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TITLE welded lifting lug DATE 06/18/24

FILE welded_connection_1.xls TIME 5:02 PM


Note: The lifting lug shown above is used in lifting pipes for placement in the shaft of the water filtration plant.
Pipe wall thicknesses vary between 32 mm and 12 mm with variation in pipe weights. For this application it will be assumed that
the maximum force is as shown above and acts on the maximum pipe wall thickness.

performance factor phiw = 0.67
load factor lf = 1.4
weld size ( leg ) ws = 10 mm
lug thickness tlug = 25 mm
lug length llength = 300 mm
wall thickness twall = 32 mm
applied force Vf = 212 kN
ultimate plate strength Fu = 0.45 kN/mm2
ultimate electrode strength Xu = 0.48 kN/mm2
angle of axis force/weld line theta = 45 degree

min. plate thickness t = MIN(tlug,twall) = 25 mm
cross section plate Am = t*wlength = 15000 mm2
weld length wlengt = llength*2 = 600 mm
cross section weld Aw = ws*wlength = 6000 mm2
shear resistance base metal Vrfb = 0.67*phiw*Am*Fu = 3030.1 kN $
shear resistance weld Vrfw = 0.67*phiw*Aw*Xu*(1+.5*SIN(RADIANS(= 1521.4 kN $
resulting shear resistance Vrf = MIN(Vrfb,Vrfw) = 1521.4 kN $

design efficiency (<1 = o.k.) de = Vrf/(Vf*lf) = 5.1

Engineering Calculation Template

1. This template provides necessary macros to build up engineering calculations for quick re-calc and
2. clear presentation.
Key functions:
- set up formulae
- page setup

[0] Save this file first with another appropriate name. Ensure this file is put in the same directory as
[1] your newly
Use the saved
styles file.
as in sheet 'sample' to fill in title, logo, etc.
[2] Define variables, equations, units. Make sure not to use cell locations as variable names!
[3] Use macro 'formatted' to calculate the defined formulae. Bring up a list of macro by ALT-F8.

Column A: section descriptions
Column B: variable/formula description
Column C: variable name, to be referenced in formulae
Column D, F: equal sign
Column E: formulae
Column G: variable values or formula results
Column H: units
number of rows used: cell J1
calculation contents: from row 15

validate and calculate all the variables and formulae. All variable referenced in the formulae have
to be defined in the same sheet. The name of variable cannot duplicate the 'reserved words' of
Adjust column widths so that it looks like that in sheet 'sample'.

This template is first created by Mr. Michael Gedig using the ideas from Dr. S. F. Stiemer's and Mr.
David S.K. "auto123.wks". Mr. Ye Zhou got his hands on it and further improved it a bit.

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