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© Abubacker Siddick/MSSRF Stories of change

Home gardens and ishponds

for nourishment and empowerment
By Siddick Abubaker, Girigan Gopi, C.S. Mishra, Oliver King EDI and Ellen Goddard

regions in India. Koraput in Odisha state is rich

Key messages in rice diversity; in Tamil Nadu, the Kolli Hills are
home to many varieties of small millets; and
• In three Indian ‘agro-biodiversity in the Wayanad region of Kerala, numerous
hotspots’, home gardens are providing types of yams and rice can be found. In all three
households with up to 135kg of regions, however, this diversity is being lost
legumes, vegetables, tubers, leafy through the introduction of cash and industrial
greens and gourds per year. This is crops, and the areas are now regarded as agro-
more than double the quantity of biodiversity hotspots. High levels of poverty and
vegetables that families were previously malnutrition are also present, with diets typically
buying in local markets. limited to rice and soup made from pulses or
• Households with home gardens have vegetables. Surveys have found that low body
access to more nutritious and more mass index and high rates of anaemia are major
diverse food, have reduced their problems among women and children.
reliance on local markets and share
more food with others than non- The Alleviation of Poverty and Malnutrition (APM)
participating households. project led by the MS Swaminathan Research
• Women have gained more self- Foundation with support from the University
conidence and decision making power of Alberta, aims to enhance food and nutrition
through their management role in security, and the income of marginal, small and
home gardens. landless tribal communities in agro-biodiversity
• Communities have adopted ish farming hotspots in India. It uses home gardens to
in local water bodies, generating a new reduce micronutrient deiciencies and has
source of animal protein. established over 2,000 home gardens across
the three states. Both structured (raised beds,
with speciied areas for six varieties surrounded
Context by green shade nets) and unstructured
(vegetable plots of diferent sizes, grown in
The paradox of poverty existing alongside great pots, with limited diversity) home gardens
natural diversity is perfectly illustrated by three were encouraged, depending on household
circumstance. In introducing the gardens, the

© Abubacker Siddick/MSSRF
project also investigated how the promotion of
local genetic diversity through home gardens
would impact on household nutrition and
income generation.

Emerging outcomes
Women empowerment: ‘I can now
manage my food’
Managing home gardens improves women’s conidence
Women often have little control over what
food comes into their homes, since men are A survey investigated women’s self conidence,
normally responsible for food purchases. By through a set of questions related to decision
creating a home garden (particularly if this making, prioritizing spending within the
was a structured one), households made a household, choice of life partner and children,
signiicant increase in the number of fruits and decision making within the community, dealing
vegetables they grew. The seeds and technology with oicials and self satisfaction. Women
provided to establish these home gardens also who participated in the project were found to
resulted in an increased diversity of plants in have higher levels of self conidence than non-
these regions. As a result, home gardens are participants (Table 1). Focus group research has
giving women access to a greater diversity of also highlighted the greater sense of autonomy
food crops, increasing their conidence and women feel in decisions about food within their
decision making autonomy and reducing their households when they have home gardens
dependence on local markets. In addition, as the (Huang, 2014).

role of women in household decision making has
been enhanced, households have become more Before the kitchen garden, we
self reliant, better able to withstand shocks and used to spend 200 rupees every time we
maintain nutritional quality in crisis conditions. went to the market, which we did about

four times a month. After setting up the
I am deciding myself now what kitchen garden we spend less money in the
market, maybe 80 rupees less each

vegetables to use for making curry, unlike
before, when I had to look at what my time.

husband had bought for the week. Ms. Ambiga, Oyanguli village
Ms. Sasikala, Alavadi village
Landless women build food security
The project has helped landless women to
Participant Non-participant organize themselves into collectives,
(8 = low confidence - 40 = high confidence)

24 thereby increasing their access

to land, quality seeds, capital,
23 machinery, and the market. In
Wayanad, for example, 67 landless
women were encouraged to
lease fallow land for cultivation of
elephant foot yam, a crop which is
20 lucrative but expensive to produce.
The project supported them
with quality seeds and improved
cultivation practices, with the
women contributing in cash towards
17 external labour, manure and
Kerala ** Odisha Tamil Nadu *
fertilization. As a result, they have
Table 1: Aggregate self conidence score
achieved proits that range from
INR 3000 to 13,000 (Indian rupees) 0.755
Intervention Non-intervention
per person. Enthused by this, some households households
women have started yam cultivation
independently and the results have 0.750
encouraged other collectives to
begin growing the crop.

mean dietary diversity score


Changing food habits

Through a combination of
nutrition and behaviour change
communication activities (including
cooking demonstrations) and
access to a broader range of foods,
households have been encouraged
to change and enrich their diets.
Women with home gardens adopted 0.730

new foods, changed the mix of foods

they prepared, and shared foods
produced (and knowledge of how to 0.725
Have home gardens Do not have home gardens
produce them) with others in their
Table 2: Mean dietary diversity scores in Odisha
communities. Interventions such as
nutrition education, cooking classes
and demonstrations were used to explain the 3), although women also valued the gardens for
role of diferent foods in diet, teach people the allowing them to share food with relatives and
components of a balanced meal and encourage neighbours. As sharing was repeatedly described
diferent methods of food preparation. Recipes as an important community value, kitchen
like raddish leaf chutney, carrot halwa, yam and gardens have become important assets for the
mixed vegetable poriyal (a fried vegetable dish), entire community.
and greengram baked with mixed vegetables are
just some of the newly adopted foods produced Dietary diversity
through home gardens and added to the diet. Dietary diversity is a key indicator of
food security, providing a wide range of
The project saw enthusiastic uptake of all forms micronutrients that support long-term health
of nutrition training and education, which has and increasing the resilience of households to
led to women making more informed choices, shocks from weather or markets. This project
gaining them respect from family members. has the potential to increase dietary diversity,
Adolescent girls and young mothers, for both in supplying a wider range of foods through
example, have learned important facts about the home gardens, and also in saving (or even
prevention of anaemia and micronutrient earning) household income, thereby permitting
deiciency diseases. Prior to training, only additional foods to be purchased. Table 2
around one in ive adolescent girls and one in indicates the importance of home gardens to
ten young mothers understood either the causes dietary diversity based on data from Odisha.
of anaemia or foods to prevent it. Following the Households with home gardens (whether
training, around 90% of girls and 70% of young receiving input from the project or not), clearly
mothers showed a good understanding of both have more nutritious diets than households
topics. without gardens. In the latter households,
project interventions appear to have had a
Vegetables from home
gardens were mostly Food type Odisha Tamil Nadu Kerala
consumed by households Vegetables 56.4 kg to 135 kg 48 kg to 90 kg 26.4 kg to 96 kg
(increased consumption Table 3: Pre-intervention to post-intervention consumption of vegetables per household
levels are indicated in Table per year
food management. In addition, ish culture in
the common and private ponds has increased
immediate access to ish for poor and marginal
© R.K. Mahana/MSSRF

families, supplementing nutritional diet. Future

work will reine approaches to engaging
households in home gardens, maximizing the
nutrition potential of this activity across the

Harvesting of ish in a community pond in Jeypore

signiicant impact in improving household diets
• APM Project Website.
by indirect means (e.g. increased income and
• Huang, T. (2014). Narrative Review of Dietary
knowledge), leading to substantially better diet
Diversity Tools and Qualitative Exploration of
scores compared with households that had no
Changes in Dietary Variety in Kolli Hills, India.
contact with the project.
MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta.
• IDRC. Reducing Malnutrition in India’s Agri-
Boosting nutrition through biodiversity Hotspots.
freshwater ish culture • Lokesh, S.B. and Hanstad, T. (2004).
Fish farming also has potential to improve Reaping the Rewards of Homestead
dietary diversity in these areas. Typically, ish Gardens: Nutritional and Income Beneits
found in local ponds are small, few in number, from Homestead Plots in Karnataka. Rural
have poor taste and fetch a low price in the Development Institute, Bangalore.
market. The project therefore introduced a • Salam, M.A., Babu, K.S. and
system of community-based ish culture, for Mohanakumaran, N. (1995). Home Garden
the rearing of carp species. Between 2012 and Agriculture in Kerala Revisited. Food and
2013, ish ingerlings were stocked in 13 ponds Nutrition Bulletin, 16 (3): 220–223.
and reared by farmers’ clubs for 7-8 months. • Siddick, S.A. (2013). Alleviating Malnutrition
Over 1,500 kg of ish were then harvested, by Introduction of Home Gardens in Large
shared and sold among families. This positive Scale Among Tribal Families of Kolli Hills,
outcome suggests there is potential to promote Tamil Nadu. MSSRF, New Delhi. http://bit.
freshwater ish culture in community ponds ly/1lAqRa.
and excavated water tanks, to boost household
consumption of animal protein. Acknowledgements
Conclusion The authors would like to thank the following,
for their support of the project: Durairaja R,
By developing home gardens, women enhanced Venkatesan G, MSSRF Kolli Hills and P.C. Rajees,
their skills on vegetable growing, from nursery Arun Raj, Asiya P, Sindhu, Subin R, Kamar,
production and harvesting, to seed collection Ashalatha, MSSRF Wayanad and the Jeypore
and post-harvest processing, helping them APM team.
to emerge as efective managers of agro-
biodiversity. Introduction of home gardens
contributes to household nutrition security,
improving energy intake and dietary diversity, Siddick Abubacker:
while also changing women’s roles in household Ellen Goddard:

This outcome story is one in a series that reports on research supported by the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF),
a program of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), undertaken with inancial support from the Government of
Canada, provided through Foreign Afairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD). Produced by WRENmedia in April 2014.

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