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Teks Permulaan Ucapan Pentadbir

Assalamualaikum and Good morning,

Dear headmaster YM. Tengku Baharudin Bin Tengku Ismail , senior assistant of C u r r i c u l u m
a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , M r . M o h d Z a m a n i B i n M o h d A z m i , Senior Assistant of
Student Affair, Madam Zailani Binti Mohd Yusof, all teachers and students.

.I would like to give thanks to God for the blessings and His mercy , we can gather together in
the assembly today

As you all know, this week is English Week as we are starting our own HIP English Programme
today. To begin my speech, I would like to talk about the activities that we are going to go through this week.

First, we are going to have an opening ceremony, straight after this assembly. Tomorrow we are
going to have Word Search and Cross Word Puzzle activity in the classroom. On Tuesday, few
selected pupils will join Dare-to-Spell competition which is going to take place at the school hall.
On Wednesday, we are going to be in Treasure Hunt. All pupils except Preschool pupils, and all
teachers will involve in this activity. Please be ready teachers, we are going to run! Please make
sure you wear your sports attire on Wednesday. And finally, on Thursday we are to have HIP
week Closing ceremony.
So, I think that’s all from me. Thanks for the opportunity given today. Thank you.

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