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A-58 Op-Amp

1. Assume OP-AMP to be Ideal, what is value of current I, through 5k  resistor?

(a) 2mA (b)-2mA (c) 4 mA (d)-4mA

2. The investing OP-AMP, shown in figure has an open loop gain of 50, What is value of
closed loop gain?

(a) -8 (b)-9 (c)-10 (d) +11

3. Calculate value of C if  m=1000 Rad /sec R =100K  , R1 is 100  and phase shift
between V0 and V1. is 270º.

(a) 1  F (b) 0.1  F (c) 0.2  F (d) 0.01  F

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
4. In one of the following circuits, negative feedback does not operate for a negative input.
Which one is it? The opamps are running from  15V supplies.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5. In the OP-AMP circuit shown, assume that diode current follows the equation I = I0
exp(V/VT). For Vi = 2V, V0 = V01 and for Vi = 4V, V0 = V02. Relationship between V01,
& V02 is

(a) V02 = 2 V01 (b) V02 = e2 V01 (c) V02 = V01 In 2 (d) V01 – V02 = VT In 2

6. What is the value of gain V0/ Vi of given circuit?

(a) +4 (b) 5 (c) 0 (d) -3RL/R

7. The output-V0 of the ideal OP-AMP circuit shown in the figure is:

(a)-7V (b) -5 V (c) 5 V (d) 7V

8. The circuit shown is based on ideal operational amplifiers. It acts as a

(a) Subtractor (b) Buffer amplifier (c) Adder (d) Divider

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
9. Consider the following operational amplifier circuit with an input signal of frequency 10

Which of the following represents the output waveform V0?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

10. In the operational amplifier circuit below, the voltage at point A is

(a) 1.0 V (b) 0.5 V (c) 0 V (d) -5.0V

11. An input of 1.0 VDC is given to the ideal Op-Amp circuit depicted below. What will be
the output voltage?

(a) 10.0 V (b)-9.0V (c) 1.0 V (d) 0 V

12. Consider the op-amp circuit shown in the figure.

If the input is a sinusoidal wave V = 5 sin(1000t), then the amplitude of the output V0 is
5 5 2
(a) (b) 5 (c) (d) 5 2
2 2

13. The inverting OP-AMP, shown in figure has an open loop gain of 50, What is value of
closed loop gain?

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
(a) -8 (b) -9 (c) -10 (d) +11

14. Consider the following circuit

Which ofthe following represents the output Vt corresponding to the input Vin?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

15. In the following circuit, the resistance R2 is doubled.

It follows that the current through R2

(a) remains the same (b) is halved
(c) is doubled (d) is quadrupled.

16. In the following circuit, for the output voltage to be V0 =(-V1 +V2/2) the ratio R1/R2 is

(a) ½ (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
17. For this circuit the frequency above which the gain will decrease by 20 dB per decade is

(a) 15.9 kHz (b) 1.2 kHz (c) 5.6 kHz (d) 22.5 kHz
At 1.2 kHz the closed loop gain is
(a) 1 (b) 1.5 (c) 3 (d) 0.5

18. The input given to an ideal OP-AMP integrator circuit is

The correct output of the integrator circuit is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

19. What is the value of gain of given circuit?

(a)-4 (b)-7 (c)-9 (d) -8

20. For given OP-AMP what is value of output voltage V0?

(a) -2V (b) -0.5V (c)-1V (d) 0.5 V

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
21. The output-V0 ofthe ideal OP-AMP circuit shown in the figure is:

(a) -7V (b)-5 V (c) 5 V (d) 7V

22. In the following circuit, for the output voltage to V0 = (-V1 + V2/2) the ratio R1/R2 is

(a) ½ (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

25. The output of the circuit on the right will be

(a) 1V (b) 11 V (c)-10V (d) 0 V

26. For an operational amplifier (ideal) circuit shown below,

if V1 = 1 V and V2 = 2 V, the value of V0 is ____________ V (up to one decimal place).

27. Consider the following OP-AMP circuit.

Which one of the following correctly represents the output Vout corresponding to the
input Vin?

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
28. Consider an ideal operational amplifier as shown in the figure below with R 1= 5 k  , R2
= 1 k  , RL=100 k  . For an applied input voltage V = 10 mV, the current passing
through R2 is __________  A. (up to two decimal places).

The following circuit contains three operational amplifiers and resistors.

29. The output voltage at the end of second operational amplifier V01 is
(a) V01  3 Va  Vb  Vc 
(b) V01   Va  Vb  Vc 
1 4
(c) V01  Va  Vb  Vc  (d) V01  Va  Vb  Vc 
3 3
30. The output voltage at the end of second operational amplifier V01 is
(a) V01 = 3 (Va + Vb +Vc) (b) V01   Va  Vb  Vc 
1 4
(c) V01  Va  Vb  Vc  (d) V01  Va  Vb  Vc 
3 3

31. Consider the following circuit

If the waveform given below is fed in at Vin.

then the waveform at the output Vout will be

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

33. An input of 1.0 VDC is given to the ideal Op-Amp circuit depicted below. What will be
the output voltage?

(a) 10.0 V (b) - 9.0 V (c) 1.0 V (d) 0 V

34. In the op-amp circuit shown in the figure, Vi is a sinusoidal input signal of frequency 10
Hz and V0 is the output signal.

The magnitude of the gain and the phase shift, respectively, are close to the values
 
(a) 5 2 and (b) 5 2 and (c) 10 and zero (d) 10 and 
2 2

01, Murtikala Colony, Near Bhandari Hospital, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur :

8769828844, 9571489537

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