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CHAPTER 2 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL AND CAPACITANCE Electric potential difference. The electric potential difference between two points in an clectric field is defined as the amount of work done per unit positive test charge in moving the test charge from one point tothe other against the clectrstatic force due to the field Mathematically - If W is work done in moving a small positive test charge q, from point A to B in the clectrostatic field of charge q, then potential difference between points B and A, Ve— Va = Teg G-2) Here, T% and Tg are distances of points A and B from the source charge q. 1 volt (V) = 1 joule coulomb! (I C1) Wane tg Hey Vo wey (B+ Bt Bt Mathematically ~ a Mathematically- A. Potential energy of the system of two charges qi and gz Wey B. Potential energy of the system of three charges qi, qzand qy aes Gu ns Pm? Unit. Its unit in SI is joule (0) or electron volt (eV), eV 916x105 7. Potential energy of an clectric dipole in a uniform electric field. |, Ifthe electric dipole is rotated from inital orientation making angle 6, with the electri field to the final orientation making angle ® , with the field, then U=pE (cos, — £0801) 2. Ifthe electric dipole is rotated from its intial orientation perpendicular to the Field to the final orientation so as to make an angle @ with the field, then U=-pEcos 9 =-BE 8. Behaviour of a charged conductor A. Charges reside only a the surface ofthe charged conductor. B, The electric potential is constant a the surface and inside the conductor. . The electric field is zero inside the conductor and just outside it, the electric field is normal tothe surface 9. Electrical capacitance, The ability ofa conductor to store charge is called its electrical capacitance. Mathematically. C=2 Unit. Its unit in SI is farad (F) | farad (F) = 1 coulomb /volt (C! V) Capacitance of a spherical conductor. C= 47 Ey ¥ , ris radius (in metro) of the spherical conductor 10, Capacitor. Itis an arrangement for storing a very large amount of charge. 11. Prineiple. The capacitance of a conductor gets increased greatly, when an earth connected conductor is placed near it c= XS04 (when dielectric is between the plates) Here, A is area of each plate and d is separation between the two plates. 13. Energy stored in a capacitor. Work done in charging a capacitor gets stored in the capacitor in the form of its electrostatic potential energy. Mathematcally:U~2 cv? =qv==12 14, Diets constant. The rto ofthe stength ofthe applied cles ldo thestrength of reduced value of este ld om inserting the dest sab between he plates of capacitor i called the diet constant ofthe sab 15, Dietectie strength. The maximum value of eletc field (r potential prada) hat canbe applied to he dielecie without its electric breakdown called delete rength ofthe delet Unit. suit in Vin (ame a hat of let fel) 16. Effect of dielectric la om the capacitance ofa parallel plate capaitor, 1, When a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K and thickness t (t< d) is introduced between the plates, then ca 204, ma-5 | 2. When a conducting slab of thickness t (F< d) is introduced, then eke QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Q.1 Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is JC~! Is ita scalar or a vector quantity? Ans, Blectric potential. It is a scalar quantity. Q.2 In the given figure, charge +Q is placed at the centre of a dotted circle. Work done in taking another charge +q from A to B is W1 and from B to C is Wz. Which one of the following is correct: Wi > Wo, Wi=Wo and Wi < W2? Ans- The points A and C are at same distance from the charge +Q at the centre, so Va= Ve Therefore, Va— Ve = Ve - Va Hence, the magnitude of work done in taking charge +q from A to B or from B to C will be the same i.e., Wi = Ws Q3 The field lines of a negative point charge are as shown in the figure. Does the kinetic energy of a small negative charge increase or decrease in going from B to A? Ans-The kinetic energy of a negative charge decreases while going from point B to point A, against the movement of force of repulsion, Q.4A point charge Q is placed at point ‘O” as shown in figure. Is the potential at point A, i., VA, greater, smaller or equal to potential, VB, at point B, when Q is (i) positive, and (ii) negative charge? Ans- @ WQis positive nd Clearly, Ve> Vn Gi) WQis negative KQ Vesa and 2-5 « 1 (iv) The charge Q = CV, V =same, C = increases; therefore, charge on plates increases. (v) Energy stored by capacitor U=4 CV? , also increases. Q.20 Two parallel plate capacitors X and Y have the same area of plates and same separation between them. X has air between the plates while Y contains a dielectrie medium K = 4. (i) Calculate the capacitance of each capacitor if equivalent capacitance of the combination is 4 pF (i) Calculate the potential difference between the plates of X and Y. (ii) Estimate the ratio of electrostatic energy stored in X and Y. c Sug AsN and Yare in series, so Also Kel From (i) and (i, ay y= 15 Vel 12V ‘Thus potential dlference across X, Vg = 12 V, Pa. across V; Vy Energy storedin¥ _Q*/20,_ 6, ©) Energy sworedinY Q°/26y € Q21 Calculate the equivalent capacitance between points A and B in the circuit below. Ifa battery of 10 V is connected actoss A and B, calculate the charge drawn, from the battery by the circuit. \=10yF #20 F This the condiion of balance so there will Be ao ceurrent across PH (30 uF eapacior) Now G, and C, are in series 5410 “15 Equivalent capacitance between 4 and Bs 0 Hence, charge drawn from battery (Q) = CV = 10 « 10 mC = 100 mc = 10*C Q.22 Two identical capacitors of 12 pF each are connected in series across a battery of 50 V. How much, electrostatic energy is stored in the combination? If these were connected in parallel across the same battery, how much energy will be stored in the combination now? Also find the charge drawn from the battery in each case. Ans 1 CG, (M12 In series combination: =6 x 10" 1 se 1 cox 10-5050) U,=75 x10 Q=6,V=6% Wx 50 =s00 x 1c =a x 10 In parallel combination: G, = (12 + 12) pF G,=24 x 108 F Q.23 Two identical parallel plate (air) capacitors C) and C2 have capacitances C each, The space between their plates is now filled with dielectrics as shown, If the two capacitors still have equal capacitance, obtain the relation between dielectric constants K, Ki and Ko. Ans: Let A area of each plate. Let initially ¢, = 6 = 2 After inse! = KC (4/2) Kyey(/2) From (i) and (ii) Cec, = Koo Su eK = Ka Lm 4K Q.24 IFN drops of same size each having the same charge, coalesce to form a bigger drop. How will the following vary with respect to single small drop? (j) Total charge on bigger drop (ii) Potential on the bigger drop (iii) Capacitance. Ans- Lety.gand » be the ‘and potential of dhe small drop. The total charge on bigger drop is sum ofall charge on small drops. (& Q= Ng (where Qis charge on bigger drop) Gi) The volume of N small drops Volume of the bigger drop “uP (ii) Capacitance = Ane AncN""r =N" (Arey) Nc Ivhere € is capacitance of dhe small drop] Q 25 You are given an air-filled parallel plate capacitor C1. The space between its plates is now filled with slabs of dielectric constants K; and Ke as shown in C2, Find the capacitances of the capacitor C2, if area of the plates is A and distance between the plates is 4. Ans-

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