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END TERM 1 2024

Time: 2 Hours

Name: …………………………………………………………. Adm. No: ...........................

School: ………………………………………………………… Class: ……………………..

Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: ……………..……...


a) Write your name and index number in spaces provided
b) Sign and write the date of examination in spaces provided
c) Answer ALL questions
d) All answers must be written in the spaces provided



1. 20

2. 10

3. 20

4. 30


Q1. Imagine that at the beginning of the year you made a resolution as the school captain to make some
changes on allocating the prefects on duty their weekly responsibilities, launch a monthly tree planting
day in school, come up with the reading culture strategy and to improve on the cleanliness of the
compound. Write an Internal Memo to all prefects clearly explaining how these resolutions will be
implemented in the school. (20marks)














































Q2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome …a……………………………………………… this

session. Today I’m going to talk about the science of success. In order to become …

b…………………………………………, the one thing …c…………………………………… need

above all else is self-discipline. How little attention most of us give to that great subject!”

“I want to tell you something; I want to suggest to you in the beginning of …

d…………………………………….. talk that in order to make the …

e……………………………………. use of self-discipline, you’ve got to have a system to go by. You’ve

got to keep your …f………………………………… occupied at all times …

g……………………………… all the things and all the circumstances and all the desire of …

h………………………………. choice, and strictly off the things that you don’t want”

“Here’s self-discipline in its …i…………………………….. order; keeping your mind fixed on the …

j…………………………………… you do want in life, and off the things you don’t want.”

(Adopted from, Success Habits, by Nepoleon Hill)

Q3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follows .
At the head of the court is a high seat where the judge sits. Down below is a table for officers of the
court ,and to the left and to the right of the table are other seats. Some of these seats form a block that is
enclosed,and they are for the jury if they is a jury. In front of the table are other seats arranged in arcs of
circles, with curved tables in front of the seats, and it is there that the lawyers sit. And behind them is the
dock, with a passage leading to some place that is underground, and from this place that is underground
will be brought the men that are to be judged. At the back of the court there are seats rising in tiers, those
on the right for Europeans, those for le left for non Europeans, according to the custom.

You may not smoke in this court , you may not whisper or speak or laugh. You must dress decently, and
if you are a man , you may not wear your hat *unless such is your religion.*This is in honour of the judge
and in honour of the king whose officerhe is; and in honour of the law behind the judge , and in honour of
the people behind the law. When the judge enters you will stand and you will not sit till he is seated.
When the judge leaves you will stand and you will not move till he has left. This honour of the judge and
of the things behind the judge.

For the judge is entrusted a great duty, to judge and pronounce sentence even sentence of death. Because
of their high office , judges are called Honourable, * and precede most other men* on great occasions.
And they are held in great honor by men both white and black.
Because the land is a land of fear, a judge must be without fear, so that justice may be done according to
the law; therefore a judge must be incorruptible.
The judge does not make the law. It is the people that make the law. Therefore, if the law is unjust , and if
the judge judges according to the law, that is justice, even if it is not just.
It is the duty of the judge to do justice, but it is only that the people that can be just. Therefore, if justice
be not just, that is not to be *laid at the door of the judge,*but at the door of the people, which means, at
the door of the white people, for it is the white people that make the law.
In South Africa men are proud of their judges, because they are not incorruptible. Even the black men are
proud of their judges, because they believe they are incorruptible. Even the black men have faith in them,
though they do not always have faith in the law . In a land of fear this incorruptibility is like *a lamp set
upon a stand*,giving light to that are in the house.

Questions ( 20 marks)

a) What factors determine where you sit near the front of the court? ( 2 marks)
b) What does the seating arrangement at the back of the court reveal about the society? ( 2 marks )
c) Certain rules must be strictly observed inside the court. What would non - observance of the rules
( 2 marks )
d) Why must a judge be fearless? ( 2 marks )
e) How has judges in South Africa earn respect and admiration? ( 2 marks )

f) Although the judge has great responsibilities and power, he has limitations. What are his limitations?
( 4 marks)
g) What does the second last paragraph reveal about the status of the black people? ( 2 marks )
h) Explain the meaning of the the following expressions as used in the Passage.
i) Unless such is your religion. ( 1 mark)
ii) and precede most other men ( 1 mark )
iii) Laid at the door of the judge. (1 mark)

Q4. Study the item below and answer the questions that follow.
Deputy Principal: Good afternoon Juma.
Juma : Good afternoon sir.
Deputy Principal: Why do you think you will make a better School Captain than Chebet?
Juma: I’m the current Deputy School Captain sir, I was a captain when I was in primary school so I feel I
have a lot of experience in leadership. Remember sir, I’m the one who solved the conflict between Form
Three and Four students when the problem of watching football match or movie arose in the dining hall
last term.
Deputy Principal: That is commendable Juma, however, we can see in your academics report that you
dropped in the end term examination yet Chebet who is also the school deputy captain excelled in all her
subjects. That is why I would advise you to be our academic captain instead. It will help you better your
grades because you will be in charge of the library as well.
Juma: It is well, thank you sir, let me go for Academic Prefect

i. Identify Four elements that makes this negotiation successful(4marks)

ii. Why would you describe this negotiation as win-win? (2 marks)


iii. Describe how you would deliver the last sentence of Juma effectively ( 2marks)

For each of the following words, provide another two words that are pronounced the same ( 6 marks)
i. Key……………………………………………………………………


iii Sent……………………………………………………………………

Underline the silent letters in the following words (4 marks)

i. Yacht
ii Sword
iii Chimney
iv Herb

(d) Which intonation will you use when saying the following (3marks)
(i) What is your name?......................................................................................................
(ii) You are great!
(iii) I have done my
(e) Imagine that as you a lead a group discussion, some members are murmuring, some are dosing while
others are completely absent minded. Explain Four things you will do to make them active participants.

(f) You have seen your classmate sneaking out of school during games time, how would you go about
reporting him/her to the teacher on duty who is in the field watching hockey. (5marks)



End Term 1 - 2024


Q1. Imagine that at the beginning of the year you made a resolution as the school captain to make some
changes on allocating the prefects on duty their weekly responsibilities, launch a monthly tree planting
day in school, come up reading culture strategy and to improve on the cleanliness of the compound.
Write an Internal Memo to all prefects clearly explaining how these resolutions will be implemented in
the school. (20marks)
 Name of the school and address ( ½ mk)
 Internal Memo ½ mark
 From ½ mark
 To ½ mark
 Date ½ mark
 Subject ½ mark
 Signature and name 1 mark
Award 2 marks each if a candidate explains how the following resolutions will be implemented
 Allocating the prefects on duty their weekly responsibilities.
 Launch of monthly tree planting day in school,
 Reading culture strategy
 Cleanliness of the compound.
1-2 D or poor
3-4 C or fair
5-6 B or good
7-8 A or excellent

Q2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome …a……………to…………………………………

this session. Today I’m going to talk about the science of success. In order to become …b……

10 | P a g e
successful……………………………………, the one thing …c…………we…………………………

need above all else is self-discipline. How little attention most of us give to that great subject!”

“I want to tell you something; I want to suggest to you in the beginning of …d………

this…………………………….. talk that in order to make the …e………

greatest……………………………. use of self-discipline, you’ve got to have a system to go by. You’ve

got to keep your …f………mind………………………… occupied at all times …g……

with………………………… all the things and all the circumstances and all the desire of …h………

your………………………. choice, and strictly off the things that you don’t want”

“Here’s self-discipline in its …i………highest…………………….. order; keeping your mind fixed on

the …j……things……………………………… you do want in life, and off the things you don’t want.”

(Adopted from, Success Habits, by Nepoleon Hill)

Q3. Comprehension

a) The factors that determine where you sit near the front of the court are whether you are a judge , a
lawyer i.e. status.

b)The seating arrangement at the back of the court reveals that the society is a racial society. Whites sit
on the right and non Europeans on the left.

c) Non - observance of certain rules implies no respect for the judge , and of the things behind the judge

d) Judges must be fearless because the land is a land of fear- hence justice may be done according to the

e) Judges sit in S.A have earned respect and admiration because they are incorruptible, even black men
have faith in them.

f)The judges does not make the law , the people make the law in unjust , the judge just judges according
to the law-that is Justice- even if it is not just. He does everything according to the law.

g)The black people does not have right to make the laws. They are dictated by the whites to make laws.

h) i) Only if your religion demand this.

ii) go infront of other people

iii) not brought to the judge.

11 | P a g e
iv) must be seen by everybody.

Q4. Study the item below and answer the questions that follow
Deputy Principal: Good afternoon Juma.
Juma : Good afternoon sir.
Deputy Principal: Why do you think you will make a better School Captain than Chebet?
Juma: I’m the current Deputy School Captain sir, I was a captain when I was in primary school so I feel I
have a lot of experience in leadership. Remember sir, I’m the one who solved the conflict between Form
Three and Four students when the problem of watching football match or movie arose in the dining hall
last term.
Deputy Principal: That is commendable Juma, however, we can see in your academics report that you
dropped in the end term examination yet Chebet who is also the school deputy captain excelled in all her
subjects. That is why I would advise you to be our academic captain instead. It will help you better your
grades because you will be in charge of the library as well.
Juma: It is well, thank you sir, let me go for Academic Prefect

i. Identify Four elements that makes this negotiation successful(4marks)

 Greetings/ ice breaking
 Use of etiquette/ polite language
 Fair bargaining by both parties
 Adequate preparation by both parties-No fumbling
 Compromise from both parties
 Ended in win -win

ii. Why would you describe this negotiation as win-win? (2 marks)

 Both parties won 1mk- Deputy Principals choice (Chebet) got the position while Juma
also got the position as academic captain 1mk

iii. Describe how you would deliver the last sentence of Juma effectively ( 2marks)
Verbal Non Verbal
 Falling intonation  Smiling
 Appreciative tone  Bowing
 Stressing (accept any content  Curtsying
word stressed)  Accept any open gesture for
acceptance or appreciation

(1 Mark for Verbal 1 Mk for Non Verbal)

(b) For each of the following words, provide another two words that are pronounced the same ( 6 marks)
i. Key……cay-quay

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ii. Cite…site-sight

iii Sent…scent-cent

(c) Underline the silent letters in the following words (4 marks)

i. Yacht
ii Sword
iii Chimney
iv Herb

(d) Which intonation will you use when saying the following (3marks)
(i) What is your name?........Falling intonation
(ii) You are great! ………Falling intonation
(iii) I have done my assignment……Falling intonation
(e) Imagine that as you a lead a group discussion, some members are murmuring, some are dosing while
others are completely absent minded. Explain Four things you will do to make them active participants.
I would;
 Explain the topic for the discussion clearly for everyone to understand and appreciate.
 I would encourage the use of polite/courteous language to promote peace, harmony and interest.
 Encourage everyone to participate to promote sense of belonging
 Allow members to observe turn taking for order.
 Encourage members to contribute through the chair for order
(e) You have seen your classmate sneaking out of school during games time, how would you go about
reporting him/her to the teacher on duty who is in the field watching hockey. (5marks)
 Call for the attention of the teacher by saying excuse me sir/madam
 Greet the teacher politely by saying good morning etc
 Give the name of the student who has sneaked
 Mention the class, the sneaking point and any other relevant information
 Thank the teacher for listening to you

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