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ENGLISH 10 Page 1

Name:……………………. UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM

EX 1: Find out in UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM
1. 20 two - syllable words, which are stressed on the 1st syllable (Eg: sewage)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
2. 20 two - syllable words, which are stressed on the 2nd syllable(Eg: preserve)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
3. 20 words with more than two syllables which are stressed on the 1 syllable(Eg: chemical)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
3. 20 words with more than two syllables which are stressed on the 2 syllable(Eg: deforest)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Ex 2: Complete the sentences with a suitable word in the box

camping habitat ecotourism diversity sustainable environment
ecology exotic ecological awareness ecotourism conservation
stalactites impacts destinations recognized productive biodiversity
1. I am very much interested learning more about _____________ and its benefits.
2. Son Doong Cave has been _____________as the largest natural cave in the world.
3. We can find lots of different _____________ flowers at the flower festival this year.
4. Top _____________ for ecotourism are usually national parks, forests or rural areas.
5. Mass tourism may cause _____________problems such as pollution or an increase of waste.
6. Water pollution and scuba - diving activities can harm the _____________ of the coral reefs.
7. Cutting down trees or hunting wild animals may upset the _____________ balance of an area.
8. The Mekong Delta is one of the world's largest and most _____________inland fisheries.
9. The Central Highlands is also highly appreciated thanks to its high biological _____________.
10. There could be both positive and negative _____________ of tourism activities on the environment.
11. It was quite relaxing/ interesting to spend a week on a _____________ trip with friends in the open
12. Researchers consider Phong Nha - Ke Bang to be of particular importance for bird _____________.
13. A _____________ forest is a forest where trees that are cut are replanted and the wildlife is protected.
14. The Bach Ma area has long been famous for its rich _____________, and plant species richness
within Bach Ma National Park is still high.
15. Phong Nha Cave has the longest underground river, the highest and longest cave, broadest and most
beautiful fine sand beaches inside the caves, the most spectacular stalagmites and _____________.
16. Ecotourism is a form of travel that seeks to improve environmental _____________, foster cultural
respect, and benefit the economic development of local communities.
17. The most typical _____________ activities are visits and studies in some national parks, adventurous
activities in the mountain areas, and community-based ecotourism activities in the mountainous areas.
18. When you take part in an ecotourism, you learn more about the cultural traditions of the local people
and the _____________ of some rare animals

Ex 3: Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
ENGLISH 10 Page 2

1. The southeast area of Viet Nam has typical (ECOLOGY) _____________ systems with Cat Tien, Con
Dao National Park, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, which are characterized by high biological diversity.
2. Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary Nature Reserve is a coastal rich and (DIVERSE) _____________ salt forest
floor with the natural salt-marsh ecosystem.
3. The wonder of Cao Son Eco-Lodge in Lao Cai is (INSPIRE) _____________ with mild weather,
authentic culture of local hill tribes and spectacular landscapes.
4. The limestone forest ecosystem at Phong Nha - Ke Bang support a high diversity of plant and animal
species, and it is of the greatest (CONSERVE) _____________ significance.
5. At an altitude of 178 meters, Ba Be is the only (SIGNIFICANCE) _____________natural mountain
lake in Viet Nam.
6. Ba Be Lake is unique among Vietnamese protected areas for the diversity of freshwater
7. The vegetation of Cuc Phuong National Park is (DOMINATION) _____________by limestone forest.
8. Cuc Phuong National Park (SUPPORTIVE) _____________ populations of several mammal species
of conservation importance.
9. Ecotourism is a form of travel that seeks to improve environmental (aware) _____________, foster
cultural respect, and benefit the economic (develop) _____________ of local communities.
10. The Mekong Delta is one of the world's largest (produce)_____________of rice and the largest
fisheries in Vietnam.
11. Song Doong Cave has been recognized as the largest (nature) _____________ cave in the world.
12. Phong Nha Cave has the longest underground river, the (high)_____________ and longest cave,
(broad) _____________ and most beautiful fine sand beaches inside the caves, the most spectacular
stalagmites and stalactites.
13. The most typical ecotourism activities are visits and studies in some national parks,
(adventure)_____________ activities in the mountain areas, and community - based ecotourism
activities in the (mountain)_____________ areas.
14. (research) _____________ consider Phong Nha - Ke Bang to be of particular importance for bird
15. The Central Highlands is also highly appreciated thanks to its high (biology) _____________
16. The Bach Ma area has long been famous for its rich biodiversity, and plant species (rich)
_____________ within Bach Ma National Park is still high.

Ex 4: Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
You've (1. PROBABLE) _____________ heard of ecotourism, but it's a pretty new term. Maybe you've
heard it called 'green tourism' or 'responsible tourism.' It's part of the (2. GROW) _____________ trend to
take care of our world, both the natural aspects and the traditional cultural ones. And Vietnam, with 30 (3.
NATION ) _____________ parks, 69 natural (4. RESERVE) _____________, 45 landscape protection
sites, and 54 cultural groups, has incredible potential as one of the world's best countries for ecotourism.
Ecotourism is all about (5. SUSTAIN) _____________ and enjoying the world without (6.DAMAGE)
_____________ it - or even better, protecting and improving it while you explore. It's feel-good travel.
You grow, you help, and you keep the world beautiful. So if you've had enough of mega-hotel chains and
(7. CROWD)_____________tourist traps, and you want to see what natural beauty and unique cultures
Vietnam has to offer all while helping the region continue to grow and thrive, then you should
(8.SERIOUS)_____________consider ecotourism.

Ex 5: Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box.
seafood scenery rocks display reefs
reserve flora feeling sand trade
In May 2009, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Cu Lao Cham - Hoi An was established which includes
Hoi An Ancient Town, the river inlet, and Cham Islands.
Getting on a speedboat to start departure from the pier to Cu Lao Cham Island, you will enjoy the
excited (1) _____________with beach waves as well as the blue sea. On arriving at Cu Lao Cham Island,
you will do walking tour for exploring more this attractive island. At the beginning of the tour, you will
ENGLISH 10 Page 3

visit the nature (2) _____________showroom of Cu Lao Cham Island where the history, map, objects are
on (3) _____________. Next, you continue to visit Au Thuyen where the local boats are hidden in big
After that, you will take a boat to visit the wonderful (4) _____________of this charming island.
Firstly, you will be transferred to visit the local fishing village of Bai Huong with more than 100 families
who mainly live by the fishing (5) _____________. After that, go ahead to Bai Xep for snorkeling to see
the nice coral (6) _____________under the sea. It's so interesting to explore the coral when the sunshine
lights up right to bottom of the sea to make coral so beautiful and twinkle inside sunlight and water.
Next, you also have chance to visit the nice scene of Bai Chong with white (7) _____________,
green (8) _____________ and many particularly interesting large (9) _____________on the way to Hang
Yen Cave. Arriving at Hang Yen Cave, you will have chance to survey the living area of swifts. The
edible nests of swifts are used in bird's nest soup, a delicacy in some countries. Then you will back Bai
Chong Beach. Have lunch in a small local restaurant to taste specialties and (10) _____________of Cu
Lao Cham Island.
After lunch, you will get on a speedboat to return the mainland.

Ex 6: Read the text and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the bank
city tour location ecotourism organic policy the budget dispensers
paddle concrete the harbour waterways houseboats organic
Think of ecotourism and the images that instantly spring to mind will be of woods and lakes,
meadows and mountain springs. Glass and steel don't come into it, and there's not an inch of (1)
_____________to be seen. Which might explain why it's so rare to come across a green city break. Yet
urban (2) _____________can be every bit as rewarding as its rural counterpart - and a lot less muddy.
And where better to prove the point than Copenhagen, one of Europe's greenest cities? People
consume more (3)_____________per head here than in any other city in the world. The city's waterways
are so clean that people swim in outdoor pools within (4) _____________ Axel Hotel Guldsmeden is five
minutes' walk from the station. Despite its red-light district (5) _____________, this gleaming white
boutique hotel is both sophisticated and environmentally responsible. Furniture is made from sustainably-
sourced teak, cleaning products are eco-friendly, (6) _____________in the en-suite bathrooms pump out
own-brand organic shampoo and body lotion and all the food is organic.
At lunchtime, you're spoilt for choice. The city's smartest organic and biodynamic restaurant,
Geranium, picked up a Michelin star last year for dishes such as "happy" chicken. But if you don't have
(7)_______________ for Michelin-star food, there are plenty of alternatives, including BioM, a small but
sophisticated restaurant in the residential area of Osterbro with a 100% (8)_____________(even the walls
are decorated with organic paint).
Kajak-Ole is a local company specializing in Copenhagen city tours with a twist - they're done by
kayak. I met the guide, JesBrinch, in the Christianshavn district in the early afternoon.
As we paddled our way out into the harbour past rows of cheery (9)_____________and brightly painted
houses, he gave a running commentary on the city's waterscape.
Much more fun than a standard (10)_____________, travelling through the city by kayak makes
you feel almost a part of it. And Copenhagen's calm, quiet, urban (11) _____________ were surprisingly
easy to navigate.
It might have been the first time I'd ever walked into a cafe with a (12)_____________in my
hand. The cappuccino was probably the best I've ever had.

Ex 7: Complete the following passage with one of the given words

culture protected local areas national parks breathing equipment
nature important improve Travel and holiday natural environment
We have just experienced what travel industry officials call ecotourism. The word ecotourism
means several things. It is a holiday vacation that can include visiting and learning about (1)
_______________ and cultures. It can mean visiting extremely wild areas. It can also mean learning
about (2)_______________, animals, birds, plants and new ways to live on our planet. And it is tourism
designed to limit damage to the environment.
ENGLISH 10 Page 4

(3) _______________ experts say ecotourism is the fastest growing part of the holiday vacation
industry. It is possible to visit almost any country to learn about the (4)_______________ , history, food,
plants, animals or anything else that might interest you. You can learn about and watch whales in the
American states of Maine and Hawaii, and in Mexico.
You can visit a natural (5)_______________ area in Costa Rica, one of the top ecotourism
countries in the world. You can travel to the huge (6)_______________ in several African countries to
see and photograph lions, elephants and other wild animals.
You can swim deep under water to experience this beautiful world if you learn how to use special
(7)_______________. Companies offer underwater exploration trips in Australia, Mexico, several islands
in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and many other places.
Tourism, the travel and holiday industry, provides huge amounts of money to the economies of many
nations. So ecotourism has become extremely (8)_______________ . And officials in the travel industry
say ecotourism works to create, (9) _______________ and protect holiday areas that people will want
to visit.
Ecotourism also teaches the people who live in areas that tourists may want to visit and enjoy.
Government agencies use ecotourism methods to teach these people how to develop these areas for
visitors. The people learn to protect the (10) _______________ so that they remain popular places to

EX 8: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. sustainable B. status C. destruction D. nature
2. A. deplete B. device C. exotic D. challenge
3. A. biodiversity B. biogas C. biology D. biosphere
4. A. ecotourism B. flora C. fortune D. inorganic
5. A fossil B. session C. discuss D. progress
6. A. culture B. public C. sustain D. butterfly
7. A. pollution B. coral C. problem D. ecology
8. A. discount B. observe C. safari D. scuba-diving
9. A. relax B. departure C. benefit D. interest
10. A. nature B. manage C. balance D. campfire

EX 9: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. ecology B. minority C. historical D. favourable
2. A. energy B. destination C. understanding D. degradation
3. A. environment B. eco-friendly C. inorganic D. vegetation
4. A. ecology B. scuba-diving C. sustainable D. phenomenon
5. A. adventurous B. habitat C. sustainable D. traditional
6. A. preservation B. equality C. economic D. entertainment
7. A. activity B. enjoyable C. economy D. difficulty
8. A. environment B. ecology C. intervention D. community
9. A. Vietnamese B. contribution C. conservation D. concentrate
10. A. alternative B. competitive C. inexpensive D. conservative

Ex 10: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

11. ________ she agreed, you would have done it.
A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would
12. If you ________ to be chosen for the job, you'll have to be experienced in the field.
A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants
13. If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy ____ saved.
A. might be B. have been C. was D. might have been
14. If there ________ enough water, the rice fields could have been more productive.
A. had been B. were C. would be D. are
15. The patient could not recover unless he ________ an operation.
A. had undergone B. would undergo C. underwent D. was undergoing
16. If she ________ him, she would be very happy.
ENGLISH 10 Page 5

A. met B. will meet C. is meeting D. should meet

17. If he ________ a thorough knowledge of English, he could have applied for this post.
A. had had B. had C. has D. has had
18. If I had enough money, I ________ abroad to improve my English.
A. will go B. would go C. should go D. should have to go
19. If it ________ convenient, let's go out for a drink tonight.
A. be B. is C. was D. were
20. If you ____ time, please write to me.
A. have B. had C. have had D. has
22. The show Captain Bob's Adventure Children is available now. If children of all ages ________ it,
they ________ part in an airboat ride and an interactive reptile show.
A. enjoyed – took B. enjoy - will take C. enjoys – take D. enjoyed - would take
23. If you ________ to Pak Ou Caves in Laos, you ________ thousands of Buddha images and statues
which have been deposited here over centuries.
A. went - saw B. would go-saw C. go - see D. go - will see
24. Local people can't see the benefits of ecotourism in their region. If ecotourism ________ their lives by
creating new job opportunities, they ________ a more active role in the conservation.
A. improved - would play B. improved - played
C. improves - will play D. improves - play
25. If visitors ________ their holiday in Hawaii, they ________ in typical ecotourism activities, such as
whale watching, kayaking, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and boating.
A. spent - would participate B. would spend - would participate
C. spend - participate D. spend - will participate
26. In New York State, you can sleep green by staying at one of the hotels, committing to ____ practices.
A. environment friendly B. environmental friendly
C. environmentally friendly D. friendly environmentally
27. I have a test to take tomorrow morning. If I _____ free time, I ______ to Cuc Phuong National Park
with you.
A. have - will go B. had - would go C. will have - will go D. had - went
28. Phong Nha Cave has been regarded by the British Cave Research Association as the top cave in the
world ____________ its four top records.
A. due to B. because C. despite D. with
29.________the decisive assistance of the villagers, we would not be able to facilitate the eco tour.
A. With B. Without C. But D. Neither
30. According to the weather forecast, it will be fine at the weekend. If the weather ________fine, we
________ on camping at the weekend.
A. is - will go B. will be - will go C. were - would go D. was – went
31. Most of the shops in the area are ________ just before Christmas.
A. populous B. narrow C. overcrowded D. thick
32. Lotus is a very busy restaurant; it’s always better ________ a table in advance.
A. to request B. to book C. to order D. to buy
33. The flight stops at Hong Kong before going on to its final ________.
A. destination B. target C. stop D. arrival
34. His work has never gained the international ________ it deserves.
A. imagination B. introduction C. realization D. recognition
35. I was robbed on holiday and couldn't ________my journey back home.
A. pay B. pay for C. pay up D. pay in
36. We a lovely weekend in an eco-lodge.
A. spent B. passed C. occupied D. stayed
37. There was a queue of cars on the________, waiting for the car-ferry to arrive.
A. harbour B. beach C. seashore D. quay
38. The train to Sapa leaves from________three.
A. deck B. platform C. board D. runway
39. Professor Arthur is organizing a/an to search for the lost city of Atlantis.
A. tour B. excursion C. expedition D. voyage
ENGLISH 10 Page 6

40. The cheapest accommodation we could find was in a youth________.

A. hotel B. house C. home D. hostel
41. The best way to reach my house is to take the bus and________at Stop 15.
A. get down B. get out C. get off D. get way
42. When you travel it is a good idea to have a/an on your suitcase.
A. nametag B. identification C. symbol D. identity
43. We missed the plane because we didn't________to the airport on time.
A. reach B. get C. arrive D. make
44. I had three heavy suitcases so I called a________to take them to my room.
A. carrier B. waiter C. porter D. holder
45. Phong Nha Cave has been regarded by the British Cave Research Association as the top cave in the
world________ its four top records.
A. despite B. with C. due to D. because
46. You can climb up Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, to explore the rest of Denali
National Park in Alaska, and view some ________ wildlife.
A. interested B. spectacular C. excited D. great
47. The vast wilderness of Alaska offers some unbelievable ecotourism opportunities, and one of the
most________tourism industries in the USA.
A. sustainable B. natural C. safe D. environmental
48. Villagers can compete against the commercial fishing and timber companies that ________the natural
resources of the area, taking as much as they want.
A. deplete B. lower C. leave D. decrease
49. The Mekong Delta is an extraordinary place that________ international tourists.
A. offers B. considers C. attracts D. persuades
50. The areas are very ________ for tourists who love to study and discover.
A. suitable B. available C. successful D. aware
51. The gardens and islets near the Tien and Hau River are very attractive ecotourism ________ of the
A. views B. scenes C. sights D. destinations
52. ________ the decisive assistance of the villagers, we would not be able to facilitate the ecotour.
A. But B. Neither C. With D. Without
53. We can help ________ the environment by using green and sustainable energy sources.
A. waste B. save C. keep D. enjoy
54. Ecotourism ____ are important to the overall sustainable energy sources.
A. drawings B. designs C. intentions D. plans
55. Texas is ________to a number of eco-tour companies, and plenty of ranches and resorts.
A. home B. house C. accommodation D. building
56. Seattle is one of the most ________cities in the US.
A. ecosystem B. eco-friendly C. ecology D. ecological
57. In Alaska, the ecotourism operators are designed to help minimize tourism ________, which may be
more difficult to control as an independent traveler.
A. result B. impact C. action D. power
58. Enrich your time in Hawaii by learning about the ________of its islands.
A. floral and animals B. sea and sun C. flora and fauna D. lawns and grass
59. Ecotourism means holidays and travel that involve________less damage to the environment than
usual and that make people aware of the need to protect the environment.
A. making B. leading C. resulting D. doing
60. Ecotourists must take care of our world, both the natural ________and the traditional cultural ones.
A. sides B. aspects C. actions D. behaviors

Ex 11: Choose A. B. C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
1. You can see different kinds of rare animals in this park.
A. priceless B. half-cooked C. unlimited D. limited
2. If you book tickets early, you can get a discount.
A. award B. prize C. deduction D. bonus
ENGLISH 10 Page 7

3. A sustainable forest is a forest where trees that are cut are replanted and the wildlife is protected.
A. pre-tested B. preserved C. reserved D. protested
4. When you take part in an eco tour, you learn more about the cultural traditions of the local people and
the natural habitat of some rare animals.
A. participate B. conduct C. enjoy D. depart
5. Cuting down trees or hunting wild animals may upset the ecological balance of an area.
A. strengthen B. motivate C. comfort D. disturb
6. Mass tourism may cause numerous problems.
A. bring in B. bring up C. bring about D. bring away
7. I am very much interested in learning more about ecotourism and its benefits.
A. problems B. advantages C. dangers D. issues
8. Ecotourism means travel to areas of natural or ecological interest to observe wildlife and learn about
the environment.
A. look at B. look up C. look into D. look down
9. Mass tourism has contributed to the destruction of the environment.
A. organization B. structure C. construction D. devastation
10. A lot of waste from hotels and vehicles is also discharged into the water and air.
A. discussed B. collected C. released D. treated
11. Tourists enjoy the beauty of wildlife without harming it.
A. fostering B. damaging C. protecting D. preserving
12. To entertain tourists, we have to change our usual foods to suit their tastes or adapt dances and
traditions to suit their needs.
A. satisfy B. enjoy C. attract D. persuade
13. Ecotourism can be beneficial to local people.
A. bad B. good C. different D. meaningless
14. To build hotels, people destroy forests.
A. re-plant B. grow C. wipe out D. protect
15. Ecotourism helps tourists learn how to protect the environment.
A. damage B. change C. adapt D. save
16. Some farmers in the Mekong Delta have attracted hundreds of foreign visitors to their ecological
A. appealed to B. refused C. rejected D. turned down
17. Our country's natural and cultural potential for ecotourism is well known.
A. possibility for failure B. possibility for victory
C. possibility for loss D. possibility for achievement
18. Eco tours in our country involve mainly travel to natural places.
A. primarily B. basically C. initially D. roughly
19. Their activities are not based on the ecotourism principles.
A. principals B. rules C. criteria D. points
20. If tourists throw rubbish or break tree branches, they are heavily fined.
A. advanced B. compensated C. penalized in moneyD. awarded in money
21. Some tourist areas have suffered from some environmental damage.
A. covered B. finished C. taken D. undergone
22. Ecotourism activities have had some negative impacts on the environment and people in the area.
A. influences B. factors C. criteria D. stimuli
23. The worst impact is the massive loss of land.
A. minimal B. tiny C. heavy D. acceptable
24. Ecotourism needs to recruit better educated people, so it won't provide more jobs for the local people.
A. reduce B. offer C. wipe out D. add
25. If tourists leave litter after the picnic, they may cause pollution.
A. drop B. depart C. escape D. disappear
26. Making a campfire requires cutting down trees for firewood.
A. demands B. fosters C. encourages D. prevents
27. Campfires may cause forest fires if they are unattended.
A. focused B. neglected C. looked after D. watched
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28. Hunting animals may lead to their extinction.

A. reduction B. imprisonment C. death D. survival
29. Ecotourism is booming and tour operators say this helps nature.
A. decreasing B. declining C. falling D. flourishing
30. Ecotourism is making animals bolder and become less cautious about other animals.
A. careful B. careless C. reckless D. foolish

Ex 12: Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) .
1. The United Nations has declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism, to promote
sustainable practices in this growing industry.
A. favour B. raise C. boost D. delay
2. In order for ecotourism to be categorized as successful, it must involve local populations in the
A. exclude B. comprise C. engage D. relate
3. Venice has suggested imposing a tax on all visitors to help pay for restoration of the ancient buildings.
A. introducing B. removing C. levying D. lessening
4. There are 1.6 billion tourists roaming the world, and the impact of tourism can be devastating.
A. disastrous B. nondestructive C. ruinous D. devastative
5. "Green" tourists or "eco-tourists" are upset by the effects of mass tourism.
A. tense B. troubled C. nervous D. relaxed
6. How many people can visit the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador without affecting the
ecological balance?
A. keeping intact B. influencing C. troubling D. causing disturbance
7. It may become necessary for the United Nations to work out international agreements and strict
environmental controls on the tourist industry.
A. tight B. loose C. exact D. accurate
8. Researchers believe tourists disrupt animals in their natural habitat.
A. disturb B. confuse C. organize D. mix up
9. You can see different kinds of rare animals in this park.
A. endangered B. precious C. common D. limited
10. Mass tourism may cause numerous problems.
A. result in B. bring up C. bring about D. result from
Passage 2: Tourism will always have an impact on the places visited. Sometimes the impact is
good, but often it is negative. For example, if lots of people visit one place, then this can damage the
environment. The question is - how can we minimize the problems without preventing people from
travelling and visiting places? The main aim of ecotourism is to reduce the negative impact that tourism
has on the environment and local people. The idea is to encourage tourists to think about what they do
when they visit a place.
It's great to talk about protecting the environment, but how do you actually do this? There are a
number of key points. Tourists shouldn't drop litter, they should stay on the paths, they shouldn't interfere
with wildlife and they should respect local customs and traditions.
Some people see ecotourism as a contradiction. They say that any tourism needs infrastructure -
roads, airports and hotels. The more tourists visit a place, the more of these are needed and, by building
more of these, so you can't avoid damaging the environment.
But, of course, things aren't so black and white. Living in a place of natural beauty doesn't mean
that you shouldn't benefit from things like better roads. As long as the improvements benefit the local
people and not just the tourists, and the local communities are consulted on plans and changes, then is
there really a problem?
In 2002 the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". Over the past
twenty years, more and more people have started taking eco-holidays. In countries such as Ecuador,
Nepal, Costa Rica and Kenya, ecotourism represents a significant proportion of the tourist industry.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. A brief introduction about ecotourism B. Some Dos for ecotourists
C. Some Don'ts for ecotourists D. Benefits and drawbacks of ecotoursim
2. In paragraph 1, the word "this" refers to ________.
ENGLISH 10 Page 9

A. that tourism will always have an impact on the places visited

B. that lots of people visit one place
C. that sometimes the impact on the places visited is good
D. that sometimes the impact on the places visited is negative
3. According to paragraph 1, the impacts of tourism on a tourist destination ________.
A. are both positive and profitable B. are both negative and beneficial
C. are both beneficial and profitable D. are both negative and positive
4. According to the passage, what does the ecotourism aim at?
A. stopping ecotourism altogether B. reducing the tourism problems
C. preventing tourists from travelling D. finding a new form of tourism
5. According to the passage, which of the following is not mentioned as an activity to protect the
A. not littering B. not interfering with wildlife
C. respecting local customs and traditions D. not hunting animals for food
6. People who are against ecotourism believe that________.
A. all tourists need good infrastructures
B. tourists are making more demand for good hotels.
C. not all tourists use roads, hotels or airports
D. the environment is still damaged due to tourism
7. In paragraph 3, the word "avoid" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. present B. pretend C. prevent D. protest
8. Which of the following is TRUE about the author's opinion?
A. Building extra infrastructure in ecotourism areas must be prohibited.
B. New infrastructure could be accepted as long as it also helps local people.
C. Tourists are consulted about the plans to build new infrastructure.
D. Governments are consulted about the plans to build new infrastructure.
9. In paragraph 4, the word "consulted" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. promised B. provided C. advised D. managed
10. All of the following is true according to the passage EXCEPT________.
A. Ecotourism aim at minimizing the harmful impact of tourism on tourist destinations.
B. Ecotourists shouldn't leave garbage and disrespect local customs and traditions.
C. You shouldn’t benefit good infrastructure once you live in a place of natural beauty.
D. The number of eco-holiday makers has been increasing over the past twenty-years.

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