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Psychologists began to investigate the question at the beginning of last century, first of all Wilhelm
Wundt. One of his main research topic was mental images – but he studied them using introspection
– and hence his researches were affected by the weaknesses of this methodology.

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a beautiful location, where everything is as you would ideally
have it. Some people visualize a beach, a mountain, a forest, or a being in a favorite room sitting on
a favorite chair. Imagine yourself becoming calm and relaxed.

We use the term 'mental imagery' to refer to representations and the accompanying experience of
sensory information without a direct external stimulus. Such representations are recalled from
memory and lead one to re-experience a version of the original stimulus or some novel combination
of stimuli.

Mental imagery is broadly construed as a cognitive simulation process by which we can represent
perceptual information in our mind in the absence of appropriate sensory input (Munzert et al.,

Mental imagery is described as “repetitive mental practice or mental training that designates mental
representation of the performance of a motor pattern without concomitant production on the
muscular activity normally required for the act.” Mental imagery is a technique that athletes can use
to supplement physical ...

It involves sitting or lying quietly and imagining yourself in a favorite peaceful setting such as a
beach, meadow, or forest. Imagery may be guided by direct suggestion from a qualified imagery

Guided imagery is a relaxation technique where you use your imagination to help lower stress,
pain, or other negative feelings. The concept is simple: imagine a place that is peaceful and relaxing
to you. It can be a place you have been to or one created purely from your imagination

Guided imagery is a program of directed thoughts and suggestions that guide your imagination
toward a relaxed, focused state. It is based on the idea that your body and mind are connected. The
relaxed state may help you feel more in control of your emotions and thought processes.

Guided imagery is a useful technique for managing stress and coping with difficult situations. In
this technique, you imagine a scene, time, or place that is peaceful and that has an emotional
connection with you.
Mental imagery can be a very useful tool for athletes to rehearse in their mind prior to an upcoming
event (e.g., training or competition) or refining a skill they would like to perform well.

Imagining is something we do: a mental action. Mental imagery is a form of perceptual

representation. One big question about imagination is whether it necessarily involves mental
imagery and this chapter argues that it does, but mental imagery plays a very different role in
different forms of imagination

Neurobiologically, mental imagery engages many of the same brain regions as perception,
including the visual cortex for visual imagery and the auditory cortex for auditory imagery. This
overlap explains why mental imagery can feel almost as real as actual sensory experiences.


Requirement :

Procedure :

Steps for Mental Imagery

With any positive imagination

Script the story as a visualization of that particular situation which helps for
managing the stress

Result/Summary: Importance of Mental Imagery for managing the stress

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