Elderly People

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Some people say that in the modern world, getting old is entirely bad.

Others, however, say that

life for the elderly nowadays is much better than it was in the past.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Latter statement
+ your health is weaker. Susceptible to diseases
+ moving or commuting is inconvenient -> too old – cannot do basic necessary by
+ feel bored cause they do not have any friend yet and the rest of family are busy
with their work

+ advanced technology -> health machine is improved -> help prolong the life
+ health care service also development in the modern life -> hire a keeper to take
care of the elderly compared to the past
+ pension is also other benefits for older people -> they work hard when they were
young, and when they get older, they receive pension which could support them
balance their financial and do not rely hardly on their children.
+ in recent years, it does no hard to find an old spouses or an old people living by
their own.

Some people argue that it is entirely bad when you get older in the modern society.
Meanwhile, others believe that the elderly nowadays have a better life compared to
the past. in my opinion, I agree with the latter statement.
On the one hand, it is true that being an older people is bring several troubles
(intrinsically unfavorable) . The main reason for this is that both physical and
mental health inevitably become weaker which makes the elderly is susceptible to
diseases. Consequently, almost of older people experience self-deprecating since
they feel like the family’s financial responsibility. Another point to make is that
living in a fast-paced life has exacerbated generation gap. While young people
changed their mindset frequently to adapt quickly to modern societal norms, older
people may adapt slower, which is why some elderly can not connect with their
family and feel lonely. (, making it an uphill battle for the elderly to keep the pace
with the swiftly evolving behavior .)
On the other hand, older people in modern society still experience many benefits.
First, enhanced healthcare and advanced medical interventions have extended life
expectancy and elevated the overall quality of life for seniors. For example,
nowadays, people can easily buy medical devices to monitor their health every day
instead of going to the hospital. Moreover, the advent of the Internet has
revolutionized connectivity, enabling them to stay informed, maintain social ties,
and engage in a wider range of activities. As a result, the elderly may enjoy their
life better than those in the past. Furthermore, the shifting societal attitudes reflect
a more inclusive and respectful outlook toward seniors, acknowledging the
invaluable wealth of their wisdom and experience.
In conclusion, although it can not be denied that getting older is a significant
challenge in some cases, I still believe that in a modern society, older people lead a
better life compared to the past since they live in the society with advanced
technology, internet, and the respect of young people.

"Intrinsically unfavorable" được sử dụng để chỉ một tình huống, điều kiện hoặc yếu
tố mà từ bản chất đã không thuận lợi, không tốt.
->The weather conditions were intrinsically unfavorable for the outdoor event,
with heavy rain and strong winds causing disruptions and discomfort for
exacerbated generation gap: làm trầm trọng them khoảng cách thế hệ
"An uphill battle" được sử dụng để chỉ một tình huống hoặc nhiệm vụ mà khó
khăn, đầy thách thức và yêu cầu nỗ lực lớn để vượt qua.
->Starting a new business in a competitive market can be an uphill battle, as
entrepreneurs face numerous challenges and obstacles along the way.
"Maintain social ties" được sử dụng để chỉ việc duy trì và chăm sóc mối quan hệ xã
hội với bạn bè, người thân và cộng đồng.
-> In today's digital age, it's important to find ways to maintain social ties, even if it
means connecting through social media and virtual platforms when physical
interaction is limited.
"Pose formidable obstacles" được sử dụng để chỉ việc tạo ra những khó khăn, rào
cản mạnh mẽ và khó vượt qua trong một tình huống hoặc nhiệm vụ.
->The lack of funding and resources can pose formidable obstacles to the success
of a startup business, requiring entrepreneurs to find creative solutions to overcome

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