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Book One

A Ali
This Book is dedicated to my parents, my
brother, my love, Anik, Shubham, and
to the reader…

I) Prologue
II) Have I done something wrong?

III) I Lost Everything

III) The Fire of Revenge!

IV) Welcome to the Executrix

V) Ali’s Rage

VI) The Torment is by the door

VII) We can’t sit silently!

VIII) A Terrible Loss

IX) The Land of the Gigas

X) Giga-what?
XI) The Invasion
XII) On The Other Side
XIII) Breakthrough
XIV) Trinity
XV) The Giga-Rebellion
XVI) Backup
XVII) The Final Chapter
Prologue: The Man in the Hood

In the heart of a desolate landscape,

shrouded in a haze of dust and smoke, a
confrontation brewed between the enigmatic
figure cloaked in shadow and the
encroaching forces of authority. The air
crackled with tension as the General's stern
command pierced through the chaos, a
declaration of ultimatum.

"Hands up! The special forces have

surrounded you. Surrender and live in
custody for the rest of your life," the General
bellowed, his voice echoing against the
rugged terrain.

The figure in the hood, a silhouette against

the backdrop of impending conflict, made no
move to comply. Instead, a subtle shift, a
glint of steel as a blade began its ascent from
its sheath. The tension escalated, palpable in
the charged atmosphere, as soldiers
tightened their grip on their weapons,
bracing for the inevitable clash.

With a decisive command from their leader,

the troops unleashed a barrage of firepower,
a symphony of gunfire and whirring
helicopter blades slicing through the air.
Dust billowed, obscuring vision and choking
the senses, as the battlefield descended into

Amidst the tumult, the figure in the hood

remained elusive, a specter weaving through
the haze with preternatural grace. Bullets
ricocheted off his cloak, glancing blows that
failed to halt his relentless advance. Soldiers
scrambled for cover, their shouts drowned
out by the cacophony of war.

As the smoke began to dissipate, revealing

the aftermath of the skirmish, the figure
emerged unscathed, his presence
undiminished. With a blade aglow in the dim
light, he stood as a harbinger of defiance
against the might of the military machine.

The General's voice crackled over the

transceiver, a note of disbelief coloring his
words. "He wasn't even a match for us, sir.
The sector is cle… Not clear! Not clear!"

But before the General could grasp the

gravity of his miscalculation, fate intervened
with a swift and merciless stroke. The figure
surged forward, a blur of motion as he closed
the distance with lethal intent. Soldiers,
caught off guard, were cleaved in twain,
their screams lost amidst the chaos.

With grim determination, the figure

confronted the General, his blade poised to
deliver justice. The General's eyes widened
in terror as the cold steel pressed against his
chest, the weight of his impending demise
settling like a shroud.

"No matter what you do, you will lose all

you love. The day you find another reason to
live, you are done for," the figure intoned,
his voice a chilling echo of impending doom.
With a final, decisive thrust, the blade
pierced the General's heart, sealing his fate
with merciless finality.

As the General's life ebbed away, his final

breaths a symphony of agony, the figure
stood as a solitary sentinel amidst the
carnage. Blood stained the earth, a grim
testament to the cost of defiance in the face
of tyranny. And as the echoes of battle faded
into silence, the figure vanished into the
shadows, leaving naught but a haunting
legacy in his wake.
Chapter 1: Have I done
something wrong?

In the dimly lit confines of the principal's

office, Ali stood, his heart heavy with
confusion and disbelief. "What did I do?" he
murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of
desperation. But his plea fell on deaf ears as
his class teacher's accusatory gaze bore into

"Don't act smart, first, you beat innocent

Michael. It isn't the first time, Ali," the
teacher's words stung like a slap to the face,
each syllable heavy with condemnation. The
principal's voice added to the weight of the
moment, casting a shadow of impending
doom over Ali's already troubled mind.

"Indeed! You must be expelled, but we are

giving you a fair chance. Pay us a sum of
25000 as a penalty, or you will cease to
exist," the principal's ultimatum hung in the
air, suffocating Ali with its gravity.

Dismissed from the office, Ali trudged back

towards his classroom, the weight of his
impending fate pressing down on him like a
leaden cloak. But what he found awaiting
him was a cruel twist of fate, as Michael, the
very person he had clashed with, now held
authority over him.

"So, you are still here?" Michael's words

dripped with disdain as he forced Ali to
stand in the corridor, a silent witness to his
own humiliation. But amidst the turmoil, Ali
found solace in the presence of his friends,
Aki and Kaishin, their unwavering support a
beacon of hope in the darkness.

"We are glad you're safe," Aki's words were

a balm to Ali's wounded soul, offering a
glimmer of respite amidst the chaos. But
their conversation took a somber turn as
Kaishin delivered devastating news.

"Shubham…is…dead," the words hung in

the air like a heavy shroud, suffocating Ali
with their finality. Shocked into silence, Ali
struggled to comprehend the enormity of the
loss, his mind reeling with disbelief.

As the bell rang for dispersal, they were

summoned by Michael once more, his smug
demeanor a stark reminder of the injustice
that had befallen them. Fueled by a
simmering rage, Ali's words dripped with
venom as he vowed vengeance against his

"I will finish you," Ali's voice was a low

growl, laced with a potent mixture of anger
and grief. But even as Aki and Kaishin
pleaded for restraint, Ali's resolve remained
unshaken, his determination burning bright
amidst the darkness.

In a moment of reckless abandon, Ali lashed

out with a single, decisive blow, striking
Michael with all the force of his pent-up
fury. As chaos erupted around them, Aki and
Kaishin seized the opportunity to flee,
dragging Ali along in their wake.

Breathless and panting, they sought refuge in

the anonymity of the streets, their hearts still
racing with adrenaline-fueled fear. But
amidst the chaos, a sense of resignation
settled over Ali, his thoughts consumed by
the weight of his actions.

"I can't," Ali's words were heavy with regret

as he bid farewell to his friends, their paths
diverging once more. Alone with his
thoughts, Ali sought solace in the quiet
solitude of a nearby bench, his tears a silent
testament to the pain that gnawed at his soul.

"You were a good friend, Shubham," Ali's

voice cracked with emotion as he mourned
the loss of his companion, his heart heavy
with grief. But as the clock struck 2 PM, a
sense of urgency gripped him, driving him
homeward with a renewed sense of purpose.

With each step, Ali's resolve solidified, his

mind set on confronting the challenges that
lay ahead. And as he trudged homeward, the
weight of the world on his shoulders, he
knew that the road ahead would be fraught
with peril. But with his friends by his side,
he was determined to face whatever fate had
in store, one step at a time.
Chapter 2: I Lost Everything

An hour later:

Ali was panting heavily as he reached the

gates of the locality. “3 o’clock, I am done

As he reached his home, he was stopped by a

large man with a red cap. He prevented Ali
from going in. Alis line of sight was blocked
by the man. He tried to get through and
finally ran inside and to his garden. He
looked forward and what he saw froze him.
His house where he lived since he was born
was caught up by flames all over.

He didn’t know what to do, he was frozen in

shock and depression. All of a sudden, his
instincts spoke to him and listening to them,
he gained enough courage to run into the
burning house.

He ran inside, firmly jumped over a fallen

door frame and next saved himself from a
falling shelf. He shouted, “Mother! Father!”.
But to his surprise, no one answered. As he
reached the hall he found what shocked him
more, his father’s body, which was half
turned to ash already. He cried and shouted,
“NO! FATHER!”. He ran into other rooms
but found no one. At last, he ran into the
corner room, Lucky for him the part of the
house beyond the hall had caught a little fire.
In the corner room he found more shocking
things, “GRANDMA! GRANDPA!” shouted
him in anger and sorrow.

His conscience said to him, “There is still

some hope left, your brother and mother
maybe upstairs…”. Listening to his
conscience Ali ran upstairs and looked into
every room, in one he found his mother
trying to take her younger son out of the
burning debris. Ali ran to them but debris
from the ceiling fell on his brother and he
was no more. His mother, to her he ran and
embraced her.
Ali: “At least, you are alive…”
Mother: (crying) “Is everyone else?…”
Ali didn’t say a thing but nodded his head to
indicate the answer.
Mother: “No time to mourn son, we must
save ourselves, there is no good to recall the
Ali: “Yes, let’s run downstairs before…”
All of a sudden, the staircase collapsed. Ali
knew that he could make the jump but
unfortunately, his mother cannot make the

Lastly, they ran to the balcony and because it

was newly built, barricading was not done.
As the firemen saw the 2 survivors, they held
their safety net for them. As Ali was about to
jump, all of a sudden, the ceiling collapsed.
Ali’s mother shouted, “Out of the way,
Son!”, and pushed Ali and half of her body
was caught up by the rubble. Alu was
hanging on the floor of the balcony and tried
to help his mother.
Ali: “Wait Mother, I will save you.”
Mother: “It’s of no use, just run away!”
Ali: “I can't, my conscience doesn’t allow
Mother: “I SAID RUN AWAY!!!”
Ali’s mother threw her pendant at Ali and
the force was enough to make Ali plummet
down to the safety net. As Ali reached the
net, he sat down from the net, sat down and
looked as Nishat Villa turned to ash. He was
so depressed that he couldn’t even cry at this

Next Day:

Aki, Kaishin, and Abhijeet learned about the

disaster day later from the news as Ali didn’t
report them. They immediately met up and
visited the site. Ali was there kneeling
towards the hill of ash.
Aki: “Ali…are you okay?”
Ali: “After all this…do you think that I can
be okay?”
Abhijeet: “We understand…but we wanted
to know about your injuries, are you hurt?”
Ali: “Hurt…that I am, in my heart.”
Kaishin: “Just let go of it brother, come with
us…we will treat you.”
Ali: “FOR WHAT!…because I led my
family to their end, it’s all my fault and I
can’t forget it.”
Aki: “It’s not your fault.”
Ali: “Had I come home early, I could have
saved them.”
Abhijeet: “Don’t blame yourself, if you had
reached earlier, you ought to have ended like
Ali: “At least I wouldn’t have been separated
from them.”
Aki: “I understand how you feel, but it is
pointless to dwell upon the past.”
Ali: “Just leave me alone!”
Ali started crying and began to mourn. His
friends began to leave and while leaving Aki
left a bag of food and said, “Here is some
food for you…I know you haven’t eaten yet.
They left but Ali didn’t bid them goodbye as
he usually did. They came every day for the
whole week. They wanted to cheer up Ali
and again make him who he used to be, the
ideal person veryone wishes to be…
Chapter 3: The Fire of

One week later:

Ali was doing better every day since then.

After a week passed since the incident, while
Ali was waiting for his friends, a fair man in
a leather jacket and casual clothing
approached him and said, “Son, I have come
to know that you have lost a lot too…”. Ali
replied with sorrow, “More than you could
imagine sir…”
???: “Leave that sir part and call me Zenith.”
Ali: “Ok, Zenith.”
Zenith: “I wish to have a ta…”
All of a sudden, Zenith received a call and
he picked it up.
Zenith: “Yes sir…What sir?…Ok…I
understand…Now?… Ok sir, I will reach
you as soon as possible.”
Ali: “Zenith, I feel that you need to leave…I
will wait.”
Zenith: “Ok.”
As Zenith began to leave he saw a trio of
boys in hoods heading towards the site. He
thought, “What is he doing here? I must
inform John that I will be a bit late…”.

Zenith placed a call to John, and in a minute

he picked it up.
Zenith: “Hello John.”
John: “Hi Zenith, where are you?”
Zenith: “John, please pardon me but I will be
John: “But it’s important…”
Zenith: “John…it’s him.”
John: (silent for a moment) “I will manage,
you have to see what he is up to…”
Zenith: “Thank you.”
Zenith ended the call and began to focus on
what was happening.


The trio of boys approached Ali and said,

“Still dwelling upon the past?”
Ali: “No…What are you doing here now?”
The trio revealed their faces, it was Michael,
Harlo and Jentzen.
Michael: “Looks like you escaped the
massacre…You should have set fire at night
Jentzen, but I guess it’s better to see you in
such despair.”
Ali: (in anger) “You…it was you!… I will
not leave you…not today!”
Harlo: “Let me fight him.”
Michael: “Ok, seeing you struggle to fight
will be a sight to see.”
Ali: “I am not alone, the Almighty is always
by my side.”

Harlo approached forward and so did Ali.

Harlo began with a hard punch towards the
face, but Ali blocked it with his forearm. Ali
landed a chop on the shoulder and Harlo
wasn’t able to block it, and CRACK!, one of
his bones cracked but did not break entirely.
A kick from Harlo got Ali and he was down
on his knees, Ali pulled Harlo’s leg and he
fell. Next Ali held him by his feet and threw
him to the metal gate behind him.
Michael: “So weak you are…it is shameful,
well, Jentzen you are next.”
Ali: “Hello?! I know he was my foe but he is
your brother…you should care for him a
Michael: “Keep that stupid advice to
yourself. Jentzen, proceed.”
Jentzen: (hesitates) “Ok…”

Jentzen approached Ali and held him by his

shoulders in an attempt to break his pectoral
bones…Ali tackled him by holding his arms
by the elbow. Jentzen freed his hands by
letting go of Ali’s shoulders and using his
forearm in an attempt to hold Ali’s neck, in
an effort of blocking his hand, he let go of
his arms and blocked his attack…that’s what
Jentzen anticipated, he used his legs to kick
Ali in the abdomen, all of this happened so
instantly that Ali wasn’t able to block his
kick. The blow may have been fatal as one
of Ali’s kidneys was damaged, though Ali
was unable to block the kick, he still was
able to move a little so that the target was
shifted from his kidney to his stomach. Ali
was sure to lose as he was exhausted from
the first fight, however, the fire of revenge
kept him up giving and dodging a few more
blows, but how much would a man endure
after he has already been in a fight? Ali
remembered a move he learned from Aki, he
then tried to use it on Jentzen. Ali lifted his
leg so high up in the air, in front of Jentzen’s
face, that Jentzen had to bring both his arms
in front of his face to block it, that’s when
Ali brought his leg down ducked under
Jentzen’s arms and in an instant caught his
throat, he then stabbed his throat very hard at
the ground using the momentum he gained
when trying to catch the throat. Jentzen
fainted from the impact. Ali was panting a
lot heavier than after the first fight and was
even coughing due to dehydration.

Michael: “You are hopeless…I guess I must

do it all myself.”
Ali: (panting heavily) “He fought so hard,
just for you and you can’t even appreciate
his struggle?! What kind of a friend are
Michael: “Didn’t I tell you to shut up…Fight
me if you can!”

Michael took out a machete from his back

and pointed it towards Ali.
Ali: (panting) “That’s unfair…but I guess
that you don’t have a conscience…”

Michael came running at Ali, but Ali barely

dodged the blow, Michael slashed at his
neck but Ali ducked to dodge it…Ali then
kicked Michael’s legs to make him fall.
Although Michael tripped but performed a
somersault, and again he was back on his
feet. Ali though exhausted from the previous
fights…was energised even more than he
was before the first fight. The fire of revenge
was burning more than ever inside him. He
ran and jumped towards Michael to perform
a kick at his face but Michael was no slower
than him, if not faster, he ducked and slid
from beneath Ali, while Ali pushed the wall
with his feet to prevent crashing, he too
performed half a somersault and was back on
his toes. Michael dashed and struck Ali’s
face with the machete, Ali ducked beneath
him and slid from between his legs. Ali then
sensed something by his feet. Ali thought to
himself, “How did this come here?...oh yes I
might have left it when I trained last. I don’t
know if it’s stronger but it might come in
handy…”. Michael jumped very high
towards Ali with his machete in the air, as he
reached his target…
Zenith was spectating the whole match. He
thought to himself “He is doing good…he
might have been weaker than them but his
decisions and reflexes are quick…”. Zenith
took out his phone and called John, John
answered in a few seconds.
John: “Glad that you called, is everything
okay there?”
Zenith: “More than ever…I think I found
someone interesting.”
John: “What do you mean?”
Zenith: “I am bringing a little guest with
John: “Wha…”
Zenith ended the call…

Michael’s strike was blocked by Ali, he used
a piece of wood in the shape of a sabre. The
strike just resulted in a scratch on the
wooden sabre.
Michael: “How is this possible? How could a
mere piece of wood stop my steel machete?”
Ali: “It’s not just any wood…it’s the wood
of the Australian Buloke tree…I carved the
blade myself to practise sword fighting, to
spar with you someday.”
Michael: “I see, but you won’t win today…”
Michael took aback his machete and now the
sparring was going to begin. A vigorous
thrust towards the chest from Ali’s side was
blocked by Michael, Michael then kicked Ali
at his knee and the kick was so strong that
Ali’s knee joint got a bit dislocated. Ali
thought, “AAH! It hurts badly…well it is not
permanent, but it won’t heal so easily…”.
Ali was thrown aback by the impact of
Michael’s kick, he almost tripped but he
balanced himself on his feet. Ali thought, “I
must end this now…or it may cause a
problem for me…”. Michael and Ali both
were exhausted from the intense fight. At
last, Michael dropped his machete.
Ali: (panting) “Are you going to accept
defeat now?”
Michael: “I won’t lose to you…but I think
that I should spare you today.”
Ali: “What do you mean?”
Michael: “This…”

After saying his word, he took out a

cylinder, which looked like dynamite, from
his pocket, ignited it and threw it between
himself and Ali. At another moment, the
dynamite began to release a lot of grey
smoke, and gradually, Michael vanished in
the smoke. Ali tried to look for him but the
smoke irritated his eyes so much that his
eyes began to overflow with tears. He
couldn’t see anything but tears in his eyes.
All of a sudden he felt someone behind him,
he tried to turn around but it was too late, he
sensed a needle piercing through his skin. At
last, his vision blurred more and ultimately
he was unconscious…
Chapter 4: Welcome to The

Several Hours Later:

Ali wakes up and finds himself in the back

seat of a car.
Ali: (panicking) “What happened? Where
am I?”
???: (surprised) “Woah! Don’t surprise me
like that! I am driving on an unmetalled and
isolated road…so let me drive peacefully.”
Ali: “Did you just kidnap me, Zenith?”
Zenith: “Umm…I just made you
unconscious, picked you up when no one
was looking, and laid you down on my car’s
back seat…then started to take you to
another place.”
Ali: “I think you just defined kidnapping.”
Zenith: “You were taking a nap, that is no
different than kid-napping…”
Ali: “You try to say that I am a kid?”
Zenith: “Forget it…I carried you because
you could be the greatest asset for our
Ali: “Wait…you just kidnapped me, and
now are going to make me work, that’s child
Zenith: “So, you admit that you are a child?”
Ali: “No…but…uhh!…ok, you win! now
Zenith: “Good, now we will reach the
headquarters in half an hour…so you better
not go back to sleep.”
Ali: “Ok…I won’t”

As Zenith drove along the unmetalled path,

his car was bumping all the way.
Ali: “Why do we have to take such a bad
Zenith: “You will know…you certainly
After some time, Zenith stopped beside a
small hut, no bigger than a typical kitchen in
a 1 BHK.

Ali: “I think that I should reconsider joining

your organization, especially if I have to live
inside a small hut.”
Zenith: “I know you will reconsider when
you see the headquarters from inside.”
Ali: “A hut is a hut, however, modernized it
may be from the inside.”
Zenith: “It would be good if you stayed
silent for some time…you might create
problems for both of us.”
Ali: “Ok…”
Zenith: “Silence!”

Ali didn’t say anything but nodded his head

in response. As Zenith walked inside the hut,
Ali followed him. Zenith walked towards the
right corner and stood on a floor tile. He then
called out to Ali to stand as well. Zenith then
pushed some switches on the switchboard,
which was on the wall in front of them, in a
definite order by changing the fan
regulator’s power after every few clicks. Ali
thought this to be odd as there was no fan in
the hut. All of a sudden the large
arrangement of switches fell inside and two
large pieces with a slit between them
appeared in the space. Zenith opened up his
purse and took out a card, which was
supposedly an identity card, and swiped it in
the slit. After this, the regulator glowed
green and the floor tile beneath them began
to tremble. Zenith said, “3…2…1…and here
we go!”. The tile beneath their feet began to
fall down and so did they with the tile. Ali
was frightened at first but after some time,
he found out that it was an elevator with the
tile in place of a cabin. In a few minutes,
they reached the bottom. Ali looked at what
lay in front of them, a magnificent building
looking no less, if not more, advanced than
the largest international airports. It all
seemed to be a dream, a community of
people far more advanced, living under the
Zenith: “Welcome!…to the Executrix!”
Ali: “I never imagined in my wildest dreams
that such a splendid settlement lay below my
feet this whole time.”
Zenith: “Now, do you reconsider joining
Ali: “I do want to join you but I think I am
Zenith: “One of our best spies, the smartest,
strongest and fastest of all of our youngsters,
is no older than you.”
Ali: “I would like to meet him.”
Zenith: “The said person is a girl.”
Ali: “So…it still doesn’t change my mind to
meet her.”
Zenith: “You might find her attractive, but
beware of her and her father, he is the
director of our organization.”
Ali: “Well, beauty lies in the eyes of the
beholder, and to my knowledge, no one has
ever been able to seduce me, so…I don’t
think that I will fall for…”

Ali sensed a person behind him and when he

looked back, he found a girl cycling him.
She shouted, “Out of the way!”, but Ali was
late and they crashed into each other, the
cycle was thrown several metres ahead and
Ali fell on the ground while the girl was
above him with her arms supporting her
body off the ground. The proximity between
their faces was very less, and as a result, Ali
found her to be very near and after a
glimpse, he found out that she was pretty, or
perhaps the most beautiful girl he ever
witnessed, in terms of facial beauty. When
her green eyes met his black ones, he was
love-struck. He blushed a little and when she
got up, she cleaned all the dust off her pants.
???: “Forgive me for crashing into you, my
name is Violet and I am sorry for the
Ali: (blushing) “Uhh…No problem, I mean,
I am kind of used to it, by the way, I am
Violet: “Sorry, but are you okay?”
Ali: (blushing) “Well…Yes, I am surprised
by how Sir Edmund Halley’s ‘Hollow Earth
theory’ has been proved. I am shocked.”
Violet: “I have never seen you before, are
you new to this place?”
Ali: (blushing) “Yes. I came here just a few
minutes ago and I want…”
A gentleman in a casual shirt and trousers
came and approached them.

???: (to Ali) “I see, so you are the little guest

brought in by Zenith. Let me guess, you
have just seen my daughter and are
enamoured now.”
Zenith: “Don’t give him a hard time,
John: “I understand, every one of his age
gets love-struck upon seeing her, it isn’t
quite a phenomenon which is rare to me,
Zenith: (sighed) “Why do you think you are
so funny?”
John: “I don’t think, I believe it.”
Zenith: “John, you…umm…uhh…nothing.”
John: “Did you get his abilities and
capabilities tested, Zenith?”
Zenith: “Not needed…I believe that he can
be a great asset to us.”
John: “You know the rules, don’t you?”
Zenith: “Okay, let’s go, Ali. Let’s get you
Ali: “As you say, Zenith.”
Zenith: (walking away) “The rules…like
they even matter.”

Zenith and Ali walked inside the campus,

and at the end of the corridor, they were
stopped by a young, yet beautiful lady, in her
early 20s, wearing a lab coat.

???: (making actions of ‘no’ using a finger)

“Uh, uh, uh…where do you think you are
Zenith: “Just let us go into the lab, Necron.
It’s urgent.”
Necron: “Hmm…I see, more urgent than the
dinner you promised me yesterday.”
Zenith: (blushing a little) “Necron, just let
me get this kid tested.”
Necron: “Oh I see…ok, I will get him tested,
but you must take me and John out tonight.
Is that a deal?”
Zenith: “What an indiscreet deal, *sigh*, ok
I will. Now happy?!”
Necron: “Yes, you tend to satisfy me just to
get your things done…however, I will take
that deal…come inside.”
Zenith: (whispering to Ali) “She is the
perfect example of ‘Don’t judge a book by
its cover’.”
Ali: “Is she always like this?”
Zenith: “Times…”
They walked inside the enormous lab as they
conversed, in the middle of the room,
Necron stopped beside a large treadmill.
Necron: “First will be your skill test, take
this puzzle and solve it.”
Necron handed out a puzzle to Ali, it was a
pyraminx, something which is Ali’s
speciality. Necron started the timer and
under 3 seconds the puzzle was solved.

Zenith: “Spectacular, you beat my time, yet

not Violet’s just by a few milliseconds…”
Ali: “It’s my speciality…”
Necron: “Enough talk…Now will be your
reflex test, put on this VR headset and don’t
Ali: “Ok…”
Ali put on the headset and found himself in a
spaceship which was about to enter the
asteroid belt. 3…2…1…and the spaceship
began sprinting towards the pool of rocks.
Ali had to make eye movements to control
the movement of the spaceship. Even after
30 minutes of being inside the VR world, Ali
wasn’t tired of playing the game, being the
only one in his entire family who didn’t wear
glasses, his eyes were incredibly sharp and
strong. After another 5 minutes, he put off
the VR headset.
Necron: “Let’s move on to the next test.”
Ali: “I am sorry…”
Necron: “Why?”
Ali: “You told me not to crash…”
Necron: “I know, but you did excellently.”
Ali: “No, I didn’t crash the spaceship, I
steered in a pattern that made the spaceship
go 360 degrees and then the headset
Necron: (shocked) “Uhh…You didn’t crash
the spaceship, you crashed the code.”
Zenith: “Your reflexes are on another level,
though your time missed Violet’s just by
some seconds, yet no one has ever been able
to crash the code or perform a 360.”
Ali: “I will take that as a compliment.”
Necron: “Now, onward to the next test…
now let’s check your knowledge.”
Ali: “I have to give a school exam?”
Necron: “Only PCM, that’s only required.”
Ali: “Ok…”
Necron: “You have one hour to complete the
test, so take your time… there are 2 points
for one question and -1 negative marking.”
Ali: “Ok.”

Necron handed the question booklet to Ali,

some papers for rough work, a pen, and the
answer sheet. Necron took out her stopwatch
and started the timer for 1 hour. Ali started
by reading through the booklet, which was
completed in 5 minutes. Ali thought to
himself, “It’s all MCQ, so I don’t need to
show the whole process. I might need half an
hour…”. As time passed, the stopwatch
ticked, and Ali’s pen ran across the papers.
After 20 minutes, Ali handed out his answer
sheet to Necron. She put it inside the OMR
scanner and after a second, it was on the
other side with the result on Necron’s tablet,
which she’s been holding all this time. She
walked up to him and said, “Spectacular, you
scored 98/100.”
Ali: “Where did the 2 marks go?”
Necron: “You left the 10th question.”
Ali: “It’s a mistake I usually commit, leaving
one question which never resulted in getting
me 100 per cent.”
Necron: “Yet, it’s splendid. I was seeing
your rough notes, your way of solving the
questions was totally out of the box.”
Ali: “Was that a compliment?”
Zenith: “I guess it was…Your record is far
above Violet’s, you beat her time by 10
whole minutes.”
Ali: “I am happy, I guess…?”
Necron: “Now, for the physical tests…”
Ali: “Ok…I got this.”
Necron: “I know that you have already seen
this treadmill beside me. You have to run
and then the force of opposition by your feet
will push the track backwards, and the
velocity of the track will be your score. Ali
was getting very happy inside as he topped
the first three tests and he thought that he
would easily win the physical test as he was
able to carry on a toe to toe fight with
He ran as fast as he could, yet he felt that the
track was moving very slowly. He ran faster
and faster, but still, it was very slow.
Necron’s smile faded and so did Zenith’s.
They didn’t say anything good this time,
Necron only said, “Let’s move on to testing
your strength…”. Ali only nodded in
response, Necron took him to a punching
machine. Necron said, “Land punches on
this and I will note the force exerted…” Ali
hit his fist on the machine with all the force
he could exert. “OUCH! It hurts!”, screamed
Ali. The happiness on Necron’s and Zenith’s
faces disappeared completely and so did
their hopes.

Zenith: (sorrowfully) “Ali, you wait outside

the hut, I will be coming soon.”
Ali: “But…”
Zenith: “I said go out!”
Chapter 5: Ali’s Rage

Ali left the place and walked back to the

elevator. He set the destination to be the hut
and in another moment, the tile took him
back to where he entered from the hut. He
sat down on a bench outside the hut, in grief.
All kinds of questions were roaming around
in his mind, ‘Why?… I got all I got, yet I
wasn’t able to…”. All of a sudden, Violet
came and sat beside him. She was smiling,
yet Ali didn’t even blush a bit when he saw
Violet: “Did the test go well?”
Violet: “Woah…calm down…”
Ali: “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to…it’s just
that I am frustrated by how I performed in
the test.”
Violet: “A test can’t define your
Ali: (sorrowfully) “I have lost more than you
Violet: (depressingly) “There’s no good to
dwell upon the past.”
Ali: “Are you okay? I think you are crying.”
Violet: (removing a tear from her eye)
“No…It’s nothing. It’s just that…”
All of a sudden, 2 boys who were walking
nearby, came to them. One of them put his
hand on Violet’s shoulder and said, “Come
and get a shot with us, beauty…”. Ali
removed his hand from her shoulder.

Ali: “Leave her alone!”

???: “Messing with Sawyer? You better not
interfere, you brat!”
Ali: “I won’t repeat…Leave her alone!”
Sawyer: “Jakob, let’s show this brat who
he’s dealing with.”
Violet: “You must deal with me first!”
Jakob: “Surprise!”

All of a sudden, Jakob electrocuted Violet

using a Taser and in the next instant, she
couldn’t move.

Sawyer: “Good, now there is no one to

interfere in our fight.”
Ali: “Come one by one or all at once, I will
stop you all, The Almighty is always by my
Jakob: “Then eat this!...”
Suddenly, Jakob took out a knife and forced
it towards Ali to stab him. All of this
happened so fast that Ali didn’t get the time
to move sideways to dodge the impact…

Zenith was sitting depressed in Necron’s lab
when she came back with Ali’s report in her
hands. Her disappointment was reflected by
her facial expression.

Zenith: “Is there any hope?”

Necron: “No…the General told me that his
physical abilities are too weak to be admitted
into the Executrix.”
Zenith: “The General might be younger than
us, but he uses the whole of his authority…”
Necron: “What should we do?”
Zenith: “His heart will be shattered again.”
Necron: “What do you mean?”
Zenith: “Did you hear that recently a large
house caught fire?”
Necron: “Yes, I also heard that the whole
family ceased to exist.”
Zenith: “Except one.”
Necron: “You mean…?”
Zenith: “Indeed I mean Ali, he witnessed the
deaths of his family with his own eyes.”
Necron: “The accident might have caused
him a lot of pain.”
Zenith: “It was no accident, the house was
intentionally set on fire by…”
All of a sudden Necron landed her eyes on
the large CCTV monitor. She pointed out
something strange and informed Zenith
about it. They saw Ali, struggling against 2

Necron: “We must save him, or else he will

Zenith: (holding her hand) “Wait! Just
broadcast this to everyone in the Executrix.”
Necron: “What why?”
Zenith: “Do as I say!”
Necron: “Ok.”
Necron broadcasted the CCTV live footage
to every screen at the Executrix HQ. After
some time, John came running to Zenith.
John: (worried and panting) “Zenith! Help
me, my daughter is in danger.”
Zenith: “Just wait and watch…”
John: “What do you mean…isn’t that the
same kid from before? How could you send
such a weakling to save my daughter?!”

He tried to run but Zenith stopped him.

John: “Just let me go!”

Zenith: “Don’t you believe me?”
John: “I believe in you but you know, she is
the only one….”
Zenith: “I understand, but please believe me,
if it gets out of hand, then I will myself go to
save her…Necron zooms it in.”

Blood splat in front of Violet’s eyes. Ali
stopped the knife with his hand. It was
piercing him through the skin.

Sawyer: “How is this possible?”

Ali: (in rage) “I am shocked as you are…”
Ali held Jakob’s arm, ducked and slid
underneath so fast that Jakob was thrown
over to the wall behind Ali, Jakob didn’t get
time to react, so he crashed straight and
broke his head at the wall. Jakob’s head was
bleeding badly. Sawyer screamed, “Jakob!
Are you okay friend?!…How dare you hurt
my friend, I will kill you!”. Ali thought, “He
may be a scoundrel like Michael, but at least
he is loyal to his friend…”. Ali took out the
knife from his palm, while Sawyer dashed
towards Ali. He kicked hard but Ali jumped
in the air and gave an intense roundhouse
kick to Sawyer. Sawyer was thrown to the
ground, and his face was hit with a rock on
the ground, so his face was pouring blood.
He ran towards his friend Jakob, carried him
over his shoulders and ran away. Ali
thought, “He could have run away leaving
his unconscious friend, but he didn’t…and
that’s what makes the difference…”. Ali
then lifted Violet and carried her inside, he
didn’t have a card, but he found one hanging
from Violet’s collar. He took it and pushed
the switches in the same order as Zenith. Ali
might not have an insane memory but the
password was easy, 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2
3 3 3 4 4 4 4, and to his surprise, the card
swiper appeared. He then swiped Violet’s
card after which the regulator glowed green.
He then stood on the floor tile, with Violet
on his shoulders, they got down through the
elevator. As Ali reached the surface below,
he found Necron, John and Zenith waiting
there as if a big celebrity is going to come

The tile reached the surface, and Ali got

down. Zenith approached him, put his hand
on his shoulder, and looking at John he said,
“See, I told you to believe me…Johnny!”.
John replied, “Ok, I admit, you were right…
Necron: “Will you two ever grow up?”
Ali: “Sorry to interrupt…but Violet’s
paralyzed, and I can’t say when will I be
able to hold her.”
Zenith: “Oh yes, Johnny, you forgot about
your daughter…”
John: “Zenny, you …shoot it!”
Necron: “No, I don’t think you people will
ever grow up.”
Intercom: “Attention everyone! The Spy
General is approaching, so please make way
for him .”
Zenith: “Today is your lucky day, the
General wants to meet you.”
Ali: “How is this General of yours?”
Zenith: “He is a smart and respectable
person, we all obey him, he is a boy of your
Ali: “If he’s so young, then why do you obey
Zenith: “Shut up! You will create a big
problem for all of us. Just bow down and
don’t get up until I say so.”
Ali: “Ok.”
In a few seconds, a short person was
accompanied by two guards on either side of
him. All bowed down and so did Ali. As the
General approached, he was shocked.

???: “Ali? What are you doing here?”

Ali: (getting up) “Do I know you…wait,
Kaishin! What are you doing here?”
Ali tried to embrace Kaishin but the guards
stopped him.
Kaishin: “Do away you loyal guards.”
The guards subsided.
Ali: “Why are they protecting you?”
Kaishin: “It’s just a privilege of being the
Spy General.”
Ali: “Ok…Wait, WHAT!?”
Kaishin: “Yes, I am the Spy General, well I
want to find the hero who fought so bravely
to save Violet.”
Ali: “Oh yes…sorry Violet, I forgot that you
are still on my back. Don’t worry, I will get
you cured immediately.”

Ali ran and found a signboard with

directions towards the infirmary, he ran to
the infirmary and without even meeting the
receptionist, carried her to the room titled
‘Operation Theatre’. Fortunately, no patient
was being treated at that time, so Ali ran
inside and laid Violet on the stretcher. All of
a sudden, the head surgeon reached there.

Ali: “Doctor! Please save her, she was

electrocuted by a taser.”
Surgeon: “If it is a case of paralysis, then we
should act immediately. Bring that machine
with ECT written on it. John will be mad if I
don’t save his daughter.”
Ali: “Ok!”
Ali brings the machine on a wheeled stand
with the label of ECT. The Head Surgeon
sets the charge to the maximum and gives
shock therapy to Violet. In an instant, Violet
tried to move her arms and the next moment,
she got up and was walking like before.
Violet reached Ali and held him by his palm.
Violet: “I may have gone paralyzed but I
saw everything, you risked your life for me,
carried me on your back till you reached the
infirmary, and even disrespected the General
to get me cured immediately, Thank you
very much.”
Ali: “No, I should be the one thanking you, I
would never have awakened my hidden
potential again if you were not so
sympathetic with me. And most importantly,
thank you Doc, if you weren’t here then I
would have been hopeless.”
Surgeon: “So modest you are, aren’t you?…
wait, aren’t you the hero who fought so
bravely for Violet?”
Ali: “That I am…”
Surgeon: “Oh my god! I thought that I would
have to waste some of my holidays to meet
Ali: “Thank you again Doctor…”
Surgeon: “My name is Dr. Elijah.”
Ali: “Thank you, Dr. Elijah.”
Ali bid farewell to Dr Elijah and started to
walk back with Violet. As they reached the
main entrance, they found Zenith, John,
Necron and Kaishin with his guards. John,
saw his daughter approaching, he ran and
hugged her.
John: “I am glad that you are okay.”
Kaishin: (to Ali) “Could you forgive me,
Ali: “Hmm?”
Kaishin: “I hid this secret from you all these
years, I even denied your admission without
even seeing your name on the report, I only
focused on the physical part.”
Ali: “You remember those days when you
hated and lived away from me.”
Kaishin: “Yes.”
Ali: “Was I angry then?”
Kaishin: “No.”
Ali: “Then how can you think that I will be
angry with you now, friend?”
Kaishin: “You are as wise as before…thank
Ali: “Now, would you reconsider taking me
into the Executrix.”
Kaishin: “Yes, but you must take up an oath
Ali: “Ok what is it?”

Kaishin took out a paper and handed it to


Kaishin: “Read this out loud with your hand

on the heart.”
Ali: (reading from the paper) “I, Ali Affan,
take the oath to serve the Executrix for the
rest of my life. I will keep this secret deep
inside my heart and will never reveal it
unless in the case of an emergency. If I ever
break this oath then, may my life get
destroyed and I be killed on the spot.”
Kaishin: “Good.”
Zenith: “So, from now on, we are
Ali: “So, Kaishin…”
Kaishin: “Now you will call me General.”
Ali: “Ok…General.”
All of a sudden, Kaishin received a call from
Abhijeet. He picks it up.
Abhijeet: “Kaishin, Where are you?”
Kaishin: “I am at my home right now…”
Abhijeet: “Did you know, Ali has
disappeared, he is nowhere to be found.”
Kaishin: “Oh yes, well I am busy right now,
so just know this…Ali is in right hands.”
Abhijeet: “Wait, Kaishin, Hello…”

Kaishin ended the call. All of a sudden, a

third person who looked like one of his
guards came with a letter.

Kaishin: “Where were you all this time?”

Guard: “Sir, an order has come from the
Leader himself.”
Kaishin: “Read it out loud.”
Guard: “It is hereby declared that Spy
General Kaishin Sriwastwa has been
demoted to the rank of a member of the Elite
Task Force. This is the result of his indecent
and dominant behaviour.
It is also declared that Ali Affan, the hero
who fought so bravely, will be recruited to
the Elite Task Force.”
Kaishin: “What does it mean?”
Guard: “We no longer work under you, let’s
leave boys.”
The guard left as well as Kaishin’s guards.
Ali: “What did you do?”
Kaishin: “You remember SP?”
Ali: “Yes.”
Kaishin: “I tried to…”
Ali: “Leave it, I know what you did…”
This time Ali received a call, it was from
Aki. Ali answered the call.
Ali: “How are you?”
Aki: (crying) “Hi Ali, I understand your pain
Ali: “What happened?”
Aki: “My parents and my brother…they
passed away in a car accident.”
Ali: (in sorrow) “Oh…I see.”
Aki: “The pain is unbearable.”
Ali: “Don’t cry, I have a surprise for you.”
Aki: “Wait…someone’s here.”
Ali: “NO! Don’t open the door!”
Aki: (shocked) “Ali! it’s Michael…”
The call dropped and Ali just kept saying
‘Hello’, for some minutes.
Violet: “What happened? Are you okay?”
Ali: “Kaishin, Aki…”
Kaishin: “What happened to him?”
Ali: “He suffered the same fate as I…we
must save him, Michael has reached his
place, he will kill Aki.”
Violet: “Michael…do you mean Michael
Ali: “Yes.”
Violet: (sorrowfully) “Oh, I see, he suffered
the same fate.”
Kaishin: “Ali, calm down, as much as I
know Aki, he will not lose to Michael…
believe me.”
Ali: “Ok, I believe in you.”
Violet: “Should we bring him here?”
Ali: “That will be great but I have taken an
Zenith: “Did I reveal to you where we are
Ali: “Oh I get it, Zenith you will need his
address first. It is…”
Chapter 6: The Torment is at
The Door

6 months later:

Ali was making his bed in the morning after

waking up. He then approached his closet.
After some time, he saw Aki coming out of
the washroom.
Aki: “So, you’re awake?”
Ali: “What do you think?”
Aki: “Ok…”
Ali: “By the way, did you see Violet?”
Aki: “Well, I think she woke up earlier…
This she does usually.”
Ali: “Well, I just wanted to…”
Aki: “It’s natural for humans to crave love,
but it’s not usual for you to talk about a girl.
You never fell for anyone, you even rejected
Ali: “Well, I see you kept your promise well,
I know it was hard to reject such a good
lady’s feelings, but I am not into this kind of
Aki: “She was the most beautiful of them all,
she never talked about Michael, while all the
others always talked about him. They fell for
him, just because he was rich and
Ali: “Well…He is another example of
‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, but on the
negative side.”
Aki: “I still think that you should not have
rejected her, she was perfect.”
Ali: “In all these years I have known you,
there hasn’t been a single day when you
didn’t talk about a girl.”
Aki: “You know me…”
Ali: (worried) “Yes I do, but why do you
have to talk about girls today?”
Aki: “The point is that you always ask me
about Violet, ‘Where is she?… When did
she wake up?…etc.”
Ali: “What do you mean by etc.”
Aki: “End of Thinking Capacity.”
Ali: “Your thinking capacity is limitless
when it comes to girls.”
Aki: “I will take that as a compliment.”
Ali: “Just shoot it…I don’t know what you
want to say about me and Violet.”
Aki: “I want to say that, at last, you fell for
someone, and it was no other than Violet. I
notice that you are always so concerned
about her.”
Ali: (blushing) “No I don’t, I just asked you
her whereabouts, as she is always absent
when we wake up.”
Aki: “Zenith also wakes up early, you never
asked about him…that’s suspicious.”

Kaishin wakes up due to all the noise created

by Ali and Aki. He walks up to them.
Kaishin: (yawning) “Can’t you guys…be
silent, I am trying to sleep.”

Ali: “How much more will you sleep, it’s

already 7 AM, the cafeteria opens at…oh
god, it opens at 6, we might miss our
breakfast if we don’t hurry.”
Aki: “Yes you are right.”
Kaishin: “Ok, I will join you people later.”
Ali: “I know you wouldn’t but ok, we will

Ali and Aki left the room and walked

towards the cafeteria, as they reached the
cafeteria, they found that every table was
engaged but people began to offer their seats
to Ali and Aki. Ali refused as he was
modest. In one corner, they saw Zenith,
Necron and Violet on a mostly vacant table.
Necron called out to them, “Hey Ali! Aki!
Join us, we have a lot of space…”. Before
she could complete her sentence, Aki
sprinted and quickly acquired the seat next to
Violet. Ali thought, “And he was telling me
that I was the one who was dying for her…”.
He approached the table and sat beside
Zenith. They began to enjoy their meal while
Ali stared at Violet.
Ali: “Violet, where is your father? I haven’t
seen him since last week, is he sick?”
Violet: “No, he’s been called to the Western
HQ, there’s a conference being held.”
Ali: “Oh, I see.”
Zenith: “By the way, Ali, do you know what
date it is today?”
Ali: “Yes, why?”
Necron: “Do you know that today is a
special day?”
Ali: “What, Sunday?”
Violet: “Not Sunday, it is an event that
comes every year.”
Ali: “Do you mean the conference?”
Aki: “No, the event first happened in the
year 2009.”
Ali: “Ironically, it’s my…wait that’s my
birth date!”
Everyone else: “Absolutely, Happy Birthday
Ali: “How did you people know?”
Aki: “Who could have told them except
Ali: “Well, thank you, friends, I mean, I
forgot my birthday.”
Zenith and Necron handed a long wooden
box to him, it had a red ribbon and Ali’s
name was carved on the side. Ali unpacked it
and found a sheathed sword in the shape of
an Indian Talwar. Ali took it out, unsheathed
it and observed it, from all sides.
Zenith: “It’s made up of Necronium, harder
than Tungsten and stronger than Diamond, it
is enough to slice this table in a single
Necron: “As you might have guessed,
Necronium was discovered by me, it always
comes in handy…”
Zenith: “Just like you.”
Aki: “Hey Zenith, I also want…”
Necron: (angrily) “Shut up! As I was saying;
you see that button on the handle?”
Ali: (pointing towards the button) “This
Necron: “Yes, press it but be careful.”

Ali pressed the button and all of a sudden,

the lamina of the Talwar’s blade began to
glow as if lightning was flowing through its
Necron: “Be careful, at this point this sword
can slice through anything, cutting through
walls will feel like slicing a cake.”
Ali pushed the button again and the glow
vanished. He then put the Talwar back into
the sheath and began putting it inside the box
when he saw another gift inside. It was a
leather equipment belt. Ali took it out, wore
it and hung the Talwar on the belt.
Ali: “Thank you, Zenith, Thank you Necron.
I love your presents.”
Violet: “Now it’s my turn.”
Violet gave Ali a casket with another ribbon.
This time Ali’s name was carved on the lid.
He opened the casket and found a pair of
Violet: “Do you like them?”
Ali: “Well…Yes, they fit my hands
Violet: “Concentrate your energy towards
your palm.”
Ali: “Okay…”

As Ali concentrated his energy on his palm,

he found that a ball of lightning was
emerging over the gloves.
Ali: “What is this?!”
Violet: “Well, when you concentrate your
energy on your palm, the gloves gather free
electrons and convert them into the form of a
sphere of energy, I thought that it might
come in handy.”
Aki: “Just like…”

All of a sudden, Kaishin entered the cafeteria

with a person who had a white blanket on
himself with two holes in his eyes. He came
towards Ali and said, “Long time no see…”.
Ali replied, “Wait…You can’t be…”. “Yes I
am…”, said the ghost and removed the
blanket, it was Abhijeet underneath the
Ali: “I am glad to meet you, friend.”
Abhijeet: “Me too.”
Ali: “How did you reach here?”
Abhijeet: (seeing Violet) “Well…Oh hi
mam, are you free tonight?”
Violet: “Excuse me?!”
Ali: “Forget him, he’s been like this since I
knew him first.”
Abhijeet: “Sorry, but she’s just so beautiful
Aki: “Abhijeet, Ali has…”
Ali: “Shut up Aki! What did I tell you this
Aki: “Ok, Ok.”
Abhijeet: (revealing a flat gift box) “By the
way, Happy Birthday.”
Ali: “You brought a gift for me on your first
Abhijeet: “Well, Aki and Kaishin helped me
prepare it.”

Ali opened the gift and what he saw

surprised him more than ever.

Ali: “Is it…”

Abhijeet: “Yes it is…”
Aki: “The symbol of the Alliance.”
Ali: “It’s spectacular.”

The gift was a wall hanging with lights in the

shape of their Alliance’s symbol.
Ali: “It’s one of the most beautiful gifts I
ever received. I just wish Shubham was
watching this.”
Zenith: “Well, I don’t want to interrupt you
but what is the Alliance?”
Ali: “Well, you see that…Everybody duck!”

Ali ducked under the table and everyone

else, although surprised, did the same.
Kaishin asked, “What happened? Why do
you want us to duck?”. Ali replied, “Just
wait…”. Kaishin said, “Well, I think this is
absurd, I am going up…” and began to get
out when the process was half-complete, a
tremendous earthquake took place and his
chest got damaged as it was hanging on the

Ali: “Now, we can get back up.”

Kaishin: (getting up) “What was that?”
Aki: “I think it was an…earthquake!”
Kaishin: “Like I didn’t know.”
Abhijeet: “Then why did you ask such a silly

Necron suddenly turned pale and got

worried. She ran out of the cafeteria and over
to her lab.
After some time, everyone else reached the
lab, they found Necron with one of her hands
on her table and covering her eyes with her
other forearm. It turned out that she was
crying. Zenith walked up to her and put his
hand on her shoulder. In an instant, she
screamed, “Zenith…”, hugged him tightly
and continued weeping.

Zenith: (blushing a lot) “Necron, it’s

embarrassing in front of these kids.”
Kaishin: “Say this during the…”
Ali: (stopping him) “Kaishin, it’s not the
right time to say this. This matter is serious.”
Necron: (crying) “Zenith…it’s here.”
Zenith: (shocked) “You mean…”
Necron: “Yes I mean the great torment.”
Kaishin: “We are done for.”
Zenith: “How much time do we have?”
Necron: “Only 6 months…”
Chapter 7: We can’t sit

Necron gradually stopped crying as Zenith

brushed away her tears. All of a sudden, Ali
recalled something.

Ali: “Zenith! I have a solution.”

Zenith: “What is it?”
Ali: “I just recalled that when matter and
antimatter fuse, a lot of energy is
Aki: “I think I get what you are trying to
Ali: “If we can gather at least one gram of
antimatter, we can combine it with some
matter. The explosion might be able to drift
these galaxies apart.”
Aki: “Not just any matter, but matter in the
state of ‘quark-gluon plasma’. I have heard
that it was so hot that it was formed some
milliseconds after the Big Bang.”
Zenith: “We have antimatter, and suppose
we also get quark-gluon plasma, but how we
will reach the galactical conjunction in 6
Necron: “Zenith, I guess we should use
Zenith: “Oh yes, I forgot about her.”
Kaishin: “What is Chimaera?”
Necron: “It is an astrominer which I
designed some years ago.”
Kaishin: “But I recall that I rejected your
idea when you proposed it to me.”
Zenith: “Yes you did, but I and Necron
always worked on it secretly.”
Kaishin: “But you were always at my duty,
when did you work?”
Necron: “We work together at night and till
the next morning, we then take some coffee
and continue our duty during the day.”
Aki: “That’s why Zenith is always absent
when we wake up. I thought that he woke up
Kaishin: “Oh, and I thought that during the
night time, you two…”
Ali: “Just shoot it, we are well acquainted
with your mentality.”
Aki: “Yes, you always think like that.”
Ali: “You are no less than him.”
Necron: “Well, according to my calculations,
Chimaera can take 5 of us to the conjunction
in 5 months.”
Abhijeet: “Which means that 6 of us can
reach there in 6 months.”
Necron: “It doesn’t work like that…well I
can manage the quark-gluon plasma.”
Zenith: “Excellent!”
Ali: “When are we leaving?”
Necron: “I will announce this to the whole
Executrix, we will disperse for now and
meet at the southeastern hatch. You have 24
hours to prepare for the trip.”
Zenith: “You people leave, I will come in
some time.”
Everyone else: “Ok.”

Everybody left except for Zenith and


Zenith: “Now, tell me what you didn’t say.”

Necron: “What do you mean?”
Zenith: “I know, that you are hiding
Zenith neared Necron so much that in
another moment, Zenith’s face was just
above hers.

Necron: (blushing) “Zenith, please back a

Zenith: “Why?”
Necron: (blushing) “I am feeling
Zenith: “Oh?… In that case, I will try to get
even closer.”
Necron: (blushing more) “Zenith…I can’t
stop myself…I love you with all my heart.”
Zenith: (blushing a little bit) “I feel the same
every time I see you…”
Necron: (blushing with tears) “Oh Zenith…I
always hoped someday these problems will
end and we will live happily ever after…But
reality doesn’t want us to…”
Zenith: (blushing) “Tell me…what you
ceased to tell then.”
Necron: (sorrowfully) “Ok…I will tell you…
but promise me that you will not risk your
life for me.”
Zenith: “I can’t…”
Necron: (with tears) “One of us will have to
sacrifice our life by initiating the fusion. The
explosion will be so great that he will not get
the opportunity to escape.”
Zenith: “Why you didn’t tell us then?”
Necron: “Because I knew that you will be
the one who will offer to sacrifice your
life…I know you well.”
Zenith: (with tears) “You didn’t tell us this,
just because you wanted to save me.”
Necron: (with tears) “I don’t want to lose
Zenith: (holding her cheek) “Neither do I
want to lose you…”

Zenith and Necron neared further, her crystal

blue eyes met his brown ones, so much that
at last their lips met each other, and they
kissed continuously…

Ali, Aki, Kaishin, and Abhijeet were back in

their room. All were packing their stuff,
Abhijeet gathered all the hygiene and
medical supplies, while Aki packed
everyone’s clothes. Kaishin was going
through the space book, Ali gave him years
back. Ali thought, “He kept it safe all these
years? I thought he didn’t like it…”.

Ali: “Wait…Where is Violet!?”

Kaishin: “She might have gone to gather
some food.”
Ali: “Then why didn’t she say? We need to
find her.”
Abhijeet: “Looks like you fell for someone.”
Aki: “That’s what I am trying to say since
Ali: (blushing) “No, it isn’t like that…I just
worry about her.”
Abhijeet: “Why do you worry about her so
Ali: “You know what, shoot it. I don’t care
where she goes. Let me focus on my

Ali began to pack equipment, weaponry, and

power supplies… all of a sudden he saw a
pendant. He said to himself, “It’s the very
pendant which saved my life…”. His
mother’s final words, “I SAID RUN
AWAY!”, echoed in his mind. All of a
sudden, he remembered about Michael. He
thought, “It’s all my fault, I should have
been dominant over him, if I had, my mother
would have been alive…”. Abhijeet came to
Abhijeet: (sadly) “I know what you are
thinking, but it’s no use in convicting
yourself for a crime you didn’t commit.”
Ali: (angrily) “You wouldn’t understand.”
Abhijeet: (sadly) “I know that feeling…You
may think that I have come here for your
birthday but…my parents are also…”
Aki: “Yes, he didn’t tell you that you will be
worried about your birthday.”
Abhijeet: “We all are here, thanks to Kaishin
who let us in.”
Ali: “What happened to your parents?”
Abhijeet: (depressingly) “Mine was even
worse than yours, I was tied to with rope and
my parents were slaughtered in front of my
eyes. I screamed and cried, but it was of no
Ali: “How you escaped Michael?”
Abhijeet: “He stabbed my arms continuously
with a needle…after which I fainted and
when I woke up, I called Kaishin and Aki.
Luckily, they brought me here, I thought to
call you as well but I remembered the date
and didn’t want to worry you.”
Aki: “Fate may have hit us differently but
we are here for to the same reason…”
Kaishin: “I don’t know that pain, I was
orphaned since birth, I spent most of my life
here. I served in many missions and they
made me General but now…”
Ali: “I am going to train…I will come back
by night.”
Aki: “Ok, bye.”
Ali left for the training hall, he trained there
with his new Talwar.

12 Hours Later:

Ali was still training, he was panting heavily

and had cut through a lot already. He was
extremely tired and at last, when he thought
of leaving for the room, he thought of going
out to observe the night sky. “It’s an isolated
place so there will not be any light pollution,
I guess…”, thought he. He approached the
elevator, went upwards and approached the
bench near the hut. To his surprise he found
Violet sitting there and observing the night
sky, which was shimmering with stars and
even the Milky Way Galaxy was visible. He
felt a shock when he came to her.
Ali: “Mind if I join?”
Violet: “Oh…yes.”
Ali sat beside her and started to look at the
night sky.
Ali: “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Violet: “The sky?”
Ali: (blushing) “Well I wanted to ask, why
do you wake up so early?”
Violet: “I do my training every morning.”
Ali: “Oh I understand, you have to remain
strong and fast.”
Violet: “May I ask you a question?”
Ali: “Yes, you may.”
Violet: “When we met first, were you
Ali: (blushing) “Well, I won’t lie…so yes, I
was struck by your stunning looks.”
Violet: “Oh, ok I get it. Even Kaishin tried to
coax me into a relationship.”
Ali: “I know him.”
Violet: “Can I trust you?”
Ali: (hesitating) “Uh…Yes, you can.”
Violet: (nearing him) “Please keep this a
secret between us only.”
Ali: (nearing further) “Yes, I will.”
Violet: “It’s that, I wanted to talk about
Michael Cruz…”
Ali: (shocked) “Ok, I want to hear now.”
Violet: “Please help me take my revenge on
Ali: “What for?”
Violet: “It’s that, he cheated on me.”
Ali: “Well, I guess that’s too small a reason
you are telling.”
Violet: “Let me elaborate…It was years ago,
I had just entered my teenage. He was my
childhood friend, I was attracted to him. I
proposed to him and he accepted at once. I
was one of the happiest women back then.
We hung out together, ate together, did
everything together…”
Ali: “Everything? That’s kind of
Violet: “I don’t understand what you are
speaking about.”
Ali: “You don’t know that there’s another
meaning to ‘did everything together’?”
Violet: (confused) “No, what is it?”
Ali: “Well…looks like your father has raised
you well… continue your tale.”
Violet: “As I was saying, we were together
at all times, but as time passed, he began to
ignore me. All of our together moments
stopped completely. I thought he is busy but
one day I saw him in the storage room. I ran
towards him to say hi, but my happiness
faded as my vision widened. He was kissing
a girl in the corner, my whole world
shattered in a second. I walked up to him and
slapped him. Seeing me slap him, the other
girl ran away. He just said that we were over
and left the place.
Since then I cried every day for him,
remembering the beautiful moments we
spent together until one night when I was
sleeping, I was awakened by two people
with black masks. They tied my hands and
feet and carried me outside the hut, and then
put me in a field very far from the hut. I
found my father tied as well, and also my
mother. She was sitting in front of us when a
third person with the same black mask came
behind her.
He broke all of her nails, tore all her hair and
even scarred her neck with a knife. I
screamed and my father cried at the
madness, while he looked satisfied. After
that he took out a big rapier from his back
and slid it through her heart, ultimately
killing her. I was crying but I couldn’t do
anything, after that he continuously stabbed
her corpse to torture us. At last, when he was
about to hurt my father, Zenith arrived on the
scene. Zenith was taking a walk with Necron
and Kaishin. When they saw us, they ran to
save us. Kaishin faced the shorter masked
man, and with his martial art skills, he
quickly defeated him. Next was Necron, she
used her laser gun to get the other down on
his knees. At last, when the other two were
down, Zenith was fighting with the third
who killed my mother. Zenith, the most
powerful in all of the Executrix, was facing a
problem fighting toe-to-toe with the masked
man. At last, Zenith punched him so hard
that his mask broke and it was revealed to be
Michael Cruz. My heart shattered again, the
one I loved with all my heart was the one
who killed my mother in front of my eyes.
Michael ran away, the other two were left by
us, as they were supposedly dead.
After that day, I vowed to never fall for a
man again. I trained since that day, harder
than ever to be able to take my revenge…”
Violet began crying after saying these words,
she lay in Ali’s lap and cried a lot. Ali
sympathised with her and at last, she
embraced him in sorrow.
Violet: (crying) “Tell me, what’s your
biggest fear.”
Ali: “It’s very odd, I am afraid that will I
ever meet the girl the Almighty destined me
for… or will my end be accompanied by my
good deeds or my bad deeds.”
Violet said nothing and held his hand, Ali
was blushing more than ever… there was
only him, her and the beautiful night sky…
Chapter 8: A Terrible Loss

The next morning:

A large crowd was present at the hatch to see

off their heroes. Ali, Kaishin, Zenith, Violet
and Necron were standing on a stage set up
by the people. They were wearing
spacesuits. John was speaking on the

John: “Our respected Leader wasn’t able to

make it to the event, so I will be giving the
speech in place of him.
As we all know that there have been major
earthquakes happening lately, the reason for
which is that our galaxy, The Milky Way is
drifting towards and soon is going to merge
with the Andromeda and the Maffei galaxies.
A lot of star systems will be destroyed in the
process and our solar system is expected to
be one of them.
A team was made by us, the team will travel
to the conjunction of these galaxies and
cause a fusion of matter and antimatter, the
impact of which will be enough to push back
the galaxies for some time.
While they are gone, the rest of us will travel
to the TRAPPIST-1 star system, the nearest
star system with the least risk. If the mission
is accomplished, all will have to retreat to
Today, we are here to depart our heroes.
While 5 of us will travel to the conjunction,
3 of us will guide them on their way.
Ali, Zenith, Necron, Kaishin and Violet put
on their helmets and began climbing into the
Chimaera. As they began to climb, Ali and
Kaishin were met up by Aki and Abhijeet.
Aki: “What do you think? Will the mission
be accomplished?”
Ali: “Indeed it will, you know that the
Almighty is always by my side.”
Abhijeet: “Once you come back, I will take
you to a restaurant.”
Kaishin: “Let me guess, I will be the one
who will pay, won’t I?”
Abhijeet: “How did you know?”
Aki: “He knows you well…”

Meanwhile, John embraced his daughter and

said the following words, “Daughter, you
matter a lot to me. Never forget that I loved
you more than anything else. I don’t want to
separate from you but the Universe demands
that, so please promise me that you will give
your best to serve the mission…”. Violet
replied, “Father it’s not my first mission, you
must understand that I have grown up
now…”. John replied, kissed her on the
temple and began to walk towards Ali.
John: “Ali, I have something to tell you.”
Ali: “Yes, I am all ears John sir.”
John: “While you are on the mission,
promise me that you will guard my daughter
even if it demands your life.”
Ali: “I promise, I will.”
John: “Thank you.”
Kaishin: “Why not me?”
John: “Due to obvious reasons. Farewell!
Farewell! Farewell!”
John left for his ship and didn’t look back.
As Ali and Kaishin began to climb into
Chimaera, a shouting voice was heard. “Ali!
Wait!”, said the voice. Ali looked behind and
found that it was Dr Elijah who has come to
meet him.
Ali: “Oh, hi Doc.”
Dr Elijah: (panting) “Take these…before
you go.”
He handed out a case with many pills.
Ali: “Thank you but we have medical
Dr. Elijah: “These are not ordinary pills, they
are specially made by me and my staff. One
pill has compressed nutrients worth a whole
day’s meal, along with a catalyst which will
increase respiration and circulation by 10
times. Even if an exhausted person takes
one, he will get super energized and be able
to carry out a whole day’s work in an hour. It
does not have any major side effects except
that once the effect is over, one will be tired
for the rest of the day until he eats another. It
can heal the worst of wounds in an instant…
Please take it, you might need them.”
Ali: “Thank you, Farewell Dr. Elijah.”
Dr Elijah: (leaving) “Farewell! Ali The
Dr. Elijah walked away and Ali put the case
into his equipment belt.

As Ali got inside, he saw everyone else

fastening their seatbelts. Ali got to his seat
and fastened his seatbelt as well.
Kaishin: “You are late.”
Ali: “I am well aware of that.”
Necron takes over the control panel while
Zenith turns on all the switches.

Necron: (on the transmitter) “Ok John, open

the hatch.”
John: (on the transmitter) “Ok, it’s opening.”
The hatch begins to open and in under a
minute it was almost open

John: (on transmitter) “Almost…Yes, now

the hatch is perfectly open Necron.”
Necron: “In t-minus 10 seconds… 10 … 9
… 8 … 7 … 6 … 5…4…3…2…1…

As soon as the countdown reaches 0, Necron

pulls the lever and Chimaera dashes into the
atmosphere with a little vibration and in a
second it was out of it.

Necron: “Ready for Hyperjump?”

Everyone else: “Yes we are…”
Kaishin: “Won’t we crash in the asteroid
Zenith: “Chimaera is an astrominer.”
Kaishin: “Then I have no problem
Necron: “Then be it!”

Necron pushed a button on the lever and

then Chimaera travelled towards the
conjunction breaking the light barrier and
tearing into time-space…

3 Months Later:

Ali was sitting on his berth when Violet

entered the room.
Violet: “Mind if I join?”
Ali: “Not at all…”
Violet: “You look sad…”
Ali: “I am just thinking, if we cease to
accomplish the mission, will I ever get the
chance to take my revenge?”
Violet: (nearing him) “I also think the same,
but I always wonder, why life has to be
harsh on us.”
Ali: (nearing her) “Life gave little pleasure
to the good and problems to the evil.
However, he deeds of the good and the evil
shall be repaid in full. There’s no stopping to
Violet: (nearing further) “In the 9 months I
have known you, I have found you to be
very god-fearing… you always go on saying
that the Almighty is always on your side…
The night, when we were talking, you said
that you don’t lie… Why are you so
concerned about your conscience?”
Ali: (nearing further) “It was that day when
I committed a sin I can’t say, I prayed to
God that I be forgiven and my conscience be
made stronger. I was then envisioned with a
dream showing my dreams have been
achieved by me. Since then, I became god-
fearing and the Almighty has been by my
Violet: (looking up to him in a seductive
manner) “I never wanted a man in my life
ever again… I was afraid to lose a loved one
again, but you made me understand that
good people exist as well.”
Ali: (looking down at her in a satisfied
manner) “Always remember this, ‘However
bad the world may be, the good shall never
be overpowered by the evil.’”
Violet and Ali neared further but all of a
sudden, they felt a quake and the alarm went
blaring, at its noise they rushed to the
cockpit. They found Necron panicking,
while Zenith and Kaishin reached following

Ali: “What happened?”

Necron: “One of our engines has been
Violet: “You said that we will be safe from
asteroids, didn’t you?”
Necron: “It was not an asteroid but the
magnetic field of a magnetar.”
Zenith: “Can’t we fix it?”
Necron: “We can but it demands one of us to
be left out, in a hazard with the potential to
get one of us annihilated. He may be chained
to the ship but the risk is also great.”
Zenith: “I will go.”
Necron: “No Zenith.”
Zenith: “Necron, let me go…”
Ali: “Zenith, you should listen to her, you
are a very useful asset for the Executrix, if
something were to happen to you, the
Executrix will suffer.”
Zenith: “Then, whom we should send?”
Ali: “Let that be me.”
Kaishin: “Don’t try to be a hero in front of
this girl, even I can go for repairing the
Necron: “Well, we should rather send no one
than you.”
Kaishin: “That was a joke, wasn’t it?”
All others went silent for some minutes.
Ali: “Not bigger than you.”
Kaishin: “Name one thing in which you are
better than me, if you are.”
Ali: “Which one!”
Violet: “Don’t give him a hard time. It is
hard for him to find one reason out of
thousands of them.”
Kaishin: “Am I so useless?”
Ali: “Well, no.”
Kaishin: “Then let me go.”
Ali: “Your usefulness is what makes you so
important to lose.”
Kaishin: “What do you mean?”
Ali: “All of you are a great asset for the
Executrix, Necron you are the smartest of all
of us, you are too valuable an asset for us to
lose. Zenith, you lead the Elite Forces, you
are also too valuable for the Executrix.
Kaishin, you have spent your entire life with
the Executrix, you have carried out some of
the most important missions for them which
earned you your now-gone Generalship.
Violet, your father will be left alone and you
have the greatest potential among all of us…
That leaves me, who hasn’t got so great
qualities as you, if any.”
Zenith: “Are you sure about this?”
Ali: “Yes, neither have I anything to lose nor
am I too valuable for the Executrix.”
Necron: “Then I guess it’s decided. Get your
spacesuit along with the equipment I told
you to pack.”
Ali: “As you say, I will have my spacesuit
on as soon as possible.”

Ali left for his room, he unhung his spacesuit

from the stand and put it on. As he was
complete, he took out his bag and checked
all the equipment. Violet came inside and
stood up to him.

Violet: “Are you sure you will be safe?”

Ali: “Remember, the Almighty is always by
my side.”
Violet: (with tears) “You may think that you
aren’t important for the Executrix…but you
are important to me, I don’t want to lose you
after however less, yet beautiful, moments
we have spent together.”
Ali: “Imagine if I refused to go and one of
you goes and gets into a risk then even if we
accomplish the mission, I will remain
depressed for the one whom I could have
saved, and my conscience will never allow
me to do that.”
Violet: (crying) “Promise me, you will come
Ali: “I promise that I will come back, if the
Almighty permits it. Don’t you believe in
Violet: “I do…”
Ali: “I have my own goals, my own targets,
but they come after friends I will even put
my life on the line for my friends, but for me
above all of them is, The One Above All.”

Ali walked up to the door and Necron sealed

the bridge. Ali chained his suit to a rod on
the exterior and got out. He then used his
tools to repair the engine while Necron
instructed him how. In an hour or two, the
engine as good, Necron powered it up and it
as working. She instructed Ali to come back
inside, Ali began to swim towards the
bridge. All of a sudden, a large metoroid
with high velocity was nearin towards Ali,
he tried to dodge but couldn’t. The chain
which held Ali and the Bridge together was
shattered, Ali was being dragged away by
the meteoroid, while Chimaera followed
Zenith: (transmission) “We are heading
towards you, we will save you.”
Ali: “Don’t worry about me…It’s too small a
price to save three galaxies, you must save
the galaxies…I will be okay.”
Violet: “You promised me that you will be
Ali: “I will be, The Almighty is always by
my side…”

Chimaera didn’t follow him further, all were

sad. Kaishin ran to his room and shut the
door, Zenith and Necron stayed in the
cockpit, sitting on their seats, while Violet’s
tears dropped one by one, there was no
expression on her face except shock, while
each tear rolled down her cheeks as she sat
on her seat looking towards the phenomenon
which was not believable for her. “Why…it
has to be this way…?”
Chapter 9: The Land of the

Ali was unconscious due to the impact, when
he woke up, he was himself sitting on a chair
with darkness all around and his limbs held
by cuffs on the chair. Ali tried to break
through the cuffs but he wasn’t able to, they
were very hard. “Gigo-Chadé”echoed around
and he was startled, all of a sudden, a
mechanical arm came towards his ear and
inserted a device which seemed to be a
hearing aid. “I am not deaf.”

After some time, he heard a deep voice.

???: “Looks like you have installed the
Universal Language Communicator.”
Ali: (to himself) “What is he speaking? Well
it’s quite understandable, unlike the first
words Gigo-Chadé.”
???: “My name is Gigadhar-Rao Gupta.”
Ali: “Only your name is understandable, you
Gupta: “Giga what?”
Ali: “Shoot it, just tell me why have you
brought me here.”
Gupta: “OK, we have brought you here
because we want to do experiments on you.”
Ali: “What are you saying? Listen, I need to
go, I have very important work to do.”
Gupta: “You are not going anywhere, you
will be our test subject.”
Ali was then injected with some kind of
drug, which made him feel dizzy, gradually
his vision started to become blurry and
ultimately he was unconscious.

Some time later:

Ali wakes up lying in a closed room with no
window and only one metal door, he thought
of cutting through the door with his Talwar,
but he realised that his bag and space suit
were missing. “Of course, why would they
leave me with my equipment? They aren’t
fool enough.”, thought Ali. He looked
around with blurry vision, resultant of his
starvation. In one corner, he found a tray
with a mug, he crawled towards it with all
his remaining energy, he focused on the
contents of the mug but found only a
transparent and viscous substance. He drank
it and his distorted vision was clearer but not
as clear as he used to have. He didn't have
the strength he had before. “Looks like they
are ensuring that I don’t die, but they won’t
feed me properly so that I don’t run away.”.

???: “You should move to the main HQ, the
city administration is already acquainted
with our presence, if they find out that this
old building is our base, we are doomed.”
Gupta: “You are right sir, I also think that
we should move now, the cops are
???: “What about that boy?”
Gupta: “He possesses immense power and
his equipment is far more advanced than
???: “They are that metal right?”
Gupta: “I am afraid that they aren’t, it seems
to be a more developed form of the same
???: “Couldn’t you replicate them?”
Gupta: “I have already, but because of the
limited resources of this lab, I will only be
able to make two katanas.”
???: “Then as soon as you move to the main
HQ, I want you to start mass production, and
once you are able to duplicate his cells,
inform me.”
Gupta: “As you wish sir, with these
reinforcements for our army, we will rule
over the whole galaxy.”
???: “I guess that I should tell you, we have
already headed for the edge of the galaxy
where the 3 galaxies touch each other.”
Gupta: “I am well-acquainted with that fact.”
???: “As you already know that a regiment
of our army is stationed at Alpha Centauri,
once we extract enough energy from the
galactical conjunction, we will leave and
start with our plan of Galactic domination.”
Gupta: “Ok sir.”
In a distance:

¿¿¿: “So that’s their plan, we need to make

our move fast.”

Almost 3 month later:

Everyday Ali’s cell was opened and two
Giga-Guards came in, they had black clothes
all over, were very tall, and possessed a very
amazing physique with grey skin. They held
him by his arms, dragged him all through the
long corridor and put him in the laboratory,
where he was tested, his blood was taken
out, his DNA was synthesised using his
blood. He was then thrown back into his cell.
“What misery I have been put into… No, I
shouldn’t think like this, the Almighty has
always been by my side, he will get me out
eventually. He is just waiting for the right
time, and so will I…”. All of a sudden, then
there was an outbreak in the corridor. Ali
could hear many thumps of large feet, he
assumed that there had been a security
breach and that all the guards were
approaching the intruders. Ali thought, “The
Almighty has made his move, he will get me
free…”. Suddenly, he heard a lot of screams
and shouts of the guards. In a few minutes,
he grabbed a hard piece of debris which he
had been breaking for one month.
Some days ago, he had got a piece of the
hard wall come out, he was just waiting for
the right moment to strike. He then hit the
door lock with all his might using the rock,
to his surprise, the lock broke and the door
was open. He ran along the corridor and
found a map, using the ULC, he deciphered
the directions to the exit. He then ran as fast
as he could and got out.
He found out that he was on another planet,
as the sun and the environment seemed
different, however, the structures were like
they were on Earth, just gigantic. He looked
around and fortunately, he found a large
garbage bin at the other end of the road. He
then dashed towards it and hid himself
inside. “No garbage? I didn’t even find any
littering on the streets and the road. They
might be evil, but at least they care for their

The Next Day:

Ali was still hiding in the garbage bin, he

didn’t come out of it, and only took a peek
around. All of a sudden, the lid was open and
he saw a large man about 7 feet tall with a
very amazing physique and grey body, trying
to dump his garbage. He was startled upon
finding Ali, while he was in a terror of being
threatened by him.
???: “What are you doing here, you dwarf?”
Ali: “I will tell you, but firstly tell me, are
you anyhow related to Gigadhar-Rao
???: “Well…No.”
Ali: “Ok, I want to say that I am Ali, and that
I am an inhabitant of a distant planet Earth. I
was on a galactic mission but on the way, we
were disturbed, and I somehow reached this
planet. When I reached here, a man called
Gigadhar-Rao Gupta tortured me, he did
experiments on me and I was treated as an
Alien. I ran away yesterday and hid in this
garbage bin.”
???: “Well, that’s difficult to believe, but I
guess that in this situation, it will do no good
to you if you spoke lies. So I will introduce
myself, my name is Giga-ul-Abdali, I work
at Chadbucks, and live in Gigaty City along
with my son, now your turn.”
Ali: “I am Ali, I live on Earth and work at
the Executrix.”
Abdali: “Well, I am just a coffee waiter, and
if you think that I can help you get back to
your planet, then you are a fool.”
Ali: “Well, I don’t, but I guess that you
could help me survive.”
Abdali: “I live at the outskirts of this city,
the garbage truck only comes here in the
early morning, so that’s why I came here to
throw my garbage, that’s when I found you.”
Ali: “Would you let me live with you while I
try to get back to my home? I promise that I
will work really hard.”
Abdali: “I am a god-fearing man, it’s my
duty to give shelter to the needy, you don’t
need to work for me, I don’t promote
slavery. This is no place for a conversation,
come with me, be my guest.”
Ali: “Thank you, Mr. Giga-ul-Abdali.”
Ali got out of the bin as Abdali discarded his
garbage, he followed him back to his home.
“As I thought, however bad the world may
be, the good shall never be overpowered by
the evil. I must believe this man, if he
intended to harm me, then he would have
already, I have no other choice. Yet, I am not
surprised that the concept of God has
reached here, as God is omnipresent…”
Chapter 10: Giga-what?

Ali increased his pace to catch up with

Abdali, either he was very fast because of his
physical features or Ali was too slow
because of malnutrition; whatever be the
case, Ali was lagging behind. Inside, he was
very happy, he finally found a man to trust.

At last, he reached Abdali’s house, it was

quite big, as big as the mansion where Ali
used to live, yet the reason was different.
Abdali came inside, he offered Ali a seat and
then called out to his son, “Come here Zafar!
We have guests from space…”. A relatively
shorter and younger version of him came out
with a large tab in his hands. He came and
sat on a chair, then he looked towards Ali
and he was so shocked that his Tab fell from
his hands.

Zafar: “It can’t be…have you escaped from

Gupta’s lab?”
Ali: “How do you know?”
Zafar: “Was there any raid at the place the
day before yesterday?”
Ali: “Yes, there was, I am thankful for them,
they helped me get out, though I escaped
before the raid ended, so I didn’t see them.”
Zafar: “That’s why we didn’t find you there,
we did find some alien equipment for a short
sized man and also photos of you, but not
Abdali: “What is going on? Won’t you
people introduce yourselves?”
Ali: “Oh sorry, my name is Ali.”
Zafar: “And I am Zafar, Giga-Abdul-Hanan-
Ali: “Why do you Giga-Chads have Giga in
front of every name?”
Zafar: “What do you mean by Giga-Chads?”
Ali: “You people, your species, your race, it
is called Giga-Chads, right?”
Abdali: “We are called Hoomans.”
Ali: “Ok.”
Zafar: “Well, I was asking you whether you
saw us when there was a raid at Gupta’s
Ali: “No, I only heard loud thumping of
many boots, like a whole army were to
march together during a breakout at their
Zafar: “Yes, there were many soldiers for us
to take down…”
Ali: “Well…What’s that on your wrist?”
Zafar: “It’s a bracelet I found there…”
Ali: “It’s no mere bracelet, in fact it’s not
even a bracelet; it’s my pendant.”
Zafar: “Well, ok; but how can you wear a
pendant when you are a man.”
Ali: “You do realise that you were wearing
this just a moment ago/”
Zafar: “Yeah, but I was doing research on it,
and this pendant is so lame that I doubt that
even girls will wear it.”
Ali: “You may be right, but it’s precious to
me. It saved my life.”
Zafar: “And how is that?”
Ali: (sadly) “Well…I was hanging with the
support of my arms, on my balcony floor. It
was on fire, my mother was half trapped in
debris, down on the surface, firemen had
installed the safety net, I tried to save my
mother, but she insisted on me fleeing away,
as soon as the whole balcony was about to
fall, she…threw her pendant, her prized
pendant towards me, so that I fall and be
Abdali: (with some tears) “Well, it must
mean a lot to you then. Return it, son.”
Zafar: (crying) “Here, take it, it’s your
mother’s last sign…right?”
Abdali: (depressed and sad) “Don’t cry son,
real Chads don’t cry.”
But even Abdali couldn’t stop his tears from
falling. Along with his son, he burst into

Zafar: (crying) “So…your mother also died

in an accident?”
Ali: (depressed) “Well…No.”
Abdali: (crying) “What do you mean?”
Ali: “The fire…it was…intentionally lit by
my sworn enemy, in order to pulverise me
and my family. I was saved but they couldn’t
make it.”
Zafar: (crying) “You must take your
revenge…Even if it costs you your life, you
must do it.”
Ali: “That I will, once I complete my
galactical mission, I must stop the 3 galaxies
from colliding but how?”
Abdali: “Well…You must be starving, I will
make you coffee.”
Ali: “Thank you Sir Abdali.”
Abdali went to the kitchen and not even 5
whole minutes passed, and he can be seen
coming back with a tray in his hands, which
had 5 mugs of supposedly coffee.
Ali: “You took 5 minutes?”
Abdali: “Sorry, usually it is done faster.”
Ali: “No, I am flabbergasted that you only
took 5 minutes for 5 cups of coffee, while
we need at least 10 minutes for one cup.”
Zafar: “So slow, aren’t you?”
Abdali: “Or rather, you people spend your
scientific knowledge somewhere more
Abdali handed out a mug to each of them,
and took one himself. Ali drank it instantly,
and reached out for the other 2 mugs. He
devoured them as well.
Ali: “This coffee…it is spectacular.”
Abdali: “Thank you, I made 2 extra mugs
just in case, as you were dying of
malnutrition and starvation.”
Ali: “I have had my fill. Now I must go
train…Wait, Zafar, did you find my bag and
spacesuit there?”
Zafar: “Yes, but I gave the bag to my friend,
and the suit to another friend. But I will ask
them to bring those, just wait.”
Ali: “Thank you.”
Zafar took up his Tab and dialled to his
Zafar: “Hello, Raj, Rudra are you there?”
Raj: “Hello, Zafar. We were just thinking of
calling you.”
Rudra: “Yes.”
Zafar: “Well, you people remember the bag
and the spacesuit we found in Gupta’s lab?”
Raj: “Yes, and about them…”
Zafar: “I have found the owner, please bring
those here ASAP.”
Rudra: “Well, we are also bringing Anand
and Nyasa with us, if you don’t mind.”
Zafar: “What do those girls have to do with
our matters?”
Raj: “Don’t forget that they played a major
role in the raid. Hadn’t they been there with
us, you would have been killed.”
Zafar: “Ok, bring them along.”
Zafar ended the call.

Some time later:

Ali and Zafar were in his room, where they

seemed to be working on a weapon.
Ali: “Isn’t this the same weapon which
Gupta’s guards use?”
Zafar: “Yes, but now they have been
modified by me.”
Ali: “What can they do now?”
Zafar: “Initially, they can shoot bullets
which can pulverise on hitting. Now, I have
changed the mechanism. I was studying a
glove I found there which I found to gather
electrons when forced with power.”
Ali: “That was mine.”
Zafar: “I used the same principle, but this
gun can do more than just gathering
electrons. It could force them into a cluster,
and upon pulling the trigger, it will be
launched. On impact, it will cause an
explosion, which is enough to paralyse and
even make targets unconscious which fall in
the radius.”
Ali: “Won’t it be dangerous?”
Zafar: “We have special suits, which can
protect us.”
All of a sudden, the bell rang. Zafar ran to
open the door, while Ali followed him. As
the door opened, 4 giant figures, larger or
equal to Zafar, were standing at the doorstep.
Zafar: “Hello, Raj and Rudra, did you bring
what I told you to bring?”
Raj: “We even brought Anand and Nyasa.”
Rudra: “You said that you have found the
owner…wait, who is that behind you?”
Nyasa: “Is he your son?”
Ali: “Why you Gigas try to act cool in every
single situation.”
Zafar: “Meet my friends, Gigaditya-Raj,
Giga-Paridhi-Anand, Giga-Nyasa, and
Ali: “All your names sound familiar. Well, if
you don’t have any problem, then please
return my belongings, I have to train.”
Rudra: “Ok, here you go.”
Raj: “We don’t have a reason to distrust
Ali: “Thank you.”
Zafar: “Well, what was the need to bring the
girls along.”
Nyasa: “About that, we wanted to ask
whether the equipment is ready or not.”
Zafar: “Well they are, but why all of a
Anand: “Thanks to Pyare-Chad, we have just
learnt that the Gupta’s lab has been
abandoned. He is following them, his last
message said that they are heading towards
the outskirts of the city.”
Zafar: “Looks like their main lab is
somewhere in the middle of the desert.”
Ali: “You mean Area 69?”
Zafar: “Hmm…What?”
Ali: “Area 69, when I was in their custody, I
heard the guards talking about moving to a
place called Area 69.”
Anand: “69 you say? That’s interesting.”
Zafar: “What do you mean?”
Anand: “Nothing…Nothing. Well, how did
you reach Gupta’s lab?”
Ali: “Well, it’s just that, I was on an
intergalactic mission to the conjunction of
the 3 galaxies.”
Anand: “What do you mean?”
Nyasa: “He is speaking of the legend, didn’t
you hear it?”
Zafar: “Oh that one, That Legend by the
legendary writer Giga-Yash.”
Nyasa: “Yes that one.”
Raj: “Well, if it’s happening then what can
we do about it?”
Ali: “Well, we had devised that if we
combine Quark-Gluon Plasma with
Antimatter at the conjunction’s centre, then
the energy release might be enough to drift
these galaxies away.”
Zafar: “Then we should focus on getting you
to space.”
Ali: “That’s what I am saying.”
Rudra: “That’s why we came here, to discuss
how to raid Area 69.”
Nyasa receives a notification on her watch.
Nyasa: “Friends, did you receive it as well?”
Zafar: “What…Oh my, it cannot be
Ali: “What happened?”
Anand: “It’s just that, Pyare-Chad has been
annihilated, his last message said, ‘I couldn’t
make it, I am ready to die for the cause I was
built for, yet I think it’s my end. Take my
location, it may help you…’, It’s emotional,
Thank you Pyare-Chad.”
Zafar: “Well, his last known location is in
the middle of the desert outside the city.”
Raj: “We should strike now.”
Ali: “No, if they have found our rover, then
they might be aware of our presence, we
must wait until tomorrow.”
Zafar: “We will attack when the sun sets,
they will think that we will be coming at
night, and we will use that to our
Ali: “Well, I am heading off for training.”
Ali left for training in Abdali’s backyard,
while everybody else along with Zafar went
to his room or rather his lab. Ali took out his
Talwar and began swinging it, he worked out
with it. “I will show you Michael, I seek my
Several Hours Later:

Ali was drenched in sweat due to hours of

training, he was panting heavily. At last, he
decided to take a break. He found a chair in
the backyard and decided to sit on it. Well, it
was very large for him, but he managed. He
looked up and gazed at the night sky. He
thought, “How beautiful the night sky is…It
reminds me of the night when I and Violet
observed the night sky together, I couldn’t
forget that time, or rather her. I am love-
struck, yet I fail to show emotions. I don’t
know, I can’t afford to lose someone again,
but that won’t make me any better…”
Chapter 11: The Invasion
Under the cover of midnight, a sleek car
glided along the deserted highway, its
occupants tense with anticipation. Zafar's
skilled hands guided the vehicle as it
approached the city's border, the ominous
signboard marking the beginning of their
perilous journey.

As the car rumbled into the desolate expanse

of the desert, Ali's voice cut through the
tense silence, commanding attention. "Stop,"
he ordered, his tone decisive.
Zafar's brow furrowed in confusion, but he
complied without hesitation. "What's the
plan?" he inquired, his eyes flickering with

Ali's gaze swept over the barren landscape,

his mind already calculating their next move.
"We continue on foot," he declared, his
voice firm with resolve. "A car would be too
conspicuous, too vulnerable. We'll use it as a

Rudra's eyes widened with understanding as

Ali outlined his intricate strategy. "Clever,"
he murmured, nodding in agreement.
With precision born of experience, Ali laid
out their plan of attack, each detail carefully
considered for maximum impact. The group
nodded in silent agreement, their expressions
a mix of determination and apprehension.

As Ali demonstrated the firepower of their

weapons, blasting a nearby rock with lethal
accuracy, a sense of confidence surged
through the group. Zafar's eyes gleamed with
newfound respect as he realized the potency
of their arsenal.
With their resolve steeled and their weapons
primed, the group set out into the darkness,
their footsteps echoing softly against the
desert floor. Each member knew their role,
their part in the meticulously orchestrated
dance of infiltration and subterfuge.

As they neared their target, the tension

mounted, a palpable energy crackling in the
air. But amidst the uncertainty, Ali's
confidence remained unshaken, his
determination a beacon of hope in the
With the precision of a well-oiled machine,
the group sprang into action, executing Ali's
plan with seamless efficiency. The decoy car
rolled forward, a sacrificial lamb in their
quest for victory, while the rest of the team
scattered into position, ready to strike at a
moment's notice.

As chaos erupted on the outskirts of Area 69,

Ali's voice cut through the clamor, a steady
anchor amidst the storm. With each step
forward, they drew closer to their objective,
their determination unwavering in the face of
And as they prepared to breach the fortress's
defenses, their hearts beat as one, united in
their quest for justice. For Ali and his
comrades, the stakes were high, but failure
was not an option. With their weapons raised
and their spirits unyielding, they marched
ever closer to their destiny, ready to face
whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the dim glow of the desert night, the team

sprang into action, each member taking up
their designated task with practiced
precision. Zafar's skilled fingers danced over
the control panel of the car, his focus
unwavering as he interfaced the vehicle with
the remote control system.

"Now, it can be controlled remotely," Zafar

announced, a note of satisfaction in his voice
as he tested the functionality of his

Meanwhile, Raj hunched over the engine

compartment, his hands deftly tinkering with
the intricate machinery. With a series of
adjustments and tweaks, he ensured that the
dynamite payload was primed and ready for
activation at a moment's notice.
"I have made it so that the dynamite will be
ignited once we press this button on the
remote control," Raj explained, his voice
tinged with a mix of excitement and

Nyasa's fingers flew over the radar console,

her keen eyes scanning the screen for any
sign of movement. With a flick of her wrist,
she adjusted the settings, configuring the
radar to track both their positions and the
movements of the decoy car.

"This radar can detect our position as well as

the car's position with different symbols,"
Nyasa explained, her voice calm and
authoritative. "Each symbol corresponds to a
member of our team, ensuring that we can
coordinate our movements with precision."

With the preparations complete, Ali took

charge, his commanding presence casting a
sense of determination over the group.
"Firstly, let's scatter," he ordered, his voice
carrying the weight of authority. "Our
destination is the hill at the south of the

With a swift motion, Ali adjusted the color

of his suit to blend seamlessly with the
darkness, his form melting into the shadows
as he dashed forward with purpose. Hiding
behind the cover of rocks and scrub, he
moved with the stealth of a predator, his
senses sharp and alert to any sign of danger.

As Ali disappeared into the night, the rest of

the team followed suit, each member
vanishing into the darkness like phantoms on
the wind. With their objective clear and their
determination unwavering, they pressed
forward into the unknown, ready to face
whatever challenges lay ahead.
In the moonlit desert night, Ali's voice
crackled over the transceiver, a lifeline
connecting the scattered members of the
team in their mission of infiltration and

"Hello, hello Zafar, hello…" Ali's urgent

tone pierced the silence, his words carrying a
weight of anticipation.

Zafar's response was swift, his voice steady

with determination. "Yes, I can hear you."

With a nod of satisfaction, Ali wasted no

time in issuing his next command, his mind
sharp with focus. "Ok, now set the car
towards the barrier, a bit towards north-east
and wait behind a rock. And don't forget the
decoy images," he instructed, his voice
tinged with urgency.

Zafar's fingers moved with practiced

precision as he manipulated the controls of
the remote, guiding the car on its
predetermined path. With a final adjustment,
he set the vehicle free, its sleek form hurtling
towards the looming barrier with deadly
As the car approached, the tension in the air
crackled with anticipation. A lone soldier,
perched in a watchtower, sounded the alarm,
his voice ringing out over the desert night.
The response was immediate as a hail of
gunfire erupted, the soldiers unleashing a
barrage of bullets in a futile attempt to halt
the car's advance.

But Abdali's car was a formidable force, its

sturdy frame withstanding the onslaught with
ease. With a deafening crash, it collided with
the barrier, the impact sending shockwaves
rippling through the desert landscape.
In the chaos that ensued, a swarm of soldiers
descended upon the car, their weapons
trained and ready. But before they could
react, Ali's voice pierced the chaos, a
command ringing out with deadly intent.

"Zafar, NOW!!!" Ali's voice was a

thunderclap in the night, commanding
obedience with unwavering authority.

With a sense of grim resolve, Zafar activated

the detonator, his fingers trembling slightly
with the weight of his actions. "Ok," he
muttered to himself, a silent apology to a
father he had never known.
In the blink of an eye, chaos erupted, the
explosion tearing through the night with an
intensity that defied comprehension. The
force of the blast was staggering, a wave of
destruction engulfing everything in its path.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the

explosion faded into the night, Ali surveyed
the scene with a sense of grim satisfaction.
The once formidable barrier lay in ruins, and
the soldiers who had dared to stand in their
way were nothing more than scattered
debris, their threat extinguished in an instant.
And as the team regrouped amidst the
aftermath, their resolve hardened with the
knowledge that they had struck a decisive
blow against the forces of tyranny. With
each step forward, they moved closer to their
ultimate goal, their determination unyielding
in the face of adversity.

Gupta: “As I expected, he will return…are
you ready?”
???: “Yes master…”
Chapter 12: On the other

Violet was sitting on her bed, holding her
pillow, sinking deep into depression. Dr.
Necron was standing by the arch.

Necron: “Still thinking about him?”

Violet: “Yes, it’s been a month since…”
Necron: “I understand that feeling. But
shouldn’t you let go of it?”
Violet: “I am not able to…the memory
dominates my mind, and the pain eats away
my heart.”
Necron: “I know, you’ve been cheated on &
lost someone who is precious to you once.
You can’t bear the feeling again.”
Violet: “Don’t talk of him, I don’t want to
hear a word regarding him.”
Kaishin: “Mind if I join?”
Necron: “You may if you want to.”
Kaishin: “What were you talking about?”
Necron: (whispers) “Michael Cruz.”
Kaishin: (exclaims) “Michael Cruz!”
Violet dashed from the bed with a knife in
one hand and held Kaishin’s throat to the
wall in the other, pointing at his throat, the
blade was slid across the neck.
Violet: “Utter the name, and I will send you
to Jesus.”
Kaishin: “Forgive me please. I just got
surprised at his name as he had been a threat
to me, Aki, Abhijeet & mostly Ali.”
Violet: “Elaborate.”
Kaishin: “Ali joined our school during the
final semester of third grade. He didn’t have
a friend. We thought of him as a gangster
because of his looks. It was the 3rd week
since he joined that I found him unconscious
in the bathroom. There was a lot of blood
near one of his kidneys. I recalled that he
used to drink lots of water due to his
damaged kidneys. There were no bruises yet
his body felt cold, as if he lost a lot of blood.
When he regained consciousness, the
principal called him and punished him for
violence. He had to stand out everyday in
every period except one. Our maths teacher
back then was lenient with him and let him
sit. She was a nice woman but sometime
later, she was fired, the cause of which was
unknown. It was rumoured that many girls
were probably led by Michael and he himself
complained against her.
When she was fired, her loss became a trend
to talk about for days. We were discussing
her when all of a sudden Michael reported us
as disturbing and the real reason for this was
rumoured to be our finding of Ali and taking
him to safety. I, Abhijeet, and Aki stood at
the opposite side of the corridor, for we were
afraid of Ali. Aki felt something, he was
facing the wall, and he approached him.
After approaching him, Aki too stood there,
and so I and Abhijeet took it upon ourselves
to find what’s going on. We too walked to
them and found that Ali was crying silently,
and Aki was caressing him so that he may
stop. As for Shubham, he was inside, as no
one cared about him till Ali came. I asked
why he beat up Michael on that day, he
replied that he didn’t. We asked to elaborate,
and as every word slipped out of his mouth,
we were filled more and more with shock.”
Violet: “What did he say?”
Kaishin: “He said these words, “I was using
the bathroom when he came. He asked me to
leave but I made him wait 5 seconds till I
was done. He asked me to do his assignment
as a penalty. I refused, saying that I am no
slave of his. His gang held me. He then took
out a compass from his pocket and began
drilling slowly into my kidney, the damaged
one, it was very painful. At last, he stabbed
very hard and blood poured out. Then his
friends stitched my wound with a sharp
needle, and a metal wire connected to it. I
would have screamed like crazy but Michael
forced his shoe into my jaws.
Afterwards, his gang melted the wire and left
me there. I fainted due to the pain and blood
Kaishin wept as he said this and so did
Necron and Violet.
Violet: “I can’t help crying.”
Violet fell in Necron’s lap crying.
Kaishin: “That’s when Ali came up with the
idea of the United Alliance. To form an
alliance with those who were threatened by
Michael Cruz, and to destroy his life
potentially. That was then, when his
suffering began increasing, as they suspected
the Rebellion. Even then, Ali endured it all,
and never complained. He never lost hope
for 5 years until…”
Necron: “Until what?”
Kaishin: “Until he set Ali’s house on fire and
burnt alive all of his family. That’s when Ali
gave up all hope, he just sat beside the hill of
ash and mourned all day. We used to eat
with him and give him hope, like he did to us
before, but it was all futile.
One day, we came to have lunch with him,
but he was gone, and Zenith messaged me
that he had found a boy with a lot of
potential. Somehow, I felt this was
connected, and coincidentally but
fortunately, Zenith brought Ali to the
Executrix. I quickly message Aki, Abhijeet
and Shubham that Ali is in safe hands.
Afterwards, we were met with the same fate.
Aki lost his parents in a car accident. He left
the school, and Ali brought him to Executrix.
After some days, Abhijeet’s parents were
assassinated while he was asleep. When he
woke up, he found that his family was no
more, so he shifted to my house. Before my
parents were threatened, I left my home with
Abhijeet and we shifted to the Executrix
Residential Colony. Even now I wonder how
they are struggling to find me, but they don’t
know it’s for their own good.”
Kaishin began crying again, thinking of his
Violet: (crying) “And…I thought, I was…
the only one.”
Kaishin: “What did he do to you?”
Violet: “He…He cheated on me…”
Kaishin: “That’s it?”
Violet: “No, when I pointed out his guilt, he
did nothing. But the very night he murdered
my mother, and before he could touch my
Kaishin: “I remember, I, Zenith and Necron
arrived and fought them off. But we were
late in saving your mother…I am still sorry
for that.”
Violet: “No need to be sorry. You saved my
father at least.”
Zenith: “Get ready with your space suits and
head to the cockpit, we are about to land in
10 minutes.”
Necron: “The time has come at last.”
Necron left and Violet opened her cupboard
to get her spacesuit out, she then looked at
the smiling Kaishin and shouted, “Get out
you pervert!”, and slammed the door shut.
Some time passed, and they were in the
cockpit. They all fastened their belts and
Necron deactivated hyperjump. Slowly, land
began to appear.
Necron: “A dwarf star I see…”
Kaishin: “Can we sustain the heat and
Necron: “According to my calculations, yes,
it’s the same mass as that of Earth and heat
will not be much as it’s almost newborn.”
Within 10 mins, Necron landed Chimaera.
The others came out but Necron remained
inside. Zenith puts off his mask.
Kaishin: “Are you crazy!!? You’ll die!”
Zenith: “That’s odd.”
Violet: “What?”
Zenith: “There’s Oxygen, but no sign of
Necron: (shouts from inside) “Everyone!
Come inside fast!”
All went to Necron, she showed them the
Kaishin: “That’s just a satellite.”
Necron: “Exactly. How?”
Zenith: “You are right, even Voyager 1 will
take millions of years to come this far.”
Kaishin: “You have a point.”
Necron: “Remember the jerk when we were
entering the atmosphere?”
Kaishin: “Yes.”
Necron: “I felt the presence of a force field
because there isn’t any atmosphere & only a
force field can be the cause of the Oxygen
being still here. I think there is someone
here, who opened the force field on
Chapter 13: Breakthrough

As the team ventured deeper into the
government-protected area, the night seemed
to grow darker, the shadows stretching
ominously across the barren landscape. Raj,
ever vigilant, led the way with the precision
of a seasoned warrior, his eyes darting to and
fro as he scanned for any signs of danger.
Beside him, Rudra moved with the silent
grace of a predator, his senses attuned to the
slightest hint of trouble.
Behind them, Nyasa, Anand, and Zafar
followed in tight formation, their nerves taut
with anticipation as they braced themselves
for whatever lay ahead. With each step, the
air grew heavier, thick with the oppressive
weight of their mission and the looming
threat of discovery.

As they approached the outskirts of the

government-protected area, the imposing
silhouette of the watchtowers loomed on the
horizon, their towering forms a stark
reminder of the formidable defenses they
would soon face. Raj's grip tightened on the
sniper rifle, his muscles coiled like a spring
as he prepared to unleash a storm of bullets
upon their unsuspecting targets.

With a nod from Ali, Raj took aim, his

breath coming in steady, measured bursts as
he waited for the perfect moment to strike.
And then, with a single, precise shot, the
silence of the night was shattered as the first
watchtower crumbled to the ground, its
defenders caught completely off guard by
the sudden onslaught.

But their victory was short-lived as alarms

blared and floodlights illuminated the area,
casting the team into stark relief against the
darkness. Bullets whizzed past them, cutting
through the air like deadly whispers as they
dove for cover, their hearts pounding in their
chests as they fought to regain their footing.

With Raj providing cover fire, Ali and the

rest of the team dashed towards the
barricade, their movements swift and
purposeful as they closed in on their
objective. But the barricade was no mere
obstacle; it was a fortress, a bastion of steel
and concrete designed to repel any intruders
foolish enough to challenge its defenses.
Undeterred, Ali drew his Talwar, its blade
glinting menacingly in the harsh glare of the
floodlights as he sliced through the barricade
with a single, fluid motion. The metal
groaned and protested under the force of his
blow, but Ali's determination was unyielding
as he pressed forward, leading the team
through the breach and into the heart of the
government-protected area.

As they raced through the labyrinthine

corridors, their senses on high alert for any
sign of danger, they encountered wave after
wave of heavily armed guards, their weapons
trained and ready. But the team fought back
with a ferocity born of desperation, their
every move calculated and precise as they
battled their way towards their elusive target.

Finally, they burst into Gupta's chamber,

their breath coming in ragged gasps as they
confronted the man who had eluded them for
so long. But as Gupta calmly regarded them
from his seat, a knowing smile playing at the
corners of his lips, Ali's heart sank with the
realization that their enemy was far more
cunning and dangerous than they had ever
Chapter 14: Trinity
As the confrontation reached its climax, Ali's
heart pounded like a drum in his chest, each
beat echoing the tumultuous emotions
swirling within him. Tears mingled with
sweat as he faced his former friends-turned-
enemies, Samarth and Shub, their once-
familiar faces now twisted with betrayal and

"Why, Samarth, why? You were my best

friend!" Ali's voice trembled with raw
emotion, his words a desperate plea for
answers that seemed to elude him.
Samarth's gaze remained cold and impassive,
his eyes betraying no hint of remorse as he
met Ali's tearful stare. "You know how much
I missed you. To see you again, I faced a
lot," he replied, his voice devoid of any
warmth or empathy.

Ali's heart clenched with anguish as he

turned to face Shub, the pain of their
shattered bond cutting deeper than any
physical wound. "Even you, Shub, I loved
you like my brother," he whispered, his
voice thick with sorrow.
Shub's expression wavered for a moment,
guilt flickering in his eyes before he quickly
masked it with a steely resolve. "I know," he
murmured softly, his words weighted with
the weight of their shared history.

But Ali's resolve remained unbroken, his

determination steeling him against the
onslaught of betrayal and pain. "Join us, Ali.
We will serve Master Gigadhar-Rao Gupta.
We will rule the galaxy together," Samarth
urged, his voice laced with a desperate plea
for solidarity.
But Ali shook his head, his eyes flashing
with defiance as he refused to yield to their
twisted vision of power and control. "I am
sorry, I can't join you ever," he declared, his
voice ringing with unwavering resolve.

Shub's fists clenched at his sides, his jaw set

in a hard line as he prepared to do battle
against his former friend. "Then fight us!" he
spat, his words a challenge that echoed
through the chamber like a thunderclap.

Ali's heart hammered in his chest as he

dropped into a defensive stance, his muscles
coiled like springs as he prepared to meet
their assault head-on. The air crackled with
tension as the trio squared off against each
other, the weight of their shared history
hanging heavy in the air.

With a sudden surge of adrenaline, Samarth

and Shub lunged forward, their swords
flashing in the dim light of the chamber as
they unleashed a flurry of blows against Ali.
Each strike landed with the force of a
hammer blow, sending shockwaves of pain
reverberating through his body.

But Ali refused to falter, his movements

fluid and precise as he parried their attacks
with a skill born of years of training. With
each clash of steel, his resolve grew stronger,
his spirit unbroken despite the overwhelming
odds stacked against him.

As the battle raged on, Ali found himself

driven back against the wall, his breath
coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to
keep pace with his relentless opponents. But
in a moment of desperation, he seized upon
an opportunity to turn the tide of battle in his

With a swift dodge, Ali evaded Shub's strike,

the force of the blow creating a narrow slit in
the wall behind him. Through the opening,
he caught a glimpse of a secret room beyond,
its contents hidden from view.

Realizing that he had found a potential

advantage, Ali feigned helplessness, drawing
his adversaries closer as he lured them
towards the opening in the wall. With a final,
desperate move, he ducked beneath Shub's
blade, sending his former friend crashing
into the wall with a resounding thud.

As the wall crumbled, revealing the

gruesome sight within, Ali's heart twisted
with agony. Before him lay the lifeless
bodies of Shub and Samarth's families, their
corpses mangled and broken, a cruel
reminder of the depths of Gupta's treachery.

In that moment of shock and horror, the

bonds of friendship were rekindled, as Shub
and Samarth's eyes met Ali's with a shared
understanding. Together, they vowed to seek
vengeance against the man who had betrayed
them all.

With renewed determination, Ali led the

charge, his sword raised high as he
confronted Gupta with fire in his eyes. But
Gupta's wicked smile belied his confidence,
as he revealed the true extent of his power.

With a flick of his wrist, Gupta activated a

device implanted within Shub and Samarth,
forcing them to turn against their former
friend with deadly precision. Bullets flew
from their fingertips, raining down upon Ali
with relentless fury as he struggled to defend
himself against the onslaught.

But Ali refused to yield, his mind racing as

he searched for a way to turn the tide of
battle in his favor. With a burst of
concentration, he summoned forth a ball of
energy, its glow casting an eerie light across
the chamber as it crackled with power.

Gupta's eyes widened in shock as Ali

unleashed the full force of his newfound
strength, the energy ball hurtling towards
him with unstoppable force. With a
deafening blast, Gupta was sent sprawling to
the ground, his control over Shub and
Samarth broken in an instant.

As Shub and Samarth regained their senses,

their eyes filled with a mixture of relief and
gratitude as they joined Ali in chaining
Gupta and sealing him away in a cell of his
own making.

With Gupta's reign of terror finally at an end,

Ali and his friends breathed a collective sigh
of relief, their hearts heavy with the weight
of their losses but filled with hope for a
better future. Together, they vowed to
continue their fight against injustice, their
bond stronger than ever as they set their
sights on the stars and the promise of a new
As they released the Gigas, now Hoomans,
from their confinement, a wave of relief
washed over the group. Zafar's exclamation
of gratitude echoed through the chamber,
mingling with Nyasa's urgent plea for
But Anand's reminder brought them back to
their mission, grounding them in the reality
of their situation. "Don't forget why we came
here. We have to get this man to space," he
declared, his voice firm with resolve.
Nyasa's apology for her forgetfulness was
met with understanding nods from the group,
their focus returning to the task at hand.
Shub stepped forward, offering his expertise
with a confident declaration. "I know the
best spaceship here," he announced, his
words infused with a sense of purpose.
Ali's gratitude towards Shub was palpable as
he thanked him for his contribution, a sense
of determination shining in his eyes. With a
sense of purpose, they began to make their
way towards the spaceship area, their
footsteps echoing in the empty corridors.
But Shub's question prompted a pause, as
Ali's gaze turned inward, his thoughts
drifting to the weighty burden he carried.
"No, to save our home," he replied, his voice
tinged with solemnity.
Samarth's confusion was evident as he
voiced his lack of understanding, prompting
Ali to share the cause that had driven him to
such lengths. As he explained the dire
situation facing their planet, a heavy silence
settled over the group, the gravity of their
mission weighing heavily upon them.
Shub's acknowledgment of the magnitude of
their task was met with a solemn nod from
Ali, his determination unshaken despite the
obstacles they faced. But as they reached the
center of the area, their path forward was
suddenly blocked by an unexpected obstacle.
Thousands of soldiers materialized
seemingly out of thin air, their ranks forming
an impenetrable barrier around the group.
Panic surged through their veins as they
realized they were trapped within a small
circle, their every attempt to strike met with
"A force field?" exclaimed Ali, his voice
tinged with disbelief as he surveyed their
surroundings. With mounting dread, they
realized the extent of their predicament, their
hopes of escape dwindling in the face of this
unforeseen obstacle.
Chapter 15: The Giga-Rebellion
As the screen flickered to life, revealing a
mysterious figure shrouded in darkness, a
chill swept through the chamber. The heroes
tensed, their senses on high alert as they
braced themselves for whatever new threat
awaited them.

"What makes you kids think you can escape

so easily?" the figure taunted, its voice
dripping with malice and contempt. Before
their eyes, Gupta materialized out of thin air,
his laughter echoing through the room as he
stepped forward to confront them.
Gupta's sudden appearance sent shockwaves
of fear rippling through the group, their
hearts pounding with a sense of dread at the
sight of their relentless foe. But their fear
turned to confusion as Gupta addressed the
mysterious figure, his demeanor shifting to
one of subservience.

The figure's ominous words sent a shiver

down their spines, their worst fears
confirmed as they realized they were facing
not one, but two formidable adversaries.
With a wave of Gupta's hand, a massive
tuning fork crackling with electricity began
to inch its way towards them, its deadly
intent clear.

Desperation surged through Ali as he

attempted to breach the force field, but his
efforts were in vain as his strength waned
from the relentless battle. With each passing
moment, the fork drew closer, its deadly
energy threatening to consume them all.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a sudden

explosion rocked the chamber, sending
shockwaves rippling through the air. The
Gigas surged forward, their ranks swelling as
they clashed with the soldiers in a fierce
battle for supremacy.

Among them stood Abdali, his presence a

beacon of hope amidst the chaos. With a
swift motion, he disabled the force field,
freeing the heroes from their confinement
and allowing them to escape.

Gupta's smirk widened as he greeted Abdali

with a sinister grin, his words dripping with
malice as he reveled in the chaos unfolding
around them. But Abdali's fury was palpable,
his resolve unyielding as he faced off against
his former ally.
With a heavy heart, Abdali urged the heroes
to continue their mission, his voice filled
with determination as he urged them to save
their home at any cost. With a final embrace,
Zafar bid his father farewell, his eyes filled
with a mixture of sorrow and resolve as he
followed the others towards the awaiting

As they raced towards safety, a voice echoed

through the chaos, a lone figure emerging
from the fray. It was Raj, his arms laden with
supplies as he raced towards the waiting
vessel, his determination unwavering despite
the danger that surrounded them.

With the attacks intensifying, Shub and

Samarth leapt into action, their hands flying
across the controls as they prepared to make
their escape. With a final push, they
activated the engines, the ship lurching
forward as it broke free from the confines of
the planet's atmosphere.

In the blink of an eye, they were hurtling

through the vast expanse of space, their
destination clear as they set their sights on
the conjunction that held the key to their
salvation. And as the ship surged forward
into the unknown, Shub whispered a name
into the void, a symbol of hope amidst the
chaos that surrounded them. "Ironhawk," he
declared, his voice filled with determination
as they forged ahead into the unknown.
Chapter 16: Backup

One week later:

Ali was installing backup batteries on his
backpack, in case his Talwar and Glove run
out again. He charged his weapons to the
maximum and wore his pendant, he looked
at it and thoughts flashed through his mind.
“Mother…”, he thought. Shub came in out of
nowhere and stood in front of Ali. “What do
you want?”, asked Ali. Shub replied, “We
will be reaching in an hour.”. “Good, what
else? I know this wasn’t the only reason you
came here.”, said Ali. “Yes, I wanted to ask
something…How will we stop the crunch?”,
asked Shub. “One of my friends, Necron, has
a crystal which contains super-hot plasma,
she will use it to cause a large explosion,
enough to drift the galaxies away for another
5 centuries, or she said like this.”, replied
Ali. Shub asked, “Oh, is she hot?”. “Yea, a
lot in fact.”, said Ali. “Can you ask her out
for me?”, requested Shub. “She is a
woman.”, said Ali with a sigh. “What the?”,
exclaimed Shub. “Ever since I have known
you, you are like this only, you see a girl and
say, “Bro look at her.”.”, said Ali. “You
know me…”, said Shub with a little laugh.
Ali said, “Yes, yes I do.”. “Well, they could
have reached before.”, said Shub. “I received
Chimaera’s signal on the way here, they are
already here.”, said Ali. Zafar, now the pilot,
announces to the speaker, “Everyone! Back
to the cockpit. We are reaching earlier than
expected.”. The speaker goes off. “Wow,
your ship is fast.”, said Ali. “I know.”, said
Some time passed, and till then, all were in
the cockpit. Zafar was the pilot, being taught
by Samarth, who was on the co-pilot’s seat.
Ironhawk was about to land, but Ali felt
something odd and shouted, “Stop!!!”. To
which, Zafar responded recklessly and
stopped the ship. All were thrown to the
front, and Zafar had a taste of the window.
Shub asked, “What now?”. Ali pointed
forward and said, “See, a force field. It’s
faint but you can see it’s there if you try.”.
There was indeed a force field. Samarth puts
his head in his hands and says, “Now, what
will we do?”. Zafar had an idea, he said,
“Ali, you will go outside and gather
electrons from Ironhawk. After that, use
them on the force field, the force field will
be overloaded and then open.”. Ali agreed to
the plan and put on his spacesuit. He was
ready again to save another ship by risking
his life, but this time with magnetic boots,
which he forgot last time. Ali walked to the
nose of Ironhawk and turned his glove to full
power and gathered every single electron he
could. The ball of energy was enormous,
almost the size of Ironhawk, or maybe
bigger. Ali said on the transceiver, “Full
speed!”. To which Zafar and Samarth
responded by putting the highest speed on
Ironhawk except hyperjump, as it would
crash the ship. The ball of energy collided
with the force field, and a faint but big
opening, big enough for Ironhawk opened
and Ironhawk rushed in before it
replenished. Ali said, “I am getting
Chimaera’s signals nearby, she is…near.”.
Ali was shocked to find Chimaera in
fragments, when they landed there, Ali
rushed to the broken Chimaera to see what
took place. Ali couldn’t figure out who or
why, but he was sure that the one who did
this did not hurt his friends. Or rather, he
wanted to think that way. Ali saw a satellite
in the sky and thought, “That’s odd. Wait. I
got it! Shub!”. Shub ran towards Ali and he
asked Shub, “Can you locate where this
satellite is sending its signal?”. Shub
calculated and said, “100 miles to the west.”,
“Then we should get there as soon as
possible.”, said Ali. Ali tried to walk but
Samarth came out with a large cyberpunk
bike and said, “Get on…
Chapter 17: The Final Chapter
They departed from Ironhawk on voltbike,
and dashed towards west at top speed.
“Violet, I am coming.”, thought Ali.
As they reached, Ali saw tents and
spaceships in front of them. There were 4
poles on which people were tied. They were
no other than, “Kaishin, Purple, Zenith,
Necron!”, exclaimed Ali as he saw them. Ali
ran towards them without knowing he had
his hood on. Shub tried to stop him, but Ali
didn’t listen. He ran and ran, but before
reaching his friends, he was surrounded by
hundreds of soldiers.
“Hands up! The special forces have
surrounded you. Surrender and live in
custody for the rest of your life.” Says the

Ali begins to unsheathe his blade, and as

soon as he nears completion, the General
says, “Looks like we have no other choice…
Open fire!”

All the soldiers, scouts, snipers & helicopters

began shooting at him and the process made
it all dusty that no one was able to see
anything but dust and smoke all around.
The General announces over his transceiver,
“He wasn’t even a match for us, sir. The
sector is cle… Not clear! Not clear!”
As the smoke subsided, Ali reappeared, he
was intact with his glowing blade. The
General shouted, “Retreat! Retreat…”, in a
moment Ali dashed towards him leaving the
soldiers in the path, cut in half horizontally
from the waist. He slid his blade through the
General’s heart slowly and steadily. He said
this to the groaning General while sliding the
blade through him, “No matter what you do,
you will lose all you love. The day you find
another reason to live, you are done for.” As
the statements were over, he slid his sword
forcefully and stroked him down.

He looked at the General while he took his

final breaths, groaning and with blood
spilling out of his heart.
Ali reached the poles after slaying away the
remaining soldiers. His 4 friends were
unconscious. Ali untied Zenith. “Zenith!
Wake up, it’s me!”, he exclaimed. Zenith
woke up and said, “Son? Is it you? How?”.
Ali said, “Long story.”. Before Ali could
reach Necron, Shub came running and
released her. She woke up and said with faint
eyesight due to malnutrition, “Who…are…
you?”. “Your prince.”, replied Shub with
chivalry, but Necron didn’t listen. She got
up, saw Ali and hugged him. “Ali, you’re
back! Thanks for saving us.”. Shub was left
in despair. Ali released Violet and Kaishin.
She woke up in his arms and said, “Welcome
back Ali.”. Ali felt good after a long time.
Zenith said, “Actually, when we reached
here. We were attacked, I ran to spy the
attackers and meanwhile, they destroyed our
ship and held Necron hostage. I had to give
in, I too became hostage to save her from
getting killed. Well, there is a large army of
a million robots, a fleet of hundreds of
thousands of spaceships and a large
mothership.”. Meanwhile, the Gigas also
came on voltbikes. Ali signals everyone to
come near and introduces everyone. “Nice to
meet you Mr. Zenith.”, said Zafar. “Pleasure
to meet you as well, Mr. Gigabdul-Hanan-
Zafar.”, said Zenith. “This isn’t a time to
rejoice, we must divide and use guerilla
warfare against the head of this area, if we
have him hostage, we can destroy their
plans.”. “So eager, huh?”, came a mysterious
yet known voice. All looked behind, the
voice shocked everyone, it was no other than
Michael Cruz with Harlo and Jentzen.
“Zenith, take the Gigas and run to the
facility. Necron, take Shub, Samarth and
Violet. While I will fight him alone and buy
us time.”. As said, they began to leave. But
Michael shot a lighting bolt from his katana
and said, “You aren't going anywhere.”.
Zenith said to Ali, “I can help you fight.”.
“No Zenith, you are not in the condition,
plus it’s my battle.”, said Ali and rushed
towards Michael with his sword turned on.
As Ali squared off against Michael Cruz, the
tension in the air was palpable, the weight of
their past grievances hanging heavy between
them. Each step Ali took echoed with
determination as he closed the distance
between himself and his adversary.
With a flick of his wrist, Ali ignited his
blade, the shimmering light casting an
ethereal glow in the dim surroundings.
Michael's katana gleamed in response, the
clash of steel ringing out like a battle cry in
the silent night.

The spar erupted into a whirlwind of motion,

their movements fluid and precise as they
danced around each other in a deadly ballet
of blades. Ali lunged forward, his strikes
coming fast and furious, but Michael met
each blow with equal skill, his defenses
impenetrable as he parried with effortless
As the spar wore on, both combatants
pushed themselves to their limits, their
breath coming in ragged gasps as sweat
poured down their brow. With each passing
moment, the intensity of their clash only
grew, their determination unyielding as they
fought tooth and nail for victory.

Ali ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding

Michael's lightning-fast strikes, his focus
unwavering as he searched for an opening in
his opponent's defenses. But Michael was a
formidable foe, his movements calculated
and precise as he countered every move with
deadly accuracy.

The battle raged on, neither willing to give

an inch as they exchanged blow after blow in
a flurry of steel and fury. But just as it
seemed Michael had the upper hand, a
mysterious blade intervened, halting his
advance in its tracks.

Ali's heart raced as he watched Violet step in

to save him, her bravery shining bright even
in the face of danger. But before he could
react, tragedy struck as Michael's blade
found its mark, piercing Violet's chest with a
cruel precision.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Ali gazed

down at his fallen comrade, his heart heavy
with grief at the loss of a dear friend.
Michael's laughter echoed through the
chamber, mocking Ali's pain as he prepared
to deliver the final blow.

But in that moment of despair, a voice

echoed in Ali's mind, a whisper of divine
guidance urging him to rise up and fight.
With a primal roar of defiance, Ali
unleashed his fury upon Michael, his
screams reverberating through the air as he
tapped into a power beyond comprehension.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as

Ali's rage erupted, the earth itself rising up to
separate him from his adversary. Mountains
burst forth from the cracks in the ground,
towering walls of stone standing as a barrier
between Ali and Michael, their sheer size
and power a testament to Ali's newfound

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle

faded into the night, Ali stood alone amidst
the wreckage, his gaze fixed on the
mountains that now stood between him and
his enemy. With a heavy heart and a steely
resolve, he knew that the fight was far from
over, but he would face whatever challenges
lay ahead with unwavering determination
and unwavering courage.

On one side of a mountain pass, Violet
awoke her senses. Someone came to her and
said, “Where is your battlesuit?”

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