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Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

in Relieving Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Patrick Wallace, DO, MS, Laurie Bezjian Wallace, DO, Sarah Tamura, MS, Kirk Prochnio, PA-C,
Kyle Morgan, DO, and Douglas Hemler, MD

Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of

ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma in reducing sacroiliac joint dis- What Is Known
ability and pain. • Corticosteroid injections are currently one of the most
Design: Prospective nonrandomized interventional study analyzing effective therapies for sacroiliac joint pain and dys-
50 patients with low back pain secondary to sacroiliac joint dysfunction. function; however, relief is often only temporary.
Platelet-rich plasma was injected into the sacroiliac joint under ultra- Platelet-rich plasma injections have shown promising
sound guidance. Oswestry Disability Index and Numeric Rating Scale results regarding long-term pain reduction and in-
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were measured at baseline, 2 wks, 4 wks, 3 mos, and 6 mos after injection. creased functionality in several other joints.
Results: The mean reduction in Oswestry Disability Index and Nu-
What Is New
meric Rating Scale scores were significantly reduced at 6 mos after in-
jection compared with baseline values (mean = −9.79%, 95% CI = • This is the second prospective clinical trial analyzing
−6.06 to −13.52) and (mean = −1.94, 95% CI = −1.14 to −2.78), re- platelet-rich plasma injections in the sacroiliac joint
spectively. All timeframes showed significant mean reduction compared for treatment of low back pain. It shows a statistically
with baseline, but overall improvement tapers off after 4 wks with no significant reduction of pain and disability in patients
statistically significant reduction from 4 wks to 3 mos or 3 to 6 mos. with sacroiliitis and demonstrated sustainable effects
up to 6 mos after injection.
Conclusions: Ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma injections in the
sacroiliac joint are effective at reducing disability and pain with most
improvement seen within 4 wks after injection and with sustained re-
duction at 6 mos. and is a common practice among physicians.8,10–12 Previous
studies have shown that using PRP provides superior pain
Key Words: Platelet-Rich Plasma, Sacroiliac Joint, Injection, management when compared with corticosteroids, often only
Ultrasound Guided requiring one or two injections of PRP and having significantly
(Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2020;99:689–693) measurable decreases in pain thereafter.5,9,13 It has been exten-
sively researched for osteoarthritis,12 tendon,4,7,14 and ligament
injury,14 but little research is documented on short- or long-
term effects on the SIJ.
Lgencyow back pain is one of the most common reasons for adult
patients to see a physician in both an outpatient and emer-
setting. In approximately 15%–30% of low back pain
Klauser et al. discussed the advantages of ultrasound guid-
ance including convenience, widespread availability, lack of ra-
presentations, sacroiliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction is found to be diation exposure, and lower cost.15 Soneji et al. and Jee et al.
the underlying etiology.2,3 Some current therapies for chronic both compared ultrasound guidance with fluoroscopic guid-
low back pain originating from the SIJ include nonsteroidal ance and showed no difference between modalities in terms
anti-inflammatory drugs, ice, physical therapy, glucocorticoid of accuracy, efficacy, pain reduction, or patient satisfaction
steroid injections, radiofrequency ablation, and surgical fu- with SIJ injections.16,17 As such, ultrasound guidance was the
sion.4,5 Glucocorticoid steroid injections are the most common real-time modality of choice for this study.
therapy for low back pain; however, effects are often short term.6 The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is currently used for shoulder and sustainability of PRP in decreasing disability and low back
joint, knee joint, SIJ, facet joints, intervertebral discs, rotator pain originating from the SIJ. This study evaluates disability and
cuff, and hamstring intervention.5–13 Although some of these pain relief up to 6 mos after injection, which is the longest dura-
are still being investigated, the efficacy and sustainability of tion of follow-up to date in the literature. The only other prospec-
PRP in the shoulder and knee joint have been well established tive trial evaluating PRP injections for SIJ related low back pain

From the Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Parker, grants, funding, equipment, or previous presentations or publications of
Colorado (PW, LBW); Department of Emergency Medicine, University any form.
Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada (PW); Department of Family IRB: HIRB #2017-0002.
Medicine, Mike O’Callaghan Military Medical Center, Las Vegas, Patrick Wallace and Laurie Bezjian Wallace are in training.
Nevada (LBW); and Star Spine and Sport, Golden, Colorado (ST, KP, Financial disclosure statements have been obtained, and no conflicts of interest have been
KM, DH). reported by the authors or by any individuals in control of the content of this article.
All correspondence should be addressed to: Patrick Wallace, DO, MS, 901 Rancho Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear
Lane St 135, Las Vegas, NV 89106. in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article
The authors of this publication received donated Terumo BCT Inc on the journal’s Web site (
SmartPReP 3 Platelet Concentrate Systems from Harvest Technologies Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Inc. This company is developing products related to research described in ISSN: 0894-9115
this publication. No other competing interests, financial benefits, DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001389

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation • Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020 689

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Wallace et al. Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020

by Singla et al.6 was carried out to 3 mos after injection, which can be seen in Table 1. Patients with varying demographics were
limited the data gathered on injection sustainability. recruited to help decrease selection bias and improve generaliz-
ability for this single-center study.
METHODS Institutional review board approval was obtained before
any intervention or data collection. This study adhered to all
Study Design Strengthening The Reporting of OBservational Studies in Ep-
idemiology guidelines (see Supplemental Checklist, Supple-
Sample size for this study was calculated using G*power
mental Digital Content 1,
statistical analysis. Articles in this field were found to have ef-
fect sizes ranging from 0.15 to upward of 5.59. As such, a and reported all information accordingly. Recruited patients
were then informed about the risks, benefits, and alternatives
smaller effect size was chosen for this study to demonstrate sig-
to treatment and signed informed consent documentation. At
nificance or lack thereof. This study uses an effect size of 0.6.
the initial encounter, the diagnosis of SIJ dysfunction was es-
A two-tailed t test with statistical significance of P ≤ 0.05 was
tablished by history, physical examination, imaging, and three
used. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were calculated
positive provocative tests. Provocative tests included Fortin Fin-
for all data points. Power analysis indicated that 39 patients
ger Test, also known as a point of maximal tenderness, flexion,
would be needed to achieve a β value of 0.80. The goal enroll-
abduction, and internal rotation, posterior superior iliac spine
ment was 40 participants.
Distraction, Gaenslen test, pain mapping, and Thigh Thrust
Test.6,18 All patients had imaging performed, ranging from
X-rays to computed tomography and magnetic resonance imag-
Fifty-one patients were recruited for this study, which took ing, which assisted in diagnosing the SIJ as the underlying etiol-
place between March 2018 and March 2019 in a private prac- ogy and helped exclude other confounding pathologies.
tice sports medicine clinic. Patients for the study were recruited
from the active patient population within the clinic. One patient Objective Measures
was dropped from the study for not meeting eligibility criteria
upon further review. A total of 50 patients participated in the The primary outcome measured was the Oswestry Dis-
study and were followed to a completion time of 6 mos after in- ability Index (ODI), which uses a questionnaire to assess pain
jection. Four patients missed follow-up appointments and did levels and the impact pain has on a patient’s daily life. The
not have data recorded on those dates. To maintain a power questionnaire was then converted to a percentage for objective
of 0.95, a minimum of 39 patients were required at each timeframe. comparison. The secondary outcome measure was the Nu-
meric Rating Scale for Pain (NRS). This rating scale provided
Participants and Eligibility Criteria another objective tool based purely on pain severity for com-
parison of changes in pain levels before and after injection.
After institutional review board approval and clinical trial
registration (NCT03122119), 50 participants between the ages Preparation of PRP
of 18 and 80 yrs with chronic low back pain lasting longer than
12 mos and a diagnosis of sacroiliitis were enrolled for this Autologous PRP was prepared using the Harvest Technol-
single-center clinical trial. Clinical trial registration was ap- ogy SmartPReP 2 Platelet Concentrate system using the manu-
proved in April 2017 and patients were enrolled starting in facturer’s instructions. Platelet-rich plasma was obtained and
March 2018. Additional participant selection included identifi- prepared in sterile conditions for all steps. Approximately 50 ml
able joint anatomy under ultrasound visualization and a mini- of venous blood was withdrawn from the patient and mixed
mum of one previous steroid injection in the SIJ to coincide with 8 ml of anticoagulant citrate dextrose solution A. The
with current therapeutic regimen progression. Exclusion criteria anticoagulated blood was then separated by centrifugation for
included corticosteroid injection in the SIJ within the last 3 15 mins at 3200 RPM, allowing PRP to separate from whole
mos, suspected additional etiologies causing the patients pain blood. This resulted in approximately 10 ml of PRP with plate-
(i.e., lumbar or intervertebral pathology, radiculopathy, and let concentrates ranging from 5 to 10 times greater than the base-
spondylolisthesis/spondylosis), confounding or complicating line level of platelets in the average patients’ systemic circulation.
comorbidities including trauma etiology, autoimmune conditions,
and immunocompromised. All patients had previously attempted Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection
and failed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and conservative The patient was instructed to lie prone and a sterile field
management including physical therapy or home exercises. Pa- was created. Using a previously established technique that
tients were allowed to continue the previously mentioned inter-
ventions if desired. Patients currently taking opioid medications TABLE 1. Patient demographics
for low back pain were not excluded; however, dosing was not ad-
justed during the trial. N = 50
Age, mean (SD), yr 60.2 (17.7)
Study Population
Male/female 15/35
The final study included 50 patients, 15 men and 35 Body mass index, mean (SD) 28.7 (5.74)
women, with an mean (SD) age of 60.2 yrs (17.7). The mean Preprocedure NRS score, mean (SD) 5.6 (2.08)
body mass index of the study population was 28.7. Additional Preprocedure ODI score, mean (SD), % 37.9% (0.15%)
comorbidities of the study population included obesity, hyper- SIJ side distribution, R/L/bilateral 12, 5, 35
tension, and diabetes. A summary of the patient demographics

690 © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020 Effectiveness of Sacroiliac PRP Injections

includes a combination of the Fortin Finger Test and ultra- In addition, the pattern of improvement shows statistically sig-
sound, the curved probe was placed over the SIJ to identify an- nificant reduction at 2 wks (mean = −4.72%, 95% CI = −2.27
atomical landmarks. The Fortin Finger Test was then used to to −7.17), 4 wks (mean = −7.14%, 95% CI = −4.49 to −9.78),
identify the point of maximal tenderness to better determine and 3 mos (mean = −8.78%, 95% CI = −4.62 to −12.93; Fig. 1).
the insertion site of the needle. The point of maximal tender- Results were further broken down to evaluate for disability re-
ness, as opposed to a prespecified anatomic landmark, was duction at the specified intervals throughout the 6-mo period.
chosen as the treatment location to specifically target individu- A significant decrease in the ODI scores was seen from
alized areas for each patient. Overlying skin was anesthetized 2 wks to 4 wks (mean = −2.90%, 95% CI = −0.92 to −4.88).
with 1% lidocaine using a 22-gauge needle. Once adequate an- However, a statistically significant reduction was not observed
esthesia was obtained, a 22-gauge spinal needle was introduced in ODI from 4 wks to 3 mos (mean = −1.16%, 95% CI =
in a medial to lateral approach into the SIJ under real-time ul- −3.19 to 5.51) and 3 mos to 6 mos (mean = −0.04%, 95%
trasound guidance (Supplemental Image 1, Supplemental Dig- CI = −3.87 to 3.94%) as seen in Table 2.
ital Content 2, The needle A statistically significant improvement was also seen in
was visualized in plane with the probe and the needle tip was the NRS pain scores when comparing baseline preinjection pain
used to stimulate the point of maximal tenderness within the and 6-mo postinjection pain (mean = −1.94, 95% CI = −1.14 to
joint space to ensure adequate placement. Upon identification −2.78). Similar to the ODI results, a statistically significant
of the point of maximal tenderness, 3 ml of PRP was injected change was also seen in the NRS pain scores at 2 wks
into the area of maximal tenderness of the SIJ as well as the pos- (mean = −1.08, 95% CI = −0.45 to −1.72), 4 wks
terior ligaments during withdrawal of the needle to infiltrate the (mean = −1.58, 95% CI = −1.02 to −2.14), and 3 mos
entire joint space and surrounding structures. After injection, pa- (mean = −1.69, 95% CI = −1.02 to −2.37; Fig. 2). The intervals
tients remained prone for 15 mins and were monitored for ad- studied were further broken down the same as with ODI and
verse events. also showed a significant reduction from 2 wks to 4 wks
(mean = −0.57, 95% CI = −0.22 to −0.92). There was no statis-
Statistical Analysis tically significant reduction in NRS from 4 wks to 3 mos
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 25, XLStat (mean = −0.07, 95% CI = −0.65 to 0.52) or from 3 mos to
2019.1.2, and R3.5.2. Variables were assessed for normality of 6 mos (mean = −0.01, 95% CI = −0.57 to 0.60; Table 3).
distribution by using the Shapiro-Wilk test and Jarque-Bera
test. The ODI and NRS scores were compared from baseline DISCUSSION
to 2 wks, 4 wks, 3 mos, and 6 mos using analysis of variance The results of this study showed improvement in pain and
and paired t test. Discrete variables were summarized as means disability up to 6 mos after injection, demonstrating that PRP
and standard deviations. injections are an effective and sustainable treatment modality
for SIJ dysfunction. Although the majority of the effect oc-
curred within the first 4 wks after injection, patients continued
RESULTS to have a decrease in both pain and disability, with overall im-
Data were recorded for 50 patients in the baseline group, provement in symptoms compared with baseline. Patients con-
48 patients in the 2-wk group, 49 patients in the 4-wk group, tinuing standard of care treatments, such as physical therapy,
46 patients in the 3-mo group, and 42 patients in the 6-mo home exercises, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opi-
group based on follow-up appointment attendance. A statisti- oids, were not broken out into categories. Although the investi-
cally significant improvement was seen in the ODI from base- gators saw reduction in opioid and nonopioid medications, that
line before injection disability levels to 6 mos after injection was not the scope of this study; the main focus was to evaluate
with a mean change of −9.79% (95% CI = −6.06 to −13.52). for change in function. Hyperalgesia effects were considered as

FIGURE 1. Trends in ODI scores.

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Wallace et al. Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020

TABLE 2. Oswestry Disability Index scores summarized TABLE 3. Numeric Rating Scale scores summarized

95% CI 95% CI
Mean Mean Mean for Mean No. Mean Mean Mean for Mean No.
Timeframe 1 Timeframe 2 Reduction Reduction Injections Timeframe 1 Timeframe 2 Reduction Reduction Injections
Baseline 2 wks Baseline 2 wks
38.48 33.75 −4.72 −2.27 to −7.17 48 6.07 4.99 −1.08 −0.45 to −1.72 48
Baseline 4 wks Baseline 4 wks
38.26 31.12 −7.14 −4.49 to −9.78 49 6.11 4.53 −1.58 −1.02 to −2.14 49
Baseline 3 mos Baseline 3 mos
37.84 29.07 −8.78 −4.62 to −12.93 46 6.11 4.41 −1.70 −1.02 to −2.37 46
Baseline 6 mos Baseline 6 mos
36.64 26.85 −9.79 −6.06 to −13.52 42 6.14 4.20 −1.94 −1.14 to −2.74 42
2 wks 4 wks 2 wks 4 wks
33.75 30.86 −2.90 −0.92 to −4.88 48 4.99 4.41 −0.57 −0.22 to −0.92 48
4 wks 3 mos 4 wks 3 mos
30.6 29.44 −1.16 −3.19 to 5.51 46 4.42 4.49 +0.07 −0.65 to 0.52 46
3 mos 6 mos 3 mos 6 mos
26.88 26.84 −0.04 −3.87 to 3.94 42 4.21 4.19 −0.01 −0.57 to 0.60 42

a potential occurrence, especially in the setting of patients using (0–10) and a Modified Oswestry Disability Questionnaire
opioids. However, patients were not required to discontinue any (0–50) at 2 wks, 4 wks, 6 wks, and 3 mos. At 3-mo follow-up,
of the previously mentioned interventions before enrollment to 90% of patients receiving PRP injections had at least a 50% re-
maintain an accurate depiction of day to day clinical scenarios. duction in their visual analog scale compared with a 25% reduc-
There were no major complications observed during this tion in the steroid group, when compared with baseline scores.
study. The most common complication experienced by patients Singla et al.6 also found most effect taking place within 2 to
was temporary injection site pain immediately after administra- 4 wks of treatment for both interventions. Similar effects were
tion. Both Singla et al.6 and Ko et al.5 studies demonstrated a demonstrated with this current study that showed the largest re-
transient increase postinjection pain, which did not seem to be duction of symptoms at 4 wks when compared with baseline.
a finding exclusive of PRP. In addition to validating the study by Singla et al.,6 the results
This study is consistent with previous investigations of of this study examined a more extensive follow-up period and
PRP in patients with chronic pain. For example, Singla et al.6 demonstrated sustainable results for patients receiving PRP in-
showed that both steroid and PRP injections in the SIJ are suc- jections for SIJ dysfunction.
cessful in mitigating pain and functional disability; however, The main limitation of this study is the absence of a control
PRP demonstrated more efficacy and sustainability compared group or placebo. In addition, the study was not blinded, and pa-
with steroids. Their study contained a total of 40 patients, 20 tients were not randomized because there was only one arm. The
were treated with corticosteroid injections and 20 with PRP in- number of patients at follow-up varied at each timeframe be-
jections. Pain relief was measured with a visual analog scale cause of missed appointments, affecting the periodic sample size

FIGURE 2. Trends in NRS scores.

692 © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020 Effectiveness of Sacroiliac PRP Injections

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