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It is a summary of written statement, filed by the

Respondent, in the case of Sh. Ritesh Mishra (Petitioner) Vs. Dr.
Aruna Mishra (Respondent).
The Respondent is only daughter and mid sibling between
two sons of Dr. S.K. Tripathi who is a retired Govt. Officer of MP
Provincial Services, resident of Datia. The Petitioner is a Central
Govt. employee, working at New Delhi, younger sibling of two
brothers, son of Retd. Govt. employee of MP State and resident of
In December 2002, marriage got satisfactorily solemnized
between the respondent and petitioner. The respondent and her
family obliged and fulfilled every social & financial demands of
petitioner’s family right from the Pakhyat (Tilak) to marriage in
which Rs. 7 Lakhs were given by the respondent’s family on…
cash for purchasing a house in Delhi, and a bike was gifted on
demand of the petitioner. Besides it, the Respondent took the
cash of Rs. 2 Lakhs and gold, silver and gold-platinum jewelries
with her gifted by her parents, relatives and of her own savings.
After the marriage, respondent came to a small rented
house in Delhi along with the petitioner. On deep persuasion of
the petitioner and considering the poor financial conditions of
him, the respondent started working in small establishments for
fulfilling the domestic obligations of home. The respondent
noticed that Petitioner was in habit of making female
acquaintances and lustrous life earlier before marriage which he
continued after marriage. In June 2006, they purchased and
shifted to a flat in East Delhi. The respondent conceived a child
even after resistance from the petitioner and his family.
Meanwhile, she got employed in FSL, Home Department of Delhi
Government. The petitioner carried on living a lavish life with
female friends and telling lies to the Respondent which increased
the pressure and financial burdens on the respondent. Still, she
kept on compromising, maintaining her kid, tried her best for
maintaining a positive & pleasant environment in the family, and
to save her family life at any cost.
However, the Petitioner’s lustrous activities aggravated the
financial extortion of the respondent to the degree of theft,
harassing her old aged ill parents, and frequent lying and
manipulations with the respondent which kept on increasing
along with the passage of time. In compelling situations, the
respondent restricted the free access of petitioner on her financial
instruments as Debit/ATM cards, cheque-books, pass-books etc.
and started giving a fix amount of Rs. 25,000/- per month to the
petitioner through account transaction. The petitioner, who was
habitual of extracting her complete salaried income through all
means and manipulations, remained annoyed with this
arrangement and with a pre-planned motive to maintain the
respondent’s assets under his complete hold & grip, employed her
office mate Ms. Neema on pretext of full-time domestic help in
their house. Ms. Neema was well-acquainted with the luxurious
activities and extra-marital affairs of the petitioner, was enjoying
a ‘special status’ in home and used to facilitate the petitioner for
all kind of lustrous activities. Meanwhile, the Respondent was
extremely occupied with her studies and two years training
course at IHBAS and was facing a ‘secondary status’ in her own
home due to unusual ‘jugalbandi’ of Ms. Neema and the
petitioner. The respondent also noticed that the petitioner used to
create false evidence against character and conduct the
respondent trough unwarranted access of her personal gadgets
and documents.
In April 2016, due to some admission seat issue, litigation
was occurred and the Respondent was badly entangled managing
with her responsibilities, her circumstances at home and
sensitive office liabilities at her work-place. In August 2018,
Respondent’s father informed her that Sh. Atul Mishra, one of his
family acquaintance need some help and support for stay in Delhi
for IVF treatment of his wife Babita Mishra for which the
respondent was agreed. She invited and assured both of them to
support at her best. After, few days of their stay at Respondent’s
home, the petitioner and Ms. Neema started troubling the
respondent and guest couple on unusual excuse of ‘intrusion in
their privacies’ and trying to expel from the house. The
respondent took her stand to support for their stay in Delhi till
their need of treatment and as a counter-blast of the Respondent
stand, and by taking it as an opportunity to enter into a live-in
relation-ship with his 5 years old female friend, Dr. Usha Kohli,
the Petitioner has created the present scenario and false stories
against the Respondent.

The present petition is an outcome of the petitioner’s

revenge against the financial restrictions imposed by the
respondent, taking a stand for supporting a family in their need,
maintaining his extramarital affairs & live-in relationships with
multiple females at a time, making them fool by showing this
petition for their physical exploitations by making fake promise of
marriage, and exploiting other female acquaintances around him.

In February 2019, the respondent left the home entering

into a live-in relationship with his female friend namely Dr. Usha
residing in a nearby vicinity not considering the social stigma and
mental trauma, occurring of the respondent and her growing son.
In June 2020, Dr. Usha informed her that the Petitioner was
persistently persuading her for continuing live-in relationships
though she was not interest anymore owing to ‘noutanki’,
dramatic and cheating habits of the petitioner. On 24th September
2022, Respondent was contacted by a lady Meenakshi Sharma
about her physical assault done by the petitioner by promise of
marriage which was registered in Police Station Shalimar Bagh
on…..vide FIR No…… for offences u/s 376, ….504, for which the
petitioner in on Bail.
It proves that the petitioner is enjoying and living life on
the principal of eat, drink, and remarry, punishing the
respondent for no fault of her and getting rid scratch free
accusing her of all misdeeds, misconduct, and social misconducts
done by him. In fact, just contrary to his averments, the
respondent has always tried to maintain a positive & pleasant
environment in the home, and save her family life at any cost
which she is doing till date. This petition is rather a tool of
extorting cash & kinds from the Respondent which he has done
since beginning of the marriage with the respondent. Since after
marriage the respondent came to Delhi, she was coerced by the
petitioner to earn money though jobs for him and domestic
expenses, and when she attained the govt. job in Forensic Science
Laboratory, Rohini, Delhi he kept on exploiting her by all modes
and manner, as a cost of continuing his family life peacefully and
this could be verified from the bank accounts statements of the
respondent and the petitioner itself.

Also, filing of maintenance application along with the petition

and threatening the respondent’s for false litigation and
conjunction suit against her on his name goes on to proof his
malafide intentions. Since from the date of purchase of a property
in Hans Apartment in respondent’s name, the Petitioner with due
support and instigation of his parents, coercing the respondent to
transfer on his name and threaten the respondent to face dire
consequences like her character assassination in public or to
divorce her, and his unwarranted threatening are now converted
into the nefarious action of serving such petition.
It is pertinent to mention that the said property was purchased
by the gift money of respondent’s parents and all expenses of
transfer of property were solely borne by the respondent’s parents
only keeping in view the Petitioner’s week financial position at the
time of his marriage. But, in place of feeling of gratitude and
respect towards them, the Petitioner started this marriage as a
tool of money generating system and creating trouble to the
Respondent and her only son Aryan in one way or the other using
manipulative tactics to attain his motives. Not merely it, all ‘stree-
dhan’ (the jewelry and ornaments given by the parents, relative in
the marriage of the respondent), has been taken away while he
left the home sheepishly without even giving a hint or and
information of his shifting to his new rented accommodation
which is criminal breach of trust and an act of theft along with
unauthorized movement of the respondent’s valuable goods and
money incurring huge financial loss and mental agony to the
The respondent had no knowledge of any police complaint
to DCP, PS, Pitampura and SHO, PS, Rohini, Delhi and only came
to know of it through the copy of this Petition only, as the
respondent was never ever been informed or the matter was
investigated. Although, by prima facie reading the complaint, it is
self-established that when the petitioner did not get anything
against the Respondent he has used his child as a tool and visit
of Mr. Atul Mishra as a sword to attack the respondent. The
respondent and any person known to her have never ever
performed any wrongful act towards the petitioner and the
allegations made are false & baseless. Also, the information and
details sworn under the affidavits by the Petitioner are also wrong
and manipulated for misleading this Hon’ble Court. Hence, this
petition is liable to be quashed with heavy cost against the

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