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and for removing the wounded quickly from the sphere of

his leisure in reading, and when he was eighteen he opened an

of Jewish philosophy. (2) The first purely philosophical

more than one-twentieth (5.2% in 1000; 5.7% in 1905) of all

stop here; and the cars of these trains are classified

fee. Almost half a century afterwards the practice had become

climate being similar to that of the N.W. coast of the United

might be restored between the soldiery and the insurgents.

in his own family, he is said to have murdered his brother

with the amir personally and with his representatives. It

(q.v.) with extraordinary success. For the rest of Tunisia,

damaged in 1883. Their restoration was completed in

to seventy days, periods of rest being given during which

structure. The southern frontiers of Morocco and Tripoli remain

ammonia, and this method of purification has proved the most

presents a smooth surface. Besides this the bursting charge

century B.C., 27 1/4 ft. long (including the porch) by 23 1/3

place from which, in 1455, Kunz von Kaufungen carried off

time of its capture by the British the Red Sea route to India

six times as many. Great Britain had twice as many pigs as

the greater part forms an immense alluvial plain, densely

to be used commonly for any closed cuoboard and even bookcase.

and was at once bombarded with complaints from the Borgia's

place southward, giving way at last to the nearly nude.

no time was lost by the powers interested in notifying claims

Asia, which pass between Kashmir and Afghanistan through

at L. 480,000, the imports at L. 1,360,000, the former comprising

unwillingly, only the threat of excommunication from the

and part 1 of the Interpedia Project. ***Disclaimers follow***

La Geographie, Paris, vol. viii. pp. 213-220; G. W.

any sediment, and finally mixed with the calculated quantity

elected to the Massachusetts senate, and in 1803 was sent to

inconsistency, in a way which must have been bitter enough

of how Alleyn baited a lion before James I. at the Tower.

on both sides of the Vils, 42 m. E. of Nuremberg by

and a bromine substitution derivative; and (5) the synthesis

Africa, including the yellow wood (Podocarpus), stinkwood

to the church, and farthest removed from it, that no sound or

office of high admiral of the United Kingdom, and of the

could be pursued amidst the haunts of the living subjects of

Considerable attention has been directed to the different

victories. South camp is now named Stanhope Lines, after Mr

determined manner. In February of that year a French force

before he knew the figures. His father began to teach him

vol. H. p. 247). Guarding the opening of the ileum into

fulfilled. After spreading desolation through North Italy

the surface of the province is of itost fertile soil, the

furnishes most of the oil of the country. Tobacco is grown

to seize upon the emphasis which could thus be produced.

exposed to the direct rays of the sun, in order to prevent a

flow down the valley of I esponne. After passing Bagneres

to the singularity of his manners. He used great plainness

character, i.e. in the body cells, no definite evidence

long halt there he advanced (August 20), and gaining rapid

writings. On his return, bringing with him privileges for

This feature of analcite has been much studied, Sir David

of the Bering Sea. The river, taking its rise in the Stanovoi

Crozzon di Lares . . . . . . . 11,004 Monte Tornello . . . . . . . . . .8,819

Kioko Wa-Mpoto }

suddenly requested Pope Pius VI. to banish Alfieri from papal

that the rooms occupied by the Academy would be required for

case, for a fairly uniform decrease in the barley area was

the changes in the suprarenals are those due to tuberculosis,

is suggested that human history may be divided, whether

ancestors, on the female side, of the Prussian royal house.

to Spain to endeavour to put down the heresy. Archbishop

on the 9th of May 1859 for the war with Austria in Italy.

the experiment and the documents relating to the investigation.

way for an improved system of agriculture in Scotland. By a

variety of agate known as Mocha stone. Agates of exceptional

Arches, ``Dame Eleanor Davies,'' ``Never soe mad a ladie.''

history. At Leiden, Ames became intimate with the venerable

In the 16th century Aldeburgh was a place of considerable

old age, and was buried in the cave of Machpelah near Hebron,

theology. His father advised him to revise his philological and

of protection from foreign aggression, so long as he should

AMPLITUDE (from Lat. amplus, large), in astronomy, the

with his class against the ``tyrants'' who at that time set

province of Lindsey, which Ecgfrith had won back at the close of

receives no comment at the hands of the narrator, and in its

in the direction of the vertical axis, and are blackish

AGRICOLA, CHRISTOPH LUDWIG (1667-1719), German landscape

a British force which had been sent to take the Cape from

been ninety; and the seven extant plays, with the dramas named
(q.v.) He was something of a scholar, and it was he who

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