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cÖ‡kœi c¨vvU©vb

General English

Time : 3 Hours Marks : 100

( Figures in the right margin indicate full marks )

01. Essay : (With Hints or Without Hints):................................ 20

02. Amplification of Ideas:........................................................
.................... 10
03. Precis writing/Summary Writing:: .....................................
........... 10
04. Objective Reporting:........................................................... 10
05. Translation from Bangla to English: ..................................... 10
06. Letter Writing: ......................................................................
...................................................... 10
((Personal/Official/Demi Official/Formal/Application/Business
Letter/Letter to Editors/Writing of Curriculum Vitae))
07. Grammar:.............................................................................
............................................................... 30
08. Short Questions:..................................................................
.................................................................... 05
on English Language & works of classical and modern authors)

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 15kk we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2022

20 
[Figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
1. Write an essay on any one of the following: 20
(a) Life in a University Hall
(b) Free and Fair
air Election: A Precondition of Democracy
(c) Legal Education in Bangladesh needs a paradigm shift
(d) Fourth
ourth Industrial Revolution in Bangladesh: Possibilities and Pitfalls
2. Amplify any one of the following: 10
(a) Truth is stranger than fiction.
b) Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.
(c) Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war. 10

3. Write a précis of the following extractt and give it a suitable title: 10

It is necessary to distinguish between the values of knowledge that th is
thrust upon us from outside, and the wisdom that grows from within.
The thing that we learn from books oks and newspapers, the mass of
information that is carried to us by our friends
riends and opponents and by all
people who come into intellectual intercourse with us, our daily life–all
form a part of our experience. They also so are of great value to us not
only because they are highly useful in widening
dening our intellectual outlook
but also they very often add to the strength
ngth of inner convictions based
on our own experience of the world. But the thing that really enriches
our mind with wisdom is the experience that we acquire by pleasant
ornpleasant contact with the world. This is the thing that stands us in
good stead in steering clear of shoals and hidden rocks in our voyage
through the stormy sea of life.
4. Write a letter to your pen-friend living
ving in the USA describing your
feelings and experience of the Padmaa Multipurpose Bridge, an epoch
making achievement of Bangladesh. 10
5. Suppose, you are a reporter of an English
h daily. On the night of 4 June
2022, a serious fire and subsequent explosions
losions at a container depot in
Sitakunda, Chattagram broke out and caused an unspeakable tragedy.
Now, write a report on the Sitakunda fire tragedy. 10
6. Translate the following passage into 'English': 10
হঠাৎ সে র মােস আম ণ এেলা িপিকং-এ এ শাি সে লেন যাগদান করেত হেব। পািক ান
শাি কিম আম ণ হণ কেরেছ। ব বাংলা থেকও কে কজনেক যেত হেব। ৩৭ দশ এেত
যাগদান করেব। অেনেক বলেত পােরন কিমউিন েদর শাি সে লেন আপনারা যাগদান
করেবন কন? আপনারােতা কিমউিন না। কথাটা সত য, য আমরা কিমউিন না । তথািপ
িন া আজ যারা শাি চা তােদর শাি সে লেন আমরা যাগদান করেত রািজ। রািশ া হউক,
আেমিরকা হউক, ি েটন হউক, চীন হউক য-ই শাি র জ সং াম করেব তােদর সােথ আমরা
সহ কে আও াজ লেত রািজ আিছ, 'আমরা
আমরা শাি চাই'।
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7. Make sentences with the following: 1x5=5

(a) Hard up (b) A piece of cake (c) When pigs fly
(d) Carry the day (e) Beside the mark

8. Write the antonym or synonym of the following as per direction in the

brackets: 1x5=5
(a) tantamount (synonym)
(b) accreditation (antonym)
(c) impound (synonym)
(d) codification (antonym)
(e) counterfeit (synonym)
9. Use the right form of verbs given in the brackets: 1x5=5
(a) I have (to have) my revenge at last.
(b) I shall pay you now for what you (do).
(c) If I had a lot of money, I (help) the have-nots.
(d) If a person unintentionally breaks
reaks a window, he (convict) of
malicious damage.
(e) A formal statement (oppose) something hing that has occurred is known
as objection.
10. Fill in the blanks: 1x5=5
(a) Suffice to say that you are wrong.
(b) She saved small an amount to buy a nice gift.
(c) She incriminated in a crime.
(d) A court is sometimes said to lean an advocate's position.
(e) The money was credited my account.
11. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets: 1x5=5
a) Every rose has a thorn. (Make it negative)
(b) My pen writes finerr than yours. (Positive Degree)
(c) The weather was fine and we went out. (Make it simple)
(d) We urge prospective
pective investors to consult their own
ow tax advisors.
(Passive voice)
(e) The lawyer drafted the sale contract but the client requested
re few
additions. (Make it complex)

12. Answer, in brief, the following questions: 1x5=5

(a) What is irony?
(b) Who wrote 'The Waste Land'?
(c) Name two poets of 'Romantic Age'.
(d) What literary genre is 'Man and Superman'?
(e) What kind of literary work iss 'The Luncheon' by W. Somerset

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 14kk we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2021

20 
[Figures in the right margin indicate full marks]

1. Write an essay on any one of the following: 20

(a) Bangladesh: An innocent climate victim
(b) Global economic recession for Covid-19
Covid and its impact on
(c) Responsibility of the press in democracy
(d) Good Manners
2. Amplify any one of the following: 10
(a) Actions speak louder than words
(b) Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm
(c) Every cloud has a silver lining
3. Write a precis of the following extract and give it a suitable title: 10
The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two things he
will do first, will do neither. The man who resolves, but suffers
his resolution to be changed by the first counter-suggestions
counter of a
friend, who fluctuates from opinion to opinion, from plan to plan,
and veers like a weather cock to every point of the compass, with
every breath of caprice that blows- can never accomplish
ac anything
great or useful. Instead of being progressive in anything, he will
be at best stationary, and most probably retrograde in all. It is only
the man who first consults wisely, then resolves firmly, and then
executes his purpose with flexible perseverance, undismayed by
those petty difficulties which daunt a weaker spirit that can
advance to eminence in any line. Take your course wisely but
firmly; and having taken it, hold upon it with heroic resolution,
and the Alps and Pyrenees will sink before fore you.
4. Write a letter to the authority
rity of the Bureau of Manpower,
Employment and Training describing your harassment at the hand
of a recruiting agent and asking for remedial action. 10
5. Suppose, you are a reporter of an English daily. Most
Mo people are
not aware of the importance of adherence to hygiene rules for the
prevention of Covid-19.
19. Now, write a report about the importance
of maintaining hygiene rules to prevent the spread of corona virus.

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6. Translate the following passage into English: 10

evOvwj RvwZ‡K wZwb Amv¤úª`vwqK †PZbvq DØy× K‡i msMÖv‡gi c_ cvwo w`‡q
¯^vaxbZv G‡b w`‡q‡Qb|| cvwK¯Ívwb nvbv`vi evwnbxi Avµg‡Y evsjv‡`k ÿZ-weÿZ
n‡qwQj| mgMÖ evsjv‡`k‡K R¡vwj‡q cywo‡q MYnZ¨v I bvix al©‡Yi ga¨ w`‡q GK
exfrm cwiw¯’wZ m„wó K‡iwQj| Avgiv gyw³hyhy‡× weRq AR©b K‡iwQ| ¯^vaxbZv
AR©‡bi †bZ…Z¡ 1948 mvj †_‡K fvlv-Av‡›`vj‡bi
Av‡›`vj‡bi c_ †e‡q 1971 mv‡j weRq
AR©b Kwi RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kl gywReyi ingv‡bi †bZ…‡Z¡| ZuviB †jLv G
7. Correct the following sentences: 51 =5
(a) He gave false witness.
(b) Nothing but a few cottages, trees and ponds were to be seen.
(c) Wanted for a lady a piano sailing for England.
(d) I was appointed and dismissed from the post on the same day
(e) It is raining; please stay indoor.
8. Make sentences with the following: 51 =5
(a) Set aside (b) Wolf in sheep’s clothing
(c) Put up with (d) Give someone the cold shoulder
(e) Break the ice
9. Write the antonym or synonym of the following as per direction in
the brackets: 51 =5
(a) Pastime (antonym) (b) remedy (synonym)
(c) incredible (synonym) (d) pinnacle (synonym)
(e) distract (synonym)
10. Use the right form of verbs given in the brackets: 51 =5
(a) It was long since I (to see) her last.
(b) In those days there (be) no steamships.
(c) How long you (wait) for me?
(d) We just now (watch) a TV programme.
(e) When he (find) me, he acted crazy.
11. Fill in the blanks: 51 =5
(a) He has no special liking _____ mathematics.
(b) The Judge used his _____ power and left him off with
(c) The authority _____ should look into the matter.
(d) I skipped _____ some unimportant lines of the essay.
(e) Jobs are difficult to come _____.

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12. Answer, in brief, the following questions: 51 =5

(a) What is the verb of the word ‘Knowledge’?
(b) Who is the author of the novel ‘The Trial’?
(c) Who wrote the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’?
(d) What are the two epics of Homer?
(e) To which age of English Literature does Shelley belong?

 13k we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2019 

01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 20
a) Price of Social Values.
b) Artificial Intelligence and Ethics.
c) Women’s Contribution in National Building.
d) Global perspective of Independence of Judiciary: Concept
and Reality
02. Amplify any one of the following: 10
a) Experience is the best teacher.
b) Procrastination is the thief of time.
c) Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
03. Write a precis of the following extract and give it a suitable
title: 10
Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is
an ancient institution which has existed for at least six thousand
years. It was always wicked and usually foolish, but in the past
the human race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity has
changed this. Either Man will abolish war, or war will abolish
Man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the
greatest danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may,
before long,g, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in
abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will
never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. To do
this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international
questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the
victory goes to the side which is most skilful in massacre, but by
arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not
easy to change age-old
old mental habits, but this is what must be

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04. Write a letter to your younger brother commenting on campus

violence and its impact on the educational institutions. 10
05. Suppose, you are a reporter of an English daily. You have
observed that ‘Social Media’ is influencing our young
generation both
oth positively and negatively. Now, write a report
on the impact of Social Media on young generation. 10
06. Translate the following passage into English: 10
RvwZ ïay evB‡ii Hk¦h© m¤¢vi, `vjvb †KvVvi msL¨v e„w× wKsev mvgwiK kw³ikw
Aciv‡RqZvq eo nq bv; eo nq AšÍ‡ii kw³ ³‡Z, ‰bwZK †PZbvq Avi RxebcY
K‡i Ab¨v‡qi weiæ‡× `uvov‡bvi ÿgZvq Rxe‡bi g~j¨‡eva
¨‡ev Qvov RvZxq mËvi fxZ
KL‡bv k³ Avi `yg~j© ¨ n‡Z cv‡i bv| g~j¨‡eva Rxebvkqx n‡q RvwZi me©v‡½ Qwo‡q
co‡jB Z‡e RvwZ AR©b K‡i gnË¡, Avi gnr K‡g©i †hvM¨Zv| me iK‡gi
g~j¨‡ev‡ai e„nËg evnb fvlv Z_v gvZ…fvlv, Avi Zv Qwo‡q †`Iqvi `vwqZ¡ †jLK
I mvwnwZ¨K‡`i|
07. Correct the following sentences: 51 =5
a) You who is my friend should stand by me.
b) The judge passed order for his release.
c) I was appointed as an assistant judge.
d) Inform the cease to the police.
e) Good night, how are you?
08. Make sentences with the following: 51 =5
a) Chip of the old block b) Have a score loose
c) Kick the bucket d) Flood of light
e) Greek to one
09. Write the antonym or synonym of the following as per
direction in the brackets: 51 =5
a) nullify (synonym) b) banish (synonym)
c) spurious (antonym) d) maritime (synonym)
e) adherent (antonym)
09. Transform the following sentences as directed in the
brackets: 51 =5
a) How time does fly! (Assertive)
b) The brave deserve the fair. (Complex)
c) I do not want people to praise me. (Passive voice)
d) Misery is the greatest mystery of all. (Comparative)
e) To err is human. (Negative without changing meaning)

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11. Fill in the blanks: 51 =5

a) Nadir can’t go and I can’t –––––.
b) Many a man met my father, ––––?
c) He was averse to –––– any change.
d) The jury reached –––– unanimous verdict.
e) My friend –––– to our house, we went out for a walk.
12. Answer, in brief, the following questions: 51 =5
a) Define ’satire.’
b) What literary genre is Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’?
c) Which age is called the golden age in English literature?
d) Name two outstanding English novelists of the modern age.
e) In which play of Shakespeare do you find the famous
soliloquy æto
to be, or not to be; that is the question?”
 12k we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2018 
01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 20
a) Rohingyas: Victims of genocide.
b) Domographic dividend in Bangladesh.
c) Child labour and its Remedy in Bangladesh.
d) Global Conflicts and Peace Movements.
02. Amplify any one of the following: 10
a) Nothing succeeds like success.
b) Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
c) Justice hurried, justice buried.
03. Write a precis of the following extract and give it a suitable
title: 10
The food we eat today is all poisonous. It is not the natural food
that our forefathers used to eat. All kinds of food were then
natural, got directly from nature and produced by nature’s
natur own
powers and possessions. There was no interference of man.
Manmade Chemicals and devices were not then discovered.
Food stuff grew in nature’s bed. But now man has discovered
many chemical fertilizers. Those are applied to vegetables and
crops. They grow very y quickly, more quickly than ever before.
They grow larger than ever before. But they are perhaps less
vital, less nutritious and less tasty than they were before. Next
the insecticides are poisonous, deadly poisonous. The vegetables
we eat retain much of the poison; however, much we may clean
them. The fruits and vegetables are preserved with preservatives
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or quickly ripened with poisonous medicines. Fish are

preservatives or quickly ripened with poisonous medicines. Fish
are preserved with formalin. The animals
a themselves are fed
with chemicals for quick growth. In hotels and bakeries, and
sweetshops pure foodstuffs are hardly available. Stale, rotten
foodstuffs are also sold in the shape of hot sandwiches. These
are the kinds of food that we eat nowadays.
04. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the
importance of ensuring quality healthcare for all. 10
05. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. Now, write a report
on destructive impact of drugs in educational institutions. 10
06. Translate the following passage into English: 10
‡QvU †QvU †gŠgvwQiv dz‡j dz‡j D‡o †eovq Avi gay msMÖn K‡i| mKvj †_‡K mܨv
ch©šÍ Zv‡`i GZUzKz dzimZ †bB, †Kej KvR Avi KvR| we›`y we›`y gay mÂq K‡i
Zviv GKw`b cÖKvÐ †gŠPvK f‡i †d‡j| wcuc‡oI Lye cwikÖgx hviv mviw`b Lvevi
Luy‡R †eovq| Lv`¨ mÂq Kivq `yw`©©‡bI Zviv my‡L-kvwšÍ
L ‡Z _vK‡Z cv‡i| †cvKv-
gvK‡oi Rxeb †_‡K Gme e¨vcv‡i wkÿv MÖnY K‡i †`k I RvwZi DbœwZi Rb¨
Avgv‡`iI K‡Vvi cwikÖg Ki‡Z n‡e|
07. Correct the following sentences: 51 =5
a) Did you know what he wants?
b) I like Milton’s Paradise Lost who is a great poet.
c) You are as good, if not better than your elder brother.
d) Unless you do not tell me the secret I will not talk to you.
e) Bangabandhu gave the historic 7th March Speech in 1971.
08. Make sentences with the following idioms and phrases: 5  1 = 5
a) lex non scripta; b) once in a blue moon;
c) in situ; d) amicus curiae;
e) out and out.
09. Write the antonyms of the followings: 51 =5
a) auspicious b) terminate c) deliberate
d) tender e) emancipation
10. Transform the following sentences as directed in the
brackets: 51 =5
a) He is a genius but he does not have any patience. (Simple)
b) It smells the sweetest of any perfume. (Comparative)
c) He was so sincere a boy that he could not neglect his
duties. (Simple)
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d) A barking dog seldom bites. (Complex)

e) What cannot be cured must be endured. (Change the voice)
11. Fill in the blanks: 51 =5
All species are important for maintaining ecological balance. If
one is lost, the whole natural environment gets (a) ––––. We
should, therefore, save our wildlife to protect the environment
from being (b) ––––. Many Countries are now taking action to
protect their (c) –––– wildlife. Mankind must develop a concern
for wild creatures and must ensure that they will not (d) ––––.
Destroying wild creatures means destroying ourselves. It is high
time we (e) ––––.
12. Answer,
r, in brief, the following questions: 51 =5
a) What are the two great tragedies of Shakespeare?
b) What do you mean by ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’ in the
poem ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ by Keats?
c) What do you mean by ‘simile and metaphor’?
d) Who is called an optimist in the Victorian age?
e) Who is the author of ‘The God of Small Things’?

 11k we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2017 

01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 20
a) Impact of Social Media on Young Generation
b) Civil Society and Democracy.
c) Duties and responsibilities of a Judge.
d) Communal Harmony.
02. Amplify any one of the following: 10
a) To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and
b) Our sweetest songs are those that
hat tell of saddest thought.
c) No misfortune is worse than judicial subservience.
03. Write a precis of the following: 10
reliance is the pilgrim’s best staff, the worker’s best tool. It
is the master-key
key that unlocks all the difficulties of life. ‘Help
yourself and Heaven will help you’ is a maxim which receives
daily confirmation. Help from within always strengthens, but b
help from without invariably weakens the recipient. The habit of
depending on others tends to weaken the intellectual faculties
and paralyse the power of judgment. The struggle against
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adverse circumstances has, on the contrary, a strengthening

effect, like that of pure mountain air on an enfeebled frame.
This is a lesson which is not taught in the schools and colleges
days. The vice of the modern system of education is that
it lays down too many royal roads to knowledge. The difficulties
which formerly
merly compelled the student to think and labour for
himself are now most carefully removed. The race of thorough
and complete scholars is dying out. Our young men are
equipped to such an extent with manuals that explain everything
and guides that go everywherehere that they find no occasion for
thought. Why take any trouble at all when so many are willing
to relieve you of it?
04. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the
water logging in the city streets. 10
05. A heat-waveave is sweeping over the country for a few days. The
meteorologists have forecast about it. Suppose, you are a staff
(reporter) of a national English daily. Now make a report of it. 10
06. Translate the following passage into English: 10
AK¯§vr B›`ª †mvRv nBqv `uvovBqv Kwnj, ÒAvwg hveÓ| Avwg mf‡q Zvnvi nvZ
Pvwcqv awijvg- ÒcvMj n‡qQ fvBÓ! B›`ª Zvnvi Reve w`j bv| GKUv eo Qzwi
c‡KU nB‡Z evwni Kwiqv euv nv‡Z jBqv Kwnj, ÒZzB _vK, kÖxKvšÍ| Avwg bv G‡j
wd‡i wM‡q evwo‡Z Lei w`m- Avwg Pjjyg|Ó Zvnvi gyL cvÛz
cv i, wKš‘ †PvL `ywU
R¡wj‡Z jvwMj| Zvnv‡K Avwg wPwbqvwQjvg| Avwg wbðqB RvwbZvg, †Kvb g‡ZBg‡
Zvnv‡K wbi¯Í Kiv hvB‡e bv- †m hvB‡eB|
07. Correct the following sentences: 51 =5
a) My car is inferior and less costly than yours.
b) One of the children were present in the programme.
c) Be careful lest you don’t fall ill.
d) Do you know where did he go yesterday?
e) The mangoes of Rajshahi are sweeter than Khulna.
08. Make sentences with the following idioms and phrases: 5  1 = 5
a) ultra vires b) sine qua non c) A fish out of water
d) status quo e) To leave no stone unturned.
09. Transform the following sentences as directed in the
brackets: 51 =5
a) The flight was delayed owing to the foggy weather.

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b) ‘‘Don’t watch late-night

night horror movies,’’ I warned them.
(Change the speech)
c) ‘Hamlet’ is the most widely read drama in English
literature. (Comparative)
d) I love you more than I can say. (Positive degree)
e) Who is to bell the cat? (Negative without changing meaning)
10. Write the synonyms of the following: 51 =5
a) Compliment b) Illusion c) Conscientious
d) Judicious e) Credulous
11. Fill in the blanks: 51 =5
Nelson Mandela guided South Africa (a) –––– the shackles of
apartheid (b) –––– multi-racial
racial democracy, as (c) –––– icon of
(d) –––– and reconciliation who came to embody the struggle
(e) –––– Justice around the world.
12. Answer, in brief, the following questions: 51 =5
a) Who translated Tagore’s ‘Geetanjali’
‘Geetanjali into English?
b) In which play of Shakespeare do you find the quote ‘Cowards
die many times before their death’?
c) Write down the names of two elegies of the Victorian Age
along with the names of their authors.
d) What is a dramatic monologue?
e) Who is called the father of sonnet? Mention his nationality.

 10k we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2015 

01. Write an essay on anyone of the following: 20
a) Environment pollution: Causes and Measures;
b) Act of Terrorism: Causes & Remedies;
c) The Freedom of Judiciary;
d) Gender Discrimination.
02. Amplify anyone of the following: 10
a) The pen is mightier than the sword.
b) Conceit clouds one’s vision and blurs his image.
c) Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter.
03. Write precis of the following: 05
Habits of idleness once firmly fixed cannot be suddenly thrown
of. The man who has wasted the precious hours of life’s seed
time finds that he cannot reap a harvest in life’s autumn. Lost
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lth may be regained by industry, lost knowledge by study,
lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone
forever. In the long list of excuses for the neglect of duty, there
is none which drops oftener from men’s lips of which is founded
more on self-delusion
delusion than the want of leisure. People are
always cheating themselves with the idea that they would do this
or that desirable thing if only they had time. It is thus that the
lazy and the selfish excuse themselves from a thousand things
which conscience
nscience dictates to be done. Remember that the men
who have done the most for their own and the general are not
the wealthy, Leisurely people who have abundance of time to
themselves have nothing to do. They are men who are in
careless activity from Januaryry to December-
December men who, however,
passed with business, are always found capable of doing a little
more. You may rely on them in their busier seasons with ten
times more assurance than an idle man.
04. Suppose, you are a correspondent of a national English daily. At
Rajbari a minor girl has been raped and chocked to death. Write
a report on the incident. 10
05. Suppose, you have been appointed to the post of Assistant
udge. Now, write a joining letter to the authority concerned. 10
06. Write the
he synonyms of the following: 05
a) desperately; b) spontaneity; c) death;
d) decisive; e) dictum.
07. Translate the following passage into English: 10
iZb Avi †Kvb K_v wRÁvmv Kwij bv| †cvógvóvi AvcwbB Zvnv‡K ewj‡jb, wZwb
e`wji Rb¨ `iLv¯Í KwiqvwQ‡jb, `iLv¯Í bvgÄyi nBqv‡Q| ZvB wZwb Kv‡R Reve
w`qv evox hvB‡Z‡Qb| A‡bKÿY †Kn †Kvb K_v Kwnj bv| wgUwgU Kwiqv cÖ`xc
R¡wj‡Z jvwMj Ges GK¯’v‡b N‡ii RxY© Pvj †f` Kwiqv GKwU gvwUi mivi Dci
UcUc e„wói Rj cwo‡Z jvwMj| wKQzÿY ci iZb Av‡¯Í Av‡¯ÍAv DwVqv ivbœvN‡i iæwU
Mwo‡Z †Mj| Ab¨w`‡bi gZ †Zgb PUcU nBjbv| †evaKwi g‡a¨ g‡a¨ gv_vq
A‡bK fvebv D`q nBqvwQj| †cvógvóv‡ii Avnvi †kl nB‡j evwjKv nVvr Zvnv‡K
wRÁvmv Kwij, Ò`v`vevey, Avgv‡K †Zvgvi evox wb‡q hv‡e?Ó
08. Answer, in brief, the following questions (any five) 5  1 = 5
a) In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, who utters ‘To be, or not to
be: that is the question’?
b) Who is known as the poet of Nature in English literature?

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c) Name one of the most outstanding modern nolvelists and

mention two of his famous novels.
d) Who is called the father of English Poetry?
e) What is the duration of the Elizabethan Age?
f) What is the synonym of the word ‘convict’?
g) Who said, ‘Our sweetesttest songs are those
tho that tell of saddest
09. Correct the following sentences (any five): 51 =5
a) Why you went there?
b) He gave me an advice.
c) Both of them did not go to school.
d) Do you know what is life?
e) His choice of words are excellent.
f) There is no place for doubt.
g) One should be careful of his duties.
10. Fill in the blanks: 51 =5
Climate change is one of the greatest problems the world is
faced with. There are many reasons (a) –––– this problem.
Temperature (b) –––– is mainly responsible for this. This
temperature rise is (c) –––– to many other factors. Population in
the world is on the (d) ––––––.. With population growth, many
(e) ––––––– are being created. We know trees give us oxygen
and (f) –––– in carbon dioxide which is very (g) –––– to us. So
trees are very important in life. With the increasing population
not only the number of vehicles are (h) –––– but mills, factories
are also increasing. As a result, carbon dioxide is ever on the
rise which is the main (i) –––– for temperature rise. It is clear
that trees can (j) –––– temperature rise greatly.
11. Make a sentence with the following idioms and phrases (any
five): 51 =5
a) To take French leave; b) Bird’s eye view;
c) Ad interim; d) Sub judice;
e) in camera; f) life sentence;
g) penny-wise and pound-folish.
12. Transform the following sentences as directed in the
brackets (any five): 51 =5
a) He is both young and energetic. (Compound)
b) That Lincoln was great is admitted by all. (Simple)
c) I know him. (Complex)
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d) ‘‘Do
Do you know the prisoner at the bar?” said the judge,
turning to the postmaster and in reply, the postmaster said, ‘‘I
know him ever since he was a child.” (Change the speech)
e) Mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions. (Positive)
f) The tree has been uprooted. (Active)
g) Never play false with your friends. (Passive)
13. Use appropriate prepositions (any five): 51 =5
a) You seemed to be annoyed ––––– me.
b) We can never plan the future ––––– the past.
c) He was acquitted ––––– the charge.
d) We enjoyed the feast ––––– our heart’s content.
e) He persisted ––––– my doing the work.
f) How are you going ––––– with your studies.
g) She sat ––––– the feet of a great teacher.

 9g we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2014 

01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 30
a) Good governance and national development.
b) Role of media in shaping public opinion.
c) Combating violence against women.
d) Global warming.
02. Amplify the idea contained in any one of the following: 10
a) I slept and dreamt that life was beauty. I woke up and found
that life was duty.
b) The last day does not come in a day.
c) Discretion is the better part of valour.
03. Write a precis of the following: 10
It is neighbourly feeling that binds the society together. In the
ancient period, however, people did not think like this. They
were then savages, little better than beasts and fought with one
another. But gradually men became civilized. They saw that if
hey behaved in this way, the society would be destroyed. So
they made certain rules to guide their conduct. ‘Do not steal
another’s property’, ‘Do not kill your fellowmen’ are two of
them. You will notice that these rules tell us not to do certain
things; in other words, they lay down certain ‘Don’ts’ of
conduct. But it is not enough that we do not do any harm to our
neighbours; it is our duty to see that we do them some good. So
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when men became more civilized, they began to think of the

‘Do’s of conduct as well. ‘Live and let live’ was a good idea.
But men then had even a better idea. They said, ‘To live, one
must help others live.’ When men began to think this, they
discovered the great art of living together.
04. Translate the following passage into English:
Engli 10
GKw`b Zvcmx iv‡eqv cÖK…wZi †kvfv `k©b Kivi Rb¨ ce©
ceZv‡ivnY K‡iwQ‡jb| †m
mgq A‡bK cïcvwLcvwL Pviw`K n‡Z G‡m Zuv‡K cigvZ¥x‡qi
cigvZ¥x‡ gZ wN‡i `uvwo‡qwQj|
ZLb Av‡iK K c_ w`‡q cÖwm× Zvcm nvmvb †mLv‡b Dcw¯’Z n‡ZB, Zviv `~‡i m‡i
coj| Zv †`‡L Zvcm nvmvb ej‡jb, b, Òiv‡eqv Zviv
Zv †Kgb wbf©xKwP‡Ë †Zvgv‡K
wN‡i `uvwo‡qwQj, Avi Avwg Avm‡Z
‡Z †`Šu‡o cvjvj|Ó ZLb iv‡eqv ej‡jb, ÒAvR
Avcwb wK †L‡q‡Qb?Ó wZwb ej‡jb, Ògvsm I iæwU|Ó ZLb iv‡eqv ej‡jb, ÒG
†Zv g›` K_v bq, Avcwb Zv‡`i gvs‡m D`i c~Y© Ki‡eb, Avi Zviv wbf©‡q Avcbvi
Kv‡Q Avm‡e? Ggb wK KLbI nq?Ó
05. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily suggesting
measures for improving the quality of Dhaka city life. 10
06. Correct the following sentence: 05
a) The murderer was caught and hung.
b) My y brother visits me on alternative days.
c) The story is told in a convicingly manner.
d) Insulin effects the nervous system.
e) He is reading the last but two chapters of this book.
07. Make sentence with the following: 05
a) make hay while sun shines; b) backstairs gossip
c) a slow coach; d) apple of discord;
e) modus vivendi.
08. Fill in the blanks: 0.5  10 = 5
Poverty is a familiar word in our country. Many people (a) ––––
below the poverty level drag a miserable existence. They regard
poverty as a (b) ––––.. They blame their own (c) –––– for their
miseries. It is true that an idle person is bound to (d) –––– poor.
But many active and energetic people also (e) –––– poor.
Therefore, the poor are not wholly (f) –––– for their poverty.
They are rather victims (g) –––– circumstances. Every citizen of
our country has to be given the (h) –––– of education. Besides
this, our population growth must be kept (i) –––– control. We
have a long way to go in our (j) –––– against poverty.

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09. Transform the following ing sentence as shown in brackets:

bracke 05
a) He ran away and thus escaped arrest. (Simple)
b) The novels of Tolstoy interest me. (Passive)
c) He said, ‘Friends, lend me yours cars.’ (Indirect)
d) It is now late, so we had better go to bed. (Complex)
e) The albatross is a big sea-bird
bird which brings good luck to
sailors. (Compound)
10. Answer, in brief, the following questions: 10
a) What is the adjective of the word ‘administration’?
b) Who is the writer of the poem ‘The Patriot’?
c) What is the meaning of the word ‘blitzkrieg’?
d) Who said, ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’?
e) What is ‘epigram’?

 8g we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2013 

01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 30
a) Tourism can reshape our economy.
b) Making a corruption-free country.
c) Fundamental rights and their protection.
d) Advantages and disadvantages of cellular phones.
02. Amplify the idea contained in any one of the following: 10
a) Great talkers are never great doers.
b) Prevention is better than cure.
c) Conscience is the highest court of justice.

03. Write a precis of the following: 10

The authority of the past resides in the authority that the legal
community accords ds to statutes and case law. However, case law
and statute are not equal in their authority to govern the present.
First of all, statute law has priority over common law (though
not equity) and, in consequence, where a statue governs, it
entirely displaces common law rules and governs absolutely.
However, although this is indisputably true, case law is yet
ascendant because it is there that the rules of law, including
those that arise from statutes, finally reside.
This is a consequence of the bald fact of interpretation since
statutes neither interpret nor apply themselves, the rules of law

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that depend on them are unavoidably those which the courts

construct from them. Though statute is a superior source of law,
its authority is nonetheless subject to the authority
a of the courts
to determine what legislation means and entails.
Yet, because statute is superior, courts are required to temper
their authority with a measure of deference. The doctrine of
precedent, then, devolves from the legal community’s
ment to remain faithful to and stand by the past and it
takes its final and most important form in the practice of judicial
04. Translate the following passage into English: 10
fviZel© I Pxb `y‡Uv †`‡k-BB cÖvPxb hy‡M KZK¸‡jv †QvU †QvU ivR¨ wQj| G `y‡Uv
†`‡ki †Kv‡bvwUB †Kv‡bv mg‡q GKRb kvmbKZ©vi Aax‡b wQj bv| cÖ‡Z¨KwU bMi
Avi Zvi Avkcv‡ki MÖvg gvV¸‡jv GKwU kvmb wbq‡gi Aax‡b wQj| G¸‡jv‡K
Avgiv ewj bvMwiK-ivóª ivóª| †m cÖvPxbKv‡jI wKš‘ Gme bvMwiK-iv‡óª
bvMwiK i
A‡bK¸‡jv‡ZB MYZvwš¿K kvmb cÖPwjZ jZ wQj| †Kv‡bv ivRv wQj bv| Rbmvavi‡Yi
g‡bvbxZ GKRb cÂv‡qZ kvmbKvh© Pvjv‡Zb| †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv iv‡óªi Aek¨ ivRvI
wQj| cÖ‡Z¨KwU iv‡óªi wbR wbR kvmb wbqg _vK‡jI ci¯ú‡ii mvnvh¨ Kivi
bxwZI wQj| A‡bK mgq GKwU eo ivóª‡K KZK¸‡jv †QvU iv‡óªi †bZ…¯’vbxq e‡j
†g‡b †bIqv n‡Zv|
05. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily suggesting measures
for combating the present trend of food adulteration. 10
06. Correct the following sentence: 05
a) The prisoner was accused for murder.
b) Please excuse me to be late.
c) The food was very tasteful.
d) Bread and butter are my breakfast.
e) Get the poem by memory.
07. Make sentences with the following: 05
a) Dilly-dallies; b) Stare decisis;
c) Ante mortem; d) Mutatis mutandis;
e) Logic bomb.
08. Fill in the blanks: 2  5 = 10
Newspaper is (a) ––– people’s parliament. The newspaper plays
a (b) ––– role in modern civilization. It is said to (c) ––– the
mirror of the world. We must have the habit of reading a
newspaper (d) –––.. Nobody can keep contact with the (e) –––

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outside without reading a newspaper. (f) ––– bookish

knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life. A man (g) –––
does not read a newspaper daily is like a (h) ––– in a narrow
well. (i) ––– ignorant of (j) ––– topics, he cannot take part in the
talks and discussions in an enlightened society.
09. Transform the following complex sentences into compound: 05
a) If you take exercise regularly, you can be fit.
b) Though they are poor, they lead a happy life.
c) Some businessmen are so dishonest that they adulterate foods.
d) Since my father was ill, I could not go to office.
e) When I woke up, it was dark.
10. Answer, in brief, the following questions: 05
a) Who is the author of ‘Animal Farm’?
b) Who is the write of the novel ‘A Golden Age’?
c) Who is the author of ‘Paradise Lost’?
d) What do you mean by ‘Renaissance’?
e) Which is the noun of the word ‘Beautiful’?
 7g we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2012 
01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 30
a) Ways and means to eradicate gender discrimination.
b) Terrorism and its impact.
c) The true spirit of our liberation war.
d) Our national heritage and steps to be taken to preserve it.
02. Amplify the idea contained in any one of the following: 10
a) Propaganda is the worst form of argument.
b) Justice hurried, justice buried.
c) He prayeth best who loveth best both great
gre and small.
03. Write a precis of the following: 10
Ecosystem diversity is itself one of the components of
biodiversity as the components are species diversity, genetic
diversity and ecosystem diversity. Services coming from any
one of thee components of biodiversity are the contributions of
biodiversity as a whole to the human and to the environment.
The contribution of biodiversity renders the widerspread canopy
characteristics of its definition. Evaluating contribution of
biodiversity to national economy needs a widespread practice to
define biodiversity in terms of genes, species and ecosystem-
corresponding to three fundamental and major components of

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biodiversity (genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem

diversity) have significant
icant contribution to national and global
economy. The contribution of biodiversity can be divided into
two broad and self-explanatory
explanatory fields: direct contribution and
indirect contribution. The direct contribution of biodiversity
essentially concerns marketabletable commodities and the scale of
this contributions is enormous and extremely multifaceted. The
indirect contributions of biodiversity are in the fields of foods,
medicine, biological control, industrial material, recreational
harvesting and ecotourism.
04. Translate the following passage into English: 10
RbM‡Yi AwfcÖv‡qi cig Awfe¨w³iƒ‡c iƒ‡c msweavb cÖRvZ‡š¿i m‡e©v”P AvBb Ges
Ab¨ †Kv‡bv AvBb hw` msweav‡bi mwnZ AmvgÄm¨ nq, Zvnv nB‡j †mB AvB‡bi
hZLvwb AmvgÄm¨c~Y©, ZZLvwb evwZj nB‡e| msweav‡b gyw³hy‡×i †PZbv I gnvb
Av`k© cÖwZdwjZ nBqv‡Q| Bnv‡ZB mwbœ‡ewkZ nBqv‡Q ivóª cwiPvjbvi g~jbxwZ,
RbM‡Yi †gŠwjK AwaKvimg~n Ges iv‡óªi wbe©vnx wefvM, AvBb mfv I wePvi
wefv‡Mi Kvh©cwiwamn mvsweavwbK cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni wbqvgK weavbvejx| myZivs
msweav‡bi Drm Ges Dnvi weavbvejx
jx m¤ú‡K© RbMY‡K AewnZ Kiv iv‡óªi KZ©e¨|
evOvwj RvwZi ¯^vwaKvi msMÖv‡gi BwZnv‡m 1970 Gi mvaviY wbe©vPb GKwU
gvBjdjK| Z`vbxšÍb cvwK¯Ívwb mvgwiK RvšÍv RbM‡Yi GB g¨v‡Û‡Ui cÖwZ
kÖ×vkxj nBevi cwie‡Z© Dnv‡K e¨_© Kwievi ¯^oh‡š¿ wjß nq|
05. Write a letter to the editorditor of an English daily suggesting
measures for reducing traffic jam in the Dhaka city. 10
06. Correct the following sentences: 10
a) Do pupils their work carefully?
b) He left home with bag and baggage.
c) Gulliver’s Travels’ are a famous novel.
d) Rome has not been built in a day.
e) They have no house to live.
f) He was deprived from his freedom.
g) I was disappointed with his work.
h) This is an exception of the rule.
i) The jar was full with oil.
j) The Sunderbans
erbans are popular tourist sports.
07. Make sentences with the following: 10
a) Cut a sorry figure. b) Breathing hot and cold.
c) Sine die. d) Ultra vires.
e) An open secret. f) Double Jeopardy.

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g) Ab initio. h) Benefit of doubt.

i) A far cry. j) Heart and soul.
08. Fill in the blanks: 10
Computer is a fairly recent (a) ––––.. It has now become an (b)
–––– part of modern (c) ––––.. It has (d) –––– about a
revolutionary (e) –––– in our life.. The term computer (f) –––– to
a special kind of electronic machine (g) –––– can perform
calculations (h) –––– seconds. Once upon a time computer was
viewed as a (i) –––– but now it has become a (j) ––––.

 5g we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2010 

01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 10
a) Our state language and challenges
b) Women’s empowerment
c) Violence and morality
d) Alternative energy
02. Amplify the idea contained in any one of the following
expressions: 10
a) Presumption of innocence
b) No taxation without representation
c) Hire and fire
03. Write a precis of the following: 10
Today, it is not merely justice itself, but the idea of justice that
is under attack. The assault on vulnerable and fragile sections of
the society is so complete, so cruel and so clever that its sheer
audacity has eroded our definition of justice. It has forced us to
lower our sights and curtail our expectations. Even among the
intentioned, the magnificent concept
concep of justice is gradually
being substituted with reduced, far more fragile discourse on
human rights. This is indeed an alarming shift of paradigm. The
difference is that notions of equality, of parity, have been pried
loose and eased out of equation. It’s a process of attrition.
Almost unconsciously, we begin to think of justice for the rich
and human rights for the poor. Justice for the corporate world,
human rights for its victims. Justice for the citizens of developed
nations, human rights for those of under developed societies.
This situation is the result of the process of implementing a

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coercive and unjust political and economic structure in the

world. That is why in areas of heightened and long time conflict
human rights activists are often looked at with reluctance and
often with suspicion.
04. Translate the following paragraph into English: 10
Avgv‡`i eB‡qii RM‡Zi MZvbyMwZK †Pbv †PŠnwÏUv e`jv‡Z ïiæ K‡i‡Q| w`MšÍ
eo n‡”Q| GKwU RxešÍ fvlvi †ejvq ‡mUvB nq| Avm‡j RxešÍ fvlv Avi RxešÍ
mgvR GKB K_v| RxešÍ fvlv e‡j weg~Z© wKQz †bB| †`‡ki g‡bvRMZ, Kg©RM‡Zi
MwZ, m„RbkxjZvi RxešÍ fvlvi bvbvgyLx
Lx ewntcÖKvk my¯úó| bvbv wel‡q GLb eB
†jLv n‡”Q| bvbv †kÖYx I †ckvi gvbyl wjL‡Qb| mgvR, ivóª, gvbyl RxešÍ _vK‡j,
fvlv RxešÍ _vK‡j, †Zgb nIqviB K_v|
05. Write a letter to your friend reflecting your opinion on a book
that you have read recently. 10
06. Correct the following sentences: 10
a) His health is no good than before.
b) Because when we eat too much, we put one weight.
c) If you loose your mobile phone you won’t get another.
d) Not looking where he was going, a car hit him.
e) I asked him the next time to invite more live people.
f) Having entered his car, the windows were immediately rolled
g) Most students believe that there writing is better then fellow
h) A poor man often rottens in a prison cell, because he cannot
employ a lawyer.
i) white coloured are increasing in the society.
j) The violinist was in superb from and applauded by b entire
07. Make sentences with any ten of the following expressions: 10
a) Uphill task; b) Sociological school of law;
c) Capital punishment; d) Alibi;
e) Day in day out; f) Poverty stricken;
g) Ad hoc; h) Media trial;
i) Give ear to j) Nature justice.
08. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph: 10
One major problem that the world ––– today is the rapid ––– of
population. The world Population stayed below 200 million –––
800 AD. But ––– then it started rising dramatically.
dra The rise –––
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the highest in the 20th Century. The population has recently

crossed the six ––– mark. Experts that by 2020 the population
will be three times higher. One of the causes of the enormous
increase is ––– in medicine. Modern medical science
sc and
medicine have indeed ––– many diseases.

 4_© we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2008 

01. Write an essay on any one of the following: 30
a) The role of media in a developing country;
b) Rule of law and law-makers
makers in Bangladesh;
c) The need for independent judiciary in Bangladesh;
d) Education and development;
02. Amplify the idea contained in any one of the following: 10
a) Justice delayed is justice denied;
b) History repeats itself;
03. Write a precise of the following: 10
Trees give shade for the benefit of others and while they
themselves stand in the sun and endure scorching heat, they
produce the fruit by which others profit. The character of good
men is like that of the trees. What is the use of this perishable
body, if no use of it is made for the benefit of mankind? Sandal
wood the more it is rubbed, the more scent it- it yields. Sugarcane
the more it is peeled and cut into pieces, the more juice it
produces. Gold the more it is burnt, the more brightly it shines.
The men who are noble at heat at heat do not lose these qualities
even in losing their lives. What does it matter whether men
praise them or not? What difference does it make whether riches
abide with them or not? Life is unprofitable to a man who does
nott live for others. Those who lay down their lives for the sake
of a friend, or even for the sake of a stranger, will assuredly
dwell for over in a world of bliss.
04. Translate the following passage into English: 10
wbZ¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbmc‡Îi `vg mvaviYZ gvby‡li µqÿgZvi g‡a¨ _vKv DwPZ| DwPZ
†mŠfvM¨µ‡g AvšÍR©vwZK evRv‡i Lv`¨`ª‡e¨i `vg A‡bK K‡g †M‡Q; we‡klZ M‡gi
djb PjwZ eQ‡i we‡k¦i me©Kv‡ji †iKW© AwZµg K‡i †M‡Q| G Ae¯’vq Avgv‡`i
†`‡ki `wi`ª RbMY‡K †Kb wظY `v‡g AvUv-gq`v
gq`v wK‡b Rxeb aviY Ki‡Z n‡e?
¨i `vg Kgv‡bi Rb¨ evRv‡ii ¯^vfvweK AvPiY wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e| G
†ÿ‡Î e¨emvqx m¤úª`v‡qi f~wgKvI AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| b¨vh¨ cš’¨vq ¯^vfvweK
fvwe gybvdv

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AR©b Kivi †ÿ‡Î †Kvb evav †bB| wKš‘ Ab¨vh¨ cš’vq AwZwi³
AwZwi gybvdv jv‡fi
cÖeYZv Aek¨B `gb Ki‡Z n‡e|
05. Write a letter to the editor of a leading English daily on your
dissatisfaction with the huge number of legal cases pending in
the lower courts, suggesting ways for their speedy disposal. 10
06. Fill in the blanks: 10
a) Basher pride himself ––––– owing the largest house in the
b) His capacity ––––– suffering drew everybody’s sympathy.
c) I am indebted ––––– you ––––– your help.
d) He was respected ––––– all ––––– account of his illness.
e) He was respected ––––– a Friday ––––– November.
f) I exchanged my watch ––––– him ––––– a calculator.
g) I would rather ––––– sacked, than apologise ––––– what I
said to my boss.
h) ‘Affluence’ is a ––––– for ‘prosperity’.
i) He turned ––––– and saw me.
j) She sat ––––– file and told me ––––– tale.
07. Make sentences with any five of the following: 10
a) De-facto; b) Call a spade a spade;
c) Unscrupulous; d) Give ear to;
e) Suo-moto; f) A tall order;
g) At cross purposes; h) Sleepyhead;
08. Correct the following sentences: 10
a) They are discussing about the matter.
b) Tapan used to swimming everybody.
c) He went to the School at the age of six.
d) Rashid told to me about it.
e) He was too tried for standing.
f) Each of these
ese substances are found in the market.
g) The Nobel Prize was instituted by Alfred Nobel.
h) National politics have suddenly become immensely
appealing to Bangladeshi National aboard.
i) My father comes to see me between regular intervals.
j) Geetanjali is a collection of essays which won Rabindranath
international recognition.

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 3q we‡RGm wjwLZ cixÿv, 2007 

01. Write an essay on any of the following: 30
a) Combating corruption in Bangladesh.
b) Empowerment of women in Bangladesh.
c) Judiciary and good governance.
d) Local Government in Bangladesh.
02. Amplify the idea contained in anyone of the following: 10
a) Possession in the nine-tenths of ownership.
b) A real democratic government is by the people of the
people for the people.
03. Write a precise of the following: 10
Raising environmental concerns in Norway, where oil and gas
account for about a quarter of GDP and fund a vast national
pension system, might seem a thankless job. But it’s a crucial
one. Different groups have different approaches to the
environmental concerns. In this regard Hauge, 42, a top
executive of Belleona, has his own approach which is to
aborate with heavy industry’, not battle it. Bellona aims to
help oil majors such as Norway’s StateoilHydro and Anglo- Anglo
Duch saint Shell to become greener enterprises. Hauge doesn’t
always see eye to eye with big business. but executives at
companies like these ese appreciate Bellona’s sound, grasp of
his staff of 60 includes engineers and physicists and
value what he describes
escribes as his willingness to ‘sit
‘ down and
discuss solutions over a cup of coffee.’ This emphasis on finding
solutions rather than clinging to ideology also informs his stance
on carbon
bon capture and storage, hereby CO2 form energy
production is deposited deep underground. Some green groups
scoff at this practice, but Hague sees its crucial to reducing

04. Translate the following

ollowing passage into English: 10
Dbœqb AMÖMwZi †K›`ªwe›`y
we›`y‡Z i‡q‡Q †h cY¨wU, †mwU wbtm‡›`‡n R¡vjvwb †Zj| wKš‘
Gi `vg AvKv‡k IVvq ÿwZMÖ¯Í n‡”Q DbœZ I AbybœZ mKj †`k| †KD †KD †K
e‡j‡Qb G‡Z me‡P‡q †ewk ÿwZMÖ¯Í n‡”Q hy³ivóª³ mn DbœZ wek¦ hv‡`i R¡vjvbx
A‡bKvs‡k Avg`vbxi Dci wbf©ikxj| Z‡e evsjv‡`‡ki gZ Mwie †`k¸‡jvI Kg
ÿwZMÖ¯’ n‡”Q bv| Gme †`‡ki R¡vjvbxi m‡½ Av‡óc„‡ô RwoZ wbZ¨ e¨envh© c‡Y¨i
`vg| Avevi miKv‡ii ivR‡¯^i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GKwU Ask P‡j hv‡”Q R¡vjvbx

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Avg`vbx‡Z| d‡j Awbevh©fv‡e evavMÖ¯Í n‡”Q Dbœqb| ev¯ÍeZv n‡”Q Avgv‡`i †Zj
m¤ú‡`i cÖgvwYZ †Zgb †Kvb gRy` †bB ej‡jB P‡j| GB †cÖÿvc‡U DbœZ we‡k¦i
gZ Avgv‡`i‡KI fve‡Z n‡e weKí R¡vjvbxi K_v, hvi GKwU Acwinvh© c~e©kZ©
n‡”Q M‡elYv Ges jvMmB cÖhyw³|
05. Write an application on the following subject: 10
Admission in the M.Phil
Phil Course run by the Law Department of a
university stating the reasons in brief for undertaking research
work on a specific topic.
06. Fill in the blanks: 10
a) She ought ––––– asked for help that time.
b) I soon became disillusioned –––– the job because his
c) When I saw him he was beside ––––– grief.
d) ––––– is the opposite of. the word climax.
e) He acted not ––––– my suggestion, but ––––– fear.
f) Contrary ––––– the prevalent practice, he made an in-’ in
depth ––––– of the subject and found the solution.
g) The house were burnt ––––– the ground ––––– great loss to
the community.
h) This case may open a Pandora’s ––––– of similar –––––.
i) ––––– few people knew about the secret, but it ultimately
affected –––––.
j) Neither of the two men ––––– very strong, but jointly they
could ––––– the heavy box.
07. Make sentences with any five of the following: 10
a) Over head and ears b) Justice,
ice, equity and good conscience
c) Curtin lecture d) Bad blood
e) Good cricket f) Security for good behavior
g) Judicial activism h) Talk of the town
i) Ipso facto j) To bury the hatchet

08. Correct the following sentences: 10

a) ‘Othello’ is the famous literary work of John Stuart Mill
about the diplomatic affairs between a Moore traveler and a
Spanish Princess.
b) He went to Chandpur with a view to meet his parents.
c) You will be taken at task unless you carefully do you

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d) Windmills are used for generating pollution free air and

are run by oil.
e) The temperature was under five degree Celsius last night.
f) She helped the boy to solve the problem.
g) Thee Solitary Reaper is a poem written by John Milton.
h) The baby is susceptible for cold.
i) The wounded boy is now in the safe hand of the doctor.
j) Bangladesh has a federal system of government.

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