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The Battle of Thermopylae was a crucial battle during the Greco-

Persian Wars. It took place in 480 BC near the mountain pass of Function of Sentence Question
Thermopylae, Greece. The Persian army led by King Xerxes I sought
to conquer all of Greece but were met with strong resistance from a
small force of Greeks, mainly Spartans and Thespians. Led by Spartan
king Leonidas I, this 300-strong unit managed to hold off thousands
of Persians for three days before finally being overwhelmed on the
What is the purpose of the last sentence?
fourth day due to treason from a local Greek who had revealed an
alternate route around their position. Despite their defeat, the courage
and loyalty demonstrated by Leonidas and his men inspired other
Greeks to rise up against Persia’s forces which ultimately resulted in
victory for them in 479 BC at Plataea.
To emphasize the role of the Battle of Thermopylae as a turning point in
A the greater conflict against Persia.

To give further detail and context that explain why Leonidas and his men
B were defeated at Thermopylae.

To remind the reader that while the battle had an important impact, it was
C still a defeat for the Greeks.

To explain how despite the defeat of Xerxes I, he was able to go on to con-

D quer and oppress the Greek city-states.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 1 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
In 49 BC, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in Northern
Italy with his army and began a civil war that changed the course Function of Sentence Question
of history. This event signaled that he was prepared to challenge
Pompey’s control over Rome and its territories. The phrase “crossing
the Rubicon” has since become synonymous for taking an irreversible
action; this is because once Caesar had taken such a bold step, there
was no turning back from it. His actions set off a series of events
What is the purpose of the third sentence?
which ultimately led to him becoming one of the most powerful men
in Rome and changing its political landscape forever.

To explain our modern understanding of why Julius Caesar crossed the

A Rubicon River in 49 BC.

It establishes a recently discovered timeline of events leading up to cross-

B ing the Rubicon River by Julius Caesar and his army.

It notes the historical significance of Caesar’s actions as they are remem-

C bered today as an idiom.

D It criticises Caesar’s choice to take such an irresponsible action.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 2 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Charles Dickens is renowned for his contribution to the literary world
and remains one of the most influential authors in history. His works Function of Sentence Question
have been translated into multiple languages, inspiring generations
of readers across the globe with their timeless themes. He wrote
about some of society’s greatest issues such as poverty and injustice
while also exploring human emotions that still resonate today. His
novels are considered classics - from A Tale Of Two Cities to Great
What is the purpose of the fourth sentence?
Expectations – which continue to be widely read by both young
people and adults alike; showing us how powerful literature can be
when used effectively for storytelling purposes. Having written over
15 novels during his lifetime, Charles Dickens’ legacy lives on through
these beloved stories he has left behind forever imprinted upon our
collective cultural consciousness.
A To discuss the themes explored in Dickens’ novels.

To list of some of the most important books Dickens wrote during his
B lifetime

C To explain why Charles Dickens was a successful author.

To give evidence to the fact that Dickens’ work has had a long-lasting
D impact.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 3 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Hip hop began in the 1970s as a form of social expression among
African American and Latino youth living in impoverished urban Function of Sentence Question
communities. The four elements that define hip hop are MCing
(rapping or rhyming), DJing, breakdancing and graffiti art. These
skills were used to express personal struggles with poverty, racism,
violence and other issues faced by people from these backgrounds at
the time. DJs created musical soundscapes for rappers who shared
What is the purpose of the third sentence?
their stories through rhymes about life on the street corner—this was
later known as rap music. Break dance battles provided outlets for
physical release while also serving an important role within larger
competitions between rival crews or neighborhoods over stylistic
differences- this became what we now know as b-boy culture today.

A To illustrate the various themes explored by hip hop artists.

B To allow the reader to better understand the elements that define hip hop.

It explains the issues present in low-income neighborhoods that were

C highlighted by the media at the time.

To persuade the reader that hip hop is more profound and cultured than
D most people think.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material

4 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
The Renaissance period of history was a time of great advancement
and change in Europe. It began around the early 1400s, when Function of Sentence Question
artisans and scholars alike rediscovered ancient Greek texts that
had previously been lost to Western culture. This sparked an era of
renewed intellectual activity as people explored classical literature,
philosophy, science, mathematics and more topics than ever before.
During this time advances were made in many fields such as
What is the purpose of the last sentence?
medicine; new technology improved life across countries while giving
artists access to unprecedented levels of realism through oil painting
techniques developed during the renaissance period by Flemish
painters like Jan van Eyck or Rogier van der Weyden who focused on
portraiture work using vivid colors with detailed attention paid for
each facial features. In addition, the invention of the printing press To give an example of the effects of the renaissance on contemporary
created books which spread knowledge throughout society, quickly A European society.
leading to advancements in education.

B To discuss how literature was used in society during this time period.

It discusses how technological advances helped improve life across coun-

C tries in Europe during this era of history.

To explain the rhetorical techniques developed during the Renaissance

D period by writers of the time.

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Function of Sentence Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 5 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn

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