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Área personal  Mis cursos  2023 NOV - ENE 2024 -MARTHA TERAN - A1.2 - P016  Unidad 11  Unit 11, Reading
quiz 2

Comenzado el martes, 2 de enero de 2024, 20:17

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 2 de enero de 2024, 20:18
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 9 segundos
Puntos 8,00/10,00
Calificación 16,00 de 20,00 (80%)

Pregunta 1 Parcialmente correcta Se puntúa 8,00 sobre 10,00

Read the letter

Erika is in New York. She is writing a letter to her friend.

Choose the correct option

Dear Sandra,

How are you? How is London? I am having a very good time in New York. It’s sunny and warm . Now it’s
eleven thirty in the morning and we are in Central Park. I am sitting under the tree, I am listening to my
radio.... and I am writing to you of course.
My little cousin Pete is visiting us, he is reading a comic right now. He lives with his parents in Toronto.

My mom is reading People, a local magazine. My dad is playing baseball with my little brother Tom on the
grass and they are eating popcorn.
There are many people in the park some men are running, two girls are doing aerobics, and an old man is
biking! And he can do that quiet well.

We often come to this fantastic park, in this wonderful city. New York is great! There are many fantastic
skyscrapers and there are lots of people everywhere!
Love Erika

1. Erika´s spending her time outdoors.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: A Right

2. Erika is reading Sandra´s letter.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: B Wrong

3. Pete lives in Toronto.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: A Right

4. Erica’s mom is talking to the people.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: B Wrong

5. Erika’s brother is playing on a baseball team this year.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

Se puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: C Doesn´t say

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