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Sophisticated = complicated
Lost their job -> unemployment cause most of them do not have any certificated or
degree Tuy nhiên, việc áp dụng công nghệ số và quá trình robot hóa sẽ dẫn tới
tình trạng mất việc làm nghiêm trọng đối với người lao động
Decrease the quality of work -> machine cannot think creatively or solve problems in the
same way that human can
Encourage people boost their work skills to not to be elimination -> improve the
workforce’s quality of a country. -> boost a country economy
The machine can work continuous -> Increase productivity
Reduce occupational accident improved safety in the workplace

In recent years, with the advance in technology, there is an increase in jobs and tasks
which can be done by some complicated machines. in my opinion, this tendency
contributes more positive effects to social and economy than the negative ones.
Admittedly, there are some reasons that make this tendency becomes detrimental.
Firstly, the application of adverse machine would result in serious job losses for workers
and a decrease in job opportunities. Especially, people, who do physical hard work,
hardly find another career again as most of them do not have any academic certificate or
degree. As a result, the government have to allocate much more money to deal with
unemployment crisis. Secondly, the quality of work would be decreased due to the
increase in using automatic progress. This is because machine cannot think creatively or
solve problems in the same way that human can.
However, despite the few reasons mentioned above, I still believe that the positive
effects of using modern machine in jobs and tacks involving physical hard works
outweigh the negative ones. One major reason is that the workforce’s quality of a
country would be improved. To be more specific, when a nation applies modern
machine, its citizens tend to study hard to boost their knowledge and working skills to
catch up with the development of technology. Furthermore, it would improve safety in
the workplace. In other words, automation has allowed for dangerous tasks to be done
without putting human workers at risk, reducing the number of workplace accidents and
In conclusion, although machines taking over physical hard work brings some negative
effects in jobs opportunities and quality of work, I still believe that this tendency have
more positive effects in workforce improvement and worker’s safety.

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