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1. Draw out the ARRA Star and put an oval shape in the middle of the star.

2. Be sure to put the two circles around it as shown in the Turner Edition.
3. Set the feather at the right point of the ARRA Star.
4. Set the jar of dirt at the left point of the ARRA Star.
5. Set the chalice of water at the bottom left point of the ARRA Star.
6. Set a candle at the bottom right point of the ARRA Star.
7. Then pick uo the jar of dirt and say:

"Dirt for the flesh of Ultharathotep-Osiris! Zi Kia Kanpa! Zi Anna Kanpa! Zi Dingir
Kia Kanpa! Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa! Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa! Zi Kia Kanpa! Zi Anna Kanpa!"

8. Set it down.
9. Pick up the feather and say:

"Wind for the Spirit of Ultharathotep-Osiris! Zi Kia Kanpa! Zi Anna Kanpa! Zi

Dingir Kia Kanpa! Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa! Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa! Zi Kia Kanpa! Zi Anna

10. Set down the feather.

11. Pick the chalice of Water and say:

"Water for the Psychic Abilities and Emotions of Ultharathotep-Osiris!"

12. Say the Conjuration of the Water God.

13. Dip your left forefinger and middle finger in the water.
14. Flick the water around the altar.
15. Set the chalice of water down.
16. Pick up the candle and say:

"Fire for the Chi and Passions of Ultharathotep-Osiris!"

17. Say the Conjuration of the Fire God.

18. Light the candle.
19. Set the candle down.
20. Pick up the middle candle and say:

"Fused Elements for the Power of the Elder Gods!"

21. Light the candle and set it down.

22. Using the number of Marduk, walk the Mandal of Calling by summoning the
23 Replace the name of Marduk with Ultharathotep-Osiris in "Invocation of the
Marduk Gate" and say the spell.
24 Say the name "Ultharathotep-Osiris" over the seal of Marduk.
25. Walk around the Mandal fifty times.
26. Put the seal to your forehead, fall on bended knee, and lay down in the middle
of the Mandal.
27. The Gate of Marduk will open but the spirit double of Osiris, known as
"Ultharathotep" will open the Gate and grant you a new name and password if you do
not have one.

NOTE: This is okay since Ultharathotep is a spirit of Jupiter and can come through
the same Gate as Marduk. His name in the book of fifty names is Asaru, which is
also another name for Osiris. The Simon Edition hints at this method through using
the planetary hours to summon the names of Marduk. So this is entirely, pro-Elder
God and the Watcher will not attack you for doing it if you notify him you are
using the spell to summon an aspect of Osiris who is the Egyptian form of Marduk.
The Watcher has been lenient with me about Egyptian Magic in the past so it should
be okay as long as you avoid things related to Azag-thoth, Nyarlathotep, Asmodeus,
Set, the Ogdoad Pantheon, and Iak Sakkak. Only work with the benevolent, non-
chaotic Ennead.

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