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Completed By:
Popy Dwijayanti (2121004)
Laila Amni (2121036)

Syaprizal, M.Pd

Subject : Planning and Development of Tourism







Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, we offer our thanks to the presence of Allah SWT.

who has given His grace, gifts and guidance so that the author can complete the report of
observation results entitled "Tourist Attraction Aur Lake, Temam Waterfall and
Watervang". Do not forget to give prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
to his family, friends and people until the end of time.

This paper was prepared and submitted to fulfill the assignment of Planning and
Development of Tourist Destination subject given by Mr. Syaprizal, M. Pd. Apart from
that, this paper was written to provide knowledge to readers regarding tourist attraction in
Lubuklinggau City.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect due to limited knowledge
and experiences. Therefore, the author will be happy to accept all critism and suggestions
given for motivation to be better in the future. The author hopes that this paper can be used
for readers.

Lubuklinggau, 7 June 2024



TABLE OF CONTENT.............................................................................................................3


A. Background.....................................................................................................................4

B. Formulation of The Problem...........................................................................................4

CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................5


A. Aur Lake......................................................................................................................5

B. Temam Waterfall.........................................................................................................6

C. Watervang....................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................9


A. Background

Visiting tourist destinations is something that cannot be separated from life. That is
one of the reasons there are so many tourist destinations in every village or city. Apart
from that, tourist destinations are also aimed to exploring and developing the potential of
the area. That why, it can become a medium to introducing ang promoting the tourism
potential which is exists in the area.
Lubuklinggau nestled in the heart of South Sumatera Province. Lubuklinggau
boasts a unique blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty, making it a promising
destination for tourism development. With its historical significance dating back centuries
and its diverse ecosystems ranging from lush forests to fertile plains, the region offers a
captivating tapestry of experiences for visitors. However, despite its potential as a tourist
destination, Lubuklinggau faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure and
environmental degradation. Addressing these challenges while harnessing the region's
tourism potential requires a comprehensive understanding of its historical context,
ecological significance, and community dynamics.
This comprehensive report aims to delve into the potential of three prominent
tourist attractions in Lubuklinggau: Lake Aur, Temam Waterfall and Watervang. By
conducting an in-depth analysis of their features, challenges, and development prospects,
we aim to provide actionable insights into fostering sustainable tourism growth in the

B. Formulation of The Problem

1. How the tourist destination of Aur Lake?
2. How the tourist destination of Temam Waterfall?
3. How the tourist destination of Watervang?

A. Aur Lake

Aur Lake is one of the tourist attractions in Musi Rawas which is located in
Sumber Harta sub-district. This tourist attraction is located 2.49 km from the capital of
Musi Rawas Regency, Muara Beliti and can be reached by four-wheeled and two-
wheeled vehicles. Lake Aur has an area of 40 Ha. along the road to Aur Lake it is
surrounded by rice fields and community rubber plantations.

Lake Aur stands as a shimmering oasis in Lubuklinggau's tourism landscape,

enchanting visitors with its pristine waters and picturesque surroundings. Spanning
(insert dimensions), the lake offers a plethora of recreational activities, including
boating, fishing, swimming, and picnicking. Its tranquil ambiance and scenic vistas
attract tourists seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life. However, the
conservation of Lake Aur's fragile ecosystem presents a pressing challenge,
necessitating proactive measures to mitigate environmental degradation and promote
responsible tourism practices.

The facilities and infrastructure of Lake Aur are parking area, public toilets, guard
post, ticket counter, children's play area, water games (traditional boats, water bikes,
ducks), typical canteens, namely: Floating Restaurant and Mobile Restaurant. This
tourist destination is open from 8 am to 5 pm. The entrance ticket price for the Aur
Lake is IDR 5.000/person on weekdays and IDR 10.000/person on weekends. Apart
from that, there is also a parking fee of IDR 5.000/motorcycle, IDR 10.000/car and
IDR 20.000/tour bus. Then if you want to take a boat you need to pay IDR
10,000/person for a 30 minute duration. While you are on the boat you can order food
or drinks while also having karaoke there.

Apart from the beauty of Lake Aur tourism, there are several shortcomings that
must be corrected. The first is that there is no fence on the lake side. This can be
dangerous, especially for children. people could slip and fall into the lake if there were
no fences. Apart from that, there is also a lot of rubbish, especially on the edge of the
lake. Apart from being unsightly, it can pollute the lake. Then, there are also several
damaged facilities such as a boardwalk with holes and a small duck boat that is no
longer suitable for use. Therefore, there are several suggestions for this tour. The first
is to put a fence on the side of the lake so that no visitors can fall into the lake. Then,
assign a special cleaning officer to keep the lake clean and free from lots of rubbish
that can pollute the environment. Lastly, repair the boardwalk with holes and get rid of
facilities that are old or unused.

B. Temam Waterfall

Temam Waterfall is one of the tourist destinations in Lubuklinggau city. It is

located 11 km south of the center of Lubuklinggau City in the Air Temam Village
area, South Lubuklinggau I District. Temam Waterfall is a natural tourist attraction
which is usually called the Niagara of Indonesia whose waterfall can be seen from
various directions with a height of 12 meters surrounded by natural rocks and rubber
plantation areas, making this tourist attraction beautiful and enjoyable for tourists who
visit there.

Temam emerges as a haven for nature enthusiasts, boasting an abundance of

biodiversity and natural splendor. Nestled amidst verdant forests and rolling hills, the
area offers a sanctuary for wildlife and a refuge for outdoor adventurers. Visitors to
Temam can explore its network of hiking trails, observe indigenous flora and fauna,
and immerse themselves in the serenity of its untamed wilderness. However,
preserving Temam's delicate ecosystem and involving local communities in its
conservation efforts are critical for ensuring its long-term sustainability as destination.

The suspension bridge facility near the Temam waterfall is used so that visitors can
get to the opposite bank of the river. At the same time, here visitors can relax watching
the river flow while sitting on wooden chairs and tasting snacks ranging from hot
coffee, young coconut ice and noodles. Then, apart from seating facilities, visitors can
enjoy the natural atmosphere around Temam Waterfall by sitting in the gazeebo in a
relaxed manner. There is also a prayer room and public toilets here. There is one
facility that really attracts visitors here, namely the water park which is in front of the
Temam entrance. Temam Waterfall Tour is open from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays and
on weekends it is open from 9 am to 5 pm. The entrance ticket price is IDR
10.000/person not including parking.

Apart from its beauty, there are several disadvantages to Temam Waterfall. The
first is that there is still a lot of rubbish scattered or piled up. Then, several facilities
need to be repaired, such as paths that have lots of holes or are broken, toilets that are
not clean, gazebos that are dirty and mossy and photo spots for stairs that are damaged
and rusty. The advice that can be given for this tour is to first tackle the rubbish
problem there by assigning a special cleaning officer. then, repair or replace damaged
paths so that visitors do not trip and fall while walking. Apart from that, the local
manager must repair the toilets and clean them again and freshen them if necessary
and also clean the existing gazebos and update the color by repainting them.
C. Watervang

Watervang is a water dam on the Kelingi River which was built by the Dutch
Government in 1941. Its main function is to irrigate rice fields covering an area of
approximately 8000 hectares located in the area along the Kelingi River,
Lubuklinggau City to Tugumulyo and Megang Sakti Districts, Musi Rawas Regency.
as irrigation for rice fields, it also functions as a tourist attraction which will provide a
special feel for visitors. This tourist attraction is located in Watervang Village, East
Lubuklinggau 1 District, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra. It is approximately 5 km
to the east of the center of Lubuklinggau City. To reach this tourist spot it only takes
15 minutes by two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle from the city center.

At this watervang tourism there are several facilities. The first is a large parking
area with parking fee is IDR 2,000/motorbike, public toilet and wide field. Apart from
that, there is also a bridge that can take visitors to the other side to enjoy its beauty up
close. There are also many gazebos there that can be used as a place to relax while
eating together. Then, there are many canteens or food stalls on both sides. Across the
bridge we can enjoy the freshness of the dam water up close and can also play in the
water. then above it there are several canteens or places to eat which are directly facing
the dam water. This is one of the things that visitors like to eat while seeing and
feeling its beauty directly. There is no prayer room here, but near the parking area
there is a local mosque which can be used by visitors who want to do prayers.

On this destination, just there is still a lot of rubbish around the it. It is suggest that
tourism managers care to cleanliness and maintain existing facilities.



A. Conclusion

In conclusion, the exploration of Aur Lake, Temam Waterfall and Watervang

underscores the immense potential and inherent challenges of tourism development in
Lubuklinggau. By embracing a holistic approach that prioritizes sustainability,
inclusivity, and cultural authenticity, the region can unlock its full potential as a
world-class tourist destination. Collaboration among government agencies, private
sector entities, civil society organizations, and local communities will be instrumental
in shaping a vibrant and resilient tourism industry that enhances livelihoods, preserves
ecosystems, and celebrates the unique heritage of Lubuklinggau.

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