Sanet - St.the Complete Samsung Galaxy Manual - 22th Edition, 2024

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Papercut’s Smartphone & Tablet edition samsung Galaxy USER MANUAL TR DIGITAL Learn more about your MAGAZINE DOWNLOAD devices and become a more confident user Worth £9.99 See inside for details so) Discover new apps + . Professional tricks, features with the latest 2 tips and step-by-step software updates 7 * guides + tutorials 100% INDEPENDENT Don’t miss our essential tech {USER} Magazines Packed with exclusive tutorials, tricks & tips! Available now on em p Most modern devices including recent The most recent Galaxy devices forego > To open your SIM card tray and put ‘Samsung Galaxy models, use USB-C the headphone or 3mm most _in the SIM, insert the thin pin-tke toot connections for charging the phone or users today use Bluetooth earbuds instead supplied withthe device ora straightened tablet and asa data cablefor connecting _of cabled connections your phone or __paperclip int the hole atthe sie ofthe itto your computer Older Galaxy phones tablet isan older model,though,you use _clased tray. An older Galaxy model might and tablets might use Micro USB instead. tis port to plug in cabled headphones or house the SIM next tothe battery. I this Ether way.’ usually found atthe earbuds, orto connect toa speaker sets isthe case with your, remove the battery bottom of your device AUX pore with a .Smmto-5.5mm cable. cover tot and remove the SIM, —_ Wireless Charging > As well as charging your phone using a supplied USB cable, i i's Ql-compatible, you can charge It by placing It on a wireless charger Instead-Qis pronounced key, and is a wireless charging standard. The Galaxy devices compatible with QI are the $21,522 and $23 Series, the Note20 5G and Ultra 5G and the Note10, Note10*,and Note10« 5G On Your Galaxy Phone Different Samsung Galaxy phones have buttons and features in different places, but as a general guide, here's where to find them on a new Samsung Galaxy S23. Your own phone might vary, but probably not by much. The Samsung Galaxy $23 has atriple-lens camera system, featuring @ Z0MP Telephoto Camera, a SOMP Wide Camera and a 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera This isthe LED fash for indoor and The Samsung Galaxy $28 has & 61-inch screen, hile the larger S23+'s screen is 66 inches, The high-end 523 Ultra features a 68-inch screen, oO ‘The front camera is an improved 12MP device. Your selfs are optimised fr social media feeds, and the camera captures mare light than befor, giving ‘excellent low-light selfs with great colour and detail, a These are the volume-up and volume-down buttons. (On most devices pressing volume down along with the Power button or Home button will take a screenshot. ga ‘The Power button. Tap it to sleep and wake your phone, and hol it forthe menu for shuting down and restarting, ‘The charging/data port is found at the foot of the phone here.A modern Galaxy phone can be charged wirelessly too. o ‘The SIM tray is next to the charging/data port. ‘The closed tray is along oval shape,and it has @ small hole in the left-hand side. Push the ejector tool or 2 straightened paperclip into this hole to eject the tray 9 10 On Your Galaxy Tablet Just as with the smartphone controls, Samsung Galaxy tablet controls and connections follow a fairly standard layout plan. This one’s the Galaxy Tab Actived Pro - the exact position of the buttons may vary slightly between devices. Use this Sige key to wake and sleep your tablet. Hold Ieto start a conversation with Bixby. ‘These are the Volume keys As well as changing the volume, hold Volume-Down and press the Side key to take a screenshot. The Active key Press lor press and hold to launch preset apps The front-facing see camera is 8MP.1/20 and can capture 1080p video at 30s, ‘The tablets stylus is slotted into a space on the lefhand side ofthe device, The tablet’ builtin Imerophones are found atthe top and onthe eight hand side ofthe device, This is the USB-C port. Use itto charge your Samsung tablet, oF to connect Itt your computer for both charging and data transfer Yu can uze Bluetoath ‘earbuds with your tablet, but ifyou prefer old-school cabled headphones plug them in here. You can alza connect toa speakers AUX port using a 3.Smm-t0-3.5mm cable “The Home key takes you backto the Home screen, where you can Sethe app icons. Ie contains a ngerprint sensor so you can unlock your tablet with ‘The device stereo speakers ate found on its leftsde Behind te styus cacy) and the ight side ofthe tablet, YOU Sngerprint ‘The Recents button. ress ‘The Back ey Press itto ittobe zhowm alist of return tothe previous apps youve recently use. screen on your tablet. This isthe keyboard dock port which you can use to connect a compatible keyboard to your Samsung Galany tablet. ‘The NFC (Near Feld Communication antenna is found inside the tablet here, Use it for contactless payments The Galaxy Tab Actives Pro’ rear-facing camera is 15 MR#/2.9, with HOR, panorama and 4K and 1080p video at 30ps.On ts rights ‘an AFLED fashitcant match ‘the Galaxy phones cameras for power but its vary capable nonetheless Touch Screen Controls Modern Android devices no longer rely on physical pressure to register a touch, instead relying on tiny electrical Single Touch > To activate items on the screen such as application and settings icons, to type {eters and symbols using the on sreen keyboardo to press on screen buttons, you simply (genty) touch them with your finger ‘The touch screen is capacitive, meaning tis. ‘sensitive tothe tiny electrical charge in our bodies. Tis means you only have to tap the screen. not press down hard with your fg. Swipe or Scroll > Many ofthe menus or web pages that you can access on Android require you to séroll.To swipe or scroll, quickly move your finger across the surface ofthe screen, Without pausing when you frst touch it For example the app drawer lets you side the screen up or down to scroll through the list and in Calendar you can swipe ‘Quickly across the screen to change the ‘ange of time Visible charges in our fingers. This allows for some great touchscreen gestures that help you interact with your tablet. Touch and Hold > Touch and Hold means to tap an item lon the screen and nat lit your finger nti. a secondary action occurs. This could be a ‘menu opening, allowing you to customise the Home screen.or an icon liting ofthe screen and showing that it can be moves. Another useful tip is that when typing using the Android keyboard, touch and hola wil revel alternative ures for several kes Double Tap > there are several situations where a ouble-tap results in an action For example, tap quickly twice on a web page, map or other screen to zoom, You can double-tap «section ofa web page in the Browser to 200m that section tof the width ofthe screen, Double-tapping ater pinching to 200m in some applications such a the Browser reflows a column of text tof the width ofthe screen, Touch and Drag > To dag items around the screen touch and hold an item fora moment and then, ‘without iting your ges move it across the screen until you reach the required postion. Lif your finger ofthe screen and ‘the item will rop into that location i i's ‘ree. You can dag items onthe Home screen ‘reposition them and you drag down the ‘screen to open the Notifications panel {ouch screens are capacitive, meaning they se jen Older touch screens wed a presi sensit fom an ation, you only have to tap the ere [spaces Gc orto prs rscren bua Ay py fowl aio wrk win fbi cevices Pinch and Rotate > In some applications such as Maps, Browser and Gallery. you can zoom in and ‘out by placing two fingers onthe screen _at once and pinching them together to ‘00m out or spreading them apart to zoom in Two fingers can also be used to rotate the view ofa picture or map for example, In several apps. The picture follows the rotation of your fingers and tums clockwise ‘or anti-lockwise vwwnpclpubicationscom 11. €°}) Out-of-the-Box Setup Procedure Before you use your Samsung Galaxy, you must set it up out of the box. First of all, make sure it's charged by connecting it to a power source using the supplied cable. The Samsung Galaxy doesn't come supplied with a USB-C power plug, but if you don't have one, they're easy enough to come by. You must then insert your Nano-SIM card and follow the setup procedure to get started. This guide helps you along the way, step by step. Inserting Your Nano-SIM Card Before you get started with your Samsung Galaxy, you need to insert the Nano-SIM card you got from your mobile phone service provider. If you have the wrong size card, go to your provider's store and get it exchanged, To activate your Samsung Gala, Use a SIM eject tool ike the Place the SIM card inthe tray heres you must fist insert the Nano-SiM ‘one pictured here, or maybe 3 ‘only one way it ean go in) and slide ‘atd provided by your mabe phone network straightened pape clip.and inset it into _the tray backin the sot Push tin fly so provider Ifyou dont have one,or ave the the small hole next tothe SIM slot. The tray It snaps into place. Your Samsung Galaxy wrong size, go to their store then pops aut as shovn, phone should recognise it SIMs Explained > There are three ciferent sizes of SIM cards avalableAn older phone might use a standard SIM. Some phones stil use the smaller Mero SIM, but most modern phones, such as smartphones, use a Nano SIM, which s smaller stl. Because the chip on the SIM i the same size regardless ofthe type of card, you can convert a small SIM toa larger size with an adapter But if you havea larger SIM and need a Nano, you must go back to your phone provider's store and get it exchanged, or maybe cut down to Nano size, 12. smsctputicatenscom Welcome! Switch on your phone using the button onthe side. When It boots up, youte shavm a screen shoving Welcome" and a button marked’ Statin several. languages. Tap the blue Start button it doesnt matter when Permissions for Samsung apps and services yr Now time to set permisions for Samsung apps and services. Untess theres a specific reason you don't want to use 2 particular service leave them allticked. Tap More to see the rest of the page, then tap Agree. on here ene our poe | 2 Faeeeneertevereen bette tata tanthenta t Seer ton nie ame coe ore sen Choose a WiFi network ‘The phone then scans for locat WiFi networks. Your own should ‘appear on this screen, When it does, tap it Enter your router's passcode and leave the ‘Auto Reconnect switehed an, before tapping the Connect buton, Now review a couple of privacy settings. To continue, you must agree tothe End User Licence Agreement. You can allow the phone to send aiagnostc data ‘oot’ sent privately, though doing so is optional. Tap Next. choose a WHF network When your phone has successfully connecteg, the WiFi con appears at te top ofthe screen, and the network list shows which one youte currently connected to. Now tap the Next button (bottom ht vwwnpelpubicationscom 13 * Copy apps and data Use your old device ou Signin The phone then takes a few minutes to get itself set up, before inviting youtto Copy Apps and Date fom your ‘existing phone (Phone or Android. Tap Don't Copy'f yeu dont have a phone, or don't want to copy data 2-Step Verification ments It you tapped Next inthe previous step, follow the on-screen Instructions to copy data such as contacts, ‘calendar events, notes and in some cases, apps from your old phone to your new ane. You might needa cable ° Googe Who willbe using this device? fe Whether you copy your data from {an ald phone or not, you mast sign into your Geagle account. you dont have ‘one, tap Create Account. you do,enter your Google email tap Nex, then the password: tap Next again Googe |Add phone number? 6 tatromde men eae You maybe asked to verity that is actualy you who's trying to og inf 50, ‘open the YouTube app on one ofthe devices Usted, and confi. you can, tap Try Anather aay and fallow the onscreen instructions. FT 14 wwnpcipubicationscom BEY, Aeris contortion yout askes whether yout setting up the phone for yourself or fora child If the latter folow the ‘on-screen instructions for parental controls If its for youselectthat option and tap Next ie one raer nor tnt nocd ih ou Cote account, you can have added now. Read about the services this aes, and if you's like to do this, serell up and tapYes, In! Google Google Services ‘Choose your search engine © coe PY The next stp is simple enough Tap! ‘gree'to accept the Googte terms and ‘conditions You can tap the link nthe text to take a look at those tems and conditions and ‘those for Google Play you want. Protect your phone BYEY 2% doyou nant to protect your phone against unauthorised use? ‘They offered in descending orderhe top ‘one being the best Choose one, and set itup by ollowing the on-screen instructions. ‘You must now decide on a series of ‘options such as Backing upto Google Drive and sending usage and diagnostic data. Make your choices tap More,and make some more choices before tapping Accept. * ‘Access your Assistant with “Hey Google” 3 < ‘You can interact with your phone using Google voice commands something we cover later nthe book Tose this up tap Agree and go trough the steps offered on the screen to help itrecogrise your voice, 17 Which search engine do you want to se as your default for web searches? Most people choose Google but theres no obligation todo so. Tep your choice from the list offered and then tap the Next button * ‘Access your Assistant without unlocking your hone ‘bo you want tobe able to access the ‘Google Assistant without unlocking your ‘Phone, s0 yu can use Hey. Google when your Phone socked? Ifyou think his to mach of a sect rk tap Skip Otherwise tap TAgre! -wwnpcipubscationscom 15 Were almost finished now. There follows a lengthy setup time, which ‘an take several minutes. Dont interrupt its Leave the buttons alone and wait. The phone eventually moves on tothe next set in the setup, Youte now presented witha tong Uist of services and features for your [Android phone. You can set them up now by tapping one and following the instruction, ‘or you can tap Skip and set them up later it you wish You're all set up! poe you Gly Changing Settings > tr you want to change settings you made during the setup process, ou can do so afterwards First ofall pen the Settings app: the one withthe og icon ona ‘grey background. You can change a lot ofthe phone settings here. oo One ome > You can make al sorts of changes hee, nat just othe Settings you set up when you fst, powered up your phone. These include Bluetooth connections, Wi- Fi networks, Privacy permissions, backup services and more. Resetting Your Samsung Galaxy If you want to sell or give away a Samsung Galaxy, perhaps because you bought a new one and have no need for ‘the old model, you should first reset it to factory conditions to remove your personal data. Here's how. Preparing to Reset Manage scnnts ° wren Factory Reset Your Device secur ad bea Be time (up to an nour, s0 plug your device into @ power source and keep it plugged in until the reset completes connect your device to Wi-Fi or your mobile network too. When the reset completes, you'll need to be connected to sign into your Google account ar = ares = as hs < canesmanagiment Factory dates ves yo Ee ress General management > Rest. Ifyou have one setup, you may need to enter your PIN,patter or password at this point, to tell Android that itis you trying to reset the ‘device. On some devices, factory reset may be found under the Backup & reset heading You may need to verify its you tying to reset your phone. Tap Send email, and youre taken tothe Gmail app, where you can verity your identity. When youte ‘done tap the threetines icon inthe battom let, swipe tothe open Settings app and tap Ito open. Your device is then reset. vwewcpubicatonscom 17 €2) Add and Use a microSD Card Many Samsung Galaxy devices offer the ability to expand the storage by inserting a microSD memory card. On modern devices, the capacity can be as much as 17B, although this may vary and you should check before you buy a large SD card. Inserting the card is relatively simple, however it might not be obvious to someone doing it for the first time. Choosing a microSD ‘Some memory cards may not be fully compatible with the device. Using an incompatible card may damage the device or the memory card. If you buy your memory card from a Samsung mobile store, you should be OK. SAMSUNG ee Evot Card Capacity > As already mentioned, not all devices can read all sizes of microSD «ard The most recent Samsung devices can use a card of up to 1B, but your particular model might be limited to @ smaller capacity. not be able to use a memory card at all Check this before buying a microSD cara for your device. Recycling Cards > You may have a microSD cad in an old device you can use. Be ware that some memory cards may not be compatible with your evice depending on the memory caré manufacturer and type. To view your devices maximum memary card capacity, eer to the Samsung website, 18 msctputscatonscom File Systems > The device supports the FAT and the exFAT fe systems for ‘memory cards. When inserting a card formatted in a different fle system, the device wil ask t reformat the card or will nat ecognie the cart the device does not recognise your memory card format it fon your computer. Card Maintenance > once you have chosen a microSD card, remember that frequent ‘iting and erasing of data shortens the lifespan of memory cards When inserting @ memory card into the device, the memory cards fle cectory appears inthe My Files > SD card feder You can ‘manage files fom here DD AND U Me) Inserting the microSD All Samsung devices with an SD card slot use the same mechanism for inserting and removing it: sliding tray ‘which needs to be opened with a special tool (should have been supplied with the device) Removing a microSD Card Here's how to remove your Samsung Galaxy's SD card. Never do this while the device is transferring or accessing information, because doing so can cause data to be lost or corrupted or damage to the memory card or device. eo be Before removing the memory card, frst unmount it To Insert the ejection pin into the hole on the memory card unmount a working microSD card headin tothe device ‘ray o loosen the tray Pll out the memory card tray gently Settings > Device maintenance > Storage > Storage settings > SD card from the memory card tray slot, Remove the memory car Insert the > UNMOUNT. Wait for the message to appear onscreen telling you. __-memary card tray back int the memory card tray slot. If concerned, the card is safe to remove, tur af your device before doing this. wwupcipubicatinscan 19 @ Making and Receiving Calls While your Samsung Galaxy is an incredibly powerful device with lots of bells and whistles, let’s not forget that its main function is as a phone to make and receive phone calls. Making a call on your new Samsung Galaxy might seem like the most simple of things but there are actually several ways to initiate a call, as well as control over who calls you. Plus there are a few settings you can change to make this simple phone function even simpler. Dialling a Number ‘There are lots of different ways to initiate a call on your Samsung Galaxy phone, but if you know the number you usually fastest to simply open the keypad and type in the number on the screen. Phone Phone + Sone 0162 3 6 9 # x NOR 5 8 0 -@- 20 wwuscipubicaterscom DINAN NPN ae Lemay Dialling From Contacts (On your Samsung Galaxy phone there are a couple of different ways to call a number in your contacts list. ° q a James Gale Viewing Call Logs Your calls are logged for future reference. You can view these missed and received call logs at any time. =a # n Delete 2 tan Osbome on a ‘Open to keypad one ore Mote ‘Ssetings e@ 0°00 cna e©0°0 ee conc ox seme Ba Creston tense evan vp Top ne cn bottom ofthe Home eran and se the Menu/ore bution and selecting delete your clog To this ress the tabstoopenthe call lo Recents) or “View yor FiterYoucanthen choose the MenMore button white viewing ‘open th main aps list and lok or Call froma Calls.Mased Calls or Rejected snd then set “Delet” You can then History By deft the inl viewis a fal Cals. ust as with your contacts isk. you can select al of he istry rustindvdua Usofall cals and messages receved,made uly aL number inthe Log byswiping calle and mesage by tapping he and missed.Usted wth name and number, itt the lh or swipe lef to message. anoropiate cectbaxes vwwetpuiationscom 21 Call Options During a call you have several useful options, including the ability to mute the call, all easily accessible from the dialler call screen. Exact options Car v n devi js hl like this one her lan Osborne may vary between devices, but they're all roughly like this one here. rt EB cat Details ED Speaker a ¥ > The name iF knawn) and possibly > Activate or deactivate the speakerphone. Spi | numer of he person yout talking to When sing the speakerphone speakinto ic Sines ote eensong_emioptone whe op be et J with contac phot one is avaliable, keep the device away rom our eats Add Call Eh Mute Mic > Dial and call a second number whist > Ifyou need to talk with someone keeping the cuenta open. Once outap without the person onthe other end ofthe {he A al button.he alr pad opens calling abe to hea you can se this on yoursreen, button our ofthe itera microphone EB tot catt Keypad > Tap this icon to put a call on hold for a > Hides or shows the dialler keypad on wie maybe if someone's atthe dor er screen, Useful you need o eter an You needs lookfera pen Whitsholing extension number or ener option nan {he eon changes to Resume Cal automated caller stem Bluetooth Eh ena cau > This icon allowsyou to quchyswitch > Tapthe ed phone ion toed he cent the call to Bluetooth head oF = ona oO <_temorow attr You can reject any call by dragging I you want to reject call with an ‘As soon as you select a message or the red Reject button out ofthe SMS message, drag the Reject Cal start custom message, the call will circle This wil result inthe caller hearing a with Message tab up overthe screen You _be rejected and the message will be sent to message explaining you ae unable to take will see alist of pre-set messages that you the calle within afew seconds. you dont ‘their call. you just want to silence your __can choose from. Tap one of these messages ke the pre-set messages and dont want to Fingtone without rejecting the can of tap Create Custom Message You can then have to write a custom message each time, simply press the Down Volume button write 2 message of your choice ‘you can create new ones inthe settings 22 wwnpcipubicationscom DIVAN Nat se) Quick dectine messages sammeat caret aie a <4 im @ 1234567890 QwertTyulrope Block numbers Bock nknowm/pat mbers > Block spam and sam cals Caller 10 and spam protection on © 012.3456 7890 Use ai pa and sca calls a at lock pr eda ale o yr Treat ne or adional call rejection messages, open the Apps ‘screen and tap Phone > More > Settings > (Quick dectine messages, enter a message and then tap the + button. Te remove the pre-set messages tap the ~ button next toeach one, Call Barring You can also select phone numbers for Automatic Rejection Tap the Block Numbers option and enter @ umber ‘that you want to reject or tap the Contacts leon to choose from contacts. Tap the + button to ade the number te the list. Tap the ~ button to remove a number trom the ts. Pag You can also reject al unknown ‘sumbers by tapping the sider above ‘the eject Uist Tap Block spam and scam calles to turn on spam protection, and choose whether to block ll spam calls lor only those deemed a high risk Is not perfect. but ithelps. You have complete control over all outgoing and incoming calls thanks to the Call Barring option. Supplementary services Show our alr 0 cat foarsra cating o a myer poeta sg Sonoma te vc tenet ing ps aes ee eeres nom Theva ones < callbaring ‘oagaing cate @ rentals a tert al exept hae > ‘Ace cl a iicoming cate vtencouning = OD aed Sorensen “go cg naa ee eater ate ea smear < callbaring ‘oagoing cats @ Irenatora eats > retort he @ ‘Acca o ae Eb rove pcacamcoun on yest pres bye ae sor wwnpcipubscationscom 23 © Sending SMS Messages Sending text messages doesn't change much from phone to phone, so if you have sent an SMS message in the past, you shouldn't have any problems doing so on your Samsung Galaxy. However, there are a few useful extras that the Galaxy can do that you might not have seen before; many of them will almost certainly become an essential part of sending text messages. Let's take a look at how you can make SMS messaging a breeze. Create a New Message Despite how simple an act it might seer, there are a number of options to consider when composing and sending SMS messages on your Samsung Galaxy device. Let's take a look at the Android Messages application, < New conversation < (@ New conversation 1 unread message oad x James Gale 6 e + oe 6 98 . < gales ‘galea galen, < can we have @ i= : 1234567890! |\1234567890 saeco qwertyuiop) |qwertyuiop € asdfghjkl asdfghjkt om @rxcvonm@ |@zxcvbam@ : IS mm. Oe) GIS, comm J ° < wo a woo By Toxic arewmesagestof all EW Inthetop boxer type the pone Yeu can then stat totype your tap the Messaging ap ican on he number tat you want to message mmesage nthe text box js above the Home sceen.On many Samsung devices, the name ofthe contactor tap the Contacts ofseen Keyboard For mote infomation on the Messages app icons inthe dockat he icon Beside the box and choose who you. operating te onscreen tal kejbar take bottom ofthe screen Tap the New Message want tomessage from the contacts st. lookat the utr on sng the Keyboard iconatthebattom ightof te screen to. Youcan add more than one contact as elsewhere inthis book When finshed tap the begin composing the message. recipient of the message. Send ion honing the paper dart. 24 smscputscatonscom < (@ New conversation BD + prsranne ‘you want to attach a photo to the message tap the chevron tothe Left ‘ofthe text Feld, then tap the Photo icon ‘The photos on your phone are shown. Tap the ones you want to send, and choose whether to send asa link a a picture < @ New conversation ED c==D aap fa+ rm 0 Reply to Messages You can reply to messages from a conversation or the notification when it appears in the status bar. When you receive a message, a notification will appear inthe status barat the top ofthe screen. Drag the bar ‘down to see your notications.T reply to a message, tapi nthe Notification pane @oef O€ @e an patron sean, GL Sg € Bh eer reenene Messaging app icon and you will see a list of your messaging conversations. Tap the name of the person you want to reply to and you wil see history of your messages, NINES} < @ James Gate oo+ of] eo 8 & & 1234567890 QwertTYUloP © @ Alison wis ~ a the message conversation view. vwvncelpuiationscom 25 €e) Master the Galaxy Keyboard If you are not used to typing on a phone or tablet, using the tiny keyboard can seem like a challenge at first. However, the keyboard found on most Samsung devices has been evolving and improving ever since the first touchscreen phone appeared. If you just want to type a quick email, it can be as simple as it needs to be but explore a bit further and you will see that it is packed with features designed to make it easy to use. Essential Keyboards Tips ‘The keyboard is updated almost every time Android is updated, so the exact features you have access to on your device might vary, depending on the version you are using. Here's a guide to the newest version. <1 dames ale © F © (@ sames Gale © © (@ sames Gale ot cipy Pete Une aaa - Oo > esas on > aa oO » eo e@ 6 @ eo e@ ¢ @ < themscies the theme 1234567890) |1234567890| |123 4567890 QwerTYuUloP,) QWweRTYUIOP| |qwertyuiop ASDFGHJKL ASDFGHJKL asdfghjkt @zxcvenm@ |# zxcvenm@! |@zxcvbam@ W® , 00 a WW ® ,— exoum a I @ , com a iW ° ae uM ° vos u ° v= Tip 1 - Hide or Reveal Tip 2-Toggle Caps Lock Tip 3 - Selecting Text > Tap anywhere you can eter text sch > Tatype a capita etter in any app. tap > To select single word or section of ext asthe text box nthe Messages app orthe the Shi key once The nex eter you {ouch and hold or doube-tap on screen Search eld in just about any app.andthe type willbe upper case, after which itwill within the text. The word wil be highlighted, Virtual keyboard appears. Ifyou want to hide automatically switch backo lower case (this witha tab at each end of the selection You the down-pintng chevron at is Sentence Case) 25 you type. Ifyou need to canthen drag the tabs to increase the text the foot ofthe screen. which has replaced the type alin upper caseethe tap and hold or selected. To place the cursor within a wor, Back button and sapere dovble-tap the Shit key just tap where you want o appear 26 wwuscipubicaterscom “hs eapaition ae rt | 1234567890 QqwertTyulop ASDFGHJKL |\@zxcvenum@ Tip 4 - Capitalisation > To change the capitalisation of a word you've already typed, you can simply select it see the Selecting Text tip) and tap the ‘Shift key once to capitalise the frst Le ‘or twice to capitalise all the text. Youre offered the capitalisations as replacements In the strip above the keyboard Keyboard swipe controls Swipe ope Tip 7 - Gesture Typing > You may need to enable this feature in Setigs > General management» Samsing Keyboard stings» Spe Touch and feedbck > eybooré wipe coals You can then lie your ger aces te Kyeoard iste of tapping te keys Lt yore then the word apens Tip 5 - Using Emojis > Most Samsung device keyboards now have a dedicated em icon inthe quick access bar along the top but there might also be an emoji key on the keyboard Each section ofthe emoji menu wil have multiple ages, swipe left or right to move between them Different apps feature diferent emoji “ rows ‘opt pause Tip 8 - Voice Typing > On Samsung devices you can input text byspeaking To type with your voce tap ‘the mic eon above the keyboard and say ‘what you want to type: In some languages, you can enter punctuation by saying it, for example commarfull-stop question man” or“exclamation mar’: Ds a eC a eae < @ dames Gale ~ egnmen Be °O < Pre Presumably Previous Propae Preferably Previously Press Present Present Tip 6 - Alternative Words > Android wil try to quess which words you are typing and show them as suggestions above the keyboard You can speed up your typing by tapping the correct word as it appeas,to inser It into the text. Tap the small arrow or the three dots ican) to see a bigger ist of alternative words ene@ © ensny Hepy far Thmbee OWE Tip 9 - Stickers and GIFs > The newest Samsung keyboard gives you quick access to several additional elements with a bar acros the tp, including animated pictures to use. Tp the three-dots Icon, then select GIFs and choose what you ‘want to add tothe keyboard. Yu can then a GIFs to your text messages and more. -wenpcipubsicationscom 27 ©) Customise Alerts and Ringtones Head to Settings > Sounds and vibration on your device and in the Ringtones, Notification Sound and System Sound sections there are dozens of presets available; they range from simple bells and beeps, to ethereal melodies and dance tunes. You can even set individual sounds to specific contacts. In the event that you aren't happy with the standard ringtone and alerts, you can change almost every element of the sound profile on your device. Change the Default Ringtone You can customise most of the various sounds used on your device, even if that just means turning them on or off from the ringtone to keypad tones. Here's a guide to personalising the sounds on your Samsung, sounds and ration |< engtone + | | | sound pier Seach tone seman emer no © ayseecednigony = @O 4 a 4 ® sym bt scone ens? ote ns © ree at © RR ie sytem sana trey be a) ‘0072Frst exploraton vo Seen Dork Song My Meter Tat Me ern vin ptr Ensue Gymopeie BI Pe the main Stings app and BI Selecta ingione anda preview oft EW Thises you use music and sound look for"Sounds" "Sounds and plays. Tap the Back button it happy ‘les 25 your ringtone. Tap the option Vibration” You can access almost all ofthe with your selection, Scroll down to the and then choose where you want to look for ‘sound options on your device from this bottom of the st to see the option to‘Add the audi ile (Sound Picker isthe Samsung settings menu, Serll down until you see the from phone’ rAd ringtone'(depending on default). Select a song ar audio fle to use as Ringtone heading,tap it and you will see a device). its not there,tap the icon inthe a ringtone, You can also choose whether i Uist of all ofthe avaiable ringtones. topright corer to get tere. plays fom the beginning o ust a hightght 28 svwmscputscatonscom IRS SEPIA che Assign a Ringtone to a Contact You can assign a different call ringtone to every single person in your contacts if you wish. ot [eI canet swe (pen the People or Contacts app fon your device. Scroll dawn to and select a contact from the main list to see that contact’ details. Tap Et atthe foot of the screen, seal all the way down and tap the View mare’ link. Ringtones + ‘The voage Giz pe) The Voyoe (88) BI Scroll down again and tp the newly-revealed Ringtone link Youre shown the Ringtone picker again. Tap one to preview it,and when youve found one you like, tap Back to see that ringtone associated with the contact in question, Adding New Ringtones ‘There is no reason why you need to stick 7 Hard Disk Drives @) Syn aces ™" 4s Devices with Removable Stor. (1) s 010 RW Orne D3) + Pontble Devices ( eo Totranster a ringtone fom your computer, connect your phone to your computer using @ USB cable. Your PC should automatically download the drivers you need. Mac users will need to download Android File Transfer. Bs: Inthe window that pops up, youl see the Ringtones folder. Copy your ‘music ile (mp3) into the Ringtones folder, Disconnect yeur phone from your computer. The music track should now display in the normal Ringtone selection menu, Pee ee ee 4 When the contact calls you from now on, the newly selected ringtone will, play instead of the standard ringtone, This. isa great way of screening calls without even needing to take your phone out of your pocket or ba. ‘the standard ringtones which come with your device. = ® Sane ees of en Eh rrrncnsvesee eae wwnpetpuicationscom 29 Personalise the Galaxy Home Screen Reece acu near au ences Ree Re eee Ue a es erent crs is an extremely flexible area, particularly on Samsung Galaxy devices, and can be used to make your device much more usable, unique and personal to you. Here's how you go about it. Changing the Wallpaper which version of Android is currently being used. ene eee ere ea eee ett ty a ee Oa aera renege ect ene £m Se a a ee a eee) ae | + Peepers sei ert rere Heenepr tanner pei ereon peer Seer Bal ss Eee geese See ieee Fors Pek Wapapers sin eee el eke ney en Sore aoe rey Se eed Poe eco nec ee na See Peace pte apart et cap cows ee Ls |aaebetn eres } ue Remeber ats Venere ee Finding New Wallpapers You can use almost any image as a wallpaper, but if you want a custom wallpaper, you must know where to look. salto to your soarch He eer eee eae Pee ee es enter ety Cone eee cr Cee ee esc Ceres Cau ee ce eens ee ee eee ea a Se Cen reens ey perenne Cee oe eet oe Rete) ea ees oe Rese SETUP & BA * ca BW e me eave nce Internet The ability to use the Internet is one of the best features of a Samsung Galaxy device, so MR ale VOU MAM AKeNe (oN ieMNiHaMele lm aC oRVToL0] can get online, set up your email accounts and browse the web with the Google Chrome browser. We show you how to use the Google Mail app too, as well as getting more from the Google Assistant and customising and using your Samsung Galaxy device's notifications. With our help, you'll soon be online and enjoying the Internet. © connecting to Your Wi-Fi Alarge amount of the content you will want to access on your Galaxy device will require a flexible and fast Internet connection, which usually means a Wi-Fi connection. Here you will learn how to use your device's wireless networking capabilit any wireless local area network (WLAN) to which you have access. Connecting to a Network Before trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network, you should make sure you know the SSID its name) of the network you want to connect to,as well as the password needed, These should be supplied with your router. & Connections Q wericatng > usta o cand contacts payers o Fie mace > (pen the Settings app and took or i 195 app the Wi-Fi heading, It’s probably under ‘Connections Ftst of all you must turn your Wi-Fi connectivity on. rag the sider to the Fight, then tap Wi. Your device begins to scan for and splays any networks within ‘angen a ist. 36 < wisi x on © + straw ies to activate Wi-Fi and connect to House of Felix o @ e 1234567890 qwertyuiop asdfghjkt @zxcvbam@ WI @ , ome one ‘When the name of your network is shown, tap it and you wll be prompted to enter your WiFi password (your Wi-Fi password is provided by your service provider). you don't know your cutrent one try looking for an information sticker on your router hardware. «Add network ® Ityou cant see your network inthe Uist of networks, tap More > Add Wil network You wil then need to type in your Network SID (the name ofthe WI-FI network you want ta connect fo) and select the security type (normally WEP or WPA). < wisi * on ++ Asso Following ether ofthese connection methods, your phone or tablet should now connect to the WiFi network The Wi-Fi Icon wil now appearin the top status bar and when you next turn Wi-Fi on,it will automatically choose this network in range Using Wi-Fi Direct Wi-Fi Direct is a way for Samsung users to transfer data to and connect to devices on the same Wi-Fi network. + kbs open ings» Comecns> WF Fe orem wcrcenrtve srom ot er oneting ood th ae nae Soe ‘Accept sharing request? amoung Glas $7 edge wants este ‘ecopt eel “To receive data via WF Direct, you just need to accept the transfer Fequest When you receive data, itis saved to your device automatically Received files are normally saved tothe My Files. You can also search fr files inthe Finder searchin the app drawer, you cant find them CONNECTING TO YOUR WI-FI < House_of_Felix ‘eo eeent o “To forgt a network go to the networks ist and tap the Settings icon next to the SSID. The next screen should offer a Forget option, maybe Ilustrated bya bin Other Android phones might have you tap the SSID and choose Forget from a menu oo «< 8 Bh povecrny meres Seton Penne See neu Sheer ses md hon wwupcipubicatinscon 37 (™) Setting Up and Sending Emails Being able to sync your Gmail account easily to your Galaxy is great, but there are sure to be lots of users who use different email accounts. Setting up your phone to pull emails from these POP3 or IMAP accounts is relatively easy, but you will need your username and password details and possibly the names of your incoming and outgoing mail servers. Automatic Email Setup For most users, the automatic email setup wizard will take any hard work out of configuring your email app and should be able to find the relevant email server details from the email address you provide. ™ Set up email GS cooge TE cxsock, etna anne (pen the Gmail app from the Apps ‘menu on your phone and choose ‘Add email address then the type of email youe setting upto stat the setup process Enter your email address along with the password. Tap Next and wait to see i the mall app can pull the emallsetings from your ISP automaticaly 38 mscputicatonscom ™ ‘Account options 8 mm ni @= 7 cmon Tam PENN Manual Email Setup In some cases, the automatic email setup will fail and you will have to set up manually. If you have set up email accounts before, this should be fairly MM \ oe lunl ay familiar to you. If not don't worry, it isn't too difficult. ™ ™M ‘Add your email address, —_ S oo 6 @ 1234567890 (pen ial. tap‘Add another emit IMAP is generally beter. as this ype Fe csttencwoetteematsenie | MEAL cracoutteey ve msoge ote ‘you want to addi nt tisted, tap Other). server after reading on your phone; useful Enter your deals and tap Manual Setup You if you acess emalis in multiple places Tap need the email server details (Hom your SP Next ad the server setings should be pre ‘or their website). Choose the typeof email filled for most of the major ISPs, but fn, ‘you us (POPS, IMAP or Exchange} Shem out withthe information you have — © ianosbome@dsipipexcom Email Widget Incoming server settings > Ifyou want t ada the Gmait ren epost widget to your Home screen, open cod vane ‘the Home screen and tap and hold = any empty part ofthe sceen. row ‘sgecbmegtttinet of icons appears atthe foot of the = screen. Tap Widgets, scroll down to eet al. Gmail and tap the chevron to its ane Fight. You see two options. 7 nage The larger ofthe two widgets ‘ake available for Gra allows you to have your email inbox (or another box of your choice) appear inthe Widget, so you can see arriving a emails on your Home screen This an - widget is resizeable, so you can make Downed tachment itsmalter or larger by tapping and m. holding, then dragging the handles. Tap Next and let the ema client If youre sti having problems, The second widget isthe same size FE Nerertocsenatcayconmre MEM) sottc spect enct sever sigs aranayp on Ue Rt get ety ‘the incoming server settings Repeat forthe with your ISP or emall provider. On the to ,an inbox or athe folder in an ‘outgoing server.f the manual setup fail, next screen.or later n Settings > Accounts email account of your choice. You you may need to change the security type and backup > Manage accounts you can can rename that mailbox on the to SSL/TLS.The port for incoming emails _change some ofthe account settings. ‘widget without effecting the malt is usually 998 and usually 465 0° $87 for “These include the frequency at which the account ise ‘outgoing emails. app checks for new emails. wwupcipubicatinscan 39 Sending Emails Ifyou are not fami iar with using your phone to send and receive email, getting started can seem a bit of a chore. By following this essential guide, you will learn how to compose, send and receive your emails anywhere. sevens e BI Open the GMail ap from either the shortcut on the Home screen or by browsing the main apps Uist. You can also start a new email or reply toa recent email by tapping the email widget i you have one setup on your Home screen. uw ° < Ifyou want t compose a new email, = ‘tap the Compose button at the foot othe screen. I you want to reply to an email you have received simply select the eral nthe Ut and then tap the Reply burton (he curved arrow). « a9 Lunch * Received emails always show with the most recent atthe top of the Inbox. you have had more than one ‘emai in conversation ou can open it and read al associated emails on one screen before repiying. © Compose asstomcenac From boon reo Ss Coos + & 1234567890 QqwertTvuloe © Compose ep lonontanepesigencom e eG mre e ee youck or tomorow’ meeting? te tion ) < om Remon 1234567890 qwertyuiop © Compose pad tomconce Fon lonestanepa See a Yo (Garren Oent ec aysa tow oo 8 6 1234567890 qwertyuiop If composing a new email.tap the three-dot ic and choosed rom Contacto find a contact in your mai st (renter the email adcress manually nt the ‘To oxifyoure emailing someone nt in your ‘contacts You can acd more than one recipient. 400 wumscipubicationscom [Add a subject, then tap the Main Message box and tar to type your temall message. When youre typing the Predictive text works equally wel in emails as elsewhere and you can add speciat characters such as emojito your email When you have finished composing your email tap the Send button at the top ofthe screen (usualy a paper dart icon), You can also tap the Menu button and choose to Save as Draft you dont want to send the message straight away Email Settings aa TE You can change some of the default settings to suit your particular needs for that account. Notifications > inthe email app, tap the tree-tines Icon op left) and choose Settings from the Sidebar. necessary tap the account you want to modi On the next screen configure how youre notified of new emails. If you turn notifications on,a New Mail icon appears in your notifications bar Signature Email Signature > when you compose a new email you shoud see some text already inthe message box This will be something like ‘Sent from Samsung Mobile and is your default signature. This is automatically added to ‘emails but can be removed or changed if you tap Signature, < Noes 1234567890 qwertyuiop asdfghjkt @zxcvbam@ m @ ean ae Your Name > To change the name linked with outgoing femalis onthe account youte editing, tap your name in the settings. A window opens, In which you can edit your current name, changing i to whatever you ike, When someone gets an email from you, if sted 235 coming rom this name. SSUTS cet a eins) STARTS accept acre) Server Settings > Tap the Server settings option forthe Incoming or outgoing server and you see the advanced settings used when sending or receiving email Leave these alone unless youre having problems with your emit account. Correct settings are avalabe from your ISP or email sevice Syne frequency very 30 mines ry our Sync Frequency > How often do you want your emai app contact your server and download new emails? Tap the Sync Frequency option and you can choose between Never, Every 15 ‘minutes, Every 30 minutes or Every hous If you choose’ Never: you can only download emails manually Sync Email/DL Attachments > The next to options are checkboxes. “The Sync Ema checkbox tums off the syncing ofthat acount withthe emi server. The Download Attachments checkbox sets whether email attachments are downloaded automatically, or only ‘manually when on WF wn pelpubicationscom 441 ©) Browse the Internet with Chrome The mobile version of Google Chrome is now the standard browser on most Android smartphones and tablets and is widely considered to be the fastest and safest browser around. The app will be preinstalled on your Samsung Galaxy but you should check for the latest updates on Google Play before you use the browser on your device. Samsung Galaxy devices may also have a second web browser app that is called simply Internet. Browsing the Internet ‘The Google Chrome browser is far from the only option for getting onto the Internet but unless you need very specific features offered by other browsers, Chrome is a great all round choice. Here's how to use it Search Field > Type your search terms or URL here. You will ls see a microphone con, which when tapped will allow you to search by voice. Ell chrome Menu > The Menu button should always be visible and gives you acess to the bookmarking button, page refresh and the forward and back buttons, EB Bookmarks List > Tap the str atthe bottom ofthe Chrome Home screen to se your bookmarked websites, You can also access bookmarks through the menu, Ell Recent sites > Recently visited websites wil be dsplayed 435 thumbnails onthe opening screen of (Chrome. Tap any to open that website Bh history > For a fll browsing history tap the lack icon. The browsing history from your other devices wil also be shown if they use the same Google acount. 42 sovaselaticatinscam ety Request Desktop Site > chrome will automatically detect fa website has a mobile version and display the version appropriate to your device. Ifyou prefer to view the original version af a website you can force Chrome todo So. Open the site tap the Menu button and check the box next to Request Desktop Site Che ua keg OT Find in Page > This feature, accessed through the Chrome menu allows you to search an individual open web page for specific words or phrases. Tap “Menu > Find in Page and then type the word in the search fed that ‘pens. The numberof times the word appear is displayed and the ‘axrows let you switch between instances, vwownctpuniationscam 43 @s) Getting the Most From Google Assistant Google Assistant is part of the company's push to take on Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and Microsoft's Cortana personal assistants, and has been slowly evolving over the last few years. As. the name suggests, Google Assistant can help out in your everyday life, and become available in even more ways if you invest in one of the many household devices compatible with the Google Home service. So let's take a look at how you can use the assistant on your Samsung, Set Up Google Assistant ‘The Google Assistant is really rather clever, and it makes sense to take advantage of it. Afterall, its complete design is entirely based on making your life easier, so why not let it? Here's how to get started with your Google Assistant. e Save your device app an info? © teyorage tie a @ we B tecscee 5 try saying f Send a message! Q 44 sovaselaticationscom Using Google Assistant Now you have Google Assistant set up, and have added the information you want it to have, you can start using it ‘Give me directions’ (pen Google Assistant by pressing and holding the Home button Each time the assistant opens. it displays an ‘example tsk You can activate this task by tapping it or speaking a command, as appropriate These examples afer a good way ‘of leazning what the assistant can do, The camera in Google Assistant Is quit clover It can scan text and look up specific terms or words identity {and compare the price af a product you photograph help you explore an ars by showing places of interest, and more Tok front-camera snap lfe fora countdown timer and When the Voie command mics ‘pen and listening, you wil ee four ‘coloured lines a the bottom ofthe panel. You can then give a voice command, such 88 "Google,open the Messages app or ask Google ta search for something online... “Google how much does polarbear weigh?” Seggetons a > a > yu have a Google Home speaker, and have set up Routines, you can access them from Google Assistant. Just ‘open the assistant and type or say the routine name (e9,"Go0d Morning’). You an ‘setup Routines even if you dont have a Home speater. Open Google Asistant, say ‘Google Assistant settings’ and tap Routines. 1234567890 qwertyuiop It you want to type an instruction instead of speaking it, tap the keyboard ion found in the Google Assistant panel. If you change your mind and want to speak an instruction after altap the mie icon in the textfield This takes you back to the screen where you speak tothe assistant Your places: 29 sonar ‘The mare you use the Google Assistant. he better it wil get at recommending tasks and commands. And the more information you feed int it the ‘more useful it will become. you have added your home or work adaresses, for example, you can ust say."Show me the best route homeo work vwwtpuniationscom 45 €2} Managing Your Notifications Notifications are used by your phone, or tablet, to alert you when new things happen on your device, from a new email arriving to the latest breaking news story from your favourite news app. You have a high level of control over your notifications, but if you don’t know how to properly manage them, they can become annoying and sometimes intrusive. Let's take a look at how to organise your notifications so they work for you, not against you. Notification Panel ‘The Notification panel is the quick way to view and interact with alerts on Android. If you learn how to use this properly, you might never need to view notification settings. Here's how to go about using your Notifications panel. "Notifications will appear as small Notifications are usually displayed rag anotfeation tothe et or icons in the status barat te top of with a small amount of information right to remave it Tap and hold 2 the sereen-To open the Notification panel, __in the panel However,you can expand most notation for options totum off notifications rag your finger down over the status bar. _of these by dragging your finger down the _forthat particular app, or to got the settings ‘They are grouped together so,for example, if notification group. Ths wil allow you to see for that app, trom where you can change you have several Gmail messagesthey will more information while staying within the how netications are, whether they should be displayed ina single lst. Notification panel appear when the phone i locked and move. 46 wnscipubicationscom © ‘Notification categories « Notfesbene « Notfesine « Aer o cattonadng « Aso onthe ap Notation Sens tceen ism ptm ited Naieston intone series youcan hase ee 9 get teats WF cles Hobe Shutter Ok EN Ee © 20 FH IN He FO ID Iw fe ie ta Tap a potifcation to open it in the app that create &t For example, here we tapped a notification about an incoming voice message. The natiiation opened our voice messages and played the message in ‘question Anema notification opens that email in your email client Lock Screen Notifications You can allow Android to display notifications on the Lock screen, and control how much information is shown. Lock screen notifications on © Shown ay On Day o ee modsvenathasen ot Sate wacuatenoneeyeren ae Eecwaovimepaenase If yu choose ta show complete notifeations onthe Lock screen you wil sea similar display as you see inthe Ntiications panel.ncluding some detail on the notification. Ifyou pick this option as your defaut, you can stil estrict certain apps on your Lock een by'hiding sense content: RoeuAciny camenin. Tomeoseyorsocne A You can clear al notifeations from the panel in one fell sae by tapping the Clear option whichis usually found at ‘the bottom ofthe open Notifications panel. Altenatvey,you can swipe away individual otfiations one at a time if fr istance, you ‘want to keep some inthe panel | 2 Wine you allow natieations on BAM the Lock screen but block sensitive content, you wl 68 fons ora heading telling you what sort of notation it; bt yeu wil not be abet preview it unt you Unlock the devie and open the panel Again, You can restrict certain apps and not others wwupcipubicationscan 47 cr) Tol U TL AV, & Privacy When using a smartphone, it’s important to keep your data secure and private. BUA B ar 1 (em SN Ae section. If you've finished using your \ phone or tablet, we show you how to » lock the screen to keep it from prying eyes. Biometric tools such as Face ID and Fingerprint ID are very safe ways of logging on, and to protect your important data, you should back it up. We also ToC Mai Ked Ifyou are running Lolipop on your device you can make Lunocking easier using Smart Lock for Andro, You wil need to have a screen lock set up before you can activate Smart Lock -wwnpcipubsicatinscom 54. (@ Using Galaxy Biometric Tools Many of the more recent Samsung Galaxy devices allow you to unlock using a few different biometric methods. Biometrics means the use of human characteristics to perform actions. Almost all current phones and tablets allow you to use a fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock them and some, like the $8, S9 and S10, have the ability to use iris scanning technology. Fingerprint Unlock ‘Adding your fingerprint to compatible Samsung Galaxy devices is a relatively simple task but one that needs to be completed before continuing. Follow this guide to registering and using fingerprints on your device. < Security and privacy Q register one or mare of your p device. Once you have added ene or more fingerprints, you can use them to unlock ‘the device sgn in to certain websites, verity some payments and verity your Samsung account whenever asked to 52 wwuscipubicaterscom Ce Now place and it your finger on the screen or rear fngerpin scanner 235 ndcated several times unt 100 per cent recognition is reached. You can actually register upto three fingerprints either al of your ownor allow someone else access to your phone Add more from Settings > Security and privacy> Blometies > Fingerprints. < conrieu Pm 4 5 6 7 ermative password justin ‘ase te fingerprint reader falls. This can be a PIN number ofa regular password whichever you prefer Confirm the password when prompted, Sereenock ype geri c Iris set automaticaly goto Settings > Lack sreen > Screen lock ‘ype. Ifyou dont want to use fingerprint recognition as a way to unlock your phone or tablet simply choose one ofthe other options. Assuming that you do,tap te Fingerprint option. You must havea print registred Web Sign-in and Verification You can use your fingerprint to verify your identity when making purchases from Samsung services. Security and privacy Q Sm tosh ett Samsung account zialain “Tap Continue, then enter your Samsung acount password. You only red to do this once, even f you turn thi ‘option af and then an agin at later date assuming your phone or tablet has not been reset or you have changed acount details, your fingerprints wil remain stored. a oma OB Non; when you attempt to dawnload ‘an app from Samsung Apps, or when YoU ae asked to sign into your Samsung account for any other reason.a fingerprint Scanner screen will appear instead of @ password entry sereenust press o drag your Finger over the Home buton to continue vwonelpuiationscam 53 Unlocking with Your Iris Some of the newer Samsung Galaxy devices allow you to not only unlock ~ -_ Pig You can users recognition as an alternative to entering passwords in certain apps, ust ike you can use your fingerprint. You can also use your irises to verify your identity wnen Logging into your account. It does involve some flashing light 50 be wary you suffer from epilepsy ete. [a Fer best eau setup i ecopiton Indoor or aay fom ect cuit. Enter your PIN or Password and ead the instructions for best results. Tap ‘continue and hold the phone about 25-35cm in front of your face. When the circles appear ‘on screen, line them up with your eyes (also shown on screen) until they are recognised. Tyo keep your eyes open naturally. 54 wwupcipubicationscom eyes (or more precisely, your irises). Here's how you set up and use this feature on a compatible Samsung device. For best results, remove your spectacles. Do not use the ls Scanner in bright sunlight or areas with excessive reflected tight (fr example bya rivet sSimilary dont use the Ii Scanner in low light Look straight at the device, not up, down or sideways and keep your head stl for the scan. axe vee | TURN ON IS UNLOCK. Turon is unlock ee yourblmates You can tur on Iris Unlock now. or you can se the lier back nthe main Lock screen settings a any time, that your eyes have been registered, Backin ‘the main rs scanner settings you wil also 40 a new section labelled Manage Irises In this you wl ee the option to Preview Mask. yur fingerprint but also with your < conrew pm 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ant th tpi | > Fesouaenpereeaiateny erst cote weg! en Jeroen moan Sse ne outrfonetap Sar inet saee = we ama < PReview SCREEN MASK ha [oe OD 0, v a es) ss Ook vy £ ‘This ie fun dition tothe re scanner that you can use or ignore. It simply adds a cartoon mask over the scanner ‘window when it appears onscreen (e.g obot ‘or animal eyes). you choose a mask and then change your mind, simpy come back to ‘this option and choose the blank mask © Meso - @ cares eos on pom) > © Simi ered on tan : ou 5 om > OQ em 5 e= > Ba ena tse service you want to use. Once again, were using Samsung Cloud. On the next screen, youre given a lis of things that are ‘optional in a backup, Switch on ever item you want to include in your backup theyre of by default, Backup data © Meso aa an a aa Om AS fo)) Fo) fc) Ko} |) fo} fo) | fe} Of o Osman o @ Moncton @ ° aera ut back up we rearing < Backup data Meson ° ‘orate avon phon) car (emeon pore) setogs @®oooooo0d0e oOGO DF stp Scroll ths screen up.and atthe foot ofthe options ist, you se an option called Auto backup while roaming: Rearing charges are the addtional price you might ‘ay while using your phone abroad and can ‘be expensive: We suggest you Leave this off © Recounts and backup a To restore your phone or tablet from a cloud backup that you've previously made, open the Setings app, and ‘90 te Accounts and backup, Look forthe loud service youre restoring trom, and tap Restore data Review the list of backups and ‘choose which you want to use. Wien youre readytap the Back up ‘owlink atthe foot af the screen, Your Galaxy device s backed up. It takes a while st time you dot, but ater that, only ies that ae new or have changed are copied tothe cloud, so it works alot quicker. Contacts ene en phone) Cols (evedon pone) Fag On the nest screen you can decide what data you want to restore. Everything ticked by default, but if you only want to restore (say) Calendar to retrieve an event you deleted accidentally, Untick everything except the Calendar Tap Restore atthe foot ofthe scree. ud n also use the cloud to sync your Samsung devices. 6 metereottonetcon ee nego on a e ™ ™ © mevewesiveeson Or + oes o > Ityou have more than one Android device, you can keep their data in syncusing the cloud. That way 2 note, ‘alendar event, message and more ‘zeated on one device also appears on ‘the other Goto Settings > Accounts and backup > Manage accounts. < coop metereptncoon remount > At the foot ofthe screen is 2 switch tat lets you auto sync all data, Otherise.tap ona category and what you sync After syncing, signed into your Samsung ‘acount are kept in sync Tep Add acount for ist of more tings you angyne. wenpcipubscationscom 57 €2) Dealing with Viruses on Galaxy In some ways, when it comes to viruses, malware and other tech nasties, Samsung Galaxy is a victim of both its own success and of its open nature. If you read any of the tech news, or even mainstream news sometimes, it can seem like virus threats on Galaxy are increasing by the week. Exactly how much of a problem is this then and what is Google doing to make sure your device isn’t affected? Read on to learn more about viruses on your Galaxy device. Antivirus Software > Jus tke on your computer there ae lots of tferent Anti-virus tools available on Android; and just lke on & PC. they all do broadly similar things and offer similar features, You wil also have a choice of using a fre app, or paying fora premium app. One ofthe best fee apps is AVG AntiVirus FREE With AVG Antivirus FREE for Android phones and tablets youl receive effective, easy to-use virus and malware protection. as well asa real-time app Scanner, phone locator, task killer, app lock and toca device wipe. 58 w Understanding Virus Threats You really don't need to panic over the threat of viruses on your device, but it makes sense to know more about them so you can stay malware-free. Android Viruses > There hich affect the Galaxy operating system, (ne of the most well-known i Trojan-SMS. ‘AndroidOS FakePlayera. This was the fst “Teojan‘SMS virus identified on Android and ‘was thought to have infected hundreds of ‘thousands of devices. The virus was capable of sending SMS messages to premium rate numbers without the user having any indication that something was wrong. Other ‘well-known viruses include Gingermaster, hich was capable of stealing userinfo from the infected device (ser ID, SIM, IMEI, ete) ‘and DroieKungFu, which allowed back door access tothe device and files tobe removed, thankfully sil few viruses Lookout DroidDr airs Seach) Pen y Ee eee will use /system/bin/profile to eases Po aac Pear tcrer) Perce erring Por eacersin Android Malware > The distinction between viruses and malware on Android is something ofa grey area, Viruses get called malware and rmatwate get called viruses. Ii safe to sy, however, that you really dont want either to infect your device, One ofthe best known malware attacks was OrolaDream [also known a Android Rooteager) which affected around 60 apps on the Android Market (Google Play tore) in 2011. The malware added infected devices to botnet, installed adeitional software and stole data, leis thought that hundreds of thousands of devices were infected, even though Google was quick to release a fix forthe problem. @ Ten Galaxy Security Tips We are now using our Galaxy device to store passwords, banking details, private emails and other valuable and very private information. Before you even begin adding this sort of information to your device, you need to think about security. These quick and simple-to-complete tips all help to increase security, and used together, make your device a virtual fortress that keeps sensitive information private. EB Adda Screen Lock J Backup Regularly |: Pea) eee ee ey Networks ee enn ete eee ree eran reed vepviaearonrernutines mmm oitepemnveninnnntirsti Beshieeipisiny errant erin econ Meeannernnerct mena e rr natty ae eptiecelinebiieerin Cr ener oe citi ea ete ets neem ; Saas ee; Tec cena enter cee Sorters arte a Ce ad eo coon Pee piepireoedl oan ena ear nt teeovereo ers , bs heme > Cer! ea eee es See rs Se ted Se ees Pinhenpesann es Frpeecoreneenrer eaten siren Proserpine ; | Rete Po ceatineetvotatantd Micali 1 Ne ee ee ee toed i a pasion Crmirinneiinieirteihinnesiian aah dehareban dal desr ecco at eT Teont rai ihren sam: Tell Seed use Android Device Manager to show its location Ce ee etme’ pee ere i ar AT ime ° [LCI EtLZ main nue eiinenin oer : eee mean teed arene scenery peopinontironstiehy os er ere peer en ed CT ee etd ore ee aoe eas pony emcee renter eer ae :0 Roomate Crt cret rer | > Eee eee) rere ene ett Heopemmeecsomnnieente > Encrypting the data on your device adds an outa fewto see which one works best for en ee ee ee eres Eee eka eet ane CS ee M4 iat ae eer mene Peer eeectaratti rare rope tee eee eet F ta _ Samsung mxcrol nay Tools ao are you getting on with the Bixby Assistant? Do you use it to its fullest? » Do you use it at all? With our help, you can get right to the heart of the Galaxy's camera, display mM to edit photos in the Ga \ © Using the Bixby Personal Assistant Bixby is a digital personal assistant that's exclusive to Samsung devices. Think of it as Samsung's answer to Apple's Siri or Windows’ Cortana. You can use Bixby in a number of ways, from employing it for voice commands, to utilising it to recognise objects or text in a photo and then providing information. Bixby was launched in 2017, and is available on the latest Samsung Galaxy devices, from the Samsung Galaxy S7, Galaxy Tab S4 and Samsung Galaxy Note FE onwards. Bixby Set Up Before you can use the Bixby digital assistant, you have to set it up. Fortunately, this is fairly easy to do. Follow this short guide and you'll soon be up and running with your Samsung assistant, and ready to use Bixby to its fullest. Samsung ity permissions Bixby ’ Kap yout foe con Get things done quickly. soo Control your devices = There are two ways of opening the Bixby personal assistant. As mentioned before, you ‘an doit by pressing and holding the side button. You can also use your wake words Which i either'Bisby'ox Hi Bixby’ Either way.the Bixby assistant opens. Discover on Ou The Discover Link > nthe top right comer ofthe Bixby panel Isa tink tiled Discover, and ustrated with ' compass icon Tap it to open a very useful help page, which shows you ways in which you can use the digital assistant Take a look, there’ lots of use information here = 0 Bubble Commands > when Bixby opens, there a row of commands in bubbles. These are based on how you use the service. Slide the row left and right to see them all, and tap one ofthe bubbles to execute the Bixby command in ‘question. Here we tapped, Create a reminder: The Bixby Icon > The biue icon inthe centre ofthe lower part ofthe pane isthe Bixby icon. Tap it to activate the microphone and talkto Bixby It ‘morphs int a tne while the mic i active. If you give Bixby an instruction its executed wien you stop speaking a, oa e 1]2]3]4]8]6]7] 8] oo qwertyuiop asdfghjkt @zxcvbam@ w@ , cunu oo Open the Keyboard > ttyou want to type a command to Bix, simply tap the keyboard ican in the Botton left comer ofthe Bixby panel. Type whatever it is you need to type, and it appears in the text eld. Tap the icon on te right-hand side ofthe text eld to execute the command Try recommended feature Bixby Settings > Tap the cog icon to acess Bixbys settings Of particular note is the Voce setup option, hich late you choose’ Bixby’ aH Bixby at wake words, whieh let you use the service Without touching your phone. Te disable the assistant sro up and tap "Leave Bixby vwwnelpusiationscom 63 Using Bixby Voice ‘You can give Bixby instructions with your voce instead of typing. and you can even summon the Bixby panet without even touching your device. Heres a guide t how tod tis and what you can do by speaking to Bixby. oo ay & Voice wake-up lying the Spaiy playlist, Motes. > on « ee « ® @ ro ee 64. sovaselnticationscam Bixby Voice Commands ‘The more you use Bixby, the better it gets at understanding your voice and your requirements. Here are some ‘commands that your amazing Bixby digital assistant should easily recognise, even the first time you use it. a e Launch Apps or Functions > You can ask Bixby to open an app dirty: “Open Mailer you can ask itindvectly by requesting a funtion o a particular app:"Send ema to im State your request, nctuding ‘the app or feature nameta help Bixby Vice execute your request more accurately More Bixby Commands Check the Weather > You can use Bixby to show you the weather forecast forthe day.or even the week. Press the Bixby key and say"Show Ime todays weather: Bret information will appear on the Bixby Voice screen. You can then tap the weather information for detail € Seuchfornenby booker. Xb escort Book ie © ote) (ew Searching the Internet > You can quickly search fr information fon the Internet using Bixby Voce, for ‘example: 54,"Search for nearby bookstores Con the Internet the Internet app will show the results. You can also ask Bixby specific ‘questions to prompt an online search. There's plenty more you can do with the amazing Bixby personal assistant. This is by no means a complete list, but it will give you much better idea of just what you can use Bixby to do on your Samsung Galaxy device. 1 open (app name] = What time ise? 1 Whats the date today? "= Turn the volume up/down 1 Restart my phone 15 Turn the Flashlight on/off ‘= Turn on Emergency mode = Play music 1 Stop the music = What song is this? "= What’ the name of this song? 1 Remind me to buy milk tomorow at 9 am 1 Show me my mast recent reminder ss Toke a screenshot = Goback "= Show the Home screen 1 Scroll up/down 1 Swipe efit 1 Scroll tothe top/bottom "= Zoom injout ‘= Turn on auto rotate 1 Set the phone to portrait mode = Turn off the screen = Show me my most recent app in split 1 Close [app name] 1 Close all ecent apps '= Open [app name] in split screen: 1 Show me my recent apps "= Open this app a5 a pop-up 1 Minimise this app 1 Switeh windows 1 Close Messages "= Clear noticatons from Messages = Show me all notifiations "= Open the quick panel "= Close the notification panel '= Expand the notification from Messages "= Control the brightness an the notification panel 1 Read all notifications ' Read the latest notification ' Open Contacts and Create a new contact as David "= Open Contacts and Show Davis contact info 1 Open Contacts and Show my fiends group "= Open Contacts and Change my status message to busy "= Open Contacts and Link David to Jane 1 Open Phone app and, 1 Open Settings and. "= Open Messages and. = Open Camera and © Open Clock an. "= Open Calendar and -wwnpcipubsicationscom 65 Bixby Vision Bixby Vision is a bit lil ce an online image search, except it uses ti ges (taken on your camera) as the source, rather than just images from the Internet. it can then supply information about the object you photograph. < wrt = on o Weg eae + Aamo Before you can use Bixby Vision, you will nee to make sure that you ‘are connected to a WiFi of data network {and that,on the device, you have signed Into your Samsung account. The available ‘features and search results may vary depending onthe region or service provider, bust most should be avallable everywhere. ent > hws You can also search online, for images similar to the recognized ‘object. You can view various images with properties similar tothe object. You need to keep the object within the frame of the ‘cameras viewfinder to recognise it When the object is recognised, the available Search icons wil appear 66 wwncelpbicationscom : ‘that it can only be launched from supported apps, such asthe Gallery or Camera apps. When you open an app such as the camera, you will see “Bixby Vision” button that you will need to tap to enter Bixby Vision mode. You can then take @ snap of an abject. Bixby Vision lets you search for bulldings and other geographical features. For example, ifyou want to search for cafes In your eureent area, use the Bixby Vision feature. Pint the camera ata cafe and the device will search for (and hopefully show you) other nearby cafes information about certain landmarks, pS SS re Reape Fry ant cd ME wee << ion ch i ty When Bixby recognises an object, it wll give you certain options. These can.for example, include a shopping ‘option, which lets you check information (price, availabilty ete) at whichever ontine Fetalers the object is matched to. If no ‘matching item is detected, the Shopping button won't appear. Bixby Vision can be used to read (8 codes, so there is no need to have third-party reader app installed It ill automatically recognise the OR when lined up inthe Vision box. OR codes give access to a variety of information such as website details, location information. ot business card detal buthon fiir Einsteiger TRANSLATE ‘ceRMAN ou eNGUsH Pron Expert python TM for banners Welome {GP ynon te words bet programming Ionguage Pythons ne a he most ctestl programming lngcages nthe wold. ses re downsasable fore andean make our ompiter aso ure. ython enable on Find Nearby Places Another really useful feature of Bixby Vision is Nearby Places. This uses AR to find places nearby via your camera, based on locations marked in Google Maps and other apps. All you need to do is open the camera, select Bixby Vision > Nearby Places and then move the camera around, TNCs Chaa Detect and Translate Text One of the best features of Bixby Vision is the ability to detect text and translate it. For example, if you want to know what a sign says while travelling abroad, snap a picture and the device detects the sign’s text and translates it into the language you select. text box upwards NEARBY PLACES: Yee cider Bar Res om were mw Youcan tap nayet he oo vse me kn pon nme tnt pices newb Youll seemltple alone as wel at arrows on screen showing their directions from your current location poate aa ican Toseoreifraton, tater yo ave cotan to ; atcarsternp tinctyerie | enlace Soyeuse on renoryoucan tpl war mated det tepthe Shute baton, intmetn wl be sho, ee Vomyecsereaions You can tap the iter wee treme ances” — BD bosontotetpersorse 230m Ine vevider l oppen ait your arash athe eatery snacornTo reine pion | pace ee a me byranbylcesean ne town in dance vay om our caret Sewn Tore teres, | oct a! a tings fr inter ttecsaverertamty | sao ibm iecann bar and cts 67 €¢) Multi-window and Smart Capture ‘Thanks to a recent update to the Android operating system, you can run two apps side-by-side or one above the other in split-screen mode. Samsung Galaxy devices have had this feature for longer, but the way multi-window works on Samsung devices has also changed slightly. This guide looks at multi-window and then the screen capture tool, Smart Capture. Multi-window on Samsung Multi-window mode on Samsung devices has been available for some time, and works very slightly differently to ‘most other devices, even after updating to the latest version of Android. Here's a guide to how it works. (On your Samsung device, tap the Recents button to view the thumbnails of recently opened apps. On the top bar of each app thumbnail isa mult-window icon Tap tis to open the frst app in the top half ofthe screen. You will see thatthe bottom half still, shows Recent Apps If you leave mul-window mode by pressing the Home 3 Beare ‘stay active. A notification in the status bar will clsplay the mult-window ion, and tapping it will switch back to the splitscreen vew You can cancel the spl screen by tapping the Xin the notifcation 68 wwnccipubicationscom Ea seen etn arora nino naa Samsung devices To move an application toa oating pop-up \ the application touch atop corner ofthe screen and spe diagonally toward the centre ofthe screen. This feature works better on tablets than phones, but may be available on both \ eee | Touch and drag the blue outline to resize the pop-up. Touch and drag the control det atthe top ofthe pop-up window to ‘move it around the screen. You can tap the arrow controls tthe top ofthe box to change back to full screen or shrink the window down, icon size, Using Smart Capture Sharing what is being displayed on your Samsung Galaxy screen is now easier than ever, with the addition of Smart Capture tools for most devices. Here's a guide to getting the most from Smart Capture on your Galaxy device. Ifyou didnt already know, you can capture a screenshot of your device by pressing and holding the Home key and the Power key simultaneously. You can view captured images in Gallery. You can also capture screenshots by swiping your hand tothe lft or right across the sreen, Bg Once activated, the Smart Capture tools appear along the bottom of the seen in a transparent bar fo a few seconds ‘each time you take a screenshot. You need tobe fatty quick ta choose ‘the Smart Capture tool you want to uses it is good to know what each tol does ‘ith Smart Capture switched on you can capture the current screen and scrollable area. You can also immeciately crop and share the captured screenshot. If this feature snot activated, ‘open Settings > Advanced features > Smart capture and tap the site to activate it vwwnpelpubicationscom 69 €2) Always On and Display Widgets The Always On Display (AOD) feature allows users to check the time and date with ease and also keep an eye on missed calls and message alerts, even when the phone is not in use and just on standby. There's no need to tap the screen. The Always On Display can be customised to include clocks, images or calendars of different styles. Let's take a look at some of the ways you can use and adapt the Always On Display on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Always on Display ‘The Always on Display shows information in a very low power way, using less than one percent of your battery life per hour. If your battery power drops below five per cent, the display turns off. Here's how to set up your AOD. Lock sereen| Q o o Toxchsnd oda o Roaming cock « Looking fr smating ese? Head into the main Settings app fn your Samsung Galaxy and took for the Lack Screen settings. About halfway down thelist of settings you see“Always on

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