ss2 Crs

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Subject: C.R.

Class: ss2


1. Which biblical is story illustrates the consequences of greed? (a) story of Adam and Eve (b)
story of David and Goliath (c) story of Ahab and gehazi's greed

2. What are some consequences of greed? (a) corruption, injustice and proverty (b) wealth,
power and success (c) happiness, prosperity and peace.

3. What role did Jezebel play in greedy Ahab's downfall? (a) she encouraged him to be greedy (b)
she plotted to have Naboth falsely accused and stoned to death (c) she declined Ahab's request
to get Naboth's vineyard.

4. What was Gehazi's position in Elisha's household? (a) a prophet of God (b) Syrian commander
(c) a servant of God.

5. How was Naaman cured of leprosy? (a) by washing himself in the Nile River (b) by receiving a
potion from Elisha (c) by washing himself in the Jordan River seven times.

6. What did Naaman offer Elisha as a gift? (a) a portion of his wealth (b) a portion of his land (c)
a portion of his clothing.

7. What did Gehazi do when Naaman offered him a gift (a) he declined the gift (b) he accepted
the gift (c) he asked for a different gift

8. What are the consequence of Gehazi's greed? (a) he became wealthy and successful (b) he
was struck with leprosy (c) he was rewarded by Elisha.

9. What lessons can we learn from the stories of greedy Ahab and Gehazi's greed in terms of
the consequences of greed? (a) greed can severe consequences, both for individuals and
society (b) wealth and power are the keys to happiness (c) greed is not always bad and can lead
to positive outcomes.

10. What did Naaman seek from Elisha?(a) a cure of leprosy (b) a gift for his wife (c) an
audience with the king.

11. What did Gehazi do with the gift he received from Naaman?(a,) he used it to buy food (b) he
hid it in his house (c,) he gave it to Elisha.

12. What did Gehazi tell Elisha when he asked where he had been? (a) he lied and said he had
not gone anywhere (b) he told the truth and said he had gone to see Naaman (c) he said he had
gone to buy food.

13. How can we avoid the negative consequences of greed?(a) by being content with what we
have (b) by always seeking more wealth and possessions (c) by being dishonest in our dealings.

14. What is the process of selecting the best option among different alternatives called?(a)
decision making (b) guessing (c) random selection.

15. Who was renowned for his great wisdom in ruling his people with justice and fairness? (a)
David (b) Solomon (c) Saul.


1. Define greed and give examples of how it can manifest in individuals and societies.

2. What are some of the consequences of greed, both for individuals and society as a whole.

3. Describe the story of Greedy Ahab and the role played by Jezebel in his downfall.

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