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Correspondence Module

=> It is used to generate notices to the citizens regarding Eligibility Details

=> When eligibiliry determined notice trigger will be inserted for the citizen with
"Pending" status in "co_notices" table.

=> When we print notice, then pdf will be generated with citizen eligibility
details and it will be sent to citizen in email as an attachment.

Note: Store notice in s3 bucket (notice url will be stored in db table)

Note: Once notice is printed it will be moved to 'History' status.

=> In Correspondence UI, we have screens to display Pending & History notices.

Spring Boot with AWS S3 Integration

1) Add AWS SDK dependency in pom.xml file


2) Create IAM user with S3FullAccess policy

3) Generte Access Keys For IAM user account (Access & Secret Access Key)

4) Create S3 Buket

5) Configure below details in springboot application properties file


6) Create S3Config class and build AmazonS3 bean object

7) Create S3Utils class and inject AmazonS3 object and use AmazonS3 method to
upload object into s3 bucket.

PutObjectResult result = s3.putObject(bucketName, fileName,

String objUrl = result.getContentMd5();

Batch Processing

=> Bulk Operation

=> We need to identify for which citizens eligibility is getting completed for the
plan for those citizens we need to send notices regarding plan renewal/termination.

Ex : 15 days renewal reminder notice

On 27-Apr, 1000 citizens eligibility getting completed..

On 28-Apr, 10k citizens eligibility getting completed..

On 29-Apr, 30k citizens eligiblity getting completed..

Renewal Reminder Notice Generation

Step-1) Identify citizens whose eligiblity getting completed in 15 days

Step-2) Prepare Notice for those citizens

Step-3) Store Notice in s3

Step-4) Send Notice to citizen in email as attachment.

To send one notice it is taking 1 sec of time.....

1 min ==> 60 notices

1 hour ==> 3,600 notices

2 hours ==> 7,200 notices

28 hours => 1 lakh notices.....

(client expectation is 1 lakh notices to send in 1 hour)

Note: To resolve this performance issue we can implement Multi Threading in the

=========== Create 10 Threads to generate notices ============

1 sec ==> 10 threads ==> 10 notices

1 min => 60 * 10 => 600 notices

1 hour => 60 * 600 => 36,000 notices

=========== Create 20 Threads to generate notices ===========

1 sec ==> 20 threads ==> 20 notices

1 min => 60 * 20 => 1200 notices

1 hour => 60 * 1200 => 72,000 notices

=========== Create 30 Threads to generate notices ===========

1 sec ==> 30 threads ==> 30 notices

1 min => 60 * 30 => 1800 notices

1 hour => 60 * 1800 => 1,08,000 notices

How to implement Multi Threading

=> Multi Threading is used for parallel processing

=> We have 3 ways to create thread in java

1) By Extending Thread class

2) By Implementing Runnable interface

3) By Implementing Callable interface

=> If we extend properties from Thread class then we can't extend props from any
other class in future.

class Demo extends Thread {

public void run(){

// thread logic

=> We can implement Runnable interface and we can override run () method

class Demo implements Runnable {

public void run (){

// thread logic

Note: run ( ) method return type is void.

=> We can implement Callable interface and we can override call ( ) method

class Demo implement Callable{

public Object call (){

// thread logic
return obj;

Note: Callable interface introduced in java 1.5v

Executors Framework

=> It is used to deal with Multi Threading

=> We can create multiple threads at a time (with single line of code)
public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Test t = new Test();

ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);

for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

threadPool.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;

public void sendNotice() {

System.out.println("generating notice....");
// logic to generate notice

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