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CamelCase: In CamelCase, each word in the compound identifier begins with a capital letter
except for the initial word. The first letter of the identifier is lowercase, and there are no
spaces between words. Typically, CamelCase is used for naming variables and functions in C.

Example in C:

int myVariable;

void calculateSum();

2. PascalCase: PascalCase is similar to CamelCase, but the first letter of every word, including
the initial word, is capitalized. PascalCase is commonly used for naming types, structures,
and enums in C.

Example in C:

typedef struct {

int Age;

char *FullName;

} PersonInfo;

3. snake_case: In snake_case, words are written in lowercase and separated by underscores.

Snake case is often used for naming constants, macros, and file names in C.

Example in C:

#define MAX_ATTEMPTS 3

void read_input_file();

These naming conventions help improve code readability and maintainability by providing
consistency in naming across projects and making identifiers more descriptive. Choosing an
appropriate naming convention depends on the context and conventions of the programming
language or project.
Code indentation is crucial in programming for several reasons, primarily affecting readability and

1. Readability: Indentation makes code more readable by visually organizing blocks of code. It helps
programmers quickly identify the structure of the code, such as loops, conditionals, and function
definitions. Without proper indentation, code can appear cluttered and confusing, making it difficult
to understand its logic.

2. Maintainability: Indentation significantly contributes to the maintainability of code. Well-indented

code is easier to modify and debug because it clearly shows the scope of various code blocks. When
code is properly indented, it's easier to spot syntax errors, identify missing or misplaced brackets,
and understand the flow of control within the program.

3. Collaboration: When multiple programmers work on the same codebase, consistent indentation
standards are essential for collaboration. A uniform coding style with consistent indentation helps
team members understand each other's code more easily. It fosters collaboration and ensures that
the codebase remains coherent and understandable across different contributors.

4. Debugging: Properly indented code simplifies the debugging process. When encountering errors
or unexpected behaviour, programmers can trace the execution flow more efficiently in well-
structured code. Debugging becomes less daunting when the code is neatly organized with
consistent indentation.

5. Code Reviews: During code reviews, indentation plays a vital role in assessing the quality of code.
Reviewers can quickly evaluate the structure and logic of the code, focusing more on the
implementation details rather than struggling to decipher its layout. Clear indentation helps
reviewers provide constructive feedback and identify potential issues more effectively.

6. Documentation: Indentation also aids in documenting the code. Properly formatted code with
consistent indentation enhances the readability of inline comments and documentation, making it
easier for developers to understand the purpose and functionality of various code segments.

In summary, code indentation is not merely a stylistic preference; it's a fundamental aspect of writing
maintainable, readable, and understandable code. By following indentation conventions and
maintaining consistency throughout the codebase, programmers can improve collaboration,
streamline debugging, and enhance the overall quality of the software.

Here's an example in C that calculates the factorial of a given number using recursion:

#include <stdio.h>

int factorial (int n) {

if (n == 0) {

return 1;

} else {

return n * factorial (n - 1);


int main() {

int num = 5;

int result = factorial(num);

printf("Factorial of %d is %d\n", num, result);

return 0;

In this example:

- The `factorial` function calculates the factorial of a number recursively.

- Note the indentation within the `factorial` function: the `if` statement and its corresponding `else`
block are indented to clearly show that they are part of the same function.

- The `main` function also follows proper indentation, making it easy to distinguish between different
blocks of code.

- Proper indentation enhances readability, making it easier to understand the structure of the code
and follow the flow of control.

- If the code were not properly indented, it would be harder to grasp where one block of code ends
and another begins, leading to confusion and potential errors during maintenance or debugging.

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