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Outcomes Beginner Reading Text

Page 101 Unit 11: A changed life: John Bird


The Big Issue is a magazine that people sell in the streets. The sellers are often homeless
(they don’t have anywhere to live). They can buy magazines for £1.25 and sell them for
£2.50. Doing this work can pay for somewhere to live, so they can start a new life.

He was born in a very poor area of London. When he was five, his family lost their home.
They lived on the streets for a short time. He then lived in a special home for children. He
didn’t see his parents much. He had problems at school. He was angry and he didn’t learn a
lot. After school, he wanted to go into the army, but he couldn’t read. He also had problems
with the police and he went to prison several times for different crimes.

He learned to read and he studied. He became interested in politics. After he left prison, he
went to art school and learned about printing. In the 1980s, he started a small printing
business. The company did well. In 1991, he decided to use his skills to help homeless people
– The Big Issue was born!

For example, there’s The Big Issue in Korea, Aurora de Rua in Recife, Brazil and Calle in
Bogotá, Colombia. The Big Issue in the UK now also has an online shop and a kind of bank
to help other similar businesses.

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