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, 100% UNOFFICIAL 3 7e PRESENTS THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL FRANCHISE IN THE WORLD a © | EVERY GENERATION EXPLORED 3% ICONIC ANIME > UNFORGETTABLE GAMES at Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon. For over 25 years, Cee ecu es tae eee) mere idea in the mind of Satoshi Tajiri, drawing from his experiences catching bugs as a child, it grew into a duet of Game Boy games that, Cee nee Red Cea sights on taking over the rest of the world by storm. SMR Ne ne a ea Ce eee at ae a Super Effective strategy of maintaining that popularity with regular Fe ene eu eae that it’s the most successful media franchise in the world. Today, i's Cen ee Se ie etd Pikachu, Ash Ketchum or the iconic Poké Ball logo. Inside this special celebratory bookazine, we're going to take you Ca uh CN ate eae ae ang to the ninth. On our quest, we'll learn about how each era brought Se Me ect eon ert aac expansion and delve deep into the stories behind the videogames, television series and more. Whether you're a Pokémon Professor or an aspiring Pokémon Master taking their first steps towards the Indigo oemU retusa en ome Ree ae eae aes ‘Aworld of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits, Let's go! CONTENTS . How the series went frm humble ‘beginnings to a worldwide juggernaut 16 GENERATION! ‘The nal wave of Pokémon masa ‘mesia invasion, explore it here! 18 POKEDEX 001-151 Toit of Pokemon ae nar ‘and dearto everyone's hea 20 POKEMON RED & BLUE Pokémon luminaries romomberthe ‘making ofthe first games 28 TAKING OVER TELEVISION How Ash Ketchum’ animated series took over TV schedules {6} esron oF extn 32 rae THEFIRST MEWTWO SIMS $ BACK invitation from the work's Tainar? Sounds tantalising! 34 POKEMON: THE TRADING CARD GAME How the Pocket Monsters escaped videogames and took over tracing cards The followup games showed the world that Pokemon was here ta stay 40 POKEDEX 152-251 This Generation of monsters woleomed the ultra-coo! Dark and Steal types, ‘long with a bunch of baby Pokémon 42 52 itoutof the park ‘Thishandheld console curio had 9 heal aray of Pokémon videogames GENERATION i Tal abrand-new ion, with more Mideogsme spi-offwand a Pouadox ot POKEDEX 252-386 "Moot the primal Pokémon who could ‘control the land and 202 POKEMON RUBY, SAPPHIRE & EMERALD toakusto the lovely locale of Hoana and Introduced us o Team Aqua ang Magma Today, remesters of ld Pokémon games areas regular asthe main sri, We look atthe ongins ofthis wadion 64 rR a Pokémon takes bold steps onto the [Nintondo BS, and into tho internet POKEDEX 387-493 ‘This selection of monsters had a ‘mythological edge to them POKEMON DIAMOND, PEARL & PLATINUM Discover why Pokémor's first fray imo Sinnah i 0 beloved by fons "Now avor ton yors ol, th franchise ‘mixed things up a ite POKEDEX 494-649 Gaze atthe biggest Fok the series had ever see BLACK & WHITE Game Freaks daring ffth-Gen sequels Celebrating the game-nspired anime ‘Thetaibend ofthis Generation put Pokémonin the centre stage once again, "thanks to Pokémon Go 88 POKEDEX 650-721 ‘Were invoduced to some ofthe most popula Pokémon round. and, orm, 2 Ssetofkeys POKEMON X & Y These 305 Kalos classics ushered inthe ‘xcting Moga Evolution feature Inside the phonomanon responsible for ‘lola brings chllod-out vibe and a new looktorthe animated series 100 POKEDEX 722-809 ‘Those tropical creatures were test for the eyes and soul 102 POKEMON SUN & MOON ‘These ambitious yt lid introduced usta new forms for sect rmambers ofthe orginal 151 108 10 116 118 DETECTIVE PIKACHU Find out what happens when you cross anoctro-mouse with Ryan Reynolds GENERATION Vill The most up-to-date Generation of Pokémon had controversy, but also 8 lotof promise Say ‘00d day tothe lords and ladies ofthe Ukcinspred Galarragion ‘We expected big things from Pokémon proper Nintendo Switch debut, ond Game Freak took tat itera POKEMON LEGENDS: ARGEUS “evel beckin tie tothe Hsu raion to {eothe most ambtios Poke gore Yt) Explove the newest Generation of Pokémon meet thenew monsters on ‘the block and jump into Scarlet Violet HE STORY OF FOKEMEN | 5 EXPLOSIVELY POPULAR IM THE MINETIES, POKEMON HAS OUTLIVED THE INITIAL FAD AND BECOME ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR SERIES OF GAMES. NICK THORPE TALKS TO THE GEVELOPERS ABOUT THE SERIES THAT CHALLENGES YOU TO “CATCH "EM ALL"... Yseoaromely hard produced by wrtr Satoshi Tar and madeits dbutin 1988 with Quinny, otto be ware of __‘iusrator Ken Sugimos. ‘When we 8 Famicom pure game locaised Pokimon yoo fret stated some ofthe readers forthe North American NES market, al Gamer ‘someone wholes. The wdeogtmes producing videogames” Sugimort vison ofa new type of, hve sold over 368 millon ust, with explsinedin a games interview which woud is the handel ‘some ties toping the TO milion on thehistery ofthe saris. The frm linkable and portable nature. A mark Ws far more han jsta ‘design document ented Capsule ‘arring phenomenon, though - since ‘Monstrs was ready by 180 ‘he series launched in tho UK back ‘Won you axamine the Pokémon in 1888, Pach’ smiling face has {games on the most bi eel sppeered everywhere from tring they refi yea dapanese ‘cards o enema sreens, However t PGs witha Yo ay twists. The tmey come ae a surpriaeto many of a ‘you that the ering ofthe saves go ‘ithe way back 1990. ‘The Pokemon series hs slays 4 the monsters you encounterinthe boon primary developed by Game wil. This element is present inthe Freak-a.lepanese am which grew —ancitiesi _sShyntinnanene_ eatly design documents, trough ‘outofafanine ofthe same name Sormriewnnes Sanam tha original ida wove payers . > having a charisma stat whereas In thefinalgamethey simpy lower ‘wild Pokémon’ both untit ant resist being captured in a Poké Bal These monsters have special ‘types sucha Fire ad Water which imake some Pokimon more ols eee ui ‘tlecive against oer. The second ‘major wit ie that the gars each Contain a strong multiplayer element, c atypical of PGs, in wich payors ‘an rade thir creates or engage in I battles, Some Pokimon even requ ‘racing o woven ther svanger ‘Upgraded form. This Was also aay pet ofthe ptch document forming th cotropiec of Satoshi Tas Vision for the game. “The ina twists that each ame comasin at lest to versions, with a sloct numba of Pokemon ‘sbsont rom each. The bina (of Shiga Miyamot, a iend and ‘onto of Taj tis wae a sroke ‘of gens rather han having the bly obtain all the monsters ‘wth enough dedicated soo ply, payors wore required to engage ‘withthe muplyer functions of the ‘ame. Also speating to games" ‘composer and programmer dani ‘Masuda explained, "People ay that whan you're paying videogames your usualy plying on your own. So sme wontedto create an ‘expariance where you can ‘ly the gare but tl play together wit ends atthe same ime and all have fn” “lie STi tea ( ae * = Sao” 5 a ‘ 1} j he game went into development changing hale to Pocket Monsters due 0 ‘wadomark ificuty, and stayed ‘there for a very long time, Despite hhaving boon itched oon aftr the release ofthe Gamo Boy, Pocket Monsters wouldnt rive pan ‘un he start of 1996 ene when the monechrome hardwar locked ta be ont ast logs. Pocket Monstors Fed & Green follow the standard RPG modal outlined oar, withthe key citferences changing te aoa of the game. The single-player quost Involve gathering eight bacges {tom batting Gym Loaders -ehor “Trainers that sorvod as bossos— belo tang on the Ete Four and your rivals fil boss run. Once ‘hat was dona, the social aspect of the game became necessary as You soughtto complete your cocton of 460 Potémon, “The wri in the ferula as thot there wos actualy another retue the 15st Pokemon, Mew ‘The Mythic’ monstor wae added latin development in space crated ‘ster the gee’ dug tole vere emoved, on unteste oon ‘hat woul be untinkabla today. ky Me ld cause problems itturod out tobe something ofa ‘soluson, Unavaiabe during regular sen Eee Shrntne cede sternite Pe" [esas better vie! . B enn tn sepeteaerposy cael lay, Mew da ocesionalysopeat ‘a gltches and romours of how ‘obtain it begon to form. Mew was able tobe cietbuted to cartidgos {at special vont, he fst of which "wae a compatiion in CorCaro Comes which tracted 70,000, fenties. Word of mouth spread fndthe game's tay sluggish Sales turned around traded by ‘tonal merchandising, Thovgh Pocket Monsters ed & Groen wore released in Februsry 1296, hey Git thir peak sales unt he ‘summer of 57 ‘Atoraengty localisation delay, Pocket Monators now eetied Pokémon son Red & Ble ‘versions anved nthe USA in 1998, then Europe and her PAL terteros in 1888 Tha sow ul eon in Japan wouldn't boa fate in ‘hose terrors, as Pokimonarved ‘ath 9 co-rdnated marketing bite that ea te TV sei, tracing card (gime and videogames hit most, Simutanoousiy. craze tated smost overnight helped stong by ‘adaonal special versions such {2 Pokemon Yalow; which stared kc and tok laments om the TV sre, Ulimatoly the first ‘Genorto’ of games sold ove 23 lon copies. But while the st International, a Soquel was neoded foe Japan end ave i at 109, THE EVOLUTION OF POKEMON 46You can still play together with friends at the same time and all rae JbnchiMesida Pokémon Gold & Siversarved an he fret mossive overhaul fo the series, proving a brand-new ‘questing new region, Johto. The ‘mostimmedataly obvious now featur was a aus overhoul a 8 result of Game Boy Color support wove, the changos went far deeper A batery-powered ressime ‘ork wa ineuded inthe cartioe, affecting what happened in-game Cerin Pokimon were more bunant ring the ey while ‘thers could only be found at righ td ther events only took place eres LoL SHORTEST ‘he somo roxBuon| 9 aoe > on specitc days ofthe week _phiosophy being new actions Now Pokémon could now also be “Talwaysite to come up wth tho sequied by breeding most ony number rst Whea Tm envisioning of your scuied exsting creatures, what the wor going tobe he, Blowing for xusivo moves. Two thinkabout whatkind of Pokirmen brand-new types of otémon were pope are going to encounter there, also nud, Darkana Stoo wich and hon how many arowo gong “woreintended to adcress some. need, =a come up withthe number ‘tthe balance iaues with the fet fret usualy” ‘game ~parcalry the dominance of Psychic Pokémon. ‘okimon Gold & However the big new inion ‘Siverwere massively was that of 100 new Pokémon. succesful world, “These nuded extra evolutonary fschiving 23 milion sles stages for exiting Pekomon, ‘na much shorter period than the Such a5 Pichu, the baby form of Pkachu, ad Slowking, a second qulekrleallsation. An enhanced stage for Slowpoke which serves thie version flowed with Poksmon tas an ternative tthe fist game's Slowtva, Ala nother spacial event Pokdmon ite Mew ws included in ‘the form of Caleb. Masuda, who _goneraton of games was aroady ‘would become decor ofthe series onthe way, th time tiled Polson following Gold& Sivor explains tbe Ruby & Sapphire a te ele oa a | ! J ‘These games took pace in another new region Heer. "With {he Hoenn region Iwanted to go for ‘fol of abundant nature” explains ‘Masuda "When was younger, my ‘grandparents ved in Kyushu and Froud viet thom, and whenever was there aways bo catching us, playing in tha iver, eathing fh and stu he tht 50 Lwanted to bring that fealing of nature to the games” The cohort of new Pokémon Included 135 coatures, raising the total number to colt 0285, However, despite support the code foral 386, only 202 coud bo caught In Ruby & Sapphire and wading ‘tn previous Generations wae impossible, creating aprobiom hat the developers would need to sole later oor improvements were ‘made othe bal stam, ncuding {tam battle in whieh four Pokdmon could fight and anow ability system, which gove Pokémon postive Powers tet afford bate Howove the biggest change was an expansion tothe non-bating lay avaiablo, with the inclusion ‘of Pokemon Contest n which your erature would perform tale ‘ows in front of 3 judging psn ‘competion with other Trainers. "At theme when we were developing the games, we really wont 0 think ofa way to expand the appeal ‘ofthe Pokimon games," reveals Moss “So we thought of varity cof ways that people coud enjoy ‘gamoplay with Pokirnon without Bating thom." Despite this stemt to expand the appeal ofthe sis, Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire dt ot 25 woos previous games, However, ven ac below ar for Pokémon producasrsus that other soles ‘an only cream of with 16 lin ‘copies sol, he games were ‘comfortably the bestsoing tes on the Game Boy Advance, Jehu 19 2004, Pokdmon FireRed & LeatGreon mere relesed ‘These were the fet Pokemon remakes, ond ‘according to Masuda wore apart ‘ofthe plan 2s soon a the solos ‘moved tothe Game Boy Advance. tegen utte e e oso] o ———— loreytame hydronic eters attic ‘One of the main reasons or veloping remakes] was ally more of technological ease 25 {he hardware couldnt eommuniate ‘uth eachother between the Game Boy andthe Game Boy Advance, Evan when wo wore fst developing uty & Sapphire we know we ‘wanted to players to be abet catch ‘ot the old Pokémon os wel othe newer ones” Frefed & LeafGreen ‘ere fol remakes with improved ‘sual and some expanded contort to include Ruby & Sapphire’s Improvements most notably a ‘sectional post ge quest inthe new Soi lands region. Success followed once agin, with ital {ecaim and around 12 milion eles. ‘The Game Boy Advance wos _sperstaied by the Nintendo OS ‘theta end of 2004, bur with Polaron FreRed & LatGreen having jst compte their wore esace cyl, t was clesr ‘hata eyes were sl on the older _ystoms, While the DS received ‘he forgettable spnof Pokemon Desh, te Game Boy Advance got Pokimon Emoal, a substantial (gomovwhich soved sine Durpose to Poon Crystal by proving an enhanced third version Ot Ruby & Sapphire Fans would have to it nti 200 to get thie hands onthe fourth Generation of Pokemon games. THE EVOLUTION OF POKEMON THE SPIN-OFF S 232eeerm, POKEMON STADIUM ros ayas lneltatnetbe reba be Phat np eperngpntarco fre cesar hb ene onc cat efter Neaitqtntrety mle aninep th POKEMON RANGER strato THE EVOLUTION OF POKEMON > ‘kémon Diamond & Pear brought a rat of changes for fan ery, ‘many of whieh were By ‘ow sven standard, The gare took plse inthe brandnew Sinnoh region, age island bisected by 2 ong mountain range Eight new {Gym Leaders anda now Ete Four ‘wore avaiable to batt and 107 new Pokémon wore added for pleers to catch, bringing tho compet total up 10493. The batt systom was also fertereftd ih many attacks rodassiftod as physical or spec Bose on how they operated for physical stack ast ivalves one Pokamen making contact with nother while Shadow Ball doesnt fn therefore became spac Howeves the most excting new ossbities wor a doc ros of {he sree’ move oa new platform. Fora start the DS was Ninando'e firsthandhla platform to be designed for 30 graphs which ‘the way the games wor posonted, However, Demand & Pear wate, rolatival tonatve stops into 30 — bt received an improved set of 2D sprites so only the enieonments ‘wore overnuled 30, an they ‘arly offered much funciona! ference to ther 20 counterparts Sill they i allw for some surprising new design posses, Ss Masud recalls: "One ofthe eet things about maving tothe 30 frvveanmants with tha DS games Siynamicpresontaton for example ‘mouing the camera sound ro boing able to contra the came ‘ctl changes the ‘Weston oF roneuon | 12 THE EVOLUTION OF POKEMON Be aCe Sete) Re CR Ra Ral) Cored re renin CN his is t-te era that Klcked off 25.yoar legacy Tho fist, [Generation of Pokemon vas 2 Phenomenon thet exploded “open an rippled across te warts throughout te 1000s, Reding of ith the duct of games Pokémon Rd & Grea, the sae saw instant popuarty in Este Ai Rinendo tock not 5 his we of hype tat wes bling ocd to srt the yt he West. By the ime Polaron arwedon our shores 108 (US and Ausland 1299 (Eup ‘hat wave had developed ine a mopa-meda tsunam The gumos were reused and Updted Pekbman Bed & Bo, tong ttn hem came anthem show, 8 Dlayrourd-domintg tadng cd game ert rote merchanee thin you col shake 9 Pac tat owing hed stuck ol, Never outed down en ts Postman non of 14 | ruesronvor oxen Na 1996-1999 KANTO REGION The first wave of Pokémon blew the world away. Not limited to games, this big bang for the series also ushered in a TV show, manga series, cards and more TO te Wor nthe wake of Fed & At, mare ‘eee foloned, ncidng the anim shored Pokemon Yello which put Pach in 2 ‘Staring le, and he 3D Nrtendo 6 bar PokomenSiodum. Te Kanehse resonated vw ide and adits aa for range of Feazons but pshans most cenva to al ‘asc slog Gotta Cates ‘Em A vas a porect encapsuston of hat Posen was coast the games were based ound chucking Poké Bas a 9 menagerie of ‘estures and enabled yout rade am with you Tends. Tho anime tock that manta oe Impanted tints canal characters arbiter, std thse coloctbl cvs ust Bagged 10 be hose y ens “There vere 151 Pokémon orignal wth unique shapes, te and abies, and who ‘some sls hearts simost start (v8 Tooting at you, Pikachu, hey were diverse enough that everyone could fd at st one ‘hoy cous cal tr four, POKEMON RED, GREEN & BLUE Theat Pokmen ges dbuted on tose’ Game Boy Crested by StchT who was insted by he cores Link Cb, sngnons ounce cncesnaca 3 he wath gamers. sar ruse nd garenay ined mente fanchia, ond even afar 2, Yrs is bane eats st Ms, POKEMON ADVENTURES “hie manga sees kek of th "Ret Giean {459 Capt’ and was nspredby the Gare Boy oanes. Peed by Hono Kat, & fos the adverts of ls os on Bi, apo and by Gon ulnar Taina: Acverevee sles on toy, h ‘hela sos foxingon Sword Shak GENERATION | POKEMON TRADING CARD GAME you gee upin te fst wave of Peover, ‘pulremerto the os thoy were ‘rent Th at as gest and the ame Ia ozo creel erp bu nas 5710 pickup aed urdersad, Ted, ho TCG isstlone of me mectrospecod garabin he ‘pe ard snows no sans of soning down THE SERIES Intel 905 anc ery 00s he cme could expe te ave of Wet ey We ene {une This sme vas stoncls Mt that mest Saud momigs and flowed he ‘cvernzes of ih rock ity and Pac 2 2 toe suberchagedretaing ofthe eer een aaa POKEMON YELLOW Ayes ater he Rad & Bela up Gare Boy steer nthe Wes, ths eso ton ere, Fetring utd n-gar sto ‘vor nd a spral eerracion oe aire ‘ares, Pome Yew pas Pkahu nthe ‘oogoand nis game you eecromosse sy felows yu und and becomes yur ‘tend along yor ep eure, POKEMON TCG (GAME BOY) ‘Thavetadeg case were pty expansive yeu ated cach lor ust eoy the ts the gas hao fer So tne ‘xtefecive Gare By le was eal fx ‘hse who ward to got stn tho staegy of the TCG often che go betes na ne, Understand ad resertate wey. POKEMON STADIUM The Game Boy gras were grat but they nt capt net was happen a videogames te tere. 20 gphics we on ther way cut ane 3D Was the nxt bg he, ‘ha ater for the Net 6 ented Tapers tole thar Pokemon sow toppng 30 tales, Sadum wasnt eg tae he ae es but We sep iz POKEMON SNAP Fating and cating mente was ey Pokemon bit tat wast what as abut These wee wid ovate ft al rd the mar hamane okat the sores sougrt fer ahalerratve exerance. Tho fat person sf an te N63 you re oud ana te oes cf your noua Pokémon Subime srape fred you the hihest ses POKEMON PIKACHU S ‘Wht do you get when youcress Poon ‘wth tose insanely pop Tago 7s (ofthe 9s? The ruth sxosery, thats tat Te Placed doves doles 28 8 pdorotr tg you bul aR 09 Yo ‘Stole dbout yur dy t-dyf. These Wits aul hen be spent en gts oyu elocic busta bled any. ‘SUPER SMASH BROS Poksnorts popaiy was ute esate by Phan eppeaing nhs Nita halo fame foreng gene Dulig ou eongade Mar Unkare Sams, the Polson mascot Fadan edge ovr hs als uot fis sal san ‘ack speed ard tna efsed powers More amore Poksmen was appears pocularbaning sores weston? aFroENon | 17 Bel a gp! alana! aig $1] SISK al So! Sl &! eles! we | of sig ghia DEER) oo at! PR! of Wi # gl ol eta) 1781 Oe! el al | OH! = OO TEDETIN) 183! 10 | ruesTonvorpoxton > cc The DNA of every generation can be traced back to these forebears ” PR SO RE [8G 1 KO (GEiSe 1 E(B Bie |e je [* ise | RiP SiwPi Mio 1s Mis jpaiet Peed Bulbasaur Deere ay poorer tern) res may ptf hese he at war tetera OOO Cad Ree eens Drury opener dosent onehenn soniye ares rye starr satay Paietene nar ee meta Pane neuer poereerets econo oe Cre eka aetaed ee eer eer eee et aaa Sere reer na end Pcoomerntran eer eee teats err es ee eae eee eee ponent ene ree eT eee tere eet Sore eee eae Se errata rere eee ne] ane eet aerate ere hee cer ete ots eee at res re Per peer er ered rere tea aan eaten eee erst Dee oer ‘sil games ater aking on dertor an pet et Bee eee eee aay a eres eae meena ee nn er ea) Se tae ieee tens pee taeectiere en rete Pieces meter ere ete ee eee een ree) eet nt tee eee ee cetera) eter Loner a ea Pee een eet eee ert cohen nent me toe) eave nyrenpenne weneieneeunaiay ree ee errs re eet Peron ene POKEMON RED & BLUE ‘The thing we ST RR et Pokém: theme Jason Paic his tributc Oe siete me singe cee communication ow dd you come oad the i petrming {he egal Patimen tome [war one 0 necon yar ht ior ae Sore enya ptr rule wen leo (eiemestenied ae wna. mg rem aval oneleer amply emcion Meughl dest resto our porto? ‘ncredtos wre blew eeyoneintbe — Neighat tre wih Las Matha rae nPop Bae Ae eran Insgestnarte Suna a Pes pee eee (Grn any nce maria get fea or K?-_ Meta D's oe oped an ers Cr er arawarectte banat ae naws_arritinlin wih Art sin eee er wo ties awe had exapeste past thenen Plann Gotheme sng alae periment: Nacrenawocnaeme Sippy nen Porro rarer i teomrscnctpe en pope {yah enw anes geen Peeereneainerinrniet et “iter miuecetacaes — titmnmytecrsoinem hearer pare tty Sieecw proli, eererpont peotinetirtortaeteearecrnai Enycmmmtetttecahopg ia farougaion rect See cee Sioteniieangetticts anoibocius fuente evel bree n repro) Moines tar teroctierracce be frashrepayieneah md Perersryi once Sigmatanigracecere bekenr rs Setskapercrmeepcg Pesan yh st yer een ‘canarias taagtat eer p "samensertvarns Sedecreechareereent ori caso SS Sr amen oe ermine iets Sewer go ese ee es erica Foe bentonite te ps te yet ewe por =eenrem cite nie Soemmpued tere = ors yey en atid et Reem renee Tiger gers Sihentwerenatan ceo ee rica pt fod Nonenatijiestcieatchot Sandee eunoesmet Petree mntenaner ety organic Soiree oe fore) ankytang, er gh Dur Araathoms, simran btweoplyrs He pote eae "had ar tlio an Cor gues nd opeeen orien rend rela Pere oploerandon ter ioeretnat pa rghit ee a oe ened ‘urpateery odode ke —_butvoughete regs ls made ete retires Ile ces sndoones re woyrae ue anitgacten Cueshe pting ere tee ir ees ‘ctngthanthe srgeptn games fm youh thereto te nea nese arin ee ee tee ere tad Trereare reg enoerst tbe ry mandating ruc ave eee eat Cohen sue path be at prceesbonraraivencer arity pee EVOLUTION, TRACKER Each new game or Generation in the Pokémon series has brought with it significant changes and improvements. We take a look at the frst 20 years of innovation Sn eee Po net Len eae Ea eevee openers eee Pr arena nee peieoriabaerol iho erence pear een antennae Sn er en Peat pe ieee ere etry ene iene erecta nien er et chic eat aD Ps Ped er Hiehineritgr rea Sere SS “See te eterna ache aan Peek radieter rere reread prey ter ate aee ieee (a GENERATION IV. ‘DAWONPEARL ZR PLANO HEARTEOLDISOULSLVER: GENERATION V BLACKIWATE CT Tage ee nur cr eed Pe Re RU OR ina ees See enter state ca tener eee te) Ceara er eel Eee er ety pecciinicieepmnenerepoanitnry Pee ener ey roe as rt ree emery ene ns Cea ene Chowne eres) er rete arn ee ret een eas Perera ston eares Renee Perrone eres peeteete ete ie oscars iomermaniner eens Spee nraeenen Leer EET al Peete eae Pacey eee re perenne ane eae et Een per re erent en Cerne takermeieaer ete Cee rent Heer epeny rincdoner iene er etna Peper meee eet eet rn Eoin eeeateresvermer tebe renee eee nn pre eea teres Pee ero eriienian {nthe stings togetrso tat theye consistent pie ete er eevee oat ceocee aneenerpen roe peter merece eee ecw ean eee pee eae eee eee) Poca ST ean ee ee ee ee Era reer eon POKEMON RED & BLUE GENERATION VI wears ALBHA SAPPHIRE/OMEGA RUBY Cy ee ecu eae ete errant me See Raa) Diet Ene Tee te eae Demis be too many 99 hie pene) See ee ee a eat nee eee eee SE et need eee ener eee eneseerer eva ettien anette yt Coreen eer) Coreen tarry eer ears ee tr freeride eer erry Ee ene nT et Natures Eee eer ee ected eee a eearepee sree Sremnneeeatien eee hate eT St eee ner ee er eerLeeeey ae ee ees Eee rr me peo ria Pheer eee eri eee eee eaten ne art erry) peer eaecesteneeres ee eee eee ae Cee es ae Eolodlateoit es heatebech al pirsey eee orsiny angen einnd ce aa to aaneran octal peer een eer ee tet eae eee rary ee inal ee conor acer en Pee ere feeble caesar So oS inert tent eras id Popeater eee nd ee eee pais Doesnt Moves ee ened ere eee Peorepeaneareenesaeisers reer anannaerN pee ee ene te eee eee rere ace eereet ene eet meerentcnrn ey aa Moves hw iy ny gt sack ou wan Noted ee ee eee eres poet econ ee Peernarey eee eet a teers ae ne eer nee ere emery eects paeencnennener ene eee Perennial ‘Ganeratin ringing with ta whole now ee a eer ee perc rere) cae eee ee eet rer eee es eet Cereal Pereine crea nposnent ect erence et occu Se ee eae een ee ead eerie ee nee plorhoinenceyersnnoinnapanenryinie) ee en Lene cere erent =a eee eee eee Loterenette Sane nate erie ed ae ere ee eee popeeanaras Meera tesserae’ eee eet eee eee reer] ee a ren Ce eee eer Ped

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