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1. When light of wavelength 5000 A0 in vacuum passes through water, the
wavelength and frequency, if the refractive index of water is 4/3, are
a) 3750A0, 6x1014Hz b)4000A0, 5x1014Hz c)5000A0, 4x1014Hz
d)3750A0, 5x1014Hz
2. A light ray is travelling between two media as given below. The angle of incidence
on the boundary in all the cases is 30°. Identify the sequence of increasing order of
angles of refraction.
a) Air to water b) Water to glass c) Glass to water
a)a,b,c b)b,c,a c)c,a,b d)a,c,b
3. If �, �,� are unit vectors along incident ray in air, refracted ray in a medium, normal
respectively and μ is refractive index of medium, then the correct choice is
a)(ixn) = μ(nxr) b)μ(ixn) = (nxr) c)i. n = μ(n. r) d)μ(i. n) = (n. r)
4. If the refractive index of water is 4/3, the velocity of light in vacuum
is 3×1010 cm/sec. The time required to travel a distance of 450cm in water will be
a)0.2μs b)0.02μs c)2μs d)2000μs

5. A cube of side 15 cm is having an air bubble. The bubble appears at 6 cm from one
face and at 4 cm from opposite face. The refractive index of cube is
a)5/2 b)3/2 c)2/3 d)2/5
6. A layer of benzene (μ1=1.5) 6 cm deep floats on water (μ2=1.3)4 cm deep. When
viewed vertically through air the apparent distance of the bottom of the vessel
below the surface of the benzene will be
a)14cm b)5 cm b) 7cm c) 3.5cm
7. A travelling microscope is focused on a mark on a piece of paper and the scale
reading is A. A rectangular block of glass is placed on the paper and the
microscope is raised and focused the mark on the paper, then microscope reading
is B. The paper is now placed on the block of glass, the reading now is C. The
refractive index of the material of the block is
a) C−B/C−A b)C−A/C−B c)C−A/B−A d)C/C−A
8. A coin is at the bottom of water column of depth 4cm in a vessel.An immiscible
liquid of density less than that of water is poured in the same vessel.To an observer
in the air above the surface of liquid , the image of coin is at exact interface of
water and liquid. If the refractive indices of water and liquid are
4/3 and 5/4 respectively, the depth of liquid is
a)12cm b)15cm c)18cm d)2cm
9. 'n' transparent slabs of refractive index 1.5, each having thickness 1 cm,2 cm,3 n cm are arranged one over another. A point object is seen through this
combination with perpendicular light. If the shift of object by the combination is 1
cm then the value of 'n' is
a)either 2 or 3 b)2 c)3 d)0.3
10. A microscope is focused on an ink dot on a white paper. A glass slab of
thickness 0.03m with μ=1.5 is placed on the paper. To focus the ink dot clearly the
microscope must be:
a)raised by 0.02m b)lowered by 0.02m c)raised by 0.01m d)lowered by 0.01m
11. A lens form a sharp image on a screen. On inserting a parallel-sides slab of glass
between the lens and the screen it is found necessary to move the screen a
distance d away from the lens in order for the image to be again sharply focused. If
the refractive index of glass relative to air is μ, then the thickness of the slab is
a)d/μ b)μ/d c)μd/(μ-1) d)(μ-1)d/μ
12. A vessel of depth d filled with a liquid of refractive index μ1 up to half its depth
and the remaining space is filled with a liquid of refractive index μ2 . The apparent
depth while seeing normal to the free surface of the liquid is
a)d( + )
1 b)d(μ1 + μ2 ) c)
d 1
( +
) d)
(μ1 + μ2 )
μ 1 μ 2 2 μ1 μ2 2
13. After focusing the compound microscope on an ink spot on a paper, a glass slab of
thickness 0.04 m and refractive index 1.6 is placed between the paper and the
instrument. To see the same ink spot clearly, the instrument should be
a)raised by b)lowered by c)raised by d)lowered by
0.02m 0.02m 0.015m 0.015m
14. A small air bubble is inside a transparent cube of side length 24 cm and of
refractive index 43. If the apparent distance of air bubble when viewed from top of
one of the faces is 9 cm, then its apparent distance when viewed from opposite
face will be
a)6cm b)8cm c)9cm d)12cm
15. A bird is flying at a height of 2.4m above the surface of water and a fish is in the
water at a depth of 1.2m. The apparent distance of the fish to the bird is :
a)3m b)3.3m c)4m d)4.4m
16. A bird is flying at a height of 3.6m above the surface of water and a fish is in the
water at a depth of 1.2m. The apparent distance of the fish to the bird is :
a)3.9m b)4.5m c)5.2m d)6m
17. A monochromatic light passing through several media having different
thickness(t), and different refractive index ( μ ). Identify the increasing order of
apparent shifts in different media. (assume that the ray is falling normally)
a) t=2cm,μ=1.5 b) t=3cm,μ=1.2 c) t=1cm,μ=1.4 d) t=2.5cm,μ=1.1
a)a,b,c,d b)c,a,b,d c)a,b,d,c d)c,a,d,b
18. A plano convex lens of thickness 3 cm and radius of curvature 5 cm when seen
normally through the flat surface, the thickness is found to be 2 cm. Then μ of
material is
a)3/2 b)2/3 c)6/5 d)4/3
19. Refractive index of a rectangular glass slab is μ=√3. A light ray incident at an
angle 60∘ is displaced laterally through 2.5 cm. Distance travelled by light in the
slab is
a)4cm b)5cm c)2.5 3cm d)3cm
20. A ray of light is incident upon a parallel sided transparent slab of thickness 9 cm at
an angle of incidence 60° . If the angle of refraction is 30° , the lateral
displacement of the light ray is
a) 3cm b)3 3cm c)3cm d)2/ 3 cm
21. How much water should be filled in a container 21 cm in height, so that it appears
half filled when viewed from the top of the container?
(Refractive index of water =4/3)
a)8cm b)10.5 c)12cm d)14cm
22. A bird in air is at a height y from the surface of water. A fish is at a depth x below
the surface of water. The refractive index of water is μ .The apparent distance of
fish from the bird is
y � �
a)x + b)μx + y c) + � d) − �
μ � �
23. A bird in air is at a height y from the surface of water. A fish is at a depth x below
the surface of water. The refractive index of water is μ .The apparent distance of
bird from the fish is
� �
a)μy + x b)μx + y c) + � d) − �
� �
24. There is a small air bubble inside a transparent solid cube exactly at the centre.
If a is side length of the cube and μ is its refractive index, the apparent distance of
air bubble from any face of the cube is
� �� 2� �
a) b) c) d)
2� 2 � �
25. A flying bird is stationary in the air vertically above a stationary fish in the water.
If the fish appears to be at a distance x1 to the bird and the bird appears to be at a
distance x2 to the fish then the correct choice is
a)x1=x2 b)x1>x2 c)x1<x2 d)4x2<3x1
26. A stationary fish in the water notices that a bird in the air approaches the fish with
a velocity 12ms−1. The true velocity of bird is (μwater=4/3)
a)9ms−1 b)10.5ms−1 c)15ms−1 d)16ms−1
27. A point object is located at a point Q in a glass slab as shown in the figure. The
distance of the object as measured by an observer at P will be (μ=1.5).
A)7cm B)6cm
C)5cm D)7.5cm

28. A body is situated at a height of 24 cm from the surface of water in a lake. If the
refractive index of water is 43, then the image of the body will appear to the fish
inside the lake
A)at a height of 32 cm from water B)at a height of 18 cm from water
surface surface
C)at a height of 6 cm from water D)at a height of 12 cm from water
surface surface
29. The critical angle of light going from medium A into medium B is θ . If the speed
of light in medium A is v, then the speed of light in medium B is
a)v/sinθ B)v sinθ c)v/tanθ d)v tanθ
30. A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium falls on a surface separating the
medium from air, at an angle of incidence of 45∘ . The ray undergoes total
internal reflection. If n is the refractive index of the medium with respect to air,
select the possible values of n from the following.
a)1.2 b)1.3 c)1.4 d)1.5
31. A point source of light is placed at the bottom of a vessel containing a liquid of
Refractive index = 5/3. A person is viewing the source from the above surface.
There is an opaque disc of radius 1 cm floating on the surface. The center of the
disc lies vertically above the source. The liquid from the vessel is gradually
drained out through a tap. The maximum height of the liquid for which the source
cannot be seen at all from the above is (in cm):
a)3/2 b)4/3 c)2/3 d)3/4
32. A prism of R.I.=1.5 is immersed in water of R.I.=4/3 as shown in the figure. For
the total internal reflection the correct choice is

a)sin θ < 8/9 b)sin θ > 8/9 c)sin θ = 8/9

d)sin θ ≤ 8/9

33. The critical angle of a medium B with respect another medium A is 45∘ and the
critical angle of a medium C with respect the medium B is 30∘ . The critical angle
of medium C with respect to A is
a)less than 300 b)greater than 450 c)37.50 d)750
34. Word 'Newton' is printed on a paper and is placed on a horizontal surface below a
cubical glass. The minimum value of refractive index of a cubical glass for which
Letters are not visible from any of vertical faces of the glass is
a) 3 b)0.5 c)1 d) 2
35. A fish looking up through the water sees the outside world contained in a circular
horizon. If the refractive index of water is 4/3 and the fish is 12cm below the
surface, the radius of this circle (in cm) is
a)36 5 b)4 5 c)36/ 57 d)36 7
36. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vacuum is 30o.
Then velocity of light in the medium is:
a)3 x 108 m/s b)2 x 108 m /s c)1.5 x 108 m/s d)4 x 108 m/s
37. Light ray is travelling from a denser medium into a rarer medium. The velocity of
light in the denser and rarer medium is 2×108 m/sec. and 2.5×108 m/sec. The
critical angle of the two media is
a)sin−1 (5/4) b)sin−1 (4/5) c)sin−1 (1/2) d)sin−1 (3/5)
38. Ratio of wavelengths of light passing from one medium to another is 4:5. Ratio of
the speeds of light in the two media is
a)4:5 b)5:4 c) 5:2 d)2: 5
39. For a prism PQR, the incident and emergent rays are parallel as shown in fig. The
minimum value of refractive index of the prism material is

a) 3 b)1.5 c) 2 d)2

40. A light source placed at the bottom of a water beaker 10 cm deep forms an
illuminated circle of radius 11.3 cm at its surface. If the depth of the water in the
beaker is increased to 20 cm,the radius of the illuminated circle will be(μ w=4/3)
a)16.8cm b)30.6cm c)22.6cm d)33.9cm
41. A point source of light is placed 4cm below the surface of water of refractive
index 5/3. The minimum diameter of a disc which should be placed over the
source on the surface of water to cut-off all light coming out of water is :
a)2cm b)6cm c)4m d)3m
42. Figure shows a mixture of blue, green and red coloured rays incident normally on
a right angled prism. The critical angles of the material of the prism for red, green
and blue are 46o, 44o and 43o respectively. The arrangement will separate


A)Red colour from blue and green
B)Blue colour from red and green
C)Green colour from red and blue
D) All the three colors
43. A ray of light travelling inside a rectangular glass block of refractive index √2 is
incident on the glass-air surface at an angle o incidence of 45o.The refractive
index of air is one. Under these conditions the ray will
A)emerge into the air with an angle of B)will be reflected back into the
refraction equal to 00 medium
C)will be absorbed D)will just graze the surface of
separation of two media
44. The velocities of light in two different media are 2 × 108 m/s and 3.5 × 108 m/s
respectively. The critical angle for interface of these media is
a)sin-1(1/5) b)sin-1(4/7) c)sin-1(1/2) d)sin-1(1/4)
45. Light takes t1 second to travel a distance x cm in vacuum and the same light
takes t2 second to travel 10x cm in medium.The critical angle for the
corresponding medium is
a)sin−1[10t1 / t2] b)sin−1[t2 / 10t1] c)sin−1[10t2 / t1] d)sin−1[t1 / 10t2]
46. A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a rarer medium at an angle of
incidence i as shown in the figure. The reflected and refracted rays make an angle
of 90∘ with each other. The angles of reflection and refraction are r and r'. The
critical angle is
a)sin-1(tan I) b)cos-1 (tan I) c)cot-1(tan i) d)cosec-1(tan i)
47. The velocity of light in air is 3 x 108ms−1 and the velocity of light in a medium is 2
x 108ms−1. The critical angle for the pair is sin−1
a)2/3 b)1/2 C)1/3 d)3/2
48. A fish under water at a depth of 20 cm can see the outer atmosphere through an
aperture of radius of (critical angle of water is 450)
a)5cm b)20cm C)10cm d)20/ 3
49. The critical angle for light going from a medium in which wavelength
is 4000A∘ to medium in which its wavelength is 6000A∘ is
a)300 b)450 c)600 d)sin-1(2/3)
50. A ray of light travels from an optically denser to rarer medium. The critical angle
for the two media is C. The maximum possible deviation of the ray will be

π b) π-2c c) 2C d) +�
a) − � 2


1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2 5. 2 6. 3 7. 2 8. 2 9. 2 10.3
11.3 12.3 13.3 14.3 15.2 16.4 17.4 18.1 19.2 20.2
21.3 22.3 23.1 24.1 25.3 26.1 27.2 28.1 29.1 30.4
31.2 32.2 33.1 34.4 35.3 36.3 37.2 38.1 39.3 40.3
41.2 42.1 43.4 44.2 45.1 46.1 47.1 48.2 49.4 50.2


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