Review Unit 6 - Version B

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Tape Script for Review Unit VI Version B

Question 1 refers to the following dialog.

Girl : A new chocolate factory is going to be built in this town.
Boy : Is it?
Girl : Yeah . . . and you know, the owner creates many kinds of chocolate with the
ingredients from Indonesia. The tastes are various, sweet, spicy, salty, etc.
Boy : Hmm . . . quite creative. I hope I can be as creative as he is.
1. What does the girl tell the boy about?

Questions 2 and 3 refer to the following dialog.

Boy : Hey, Rani! How have you been?
Girl : Yeah . . . a lot better, my stomach is not as painful as on the first day, but I still feel
Boy : You should have eaten regularly.
Girl : I think so. I regret not eating regularly, because I wanted to be slimmer.
Boy : Well, healthy is better than slim. O.K. then, I hope you recover soon.
Girl : Thank you.
2. What happens to the girl?
3. Why didn’t the girl eat regularly?

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.

I’d like to review a book entitled Imagined Worlds by Freeman Dyson. Freeman
Dyson’s exploration of science and technology at the end of the 20th century is
provocative and brilliant. Whether he’s debating the best method of averting Earth-bound
comets or envisioning humanity’s postbiological future in deep space, Dyson’s intelligence
and direct writing style will grip you. “Imagined Worlds” contains excellent chapters on
the anatomy of scientific progress, genetic engineering, the digital revolution and near-
future astronomy. Dyson excels in critical science writing that inspires and invigorates.
Adopted from: (March 27, 2012)
4. What does the speaker say about the book?
5. Which of the following is NOT what the book contains?

Review Unit VI
Version B
Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
: X Tanggal : ....
Kelas : XII : 1 (sat

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

E. It is required for all science

I. Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct teachers.
5. A. The anatomy of scientific progress.
B. Near-future astronomy.
A. Listening Section
C. Genetic engineering.
1. A. Many kinds of chocolate. D. Robotics movements.
B. The winner of a chocolate E. The digital revolution.
C. Chocolate with Indonesian This is the end of the listening section.
D. A new chocolate factory which is
going to be built.
E. A chocolate fair which is going to be
held in their town.
2. A. She has a stomachache.
B. She cannot sleep well.
C. She feels very tired.
D. She is hospitalized. B. Reading Section
E. She has fever.
The following text is for questions 6 to 9.
3. A. She was too busy.
B. She didn’t have an appetite. The Aviary
C. She wanted to be slimmer. Reviewed by sbyteens
D. She felt reluctant to eat out. Author : Kathleen O’Dell
E. She wanted to save her money. Genre : Magic, mystery

4. A. It is brilliant. Looking for a creepy tale involving a

B. Its style is indirect. mysterious old mansion, family secrets,
C. The choice of words is clever. missing children and talking birds? Your
D. It makes science seems enjoyable. search is over. Young Clara Dooley is the
daughter of a servant, sequestered to the

grounds of the Glendoveer mansion due to The phrase “stumble upon” means
a weak heart. Left to her own devices, ________.
Clara stumbles upon a long-forgotten A. blunder B. recognize
mystery involving the disappearance of the C. come up D. find by chance
six Glendoveer children. Long presumed E. make a conclusion
dead, Clara will work to uncover the truth
behind the tragedy, aided by her friend The following text is for questions 10 and
Daphne and five feathered friends. 11.
The Aviary blends the old-fashioned feel Attention, please.
of gothic horror with a hint of supernatural Now, we have arrived in the park.
magic. The result is the perfect recipe for You can go everywhere you like. If you
an entertaining and engaging read. go to the right side, you will find many
kinds of birds, on the left side there will
(March 28, 2012)
be some games such as flying fox and
6. What is the text about? boating. There is also a tree house. If
A. Clara’s biography. you go straight ahead, you can go to
B. Clara’s isolated life. either the swimming pool, or the forest
C. The description of an aviary. following the path beside it. Don’t forget
D. The influence of an aviary in human to gather here at 12:30 p.m. sharp. We
life. will have lunch and then go home.
E. A critique of a book entitled “The
Aviary”. 10. Where should we go to play some
7. Which of the following statements is games?
TRUE? A. To the left side.
A. Clara is helped by Daphne, her B. To the right side.
feathered friend. C. Straight ahead.
B. Clara is the daughter of the D. Near the birds cages.
mansion’s owner. E. Near the swimming pool.
C. The mystery of the disappearance 11. Which of the following statements is
has just occured. TRUE?
D. There are five people who will help A. The birds’ cages are on the left
Clara. side.
E. The six Glendoveer children have B. They should gather at the place
disappeared from the mansion. after lunch.
C. They should go everywhere
8. What happened to Clara? together.
A. She was brought by a ghost. D. We can find a tree house if we go
B. She was imprisoned in her own straight ahead.
house. E. The path to the forest is beside the
C. She was isolated to the ground of a swimming pool.
mansion. 12. Ika : ________
D. She found an old mansion when
Onny : The song, please.
being exiled to a dessert.
A. Would you prefer listen to the news
E. She found an old mansion when
or the song?
being exiled to an isolated island.
B. Would you rather listen to the news
9. “. . ., Clara stumbles upon a long- or the song?
forgotten mystery involving the C. Do you prefer listen to the news or
disappearance . . . .” (Paragraph 1) the song?

D. Would you listen to the news? C. Six months is the best period.
E. Shall you listen to the song? D. They should extend it to just 10
E. He is going to discuss it with his
team first.
The following text is for questions 13 to 16.
16. Which of the following statements is
NOT TRUE about the coverage of the
post-installation support package?
A. The cost of labor.
B. The cost of all parts.
C. Remote monitoring.
D. Service engineer visits.
E. A service once in a month.

The following text is for questions 17 to

by Veronica Roth
Published : February 6, 2012
Genre : Futuristic Realistic Fiction
Number of Pages : 487
RAC Book : Yes
Beatrice lives in Chicago in the future
where the entire population lives in one of
five factions. Each faction focuses on a
13. What is David Mitchell’s problem? different virtue: truth, bravery,
A. Hardware. selflessness, peacefulness, and
B. Machinery. intelligence. She was born and raised in
C. Budget. the Abnegation faction, which focuses on
D. Delivery system. selflessness. At the age of 16 each person
E. The post-installation support is tested to see which faction they are
package. best suited for, but each person is given
the freedom of choice to choose where he
14. Which paragraph tells the readers or she would like to spend adulthood. If
abouts the copy of the updated Project Beatrice should choose to leave her
Report? faction, however, she will rarely, if ever
A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. see her family again. When she is tested,
she finds that she does not fit easily into
C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraph 4. any faction and therefore has mixed
results. She can truly choose any faction
E. Paragraph 5. she wants. The choice she makes
15. What does David Mitchell say about the surprises everyone and she worries she
extension period of 12 months? has made a mistake. Can she survive
A. He agrees with it. initiation in order to feel she is a true
B. They should discuss it at the next member of her faction? Can she trust the
meeting. society she lives in, to create a city she
feels is righteous and fair?

There are many futuristic society B. She doesn’t fit easily into any
stories out right now, but this one is a bit faction.
different and will appeal to readers who like C. Her families are spread in all the
this style of writing. Beatrice makes some factions.
difficult decisions that will affect her D. She has more than two strong
future, points.
a topic many young adults can relate to. E. She has been tested many times
Meanwhile, there are some unexpected but still fails.
realizations about growing up and seeing
19. What are the people’s reaction to her
the flaws in adults, especially those with
power. As Beatrice struggles through
A. They feel worried.
initiation, she makes new friends and
B. They feel angry.
enemies as she lives in
C. They feel surprised.
a competitive environment. In the end, the
D. They feel happy.
story is about society and how people treat
E. They don’t care about it.
each other, which is something young
adults must ponder as they reach 20. What is the story about in the end
adulthood. The story has excitement and according to the reviewer?
action and will leave readers wanting more. A. How people treat each other.
Adopted from: B. How adults prepare themselves for
(March 30, 2012) their future.
C. How we should be careful in
making decisions.
D. How people survive in competitive
E. How people learn from their
mistakes and face the future.

II. Write a book review.

You may choose your own topic.

17. In what faction was Beatrice born and

A. The one which focuses on truth.
B. The one which focuses on bravery.
C. The one which focuses on
D. The one which focuses on
E. The one which focuses on
18. Why can Beatrice choose any faction
she wants?
A. She is still young.

Kunci Review Unit VI 7. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai
dengan kalimat
Version B ”. . . the disappearance of the six
Glendoveer children.”. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan
I. Pilihan Ganda jawaban (A) dan (D) tidak sesuai
A. Listening Section dengan kalimat ”. . .Clara . . . aided
by her friend Daphne and five
1. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari
feathered friends.”, pilihan jawaban
kalimat yang dikatakan anak
(B) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat
perempuan itu, ”A new chocolate
”Young Clara Dooley is the
factory is going to be built in this
daughter of a servant.”, dan pilihan
jawaban (C) tidak sesuai dengan
2. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Clara stumbles upon a
kalimat yang dikatakan anak long-forgotten mystery involving the
perempuan itu, ”Yeah . . . disappearance of the six
a lot better, my stomach is not as Glendoveer children.”.
painful as on the first day.”. Jadi,
8. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari
anak perempuan itu sakit perut,
kalimat dalam paragraf satu ”Young
pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
Clara Dooley is the daughter of a
3. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai servant, sequestered to the
dengan kalimat yang dikatakan anak grounds of the Glendoveer mansion
perempuan itu, due to
”I regret not eat regularly just a weak heart.” yang artinya ”Clara
because Doley muda adalah seorang anak
I wanted to be slimmer.”. pembantu, dibuang ke bagian dasar
4. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai sebuah rumah besar karena jantung
dengan kalimat ”Freeman Dyson’s yang lemah.”.
exploration of science and 9. D. Frasa ’stumble upon’ artinya
technology at the end of the 20th menemukan secara kebetulan.
century is provocative and Frasa ini sama artinya dengan ’find
brilliant.”. Jadi, menurut pembicara, by chance’. Pilihan jawaban yang
buku tersebut adalah buku yang lain salah; (A) artinya membuat
brilliant (cemerlang). kesalahan besar, (B) artinya
5. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) tidak mengenali,
sesuai dengan kalimat ”Imagined (C) artinya datang, dan (E) artinya
Worlds contains excellent chapters membuat kesimpulan.
on the anatomy of scientific 10. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai
progress, genetic engineering, the dengan kalimat ”. . . on the left side
digital revolution, and near-future there will be some games such as
astronomy.”. Jadi, buku itu tidak flying fox and boating.”.
berisi robotics movements
11. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari
(pergerakan seperti robot).
kalimat ”If you
B. Reading Section go straight ahead, you can go to
6. E. Teks tersebut adalah teks either the swimming pool or the
review yang menilai sebuah karya forest following the path beside it.”.
seni, dalam hal ini sebuah buku Pilihan jawaban (A) tidak sesuai
berjudul ’The Aviary’. dengan kalimat ”If you go to the

right side, you will find many kinds support from 6 months to 12
of birds . . . .”, pilihan jawaban (B) months, may I suggest that we
tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”Don’t discuss this matter at the next
forget to gather here at project update meeting?”. Jadi,
12.30 p.m. sharp. We will have lunch David Mitchell menyarankan agar
and then go home.”, pilihan jawaban mereka membahas hal itu pada
(C) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat pertemuan berikutnya. Pilihan
”You can go jawaban (B) benar.
everywhere you like.”, dan pilihan 16. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) benar
jawaban (D) tidak sesuai dengan karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat
kalimat ”. . . on the left side there dalam paragraf empat ”This covers
will be some games such as flying remote monitoring, a service every
fox and boating. There is also a tree 3 months, service engineer visits
house.”. and the cost of all parts and labor.”.
12. B. Respons Onny adalah ”The 17. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai
song, please.”. Jadi, Ika dengan kalimat ketiga paragraf
menanyakan pilihan. Kalimat yang satu, ”She was born and raised in
tepat adalah ”Would you rather the Abnegation faction, which
listen to the news or the song?”. focuses on selflessness.”. Kata
Karena diikuti oleh kata kerja dasar, ’she’ dalam kalimat tersebut
yaitu listen, kalimat tersebut tepat mengacu pada Beatrice.
dilengkapi dengan ”Would you rather
18. B. Dalam teks terdapat kalimat
”When she is tested, she finds that
. . . .”. Pilihan jawaban (A) dan (C)
she does not fit easily into any
salah karena kata ’prefer’
faction and therefore has mixed
seharusnya diikuti oleh bentukV-ing,
results. She can truly choose any
sedangkan pilihan jawaban
faction she wants.”. Jadi, Beatrice
(D) dan (E) salah karena seharusnya
dapat memilih golongan yang ia
direspons dengan ’Yes/No’.
inginkan karena hasil tesnya
13. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) sesuai bercampur.
dengan kalimat dalam paragraf dua
”We have not
encountered any problems with the
machinery, but there are still some
minor issues with the delivery
system.”. Jadi, masalah David
Mitchell berkaitan dengan sistem
14. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar
karena dalam paragraf tiga terdapat
kalimat ”Please accept my
apologies for not receiving
a copy of the updated Project Report
15. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari
kalimat dalam paragraf lima ”With
regards to your request to extend
the period of post-installation

19. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari
kalimat dalam paragraf satu, ”The
choice she makes surprises
everyone and she worries she has
made a mistake.”.
20. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai
dengan kalimat akhir paragraf dua,
”In the end, the story is about
society and how people treat each
other, . . . .” yang artinya ”Pada
akhirnya, cerita ini mengenai
masyarakat dan cara orang
memperlakukan satu sama
lain, . . . .”.

II. Esai
Contoh jawaban:
Borderlands of Science by Charles
Sheffield is an arresting guide to physics,
chemistry and biology written by a
seasoned science fiction writer.
Borderlands, while a fun factual
adventure for readers of any persuasion, is
especially good reading for aspiring writers.
Sheffield’s prose is brisk and
conversational, and his book successfully
balances the seriousness of science with
the sheer fun it can be when translated to
the medium of fiction. Borderlands is a
compulsively readable refresher course
comparable to the popular science works of
Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov.
Adopted from:
(March 27, 2012)

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