Facts and Case Studies

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Event Summary Explanation Topic

US- China Trade Trump imposed $250bn in Failure of WTO Economic Global
War (2017-2019) tariffs and China responded Decreasing US Hegemony as gov
with $110bn in tariffs on US tariffs out of fear of China’s Hegemony
goods power
China Belt and Economic investment in G7 counter-initiative Hegemony
Road Initiative foreign infrastructure China hegemony and a form
of debt-trap diplomacy to
leverage greater political
East Timor (1999- Indonesia annexation which Australia led UN forces Success of UN
2001) led to a successful (mandated by Clinton) to
independence referendum disarm militants and allow
where pro Indonesian peace to be restored and led
militias reacted violently to a stable transition to
democracy and
Bosnia and Kosovo NATO intervention to When Serb forces left NATO success
(1992-95) rebuild the country (with Kosovo, this mandate Intervention
UN’s legitimacy) led to carried on carrying out long
restoration of peace and term nation building in
stability in Kosovo. Kosovo
However, UN failed to
prevent the Srebrenica
Ivory Coast (2011) President Gbagbo refused Gbagbo was arrested and UNSC Success
to admit defeat in election legitimate government Interventions
and pushed country reinstated and led to
towards civil war. UNSC stability.
mandated destruction of Intervention had legitimacy
Gbagbo’s military and from UNSC and France’s
France (former colony) led geopolitical positioning
interventions to overthrow allowed for easier
his loyalists. intervention
Somalia (1992-93) Bush deployed US troops for Shows that lack of chance of US failures
humanitarian intervention success, public support and 90s interventions
which led to struggle to commitment to nation Human rights
distinguish rival clans, building are vital in Failed State
militias and civilians and intervention Unsuccessful
Somalia lacked legitimate interventions
gov for negotiations. US
withdrew forces in 1994 and
Somalia remains a failed
Afghanistan US deployed troops after Shows lack of commitment US failure
(2001-21) 9/11 to eradicate Taliban can ruin a successful UN Failure
rule and was successful until intervention and lack of Unsuccessful
lack of support led to popularity and cultural interventions
removal of forces under understanding
Trump and Biden in which
Taliban regained control.
The UN also led
underfunded missions here
which resulted in their
peacekeeping failures
Libya (2011) Civil war against president Shows lack of NATO NATO failures
Gaffadi broke out and NATO commitment as they Human Rights
successfully helped to believed it to be “one of Political
eradicate Gaffadi’s military their greatest successes” Unsuccessful
resources (he was going to after removing Gaffadi’s interventions
attack civilians) and then military power but clan UNSC Success
NATO withdrew after this rivalries and lack of cultural
success. Due to tensions understanding and
and lack of historical liberal commitment led to further
democracy, chaos ensued chaos in the country
and gov broke down and
now a failed state. The
UNSC also established no fly
zones to protect the civilian
ICC and Trump ICC investigated US war Shows limited impact of ICC ICC Failures
(2020) crimes in Afghanistan but and global governance Realism
Trump didn’t recognize their institutions
jurisdiction but Afghanistan
argued they had jurisdiction
as they were a member and
resulted in trump placing
sanctions on ICC
Rwanda UN It convicted 61 people for It also established rape as a UN tribunals
tribunal the genocide form of genocide and the Human Rights
media can be guilty of
encouraging genocide as a
Convicted the first person
for the crime of genocide
Convicted the PM to life
But criticized for only
prosecuting Hutus
Rwanda Genocide The USA (as member of Shows a lack of willingness UNSC failures
(1994) UNSC) weren’t committed can impede success of an USA
to intervention due to intervention
backlash from US troop’s
deaths from Somalia in 1993
Cambodia UN Secured 3 convictions of Criticized for $200m cost for UN tribunals
tribunal government officials only 3 convictions and Human Rights
questions of legitimacy as
current PM was a part of
investigated military
Sierra Leone UN Sentenced former president Prosecuted the head of state UN tribunals
tribunal to 50 years showing governments aren't Human Rights
above the law and
established child soldiers
and forced marriage as
crimes against humanity
Kuwait UNSC The UNSC authorized Later this resolution was UNSC success
(1991) military intervention in used to justify 2003 Iraq Hard power
Kuwait to expel Iraqi forces invasion and a rare time
and lead to liberation of which UNSC sanctioned
Kuwait military action
Iran Sanctions UNSC imposed sanctions on Shows the power of UNSC to UNSC Success
(2006-15) Iraq which led to condemn nations in violation Hard power
negotiation of them of international law using
abandoning their nuclear hard power
weapons program
Syria (2011) UNSC member Russia Shows selfish interests of UNSC Failures
prevented action in Syrian UNSC members preventing
civil war against Assad as humanitarian intervention
they were allies
Democratic The UN peacekeeping Failed mandate and support UN Failures
Republic of the missions lacked a clear can impact success of Intervention
Congo (2019) mandate and support from intervention Failures
public and have increased
internal divisions in which
the government has now
called for dismissal of UN
troops by end of 2024
USA Cuban Annually a resolution is Shows how UNGA UNGA failures
embargo passed withing the UNGA resolutions aren’t binding, UNSC problems
with great support about and that soft power is not
ending the US embargo in effective
Cuba however this is then
voted against by the USA
(and Israel) and the
embargo continues
USA and The US withdrew from Shows how countries favor ICJ Failures
Nicaragua (1984) compulsory ICJ jurisdiction their own realist interest and
after being found guilty of reject political global
illegally overthrowing the governance
Nicaraguan government
South Africa and The ICJ ruled that Israel Lacks jurisdiction over ICJ failure
Israel (2024) should do all in their power Hamas to call for a ceasefire
to prevent a genocide but as
didn’t rule for a ceasefire
Russia/Ukraine The ICJ demanded for Russia Shows a failure of ICJ ICJ Failure
and ICJ to stop its invasion of
Ukraine but was ignored
due to its lack of
enforcement powers
Belgium and ICJ Demanded that Senegal Belgium won and Senegal ICJ success
(2009) begin trial of their former put Habré on trial
president for crimes against
Ivory Coast and The ICC founder former Can show a weakness of the ICC
ICC president Gbagbo not guilty court’s reputation for failing success/failure
for crimes against humanity to prosecute a high-profile
as dropped due to case with mass atrocities.
insufficient evidence However can show its
independence and how it’s
not got a neocolonial bias of
prosecuting african leaders
Asian Financial The IMF issued “bail out Showing a strength of IMF IMF Success
Crisis (1997) and funds” to stabilize countries from preventing a global
Eurozone Crisis of worst affected currencies financial crisis. Also the
(2009) implementation of
neoliberal economic policies
led to the economic
stabilization of these states
Doha Round USA, EU and Japan failed to WTO failed to successfully WTO failure
(2001) open their markets to integrate EDW into global
agricultural products from trade due to lack of
the EDW, so the trade consensus
negotiations failed
Shrimp and Sea WTO negotiated a trade First WTO dispute resolved WTO success
turtle case (1994) agreement that condemned under new trade dispute act
the USA’s new shrimp and prevented a trade war
catching laws which led to but highlights a failure to
them rejecting many south- protect the environment
east Asian shrimps
Treaty of Rome Established the principle of Shows how EU from the EU
(1957) “ever closer union” and start aimed to challenge
committed to removal of sovereignty and deepen
tariffs on goods and ECJ European integration
Maastricht Treaty Renamed to the EU, Established greater EU
(1992) established common EU integration whilst also
citizenship and plans for safeguarding the sovereign
monetary union (EMU). Also independence of states over
recognized the principle of issues
subsidiarity where EU only
makes decisions if they are
not better taken by states

Organization Positives Negatives Topic

Rio COP (1992) It recognized climate change as Didn’t create any legally Environmental
a global problem 172 states enforceable targets success/failures
attended giving it high Placed blame on developed
legitimacy states that made them less
UNFCCC was established which willing to cooperate
created annual COPs Failure to share the blame for
NGOs were present showing
improving the climate
their importance
Kyoto (1997) Created binding carbon Focus on developed world so Environmental
reduction targets for 37 EDW’s emissions that were success/failures
developed states and EU increasing from
Agreed that by 2012 they industrialization were exempt
would cut emissions by at least (China’s emissions increased
5% compared to 1990. by 300%)
Cap and trade program
The different targets led to
encouraged investment in
Bush withdrawing due to
green technology
unfairness and 7% decrease

Copenhagen Informed by IPCC that deep Didn’t establish binding targets Environmental
(2009) cuts needed States required to submit success/failures
Recognized EDW’s blame from reduction targets by 2010 but
industrialization didn’t establish mechanism to
State’s responsible for 80% of monitor if these targets were
emissions agreed to commit to being met and no penalties
reducing emissions
Failed to generate enough
Green climate fund set up in
sense of urgency as
which developed states
pledged $100b in aid by 2020 sovereignty allowed targets to
to EDW be ignored
Paris (2015) Established temperature rise in IPCC said how even if all set Environmental
21st century should not be targets were fulfilled the success/failures
more than 1.5 degrees global temperature increase
88% of global emissions ratified would still be 3 degrees
the treaty Didn’t agree to mandatory
States create own ambitious cuts
targets which are then States didn't create ambitious
monitored to encourage goals
compliance Trump withdrew and Russia
has been very limited (7.5% of
global emissions)
NAFTA Increased value of trade Led to job losses from America Regionalism
(economic) between members ($290bn- to Mexico where it is cheaper Failures
$1.1t) Renegotiated under Trump to
USMCA focusing on each
members best interests
therefore lacks a sense of
regional identity
African Union AUSC a mechanism for forces 54 members all at different Regionalism
(economic and to intervene in member states stages of development when
political) to prevent defiance of the EEC was established with 6
55 members international law developed nations
NEPAD encourages regional Tribal and ethnic differences
trade and integration that have caused conflicts
Plans for single market and (Rwanda, DRC) shows a lack of
monetary union regional identity for enhanced
AU has tolerated HR abuses of
dictators (Libya and Sudan)
show its lack of commitment
Charter commits to defending
sovereignty and independence
of its members
Arab League Agreed to suspend Syria’s and Decisions taken by council are Regionalism
(security and Libya’s membership due to HR only binding on member states
political) violations that supported them and
22 members The council with all state’s when states don’t, they rarely
leaders meets twice a year and follow the agreements
in 2019 met with EU to discuss Failed to encourage peace as
global issues lack of consensus on response
to gulf wars
Failed to intervene in Libya
ASEAN Regional forum allows it to Commitment to eventual free Regionalism
(economic and work with China and Japan to market undermined by
political) peacefully resolve regional economic disparities
10 members disputes (Singapore and Cambodia) and
Free trade agreements political disparities
amongst its members and (communist Vietnam and
China democratic Malaysia)
The 6th largest economy in Diplomatic influenced
2018 decreased from allies amongst
Non- Proliferation agreement members (Cambodia and
China vs Philippines and USA)
so a lack of response to South
China Sea
Committed to non-
interference between
members so criticized on lack
of support for Rohingya
Muslims in Myanmar
Key decision makers are heads
of state and not supranational
bodies which prevents
increased integration

Facts and Stats:

Economic Globalization:
 India had the fastest growing economy in 2019 (7.3%)
 World trade increased from $8 trillion to $18.8 trillion between 2005-2013 (despite crisis 2008)
 Since 1990, 1 billion less people are living on less than $2.15 a day
 China had a 7.9% rise in GDP In 2021, however, the Gini income inequality coefficient found that
there's 38.9% of inequality in 2021.
 In India in 2019, 1% of the population earned 21% of total income compared to just 11% in
1990, the year before India began to open its market
 Vietnam’s cheap labor costs attracted TNCs like Samsung and their GDP has increased by 7%
 The World Bank found that the numbers living in extreme poverty dropped as in 1980, 36% of
the world's population and in 2019, 9.2% of the world's population.
 Poverty in Rwanda has declined from 57% in 2006 to 39% in 2020
 Vietnams low labor costs attracting new investment from TNCs like Samsung
 Dell Theory of conflict prevention: economically integrated states will not go to war with each

Cultural Globalization:

 10 most successful global restaurant chains and 10 most profitable films are all American
 Real Madrid & Manchester United are 2 of the most popular sports teams in the world, while
Chelsea has a strong following in Latin America


 Russia has used the veto 132 since cold war


 More spent on military defense than next 7 countries combined

 Structural power from largest world bank and IMF vote share and Washington Consensus
 800 military bases in 70 countries


 Asian Infrastructure Bank to asset regional hegemony as a challenger to IMF

 Belt and Road Initiative
 2nd biggest economy and military spender after USA

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