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Safe Work Procedure

Exxon-Mobil TETC

Name of Safe Work Procedure: Belt and Disc Sander - Machine Name of Safe Work Procedure #:

Original Release Date: 10 April, 2024 Revision Date:

Approval: Management Signature:

This Safe Work Procedure MUST be reviewed annually

Do NOT Operate Equipment without Prior Authorization

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Precautions: ALL operators and assistants in Area MUST wear the PPE advised below and follow and
fully understand all required precautions.

Eye Protection Required Long or loose hair must be tied back

No loose fitting clothing No jewelry, watches, rings, etc.

Gloves must not be worn Closed toed anti-slip shoes

N95 or better respirator Ear Protection

Potential Safety Hazards: Fire Hazard, Abrasion Hazard, Burn Hazard, Eye Injuries, Flying
Debris, Inhalation Hazard, Electrocution Hazard

Before Operating Equipment

1.) Inspect and put on required PPE.

2.) Gather all required materials and tools and ensure a clean and safe work area.
3.) Inspect tool for any damage or other obvious defects. Including mechanical damage to the machine or
damage to the cord or plug. Do not use it if any are present. Notify supervisor of damage.
4.) Locate and ensure you are familiar with all machine operations and controls.
5.) Ensure all guards are fitted, secure and functional. Do not operate if guards are missing or faulty.
6.) Check workspaces and walkways to ensure no slip/trip hazards are present.
7.) Ensure the table is set not more than 2mm from disc.
8.) Check belts and discs are in a serviceable condition.
9.) Stand out of the direct line of the abrasive belt at all times. │6501 Navigation Blvd., Houston, TX, 77011 │

10.)Start the dust extraction unit before using the machine.

While Operating Equipment

11.)Only one person may operate this machine at any one time.
12.)Allow machine to reach maximum revolutions before operating to avoid overloading.
13.)Always place material on the table on the downward side of the disc travel to hold it down on the table
14.)Hold material firmly against stops or table before applying pressure on abrasive.
15.)Do not overload machine, if speed decreases while sanding reduce pressure.
16.)Keep fingers clear of disc or belt while sanding.
17.)Before making adjustments, switch off and bring the machine to a complete standstill.

After Operating Equipment

18.)Switch off the machine when work completed.

19.)Leave the machine in a safe, clean and tidy state.. │6501 Navigation Blvd., Houston, TX, 77011 │

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