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he TEA, oo (THT) Qu CARREIRA AAT, Ao rafter Fifer Cart MR- 308 an opt AWA: Yo} TAT WOT OT Me RATT ATT ATTA °F ReMi: AIF-v0 91 SRT ET HUA APPL PCTS FATT Fa d0 wT Boome Se RAT BORA TAT CHT EHR CARAT OT | 1 RTT STAR AG PTR, NG TRUTH TRI FAMOTAT | eT setrem Faye are for Prcers OI OTe | 9 | Bese arrears 6s Sora Fe: (CHB) weet; a eers wa; Pre; OHARA; THOT HH Rios eT REARS ROMA ATE OTH: (CH) soar, Se ae EAA ONES STATE 30 ‘a Fort A-20 1 Rae NE TOT ATH HT TE SAT FA we agar geen MRP SRT CASON DP ACT | a Serr ae era aN PART AIA UE TET FA & weet cmap BARON EAC RATT HMA A'S HTS AAA 8 21 FT TPTT OTR | (x) Pre pc or ee Bera HTT PARE Rew SPS wat (ap hee ere Re, ro HE 1, aT eH RATS HET wae tora Pe Mat CHS ERP AT MT TEMA F1 7 weal, gee ea ATS PRATAP UM GAT TON ren Fagen SRE AG Sat aH ARMOR WRT AAT, Rody ones ive Fer Tart FR 308 5 AT oIFANA wo AHO VOT fee: TH v0 af Ie ere ART VaAhoTITRR APTI FcerIT TA | eT 2. TRAT TAA A feeaE BralD we Uy Feuer DATE Fras BRP Oe | 0, Refit secre PeTaRye ORCAS TACT I OTA: fiers Cee; Bw oor; Taw; whee MGA ergs als Hah 8, Fos seers afte Bora oferes ays SAM, oferwr, Dear ny; ae; Rew: SA: SAAT @, Rees smerara Ber For wa: fdas eH: DIA: TT; AREA; TACT FORB; TCT: Fase; TA we. Bee Page areca ar Te | weet 9g. wpe aicad Fores Vea aegis afeoH HIE | “¢ FAST: A oo b, TAT MB aca Bex HI “&) afeaow DEAT IAT OTT eTaTHA TE TSG Cg FA v a) ba yereg ws Moe are Praces re Sher wer efeeela 1" ICTS oi >. TR-TOIAT 1B sites Bea He : -w) ‘saeafaenet farore arRcowr ee Hee Renceta STA Se P| a) et eres Derors wT VOT HIST | 30. FP TANT GM ( LAER 34) + ) SOlcos Gary Waray Glaaia Gy OIA WA ARIS Ws | a) Baca Glew cart Fat TRA, BARN ey DLR NCAA PT | 39. CR-TRTEAT 916 steaa Baa Ie : 8) went cars Reis aan ag Rariica gfoy ace FA | a) Dir sora afew seen Sormmrord Heine IfaON ATA FA | v Sm SES. HHA) Qa CHET TRAIT HPT, Rode Dniester PR Oe Roca, TEM, ore ae Baer BA BIT [ Part ‘A’: Economy, Finance, Banking and Insurance in Islam ] 3 FAG: Yo; WT: eet: Seah as wear Ba BT [ Part ‘A’: Economy and Finance in Islam ] onfire Bem ate [Short answer questions] Marks: 3x2=6 PH IIT APT TT | OT HICAT To cela Bea AIS [All questions are of equal value. Answer any two questions.] 31 Beit etifea ae HIe | [Define Islamic Economics] 3134 6 area Mey Fr | [Write down the difference between interest and profit.) 01 maTe Bea srorRE rt | [Write down the heads of distribution of Zakat.] 8 | Wate wae Rou *SerAT REET Fre | [Write in brief the conditions for Zakat being afangere Gea ere [Detailed answer questions] Marks: 12x2=24 PAT ACH ATA AT | CT TCT IS eee Ge HIS [All questions are of equal value. Answer any two questions.] compulsory.] © SEARS Be RorTT IAA CAPLBTOCH SCION F | [What is Islamic Economics? Discuss the features of Islamic economics.] & | GE a eT BH carats Be oeHcw efa waE OCA | [What do you mean ‘by land in Economics? Discuss the importance of land in Islamic Eeonomics.] 4 Ronn rare SG ATCA AOR COT FH | [Discuss the heads of income and expenditure in the economic system of Islam.] 1 me Tee Boren ere Ahow eftrar eirotoAt 7H | [Discuss the role of Islamic Economics to human welfare.] : seg wet TREN aS OH AT TT i in Islam Part ‘B’: Banking and Insurance In Js! (Pa oafire Bas ere [Short answer questions] Marks: 3x2=6 Hee efce ATA AAT | GUAT HE excels Bea ATS ; [AII questions are of equal value. Answer any fwe questions.] > Sa ome Seni Teas AeA we | [Define Islamic Bank given by OIC.) dor are sey Be [What is Bai’Salam?] 99 1 eoPar aT aR RetaT Tw Ag IA a wera Kee AAAS ; [Write the ownership transfer system in HPSM and Ijarah Muntahia bit Tamlik.] 33. WISTAS FREE Hts [Define Murabaha.] afangrs Baa ey [Detailed answer questions] Marks: 12x2=24 FS ACH ATA FETT | TAT HE aicalt Bea Ms [All questions are of equal value, Answer any two questions.] de LR <1gS F carat aa alaraTOM eae “AT ifort RetfsOeTes SULAIDAT A | [What do you understand by Mudaraba? Discuss its classification and Shariah rules in detail} 381 Piste 6 Faroe Be wearer gerracen Fret | PHrsrer Cae Vous HAT MCHTIDAT A| {What are Musharaka and Shirkat? Write down the classification of Musharaka. Discuss the evidence for being Musharaka is legal.] 3@ 1 Benst fet at wrawT Prac Here ca FRET ANS | ABT TaN ROME OR MATER wT Be Zert Ra at wrest Prior fers fern rales ecm fers we CEMaRET aR RETA wera AE wes aa wea Ader fr) [Define Ijarah bil Bai’ tahta Shirkatil Milk. What is the evidence of Shariah to make it legal? How Ijarah Bil Bai’ tahta Shirkatil Milk investment mode is applied? Write down the difference between HPSM and Jjarah Muntahia bit Tamlik,} 3&1 apts Sar 6 Deni Shr ae me ae ae orerAET Fre | tare eaEs RaTeCe BIT Pal [Define conventional and Islamic insurance and describe its kinds. Discuss the important matters of Insurance.] vem eRe : SAVE Raa CHP gH AA, RHI AA, Rode” Fer one ro TAPER 300 ance, Banking and Insurance in Islam FR G0, THe WT Re cH TH HT 1H APH AT A WAH RT CH COT PG airs BUR HTS | [AIL questions are of equal value. Answer any jo questions from group YA" and ‘any two questions from ‘B"] Ecomomy, err Rear, wT EP [Group — A : Bconomy, Finance in Islam) 9) Baek wor aT He | Dien Ae Frew Hw STOTT eH | [Define Islamic economies, Discuss the subject matter of Islamic economics elaborately.) 2) RTH HT He |e Ba Te GPT SMTA [Define Zakat. Discuss the role of Zakat to social development.) so) Race Fe ger Ge are aS eRe YT TEA | [What do you understand by ‘land"? Discuss the outlook of Islam about ownership of land} 8) Fret Cor iba oe Bra ore: [Write short notes on any two of the following :} FF (usury); 2% sre (Kharaj); = (labour); %, aH (Development) Se ara oe 6 Ra TT [Group ‘B’ : Banking and Insurance in Istarn) a) are ran Bens hard eote o Roen ec HT S| BETS o De ATT wow enderec FR [Define Conventional Bank and Islamic Bank with the description of the origin of the word ‘Bank’. Write down the difference between Conventional Bank and Islamic Bank.] &) RA TREY a RST FTG | HTATST 6 CAMB TAA SITUA FH A ACTS THT ‘ReareT oe aT AP ET TS | [ Define ‘Bai’ Murabaha’, Discuss its classifications and characteristics and show an example of procedure of cost and sale price of the goods.) 9) TEN RT TOL ATT TA ART eH A ly TH MT OF EAE ahh rc Ra a aa AR ca eT HY AT eT Te TAT qo feria [Define BaiSalam. What is the evidence of Shatiah to make it legal? Write down the terms and conditions for making Bai'Salam right. How is Bai’Salam applied in Islamic Banking? Describe the nature of Shariah violation and its rules in Bai’Salam.] ae Rana se & cele at AT 9 Be He Rea APE ones Hae HHT ot BS TN FHT CHE ar TE TE 6 ae BART WHAT nay TCO | [what do you understand by ‘Bai’ Istisna"? Mention its characteristics and terms. What is the procedure of “Bai'Istisna’ investment and when can be the *Bai'Istisna? contract cancelled? Discuss the differences between “Bai” Salam’ and Istisna") Sent AR a Gary) a CARB wear AT, 2099 CR ay Spots saber - Ta aR. Soe Racatk®, rey, ale ae Raya By Dyeing 7S PA bo SBT 9 YB BAY aT NT RTT (OP GR aK PTT cow “ef BET ROS BB ateyjs Gea ane 1 [AH questions are of equal value. Answer any two questions from part ‘A’ and any gwo questions from part “B’} ‘sae: Banat, Tene Ba eT [ Part ‘A’: Eoonomy, Finance in Islam ] 3, Seb ettee nei wre | Dit oils fence Ralseorey oreo a Fa Define Islamic economics. Discuss the subject matter of Islamic Econosnics elaborately.} Shree a carl Sie cary wrstiat aa | ois alana sett Drea YEH Geta a i [ What do you understand by Land? Discuss the importance of land. Discuss the outlook of Isiam about ownership of land.] 9, CAA AT VRS H Gis? 6 NRG WAR VRE ACA FH I {What do you understand by ‘Bait al-Mal"? Discuss its heads of i income and expenditure,] 8. Rare alco yea ea Fae ee: [Write short aotes on any ty of the Following:! wT ( Zakat) v4, be (Ushar) si. garer ( Profit) a, at-( Labour) Ae Bley ATE ules Bay Bay Boy { Part “B’: Banking and lusurance in Islam ] ¢, SOAS Bree we Rois gees oewst He a cca Ie say Be we 1 Ow wares ails BT {Define conventional Bank and Islamic Bank and distmguish berwees them, Write down the ditt ce between interest aad profit] Hi ©. Basia CS Beige ay gerscow eae “Foy AilSued wwe ere n and [What de you undersiaad by Mudarabs’? Dise 's classificat: Shariah nites in details.} 9, TRAIRSTE FMI Hie 1 Bye Las cara Wey aly WAIT @ agrees RR PETS GRETA Fy Hr Betsey ex Arce Bora i arya RRL refs atte SICA FT [Define Bai’ Mu: What is the evidence of Bai’! uaijal to be legal it. Discuss the difference between Bai Murabaha and Bai Mu: jjal aad the difference of C.C. Hypothecation of conventional Bank with the istamic Bank’s Bai‘ Muajjal investmer ve, aphere hat © Bai Sats ows Hre ay egg erga wis! Ba 1 Bonet arg Reece rcenbHt a | eB Bar Rema aga crepe [Define conventional Insurance and Islamic Insurance and de: ibe ils kinds. Discuss the important matters of Insurance. Show an example of an Insurance account.} 1" Year 2" Semester Final Examination 2019 Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka Course No: 106 Course Title: English Language Section A: Reading Comprehensi Read the comprehension passage and answer questions 1-2. ‘There is probably no flower more hated, or misunderstood, than the bright yellow dandelion. In the United States, they are considered “weeds,” the name for any unwanted plant. In an effort to have the perfect green grass lawn, people try their best to kill all dandelions with chemical products. Or they dig them out atthe roots -- only to see them grow right back. Dandelions are hard to kill. And that is a good thing because they are actually one of the most nutritious foods in the world, That’s right, dandelion haters: The most hated flower on Barth is cone of the healthiest to cat! Dandelions are packed with goodness! Dandelions are a gréat source of vitamin K and also are a good source of vitamins A and C, They also have vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins. Also, they provide lots of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. ‘Nothing goes to waste Besides nutrition, another great thing about dandelions is that you can eat every part of them — from the bottom of the roots to the top of the flower. Just make sure to take care when picking wild dandelions. Do not eat ones that have been treated with dangerous chemicals or are growing near high traffic areas. Dandelions have long been used as medicine. Dandelions arc said to provide several possible health benefits such as helping in digestion and improving some-skin conditions. They may also reduce inflammation, But, research on these health benefits is either non-existent or has been done on animals. So, we still ‘have a lot to learn: “about how to best use dandelions. However, experts do know the vitamins, minerals and compounds found in dandelions are good for human health. The health benefits of fiber are also well known. The root of the dandelion is rich in fiber and may help to support the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. Dandelions are an easy-to-grow food source. Dandelions are hearty, drought-resistant flowers. They can grow in environments too dry or difficult for most other crops. One reason they are so hard to kill is that their roots spread easily as do their white, soft, seed-filled tops. Dandelions are fun for kids! Here is another reason to love dandelions. Children in many parts of the world have had the simple pleasure of blowing the soft, white dandelion taps. They watch the seeds float easily in the air, In fact, there is a game children play with dandelions that have yone to seed. Pick the white top, make a wish, close your eyes and blow! If you blow all of the seeds off in one breath, your wish will come true! Well, that is what inany children believe. Even if the wish does not X\ \ ave traveled far and wide Feting more of this nutritious fogg ome rt teas the sed source continue 1 gO" a i ris eae he following questions in your OW” WOT 1 ae dwn onfextal meaning ofthe fT words fom the ext Lawn, inflammation, nonexistent, drought, nutritious: : ; 1. aetons ve packed with goodness! Comment 8 this sateen! s 2, Write présis ofthe above pasge Section B: Gremmar a 3. Correct the following run-ons and fragments, x1=5 pe European conquest ofthe Americas BEER At the daw of the 16th century, Anigenous peoples resided through bb The Americas is generally called wwestem side ofthe AUlantc They wee soon decimated by the effets of diffrent kinds for ex sense, military conquest, and enslavement, and dir policies layed big oe in wiping out there fom the face of Barth Pane eo they have been among he most ative and sucessful ive peoples ia dfeting police change and regining their autonomy in areas, ‘Such as edveaton, Jand ownership, religious feedom, the law, and the revitalization of traditional culture Cuttwaly, the indigenous peoples of the Americas are usually recognized as 1d Artic peoples. ut the Western Hemisphere. He whe: Western Hemisphere. Because it is 00 the 6 constituting two broad groupings, American Indians an 4. Correct the following misplaced and dangling modifiers sxle5 "20 percent of South Korea's population of 49.3 4) Bom in diffezent periods of times, about rillin (2015 est) bas named thei kids Ki 1) To baow ths histocal significance ofthe fo, revisiting the archives ofthe mon necessary. ©) Lams wong ive could place ledger onthe table with at least «hundred pages to 4) The worked al day to nearly SI 00 that could pay my tition fees a univers: 6) Hehas ben turing diferent cites ll ros Europe in ar which ae fantastic Fillin the gaps with appropriate prepositions. SxIs5 (©) When did you return —_ (6) They were bom _1971 _(@ Wecome to university _ foot Seles 6, Fill in the gaps with appropriate modals. (@) My school English teacher ......- speak four languages. (by Interested canidates.. subi hee CV witha cover letter by January 10,2019. (6) The situation was bad, butt... beem Worse (@) He's been travelling all day. He . betired. (€) Doyou think she apply forthe job. Section C: Writing Write a TOPIC SENTENCE for each of the following paragraph topics 1) Benefits of reading story books b) Howto do well in the examination ©) Effects of evi! company 4) Your frst class atthe Departs ¢) Similarities between you father and mother Wie a :parmgraph essay on any one ofthe allowing topes. Underline hr Hess anaes panic atencs in the ze body paragraphs andthe ransitonl marker, YET, [MUST DO PRE- WRITING (NOTE-TAKING) 5H15-20 (a) Smoking (Couse and Effect] (6) A school Fiend anda university fiend [Compare and Contras!) 2xSe10 rent of Islamic Studies \ \ University of Dhaka 1" Year 2" Semester Final Examination 2018 Department of Islami¢ Studies Course Title: English Language Full Mark: Course No: 106 rati lours Section A: Reading Comprehension Read the comprehension passage and answer questions 1-2. Even though we arrived at Kolkata late, we had plenty of time as we would not start for Agra until next day evening, Some of the students were completely baffled by this plenitude of time, this newfound freedom. There was a sudden spurt of activity: some wanted to check out the latest fashions in the New Market; others wanted to savor every Coffee House that Kolkata has; and some others did not know what to do even with themselves. My colleague and I passed the rest of the evening, inspecting the tall thin towers dwarfing all the buildings that could be seen through the windows of Hotel Pushpak Intemational at Park Street. If time had dispersed us at Kolkata, it also brought us closer when we boarded Howrah-Jodhpur Express next day. As the train started to traverse a huge stretch of land from West Bengal to Jodhpur, Rajasthan, | began feeling increasingly solitary in the midst of a sea of transitory faces that would diseppear at regular interval of a few minutes at every station. It was at the moment that I found the frequent visits of my students from a compartment afar quite comforting, which offset the twinge of agony resulting from transient proximity on board. The timely provision of regional delicacies by travel agency staff also afforded protection from hunger during such an interminably long journey. Every time the train would sereech to a halt somewhere in Jharkhand, or in Bihar or in Uttar Pradesh, Anik and his friend Arnab would scramble to get off and would always bring back some tidbits, such as cheese, biscuits, nuts, bottles of water etc. Thus the love land care of all my students sustained me through this seemingly endless journey until we got out at Agra on April 10. By the time we checked in at Rashmi Hotel, it was already midnight at Agra. Half of the team immediately went to the rooftop that gave an uninterrupted spectacular view of the Taj Mahal. ‘The other half, which included the tour guide staff, my colleague and me, chose to retire, exhausted from such a tiring journey and feeling soporific from taking a herbal scented mughal- style bath, But none of us could anticipate what lay in store for us next day. Next morning, as we vere entering the Taj Mahal, the eynosure ofall eyes, the police and the army personnel on guard at its gate got hold of me since I was carrying with me a book written ina language they could not understand. It was John Shors Sous le Ciel de Marbre in Virginie Buhl's translation, ‘which I managed to buy before we left Kolkata for Agra, The officers on duty gave me a labyrinth of conflicting instructions and referred me to a lot of other officials. It looked as if it would take an eternity to explain to them that the novel is about none other than the Taj Mahal itself! Fortunately, in the meantime, I came to see one of the staff standing just outside the gate, and I quickly flung the novel to him. Thus I was readily purged of a foreign threat and was

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