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Written Work 2

Importantly, _______________ manufacturers like Nvidia are also refining the microcode to
perform the most popular algorithms in parallel across several GPU cores.

There are many ways in which the development and ________ of AI affect society, hence it is
critical to address the ethical issues raised by AI.

It can be difficult to establish responsibility when AI __________ act independently and cause
harm or accidents.

We are living in a time when technology is ______________ to our survival and when artificial
intelligence, or AI, is just getting started.

AI made it possible to identify transformers, which ____________ a lot of the processes

involved in teaching AI on unlabeled data.

Several nations have begun enacting AI ____________ frameworks to protect people's rights
and guarantee accountability, justice, and transparency.

Artificial Intelligence has the ______________ to drastically change civilization.


An ethical AI system upholds ___, is open, and responsible, and respects human rights.

Unauthorized use of data or ________________ might happen and could hurt people.

In industries like financing, law enforcement, and recruiting, artificial intelligence (AI)
_______________ may unintentionally reinforce human prejudices and provide unfair results.

A branch of computer science called ______________ studies how to make software or robots
behave like people.
artificial intelligence
AI design must incorporate ____________ if it is to be used responsibly.

With vendors like Nvidia, Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI providing generative pre-trained
transformers (GPTs) at lower costs, knowledge levels, and times, the AI stack has rapidly
developed, lowering risk, and speeding up the time to market for bigger models.
Transformers with generative pre-training

AI services and technologies are developing ______________.


Put more simply, the goal of AI is to build intelligent ______________ that can think, learn, and
solve problems much like people.

Large volumes of _____________ data are frequently processed by AI systems, which poses
significant privacy risks.

Including a range of viewpoints in the ____________ process, routinely checking algorithms for
bias, and building transparent AI systems that let people understand the decision-making
process are all necessary for developing ethical AI.

The last few years have seen a symbiotic relationship between ____________ advances
pioneered by Nvidia and AI discoveries at Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.

Because of _____________ science and engineering efforts, organizations have difficulties

while deploying AI.

AI research and application ethics play a _____________ role in ensuring that technology
benefits and ethically serves mankind in the future.

International ethical ____________ that respect universal human rights and consider various
cultural settings are desperately needed, especially given the worldwide reach of AI.

The 2012 release of the ________________ neural network marked the beginning of a new age
of high-performance AI built on GPUs and massive data sets, which is reflected in the advances
seen in current AI tools and applications.
For instance, Google took the lead in developing a more effective procedure for allocating AI
training among a sizable cluster of GPU-equipped commodity PCs.
The Transformers

The ____________ consequences of technology's advancements have gained significant


Not to mention hundreds of other breakthrough AI services, the ______________ recent

success was made possible by the cooperation of these luminaries in AI.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly _____________ workplace productivity and
supplement human labor.

True or False. AI is bad to people.


As the technology expands into __________ uses, there will undoubtedly be many obstacles
and educational opportunities, but overall, it is anticipated that artificial intelligence will benefit
society more than harm.

The general objectives of humans must be reflected in the AI _____________.


Artificial intelligence's unexpected ______________ will probably provide challenges for all of

We must be talking about and being ready for the profound _____________ of artificial
intelligence on our society, which will have far-reaching effects on the legal, political, economic,
and regulatory spheres.

Artificial intelligence will improve the way we find illegal behavior and ______________ crimes.

__________________ is changing the world we live in, and like most life changes, there will be
both positive and negative effects on society.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly impact _________________ through
improved monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.

Just the introduction of driverless vehicles and artificial intelligence (AI) affecting our traffic
congestion problems will result in several hours of productivity gains for our society, not to
mention the additional ways it will boost _____________ at work.

True or False. AI has a great impact on human lives.


Without a doubt, artificial intelligence will lead to ___________ in our workforce.


Artificial intelligence (AI) can _____________ money by streamlining the operations of medical
organizations and institutions.

Making sure AI stays within ____________ and legal bounds while performing tasks for which it
was not intended is another problem.

As a growing amount of _______________ is gathered about each individual's day, minute by

minute, our privacy is jeopardized.

The application of AI in the ______________ system offers several chances to learn how to use
the technology efficiently while respecting people's privacy.

Even if the AI was created to help ____________, society would suffer if it decided to approach
the objective in a harmful, but effective, manner.

Although the likelihood of this happening is up for _____________, we do know that introducing
new technology always has unintended repercussions.

People will have more ___________ for how to spend their time since they are not limited by
arduous commutes.
The prevalence of facial _____________ technology is approaching that of fingerprints.

AI frees up human ______________ to perform jobs for which they are more suited, such as
those requiring creativity and empathy, by taking over risky or repetitive duties.

Managing a worldwide _______________ arms race and figuring out who is responsible when
an autonomous car injures a pedestrian are just two of the difficulties that need to be overcome.

People's happiness and job ____________ may rise if they are engaged in more enjoyable

____________ powers the algorithms used in artificial intelligence


Your life is going to be profoundly _____________ by artificial intelligence unless you decide to
live in an isolated location and never want to engage with the contemporary world.

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