinders, matches, ammunition,
bleach, aerosols (those not permitted under Subsection 2.3), etc.
35. PHARMACEUTICALS—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods,
particularly radioactive material, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic
peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
36. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT—may contain items meeting any of the criteria
for dangerous goods, particularly heat producing devices, flammable liquids, flammable solids,
oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances or lithium batteries.
38. RACING CAR OR MOTORCYCLE TEAMEQUIPMENT—may contain engines, including
fuel cell engines, carburettors or fuel tanks which contain fuel or residual fuel, flammable
aerosols, cylinders of compressed
gases, nitromethane, other fuel additives, wet batteries, lithium batteries, etc.
39. REFRIGERATORS—may contain liquefied gases or an ammonia solution.
40. REPAIR KITS—may contain organic peroxides and flammable adhesives, solvent based
paints, resins, etc.
41. SAMPLES FOR TESTING—may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous
goods, particularly infectious substances, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic
peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
42. SEMEN—may be packed with Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) or refrigerated liquefied gas.
43. SHIPS' SPARES—may contain explosives (flares), cylinders of compressed gas (life rafts),
paint, lithium batteries (emergency locator transmitters), etc.
contain flammable sub stances, explosives or other dangerous goods.
45 SPORTING GOODS/SPORTS TEAM EQUIPMENT—may contain cylinders of compressed
or liquefied gas (air, carbon dioxide, etc.),lithium batteries, propane torches, first aid kits,
flammable adhesives, aerosols, etc.
46. SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS—may contain oxidizing or corrosive substances.
48. TOOL BOXES—may contain explosives (power rivets), compressed gases or aerosols,
flammable gases (butane cylinders or torches), flammable adhesives or paints, corrosive liquids,
lithium batteries, etc.

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Ground Operation Manual 12
49. TORCHES—micro torches and utility lighters may contain flammable gas and be equipped
with an electronic starter Larger torches may consist of a torch head (often with a self-igniting
switch) attached to a container or cylinder of flammable gas.
items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, such as fireworks, flammable household
liquids, corrosive oven or drain cleaners, flammable gas or liquid lighter refills or camping stove
cylinders, matches, bleach, aerosols, etc.
51. VACCINES—may be packed in Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice).
extinguisher has a certain degree of lethality and may contain explosives, etc.
53. MEALS READYTO EAT (MRE)—mainly consists of three parts: heat source, activator (or
device) and food. The heat source usually referred to is mainly composed of heat-generating
chemical raw materials, and no open flame is generated during heat generation, so it is also called
flameless chemical heater. Self-heating packaged foods have the risk of fire when the heating
materials react to heat, and passengers are prohibited from using them in the aircraft.
54. RADIOACTIVEMATERIAL—may contain small amounts of radioactive material.

Revised date:2021-05-30
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Ground Operation Manual 12 Legend of Dangerous Goods Label in Baggage

Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-134
Ground Operation Manual 12

Revised date:2021-08-01
Revised times:1 Pages:12.2-135
Ground Operation Manual 12 Distribution record of GOM
Distribution record of GOM
Receiving Distribution Distribution Version/date/
NO. Distribution unit NOTES
unit staff Distribution channel


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Ground Operation Manual 12
12.3 External Parties Contact Detail

12.3.1 Contact of aviation administration and Agency of disease

prevention and control

Region Units Contact Contact Detail Note
Civil Aviation Administration on
On-Duty 010-64091504 010-64016628
General Office of Flight Standards
Department, CAAC 010-64091455
(Aviation Health Service)
Civil Aviation Medical Center
Beijing 010-85757948
(technical consulting)
Civil Aviation Department of Civil 010-64591649;13651220560;Fax:
Gao Bin
Aviation North China 64590132
Beijing Shunyi District Center for
Disease Control and Prevention On-Duty 010-69441026
(Prevention Department)
General Office of Civil Aviation
Hainan Supervision Bureau
Meilan Airport Sanitation,
Haikou Chief Wang 13876050899
Quarantine and Prevention Section
Meilan District Epidemic Stationmast 13322009120(Also on duty phone
Prevention Station er Chen of epidemic prevention station)
Airport epidemic prevention
Xian 029-88798595
Wusu Airport Outpatient
First aid at Wusu Airport 0351-7012924
Taiyuan Taiyuan City Center for Disease 0351-7229433,7346326,7372701,
Control and Prevention 7227117(Fax)
Shanxi Provincial Center for
Disease Control and Prevention
Airport Emergency Center 0991-3801120
Urumqi New Urban Epidemic
Xinjian 0991-7839878
Prevention Station
Autonomous Region Center for
Disease Control
Guangz Guangzhou Baiyun Airport Health Domestic 020-36062563 International
hou and Quarantine Station 020-36066903

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Ground Operation Manual 12
Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, Huadu District, On-Duty 020-86979553

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Ground Operation Manual 12
12.3.2 List of Organ Transplant Approving Hospital(These hospitals

are Only for transplantation of liver, kidney, heart, lung,

pancreas and small intestine )

Note: For the latest information, please refer to the official website of the

National Health and Health Commission

(http://www.nhc.gov.cn/wjw/index.shtml)-Services-Inquiry Services-

Medical Institutions-Organ Transplant Institutions.

Area Hospital Transplantation program
transplantation of liver,
1 Peking Union Medical College Hospital
transplantation of liver,
2 Peking Hospital
transplantation of liver,
3 China-Japanese Friendship Hospital
kidney, heart, lung
4 Fuwai Hospital.CAMS&PUMC transplantation of heart
5 Peking University First Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
6 Peking University People's Hospital
kidney, and small intestine
transplantation of liver,
7 Peking University Third Hospital kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
8 Peking University International Hospital
9 Xuan-wu Hospital of Capital Medical University transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
10 Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital kidney, lung, pancreas and
small intestine
transplantation of heart,
11 Beijing AnZhen Hospital
transplantation of liver,
12 Beijing Friendship Hospital kidney, pancreas and small
13 Beijing YouAn Hospital transplantation of liver
transplantation of liver,
14 Beijing Tsinghua University Chang Geng Hospital kidney, heart,lung,
pancreas and small intestine
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Ground Operation Manual 12
transplantation of liver,
15 PLA General Hospital
kidney, heart, lung
16 Air Force General Hospital, PLA transplantation of kidney
17 The Second Artillery General Hospital transplantation of liver
transplantation of liver,
18 Tianjin First Central Hospital kidney, heart, lung, pancreas
and small intestine
19 Tianjin Medical University General Hospital transplantation of lung
20 TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital transplantation of heart
transplantation of heart and
21 Tianjin Chest Hospital
transplantation of kidney
22 The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University
and heart
23 The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University transplantation of liver
24 Beidai River Rehabilitation Center of PLAJLSF transplantation of kidney
25 Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital transplantation of liver
26 The Second People's Hospital of Shanxi transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver and
27 The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University
28 The Third People's Hospital of Datong transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
29 Banggang Hospital kidney, pancreas and small
The First Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia transplantation of heart and
Medical College lungs
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical
31 kidney, heart, lung, pancreas
and small intestine
32 The Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University transplantation of liver
33 Dalian Friendship Hospital transplantation of kidney
34 Ansteel Group Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of kidney,
35 General Hospital of PLA Northern Theater
heart, lung
36 Air Force Hospital of PLA Northern Theater transplantation of kidney

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Ground Operation Manual 12
*transplantation of liver,
37 The First Hospital of Jilin University
The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical
38 transplantation of liver
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical transplantation of kidney,
University heart and lung
transplantation of liver,
40 Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University
kidney, heart, pancreas
transplantation of liver and
41 Huashan Hospital of Fudan University
transplantation of liver,
42 Shanghai First People's Hospital kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
Rui Jin Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University
43 kidney, pancreas and small
School of Medicine
Xin Hua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong
44 transplantation of liver
University School of Medicine
Ren Ji Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University transplantation of liver and
School of Medicine kidney
46 Shanghai Chest Hospital transplantation of lungs
47 Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital transplantation of lungs
transplantation of liver,
PLA Naval Military Medical University First
48 kidney, heart, lungs and
Affiliated Hospital
PLA Naval Military Medical University Second transplantation of liver,
Affiliated Hospital kidney, pancreas
PLA Naval Military Medical University Third
50 transplantation of liver
Affiliated Hospital
transplantation of liver,
51 Jiangsu Province Hospital kidney, heart, pancreas and
small intestine
The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow
52 transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
53 Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital kidney, pancreas and small
54 Wuxi People’s Hospital transplantation of lungs
55 The First People’s Hospital of Changzhou transplantation of kidney
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Ground Operation Manual 12
56 Nanjing First Hospital transplantation of heart
57 General Hospital of PLA Eastern Theater
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang
58 kidney, heart,lungs,
pancreas and small intestine
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang transplantation of liver,
University kidney, heart,lungs
The Shaoyifu Hospital of Zhejiang University of transplantation of liver,
School of Medicine kidney, heart,lungs
61 Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital transplantation of heart
The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical transplantation of liver,
College kidney, heart
transplantation of liver,
63 Ningbo Medical Treatment Center Lihuili Hospital
64 The second hospital of Yinzhou, Ningbo transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
65 Shulan (Hangzhou) Hospital
kidney, heart,lungs
66 The 903 Hospital of PLA JLSF transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
67 Anhui Provincial Hospital kidney, heart, lung, pancreas
and small intestine
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical
68 kidney, pancreas and small
The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical
69 transplantation of liver
transplantation of heart,
70 Fujian Medical University Union Hospital
71 Fujian Provincial Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of
73 Xianf`an Hospital of Xiamen University
73 Zhongshan Hospital of Xiamen University transplantation of heart
74 The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University transplantation of liver
transplantation of
75 The 900 Hospital of PLA JLSF
76 The 901 Hospital of PLA JLSF transplantation of liver

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Ground Operation Manual 12
transplantation of liver,
77 Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang
78 kidney, pancreas and small
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang transplantation of liver,
University kidney
transplantation of liver,
80 Qilu Hospital of Shandong University kidney, pancreas and small
81 The Second Hospital of Shandong University transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
82 Shandong Provincial Hospital kidney, lungs, pancreas and
small intestine
transplantation of liver,
83 The Affiliated Hospital of Qiingdao University kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
84 Qianfo Hill Hospital of Shandong Province kidney, heart, pancreas and
small intestine
85 Yuhuangding Hospital of Yantai transplantation of kidney
transplantation of
86 People’s Hospital of Linyi
87 People's Hospital of Liaocheng transplantation of liver
88 Taian City Central Hospital transplantation of kidney
89 People's Hospital of Weifang transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
90 The 960 Hospital of PLA JLSF
91 The 970 Hospital of PLA JLSF transplantation of liver
transplantation of liver,
92 The 971 Hospital of PLA Navy
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou kidney, heart,
University lungs,pancreas and small
transplantation of kidney
94 Henan Provincial People’s Hospital
and lungs

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.3-7
Ground Operation Manual 12
transplantation of liver,
95 People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou kidney, heart, pancreas and
small intestine
transplantation of
96 Zhengzhou No. 7 People's Hospital
The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University
97 transplantation of kidney
of Traditional Chinese Medicine
98 The 960 Hospital of PLA JLSF transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Huazhong University
99 kidney, heart,lungs,
of Science and Technology
pancreas and small intestine
tansplantation of liver,
Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong
100 kidney, heart,lungs,
University of Science and Technology
pancreas and small intestine
tansplantation of liver,
101 People`s Hospital of Wuhan University
kidney, heart,lungs
tansplantation of liver,
102 Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University
kidney, heart,lungs
103 Dongfeng General Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
104 Wuhan General Hospita of PLA Central Theater kidney, pancreas and small
105 Wuhan Asian Heart Hospital transplantation of heart
transplantation of liver,
106 Xiangya Hospital of Central South University kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South
107 kidney, heart, lungs,
pancreas and small intestine
transplantation of liver,
The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South
108 kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
109 Hunan Provincial People's Hospital
110 Central Hospital of Yiyang transplantation of kidney
111 Chenzhou First People's Hospital transplantation of kidney
112 The Second Hospital of University of South China transplantation of kidney
113 The First People's Hospital of Changde transplantation of kidney
114 The first hospital of Yueyang transplantation of kidney

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.3-8
Ground Operation Manual 12
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun yat-sen kidney, heart,
University lungs,pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun yat-sen
116 kidney, pancreas and small
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen transplantation of liver,
University kidney,heart,lungs
The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun yat-sen transplantation of liver,
University kidney,lungs
transplantation of liver,
119 Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital
120 Guangdong Second People's Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
121 Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University kidney, pancreas and small
122 Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University transplantation of kidney
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou transplantation of f liver,
Medical University kidney,heart,lungs
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou
124 transplantation of kidney
Medical University
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou
125 transplantation of kidney
Medical University
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional transplantation of kidney
Chinese Medicine
127 The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University transplantation of kidney
128 Sun Yixian Cardiovascular Hospital of Shenzhen transplantation of heart
transplantation of
129 Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
transplantation of liver,
130 Zhongshan People's Hospital kidney, heart, pancreas and
small intestine
transplantation of
131 People’s Hospital of Foshan
transplantation of
132 General Hospital of PLA Southern Theater
transplantation of
133 Air Force Hospital of PLA Southern Theater

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.3-9
Ground Operation Manual 12
transplantation of liver,
134 People’s Hospital of Guangxi Autonomous Region kidney, heart, lungs,
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical
135 kidney, pancreas and small
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical
136 kidney, heart, lungs,
Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University
137 transplantation of kidney
of Chinese Medicine
transplantation of
138 The 924 Hospital of PLA JLSF
transplantation of liver,
139 The 923 Hospital of PLA JLSF kidney, pancreas and small
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical transplantation of liver,
College kidney, heart, lungs,
transplantation of liver,
First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical
141 kidney, pancreas and small
Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical
142 transplantation of liver
The First Affiliated Hospital of PLA Military transplantation of liver,
Medical University kidney
The First Affiliated Hospital of PLA Military transplantation of kidney,
Medical University heart
transplantation of liver,
145 PLA Army Special Medical Center
transplantation of liver,
146 West China Hospital of Sichuan University kidney, heart, lung, pancreas
and small intestine
transplantation of liver,
147 Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital kidney, heart, lung, pancreas
and small intestine
148 General Hospital of PLA Western Theater transplantation of kidney
149 Air Force Hospital of PLA Western Theater transplantation of kidney

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.3-10
Ground Operation Manual 12
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical
150 kidney, pancreas and
small intestine
151 Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital transplantation of liver
transplantation of
152 Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical College
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical
153 kidney, pancreas and
small intestine
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming
154 transplantation of heart
Medical University
transplantation of liver and
155 The First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province
transplantation of liver,
156 The First Hospital of Kunming
157 Yan’an Hospital of Kunming transplantation of heart
158 People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiao Tong
159 kidney, pancreas and
small intestine
160 Shaanxi People's Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
First Affiliated Hospital of PLA Military Medical
161 kidney, heart, lung, pancreas
and small intestine
transplantation of liver,
162 The First Hospital of Lanzhou University
163 The Second Hospital of Lanzhou University transplantation of liver
164 Gansu Provincial People’s Hospital transplantation of kidney
165 The 923 Hospital of PLA JLSF transplantation of kidney
166 Qinghai provincial people's hospital transplantation of liver
167 Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital transplantation of kidney
Cardiovascular Specialist Hospital of Qinghai
168 transplantation of heart
The Affiliated Hospital of the Ningxia Hui transplantation of liver and
Autonomous Region Medical College heart

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.3-11
Ground Operation Manual 12
170 Ningxia people's Hospital transplantation of kidney
transplantation of liver,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical
171 kidney,lungs,pancreas and
small intestine
transplantation of kidney
172 People's Hospital of Xinjiang Autonomous Region
and heart
General Hospital of Xinjiang Military Area
173 transplantation of kidney

Revised date:2021-05-30
Revised times:0 Pages:12.3-12

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